cricketclan · 8 months
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FINALLY moon 9 is here. also i love pumpkinkit sm
also Duskcatcher wanted to hang out more with Alderstar this moon. And Shrewmoss was led to the clan by a Starclan cat, and considering the only cat in Starclan is the guide and Rushpelt I decided itd be Rushpelt who led her there
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staariblestars · 6 months
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stoat what you're doing, look at this stoat-ally cool guy isn't he stoat-tacular
slaps roof of car you can fit so many stoat puns in this bad boy. @forgotten-elegy
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Okay I have the family history now
All of this takes place in the Dark Forest, and the kits are Dark Kits
1: Starting The Family
Badgercrest and Ferrettail couldn't conceive kits on their own, so Ferrettail tricked a she-cat into having his kits. Once those kits were mostly weaned, Ferrettail killed her with the help of his true mate.
While the fake parents hid them away before the deed, it is possible that at least one of the kits, curious or frightened or both, sneaked over and witnessed the act.
Carrying them as far as they could, Badgercrest and Ferrettail settled in an incredibly concealed clearing, where they built a den for them and their kits. They named their kits Ratkit, Shrewkit, Mousekit, and Volekit.
2: Raising The Family
The kits didn't know anything outside of their home and kin.
Badger and Ferret would tell their kits over and over about how this home is the safest place for them, and that other cats will hurt them the first chance they get.
They trained their kits harshly and for extended periods of time. When anyone expressed displeasure, they made sure to reiterate that they were only so hard on them because the world would be harsher.
The kits became molded by this harsh training. Mousepaw became cold, believing that he doesn't need anyone, while Shrew viewed her littermates as weaker (though they both still loved their kin).
Volepaw and Ratpaw, on the other hand, were beginning to break, constantly worried that they didn't have their parents' approval.
As time went on, the roles began to switch.
Voleice was the family's healer, and because of that, she was in good graces with both her parents--even if she did doubt herself often. Ratdusk pushed himself more and more, burning for their approval, until nothing else mattered but working every second to make his family better.
When the first litter are fully grown, Ferrettail and Badgercrest bring a new litter to the family: Chipmunkkit, Squirrelkit, Molekit, and Stoatkit. They state that their real parents can no longer care for them, and don't say what exactly happened to the parents.
With both litters, the kits were not fully weaned. While the first litter could manage, Squirrelkit in the second litter fell sick from the early weaning, and passed.
3: Deaths + Betrayal
Badgercrest's death came as a cold blow to the family. They found her remains--or what was left of them, close to the border of their home (many cats don't use borders in the Dark Forest, but the rodent family does).
It wasn't clear what had happened to her, but everyone agreed nonetheless that it had to be the work of a dangerous outsider.
When Mouseclaw met the same fate, the same conclusion was made.
That was why Ratdusk was furious with his once-closest littermate, Shrewshadow, when she met with a strange tom. After all, that tom could be the same cat that killed their mother and brother.
As a young cat, Shrewshadow had been her parents' star-kit, but as she grew, she felt more and more isolated. It wasn't her that her family loved, but her contributions to them, what she could do. She had enjoyed sending more time away, and that's how she met Dusklake, a tom who actually enjoyed her company, seemed to really like who she was, even if she did nothing for him but nuzzle and laugh.
4: Shrewshadow and Kits
Shrewshadow wasn't planning to have kits, and was panicked when she found out. She knew that her family would be furious with her, and they were.
Ferrettail was enraged, but admitted that the family could use the new numbers. He strongly suggested the names for the kits, even though Shrewshadow had wanted to give them water-based names.
When she told Dusklake, he was happy, but said how he wanted to raise them as friends. But Shrewshadow knew that her family would never allow it, and she was right--when Dusklake tried to near the camp to see his kits, he was chased off by Ferrettail, who gave him a harsh sprain.
5: Leaving
Dusklake tells Shrewshadow that they should take some time apart, explaining that he feels weird around her.
Not long after, Shrewshadow notices how her son, Mousekit, avoids the adults, huddling beside Badgerkit. Inspecting them, Shrewshadow sees that Badgerkit was inflicted with a claw-wound.
That is the final straw that allows Shrewshadow to leave. But when she sneaks out to tell Dusklake the plan, she can't find him anyware.
Doubts crept in again. Her family and home was all she knew. She had been told all her life that everywhere else, everyone else, was dangerous and would try to kill her and her kits. Mouseclaw and Badgercrest were proof of that, but Dusklake was a contradiction. Dusklake was the only reason she had to believe anything different, and he was gone.
Ultimately, she decides to leave, with or without Dusklake. But when she's sneaking through the trees, she's caught by Ratdusk.
Her brother, who had once been her best friend, accuses her of betraying the family and knowingly getting with the cat who killed their mother and littermate. He goes further, stating that she must have been part of it, and that her kits have tainted blood.
Shrew didn't want to fight her brother, but when he leapt at her kits, she had no choice. They fought viciously, and Ratdusk ended up pinning Shrewshadow. Having no choice, Shrewshadow shut her eyes tightly and swung, slitting his throat,
Horrified, she grabbed her kits before anyone else could find them, and ran, grieving for her brother as they went.
To Be Continued
Taglist: @ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555 @frightnightindustries
@elementaldeityoffood @meowstival @indigo-flightly-falls
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Can you please tell us about Ivypool/Hollowflight and/or Whitewater and her mate?
AFJKHAKJKJSKJD I mean I would if they were canon. I have BlossomIvy in my AU and I do still enjoy them. I just have childhood nostalgia from my hyperfixation on IvyHollow.
But as for Whitewater - her mate is Ivytail! Whitewater is Crowfrost's sister, while Ivytail is from Snowbird's first litter with Smokefoot.
Whitewater is very quiet and an attentive listener. She always knows everything going on within the clan, making her the all-knowing when it comes to gossip. However, she's not quite privy to sharing stuff like that and keeps to herself.
Ivytail on the other hand loves her gossip and is quick to bother Whitewater for information upon learning of her ways. Ivytail babbles on and on for what feels like forever, while Whitewater quietly listens with the smallest of smiles on her face.
Whitewater is blind in one eye and struggles with her depth perception at times. She's improved a lot in order to hunt and perform as a warrior, but she has her moments where she needs to readjust her positioning or where she reaches to hit her mark.
The two she-cats fall in love due to complimenting each other so well. Whitewater is composed and an excellent listener, though not the best at expressing her own thoughts, while Ivytail talks all the time, is incredibly charming with her words, and has the sass to stand up for herself and her loved ones.
They have two litters. Their first litter consists of Ferretkit and Stoatkit, who are new apprentice going into The Great Battle. They become Ferretclaw and Stoatfur. Their second litter includes Gullkit, Conekit, Bluebellkit, and Frondkit. Frondkit dies young, while her siblings grow up to be Gullswoop, Conefoot, and Bluebellblink.
Here's a chibi Whitewater just for you!
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antclan-blogs · 8 months
Mossgleam thinks Hushstep is very helpful. Badgerdust discusses recent clan news with Stoatkit.
This moon’s story under the cut!
“You’re very good at what you do, Hushstep.” Mossgleam remarked, watching the medicine cat bustle around Badgerdust, Stoatkit and Rivernose.
“Well, that’s my job.” Hushstep shrugged. “If I wasn’t good at it, cats would die.”
“Cheerful way to put it, Hushstep.” Badgerdust sighed. He and Stoatkit were still poorly with yellowcough, despite Berrypaw and Hushstep’s best efforts.
“What happens to cats when they die?” Stoatkit asked, clearly bored. He had been wriggling around all day, but seemed too weak to move much.
Badgerdust looked down at his kit fondly. “Well, clan cats believe that when we die, we go to Starclan. You know about Starclan, don’t you?”
Stoatkit nodded earnestly. “Yeah! Berrypaw told me about it ages ago.”
Badgerdust nodded. “Well, there you go.” Stoatkit rolled over in the nest and began picking at some stray grass with his tiny claws.
“I wish I was better.” He sighed, and Hushstep gave him a sympathetic ear-lick.
“You will be. You’ve been improving loads recently. Last moon you were barely even talking.” He comforted the small tom.
“Now it’s all he does.” Mossgleam joked, and Stoatkit hissed playfully.
“Nuh-uh! I think a lot, too.” Stoatkit told the warrior proudly. “Badgerdust says I’m clever.”
Badgerdust nuzzled his kit affectionately. “That you are.”
Hushstep glanced over from where he was chewing up a poultice. “And what sort of things do you think about, Stoatkit?” He asked.
“Well, just then I was thinking about Chaff-inch-bounce.” Stoatkit said slowly, sounding the name out so that he could pronounce it correctly. “I was wondering if his tail was better yet.”
Hushstep chuckled. “That’s sweet. Well, it’s a lot better. I think he’s out on patrol now, so can’t be bothering him too much.”
Stoatkit craned his neck to look up at his father. “Did you ask Slightstar who’s going to mentor me and Gladekit?”
Badgerdust felt a pang of pity as Stoatkit mentioned his brother; the two barely spent any time together, as Stoatkit was always in his nest. He supposed Gladekit must feel a bit lonely too, with no cat to play with.
“Not yet,” Badgerdust admitted, “but maybe Mossgleam can ask now?” He added hopefully, glancing up at the dark brown feline as they watched from a corner of the medicine den.
“Sure.” Mossgleam nodded, and pushed their way through the leaf barrier into the clearing beyond. Stoatkit wriggled excitedly.
“I’m going to be the best apprentice ever!” He exclaimed, flailing his limbs as if he were already practising battle moves.
Rivernose, whom had been napping quietly in his nest, sat up and yawned. “I’m sure you will be.” He reassured the bored kit.
Badgerdust smiled thankfully at his friend. He could only hope that Stoatkit would recover in time to see his own apprentice ceremony.
bro stoatkit is so cool, can’t wait to see him as an app then a warrior
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m0n0chr0m3m1lk · 14 days
"Beavercreek's Tale" Allegiances
Leader  Chivestar-pale brown tom with a brindled face and hazel eyes
Deputy  Heronheart-blue-gray-and-white she-cat with blue eyes
Medicine cat  Ebonyfeather-sleek black she-cat with copper eyes and too long of a body
Apprentice  Gullpaw
Dapplemask-old spotted tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
                Apprentice  Cloverpaw
Cloudrunner-gray-and-white she-cat
Duckbelly-pale ginger she-cat with a white stomach and short tail
                Apprentice  Gravelpaw
Sheeppelt-cream tabby tom with curly fur and white paws
                Apprentice  Badgerpaw
Ryetail-dark brown tabby tom with striking yellow eyes
               Apprentice  Galepaw
Crowwatcher-gray she-cat with odd brown eyes
Cinnamonbark-brown-and-black spotted tabby tom with dark amber eyes
Snakeslip-slender, tawny ticked tabby she-cat
Sorrelleaf-dark ginger tom with darker brindle markings
Myrtlespeckle-dark ginger she-cat with white spots and blue eyes
Gravelpaw-dappled gray she-cat
Galepaw-storm gray tabby tom
Cloverpaw-pale brown tom with white patches
Gullpaw-tiny gray tabby tom
Badgerpaw-massive black-and-white she-cat
Cricketstong-muscular, striped and brown with blue eyes (mother to Beaverkit, a brown tom)
Rosemarytuft-longhaired, mouse brown with yellow eyes (mother to Sorrelleaf’s kits, Beekit, a cream tabby she-kit, Amberkit, a dark ginger she-kit and Leafkit, a mouse brown tom)
Rookfeather-sleek black with copper eyes (mother to Chivestar’s kits, Stoatkit, a pale brown tom with a brindled face and hazel eyes and Sunkit, black-and-brown chimera tom)
Wetwhisker-blue gray tom with long, black whiskers
Starlingflight-brown-and-orange tortoiseshell she-cat with dark blue eyes
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violetkatgrove · 1 year
BumbleClan: Half a Year in
Hello and welcome to my tumblr kitty Lets Play
Everything will be under a readmore for convenience but here's a picture of the current clan
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CW: There is Cat/Kitten death
We're skipping moon 0-1 because I didn't write anything down and dont wanna use up all the image slots on this post but things of note:
Mudfur(our 1 elder) sprained her foot and Stoatkit got a runny nose, and Stoatskip left fresh kill at the starting StarClan cat's grave.
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Moon 2:
Stoatkit's running nose is gone.
Squirrelkit & Stoatkit hatch a plan to sneak out of camp, BUT Sunstar promises to take Stoatkit out of camp if he behaves.
Golddawn and Sunstar have a difficult conversation and now have a deeper understand of each other.
Stoatskip and Fawnroot had a huge argument about something
While patrolling the border, Hazelbloom and Moonpaw notice a patrol from OrioleClan renewing their scent marks up ahead/ When the two patrols get closer to each other, the patrol leaders share a quick nod of acknowledgement. The patrols refocus on their tasks without stopping for a conversation, but feel a mutual respect has been fostered
Gracklegorse and Stoatskip look around for something to disguise their scent while hunting. With the help of a stinky bush, their hunt goes without issue.
Goldawn goes on a mission to find lungwort now that Newleaf is here. As the only cure for yellowcough, She's determined that BumbleClan can replenish their stocks on it, and takes Fawnfoot along to help. The cats search and search until their pawpads are sore, but they are unable to locate any lungwort. Golddawn returns to camp disappointed, but determined to try again. It's simply too important to not keep a good supply of.
Moon 3:
Mudfur's starting to recover from her sprain, and Golddawn and Fawnroot have recovered from the pervious moon's soreness.
Hazelbloom has suffered bruising after tripping over a small trunk.
Stoatpaw has reached 6 moons and has become an apprentice under Sunstar's mentorship.
Stoatskip and Golddawn hatch a plan to sneak out of camp together🤨
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Thoughts/In-Camp actions:
Sunstar tries to set a good example for her deputy, Gracklegorse is assigning cats to the dawn patrol.
Stoatskip leaves fresh-kill at Bushrush's grave once more.
Stoatpaw is rambling to Squirrelkit about the importance of respecting their elders. Squirrelkit is trying to hide from other cats.
Stoatpaw is only 1 moon older than Squirrelkit so i think this is hilarious
Patrols(Where shit goes wrong):
Sunstar suggests this might be a good chance to practice new fighting techniques with Stoatpaw. Both cats have a nice training session, Sunstar teaching her best tips and tricks to her apprentice.
Hazelbloom, Stoatskop, and Moonpaw patrol the territory, as they are checking border lines, they hear an odd sound coming from a nearby bush. Before Hazelbloom can move to check the bush, a loner emerges with their newborn kits. The cat explains that they would like to join the Clan and after a short conversation, they bring the loner and their family back to camp.
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Gracklegorse and Fawnroot go hunting. As they are checking the border lines, they hear an odd sound coming from a nearby bush. Fawnroot takes the lead in checking the source of the noise and comes face to face with a snarling wolverine! Fawnroot yowls for Gracklegorse but he isn't quick enough to stop the wolverine from killing them with a quick and deadly swipe.
Moon 4:
Squrrilpaw has reached apprenticehood and decides to work as a medicine cat, Golddawn loves her determination and egarness to learn, and agrees to take her on as her apprentice.
Sunstar rests their muzzle on Moonthistle's head and declares him to be a full warrior of BumbleClan, honoring his realism.
The past moon, Fawnroot has taken their place in StarClan. BumbleClan mourns their loss, and his Clanmates will miss the spot he took in their lives.
Hazelbloom's bruises have gone away, and Gracklegorse, while still mourning, has recovered from the shock of Fawnroot's death.
Squirrelpaw and Stoatpaw swap their favorite prey, while Havenkit tries to challenge the former to a spar.
Gracklegorse is hoping Sunstar will notice him🤨
Buzzardkit looks up to Sunstar and would like to spend more time with her!
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Thoughts/In-Camp actions:
Gracklegorse wonders if StarClan has given Golddawn any prophecies lately🥺😭
Squirrelpaw starts to wonder if she's cut out to be a medicine cat.
Golddawn and Hazelbloom have taken a liking to Havenkit.
Stoatskip prays to Starclan that next season will be a good one.
Moonthistle offers to lead the next patrol out.
Moonthistle, Sunstar, and Stoatpaw patrol the territory. The patrol hears the screaming of a cat begging for their twolegs to come back and the sound of a monster speeding away. They discover the kittypet run over by a monster trying to go after their Twolegs. Sunstar sends a prayer for them and can't help but to curse the Twolegs who abandoned such a loyal cat. (this was literally traumatizing. i was like EXCUSE ME????. hat ethis game/j)
Golddawn takes her new apprentice to gather herbs. Greenleaf is truly the best time of year to be a medicine cat, with the world so full of flowers and green growths. She heads out to gather fresh mallow for the stores with Squirrelpaw. However, Goldawn is distracted today and the patrol is unsuccessful. Squirrelpaw looks up at her with disappointment.
Stoatskip and Hazelbloom train together, swapping and practicing new hunting techniques.
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Moon 5:
Hazelbloom twisted a paw on some rocks, and now has fleas. Moonthistle has a stomachache but hes being so brave about it
Gracklegrost begins to bound with the apprentice cats, having a delightful discussion about clan events with Squirrelpaw and sharing the latest gossip with Stoatpaw.
Squirrelpaw feels like Gracklegorse hasn't been completely honest lately. (maybe bc hes still recovering. from da trauma. of losing Fawnroot. ever thoughta that)
Mudfur and Sunstar feel like they understand enough other more after a difficult conversation. Meanwhile, Stoatskip feels like Mudfur has been ignoring him.
Moonthistle trades prey with Squirrelpaw, and the two of them sunbathe together with Havenkit.
SOMEONE told Sunstar a FALSEHOOD about Havenkit. he's two moons old. who makes up rumors for a 2 month old
Buzzardkit scolds his brother about something, but seems to stutter throughout the whole ordeal, doesn't stop it from upsetting Havenkit, however.
Thoughts/In-Camp actions:
Stoatskip worries about Havenkit, while Squirrelpaw would like to get to know the kit better.
Sunstar thinks about what to say at the next clan gathering.
Kokichi bounds with Buzzardkit by pretending to be a big, evil warrior for him to battle.
Buzzardkit thinks Squirrelpaw will make a great medicine cat🥺😭
From StarClan, Fawnroot is judging Stoatpaw
Golddawn heads out to look for dandelions, bringing Squirrelpaw and Moonthistle with her. They however seem to be more intent on hunting, and Golddawn gives up, storming back to camp with their temper flaring.
Sunstar and Stoatpaw come across a bird that's occupied scratching at the ground for insects. they however narrowly miss the bird.
While walking along the border, Gracklegorse and Stoatskip notice an Oatclan patrol renewing their scent marks up ahead. The patrols eventually cross paths and an awkward tension fills the air. No one is quite sure what to say to break the silence and eventually everyone involved slowly shuffles away to continue their respective patrols.
Moon 6:
Stoatpaw accidentally trespasses onto OatClan's territory.
Kokichi recovers from birthing his litter, and Hazelbloom no longer has fleas. Moonthistle has also recovered from his stomachache!
Gracklegrose said something that rubbed Buzzardkit the wrong way, but Hazelbloom told him she'd take him outside of camp if he behaves.
Stoatpaw witnessed Squirrelpaw being rude, but Squirrelpaw realized afterwards that Havenkit's life isnt as easy as she thought.
Golddawn fell while climbing a tree, but luckily only suffered some bruising from it.
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Thoughts/In-Camp actions:
Buzzardkit isn't ready to grow up yet, while Havenkit is bouncing around in excitment.
Gracklegrose agrees with Buzzardkit, thinking Squirrelpaw will make a good medicine cat.🥺
Despite his sprain, Hazelbloom tries to set a good example for younger cats
From StarClan, Fawnroot chatters at birds.
Squirrelpaw is looking forward to the day, while Goldawn bounces excitedly at the half-moon meeting.
Golddawn forages for herbs alone. While searching for some specific herbs, she is startled by weird sounds and whispering in the wind. She follows the strange sounds on the wind and finds the body of an unknown queen with their kits beside them, slowly going cold. Golddawn cancels the patrol and returns to camp to get help sending these lost souls to starclan.
Sunstar and Stoatpaw take Kokichi out to patrol. Kokichi and Stoatpaw have a disagreement about clan life and look to Sunstar to dispute. She stutters, she doesn't think shes fit to lead this patrol.
Stoatskip and Moonthistle patrol the borders, and catch the scent of a large dog wandering along the edge of the Clan's territory. They try to lead the dog away from the borders, but with so few cats it's impossible for them to cover each other's backs. Moonthistle falls to the dog as Stoatskip runs for his life back to camp, terrified out of his pelt.
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and tahts all for now folks. 2 cats gone and 2 unknown cats dead as well im in fucking SHAMBLES
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thesnakerootwoods · 10 months
Year 2. August. The Thing hasn't eaten in 2 moons...
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Events Serpentstar fought a big dog and was badly injured.
Shrillbadger is expecting kits, and can no longer hide his swelling belly. Serpentstar is furious, but allows him to stay in camp until his kits are born. "The kits may stay and grow up here, but you will not get to see them grow," she snarls. "I will not allow you to be the reason for StarClan to punish us further."
Tadpoledrift wandered out into the territory and was later found dead, a peaceful expression on her face. Shrillbadger examines her body and declares that she died of old age.
Meadowpaw stands before the Clan. He knows he should be happier as Serpentstar renames him to Meadowfur and honors his compassion, but he only wishes that Talonpaw was at his side.
Serpentstar is oblivious to Chasingcreek glaring at her from across the camp.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Thoughts Serpentstar feels lazy today
Icyeye assigns cats to hunting patrol
Shrillbadger checks up on everyone
Chasingcreek spent all day exploring the territory
Meadowfur chases a butterfly around the camp
Chaffinchpaw is curious about the world
Sunkit pesters older cats to play with her
Stoatkit asks how kittens are born
Scorchkit plays mossball by herself
Lionkit hides in the nursery
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
Forgot :P
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warriorsofwhisperclan · 8 months
Moon 7
The moon begins with heartache. One of the four elders, Sunwhisker, saved Stoatkit from a deadly adder, but had bitten in the process. He would pass a few days before Moon 8. When patchpaw had gone to find herbs, he saw a visage of Sunwhisker, who lead the apprentice to a new patch of Comfrey, which is the herb Pinepaw needed to recover. With that final act, Sunwhisker gladly passed on to Starclan, happy to have done a final good deed for his brother's grandkits.
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Sunwhisker - Tom - Daring - Good Mediator & Good Climber - Elder (Mediator)
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thingpaw · 1 year
Brittlekit how do you feel about leaves? -Stoatkit
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stoat and brittle then jump into leaf pile full of worms
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desnayy · 1 year
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Made it to Moon 24/Year 2. Stoatkit and Thymekit were brought in to the clan alongside Mangopelt, while the last three kits are Milkstar and Alderheart's. I never mentioned it in the Year 1 post, but Grassjay was found injured by the Thunderpath, and ended up dying from a broken back. Rapidclover died after going missing, and left her mate Tuftgaze behind :(
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graytrailcam · 3 months
Salvageclan Newleaf-2
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The Current Allegiances Shown Above
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Firewhisker, soon after her partnering with Fallowfur is quick to announce kits, and moves to the nursery earlier than expected.
Blossompaw, despite their behavior being somewhat reckless, earns their warrior name of Blossomfern from the medicine den. Perchkit and Quietkit have now come of age, being apprenticed to Cottonspots and Bitterclaw. Bitterclaw is determined to keep Cottonspots in line this time, as he owes his new apprentice the training he neglected of his previous one.
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Yeobo, now well enough to accompany the other clan cats on patrols, is brought along with Salvagestar who takes on his training herself. Yeobo proves to be a bold cat with little sense of danger.
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Cottonspots, in charge of training both apprentices for the day, decides to mess with the kits a little and tell a fairly sad story about dolphins after spotting some along the beach.
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Webshiver and Newtripple try hunting an octopus they come across in some of the tidepools on their turf.
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The following moon is failry uneventful, with the medicine cat's den now filled with cats expecting more clanmates rather than injuries.
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The apprentices, while on patrol with their mother and Newtripple, are bolder than most cats their age and chase off a small dog.
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A separate patrol is successful in chasing off a fox.
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Newleaf comes to a close with a fruitful boon in the nursery. Firewhisker has a small litter of two kits; Bluekit and Shellkit. Fallowfur is so moved he hardly leaves the nursery that day, as he and Firewhisker ponder over their names all day.
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Newtripple, who had been disappearing for a few weeks, brings a litter of three kits, asking Firewhisker to help nurse them. He refuses to explain their origin, and the clan respects his decision to remain private, though Cottonspots is vocally disapproving.
The litter consists of; Stoatkit, Palekit and Clovekit
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Yeobo continues to prove that he has little understanding or respect for clan borders and laws, at least as of current, nearly encroaching on other hunting grounds. Luckily Salvagestar, still acting as his defacto mentor, yanks him back and gives him a stern talking to.
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Hollowtalon is hesitant at first, but Pearlpaw insists she's gotten better at climbing after her injury. She gathers a decent amount of elder leaves to prove this to her doting mentor.
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Rodent Family History (part 2)
Kit/Warrior Days
Badger and Ferret come to the den one day with a new litter of kits. They don't say exactly where they found them, only that their parents couldn't care for them anymore. They don't say why.
Molekit, Stoatkit, Squirrelkit, and Chipmunkkit have joined the family.
Shrew gives Chipmunk a badger ride, as the parents are 'too busy.'
Volepaw is named Voleice.
Mouseclaw helps Vole gather herbs, and they bond.
Squirrelkit died, having been weaned too early and became sick as a result.
Molekit is sick with whitecough.
Apprentice/Warrior days
Molekit recovered and became an apprentice along with his littermates.
Badger died of unknown causes (murdered?)
Stoatpaw is saying how he can handle the grief, but breaks down before he can finish.
Warrior Days
Stoat is names Stoatwhisper, Chipmunk is named Chipmunkhail, and Mole is named Molepoppy.
Chipmunk has whitecough.
Mouseclaw went missing, only a pile of bones with his fur was found.
Shrew was seen arguing with a strange cat by the border of their home.
Shrew meets Dusklake. Worried her family won't like him, as they don't like non-kin, she keeps him a secret and sneaks out to visit him.
Voleice sharpens her claws.
Stoatwhisper is reevaluating his morals.
Ratdusk tells Shrew to get out of his face, and that he hates her?? (maybe he saw her meet with Dusklake and considered it a betrayal).
Shrew's tail was mangled in a harsh training session.
Shrew's Kits
Shrew realizes she is pregnant, and panics. How will her family react? She does not allow herself to rest.
Shrew welcomes two kits into the Clan. Her family is furious with her for meeting with a potentially dangerous outsider, but Ferret admits that they do need the family to grow to remain strong.
Shrew can't help but feel trapped. Does she want to raise her kits here?
She wants to name them something water-related, but Ferret convinces her to name them after Mouseclaw and Badgercrest.
When she can get away, she tells Dusklake the good news. He's happy, but says that he wants to raise them together as just friends.
Chipmunk has yellowcough.
Dusklake wandered too close to the family's home, hoping to catch a glimpse of the kits, and was attacked by Ferrettail, earning a sprain.
When Shrew goes to meet him, she is distraught to learn of the attack.
Dusklake questions how good this place is to raise their kits, and if he can never see them. Shrew can't help but agree, but can she leave her family?
Shrew has been hard on herself lately.
Dusk tells Shrew that maybe they should spend time apart, because when she's around, he feels strange.
Badgerkit is hurt by a claw-wound.
Mousekit is hiding from the older cats.
Shrew decides that that is the last straw. She sneaks out to tell Dusk the plan, but can't find him anywhere. Maybe he really did leave. Knowing that, can she take her kits away, where she's the only one that can keep them safe?
Rat is angry again with Shrew. It turned out that Shrew was saying Dusklake's name in her sleep.
Shrew decides to leave, with or without Dusklake's help. The kits are just old enough to be apprenticed. They're old enough to leave with her, but if she waits any longer and they're given mentors, she may lose her opportunity.
While leaving, Ratdusk confronts her.
Ratdusk accuses her of betraying the family by getting with someone who could have been the one to kill their mother or brother. He calls her kits tainted blood, and in a moment of rage, leaps at them.
Shrew tackles him mid-jump, and the two fight viciously. Ratdusk pins her, and Shrew has no choice, she swings blindly, eyes shut tightly. She hears a gasp and when she opens them, she sees Ratdusk staring down at her in shock, blood pooling from his throat.
Shrew is horrified, but doesn't wastes anymore time. She grabs her terrified kits and runs.
Shrew wishes she could turn back time.
Shrew is mourning Ratdusk.
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ramonabyneskisser · 5 months
Rainantler / Berryclan warrior
// Rainantler for a warrior cats roleplay ' Fall of the moon ' on discord. - Twenty five moons old , she/they. - Quiet and reserved most of the time, very self concious about her leg. - Stick antlers with the blue flower is a gift from a df kit named 'Stoatkit' - They have a running mascara look, which gave them the rain prefix. (Typed wrong) + Special close up on her leg.
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antclan-blogs · 8 months
Berrypaw has recovered from his sprain. Chaffinchbounce has moved on from his group. Stoatkit has gotten yellowcough.
This moon’s story under the cut!
“Huh?” Berrypaw mewed sleepily.
The medicine apprentice opened one eye to see Hushstep standing over him anxiously. His fur was ruffled as if he had been running around all morning, and his eyes looked tired.
“How’s your leg?” Hushstep asked him, shuffling his paws.
“I told you last night, the sprain is gone.” Berrypaw sighed, standing up and putting weight on the paw that he had sprained. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
Hushstep gave his apprentice a sceptical look, leaning down to sniff around at the paw and prod it with his own. After going through a few stretching exercises with his apprentice, Hushstep nodded. “You’re right. The sprain is gone.”
Berrypaw’s eyes sparkled. “I told you, didn’t I?” He teased mischievously, but Hushstep wasn’t paying attention anymore. Instead, he was nosing through the herb supplies and muttering to himself.
“What’s wrong? Is some cat sick?” Berrypaw asked, walking carefully over to where his mentor stood.
“Mhm,” Hushstep told him absentmindedly, “Stoatkit.”
Berrypaw grew frustrated. “What about Stoatkit?” He demanded, prodding Hushstep impatiently.
Hushstep sighed and turned back to Berrypaw. “He has yellowcough. Badgerdust is worried sick, and Gladekit keeps mewling.”
Berrypaw felt a rush of pity for the little family, and immediately sprung into action. “Yellowcough, yellowcough…that’s lungwort, isn’t it?”
Hushstep nodded. “I’ve already run through our whole supply, so we’ll need more. There’s a patch that grows by the old twoleg fence, could you fetch some?”
Berrypaw nodded and bounded out of the den, looking determined. Hushstep watched him leave before turning back to his supplies, wondering silently if there was anything other than lungwort that would work.
Suddenly, the leaves rustled and Badgerdust entered the den anxiously. “Hello, Hushstep.” He mewed, sounding panicked but trying to keep himself calm. Gladekit was shuffling around at his paws, still trying to learn how to walk.
“Hi Badgerdust.” The medicine cat mewed tiredly. “How’s Stoatkit?”
The white-and-black warrior shuffled his paws. “I’m not sure. He’s eating, but no better than he was last night.”
Hushstep nodded. “I think you should move him into the medicine den, Badgerdust.” He advised gently, knowing how much the devoted father wanted to stay with his kit.
“I just don’t—“ Badgerdust began, but Hushstep silenced him with a flick of his tail.
“I know. But the only thing that will come of this is you or Gladekit getting sick, too.” He told the warrior. “Berrypaw is out getting more lungwort now. The best thing you can do is rest, and leave Stoatkit to me.”
Badgerdust sighed, looking troubled. “Alright. But if he gets worse…”
“You’re the first one I’d tell.” Hushstep reassured him, before padding out of the den and across the clearing to the nursery. Stoatkit was curled in a mesh with Chaffinchbounce sniffing at him.
“Hi, Hushstep.” The deputy greeted, backing away from the kit to let the medicine cat through. “He smells feverish.”
“That’s normal.” Hushstep mewed, picking up Stoatkit by the scruff. “He’s moving to the medicine den.”
Chaffinchbounce nodded. “That’s probably best.”
Hushstep turned away and gently carried Stoatkit to the medicine den, where Badgerdust was giving Gladekit a vigorous lick. He looked up when Hushstep entered, and bounded over to where Stoatkit was being placed into a nest.
“Will he be alright?” The tom asked, shifting his weight from paw to paw.
Hushstep shrugged. “Hard to tell at this point. I don’t think he’ll be better for a while. Maybe a moon or two.”
Badgerdust groaned. “That long? He’ll be an apprentice before he’s better.”
Hushstep sighed. There was nothing more he could say to Badgerdust to make him feel better. The warrior would just have to take comfort in the fact that the medicine cats were doing everything they could.
Just then, Berrypaw burst back into the medicine den holding fresh lungwort in his jaws. Crossing the small space to Hushstep, he dropped the lungwort at his paws.
“That’s everything I could find.” The medicine apprentice mewed. Hushstep sniffed at it cautiously before mewing his approval.
“Thanks, Berrypaw. I’m sure Stoatkit will be fine.”
bro i just keep loving badgerdust more and more, dw guys stoatkit ain’t gonna die
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