#still asks if Sans the one blue skeleton
kurolini909 · 2 years
OH ASGORE, My mom just walked right past me humming something and I took longer than I'd like to admit but she was humming FREAKING BONETROUSLE!
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Skeleton's S/O notices a car following them as they walk in the street. Suddenly, the car speeds on them with the clear intent of knocking skeleton over. S/O pushes Skeleton out of the way and Skeleton can't do anything but watch as the car rolls over his partner. For the main 10.
I swear I answered a post like this before, or I asked a similar thing on Ratsoh's blog I don't know xD Anyway, here's your angst.
Undertale Sans - His soul stops beating briefly as he watches his S/O get hit and fly several meters away. Sans quickly recovers from the shock and runs to rescue his S/O. He doesn't care about the car and teleports the both of them to the nearest hospital, screaming for help. The next hours are the scarier of his life as he has no idea how bad are the injuries, and he has to call his brother, his S/O's family, and then Undyne to report what happened. He's quite shaken, but luckily, his S/O got out of it with only a broken leg which could have been way worse. Sans refuses to leave their side while they're recovering, and he's going to have nightmares of this for weeks.
Undertale Papyrus - In a vain attempt to save his S/O, he summons a barrier of bones in front of the car. It didn't stop the car but slowed it enough to prevent his S/O from being seriously injured. By doing that, however, he injured seriously the car driver as a bone pierced the front window and impaled them. Papyrus quickly calls for an ambulance before sitting with his S/O to comfort them. He doesn't give a shit about the man crying for help in the car. Other people are already helping them. Papyrus is just glad you're more or less ok. You get out of here with only bad bruises.
Underswap Sans - He tries to grab your arm to pull you above his head and slams you into the floor behind him, but got too slow. Blue got dragged along with you, still holding you, and he heard several of your bones break. He's horrified and struggles to keep his calm as you're screaming in agony. He calls an ambulance for you and the driver, in a good state still. For now. Blue is enraged and drags him out of the car. When the rescuers come, the man is in a coma, and Blue is compressing his S/O's wounds, covered in blood. He doesn't care if there are consequences. His S/O is severely injured but will heal after long months of recovery.
Underswap Papyrus - He gasps in shock as his S/O is violently thrown into a wall. Honey meets the eyes of the driver, who is quickly not done with them, and he just reacts instinctively, running to protect his S/O with his own body. He takes the second hit bravely as a lot of people starts recording the scene and calls the cops. Poor Blue arrives right to see the man going for a third hit, but he doesn't have time to do it as Blue absolutely destroys the car with blasters. Honey has a few broken ribs and just lays unconscious on his S/O's unconscious body. They both survived with serious injuries, but the doctors said him putting his body in the way definitely saved his S/O so he doesn't care.
Underfell Sans - He goes full protect mode and jumps in front of his S/O with hundreds of bones ready to attack and two huge blasters. Red is eyes in eyes with the guy and he's furious. If the man makes any threatening gesture, he attacks and kills them. Once sure they're not a danger anymore, he goes to check on his S/O and calls an ambulance. He's extremely protective during their recovery, nervous and jumping at any sound.
Underfell Papyrus - He's horrified and immediately feels guilty. He should have been the one protecting you, and yet here you are. Edge has a strong healing magic though so he can quickly relief your pain while the ambulance arrives. He never leaves your side, not even one second. However, as soon as he's sure 100% you're alright, he's leaving for a few days to hunt the man who hurt you down and kill him. An eye for an eye.
Horrortale Sans - He's in shock and triggered by all the blood. No one can approach his S/O as he's attacking on sight, completely distressed and panicked. Despite the pain, S/O slowly manages to calm him down and convince him to let the rescuers get close. He's growling at any suspect gesture, but he lets them help you. He's so worried he even comes to the hospital despite how much he hates the place. The doctors try to make him leave the room sometimes but, uh, that's not going to happen. He's protective during your recovery.
Horrortale Papyrus - He fell on his back and got stuck there, watching in horror as the car hit you. He's crying and screaming your name, unable to move to help you. He's more and more distressed as he sees the blood, and even though kind people try to help, Willow can't calm down. He's freaking out completely and eventually starts to have hallucinations of the Underground because of the pain. The rescuers had to sedate him to calm him down. He's so relieved when he wakes up next to you, alive and fine despite your broken legs. Toriel is already helping to heal them faster with her magic, so you're in safe hands. He goes back to sleep with a light sigh.
Swapfell Sans - No hesitation, he attacks the car with all he has to defend his S/O's life. He empties all of his magic on it actually, before collapsing, panting heavily. He then crawls to his S/O to check on their injuries and calls an ambulance. He then takes off his jacket to put it under your head and talks to you to keep you awake and comfort you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He jumps on the car to avoid you being hit. You manage to get out of the way, but Rus gets carried away at a scary distance before the car violently crashes into a tree, making Rus fly in the air. Luckily, he ends up in a big pile of leaves and doesn't even have a scratch. He's the luckiest bastard ever and he can't believe he's alive. S/O still insists he goes to the hospital for a check-up. The guy of the car got the most serious injuries, but who's going to cry for them.
Fellswap Gold Sans - As the car tries to flee, Wine shoots in the tires and watches coldly as the car rolls over down a hill. He then sits next to his S/O and starts to heal them waiting for an ambulance. He doesn't tell them about the second car, pretending the guy ran away. Once S/O is taken care of, he walks calmly to the guy who hit his S/O, then drags them to his home, never to be seen again.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's completely paralyzed with shock, staring at the blood. His hands are shaking as he tries to wake his S/O up, more and more distressed. He eventually starts to scream for help, not even realizing he's doing it. Some people passing by quickly come to help him. Coffee completely breaks down and calls his brother for help, because he has no idea what to do. Wine quickly joins him to calm him down, then asks Coffee to explain what happened. Of course, knowing someone tried to kill his brother is not going to please Wine, who immediately starts to hunt the driver down. Someone is not going to have fun.
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simping-lya · 7 months
There is always time for cuddles.
UT!Sans x Sick!Reader
Words: 694
Written while I'm sick and should be asleep. Sorry for errors, I don't have the energy to check for mistakes.
It was inevitable, you knew, but it still felt weird. The social norms smacked into you since a young age always told you to never let anyone near you while sick, or vice versa. So, when Sans asked to join you in your bed, your answer was a clear “no.” Then he tried to convince you by explaining that monsters can’t catch human colds because monsters are mostly made of magic instead of physical matter. You still said no, because even though you knew it was true, the social norms engraved into you still made it feel weird. Then he told you he bet that you’d feel better after cuddles and you couldn’t deny that… It had been a while since you two had any intimate contact because of your sickness and you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss it.
(Plus, you knew he’d find a loophole in your argument sooner or later and join you in your bed. Might as well say yes than argue with the short skele and tire yourself out.)
So, here you were, laying in your bed in the guest room of the skelebros, waiting for Sans to return with a fresh cup of water for you. You already shifted the pillows and sheets to make room for your skeleton and were currently staring at the ceiling (again…)
After making countless shapes in the pattern of the ceiling, you heard the sound of the doorknob turning and Sans walked in, holding a large cup of water in his hand. Shutting the door behind him, he made his way towards your bed and handed you the cup.
“Thanks,” You croaked out, your throat squeezing as you spoke. An annoying tickle formed from the back of your throat and you quickly took a sip of the water, the warm liquid calming down your upcoming coughing fit.
“you know our deal,” Sans said, shrugging with his usual grin.
You frowned at him, still bothered. “I’m going to cough on you…” Your voice was soft to not bring you into a coughing fit. “And I haven’t showered in three days.”
“it’s fine. no need to worry about spreading your disease to me, and i’m in no place to judge how long ya haven’t showered.”
You knew that was true. Sans wouldn’t judge you for your hygiene, or anything else. You knew it was just you making excuses.
Sighing, you accepted defeat and Sans’s grin widened. You set the cup somewhere in arms reach and Sans climbed into the bed with you. His slippers dropped to the ground and as he shifted underneath the blankets, his feet tickled your legs, making you flinch and shift away.
Never the one to miss details, no matter how small, Sans chuckled and looked at you.
“no cuddles?”
You rolled your eyes and in a swift motion, pulled him into your arms and flopped onto the bed. Sans’s chuckles turned into soft laughter, muffled against your chest as his arms wrapped around your torso. You could feel his phalanges grab onto the back of your shirt as he snuggled into you.
Back into your usual cuddling habits, one of your hands absentmindedly rubbed the back of Sans’s head where his skull and neck joined together, and the other was pressed against his back, keeping him close to you. Despite the hoodie he was wearing, you could feel the bumps of his spine which you also traced.
Sans made a soft, satisfied noise and snuffled closer to you. Seems like you weren’t the only one who missed cuddles. You smiled and pressed a soft kiss on the top of his head.
“thought you were worried about spreading your disease?” Sans said from your chest. Despite his voice being muffled, you could hear his smugness.
Ugh, you didn’t want to leave him all smug, knowing he won against your game of wills. Well, you know how to easily shut him up and you weren’t worried about getting him sick now.
You grabbed his cheeks, lowered your head, and covered his face in kisses. By the time you were satisfied, he was covered in his pretty blue blush.
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sociopathicartist · 16 days
“i give up.” Sans tossed his hands up in defeat, falling back onto the couch to sink into.
You rolled your eyes, lighting up a tea light candle you had and setting it on the coffee table. “You only guessed two times. It’s coconut.”
“how the hell was i supposed to guess coconut? we aren’t in hawaii, babe.” He complained, unamused by the scent of your candles.
There had been a power outage about an hour ago due to the storms outside. While you weren’t scared of the storms you did happen to be a bit scared of your entire house being pitch black, so you turned on the flashlight to your phone and started setting out tea light candles everywhere in your house. You saved them up since power outages happened a lot during the stormy summer weather.
As you had been lighting up the kitchen, your boyfriend suddenly appeared. You freaked out and almost whacked him across the skull with the lighter, which he backed up and tried to ease your freak out with a simple ‘ let’s not get things too heated, babe. ‘
Naturally, he was very amused by how you had managed to light up almost every main area in your house with little candles. He kept wandering around your house to see all the lights and would blow one or two out to annoy you, but stopped after that. Now he was just occupying himself with asking random questions while you were putting the candles out, like what their scent was.
“okay okay, you get to be alone with me for the whole week or get one dinner with ryan gosling.” Sans questioned, waving his hand up at the ceiling while he spoke.
You sighed as you placed two more candles on your TV stand. “You already know my answer. You, obviously. Even before dating you, I wasn't appealed much at the thought of dating a man.”
Sans snorted, a small twinge of blue coming up on his face. “awww, really? i guess you’re really into skeletons, you necrophile.”
“Human fetish.”
“maybe. me personally, i would choose ryan gosling.”
You turned around to walk over to him on the couch, setting the lighter down on the coffee table. “You’re a big liar and you know it. Now move or be moved.”
Sans chuckled and sat up, scooting a bit to the side as you wormed your way next to him on the couch. The layout didn’t work at first, and you both exchanged an awkward look before you moved to sit in between his legs, your back resting against his ribs. His arms rested over your chest, his mandible sitting on the top of your head. Comfortable.
“you know, i’m not critiquing your choices here, but you lit up the whole house when we won't be anywhere but the living room and bedroom,” Sans spoke to you, his voice lowered down to an attractively quiet tone which only assisted with how correct his words were.
You shook your head, your hands going to rest over his. Why did he have his mittens on right now? “Nuh-uh. Who said I was taking you up to my bedroom?”
Sans scoffed, but you could tell he was being facetious. “i was meaning to sleep, you perv.”
“Sure you were. And my candles my choices, pal. You showed up out of nowhere and choose to sit here and make fun of me for being scared of the dark.” You paused your complaints, leaning forward a bit to turn your head and look back at him. “Why did you come over here out of nowhere again?”
Sans took one of his hands off your chest, bringing it up to brush some hair out of your face while he spoke to you. “just thought you’d want the company. i know you don’t like the dark, and paps is sleeping anyway.”
You smiled and leaned your face into his hand, a bit glad he was thinking of you. There wasn’t a moment where he wasn’t, but it still made you happy nonetheless. “It was a very nice surprise. I’m glad you showed up to protect me from the hallway demons.”
There was an attempt from Sans to run his hand through your hair while he listened to you, but since he had his mittens on it was just slipping over the top of your head and making your hair all staticky. He found it a bit amusing to do even after you tried batting his hand away.
“you didn’t need to light the candles you know.” He suggested another solution, successfully nagging your attention.
You know him well enough for it to only take 3 seconds to realize what he was getting behind.
“i have something that glows.” He was holding back laughter, partially from his upcoming joke and partially because of your expression.
“Shaddap. You come over to my house and make disgusting jokes. How sick.” You moved your head away from his hand, trying to pat down the static he was causing.
Sans’ hand kept trying to rub on your hair, his mitten charged up with electric static now.
He snickered, both his hands cupping your face to make you look at him. “deez nuts.”
“Out of my house.” You let him hold onto your face, enjoying the little shenanigans he was up to.
He didn’t answer back with a witty pun or joke, instead just pulling you down to rest your head on his chest. “there there. it must be so hard having such a hilarious boyfriend.”
“No.” You wrapped your arms around him in an attempt to snuggle into his embrace.
It was hard to cuddle up to him sometimes because he was always shifting around or letting his hands roam on you until you had to call him out to stop so that you could both go to sleep. Unless he was sleeping or pretending to sleep, he seemed to have a difficult time staying in one place for too long. Sometimes though, you’d catch him after he had an exhausting day and you’d both just hold each other in comfortable silence, not moving an inch or saying a word for hours. Those were some of your favorite days.
“Sans?” You called out his name after a few minutes of quiet.
“yeah, babe?” He answered immediately, one of his hands gently rubbing up and down your back while the other petted your hair.
You thought for a few moments about your question. “How did you first know when you liked me?”
Sans inhaled deeply. He loved asking and answering these silly little romance questions with you, but sometimes it was difficult to find the correct words for an answer.
“i just knew. i looked over to you and the realization hit me. there were no second thoughts or doubts about it.”
You stared at the wall for a few moments, your thumb rubbing small circles on the back of his vertebrae just above the hood on his jacket. Your candles were starting to burn out. You needed to light up new ones in a bit.
You kept your voice quiet to match his, acting as if speaking too loud would break the moment. “Do you remember when it was?”
“oh, yeah.” His smile tugged up a bit on the ends, his genuine smile showing through at the thought of the memory. “you want me to tell you about it so that i can gush over you?”
“Yes, please.”
“okay, uhhh,” He paused before recapping his memory with you. “you were at my house. in my room to be more specific. i was showing you through one of my video games since you hadn’t played it before, but i was kinda off that day.”
It was weird to him to think about because he didn’t remember why he wasn’t feeling well that day, or what video game he was showing you. He just remembered you.
“you somehow noticed, and you asked me what was up. whenever i told you nothing was up except for the ceiling, you told me to stop lying. you said you could tell by the way my voice sounded, and how my smile drooped down just a tad. i don’t even remember if i ended up answering you, but i know i was quiet for a while. nobody had ever uh… ever seen me like that before.”
You listened to him speak. His hands had stopped moving around on you entirely, just resting on the small of your back comfortably. “Yeah?”
“yeah. i don’t know why it was like that, but it was like i was dragged out of the little reality in my head where i was noticed by everyone but not noticed enough to be cared about like that. and the worry in your voice. you just looked like a different person in that moment and from then on. it was like i saw you clearly after looking through fogged glass.”
Sans always had a really good use of his words whenever he chose to use them instead of being silly. This was one of those moments where you were fully convinced that you could listen to him talk for hours.
“I love you.”
“i love you too.”
You weren’t sure if the rush of being able to tell him that you loved him and having him respond with such little hesitation would ever go away. Sans wasn’t sure if he’d ever get used to it either.
All your candles had begun to burn out since they were just little tea lights, leaving you and Sans to succumb to a slow progression of darkness.
His voice broke the silence first, as it usually did. He always had lots of things to say to you. “all your candles are burning out, babe. you wanna light up some more? the power probably won't come back on for the rest of the night.”
The power probably wouldn’t come back on for a while, he was right. “Why don’t we just go to bed? It seems like a waste to light everything again when it’s so late at night, and I know you’re tired.”
“up to bed?” His voice took back a joking tone, and you braced yourself for the devious intentions behind his words. “no need for a candle, i know something that glows, hehe.”
“Sans… Don’t say it. It doesn’t get funnier the more that you say it.”
“deez nuts in your face.”
thanks for reading:3 it’s been storming really bad down where i live, so i wanted to write a little drabble for it. uploads might be a bit slow since finals during school r catching up to me, sorry! have a lovely night:)
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Thank you @thats-one-cool-dude for this commission, inspired by itsxroxannex's amazing art. Nothing quite like Nightmare himself <3
... You were in a dream.
The realisation hit you, the moment you became aware of yourself and your surroundings. Ironically, it felt like you had just ‘woken up’- snapping back to reality. But you couldn’t have been more conscious of the fact that this reality wasn’t yours.
You still felt like you were dreaming. Partly. It was hard to think, there was still that signature disconnect between your head and your body. And yet... you could feel things you didn’t normally feel in a dream, sensations that were usually either muted or entirely gone. Was this what lucid dreaming felt like? You'd never been able to do that before. You’d never woken up, and immediately known with every fibre of your being that you weren’t really ‘awake’.
... You looked up. There was a small table before you, draped in a spotless white cloth, and decorated by a single lit candle. Very gentle piano drifted through the air, jazzy and slow, like you were in the middle of a nice restaurant... two chairs pulled up on either side of the table.
... Someone occupied one of the chairs.
He was a skeleton. A tall skeleton, his bones were slick and dark, bluish black as a midnight sky, with the faintest iridescent sheen like the shimmer on a bubble or an oil spill. He looked as if he were made of tar. A clean smile of ice white teeth... one eye, a powerful, electric cyan blue, the other socket covered by that same tar-ish substance.
... He was wearing a suit. You didn’t expect that. A nice suit, it outlined him well, it made him look well-proportioned and tidy. Somehow, the liquid of his body didn’t stain the white cuffs or collar. Dream logic? You had no clue.
Were this any other situation, you probably wouldn’t have reacted as... calmly. But because you were in asleep, your mind felt far more forgiving of the bizarreness of the situation. Sure, a skeleton with inky bones and one glowing eye was waiting for you at a table set up like a date. Why not? You'd had weirder dreams.
That, and...
... Well, his face looked so... gentle. He simply stared at you, with a low smile, like you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. The candlelight flickered against him... he had a nice face. Strong curved cheekbones, a pretty defined jaw. His skull was handsome in a regal, timeless sort of way.
Your cheeks felt hot.
“ah. finally.” His voice was silky, low, and dark. Very pleasant to listen to, and exactly the kind of voice you expected to hear from a creature that looked like him. “i thought you’d never sleep.” 
... You looked down at yourself. You were dressed for a date- an outfit you definitely didn’t normally wear. 
“... come on, now. don’t be shy. i’ve been waiting for you.” He said, sweetly, patiently. “come sit with me.”
Well. It was just a dream, right? So you had nothing to lose. You shuffled over to the table, sitting down opposite him. His grin lifted, the flickering candle played with the shadows on his face... the gentle piano continued.
“i’m sans.” He shifted his elbows onto the table. The black parts of his suit, although it was clearly fabric, very faintly had the same iridescent sheen as his bones. “don’t worry, i already know your name.”
“... You do?” You asked. Was that something you needed to worry about?
He chuckled. The sound was handsome. “of course. it’s only a dream, right?”
“... Oh. Yes, right.”
Remembering that this was a lucid dream gave you a strange sense of... confidence. It made your chest puff up a little, it brought your hands out of their curled position on your lap, the anxieties you usually always carried finally melting off. Warm confidence flooded your system- he was right. You didn’t have to be embarrassed, or scared, did you? This was your dream, wasn’t it? You could do whatever you liked. Man, lucid dreaming was great.
‘Sans’ gained a slight twinkle to his beautiful blue eye. He kept looking at you like you were everything- it was making you feel warm. Important.
“i know it’s a boring question. but do tell; how was your day?”
“... Slow.” You replied. He had such a nice face. This was a nice dream. “Very slow.”
A knowing look. “sometimes a slow day is better than a frantic one.”
... You let out a little laugh. He leaned a fraction closer to you. “Yeah, I guess. I’d take a slow day over the kinds of days I normally get.”
“what would a normal day be, for you?”
“Like you said. Frantic.” He had instantly put you at ease. His dulcet tones, his impeccable sense of dress, his gentle aura... despite the fact that you were having a conversation with a skeleton, it felt like you were talking to an old friend. “I work a lot. Then on my few days off, it feels like I’m so exhausted I have no energy to spend on anything other than recovery. It sucks.”
“i think you aren’t alone in feeling like that. today is far too fast-paced.”
There was suddenly a wine glass in front of him. And in front of you, too. An expensive-looking bottle beside the candle, in the middle of the table- Sans picked up the bottle, offering it to you.
“shall i pour you something?” He asked, invitingly.
... You paused. “I... don’t really know if I should...”
“come on now.” He purred. “it’s a dream, right? you won’t have a hangover. when will there ever be a better time to have something to drink?”
“... Pft.” You felt... kinda silly for saying no. “Oh, alright then. I guess you’re right.”
Sans grinned. He poured you a generous serving, the liquid was a beautiful tyrian purple, and once he stopped pouring the candlelight in the wine made it appear as if your entire glass was filled with ruby. He filled up his own glass as well. It was good wine, too, it was exactly to your taste.
“... What is this, by the way?”
“... wine?”
“No, this.” You gestured around. “Are we on a date right now?”
“of course.” He placed his glass down and chuckled. Sans had such a warm gaze, despite the cold blue colour of his eye. It almost looked... adoring? He hadn’t stopped staring at you since the moment you woke up in this dream.
“because you’re wonderful.” He knitted his fingers together, using them as a cradle for his head. The ends of his phalanges looked sharp. “and i think you deserve a good date. none of those terrible, thoughtless outings you’ve been on recently.”
“How do you know I’ve been on dates?” You asked, but teasingly, drinking a bit more. Of course he knew, this was your dream. His eye flickered to your lips as they touched the rim of the glass, but they returned to your own eyes so fast you couldn’t tell if you really saw the movement at all.
“those fools don’t know what they’re doing. who tries to take someone back to their parents’ house on a first date?” He looked like he still couldn’t believe it. “despicable.”
You snickered at that one. Who wouldn’t?
“They weren’t so bad.” You said, softly. “Rough around the edges, sure. But they meant well.”
He leaned a little closer again. Every time you laughed, he seemed unable to stop himself from drawing nearer. The space was getting more and more intimate.
“you’ll realise how terrible they were when i show you how good dates can be.”
“I’m sorry, but...” You traced the rim of your glass. “am I going to get any more context on who you are? Or are you just too mysterious?”
“i’m nobody important.” He said, reaching the wine bottle across the table again and refilling said glass. “i haven’t any ulterior motives, dear, if that’s what you’re afraid of. i just want to get to know you.”
... You liked the way he said ‘dear’. It made you feel warm again. You swirled the wine around the glass, admiring the strange colour- huh, funny. Even though this was a dream, you could still feel that familiar sensation of being tipsy.
“... This is nice.”
“yes.” He murmured, gazing at you through a lidded socket. “it is.”
“I don’t really want to wake up.”
His eyelight flashed.
“... now. don’t go saying things like that, dear. someone might think you’re serious.”
You woke up with a lovely, soft, cosy feeling. Right down to your core. Far from your usual stuffy, too hot/too cold awakenings, the bed felt like a pair of arms around you- a comfortable pair of arms that made the thought of just closing your eyes and slipping back to sleep again all the more appealing.
You rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling. Morning light was seeping through the curtains; as nice as it sounded, you couldn’t really go back to sleep right now. The day was starting.
... You could almost still taste the wine. You almost felt like its fuzzy warming effect was still thrumming through your body. And, in your mind’s eye, you could still see him- looking at you, smiling, like you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.
“i just want to get to know you.”
... Sans, huh?
“hello again, dear.”
The same feelings of ‘waking up’. The same knowledge you were dreaming. And, when you opened your eyes... the same skeleton in front of you.
No suit, this time. Just normal clothes, all toned as black as his bones, sharing his faint iridescence.
... This dream wasn't set at a table. It was on a sunny street corner, in a musical-looking city, bright blue sky and quaint cafes surrounding you, bicycles and colourful pedestrians and trees on every inch of available pavement. People busied past both of you, like you weren’t even there- like there was nothing strange about a large, ink-black skeleton holding the hand of a bewildered human.
... Holding your hand. You blinked, looking down... his midnight claws were entwined with your fingers.
You looked back up at his face. “Sans?”
He grinned, evidently delighted you recalled his name. There was so much you didn’t know, in his eye, so much he understood but you didn’t.
“surprised to see me? i said you i’d take you on more dates, didn’t i?”
Yes. You were very surprised. It took you a few moments to gather the words, mouth opening and closing again, dumbly.
“... I-I just... it was a dream.” You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. “My dreams don’t normally...”
“repeat?” He squeezed your hand gently, brushing his thumb over the back of your palm. “perhaps they do. perhaps they just weren’t worth remembering before now.”
You flushed at the casual touch. “I didn’t expect to see you again.”
“well." He tilted his skull. "are you the good kind of surprised, dear?”
Again, yes. But you didn’t seem to need to say it, judging by the delighted softness his smile took on.
“... Where are we?”
“you're so cute. paris.” He replied, amiably. “i took the liberty of finding the nicest looking side. it’s a charming city, certainly... but not all of it is this pretty.”
“... I never thought I’d...”
“... be able to go?” His voice was a disarming, lulling purr. “i told you. i want to take you on real dates. we can go anywhere you want- anywhere at all. time and distance are no issue.”
“i said so before. i just want to get to know you.”
... You looked around. At the beautiful streets. You could hear people talking, smell baked goods and coffee. It was so romantic... so unlike anywhere you’d ever been.
“Could... we go somewhere high up, when the sun goes down?” You asked. “To see the lights?”
... A small laugh left his chest. Like your question had an incredibly obvious answer.
“... of course we can.”
Sans, whoever he was... he was quickly becoming a staple of your life. 
He kept his promise. He took you on dates. Wonderful ones, hopelessly romantic ones- strolls through starlit woods, picnics on hills overlooking the ocean, scenic boat rides through canals and rivers alike, city tours that felt so impossibly vivid and real despite the fact that your feet never ached. Various delightful places across the world you were certain you’d never be able to visit in your own reality. 
... Sans was charming. Charming in a sophisticated, cultured way, he had that lifted air to him that made you feel so important when he seemed to so much enjoy listening to what you were saying. He spoke sweetly, he was effortlessly funny, he knew precisely how to make you unwind. He already knew more about you than most people in your life.
Though you still knew nothing about him.
You’d never been so well-slept. Your dreams were starting to become your favourite place. Why wouldn’t they? Nobody in the waking world treated you so kindly. There was nowhere else where you felt so consistently cared for, listened to. If you ate together, you would wake up not hungry anymore. If you drank, you would feel the faint buzz even after your eyes opened. 
... And you always felt warm.
You hadn’t researched Sans until now. There was just... something that felt prying about it? You had no reason to think that way. Today was the day you were going to try and find out something about your nightly visitor.
... It was worth researching. Dreams that recurred that often probably had meaning, right? 
A few google searches wouldn’t hurt.
You saw him again the next night. Because of course you did.
... It was a much simpler setting than usual. Sans usually took you to places that would take your breath away... here, it was just a park bench in a flower garden. 
“morning.” He said, with a teasing lilt to his voice. “how was your day?”
You sat down beside him. Your heart was starting to beat faster. “... Could I talk to you about something?”
He paused. Only for a moment. It seemed like... he could sense your apprehension.
“... oh. of course.”
“I... did some research today.”
A flicker of something in his face. He covered it quickly. “the fun kind of research?”
“Research about dreams. And nightmares.” You fiddled with your hands, looking anywhere but him. “It took some digging. But I found something eventually. Old legends, really old, about a being that can enter people’s minds while they sleep and influence what they dream about. A skeleton with black bones.”
“... interesting.”
“... A lot of stuff was different. Like... tentacles, ‘evil’ energy, making people have night terrors so bad they’d give themselves insomnia to avoid sleeping. But, I mean... a skeleton with black bones that enters people’s minds while they sleep?”
... Sans had gone quiet. You glanced at him.
“Are you... uh... are you ‘Nightmare’?” 
As you held his blue eye, a strange sensation fell over you. 
It was like... you had come home, and a door you were certain you left closed was wide open. The feeling of staring into a room and knowing, just knowing, there was someone in there that shouldn’t be there. 
An interloper. 
His face... suddenly didn’t look quite as inviting.
Had he always been that big?
“i see.” He said, softly.
Then you were awake. Staring blankly at your ceiling.
You didn’t feel warm. Not at all.
It was a normal dream, at first. A busy room full of people you didn’t recognise, a nonsensical list of reasons you had to be there that only made sense because your higher thought functions were locked away. Your head felt as though it were stuffed full of sand, and you had little care in the world aside from the base anxieties your brain was projecting onto the scene before you. A test, a missed train, you couldn't even recall.
A normal dream.
Something in the corner of your eye flickered. A shadow, moving the wrong way.
Just like that, you were aware.
The hair on the back of your neck prickled, the faces around you blurred and unfocused. You felt... singled out. Alone. A real person, in a room full of mannequins.
... You could tell he was there. You'd had enough dreams with him to know when he was nearby. But you couldn't see him- you turned around, only the rest of your dream behind you. But you could feel it... he was in there with you.
"... Sans?" You said.
... Nothing.
Your voice wobbled. “Are you... are you there?”
“no.” He said, softly, right in your ear. You jumped- it sounded as if he was standing behind you. “do not call me that.”
You didn’t turn around. Something told you there was a reason he was remaining out of view. “... Why did you disappear?”
He hissed. “i never wanted it to be like this.”
“Like... this?”
“it should’ve stayed a dream. it was never meant to be real.”
Your gaze dropped to the floor. The carpet, a product of your sleeping mind, repeated itself over and over.
... You suddenly felt... stupid. For a lot of reasons- but mostly for letting yourself feel hurt by that. 
What did you think was going to happen, getting so attached to a random guy in your dreams that did little more than take you on a few pretty looking dates and say a few sweet words? All he had to do was feign interest in what you said, and you were like a fish on a hook. Idiot.
You wanted to wake up.
Hands pressed against your shoulders.
“ ... that’s not what i meant.” His voice was a lot softer, suddenly. Softer than you'd ever heard it before- softer, even than your 'first date'.
It was your turn to not respond.
“dear.” It felt like he wanted you to turn around, now. You didn’t. “i promise that’s not what i meant.”
When you spoke, your voice was sullen. This was the end of your nice dreams, wasn't it? “... What else could you possibly mean by that?”
He didn’t let go of your shoulders. “i... it was...”
... Him needing a moment to speak... it didn't exactly cheer you up, but it made you return to the moment a little. It made you listen. You were so used to him knowing exactly what to say at any given moment, silken words coming so easily- the fact that he needed time to gather his thoughts made what he was about to say seem a bit more genuine.
“... the waking world is so complicated.” He finally said. “dreams... are the escape. i didn’t want this to be complicated.”
“... Complicated.” Your tone had significantly eased. He wasn’t wrong. Things had definitely become more complicated, as soon as you brought the real world in. 
“i wanted to see you.” His hands moved, from your shoulders to your torso. “i wanted to know you, but i didn’t... want you to have to think. i just wanted to be a dream, for you, someone you could escape to. i wanted to be a good dream for once.”
You didn’t reply. He was convincing. But you didn’t even know if you believed him.
“... don’t wake up.” He murmured. You felt his face press to the back of your head... his arms tucked around your middle.
“I don’t know if I can trust you.” You said. “I don’t know anything about you.”
“i didn’t want you to be afraid of me.”
“Should I be?”
“no.” Instantly, breathlessly. Like he couldn’t believe you asked that. “no, of course not.”
You sighed. 
“What’re you willing to tell me?”
“whatever you ask.” 
... It was an interesting way of wording it. You didn’t miss the specificity- whatever you asked him, he would answer. But volunteering information seemed beyond him for now.
“we should go somewhere. to talk.” He offered. “where do you want to go?”
You paused.
“Well. How about... somewhere you want to go, this time?”
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glitching-time-bomb · 2 years
Okok- Dealers choice. S/o never takes naps? If they tried, they would probably just lie there for hours not being able to fall asleep. The only time they do take a nap is when they sick, have a migraine or just hella tired. And even then their naps only last for like- 30 mins. Then they fall asleep again, repeat cycle. So, if the skelly wants to nap S/o will cuddle with them, and read,watch tv (on soft so it doesnt wake up the skelly), or play on their phone? Thanks!
UT, UF, and US Skeles With an S/O That Never Takes Naps
To be entirely honest, Sans doesn't exactly understand how or why you can't take naps
I mean, have you seen him? He can fall asleep practically anywhere!
But he'll do what he can to make you as comfortable as possible if you two are napping together
He'll make sure you have something entertaining to do while he sleeps for a bit, and he makes sure to tell you that you can wake him up at any time for any reason you need
On the rare occasions you are able to nap, he immediately knows something's up
He'll do what he can to make sure everything is alright, and that includes giving you any kind of pain medicine for headaches or anything you might need if you're sick
Papyrus understands what you mean, he can't sit still for long enough to take naps
He'll find other ways for the two of you to unwind, such as watching some kind of show/movie, or anything else that you think would help you relax for the day
On your off days, or days that you do end up takings naps, Papyrus will try his best to sit still and lay with you while you sleep
When he sees you waking up every half hour, he'll try his best to help you back to sleep if you want to
(By that I mean he pulls you into a skeleton hug and keeps you there until you wake up again-)
Red just sees it as something that's unique to you, even if he doesn't exactly understand how you can't nap easily
He really appreciates that you're still willing to stay and cuddle with him while he naps for a bit, even if you don't end up falling asleep yourself
He'll say he just likes having you around him (which is entirely true), but really he just feels so much safer when you're around
After being stuck in the underground for so long, in constant fear, he really appreciates being able to be vulnerable and safe with someone
(Not that he'll ever tell you that, though-)
On the days that you aren't feeling well and decide to take a nap, he's more than happy to nap with you
Edge doesn't really notice that you have trouble napping, mostly just because he absolutely refuses to let himself nap during the day
He's perfectly fine with going about his day without resting at all (even if he needs to slow down and rest), and he just... assumes you're the same way
On one of the days that you aren't feeling well, he might be a little bit confused as of why you're taking a nap
After you tell him that you have a headache, or are sick, he'll go into a 'oh no, my human is sick and needs help' mode
Expect him to make you your favorite kind of soup, and grab any kind of cold medicine or pain killers that you might need
He probably won't be able to stay still while you rest, so he'll likely be out of the room and doing his own thing so he doesn't wake you up
I see Blue as someone who's willing to take naps if he's exhausted or absolutely needs to get some more sleep, so him napping is a rare thing
Once he notices that you don't nap either he'll likely ask you why you don't
Once you explain to him he understands quite a bit, but mostly because he feels the same way
On days that you do nap he'll make sure that you're comfortable before doing his own quiet thing in the room so he doesn't wake you
If you're sick, or need anything on an off day, Blue is glad to help with anything you might need or want
You want more blankets? He'll go grab some from the closet, you just stay there and rest
Stretch somehow manages to take more naps than Sans, they're just much shorter and spread out through the day
He can fall asleep practically anywhere in mere minutes, but he'll wake up before even fifteen minutes have passed
So seeing that you don't take any kind of naps at all might make him a little bit worried, especially if you didn't sleep very well the night before
He'll try his best to make sure that you get proper sleep at night so there's little need to be tired during the day
On days that you do take naps though, Stretch is eager to cuddle with you and nap
Even if it's only for a little while, any time he spends with you is well spent in his eyes
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gaylordscooter · 12 days
The Ghost Pointed at Me
He was a replacement. He knew that much. His name didn't belong to him. It was stolen. Stolen from who? He didn't know and it wasn't easy getting answers.
He was an Underswap Sans. He knew that much. He was stronger than him, kinder than him, overall a better person.
He was a shabby replacement. He would hardly be qualified to be his shadow.
And yet they called him “Blue” anyway.
He woke up earlier than normal today, slipping into his usual outfit right away. Hearts should still be in sleep mode. So he didn't have to worry about him catching him on the way out. He didn't want him questioning where he was going so early in the morning. He knows he'd want to tag along.
He quietly made his way out of the house, Dream nor Ink caught him either. They never did. Sneaking out was a skill of his. He used to do it all the time late at night when he’d go out to the lab. His brother always hated it when he worked after hours. Said it wasn't worth doing when he was just an intern.
That was one of the few memories he still had of him. He clung to it like a prized possession.
He hopped on his motorcycle that was parked right outside. It wasn't like anyone was going to steal it. Hardly anyone had access to the Doodlesphere.
He started its engine, immediately driving away towards a bucket that led to an Underswap. The noise probably alerted them now, but they'd never caught up to him by this point.
He's been visiting as many Underswap universes as he could, trying to see if any of them were off in some way. They wouldn't be missing a Sans. By the time a reset rolled around a new one would take his place.
He was mainly interested in looking at its code. From there he’d be able to find out how long the Sans of that universe has existed.
He didn't really know what his end goal with this was. Say he found the universe that belonged to the Blue before him, then what?
It's not like he’d find anything new there. Originally he was looking for a universe like his, but he gave up on that a long time ago. Being “unique” seemed impossible in the multiverse, but as it turned out his universe was one of a kind.
Because it was unstable.
And then of course the multiverse decided to throw something unexpected at him.
Error was in the universe he decided to go to.
The Snowdin of the place was on lockdown. Everyone was presumably taking refuge in Muffet’s as Error stalked around the area like a rabid animal.
Currently, he was in the “find the human” phase of his destruction, so he wasn't wiping everything out in the vicinity for now. Wiping everything out might get the human to reset which would kick any foreign code out into the void, which would be a hassle.
Except if he saw an outsider like him he’d immediately turn attention to him.
Lucky him.
He got ready to drive the hell out of here. Of course, it was now that his motorcycle’s engine decided to have problems. It sputtered, as if to mock him, when he tried revving it.
Unfortunately, his attempted escape only drew the destructor’s attention.
His mismatched eyelights landed right on him. Those unnatural, perfectly straight teeth skewed in a lopsided smile.
He felt his soul sputter just like the engine.
He got off the motorcycle and made a break for it. Of course, it was in vain. Error’s strings caught his soul immediately.
It felt like a million paper cuts littered his soul, but it didn't deal any damage. Yet.
He was a fly trapped in the spider’s web. He was as good as dead.
Maybe Ink read his script for today and already knew this was going to happen. He was going to show up any second now to save him.
He awkwardly smiled back, mostly with his eyes, at the glitchy skeleton.
Any second now.
“Wh-what are you doing here, here?” he questioned. His voice and form were unstable as usual. It took Blue a second to register what he said.
“Uhhh, I could ask the same to you! We haven't seen you go to an Underswap in a long time,” he replied.
The strings tightened around his soul causing him to yelp. A warning.
A loud static noise cut through the air as a star-shaped rift tore itself open right behind Error.
“Error, what did i say about attacking MY HOME?”
Error whipped his head around to face the new voice. “Hm, l-lemme think—Oh right, right! I don't care what you s-said.”
Blue stared wide-eyed at the two bickering. The new guy looked similar to Error with his inverted colors—or lack of colors should he say. It looked like most of his body was a black hole. The red torn-up bandana around his neck along with his pearlescent purple arms mostly covered up by his gloves and shirt sleeves looked to be in a different reality from the rest of him.
He stared back at him in turn. Suddenly all of his attention locked on him as if Error wasn't right in front of him.
Faster than Blue could blink, he was out of the rift and standing in front of him.
“Oh hey, it's you,” he said.
He ignored him. He circled around Blue, almost reaching out to touch him but stopping himself before he actually made contact. “You don’t look like me at all.”
“P-pardon?” Blue managed to breathe out.
“Oh right, we’ve never formally met.” He offered his hand for a handshake. “The name’s Blazar, but I’ve heard I used to be called Blue too.”
Blue was stunned. “Oh—uh, hi?” He reached his hand towards his, only for Blazar to yank his own away like he was about to be burnt.
“Ha-ha! I keep forgetting not to do that!” He looked at his hand as if he was scolding it and took a few steps away from him.
He internally took note of his wording “never formally met” and that he knew he was called Blue without him telling him. It was highly likely he’d watched him from a distance before. “Not to do what?”
“Contact. Physical contact,” he specified. His dead-serious expression caught him off guard.
Blue’s gaze shifted away from him and noticed the lack of Error’s presence. He probably went off to resume his human-hunting.
Blazar seemed to notice this first. He looked more annoyed than anything. He sighed, “Hang on a moment.”
He teleported away or just moved away extremely fast.
He was back a second later, dusting his gloves off as if he had just taken out the trash. “Sorry about him. He has his reasons for acting that way.”
Blue looked confused, wondering what exactly he did to Error. “Yeah, sure.”
“Anyway, so you're the new Blue!” Blazar held his hands out to him as if he was presenting him to a crowd.
Blue sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Listen, I didn't mean to take your place. Ink just—”
“Oh, I don't care about that,” he assured, waving a hand dismissively. “It's not like I can be jealous when I don't even remember what it was like, hah.”
His expression shifted to concern. “what do you mean?”
Noticing the dip in the mood, he continued to sound and look cheery to bring it back up. “I don't remember anything before…before becoming ‘Blazar’—but I don't care! Can't miss what you’ve never had!” He laughed as he said that.
Blue gave him a look of pity. He lost some of his memories of his old life too, but he couldn't imagine being so positive about it. The way he acted reminded him of Dream. He knew from personal experience that “can't miss what you've never had” didn't apply when you did have it and you just forgot you did. He knows he’s had plenty of nights stressing over his lost memories.
Did he even know that he had a brother? Did he remember his friends from his universe?
“So how’s Ink and Dream doing?” he asked, completely oblivious to Blue’s inner thoughts. As he should be.
“Oh, they're doing fine. They had a little argument recently, but they’ve gotten over it.” It was more like Dream forgave Ink and Ink forgot about it. Close enough.
“That's good. So they're doing fine without me.”
Blue’s eyelights darted to the side.
“Again, I’m not mad about that,” he assured. “Why are you so scared?” He frowned.
Blue backed up unconsciously, raising his hands in defense. “Listen, I’m sure you're a nice monster—”
“I am.”
“—but, uh, I can't help but be a bit spooked by how similar you look t—”
“I am not like Error,” his voice distorted as he said that. Despite his words, he looked just as fierce as Error when he's mad.
Blue stayed quiet, looking just about ready to flee.
Blazar calmed down, realizing that he was only scaring him more. He was about to reach out to comfort him, but ended up hugging his own arms instead. “Sorry, I’m…” he paused to take a breath, “I’m not as pleasant as I used to be. I should go.”
He disappeared before Blue could respond.
He stood there for a moment in the empty forest of Snowdin. So that’s what happened to the Blue before him. He didn't die, he became an error. A part of him died, he supposed.
How could something like that happen?
Ink should know. He should know he's alive. Maybe he forgot, and thought he did die because Dream acts like he did.
Blazar asked how Ink and Dream are doing. Why doesn't he check on them himself?
He snapped out of his thoughts when he realized that monsters were exiting Muffet’s now. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he scrambled over to his motorcycle and hopped on.
Thankfully it worked now and he was able to drive out of there and open a rift back to the Doodlesphere.
When he got back to the house, he opened the front door and was greeted by Ink. He flinched back with a yelp.
“Were you just standing there the entire time?!”
“Of course not. I knew when you were coming back—but that's besides the point.” He grabbed Blue by the shoulders and shook him. “What were you doing in a universe that Error was in?!”
Blue spun in place to get out of Ink’s hold. “I didn't know he would be there. Also if you knew, why didn’t you help me?”
Ink crossed his arms. “Because someone else already did, right?”
“That ‘someone else’ is someone you know!”
Ink blinked. “Is it? I didn’t really pay attention to who it was.” He scratched his chin thoughtfully.
Blue facepalmed. “Buddy, it was the Blue before me that saved me.”
Ink sputtered. “Whuh, huh? That guy’s alive?”
“Don't act so nonchalant!”
“This is not me acting ‘nonchalant’. I didn't know he was alive!”
“Shouldn't you though?”
Ink gritted his teeth, looking coy. “Mmmaybe?” He shrugged.
Blue sighed, “Is Dream out? I think he should know about this.”
“Of course he's out. When is he ever in one place? I’ll tell him when I have the chance.”
“No, I want to tell you both what happened to him,” he insisted. “This is important enough to have a proper meeting about.” They didn't usually have meetings like people assumed they had. Honestly, the perception of “The Star Sanses” in general was humorously inaccurate. They weren't really the heroes of the multiverse that everyone made them out to be—well maybe Dream was, but for the most part, Ink and he weren't all that heroic. And they certainly did not plan out how to efficiently help everyone out in the multiverse, nor was that their goal in the first place.
Ink tilted his head. “Something happened to him?” Something seemed to click for him. He reached for his scarf and skimmed over the notes on it. “Oh, right.”
“So now you remember.”
Ink’s now blue-green eyelights spelled guilt. “You know my memory isn't the greatest.”
That was his way of saying “You know I didn't want to forget something like that.” If it was important enough to be written about on his scarf, that had to be true.
Blue’s expression softened, regretting his accusatory tone. “Right.”
Ink sighed, “I should get Dream.” He was already painting a portal beneath him. “I’ll be back as soon as possible.” He disappeared a second later.
“Finally, that prick’s gone,” Hearts strutted in from the hallway and approached him. He tended to avoid Ink as he did with every Sans. It was like merely looking at them made them ill. Except for Blue for some reason. Maybe it was because of trust. That sounded right. “He was watching the door like a dog waiting for its owner.”
“Was he pacing?”
“Like a caged animal.”
“You sure like comparing Ink to animals,” he remarked. “But never the right ones. He’s like an excitable ferret.” He was a thing of boundless energy and hyperactivity. But he wasn't like a dog. Dogs were loyal.
“Is that something you waste your time thinking about, darling?” he teased.
Blue suppressed his grin from widening at the meaningless pet name. “And you're like a cat abusive to its owner.”
He gasped, holding a hand to his chest like he was offended. Scratch that, not “like he was”, he was definitely offended. “Are you calling me your pet?!”
“I Did Not Say Anything of the Sort,” he said slyly, darting his eyelights to the side. He held back a laugh as Hearts scoffed. Their banter brought his mood up after his encounter with Error and Blazar, but he still dreaded the meeting to come.
Ink will probably explain some things; that was his hope, but he also feared it. It was likely he wasn't going to like what he was going to hear, but a worse-case scenario would be if Ink tried to skirt around telling him. He needed to know. Rip the bandage off, as they say.
“Are you alright, darling? I don't usually eavesdrop on your conversations with him, but it sounded serious.”
That's definitely a lie. He eavesdropped all the time, but he appreciated Hearts’s genuine concern.
Blue rubbed at his neck. “Eh, I could be worse. I’m mostly stressed, is all.”
“Glad to see you're doing the same as usual.”
“I’m joking, darling.” He noticed a puddle of paint flowing out from the ground behind Blue. “That's my cue to leave. I hope your meeting goes smoothly. I don't want to hear yelling while I’m relaxing.” He already started walking back to the hallway to get to his room.
“Seeya,” Blue said. He tried putting his hands in his lab coat’s pockets. He always did that out of habit despite said pockets being torn off along with the rest of the bottom half of it a while ago. He opted to put his hands on his hips instead. He turned around as Ink and Dream came out of the portal of paint.
Dream still had that beaming smile on his face. Of course he did. He never not smiled, which wasn't all that unusual for Sanses but even they would stop smiling when pushed too far. The point was, Dream’s expression gave nothing away as to what Ink had told him already.
“So Blue called a team meeting,” Ink explained. “That Mettaton’s not listening in, is he?” He looked around the entry room as if he was hiding in it.
“Does it matter?” Blue asked. Ink’s never showed concern for that before.
“I guess not,” he shrugged but he still looked a tad bothered.
It was because this was a personal thing, he assumed.
“Why don't we sit down before we start?” Dream suggested.
Blue took that offer immediately, sitting down on the couch by the front door. Already, his leg was bouncing.
Dream sat next to him but Ink continued to stand. Blue knew he was going to start pacing once they began talking.
“So, Blue, you wanna start us off?” Ink said.
“Oh, uh, sure.” He clapped his hands together, trying to make eye contact with Dream. Only to immediately fail and look down at the floor. “So…I called this meeting because, uh. I met this guy named Blazar.”
“Oh, a new guy!” Dream sounded excited.
Blue stretched his smile out, making it uneven. “Yep, uh, not actually ‘new’.” He really shouldn't be stretching this out that much. He should just spit it out, but he's never been good at delivering news like this. “It's…the old Blue actually.”
“He's alive!” Dream beamed. He couldn't help but stand. “You got to meet him? Did it go well? I think you two would get along great!”
Blue looked just about ready to call the meeting there instead of dousing Dream’s joy with the bad news. “It went bad, actually.”
“Oh.” He still sounded hopeful. Right, dousing Dream’s joy wasn't exactly an easy task.
“Well, not that bad? It was mostly awkward—besides the point. He's an error now.” Finally. Finally, he got it out.
Dream looked clueless. He tilted his head. “I don't believe I understand. How can one be a mistake?”
Ink pinched the bridge of his nasal bone. “No, he's an ‘error’ now. Y’know like Error. There's others like him where their code’s all messed up.”
“Well, at least he's alive.”
Ink’s eyelights flashed red for a moment. His smile was strained. Unlike other Sanses, Ink’s smile wasn't his default. It was a practiced thing and said practice would melt away at a moment’s notice.
“Did I say something wrong?” Dream asked.
Ink and Blue shared a glance.
“I’m not—I’m not mad at you, Dream,” Ink said.
“I see! Well, thank you for sharing the good news, Blue. I had no idea he was alive.”
“Dream, it's not really good news,” Blue said gently while wringing his hands together.
This was the thing with Dream. It was impossible to get him to see the bad in things. That sounded like a good trait to have but Ink and Blue knew from personal experiences that one could indeed be overly optimistic.
“But he’s alive.”
“And he's an error!” Ink snapped, throwing them both off. “I did that to him!” He stopped speaking as abruptly as he started. He covered his mouth, looking shocked at his own words.
Blue looked agape at him, while Dream merely looked surprised and sat back down.
“What do you mean, Ink?” Blue asked.
Ink’s hands scraped at his skull, staying over his mouth.
“What do you mean you did that to him?” He kept his voice surprisingly level.
Ink forced his hands down by his sides. “The day we fought Error in his Underswap we were getting reckless—He was getting reckless. I knew what was going to happen. I knew he would become an error that day. I couldn't do anything—no—I did do something. I set it up for him and I did my part in making it happen. He cornered him and I just watched—”
“Ink, slow down!” Blue got up to put a hand on his shoulder.
Ink’s gaze focused on him. His eyelights were still rapidly changing. He pushed Blue away to turn around and hack up black paint on the ground. “Eugh.” He wiped his mouth. “How much of that did you understand?” his words slurred together.
“I didn't get any of that,” Blue said.
“Good.” He paused, held a hand up, and turned around to throw up again. “Twice in the same minute, hah,” he said humorlessly. “I’m calling the end of this meeting.”
Neither Blue nor Dream objected. In fact, Dream’s gone quiet ever since Ink yelled.
Ink left without a word or explanation as to where he was going. He needed alone time, they knew that, but it was anyone's guess how long he’d be out for.
Blue was about to head over to his room to rest, but Dream spoke up first.
“Blue, can you…stay here for a bit?” He’s never asked something like that before. Something for himself.
Blue’s sockets widened. “Yeah,” he sat back down on the couch, “I can stay.”
Dream couldn't meet his gaze. He just continued staring forward, not even at a wall but at the air in front of it. “Thank you.” His expression didn't show it, but for some reason, Blue had a feeling Dream wanted to cry.
He looked happy. He acted happy, but that hunch was stubborn.
Blue wrapped an arm around him like he was comforting him as if he was crying.
Dream leaned into him, closing his eyes, smile as unfaltering as ever. He imagined that his tears would be spilling out more now that he closed it. They were golden, like leaves falling in the autumn.
That was only his imagination, of course. Dream can't cry. He can't even frown.
Blue couldn't begin to understand how it would feel to be unable to feel negative emotions. He's never said it out loud, but it was like you were half a person. Sure he had access to a good amount of the basic emotions, but most feelings were complex and were made up of both negative and positive emotions.
Of course, Dream’s brother has to deal with only feeling negative emotions. However, while it seemed like one had it worse than the other, Blue was beginning to think neither had it better than the other.
What would Dream be feeling right now if he could feel negative emotions?
Blue noticed Dream’s hand trembling  Only one, however, as if that was all he was allowed to show.
“Something's not right.” He sounded like a robot going against his coding. “I’m not feeling the right emotion.” His words contrasted his ever-gleeful tone.
“I'm sorry.” Blue didn't know what else to say.
“Sorrow, guilt. That's it.” He brought his hands together to keep his other hand still. “I’m sorry,” he replied. It was almost like a prayer.
The way he said his apologies never sounded genuine, but Blue would pretend it did for him. In the end, there was hardly a difference.
After a few more minutes, Dream stood up and opened a portal. “Thank you again, Blue. I’ll see you later.” Just like that, he went back to doing his job.
And the house was sans two Sanses once more. Although neither of them really were Sanses.
He headed over to his room.
Hearts was lounging around on his bed, a common occurrence despite him having a room of his own. This was something he tended to do when he had something to show or say to him. He gave him a smirk.
“I recorded Ink’s little spiel. I can slow it down for you if you want,” he offered.
So that's why Ink didn't want him listening, Blue thought. He shrugged. “What the heck, sure.” He sat next to him.
Hearts replayed it at a speed Blue could understand.
He had a hand covering his mouth as he listened.
Hearts was entirely unfazed by it, mainly because he didn't understand the significance of it.
Ink blamed himself for Blazar’s predicament. Ink never blamed himself, at least he never admitted so.
It was illogical for him to blame himself, and Ink was pretty logical when it came to this sort of thing. When it came to scripts. 
“I never thought the soulless guy could be such a drama queen,” Hearts remarked.
Blue learned a long time ago that soullessness has nothing to do with dramatics, but he kept that to himself. He picked up the journal he kept on his bedside counter to jot some stuff down.
Like the nosy guy he was, Hearts looked over his shoulder to watch him write.
Blue rolled his eyelights, “Read if you want but you're not going to understand any of it and I’m not explaining any of this to you.”
“I just enjoy watching you steer off-topic,” he said.
“Tough luck, I’m not writing an entry.” He wrote down directions to the specific bucket of that universe as well as the name “Blazar”. He closed it and put the journal back.
With that over, he realized how hungry he was.
“I’m going to Grillby’s,” he said. “You want anything?”
“I don't eat that garbage, darling.”
“You say that like you didn't establish your own fast-food restaurant,” Blue said.
“You don't know if I did that in my universe,” Hearts retorted.
Right, because he never told him anything about his past. Regardless, he was sure he did do that. All the other Underfell Mettatons did. There wasn't any reason for him to be an outlier.
“Sure. I’ll see you later.”
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Tumblr media
The full artwork from To The Bone Zine! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)☆
Underswap by popcornpr1nce
To be honest, I had this idea before the zine—even before I started drawing! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
I used to write a lot, and although those works didn't find public recognition, they're still dear to me ♡
Allow me to share the one this artwork was inspired by...
Getting on the moored boat, Papyrus looks up at the river person.
“Tra la la,” he finally says. “I hope you're not wasting my time.”
The skeleton clicks his tongue and looks away. Sure he knows a shortcut, but Papyrus has other intentions for this trip.
“Can't I have some family time?” he asks with a touch of irony.
The river man is silent, but this silence is, actually, enough.
“Tra la la,” he suddenly breaks it, and Papyrus hears a familiar note in his voice. “Your family stayed overboard.”
The skeleton smirkes. Sans doesn't have to know about his brother's sentimental impulses.
Papyrus hesitates before getting in the boat that is approaching the shore. He just can't find the strength to look up.
“Tra la la,” the river person hums dryly under his breath. “Now you're the elder.”
The skeleton clenches his fist with the blue scarf in it.
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spookuzm · 1 month
So uh I'm just gonna post my one shot from three months ago here
You can also read it on AO3
I'm kinda nervous for sharing this but I hope you guys will like this...
Tw: Brief mention of abuse, slightly suggestive (aka flirting)
You had been living with the skeletons for a while now. You get along with most of them, thankfully. Then one day, the skeletons decided that you were trustworthy enough to let you in a very big secret— all of them were the same two monsters; Sans and Papyrus!
And if that wasn’t shocking enough for you... They were also hiding their other alternates! The bigger versions of themselves!
Nervous to meet them was an understatement. Especially Red’s bigger alternate self. Just the thought of that made you terrified to your core. Red alone was scary enough for you, thank you very much.
Read under the cut
“So wait,” you started, baffled by this. “The Multiverse Theory is true, and all of you are the same two monsters? Like, no joke?”
“yep,” Classic said, popping the ‘p’. “i may be a comedian, but there are some things even i won’t joke about. and this is one of them.” he gestured to himself and then to Blue and Red. Blue waved enthusiastically with a beaming smile as Red scoffed at the attention.
This was insane but the proof was literally right in front of you, and Classic himself even showed you the machine that pulled them into this timeline.
“But why..?” You muttered under your breath, gaining the trio’s attention. “Why trust me?”
“dats cause yer pathetic,” Red said harshly as you shrank from his words. Blue sent him a disappointed glare before turning to you with a gentle smile.
You felt your heart warm up as you blushed slightly, giving him a soft smile. Blue has always been a positive guy, always spreading cheer to anyone around him. And the same goes to Creampuff. The three of you were the best of friends.
Red grumbled bad-temperedly as he left the room, Classic just shrugged at the interaction before teleporting away.
Blue lets out a ‘tsk’ before grabbing your hand as he begins to lead you to somewhere. “LET’S GO TO THAT RESTAURANT WE WERE TALKING ABOUT EARLIER, BEFORE THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE REVELATION THING.”
You arrived at where the skeletons parked their vehicles. Blue’s ride was a blue motorcycle, and he calls it ‘his precious’.
“Uh, sure,” you agreed, watching as Blue hopped on his motorcycle and put on a helmet.
“AND, FRIEND?” he said your name nervously as he gave you a helmet and you put it on, making sure it’s secured onto your head. You adjusted the straps, feeling the reassuring click of the buckle.
Blue inserted the key and brought the motorcycle to life, the roar of the engine echoing through the quiet lodge. “Yes?” you replied, hopping on the back.
He looked at you in concern, frowning. You stared at him for a moment before chuckling as you pat his shoulder in reassurance. “Blue, it doesn’t change a thing at all. You guys are so different from each other despite being the same person. I still see you as the Magnificent Blue. Classic as his punny self, Black as his calm and collected self, and Red’s a jerk.”
Blue sighed in relief before smiling once more. “LOOKS LIKE MY WORRIES WERE FOR NOTHING THEN.” he said as he revved the engine, propelling the motorcycle forward with a confident twist of the throttle.
It was now the next day since they revealed their shocking secret to you. Nothing really changed, it was still the same as ever. And you aren’t planning to tell anybody.
You made your way to the kitchen, wanting to get some coffee as you stretched a bit. You glanced around as you recalled when you first got invited to live in with the skeletons. Blue was the one who instigated that invitation when he witnessed you get kicked out from your abusive ex.
You bumped into Black along the way as you stammered out an apology. He scoffed indignantly at that before he spoke. “HUMAN, I SUPPOSED THAT THE INSUFFERABLE VANILLA FINALLY TOLD YOU THE TRUTH?”
You tilted your head in confusion. “Vanilla? Do you mean Classic?”
“YES, NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION, HUMAN.” he spat as he crossed his arms, waiting for your answer.
“If you mean all of you being the same two monsters, then yes, he did.” You replied.
He nodded solemnly. “GOOD. NOW, THAT’S ONE WEIGHT OFF OUR SHOULDERS.” he stated vaguely, looking thoughtful.
“Huh? What do you mean?” You asked him as he stared at you for a moment.
“WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME IF I SAID THAT THERE ARE OTHER SANSES AND PAPYRUSES WE’RE HIDING?” Black told you with a smug grin, which caught you off guard. This was the first time you saw him having a different expression other than a neutral scowl.
You stepped back from shock, feeling a migraine coming from this sudden revelation. “Oh for star’s sake, dude, really?” you asked exasperatedly as he laughed, amused from your reaction.
You sighed tiredly, rubbing your temples. “Well, at least you told me now rather than later. I really don’t want to suddenly see a new skeleton and not expect it.”
You went past him, wanting to grab a coffee. He followed you to the kitchen, and requested for coffee as well. You gave him it and cooked breakfast with Black for everyone in the lodge.
You placed all of the pancakes on the dining table, knowing full well that the lazy or laidback skeletons will wake up soon.
“So, how many of them are there? And what are they like?” You questioned him curiously as you took a sip from your coffee, sighing contently.
You hummed, nodding along. “They are pretty much clones.” you couldn't help but comment.
“INDEED,” Black nodded as he drank his coffee. “BUT OF COURSE, THERE ARE SOME DIFFERENCES…” he trailed off for dramatic effect, making you anxious.
“Like what?” You asked, sweating slightly.
“Holy shi-” You backpedaled when he narrowed his eye sockets at you. “Schnitzel! That’s crazy!” You quickly said.
He snorted in amusement as you slumped in your chair, staring at the ceiling. You wondered what they are like. Are they the same as the skeletons you know in terms of personality? Then your thoughts eventually landed on Red— the guy who always seems to despise you, perpetually in a sour mood every time you see him. Even his brother, Edge, managed to be friendly with you, despite his backhanded speech.
What was the bigger version of Red like? Was he the same as Red? Just imagining Red, but so much larger, looking down at you with scorn… The thought of it terrifies you.
“I don’t know, Black.” you muttered, uncertain about meeting them today.
You thought about it once more, once again terrified meeting a larger version of Red. But after a few moments, you eventually nodded. Black huffed as he finished his coffee as Rus walked in, yawning.
Rus was a very quiet guy, only speaking when Black addressed him. You watched as Black yelled at him to get his own coffee, and Rus complied.
Rus took Black’s empty plate and mug, and surprisingly, yours too. He usually doesn’t want to involve himself with you, always so distant. Maybe he’s just in a good mood, You deduced.
You shrank in your seat, disappointed yet understanding. “Alright, I’ll go do just that. Thanks, Blank, it was nice chatting with you.” You said sincerely. If Black didn’t have his back turned, you could’ve seen the purple blush on his face.
You heard him huff before he left the room, leaving you alone with Rus.
You tried to start a conversation with him, but he only ignored you. You supposed that it was okay, the silence was comfortable anyway. You eventually decided to find Classic or Blue, to take you to the other skeletons Black was talking about. You waved Rus goodbye before going on a search to find Classic or Blue.
You couldn’t find Blue and Classic anywhere. You went to their rooms but nothing. You even go to their favorite spots in the lodge, also not finding them there. You were getting a bit frustrated trying to find them before you bumped into Red.
“so what got you all worked up, huh?” Red spat, looking at you in disdain, and you felt yourself getting irritated by his gaze.
You clenched your jaw, trying to maintain your composure. “I’ve been looking for Classic and Blue, but I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”
“they’re visiting their friends together,” He shrugged.
“Their friends?” You asked curiously, calming down a bit.
“yeah,” he said simply. “and what do you need them for?” Now it was his turn to ask.
“Black told me that I should go meet the other skeletons you guys are hiding.” you told him bluntly. “And he said that I should go ask Classic or Blue so I can meet them.”
Red scoffed, crossing his arms. “of course that fucker did.” he grumbled. “if ya want to find classic and blue, they’re actually with the others right now.”
You deflated. “Oh, okay then.”
Red stared at you, then groaned, running a hand over his face. “aight, stop making that dumb as fuck face, i’ll take you over there instead. i was gonna go there anyway.”
“Really!?” you beamed, grabbing his hands in your excitement.
“yes, now can you let go of my hands.” he scowled at you, sweating a bit.
You blushed slightly before letting go of his hands, embarrassed. Red sighed before walking to the door that leads outside.
“ya coming or not?” he called out as he opened the door.
You ran up to him.
You and Red were walking deep into a forest, surrounded by the sublime sights of nature. You were starting to think anxiously— thinking that Red was planning to murder you or something, finally getting rid of the person he despised.
As you look around your surroundings, you couldn’t help but glance at Red every now and then. He was ignoring you as he walked forward, an awkward expression on his face, sweating.
Ok, maybe you’re overthinking things; maybe Red was really leading you to wherever the other skeletons were, and not planning to kill you. But it was extremely awkward— you couldn’t muster up the courage to start a conversation with him at all. It was just that awkward.
But this was so much better than his usual demeanor; completely standoffish around you.
Red suddenly stopped in his tracks, and you followed suit, albeit in confusion. Then he pulled out a futuristic-looking device, pressing a couple of buttons. You watched as the trees in front of you shifted into a large mansion, making you gape.
“WHAT?!?” you screamed, trying to process what had just transpired. If you were looking at Red at that moment, you could’ve seen him looking slightly amused at your reaction.
“a big house for big idiots,” Red stated as he walked towards the mansion. You stood there for a moment before catching up to him.
The two of you eventually reached the fancy-looking front door as Red rang the doorbell. You heard loud noises coming from the other side, making you nervous. You watched as the door swayed open, revealing Blue, but he was much larger, making you feel tiny.
“Oh, Red! And You Have Brought A Friend Along!” his voice boomed. He had the same volume as Blue, thankfully. Though you had a feeling that it wasn’t his real volume.
“fuck no, they ain’t my friend.” he scowled.
“So, Just Acquaintances?” Larger Blue questioned, tilting his head in confusion. Red nodded at that as you sighed.
“Yeah, we’re just acquaintances, uh-” You trailed off when you didn’t know his name.
“Oh! I Forgot To Introduce Myself, Silly Me!” He chuckled heartily as Red went past him, getting inside the mansion. Larger Blue ignored him as he beamed at you. “I Am The Grand And Dashing Azure, At Your Service, Maiden!”
Aww, that’s such a fitting name— Wait, Did he call you maiden?!?
You blushed slightly as you told him your name. He knelt down as he kissed your hand gently, making your face explode, flustered.
He chuckled as he gestured for you to come in, a warm and welcoming smile on his face. “Come In To Our Lovely Abode, Dear Maiden. No Need To Be Shy.” You snapped out of your daze as you stepped in.
“Uh, Azure, have you seen Classic and Blue anywhere?” You asked as you watched your steps, feeling unworthy of walking around in such a grand mansion.
“They’re In The Living Room, Informing Us About You, Actually.” Azure hummed. “They Have Told You About Us Being All The Same Two Monsters, Right? Sans And Papyrus?”
You nodded as you smiled up at him, he smiled back but with a faint blush in his cheekbones.
He led you to the living room. If he weren’t there to guide you, you definitely would’ve gotten lost. You looked around in awe, spinning around. You caught Azure looking at you with adoration; you swear you saw his blue eye lights become hearts for a second.
You then suddenly got tackled into a tight hug. You knew who was hugging you, after all, he was the only person to tackle someone into a hug.
“MY FRIEND! YOU’RE HERE!” Blue exclaimed happily, making you giggle.
“Indeed I am,” You said as you hugged back.
Then Classic and his bigger self approached you, curious about the commotion. The gaze of Classic’s larger self landed on you, eye lights dilating. You don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Blue stopped hugging you as you looked between Classic and bigger Classic.
“sup, kid. looks like you’re here.” Classic greeted you, his trademark grin on his face. Bigger Classic continued to stare at you, his eye lights wobbly, blushing slightly.
“Mhm. Red helped me get here, actually.” All of the skeletons present were genuinely surprised at that.
“MWEH HEH HEH! IT SEEMS RED IS FINALLY OPENING UP TO YOU!” Blue laughed as the others chuckled.
You blinked, recalling Red’s face as he led you earlier in your mind. “You really think so?”
You giggled at that, before looking up to the bigger Classic, who seemed to flinch at your gaze, his blue blush became brighter. The others were trying really hard not to laugh, they would feel very bad for him if they do. 
You watched as he started to sweat nervously, looking away from you. You feel bad for this sweetie, he was just really shy and anxious to meet strangers like you. You were like him once, but you got over your anxiety after you met Blue. He was very gentle with you, always soft spoken back then. 
You don't want to scare this guy.
“What’s up, big guy?” you greeted softly, smiling gently.
“um- uh, hi!” he squeaked before pulling his hood up, hiding his face from the world.
Classic nudged him gently, a smug grin on his face. “kid, we call this sweet guy ‘marsh’.” you heard Marsh groan in embarrassment at Classic’s statement.
“Aww, his name is cute! He’s really mallow out.” you giggled at your own joke. If he's anything like Classic then jokes would make him open up, right?
“oh stars- marry me.” he muttered under his breath, but you could hear him just fine, your face turned pink as you looked at him in shock.
He immediately backpedaled, his eye lights dilating in horror. “wait! i didn’t mean-!”
Classic burst out laughing, clutching his stomach, and the others followed suit. You hesitantly chuckled along when Marsh laughed awkwardly.
“ay, what’s all this ruckus about?” A deep and gruff voice interrupted, gaining your attention. You immediately shrank, already intimidated by this new large skeleton. Oh god, you dreaded this, but you need to be brave.
You were already sweating a lot, just his presence was enough to scare you. Big Red’s gaze landed on you before smiling, his red eye lights seemed to soften, which caught you off guard.
“heh,” his expression screams ‘I’ve been waiting for this moment’. “do you have a map of this place? i keep getting lost in your eyes.”
“What?” You said, dumbfounded.
He reached out to you, placing a gentle hand on your cheek, making your face explode in red. He chuckled as he spoke. “do you have sunburn in your face, or are you always this hot?”
You were stunned by the difference between him and Red.
He withdrew his hand, grinning wolfishly. “but damn, i wish i had a picture frame with me, ‘cause, sweetheart, yer picture-perfect.” He said, his voice low and suave.
The other skeletons were watching this unfold, some were amused, and some were jealous at the easy flirting.
You sent him a pointed look, pointing your finger at him. “Stop,” he chuckled as he raised his hand in surrender.
“the name's crimson. can i get yours or can i call you—”
“Oh my god, please stop.” You pleaded, groaning as you covered your face.
“aww, don’t hide your cute face, sweetheart.”
You glared at him, feeling extremely embarrassed. The skeletons in the background (except Blue, he just stood there in shock) were watching this like a romcom show, entertained, making you groan in exasperation.
Blue snapped out of whatever stupor he was in. “ALRIGHT! ENOUGH OF THIS, CRIMSON! YOU’RE MAKING THEM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!”
But this was okay with you... You had expected the giant skeletons to be intimidating, but they weren't like that at all; they were charming, sweet, and giant softies.
Red was watching this from the background, appalled and disgusted. He just couldn’t believe that this guy was a version of him! He’s just a complete idiot!
He was embarrassed to be in the same room as Crimson. He didn’t want to be compared to that idiot.
B̶u̶t̶ ̶C̶r̶i̶m̶s̶o̶n̶ ̶ia ̶l̶i̶t̶e̶r̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶was brave enough ̶to show h̶i̶s̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶ ̶s̶e̶l̶f̶
H̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶s̶h̶e̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶b̶r̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶C̶r̶i̶m̶s̶o̶n̶.̶
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dyinglikenarcissus · 8 months
The Help
I kinda hate this title but it was inspired by the movie and I couldn’t make my brain think of anything else
Lee Bodecker x his black female maid reader who is way overqualified for the job
14k words
Warnings: 18+ only!!! Contains: mommy and daddy kink, a bit of breeding kink, smut, protected sex, unprotected sex, and here’s the big one: there’s one ‘negro’. It’s a period fic and a sign of the times so there you go. You’ve been properly warned. Consume at your own risk.
Please don’t copy or repost my work, thanks! Plagiarism is rude
Comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated ☺️
“Lee! This place is a fucking mess!” Sandy calls as she steps into her brother’s house.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do about it?” Lee grunts back from the staircase, cigarette hanging from his lips as he pulls on his jacket.
“It’s embarrassing! You’re the sheriff. You live in sty,” she sighs picking up a shirt from the floor. “Really?” She asks holding up the garment. “Do you expect mom to get up out of her grave and clean up after you?”
He just ignores her continuing to the kitchen to make a sandwich.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Hard not to,” Lee mutters.
“These ash trays haven’t been emptied since the last time I came over. And what’s with all these wrappers?” Sandy brushes a pile of candy wrappers into an overflowing trashcan. “Why don’t you hire someone?”
“Ain’t nobody got money for that,” Lee replies into his sandwich. He had to avoid three slices of moldy bread and all he had was cheese and mayonnaise in the fridge. He’d just grab something else on his way to work.
“You have a Cadillac and Lincoln and if you had someone cooking for you, you wouldn’t spend so much at the diners and drive ins.” Lee continues to ignore her to grab a Coke from the fridge. “What are you saving all this money for? Hoping one of those hoes you fuck around with will show up with a kid?”
“God, I hope not,” Lee sighs. Maybe he should hire someone. Be nice to have a home cooked meal. Not just add to the mess anymore. He could use a woman’s touch around here…
“You know someone?” He finally asks, a lazy drawl in his voice as he levels his gaze with his sister.
She just smirks back at him. “A friend of mine’s sister is looking for work.”
“Friend of yours? You got shitty friends, Sand,” Lee goads.
“She’s a friend from work,” Sandy explains.
“‘Nother waitress?” She nods. “And it’s her sister?” She nods again. “Ever met her?”
“I have. She comes around the diner sometimes. She’s nice. Educated. She just graduated from college.”
“Why the hell she want to be a maid?”
“She moved back here to take care of their mom. It’s temporary. Until you finally find a wife that can take care of you.”
Lee let’s out an exasperated huff. “Send her over Monday morning.”
Sandy grins triumphantly. “You’re gonna love her.”
“Whatever,” Lee grumbles and lights another cigarette. “Get out of my house. I gotta get to work.”
The next Monday, you stand waiting on an unfamiliar porch in a starched blue dress with a canvas bag of cleaning supplies. You were desperate for anything at his point. Meade was a place you hoped you never had to return to. After you got accepted into Spelman you kissed this place goodbye and refused to look back.
Then your mom got sick your senior year.
So you started to spend your summers out here instead of having fun with your friends. And after graduating nursing school, instead of taking an offer from a innovative hospital with competitive pay in San Francisco, you were stuck back in your backwards home town that still had signs for ‘colored’ and ‘white’ over the water fountains.
There wasn’t a position for a black nurse here. They’d let you work as a custodian but they “didn't have a place for a woman of your stature”. The ‘black’ hospital was thirty minutes away and they couldn’t afford to take on anyone else. They could barely afford their skeleton staff alone. Unless you wanted to work for free with an hour long commute, you were stuck either cleaning or waiting tables or stocking groceries because this place was stuck in the 1800s!
“It’s just for now,” you remind yourself under your breath. Just until you could convince your mom to move to California with you. Your sister has two kids and a full time job. She can only help her so much. So you turned down that job to take care of her. She’d have better care in a bigger city. A better life in general. But old people are reluctant to change. It’d take some time to convince her but you refuse to waste away in this hell hole with the worst people in America.
You’ll have an apartment overlooking the water and be working at a cutting edge hospital by next summer.
“It’s just for now,” you repeat. You hear a heavy set of footsteps approach the door.
Your sister said he was the sheriff. Her coworker’s brother. Figures in Meade County that the sheriffs’s sister would be a waitress and not a lawyer or a politician or a doctor or something more prestigious. You roll your eyes that you’ll be working for the man that continues to enforce Jim Crow after it’s been deemed unconstitutional.
You just hope your mouth can keep in check.
“It’s just for now.”
The door finally opens revealing a wall of a man. You look up to see him dressed in a grey button up stretched over a bit of pooch, stubble forming on his cheeks from not shaving that morning, perfectly cropped dark hair, and a gorgeous set of blue eyes. Sandy’s eyes weren’t nearly as bright.
A small smirk forms on his lips as you stare up at him.
“You the cleaning girl?” He drawls, watching you stare at him dumbly.
“Uh, yeah,” you whisper. “I mean, yes,” you respond a little more confidently. “Yes, sir, sheriff, Mr. Bodecker...”
He lets out an amused noise at your flustering. “Just Lee’s fine. Come on.” He nods toward the house, leading you in and you notice you have your work cut out for you. “You got a name?” You nod and introduce yourself. “You cook?”
“I can cook,” you agree. Your family likes your cooking enough.
“You know anything about gardening?”
“Like a vegetable garden?”
“Yeah. I’m looking to start one. It’d be nice to have some help.” You just nod again not looking forward to getting dirty but your dad taught you some things about flowers while he was still alive.
“I’ll have you make three meals a day. I can offer $5 an hour, five days a week. That sound alright?”
That’s perfect! Plenty to help you save, buy a car, get a home in California. You just nod, attempting to not look so eager.
“Alright. It’s a fucking mess around here so you have your work cut out for you. I work ridiculous hours so i ain’t home a lot. I’m just gonna trust you to find something to do around here.” You nod as you follow him around the house. Two stories, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, the kitchen could use more than a little organizing, and the bathroom looked like it requires a hazmat suit to take care of. “As you can see, you’ll have plenty to do. I’m not a tyrant. I just expect mutual respect.” You nod again as he stops in the kitchen. “Alright. It’s my day off so I’ll be around if you have any questions.” You nod again.
Then he leaves you alone.
Alright. Where to start?
“Oh! Have you had breakfast?” You call after your new employer on his way upstairs.
“Sure haven’t. That’s your first assignment.” You smile and look through the refrigerator for breakfast food.
You step into your crowded mother’s house after a long day of cleaning and cooking to find her in her favorite chair listening to the radio while your sister’s kids chase a ball.
“Will y’all take that outside before you break something?” You scold.
“Leave those babies alone. They aren’t hurting anyone,” your mother laughs weakly.
“You are so much softer on them then you were on us,” you lament walking over to press a kiss to her forehead.
“How was your first day?”
“It was fine. He seems nice enough. Kept to himself mostly but he gave me a key for tomorrow because he doubts he’ll be back home when I’m off.”
“What’s the sheriff’s house like?” She asks ready for all the gritting details.
“It was a mess in there, momma! I’m tackling one thing at a time. It’s nice but I don’t know, I expected him to have one of those plantation homes passed down since the 1800s,” you joke.
“Well, he ain’t a real white.” You cut your mother a look at her statement. She can’t end with that. “His momma immigrated here.”
“Really?” Your mom knows all the good gossip.
“One of those little European countries. There’s a million of ‘em. She was pregnant with him when she showed up and got pregnant with his sister a couple years later. Never did marry. Never did know who the girl’s father was.”
“What’d she do out here?”
“You know I hate to gossip.” Liar. But you don’t say it out loud. “No one ever saw her going to work but folk would see her coming home early in the morning if you follow.”
“Ohhhh,” you laugh at the scandal. You began to wonder how an immigrant became the sheriff in this small town. He was elected while you were in Atlanta so you had no idea that he even existed.
Interesting situation.
“But that was all speculation. Don’t go spreading that around, you hear?”
“Yes, momma,” you smile while rolling your eyes. “I’m gonna start dinner, alright? How’s gumbo sound?”
“Oh Lord, girl! What d’you know about gumbo?” She laughs herself into a coughing fit.
You hand her a handkerchief and rub her back until it passes. “I know plenty, momma. Been in Atlanta for the past six years.”
“Alright, girl. You go on ahead,” she smiles skeptically making you giggle.
You go to start dinner for the house and hope Lee enjoyed the dinner you made him.
Soon your sister come home and shortly afterward her husband and it was a full house. It was noisy and crowded and you never missed your little apartment more than you did in the evenings.
At least you didn’t have to share a room with anyone. It may be small, basically a refitted pantry, but it was private.
You finally retreat to your room alone after showering and wrapping up your hair. You let out a soft sigh as you fall onto your bed. You curl under your covers, exhausted but a little restless for some reason. You aren’t sure why. You should fall asleep the second your head hits the pillow. You know you’re going to be so sore in the morning after today but you can’t settle down.
You jiggle your leg in frustration.
You know what will help you sleep…
You hate doing this in your mother’s home. It was so much easier when you had your own place.
But you need some sleep.
You slip your hand under your night gown. You easily find your clit and apply a little pressure. You bite your lip and let out a soft moan as you let your imagination run wild. Normally you imagined Sidney Poitier or Paul Newman having their way with you but tonight a new face entered your mind.
Oh no.
Brain! No!
Not him! He’s your boss! You whimper at the idea of wanting to fuck the giant man. Stop…
But it felt so good. It was so easy. The idea of his big hands all over you, his lips pressed against your skin.
You let out a quiet whine as you cum far too quickly.
This is bad. This is so bad. But you did manage to relax yourself. You were too tired to overthink it. You’ll figure it out in the morning.
But you didn’t figure it out in the morning. You made Lee his breakfast and sent him off to work before eating something yourself and tackling another mess in his home. You didn’t see him much after your first day. Just in the morning as he got ready for work and, as promised, he normally didn’t make it home in time to see you off. But you kept yourself busy and before you knew it your weekend came. You enjoyed time with your family, took a bus to the city with your mother and sister to shop, went to a movie with some childhood friends, and ended it all with church on Sunday.
And not once did you think about how you got off to the image of your boss. It went to the back of your mind where it belonged and didn’t resurface until early Monday morning.
You let out a soft sigh as you step into Lee’s house. All those images of him unwillingly flood back into your brain as you see him leaning over the kitchen counter looking over the newspaper. His cigarette hangs from his mouth precariously. His weekend clothes are a far cry from his work ensemble. So loose with a slight hint his preferences. You guess his favorite color is red since he owns so many button ups and polos in varying red tones. He also has a collection of colorful socks. They all have interesting patterns and designs. You enjoyed looking at them while folding his laundry.
“Morning,” he greets breaking you from your trance.
“Oh! Good morning,” you squeak in surprise. You hope he didn’t notice you staring.
“Didn’t startle you, did I?
“Yes! I mean no. I mean I don’t-”
“It’s alright,” he chuckles. “It’s early.”
You just nod, taking the out, and place your bag on the table by the door. “What would you like for breakfast this morning?” You ask redirecting your very explicit thoughts.
“I saw you got some thick cut bacon at the store,” he trails expectantly.
“That was meant to be a surprise,” you smile.
“You should’ve hid it better,” Lee grunts.
“Coming right up,” you laugh and head into the kitchen. Lee has Mondays off strangely enough. You think he also has the weekend off. It was odd that he wanted you around on his day off but you did your best to stay quiet and out of the way. It helped that he spent his time outside mostly, working on his garden and mowing the lawn.
He came in a little before noon asking about the lunch you were plating.
“Looks good. Thank you.” You just nod in response as he takes his plate to the dining table leaving you to eat at the kitchen bar.
“You gonna join me?” Lee calls after a moment.
“Oh, no. I couldn’t-“ you start but he reappears just to grab your plate and place it next to his. “I really couldn’t,” you try to explain but he just pulls out the chair next to his and waits for you to sit.
“We can stand here all day staring at each other but I know you’re hungry,” Lee goads when you refuse to budge.
“Fine,” you sigh and roll your eyes.
“See? Ain’t this nice?” Lee laughs while pushing in your chair after you reluctantly sat. You attempt to eat in silence, making yourself as small as possible but the sheriff has other ideas. “My sister said you went to nursing school?” He asks braking your concentration on your green beans.
“Yeah. Um, I graduated from Spelman in Atlanta.”
“Smart girl,” he deduces. “What are you doing cleaning up after me?”
“My mom got sick and there’s no place for a black nurse around here.”
He hums softly in response. “You been to that hospital?” You shake your head softly. “I’d prefer it if you were working there than half those nurses. Some of the meanest women I’ve ever met.” You giggle. “Last time I went in there I swear this woman had never seen a patient in her life. She jabbed me three times to try to get my blood and acted like it was my fault. Ain’t that the first thing y’all learn?”
“Not the first thing,” you smile. “But it’s pretty high on the list.”
“Well, I don’t want you to leave me but I can put in a word for you. Just so there will be someone that can properly draw blood.”
“How do you know I can draw blood?” You smile jokingly.
“You could be worse than that woman but at least you’d be nice to look at.”
“Mr. Bodecker!” You gasp with a smile.
He just smirks back at you. “And what did I tell you about that ‘Mr.’ Shit?”
“Calling you ‘Lee’ is…weird,” you explain shyly glancing away.
“Well, calling me ‘Mr. Bodecker’ is even weirder. Call me fuck face before you call me that.” You can only laugh at his antics, covering your mouth with you hand as you giggle. “Got it?”
“Yes…Lee,” you respond through your laughter.
“Good girl.”
Those word haunt you for the rest of the day and all the way back home. You walked right past your mother with the briefest of greetings on your way to your room. There was left over spaghetti from the night before for dinner so your didn’t have to worry about cooking. You just need to get to your room. You just needed a minute.
Maybe five.
Your hips desperately rocked into your fingers as you think of those two simple little words. That drawl around them. The smirk on his lips as he said them. Fuck! You want to be his good girl forever. It felt so good to be good for him. You whimper into your pillow as you cum around your fingers, soaking your hand. A soft curse escapes your lips. You wish it was Lee’s hand. Lee’s mouth. Lee’s cock…
This really isn’t good.
Your contact with Lee is minimal for the rest of the week but it all just seems to get worse. The lingering smell of his cologne, the feel of his clothes, his presence left in his house. It’s all so intimate. You can hardly stand it!
Weeks pass like this. You living absolute torture by a man who had no idea what he was doing to you.
Until there’s a lull in one of your days and you hear the strangest noise coming from outside.
You were dusting the selves around the living room when you heard crying outside. It must just be a neighborhood kid but you investigate anyway. When you deduce that it’s coming from the backyard you stick your head out the back door tentatively. Maybe the back neighbor? But it’s coming from a bush…
Maybe the tiny borrower neighbors…
Your speculation that it’s just the neighbors is getting slimmer and slimmer.
You squat down to see under Lee’s freshly planted ground covering and notice a little white ball of fur.
“Oh?” A kitten. Barely even had it’s pretty little blue eyes open. When it sees you, it’s crying gets louder and it toddles its way toward you. “Oh, poor baby. You crying for your momma?” It makes its way to your out stretched hand and continues to scream. You better not mess with it. It’s mom will be back.
Your work day was over two hours later and the screaming has continued nonstop. You find an old sheet and make a little bundle for the baby, a cup full of milk, and your left over turkey from lunch and take it outside. It seems like it could just start eating solids as it gnaws on the turkey slice and happily laps up the milk. “There,” you sigh contently as the kitten stops crying and curls on the makeshift bed you made it. “God, I can’t leave you out here.” You were sure the night time animal activity was pretty minimal but anything was a threat to a kitten this small. And you really can’t bring it home…
You hear the front door open and stiffen. Was it already that late? It takes him a moment to walk out on the back patio but you can’t help but notice the relived look on his face.
“You still here?” You nod and open your mouth to explain but he sees the kitten before you can start. “Where’d that come from?”
“It was in the bushes. I just found it today.”
“Well, bring it in and get it cleaned up. I’ll see if I can find some proper bowls.”
To your surprise, Lee kept the cat overnight.
And when you opened the door the next morning, it stumbled over to you greeting you with a loud meow.
“I told you your momma would be back,” Lee rumbles, his voice is still rough from sleep, coming down the stairs in just a plaid pair of sleeping pants and white tank top. There’s a prominent outline where his cock is and you practically start drooling. You’ve never seen him like this. You want more.
“She’s been crying for you all night. Get her something to eat, will ya?”
“Her?” You ask, shaking yourself from your sex crazed stupor.
“Yeah ‘her’! You gave the little tyke a bath and didn’t notice her lack of balls.”
“Oh my god,” you whisper behind a giggle. Lee disappears back upstairs to finish getting ready while you make breakfast for him and the kitten.
“What are we naming her?” Lee asks, stepping into the kitchen with much more clothes on to your disappointment.
“We?” You ask lifting an eyebrow while you stir grits.
“Yes, momma, we. The kid gotta have a name.” Your face heats at him calling you the kitten’s mom.
“Does that make you her dad?” You smile and place a bowl in front of him as well as a plate of scrambled eggs.
“Kid needs a father,” Lee smirks.
“How about ‘Baby’?”
“Baby, huh?” The sheriff laughs.
“Too simple?”
“Nah, she’s got a ‘Baby’ about her. Definitely gonna be a stripper.”
You laugh softly at his teasing. “Well, what do you suggest? Lee Jr.?”
“Nah. Baby’s good,” Lee grins and starts to eat his food. “So, you got a boy?”
“A boy?” You question placing a bowl of canned tuna in front of Baby leaving her to meow happily and make a mess around her, getting more food on the floor than in her mouth.
“Don’t make me ask you twice?” Lee warns.
You let out a soft sigh. “No. I don’t have a man or a significant other.” He just hums in response, focusing on his eggs. “Do you have a girl?”
“I have you.” You can’t stop your laughter at his statement.
“You don’t have me,” you deny, with a smile.
“Don’t I?” Those bright blues meet your gaze and hold it for a moment. You bite your lip softly wanting nothing more than to be his but you aren’t giving in without a fight. He probably feels so good. His lips probably feel like heaven and he must be amazing to cuddle with. A strong warm body to wrap yourself in. You wish you had him every night. That you could wake up to him every day.
“Even if I don’t have you,” Lee starts again and breaking the spell between you, “I know how to get you to come running to me.”
“How’s that?” Your words come out in a soft whisper. It honestly wouldn’t take much. All he’d have to do is ask.
He gives you a once over from the other side of the kitchen island. His blue eyes gauging you before he answers. “I have your Baby.” You burst into giggles at his words. He’s such a flirt.
“I need to get to work. Watch our little girl for a minute. Daddy,” you add. You can practically hear him purr at the word.
Two can play at this game.
As the weather gets warmer, the days get longer, the less you see of Lee. You make him his breakfast before you leave the night before because he leaves for work early and still gets home late. You watch Baby grow during the day while he watches her at night. The only time you get to talk to him are Mondays and sometimes he still goes into work so you don’t get any quality time.
You miss him.
You miss him immensely.
You sigh while you play with Baby. An old bowtie that Lee got as a gift decorates her neck while she leaps after a ribbon.
“How’s your daddy doing, little girl?” You ask the kitten while she plays. You notice her freshly brushed fur and trimmed nails. He takes such good care of his little girl.
You’ve gotten Lee’s house to the point that basic upkeep was all you needed to do. It left you with a lot of down time. You let Lee know that you weren’t doing much besides fixing his meals but he still wanted you around. So you kept yourself busy. You organized his clothes, cleaned out his garage, and your next task was the basement. The place was full of old stuff left over from when his mother was alive apparently. He explicitly told you to ‘throw all that old shit away’ but it had to be sentimental. He had a reason to keep it at one point. You plan on meticulously going through the boxes, getting rid of moth eaten things, and organizing whatever photos and documents you find. You just felt a need to preserve that for him. Maybe it was because your ancestors were a mystery. Maybe because your history was stolen from you.
You just didn’t want that for anyone else.
Baby follows you down into the dim underbelly of the house. There were boxes stacked on boxes stacked on boxes. You definitely had your work cut out for you.
You get so lost in your work, you almost forget about Lee’s dinner. The only thing that reminds you is Baby crying for her lunch. You quickly run upstairs to make a quick gumbo that you can leave simmering while you go back to work.
You come across a box full of old photos that obviously weren’t taken in America. This must be Lee’s family. There’s a woman that jumps out at you in a lot of them. She looks so much like his sister. This must be their mom. She’s beautiful.
You find a smaller box and place all the photos in it carefully. You’ll sort them later. You fill another box of stained and damaged clothes and tug it toward the stairs. You might have to have Lee haul it to the trash for you.
“You still here, momma?” Well, speak of the devil. Baby goes running to greet her father
“I’m down here, Lee,” you call up the basement stairs. Lee’s form fills the door at the top of the steps and you let out a relieved sigh.
“What’re you still doing here? It’s late,” Lee sighs descending the steps to you. He’s in his full uniform. You can see how he’d be so intimidating out in the world. He such a big man.
“It is?” You whisper in embarrassment. “I got kinda distracted.”
He glances around at the meticulous organizing you’re doing before leveling a hard gaze on you. “I told you to throw it out. Not create a bigger mess.”
“You can’t just throw it all away, Lee. I’m sure some things are sentimental,” you insist.
“I can do whatever I want! It’s my house and I want it gone,” Lee frowns at you. You take a frustrated breath and cross your arms. He gives you an amused look. “Are you sassing me?”
“I don’t know, am I?” You counter, pulling your lips to the side, unimpressed by all of it.
“Why can’t you just throw it away?”
“Because I don’t want you to miss it,” you argue placing your hands on your hips.
“Why would I miss it? It’s just a bunch of hoarded garbage.”
“What if your kids want to see it? Or your sister’s kids?”
“They will never see that.” He glares at you resolutely. There’s finality to his statement but you’re far from done with this argument.
“But, Lee-“
“That’s enough. Get your butt up those stairs. We’re gonna eat and then I’m taking you home.” You let out a disgruntled huff and press passed him. He grips your elbow, halting you in your tracks, and pulling you back towards him. If you weren’t so frustrated with him, you’d be a flustered mess from being this close but right now you just want to knock some sense into him.
You frown up at him, his icy gaze searching yours, waiting for you to break under is scrutiny but you refuse. You’re too feisty for that. He had every intention on telling you to watch your mouth, fix your attitude, that he’s the one in charge around here. But he knows all that is a lie. There’s no arguing with you and you’ve been running this place since he brought you home. Lee finally sighs before releasing you.
He can control you about as much as he can control Baby.
“Let’s just eat something and calm down, alright? I miss seeing you. I don’t want to spend the evening arguing.” You blink up at him. You could just go home. You don’t have to stay.
But you miss him, too.
You nod once and head upstairs. You call home to let your mom know you’ll be late before setting two places at the table while Lee changes up stairs.
It’s a tension filled dinner full of clipped responses and frustrated eye rolls, mostly on your end. To Lee’s credit, he’s making every effort to be civil. You’re just being stubborn for a future you have no real vested interest in. You finish your food with Baby curled on your lap, completely oblivious to the tension between her parents.
Lee gets up and starts clearing the table. You start to get up to help him but he just presses a hand to your shoulder. “Sit. The baby’s sleeping.” You smile up at him and settled back down while he cleans the kitchen. Your fingers stroke Baby’s soft fur. She looks so comfortable. You can’t help but close your eyes as well, leaning back in the chair comfortably.
You didn’t even notice that you fell asleep until you awaken in Lee’s arms. You gasp, jerking in his grip making him chuckle softly.
“Calm down. You’re alright.” You settle back into his embrace, wrapping your arms around his shoulders comfortably.
You’ll let him take you wherever he wants like this.
“I’m still mad at you,” you mutter, nuzzling into his shoulder.
“I know.” He lowers you onto a bed. You instantly recognize the floral comforter of the spare bedroom bed. Baby happily curls up near your head while Lee sits on the side of the bed. “We’re not supposed to go to bed angry,” Lee smiles down at you as you watch him. He presses a loose strand of hair from your face.
“I’m not the one not making any sense,” you yawn, stretching across the bed to get comfortable.
“Alright. Can I explain?”
“It’s your house,” you parrot.
Lee holds his tongue but he wants to tell that mouth of yours off so bad. Then he wants to kiss it until you can’t think straight…
“No one can see that stuff, momma.”
Lee groans at the thought of even needing to explain it. He scrubs his eyes but your stare is unwavering, giant brown orbs waiting for a good explanation.
“It’s easier to just integrate, to forget that I’m from somewhere else, than to be an immigrant.”
“Is that right?” You smirk, completely unimpressed. “Must be nice.” You roll away to face away from him, staring at the wall.
“Look, I don’t,” Lee groans, frustratedly. “I didn’t choose this. My mother never even taught me Romanian. She never talked about it. Never once mentioned my father. She wanted us to be American. Nothing else. She wanted it to be easier for us.” You roll your eyes at the idea. The ridiculousness of it all. “I know you can never take off your skin color. It will never be easier for you. But I can help. I want to help.”
“Do you have any idea what I would give to know where I came from?” You whisper, tears stinging your eyes. “And you just want to throw that away?” Your voice breaks at the last word.
“Hey,” Lee soothes, pulling you to his chest. “You know this world we live in. You’re either white or nothing.”
“The world won’t always be like this, Lee!” You cry, pressing away from him.
“I hope to God it won’t. But for right now, everyone else need protection. I just don’t want you to be hurt. I don’t want anyone to be hurt.”
Tears spring from your eyes. “It’s all so stupid.”
“I know.” Lee pulls you into his arms as you cry into his shoulder. “It’s ridiculous. I hate it. I hate it so much.” He holds you while you cry, rubbing your back and pressing kisses to your temple. You eventually sniffle and start to calm down.
“You still mad at me?” Lee mutters, squeezing you a little tighter.
“No,” you grumble. You’re mad at the entire situation but you can’t stay mad at Lee. Lee just hums and continues to rub your back.
“Stay here tonight.”
“Oh no! I can’t! I should really go home,” you trail.
“That wasn’t a question. You’re gonna stay right here. I need you close.”
“My mom will throw a fit,” you warn.
“I’ll explain it all to her,” Lee smiles watching you. Pinning you under his pale gaze.
“You’re going to explain how a single man and a single woman stayed in a house together and nothing happened?” You laugh darkly as you rub at your swollen eyes.
“I don’t mind bending the truth for you,” Lee smirks. “Besides, it won’t be a lie if you stay in your room and I stay in mine.” He pulls one of your hands from your face to rub the back of it with his thumb.
“What if I have a nightmare?” You whisper.
“Well,” Lee clears his throat and the most naughty look crosses his features, “you can always come tell me about it.” Lee’s hand slides from yours to grip your thigh. “You know where everything is.”
You smile up at the man and he presses a kiss to your cheek. “Goodnight, daddy.”
“Goodnight, momma.” He pats Baby on the head before leaving the room.
You take a calming breath and settle into the loaned bed before picking your way to the guest bathroom to get cleaned up. You find a set of pjs Lee left for you on the counter. You’re absolutely swimming in the shirt and the pants won’t stay on your hips so you forgo them but they’re so comfortable and smelt of him.
There was so much of him in this house.
You sigh softly and curl around Baby but sleep is fleeting in the unfamiliar environment. You try to be good and stay put. You really do. But thirty minutes into your attempt, Baby gets up and starts scratching at the closed door. You call her back to bed but she just ignores you so you get up to let her out and watch her trot right up to Lee’s door to start scratching there. She must miss sleeping with her daddy.
You probably would, too.
You were sure he’d hear the little kitten whining outside of his door, but when he doesn’t answer you go to let her in. You start with a tentative knock before opening the door to his call.
Lee’s sitting on his bed in just his boxers, a lit cigarette in his hand. You know you should be more flustered but your body moves all on its own. It knows where home is. Lee doesn’t even say a word. He just opens his arms and accepts you into his lap as you press kisses to his lips. A bit chapped and he smelled of smoke but you knew you were right where you need to be.
“Nightmare?” Lee smirks as you pull away for air.
You smile and shake your head. “Your little girl missed you.”
“Can’t fuck with her routine.” Lee pulls you back into him. You didn’t know how much was actually wrong until you felt this right. Strong arms wrapped around you, cradled so delicately against a warm body. Your fingers cling to Lee’s shoulders while his hands encircle your waist. “Stay with me?” This was a question. A request really. One you can’t say no to. You nod once and curl back into him. He pulls you down into the bed, holding you tightly against him. Lee takes a last drag of his cigarette before putting it out and focusing solely on you.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you in my bed,” Lee sighs, pressing his face into your shoulder. His stubble tickles your skin so pleasantly making you smile. You probably have an idea but you keep that to yourself as one of your fantasies plays out.
Here, comfort is easy to find. It feels right, smells right. It’s better than your own bed. Baby curls up on the pillow behind you. Her soft purrs lulling you as Lee strokes to back of your neck, his fingers tracing the top of your spine, exploring just a little under your borrowed shirt. Just enough to keep you warm and close. You let out a soft content sigh and fall asleep almost instantly.
Waking up is hard. You don’t remember sleeping so deeply. You attempt to detangle yourself from the unfamiliar sheets before you feel a body behind you. The events of the previous night flood back to your mind as you stretch and yawn. “Lee?” He hums softly, thwarting your attempt to sit up as he immediately pulls you back down against him.
You smile at his stubborn tiredness. “We have to get up.”
“We’re playing hooky,” he mumbles.
Hooky? Is the sheriff allowed to just take the day off? “What about me?” You laugh tiredly.
“What about ‘we’re’ don’t you understand?” Lee grumbles.
“Are you sure?” You ask in disbelief.
“Go back to sleep, momma.” Getting some extra rest did sound amazing. You turn over, giving your shoulder a break, and curl back up in Lee’s embrace. You rest your head on his warm chest, your fingers curling into the thick hair there. You close your eyes as your leg wraps over Lee’s hips. Sure, you could just fall back to sleep. Falling back asleep sounded amazing…
“Lee,” you whisper. He lets out another gruff hum. “I’ve never slept at a man’s house before.”
“Don’t tell me you’re a virgin,” he chuckles.
“No!” You quickly deny. “I’ve just never stayed over.”
A deep hum rumbles through his body. “Glad I could be your first.” You smile up at him and place a kiss on his lips. “One more,” he requests softly and you happily obliged. “Last one?” You giggle and kiss him again. “Can’t get enough of those pretty lips pretty girl.” You curl into his side and actually start to nod off.
For a moment.
Before Baby leaps onto the bed and lets out a questioning chirp.
“Now you’ve gone and woke the baby,” Lee accuses turning over to hold you with both arms.
“Me?” Your voice causes the kitten to let out a happy meow and jumps over Lee to lick your nose. “Oh! Baby!” You laugh pulling her from your face.
He yawns and squeezes you. “She never does that to me.”
“She’s happy her momma’s here,” you goad. Lee retaliates by spanking you softly. “Aren’t you so happy your mommy’s here? You don’t have to play with your mean old daddy,” you coo at the little kitten, stroking her stomach when she rolls over for pets.
Lee’s big hand runs over your stomach much more intimately than any other touch he’s given you. His thumb runs just under your breast sending heat radiating straight down to your pussy.
“If you two are busy playing,” his hand comes to a rest between your breasts as he rolls over you slightly, pinning you under him, “who’s gonna play with me?” You let out a soft gasp. Your hips lift to find any kind of friction for your core but your lack of panties makes that impossible.
Until Lee’s thigh fills that space. You let out a soft whimper as he grinds back against you.
“Do you need daddy to play with you, too, momma?” You can’t find your voice but you can nod. Lee kisses just behind your ear and you feel like you’re floating. “Let me hear you tell me.” He grinds a little harder against your fluttering core making your whine.
“I-I need you, daddy,” you whimper into the pillow.
His voice is a deep rumble through him as he nuzzles his face against your neck, nipping lightly at your ear lobe. “What do you need?”
Ugh! This should be criminal. His thumb strays to brush against your clothed nipple making you arch against him.
“Need you, Lee!” You cry out.
“That’s all you had to say.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “Since you’ve never stayed with a man then I’m guessing you’ve been missing out on the joys of mornin’ sex?”
“Uh-huh,” you whine, your hips gyrating against his thick thigh, taking what you need from him.
“Well, that’s one of the best games a man and a woman can play.” His fingers undo the top couple buttons of your borrowed pjs just enough for your bare cleavage to show through.
“When do we start, daddy?” You breathe. You’re so close. So fucking close. Lee can barely focus on anything but the way your hips move for him and you can’t focus on anything but the way he feels against you. “Oh fuck,” you groan as you cum against his thigh.
“Now,” Lee smiles watching you come apart before him. Your thighs constrict around his as you feel your high pulsing through you. Your whole body rolls slightly at how good it feels until a telltale bulge presses into you. You let out a soft, surprised chirp and roll your head to face him. Your hand finds his soft belly and travels lower and lower until you can palm his hard on.
Oh. He’s big.
You bite your lower lip and grip him through his boxers.
“Now, look who’s playing,” Lee grunts and sits up to press his boxers down. You unbutton your shirt the rest of the way before Lee notices. “Come here, beautiful.” He pulls you onto his lap and presses your shirt from your shoulders. “Gorgeous,” he sighs and palms your breasts.
“Me or my boobs?” You smile.
“Both.” You giggle and reach between your thighs to jack him off. He makes the most blissed out face. It’s gorgeous. You rub the bead of precum he produces over his tip and down his shaft and, God, you can’t wait for him to fill you up.
“You do have condoms, don’t you? Or do you really want another baby?”
“I’d love to have a baby with you,” Lee mutters pining you with those icy eyes. Your pussy flutters just thinking about him fucking you until you’re pregnant and completely full of him. “Top drawer.” He nods to one of the bedside tables and you shake yourself from your perverted thoughts. You climb over him to find them giving him the perfect view of your ass. He grips it roughly as you rummage through his beside table until you find what you’re looking for.
“I’m surprised you didn’t know exactly where they are,” Lee jokes as you reclaim his lap.
“I don’t go through your things,” you quickly deny.
“Then you’d have no idea where I put my spare car keys?”
“First drawer in the table by the door,” you recite quickly.
“Don’t go through my things, huh?” Your face heats after he catches you red handed but Lee only laughs at your embarrassment. “This is practically your house, momma. I’d expect you to know where everything is. Now, if we can get back to what we were doing,” he trails making you smile and focus back on his cock.
You roll the condom down his shaft as you continue to jack him off until he’s practically begging for you. Then you finally lift your hips to feel the bliss of his heavy cock filling you so perfectly.
“Fuck, daddy,” you whine as he stretches you.
“God, you’re tight,” Lee grunts. You hold yourself there with him deep inside of you as your body adjusts. You could live on this cock alone. You take a shuttering breath before finally meeting his gaze again. “Come ‘er, momma,” Lee groans pulling you down to his chest. He flips you onto your side and pulls your thigh over his hip once more. “Liked having you like this. Felt so good.” You start to rock your hips experimentally making Lee groan out your name. Your hips roll into his while he holds your ass, encouraging your pleasure, until you find that spot. Deep inside of you, there’s a little spot that you know will have you screaming in no time. You aim Lee’s tip there over and over leaving you a whining mess for him.
“Right there? Is that where you want me?” Lee asks with a small smile. You can only nod and push further into his chest. Lee chuckles at the mess you’ve made of yourself and can only think of how much more he’s going to ruin you.
He rolls you completely under him, his bulk a settling weight over you. Lee carefully arranges your thighs around him, placing them safely over his own.
Then he fucking destroys you.
You don’t know where you end and he begins but you know it’s perfect. Your voice comes out in sharp shouts at the peak of each of his thrusts. “That’s my girl,” Lee grunts as he rails into you. His movements so precise. So perfect. His weight, his hold on you. It’s all so good.
Lee presses a kiss you your lips to still your whimpers but you can’t help it, it feels so right. Your cries get louder as you feel that knot inside you get tighter and higher. One of your thighs hooks around his back while the other presses into his hips. Just a little more. Just a little deeper…
“Right there! Please, Lee! Right th-aaah ah ah ah!” You squeak as you cum undone. Your eyes flutter shut and stars dance behind you lids as waves of pleasure pulse through you.
You hips spasm into Lee’s sporadically as he chuckles breathlessly. “That good, momma?” You can only bite your lip and squirm under him in response. He presses his lips against yours once more, kissing you until you come back around and start kissing him back. Your hands cup his face pulling him into more kisses before wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“You’re amazing, daddy,” you sigh contently against his lips.
He grins back at you before rolling back over on his back, pulling you with him. “Your turn.” You smile sheepishly at your chance to pleasure him.
“My turn,” you whisper. Your hands find his shoulders and lean over him, finding some leverage on your knees.
You bounce on his hips experimentally, feeling his girth drag against your walls until he’s back against that spot but this is for him…
You spread your legs a little wider to allow for his frame to fit a little more comfortably between them. Then you lean back, one hand resting somewhere near his knee while the other rubs his soft belly. Your hips loose another experimental wave before letting go and humping into him. It feels like he’s ripping you apart in such a good way. Lee’s hand finds your hip as he guides you slightly but you didn’t need much. You seemed to fit each other perfectly. Know each other carnally. Neither of you need much coaching. It all seemed to flow.
“Fuck, momma. That’s it. Little faster,” he spanks your thigh to egg you on.
“You like that, daddy?” You smile.
“I fucking love that,” Lee groans. You lean over him to press a kiss to his lips while you continue to ride him. Fuck he feels so heavy and good and right inside of you. You let out a soft moan.
So perfect.
His other hand wraps around you and starts to help you along, thrusting up into you and meeting your soft waves. Curses tumble from your lips every time he hits a particularly sensitive spot inside of you until it starts to feel like he’s aiming for it. Over and over until you’re like jello in his grip, holding on limply while he fucks you within an inch of your life.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, momma,” Lee groans.
“Please, Lee! I need you,” you babble, so close to your own breaking point.
“Gonna get you there,” he promises and his thrust get rougher and faster and he knows right where he needs to abuse you. Before you know it you’re gasping and tossing your head back in a silent scream as you cum around him.
“Shit,” Lee groans and quickly follows you, spilling his seed into the condom still buried inside of you. You both pant for air, watching each other as you glow in your after shocks.
Those bright blue eyes watch you, taking all of you in from your mussed hair to your soft curves. “You okay, momma?” Lee asks after catching his breath. You just nod and collapse into his warm chest. He chuckles softly and wraps his arms around you. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful,” you counter with a small smile burying your face in his chest. You could stay like this forever.
But Lee’s growling stomach says otherwise.
“I’ll go make us some breakfast.” You attempt to pull away but Lee keeps his grip on you.
“I’ll help,” he insists and help he does. Helps by swatting your behind under his borrowed shirt and helps by pressing kisses to your neck while you fry eggs and he really helps when he pulls down his pants and has you keep his cock warm for him while he eats. He’s such a good helper you think as he rails you against the dining room table after he finishes his breakfast.
Lunch are simple ham and cheese sandwiches after you choke on his cock and dinner is your pussy spread over the kitchen counter right before your roast finishes in the oven.
You really don’t want to leave but you didn’t have a change of clothes and living the rest of your life in Lee’s borrowed shirts didn’t seem practical. So Lee begrudgingly takes you home after a long day of hard work with his help.
“Where the hell have you been?” Your mother shouts the moment you set foot through the door, breaking you from the spell Lee put you under.
You freeze before you even have a chance to close the door behind you. “Get in this house before anyone else sees you running the streets!” You’re floored by the accusation but follow her direction and silently stepping into the house.
“Where are have you been?” She repeats a little more calmly but you know better. There’s a level of anger you’ve never met under that calm.
“I called and told you I’d be at Lee’s late.” Yesterday you don’t add and hope she forgets all about that by keeping your tone even.
“Lee’s?” You mother frowns. “That’s awfully familiar for the sheriff.”
“Oh my god,” you mutter under your breath. Were you really about to get yelled at because of this?
“Girl, you know I don’t allow that kind of back talk in my house. Now, you told me you’d be home late and then we never heard another word from you for an entire day! Where have you been?”
Oh boy.
“Well, it’s just that, mom. I lost track of time and stayed late so he had me stay for dinner and at that point it was so late he just told me to stay in the guest room. I didn’t want to call and wake the whole house…”
“I don’t care if you wake the whole neighborhood. I want to know where my daughters are once the sun sets.”
This is ridiculous.
“Mom, I’ve been in an entirely different state for the past six years,” you argue.
“As long as you’re under my roof, you’re under my rules! You could’ve been dead in a ditch! You could’ve been hanging!”
“Oh, mother! Honestly,” you sigh, stamping your foot lightly on the ground.
“To your room. Now.”
“I’m almost 30. You can’t just send me to my room,” you argue. “I’m only here to take care of you. Not to be treated like a child. I should be in California but I’m stuck here. For you. And as long as I’m here for you, I can do whatever I want outside of this house!”
Shock is written all over your mother’s face by your words. You’re shocked by your words. You’ve never talked back to your mother. The look of hurt and anguish on her face is heartbreaking.
You take a calming breath and move to sit on the couch across from her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t speak to you that way.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” she agrees.
“I haven’t done anything to make it seem like I’ll make bad decisions in life, have I?” You ask the woman, resting your elbows on your knees tiredly. “I didn’t drop out of college, get pregnant, and work at a dinner. I’m not the one that needs to be policed. If I want to spend the night at my boss’s house, then you just have to trust me.”
She watches you for a moment. “What’s he like?” She finally questions.
You contemplate the question for a moment. “He’s very sweet. And so smart. We have a cat. Her name is Baby. He just wants to help people.”
“Was it good?” She laughs.
“Mother!” You cry out of embarrassment, covering your face.
“You can tell me,” she smiles. “He’s a good looking man. I may be sick but I still have eyes, girl.”
You regard her with a shy smile for a moment before deciding to answer. “It was amazing.” She cackles at your answer making you giggle. “I hear a lot of talk about white men but I’ve never heard anything about Europeans,” she trails.
“Alright, I’m not talking about this anymore,” you laugh and stand up. “What do you want for dinner?”
“What’d you make Lee?” Your face immediately heats as you spin away to the kitchen.
“Not talking about it!” You cry as you rush away.
You hum softly to the radio while sweeping. It was a hot day. The sun was working over time but you were enjoying the slight breeze from open windows and the freshly made lemonade and iced tea you conjured up this morning. But that wasn’t the only thing changing. Lee was taking Mondays off again and sometimes Fridays. You loved when he took Fridays off. Lee was always in such a good mood. You’d let yourself in and crawl into his bed and curl up next to his warm sleeping body. Sometimes he’d fuck you until you couldn’t think straight and sometimes you’d just sleep in and only get out of bed because of Baby’s screaming.
This morning was one of those fuck your brains out mornings.
It left you feeling like you were walking on a cloud. It always made it impossible to do actual work in this condition. Lee didn’t expect you to. He expected you to be his little house wife on days like this. To serve him food and ride his dick accordingly. And you were happy to oblige.
“This one’s about you, Baby,” you smile at the cat perched on the back of Lee’s couch as she watches the broom go back and forth. Desi Arnez’s voice crones through the speakers with one of the songs from the popular sitcom.
“There’s a brand new baby at our house, the nicest little gift we've ever had,” you sing along, dancing around the broom while Baby watches on in amusement.
You remain oblivious to a second set of eyes on you, watching you twirl gracefully around the living room. You’re so beautiful.
Lee waits until you’re facing away from him to make his move. He slinks up behind you and wraps his arms comfortably around your waist making you jump in surprise.
“Oh, Lee!” You giggle swatting his arm.
“Did I scare you, momma?” He chuckles before burying his face in your neck and dancing along with you. Your hands wrap over his while you sway to the music. He releases you into a turn before pulling you back into him. “I didn’t know you liked dancing,” Lee sighs into your skin.
“You never asked,” you smile.
“I should take you out.”
“That would imply that we’re actually dating.”
“Aren’t we?” He questions but you know it’s not really a question. This is something the two of you have yet to really flesh out. Dating meant marriage and marriage meant…
“You know I can’t stay here forever,” you remind the sheriff gently.
“Can’t you?” There’s another one of those fake questions. He knows you can’t. You have a passion beyond cleaning houses. You want to help people. “You can just move in here. I’ll take care of you. Give you whatever you want. Give you a baby.”
“We have a baby, Lee,” you smile sadly. He spins you in his grip to make you face him but you avoid his gaze.
“Look at me-“
“I’ll talk to administrators over there-“
“I’m the law around here and what I say goes-“
“And I want you to stay!”
“I won’t work somewhere I’m not wanted!” You cry, finally looking up at him. “Every day will be an uphill battle and I don’t want to fight.”
“Not even for me?”
That breaks you. You didn’t know how much of a hold he had on your heart until this moment. Could you leave him? Leaving him would mean one of the most devastating things in your life just happened. Could you live without his comfort? Without running home to him when you could no longer run home?
“I-I wish we could stay like this forever,” you whisper, dropping your head to his chest.
“I would never let you do it on your own. You know that. You’ll always have me. You just need to choose me, too.”
He makes it sound so simple. Like he can just go in and threaten an entire hospital and come out victorious. But you know better. That’s a fairy tale and the real world doesn’t work like that.
He holds you like that for a long moment. Long enough for Baby to come paw at your skirt to check on you.
“Your momma’s trying to get rid of us, little girl.” The kitten screams up at you as if she knows exactly what Lee’s talking about. Her giant blue eyes stare up at you expectantly. Just like her daddy’s.
“Lee,” you warn, not wanting to discuss it anymore.
“One date,” he asks. “I’ll come pick you up and we’ll dance all night. Then you can tell me to leave you alone and it will go back to me being your boss and nothing else.”
“But Lee-“
“It’s gotta end somewhere,” he argues. “We can’t keep playing house forever.”
Can’t we?
You got all dolled up under the scrutiny of your sister and mother. “Who are you going out with? Where are you going?” You just ignore them while blushing your cheeks. You don’t know why you’re getting so dressed up. Lee’s seen you at your worst and still seems to find something he likes. It was nice knowing you didn’t have to look your best for him. That was the kind of thing you wanted in a man.
There were a lot of things about Lee you wanted…
But you couldn’t stay here.
You can’t stay here?
It’s backward and racist. You have a one way ticket to California. A brand new place built on different principles. You could finally kiss this bible belt southern town goodbye for good. And that’s exactly what you want?
You’d find someone your age. Maybe a lawyer or a doctor.
But they wouldn’t be Lee.
There’s a knock at the front door while you apply your powder numbly.
“I’ll get it,” you sister sighs and makes her way to the door. You hear Lee’s deep drawl and you’re instantly drawn in. His voice, his laugh.
“You’re in love.”
Your gaze snaps up to your mother in the mirror’s reflection. There’s a smug look on her face that says it all. “You’re in love and you’re scared.” She shrugs with a soft laugh. “The heart wants what the heart wants. Stop fighting it, girl.” She leaves to go greet Lee and tell him you’ll be out in a minute.
Tears start to fill your eyes. Is it that obvious? Are you in love? How were you supposed to go out and have a good time with all of this on your mind? A tear escapes your control as you hear your mom directing him back to your room. You attempt to quickly wipe it away but he sees you just as you dab at your eye with a tissue.
“You that upset to go out with me?” Lee jokes, leaning against the door frame. He looks so nice in a blue dress shirt and slacks. Like your own personal dream. You just want him to hold you but you don’t want depend on him. Right? You want to be your own woman but you want to be his so badly…
He gives your reflection a once over. “You look fucking gorgeous, momma. Too beautiful to be crying.”
“I’m just feeling a little lost,” you admit after sniffling softly.
“Well, finish up. We’ll talk in the car.” You nod slightly and attempt to finish you makeup quickly while your family entertains Lee.
This is as good as it’s going to get. You give yourself one last once over. You brush a hand down your blush pink dress and make sure your curls are perfectly placed. Some part of the back of your mind reminds you that you need to look good on Lee’s arm and that not just anyone can go out with the sheriff. You need to put on a smile and act like everything is-
You quickly squash that notion. Lee’s never expected any more of you than to take care of yourself, him, and Baby. That wasn’t going to change now.
You take a deep breath and step into the living room. Lee is instantly on his feet. “There’s my girl.” Your face heats as you look away.
“You mind your manners and have a good time,” your mother bids placing a kiss on your cheek before Lee wraps his arm around you.
“She’s in good hands,” he promises and leads you out to his car. “We have a reservation to make,” Lee sighs opening the door for you.
You give him a dubious look when he settles into the driver’s seat. “None of the restaurants around here need a reservation,” you frown skeptically.
“We ain’t eating around here,” he smirks. “Come here, momma. What’s going on in that pretty head?” You smile slightly up at him before sliding across the bench to sit at his side. His strong arm wraps around you as you rest your hand on his belly. “Or we can just cuddle if you don’t feel like talking.” He rubs his hand up and down your arm comfortingly. You don’t exactly feel like talking but it seems like you have a bit of a drive ahead of you. He peels out of your neighborhood and on to the main road as the radio crones on with big band music.
“I want to talk,” you whisper. Lee only pulls his hand away for a moment to turn off the radio before focusing back on you. His hand finds your waist and pulls you a little closer. “I-I don’t want to stay here, Lee. You know that. But I love you. I can’t see having to go on without you. I don’t want to go on without you.”
A soft hum rumbles through him before he speaks. “Then what are we going to do about that?”
“I’ll apply for the local hospital again, I guess.”
“You guess?” Lee jokes. “Or you can be my little stay at home wife. Pretend you’re in California all you want. I’ll plant some palm trees and put in a pool. You can take care of Baby all day. She would love that.”
You laugh softly. “Maybe I’ll have to be your own personal nurse. Take care of my big strong man when he’s sick.”
“Will you dress up in one of those skimpy little outfits?”
“For you, of course.”
You reach up to press a kiss to his cheek but he pulls you back for a quick kiss. “I love you so much, momma. I’d do anything for you. Don’t ever forget that.” You nod and let out a little giggle. “Now, give me another kiss.” You happily oblige. “One more. So fucking good for me. Now sit back before I have to stop this car and remind you why you love me so much.” You let out a laugh and curl back into him.
A little over an hour later, he stops at a very popular looking club in Columbus.
“We came all the way out here to go dancing?” You smile, scooting across the car bench to look out the window.
“The clubs in town are stale as hell,” Lee sighs and moves to get out of the car.
“Wait!” You cry, stopping him as the valet reaches his door. “Thank you for this, daddy.” You press another kiss to his lips that quickly turns into a show for the valet.
“Save some of that energy for later,” Lee smiles and presses a kiss to your forehead before finally stepping out of the car.
You expected to get all kind of looks: the sheriff out with that little black girl that ran off to the big city and had to come crawling back with her tail between her legs…alright, no one’s ever said that but you know someone’s thinking it. Maybe. But this far from home…
No one knows you here. They don’t even seem to care that you’re different races. It was…nice. You giggle softly as Lee dips you only to pull you back up into a soft kiss.
“I’m really glad I said yes,” you smile as he holds you close.
“So much for all those tears,” Lee chuckles making you roll your eyes. That was one time. “I gotta talk to you,” Lee mutters against your lips before pulling you back to your table. “I didn’t know a good time to tell you this but I talked to one of the managers at the hospital.”
“Ugh, Lee! I don’t want to think about that drama! Can’t we just enjoy our night?” You whine taking a drink of your cocktail.
“You think I’d tell you bad news right now? I’m trying to get laid tonight.” You can’t help but laugh at him. “Got you another interview.”
“But we just talked about this,” you argue in disbelief. You literally just told him you’d stay less than an hour ago in the car.
“I might have done some shit behind your back,” the sheriff admits. When you let out an annoyed huff but he quickly continues. “I just knew you wouldn’t leave me.”
“So sure of yourself.” You roll your eyes at him. “And what’d you do to get this interview? Hold him up at gun point?”
“Somethin’ like that,” Lee drawls, leaning back in his chair with a smug look on his face. You just smile and shake your head at him. “All we did was talk. I promise no one got hurt. No threats were made.”
“Why would I lie to you, momma?”
“You’d certainly arrange things without telling me,” you pout but then give him a once over, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. He is doing this for you, too. He knew how hard it was being away from family while you were in school. You loved your independence but you liked the comfort of having a steady place that’s home. He wanted to be that home. Your steady place.
You don’t want anything else in the world besides that.
“I guess you’re getting laid tonight.”
He gives you a shit eating grin that tells you all you need to know before leaning back on the table. “How do you plan on thanking me?”
“What would you like, daddy?” You ask innocently, looking at him through your lashes. “I can suck your big, fat dick? Or keep you warm all night? Or maybe…”
“Maybe I’ll let you fuck a baby into me.”
“Fuck, momma,” Lee groans before adjusting his pants not so subtly. “You done here? I gotta get you home.”
“Maybe we should get a hotel,” you suggest thinking about how long the drive is.
“Car’s free,” Lee grins pulling you from your seat and toward the door.
It doesn’t take him long to find a dark alley and it takes you absolutely no time find yourself on your knees at his side choking on his cock.
“Fuck, momma,” Lee groans spanking your ass as it wiggles in the air. “Didn’t know you had all that in you.” You let out a satisfying hum as you swallow him making him moan. You feel his fingers hitching up your dress inch by inch. He spanks you again once he clears the fabric and grips your cheek through your panties. “That’s it. My perfect girl.” He slides his hand under the fabric to find your slit already soaking for him. “You want my cock, momma? You’re so wet for me.” You nod as much as you can around him and Lee grips the roots of your hair, dragging your face up to meet his with a sloppy kiss. You moan into his mouth as you cup his face with your hands, feeling the rough stubble from the day.
Lee lets out a soft grunt as he repositions you across the car bench. His face nuzzles kisses against your neck. “I love you so fucking much. You know that, momma?” He mutters. His finger trace the band of your underwear before slipping them down your legs. You can only whimper as your mind races to how he’s going to destroy you.
“Need you, daddy.”
Those bright blue eye flick up to you, pinning you with his gaze. “You got me,” he assures you. You hear his belt buckle and moments later he’s stretching your core to its max. He’s so big and fills you so perfectly. You can feel every bump and vein and it’s so right. You’ve had sex with him regularly but this time felt special. You’ve never taken a man raw before. You felt ready.
Lee’s hips start to thrust into you erasing everything from your mind but him. He knows you so well that he doesn’t need to search for that spot. He just goes straight for it and has you screaming for him. Your stockinged foot finds the steering wheel for a bit of leverage so you can thrust back into him.
His hand grips the back of your thigh, helping you out while he folds you into yourself just so he can get a little deeper. You curse as he grinds against that spot mercilessly. His weight is so comfortable on top of you. You always want this. You want him by your side, to wake up next to him every day, to grow old with him. And as he gets you so close to your peak, you know you can’t live without him. “Lee! Fuck! P-please! I’m so close!”
A soft chuckle emits from the man before he presses a kiss to your lips. “You’re so fucking cute when you’re falling apart for me. Let go. I’ll catch you.”
You nod vigorously. Your eyes squeeze shut as your focus is set on your core and how much pressure he’s putting on you.
Whimpers falls from your lips as your hips sputter into his smooth thrusts, chasing your high.
“Please, please, please, please,” you chant just loud enough for Lee to hear.
“Begging for it now?” Lee laughs. His hips snap into yours now, giving you exactly what you need.
You’re a whining whimpering mess when you finally cum. Stars shoot across your closed lids as you try to smoother your face between the bench and Lee’s kisses.
“Good girl. Always my good girl,” Lee praises. Your body clenches around him at his words and he instantly knows something new about you.
He pulls away from your kiss covered jaw to watch you with an amused look. Your body is still writhing with pleasure under him and he can’t wait to give you move.
“You like being my good girl, momma? Wanna keep me happy?”
You moan at his words, humping against him, wanting him to move again but he continues to grind into the spot driving you crazy.
“Use your words,” he chuckles brushing a mussed curl from your forehead.
“I-I wanna be your good girl,” you whimper, finally cracking your eyes open to meet his gaze.
“Then you’ll make me happy and stay here?”
You stare at him for a beat before you nod. “I’ll stay.”
A smile spreads across his lips before he gets back to destroying you.
“Fuck,” he groans softly, your core keeps squeezing him mercilessly but you can’t control it. He can’t control it either as he slams into you despite your grip on him. You need him so bad. You need him to make you his wife. You need to take care of him. You need him to take care of you. You’ve never needed anything or anyone so bad in your adult life.
“You feel amazing, momma. Made just for me, you know that?”
“I’m yours,” you cry, your head tossed back against the seat so close to your peak again.
“All mine,” Lee sighs. “You gonna cum with me?”
“Uh huh!” You exhale. “Wanna be your good girl! Wanna cum for you, daddy!”
“Fuck!” Lee growls gripping your thigh a little tighter. The thought that it might bruise ghosts through your mind but you welcome it. He’s leaving his mark on you. Claiming you. It just makes you hotter. Tighter. Wetter.
“That’s it, momma. Cum for me,” he begs, his hips snapping into yours now.
So close. So close. Just a little- “Lee-eh-eh-eak!” You scream as you cum, spilling onto his stomach and the base of his cock. Lights flash behind your lids and you’re left a moaning mess as he fills you to the brim. You feel his seed leak past your lips to pool between you but he stays buried deep as ribbons of cum paint your insides, ready to do it’s job and make sure you’re full of him for the next nine months.
Of course, you know that its a relatively safe day for unprotected sex.
But part of you hopes it took.
Lee’s breaths come in quiet huffs as you writhe under him. He stays buried in you while he slowly softens, giving you just that little bit of extra friction. “You alright, momma?” He smiles before pressing a kiss to your lips. You chase after them blindly as he pulls away, not ready to open your eyes. No ready for the euphoria to end.
“More kisses,” is your only response and Lee happily obliges. He bombards you with kisses until you’re both gasping for air and space. Lee lets out a soft sigh and sits up, pulling you up with him. He easily slips from you and you contract, attempting to keep all of his essence inside.
“Fuck,” Lee chuckles seeing his handy work between your legs. “Look at you just leaking with cum. You’re gonna make me hard again.” You smile and glance away, embarrassed. “Let me clean you up.” Lee finds his handkerchief in his back pocket and gently cleans up your core. “Relax or you’ll be holding it the entire drive,” he jokes. You let out a soft sigh and attempt to push out what you’ve been holding on to. “Good girl,” Lee praises making you giggle and bury your face in your hands. “Shit. If I knew that had so much power over you, I’d have said since day one.”
“You did once pretty early on,” you admit. “I fell asleep with my fingers in me that night.”
Lee laughs softly and is such a nice noise. You want to hear it forever.
“Well, shit! Tell me next time you need to jack off to something I said. I wanna watch.” You giggle even harder leaning back against the door as Lee finds your panties. He slips them back up your legs and over your hips so gently. He knows by now that he has to be careful with you after fucking you into a stupor. You watch as he slips on your shoes and places a soft kiss on each ankle.
He’s perfect.
“Lee?” He hums softly before looking up at you. “I love you.”
He just smirks back at you. “I love you more.”
You doze at Lee’s side as he drives you back to town. He hasn’t decided if he’ll take you home or to his place. You don’t care either way. You mom knows not to wait up. But you hope he’ll take you home. His home. Where your Baby is. And where your man is. Your fingers grip his thigh in your sleep, trying to keep him close even in your dreams. Your little hand is so close to his cock he starts to get stiff again.
He chuckles softly so he doesn’t wake you. “Guess you're coming home with me, huh?”
You wait in the sterile administration room of Mead General. Lee pretty much had to drop you off at the entrance to make you come. No amount of convincing could calm your nerves that morning. You fiddle with the new ring on your finger in an attempt to calm them.
The engagement ring Lee gave you.
It was enormous. You could practically see yourself in the diamond. It wasn’t you at all but Lee insisted on it. Nothing less than perfect for his girl.
Who knew it would become such a comfort.
A secretary calls your name and you gather up your resume and credentials to go through this torture one more time.
“Head up, momma. You’re the sheriff’s fiancée now. I need you to act like it.” Lee’s voice echos in your mind from when he dropped you off. You roll your shoulders back and add a little more confidence to your step.
Here goes nothing.
Lee leans against his car as he waits. It’s far too hot to sit in there and bake so he found a spot under a tree to wait for you. He glances up from lighting a cigarette to see the hospital security guard walking up to him like a man on a mission.
“Shit,” Lee sighs. The last thing he wanted to deal with was the public.
“Mr. Sheriff, Sir,” the man grins and holds out his hand.
Lee puts on a smile and tucks his sunglasses into his shirt pocket. “Sir,” Lee greets. “How can I help you?”
“Ronald, Sir. I just wanted to thank you for all that you do for our town. Keeping the social order and all.”
Lee can’t help but cock his brow at the phrase. Keeping the social order?
“This is one of the few places not assaulted with progressive ideas. Separate but equal will always prevail.”
He hadn’t enforced Jim Crow is over a year. Had nobody seemed to notice law enforcement stopped responding to their ‘coloreds using whites only facilities’ calls? They probably had their heads too far up their asses.
Lee gives the man a once over. “Right.” He looks up to notice you leaving the hospital. He sees you stop and glance around for him before he decides to go get you.
“What’s that little negro doing in there?” Ronald asks immediately noticing you. Apparently he wasn’t that great at his job if he never registered that you were there.
Lee smirks at your lithe form in the pencil skirt and blouse you picked out for your interview. He couldn’t wait to get you home to peel them off of you.
“I’ll handle this,” Lee sighs before stamping out his cigarette butt and making his way toward you.
You instantly light up at the sight of him, you almost fall into his arms in relief at a friendly face.
“How’d it go, momma?”
“I felt like they were interrogating me,” you breathe, letting out a soft laugh.
“Trying to scare you off,” Lee sighs. “What’d they say?”
You smile up at him excitedly. “I got it!”
“That’s my girl,” Lee grins. You notice his hands placed firmly on his hips but continues to regard you with beaming pride.
You cock a brow at him. “What are you up to out here?”
Lee bites his bottom lip, trying to hold back a laugh. “I gotta tell you something first. I know I threw a fit and started all that mess about that old junk-stuff in the basement,” he corrects himself with a soft eye roll.
“Oh, Lee,” you coo softly at the start of his apology. “That was so long ago. I’m not upset-”
“Just let me finish,” he interrupts. “I’m glad you made me keep it. I want our kids to see it. To know where they came from.”
You smile up, suddenly so proud of this man that was about to become you husband. You prepare to leap into his arms but he stops you with a gentle hand. He gestures toward the elderly security guard standing cross armed in the shade. “Now, back to what I was up to. That man over there thinks you’re up to no good.”
You burst into watery laughter at his words, attempting to hold back your happy tears long enough to let Lee play his joke. He really does pick the worst times to get sentimental. “What’s he gonna do? I work here now. Should we give him a show? Make his day?”
Lee’s smirk turns into a grin. “Really play it up for me, alright? Don’t hold back.”
You nod and stifle a giggle as Lee grips your forearm and attempts to drag you to his car. “Unhand me, you-you side burned Neanderthal!” You cry while flailing aimlessly. Lee stops to look back at you. “Too much?”
“That kinda hurt, momma.”
“Sorry,” you giggle glancing away, hoping your little character break isn’t caught. “I didn’t do anything! I had an interview! I swear!” You continue loudly, attempting to garnish attention.
“Anything you say can be used against you, ma’am, and I happen to know on good authority that this hospital doesn’t hire colorereds.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“If the shoe fits.”
“What are you arresting me for?” You counter, fruitlessly attempting to tug out of his grip.
“Lying to an officer, resisting arrest, trespassing, belligerent behavior-”
“Belligerent?” You bark.
“Just stating the facts,” Lee smirks, proud to deliver a low blow to return yours.
“Oh, you pig!” You hiss, just as Lee gets you to his car.
“Tell me how you really feel,” Lee sighs pressing your back into front passenger door. Those glaciers blue eyes meet yours and you just want to dive into them. They’re perfect.
“Well, sheriff daddy,” you whisper just for him. His hands circle your waist as he crowds you into the tiny space he made for you. It’s perfect. “Truth is, I’m really grateful for you. I wouldn’t have this opportunity without you.”
“Anything to keep you with me, momma.” Then Lee shocks the entire crowd of hospital spectators and presses a soft kiss to your lips. You smile against them and wrap your arms around his shoulders as he pulls you into a tighter embrace. “I love you,” Lee whispers against your lips.
“I love you,” you smile and press back into him. He’s perfect.
Master List
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S/O decides that today will be "S/O and skeleton's brother" Day. Mostly just to bind more with their partners sibling and have fun together.
Main ten plz
Undertale Sans - Uh.... Ok... He's kinda confused as you drag him along for the day. He still tries to make Papyrus feel guilty before the door closes but Papyrus just shrugs and betrays him. Sans' relationship with his brother's S/O is... complicated. Sans takes some time to warm up, and he can be a jerk sometimes. He doesn't understand what you want with him??? He's not too enthusiastic at first, simply answering you with small yes-no-growl, but then you take him to the space museum and he gets so excited he completely forgets why he was mad. Now you can't make him shut up as he's talking for long minutes about star stuff. Eh, maybe it wasn't that bad of an idea after all. Sans warms up to you quickly after that.
Undertale Papyrus - He's so excited! That's a long time he's waiting for an opportunity to talk about you and Sans without Sans starting through his soul in the background. He's going to ask you a thousand questions as he wants to know you better. Then you take him to do some sports activity and he happily destroys you on the battlefield. You underestimate how good Papyrus is.
Underswap Sans - He's really not enthusiastic about that, and even wary. What are you trying to do? Buy his trust? Because that's not how you're going to do it. That's actually a good opportunity to call him out on his behavior as Blue is way too protective of his little brother, and it's starting to bother you, and his brother as well. Blue opens up a little and confesses Honey used to have boy/girlfriends Underground who were only with him to mock him and that he's the one who helped him to recover. He has trust issues since, and says that he's sorry if he's too much. This talk actually eased him a little, and the fact you were honest on this is definitely a bonus point. He starts to warm up a little after that, but not too fast either.
Underswap Papyrus - He's so anxious right now, all alone with you. He's glad his brother is happy and all, but he was very fine with watching you two from a safe distance you know? You didn't have to drag him outside to bond or something. No, but really, it was really not necessary. This is so awkward. Poor Honey is so anxious he looks like he's going to faint any second, and most of your interactions get silent answers. He keeps looking back toward his home. You take little steps after that, trying to make him more comfortable. It's not that he doesn't want to know you more, it's really just his social anxiety speaking right now. Eventually, as you go to eat in a fast food, he starts to calm down as he's slowly realizing you're not going to kill him. Once he feels safer, he gets curious and starts to ask questions, shyly. That's how you notice he's actually very observant because he knows a lot of things about you despite not wanting to speak to you that much.
Underfell Sans - Urgh, why?? He swears if Edge wouldn't kill him if he came home without you, he would have ditched you a long time ago. He's very sarcastic, doesn't care about what you want to do, and is kinda resigned to follow you around, but at a safe distance so no one assumes you're with him. He's mean, he's difficult and he certainly doesn't want to know you more, back off. That's not a good hang-out. You're gonna need to tire him out by forcing him to come a few times so he tolerates you around. Good luck with that lol.
Underfell Papyrus - He's unsure about this. Sure, knowing you more is clearly a tactical advantage, but it means you're trying to know more about him as well and now he's feeling like you're trapping him. You start your trip with him threatening you with a bone under the jugular and asking you what's your problem. It's a great start! However, Edge calms down quite rapidly and starts to get curious as time passes. He's very scary but he's quite nice actually once you get over his angry facade.
Horrortale Sans - Willow tried to convince you to not do that and let Oak come to you, but you are stubborn and insist it will work. You underestimated Oak's own stubbornness. Oak doesn't want to go with you, and if you keep pushing, he's going to lunge at you to scare you off. He doesn't like to be pressured like this and that won't help to improve your relationship. He's doing like he wants or he's not doing anything at all. As a result, he's growling at you when you get close for an entire month. Better luck next time...
Horrortale Papyrus - He's unsure at first, but he quickly gets over it. He's very curious about his brother's S/O and wants to know a little more about them. He's also happy to go out. Willow doesn't have a lot of friends, so people showing interest feel nice for once. He's having fun!
Swapfell Sans - He's polite, but cold. He knows you have good intentions, but he really doesn't care about Rus love interests. Rus changes partners quite often so he's not getting attached anymore. For all he knows, you might be replaced at the end of the week so why would he put effort into this? He's doing small talk, but that's his maximum.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's too enthusiastic to not be suspicious. You regret inviting him the second you're out of the house. Rus will get you into trouble. He wants to test the limits to see how determined you are and he's going to act like a jerk for this, even getting you arrested at the end of the day after he convinced you to enter a forbidden place somehow. He's not even sorry lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He wants to make his brother happy so he follows you outside, only to drive you in the middle of a field, ask you to go down his car, and then he leaves you there and flips his bird at you on the way out. Yeah, he's not buying it. You're still stealing his brother and he's not ready to let him go without a fight. You still have a long way to go with Wine...
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's like a golden retriever, jumping everywhere, overexcited. He has a thousand questions to ask you and he wants to know everything about you! He's even a bit too much, you didn't know someone so shy could pressure you so much. Coffee wants to do it again. He loves new friends!
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sociopathicartist · 3 months
Sans x Reader (BREAKFAST COMBO)(oneshot)
“so… how did the two of you meet anyways?” Fell asked, folding and unfolding the napkin he grabbed with his breakfast.
You were at a hotel (yes, all 7 of you, including you) in Colorado, staying there for the day until you drove down to the ski lodge tomorrow morning. Originally the plan was to leave today, but it started snowing. Snowing bad.
“Sans and I?” You questioned, not sure what he was referring to. There were 6 other skeletons.
He nodded, looking back to see his brother trying to make a plate of food with the hardly salvageable hotel breakfast buffet. “who else? m’ curious. he’s talked about you since the first day we showed up here.”
Hm. You sighed, staring down at the wooden table. God, how did you meet Sans? That was a long story that happened a really long time ago.
“Uhhh, I could tell you. Whydda ask?”
“m’ just wondering. s’ not like any of us had a human best friend like you at home. s’ weird seeing him like this.” He poked at the dry biscuit with his fork, a small snarl on his teeth.
Huh. No you in their AU’s? Interesting.
You tapped your fingers on the desk, thinking back to when you two did meet. Stars, it feels like forever ago.
“Technically,” You started. “I met Papyrus first. I was at Muffet’s and he saw me struggling with the morning crossword. He helped me finish it, promptly suggesting afterward that I try Junior Jumble instead. We just kinda became friends that morning and kept in close contact. I knew Papyrus for at least four months before I ever met Sans. It’s odd.”
“hm? whyssit odd?” Fell slurred his words together like usual, a bad habit of his.
“Well, you know.” You took a bite of your toast, swallowing down the hardly edible substance. “Everyone always meets Sans first. Before Papyrus trained with Undyne, Sans worked for her at the sentry station. Before Alphys met Papyrus, Sans ran into her in hotland and they’d watch anime together sometimes. Before Papyrus met Toriel, Sans would tell her jokes through the door. Everyone always met Sans first, but I didn’t. I didn’t even know the guy existed for a hot minute.”
“THIS FOOD IS DISGRACEFUL.” Edge suddenly appeared next to the two of you, startling you a bit. His arms were folded angrily. “I WILL GO GATHER BLUE AND DISCUSS ABOUT A POSSIBLE SHORT DRIVE TO A DINER SOMEWHERE.”
“Isn’t the whole point of staying at the hotel today because we can’t drive in the snow?” 7 people in one car during a snowstorm was a tad bit wild, especially just for some food.
Fell shrugged, not seeming to care about the whole ordeal. “room service food is way nummier. could jus’ order that, idk.”
Edge scoffed at his brother. “NEVER SAY ‘I.D.K.’ OUTLOUD EVER AGAIN.” He walked away, presumably to go grab Blue who was oddly still asleep.
“Anyways. We met for the first time when Papyrus invited me over for his birthday. I had already met Undyne and Alphys before, so there weren’t too many faces at his party that I didn’t recognize. I suppose Papyrus had talked about me to Sans before because I didn’t introduce myself and he just kinda… Stared at me the whole time.”
“that’s weird. prolly thought you were smokin’ hot and got nervous.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Again, anyways. I figured I’d break the ice, so when Paps was opening gifts I sat by Sans and cracked a birthday joke and his whole face just lit up. I knew that the guy loved jokes, but I didn’t expect him to crack one-liners and puns at me for the rest of the night.”
You trailed off in your words, the memory playing vividly in your head. After the party you had gone home and decided to scroll through some photos you’d taken earlier, deleting many that Undyne and Alphys spammed on your phone when you had left it unintended. You saved some photos and went to send them to the pair, but saw a new contact added. You clicked on it, seeing the only message being an awful one-liner.
(—-,—-,——) - 9:12 pm - why did the cell phone bring a sweater to the party
(—-,—-,——) - 9:12 pm - it didn’t want to get a cold signal. lol.
(—-,—-,——) - 9:15 pm - it’s cold. stay warm on your way home.
Ah. You must have given Sans your number at some point during the party. Who else would send these horrible puns?
10:05 pm- LMAO. I made it home safe, don’t worry.
You two ended up texting on and off for about an hour before retreating to bed.
A few days later you ended up having a shitty day at work. Unlike your normal tendency to bottle things up, even to your best friend, Papyrus, you wanted to spill your feelings... You called Undyne and Alphys. No answer. Papyrus was busy with Mettaton today, so both those options were out. Toriel answered but said she was at the park with Frisk. You didn't want to impose and passed off your call as a simple check-in. BP would only bring more down since he wasn’t the best at comforting, so you were led to your last option.
You rang the number and heard the pickup tone.
“Hi! Sorry, I’ve just had a long day and wanted to talk.”
You heard a soft sigh before a response. “go on. i’m not busy.”
“you called for how long?” Fell gave a bit of a surprised look to you.
“7 hours! I know. After I told him about my shitty day he ended up telling me about his equally awful one. I don’t know, we just talked.”
Fell stared at you for a moment, the end of his phalange picking at his gold tooth. You raised an eyebrow.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” You battered.
“no, no. keep talkin’.”
After the two of you ended the call, you had asked to call the next day.
So you called the day after that.
And the day after that.
And the day after that one.
It took a long time for you to notice how close you and Sans had become. Papyrus was the realization moment for you.
You looked up to Papyrus, setting your menu down on the booth table. “What?”
“Oh, uhm…” You took a sip of your water, the ice-cold temperature giving the roof of your mouth a bit of a cold shock. “Thanks.”
You did feel a bit bad at the fact that you were spending a bit more time with Sans over Papyrus, your best friend, but he was occupied with Mettaton and didn’t mind much. The two brothers still ate up a large portion of your time.
For Sans’ birthday, you chose to knit him a blanket. You had corrected him several times that it was knitting, not crochet, but now you were convinced that the smirk on his face when you corrected him meant he knew the difference and just said crochet to patronize you.
Although he tried to avoid you from coming into his room, mostly because it was messy and unfurnished, you had caught glimpses of it from time to time. A big ringer you noticed was the lack of a proper blanket in his room. While the temperature didn’t bother him much due to the lack of skin, you still didn’t like the idea of him being without a blanket at night.
You had been sneaky with it, casually asking him to go on a shopping spree with you and stopping at the yarn store on your way home. While you picked out your yarn for a separate project, you watched to see which yarns he liked. It was easy to tell, if he liked the color of it he’d pick it up and see if he liked the feeling. If approved, he’d hold onto it for a few moments before putting it back up. You kept note of which ones he liked and went back to the store alone the next day, picking out enough yarn of the two colors he was amused by.
It turned out as a soft blue blanket. The main yarn was a sky blue that was silky and cold to the touch paired with a dark blue crushed velvet that wrapped as a border. It took about two weeks of knitting in all your free time to finish it, completed by being folded nicely and wrapped up in paper.
After the small party you and your friends planned for him, you chose to give him your gift alone.
Well, not alone. You had attached a letter you wrote for him to the gift and placed the blanket on his mattress, knowing he’d see it later. You were correct, receiving a text from him later thanking you for the gift.
He seemed to open up to you a lot more after that.
“Sooooo, the rest is history.” You tossed the paper plate (still full of gross food) into the trash.
“wow. wowwowwowwowwow.” Fell shook his skull. “boring story.”
You scoffed at him, heading into the elevators as he followed beside you. “Yak it up. You asked. What did you expect, hm?”
He shrugged, pressing your floor number once you were in the elevator. “dunno. sounds like you two were going to shack or somethin’.”
“Fell, you perv! Nothing is going on between him and me.”
“yeahhhh, alright sweetheart.”
You scowled at him, breaking separate ways once you were out of the elevator and going to your hotel room.
You were lucky. Being the 7th member of the ‘friend/family’ group meant you were the odd one out, and also the only female. (ignore if you’re gender-neutral) If there was ever a situation like this where you all had to stay in rooms, you always got your own while all the individual brothers shared theirs. You can only imagine the chaos breaking out between Edge and Fell, cooped up in that tiny room together.
Your bed was cold and plush when you laid down on it, all made up by the hotel cleaning service. You stared up at the ceiling, your hands over your stomach. There wasn’t anything going on between you two, right?
Ugh. It was only 8:30 am, so most everyone was still asleep except the malicious duo, that was unless Edge successfully woke up Blue. You couldn’t just go back to sleep either. All the talking and walking around made your sleepiness wear off, so you were just a bit stuck. You grabbed your phone, choosing to mindlessly scroll on Pinterest.
You wouldn’t make a move on Sans since you were almost 100% positive that not only was he not interested in you, but that he wasn’t interested in a relationship at all. Every time you brought up the subject he just got dodgy, so you just chose to bury any feelings you had deep down so that you wouldn’t risk the friendship and be a hopeless romantic over some guy.
But now?
Ugggggh. Your feelings were all in a wad. Fell had successfully just made things complicated. He may be a bit of a punk sometimes, but he wouldn’t say something like that to you if he didn’t think you two were interested in each other. Even though he’s a bit rougher around the edges, he still is a Sans. He has the same morals and motivations similar to Classic, unlike Blue on the other hand. He would be your next best dig at getting into Sans’ thoughts since asking him directly was too risky.
You could ask Papyrus, but Papyrus is loyal to keeping his word. You heavily admired it and used his loyalty as a bit of a role model for yourself, but unfortunately, that meant that going to him for an inside scoop meant you’d have to be tricky with your words. Sure, he wouldn’t let you go in completely blind since you were his best friend. If he knew of your little crush he definitely wouldn’t let you get heartbroken, and would give indirect suggestions that technically don’t break his loyalty.
You chose your next best option.
8:34 - u up?
8:35 - i wanna ask u smthn.
8:39- did u go back to sleep ?
8:41 - evil sans (satan) - what's up
8:42 - do u think he likes me?
8:42 - don’t make fun
8:43 - evil sans (satan) - jfc, you woke me up for this?
8:43 - evil sans (satan) - im going back 2 sleep
8:44 - fell pleeeease:(:(:(
8:45- evil sans (satan) - im not sure. he doesn’t talk about that stuff to me. he does act interested in u though, esp compared to how he acts around everyone else.
Mh. You typed and sent a short thanks to him, feeling pretty satisfied with what new information you’ve learned.
You shut your phone off, sighing and tossing it beside you. If you were back home, you’d go and talk to Toriel about this. She’s always so nice and comforting to talk to. Granted, Alphys and Undyne were also good options, but they had a bit of a hard time keeping a secret in relation to crushes. You’d be teased high to no end. Mettaton would be nice to talk to, you could have a day with facemasks, mani-pedis, and gossip.
But you weren’t home, were you? So… how to pass the time…
The time went by slowly. It wasn’t until about 10 am that Blue and Stretch woke up, begrudging you to hang out with them downstairs in the hotel lounge. Since you already had plans to take a short drive to get food, eating at the hotel wasn’t really on the table. Blue dragged you and Edge to do one of the community puzzles the hotel had while Stretch and Fell lounged in chairs, occupied on their phones.
It didn’t take long for Sans and Papyrus, the iconic duo, to show up in the lobby. The short skeleton stood behind you, ruffling your hair a bit while Papyrus rambled on about why they were up so late.
“HORRIBLE. JUST HORRIBLE. WE HAVE BEEN UP FOR THE PAST HOUR AND I HAVE WASTED 30 MINUTES JUST DRAGGING HIM OUT OF BED!” Papyrus complained, some snickers being heard from Stretch about the situation.
“I’m sorry, Papyrus.” You tried to console him, elbowing Sans in the ribcage for his older brother's havoc. “When we get to the ski lodge tomorrow we’ll have our own room.”
Sans nodded, feigning a hurt expression from your elbow jab. “sorry bro. i really gotta work on my self o-bed-ience.”
Several groans were heard, and Fell waved Sans off. “boring, lazy, sloppy. you’ve been lacking on your puns recently.”
Blue connected another puzzle piece, a small look of pride and victory on his face. “I SUGGEST YOU CHANGE OUT OF YOUR PYJAMAS, LAZY ME. WE ARE GOING OUT TO EAT.”
Papyrus’ attention was caught. “GOING OUT? I THOUGHT IT WAS TOO SNOWY.”
“hmmm. who’s gonna drive, again?” Stretch eyed everyone in the group. None of you preferred driving.
Papyrus’ face changed to fear, quickly holding up his hand to his nasal socket. “NOES-GOES!”
The crowd of you went wild, the once tired and calm group now screaming “noes goes” while raising their hand. A few people in the lounge looked over at you, trying to see what was disturbing the peace.
“sorry, bro.” Stretch showed a half-hearted sympathetic look. “we don’t make the rules.
“Why don’t we put up the puzzle and head out then? There’s nothing wrong with being in your pyjamas. It’s not like we know anyone here.” You gestured to your lazy pyjama outfit, vouching a bit for Sans.
“see? they get it.” Sans commented, looking at you with a lazy grin.
The drive was chaos.
Somehow just five minutes in the car leads to sibling fights, Blue yelling at everyone to shut up so that he can focus on driving, Sans pestering Papyrus with puns and Fell showing you TikToks on your phone that he found funny. You never got a break from them.
Blue managed to park the car with several harasses from Edge about how “HE NEEDS A CAR SEAT TO EVEN LOOK OUT THE WINDSHIELD PROPERLY.” The snow was still relentless, just occurring to you that Blue was right and you should have not gone out in your pyjamas. While the others didn’t have skin and weren’t temperature-bothered, you were. You kept trying to rush them all into the diner as quickly as possible.
“I RECALL THAT YOU WERE THE ONE WANTING TO STAY IN YOUR PYJAMAS.” Edge teased you, watching as you sat down and tried to conserve your warmth by wrapping your arms around your waist.
You grabbed one of the menus, glaring at him. “I didn’t realize how cold I’d be. Gimmie a break, man.”
You loved him, but he could be a tad annoying sometimes. Quite frankly all of them got on your nerves now and then.
Food items, Food items… Hashbrowns, some ‘Waffle Topple’ special for 9.99. Your stomach grumbled at all the options.
“still cold?” Sans’ familiar voice rang out.
You looked down at him, seeing that he was sitting next to you. Odd, usually Papyrus or Stretch sat by you.
Checking around the table, you saw the chatter amongst the other skeletons. The two of you would be able to talk one one-on-one for a few minutes before any interruptions.
“A bit. It’s not my fault it’s still cold in here.” You scanned over the menu again. “Whatcha gonna get?”
“not sure.” Sans shrugged, tapping his phalanges on the menu. “all of these options are pretty eggstraordinary.”
“but i think the breakfast combo looks grape.”
You crossed your arms, watching as his amused expression developed. “I’m not doing it. It’s too early.”
“what?” Sans looked over to you. “you got something to hash out with me?”
“10 am. 10.”
“just one? then i’ll quit.” Sans pleaded. “don’t grit your teeth at my puns.”
You groaned in annoyance, hiding your face behind your menu and peeking at him. “Uhmmmm. I’m really tired. I don’t think I can mustard up any good puns.”
Sans stared at you for a few seconds, a bit of a confused and enticed expression. “wow. mustard isn’t even a breakfast food.”
“You didn’t say it had to be.”
“didn’t i? i thought it was obvious with the way my puns were roll-ing.”
“I thought you said you’d quit.”
“i know.” Sans winked, setting his menu back on the table and shrugging off his jacket.
He pulled you in by your shoulders, wrapping his jacket around you to provide a layer of warmth.
You smiled softly, your cheeks heating up a bit since he got so close. Breathe. “Aw. for me? Your musty ketchup jacket?”
Sans brushed you off, his permanent smile twinging upward a bit more. “whaaattt? diddya think i’d give you the cold shoulder?”
You elbowed his arm, pretending to be annoyed despite enjoying his puns. It was a bit impressive how witty he was. You wrapped the jacket around you a bit tighter, not seeing the way Sans was busy staring at you.
“Whatcha gonna order, Papyrus?” Your voice rang soft to him.
Papyrus looked up to you, beginning to ramble about all the options they had, Blue occasionally piping in to debate on which one was best. You glanced over to Sans while listening to them babble, catching a glance of him before he quickly looked away.
You’d tell him soon, one day.
first one shot upload:3 idk if i should make it a two part or not? thanks for reading <3
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E-eldritch Sans au? oh... oh no. Please go on. What does the "blue eyed one" want? and of course there is a skull somewhere in their ranks? what happens when He sees her too?
Sans, the 'blue-eyed one': He wants her just as much as the others do. They all love her in the closest approximation to love they can feel. Rather than try to appear humanoid to her and risk falling into the uncanny valley, like Red often does, Sans takes the route of being completely otherworldly in a clean and easily comprehensible manner. His body resembles a dark fluid, fluctuating in viscosity and shape, eyes and mouths opening across him when required (although he tends to stick to just one mouth to ease the scare factor). He might take a form resembling the small skeleton we all know if she seems particularly nervous... he’s very kind, very careful with her, talking softly and offering to shelter.
Unfortunately, he hates other humans. He wants nothing to do with her friends, he’d kill them if the opportunity arose, he despises having to share her with these noisy dirty meatbags. He makes it very clear from the start that he only assists her friends if she asks, and purely to make her happy... he understands that her mind doesn’t work as his does and she needs her little pack bonds to stay sane, but he’s still clearly vying for a way to get rid of them. She finds it difficult to trust him.
Red, the 'red-eyed one': If Sans is cold and blue and otherworldly... Red is crimson, blood and bones and sinew, almost too close to home. Sometimes his presence is comforting because it reminds her of the warmth of flesh & other human beings, and sometimes it’s deeply and viscerally disturbing, twisting something she knows into an unnatural shape that makes her stomach turn and vividly reminds her that this is a higher being playing around with a smaller creature’s physical form purely for entertainment. Unlike Sans, he’s a lot more tolerating of her surviving friends- although it’s obvious he’s got eyes (MANY eyes) for her, he enjoys her human companions too, he’ll joke with/protect them without her having to prompt him.
Much like Forest God Red, it slowly becomes clear that Red’s imitation of humanoid mannerisms and shapes isn’t entirely for her benefit. He harbours some envy for the species that knits its family units together so tightly- he wants to be human.
Skull, the 'thing that wants': A massive creature following her across the landscape like a needy dog after one chance meeting in the open. All the eldritch beings are huge, but Skull is the only one who struggles to shrink himself, far too ancient and powerful to access those fine shapeshifting motor functions anymore.
He loves her in a frightening, consuming, eldritch way. He wants to know her inside and out, he wants to touch her consciousness, he wants to explore every inch of her brain, he wants to absorb her Soul and trap her tiny body in his own. Maybe he wants to hold her? Maybe he wants to eat her? It’s hard to tell anymore, with a creature like him. He’ll hunt for a thousand years if he has to.
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mega-punani · 3 months
For your Pirate AU, what are all the boys favourite food/dishes/treats/fruits/veggies and drinks(alcoholic and non alcoholic)? I don’t think anyone has asked this, but I was curious, for all of them? Sans, Papyrus, Blue, Stretch, Red, Edge, Razz, Cash, Bear and Cinnamon?
Also are people allowed to use your vers of AUs or even your AUs in stories with different twists?? Like say pirate AU(since I already mentioned them), and like doing the dragged from they’re universe of one piece to a total new that’s kinda modern time? Dealing with an MC that’s trying to keep them outta trouble as well as hide they’re secret but also it’s where a true pacifist route happened??
And of course give you credit but can they use your make, vers, variant, au, whatever you wish to call it in this case, in stories and other works?
Yaw! People can use the pirate stuff for whatever honestly. The au is kinda my idea but not really cause I'm just smashin 2 things together lol. I don't mind. Of course, designs are made by @the-skeleton-in-ur-closet so if you end up drawing or using the designs you GOTS to credit them (or I will hunt you down /hj) Also, the dragging the pirate au to a modern Y/N would be so FUCKING FUN. I loooove those tropes saur much.
Sans: Anything greasy and bready. Bro loves his carbs. Is a big fan of Ketchup too! Favorite drink is a hot mug of cocoa.
Papyrus: SPAGHETTI! And a wide range of pastas. He is also a huge fan of anything tomato. Looooves drinking iced teas, refreshing and sweet!
Blue: Huge fan of sugary and carbonated sodas but hates sparkling water. Blue is also a great enjoyer of greasy foods loaded with meat (like tacos). Likes fruits that are sweet and tropical.
Stretch: A refreshing jug of beer and potato based foods. He also has a deep love for spicy foods, even if he can't handle them well.
Red: MEAT. Bro loves him some bbq, steaks, and grilled goodies. He doesn't really have a favorite drink, but he'll enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. 2 cubes of sugar and a dash of cream.
Edge: The stronger Edge's morning coffee, the less he will yell at the crew. This man needs his caffeine NEOW. Pasta is his guilty pleasure but he tries to suppress the fact that he wants to eat it constantly. He must set a good example by eating healthy...
Razz: Tea, wine, and cheese. Razz's holy trinity. Will nibble on a block of cheese in the middle of the night (scaring tf out of Bear)
Cash: A lover of alcohol. Every to all, especially the strong ones. He's a little embarrassed about this, but chocolate. Just cause he didn't get much as a kid,,,
Bear: Spicy foods and dairy. Spicy foods cause he can feel a strong kick from the food and it makes him all warm on the inside. He likes his dairy because it is still pretty new to him. (unfortunately, he is mildly lactose intolerant-)
Cinnamon: Desserts of all varieties. He loves him some sweet pastries, and he loves him some fudgy brownies. Cupcakes, muffins, cakes, donuts. Cinnamon got quite the sweet tooth. All of it can be paired with a hot cup of coffee that is 4 times more cream than coffee.
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sysig · 2 months
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Unfortunately, as much as I love this mod - I mean, it’s beautiful! Just look at it! - it does have a game-crashing bug D: For some reason skeletons can’t get jobs, it crashes the game lol, so as much as I’d love to have Gaster in the Science career, he is a stay-at-home parent! That’s fine, nannies suck in TS2 lol. There’s also only a few clothing options but I’m gonna try some poking around to at least expand upon what’s there already :D
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I ended up using the stretchSkeleton cheat - hehe, skeleton - to make Papyrus a bit taller and Sans a bit smaller. It’s only really noticeable in their ankles, and their animations are a bit misaligned, but other than that it’s very cute! :D Sans is also chubby but it’s kinda hard to tell :0
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Sans, stop breaking the fourth wall!
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Look how little he is compared to his brother hehe
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Also, and I did not edit or plan this - they naturally started falling into their relationship dynamics! Gaster and Sans have a much lower Short Term Relationship here than Gaster and Papyrus haha
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Would that I could! I was still testing at this point and yup, it crashed. Sadge
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Well even if I can’t get the jobs, I can still cheat-unlock the Career Awards! Scientist behaviour lol
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Look at their delicate little haaands
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Did you know that Gaster sucks? He does!
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Oh what are skeletons not your type? Don’t be rude
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Sans even rejected him when Gaster offered to dance together! I love them
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Gaster’s POV - he was listening to Sans tell a joke and next in the queue Papyrus wanted to show off to him. So accurate haha
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Papyrus’ POV, of course he’s friends with both of them, sweet boy
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And Sans’, look at how much more he thinks of his brother over Gaster! What more could I ask for honestly
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Only concerned with Gaster seeing lol, Papyrus is way closer! He doesn’t count haha
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Racecar bed babyyyy
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Retextured the outfit for Papyrus, so now they’re much easier to tell apart! :D
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Crossover babies ♪ One of the Todds walked by and I just now realized I also gave them a red/blue twin aesthetic haha
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And that’s all he’ll want and care about from now on :)
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Hehe. He gets it!
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Papyrus is bad at making friends! Sans there in the background passively ++ing with Todd lol, he’s a natural
#WPVG#WPTS2#The Sims 2#The Sims#UT#Handplates#Just a bit of silliness! There's only so much I can do with them until I get them some Slightly better clothes haha#You can see I didn't even bother making them a proper house in this lot lol#I also keep accidentally making just ''normal'' Sims in this town - this is meant to be a test town to see clothes and mods in action!#I have made a couple more skeletons dotted around town just to double-triple-quadruple check about getting jobs and yeahhh#One went so sideways that her house caught fire and she died so I had to reload - it was a whole thing lol#But other than the limited clothes and inability to hold down gainful employment - lol - skeletons seem to work just fine :)#Chubbiness on kids is like - barely different pft#There Is a difference but it's so subtle! I guess it's fine#I know there are ways to make specific outfits their own body shape mesh - I wonder if that would be easier or harder for skeletons haha#It's not like I'd be changing the body shape just the way the clothes settle around it#Though I think there is actually a ''physical'' body it's just invisible? It's very strange! I like it#ANYway lol#I did download a couple new coats to see if I could figure out how to reverse-engineer an outfit but so far no success haha#Gonna keep trying! Slowly but surely#Until then it's so fun to see how they all interact and act hehe <3#Papyrus runs everywhere for example - I set his Active to full I think haha - Sans of course is lazy ♪#I could also have babybones or teen skeles - maybe at some point! The clothes...#So much customizable potential and then all the work that goes into it! Haha ♪
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battlemaiden13 · 11 months
So I think it's been asked before, but I'm curious where the HND skeletons stand relationship wise with the Reader. A lot of them seem to be discovering their feelings a lot with all that's happened up to the most recent chapter 135 how do they feel about the MC romantically and such?
This is a lot of skeletons. AND I WANT TO ADD MORE?!? who hurt me????
Anyway the HND skeletons feelings towards MC as of Chapter 135!!
Sans -He has a crush on her, a pretty big one but he’s also not used to liking people like that. He’s had maybe one crush in his entire life before and that didn’t end well for him. He is also keenly aware of just how much his brother likes the human so he has convinced himself he’s happy to step back from this one. Basically he’s pushing his emotions down and it’s not working for him. It probably won’t hit him until he can’t see you everyday and he realizes that he likes you way more than he thought he did.
Papyrus-oh there is a plan in motion here. Papyrus doesn’t like wasting time after he realizes he likes someone and he isn’t. He just needs the best mood to ask you out officially. Your date to the anniversary celebration that he invited you to in chapter 110 will be the perfect setting for him to ask you to be his official date mate. He isn’t too concerned about the move and distance he knows when he wants to ask you out so it’s perfect. Of course if she asks him out before that he will immediately say yes. 
Red-He is full on in love with her but he isn’t asking her out. His low self esteem has him believing that someone like you still hates him and will always hate him to some extent. There is no way that you could feel the same so he’ll continue to watch from a distance. Unless you ask him out or someone else asking you out for him it won’t happen. He is so crushed about moving away from you but he is also fully convinced he’s love is unrequited and he’ll be lucky to have you lust after him. 
Edge-Completely in love with you but doesn’t think he deserves you. He wants to get better before asking you out as he’s still beating himself up over you getting kidnapped when you were so close to their house. He feels guilty that you trust him so much and he would love nothing more than to ask you out but he won’t until he thinks he can protect you. He wants to earn your trust before asking you to be his date mate. 
Blue -Literally could ask you out at any moment but also wants to be 100% sure that you’ll say yes. It’s the slow game for him and he loves it. He’s been in love with you for a while but is worried that you’ll see him as immature. Really Blue doesn’t mind waiting, he wants you to see all sides of him before he asks you out but he also won’t say no if you ask him. 
Orange - Is still feeling very embarrassed about the whole Myra thing. He wants to ask you out but he is so scared it would ruin your friendship that he is absolutely not going to do that. He values you too much as a friend. He is also keenly aware that Blue likes you a lot and he doesn’t want to stand in the way of that because of that even if you ask him out he’d probably say no but it would destroy him. 
Berry - In love with you and has been for a while. Him and his brother now have that deal though so although they are both actively trying to pursue you and stop the others from getting a chance to date you he has to take it slow to ensure you choose both him and Syrup as he doesn’t know how into poly relationships you are or if you’ll even go for it. It’s a slow build making sure you like both him and his brother equally. 
Syrup -Is really in the same boat as Berry. His feelings have grown so much with you it is almost unbearable and he finds himself doing stupider and stupider things when around you. The difference is if you asked Syrup out he knows he can convince you to date both him and Berry whereas Berry is scared you’d turn one of them down. Because of his brother's feelings Syrup will wait until you come to them. 
Axe-Definitely has a crush but because he hasn’t had one in so long it is really strong to him. It won’t be long until he falls completely for you. You also stuck in his memory which is odd since it’s not that good. He doesn’t remember your real name but he remembers you.
Crooks-Crooks has never really had a crush before and this is driving him insane. He wonders if it normally makes others do stupid things and feels as if he keeps embarrassing himself in front of you. He definitely likes you through and wants to spend more time with you. 
Nightmare-He’s fucked and he knows it. You are a lot like his version of you, the one he lost and it didn’t take long for him to fall. He isn’t using you as a replacement but it wasn’t hard for him to fall in love with you. He doesn’t want to go after you though in case you get hurt again. However if you keep being nice to him he won’t be able to hold back. 
Dream -He likes you a lot. The last time he knew a you he gave you to his brother but not this time. He feels as if this is his chance but he’s worried you won’t like him back or feel he’s trying to replace someone he didn’t actually know that well. He doesn’t really know what to do but he knows he likes you. 
Ink-Is struggling the most over the other version of you he knew and loved. He likes this you but he also feels like there's a lot missing, like your holding back. He’s starting to enjoy the new thinks he’s learning about you but is overall confused about his feelings. 
Error- Feels it’s inevitable he falls for you at some point but is trying his hardest not to. Being mean to you didn’t help and you seemed to push all of his buttons but he isn’t going to just give in. He’s pushing you to the back of his mind. Outta sight and all that. Too bad his bedroom is marred with pictures of you. 
Killer-Awe he likes you which is not the best. You have a weird effect over his shifts because of how the last you he knew died. He wants to protect you but he also wants to keep you away from everyone else and he knows he’s not the safest. Unless he gets a hold of himself and his emotions this could end badly. 
Day-Is staying true to his promise with Killer. He only wants to be friends with you. Of course he is madly in love with you, you’re his wife but he had that ending. He wants to give Blue and Orange a chance to have the happy ending he did. Of course if the others come to him for help he would also help them. As long as you are happy he doesn’t care who you end up with, even if it kills him inside that it can’t be him.
Mint-Thinks you are interesting and attractive but also a filthy human who should die. Don’t feel bad he doesn’t like any humans, not just you. You did make him falter a few times during your most recent stay at the hotel but it means nothing. Or he assumes it means nothing. Theres no possible way it could mean anything. 
Mango-Thinks you are amazing and wants to be best friends. It’s just a shame that he can’t seem to get up the nerve to talk to you. There is the beginning of a crush starting to form. Just a sliver of one barely at the surface. If he spends more time with you this will quickly grow. 
Roulette-Still doesn’t want to get involved because of his job and your connection to his boss. He knows that technically Damian has given permission on several occasions but feels like your brother isn’t thinking of your safety there. He still has a crush and still thinks your insanely attractive so of course there's no harm in looking but he won’t be actively pursuing you. 
Sniper-He feels like the time he got to spend with you during your birthday party helped strengthen your friendship and he realized he likes you. A lot. He is also aware that others like you a whole lot and isn’t sure where to go. His brother keeps talking about how getting involved with you can be dangerous and he sort of sees that but you can’t help who you fall in love with. He needs time to process his feelings and decide if he wants to pursue you. 
Colt-Damian gave him the go ahead and he has been in love with you for way longer than he’s actually known you. Skulls is a legend and he always thought they were amazing, meeting you he didn’t realize you could be even more amazing than he ever imagined. Having your older bro (and his best friend) seem to root for him is only spurring him into wanting more of a relationship with you. 
Musket -He fell hard and fast which he hopes he’s made obvious from the flirting. Just something about you was so enigmatic to him that he wants to know everything he can about you. Plus being in competition with his brother always poses a fun challenge. It’s too bad work is keeping all of the mafia busy.
Carbine -He has a crush and knows it, you're the only one who can really get him to stop working and he just can’t seem to say no to you. He loved having you as his assistant and would adore it if you did that more but he’s also talked himself into thinking that it’s a crush and nothing more so he will not do anything about it.
 Rifle - Likes you a lot. Like a lot a lot. He hasn’t put it together yet that it may be a crush or even more but he will listen in to any conversation that might be about you and will full on fanboy about you when he has a moment. He seriously thinks your amazing and he just wants to see you again.
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