#steve weekend
steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
Eddie loved flying. When the sun was out and he could watch the cars and houses get smaller while they reached altitude. When everything felt a bit lighter and his stress was under the clouds.
He did not love flying when the weather was bad.
In fact, he’d joked with the flight attendant that maybe they should delay the flight until the wind and dark clouds passed, but she just laughed and said the pilots were used to it.
Good for them. Eddie wasn’t.
He always sat in the window seat in first class, usually had some old businessman on his way to close a very important deal next to him. That wasn’t an option for this last minute flight though, so he was in the last row of the plane, leg bouncing nervously as people continued to board.
“As a courtesy to those around you, please stow your personal items under the seat in front of you as soon as you are in your seat. This allows a faster boarding process for all of us. Thank you!”
The announcement was a reminder that Eddie was flying without his usual carry-on items. His tour manager had packed him a checked bag and sent him on his way.
So he had his phone and his wallet, and eyes looking out the window next to him watching rain start to hit the tarmac below.
“Excuse me, I think that’s my seat,” a man’s voice said from the aisle.
Eddie looked over and saw a long line of men roughly his age in matching track suits, backpacks over their shoulders, and the Notre Dame logo on their jackets.
They were all tall. Well, all except the guy talking to him now. He was pretty average size.
“Uh. I don’t think so man. I’m 36F,” Eddie answered as kindly as his nerves would allow.
The guy checked his phone, brows creasing together.
“I’m 36F.”
No fucking way was Eddie giving up his window seat.
“Is there a problem?” A flight attendant asked from behind them.
“We’re both supposed to be in 36F?” The guy held his phone towards the attendant.
“May I see your boarding pass, sir?” The attendant asked Eddie.
Eddie pulled his own phone out, holding out the mobile boarding pass for her to see it.
“Sorry sir, it looks like you should be in 36E.”
Oh no.
Oh god no.
A middle seat?
There was no fucking way.
“I’m sorry, would it be at all possible for me to be in a window seat?” Eddie didn’t want to cause problems, but his chest was starting to clench and his breaths were coming in short pants.
“Unfortunately, this is a sold out flight. We wouldn’t have any available for you.”
He could feel eyes on him, quite a few of them, but none as obvious as the guy who actually belonged in 36F.
“We can just switch, man. No big deal.”
Eddie sighed with relief.
“Thank you, yeah. That’d be great.”
The attendant nodded and gestured for the guy to sit down.
Someone behind him sat on his other side and they immediately started talking as if nothing had happened.
See? Eddie had actually done them a favor! Now he could talk to his teammate for whatever sport he played and Eddie could watch their impending demise through the window.
The plane was rocking back and forth from the force of the wind blowing outside and the sky continued to grow darker despite the early afternoon hour. Eddie was considering sending a goodbye text to his band when he felt a hand on his arm.
“Hey, you okay?”
Eddie’s eyes widened as he turned to look at the guy next to him.
“Do you normally get nervous when you fly? Or is this your first time?” He continued. “Sometimes it helps to just close your eyes during takeoff.”
It was kind of him to try this, truly, but Eddie knew kindness wouldn’t save them if lightning hit them.
“I’m just not a fan of storms.”
The guy was watching him while his teammate on the other side of him talked to the guys across the aisle. Eddie was surrounded by this entire team. The irony was not lost on him that he spent so much of his youth expressing disdain for sports ball and might die among a group of sports ball players.
“Steve.” The guy nudged his shoulder against Eddie’s instead of offering his hand, an odd thing to do but the contact was grounding.
“You wanna hold my hand?”
Did they already die during takeoff? Did Eddie somehow end up in heaven?
This very attractive man, who definitely didn’t even know who Eddie was, was offering comfort in these trying times. Offering to hold his hand!
Steve smiled. “It’s okay if not, but I figured it might help you focus on something else.”
Steve held his hand out, palm up, and Eddie laced their fingers together.
“So, Eddie. Tell me where you’re off to.”
Eddie breathed in, breathed out. “My Uncle. He’s getting his appendix out so I’m trying to get there before he wakes up.”
“Oh. I had mine out when I was 10! Is he okay?” Steve seemed genuinely concerned and Eddie felt his stomach swoop.
“Yeah! Yeah, they caught it before it ruptured. But because of his age, they said his recovery might be a little rough so I’m gonna stay with him for a week to make sure he doesn’t overdo it. He’s a stubborn old man who’d probably be pulling weeds from his garden within hours if I wasn’t going so.” Eddie looked back out the window. Fingers reached under his chin, turning him away from the window.
“Eyes on me.”
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Eddie nodded and squeezed Steve’s hand.
“So, you’re close with your uncle?” Steve asked, as if he hadn’t just turned Eddie’s entire world upside down.
“Mhm. He basically raised me. More like a dad,” Eddie whispered out.
The pilot was making an announcement, but you couldn’t pay Eddie to tell you what it was for. He barely even noticed that they were backing away from the boarding zone.
“Do you visit him often?”
“As often as I can. My job keeps me busy,” Eddie shrugged, not really wanting to give it away, didn’t wanna give Steve a reason to look at him differently.
Eddie was gonna soak up this attention as long as he could.
It was actually helping distract him.
“I get that. I mean, I play basketball for Notre Dame and it basically is a full time job. We travel so much, most of my classes are online. I hardly ever get back home to visit my family,” Steve admitted with a sad smile. “Luckily, they come see me at my home games when they can. Does your uncle get to visit you sometimes?”
Just as Eddie went to answer, he caught lightning out of the corner of his eye and his entire body tensed.
“Hey.” Steve’s voice was firm, drawing his attention away from the window quickly. “Keep your eyes on me. We’re fine. Just you and me talking right now.”
They were nearly at the runway for takeoff and it was getting harder to focus on Steve’s words, the warmth of his hand in his, the fact that if it were truly dangerous, they wouldn’t even be cleared for takeoff.
As the plane sped up, Eddie whimpered.
He’d be embarrassed later if he survived.
Steve’s hand pulled from his and wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him against his side while his other hand cupped the back of his head and kept his face against his chest.
“Just breathe. I’ve got ya.”
And really, if the plane went down in flames, no one could save them. But hearing it did help, especially with arms holding him so tightly, he almost didn’t even remember he was on a plane.
But not quite.
The wind was strong enough to make the takeoff rough, shaking the plane more than usual as it left the ground.
Eddie’s hand gripped Steve’s shirt so tight, he would probably cause a tear if his nails weren’t so dull.
He stayed like that while they continued to climb above the clouds, the air pockets making the flight a bit more turbulent than Eddie was okay with.
He felt the vibrations of Steve talking, but didn’t hear him, didn’t even know if he was talking to him or the guy next to him who probably thought Eddie was an idiot.
The pilot made an announcement he didn’t hear, but he figured if he was gonna die, he could die against the chest of a nice, hot guy.
“Worst of it’s almost done, babe,” Steve said, lips against the top of Eddie’s head.
Gareth would never stop teasing him about this if he ever found out.
Being consoled by a sports ball guy during a flight he’s taken at least 30 times in the last two years.
New low? Maybe new high if he managed to get his number.
Steve’s fingers played with his hair, and he slowly felt his body relax.
His last thought before drifting asleep was how nice it was to be held like this.
“I think he’s probably a cookie guy.”
Eddie’s eyes blinked open to Steve’s voice quietly rumbling in his ear.
He’d been adjusted at some point so his head rested on Steve’s shoulder, one hand against his chest.
He couldn’t remember the last time he fell asleep on a flight. Maybe the last time they flew to London from LA right after a show?
And those had been perfect flying conditions.
He lifted his head as he rubbed at his eyes and tried not to let the butterflies take over when Steve’s hand squeezed his hip.
“Hey sleepyhead. You want cookies or pretzels?”
“Cookies always. Please.” Eddie yawned.
As he took the package of Biscoff cookies, he noticed how smooth the flight was and the sun shining through the window.
Steve’s arm stayed around him.
The entire flight.
Even after he’d gotten up to use the restroom.
Even when there was no real reason to offer him comfort anymore.
Even when they landed on the runway in Indianapolis and the seatbelt light turned off.
Even while they talked to each other the entire flight, sharing the smallest details about themselves as if it was a first date.
“Would it be okay if I get your number? I’d like to check on your uncle later if that’s okay,” Steve asked, suddenly seeming more nervous than he had the entire flight.
I’m “Yes! Yeah, please,” he quickly typed it into Steve’s phone, putting his name as Eddie M 🛫. “Uh, thanks for, ya know, helping. Kind of embarrassing.”
“No reason to be embarrassed. It was scary.”
“Yeah. I just figured I fly so much, I should be used to it.”
“You never told me what your job was,” Steve nudged him as he pocketed his phone.
“I didn’t.” Eddie almost didn’t wanna ruin this. But he’d figure it out or find out and then it’d be worse. “I’m the lead singer for Corroded Coffin.”
“Is that…a famous band?”
The guy on the other side of Steve smacked his shoulder. “Dude, one of their songs is on our locker room hype playlist. Dustin’s obsessed.”
“Shut up, Lucas. You know I have my own playlist!” Steve turned back to Eddie and rolled his eyes. “Sorry. So you’re like famous.”
“You could say that,” Eddie hated saying it though, at least in these situations. “You really didn’t know?”
“Nah. I’m more of a pop and 80s kinda guy.”
“Maybe you could send me a playlist? Ya know, when you check on my uncle later,” Eddie suggested.
“Sure. I’ve got a two and a half hour bus ride back to campus to work on one.” Steve smirked. “You gonna be alright now?”
“Yeah. Thanks again. For taking care of me.”
“Anytime. Anything you need.”
And Eddie was pretty sure he meant it.
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avalonlights · 2 months
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"The view is pretty great from up here, huh? "Yeah... It's not so bad, pretty boy."
Here is my creation for the @harringrove-relay-race! Next up, please look forward to a wonderful work from @desperate-not-serious! 🏁
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rogueddie · 1 year
El, who learnt through Hopper that if you do something bad then something you like gets taken away, kidnapping Steve whenever someone in the party does or says anything that upsets her
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livwritesstuff · 5 months
I definitely think that former rich kid-Steve knows how to ski, and when he and Eddie move to New England in their late twenties, he gets into it again.
Eddie, on the other hand, is not a skier. Not by any stretch of the imagination. He let Steve drag him onto the mountain once, and that was way more than enough for him.
Years later, when they have kids that they're supposed to be enrolling in sports (to become "well-rounded human beings" or whatever), Steve signs them up for skiing "just to see how it goes", and much to Eddie's chagrin, they love it, so every weekend from November through February, the Harrington family can be found at their local mountain.
Eddie joins the trip to the mountain every weekend purely for child-wrangling purposes because, seriously, three kids five-and-under is no fucking joke. His favorite part of their ski days is the conversation Steve has to have with Moe, their half-feral menace of a five-year-old, before they hit the slopes.
"Okay, no running into anyone," Steve says as he adjusts Moe's bright pink ski helmet, "Last week you were bowling people over left, right, and center."
Eddie has to hold in a snort, because it's true. The second Moe got the hang of skiing she'd made it her mission to figure out just how fast she could barrel down the mountain. To hell with the other skiers.
"Can you make some big turns today, Moe?" Steve asks, and Eddie watches Moe give her dad some major side-eye.
"Maybe," she says, her tone suggesting she wouldn't be doing any such thing.
So Moe and Steve hit the big hill and Eddie drops three-year-old Robbie off at her lesson on the bunny slope and then he gets to spend the rest of the day in the warmth of the ski lodge with baby Hazel, watching out the window as Steve makes every attempt to prevent Moe from careening straight down the mountain.
"I swear – that girl doesn't feel fear," Steve says later when he finally manages to drag Moe into the lodge for lunch, "You see it, right? She's gonna kill someone if she keeps skiing like that."
"Hey this was all you, man," Eddie shakes his head, "At least we know we can't ever sign her up for hockey."
"Jesus Christ – imagine the bloodbath that would be."
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afewproblems · 8 months
I just got a tattoo done and was thinking about all of the before and after care instructions they gave me and how older Eddie would have possibly reacted to the list of things he would need to do or items to purchase for a new addition to his sleeve.
The artist reaches out to Eddie years after corroded coffin makes it big. She's fairly well known as a minor celebrity herself in the tattoo and body modification space in LA, so when she contacts Eddie's agent about offering a new piece for his eclectic sleeve he checks out her portfolio and is immediately sold.
She sends him the idea and he signs off on it right away and before they know it, he and Steve are on a plane from Chicago to Los Angeles.
It isn't until it's done, and the second skin is placed over the piece, smoothed out to ensure no bubbling, that Eddie balks at the secondary list of steps he needs to take.
The artist taps out the instruction email on her phone, hitting send with a dimpled grin before reaching out to shake his hand and Steve's, thanking them for being such great new clients. She asks Steve if he would be interested in a piece at some point, to which he smiles politely and shakes his head.
Steve has never been into tattoos for himself, though he's always gone to great lengths to admire and kiss each piece on Eddie's body.
Eddie half listens as they continue to chat, pulling out his phone to review the email she sent him.
"Ensure that you leave the second skin on for three to five days and upon its removal (see removal instructions on page two)..."
Eddie has to stop himself from rolling his eyes right then and there. It's not as though this is his first ever tattoo, he's been getting ink since before this girl was even born.
He winces at the thought, reminding himself that just because she's young doesn't mean she doesn't know her shit, and she clearly does. He shakes his head and nods when Steve says goodbye for them and they make their way to the elevator.
"Okay, what's with the face?" Steve asks quietly as soon as the door closes.
Eddie sighs and folds his arms over his chest, careful not to bump the now tender area on his forearm.
"You look like you swallowed a lemon, spill," he reaches out for Eddie's shoulder, his warm hazel eyes, now lined with gentle wrinkles at the edges search his face, "do you not like it?"
Eddie barks out a laugh, "it's probably one of the nicest ones in the whole collection, no Stevie, it's not that".
Steve raises his eyebrow now and just looks at Eddie until the elevator dings and the doors open before them.
God Dammit.
He loves and hates this ability, that Steve knows Eddie will crack eventually if he just waits long enough.
"Fine!" Eddie sighs as they make their way back to the hotel.
It's gorgeous out, nothing like the weather back home right now, the palm trees lining the streets and the twinkling fairy lights on every corner gives the area an almost magical feel, despite the bustling pedestrians packing the sidewalks.
"It's a little weird all the instructions," Eddie says eventually. He speaks slowly, doing his best to articulate exactly what he feels.
Steve nods, though the confused pinch between his brow doesn't quite fade.
"And I've been getting these done since it eighties, Steve, it's just a little--"
Eddie growls and tugs on his hair in frustration, "I don't want to be shitty".
Steve shrugs and loops his arm around Eddie's small waist, tugging him closer.
"Be shitty, you know I love it," he grins and lifts his free hand to remove Eddie's from his hair, "what about the instructions made you upset?"
"It's like I'm being talked down to," Eddie says with a frown, "I got a stick and poke from Jeff in '84 that was totally fine with out any of this," he lifts his arm now to show off the shiny second skin to Steve who nods.
"And which one was that again?" Steve asks, there's a leading lilt to his voice that makes Eddie want to sit on the sidewalk.
He huffs out a low whine, "Steve--"
"Eddie," Steve answers with a soft smile.
And Eddie knows he's lost this argument, if you could even call it that, because the bats that Jeff did for him all the way back in '84, have since been covered up.
Over the years they had morphed into six blobs of bluish grey on the back of his forearm that could no longer be distinguishable as bats, and after being asked about his 'abstract' tattoos by an interviewer a few years back, he had made the decision to get them covered.
And it could have been any number of things that lead to the eventual fading and blobification of his bats, but Eddie figured it was probably because they had almost immediately gotten infected a few days after Jeff had finished them in his parents garage.
Eddie clears his throat and opens the email on his phone again, taking another look at the list the artist had sent him.
"Fine, you gonna help me take care of this thing Stevie?" Eddie grumbles as they enter the revolving door of the hotel, stepping carefully into the pie shaped section to avoid colliding with the moving entryway.
Steve snorts and lets his hand curl through one of the belt loops on Eddie's jeans, "I think I remember agreeing to something like that, in sickness and health?"
He leans forward and nuzzels his nose into Eddie's ear, "till the end of our days".
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harringroveera · 6 months
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AU where Billy and Steve met when they were kids
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libraryofgage · 8 months
PJO Steddie Two
So, this part was kinda supposed to be attached to part one, but I got tired and the part was getting too long so here we are lmao
Anyway, we get a few parents revealed here, but most are still a mystery
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
Eddie is on the other side of the park and wondering if he has enough time to see that fake Parthenon when he hears the unmistakable sound of a harpy's shriek. Those things have nearly eaten him enough times at camp for their bird screams to be seared into his memory. And if he's hearing the overgrown chicken, that means it's found those demigod kids before he could.
He whirls around just in time to see the harpy shoot above the trees, wings flared and feathers bristling, before dive-bombing whichever unlucky kid it's decided to eat first.
"Motherfucking shit bitch," Eddie mutters, taking off across the grass to where the harpy dived.
On the bright side, he managed to find the kids pretty quick; he'd only been in Athens for a few hours. On the fucked up side, he might only be able to sneak one or two kids away from the monster. Which, like, he'd love to save more of them, but he's not exactly the best fighter. He's the best runner and hider. This is why he's sent on these missions: the camp has learned that stealth and hiding usually bring more kids into safety than straight-up attacking monsters.
Eddie skirts around a tree, just barely missing the branch that threatens to whack his head off. He can hear music (something light and jumpy, soft and clear) and kids shouting in what he assumes to be fear. Just based on the sound, he's not going to be able to sneak those kids away. They're probably right in front of the harpy.
He'll have to be a distraction so they can run. "I'm gonna fucking die today," Eddie says, resigned and annoyed all at once. He reaches up and tears off the guitar pic and chain around his neck, the small triangle bursting outwards into a shield with straps that wrap around his arm.
It's ready to withstand some harpy claws by the time Eddie gracefully trips over a tree root and reflexively tucks and rolls over his shoulder. He pops up from the ground, eyes trained to the harpy, and freezes as three very important things become incredibly obvious.
One: the kids are not, in fact, shouting in fear. They're shouting with excitement, cheering at the fight happening before them. Eddie watches as a boy wearing a baseball cap punches the air and shouts, "Get 'em, Steve! Fuck the bird up!" His words are quickly followed by two girls jokingly shouting, "Language!" in return before laughing.
Two: the song playing is coming from a Bluetooth speaker on the blankets. It's a pop song. At least, it sounds like one. It's definitely old, though, and he only knows the name (Dancing in the Moonlight, by Toploader) because one of the muses' kids sang it once at a campfire night when Eddie first arrived at the camp.
Three: the most gorgeous boy Eddie has ever seen is currently beating the ever-loving shit out of the harpy with a nail bat. His mouth is pulled back into a vicious grin, his hair is somehow unaffected by the violent swings, and Eddie can somehow tell he's dragging this fight out with the harpy to blow off some steam.
"Oh! Steve!" one of the kids shouts, a girl with a beanie covering her hair. Her hat seems to be shifting just slightly, but Eddie thinks it might be a trick of the light. "Hit her to the music, like one of those movie fight scenes."
Then Eddie hears the boy, Steve, laugh. The sound is bright and clear and pierces right through Eddie's chest. "Sure thing, kiddo," Steve says, sliding back a step and twirling the bat in his hand. He tilts his head, listening to the song and catching the drums and keyboard, and then jumps right back onto the harpy.
And he does it. He starts swinging and landing hits on the harpy in time with the drums. Steve roundhouse kicks the harpy in the chest right as a guitar solo starts, his foot making contact with the first strum. Feathers are bursting in the air around Steve, brushing by him and creating brief, tiny dappled shadows over his face. The way he fights is like a dance, especially when he has music to follow and an audience to entertain.
Here's the thing: Eddie has never been one to keep his imagination in check. Why would he? Some of his best songs have been inspired by daydreams. So, when he sees the most gorgeous boy in the world beating a harpy's ass with a violent yet graceful dance, Eddie really can't be blamed for daydreaming.
The bright sun is replaced by a full moon, the park has become the shore by the lake at camp, and the audience of kids has disappeared completely. It's just him and Steve at the lake, smiling at each other and dancing, trading off lead between them. Eddie spins Steve and Steve dips Eddie. Somewhere, Dancing in the Moonlight is playing softly, nearly drowned out by their quiet laughter and whispered jokes and the waves of the lake brushing against the shore.
Oh. Oh.
That stupid prophecy. It was talking about this. The oracle predicted this moment and, apparently, considered it important enough to actually tell Eddie about it months ago. And he's spent this entire time trying to fight that obscure prophecy, trying to turn it into something bitter and filled with rage when it's just...just Steve. And Eddie doesn't know Steve yet, sure, but not even the gods could stop him from giving it a shot.
Eddie blinks, dragged harshly from his daydream by the kids shouting with joy as Steve brings the bat down on the harpy's head. The monster bursts into that familiar puff of smoke and mist and dust, and the kids cheer even louder.
Steve grins and stands up straight, rolling his shoulders and cockily resting the bat on his shoulder. He starts to turn toward the kids only to stop when he's facing Eddie, their eyes meeting and catching right as the song finishes playing.
The rush of joy and adrenaline at beating the harpy is still surging through Steve when he sees the guy his age standing a few feet away, staring at them with wide eyes. For a brief moment, Steve thinks he's a human who just happens to be able to see monsters, too. They've run into a person like that before. Then he notices the shield on the guy's arm and realizes he must be like them to some degree.
Steve blinks, his shoulders tensing slightly as he studies the other boy. Hair that definitely needs a more specialized shampoo, big brown eyes, and a whole grunge kinda vibe that Steve finds inexplicably attractive. He could spend another hour staring at the guy, but then one of the kids leaps onto his back, laughing right in his ear and nearly making him go deaf.
"That was so awesome!" Dustin shouts, wrapping his legs around Steve's waist as the other kids rush to surround him.
El grabs his free hand, smiling up at him. "Thank you for dance fighting," she says, her words almost drowned out by the other kids shouting their favorite parts and Max insisting she could have helped with the fight.
Steve grins a little wider, feeling his adrenaline drain as the relief of keeping his kids safe takes its place. "She shouldn't have interrupted our day off," he says, stubbornly keeping his eyes on the kids instead of the guy still staring at them. "C'mon, we need to keep moving."
"Where are you going?"
The guy's voice is a little rough, and Steve thinks he'd be able to pick it out from any crowd after hearing it just once. He looks over at the guy, frowning slightly. "I don't think it's your business," he says, trying to ignore the part of him that feels bad.
Thankfully, the guy doesn't seem to care. He just shrugs and takes a few steps closer. "Oh, I don't know, big boy. I think your gaggle of demigods is definitely my business," he says.
"Is that a threat?" Steve asks, really hoping it isn't. It would be a shame to punch the guy's face.
The boy blinks, pausing like he's reconsidering how his words sounded. "Shit, yeah, that did sound bad," he says, frowning and tugging on a lock of hair. He pulls it in front of his mouth, a few more seconds passing before he says, "I'm gonna start again."
The guy clears his throat and the retracts his shield. It shrinks down into a guitar pic on a chain that he latches around his neck. "Okay," he says, "Eddie Munson, son of Hermes, future rockstar, and your guide to Camp Half-Blood."
"Future rockstar?" Max asks, her voice low and sardonic.
"Hermes has kids?" Mike asks.
"I've never heard of Camp Half-Blood," Steve says, pushing forward and herding the kids to stand behind him. He stores Eddie's name for later, forcing himself to focus on the whole Potential Threat to His Kids thing.
Eddie nods like this is something he's expected. "That's fine. Lucky for you, pretty boy, I'm here to explain it all."
"Pretty boy," Steve mumbles, doing his absolute best to not think about his face heating up.
From behind him, he hears Lucas groan, "Aww, man, they're gonna be gross."
Thankfully, Eddie doesn't pay them any mind. "Camp Half-Blood is a safe haven for demigods like us. It's got a barrier around it that keeps monsters out, and we make sure everyone is trained to fight monsters and survive as adults," he explains, grinning at Steve.
"Wait, how many more of us are there?" Will asks, poking his head around Steve to look at Eddie with wide eyes.
"Oh, hundreds. The gods aren't exactly known for keeping it in their pants."
"So, we'll be safe at this camp?" Steve asks slowly.
"Safe as can be, big boy."
"Is it demigods only?" Steve asks.
Eddie nods once, flashing a grin. "Of course. We've got one Olympian who helps run the camp as, like, a punishment thing. He doesn't do much, actually. But we've also got some nymphs and Chiron. Uh, there are a few monsters in the forest, but they aren't too dangerous. They're mostly for training. The main thing is that big dangerous monsters can't get to us, and the Mist keeps humans from stumbling on the camp, too."
Honestly? It sounds way too good to be true. Steve has spent years running across this country and back, collecting the kids along the way and struggling to keep them alive. How is he only now learning about some camp that's built just for kids like them?
"The Mist?" Dustin asks, pushing around Steve. He'd be halfway to Eddie if Steve didn't grab his shirt and drag him back. "What's the Mist?"
"It's, like, this camouflage thing that keeps humans from noticing monsters and our powers," Eddie explains, vaguely sweeping his hand in the direction of a few other park-goers. "It's why nobody started screaming when you beat that harpy."
"Oh, that's what it's called," Dustin says, his grin saying he's about to grill Eddie for all his knowledge if Steve doesn't stop him.
Eddie nods and looks over the kids before settling his gaze on Steve again. "You and the kids will be safe there," he says.
"I wouldn't mind settling down," Will says, tugging on Steve's sleeve and looking up at him hopefully.
The other kids nod in agreement, and El squeezes Steve's hand. "It sounds like it'll be safe for me, too," she whispers.
Gods, is it tempting. No more running around, a place they can actually settle down and call home. He could get a full night of sleep for once instead of waking up every other hour to check their surroundings. He wouldn't need to worry about food or clothes or what to do if the kids get sick.
Steve frowns slightly, thinking for a moment before looking back at Eddie. "What happens when we get there?" he asks.
"You'll be given the grand tour by yours truly," Eddie says, playfully bowing to Steve and the kids. "Then, you'll get sorted into cabins and start training."
"How will we be sorted?" Lucas asks. He sounds genuinely curious, so Steve swallows back his retort that they certainly won't be separated if he has anything to say about it.
"By your godly parent. So, pretty boy here will probably go into the Aphrodite cabin," Eddie says, winking playfully at Steve.
"Aphrodite isn't his mother," El says, pushing closer to Steve as the other kids agree.
Eddie blinks. "Uh, who is?"
Steve hesitates, studying Eddie for a few seconds before looking at the kids. This isn't something he should reveal without a general consensus from them. What he gets is a few shrugs, an exasperated sigh from Lucas, and some nods. "My dad is Zeus," Steve says, looking back at Eddie.
"Dude," Eddie breathes, his eyes wide as though his entire world has been shaken, "How the fuck are you alive?"
And Steve can't help it. He laughs, shrugging off the nerves he'd felt earlier because he just can't bring himself to mistrust Eddie. "It's a bit of a long story," he says, "but I could tell it to you on the way to Camp Half-Blood."
The way Eddie lights up is enough to slightly calm the ever-present anxiety that hums through Steve's veins. Maybe this won't be a disaster.
Tag List (there is definitely still room, so just let me know if you'd like to be added!)
@mugloversonly, @mentallyundone, @hairdryerducks-blog, @carriethesaint, @lunabyrd, @weekend-dreamer7, @farfaras, @littlelady03, @my-tears-are-becoming-a-sea20, @mogami13, @a-little-unsteddie
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Losing Jimmy Buffett and the Smash Mouth guy on the same weekend is a one-two punch from which tumblr may never recover. And it's almost the annviersary of the queen's death too!
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie post a Tiktok that’s like, “Steve’s away for the weekend at a teacher conference so you know what that means…”
He flips the camera around to zoom in and out on the fire truck parked in their driveway, making club music noises with his mouth. You can hear him yell goodbye to Fireman Dave before flipping the camera back around on himself. He’s a little burnt around the edges, a little manic looking as he asked, “Seriously though, let’s not mention this to Steve.”
TMZ picks up the story and obviously post something about it because the fire department had to come to a celebrity’s house. Eddie wakes up the next morning to four missed calls and seventeen unread text messages from Steve.
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mingmingbats · 1 year
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i hope i'm not too late for the smutty weekend!!!! but i need to know how the boys (Steve, Baron and Gator) would react being caught/walked in on having sex
(also i love your writing)
Never EVER too late baby! I’ll write smut always in all fairness, i’m just a fan of alliteration 💁🏽‍♀️✨
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CW; exhibitionism, bar the first one the people catching you have no idea whats happening 🤍, handjob (m receiving), oral (f receiving), car sex, being caught ofc ✨
i’m into getting caught writing this one 😮‍💨
The dirt track. Right underneath the willow tree tunnel. Meeting place with Gator when things got tough, boring, late, needy, heated, whatever. He’d pick you up in his SUV and take you there immediately, knowing you’d drop call him specifically twice and he’d be on his way for you.
For it to end up the same every time, windows steaming - keeping them shut in fear of anyone listening. Though as Gator bent you overloaded the middle console from the backseat, the noises falling from your mouth were often loud enough to hear through soundproof glass.
“You needed this, hm?” Gator grunted, pulling your ass back against his hips; fingernails indented into the folds between hips and thighs. You’d nod, moaning out a weak “yes, sir”. This would always make him pick up the pace, rocking the car and forcing you to balance your hands on the front seats just for stability. You’d feel it climbing, the perfect ache forming in your lower tummy and he knew it.
“Can feel you baby, you close?” He’d breathe out, grinding his hips forward. With a quick tug of your hair, he pulled your head up and you immediately gasped.
“Yeah? Right there?” Gator grunted.
“Gator stop - it’s -“
“Not too much baby, you can do it -“ He carried on, too lost in you. But you reached back and pushed him off you, sitting in the furthest corner of the backseat.
“What’s wrong? You were right there -“
He quickly shut up when you pointed towards the windscreen, the low headlights illuminating none other than Roy Tillman, hat and all. He stood relaxed, hands on his hips as he waited for the two of you to realise.
“Shit. Shitshitshitshit.” Gator mumbled, pulling up his camo pants and scrambling out of the backseat door, hoping he could either make it up to his dad or at least save you from a lecture. After what looked to be the most awkward conversation ever, surprisingly Roy looked towards the car, tipping his hat and walking away. Thank god.
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were going to hear the pitchy ding of the door bell, scared that a customer would walk in and see your head thrown back against the counter. Supposedly if they did, they’d have no idea that their video store sales assistant was tongue deep in his girlfriend. On his knees and whining against her clit as his arms wrapped around her thighs.
“What if -“
“Nobody’s coming in, honey.” He’d pull off just to say before diving back in again, somehow hungrier than before. He could stay there forever, blocking out the world and only tuning into the sounds tumbling from your lips. His mouth left you again, hands spinning your hips so your top half faced and collapsed against the Family Video desktop.
“Now you can keep look out while you come.” He growled, shuffling so he had his back against the counter so he could find comfort in your core again. Your hands gripped the edge of the counter as you felt that knot grow again, hips grinding back against his face.
With each ‘mhm’ he muttered against you, you throbbed in response. And just as that crescendo reached its highest peak, you saw her. Robin, jumping out of Vickie’s car and waving her off as she headed right towards the store.
“Steve - Steve - stop, Robin’s here, Robin’s coming - fuck -“ You mumbled nervously, trying to buck away from his mouth but he just chuckled.
“So act naturally then, Miss 4.0 Drama major.” Steve whispered cockily, mouth wrapping around your clit again as you tried to regain composure.
“Oh hey, didn’t expect you to be here so late, ignore me - Keith said he’d called nine times and no answer so I had to get my ass outta bed and come and stock check quickly. Do you know where Steve even is?” Robin rambled as she usually did, not even looking over at you as she headed straight to the first row of tapes and checking them.
You were already on the brink, but as Steve slipped two fingers inside you. “I - I uh, he was in the break - break room when I got here, I’ve just been - waiting -“
You could feel Steve smirking against you as he curled his fingers harder inside you, bringing you right over the edge as you closed your eyes and let it happen. Robin stood up.
“Oh, I’ll check. You okay?” Robin asked kindly, looking at you for a moment as you gritted your teeth and smiled softly. She headed towards the break room and Steve got up with a smug smirk, lips glistening as he giggled and wiped your mess away with the back of his hand. You fixed your skirt, hopping up on the counter and giggling with him. Robin came back out of the break room confused, sighing in relief when she saw Steve.
“Idiot, Keith’s been calling and calling you - why do you bother coming in if you don’t do anything?” Robin sighed as she slung her bag over her shoulder and headed towards the front door again.
“I got caught up.”
Needy. Baron’s new middle name. He’d call you throughout the day, mumbling that he was just ‘checking in’ but he wanted to know where you were and how long it would be till he could see you again.
Now here you were, pressed against his chest as his back was against an incredibly wide oak tree on the outskirts of town, civilisation a short bike ride away, but away nonetheless. His head was back against the bark, brown eyes looking up at the sunlight through the trees as he felt like he was ascending.
“Still with me, darling?” You’d say softly as your lips carried on pressing to his neck, one of your hands cupping his face and the other stroking the outline of his arousal through his shorts.
“Mhm.” He mumbled sweetly, tilting his head back down to meet your gaze, his eyes hooded immediately as he saw how beautiful you looked in the afternoon sun. Mischievous twinkles in your irises as you smiled almost innocently, before your hands were unzipping the shorts and pulling them his mid-thigh.
“Oh honey - are you sure? We’re, well we’re outside and -“
“I can stop, I thought that’s what you wanted, you said on the phone and I quote, ‘if I don’t feel your hands on me, I’m riding this bike into Ron’s shop window’ end quote.” You’d say with a giggle, halting your movements.
“I did - I did say that, you’re right,” He mumbled, his drawl thicker as he grew more and more needy for you now he knew you met him just to give him the pleasure he begged for, “I want it- want you.”
Pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, you pulled away only centimetres, cupping your hand underneath your mouth and spitting crudely into your palm before gripping his cock softly.
“Now just focus on me, okay darling?” You’d reassure him, matching his smile as he nodded eagerly back, his knees almost going slack as you stroked him. Unfortunately for the pair of you, the intense and thrilling moment came to a halt as you heard a dog barking loudly, followed by the sounds of crunching leaves and women’s shrill voices cackling.
“Shit - who - why is there -“
“Baron, pull your damn pants up and kiss me.” You whispered hastily, wiping your hands on your clothes and almost screaming with shock as Baron did what you said and spun you round; your back hitting the bark as he kissed you hard.
“Ow fuck-“ You giggled against his lips, kissing him back as you opened your eyes and looked over his shoulder. A familiar face with a friend walked past with her dog and the two women clocked you both.
“Oh young lovers - Baron?” One of the ladies spoke, pulling her dog on its leash closer to her and picking it up into her arms. Baron turned halfway around, hyperaware of the heavy erection straining in his shorts as he smiled and waved haphazardly at the ladies.
“Hi. Hi Biscuit.” Baron mumbled awkwardly as he waved at the dog. Nudging his elbow into your ribs playfully as you giggled at the situation.
“You got yourself a lovely girl there, huh? I remember those days.” The two ladies stood not that far away from you both as they started reminiscing together. Baron turned his head back to look at you before looking down at his…predicament, before the two of you burst into a fit of giggles, shouting a ‘we’ll catch y’all later’ to the women and running away, Baron almost limping with the need for relief.
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t0nystark1er · 1 year
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These cuties!
So lucky I scored a commission spot from @jetblackfeeling​! Thanks again jet!!
All Pro-Football AU 🏈
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steddieunderdogfics · 23 days
For kid fic weekend: Someone who cares by Just_my_latest_hyperfixation
Someone who cares by just_my_latest_hyperfixation
Rating: Explicit
83,986 words, 14/14 chapters
Archive Warning: Creator chose not to use
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Strangers to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Domestic Fluff, Single Parent Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington is Dustin Henderson's Parent, Angst with a Happy Ending, Eddie Munson Needs a Hug, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Slow Burn, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drug Dealing, Mentions of Cancer, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Porn with Feelings, Found Family, Homophobic Language
Hey, babe … It takes Robin only a minute to respond, and apparently she can read his mood even through text message. Hey, love! What’s wrong? The terrace seems weirdly quiet and empty without Eddie’s presence. Eddie, who is all loud and wild on the outside, but kind and considerate on the inside. Who will gladly reopen the scars of his own past to make a sad little boy feel better. Who calls Steve cute, and a softie, and thinks his son is the greatest kid in the world. Steve sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He digs his fingers into the bridge of his nose so hard his nails leave little indents in the sensitive skin there. Then, he lets out a heavy breath, types and hits send before he can overthink it for too long. I think I’m fucked. ---------- Or: The one in which Steve Harrington, overtired and over-stressed businessman and single dad, hires Eddie Munson as a nanny.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is Kid Fic.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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augustjustice · 5 months
Sunday Seven
Eddie’s surprised to find a few exceptions to the room’s cold tidiness, however, and even more surprised to find it in the form of a stack of fantasy novels stashed inside the bedside table and a couple of action figures tossed in one corner.
Following his gaze, Steve turns and gives him a wry look. 
“Dustin stays over sometimes,” he explains, “the other rugrats, too, but it’s still mostly his stuff that winds up here. Leaves his shit all over the place.” 
There’s a fondness to Steve’s smile that undercuts the annoyance in his words. 
Eddie thinks back to the months and months Dustin spent talking Steve up to him. How even then it never really occurred to him just how close they might be. 
He’s not exactly sure how to phrase the feeling that comes over him, so instead he says, “I can’t believe we’re best friends with a fourteen year old, man.��
“God, tell me about it.” 
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
I love childhood friends or old school days crushes Steddie as much as the next guy but do you know what is so good about the canon version of their history? God it's just.
Never in my wildest dreams would it or should it have been you; never did I imagine you as anything other than what I saw; never did I think you had it in you to prove me wrong; never did I believe I had it in me to let you
There is something so delicious about two guys who aren't meant to be, who have never been meant to be, who would never meet so much as become friendly so much as anything more under literally any circumstances other than these, the traumatic and tragic and terrible lot of them.
Because without the bad, god they'd have been so free, they'd have been so different and so untethered to this town and all the horror it has to offer, but they'd also be without each other, without themselves as they are.
Because holding onto each other is a grab bag of good and bad-- it's all those memories bottled in one man's face but it's all that camaraderie in someone else's hands too-- and there's a choice here to be made about accepting the cards you've been dealt versus trying to scrap the whole deck and just.
The idea that they'd choose the hard way in the name of being seen and understood.
The idea that it's worth the work despite never having been written in even the most distant of stars.
The idea that everyone who looks at them and thinks odd couple who thinks that shouldn't work is kind of right but also wholly wrong because this isn't any other set of circumstances.
This is their lives, their dice falling in this very specific way, and they get to decide what to make of that.
Maybe they get to decide them. Maybe that's the most beautiful part of it all.
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jadewritesficshere · 8 months
It's time
Alpha!Steve Harrington x Omega!Reader
Steve goes into his rut.
Warnings: omegaverse dynamics, breeding kink, p in v, creampie, knotting
18+ Only
Steve blearily walked into the kitchen. It was 1 in the morning and something had woken him. He couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe it was Eddie coming home late? Or you, finally getting off a shift (if they would stop switching your hours all over the place, Steve would be happy so you wouldn't be so exhausted). Maybe it was simply the thunder outside.
Either way, Steve awoke with a mouth dryer then the Sahara. He needed water. He felt extremely hot too. As Steve grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the sink, he stared at the rain pelting the house. Taking a quick dip outside sounded nice. Steve chugged the water, quickly draining the cup. He left the sink on and dove forward, drinking directly from the tap.
A low growl rumbled through him as he drank. The water was cool on his tongue, quenching his thirst, but he felt hot. Steve dunked his head under the running water. The cold water running over the back of his head and down into the sink. He panted into the sink, nails digging into the edge.
The realization of what was happening struck him at the same time your scent hit his nose. Your scent smelled so sweet. It beckoned him. It called unto him to go to you. To make you his. To have you cry out his name in pleasure. To writhe and pant beneath him. To knot you.
The thought jolted him. Steve wanted to knot you. Steve knew what was happening. His rut had come, sooner than anticipated. Steve wasn't supposed to go into his rut yet. They had always been on time, but he had never lived with an omega before. That was the only reasoning that would make sense in his mind. Last rut, directly after you presented, Steve had holed up at his parents house (not that they would ever know since they were never there). Steve didn't want to pressure you and thought being around you would have been the most bittersweet torture.
But now you were dating. Now you were his omega. And he needed you. Now.
Steve's head snapped up, water rolling off his hair and down his neck. Beads of water were rolling down his bare shoulders. He never slept with a shirt on, only a pair of boxers. But they seemed too constricting now that he had his mind set on you. He hastily shoved them off, his erection springing up.
Steve's hand fumbled with the spout, turning the handle to shut the water off too hard and hearing a crack. The water kept trickling out, now leaking. It had Steve pause, he didn't want to use too much force and hurt you. You were soft. Pliable. You were sweet. You were his. And he was going to make sure you knew it.
Steve stumbled down the hall like he was drunk. Drunk on your scent. It beckoned him, calling like a siren to a sailor. He made it to your door and almost keeled over. It was too much and yet not enough at the same time.
Steve grabbed the door knob and yanked the door open. In his haste, the handle broke off in his hand. He inhaled deeply and exhaled a breath slowly. The door slowly creaked open as he stood there, staring at the handle in his hand.
Being in a rut, Steve forgot how strong he was. His thoughts only of you. Of pumping you full of his seed. He needed to get a hold of himself. He needed to be careful, or else he could hurt you. He didn't want to hurt you-
"Steve?" You called sleepily, rubbing your eyes and sitting up partly in bed.
He wanted to knot you. Wanted to have pups with you.
Steve felt like he was hyperventilating, taking breaths in and out so quickly. In one quick motion, he had slammed the door behind him and was on your bed. The door handle landing with a metallic clang on the hardwood floor.
You blink the sleep from your eyes as Steve slowly crawls up the bed towards you. A low growl escapes Steve, fangs peeking out between his parted lips. You can feel yourself become wet with arousal from anticipation. Steve's scent rolling of him, almost intoxicating.
You lay back on your forearms, watching Steve. Steve reaches your thighs, prying them apart. He leans in, nose brushing against your clothed cunt, and deeply inhales. Steve groans and inhales again, eyes locking with yours.
You can feel your slick soaking your underwear. You fidget slightly causing Steve to throw an arm across your hips to hold you down. "Smell so fucking good," Steve growls out. He nudges your clit with his nose causing you to jump. His tongue licks the slick seeping through your soaked underwear.
Steve moans at the taste. His fingers grip your thighs tighter. Steve opens his eyes to look up at you. Your eyes meet his, his eyes so blown they look almost black.
Your mouth is simultaneously dry and salivating at the sight of him. You can feel another gush of slick occur as your stomach alights with that familiar warm fuzzy horny feeling. You want him.
But he needs you.
"Please?" He asks, fingers flexing and pulling you closer. Even filled with the hormones from his rut, Steve thought of you first. You thread a hand through his hair,"I got you Alpha." Steve inhales shakily and nods.
On a normal day, he would take his time. Make sure you've orgasmed before him. Spend time being close and nosing at your mating gland, holding hands, whispering promises. Foreheads touching as he thrusts into you, fingers interlocked. When he takes you from behind, he envelopes you with his arms and holds you close. Soft and sweet.
But Steve can't. Not today. There is no soft and sweet in his mind. Steve can't even formulate words at this moment, just a low growl as he grabs your underwear. The sound of fabric ripping fills your ears as he tears the underwear from you.
Steve groans at the sight. You're drenched in slick. You look perfect. So ready for him.
Steve crawls up over you, face hovering over his. "I- fuck. I need-" Steve stumbles over his words as a whiff of your scent hits him. A scent that you've released to calm him. But he can also smell an undercurrent of your arousal.
"I got you Steve. I'm ready for you. Want you." You cup the side of his face with your hand and smile at him. Steve licks his lips before kissing you. He moans into your mouth as you return the same fervor. Steve can feel your tongue brush against his fangs before wrestling with his own tongue.
Steve lines himself up, cock catching on your hole. He teases your entrance slightly, feeling slick gush around him. Warm, wet, and fucking made for him. Steve growls as he thrusts in quickly, filling you to the brim in one motion.
You gasp slightly before a moan escapes. Steve sets a brutal pace. Fast and hard. The bed rocks with each thrust, headboard clanging against the wall. He shifts slightly, grabbing your legs and throwing them up over his shoulders.
At this angle, Steve hits that spot inside of you which every thrust. The thatch of hair and his pelvis hits your clit just right. A gasp escapes you with each thrust, sometimes being able to be formed into a moan.
"You're so- fuuucck. You. Omega!" Steve bites at your chin, close to your mating gland but not quite," So good. Gonna take care of you. Gonna fill you with my pups." You nod," Want it Stevie, please." "You're gonna get it babe. Gonna fuck gonna give you my knot. Make sure it sticks."
You tumble over the edge into pleasure. Your orgasm runs through you, leaving you shaking and spasming against Steve. You've never felt this good before. The pleasure was so immense it felt like you were floating.
Steve could feel your walls clenching around him. His abs tensed and he knew he wouldn't last. He thrust deep inside of you and came with a loud groan. Steve could feel his knot pop. You could feel his come painting your insides, the pressure of his knot holding you in place.
Steve collapses onto you. Steve pants heavily as he looked into your eyes. Careful of his knot, he wraps his arms around you and rolls onto his back, pulling you onto him. "You ok?" He manages to ask. You nod in response, laying your head against his chest. Steve can feel some of the hormones leave, able to think clearer.
"Not too much? We never...talked...about pups." Steve runs a hand up and down your back. You hum as you think before quietly saying,"Didn't think it would be this soon but...I want your pups Steve."
Steve's eyes shine slightly with unshed tears. He wasn't expecting to get emotional about it. You were his Omega. He would bite your mating gland today if he could- but he knew he should wait until after his rut. Steve didn't want you to think he only did it because of the hormones. Didn't want you to think it was "in the moment", even if he wanted to spend every moment with you.
He wanted to be your Alpha. Permanently. To take care of you. Wanted you to be his Omega forever. He can imagine a life with you. Growing old together and falling more in love. He can imagine you pregnant. Your swollen stomach, breasts full of milk. The way you would handle it with such grace. The perfect omega, not because you were an omega, but because you loved so hard and were amazing. Because you were you.
Steve can feel the heat start to come back as his knot starts to deflate. He wants to knot you again. You push off him slightly, sitting up and staring down at him. "Round two?" You grin down at him, running a hand through his chest hair. Steve groans and thrusts his hips up slightly," you're fucking perfect."
You begin to rock into him, slowly working your way up to lifting more fully off him and back down. Steve's hand lands on your hips, helping guide you up and down. He could stay like this forever with you. Gazing up at you with adoration, Steve hopes you want to stay like this with him forever too. His eyes land on your mating gland. He'd ask soon. Make it official. But right now, he was going to fill you up and knot you again.
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