#stefan sir your sister is an adult
j-liz · 10 months
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It's finally here folks! To commemorate this stupidly hot summer I post a comic about a bunch of stupid morons.
RIP everyone involved here.
The FULL COLOR VERSION is on my Ko-Fi store!!!
I put a lot of hours into this project and i'm so glad so many of you bought my comic! Thank you supporters, from the bottom of my heart!
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ellie-reacts · 3 years
Vampire Diaries s1 e9
- ok i watched episodes 6-8 but didn’t make posts on them. however I do think that Lexi deserved to live longer. Also she’s been added to the ever-growing pile of ‘girls who deserve better but are instead used as plot devices to advance men’
- why are the hallways still so dark. is this school extremely concerned about the environment? I can SEE that your lights aren’t on even though you’ve got like 12 of them
- ah yes, witch sleepwalking dreams
-  yessss alaric. i thought he came in in like season 2 or 3 so now i’m questioning my hold on the plot line of this story
- look at those snazzy bagged lunches. that is the crispest brown paper bag i have EVER seen
- zip up fingerless gloves/sleeves, elena? iconic 
- “don’t worry about it” throws away documents on students, leaving it in a trash can that anyone can access. lmao sir. whatcha. whatcha doin there? 
- i was about to say “do people actually wear rings that thick” and then remembered that college rings are like,,, chunky as hell so i guess it’s relatively normal?
- caroline, sweetheart. you are,,, so lonely 
- how many days has it been in show reality? has it been, like 1 week? 2? because DEAR GOD Stefan and Elena have been through so many peaks and pitfalls in their relationship rollercoaster 
- someone in my last posts said Damon is 25 and I just. why did the writers think this was ok. why is this show written about high schoolers when it is CLEARLY supposed to be about college kids / straight up adults 
- road safety 101 w/ bonnie bennett
- eyyyy corinthian columns outside the gilbert household. lets gooooo
- FUCK one of the things i forgot during the episodes I didn’t comment on?? the fact that Damon fought in the civil war as a CONFEDERATE? like why the fuck is every single vampire on the side of the racists? 
- you’ve known this teacher 5 minutes and already have a handshake with him. 
- “You’re really hard to imitate, and then I have to go to that... lesser place.” for being an asshole he does have a lot of the better comedic lines. this show desperately requires more comedy in it
- we already knew the necklace was gonna come back the second it was thrown
- “oh, the ghost has a name now?” caroline is also stepping in to help w/ the comedy. sucks that its cuz her character is an airhead 
- how the fuck are all the characters in this show so ageless. like. if i don’t think about it, pretty much all the characters are on the same level but I know that that ISN’T the case and it freaks me out. like??? how old are jenna and alaric? I HAVE NO CLUE
- “cuz I consider you to be my best friend. And I say this knowing that Elena is in the kitchen listening to my every word” SEE WHAT I MEAN! Caroline delivers on the much-needed comedic relief 
- “let’s have a seance” caroline no
-  caroline, breathily: “bonnie, call to her”
   bonnie, in frat boy voice: “emily, you there?”
- i would love to see these characters play among us. i think it would be chaotic 
- what is going on with the salvatore brothers in this episode. stefan literally stabbed damon in the gut last episode after damon perma-killed his best friend
- “it wasn’t real, our love for Katherine. she compelled us” yo so do we ever break down the compulsion in this show? like. like. it’s so fucked up 
- “I was the last one to see her” the boys be fighting again 
- horror episode: play 
- has bonnie been possessed? let’s find out!
- the answer: y e s  lmao 
- jeremy, icon that he is, opening the door to his sister and friend screaming and just continuing past, no questions. 
- “I’m not dating him... yet” WE LOVE A WOMAN WITH CONFIDENCE
- burning pentagram let’s go
- i say “let’s go” too much in these... i probably won’t stop
- why don’t. *pauses to evaluate thoughts for once* Ok, I was going to say why don’t more vampires work in hospitals and I know it’s because they’re “secret” but what about like. just slipping blood into thing of oatmeal, or a cup of pomegranate juice or something. like. nobody would need to know, you could just assist. tho i guess if they died it would suck ass cuz vampire transformation
- “I don’t like you. I never have. but it was nice” you are,,, so stupid. “I stayed the night because you were all sad and alone, and I felt bad for you” MATT
- please please please don’t just use each other as rebounds. please be friends. why does everyone rush from one relationship to the next 
- why is this set in virginia. like?? if you were going to have the civil war be part of it why not just set it in a state that wasn’t part of the confederacy? 
- fuck yeah jenna destroy that shit 
- FUCK no get LOGAN FELL out of my house 
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memelover1024 · 3 years
Salvatore-Mikaelson Chapter 3
Tvd Series
Salvatore OFC- Mikaelson OFC
1000 Words
Then Part 2
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Athena's POV
Finn and I walked up to the porch of my home, hand in shaking hand. I was 8 months pregnant, although I looked 15. Only the Mikaelsons and I knew it was twin boys. It wasn't like we could tell my father we found out using magic and vampire hearing. After that day many months ago Finn and I started courting, and I plan to marry him once the boys were born. We had made a plan, Finn and his family would stay here until the boys were adults and my brothers no longer needed me. I'd told my father and Damon that Finn was the father of my child. I didn't like lying to Damon, but the truth would only hurt him more, he could never be a father to the boys even if he knew they were his, it's better I don't break his heart.
Today was the first time your father would officially meet your suitor and father of his unwanted grandchild (children). He was not happy about the fact I was pregnant, but what could he do. He had thrown a glass of whiskey when id told him, more disappointment in his eyes than anger, even though he was enraged.
Once we got to the door it swung open, little Stefan behind it. I could see the nervousness in his eyes, father had kept him sheltered but he was old enough to understand the situation, he feared for me and his niece or nephew, whom he couldn't wait to meet. He stepped aside so Finn and I could enter the house, he'd never been there before, per my father's rules. I led him through the house to my father's bureau, in it, my father was at his desk working through his papers, Damon sitting in one of the chairs. They both raised their heads to look at us upon hearing the sound of the heels clicking on the wood floor. Damon smiled, but I could see the pain in his eyes when he saw my hand in Finn's. My father however was not amused and he was not pretending to be. He studied Finn for a moment, annoyed that he had not found anything visibly wrong with him. Stefan came in behind us and stood at the door, curious to see what would happen next. Father's eyes shifted from me to him.
"Athena, take Stefan out into the yard to play while the men talk," he ordered, impatiently.
"Yes, father,'' I squeezed Finn's hand before letting go and leading Stefan out into the backyard, curious but not wanting to hear what the love of my life, my twin, and my horrible father were talking about.
Third-person Pov
Finn, Damon, and Giuseppe sat in the study silently for a moment, all thinking about what they were going to say. Giuseppe spoke first.
"What are your intentions for my daughter," he asked Finn calmly.
"I intend to marry her once my child is born," Damon cringed at Finn's words, he had never seen his sister happier than she was with Finn, and he hated him for it.
"When did you two meet," Guiseppe continued his interrogation.
"Nine months ago, sir," he lied. They had met 7 months ago, but they couldn't know that.
"So you got her pregnant a month after you met her?" her father asked, anger rising
"Yes, sir. I loved her the second I saw her," that wasn't a lie.
"Then why didn't you ask for her hand when you met her then," Giuseppe asked angrily.
"I did, but she declined. She was afraid because she knew that if she married me then she wouldn't be able to stay with you and your sons, you all mean everything to her, she couldn't leave." Giuseppe snorted a laugh, he knew Finn was bullshitting him. He knew his daughter hated him, the only reason she didn't leave years ago was for Stefan and Damon. He continued pushing.
"If you loved her so much, then why did you defile her honor, ruin her future, and force her to commit a sin!"
"I didn't force her into anything!" Finn was becoming angry. He could kill Giuseppe in his sleep and no one would be the wiser, but he didn't, he may have thought himself a monster but he wouldn't act like one,"
"Oh, I think you did because no child of mine would do such a thing!" Giuseppe raised his voice, Damon spoke up.
"Father, maybe we should-"
"Silence!" he screamed and turned to Damon. "Do you understand what your sister has done, if word about this spreads I will be ruined!" he shamed his son who cowered under his father's wrathful gaze.
"So all you care about is your image then, and not your daughters," Finn said, not thinking about the consequences of his words. Giuseppe turned to him, anger boiling, he pushed it down and calmly said,
"Get out of my home, you will never see my daughter again, you are not married so you have no right to her or my grandchild. Now leave before I have you removed." Finn gawked, surprised at Giuseppe's words. He looked over to Damon, a man his sister described as headstrong and independent, cowering beneath his father's gaze. Finn knew that fighting would do more harm than good in this situation. Without another word he turned and left the Salvatore plantation house careful not to cross paths with Athena. Athena saw him leaving though and ran to the front of the house to stop him, but he was gone. Damon came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sure everything will work itself out sister, I promise," he told her reassuringly. She gave him a small smile.
"Thank you, little brother, I hope so," she leaned into him and put her head on this shoulder looking out blankly into the large yard of the plantation.
"I may be three minutes younger but I'm still taller than you," Damon told her. She smiled to herself and nuzzled farther into her twin.
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