#starshine watches Haikyuu
outcast-thingz · 13 days
How's season four going (:
So sorry for answering this so late... I paused watching and then watched up to episode 9 yesterday. Around every corner is some sort of second-hand embarrassment or things that made me seethe, or was sweet. It's just an emotional roller coaster.
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score-core · 9 days
Starshine [Haikyuu]
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chapter three
♡ anime masterlist ♡ previous chapter ♡ next chapter ♡
Kokoa Sugawara got through life by being herself. She didn't know how to be anyone else. Often times she felt as though she was stuck in her brother's shadow, after all, they liked many of the same things and constantly did the same things. Only, he was the fantastic volleyball player that everyone loved. She was just the sports photographer following in her twin's footsteps. But one day, she meets a boy whose freckles are aligned like stars, guiding her to him.
Tadashi was used to being in Kei's shadow. In fact, he often liked it that way. When he and Kokoa meet, he finds that he doesn't mind being in the spotlight, as long as she's controlling its gaze.
pairing(s): tadashi yamaguchi x fem!oc
warnings: none
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Kokoa walks into the practice match right as Kageyama is getting ready to serve. The first thing she hears is a powerful slam and a whoosh of air follows before the ball slams into the grou–Daichi’s waiting arms.
“Yamaguchi,” Tsukishima calls and sets up the ball for his friend.
“I got this, Tsukki!” Yamaguchi spikes the ball, hitting Hinata’s arms and going off to the side.
“Damn it,” Kageyama bristles.
“Nice set, Tsukki.”
“Steady receives are Daichi’s forte,” Tanaka tells the first years on his team. “He’s an incredible defender.”
“Were you expecting to score a few points in a row?” Daichi asks, confidence flowing from his body. “I don’t have any outstanding talents, but I’ve spent two years more than you guys etching this receiving skill into my body.” He gets into a deep receiving position. “Don’t think I’m going down without a fight.”
Hinata watches in awe. “So cool!”
“Come on, King,” Tsukishima ribs. “Don’t you think it’s about time you pulled out all the stops?”
Hinata sets his sights on the tall first year. “What’s your problem, man? You keep trying to pick a fight with him! What the hell is the “King’s set”?”
“Don’t you know why he’s called the King?”
“Well, for some reason, he’s really good. The other schools must have gotten scared of his skills and named him that, no?”
Tsukishima lowers his voice like he’s telling some great tale. “I’m sure there are a lot of people who think that way. But rumor has it that he was given the nickname of “King of the Court” by the guys from Kitagawa Daiichi. It means “Egocentric King”, or “Oppressive Despot”. I only heard rumors about it at first, but I was convinced after watching that match. He got so oppressive that they had to sub him out of the final.” Tsukishima notices Kageyama’s silence. “That’s why you stopped making quick sets? Are you chickening out due to what happened in that final?”
Tanaka steps forward angrily. “Hey, you’ve been running your mouth for a while now–”
“Tanaka,” Daich warns, shaking his head.
“If you make sets, but nobody jumps to hit them–,” Tsukishima continues before Kageyama cuts him off.
“That’s right. The idea of making a set only to find that there’s nobody there…terrifies me.”
“But that was back in junior high, right?” Hinata asks in confusion. “So long as he sets for me, I don’t really care. Breaking through your guard is a far more pressing issue! We’re gonna beat Tsukishima and join this team for real! You’ll get to play setter with your head held high, and then you’ll set for me! Does anything else matter?”
“That kind of pure and straightforward shtick really gets on my nerves,” Tsukki sneers. “Your spirit won’t make up for your lack of height. If you think hard work trumps all else, then you’re sorely mistaken.”
Tsukishima serves the ball and Tanaka easily receives it. “Leave it to me!”
“Gimmie!” Both Hinata and Tanaka shout, leaving the decision up to Kageyama of who to set the ball to.
“Tanaka!” He shouts.
Hinata screams out in response. “Kageyama!” He appears behind Kageyama as he gets ready to set the ball. “I’m here!”
Kageyama does a quick set to Hinata, who almost misses the ball. They watch as it lands outside the court.
Hinata blows out a breath of air. “That was close. I nearly whiffed that one. It went out, though.”
“What was that for?” Kageyama yells.
“But the ball did come to me!” Hinata says. “Who cares about junior high? I’ll take whatever sets I can get. And I’ll be grateful for all of them! I’ll jump anywhere. I’ll spike any ball! So…set for me!”
Kokoa shuffles over to her brother, murmuring to him quietly. “Kageyama was definitely going to pass to Tanaka just now.”
Koshi nods in agreement, matching her quiet tone before speaking. “It’s like he reacted to Hinata’s voice on instinct and changed his mind at the last second. To be able to make that accurate of a set on such short notice…”
“At least his amazing sets are kind of a distraction from his shitty attitude,” she replies, tuning back into the match before them.
On the court, Tanaka watches the younger boys in shock. “You guys can run quick plays?”
“Quick plays?” Hinata asks, not understanding the fancy terminology.
“Fast attacks like the one you just did!” Tanaka clarifies.
“No way!” The ginger tells him adamantly as if he didn’t just hit the quick set. “I’ve only ever spiked slow and looping sets.”
Tanaka looks at him like he’s crazy. “But you just did it! And besides, didn’t you once spike a messed-up set from that beginner on your junior high team? Stuff like that.”
Hinata reflects on the past match, confused. “Huh? Oh, but I don’t remember how I did that.” This makes the second year look at Hinata in confusion, not sure how to respond. “But I’ll spike any set that comes my way!” The first year continues. “You hear me?”
Kageyama glares down at Hinata. “We’ve never practiced plays,” he says, his tone never changing. “Running a quick one is impossible.”
“What are you being so timid for?” Hinata asks, backing away from Kageyama. “It’s giving me the creeps!”
“Oh, shut it,” the grumpy first year says as he stalks away.
The similarly grumpy Tsukishima turns his attention towards Hinata. “There you go, getting all worked up again,” he says, simpering. “‘Try and try until you succeed’ sounds nice on paper, but it doesn’t always work like that.”
“Why are you so negative?” Kokoa asks bluntly, bringing all the attention in the room to her. It was obvious that both Sugawara siblings received the same soft genes with the way her face resembled her brothers. She had a delicate bone structure complete with a button nose and soft skin and her hair was like a long, silver waterfall down her back. It’s no question that she’s attractive. Yamagichi certainly thought so.
“And who are you?” Tsukishima asks, narrowing his eyes at her reproachful comment.
“Kokoa Sugawara,” she says, crossing her arms and matching his tone. “You never answered my question, beanpole.”
Tsukishima scowled but answered her anyway. “Everyone has things they’re just not cut out for. And he’s clearly not fit to be a spiker.”
“Says you,” Kokoa cuts in before Hinata yells at him. “High school is very different from junior high. And anyone can improve when they put enough effort into it.” Hinata stands behind her, crossing his arms and nodding his head with a serious face as if saying “exactly”.
The shorter first year finally decides to speak up. “I know that a volleyball player needs to be tall,” he says, feeling slightly inferior to the giants around him. “That it doesn’t matter how high you can jump. It’ll never make up for a massive difference in height. But I don’t care if I’m disadvantaged or not cut out for it. I wanna fight using my own body. I wanna keep winning and stay on the court as much as I can!” His body was tense and his face was pulled taught, an obvious challenge for Tsukishima should he take it.
Kageyama suddenly pushes past Kokoa and grabs Hinata by his shirt to pull him away from the net. Sugawara does the same to his sister, practically scruffing her like a pup as he drags her away from the court. Both scramble and complain to their companions. 
As the game resumes, Kokoa turns to her brother. “I’m not staying for this, I’ve got some stuff to do.”
Koshi eyes her skeptically. “What stuff?”
“Stuff,” she smiles at him innocently while picking up her bag. Making her way to the gym doors, she turns her attention to the two first years she came to be friends with. “Oi, Hinata, Kageyama!” The two first years turn to her in surprise. Lingering by the door, she smiles brightly at them. “You both better win this. I’m looking forward to taking some action shots of that quick so you better make the team in your proper positions.”
“Yes!” They both yell, matching her grin and Kokoa makes her way outside.
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gallickingun · 3 years
Mirio telling you, “you take me so well sunshine.” While he pounds into you.
tw: overstimulation; size kink; dumbification; d/s dynamic; 
ps, reminder that ~drabble requests~ are open! currently accepting for bnha, haikyuu, jujutsu kaisen, a:tla, & dragon ball! 
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You’ve been here for hours, it would seem, bracing your body for each agonizing inch of the heavy thickness that is settled between the apex of his hips. It is the pleasurable sort of pain, the kind that bares your soul and brings stardust to cloud your vision, when you feel like you’ve been split in two but there is nothing but starshine leaking from your heart.
“God, you’re pretty,” his voice is still that familiar kind lilt that he always bears, but now it is a few octaves lower, his head ducked into your neck so he can hide the way his brow bunches with a mixture of effort and frustration.
Mirio kisses your jugular and you swear your pulse pounds loudly in your ear, drowning out the sound of his guttural moan when you buck your hips up to try and drown yourself in the length of his cock, until he’s suffocating in your tight, wet heat. He grits his teeth and leans back on his haunches, thigh muscles rippling under the pressure of this new position, “I’m so proud of you, you know? My little sunbeam.”
Your hands reach for him, all bulging biceps and a smile, and your fingernails latch into his shoulders like tiny spears, barbed wire clutching his muscled back desperately. Mirio never once waivers, never once winces as if you were putting him in pain. His body is sturdy, a density that you can only figure out in your wildest of dreams.
“Y-Yeah, T-Toga,” you manage to whimper, your thighs trembling under the strain of his cock sheathed in your plush walls. You gulp and the start of a sniffle makes your chin wobble, “W-Wanna be good, please! I’ll-I’ll take it all!”
He doesn’t have the heart to tell you that he’s only halfway into you and you’ve already started crying, your sweet little body shaking under the threat of his bulking form and everything that comes as a result of his size. Mirio leans down to kiss your nose, calloused palm pushing any stray hair away from your face and then settling on your neck. His thumb seeks your jugular, hot and pulsing against his fingerprint, and he smiles, “I know you will, sunshine, you’re already doing so good. We don’t want to overwhelm you now, though, do we? Gotta take it slow.”
“No!” your cry is childish, borderline infantile in nature, but he knows it comes from a place of frustration and not malice. Your pretty irises glaze over with tears, shining pupils blinking up at him as you try to formulate a full sentence. He snickers at your effort, the barely-there bite of your nails into his skin, your knees bobbing against his torso in an attempt to get him to push deeper, and your adorable snarl that tells him you can take whatever he’s willing to give you, if he’d just try.
“No?” Mirio’s question makes your mouth shutter closed, molars grinding against one another as his hips meet your ass, cock withdrawing from your gummy walls only to press further in when he snaps himself closer to you on the follow through. You cry out but it is a euphoric sound, the whites of your eyes the only visible thing as your voice dithers to a whimper.
You clutch onto him as if you might be the one to fly through the wall as he increases his pace, still never forcing himself fully into you, but far enough that the salacious stretch brings tears to your eyes. It is a burn that fuels the fire in your belly, the knowledge that he’s got you flayed open on his cock, and even when you beg him for all of it he’ll never fully be able to meet you at the hilt, makes your mind burn. Your hands press to his pectorals when he pushes too far, the heels of your palms dug into the plush muscle and skin, watching as his tanned flesh gives way to your shoving.
“Be a good girl for me, starshine,” Mirio kisses your wrist and it draws your attention from the conjunction of your hips to his face, to watch the movements of his lips as he speaks, “If you push me away again, I’m gonna think you want to be done. Do you wanna be done?”
Mirio pauses the assault of his hips against your thighs, large palms wrapped around the supple skin of your legs to hold you in place against the mattress. You blink up at him dumbly as you shake your head, a new welling of tears blurring your vision, “P-Please, no, please fuck me, p-please, wanna feel y-your cock, want you to come in me. I wann-ah!”
The strings of wanton words that leave your lips have his cock hardening again, the head throbbing against your entrance, stretching you even further than before. Your nails scrape down the length of his torso, leaving angry red lines behind to accent the various scars that pucker his body. As his body stings, he drops his head down so his cerulean eyes are hidden from you, lower lip tugged between the bite of his teeth so he can channel some of the pressure building up in his lower belly.
“You think you can do it?” his voice is quiet, words warm against your chest as he exhales. His head is tilted just slightly, almost enough for you to make out his features down to his jawline. You feel the heels of his hands pushing on the bottoms of your thighs closest to your backside, and it guides your knees upward until your cunt is wide open, slickened with translucent white arousal and clenching around whatever length of his cock he’ll gift you.
Instantly, you are nodding your head, promises and oaths falling from your lips in excess. Your hands find his face to cup his cheeks, fingers slipping between blonde locks as you beg him for every last iota of resolve he has left. You want it to slip away like a balloon, forgotten at a carnival. You want him to forego any hesitancy, any thought that you cannot take his cock. All you want is to feel each squelching inch as it pressures the cavern of your insides until you think you might burst open and bare your soul to the world. 
“I-I can,” your lower lip wobbles and then juts out just slightly, “I can! I-I will!”
The gentlest of smiles overtakes his features, and you want to kiss him until you can feel the warmth of his spirit invading your space. So, you tug against his jaw with your most free palm, begging him quietly to silence your mewls with the heat of his mouth. Mirio is quick to oblige, the bow of his lips seeking out your own, searching for the plush of your mouth until he’s swallowing your spirit whole. The wet muscle between his teeth searches your gums and laps against your teeth, all the while his palms have folded you backward so he can better loiter over you. His cock twitches in begging, the desire to be encapsulated by your gushing folds and soft innermost parts only servicing to enlarge the shaft of him even more so than before.
“All right, honey,” Mirio digs his fingers into your skin until you know there will be bruises, and then he begins to maneuver his hips backward and forward at a gentle pace. Your tongue peeks from your teeth to swipe against your bottom lip, and Mirio capitalizes on the moment to suck the muscle into his own mouth, tasting your fruit tea from earlier and the flavor makes him hum. 
Your thighs burn already, but you know if you fall slack then Mirio will hold you steady, so you let the tension relax and you turn into a ragdoll in his grip. You feel the shaft of his cock drag along your walls, and your eyelids flutter shut so you can immerse yourself in the pleasurable sensation. Even though you cannot see his smile, it is still there, never wavering, and it stirs him to kiss both of your ankles, laving his tongue over the bone for a short moment before continuing to volley attention between both legs. 
He is near ready to bottom out when you open your eyelids to show glazed pupils, and Mirio grunts out a laugh, “Have I fucked you stupid, starshine? Are you silly for my cock?”
Your hands roam the planes of his chest and shoulders, thumbs and middle fingers digging into his skin to feel how his muscles ripple with each thrust forward. Mirio plants another kiss between your brows, stationary until your skin relaxes and he’s sure you’re not uncomfortable. He sighs against your cheek, administering another kiss before he leans back to admire you in full, “Can’t do anything without me, can you sweetheart?” And when you don’t answer in full sentences, he knows that you have fallen off of the precipice of subservient and begun to drown yourself in something much deeper. He sighs, kissing your left ankle one last time, “Let me help you, then.”
And now your body is truly on fire.
His cock stretches as he snaps his hips upward at a relentless pace that has the wooden stands of the large bed creaking under both his ferocity and your combined weight. Mirio rests a hand beside your neck, his thumb grazing your collarbone to give himself some sort of anchor to the moment, and you keen, licking your tongue all around until he presses the pad of his thumb against the middle of your mouth. His knuckles are large and his hands are proportionate, meaty and calloused from years of battle and growth.
You know there will be bruises along your ass tomorrow, but you cannot be bothered, not when that saccharine sweet voice comes floating through the night air with a reassuring, “You take me so well, sunshine,” and then it’s like he’s given you permission to take flight.
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outcast-thingz · 30 days
I-... I started watching season 4 of Haikyuu bro the second hand embarrassment in just the first episode. My stomach hurts so bad. Ahxbxvsg I love lil sunshine boy but why w h y
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outcast-thingz · 1 year
Fuck i always get so damn emotional with this show. If some thing is gonna make die of broken heart it's gonna be Haikyuu ahhhh.
Bro barely started season 4 and pain in my heart and the excitement.. I don't even think I can really put into true words what this show does to me. I want so badly to jump through the screen and play too. Like I can feel my arms and legs twitch when one of them goes to recieve the ball. Like some how the ball is going to come the screen and I have to get it. Gah it makes me wanna play so bad. Plus I've had to take breaks because of the physical emotional pain I was in watching it. That strive to be the best. That constant overestimating because looks or height... that never ending fear of always always always being behind no matter how hard and how far you push yourself.
Despite my favorites being Suga, Noya, Kyo, Tendou... the person I probably match the most so far is Hinata.
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score-core · 11 days
Starshine [Haikyuu]
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chapter one
♡ anime masterlist ♡ next chapter ♡
Kokoa Sugawara got through life by being herself. She didn't know how to be anyone else. Often times she felt as though she was stuck in her brother's shadow, after all, they liked many of the same things and constantly did the same things. Only, he was the fantastic volleyball player that everyone loved. She was just the sports photographer following in her twin's footsteps. But one day, she meets a boy whose freckles are aligned like stars, guiding her to him.
Tadashi was used to being in Kei's shadow. In fact, he often liked it that way. When he and Kokoa meet, he finds that he doesn't mind being in the spotlight, as long as she's controlling its gaze.
pairing(s): tadashi yamaguchi x fem!oc
warnings: none
a/n: this story will alternate between short and long chapters. this chapter is mostly long just to get the ball rolling!
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It was the start of a new school year and the sun was shining brightly over Karasuno high school. Old and new students were arriving to find their classes, go to club meetings, or just converse with friends before the school day started.
Kokoa Sugawara made her way across the campus, camera hanging from her neck and steadied by her hands. Walking through the halls, she finds her brother along with most of the upperclassmen belonging to the boy's volleyball club.
Kiyoko hands Daichi the paper she had clutched in her grasp. “Here, the club applicants list,” she said, her voice gentle and soothing.
“Thank you,” the volleyball captain takes the paper with a smile. It turns into a nervous frown when he glances down at the contents of the paper. “So few…we used to have a lot more.”
“It’ll grow, Daichi,” co-captain Koshi Sugawara says, trying to reassure his friend. He smiles at his sister when she shuffles on her feet beside him.
“Who knows,” Kokoa chimed in. “You may not need more if this year's applicants are like, wickedly good or something.”
“Who says wickedly?” Her brother asks, a teasing smile on his face.
“Uhh, me,” she tells him, an identical smile on her face.
“Kiyoko, looking beautiful today as usual!” Tanaka interrupts them, smiling bashfully at the third-year manager. She completely ignores him, walking away from the group. “She turns me on when she ignores me!”
The rest of them give him strange looks before slowly making their way to the gym for morning practice.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
“The setter from Kitagawa is on our team?” Suga asks as the group makes their way across the campus grounds.
Tanaka nods. “But the guy’s totally cocky.”
“Don’t try and intimidate him, okay?” Daichi scolds Tanaka, knowing he will probably do this as soon as he sets his eyes on the new first years.
Tanaka blanches. “I-I wouldn’t do something like that.”
“Don’t kid yourself, Ryu,” Kokoa tells him.
He shoots his head over and glares playfully at her. “Shut it, Koa,” he tells her and bumps his shoulder with hers.
The two third years and two second years walk into the gym to find some of the recruits already there. 
“Hello,” the tall, raven-haired one says, his face straight and his tone dry.
Tanaka makes an intimidating face and everyone else stays straight-faced or smiles. “Hey! Who said you guys could–”
“You’re Kageyama?” Daichi cuts Tanaka off.
The small ginger slowly moves to stand behind the four upperclassmen.
“Nice to meet you. We’re glad you’re here,” Daichi tells him.
Suga observes the new first year. “You’re quite tall.”
Tanaka makes a “thug face” at Kageyama, trying to intimidate him. “He needs an initiation, Suga! Let’s give him a reason to be intimidated by the third-years!”
“Tanaka, stop with that face,” Daichi scolds the second-year wing spiker.
“Hello!” The other first-year tries to get their attention. None of them notice him except for Kokoa who tilts her head in confusion at the small boy, watching him curiously.
“How tall are you?” Daichi asks Kageyama.
“180 cm.” (​​5'9.2")
Suga observes him with calculating eyes. “Oh…”
“What? You’re cocky!” Tanaka shouts out, trying to intimidate him again but the first year gives him no reaction.
“Hello!” The ginger shouts again and Kokoa’s eyes widen in surprise before she smiles at him.
The others finally seem to hear him and turn to give him their attention.
Tanaka seems to recognize the short player. “Huh? Oh! You!”
The ginger stares up at him in confusion. “Huh?”
“Shorty #1!”
Suga now seems to recognize him too. “Oh!”
“So the other applicant here, Hinata, is…you?” Daichi asks and Hinata nods his head in confirmation. “I’m a little surprised, to be honest. So both of you are here at Karasuno?”
“Um…,” Hinata says confused.
“We saw your match last year,” Suga told him.
“You’re way short and kinda sucked, but you’ve got guts,” Tanaka says.
Hinata smiles brightly. “Thanks!”
“Your jumps were fantastic!” Kokoa tells him. His eyes widen when he sees her and his face turns crimson.
“But clearly you haven’t grown much since,” Tanaka interrupts the moment.
Hinata’s flustered state immediately disappears and he turns to look at Tanaka. “I may be little, but I can jump! I’ll be Karasuno’s ace! Just watch me!”
“Hey, hey…The newbie says he’s gonna be the ace? You’ve got some nerve!”
Suga smiles kindly at the short first year. “Your ambition is admirable, nothing wrong with that.”
“I-I’ll do my best!” Hinata tells them.
Kageyama gives Hinata a blank look. “Hey…If you want to be the ace, I hope you’ve improved. If you goof around, you’ll waste another three years.”
“What did you say?” Hinata asks, turning to glare at Kageyama.
“Why did you say that, Kageyama?” Daichi asks, his voice undertoned with exasperation.
“Don’t tell me everything I’ve done is a waste! I played with everything I had.”
Daichi keeps trying to get them to calm down. “You guys, you know, you’re not enemies anymore. Volleyball is about teamwork–”
“I’ll challenge you!” Hinata yells, pointing crudely at Kageyama.
Kokoa had stayed silent throughout the ordeal, silently snickering under her breath at the wild first years. Suga sees her laughing and elbows her in the side, making her do the same back before stopping.
“Hey! Daichi is still talking!” Tanaka tells the chaotic first years.
“Challenge me to what?” Kageyama asks.
“Volleyball, what else?” Hinata tells him.
“How do you expect to challenge me one-on-one?”
“Huh? L-Like a passing contest!”
Daichi is staring at them from behind with an irritated smile. The other upperclassmen start getting nervous watching him knowing that making him angry is bound to cause problems.
“How do you compete at passing?”
“Uhh…” Hinata blanks, not sure how to answer the question.
Tanaka yells out at them again. “Listen, damn it!”
An older man suddenly walks into the gym, hearing the noise. “What’s the commotion, volleyball club?” He asks.
“Yikes! The vice principal!” Tanaka whispers in worry.
“Teacher!” Suga says.
Tanaka copies. “Teacher!”
“You’d better not be fighting,” the man tells them, looking for any way to get them all in trouble.
Daichi chuckles nervously. “Of course not. Just a friendly rivalry, right? Happens all the time.”
“The vice principal likes to make trouble for us, so keep it down.” Tanaka tries to subtly warn the first years but they don’t get the idea.
“Serve to me! I’ll return them all!” Hinata tells Kageyama.
“Hey!” Tanaka says.
“I was only able to get one of your serves last year,” Hinata says. “But I’ve been training with all kinds of people. I’m not the same person as last year.”
“Not the same as last year, huh?” Kageyama asks. He picks up a ball and holds it out as a challenge. “I’m not the same as last year, either. You’re not the only one who’s trained.”
“Now, now, guys. Let’s not get carried away,” Daichi placates.
“Is he a first-year student?” The vice principal asks.
Hinata crouches, preparing to receive the ball.
“Get ready,” Kageyama says before he does a jump serve. The ball speeds across the gym.
Hinata narrowly misses being hit by the ball and falls to the ground. “None of the girl volleyball players or old ladies served like that!”
“How’s that different from last year? You still suck!”
“One more,” Hinata says, determined and ready to receive another one.
“Hey. Enough is enough,” Daichi says.
The vice principal narrows his eyes. “They don’t listen to their captain. This could be a problem.”
Kageyama does another jump serve. Hinata moves quickly to receive. He receives the ball with his arms, but it goes into his face and ricochets.
The vice principal keeps speaking. “If this keeps happen–” He gets cut off by the ball hitting him in the face, making his wig fly off and land on Daichi’s head.
“He was wearing a wig?” Kageyama asks quietly.
Hinata nods. “You just noticed? Everyone at the entrance ceremony could tell.”
“You guys! Shut up!” Tanaka says, trying to hold in his laughter.
“Tanaka, you shut up, too!” Suga tells him.
“Sawamura, I’d like a word with you.” The vice principal beckons Daichi to follow after him.
Once they leave the room bellowing laughter echoes throughout the gym. Everyone turns to see Kokoa kneeling over, holding her stomach as she laughs.
“Ko, stop laughing!” Suga scolds his sister.
She wipes tears from her eyes, standing upright again. “What? He deserves it…Guy’s a douche.”
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
After school that day Daichi has everyone meet back in the gym. “Fortunately, he’s not punishing us. And no apologies necessary, you guys are getting off lucky.” Everyone sighs in relief. “Provided you all agree that you saw nothing.” The first years glare at each other. “But, you guys…”
“All because you couldn’t receive a serve! You suck,” Kageyama scolds Hinata. “What’s different from last year? I was dumb to believe you could make that kind of progress in just a few months.”
“You talk too much,” Hinata tells him, making Kageyama’s scowl deepen.
Daichi starts getting mad at them again. “Hey! I want you to listen to me. I don’t know what your motive was for coming to Karasuno, but I’m sure you came here intending to end the year in victory.”
“Yes!” Hinata says.
Kageyama responds with a monotone, “Of course.”
“Karasuno was one of the top teams in the prefecture until a few years ago. It happened only once, but we even went to nationals.” Daichi’s tone was one of pride before it turned somber. “Now we rank, at best, in the prefecture’s top 8. We’re neither weak nor strong. Other schools call us things like the “Flightless Crows” or “Fallen Champs”.”
“I remember when Karasuno competed in spring nationals. They competed against the country’s best teams, in a huge gymnasium in Tokyo. It gave me goosebumps, and it still does.” He becomes determined. “We’re going to go there again.”
“​​There are many schools dreaming of going to nationals,” Kageyama tells him, trying to be honest and not realizing he put a dampener on the mood.
Tanaka gets offended. “Wha-! You bastard…”
“Don’t worry,” Daichi says. “I mean what I say. For us to make that happen, our team has to be unified. And we can’t have the vice principal keeping an eye on us. He’s always looking for ways to shut us down.”
Daichi walks menacingly toward Kageyama and Hinata. Suga, Kokoa, and Tanaka back away. “I’m not telling you guys to become buddies because frankly, I don’t know if you two are capable of that with one another. Even if you were enemies on opposite sides of the net in junior high, I need you to understand that now, you’re on the same side.”
He makes a menacing face, frightening the first years as he grabs both of their shoulders. “No matter how skilled you are, no matter how willing you are to give it your all…If you fail to get along and hinder your teammates…” He pushes Hinata and Kageyama out of the gymnasium door and slams their applications on their faces. “You’re not wanted! Until you realize that you’re both teammates, you won’t be participating in this club!” He finally slams the door shut on them, leaving them outside and separated from the upperclassmen.
“Are you sure about this, Daichi?” Suga asks. “They’re still members. Teams come together eventually, anyway. It doesn’t always happen right away.”
“Yeah,” Kokoa says. “This seems a bit harsh for a couple of first years.”
“I know that, but…” Daichi trails off.
“I apologize! I swear I’ll get along with this guy! Please let me participate in the club!” Kageyama yells from outside, causing all of them to pause.
The gymnasium doors open and Daichi stares menacingly. “Do you really mean that?”
“If I had to cooperate with this guy in a match, I’d rather receive, spike, and toss all by myself.”
“How could you say that?” Hinata yells at him.
Daichi stares at him disbelievingly. “I can’t believe you just told me your true feelings. But I think that’s a good thing. Still, in volleyball, you can’t drop the ball, you can’t hold the ball, and one player can’t touch the ball twice. How do you plan to play by yourself?”
Kageyama pouts as Daichi smiles and closes the door again.
Inside the gymnasium, the players are practicing.
“Right!” Daichi yells. The spike is blocked, and someone dives to save it. “Tanaka, block and follow properly.”
“Yes!” The wing spiker replies.
Kiyoko enters a few minutes later and Tanaka immediately spots her. “Kiyoko-san, good to see you. I’ll get that for you.” He says, offering to help her carry the items in her arms.
“Never mind. I’ll hold it myself,” she says but immediately gives some of her load to Kokoa when she walks over to help.
“Kiyoko, you’re beautiful as ever today!” She ignores him again.
“How come you never compliment me, Ryu?” Kokoa asks him jokingly, yelling over her shoulder while she follows after Kiyoko. Tanaka stutters after her and she laughs at him and keeps walking.
Suga runs to close the door before the first years can sneak in.
After practice that night Daichi, Tanaka, and the Sugawara siblings stayed behind. 
Tanaka starts joking around, trying to figure out what the first years are going to do. “They’ll probably say, ‘Let us in if we can beat you in a match.’’’
“That’s possible,” Suga says. “But all they have to show just a little remorse, that’s all.”
“Captain!” They hear both of the first years yell from behind the door before they go over to open it. “Let us challenge you to a match, the two of us against you upperclassmen!”
“Are these guys for real?” Tanaka asks, unbelieving.
“One, two…,” the first years quietly count. “We’ll prove that we can cooperate as a team!”
Kokoa looks at them oddly. “I heard them say ‘one, two’,” she tells her brother.
“I can’t say I dislike these guys,” Tanaka says, laughter in his tone.
Daichi looks at them skeptically. “And what if you lose?”
“We’ll endure any penalty,” Kageyama says with no hesitation.
“Hmm…Then now’s the time,” Daichi decides. “There are two other first-year applicants besides you guys. It’ll be a three-on-three match against them. We play this game every year, just to see what the new members are made of.”
“But how does it become three-on-three?” Hinata asks. “Who’s our third team member?”
“Tanaka, I want you to be on Hinata’s side.”
The second-year wing spiker shoots his head to the side to look at the captain. “What? Me?”
“You don’t dislike them, right?”
“That doesn’t mean I want to play with them.”
Daichi smirks at him knowingly. “I see. I thought you’d be the only one here who could discipline these troublemakers.”
Tanaka loses his moody disposition, suddenly hyped up to help his juniors. “Oh well! I guess it can’t be helped! I’ll do it.”
“And if you lose the match, as long as we third-years are here, Kageyama will never play setter.”
“Huh…,” Kageyama says, suddenly worried. “That’s all?” Hinata asks, confused as to why the punishment only affects the setter.
“That’s because our team can’t win with a self-centered setter,” Daichi tells them. “A guy who banks on his skills, but loses.” Kageyama starts getting mad. “What’s the matter? I’m not ejecting you from the club. You’d be good in other positions, too, wouldn’t you?”
“I’m a setter!” Kageyama growls out.
“Then win. You’re here because you think you can win by yourself, right?”
Hinata shuffles on his feet in anticipation. “Eh? I-I’m here, too!”
“The game will be Saturday morning,” the captain decides.
“I-I’m here, too!” Hinata repeats.
“Listen up!” Tanaka yells at them. “Tanaka-senpai’s gonna teach you a lesson.”
Suga pulls Tanaka back into the gym by the scruff of his shirt.
“Understood?” Daichi asks before he shuts the door again.
“Are we being a little too hard on those guys?” Suga asks.
Tanaka nods. “You’re stricter than usual, Daichi.”
“Do you have some special reason in mind?”
“You guys saw their match last year,” the captain says. “Kageyama had outstanding ability as a junior-high student, but his ability hasn’t yielded any results. Plus, he’s self-centered, which means he’ll repeat the same mistakes he did in junior high. He’ll get in the way of the team for sure. But what’s different from junior high is that Hinata is on the same team now with Kageyama.”
“Hinata?” Tanaka asks. “Well, he’s sort of a ball of athletic reflexes, but…”
“Yeah. He’s far removed from his true potential, but he has rare speed and reflexes, not to mention his jump. He didn’t get a chance to play with a proper setter in junior high. And Kageyama is seeking a fast spiker who can hit his tosses. Those guys are imperfect on their own, but put their abilities together…If we can utilize that combination, Karasuno will evolve explosively! Don’t you think so?”
“Yeah, it may work,” Kokoa chimes in. “If only those two can come to the same conclusion as you did.”
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
Tanaka is standing by the window and goes quiet for a few minutes before speaking up again. “Ahem! Oh, yes. Morning practice is at 7:00 AM tomorrow, right?”
Suga looks at him weirdly. “Of course, but why did you ask that all of a sudden?”
Tanaka gets nervous and tries to deflect Suga’s suspicion. “Ah, um, well…Was the vice principal’s wig okay?”
Daichi whips his head over to Tanaka. “Hey, stop talking about that!”
After cleaning up the gym, everyone starts to make their way home. “Go ahead, Koshi. I’ll catch up with you,” Kokoa tells her brother while she falls into step next to Tanaka. Once Suga and Daichi are out of earshot, Kokoa turns to Tanaka with a straight face. “You’re sneaking the first years in before practice to help them tomorrow aren’t you?”
Tanaka looks at her surprised. “How the hell did you know?”
“Dude, you’re so obvious. You know what time practice is. And you’re on their team for the practice match so obviously, you want them to do good.”
“Okay, so what’s it matter to you?”
“I want to come.” “What, why?”
She shrugs him off. “No reason…Might be fun or something.”
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
The following morning, Kokoa woke up bright and early to meet Tanaka to help the first-years practice. On her way out, she leaves a note for her brother letting him know where she’s going, knowing he will find out eventually.
Dragging her feet, she rounds the corner of the school grounds, spotting her fellow second-year waiting at the entrance gates for her.
“Ryuuu,” she whines, eyes drooping in exhaustion and body slumping against his when she reaches him.
He chuckles at her, patting her back softly. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Tired.” She pouts, looking up at him.
“You didn’t have to come, you know? You could have stayed home and slept some more.”
She buries her face back into his body and shakes her head before mumbling something.
Kokoa leans up again. “Carry.” Giving him her best puppy dog eyes, she silently begs him.
Sighing, Tanaka turns around and crouches slightly. “Get on you baby.”
“Yay,” she cheers under her breath and clumsily climbs onto his back and rests her chin on his shoulder as they make their way to the gym to meet the rowdy first years.
When they finally make it to the gym, they see the two waiting around by the doors.
“5:00 AM sure is rough,” Tanaka says, gaining their attention.
They both whip around, spotting their upperclassmen making their way over. “Tanaka!” Hinata shouts in surprise.
“We’ve gotta get out of here before 7:00 AM,” he tells them. He produces the keys for the gym and shuffles Kokoa, adjusting her position on his back.
“Tanaka!” Hinata shouts again in appreciation.
Kageyama nods to the second year. “Thanks!”
Tanaka boasts to them. “What a good senpai I am. Call me Tanaka-senpai.”
“Tanaka-senpai!” They say.
“Once again!” He goads.
“Quit it, Tanaka. You don’t need an even bigger ego.” Kokoa’s quiet voice is heard from his shoulder.
“Oi!” Tanaka bristles at her, pinching her calf where he holds her, making her twitch slightly. “Alright. Time to practice.” He unlocks the doors for them and Kageyama and Hinata immediately start fighting over who will enter the gymnasium first. Tanaka looks on, discouraged.
“Cut it out! I’m going first!” The tangerine says.
“Tanaka is in there! He was first,” Kageyama fights back.
“If that’s what you think, move!”
Tanaka starts getting impatient with his kohai. “Hey. There’s no time…” He turns on the lights for the group.
“Wow, the gymnasium!” Hinata says.
Kageyama deadpans at the ginger. “You were here yesterday.”
Ignoring the first years, Tanaka gently sets down his fellow second year, holding her steady until she gains steady footing.
Hinata finally seems to notice her. “Hey. You were here yesterday too.”
Kokoa hums in affirmation. “I’m Kokoa Sugawara, Koshi’s sister. You can just call me Kokoa though, it gets pretty confusing.”
“Are you the manager?” Hinata looks at her with stars in his eyes.
“No,” she smiled at him, feeling like his smile was like the sunrise waking her up in the morning. “Kiyoko is the manager. I’m the photographer.”
“Karasuno has a sports photographer?” Kageyama asks.
“Well, not technically,” she tells them. “I’m in the photography club and the content I cover is the volleyball team. I go to practices, camps, and matches to take photos of the teams and members. I also like to write about plays and stuff to give my photos some background.”
“Bwaaaaa– That’s so cool!!” Hinata jumps a few times, arms and legs spreading out like a starfish.
“Okay, okay,” Tanaka says, putting his hands on Hinata’s shoulders to keep him wedged to the ground. “Less fawning over your amazing upperclassmen, more practicing volleyball.”
“Yes!” The two first years eagerly agreed and the three players started warming up.
“Huh,” Kokoa muses. “I didn’t know you knew the word ‘fawning’, Ryu.”
The wing spiker sticks his tongue out at her and drags the first years off behind him to practice for their upcoming match.
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score-core · 11 days
Starshine [Haikyuu]
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chapter two
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Kokoa Sugawara got through life by being herself. She didn't know how to be anyone else. Often times she felt as though she was stuck in her brother's shadow, after all, they liked many of the same things and constantly did the same things. Only, he was the fantastic volleyball player that everyone loved. She was just the sports photographer following in her twin's footsteps. But one day, she meets a boy whose freckles are aligned like stars, guiding her to him.
Tadashi was used to being in Kei's shadow. In fact, he often liked it that way. When he and Kokoa meet, he finds that he doesn't mind being in the spotlight, as long as she's controlling its gaze.
pairing(s): tadashi yamaguchi x fem!oc
warnings: none
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During their early morning practice, Hinata tries to spike a ball but ends up falling flat on his face.
“Hey, your feet stopped short!” Kageyama tells him. “What happened to your serving and receiving reflexes from yesterday? You need to focus!”
Hinata sulks across the room. “All I’m doing is receiving…There’s not much time left! I want to spike, too! I want to jump, too!”
Kageyama scowls at him. “Go jump around, then!”
“Hey, you guys,” Tanaka speaks up. “I should give you fair warning. Daichi-san is usually gentle, but he’s extremely scary when he gets angry. I mean extremely.” Fear overtakes his voice, thinking of an angry Daichi.
“We know,” they tell him.
Tanaka continues to ramble on. “It won’t be good if he finds out about this morning practice. It won’t be good for me. It’s not that I’m scared or anything! Absolutely not. Absolutely not at all.”
Kokoa catches the two first year’s eyes from behind Tanaka. She shakes her head indicating that he’s lying about not being scared. She then proceeds to make faces behind him, making the first years smile.
“But anyway, the four of us here are the only ones that know about this morning practice, so make sure that you–”
The gym doors open up and Sugawara walks in, startling Tanaka. “Morning practice, huh? I knew it.”
Tanaka watches his upperclassman worriedly. “Suga!” “Hey.” “But why…?”
“Because you were obviously weird yesterday. You’re always barely on time, but you voluntarily asked to be in charge of opening the lock.” Suga hesitates for a moment before shooting his eyes toward his sister. She immediately turns her gaze to the ceiling, whistling a nonsense tune. “And Kokoa left me a note about it too.”
“Kokoa, you traitor!” Tanaka yells at her.
“I had to!” She tells him. “I couldn’t leave my house at five in the morning without telling him. He’d worry.”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry. I won’t tell Daichi.” Suga keeps trying to calm Tanaka down. “This is like secret training or something. It’s kind of thrilling.” He gives them all a bright smile and ushers them back to practicing.
Tanaka practices spiking with Kageyama while Hinata practices receiving with Sugawara. “Ohhh! Come and get it!” The second year yells as he and Kageyama spike and set respectively. “Good, that was excellent.”
Hinata suddenly gets hit in the head by Sugawara’s pass and loud laughter rings out from the sidelines. Kokoa brandishes her camera. “Haha, I totally caught that on camera!”
“Hinata, don’t get distracted,” Suga says to the first year who blushes in embarrassment.
Hinata suddenly turns his attention to the other first year. “I want to hit the ball, too! Send me a toss, too!” Kageyama glares at him menacingly. “Tossing’s your favorite, right? Send me a toss, too.” The glare only intensifies. “Just one. Just try me out, once. Okay?”
“No,” the raven-haired first-year says.
“C’mon, Kageyama,” Kokoa says. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
He gives her a look as if to say “Watch this” before turning to serve at Hinata. He tries to receive the ball, but it goes flying away.
Kageyama glares at him from across the gym. “That came straight at you from the front. Tossing and attacking happen only if there’s a reception. Which you’re too slow to even do, so don’t talk cocky. For the three-on-three match this Saturday, I’ll make every effort to give Tanaka all the tosses.”
Hinata wilts more and more after every sentence. “What?”
“Let Tanaka do the attacking. You do your best not to get in our way.”
“Oh come on, Kageyama,” Kokoa butts in. “You have no idea if he’d get in your way or not.” She walks towards the volleyball players with confident strides, coming to a stop beside Hinata and resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I know you guys had some issues in middle school but things change, people change. You never know unless you set to Hinata and let him spike the damn ball!”
“I’ll toss to anyone who’s essential to winning,” Kageyama tells her before leveling his gaze at his fellow first-year. “Right now, I don’t think you’re essential to winning.”
“What’s it take to toss him a few here and there?” Suga asks.
Kageyama ignores him and turns away. “It’s getting to be that time. We’d better clean up.”
He sends Tanaka into a panic. “Crap! Hurry! Erase all the evidence!” In a flurry of movement, he ushers the others into cleaning up the gym.
Kokoa sighs under her breath. “Dummy kohai. You’re just setting yourselves further behind.”
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