spnuncensored · 6 years
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These two....😂🤣
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spnuncensored1-blog · 6 years
Entry 6- April Burns
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Okay, I decided to screw the word count because this thing just took off and I couldn’t stop it 😂😂😂 I haven’t written anything in years, and I’ve never written a fanfic before. So I’m not sure if I’m super happy with the stylization, either. But I also said screw editing and here ya go.
“You think they’ll be anyone else the rest of the night? I would love to get out of here a bit early.”
I peeked up at the clock. “8 o’clock on a Monday night? I think I’ll survive the last hour on my own” I said with a chuckle. Mandy was our best bartender, and my twin sister. She had covered for me countless times, so I could definitely hold down the fort and let her out of here early for once. With it still raining like mad, the place had been completely empty. I didn’t think I’d see a soul the rest of the night.
“See you tomorrow!” Mandy smiled as she headed out. I decided to finish up the cleaning for the night, and by the time I had everything wrapped up, it was almost time to lock up. Of course, as soon as I put the last chair up on its table, I hear the door. Just my luck.
Two guys...one tall, and one with his phone to his ear; DEFINITELY overdressed to be in a dive like this, plop down at the end of the bar. I wanted to be mad that they’d come in just minutes before closing time, but when I got a good look at them I decided to let it go. They were both gorgeous. At least I would get some eye candy before going home. I grabbed a couple of napkins and headed their way.
As I got closer I could hear the one talking into the phone.
“No, I have no idea. Cas was supposed to meet us here, then we were all going to head your way. Are you sure you’ll be okay until we get back?”
He paused, and I put the napkins down in front of them on the bar. The tall guy held up two fingers. “Beers?” I asked. He nodded and then went back to listening intently to phone-guy’s conversation. When I came back with their bottles, I caught a little bit more of what he was saying.
“I don’t have any friggin’ idea what an angel-banishing sigil is doing on the side of the bar, but it’s here and Cas isn’t. I’m just putting two and two together here, man. Okay, let me know if you hear anything.” They both sipped on their beers and I couldn’t help but stare a little too long, but I was letting go of the hope that I might get to flirt a little. It seemed like they were dealing with something serious.
“Is everything okay?” I asked.
“Did a man come in here today, about this tall, blue eyes? Probably wore a trench coat,” the tall guy said, holding his hand up for height reference.
“No, it’s been dead in here today. Just a couple of old regulars at happy hour, but that’s it. I’m closing down for the night but I’ll keep my eyes peeled for him tomorrow.”
“Here’s my card. Call me if he comes in, or if you notice anything...weird. And let us walk you to your car if you’re getting ready to leave. It’s still raining pretty good out there.”
Phone-guy hands me his card. FBI - Agent Dean Novak. Seriously? I mean, these guys were in suits, sure. But what would the FBI be doing in the middle of nowhere, in a dive bar? There was definitely more going on here than they were letting on.
I shut everything down at the bar and we walked out the front. Apparently the guys had chosen to park their car in the employee lot- right next to mine. Rain was still coming down in sheets, but something on the ground managed to catch my eye as we were all scrambling to open our doors. I bent down and picked up a small purse. Mandy’s.
“This belongs to the bar tender that left just before you came in! What is going on? Are people going missing?!”
Just as Dean opened his mouth to answer, a figure stepped out from around the side of the building. It might’ve been the rain, but I didn’t think he looked quite...human.
The creature snarled through his way-too-pointy teeth. “The angel couldn’t stop me from getting to them, what makes you think two hunters will do any better? The children of Gabriel will fall!”
“Get in my car. Now.” Dean shot me a look out of the corner of his eye, and I knew I had better listen. I dove into he backseat of their car and watched in a bit of shock as the two men fought it out with...what the hell was that thing? After what felt like an eternity, the creature finally fell to the ground and both guys came running back to the car through the rain. Dean put the key in the ignition and the car roared to life.
“Should I call the police? What the hell, guys? What was that thing? Was it after ME?”
Tall-guy spun around in the passenger seat and looked me dead in the eye. “I’m Sam,” he said. “There is a LOT we need to tell you. It’s got to do with your father.” We peeled out of the parking lot, heading straight for the highway.
“Where are we going? I don’t even know my father! My sister and I-“
My sentence was cut short when there was a sudden displacement of air. A man had appeared in the seat next to me, scaring me half to death. He looked so oddly familiar, with his thin lips and wavy hair. They almost reminded me of Mandy. Clearly I must still be in shock..how did I not see him get in the car?
“Hello, kiddo. Long time, no see!”
Sam let out an exasperated sigh. “Gabriel! Where have you been? And exactly how many kids did you manage to have, anyway?”
An absolutely mischievous smile crept across Gabriel’s face. “Quite a few, honeydew. Don’t be jealous that I get all the action in this realm.”
“Zip it, or I’ll make it so you’ll never get any ever again,” Dean snapped from the front seat. “We will discuss this when we get back to the bunker.”
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dslocum89 · 3 years
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@generalsoulcookiediplomat @spnuncensored @carryonmywaywardcaptain @hymnofthevalkyrie @deanwinchesterhunter67 @the--blackdahlia @supernaturalfanfiction123 @icequeen6666 @princess-amdivert @hipporose76 @redlipstickandthewinchesters @uhhh-meg @the-winchesterboys 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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mhnfatima · 6 years
I was tagged by my beautiful friend @samanddeanmyguardianhunters so here are 10 random facts about me...
1. I am very shy, most of the time I am just pretending to be bold and praying like hell that I pull it off 😅
2. I am a total nerd,like I can give Sam some real competition🤓
3. I can get very insecure about my work,be it writing or anything else,but then I am also very determined so I don’t give up...ever..
4. Harry Potter fan FOREVER..
5. Proud Gryffindor;secretly yearned to be a Ravenclaw..
6. I have a pretty good memory..so If nothing goes wrong up there and I know you,chances are I will never forget you..
7. My brother and sister are my universe and I am more Dean Winchester in that way that I would ever admit..
8. My most cherished possessions are my medical diploma and my first stethoscope..
9. I never cared for Rock music before Dean Winchester came into my life and now I cannot live without either 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
10. My ambitions is to work for the Doctors Without Borders..
This was great fun..I hope you do too😊
@tinywinchester1983 @crispychrissy @out-in-the-open @spnuncensored
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spnuncensored · 6 years
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spnuncensored · 6 years
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Happy 36th Birthday Jared Padalecki!!! You redefine Sunshine...You reinforce self esteem...YOU ARE ENOUGH ❤️❤️❤️
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spnuncensored · 6 years
First Thoughts~ 13x23 “Let The Good Times Roll”
So we have been seeing Jack feeling guilty for the lives he couldn’t save and the bad things he did..When they found out Maggie, one of the girls that was brought over, had been killed Jack went after who they thought might have done it. After Jack hurt him, Sam, Dean, and Cass showed up and told him that he didn't kill Maggie. Jack was so upset that he hurt, another, innocent man he poofed off.
Damnit Jack!! Remember the last time you poofed off,all the crazy that went down??
So Obviously...That's when Lucifer found him. Lucifer convinced Jack to run away with him but Jack would only go if Lucifer would heal Maggie. Once Lucifer healed her, him and Jack took off.
Lucifer is a dick but points to him,showing Jack the stars and really selling the Dad-Son thing..🙄🙄
When Sam, Dean, and Cass made it back to the bunker AU Michael showed up. He wanted to consummate his asshattery on this earth by killing Dean..Cas abd Sam were down,Michael had Dean by the throat and as he was about to kill him when Sam prayed to Jack for help. As soon as Jack heard him he teleported back to the bunker, Lucifer in tow.
We know young Jack doesn’t take kindly to anyone hurting his Family,bad move,Michael,you got Jack pissed...
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That's when we seen the real potential of Jack's power. He hurt Michael, badly. It was at that point Sam revealed that Lucifer was the one who killed Maggie. Lucifer tried to say Sam was lying...
Imma repeat myself,Really Lucifer?? You think Jack would believe you over Sammy...?🙄🙄
Bad Move,Luci,bad move...
Jack didn't believe him,Duh... He then used his power to make Lucifer tell the truth.
Which was so cool,like psychic veritaserum..🤓
That was when Lucifer decided that Jack was of no use to him and he used an archangel blade to steal and eat most of Jack's grace.
At this point, I went Nooooooooooo!!
As he did it Sam lunged after them and the three of them disappeared into a bright ball of light.
We know what happens next...
No Sammy,
No Jack,Cas down = Dean does crazy things..
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That's when Dean did something we never thought he would do. He said yes. To Michael.
And Again,
But only if Michael would be the "engine" and Dean would be "the driver."
Right...Cz Angels are so truthful and reliable..
As Dean was making that deal with Michael, Lucifer said either Jack or Sam would walk out alive. That one of them had to kill the other. Sam told Jack to kill him but Jack wouldn't and he tried to kill himself.
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You really feel it then,Jack is one of us now,Sam would rather die than hurt him and Jack would rather kill himself than hurt Sam..😭❤️
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Right as the blade broke the skin above Jack's heart, Dean showed up. He spread out Michael's wings behind him..
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And Holy Freaking Chuck! What a sight that was.....And then he said “Hiya,Sammy”
*melt melt melt* 😍😭😍
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And then him and Lucifer fought. And boy was it a badass fight! For a millisecond we thought Lucifer was going to win by smiting Dean but at that moment Sam called out to Dean and tossed up the archangel blade and Dean stabbed Lucifer in the heart.
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*internal screaming* (possibly really loud oral screaming too)
Yes you read that right, Lucifer is dead!
The relief in Sam’s face was like punch to the solar plexus,he looked like he was free again...
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There was a brief celebration when Michael broke the deal he made with Dean and took over Dean's body. The last scene was of Michael in Dean's body wearing a three-piece suit walking down the street. He flashed his eyes blue as the screen turned black.
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Two things here....
Jensen Ackles as Michael is HOT!!
And we’re screwed....
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spnuncensored · 6 years
You know he is a true ROCKSTAR when he just whips out his air guitar out of nowhere... 🎸😍🎸😍🎸😍🎸😍🎸
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spnuncensored · 6 years
Random Reaction Review ~13x21 “Beat the Devil”
So much happened in this episode that I don’t even know where to begin.
If an episode of Supernatural starts with a sweet and happy family pizza party, you know it has to be a dream. You should also prepare to have the emotional rug pulled out from under you.
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Before the tragedy the writers gave us some moments of levity. How about when The Three Amigos walked in on some hot archangel on witch action. Their reactions were hysterical. Cas was too embarrassed to even look, Dean was stunned like a deer in headlights and Sam seemed shocked and horrified. Look out Sabriel shippers, there’s a new ship in town. I call it Gabreena .
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Landing in Apocalypse world meant Gabriel landing with his head in Castiel’s crotch. This may have confused and shocked Dean but Castiel gave that look with one raised eyebrow that says he was intrigued and curious. Wait, is this another ship? Gabestiel?
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I l wanted to hug Cas when he said maybe a screw up is just what we need.
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I kind of felt sorry for Lucifer when he was sitting at the bar and talking about missing his son while the song Cat’s in The Cradle played in the background but I was cheering for Gabriel and Rowena getting their revenge. Leaving Lucifer and Rowena alone in the bunker with an open rift to the alternate universe was maybe not the best idea. We all know how good Lucifer is at annoying people. No one likes your singing Lucifer. But Rowena managed to push Lucifer’s button too.
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How cute was it when Rowena said bollocks, more than once. Maybe she was thinking that saving Sam and Dean is what Fergus would want. That’s what he sacrificed himself for. Crowley always bet on the boys saving the world.
The nervous anticipation when they were walking through the tunnel. You could feel the impending doom. I thought the blood spurting from Sam’s torn open neck was the goriest of the many times Sam and Dean have died. How could Dean just leave him there?
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Jensen Ackles is such an amazing actor. Dean can say so much without even speaking. You could feel that the tone if this episode was going to be terrifying,the writers are definitely prepping us up for the Great Finale,especially with the teasers about Dean’s fate.. Dean was remarkably somber,not saying much at all,which made his silence after Sam’s death even more deafening..How is he supposed to tell his mom Sammy is gone ? The single man tear always tugs at my heart.. Silent Dean conveyed more emotions than words ever could.
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There was another really profound moment..Jack..When Cas broke the news of Sam’s death to him,his anguish,grief and anger were palpable through the screen...
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.......And then,Sam walked in,and the sweet joy on Jack’s face...❤️
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Thank God (actually thank Lucifer) that Sam didn’t stay dead very long. But of course there will be a price to pay. Sam’s shame and guilt was written all over his face when he showed up with Lucifer at the camp. It’s okay Sam. You did what you had to do.
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We know the next two episodes are going to bigger than we can ever imagine...
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spnuncensored · 6 years
Soooooo.. This is why our Fandom LOVES the Devil... Our Devil is more adorable than everyone else's 😂😂 @ruthie_connell was so kind to share this with us..A rare video of the evil Lucifer singing and grooving as he contemplates his evil plans 🎶🎶🤘😂 Thank you @ruthie_connell ❤️❤️ #SPNUncensored #supernatural #spnfandom #spnfamily #Lucifer #rowena #ruthieconnell #markpellegrino
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spnuncensored · 6 years
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Supernatural 13x23 “Let The Good Times Roll” Sam has been a father figure to Jack from the start...But there’s something about Dean that is so naturally paternal.. The scenes between Jack and Dean were my favourite during this episode...
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spnuncensored · 6 years
Oh these two 😂😍.. @jaredpadalecki imitating how @jensenackles walks with the crew,all intimidating.. 😂😂😂 #spnuncensored #supernatural #spn #spnfamily #spnfandom #jib9 #jib #jibcon #jensenackles #jaredpadalecki #j2 #brothers #JaredandJensen #Padackles #WinchesterBrothers
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spnuncensored · 6 years
@jensenackles looking dapper....like always..🔥🔥🔥 #spnuncensored #spn #supernatural #spnfamily #spnfandom #SDCC #jensenackles
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spnuncensored · 6 years
Introducing SPN Fan Fictions
Hey you guys..We are very excited to tell you that we are starting Spn fan fics..Requests and asks are welcome..please join us on this crazy whirlwind ride into Fantasy land.. We tagged some of y’all amazing fan fic writers because you guys are so prolific,we are hoping you could tell us how we are doing..❤️❤️❤️
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spnuncensored · 6 years
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Supernatural 13x16 "ScoobyNatural" Promo Pictures [part 1]
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spnuncensored · 6 years
@jensenackles showing off the @tvguidemagazine ’s radest Supernatural cover yet.. #sdcc2018 #SDCC #spnuncensored #supernatural #spn #spnfamily #jensenackles #jaredpadalecki #mishacollins #alexandercalvert
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