#spire of the watcher dungeon
thefirstknife · 2 years
There is one other thing to talk about in regards to the dungeon, and that's Osiris, who is on comms for us.
First of all, he was absolutely ready to go there himself. Ikora tells us as much.
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She tells us that he's wants to go, but that she's afraid of him hurting himself so that it would be best if we went instead. Because he trusts us. This is enough to make me cry all day, but it's not all.
Once in there, he leads us through. One of his comments in the middle of the dungeon:
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This is huge for him. He never does anything for himself. He never says that he needs help for something that sound even remotely selfish or that would be perceived as selfish. But here? He said "I need this." Not "we," not "Ikora," not "Guardians." He. Only he.
He needs to be able to convince others to trust him again. He needs to be able to convince HIMSELF to trust himself again. And the way he says it? He says it almost like he's ashamed of admitting that this is something he needs personally.
And that makes me wail and sob and throw things. Osiris, you are allowed to ask for help and to do things for yourself!!!!
But that's not all! At the end, he makes the following comments:
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I will never be a normal person again after this. He and Saint had plans, back in the day, back before the Infinite Forest, that they would go explore the universe together. But not before they made the City safe for everyone else.
They took it upon themselves to do this. To make the City safe, first and foremost, before they can detach and go do things by themselves, for themselves. Securing everyone else took precedence. A job for a thousand years, or more, of making everyone else safe; Osiris and Saint sacrificed everything to make it so.
Only after they finish the most important job, only then are they allowed to leave and do things they want. And nobody would've faulted them if they just left at any point in time. Nobody would've even known. Nobody except them. They couldn't handle thinking selfishly and leaving everyone to struggle while they frollick around the universe.
To them, the first and most important thing is to make sure that everything else is done. Their personal lives and personal wishes and fantasies and dreams come second. That is why they ended up separated. That's why Osiris was exiled, that's why Saint died, that's why Osiris had to move time and space to bring him back, that's why Osiris messed with Hive gods, that's why he became Lightless and kidnapped and in a coma.
Because the most important imperative to them both is to save the world.
And now Osiris is coming to terms with mortality for the first time and he is thinking about what could've been. But even then, he STILL wants to put himself in danger to protect us all.
And I am simply crying super hard on the floor.
Additional cute info to help us from crying, after we returned and Ana wanted to run more missions for extra data, Osiris wanted to himself. AGAIN. She stops him (dungeon helmet lore):
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I LOVE the lore about how everyone in the Tower apparently has scheduled watching Colonel time.
"No!" Ana dashes passed Osiris, "It's your night to watch the Colonel. I'll outsource a posse."
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Hey let’s talk about some of the dungeon lore w/r/t Rasputin and other AIs. Cut for spoilers for the new Spire of the Watchers dungeon.
So turns out back during the Golden Age Ishtar Collective and CB Corp did a brief collaboration on creating an “Augurmind,” Soteria, an AI equipped with Vex time-manipulation tech that allowed it to do very accurate observations/simulations over stretches of space that it otherwise takes light (and hence causality) millions of years to traverse. Soteria needed these abilities to plan intergalactic colony ventures that would take tens of thousands of years - but when she tried to crunch the numbers on habitable worlds in nearby galaxies, she detected destructive “anomalies" (the Pyramid Fleet). Soteria summarized what she saw in a burst message to Rasputin, which is probably how he caught the Fleet inbound to our system as well. 
All of which is cool but not what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is like five lines of text:
[Soteria]: R. Access provided data points and analysis. Confirm potential EGYPTIAN [attached].
[Rasputin]: I concur, S. Anomalous masses demonstrate independent movement. Consider timeline escalation under TWILIGHT to preserve [H]. Warwatch to monitor Sol border/anomalous intersection based on received data.
This is Rasputin talking. Rasputin, whose every other message is either a) dense highly-formatted military-style flash traffic orders; b) cryptic-mystic stream of consciousness; or c) sad, just...sad. This is Rasputin tossing off an email like he’s scheduling a meeting about the tarp budget. It is impossibly normal, and that tells us some significant information.
For one thing, it turns out Red can hold a regular conversation, just not with a human. For another, we've seen other AIs reference him or orders from him, but this is the first direct conversation we have, and amazingly it bears out the old "first among equals" description. Soteria has no qualms about forwarding him what might be a false alarm, and Rasputin renders an opinion with equal casual civility. Despite the seriousness of the situation he doesn’t issue orders but rather makes a few suggestions and leaves the rest to Soteria’s judgement. His attitude is that of an expert consulted by a colleague on a specialist matter, and while many AI probably treated his “suggestions” with the force of orders, he doesn’t seem to intend them as such. He really did have familiar and friendly relationships with other AI pre-Collapse. It explains why e.g. Firewall, monitoring the lunar anomaly, responded to evidence of dangerous activity by trying to contact Rasputin. It explains why the dying Exodus Red says they’d like to talk to Rasputin except he just seems so busy right now (fighting an interplanetary war). He was the authority of last resort. Rasputin would listen to your problem, and then he would tell you what to do. Rasputin would always know What To Do. Right up until he didn’t, and it all came crashing down.
I’m a Magic player, so the closest analogy I’ve got to Rasputin’s status among the other AI is that of a pro player hanging out at his local store with the casual crowd. He’s friendly, trades fairly, happy to look at your deck tech, but always that little bit set apart. When he comes in others treat it as an event even if he doesn’t. He’ll play with anyone, even lose a couple rounds, but no one is ever in doubt about whose house this is. If there’s a hard judge call to make, he’s there; if there’s unsportsmanlike behavior on display, he’s there too, and a brief conversation is enough to set that straight. He takes responsibility. And everyone’s happy to let him. You’re glad, even proud, that he hangs out at your store, even if it’s scary as hell when he comes to look over your shoulder in person. You might even think of him as a friend. And he thinks of you as a friend, too. He likes hanging out with you. He likes hanging out with everyone. 
But he also knows he’s always, always, going to be that little bit apart.
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blackwaxidol · 3 months
Oh I really do not like Supremacy...
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lieutenanteyes · 4 days
i’m getting back into destiny (again) and i really want the cowboy hat so would anyone be willing to help me with spire of the watcher?
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devastator1775 · 1 year
You can get cowboy themed ornaments during "Spire of the watcher"?! I normally suck at dungeons, but I never before wanted to do a du geon in my life.
Gonna need someo e to carry me to the enf though. I'm a very casual player and not Dungeon ready....
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telestoapologist · 2 years
bro that new spire of the watcher dungeon armor got me like
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a-damsel · 1 year
Shoutout to my friend Emi who (pretty much carried me) through my second and third dungeons! (They also got me through my first one a few months ago!)
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lizbwitch · 1 year
This dungeon is kicking my ass so hard I can still hear the sound of the Suplicants coming after me.
This title was a mistake.
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calicos-place · 1 year
Five ENTIRE clears of Spire Of The Watcher under my belt now and not a single cowboy hat in SIGHT. That's literally all I want and the entire singular reason I'm running the dungeon still. It's all cringe I tell you. Bungie is just anti-hat and I have the clears to prove it.
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okcryptidd · 2 years
I got this new chestpiece from the Spire of the Watcher dungeon
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Basically, there's this warlock in a cowboy duster except she's got huge boobs. I mean some serious yee-honkers, a real set of vexmilkers. Packin' some ballyhoongalos. Massive gjallarhonkaloos. Big ol' texmechanicahoogers
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autumnsanimations · 11 months
Investigating the spire.
A little environmental animation based on the Spire of the Watcher dungeon!
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thefirstknife · 2 years
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Maya Sundaresh sending a resignation letter to Clovis is the best thing I've read today.
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zalia · 1 year
(Possibly Unhinged) Theory Rambling
2 thoughts I was poking recently, one leading on from the first. The first regards the Deterministic Chaos exotic lore. The 2nd regards Soteria from Spire of the Watcher and the Dreaming City.
Thought 1
Deterministic Chaos and the identity of the bracketed speaker.
I wondered at first if it was Praedyth, but I am pretty sure now that it is one of the Chioma copies.
Firstly, Rohan feels like he recognises the voice, which would tally since Chioma was one of the founders of Neomuna. It’s likely that they have many recordings of Chioma and Maya Sundaresh that Rohan will have heard.
Second, some of the ways the bracketed speaker talks tally closely with some of the Chioma copy sections in the Aspect lore book.
Bracketed Speaker:
wondering what might have been if we had stayed in our familiar prism-prison or kept tightrope-walking across the quantum wilds.
Chioma Copy in Aspect
227.18's Chioma turns wry. "What's a little more tightrope walking between friends?"
and again, in Aspect
You've got to translate everything into metaphor to understand it, here, and this is like tightrope walking on a greased line. You and Maya lean into each other.
Also, some of what the bracketed voice describes sounds very much like some of what the Chioma copy in Aspect experiences.
Bracketed Speaker:
is disincorporated immortality really so bad compared to the others' ends?
Would you have preferred an attack by vitreous helicoprion or stumbling over the edge of unreality?
Chioma Copy in Aspect
Duane-McNiadh walks too quickly, not testing the ground. He's gone before you can blink—fallen through an unseen edge of the simulation.
The entire Volitive section of the Aspect lore covers the many ways various copies die, with Chioma as the focus character.
Also, with Neomuna and the Veil being a thing, I would like to add that I am side-eying the fuck out of this section of the Aspect lore:
Somewhere, a veil is always lifting.
Somewhere, Kabr is always dooming himself.
Somewhere, a door is always opening.
Somewhere, they are always stepping through.
Anyway, this led to
Thought 2
This is a bit more specualtion, for sure.
With Spire of the Watcher, we learned about an AI called Soteria, the Augur Mind. Soteria is an AI partly created from the Vex, and a fragment of Soteria now exists in Neomuna, dormant in the Vex network, but vital to the Cloud Ark. Augur is a term meaning seer/prophet/oracle, or someone who interprets signs to predict the future, and Soteria was used to interpret data to predict locations of possible planets for human colonisation. She also predicted the Black Fleet.
A friend who has studied classics, pointed out that Soteria is an epithet for Persephone, meaning deliverance/safety/salvation.
Cool, so we now have another mythological figure who descended to the underworld and returned (Ishtar/Inanna/Osiris) related to Neomuna.
In Season of the Splicer we saw various Vex Minds in the Expunge missions as we worked to stop Quria Blade Transform. Labyrinth, Styx, Tartarus, Delphi. We fight the Oppressive Minds (including Dikast - Dikastes was a legal position in Ancient Greece who could pass judgement, and Dimio - probably referencing Deimos, god of fear/terror).
Labyrinth - Theseus and the Minotaur. The Labyrinth was built following advice from the Oracle at Delphi.
Styx - One of the rivers of the Underworld, often said the mark the border between the world of the living, and the world of the dead
Tartarus - An area of the Underworld where the dead were punished e.g. Sisyphus
Delphi - A sacred precinct in Ancient Greece, home to the famous Oracle of Delphi.
Oh hey, another descent to the underworld, and another prophet.
So, we have Vex minds, a descent to the underworld, and prophets. We have Quiria, Blade Transform, who was/is responsible for the curse on the Dreaming City.
The centre of the curse is the Shattered Throne dungeon, where Dul Incaru waits. The Shattered Throne was originally Mara Sov’s Throne World, otherwise known as Elusinia.
So, how does Soteria tie into this?
Well, there was this thing in Ancient Greece called the Elusinian Mysteries. These were the initiation rites for the cult of Demeter... and Persephone.
Does this mean anything? Maybe not. I may be badly reaching. But uh... an AI that is a product of both humanity and the Vex (the human world and the Underworld)... may possibly be something to do with breaking the curse.
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arcaneglitch · 1 year
The Guardian walking into the Spire of the Watcher dungeon: Seraph Complex? I find it quite simple
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dreamingriven · 8 days
Destiny 2 - Year Six: A (sort of) Review
(or at least a very messy attempt)
I'm not gonna talk about the seasons themselves in great detail here - in my humble opinion the lightfall seasons where the best so far. (I only started in Lost tho, so I missed out on fan favourites like Dawn and Splicer.) My aim is more to talk about the stuff that happened apart from seasonal stuff - my own successes and failures.
I got so many titles this year: Not only seasonal or story ones but also full on raid titles. For example I got Rivensbane only a few months ago! And Godslayer just last week. None of this would've been possible without a fantastic fireteam of course. First and Foremost my best friends - my qpr @oseamonkeyo and my beloved @sleepyserena. Here's to many more adventures! (If you are also looking for a place to play the game with friends check out our discord btw!)
This game has brought me so much joy, it's unreal. And I'm so glad I got into it. It helped me grow as a person and I know I would not be the same person without it.
Cycling back to Year Six - I did my first Solo Dungeons this year! Shattered Throne was the first one. In late September I also conquered Spire of the Watcher, earning my first Dungeon Title. In January I did a solo Pit of Heresy in my efforts to get the Harbinger Title (I'm still missing the Master Nightmare Hunt Time Trials for it tho).
I got better at Buildcrafting too! My Orpheus Rig Build even got me through the solo Pit and multiple flawless Onslaughts. I feel like I finally got the hang of figuring out multiple builds that plays well with my usual style.
Looking back to this past year in Destiny made me realize how far I've come in it. From my humble beginnings in Beyond Light to now, it's insane how much this game changed me.
And before I get even more sappy and start to sob while writing I'm gonna cut it here. It's only a few hours until reset and we (hopefully) get in and see the salvation for ourselves.
See you starside. And remember - Eyes Up, Guardian.
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jaykaycreates · 2 years
New Lore for new Exo OC ideas
With the new Dungeon Spire of the Watcher out, new lore came out as well which is all really good (you should read it) but there was a part that surprised the hell out of me and showed so many funny/angsty implications with it for Exo OC ideas.
There’s a section in the new dungeon Helmet and class item I’m specifically referencing. Helmet:
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Class item:
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TLDR: An Exo and a ghost share a connection with a Neural link and because of that, the ghost can take over the Exo and use their light abilities. LIKE!! THATS SO COOL. It opens so many possibilities for story telling!!
some quick ideas that floated in my head after reading it,
Joker-3s (who is usually a big old grump) being taken over by Buddy (his ghost and who is super hyper and friendly) could lead to her ‘trying to cheer him up” by bringing him on a fun adventure or smthn
Aran-8′s ghost Spike taking over to stop him from his violent rampages against the Hive when he should rest or go visit his friends.
Chimera-2′s ghost Charon taking over Chimera when the Vex part of his mind in control to maybe help Chimera fight it off back for control.
Taura-5s ghost Sparkplug(still working on name) Taking over to join in on the explosive fun (Taura’s a volatile voidlock.)
This is a really cool idea Bungie has brought us and us Exo oc enjoyers should use it for many shenanigans >:)
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