#spiderbit week 2024
flowergardeninthewall · 3 months
@smallchaoscryptid's Spiderbit week day 3 soulmates/late nights
The mark bloomed impossibly early in their relationship. As in almost on their first touch. Cellbit wasn't even sure he was capable of forming a soulmate mark. Yet as Roier was helping him stand up from being knocked, flowers started to bud on the skin under his palm. And where Roier’s hand was on his own skin, a matching plant starts to grow.
Hyacinths. According to the book on flowers that Tallulah had lent Cellbit they are hyacinths, the mark has grown considerably, enough to be able to tell what plant they are but the flowers have yet to bloom.
Under the flower was a story. The Greek god Apollo’s friend killed by a jealous wind god, and instead of going to the underworld his soul was turned into a flower and planted in the earth. A hyacinth.
The buds had finally bloomed. Cellbit had betrayed them, and they bloomed. Deep purple. Somewhere Roier remembers vaguely hearing the meanings behind the colors of the flowers decorating the inside of his arm. But he only remembers when he sees the hyacinth laid on top of the book addressed to him in the hidden chest. Regret.
It was easier to put on a smile than most days, everything was perfect, well almost. Quackity almost blew the venue up with everyone inside, there was a bit of a murder and Bobby. Bobby would have loved it. He was there, the sun was shining as always, but it wasn’t the same. But now? He was in bed holding his husband matching pink flowers decorating their arms. and maybe he could move on and maybe one day he would be able to smile for real.
Cellbit was angry, the federation has done nothing but lie. The bear has done nothing but laugh at him and his misfortune. Every single lead they have had on the location of the eggs has ran itself dry. He's tired. Tired of being used, pulled around. Laughed at by that stupid bear. He only sleeps when his husband drags him up to bed and flops down on top of him.
It's hard to pin when the flowers shift blue, they only notice it after they promise to stay by each other’s side no matter what.
The thing that drove him, let him continue to search was the mark sitting on the inside of his arm. His soulmate. The flowers had shifted and bloomed into a deep purple. Regret. It had changed to purple during purgatory when Roier finally couldn't even put the energy into bringing himself to smile. How could he? He broke his promise.
Not only do the flowers symbolize his husband, but shows that he is still alive, breathing, out there. He was still there, still alive, and regrets staying on that island. And that was enough. They were both alive, they survived, they still loved each other. And Roier was certain they would see each other again. He just needed to find Cellbit. Wherever he may have ended up.
Soul marks can fade, Cellbit knows this, it happens all the time. Flowers can die just as they bloom, but the hyacinths that mirror the now vivid blue ones blooming on his own arm are gone, they're not there on the inside of Roier's arm and he has no idea how to feel about it.
That's a lie. He does know how to feel about it, but he is never going to acknowledge those feelings. Instead, he is going to learn how to do a sick ass kick flip and maybe he can also learn to let that mark fade, die out and wither away. Maybe one day he can learn to let go as Roier did.
Was this supposed to be happy? I promise this was supposed to be happy it just kinda got away from me and yeah.
I wasn't even intending to do something for this spiderbit week, but uh my greater qsmp soulmate au has decided to whisper sweet nothings into my brain, and now im looking up flower language during work.
I love soulmate aus, and honestly, soulmates of choice? That's the good shit. I could ramble about this AU for hours.
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atthebell · 5 months
Spiderbit Week Jan 21-27!!!
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hello folks i am in the depths of missing spiderbit so i wanted to organize another spiderbit week! super chill, no length requirements or anything, just a fun time with some prompts i thought would be cute. you can do either prompt or both or whatever you want, and i've made an ao3 collection people can post to. people can also tag me if they'd like me to rb their posts about what they make for the prompts!
[Image Description: Graphic in shades of pink with the heading "Spiderbit Week" and subheading "January 21-27, 2024." Below are a series of prompts:
Day 1: Vow Renewal | Stargazing Day 2: Coffee Shop | Sparring Day 3: Family Fluff | Casualonas Day 4: Date Night | Proposal Day 5: Weed Fic | Mermaids Day 6: It Couple | Enigma Day 7: Pining | Wearing Each Other's Clothes Fun Bonus: Reunion/Rescue
At the very bottom it reads "created by @atthebell" in small font. End ID.]
also for an explanation of "It Couple," i just mean the way spiderbit are so annoying to everyone else on the island and obnoxiously obsessed with each other (affectionate), but you can interpret it in various ways! and i put weed fic because i think weed fics are really fun but again there's two prompts for each so people can pick between them, so no one has to write weed fic if they don't want to.
further info is on the collection page, but you can also send me questions here if you have any. go forth and have fun!
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
If I’m lucky, I’ll be asleep when the new year hits, so I’m gonna do my Sappy Post now:
This year has been maybe my absolute worst year ever. A ton of Bad Stuff happened, and it sucked
But also? This year was really genuinely amazing. I got published for the first time! I discovered a genuine love for cooking! I started working out again and I’ve started actual self care for the first time, and it’s amazing!
And then there’s the QSMP. If you asked me what I thought of it when I watched the trailer for the first time on a gas station bathroom floor as I was sick to my stomach, I would’ve said it was cool. But I never would’ve expected to experience such a genuinely fantastic and welcoming community!!! You guys are awesome!!!
I’ve learned enough Spanish to be able to translate basic sentences out in the wild (back in May, I was able to translate a Spanish conversation I’d heard on vacation, and I can only imagine what I could do now.) I started learning Portuguese even though my pronunciation is actual garbage, and I picked up French again after letting my French education rot for two years. I’ve always thought language learning was fun, but now it’s just !!!!!! you know?
And then there’s my fics because HOLY SHIT I’ve done so much this year! I’ve done a ton of one shots and aus and I’ve managed to finish a multi chapter fic for the first time ever, and then there’s Breaking Dawn, which is insane on its own. I organized a fandom theme week for the first time, and I can’t wait to do it again!!
Maybe next year I’ll convert my twitter into something I can use to network over there. I want to bridge the gap between the twitter Guapoduo Guys and the tumblr Spiderbit Girlies because, really, we’re just two communities on two different platforms. I want to finish Breaking Dawn and work on the Fantasy AU. I want to do a zine if someone advertises for one. I want to play the Paranormal Order rpg (maybe my regular rpg group would be down for a oneshot lol.)
I started this year with 300 or so followers, and I’m ending it tonight with 1,599 and I’m not even joking. I’m so happy to get to experience everything with you guys, and I hope our collective spiderbit hysteria moments continue into 2024 and culminate in a reunion and some murders and a birthday party for one silly little egg.
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atthebell · 5 months
21 22 24 and 25 for the silly little game
Qsmp specific if possible :3
E feliz ano novo para voce!!!!
21. most memorable comment/review
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this one was super sweet, and i actually might write a follow up to not quite.... look out for that
22. events you participated in this year
mcyt passover week (which i ran & will be running again in 2024!), voices for the blade 2023, mcyt halloween, spiderbit week, and mcytblr holiday exchange; which is so many events!!!! whoa
24. favorite fic you read this year
answered previously!
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
[fanfic end of year ask game]
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
happy new year! i only recently started following you this year due to the qsmp and spiderbit but i wanted to express my gratitude towards you :)
your fics and aus and your general posts are smth i look forward to daily! i love your takes on the lore and characters, i find them so insightful, and it’s cool to see someone who loves qroier and qcellbit as much as i do.
i hope 2024 brings you even more exciting and fun opportunities and possibilities. and that you continue to have fun doing what you’re doing, whether it be writing spiderbit, making theories, learning languages or dnd! you deserve only the best! thank you for being so cool :D
I’m surprised by how much I like qCellbit and qRoier considering I went into the series only recognizing Vegetta and Rubius and Luzu from the non-English content pov (Quackity too, but he’s special.) Like, I’d seen all of Karmaland V live, but I didn’t exactly go into this series expecting to be attached to anyone’s characters but Charlie’s and Foolish’s. But then I started watching Roier because I got him confused with Mariana, and then a month later I started watching Cellbit on the day of the chainsaw torture stream because I thought he was hot. That’s the literal reason why.
And now the only English pov I even semiregularly watch is Foolish because I’ve been watching him since 2021 (fun fact, I used to write my papers and even sometimes fall asleep watching his streams, and he was there in the background for a week straight while I had Covid last year and was stuck in bed before and after my first museum opening)
I didn’t expect this at all, but I’m super happy about it because these characters are SO COOL and it’s actually incredible to see a mature romantic stable queer relationship in Minecraft rp and stuff. I don’t watch a ton of Minecraft series, let alone rp, but it’s just so cool
Also? The ccs are hilarious. Love them
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