#specifically thinking of that scene where he just pops his head into julies doorway just to check on her and how school is going
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in this house we stand for the national anthem (alex's stand tall solo) 🩷
luke | reggie | julie | the whole gang | stickers! | prints! | keychains!
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phantom-curve · 3 years
find the strength, find the melody pt. 4 (working title)
I think I like this title but I can’t decide so don’t kill me if it changes!
also, you guys are amazing. your love for this lil fic makes me feel so happy. I’ve never written this much this fast for a side project. it’s actually starting to take over all of my writing so I might have to slow this roll a bit and catch up on my actual novel before I can post most. 
or maybe I’ll just lean into the insomnia writing even more! stay tuned to see!!
as always, lemme know if you wanna be added to the tag list! @blue-hat-girl, @lwhoscribbles (hey lookie there, a title! also sorry not sorry you cried, but at least you were in good company with me and Julie), @bluefyoto94, @5sosmukefan, @moonlightxnder, @leahthewonder​,  @kat-maybe-not​
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Later that night, long after her father and Carlos had gone to bed, Julie crept out to her mom’s studio. She knew she was going to have to tell her dad about the music program eventually. She was shocked her Tía hadn’t beat her to it already. She needed something positive to offset the disappointment he would feel. Her dad had been gently prodding her to go out to the studio and at least maybe clean it up a bit for weeks now. He would love this improvement, that is, if she could work up the nerve to actually play. Sheet music clutched in her numb hands, she wrenched the studio door open. It was exactly as she remembered it.
Her eyes slipped shut as she stepped inside. She didn’t need to look to know where the couch, coffee table, and chairs would be gathered. She knew exactly how to avoid bumping into the ladder leading up to the loft. Her hand reached out just in time to catch on the fabric covering the piano, Julie allowing her fingers to lead her down the side of it until her pinky brushed a key. One soft note rang out, and her eyes opened, staring down at where she pressed lightly on the white key.
Her feet moved on their own, skirting around the bench, her knees bending automatically as she lowered herself to sit. A tight sensation built in her chest, her breaths picking up speed. The sheet music shook as she forced herself to lift the pages and spread them out on the music rack. She arranged the piece in the correct order, wasting time as she avoided touching the keys for now. Her eyes traced over the song again, her mind showing her exactly how her hands would dance along the instrument, exactly how her voice would reverberate in the silent space. Her gaze snagged on her mom’s final message once more.
You can do it.
Warmth blossomed in her chest, replacing the cold, lifeless feeling that had lingered there for the last year. Julie felt it all at once. Her mother’s love shining off of the pages in front of her, filling up all of the empty spaces inside of her. She could hear her voice, whispering those words in her ear. Tears sprang to her eyes again, but they were different this time.
Julie had thought that she would never be able to play without her mother because she never had. Every defining moment of Julie’s life was underscored by a soundtrack mastered by the one and only Rose Molina. She had thought that without her mother, the music would fall flat. She had thought it would be meaningless without the significance her mother, specifically, attached to it. Julie never realized until this moment that she had been the soundtrack to her mother’s life as well. The two of them, the soundtrack to her brother’s and father’s lives. It hadn’t only been Julie suffering for the last year.
A new type of determination surging through her veins, Julie placed her hands on the cool keys, lining her fingers up with the opening notes. Her mother deserved to be remembered like this, her music recognized and loved by more than just Julie. She would have hated the fact that Julie hadn’t played in so long, would have given her that sad smile, that soft, disappointed mija sigh. Her family deserved to come out of the silence she had forced upon them. They deserved to enjoy music the way they always had before Rose died. It was cruel the way she had taken it away from them. And Julie herself deserved this moment too. She had been punished long enough. Her mother’s love overwhelming everything else, Julie took a deep breath and began to play.
Here’s the one thing I want you to know
You got someplace to go
Life’s a test, yes
But you go toe-to-toe
You don’t give up, no
You grow
The opening was shaky, her fingers clumsy as they stumbled over the unfamiliar notes. Her voice cracked a bit, rusty from disuse. But then muscle memory took over, and Julie felt the tension drain from her body. Her fingers began to move with a mind of their own as she read the notes on the pages in front of her, voice smoothing out as she worked out the frogs. She made it through the pre-chorus easily enough, but the chorus hit her harder than expected. Like her mother was giving her permission to forgive herself for all of the hurt of the last year, reminding her that it’s who you are at your core that matters most. Telling her she still had the time to pull herself out of this spiral. That old message about how the music was always bigger than just the two of them coaxing her out of the shell she had hidden herself away in for the last year.
Better wake those demons
Just look them in the eye
No reason not to try
Life can be a mess
I won’t let it cloud my mind
I’ll let my fingers fly
Her fingers really were flying. She couldn’t even really feel the keys anymore, so sure as she pressed down against the ivory that she didn’t even have to look at the sheet music. Her eyes closed, head lifted as she belted the pre-chorus into the sky. The chorus hit again, but she was ready for it this time, emotion powering every line as she poured her heart and soul into each note. Visions of her mother filled her mind and Julie could practically feel the warmth of her love radiating throughout the studio. She glanced down to read the lines for the bridge and the words hit her like a sledgehammer. Like a secret letter from her mother written exactly for this specific moment.
So wake that spirit, spirit
I wanna hear it, hear it
No need to fear it, you’re not alone
You’re gonna find your way home
Her voice rang out pure and clear as she held the word as long as she could. Home. She really was home now. Here, in her mom’s familiar studio, playing the last song her mother’s hands touched, Julie was finally home again. The sense of rightness filled her completely as she finished the last round of the chorus. Her hands dropped from the keys, reaching out to gather the papers to her chest once more, the most precious treasure she had ever touched. 
Eyes closed, basking in the afterglow of playing, she imagined her mother’s spirit behind her, ghostly arms wrapping her in the sweetest hug. Julie shivered against the electricity coursing through her system. She felt alive again. An unexpected clatter sounded from the doorway. Julie’s eyes popped open, anticipating Carlos or her father walking through the doors. Nobody appeared, but she caught the tail end of a muffled curse. It was just loud enough to send a ripple of awareness through her.
“I can hear you, you know.”
She already knew who it was. She expected him to beat a hasty retreat, maybe yell something out in a horribly disguised voice before he melted into the shadows. Without warning, he appeared in the doorway, shoulders raised and a sheepish smile on his face. His eyes darted around the studio, refusing to meet hers. Her mouth fell open. Where does he keep appearing from?
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you, I just...I heard you playing?”
He said it like a question, an unsure tone she’d never heard him use before coloring his tone. She watched the way his bicep flexed as his hand rose to scratch at the back of his neck. That seemed to be his nervous tick. His body language told her he wished he was anywhere else right now. Then she glanced at the clock.
“What the hell are you doing creeping around my house at 1:00 in the morning?”
Luke’s cheeks turned bright red. The tips of his ears, peeking out of that same orange beanie, colored too.
“I’m not creeping!” Julie met his gaze steadily, raising a brow at his defensive declaration. “I uhhh, I just...I don’t really sleep? Or...well I guess...I don’t really have a place to sleep...sometimes...?” 
His voice trailed off, uncomfortable in every sense of the word as he stammered his way through his explanation. 
“My parents and I don’t always get along. Sometimes it’s easier to tell them I’ll crash somewhere else, only there isn’t always a somewhere else available.” 
He shrugged, careless and cocky, but it was off. Everything about him was off right now. 
“I make do. It’s no biggie, just gives me more time to soak in the club scene. Gotta stay one step ahead of the competition, ya know? It’s like a blessing really, gives us that edge.”
His rambling words painted a picture she was sure he would rather keep private. It didn’t take a genius to read between the lines. She didn’t buy his cavalier attitude for a minute. He was lying through his teeth. She knew. She had been lying for a year straight to practically everyone in her life, had nearly rotted her teeth through with all the saccharine sweetness she had faked. Her lips twisted in a sour smirk.
“You’re full of shit, but whatever. That couch pulls out into a mattress. You’ve gotta be gone by 6:30, that’s when my dad wakes up for work.”
The squeakiest note yet. Julie looked Luke square in the eyes. That same intense energy from the other day sparked between them. The moment stretched on a beat too long. Julie gulped and forced herself to soften her tone. It was easier than expected.
“Stay here for the night, Luke. I’m not gonna ask about your parents, and no one is going to bother you in my mom’s studio. Sleep on the pull-out couch. There’s a bathroom in the back. It even has a shower and I think there’s still some soap in there though I can’t promise it isn’t floral scented. You can disappear in the morning and we won’t ever speak of this again.”
He stared at her, blue-green sea glass eyes cutting through to her very soul. She didn’t respond, letting the silence stretch and morph into something entirely too intimate. The tension between them pulled taut, Luke’s gentle smile breaking the moment as he took a few shy steps into the studio.  Julie ducked her head, tucking a few loose curls behind her ear, before she moved to meet him in the middle of the room, gracefully spinning around his body so her back was pressed against the doors. Their eyes caught again. One of those strong hands reached up to scratch at his neck once more.
“Thank you.”
The words were a quiet whisper, almost as sweet as when he returned the song to her earlier. She could hear everything he left unsaid with those two words. Thank you for not asking. Thank you for giving me a safe space. Thank you for caring. Unable to help herself, she bit her lip, gave him a small nod, and ducked out of the doors in a near perfect recreation of his response outside of the school that afternoon.
Heart a little lighter, she sneaked back into the house silently. It wasn’t until she was safely tucked away in the darkness of her bedroom that she dared peek out the window at the studio. The lights were off, but Julie swore she could make out a shadowy figure peering through the windows up at her room. She dropped her curtain like it was on fire, diving into bed and burying her head under the pillows. Heart racing, she laid with her eyes closed and tried to convince herself that Lucas freaking Patterson wasn’t slowly making himself a home in her heart.
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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Eddy furiously packs a suitcase with several items such as clothes, his records, and anything of value to him.
The impact of this scam is so serious that the Ed’s need to run instead of hide. Remember how Edd stores food, water and other emergency products of need under his bed. This situation is more serious then the time Ed dressed as a monster and stuck the kids to his bedroom wall.
Eddy is scared. It’s rare whenever we see Eddy scared. He is fearless. Or so we think. He does a great job masking his inner fears.
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Eddy jumps up and down on his crammed suitcase until it finally locks.
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Eddy is famous for taking advantage of cartoon physics. He would have made all these belongings fit inside as if it were no problem.
Since Big Picture Show is suggested to take place a year later Eddy is presumed to be 13 years old. He’s scared of growing up. He doesn’t want to face challenges. He thinks too hard making him forget who he once was. 
The only chance audience witness at seeing the real Eddy is at the very end of the movie where he admits that he’s worn a Bro mask for a long time. 
Eddy has always been a confused and shy boy. Eddy has his own unique personality which disappeared after season 2. He became scared to face reality, ditch his true self to portray someone who could never love him.
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Eddy tries to drag the suitcase off the bed and run for his life.
I love the stretchy bendy arms throughout this scene.
Were the Ed’s planning to meet up in a specific spot so they could make their escape? Ed runs into Eddy’s house. Eddy’s room is a safe place for Ed. His friend makes him feel welcome and secure. Ed relies on Eddy to be his protector because his parents won’t.
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To Eddy’s luck, the suitcase explodes. A pinata of Eddy’s valuables pop out of the suitcase and fly around in viewers faces. There are a bunch of cool Easter eggs. 
I love Eddy’s valuables.
His room is very different from all the other characters. He’s more of an old fashioned person who likes records. the eighties, magazines. It’s a chance to see who the real Eddy is.
Bro and Eddy DON’t have the same taste in music. Believe me you will understand my point at the end of the movie.
Maybe this is why Eddy thought nobody would like him. He has much different interests. He also has a more unique lifestyle. Eddy has never thought too highly of himself. Every character, even Ed and Edd, have made a snide remark towards Eddy’s character. To the best of his ability Eddy ignores it. So we think.
Remember how Eddy used to juggle, play piano, and improvise nun chucks out of dice? Eddy had a much different personality in season 1. He was easy to get along with and always looked out for his friends. It’s hard to understand why the kids wouldn’t accept him. Of course the main reason is that he has been scamming them for ages, but not every day. Sometimes his scams are creative and well thought out. 
Why didn’t the kids want to befriend Eddy?
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Is this the guidebook from May I Have This Ed?
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Look very closely in this screenshot and you will notice a page from a calendar.
Does this film take place in May?
I always had the summer vibe because there is no mention of school. There is also a no worries feel. Ironic seeing how the Ed’s are on the run, nearly chase one another way, and witness a horrible beating. 
It may just be a random calendar page, but I hope the movie is set in either late June or early July.
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Eddy hears pounding on the door.
I like that shirt hanging off from Eddy’s bed in the background. I sort of wish the Ed’s could have worn other clothing. I guess fans got their wish in season 5 when the Ed’s were dressing in different clothing every now and then. It should have been more often because their clothing reflected their personality.
Eddy’s trademark shirt is a big reflection of Bro. In the flashback of Every Which Way But Ed, Ed and Edd are wearing semi different clothing while Eddy is wearing this over sized yellow shirt. 
Hand me down from Bro? I’d say it’s possible because Eddy wants to be the perfect mirror image of his brother. He’s also trying to remain close with him as he has been gone for so long. Eddy never realized how long his brother has been gone for until the events of Ed in a Half Shell.
My head canon is that Eddy has not seen Bro for eight years. And Eddy was pretty young when Bro was around. He was not old enough to understand what was really going on. Now that he is older the events from when he was a child affect him. 
Season 5 was Eddy’s downfall. He was on edge, had a bigger temper, and looked more anxious. He mellowed out more in season 6 because he was trying to be himself. Bro was still there because he remains a big question on Eddy’s mind.
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The door is about to break off its hinges.
Doors play an important role throughout this movie.
Doors are "ways in" or "ways out" of (or to) something. We usually don't think about the door when we get to it - unless it is a particularly eye catching one! When opening a door we’re brought out into the world where anything can happen. Only each character has seen a little part of the world. We need to explore what is on the outside more then what is on the inside.
Side Note: Is that a purple dress? Also, I didn’t take a screenshot of this, but there are a pair of women’s heels in Eddy’s closet. There are times when Eddy cross dresses mainly for the sake of a scam, but Eddy’s sexuality has come into question multiple times.
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Eddy tries to impersonate his mother while working with a silent vacuum.
Eddy’s mother was off screen cleaning Eddy’s room in one episode. She must do this a lot.
I love Eddy’s mom. We’ll get into that more as the analysis go, but she is always a sweet woman. She and Eddy’s dad are strict, but for very good reason.
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The door is thrown off its hinges!
Oh no, the kids?!
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Eddy begs for the kids not to hurt him.
Eddy is terrified about getting hurt. He is also a magnet when it comes to slapstick comedy. As the series went it felt like Eddy was given all this bad luck on purpose. He always got hurt and his character was made dumber. He had no idea how to eat spaghetti! How could the writers do that to their protagonist?
No character is perfect. They won’t always have a happy ending. Eddy has been through it all and yet he’s only twelve years old. There are so many kids Eddy’s age these days who have a powerful story to share. Characters like Eddy have inspired the world. Don’t be afraid to share your past. Don’t let the past change who you are.
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Ed gallops into the room.
Eddy hiding behind the vacuum cleaner reminds me of the security guard who hid behind a car in Jurassic World. This is a great opportunity for the characters to get away and yet they hide.
Ed’s massive sock-bag gets stuck in the doorway causing him to fall on Eddy.
See I thought this sock-bag was going to have a bigger part in the movie’s plot. It gets in the way.
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Believing that it is the kids Eddy begs for them not to hurt him.
Poor Eddy.
Any type of pain or when he is running away is a trigger from his days with Bro. Bro tormented him. This expression and pose Eddy is in looks like Bro is playing uncle with him. Is Eddy defending himself or grabbing hold of his leg?
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Finally realizing that it’s Ed Eddy calms down a bit.
Ed asks Eddy what they’re going to do. Ed and Edd rely on Eddy for everything. Eddy never minded that. He loved being the leader and leading his friends around because in season 1 Ed and Edd were so helpless. The theory about Ed and Edd being better off without Eddy was switched around. It almost felt as if Ed and Edd were the ones holding Eddy back from being friends with the cul-de-sac kids.
Maybe that’s another reason why the kids didn’t like Eddy.
Eddy never thought to abandon his friends. Ed and Edd have grown over time because of Eddy. Their social skills have grown. Still, they have never thought to leave Eddy even when his behavior was beginning to grow on the lines as abusive towards them.
The stress of being the leader starts to wear down on Eddy by season 4. The best example is in Stuck in Ed when Eddy has scam block. His friends help him out, but they never take charge. Even in season 5. No matter how Edd stands his ground he will always turn to Eddy to make sure his ideas are okay. Anxiety builds up within Eddy such as this moment here where he is running around in circles.
Eddy asks what happened to Edd in this very panicked voice.
I think separating to pack belongings must have been Eddy’s idea. He’s going to beat himself up for the rest of his life is something happened to Edd.
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Here’s Edd! Phew, I thought Edd was traveling behind Ed, but then got caught by the kids when I first watched this scene.
He was inside Ed’s filthy bag.
Edd is covered in muck. Surprisingly, Edd never complains about being filthy. There is no time to.
I have a head canon that Edd gets over his germophobia in the movie. I will analyze more on that once time comes.
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Edd is so dazed for a moment that it takes him a few minutes to notice Eddy put a suitcase in his arms.
Every single shot of this movie is pure perfection. Expressions, actions... all of it is amazing! Another applause to the crew of Ed, Edd n Eddy.
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“We’re fugitives, Eddy!” Edd warns Eddy. “Are you aware of the consequences we're about to endure? All because of our misguided chicanery!"
Chicanery -  The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.
Lots of talk will go on about the unknown scam throughout the movie. This scam was nothing like the other failed attempts.
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Ed senses something wrong.
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A shadow passes along the window. This is turning into a horror movie.
This is my favorite set of animation and blocking. Something is not right. The Ed’s are in deep trouble. They have to run, not hide. 
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
That Canadian Convenience Store Robbery Is The Year's Most Suspenseful Movie
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/that-canadian-convenience-store-robbery-is-the-years-most-suspenseful-movie/
That Canadian Convenience Store Robbery Is The Year's Most Suspenseful Movie
July marks the year’s midway point, at which time critics take stock of the best movies to grace our screens to date. Countless lists are popping up across the internet, but none contain the actual best movie of 2018, a thrilling and ambitious silent film that evokes shades of ’70s-era gangster pictures with a touch of “Mission: Impossible.” 
I’m referring, of course, to the footage of a man and woman attempting to evade arrest at a convenience store in Alberta, Canada. The video, which went viral late last week after a CTV station published it online, accomplishes in less than three minutes what many movies fail to in more than 90. Its characters ― 29-year-old Brittany Burke and 28-year-old Richard Pariseau, who had reportedly used a stolen credit card to buy a can of soda and thought they could flee law enforcement ― are emblems of ingenuity, a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde. We can envisage their entire personalities simply by watching their relentless, and ultimately futile, quest to find a secret escape route. 
What makes this film superlative-worthy is not just Brittany and Richard’s chutzpah ― plenty of people would go to great lengths to avoid the Five-O, even in Canada, where cops probably ask if suspects want poutine, eh? No, what makes this film superlative-worthy is how spectacularly well-edited it is. The tension is Hitchcockian.
The scene opens in media res; our antiheroes have already been caught. They stand near the entrance with a policeman and the store owner’s husband, who to the untrained eye looks like a plainclothes civilian taking the law’s side. (I will hereby refer to him as “civilian.”) But Brittany and Richard won’t be thwarted so soon. They attempt to burst through the door ― the obvious first route ― but end up tumbling to the ground in a heap with the cop, tearing the oversized white T-shirt that Richie Rich is wearing from his back. Meanwhile, the store clerk stands idly behind the register. Just another day on the job. 
CTV News
We don’t need to see the skirmish play out in full to know that this shit is going to be an adrenaline doozy.
The video cuts to Richard, now shirtless.
In a classic action-movie cut, he dashes out of the frame and into a new shot, entering a storage room at the back of the shop. He searches for an exit. 
CTV News
The next shot cuts back to the aisles, with Brittany’s lingering tussle positioned on the far left of the screen ― a visual Easter egg, as our eyes drift directly to the center, where all is quiet on the Western Front until Richard bursts back into the showroom.
CTV News
The overhead camera sits stationary as Richard’s long legs carry him to the end of an aisle. He at first feels protected by the bags of candy he limply threatens to throw at the policeman, who has turned his attention from Brittany to Richard’s naked torso. At this point, Brittany, who appears to be constrained by the civilian ― go home, sir! ― bobs out of the frame.
Near the wall of cold drinks, things are getting serious. The cop marches toward Richard, who drops his confectionery weapon upon seeing a taser pointed in his direction. We still can’t hear what’s happening, but we don’t need to: Richard quickly descends to the (presumably dirty) floor. The tension is mounting. Don’t tase him, bro.
CTV News
Here, the cop reaches down toward him, and Richard springs up, startling the officer. But wait. The scene cuts from a wide shot surveying the store to a close-up that shows Brittany striding toward her accomplice. In the far background, the civilian opens the door, ostensibly expecting backup to arrive. Brittany observes the man as the cop waves her away, Richard hunched on his knees before rising, getting tased and flopping back down like a wooden board. 
The most suspenseful movies keep us wondering about the action unfolding on the periphery, so the scene rapidly cuts away from Richie and the officer altogether. After addressing the civilian near the doorway, Brittany turns around and walks deeper into the store. A wide shot reveals that she is heading for the storage room that Richard scampered through earlier. Great minds. Or something.
The action cuts to the center of the store, where the civilian is still using a cellphone and Richard is still wrestling with the cop. What is Brittany doing? We know she has a strategy, but our inability to witness it firsthand creates stress. Cue Bernard Herrmann’s “Psycho” strings. Richard breaks free of the officer’s prying grip, dashing again through the aisles toward the cash register. He makes it all the way to the front door before being pinned down by the civilian and the officer. This criminal can’t catch a break. They struggle as the cashier looks on, still unfazed. 
And now here we go. Time for the goods. 
Twenty-one seconds have passed since we saw Brittany disappear from the showroom, enough time for her to have pulled off God knows what. In the next cut, she emerges from the depths of a darkened bathroom in the storage closet, skipping the steps that failed Richard earlier. Aha! She climbs up toward the ceiling, where a camera happens to be perched. Is she hiding? Even better: She is crawling into the ceiling. 
CTV News
Once she clambers in and vanishes from sight, the video cuts back to the front door, where the cop is again straddling Richard until he sinks to the floor. He pins him to the ground like they are on a wrestling mat or in a slow-burning gay porn outtake. As this is happening, we know that Brittany is somewhere in the roofing. Where she thinks she’s going is anyone’s guess. Does she hope it will lead her outdoors? To another store? No matter what, you have to admire the gumption.
Hitchcock once said that a bomb suddenly going off underneath a table is a surprise, whereas tangible suspense is created in the audience’s awareness that the bomb is already sitting under the table. That’s what Brittany’s disappearance is. With the cop distracted by Richard’s refusal to go down quietly, we know that she could be close to finding a way out of their situation. We need to know where Brittany is! 
The scene cuts from Richard and the cop to a static shot of what seems like an empty store. You can imagine tumbleweed rolling across the floor, like it might a dirt road before a standoff in a Western. 
And then, the big kahuna. The grand finale we’ve all been waiting for. Brittany makes her triumphant return, crashing through the ceiling and tumbling to the floor. She’s only wearing one shoe. Multiple cops have arrived.
CTV News
By this point, it’s time to give up. Even Brittany knows it. She traipses to the end of the aisle, raising her arms in surrender and diving onto the floor. Two policemen parade Brittany outdoors while four continue to restrain Richard.
Miraculous. Thelma Schoonmaker would be proud of the tension conveyed in the smart cuts this video uses. At every turn, we glean a bit more insight into this duo’s resourcefulness, however misguided it may be. There’s nary a second of dead weight. The video uses common film grammar to give us the tools to plug in details excised from the final product. Blockbuster editors, especially those of the superhero variety, could learn a thing or two from its economy. 
According to CTV, Richard faces 11 charges, including resisting arrest and using a stolen credit card, and Brittany faces three charges, including obstructing an officer and mischief. 
Mischief makes for all the best movies.
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