carnelianwings · 1 year
Hey. Hey you. What deck do you main in zero
Hi there!
I play pretty much everything in Zero (and I will play to the meta if I need to climb for rank rewards), but right now my main deck is (predictably) Blaster Blade Exceed. It was already fast on its way to becoming my favorite deck when I saw it debut in G Next when I watched (read: marathoned) all of 2011 CFV + G back in 2021, and it holds a special place as one of the first preconstructed decks I ever bought and upgraded irl. Sure it's also Aichi's deck in G, but it's also got all the mechanics I love - recycling from drop, lots of deck thin, and the ability to search out and Superior Call whatever I need from deck. I don't play it as much these days - I only have the one friend who also plays Premium but nothing gives me more joy than sacking crits (read: Flogals) one turn and throwing them down onto the field the next turn to restand Blaster Blade a stupid number of times while throwing every trigger effect onto him between Alfred's and his (because lulz Alfred skill) drive checks. (My friend has declared the Alfred Stride to be their "One Fear" whenever we play Premium because they always know what's coming lolololololol) Sure I can't quite do the same in Zero since drive checks don't go to hand, but I have a funny way of drawing into at least 1 Flogal every fight (or check Blaster Blade Exceed - I run him as a Stand in Zero because I either deck myself out or badly overflow my hand otherwise) so I still end up tossing out 4-5 attacks lol.
And in case you're wondering just how much I love this deck:
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childesballs · 6 years
Fandom ask, W, X, Y, and Z, if you don't mind! =D
(Fandom ask)
W - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
1. Tenn Kujo (IDOLiSH7)2. Mikleo (Tales of Zestiria)3. Atsushi Nakajima (Bungou Stray Dogs)4. Emil Castagnier (Dawn of the New World I don’t care if it’s another Tales game, it’s separate fandoms still)
5. Horikawa Kunihiro (Touken Ranbu)
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Sormik (Tales of Zestiria)
GakuTsumu (IDOLiSH7)
KaneHori (Touken Ranbu)
Y - A fandom you’re in but have no ships from
Uhhh.....uhhhhh.....uhhhhhhhhh I don’t...do I...Pokemon? no wait I have lowkey ships there....I uhhhh i’m sure i’ve seen something i don’t have a ship in...but i can’t think of anything now.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
oh shit no ramble. about anything???? uhhhhhh Can I ramble about my fandom friends? does that count? I mean I basically met all of your through Zesty, but I’ve adored being able to bond over other series and mutual dragging into hells. I honestly hated fandom life after ons and swore of fandoms after that but I’m glad I let Zesty be an exception.
Also having seiyuu biases is dangerous thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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fortunesrevolver · 6 years
soymilkheaven replied to your post: So. One of my employees keeps going on trips....
That’s insane that you’re stuck working that many hours with no days off. I’m surprised HR/corporate isn’t kicking up a fuss about the OT pay from you doing that. (I know I get crap for even going like, 15 minutes over *one* day of the week!)
If I’m honest, I don’t think they care about this little gallery store. At all. I’ve gone out of my way to do a few stupid things (not like TERRIBLE or something that would hurt someone, just a thing or two I knew was technically against policy) just to see if I even got a VERBAL warning. Nothing. Nadda. Never.
I even used 8 hours of PTO like three months ago on my (normally) one day off a week to see if they’d call me and tell me I can’t just use “eight hours of PTO to get overtime.”
Nothing. I just got paid for 8 hours of Overtime. (Granted, I only did it once to see, so.)
As long as someone is covering the floor, they don’t seem to care.
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redigitizing · 6 years
soymilkheaven replied to your post “Ok then hmmmm about Philia for the meme?”
YES! Her appearance as the priestess that doesn't heal was hilarious, as is her . . . excitement with regards to her Philia Bombs. Also, doesn't she enable Leon/Judas's sweet tooth in Radiant Mythology, going so far as to mention he can eat like, 20+ scoops of ice cream in a sitting (or something to that effect)? XD
actually, he can eat at least 50 scoops of ice cream on a normal day...to be honest, at this point i feel like people should stop enabling him and just stop him before he kills himself with excess sugar LMAO.
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ten scoops a bowl, at least five bowls...yeah, he needs to stop lol.
Leon actually didn’t seem bothered by the fact that Philia knew and she seems to have been serving him ice cream regularly, which also indicates that he’s much more comfortable around her than most others. i want more interactions between Leon and Philia ; v ;
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tricksterlatte · 6 years
Milla Maxwell for the ask meme?
Thank you, and yes!
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Arguably my fave from the X1 party alongisde Alvin.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Alvin, Jude depending on things, idk who else tbh
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Milla and Fractured Milla MEETING SOMEHOW GOD PLEASE
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think she was just as well written in the first game as the second when you consider she’s not supposed to seem human
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: LET HER MAKE FRIENDS WITH ELLE
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ruination-fangs · 6 years
For the 2 part drabble ask, if you're still taking prompts: Jumilla, 12 and 39. Could be game-verse, could be AU, whatever you want. Your fics are wonderful and they give me all these Jumilla feels so please share more! =D
(thank you!! tbh i’m pretty much always taking prompts)
12 - Finally home after a hard day39 - “I don’t want to leave you just yet. It wouldn’t feel right.”
The first day back at work is always the hardest. It’s not that Jude doesn’t like his job - on the contrary, he quite enjoys being at the lab, seeing the progress everyone is making on improving each new spyrite design. But after a full week of time off with Milla… well, nothing quite compares, especially finding out that several things have gone wrong in his absence.
Thus he spends his whole day correcting equations, redoing trials, and fixing models, and he doesn’t get home until the early evening. As he heads up the stairs to his apartment, his mind finally wanders away from all the problems he had to leave for tomorrow and back to the growling of his stomach. Eating is a dismal prospect right now; without Milla to share his meals with, there’s no point in cooking anything big, and he’s feeling too drained for that tonight anyway.
Sighing, he unlocks the door and steps inside, and somehow doesn’t realize until he’s put down his bag that the lights are already on. He blinks, gaze scanning the room and then coming to an abrupt stop on the couch.
Milla looks over her shoulder and smiles at him. For several moments Jude doesn’t register anything else; the documentary she was watching on his TV continues to play quietly beyond her, its steady droning narration forgotten.
“Welcome home,” Milla says, standing up.
Jude blinks again. “Milla? I thought you…”
As she crosses the room to greet him, Milla’s expression turns soft, almost apologetic. “I did intend to return to the spirit realm today, yes. But after I visited with Leia and Elize, I… wanted to see you again.” Jude continues to stare, and Milla admits, “I didn’t want to leave you just yet. It didn’t feel right.”
It may be the closest to sheepish Jude has ever seen her. Slowly his joy starts to win out over his surprise and confusion, and he smiles, letting Milla help him out of his coat.
“I hope it’s no inconvenience,” Milla says as she hangs it up by the door.
“No, of course not.” Jude can feel his mood lifting already; the night suddenly feels brighter, more appealing. “I’ll just need to figure out what to do for dinner, since you’re here…”
Milla looks him over. “I can go pick something up, if you’d like. You shouldn’t have to trouble yourself cooking for me when you’re tired.”
Is it that obvious? Jude wants to deny it, reassure her that he’s fine, but Milla probably wouldn’t have it. Nothing gets past her when it comes to his health.
Her own, though, is usually another story.
“You must be tired too, though,” he says, moving his bag from the chair he initially threw it on. “Didn’t you have plans with Leia today?”
Milla smiles at the memory. “Yes. Elize and her girlfriend were invited too, and Leia’s fiancé was out. They were quite excited to have a ‘girls’ day’.” Her gaze focuses on Jude again, and she steps forward to place a hand on his shoulder. “I am a spirit, though. I don’t feel exhaustion the way you do. Let me take care of everything.”
It’s really hard to argue with that, especially when Milla is so close Jude can almost smell the otherworldly scent of her. He wraps his arms around her waist and lets himself lean on her a little.
“So…” she says softly, sliding her own arms around his shoulders. “One more night?”
“Of course.” Jude smiles, leaning up to kiss her. “As many more nights as you want.”
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dejinyucu · 6 years
soymilkheaven replied to your photo “Guess who binge watched Lost Universe this weekend :’D”
I’ve never seen the show but she’s so cute!
Anzu. ANZU. It’s and old anime from ‘98 :’) If it helps.... It has Hikaru Midorikawa 9v9 (and Megumi Hayashibara and Soichiro Hoshi in main character roles if that helps xD )
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moonwhing · 6 years
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soymilkheaven replied to your photo “Getting the yarn set up for my next order”
. . . is all that yarn for what I think it is? XD
Yes! Well, some of the layers in that drawer are from other things, but there is waaay more where these came from
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laindir · 6 years
I will forever remember you for Murder! She Crowed. Just, all of it, but most importantly, "FOR VENGEANCE AND EVOLUTION!" as the best answer to Artorius's question, lol.
haha, thanks! I had a lot of fun with it too. and for a piece that started off as dialogue practice/trying to get out of a writing block, I’m sometimes still a bit surprised many got a good laugh out of that one.
also lol Velvet’s response is just… idk is there no one in JRPGs who ever studied biology? the Abbey is supposed to be run by highly intelligent AND educated people ! YOU PEOPLE REVAMPED FORBIDDEN ARTES FOR FORCED ARMATIZATION !! and yet, your Edgelord Shepherd resorts to a silly metaphor that can easily fall apart with just Science™
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keyhala · 6 years
For the character ask, how about Lailah?
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD HAVE MERCY
Lailah is a sweetheart and I love her, and she’s VERY pretty ;w; also I want her clothes
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lemedy · 6 years
soymilkheaven replied to your post “Re: your Clear Cards/TRC meta. If the original staff went to Yuko, it...”
I just . . . I . . . what??? My mind is blown even as I’m giving my computer a o.O face trying to make sense of this family tree across multiple universes and time loops and . . . *whimper* my brain hurts now. Thanks CLAMP.
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childesballs · 6 years
*whispers* Sooooooo how long before you switch your icon/banner to Tenn over here too? XD
Wow. Really. You had to go there didn’t you?I imagine it’ll be the same time that you change yours to Mitsuki. Or there ends up being a new ultra pretty Tenn that I just can’t resist
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fortunesrevolver · 6 years
For the make you choose ask meme: Leon or Mikleo?
Wow, hit me with a hard one right from the start why don’t you?
But... I think I’m going to have to go with Lion here. I love Mikleo, I do, but I can rest easy knowing that, at the very least, Mikleo is happy and got the ending he deserved. 
Lion... Lion was the first fictional character I ever cried for. I found a picture of him on accident and absolutely fell in love with his design and spent a stupid amount of time (when I was about 10) trying to figure out who he was. I was SO excited when I realized he was from a Tales of game (because I’d only just gotten into Symphonia a year earlier) and I thought that if I found it, I could play it.
(HAha. Ha. HA. Guess what never happened?)
But I found other things in time. I dedicated myself to learning all that I could about him. Through the manga and videos and summaries and all sorts of other things. I really adored him and I wanted SO MUCH for him to find happiness. You have NO IDEA how excited I was when Stahn managed to get through to him in Rays. Like I actually almost cried (again.)
I was just so proud of him. And in every game I see him in, I get to see him grow in little ways and my pride only grows. He’s suffered so much and all I want is to see him happy with Stahn.
I just... man. I could go on about Lion for hours on end and write papers about his characterization and symbolism and his history and all the different times he’s grown and learned and just. Ugh. I can’t even handle it.
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redigitizing · 6 years
soymilkheaven replied to your post “I see that "please ask me about i7" in there so for the ask meme: Tenn...”
Let's face it, the real reason I asked is because I dragged you into i7 via "Hey look, see this boy here? He wears Leon's costume as good as Leon does and I'm *sure* you'll love him because if there ever was an idol AU with Destiny, Leon would pretty much be Tenn". Also, you're welcome. I live to ask the hard questions and I'm so glad you had fun with (agonizing over) the answer! =D =D =D
it’s ridiculous how fast i got dragged into IDOLiSH7 by Tenn. i knew about this game since two years ago? i was vaguely aware of it?? and i was totally expecting Sougo to be my favourite once i started seriously checking it out on your recommendation, but then I get to know Tenn and, damn. that crown can only belong to one person. 
now i can only hope i dont develop a compulsion to collect all of his merch too bc he’s got way too much merch goddamn, not to mention Tenn is a packaged deal with TRIGGER and Riku. these boys are going to bankrupt me.
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8bittheatrics · 6 years
toradh replied to your post “Oh hey by the way, I got published! I knew this a while ago, but I...”
I’m not into poetry, but I'm still very proud of you!
soymilkheaven replied to your post “Oh hey by the way, I got published! I knew this a while ago, but I...”
That’s awesome! Congratulations! =D
pasdechat replied to your post “Oh hey by the way, I got published! I knew this a while ago, but I...”
Ahhhh thank!! ♥♥♥ Hilariously, it was the one I liked the least out of the three that I submitted to them, but I’ll take that as a good sign for other pieces that I’m pretty meh about.
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neodiji · 6 years
Today's your birthday? How did I miss this? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! =D
It is! I’m somehow a year older. How did that happen?
THANK YOU! Seeing this was a fantastic birthday present. :D
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