sarrumon · 19 days
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Joining the Kuramerukagari hype, i hope i'm not late lol (i should really rewatch the movie. Iseya and Eiwazima kept distracting me from focusing on the movie)
I started this doodle roughly after i watched the movie, which is a few days ago. You guys can probably tell how much of a slow drawer i am haha
Individual pics of the yotsubato! pose doodle + some extra doodles
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Every Amagiri in order of how much i like the portrayal of the character.
Source: hakumyu-fancom.livejournal.com
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lilium-dragomir · 2 months
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idolhail · 2 years
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Hello there Soutaro Kujo fans.
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minaramen · 1 year
Ryunosuke Tsunashi - 16 Idol Album - Part 3: Strength to protect
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
[Disclaimer: I’m NOT a professional translator. I’m using my knowledge from 4 years of university. Please, feel free to let me know if you notice  mistranslation/typo/error of any kind]
Ryunosuke: The first time I held Soutaro is still vivid in my mind
Ryunosuke: He was so small, and still I was afraid I couldn’t hold his little weight as firmly as I was supposed to… I loved his tiny hand, holding my finger with all its strength
Ryunosuke: And I couldn’t help thinking… so, now I am this little guy’s big brother… I have to protect him, I have to become strong… and thinking like this gave me courage
Ryunosuke: Of course, I do remember feeling the same for Kouno and Kota as well, but Soutaro represents the first time I actually realized I'd become a big brother. That’s why the one I told you is a special memory to me
Tenn: This is very much like you, Ryuu. Becoming strong not for yourself, but to protect somebody else
Gaku: Yeah. You’re kind and warm, and at the same time you’re strong and powerful. These roots of yours are thanks to your father, right?
Ryunosuke: Yeah. Whenever something happens he laughs it off and says everything is alright, and then he secretly takes everything on his shoulders. He’s such a kind, strong, cool dad!
Tenn: I still haven't had the honor to meet him in person, but looking at you I can tell he’s a wonderful father 
Gaku: One must be a great man to raise a great son like you, Ryuu!
Ryunosuke: Ahah, thank you! It’s not about me, and still I feel happy to hear this from the two of you!
Gaku: Tell us more about your father!
Ryunosuke: Let’s see…actually, I never had the impression I looked like him much, but recently I kind of changed my mind
Tenn: What do you mean?
Ryunosuke: For example, we both cry pretty often. Soutaro did tell me I resemble him before, but now I realize it’s actually true…
Gaku: Ahah! You’re both soft-hearted, then! That’s pretty nice!
Tenn: Yes. I can’t think of an unemotional Ryuu
Ryunosuke: Y-yes, but maybe I’m a little too sentimental…
Gaku: That’s why I like you
Tenn: You’re both men who go straight to the point, mh?
Ryunosuke:...thank you…I wonder if we get more similar as I get older…
Gaku: I bet it works like that for all those who share the same blood. Even though I used to think that I would never become like my father
Tenn: And you think you do, now?
Gaku: It’s pretty weird to say it myself, but maybe the fact that once we decide on something, we both stand by our belief…?
Ryunosuke: You’re really a fighter, Gaku! And I find this side of yours amazing. You inherited it from the president, then!
Gaku: However, back then…I used to be pissed off at such a father
Tenn: You're honest with your feelings, both good and bad. They immediately show on your face, like an open book. That’s what you inherited from the president
Gaku: Well, I didn’t  think we were that similar, though!?
Ryunosuke. W-well, I don’t think there's anything wrong with becoming more and more similar to each other…it may help you understand the other better!
Gaku: Shit, it’s complicated…
Gaku: How about you, Tenn? How was Mr. Nanase as a father?
Tenn: …I don't know. I haven’t seen him for a long time so I can’t really say, but I guess he also used to stare at shows like I do now
Tenn: He was so focused on shows that he couldn’t even hear our voices if we talked to him 
Ryunosuke: I see… when you look at a live show DVD there is some kind of atmosphere suggesting we don't talk, indeed. It’s something you inherited from your father, then 
Gaku: He must have been really devoted to work
Tenn: Yes. To the point I already understood that when I was a kid
Ryunosuke: Blood ties are really strong, aren’t they? Soutaro is also becoming very reliable, just like dad…
Gaku: Have you heard from your brothers lately?
Ryunosuke: Yeah! We had a phone call just yesterday! They told me they watched the music program we appeared in!
Tenn: I’m happy to hear that. They’re bright, honest boys
Ryunosuke: Yes! From my perspective as a big brother they’re amazing men already. And still, being told by such an enthusiastic Soutaro how cool I am when I work as a member of Trigger made me feel happy
Gaku: Hey, you’re always cool
Ryunosuke: Thanks! You too, Gaku!
Ryunosuke: But praising me wasn’t the only thing he did. During the conversation I heard him telling Kouno and Kota things like “Get in the bath!” or “Clean it up!” He was really acting like a big brother
Ryunosuke: I was touched, because I understood that Soutaro is…really becoming a man
Tenn: Soutaro kun is a cheerful boy, of course, but he also gives the impression of being very serious. When he came to our dressing rooms, he greeted us very politely
Gaku: Yeah! Despite being so young, he said something like “Please, keep on taking care of my brother!” You could immediately tell he had little brothers himself
Ryunosuke: He told me he did his best because he wanted to make a good impression on both of you. But, yes…he was able to bring our little brothers to Tokyo and also greet you in the best way
Ryunosuke: …it seems only yesterday that he was just a baby…
Gaku: My grandma told me the very same thing many times lately. So, is it a thing?
Ryunosuke: It’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but yes, I mean… just recently he was calling me “nini” and following me holding my hand
Gaku: I don’t think that happened recently,  though! Right, Tenn?
Tenn: I understand what you mean, Ryuu
Ryunosuke: I was sure!
Gaku: Ah, I forgot he also has a brother complex…
Ryunosuke: Actually…I’m happy he manages to do everything even if I’m not there, but at the same time it gives me a melancholic feeling… just a bit…
Gaku: What are you saying? The fact you have such a good brother is because he followed your example
Tenn: I would like to thank him for leading us his great big brother…
Ryunosuke: Gaku…Tenn…
Gaku: You said “someone like me” a lot.  So I’ll tell you again
Gaku: As sure as hell, there were many days when TRIGGER would’ve ended if you weren’t there. You’ve always been the one who kept us together
Tenn: I know that the Ryuu we know is the way he is thanks to Soutaro kun, your other little brothers and your father
Tenn: However, I feel like we have a connection stronger than blood
Ryunosuke:.....ahah… no way… my brothers always tell me I’m a crybaby…
Gaku: There’s nothing wrong with being a crybaby
Tenn: We are glad to be touched by your tender tears
Ryunosuke: Thank you. My family always inspires me, and the two of you are included in it
Ryunosuke: I’ll always do my best to be a cool big brother to you as well. I’ll always do my best to be strong enough to reassure you, no matter what happens
Ryunosuke: I want to keep on being honest with myself. I want to step on the ground with all my strength and keep on moving forward
The end
TLnotes: Next up: Momo’s 16 Idol Album
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thegreatcrowdragon · 9 months
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Walmart started pitting ynfg protags against each other and it was actually pretty interesting.
Flourette vs Sabitsuki (Flourette wins)
Itsuki vs Mariana (Itsuki wins, barely)
Totsutsuki vs Kubotsuki (...love wins?)
Muma vs Sometsuki (Muma wins, and also goes evil mode for some reason)
Tatsuki vs Soutaro (Soutarou wins, very quickly might I add)
Reshnha vs Me (Me wins)
Favorite parts:
Sabi trying to shoot Flou and her just going "nuh uh" and fucking blinding her
Itsuki just barely winning
Tots deciding to just leave mid match, love winning, also tots nearly fucking dying from one of the DUDES (origami effect saved her)
Sou just. Casually mixing distort and clot together. Also Tats being stubborn as hell
Whatever the fuck happened with Muma
Reshnha getting nearly TORN IN HALF and then proceeding to get back up like nothing happened (he used rambutan like. Three times during the fight and the ai described it every single time)
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444names · 2 years
american states pasted thrice + spanish and tolkienesque forenames
Adebar Adeór Adrio Adrodelia Aeles Agunda Aidalenia Alasth Alcoberta Alfaster Algas Alion Almoilda Almond Alorn Alvadolomo Amarvelia Amieleo Amilri Amirene Amlin Amron Anata Ancarlado Andilúk Andio Andor Anesto Anieleo Anuel Aradil Aragrique Araherto Araii Aratry Arcecto Arcel Ardilasour Ardio Ardionia Arenna Arfin Argiren Argoron Arindurio Armil Arodessa Astvirel Augdana Aulwinyë Aursetts Auruf Avielita Bagothemin Balbelmo Balvel Bardo Barindil Beagaranta Bectir Begil Belendalas Beleron Belorn Beluca Bendio Bendoldë Benia Beonieto Berebel Berieliryo Berin Berto Bofinna Bofinzag Bolilatan Bolorgil Bomin Bomirey Brahar Brandor Brang Brion Brizog Briën Brían Calthmor Canail Candor Cardo Carman Carta Cating Celargoli Celiandor Celvin Centa Cephippil Cesti Cetho Cethôr Charos Chundo Ciano Ciardes Cilda Clano Clascel Cloth Cobar Cornifad Cotius Covain Crielisio Crunga Culro Dallorio Damdís Danor Darvion Deldana Delipe Delwin Derioracar Didorina Dilimbarn Doregoros Dorth Durundiry Déodo Ecara Edadûn Edmue Egundrican Elangtomo Elebelene Elene Elinbrata Elithine Elmaelum Elmon Emita Emnarwalad Enborweneb Enthorna Ersesteo Essas Essusto Estina Estingto Eulbecto Eäredh Eäretharo Eärna Faber Fabla Fadorto Faerog Fandriën Fariquel Feldar Felfo Felia Felta Ferdor Ferimë Ferthor Finar Finath Findil Fingar Fladramir Flodwiscor Flomena Flomil Flour Fracionia Fraugo Frenwë Frern Frina Fréagramon Fréawa Fuingon Fuisirgil Fulicecth Fulwin Fundil Furdo Furino Fëanto Fírio Gabigo Gabiguna Galanton Galfwinho Ganarli Garlia Gelmanda Gilin Gillaur Girgimir Glicelan Glito Glomasto Gonto Graphi Gravorna Gronso Grosererut Gualdë Guillupero Gundisa Gusto Gwaida Gwaratan Hagolomund Hairylven Halfir Handalend Hawaer Hawingtola Helluzgar Hemaego Herthir Herto Hilvego Hiryatan Hosta Hugero Hundiana Hundraul Hyarvi Hyathel Hámon Húricos Idamdís Ididre Iduruber Ildamachia Ilicellons Imanue Imron Inariethôr Inewyn Inist Iscar Ishar Isinia Isouro Ivalmar Jainaia Jaitavora Jamundur Javina Javio Javitaril Javor Jestel Joaque Joaquel Jontina Josanork Josari Josarta Joses Juadrin Jualbecia Jualia Juanes Juant Julan Kangusto Kannest Kendirgond Kendoria Kílio Kílito Laulio Lebalindor Lecth Lejan Lejavorto Lendra Leofin Limod Litand Lodork Lothamûl Louielen Louissir Lucel Lucildo Lucio Lucky Luilia Léowfa Maciaras Macuanis Madam Maelanho Magund Maldo Malegolon Maleth Manarn Manito Mantannoil Maridrodel Masado Masouist Masta Mastiana Mathil Matur Maurdo Mayar Menne Micaragro Micisil Minwë Moiloth Moresulas Mírio Nagrório Nakillena Nalisiara Nebrin Nehta Nereania Newjer Nidenka Nifurseth Nimir Nithoroxa Noisa Nurodo Ohergorn Oherio Ohilianna Ohtandóm Ohtaruma Oklad Oridan Ormisimael Ornelia Ortomicel Palaimlito Paloros Patil Paulbend Pelio Penen Penwë Peren Peron Perth Phielwin Pithamonwë Prifinatts Racia Rafréago Rahindraul Rahodoron Ratimo Rauhúril Reagon Regolia Rencin Rendena Rielinagon Robucarwen Romundur Ronio Ruberegon Ruman Rúmer Saacio Sampshelia Sanandon Sasth Sessio Shelouil Shissa Shuna Silindo Simundorn Siroc Sisouir Sméagara Sméalvi Sondorodel Sorfin Sotar Soutaro Sueth Tanarcir Tantireleg Tarion Teliana Telimro Telverna Teoreg Teximanca Thcaeramûl Thilvir Thingren Thista Tinaydenia Tiviel Trida Tucal Tulito Ufthracior Ulascundor Ulisil Uoredes Uorgolinia Vaimon Valfhil Vancal Vanuilda Varad Vathad Viandrodda Viane Vidaeg Vinya Viona Vorto Vánaras Walcwind Waturacil Wyolad Yaviconimë Yoliol Zilmaedo Zimundómel Éodebring Éoderserio Éodesandil Írdin Óinglóing Óinoron
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jearis-jear · 4 years
SIOctober. Día 17 y 18. Unopened windows y Dad's song.
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Decidí usar las dos canciones para este ya que planeaba usar los mismos OC.
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aboywithanimecaps · 2 years
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hakumyu · 7 years
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Aramaki Yoshihiko, 13 March 2017
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elsy-animetronik · 4 years
Mugen Ranbu Shou (Traducción)
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Título: Mugen Ranbu Shou Interprete: Soutarou Itagaki   Letra: Yoshie Isogai Música, Arreglos: Chihiro Tamaki Compositor: Takamitsu Ono Traducción: Elsy Animetronik (o sea, yo mera)
Iba a añadir esto a vídeo pero a la mera hora me dio hueva, bueno, como saben, no domino el idioma, y es muy probable que haya fallas (he dejado las clases de japones :’v, la retomaré, lo juro por Dieguito Maradona).
一陣の風が如く 時代を駆けゆけと
闇を裂いて 響く刃音 宿命を背負い 往くは乱世 舞うは夢か現か
硬き岩も砕く剣 その身は唯 気高く 焔が如く煌めく
刹那に込め討ち込む 猛き一撃 雷鳴轟かせ 戦場に燃ゆるは 生命の華
いざ出陣 さあ土煙上げ 地平の果てまで 荒野に落ちた 名もなき泪 踏み越えてゆけ たとえその全てが果敢無くとも 天を仰ぎ 覚悟を宿して 闘うのみ 烈しく 強く 乱れ舞うように
吹雪く花は 何を求め 何を願うか 月よ照らせ 我が誇りを 使命を
己が技を磨き上げて 五感を研ぎ澄ませて この身が砕け散るまで
したたる紅き滴 其れより出でし 鋼で在る故か 水鏡に映るは 哀しき業
いざ ほとばしる閃光放ち 虚空を斬り裂け 栄華 喧噪 静寂もまた 泡沫なれど 如何なる時でも役目貫き 守り抜くと 繚乱の刻を 突き進まん 呼び覚まされた 熱き旋律
嗚呼 浅き夢よ 修羅と散り ひとたびの縁 繰りかえし ただ刻みゆく歴史の中 無常を奏でる 魂の詩
永久に潰えぬ 主命を胸に 鮮やかに放つ 一撃こそ 我が存在の意義であるから
いざ出陣 さあ土煙上げ 地平の果てまで 荒野に残る 夢跡さえも 踏み越え進め たとえその全てが果敢無くとも 天を仰ぎ 覚悟を宿して 闘うのみ
烈しく 強く 乱れ舞うように
Ichijin nokaze ga gotoku toki o kake yuke to
Yami wo saite hibiku haoto sadame o seoi Yuku wa ransei mau wa yume ka utsutsu ka
Kataki iwa mo kudaku tsurugi sono mi wa tada kedakaku Homura ga gotoku kirameku
Setsuna ni kome uchikomu takeki ichigeki raimei to doro kase Ikusaba ni moyuru wa inochi no hana
Iza shutsujin saa tsuchikemuri age chihei no hate made Kouya ni ochita namonaki namida fumikoete yuke Tatoe sono subete ga hakanakutomo sora o aogi Kakugo o yado shite tatakau nomi Hageshiku tsuyoku midare mau you ni
Fubuku hana wa nani wo motome nani o negau ka Tsuki yo terase waga hokori o shimei o
Ono ga waza o migaki agete gokan o togisumasete Kono mi ga kudake chiru made
Shitataru akaki shizuku sore yori ideshi hagane de aru yue ka Mikagami ni utsuru wa kanashiki gou
Iza hotobashiru senkou hanachi kokuu o kiri sake Eiga kensou seijaku mo mata utakatanaredo Ikaganaru toki demo yakume tsuranuki mamorinuku to Ryouran no toki o tsukisusuman Yobisamasa reta atsuki senritsu
Aa asakiyume yo shura to chiri Hitotabi no enishi kurikaeshi Tada kizami yuku rekishi no naka Mujou o kanaderu tamashii no uta
Towa ni tsuienu shumei o mune ni azayaka ni hanatsu Ichigeki koso waga sonzai no igidearukara
Iza shutsujin saa tsuchikemuri age chihei no hate made Kouya ni nokoru yumeato sae mo fumikoe susume Tatoe sono subete ga hakanakutomo sora o aogi Kakugo o yado shite tatakau nomi Hageshiku tsuyoku midare mau you ni
Al igual que una ráfaga de viento, hemos aparecido en esta época.
El sonido de las espadas chocando resuena en la oscuridad que ha impuesto el destino. Se ven venir tiempos difíciles ¿será real? o ¿un sueño?
Esta hoja con su noble cuerpo, es capaz de destruir las rocas más duras, reflejando la luz de las llamas.
En el momento en el que el trueno ruge, se desata un feroz ataque, la flor de la vida es consumida en el campo.
Corramos hasta el horizonte dejando una nube de polvo detrás de nosotros. Aquellas lagrimas sin nombre que derramamos, serán superadas con una fugaz mirada al cielo. Sólo tenemos que prepararnos para ir a aquella danza llamada batalla.
¿Quieres que los pétalos se esparzan? Dime, ¿eso es lo que  quieres? La luna brilla, junto a ella mi orgullo y mi misión.
Puliré mis habilidades, agudizare mis sentidos. Hasta que este cuerpo no pueda más.
El líquido carmesí de aroma metálico comienza a gotear. Una triste escena se refleja en el charco de la historia.
Hagamos radiar el cielo con nuestra luz de forma prospera, efímera como la espuma, silenciosa y ruidosa. Sin importar qué, cumpliré con mi deber, viajare a través del tiempo y descubriré nuevas melodías.
Aah~ Como un sueño superficial. Una vez que se comienza la historia, tu alma generará una poesía, misma que repetirá eternamente.
Por siempre y para siempre, nuestra alma y corazón se mantendrán. Este golpe es muestra de nuestra existencia.
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A screencap tribute to Amagiri and Koudou from Harada-hen
Source: hakumyu-fancom.livejournal.com
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lilium-dragomir · 1 month
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akkivee · 4 years
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lol so when the first episode of rhyme anima debuted on niconico, this jp streaming site that scrolls people’s comments live on the video, fans and newbies came up with nicknames for everyone and they’re hilarious man
ichiro➡️ gia-bro (kimasuba’s most iconic role is gian aka gouda takeshi from doraemon and that’s all he’ll ever be known for lmao)
jiro➡️ satoshi bro (satoshi as in ash ketchum of pokemon, the kid with an iconic hat lol)
saburo ➡️ fatorisation bro (a super complicated kanji for the kid who uses super complicated words in his everyday speech lol it’s also about math which we see used to introduce saburo in the op)
samatoki ➡️ delinquent kaworu-kun (kaworu from evangelion except a bad boy lol) or hawaiian shirt bro
juto ➡️ bayo bro (they’re calling juto bayonetta please google her she’s horny and trigger happy and this is making me laugh)
rio ➡️ busujima mixed-son rio (rio’s mixed!!) or young lady bro (i wish i knew why)
ramuda ➡️ cutie girl bro
gentaro ➡️ nekiniki (direct romanization because there’s no translation for this, this is the nickname of a character named haruna soutaro from a series called dynamic chord who shares the same seiyuu)
dice ➡️ His Majesty Arisugawa Dice (his name includes the kanji for emperor lol)
jakurai ➡️ lady doctor bro or old man lady doctor
hifumi ➡️ isetan bro (isetan is a department store in japan that shares kanji with hifumi’s last name!)
doppo ➡️ hematuria bro (since he raps about hematuria on monday in the op lmao)
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pupa-cinema · 3 years
Happy Go Lucky Heads - SHOW-GUTS - Lyrics English Translation
Lyrics: Sekihan   Music: 324 こたつこたつこたつで In my kotatsu, kotatsu, kotatsu  みかんみかんみかん Oranges, oranges, oranges こたつでスマフォ片手に  In my kotatsu, with cell phone in hand みかんみかんみかん Oranges, oranges, oranges こたつこたつパソコン  Kotatsu, kotatsu, laptop みかんみかんみかん Oranges, oranges, oranges こたつテレビパソコン  Kotatsu, TV, laptop みかんみかんみかん Oranges, oranges, oranges
ああああああああああ AAAAAA 家でこたつ入って  Cozy at home, I slip into my kotatsu 何も変化なし Life is static ずっと食って寝てるさ  All I do is eat and sleep 何も変化なし Life is static そうだ!抱負思いついたよ  Oh get this! I just thought of a grand idea どやさどやさどやさ Smirky, smirky, smirk だけど!既に忘れちゃったよ  But wait! I already forgot it 何も変化なし Life is static
噛みしめる年越しのそば Nibbling away at toshikoshi soba (歯ごたえはなく コシもない) (There’s nothing to dig my teeth into, it isn’t chewy) 寝正月 明日の自分の Spending the holidays in bed, it’s a metaphor for what I’m gonna be tomorrow; 鏡餅メタファー(陽!) A metaphor for kagami-mochi (Yo! [Light])
さぁ さぁ 表へ走れ Come now, come now, dash outside the house 怠惰 掻き分けて そら 参れ 参れ Blast past my lazy feelings, 'tis shrine visit time, shrine visit time さぁ さぁ サーフ 初詣 Come now, come now, surf on: Hatsumoude 人の波を乗り越え 神頼み(陽!) Surf over the sea of people, make a prayer to God (Yo!)
尊い 踏み出す一歩 With good vibes, I take the first step 胸に 初めてのぼる 日の出 日の出 Inside my heart rises the first sunrise, sunrise 本当のあたしデビューなの This girl right here is debuting her true self 今だ見せつけるべし!ね?SHOW-GUTS! Now’s my moment of glory! Ain’t it? SHOW-GUTS!
こたつこたつこたつじゃ  Kotatsu, kotatsu, just being in my kotatsu いかんいかんいかん This is all wrong, all wrong, all wrong こたつでスマフォ片手じゃ  Just in my kotatsu, with cell phone in hand いかんいかんいかん This is all wrong, all wrong, all wrong こたつこたつパソコン  Kotatsu, kotatsu, laptop いかんいかんいかん This is all wrong, all wrong, all wrong こたつテレビパソコン Kotatsu, TV, laptop いかんいかんいかん This is all wrong, all wrong, all wrong
ああああああああああ AAAAAAAAA こたつ抜けて服着て to the 神の前 I slip out of my kotatsu, get dressed, and go to stand before the Gods 遠路電車乗り継ぎ to the 神の前 Swapping train lines back and forth on my long journey to go stand before the Gods どうだ!俺は生まれ変わった どやさどやさどやさ How do you like me now! I’ve been reborn! Smirky, smirky, smirk そうさ!これで万事解決! to the 神の前 How’s that for a happy ending! All’s swell! Now I go to stand before the Gods
脳内 語りかけるは In my head They talk to me (万物の神 マイティーゴッド) (The creation Gods, the mighty God) カジュアル ストリート風 Casually, like streetpunk style 今風の神だ What a hip God
さぁ さぁ 神の御前だ You’re in the presence of the Gods 何を お願いしよう 参れ 参れ What ever should I pray to them for, it's shrine visit time, shrine visit time 「No No それじゃ届かない “No no, they won’t lend an ear if you pray like that まずは 礼儀作法の 嗜みを そんで First you gotta learn proper etiquette もっと 普段の暮らし This is something you can practice even- そこで 出来ることから 改善 改善 -throughout your day to day life, so pull it together, pull it together 一回帰れ 出直せ」 Leave, and come back when you're ready” なぜに 厳しすぎるぜ Oh MY GOD! What the hell, this is way too strict
目覚めたこたつの中で I woke up snug in my kotatsu (部屋着 出掛けた跡もない) (Still in my pajamas, no sign that I ever left) 初夢 夢オチなんて My first dream of the year, I can’t believe it was all a dream (なんてオメでたい) (How happy go lucky) 今年の年越しのそば Eating toshikoshi soba (歯ごたえぱない コシぱない) (My teeth dig right into it, its so chewy) 寝正月 今日の自分よ Spending the holidays in bed, that’s me alright 変わる時が来た A chance to change..
さぁ さぁ 表へ走れ Come now, come now, dash outside the house 怠惰 掻き分けて そら 参れ 参れ Blast past my lazy feelings, 'tis shrine visit time, shrine visit time さぁ さぁ サーフ 初詣 Come now, come now, surf on: Hatsumoude 人の波を乗り越え 神頼み(陽!) Surf over the sea of people, make a prayer to God (Yo!) 尊い 踏み出す一歩 With good vibes, I take the first step 胸に 初めてのぼる 日の出 日の出 Inside my heart rises the first sunrise, sunrise 本当のあたしデビューなの This girl right here is debuting her true self 今だ見せつけるべし!ね?SHOW-GUTS! Now’s my moment of glory! Ain’t it? SHOW-GUTS!
● Kotatsu and oranges: https://www.giantbomb.com/kotatsu/3055-2702/ . They’re so cozy you never want to leave... Turn the TV on and melt..
● Toshikoshi soba: new year's noodles. They're traditionally eaten because the long shape is metaphorical for living a long fulfilling life in the years to come, not to mention how tasty they are!
● Kagami mochi are two mochi cakes stacked up on each other, with a daitai orange on top! It’s said to be a vessel for the God to come visit your house, spend time with you and bless you. The two mochi represent light and dark, night and day: hence the ‘Light陽’ in the lyrics. 陽 is read ‘Yoh’, similar to the hip word ‘Yo’, so Sekihan used it with double meaning.
They’re called kagami because they’re shaped like old circular mirrors, and like yata no kagami, such mirrors were believed to be vessels for Gods! The daidai(橙) fruit on top is reddish because red is believed to be the color ward off evil, PLUS it’s a strong fruit that stays on the tree throughout the years PLUS it’s even a pun - daidai is close to the word daitai ‘代々‘ meaning ‘years after years’.
● Hatsumoude is the visiting of a shrine at the beginning of the new year, to pray for good luck and draw fortunes. It is typically done the first 3 days of the January, leading to shrines becoming crowded full to the brime: hence the ‘sea of people’ in the lyrics.
● Watching the first sunrise of the year is believed to be good luck, the vivid and blazing beginning! ● Your first dream is believed to be an omen too! It sets the stage. ● Omedetai is actually a word with new years nuances in the first place. It originates from verb めで meaning “praise”, the holidays are a celebration worthy of praise, thus it just evolved into a standard new years greeting. ●  The title is a verbal pun: 正月(New years) is pronounced shougatsu, so they took a macho twist on it and turned it into “Show Guts”, pronounced similar. It’s intended hold the spirit of a “Show me your guts, your vigor” type of thing.
● Many people don’t know the proper amount of times to clap or bow their head when praying at Hatsumoude, which is what inspired the lyrics and an easter egg in the music: it’s replicating the “ 2 bows, 2 claps, 1 bow” praying etiquette done at shrines. https://cooljapan-videos.com/en/articles/bxcpxfg0
● Interview(via Meetia) https://meetia.net/interview/omedetashowguts Interviewer(Yamada Soutaro): Tell me about “SHOW-GUTS”. Besides the lyrics being seen in an optimistic light,
Sekihan: Yep. In terms of concept, the message is hidden under the guise of memes but, at its core is the idea that “Nothing will ever change so long as you never try to move forward on your own volition".
Ever since we started this band, I've come  to think this a lot lot, and now it's become part of who I am deep down. I'm personally glad I pinpointed this feeling, so now it's my turn to preach it to others. This feeling and aaalll of this type of stuff is going right into our songs.
mao: Then there's "2 bows, 2 claps, 1 bow" in it as well, because we wanted to include that. Well, 324 did.
324: Ever since we made this song I never forget "2 bows, 2 claps, 1 bow" anymore! Every time I prayed I'd need to google it beforehand! I'd be at a loss of what exactly to do.
● The text at the beginning of the music video reads 謹賀新年(Happy new year), along with mountain and bird imagery-climbing mountains to see the first sun rise in its full glory is a tradition, while the birds' beaks look resemble a rooster's, as the song was released in 2017, the year of the rooster.
Then the letters behind the stage spell out the band name, but it’s done in the style of kakizome: calligraphic writing of one’s new year’s resolution.
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