#source: Son of a Critch
tf2incorrectquotes · 2 months
Pyro: Don’t be such a wuss. Fire can’t hurt ya!
Spy: Yes it can. That’s why we have fire departments!
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tvrundownusa · 2 months
tvrundown USA 2024.03.28
Thursday, March 28th:
(exclusive): The Source (APrime, French crime drama, all 7 eps), The Baxters (APrime, faith-infused family drama series, all 10 eps), American Rust (APrime, new network, season 2 "Broken Justice" available, all 10 eps)
(streaming weekly): Invincible (APrime, penultimate), "Hope on the Street" (APrime, j-hope dance docuseries, first 2 eps), We Were the Lucky Ones (hulu, survivors limited series, first 3 eps), The Long Shadow (SundanceNow|AMC+), Delicious in Dungeon (netflix, midseason finale), Supa Girlz (AllBlk), Diarra from Detroit (BET+), Ruthless (BET+, season 4B contd), The Girls on the Bus (MAX), Tokyo Vice (MAX, penultimate), "Justice, USA" (MAX, last 2 parts, docu-series season 1 finale), The Traitors UK (Peacock)
(original made-for-TV movies): "Girl in the Video" (LMN, 2hrs)
(hour 1): 9-1-1 (ABC, part 3/3), Next Level Chef (FOX), The Conners (theCW, season 3 reairs) / . / The Conners (theCW), Hudson & Rex (UPtv)
(hour 2): Grey's Anatomy (ABC), Farmer Wants a Wife (FOX), Son of a Critch (theCW) / . / Son of a Critch (theCW, penultimate)
(hour 3): Station 19 (ABC)
(hour 4 - latenight): Royal Crackers ([adultswim])
[preempted, most returning next week: Young Sheldon (CBS) / . / Ghosts (CBS), So Help Me Todd (CBS), Elsbeth (CBS), Impractical Jokers (TBS) ] [repeats, resuming in two weeks: Law & Order (NBC), Law & Order: SVU (NBC), Law & Order: Organized Crime (NBC) ]
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spoilertv · 10 months
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laresearchette · 1 year
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WBC BASEBALL (SN Now) 12:00pm: Nicaragua vs. Venezuela (SN) 3:00pm: Canada vs. Colombia (SN Now) 7:00pm: Israel vs. Dominican Republic (SN Now) 10:00pm: Great Britain vs. Mexico
TENNIS (TSN/TSN4) 2:00pm: WTA 1000 Tennis: Indian Wells - Round of 16
NHL HOCKEY   (SN Now+) 7:00pm: Habs vs. Penguins (SN) 7:00pm: Capitals vs. Rangers (TSN2) 7:00pm: Habs vs. Penguins (TSN3) 7:00pm: Jets vs. Hurricanes (SNWest/TSN5) 9:00pm: Sens vs. Oilers (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Stars vs. Canucks (SN1/SNEast/SNOntario) 10:00pm: Flames vs. Coyotes
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:30pm: Nuggets vs. Raptors (TSN4/TSN5) 10:00pm: Grizzlies vs. Lakers
CHUCK AND THE FIRST PEOPLES' KITCHEN (APTN) 7:30pm: Inukjuak, North-of-Québec: In Inukjuak, one of the largest communities in Nunavik, Chuck learns all about seal hunting; for local residents, seal and caribou are the two main sources of food.
22 MINUTES (CBC) 8:00pm: Spring Forward
MARY MAKES IT EASY (CTV Life) 8:00pm: Mary keeps it slow and low.
SON OF A CRITCH (CBC) 8:30pm: Mark tries to ‘fake healthy’ after falling ill the day he is supposed to meet the Pope. Meanwhile, a rival radio station tries to tempt Mike Jr. away from VOCM, breaking Mike Sr.’s heart.
SMART HOME NATION (CTV Life) 8:30pm: Tanya tours a seaside mansion where air, water, light and sound are all monitored by a high-tech system that aims to maximize human health; Tanya explores the latest in smart technology that happens to reside in a house built nearly 200 years ago.
WORKIN' MOMS (CBC) 9:00pm:  Kate puts the business first as things get personal at a high stakes conference. Anne's trust issues take over when Alice wants to go abroad. Sloane finally unbottles her emotions.
CASUAL (CBC) 9:30pm: Valerie and Alex’s mother shows up unannounced. Valerie gets good advice from an unlikely source. Laura and Michael share a moment after she sees her father with his new girlfriend.
MEAN MUMS (APTN) 9:30pm: Jess is in disbelief when her son is not invited to a birthday party, and she thinks he may not be as popular as she thinks he is.
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revuedepresse30 · 6 years
Qui est 6ix9ine le rappeur arc-en-ciel bien vénère kidnappé lundi ?
Le jour où 6ix9ine a secoué le paysage rap c’était le 10 novembre 2017. Le rappeur multicolore sortait le clip de Gummo, une bombe virulente tournée dans les rues de Brooklyn, qui claque aujourd’hui les 240 millions de vues. L’attirail est là : voix criarde, beat ténébreux, guns, grillz arc-en-ciel, do-rag affublés du rouge des Bloods… Niveau street-cred, on est bien. Ça, c’était donc il y a huit mois. A l’époque, 6ix9ine, Daniel Hernandez dans le civil, 21 ans, n’était presque personne dans le rap. Mais hier, il a été victime d’un kidnapping durant lequel ses ravisseurs lui auraient dérobé 20 000 dollars en cash et 770 000 dollars de bijoux. Entre temps, il s’est passé beaucoup, beaucoup de choses.
Passer son bac pour éviter la taule
C’est son Brooklyn natal que l’on aperçoit dans le clip de Gummo. Celui qui l’a vu, à treize ans, perdre son père et décrocher de l’école pour ne plus jamais y revenir. Celui qui l’a vu enchaîner les petits boulots, s’en faire virer pour une bonne partie, et qui l’a vu se lancer dans le deal. Cannabis d’abord, héroïne ensuite, le tout en partenariat avec son frère. Il dit avoir vécu dans la rue, mais ce qui est certain, c’est que cette vie franchement hors des codes lui vaut un rapide séjour en prison. Le rap vient pour la déconne : "Pour être honnête, j’ai commencé à rapper pour le fun", admettait-il à la web radio No Jumper. Comme un paquet de gars de sa génération, c’est Soundcloud qui supporte ses premières armes. Et pour se faire remarquer dans la masse, rien de mieux qu’une gueule reconnaissable entre mille. Les cheveux seront de toutes les couleurs, le blaze sera chelou (ça, à la rigueur, c’est plus classique), et le nombre 69 sera tatoué partout sur son corps, y compris en gros au-dessus de son œil droit. Histoire que sa touche rentre dans toutes les cervelles.
Premiers sons en 2014. Le style est dur, cru et agressif. Mais 6ix9ine part avec un handicap qu’il a bien cherché. Accusé d’avoir tourné une vidéo sexuellement explicite avec une mineure de treize ans, il se retrouve devant une juge qui lui propose le deal suivant : il ne savait pas qu’elle était mineure, certes, mais pour échapper à la prison et au fichage en tant que délinquant sexuel, il lui faudra se tenir parfaitement à carreaux pendant deux ans, écrire une lettre à la victime, ne plus tourner de vidéos de ce genre, et surtout, obtenir l’équivalent du baccalauréat américain. Quand on a arrêté l’école à treize ans, c’est certainement le dernier point le plus difficile. Pour preuve, à ce jour, il n’est toujours pas parvenu à passer l’examen. Il a bénéficié de reports, mais l’épée de Damoclès est bien là, au-dessus de ses cheveux rouges, jaunes, verts et bleus.
Envoyer valser l’héritage
C’est en avril 2017 que le nom de 6ix9ine commence à faire du bruit dans l’underground rap US, lorsqu’il apparaît sur le titre POLES1469 de son poto Trippie Redd, membre comme lui du crew Scum Gang (pour "Society Can’t Understand Me", ou "la société ne peut pas me comprendre" en VF). Ce dernier est déjà plus installé que lui et commence à travailler avec le producteur star Pi’erre Bourne, qui lui fournit une instru. Mais Trippie Redd, contre l’avis de Bourne, décide seul de refiler le beat à 6ix9ine, ce que le beatmaker ne goûte que très peu. Cette instru, c’est celle de Gummo, le premier carton de celui qui se fait aussi appeler Teka$hi 6ix9ine.
Nombreux sont ceux qui le comparent à feu XXXTentacion. Même génération, même background sur Soundcloud, des trajectoires similaires avec le même goût pour les affaires judiciaires… Pourtant, la musique de 6ix9ine n’a rien de mélancolique. Les piano-voix sont inexistants, et, il faut bien le dire, le succès est légèrement moindre. Cependant, cette même propension à rejeter tout un héritage hip-hop massivement et sans ménagement les rapprochent. C’est une particularité de leur génération : Lil Yachty dit ne pas connaître Tupac, feu X crachait sur le concept de Zulu Nation d’Afrika Bambaataa. Ils sont loin les Mos Def, les Public Enemy, les X-Clan et les Nas. Et heureusement.
"Scuuuuum Gaaaaang !"
Auto-proclamé "King Of New York", 6ix9ine attaque l’année 2018 au pas de course. Nicki Minaj a fait de lui son protégé, et se présente sur son nouveau single, Fefe, sur lequel ils partagent le même flow. Depuis ses débuts, les anime japonais sont source d’inspiration. Les pochettes d’albums semblent sortir tout droit d’un Midi les Zouzous sous lean. Quelques semaines plus tard, son premier projet studio, Day69 : Graduation Day, sort. Il s’ouvre sur une boucherie bien vénère, Billy. : "C’est toujours 6ix9ine ci, 6ix9ine ça / Ces niggas me kiffent tellement qu’ils me harcèlent / Ces niggas me recherchent, tu n’as qu’à m’appeler pour que je vienne / J’ai balancé mon adresse, vous savez tous où vit 6ix9ine". Ça donne le ton. Et c’est comme ça pendant douze titres, sans baisser en intensité vocale, avec les très bons Keke, Buba, Chocolaté… Tous les morceaux commencent par un cri : "Scuuuuum Gaaaaaang !"
A force de faire le malin et de baver à tout va (sur The Game, YG, Jay Critch et même son pote Trippie Redd), 6ix9ine se met à dos pas mal de rappeurs. En interview pour le Breakfast Club, il clamait : "J’ai un 69 géant tatoué sur le front et des dents arc-en-ciel, je suis là en train de parler de tous ces mecs qui veulent m’embrouiller, à quel degré de stupidité ils sont, eux ? Aller embrouiller un gamin qui a des cheveux arc-en-ciel ? Ils laissent leurs enfants seuls à la maison pour ça ? Ils loupent un jour de boulot pour ça ? Les vrais gangsters ne parlent pas de ce qu’ils vont faire, ils le font c’est tout." Dans pas mal de villes américaines, il est wanted par des rappeurs ou gangs locaux. Son arrogance ("Vous savez tous ici que je sors de nulle part, je suis passé devant tout le monde en un claquement de doigts"), et que son manager n’a de cesse d’attiser, il la paie cash. En gros, tout le monde veut se le faire, et ça lui coûte quelques annulations de concert.
Le clash de l’année
Une bonne partie de la scène de Chicago, Chief Keef en tête, le prend en grippe. Le résultat, c’est le beef le plus tendu de 2018. Sur une vidéo Facetime, le rappeur multicolore (qui semble avoir pris comme une provocation le fait que Chief Keef et Trippie Redd fassent un son ensemble) envoie balader tout ce joli monde en des termes que la décence nous interdit de retranscrire. De là, les diss records et les messages haineux sur les réseaux s’enchaînent. Chief Keef part même à New York avec des sbires pour tenter de mettre la main sur 6ix9ine. Peu après, le 2 juin, Keef est pris dans une fusillade dont tout le monde ressort indemne. Puis 6ix9ine se rend à Chicago devant le domicile de Chief Keef. Ça déconne moyen, mais les faits sont difficilement imputables à un tel ou un tel, tant l’intox se fait forte dans les clashs entre rappeurs. Ce qui est certain, c’est que le décès de XXXTentacion le 18 juin, dont 6ix9ine se disait proche, est venu apaiser les tensions entre les deux camps.
6ix9ine n’en a pas finit avec la justice. Accusé d’avoir agressé un fan de 16 ans qui souhaitait faire une vidéo avec lui au beau milieu d’un centre commercial, il a de nouveau affaire aux juges en juillet (alors que les faits datent de janvier). Aujourd’hui, c’est cette sombre histoire de kidnapping qui vient le mettre une nouvelle fois sur le devant de la scène, juste avant la réédition physique de Day 69 : Graduation Day. 6ix9ine fait partie d’une génération de rappeurs dingues. Se tatouer le visage y est la coutume, on est désormais largement habitué. Mais si l’on prend du recul, on y constate tout de même une sorte de fuite en avant, une conviction que rien n’est éternel, et surtout pas un rappeur de 22 ans qui vit à 300 à l’heure en roue libre. XXXTentacion et Lil Peep peuvent en témoigner.
from Les Inrocks - musique https://ift.tt/2NBiHXS via IFTTT
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Carnival Row Season 1 Ending & Darkasher Killer Explained
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Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS for Carnival Row Season 1
All of the secrets were laid bare in Carnival Row season 1's ending, as the truth of who was really behind the Darkasher murders was revealed - and it all ties to Rycroft Philostrate (Orlando Bloom) and his origins. Amazon Prime Video's steampunk fantasy is set in a Victorian magical world where humans are forced to co-exist with Faeries, Pucks, Centaurs, and other magical creatures in a sprawling city called The Burgue. As a series of murders take place around Carnival Row, where the magical creatures are forced to reside, star-crossed lovers Philo and Vignette Stonemoss (Cara Delevinge), a Faery newly arrived in The Burgue, are reunited.
In Carnival Row's season 1 finale, "The Gloaming", the truth that Philo is half-Faery is discovered. Since Philo is a Critch, which is what humans derisively call magical beings, he's arrested by the Constabulary because it's illegal for a Critch to pose as a human. Philo then comes face-to-face with his father, Chancellor Absalom Breakspear (Jared Harris), who accuses him of being the Darkasher killer who murdered his own mother, Aisling Querelle (Erika Starkova), a Pix singer who fell into destitution. Philo convinces Absalom that he's innocent and the Chancellor sets his son free to find the person truly behind the grisly murders. However, Absalom is attacked at Parliament by a Puck. The Chancellor survives the murder attempt only to be killed by his own wife, Piety (Indira Varma), which forces their son Jacob (Arty Froushan) to become the new Chancellor. Jacob then declares Marshal Law and forces all of the Critch inside Carnival Row, which is turned into a concentration camp.
Related: Carnival Row Cast & Character Guide
Carnival Row season 1's ending is full of startling revelations. Not only is the true perpetrator of the Darkasher killings divulged but the truth goes even deeper as long-buried secrets about The Burgue's two most prominent families, the Breakspears and the Longerbanes, come to light. Carnival Row season 1's ending sets the stage for the revolution in The Burgue that will be the story of season 2. Here are all of the hidden truths and secrets of Carnival Row season 1 laid bare.
Who Was Really Behind The Darkasher Murders?
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The true culprit behind the Darkasher killings was Piety Breakspear, who was insane. She received a blackmail note allegedly written by Aisling asking for money or else she would reveal the truth about Philo, the Chancellor's bastard son. Using the dark magic she learned from a witch called the Haruspex (Alice Krige), Piety summoned a Darkasher, which is a golem-like creature made up of various body parts. When Aisling was gruesomely murdered, it drew Philo, who was an inspector with the Constabulary, to investigate, and he pursued the Darkasher as it claimed more victims. Piety began the Darkasher murder spree to keep the secret of Absalom's bastard and to protect their son Jacob's claim to the Chancellorship (because even though Chancellors are elected in The Burgue, the law states that if an elected official dies, their offspring must assume the title until the next election).
However, unbeknownst to Piety, she was being manipulated by Sophie Longerbane (Caroline Ford). What's more, Sophie, the only child of the Breakspears' rival Ritter Longerbane (Ronan Vibert), was actually Piety's daughter from an affair she and Ritter had. Sophie grew up in isolation thanks to her father and she was bitter and resentful towards her parents. With nothing but free time and looking to create chaos in The Burgue, Sophie delved into her father's intelligence regarding the Breakspear family, which he kept in case he needed fodder for political blackmail, and she found out Absalom fathered a bastard. Neither Piety nor Sophie knew who Absalom's secret son was, but Sophie knew about Aisling. Sophie was the one who wrote and sent the ransom letter to Piety, which ignited her jealousy and led to her dark magic murder spree.
How The Darkasher Killings Are Tied To Philo's Origin
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As Philo investigated the Darkasher killings, he quickly realized that the murders were tied to his very origins. Philo was a half-breed who had his Faery wings cut off when he was a baby. He was placed in an orphanage and never knew who his parents were - until he investigated Aisling's murder and realized she was really his mother. The Darkasher's next two victims were the headmaster of Philo's orphanage and the doctor who cut off Philo's wings when he was a baby; it also turned out the two men were secretly lovers, which is a crime in The Burgue. Piety used the Darkasher to kill the people she knew were linked to Absalom's secret bastard, but she didn't know who Philo was until she kidnapped Vignette and held her hostage, forcing Philo to confront the Darkasher to save Vignette. However, Vignette escaped her confinement and killed Piety, which also killed the Darkasher.
Related: Why Carnival Row's Reviews Are So Mixed
Absalom confessed to Philo that he met Aisling when they were young, at a time when Aisling was celebrated as the most talented singer in Carnival Row. Absalom and Aisling had a passionate love affair, but Absalom's father threatened to have her killed if he didn't end the relationship. Absalom later realized his father was correct because he never would have risen to become Chancellor if he married a Faery singer from Carnival Row. However, Aisling was already pregnant with Philo and Absalom arranged to have her stay at the home of the Spurnroses, another prominent Burgue family, for a time. Soon after he was born, Philo's wings were cut off to allow him to pass as a human, giving him a fighting chance at a better life. Philo kept his secret for his whole life and only his lover Vignette knew the truth he was a half-breed.
After the truth about Philo became public knowledge, he finally decided to identify himself as a Critch, choosing to remain incarcerated with Vignette in Carnival Row season 1's ending rather than remain on the outside without her.
How The Puck Cult And Mr. Agreus Impact Carnival Row Season 1's Ending
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The Pucks, who have cloven-hoofed feet and ram horns on their heads, gradually revealed themselves to be a threat to The Burgue in Carnival Row season 1's ending. Pucks are among the most malignly treated creatures by humans, and many of the Pucks joined an extreme religious sect led by Cabal (Theo Barklem-Biggs) that practices public self-flagellation. However, the Pucks also secretly planned to assassinate Chancellor Breakspear; one of them penetrated Parliament, posed as Absalom's assistant, and nearly killed the Chancellor. This set off a wave of anti-Critch hysteria that made life even worse for all of the magical beings in The Burgue.
Meanwhile, Imogen Spurnrose (Tamzin Merchant) began a love affair with Agreus Astrayon (David Gyashi), a wealthy Puck who moved into the mansion next door and wanted to join The Burgue's high society. The scandal and disgrace that Imogen becoming lovers with Agreus would cause once it becomes publicly known incensed her brother Ezra (Andrew Gower), who tried to kill Agreus and put an end to their affair. Instead, Imogen and Agreus ran away together and escaped the city by ship, just as The Burgue fell under Marshal Law detaining all of the magical beings inside Carnival Row at the end of season 1.
The Dark Secrets Between Sophie Longerbane And Jonah Breakspear Sets Up Season 2
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The true victors of Carnival Row season 1's ending are Jonah Breakspear and Sophie Longerbane, who are secretly brother and sister. By the end of Carnival Row season 1, the two children of The Burgue's most prominent families rose to become leaders of their respective political parties: Jonah became Chancellor after his mother Piety murdered Absolom and Sophie assumed her father Ritter's position as leader of the Opposition Party after Piety killed Ritter. Neither Sophie nor Jonah are heartbroken that their parents are dead. In fact, they began their love affair before Jonah found out Sophie was his half-sister because Piety was mother to them both (a fact Sophie already knew). Sophie even offered to become Jonah's wife, which would truly unite their families and consolidate their power over The Burgue, and Jonah didn't relent even after he found out Sophie isn't his sister.
Ultimately, Sophie Breakspear is the cause of all of the calamity in The Burgue in Carnival Row season 1. Sophie set all the ghastly events in motion when she sent the ransom note to Piety; because she was bored, Sophie decided to foster chaos because "chaos creates opportunity". As Sophie explained her actions to Jonah, "Isn't it curious how the stroke of a girl's pen can change the course of history?" Thanks to Sophie's machinations, Jonah has become Chancellor and she is the secret power behind his; Sophie backs Jonah's declaration of Marshal Law and war against all of the Critch in The Burgue, blaming them for Absolom's murder. Thanks to Jonah and Sophie, Carnival Row season 1 ends with Carnival Row itself turned into a concentration camp for all of the Critch and now nothing will ever be the same.
Next: What To Expect From Carnival Row Season 2
Carnival Row Season 1 is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.
source https://screenrant.com/carnival-row-season-1-ending-darkasher-killer-identity/
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213hiphopworldnews · 5 years
Rich The Kid’s Beats And Guests Carry His Lightweight Album, ‘The World Is Yours 2’
Instagram Records
A running theory in rap fan circles is that there are three main kinds of artists within the genre: Album artists, features artists, and singles artists. It’s a pretty self-explanatory system. Some rappers shine best when their work is consumed as a whole, with overarching concepts and few stand out, radio-friendly songs. Some are at their best on singles and their albums are typically collections of singles or potential singles which work most effectively consumed piecemeal, in isolation. Then there are features artists, who may not stand out much on their own songs, but when they appear on other artists’ works, they usually steal the show.
Nailing down where New York rapper Rich The Kid falls in this system is a hazy, borderline impossible task. Despite having one of the biggest singles of the past few years of music streaming in “Plug Walk,” he doesn’t seem especially good at putting out bangers that pack dance floors or take over the airwaves. He’s featured on one of Tyga’s indelibly fun comeback singles, “Girls Have Fun,” but he arguably gets out-rapped by Tyga and definitely has trouble staying on beat.
That would seem to leave “albums artist” as his default characterization, but taking his latest full-length project, The World Is Yours 2, as evidence, it’s hard to see how that could be the case either, when the voices that define the album come mostly from Rich’s guests and not himself. It’s good in the sense that it’s listenable, with some genuinely enjoyable, lightweight songs about flexing and trapping and having a lot of sex, but you could probably take him off and never notice the difference. The beats slap and the guests add a tremendous amount of value, but Rich gets outshone by both. You hate to see it.
One of the reasons he seems so dispensable is that his style is so undefined. He’s from New York, but he raps in a weird, faux-Southern accent that sounds derived from Young Thug’s own slippery, consonant-free delivery. Then, on other tracks, he sounds very much like he’s from LA, trading in his languid syllables and cottonmouth warbling for clipped, syncopated cadences that do their best to land on the downbeat. He sounds like he’s doing rap impressions, which is fine in an impressionist, but not in a rapper.
The effect is bewildering when he’s placed alongside the originators of his interchangeable styles. When Young Thug comes in on the trap-ish “Fall Threw,” he instantly and utterly overshadows Rich’s generic boasts with his outlandish ones, rhyming “I got the crockpot / I’m smokin’ like magma” to cap his short leadoff verse. Insult is added to injury when the original Young Thug apprentice, Gunna, comes in after him and shows how much cleaner the same flow can sound in the hands of an expert. The beat is a hypnotic banger provided by Wheezy, but it’s more a Thug and Gunna song than a Rich song, leaving him a guest on his own album.
That LA flow he duplicates doesn’t fare any better. On lead single “Splashin,” he trips and stumbles to catch the beat, but always seem too hurried or too lazy, never quite finding the pocket that best works with the bass-heavy, west coast production provided by Frank Dukes and TheLabCook. The same could be said of just about any track he tries to ride solo, from “4 Phones” to “Save That” to “Racks Out.” Even so, Rich’s inefficient delivery could be deemed almost charming if the subject matter — and the way he raps about it — weren’t so uncompelling. All these songs will likely disappear from rotation by summer, but until then, they’ll go up at the club or house party.
His guests consistently outshine him throughout the album to a frustrating degree. Even when they indulge in the same sort of extravagant gloating, their wordplay and on-point delivery make them stand out. On Nard & B’s buoyant beat for “Like Mike,” Rich’s own artist Jay Critch demonstrates a better grasp of rhythm than Rich does, while guest rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie shows him up on wordplay with just his introductory bars: “We ain’t into the ho talk / Turn a n—- whole afro to a mohawk.” That’s a visual that sticks, unlike the Kid’s super elementary “You n—-s is softer than cotton.” No one needs him to be the best lyricist ever — in fact, for the style, simpler is better — but there is such a thing as too simple and this gets dangerously close.
Elsewhere, Big Sean drops off one of the best verses of his career, effortlessly tossing off a face scruncher of a performance, concluding with a nasty quatrain: “I go off, go in, go up, but never go back / I know we in a league of our own, b*tch, I’m pro-Black / Just hit a lick for my grandsons and I don’t have sons / But that’s how far I’m thinking ahead, b*tch, and some.” We really need a new Big Sean album, pronto. This song works just as well as a Big Sean single featuring Rich and Offset.
Meanwhile, there’s so little subject variation here that despite some pleasant, summery production work — the flutes on “Splashin” and “Save That” come to mind here — all the songs start to blur together. There’s no real storytelling, introspection, or reflection to give life to Rich’s rhymes and engage listeners on any more than a basic, head-bopping in the club level. There are just stale punchlines about Rich’s riches, the spoils thereof, and pussy, which is by turns “clean, “on fleek,” or, of course, wet. The one song that seems to break the cycle is the Miguel and Ty Dolla Sign feature, “Whoa” — which Rich is barely even on and which sounds like it belongs on a completely different album.
Speaking of stale lines: We need an indefinite, rap-wide moratorium on all rhymes comparing money stacks to Yao Ming, which rich does on “Racks Today.” Yao Ming hasn’t played in the NBA for eight years. That’s eight draft classes worth of other tall dudes to compare your money stacks to, rappers. It’s lame, lazy bar work, and it shows when you’re just kind of phoning it in and repeating stuff that you’ve heard other rappers say over the years. Rich is 26; Yao missed more games than he played from 2005-2011, meaning Rich was like 12 when Yao was last able to play a full season. I have to call shenanigans.
But that’s what you get with Rich the Kid, a hit rapper without many hits of his own (without guest stars on them), a guest star that rarely improves the songs he’s on, and an album rapper who puts together good collections that he may as well not be on. Being incidental to your own album is a dubious claim to fame, but Rich is like a new category of rapper all his own — let’s call it the “middle manager artist.” Let everyone else do all the work, while you rack up all the credit in the form of name recognition, press, and sales. It’s good work if you can get it.
The World Is Yours 2 is out now via Interscope Records. Get it here.
source https://uproxx.com/hiphop/rich-the-kid-the-world-is-yours-2-review/
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marilynngmesalo · 5 years
Famous Newfoundlanders help replace veteran’s stolen guitar
Famous Newfoundlanders help replace veteran’s stolen guitar Famous Newfoundlanders help replace veteran’s stolen guitar https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — Two famous Newfoundlanders stepped in to help an elderly veteran whose guitar went missing earlier this month.
Edward Sheppard, 82, was devastated after his guitar — a gift from his late wife — was stolen from his home in Stephenville Crossing, N.L.
“It meant a lot to all of us, it was a labour of love,” Sheppard’s daughter, Yolanda, said in an interview on Saturday.
“She saved for years, she rolled a lot of change to save it. And when she had enough, I helped her out and we went and got dad a guitar. It wasn’t fancy, but it was all she could afford.”
Yolanda said the guitar, which her father had decorated with floral patterns, went missing sometime in the last two weeks.
After Edward’s story received media attention, comedian Mark Critch sent out a tweet on Friday asking if his any of musician friends had a guitar they could spare for him.
“I know that nothing can replace the sentimental arrangement of the real one but does anyone know of an instrument to match?” he wrote.
Just terrible. Hey musician friends, can we source a replacement before Christmas? I know that nothing can replace the sentimental arrangement of the real one but does anyone know of an instrument to match? Please RT https://t.co/v506Pv6GZ9
— Mark Critch (@markcritch) December 14, 2018
Musician Alan Doyle, most famous for his work with Canadian folk band Great Big Sea, responded: “I got one he can have for sure.”
— Mark Critch (@markcritch) December 14, 2018
I got one he can have for sure.
— Alan Doyle (@alanthomasdoyle) December 14, 2018
He's WAY better than me! Let's make sure he's got one to play this Christmas.
— Alan Doyle (@alanthomasdoyle) December 14, 2018
Turns out he’s in St. John’s on a visit. I’ll pop a guitar over to him tomorrow.
— Alan Doyle (@alanthomasdoyle) December 14, 2018
On Saturday morning, he hand-delivered the guitar to Sheppard, who was staying at his son’s home in St. John’s.
The two had an impromptu jam session, and Doyle tweeted out a short video of Edward playing the new guitar and whistling.
“Wonderful hang with a wonderful man,” wrote the musician in another post. “Hope you get your stolen guitar back. This one should keep u going till then.”
Wonderful hang with a wonderful man. Merry Christmas Mr. Sheppard. Hope you get your stolen guitar back. This one should keep u going till then. pic.twitter.com/4lmv4RfGzj
— Alan Doyle (@alanthomasdoyle) December 15, 2018
Yolanda said she’s grateful for Critch’s and Doyle’s quick responses, but she isn’t surprised that fellow Newfoundlanders stepped in to help.
“Being a good Newfoundland girl, I always tell everyone: it’s what we do,” she said.
“We always come together to help out each other and help everyone that we can. It doesn’t surprise me whatsoever, not a bit.”
She added that many other people also offered to help her dad get another guitar.
While Edward is “very, very excited” to be strumming again, Yolanda said she hopes the missing guitar finds its way back to her father, since it holds a lot of sentimental value for him.
“He’s a really nice man who didn’t deserve something like that to happen to him,” she said. “Sometimes an item can mean so much to someone.”
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spoilertv · 11 months
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laresearchette · 2 years
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Lightning vs. Sabres (SNPacific) 7:00pm: Canucks vs. Panthers (SN) 10:00pm: Penguins vs. Ducks (TSN4) 10:00pm: Leafs vs. Knights
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN5) 7:30pm: Suns vs. Raptors (SN1) 8:00pm: Warriors vs. Grizzlies (SN1) 10:30pm: Nuggets vs. Clippers
CHUCK AND THE FIRST PEOPLES' KITCHEN (APTN) 7:30pm:  Rapid Lake: Ice Fishing: In a quest for knowledge, chef Chuck Hughes goes on a personal journey towards the rediscovery of First people's ancestral culinary traditions.
22 MINUTES (CBC) 8:00pm: The month may be dry, but the spirits are high.
SON OF A CRITCH (CBC) 8:30pm:  A chance encounter at a funeral parlor leads to Mark's first date; Mary tries to convince Dick to sell her an old station truck.
WORKIN' MOMS (CBC) 9:00pm: Suspicious of Nathan Jr.'s behavior, Kate looks to Anne for advice, but the guidance she needs comes from a surprising source; a promising book proposal reunites rivals Kate and Sloane.
TOTAL CONTROL (APTN) 9:00pm: Alex returns home to get her grassroots campaign off the ground; Rachel makes a surprise announcement that sees her facing off with Alex on live television; after the show, Rachel makes Alex an interesting offer.
MOVING FOR LOVE (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Nicky wants boyfriend Courtney to move to Hawaii to enjoy the Aloha vibes, but he thinks the Colorado mountain life is best; Carissa has found her dream job in Sidney, Ohio, but Mason wants her back near friends in Rapid City, South Dakota.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Amazon's Carnival Row Cast & Character Guide | Screen Rant
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Amazon's new series Carnival Row is now available to watch on Prime, so we've put together a cast and character guide to help you get to know the humans and fae of this steampunk fantasy world. Carnival Row is set primarily in a grimy city called The Burgue, which is historically home to humans but more recently has been flooded with refugees from the fae land of Tirnanoc.
The faeries of Tirnanoc have been forced to flee their home due to an invasion by a more ruthless species of fae called the Pact. The Burgue at first fought on the side of the Tirnanoc faeries, but ultimately abandoned the fight and went home, leaving Tirnanoc to the ravages of the Pact. During the war, a faerie called Vignette Stonemoss (Cara Delevingne) met a human soldier called Rycroft Philostrate (Orlando Bloom), and the two of them fell in love - only to be separated during a battle, with Vignette believing that Philo had died.
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Several years later, Vignette joins the rest of the refugees in The Burgue, where she discovers that Philo is alive and well and serving as a detective with The Burgue's police force. Alongside these two star-crossed lovers, The Burgue is populated by a diverse and magical mix of characters - faeries, pucks, and humans. Here's a guide to who's who in Carnival Row.
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Cara Delevingne as Vignette Stonemoss - Originally the guardian of an ancient fae library, Vignette took on a very different role after The Burgue retreated from the war: helping fae refugees to escape Tirnanoc. Though some view her as a hero for saving so many from the Pact, Vignette feels guilt over the fact that she effectively helped sell them into indentured servitude to humans.
Orlando Bloom as Rycroft Philostrate - A war veteran turned police officer, Philo is one of the few members of The Burgue's constabulary who is sympathetic to the fae and actually willing to investigate when one of them is murdered. This doesn't make him popular among his colleagues, but his connections to the fae make him uniquely skilled at unravelling difficult cases.
Karla Crome as Tourmaline Larou - An old friend and lover of Vignette's who escaped Tirnanoc and now works in a brothel, providing services to customers who enjoy the unique qualities of faerie sex.
Jared Harris as Absalom Breakspear - A member of the Commonwealth Party in The Burgue's Parliament, who is fighting for the rights of the so-called "critch" to remain as refugees in the city. However, Absalom's political influence is threatened by the scandalous antics of his spoiled son.
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Indira Virma as Piety Breakspear - On the surface a supportive wife to Absalom, Piety Breakspear has her own agenda in The Burgue, and connections to the fae that can help her to achieve it.
Arty Froushan as Jonah Breakspear - Absalom and Piety's only son and the shame of the Absalom family, Jonah spends most of his time getting drunk and having fun in faerie brothels on Carnival Row, and is one of Tourmaline's clients.
Andrew Gower as Ezra Spurnrose - The young head of the wealthy and snooty Spurnrose household, Ezra owns the ship that's used to transport fae refugees from Tirnanoc to The Burgue. He's hit with financial disaster when the ship sinks in a storm, and claims Vignette's indentured servitude as recompense.
Tamzin Merchant as Imogen Spurnrose - Ezra's sister, a beautiful socialite who looks down on the fae, and pucks especially. Needless to say, Imogen is horrified when a puck moves into the neighborhood.
David Gyasi as Agreus Astrayon - The Spurnrose's newest neighbor, a wealthy and mysterious puck who appears unphased by Imogen's efforts to make him feel unwelcome.
More: Read Screen Rant's Review of Carnival Row
source https://screenrant.com/carnival-row-amazon-series-cast-characters-guide/
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