#sorry but i'm just here for fanart and memes
stardust948 · 9 months
Miraculous Ladybug is trying really hard to lure me back in with its emo phase.
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ogachukwu-the-freak · 4 months
Can't fucking stand Black Butler antis, YES my favorite scene was the fucking asthma scene bitch AND???? I'M WEIRD? WHY DID YOU WATCH AN ANIME WITH CLEARLY SUGGESTIVE SCENES LIKE THAT HUH???
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moongothic · 4 months
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vanitasmori · 2 years
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“ I do hope you’re prepared to impress me.... “
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crowwingedangel · 2 years
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This was supposed to stay a doodle. It was only supposed to have scribbly line art but then I made it nice. Then it was only supposed to have scratch color, but- well, anyway I drew a meme again! I had to. Emotionally damaged man is handed kids and quickly becomes dad is one of my favorite character arc tropes ever! So of course this was my favorite part of the book!
Characters are from @scribbly-blue-hearts' book Stormbite. If you enjoy sci-fi bird people, consider checking it out!
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dormiloncito · 1 year
watch out, yakuza is giving me that certain brand of brain poisoning few media manage to do
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shepscapades · 5 months
*rotates dbhc!Xisuma and Doc in my head*
I'm sorry but I absolutely lose my mind over them ( I have literally no one who I could ramble about this to and I need to get it out). I want to analyse stuff, so let me just:
*breathes in*
It's visible that they are good friends and have been since the time when Doc deviated, research partners doing... research? Or whatever researchers do *shrugs*.
But there's one thing to it, X created Doc and most of other androids. He understands what is deviation because Doc explained it to him but his friend is still an android after all. We also know that X always calls Doc "Docm" but in previous comic he calls him "Doc" and it is stated that it's the first time he ever called him that. In which moment he calls him that? In the moment when he realises that Doc is more human than android now, I may be delusional about this all but I just feel like: the moment when he sees Etho overpower Doc, shove him and break him and stuff, Xisuma sees that Doc isn't a fearless machine but a someone, a human, he got overpowered by Etho and suffered consequences, he felt fear like a human not a machine. Also he lost his arm because he was trying to stop Etho from hurting X as we see in the second part of the comic, which only adds to that. So, this is the moment where X fully realises that he means something to Doc, not as a creator, but as a friend, and that's why for the rest of the comic he constantly makes sure if his partner is alright by talking to him, glancing at him. You know stuff. He grew closer and closer to Doc as time passed and I think this was the climax - the moment he called Docm77 "Doc".
While Doc is doing the most stoic stuff ever and trying not to self destruct and stuff, he cares about X too, very much even, he's protective towards him and shows it by jumping into danger he could have avoided [ Etho attacked X because he's an admin and probably knows where's Grian - Etho wants to hunt down this pesky bird for killing Bdubs] just so his partner won't get hurt how sweet <3 RIP arm you will be remembered...
Anyways I feel like they should talk about stuff and maybe cuddle and maybe I don't know LIVE?? NOT DIE??
Yeah, I think that I don't even need to explain for how long they've been spinning in my head.
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Also wanted to thank you so much for so many kind words on my fanart !! I'm glad I can make someone happy with my cheap, old drawing tablet and some self taught skills lol sorry for flooding your ask-box again so so sorry but those comics make me go AWOOGA holy shift, and also DOC AND X CONTENT !! They are so underrated that you almost can't find anything good relating to them as a duo! [personally I think they're great, just two dudes that do things together and care for eachother <3]
So, yep. Prepare yourself for things like that after every new part comes out I WILL make memes and I WILL analyse block men.... sorry not sorry :)
[how to get me into an AU- tutorial: Xisumavoid must be in it- the end]
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(THERE ARE SOME INTERESTING THOUGHTS HAPPENING HERE!!!! None of which I’ll confirm but Eye Emoji :3 I love love love these theories they make me so happy ehehehehehe)
(ALSO YOU’RE SO WELCOME!!! That art made my day fr LMAO I love and appreciate it so much!!! <3)
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burnin0akleaves · 28 days
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Here's the draw six fanarts meme I decided to participate in 4 years late
In true burnin0akleaves spirit I didn't ask anyone for requests and just went ahead with all of the characters that have been the most impactful/important to me, so there is a high chance you've seen me draw these guys before.
By the way, unlike the rest of the blorbos here Siyra is an original character and belongs to @nineteen-rats!
Close-ups and rambles under the cut because it's my blog
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Ohh the Dark Urge. My latest obsession. I love his design so much, I'm a slut for white/red color schemes, but I feel like it's a double edged sword that takes you out of the horrors he's commiting at the same time?
Durge is supposed to be murder incarnate, someone that does every fucked up thing related to death imaginable; but when you see a giant lizard eating babies or humping corpses, it dulls the effect a bit since you automatically view it as an animalistic act. Dragonborns are obviously a fully sentient humanoid race in-universe; but when the violence you're seeing is already toeing the line between horrifying and hilarious, seeing a scalie doing it just pushes it over the line. I still think it works really well most of the time and I'm very glad that this is the default durge we get! It's just funny to me that when you choose to play as the giant lizard, the dark and disgusting horror story turns into the hilariously edgy bloodfest.
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Reminding everyone again that Siyra belongs to @nineteen-rats! I love this man so so so much. I am the Siyra fandom. I am the number one Siyra fanartist. He did nothing wrong and I will defend his every decision. I also hope terrible horrors befall him and that his actions keep him awake for the rest of his life. Pookie bear xoxo
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He is on my mind, always. I don't talk about him as much but he's probably still the fictional character who had the most impact on me as a person.
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I got into patrochilles and the Illiad in general thanks to "The Song of Achilles". It was one of the first queer books I got to have in real life and the prose captivated me instantly, I still have it on my shelf. After reading the Illiad itself however, I hate that book so much. I'm sorry it's genuinely beautiful and I get why people like it but I can never forgive that horrible Patroclus characterization after seeing what he was originally like. Achilles too for that matter.
Hades swooped me up into its arms like I was a sick baby bird and nursed me back to health with its portrayal of the two though and for that I am forever grateful. I can't wait for Hades 2, death to Chronos.
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God Half-Life is such an important series for me. My dad would let me play through a few levels since I was a child, he grew up with the games, but I REALLY played through the entire series one summer shortly before dad moved out. He was there watching me play most of it and getting to enjoy someone actually translate the game's dialogue for him for the first time.
Gordon may not speak once but I like the hints of his personality we get throughout the games, most importantly from the way Alyx talks to/about him. I have my own characterization of him obviously but I do really think you can get a good understanding of the kind of man he is meant to be in-universe just by paying attention to his surroundings. Also another reason the games were so immersive for me is that I'm just as in love with Alyx as Gordon is. I must have let her get hit only once or twice the entire time just out of how protective I was over her. I'd topple the entire Combine empire just for her hand in marriage. I rewatched the ending of Half Life Alyx recently and cried.
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I read the entirety of LOTR in one week in 11th grade, carrying that damn brick of a book everyday to school and back. I'm so glad I did honestly. Frodo and Sam are my important little guys and I find myself going back to them when I need something to calm me down in a way no other series except LOTR can. I've read most of Tolkien's work at this point, but nothing captivated me like those two little hobbits. Everytime I read a bad take about their relationship I sketch them making out.
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People liked seeing my drawing process before so here's the original sketch and the little notes I wrote to myself trying to set the mood. I followed like half of them.
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heya i'm getting into bsd again and realized that you're the only bsd blog i follow 😭 would it be possible for you to recommend some good blogs? i assume you'd know a few, but sorry if this comes off as pushy or weird
Hiii! Thank you for the ask, I’m genuinely sorry for taking like a million years to answer it. It’s a really awesome ask, so don’t worry, it wasn’t pushy or weird! I know it may have seem as though I didn’t like it since it took me good 2 months to get to it, but I really appreciate it and I was simply busy with real life stuff. Feel free to always ask me about cool blogs to follow, I’m more than happy to give my mutuals and other creators a shout out!
I listed some of my personal favourite blogs alphabetically to make it a bit more organized haha
For the tagged creators: I provided little descriptions for some of the creators listed here, but if I accidentally messed something up, just let me know and I’ll change it. Also don’t worry if you’re on the list without a description, it just means I didn’t know how to put my appreciation into words.
@akutagawah – edits
@awkwardbsd – general bsd posting
@bapplebeess – fanart
@bemysillygoose – fanart
@canetteto – fanart
@carrotkicks – fanart. Has an analog horror series and different storylines, so if you’re interested in exploring different stories through fanart, this is your person
@choccatto – fanart
@creantzy – fanart. The creator of a really cool fan comic called The Path to Freedom and the Bernadette 2023 animatic (as a member of the fyolai nation, I absolutely adore their content)
@credensjustitiam – fanart
@dailynakaharachuuya – fanart
@dazaistabletop – general bsd posting
@deadmitochondria – memes. The only inactive blog on this list, but it’s worth it
@death-in-a-handbasket – fanart
@destructive-delight – fanart. If you like angst and horror vibes, you’ll absolutely LOVE it here
@dsskkrt-jpeg – fanart. The creator of the Nowhere to Run animatic (and overall a fyolai icon)
@emilylovescookies – fanart
@featherphoenixart – fanart
@flower-of-darkness – THE analysis queen
@fyodors-fancy-teacup – fanart
@greendy2l – fanart
@hant-huyant – fanart (though not really active on tumblr I think)
@hoshiumiumi – fanart
@imsofrancey – fanart
@inkantigen – fanart
@itotypes – fanart and fics. The creator of Mors Omni Vincit on ao3 (the pirate!au)
@iwritenarrativesandstuff – analyses
@kaus-quietis – my jojo sis. She did an incredible analysis of Fedya that’s a must read!!! She used to post fanart, but is now focusing on her studies (let’s gooooo)
@koiblossom5 – hilarious incorrect quotes.
@kokoasci – fanart
@kyouka-supremacy – general bsd posting. The president of sskk nation (not officially, but c’mon she deserves this title)
@marshukitty – fanart
@miammey – fanart and fics on ao3. One of the only people I’ve seen who does art of the Hunting Dogs, so if you’re interested in THD, Miam is a must follow
@mochimochips – fanart. One of the only artists who consistently make fanarts of Verlaine and Rimbaud (and that’s very rare in the fandom!)
@mr-vanhellis – fanart
@nnakahara – moodboards. Our favourite historian ♡
@nixnephilii – fanart. The creator of Fyo!Atsushi au, which nevel fails to make me gasp, because it’s incredible
@originalartblog – fanart. The creator of Goosamu (who is Dazai as a goose and is VERY dear to my heart), and a few other AUs
@phonyrams – fanart
@platykool – fanart. Some of my absolute favourite fanarts of Sigma! (and doa and bsd overall, but I really wanted to highlight Sigma)
@pleucas – fanart
@pompompurin1028 – fics. Some of the best, most in-character fics I’ve ever read. If you like Dazai, you’ll ADORE her fics.
@popopretty – an absolute MVP of this fandom. Translations, summaries and trivia
@rampopurin – analysis and general bsd posting. The science side of bsd fandom (if you wanna learn about space and science through bsd go follow!)
@rinqueraa – fanart
@sandyy-boo – fanart
@sensitiveheartless – fanart and fics. So many awesome AUs and comics (they’re listed in Senhart’s pinned post, so they’re really easy to find)
@slothfail – fanart
@tatooou-art – fanart
@tecchous-thicc-buttocks – incorrect quotes
@tunamayuuu – fanarts. The creator of kny!au
uwu-m1lk – fanart
wrenkos – fanart
PS. if any of you guys want to add more creators to the list, feel free to do so in the reblogs!
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I can't believe there is a "Cursed Cat Alastor Controversy" and that once again I had to have the evil lepreconartist who lords over the fandom making his gold off of Medrano's despair explain to me in order to understand what the fuck is going in on the fandom, yet again ... But I kind of hate you all so here's my hot take...
It's actual petty bullshit.
It's the equivalent of a fanartist calling out an AMV maker for "art theft" and demanding that a video they worked hard on be taken down because they used a piece of fanart for a character in an AMV tribute to the character that both the fanartist and the AMV maker (who is already an artist in their own right) already do not actually fucking own. Like, regardless if the AMV maker gives the fanartist credit. Instead of being honored by it, when they should know better that neither of them ever actually even own the shit to begin with, yet they still demand "credit" for fanwork.
I once saw a popular Asian artist in the svtfoe fandom demanding a boycott of the popular fan run merch store TheMysteryShack just as the beautiful fan made artbook Tales of Rebel Princess was about to launch exclusively through there because she alleged that the shop owner had stolen one of her friends fanart designs on a goddamn fucking Steven Universe tarot card pack of all things but I still really liked her Star fanart, so when I tried to respectfully explain to her that I wouldn't be boycotting the shop because of Tales of Rebel Princes launching and how I thought it was personally in very poor taste to not just contact the shop owner privately about the matter and instead making a big stink in public about boycotting his shop when she knew that one of her other artist friends that we knew she had also collaborated with in the past was just about to debut another big collaborative art tribute book dedicated to Daron and Star vs. there through this guys shop! And essentially it would be sad to see her knowingly taking business away from her other friend like that and demanding others in her following do the same and over something as small as a deck of Steven Universe cards, especially in understanding how little love svtfoe gets, since she was also a well known svtfoe fanartist ... All I got in response was "Well I'm happy for my friend but I'm Korean and you're just a Filthy American who couldn't possibly understand how disrespectful something like this is in my culture and blah blah blah if you instant on further harassing me about this I'll block you!"
And I was basically like "suit yourself being fake and having a stick up your butt honey I'm still getting my Star vs. artbook!"
And then she blocked me.
Good riddance. As if Miss Heinous would honestly ever head bang to Ruberiot...
But I guess what I'm trying to get here is that like...Oh, I'm sorry? You wanna make fanart for western cartoons? You gotta play by western rules then. Like it's late night here and I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. But it's true.
If Aurelio Voltaire honestly deserves to have a deal be cut in my opinion so he can finally officially own his share of the "Vampair" series after Daria Cohen stole his voice to make it (half dry humor, half serious here, to be quite frank about this) then coma0423 deserves to cut a deal so that Amir Talai can have a bit of financial comprehension and his percentage of whatever kind of (I'm guessing financial) ~"credit'~ that Coma is now demanding from other fanartists who make Cursed Cat Alastor fan merch since Talai , after all, did design the original concept sketch that would become Cursed Cat Alastor that Coma saw and then decided to just runaway with when they made the meme ...
Listen to me... Fanart belongs to everyone and no one by nature of it being made by fans and no one can truly own a "fan concept" expect for the true creator of the thing that it's based on. Unless that thing is already in the public domain. And if it is it becomes Schrodinger's Cheshire Cat.
Schrodinger's Cursed Cat Alastor belongs to everyone and no one, babe. He belongs to The Hazbin Hotel Fandom and The Hazbin Hotel. If he actually becomes canon in the show somehow, then he'll belong to Amir and Viv, actually, maybe Coma will get proper credit then, but the concept won't even really be theirs anymore, just as it even isn't really officially theirs now, even if they officially do get hired.
First you're telling me that I'm not allowed to fuck the radio demon ... Now you're telling me that I'm apparently not even allowed to kiss a cute wittle kitty cat plushie of him between the space on his head between his ears if said plush wasn't crafted by or sold explicitly by the fanartist who again, stole the concept sketch of him from Amir Talai in the first place?
No. This is nonsense.
Stop making all these petty dramas off someone else's work that only feed the evil leprechaun more gold off of someone else's work or start making you're own original work from your own original concept that you can actually claim your own copyright to I'm exhausted.
Ever hear the phrase once something leaves your brain it belongs to everyone, not just you anymore?
This goes triple for anyone making fanart of someone else's work and that's a fact. Especially if it's only ever an extremely memed up version of an already canonically existing character that you were only so lucky went viral.
Stop the bullying. No one fanwork is that special. Just do your best to honor the source material and be flattered by other fanartists imitations of your fanartist imitation... It's the circle of cursed kitties and it feeds us all. *smacks paw down*
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66sharkteeth · 1 month
“You should draw some Fanart for that webtoon you’ve been binging! Maybe something with Bell and Rex after that really cute chapter you loved?”
My brain: oh I have the perfect idea wait here-
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Terrible shitposts aside, I’ve been absolutely in love with CoB and this amazing story you’ve weaved! I’m Ace so I really love the representation in Rex’s character (he’s just like me fr 😌) cannot wait to read the next chapters and see where it’s going to go next!
i'm sorry i'm not actually familiar w/ the meme this is referencing but it's glorious regardless. bless you for drawing this
also thank you!! i hope you continue to enjoy
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psystirene · 2 months
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we're starting controversy in the rain world fandom? SIGN ME UP! /j
Even if you don't read my extra notes please know that none of this is that serious, my least favorites/"dislikes" are really light LMAO Also sorry if some things are hard to read I'm not 100% used to this brush yet <3
Anyways notes + meme blank below LET'S GOOO
*Liked by everyone but me (and Least Favorite) is Saint because I just have such a hard time coming up with headcanons and designs that I like & find interesting for Saint. It feels like they're everyone's favorite thought experiment (/hj) but for me like. Idk. It's probably also that in a way they feel like they have the most concrete & "stuck" storyline
I used to think Surv was so boring I could NOT come up with shit all for them or for monk, didn't help that none of the fan content was of them (quite a bit of "surv" fanart is just using them as a generic slugcat imo)
*Like the character, not the design is Riv and Hunter to me but specifically the canon designs and trying to translate them into my art, Riv's gills end up looking like clown hair and Hunter's pink gives me the ick to work with for fur. But I love to make Hunter fluffy anyways
Blackcurrant (Gourspearnot) SUPREMACY!
No hate to artimonk or monksaint shippers but these ships out of any non-problematic ship. Kind of give me the ick
SRS is fine and it usually depends on individual interpretations of them but I have a mild distaste for SRS overall, I think they're a good character & well written though
SOS is more of a plot device than a character to me and I don't find her all that interesting, I do like individual fanon versions of her though
Purple moon = good, purple moon in-game has like. A shade of purple I dislike + a blue that's SO CLOSE in value to it. Oh my god.
Ragequit depends mostly on interpretation but it could never work in my canon/interpretation, I'm just uncomfortable with my NSH and my FP dating
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And here's the blank for you other rainheads
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lutzlig · 1 year
Tumblrwoman Election Wrap-Up
To celebrate the end of this election, I'm gonna answer the rest of your questions!
First off:
Thanks everyone for participating! This ended up way bigger than expected. It was pretty exciting, seeing everybody chime in and participate.
Shoutout ESPECIALLY to all the people making fanarts, memes, etc... you people are incredible!!! Most of it can be found under #twe23, be sure to check it out, everybody!
Here's some highlights you people have made:
this github live number tracker made by @twilight-sparkle-irl during the vriska/katya poll. A THRILLING read!
this hollow knight miku oc by @anonymous-utility!! shes so cute...
@seasoned-cabbage made a wiki sandbox for the polls... it's so satisfying to see the stats laid out like this : D
@unidentifiedfroggy wrote fanfiction that just perfectly encapsulates the whole experience : ' )
General Q&A
"Who did you want to win?"
I myself think Vriska deserved the title most! I think vriska is just as integral to tumblr as Cecil is, if not more.
As for the other 2 involved, they didn't really care who won!
How often did you hear "Why are you pitting 2 bad bitches against each other"?
Often! One of us was going to count, but he got so annoyed that he stopped. You people need to get a new sentence.
"Why are there minors in a tumblrsexywoman contest?"
It's not a tumblr sexywoman contest, it's a tumblrwoman election! Before we made the poll, we considered whether it's better to throw out the minors or remove the "sexy" angle. We decided on the latter, mostly because this kind of competition would feel incomplete without tumblrgirls like miku and vriska.
Will you be doing this again next year?
Hm, not sure. Probably not! At least, I wasn't planning on it. We did this on a whim, and this is (SUPPOSED TO BE) my art blog.
I might make a blog for it next year, if these are still relevant and the demand is high (which i highly doubt).
Why didn't you answer my question?
I got like 130 asks this week and most of them were cries of pain and outrage. I was also incredibly busy irl until a day ago. If I didn't answer your question, Sorry!
Concerns about Corruption
According to the tags on these, every single one of the polls was rigged in some way or another. Particularly grievous examples of this were Miku's loss (I suspect Vriskavoters doing foul play (I am vriskavoters. I voted Bayonetta to sabotage Miku. Then i spent the whole day listening to Miku voicebank comparisons.)), and Marcie's win (Somebody accused the Adventure time subreddit of having swamped the poll. The post in question had 19 upvotes. The poll on tumblr had 92,123 votes).
What's more, I've been offered bribes!! Several american dollars! The political landscape of tumblr sure is a scary place...
Some of you really don't know how to act. This goes out to a small (but very, very vocal) minority - don't be a dick! Just because it's the internet does not mean you can just insult random strangers! This is a poll about fictional women, this is NOT a place to call people the r-word or imply someone is stupid for liking a character.
Some people left pretty graphic, violent messages. Most of these were jokes, but still. Take caution with the words you choose. This should go without saying, but telling strangers to "eat glass" and the like is not acceptable behaviour.
In the end, this was a competition between fictional characters, so seeing people arguing in the replies and trying to gain some sort of moral high ground was a little bit saddening.
Most of you were nice though, luckily : )
To everyone who left kind messages, to everyone engaging and having fun, the fan art, the posts, to everyone expressing their thanks to us - thank you!!!
In the end, this was a lot of fun, and it was nice to see the website come together like that!
What's next?
For the next few days, I'm going to be promoting my friends' projects as much as I can to scare all of you people off of my blog.
I got WAY too many followers from this and frankly, that is simply not acceptable. You all need to leave NOW, because I want to get back to posting art eventually and I would rather not be on everybody's timeline.
That's why I have decided to become a massive sell out and reblog my friends' stuff on main for a bit. Peace!
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tangledinink · 10 months
-> faq
can you draw x thing?
sorry, i don't take requests! i do, however, have commissions open!
what program do you use to draw?
i use procreate on an ipad!
can i make fanart or writing of one of your aus?
absolutely! i would be totally flattered! ; w ; please feel free to make any kind of fanworks for any of my aus-- art, writing, memes, cosplay, etc etc. it is all welcome! my only request is that you tag me so i can check out what you made! if you tag me in a fanpiece you made and i don't respond, feel free to ping me again or send me an ask-- i probably missed it somehow!
can i dub one of your comics?
see above-- yes, absolutely! i'd be totally flattered, just pretty please tag or link me so i can check it out and share it with people! ^^
can i use your art as a pfp?
sure, so long as you credit me, feel free!
what's your drawing process like?
i answered an ask getting into it a little here!
when are you next gonna update [fic/comic]?
whenever i get around to it! asks like this don't motivate to work any faster, though. number one way to get me to give my attention to a project is reblogs with tags in them/comments/etc. feedback feeds the creator and all that.
do you have a sona?
i do now babey
why didn't you answer my ask?
i get a lot of asks, so i can't answer them all, sorry! there's a lot of reasons why i might not answer an ask. if it was something sweet or a compliment, i may have just kept it so i can look at it when i'm in a bad mood as a pick-me-up. if it's a question i've answered already, i may delete it. if it's a theory/question about an au that would be a spoiler to answer, i often hang onto it until we get further into the storyline.
are you a twin?
i am a twin! and yes i am the older twin (superior twin.)
what happened to your twin?
i can't decide how i feel about being asked this so often that i feel the need to put this in an faq. my twin brother died in a car accident shortly after our 25th birthday.
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kittyfox · 5 months
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Hello you beautiful person you!
Here's some "draw your oc-!" Meme stuff and close ups of my art. I don't know how many other people do this, but when I draw fanart or stuff like the first meme, I try my hardest to match the original person's art style. Idk why, but I don't know what or how else to draw if I don't (give or take some scenarios). I also just really like the look of it if I'm able to successfully draw in their style, I hope it doesn't look to far off.
(Also wanna mention I didn't draw the heads from scratch in the "-neighbors dynamics!" Drawing, I traced over their and my oc's head so that I could make them flat colors and then drew their faces. since I wanted to change the facial expressions, but I couldn't be asked to redraw them since I did this RIGHT AFTER I finished the two "art gallery" pieces. I'll probably redo it since I drew it before the big update, and my thoughts on how kitty and her relationships with the puppets have changed, so that'll be fun :] just wanted to let ya know in case anyone came at like like "wait a minute! You traced these heads! >:(" I know! I also kinda did the same thing with the Kermit memes, I didn't know how to draw them on their own ;_; anyway! Just wanted to let ya'll know and be transparent about that! I'll put more effort into it next time!)
Any Anyway! Sorry for the long read, hope you like them! Think their cool or funny, and I hope you have an awesomely ok day! 😸💕
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fiercynn · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
since there are both recent newcomers to bbs fandom and people like me who are new to bbs tumblr, i thought i'd create a getting-to-know-you meme for people to introduce themselves if they want! all questions are optional
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hi i'm deepa! i'm indian-american, in my 30s, queer, and agender – please use my name (either deepa or fiercynn is fine) instead of pronouns when referring to me!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i watched the whole show in the course of about 36 hours just about two weeks after the finale had aired, in february 2022! i joined bbs fandom on twitter soon after and have been there ever since, but i’ve only really been interacting on tumblr in the last few months
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa…i'm a traditionalist ig lol
favorite character(s)
it’s so hard to choose but i think it has to be pran! i love his pining and his cockiness and his anxiety and his kindness and his grumpy faces. really channeling pat right now aren’t i
favorite episode(s)
episode 5 for obvious reasons; my second-favorite is a tie between episode 3 and episode 8 i think
favorite scene(s)
rooftop kiss, episode 3 bus stop scene, episode 8 backstage apology scene, and episode 9 picnic bench hand-holding scene
one thing you would change about the show if you could
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
ughhhhhh SO HARD TO CHOOSE and i think i'll do a longer rec list sometime but here are some of the earliest fanworks i engaged with that really set the stage for how i think about bbs
dynamic (fic, patpran) by riddles2 on ao3: one of the first fics i read in the fandom, it’s pat’s pov through episode 5 and it’s absolutely seminal imo
international love song (fanart/animation, patpran) by @architectxengineer: science is one of those incredibly multitalented people who writes, makes fanart, and animates?? among other things??? and this animation is sooooooo gorgeous and makes my heart absolutely melt
same page (vid, patpran) by dkyth73 on youtube: such a good fanvid of the show that p’aof himself tweeted about it!!!!
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
traffic was slow for the crash years (fic, patpran): gotta plug my baby, right? this is my patpran fake dating au which is 80k words and was so fun to create!
we both know you’re my only dream (fic, patpran): on the other end of the length spectrum, this 1k fic is one of my favorite things i've written ever
just being friendly (vid, patpran) co-vidded with @scribescribe: yes i know this is an msp song but we made the vid before msp aired!! i think it’s very cute hehe
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
since “just being friendly” is already obvious from me and scribe making a vid to it lol, i'm going to say “keeping tabs” by niki, which is extremely pran-coded. like. look at the lyrics. doesn't it seem like it was written to be about pran’s feelings at boarding school, where he misses pat desperately and hopes pat’s thinking of him but is also trying to convince himself that pat’s forgotten him and that everything pran wanted from him was just a delusion on his part. PRAN 😭 😭 😭
idk anything else you want us to know?
i have opinions about pran’s sweaters
okay i'm literally going to tag all of my tumblr mutuals that i think are still in the fandom (if i missed anyone sorry!!), but also if you want to do the meme consider yourself tagged! please don’t let this flop lol 🤞🏽
@citystoryscapes @nicolasechs @architectxengineer @mahuhumaling @manogirl @galauvant @miscellar @monamay @dancing-out-in-space @melto @incandescentflower @loveongsa @dimplesandfierceeyes @geonbaeeee @faillen @cinnamonseadragon @inkpaa @yourunwiththewolves @prany @pranpats @teesemomma @iathefurrr @inventedfangirling @sharingfandoms @lamonnaie @maychild @thegayneurodivergentagenda @mistergreaves @dudeyuri @nyttvera @thecriers @threezoz @wontbotherrn @not0nmain
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