karereiko · 5 years
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Sormik week 2018 Day 6 - Thunder
“Alert alarm bells in Rolance kingdom! The new royal mage kidnapped Prince Sorey! And it looks like Prince Sorey liked this abduction and doesn’t want to come back. Oh, we poor guards...”
So, first I wanted to make this whole sormik week with my Pirate Au. But the ideas I had for that day’s themes were for me “too easy/not interesting” or “too similar to what I already done in previous days”, thinking about it took me so long that Asteria gave us this wonderful new design of witch Mikleo, so soon fast Prince Sorey x Wichleo au born. I wanted to make this picture as fast as possible, but my health gets or worse or it’s on steady level when I’m shaking all over (bless manga studio for dealing with my shaking hands) and feel exhausted all the time. Halloween was deadline, well it’s few days after after it and I’m very happy I was able to finish this.
Wichleo and Sorey flying during storm/thunder under magic spell protection cast by Mikleo and Sorey loving the every second of this exciting moment was my main image for this picture.   
One day I will do 7th day XD, hopefully before this year’s end XD. But I think I will keep it Pirate au focused XD.
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applegelstore · 6 years
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Sormik week day 1 – rain!
If you think Sormikweek @ this blog will mostly just be hugs in different weather you are pretty much right
Music suggestion of the day is Sigur Rós – Sæglópur. Idk why I think it’s a good song for tender lovings. And also for comfort hugs in the rain.
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rettozetto · 6 years
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Sormik Week Day 1: Rain
Alright, team---it looks like Mission: Explore Ruins has unexpectedly become Mission: Save the Celestial Record From Getting Soaked!
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mikleohno · 6 years
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Sormik Week Day 7, August 18th 2018: Contentment/Passion
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shennith · 6 years
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Day 2 Loneliness
Hii I! This is my second fanart for the sormik week. I hope that will please everyone.
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long-live-the-ships · 6 years
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~ Sormik Week 2018 ~
☆ Day 1: Joy/Sadness
I made it in time!!! (I actually forgot the day that Sormik Week started, so I made this quickly for day 1 TuT)
I don’t know if this fit day 1 buuttt they are blushing (slightly) that counts? XD
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codeadleaves · 6 years
Winter Moon
Series: Tales of Zestiria Pairing: Sorey/Mikleo Characters: Mikleo, Sorey Additional tags: Alternate Universe, Winter Moon AU, Curse, Sormik Week 2018, Loneliness/Snowfall Summary: Mikleo is a cursed seraph, endlessly wandering through his snow covered domain. One day a traveler cross his path, looking for a way out... (inspired by the song “Winter Moon” by Erutan)
Read on AO3 or under the cut.
Notes: Here’s my entry for @sormikweek day 2. I unfortunately couldn’t finish the whole thing in time so consider it a short prologue.
A big thanks to @amarietie for betareading !
Snow wasn’t falling.
Mikleo stopped, idly looking around. Everything was quiet. No wind howling between the trees. Not even the familiar cracking of branches under the crushing weight of ice. He raised his head toward the sky, absently searching for the missing snowflakes. The grey clouds looked the same as always. Had the weather changed recently? He hadn’t noticed, couldn’t bring himself to care. He looked back on the path behind, footprints fresh and uncovered.
Snow had stopped falling.
Such a rare occurrence during the day. Would the sun show itself to greet him today? Certainly not, Mikleo thought, not bothering to look up. It hadn’t pierced through its thick cloak in so long, sunlight might as well be a myth. Staring at the endless sea of white in front of him, Mikleo resumed his walking, the sound of crackling snow under his feet filling the empty space. One step. Another. And another, not paying attention to his surroundings, slowly progressing between bare trees, never turning back. Where was he going, he had no idea. He just kept on walking, never reaching the end of the forest.
Snow wasn’t falling.
He could still feel some of it heavily weighing on his shoulders but didn't bother shaking it off. What would be the point, it would be back sooner or later, unmelting and covering anything underneath. Maybe he should let it bury him already. He kept on walking, mind numb, body moving on his own, undisturbed when his knees sank in the snow, undisturbed when stray branches caught in his clothes. He stumbled a bit but didn’t stop. Ah, how much time had passed since the last time he had rested?
Snow wasn’t falling.
Maybe for once the trail in his wake wouldn’t disappear. Would he stopped going around in circles then? A lifeless smile tugged at his lips. Such foolish thoughts. Trail or not there was no end to his aimless wandering. He would prefer all traces to be erased, swallowed by wind and snow before someone could find them. It had been a while since he had last tripped over a frozen corpse, he would rather keep it like that. Unfortunately clear weather was bounded to attract humans, to encourage them to cross his domain once again and see if he was still out there. He hadn’t met one in so long, he’d like to believe they had moved on, left the region, forgotten about him.
He knew better though. Humans didn’t care about danger and would erect their villages on the most improbable places if they had too. Even if they were to leave others would come back. But most of all, humans loved stories. They loved old myths and legends and would make new ones out of anything, twisting it until they would forget what at started it. And what a story this forest had to offer. The tale of the cursed seraph and his eternal winter, the fallen deity freezing everything in his reach. No matter how many years and decades passed they would keep talking, keep expanding the story, changing it, turning his existence into a legend. A frightening tale for the children, a last hope for the desperate, a tainted being to defeat for prosperity. He had heard them all.
Snow wasn’t falling. Mikleo kept walking.
Foolish humans. They should leave him alone. Stay in their warm home by their loved ones side and go on with their lives. There was nothing to gain coming here. Their only reward would be death. An useless, lonely death, forever trapped in the neverending winter, their bodies hidden under the snow, never to be found, never escaping the forest. All these deaths and yet they would keep coming, never learning.
Snow wasn’t falling and Mikleo stared into the nothingness ahead.
There would always be idiots to chase after legends.
Mikleo’s heart jumped, breath catching in his throat.
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lady-t-musings · 6 years
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Supposed to be insecure or confidence day for Sormik wee 2018. I’m just letting the ✏️ do it’s thing at this point XD.
My translation
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eachainn · 6 years
Seals and Sunshine (Sormik Week Day 7: Contentment)
Author’s Note: Takes place in my Selkie AU.
Sorey looked up at a soft grunt, smiling as he watched Mikleo resettled himself. The seal was lounging in the beam of sunlight coming through the front door, a book laid out in front of him. Mikleo had been reading it on the chair earlier, but Sorey had seen him move to be in the sunlight. He had missed when Mikleo had rolled into his sealskin somewhere in the long bunch of forms that he had gotten lost in.
There was a treacherous simplicity to the seal logs, Sorey imputing the data on file and adding it to their system. Between that, the soft sound of the music over the radio and of lunch cooking he had fallen into the rhythm. It looked like Mikleo had been lulled as well, the sun working on the seal until he was asleep.
Sorey smiled to himself, watching the seal for a moment before getting up to walk around the table. He had gone through a lot of the seal logs, more than enough to have earned a break. Besides, lunch would be ready in a bit and he would need to finish it off. He groaned as something in his back popped, Sorey stretching his arms above his head.
He lowered his arms, looking down at himself with a chuckle. He hadn’t changed out of his swim suit from Mikleo’s early morning swim. He had intended to, but then he’d come back with a text from Sergei and ceded the shower to Mikleo first. He remembered Mikleo saying something about giving his skin a scrub and hanging it to dry for a bit in the sun and seeing the skin turned fur side down on the coat rack and in the sunlight.
Sorey had had every intention of getting a shower himself, but Sergei had been talking about seal logs and how the Environmental Authority of Hyland had started demanding their data, which meant that they would have an inspection sometime this year. Sorey could only hope that it wasn’t during the tourist season, or else they would be run off of their feet.
He ran a hand down his face, looking around before shrugging. It was a nice enough day and lunch was close enough to being done that he wasn’t going to bother. Knowing Mikleo he was going to want to swim before dinner, so there was no point in changing, at least not yet.
Sorey walked to the oven to check on where the mantı were boiling away happily. According to the timer and what he could smell, they were nearly done. Sorey leaned in and took a deep breath, smiling to himself. 
They smelled almost like what his mother had made, but he had been playing around with ingredients. In Lohgrin it was far easier to get lamb meat than it was in Camlann. The thing in abundance was fish, especially with Mikleo and his in-laws. He had premade the mantı the night before when he was calling his mother, the two of them wanting to experiment with the family recipes. Mikleo had proven especially deft at folding them, although he tended to be overzealous with the filling. Sorey could see a few that had burst, but it was no matter, they would be preserved in the white sauce and eaten anyway.
He gave the mantı a gently stir before turning to get the bowls down. He ran his finger over the delicate paintwork, still in awe of it. 
They were locally produced and everywhere in Camlann. Myrna and her family had a little cottage industry going for them, churning out as many dishes as possible and the orders still came in. It was a point of pride for them, that their plates were so well known through Hyland and very possibly beyond. Part of the call the night before had been his mother fawning over the plates and dishes that he had sent her for her birthday. Mayvin had been equally amazed and offended, mostly that they were expected to eaten off of.
Sorey shook his head, tracing out the stylized seals with their noses pressed together. His set had come with his wedding, and was decorated accordingly, with all the right designs and auspicious signs for the start of a good marriage. There was a rather questionable mug that made Mikleo blush, but Sorey always laughed at it, because it was perfect.
He laid the plates out before going to the fridge to fish out the yoghurt. He frowned when he saw the contents of their fridge narrowed to a few tupperwares and a marinating fish. The latter was meant for dinner, and they might be able to add a few more tupperwares, but that would mean nothing for the next week, which meant shopping or fishing. Mikleo was always happy to do the latter, but Sorey couldn’t live on fish alone and Mikleo always got pouty if he couldn’t do his elaborate weekend desserts. They would have to start making a list soon.
Sorey placed the yoghurt on the counter, moving quickly to take the pot off of the heat and turn off the stove. He stirred the mantı one more time, giving them a serious look over before nodding. That was lunch done, and work completed, which wasn’t too bad for a Saturday. That still left them plenty of time, although for what Sorey didn’t know. They had a rare open weekend and he was determined to enjoy it.
He padded over to where Mikelo was still asleep in the sunbeam, smiling down at the seal. He crouched down next to Mikleo, reaching out to rest a hand on him.
Mikleo didn’t move, Sorey giving him a little shake as he spoke. “Mikleo, lunch is ready.”
He got a wide yawn in response, Sorey watching as Mikleo’s flippers came away from his sides and stretched out. Sorey claimed the nearest one, playing a little with the end of it while he waited for Mikleo to wake up.
Mikleo took a while, Sorey watching as the seal wiggled and grunted, finally waking up with a series of smacking noises. Sorey turned his attention to the flipper that he held, watching as Mikleo tapped his hand a few times before settling his flipper more firmly in Sorey’s hand.
Sorey stroked the soft, sun-warmed fur there. “Morning sleepyhead. Have a good nap?”
Mikleo bobbed his head and inched closer, playing his head in Sorey’s lap. Sorey reached out to scratch Mikleo’s back, listening to Mikleo sigh happily. “I’m going to take that as a yes. Well, since you’re up, you can get a blanket and set up things on the floor. I’ll get lunch, if you’re hungry that is?”
Mikleo perked up at that, the seal staring at him with dewy purple eyes. Then he propped himself up, Mikleo taking back his flipper from Sorey. He rolled partially to one side before slapping at his side with his fin.
Sorey laughed at the insistent sound, leaning down to press his nose against Mikleo’s. Mikleo rubbed their noses together with a happy sound, his flippers tapping against the floor.
Sorey stayed there for a moment before getting up and going back into the kitchen. Behind him, he could hear the sound of Mikleo moving from the hardwood to the carpet of the sitting room. There was a grunt, a thud and then a snort, Sorey looking back to see Mikleo glaring at the blanket draped over the back of the couch.
The seal tapped his tail against the floor before rocking back onto it, steadying himself against the sofa. Mikleo stretched himself out snapping at the end of the blanket before he managed to get it. Sorey pressed his lips together to keep from laughing, turning back to the mantı. He spooned yoghurt into the bowls before adding spoonfuls of mantı into each of them. He lingered long enough to grab a spoon for himself and a handful of napkins before he made his way over to where Mikleo was setting up their picnic area.
Mikleo was carefully unfolding the blanket, guiding each corner back before returning to get the next one. Sorey let him finish, knowing better than to try and help. It might take a little bit longer, but Mikleo saw nothing wrong with that. He was perfectly content to take the time as a seal. When he was done, Mikleo retreated to one end of the blanket, rocking to one side to slap at his stomach again.
Sorey shuffled forward, shaking his head when Mikleo increased the speed of his slapping. “Okay, okay, I hear you. You can’t be that excited.”
Mikleo fixed him with a look, but dropped back down as Sorey set the bowl in front of him. Mikleo stretched his head out over it, taking a deep breath before shivering. Sorey took that as approval.
He took his own spoonful, taking a bit of the mantı and letting it sit on his tongue. He made a face, testing out the flavor before shrugging and swallowing. “We might have to play a bit more with the sauce and maybe the spices. But I would give it a pass.”
Mikleo dipped his head, delicately taking a few bites. He tipped his head back, Sorey watching as Mikleo’s tongue darted out to lick at the sauce that stuck to his whiskers. Mikleo’s reply came as a long, pleased rumble, the seal dipping his head again.
Sorey bent to his own bowl, savoring the warm mantı and the sunlight that they were sitting in. In the distance, he could hear the ever present thunder of the surf and the seabirds. He was sure that most of the selkies on Elysia would be taking advantage of the day to sun and swim, which made it all the better.
He looked back at Mikleo as the seal dabbed his muzzle against the napkins, Mikleo pausing to give him an adoring look before going back to eating. Sorey shifted so he could rest his hand on one of Mikleo’s flippers, enjoying the simple pleasures of warm food in his stomach, warm fur under his hand, and a loving husband.
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karereiko · 6 years
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Sormik Week 2018
☆ Day 1: Joy/Sadness
So for long time I didn’t know what to do for this year Sormik Week and I really wanted to take a part Sormik Week event this year, since I didn’t last time. 
The timing isn’t best. To tell thuth today I have first day off from work so I only managed to finish this picture.
I finished Day 3 picture earlier this month still, my Sormik Week will be Sormik month because I didn’t start Day 2 picture yet. I have problems what to do for 4-6 Days. Anyway I will try to start drawing Day 2 tomorrow. Today I need to rest at least a little, sorry.
So main theme I decided to do for this Sormik Week is my Pirate AU (why I have such fondness for this idea, I don’t know. Probably ToLink and Berseria DLC is a reason.) I already done some designs for Zestiria Pirate chibis I posted here long time ago and I always wanted to use them again. 
So theme for this day: Joy = Happy tickle fight over the treasure map.  
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applegelstore · 6 years
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Sormik week day 7 – sunshine! That went over fast. Wow. I’m sad. I’ll have to come up with a new excuse to create the content I wanna see.
Sunshine is boring, unless it involves cuddles in the ocean where they gently bump their noses and Meebo’s shiney fishtail glistens in the sun. Sorey agrees.
Please accept a humble offering of silly rough bonus chibis too because I love this AU. Expect Mikleo to freak out and complain and try to escape three seconds later because everything else would be out of character tho
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spectrum-sanctuary · 6 years
I’m late to @sormikweek 2018. I still hope you’ll enjoy reading this fic!
Title: Fairy Tales in the Aquarium
Rating: T
Pairing: Sorey/Mikleo
“I see you’ve also been ensnared by our Siren, huh, Sorey?”
“H-huh?” Sorey turned his head towards his friend, green eyes glazed over. “… Did you say something, Rose?”
The red-haired girl laughed out loud in response. “Wow, it’s THAT bad already?” She slapped his back. “Not that I blame you. That’s HIS nickname among the staff for a reason.”
Chapter: 1/3 (Cinderella works at an Aquarium)
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3stirali · 6 years
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☆★☆ @sormikweek 2018 ☆★☆ day01 alternate: rain (HS AU) rating: gen wc: 685
He stops short under the awning, blinking out of his anxious reverie at the sight of the gray-cast courtyard. The first drops of rain fall against the courtyard, and their spots steadily dye the concrete darker as the tympani of white noise crescendos. Before he can properly register all of his options, complete with the lack of umbrella in his satchel, the drizzle morphs into a proper storm. He bites at his bottom lip. His arms are full with harried notes from the student council meeting, with his biology textbook. The satchel on his shoulder grows heavier with the humidity.
He wants to drop the notes and textbook and run, but the notion doesn’t manifest into proper words before he’s instinctively, harshly throwing it away.
The notes are barely legible anyway.
There’s a certain degree of composure that’s expected of him.
He’d never get the mud stains out of his uniform.
The excuses compile without end, each as trivial as the last.
He tries to map a path to the edge of the street, where he knows he has a greater chance of finding shelter from the rain. Too much of the path is across open lawn, no matter what direction he takes, and the storm is only getting worse. Thunder rolls in off the slate of dark clouds in the distance. The wind catches him in a shiver bereft of cold. Maybe if he tries another exit--
“Mikleo, wait up!”
He closes his eyes in a soft sigh of laughter at the sound of footfalls racing toward him. He turns, the pull as natural and automatic as breathing, back to the hallway. A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth just at the voice he’s known for years and years, at the same voice that haunts his thoughts and dreams, that fills his lungs with warm fireflies that flutter about both in wonder and in familiarity.
“Don’t run, Sorey! I’m still here,” he says with a shake of his head. The sardonic tone in his voice rings counter to his relief, but it’s the tone that he usually takes, that he prefers to hide behind.
Sorey’s a panting mess when he doubles over at Mikleo’s side, his hair a tousled mess adorned with  rainwater and sweat as it sways into his every breath. His cheeks are flushed in the stormy air, and Mikleo really shouldn’t find this angle, this lighting, this atmosphere, this moment, this boy, so breathtaking.
“Practice got cancelled?” Mikleo asks when Sorey regains his composure and stands properly. If his voice sounds a little too soft, he’s sure that Sorey doesn’t notice.
“Yeah!” Sorey smiles, “Can’t exactly run the trails in a thunderstorm. Coach said the creek might flood, so she let us off early.”
Sorey shifts his backpack and gym duffle around suddenly, smile still alight in his green eyes, “I’m glad I caught up to you before you left! You forgot your umbrella again, didn’t you?”
Mikleo’s shoulders fall in an exaggerated sigh as Sorey pulls an umbrella out, “Was I that obvious?”
Sorey’s gaze catches on Mikleo’s, and he hesitates in the motions of shaking the umbrella free. The second is still between them, nothing moving except the rain in their shared periphery. Mikleo watches Sorey’s chest rise and fall with a long breath, caught on the hook of… whatever it is, this electricity that’s pulling at them from their shared, unwavering attention.
The moment ends as suddenly as it started, and Mikleo doesn’t exactly know what to think of the pink in the tips of Sorey’s ears.
“You were rushing around this morning to get in early. An umbrella would have been easy to miss, as stressed out as you were,” he admits, suddenly sheepish.
Mikleo hums, relenting the point, but he feels the hints of his own blush forming across his pale skin nonetheless.
“So, um, do you wanna share?” Sorey continues, already holding the umbrella above them both.
Mikleo falls into step at Sorey’s side, hugs his things to his pounding heartbeat. They’re already a few steps into the storm before he finally whispers “sure”.
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A Moment
Title: A Moment Author: randomwriter57 Rating: G Word Count: 3,055 Event + Prompt: @sormikweek day one - Joy/Sadness (Rain) Notes: i can't believe it's already sormikweek again! it's been a whole year since i posted my first toz fic. honestly, i can't believe it. anyway, this one came from watching too much Say Yes to the Dress with my mum. enjoy!
Summary: Sorey has been waiting for the right moment. The weather doesn't feel like co-operating with him.
Also on: AO3
Sorey has been thinking about this for a long time.
Maybe it’s only because he’s prone to over-thinking, but he feels as though every detail needs to be perfect. With his friends giving him “advice” on how best to go through with this, too, he keeps coming up with new ways in which this might be entirely messed up. If he could ask Mikleo, this would surely go exactly to plan.
Except that’s the point: he can’t ask Mikleo.
Mikleo is the one he’s proposing to, after all.
Sorey is trying to keep it on the down-low. No big parties, no fireworks, no extravagant professions of love in the form of Asgardian sonnets. It’ll only be him and Mikleo, alone together, and a moment. Hopefully the right moment.
Sorey doesn’t know what he’ll do if it isn’t the right moment.
He and Mikleo have waited long enough, in his opinion, to make things official. In the words of Rose, they’ve practically been married since birth, but it would be nice to be able to tell people they are married. Having a “lover”, he’s found, has connotations of the relationship being a temporary one. With marriage, there’s an assumption that the couple will stay together, through thick and thin, for the rest of their lives.
(Of course, that’s not always how it works. It would be much simpler if his view of marriage was one shared by the world, but the world is complicated. In any case, it’s the sentiment that matters most. Mikleo will appreciate that.)
Besides he’s done his research. In his youth, he read every book in Elysia and coerced every piece of information from the Encyclopaedia of Gramps. Now a young adult, all he wants is to spend the rest of his life at Mikleo’s side, no matter what.
A wedding, rings, vows - once he asks the question, it will be real. Part of him can’t wait, despite himself.
He prepares in advance. He takes Lailah and Rose to help him pick out a ring, the former because she’s known them the longest, and the latter because she has a good eye for quality. After a long day of trawling through every jewellery shop in Ladylake, Sorey is ready to suggest they leave it for the day when he sees it: a beautiful gold band inlaid with sapphires, the gold swirling around the gem to highlight it. The ring is subtle, elegant and refined, perfect for a man who fits the same description.
It rests in a white box at the bottom of his bedside drawer, underneath all the stuff Mikleo has no need to go through, burning a hole in his consciousness.
He’s already decided where he’ll do it, too: near the Mt Mabinogio Ruins in Elysia, where the sky expands endlessly and they both treasure memories of their lives up until now. The excuse will be that they’re visiting Gramps. Since they live in Ladylake now, they don’t see him as often as they once did. Gramps is in on it, and he’s promised not to interfere.
They’ll go out to the cliffside, watching the sun slowly set, and Sorey will turn to Mikleo.
Then he’ll do it.
At that point, all he can hope is that Mikleo wants the same thing he does: a life spent at each other’s sides, with matching titles to prove their love. Of course, he can’t help the shred of doubt in his head, making him wonder if Mikleo would want such commitment in his life.
Well, he’s going to find out eventually. He’s not going to leave it any longer.
Taking a deep breath, Sorey goes to ask Mikleo if he wants to visit Gramps.
Elysia doesn’t change much over the course of a year. Most of the time it’s beautifully sunny, with a calm breeze and a cooler climate than the cities beneath the mountains. They don’t get much snow in winter, and the heat isn’t excessive in summer. It’s a place of moderation and peace. Sorey couldn’t be happier to be back.
Except, when they arrive in Elysia, dark grey clouds fill the summer skies. Mikleo groans, his hands clenching the steering wheel of their shared car.
(Gramps got it for them, before they left for university. Sorey’s surprised it’s even lasted this long. Then again, he can only thank Zaveid for his help repairing it every time it breaks.)
“A summer storm?” Mikleo says. “In Elysia?”
“It’s unexpected, that’s for sure,” Sorey says, his hopes fading.
Mikleo pulls up outside Gramps’ house, and they head inside with their luggage, greeting Gramps at the door.
“I’ll take the luggage through to our room,” Mikleo says, taking their shared suitcase from Sorey and dragging it out of sight.
Gramps turns to Sorey. “When do you plan on asking him?”
Sorey bites his lip. With the weather like this, both he and Gramps know it won’t be any time soon. “When the rain lets up,” he says, though he’s not sure when the rain will even begin to fall.
Mikleo returns before Gramps has the chance to reply.
They enjoy a delicious meal together, catching up on the time that has passed since they last saw each other properly. Despite Sorey’s original plans being delayed, he can’t deny that it’s nice even just seeing and talking to Gramps again. That’s half the reason he’d wanted to do this in Elysia. This town is filled with memories and people they treasure. Getting to see them again is like killing two birds with one stone.
But even later, once they all head to bed, he can’t erase his worries from his mind. He sits on the edge of the bed nearest to the window, gazing out into the dark grey sky as Mikleo changes into his nightclothes behind him. Outside, the trees shake with the wind, bent over with the force of trying to stand against it. They seem a lot more tenacious than he feels, right now.
He turns to see Mikleo at the other side of the bed. Mikleo’s gaze does not waver, made harder than usual by concern.
Pulling his lips into a strained smile, Sorey says, “What’s up?”
Mikleo, of course, cannot be fooled by Sorey trying to act natural. “That’s what I should be asking you. There’s been something on your mind since we got here.”
There’s no getting out of this one. Sorey swallows a lump in his throat, then shakes his head. “It’s nothing. I’m just worried about the storm, is all.”
For a moment, Mikleo stands his ground, but he soon softens. His voice gains a teasing tone. “What, are you scared?”
“Huh? No way!” Sorey laughs. “Although, if you want to hold my hand to keep me safe, I wouldn’t say no.”
The Mikleo of a few years ago, back when they were awkward teens with less experience in the romance department, would have blushed and stuttered in a way that Sorey always found hilariously adorable. Nowadays, the gorgeous laugh he gives is far more satisfying.
Instead of holding his hand, Mikleo moves to sit on the bed, cupping his cheek to pull him in for a long, slow kiss. Now when his heart beats faster, it definitely isn’t a bad feeling.
“Seriously though,” Mikleo says when they part. “If there’s something up, you can tell me.”
“I know.” Sorey presses his forehead against Mikleo’s. Somewhere along the line, his hand has become caught in Mikleo’s hair, and he strokes through it, happy to find it loose from its usual high ponytail. “I’m just worried in case something happens, like if someone’s roof caves in, or if there’s a rock slide. It’s nothing.”
Mikleo lets out an exasperated puff of breath. “That won’t happen. Even if it turns out to be a big storm, everyone will be okay.”
As Mikleo pulls him in for another kiss, all Sorey can hope is that he is right.
Unfortunately, as it turns out, that quote about ‘the best laid plans’ turns out to be entirely right. Over the next couple of days, the ring burns a hole in his pocket as the rain continues to fall, grey clouds continuing their descent over the village. In addition, they’re both swept away by so many commitments that Sorey hardly sees Mikleo during those days. The only times they see each other are the evenings, when they sit down for dinner together with Gramps and fall asleep, exhausted, in each other’s arms.
With their visit only being planned as a week-long event, when five days pass with no action on Sorey’s part, he can’t help feeling like he’s running out of time. If he doesn’t find the time to ask Mikleo soon, he’s not sure he’ll ever work up the courage. The one thing he doesn’t want is for him to let this opportunity slip out of his grasp.
Perhaps that’s why he can’t sleep on the fifth evening. After tossing and turning for a while, he heads out into the night, alone. A cold wind bites at his skin, but it’s refreshing after the heat of his stressful thoughts. Besides, there’s no point in going back to get a jacket; the skies, though they still hold dark clouds, don’t look ready to rain down upon him just yet. If he can have a few minutes just to think this through and to make a new plan, maybe tomorrow he’ll have the courage to take Mikleo to one side and finally make his move.
The cliffside near the ruins is silent when he gets there. Not a soul is in sight, which allows him to relax for a while. Though he can’t see the vast expanse of stars, it feels nostalgic to come back here, knowing how many times he stood here with Mikleo throughout their childhood and adolescence.
A smile forms without thought on his lips at the memory of those times. He remembers lying with Mikleo on this cliff, cloud-gazing and dreaming of the huge world which lay outside their home village. Once, when they were twelve, they spent a night here with their favourite book, debating about the ruins nearby until their eyes couldn’t stay open any longer.
When they were fifteen, they’d shared their first kiss here, at the break of dawn. Mikleo had woken up earlier than usual, and Sorey also woke up, hearing him leave. He followed him here and joined him, and their tiredness made their emotions flow easily, breaking through the barriers of worry they’d unknowingly built.
Sorey lets out a long breath, closing his eyes as the wind envelops him, comforting him. It reminds him that everything will be alright, in the end. All he has to do is find that courage that brought him together with Mikleo in the first place and use it to take their relationship forward.
“You’re up late.”
The sudden sound of Mikleo’s voice surprises him. He turns around sharply, noticing his boyfriend standing a few feet away, his long hair tied back in a loose ponytail. Though he’s wearing his pyjamas, the jacket he wears over the top of them is far more sensible than the one Sorey left back at the house before heading out. Judging by the goose bumps forming on his arms, maybe he should have brought it after all.
“Mikleo,” he says. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“When you sleep next to someone for as long as we have, you tend to notice when the other person disappears,” Mikleo says with a shrug. “What’s wrong?”
Mikleo has always been far too perceptive of Sorey’s emotions. Though it’s part of what has made their relationship work for so long, he can’t help but feel a little silly that this situation has occurred.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he says. It’s not technically a lie, so it rolls off his tongue easily. “I thought the fresh air might help.”
“If all you needed was fresh air, you didn’t need to come all the way out here,” Mikleo points out.
“But you knew I’d be here,” Sorey says.
For a moment, Mikleo pauses. Letting his eyes fall, he says, “I just had a feeling, that’s all.”
With a rush of affection for his partner, Sorey heads over to stand by Mikleo, letting his hands fall on his waist. He touches their foreheads together, and their noses brush, cool against each other’s skin. “Don’t worry, I’ll be able to sleep better now.”
Mikleo smirks. “You might, yeah. But if you start grinding your teeth, you’ll be giving me a hard time.”
“Hey! There are plenty of better ways to give you a hard time.”
“Like what?”
A moment after asking the question, Mikleo seems to realise that it was the wrong one to ask, but it’s too late. Sorey grins impishly, and before Mikleo can push him away, he digs his fingers into Mikleo’s ribs, tickling the sensitive skin beneath his clothes. Mikleo squirms, trying to fight back, his own hands darting out to prod at Sorey’s abdomen. Even in tickle fights, they’re evenly matched, and Mikleo manages to get a few good attacks in there. Before Sorey realises it, he’s lost the upper hand, and he surrenders his laughter to Mikleo’s touch.
Suddenly, Mikleo stops, hovering by Sorey’s hips. “What’s this?” he asks breathlessly.
His hand hovers over Sorey’s pocket, where a box presses against the fabric, poking out in a completely unsubtle fashion.
“Er,” Sorey says succinctly. “It’s nothing.”
Mikleo looks up at him with a raised eyebrow. “If it’s nothing, you won’t mind telling me what it is. Right?”
Sorey averts his gaze, his teeth grazing his lip. “Okay, it’s something, but I don’t know if now is the time…”
“Sorey,” Mikleo says, grabbing his attention with a harsh tone. “If it’s important, just tell me. We don’t hide things from each other, do we?”
Those words scratch an old wound in Sorey’s heart, and he remembers the last time Mikleo said them to him. Back then, he’d promised himself he wouldn’t make Mikleo say them again.
“Okay,” he says. “I’ll tell you.”
He stands back, putting about a foot of distance between them.
“I meant to tell you this sooner, but the weather had other plans,” he says, fumbling in his pocket for the box. “Don’t freak out.”
Mikleo doesn’t answer, though the way his mouth stays open, ready to say something but never voicing his thoughts, tells him all he needs to know about Mikleo’s expectations for this.
But this is it. Now is the time.
They’re near the ruins but the sky is cloudy. The stars are hidden but they are alone. This moment exists for them.
It’s not perfect, but in a way, it is.
Grasping the box, Sorey lowers himself onto one knee.
“Being with you is pretty neat,” he says, pulling the box out of his pocket. “I want to stay with you for good. And this is probably the best way of doing that.”
It takes a moment of fumbling, but he gets the box open. When he holds it out, green eyes meet violet.
“Will you marry me?”
The moment those words come out of his mouth, a shower of rain comes from nowhere. Immediately they are both soaked, and Sorey hurries to close the ring box before it gets damaged-
Except a pair of cool, pale hands stop him, holding it open.
He looks up to find Mikleo right in front of him, eyes soft with emotion. There’s water in his eyes, and Sorey knows it’s not from the rain.
“Yes,” Mikleo says with a laugh. “Of course I’ll marry you, you dummy.”
Sorey feels weightless.
“Really?” he says in breathless disbelief.
Mikleo rolls his eyes and grabs his face, pressing a rain-soaked kiss to his lips. The brief taste is addicting, and Sorey tries to chase after him, craving his warmth. Mikleo pulls away before he can return the kiss. “I could hardly give you any other answer. Being with you is pretty neat, after all.”
The re-iteration of Sorey’s sloppy proposal makes him laugh, and Mikleo’s laughter joins his, their joy floating into the sky.
Their lips come together once more, the contact heating them up as the cool rain continues to crash around them, a symphony of nature coming to crown this joyous moment. In a way it feels fitting that it’s happened like this - Mikleo’s always been partial to rain, after all.
“I love you,” Sorey says when their lips part.
Mikleo’s grin, paired with the shining wonder in his eyes, is a beautiful sight to behold. “I love you too.”
It takes a few minutes for Sorey to remember the ring, and though the rain makes it troublesome to handle, he slides it onto Mikleo’s right ring finger, a perfect fit. At this moment, it feels all the more real. His heart swells with emotion, and he feels heat prickling at the corners of his eyes.
Similarly, Mikleo looks at the ring with a swirl of happiness and disbelief in his eyes, a tear falling down his cheek. When Sorey kisses the ring on Mikleo’s finger, he covers his mouth with his free hand whilst the other shakes in Sorey’s grasp.
“I’m so glad you asked,” he says when he gets his breath back, making Sorey meet his gaze once more. “I’ve thought about it a few times, but I could never work up the courage.”
Sorey’s heart melts. “You thought about proposing to me? You know I’d have said yes, right?”
Mikleo puts a hand into his hair, ruffling it affectionately. “I do now, obviously. But you must know how it feels.”
“Yeah, I put it off for a while. But it’s worth it.” Sorey stands back up, pulling Mikleo close. His left hand still holds Mikleo’s right one, his thumb grazing over the gold band. “Now I get to see you happy, with this ring on your finger, and to know we’ll be together from now on, too.”
With a happy hum, Mikleo surges forward to capture his lips again. With the two standing, drenched to the bone but more buoyant than a ship on open waters, Sorey can only smile.
There couldn’t have been a better, more fitting moment than this.
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treya-barton · 6 years
It is day 1 of @sormikweek :D  The prompt choices were  ☆ Joy/Sadness ★ Alternate: Rain
I’m choosing to focus on all of the weather prompts so I went with rain.  It starts off kind of melancholy but has a fluffy ending.  I hope you enjoy ^^
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alikitcatart · 6 years
My Celebrity AU for Sormik Week 2018!!
Check out my twitter for my sormik week stuff! Gonna be updating it all week!
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