#someone else said “what if Kaiser saw himself in Ness when they first met” but it makes sense that
marcsnuffy · 22 days
I don't think that differently about Kaiser now
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exchangestudentnova · 11 months
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Features: Yandere! Pro player Alexis Ness and Kaiser's crush! afab! Reader
Content: SFW, suggestive, manipulation (on Ness's part)
Term of endearment used for reader: cutie, darling, pretty thing
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Ness knew that Kaiser liked you even before Kaiser himself could recognise his feelings for you.
If you ask anyone else, they'll say they aren't sure, after all Michael Kaiser does not wear his heart on his sleeve.
But it's different for Ness
Being Kaiser's support as a midfielder and his loyal friend made Ness very good at judging Kaiser's emotion. And the one Kaiser felt for you was love.
Even his action spoke of such. Purposefully making eye contact with you from across the room, letting you sit next to him, long conversation that never seem to end. Even the small touches here and there did not escape his eyes.
Well, it's not like there was any bad blood between Kaiser and Ness. It's just that Ness can't bring himself to forget the pain and sorrow brought by Kaiser's words as he casually abandons him to go join another team. How he seems to forgot how hard Ness worked to let him be the star of the show. Now playing for different teams, they only have light conversations during events that invite all the German football clubs.
In events where you, a famous event organiser, were there.
"Hm? How is it that you're sitting all by yourself?" Ness did not hesitate to strike up a conversation when he saw the chance. "Oh, if its not Alexis Ness, care to join me for dessert?" "The only dessert I see is standing in front of me" he remarks with a wink, making you laugh sweetly. Oh he definitely understands Kaiser now. "Well but I'm not the type to refuse an offer from a cutie like you" "Oh another great football player calling me cute today, is it my lucky day or what?" 'Another' huh?
He guides you towards the couch where he orders a luxurious dessert for the two of you, on his tab of course. Conversation is made, him asking about you and you asking about him. It must have been quite a while before Kaiser's topic came up.
"So, for how long have you been friends with Kaiser?"
"Kaiser and I go way back. We used to be on the same team"
"Ah he did mention that! He's so debonair and sexy!"
"Oh really? Did something special happen?" You nod. "I said we'll go out on a date if he manages to score a hat trick in his next game. And guess what? He said he'll do it! Ahh he's so cool"
"Well that's Kaiser for you. If he said so he'll most likely do it. *sigh* but it is sad to see such a pretty thing like you being nothing but a name to cross off of his list"
You had 'shocked' written all over your face. "W-what do you mean?" Here it is. " Oh you didn't know? How he's just pursuing you just to get you in bed? Just a little bit of fun before he loses interest in you" "B-but how is that possible? I thought-" "Oh darling I wouldn't have told you about it if I didn't see many girls running out of his bedroom with tears in their eyes"
You looked genuinely sad, an expression which made him almost regret what he has done. "Hey, it's okay, you didn't know. Don't look sad. Here, put your head on my shoulder" Ness comforted you through the pain he had to create himself.
It was the next event where Ness met Kaiser, the one 3 days after Kaiser's match. "Hey Kaiser, long time no see! Congrats on your hat trick! It must have been difficult to pull off" Ness congratulated him with a handshake. "Of course, it's bound to happen when you're the best striker in the world" he has an arrogant smile plastered on his face, but his eyes are searching for someone. Ness knows who.
"Alexis~" "Darling! You're here!" You flug your arms around Ness, his first name rolling off your tongue showing your intimate relationship. Kaiser eyes widen as you proceed to place a kiss on his cheeks. You don't even make eye contact with Kaiser as Ness speaks for the two of you.
"Sorry I did introduce her. This is my girlfriend"
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bgyuus · 1 year
Hi! Can you write about Kaiser having an unrequited love for the reader but the reader is Sae's girlfriend.
— all too well
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"running scared, i was there, i remember it all too well."
; in which kaiser finds out that he was already too late.
!!!: mentions of liquor, everyone is in their twenties except for the flashbacks, angst.
not me crying while writing this + i recommend listening to all too well (taylor swift), pluto projector (rex orange county), sparks (coldplay) and tired (beabadoobee) ++ reblogs and feedbacks are sm appreciated <3
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the after-party was loud. too loud to be exact. bastard münchen was celebrating their victory, again. the german prodigy, michael kaiser was sitting at the bar with alexis ness, a small glass of liquor in hand.
"hey kaiser, isn't that y/n? she's the girl you've mentioned before, right?"
ness pointed out. the ace immediately whipped his head around the place, trying to find a glimpse of you. finally his eyes landed onto you. when was the last time he saw you? were you doing fine? did you finally get your dream job? many question started swirling in his head. "go talk to her!" ness laughed as he nudged kaiser.
it wasn't that hard right? you guys were once close after all, surely a little catch up session won't hurt. kaiser stood up from his seat, took a deep breath and walk towards your table. you seem to be waiting for someone, but he pushed the thought to the back of his mind. "hey, y/n," he waved, a small smile plastered across his face.
you raised up your gaze upon the familiar voice you used to oh miss so much. "michael?! is that you? oh my god, it's been forever!" you said as you engulfed him in a hug. kaiser hugged you back. oh god, the way he had to hold himself back from taking in the scent of your hair. looks like you still use the shampoo from back in the old days.
"it's been awhile, hasn't it? how are you?" he asked, letting you go from your embrace. "never been better! in fact, if you're wondering, i did got my dream job hehe," you smiled. the man swore to god that he's trying his best to not breakdown right in front of her. not now. oh how he missed that god damn smile of hers. how that smile used to make him go weak in knees and how that smile used to make his heart skip a beat-
"oh, mi amor, who's this?"
an unknown voice rang through his ears. "sae! what took you so long? michael, i'm sure you know him. this is the famous itoshi sae, my boyfriend. sae, this is the one and only german prodigy, michael kaiser who was also a childhood friend of mine," you introduced. boyfriend? the itoshi sae? kaiser's eyes trailed down to the man's extended hand, wanting a hand shake in which kaiser bitterly accepted it.
"how long have you been together?" asked kaiser. the smile on his face made sae questioned his question. "oh a few years already actually-" "2 years, my love, we've been together for 2 years and we're planning to get married too," sae replied, pulling you close by the waist. kaiser definitely didn't like sae's tone. thus, he decided to end there by saying that ness is asking for him.
after bidding goodbyes, he went back to ness, who watched the whole scene. "guess the boyfriend was being a douchebag?" he asked, taking a sip of his beverage. kaiser stayed silent, only to excuse himself after. ness only nodded in response. ever since he heard about this girl who used to be kaiser's first love and now belonged to someone else, he understands what his friend is going through right now.
kaiser exited the bar, alone, only to find his way to the playground where he met you for the very first time. how did you guys ended up like this? what happened between you? why weren't you close anymore? better yet, why wasn't he the one who gets to pull you closer?
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"y'know, it's very coward of you guys to be picking on girls."
a young michael kaiser steps in front of you, who had tears in your eyes. the group of boys walked away, throwing dirty glances towards you and the boy who was shielding you from them.
"you okay? the name's michael kaiser! and you?" the boy chirped as he stook out a hand. you shyly accepted his offer and replied "y/n l/n," as he pulled you up from the ground. "oh thank god they didn't do anything bad to you! you live around here? i can walk you home," he gave you a toothy grin. you nodded accepting his offer.
the boy beside you was a loud one definitely. he talks a lot and you listened to whatever he has to say. but surprisingly, you didn't mind him at all, instead you enjoyed his stories. and soon enough, you two became friends in no time.
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junior high years came and guess what? kaiser and you went to the same school. your parents thought it was a good idea to send you both to the same school, that way it'll be easier for you both to walk home together. and of course, you both didn't mind, in fact you both enjoyed having to have each other side by side.
people mistaken you both for being siblings at first due to the both of you being with each other for nearly most of the time but soon they drop the topic.
kaiser, who matured faster than you, got his very first tattoo at the age of eleven. you wondered how his parents weren't mad at him because yours was totally against the idea of letting you having one.
kaiser, who matured faster than you, felt his cheeks redden when one of his friends asked him if you were his girlfriend. he immediately denied this of course. but the question has never left his mind ever since.
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finally, high school era. still, both of you enrolled into the same school. both of you were still friends of course, but not as close as back in junior high. you did wondered why though, but never have found an answer.
kaiser looked incredibly handsome now. his rose thorned tattoo still there on his left arm. his hair cut into a mullet style with blue streaks at the end. he was also in the school's soccer team which whom has brought name to the school and himself. as for you? you were the normal high school girl who's aim was to end school asap so that you can go live in the city with your dream job.
kaiser rarely talks to you, now that he's the school's super star and always has girls and boys around him, especially girls. kaiser noticed this too but chose not to do anything about it. he was secretly hoping that you'd come to him instead. but it seems like the bond between you weren't heading anywhere so he decided to take things into his own hands.
that one specific evening where he told the coach that he wanted to end his training early because of "family emergencies" but actually was to pick you up from your class to walk home together. other students whispered as they saw you both walking together, asking each other if you guys were a thing.
upon arriving at your front gate, you turned to face him. since when did he became this tall? and since when did his shoulders became so broad??? a small blush crept on your cheeks as you looked down to your feet. he certainly was even more handsome up close, you thought silently. "kaiser, um," the boy raised an eyebrow at you, wanting you to finish your question.
your heart ached to scream out the questions you've always wanted to ask. what are we? friends? best friends? a thing? what are we?? but instead all you did was smile and said "thanks for walking me home."
kaiser waited until you closed your house's door and walked home. he replayed the scene where you paused for quite some time earlier. what did you wanted to ask? surely you thanking him for walking you home wasn't the only thing you wanted to say.
he sighed as he collapsed onto his bed. the memories of his old junior high years came replying in his mind. "is y/n l/n your girlfriend?" one of his old friends asked him back in junior high. he remembered clearly that he denied it. but now? does he really like you? he likes you, definitely, but in that way? he wasn't sure. curse this feeling, he said quietly.
days continued to pass slowly turning into weeks. and finally you've decided your feelings towards kaiser. the constant search for him in the hallways, you waiting for him after his practices just to walk home with him. you like him, heck head over heels for him. your friends can confirm this since they noticed the little changes in you. you started to pick up track and field all because you wanted to train in the evening just to be in the same location as kaiser. you being the top of your year and the teachers assigned you to be kaiser's tutor in specific subjects. your reason? "to fulfill my teenage years in high school." your friends all side eyed you and go on with your answer but deep down they all know the actual reason.
kaiser noticed that you changed. from being the introverted shy girl to the all rounder high schooler like those you'd see in rom-com, coming of age movies. he has no idea why you changed but seeing you happy was enough for him to be happy as well. he also noticed that you'd always wait for him after his practices, and the way you were very patient with him during those tutor sessions. and he'd also notice whenever your fingers brushed against each other, you'd look away or your eyes avert to anywhere but him. like he didn't notice huh. you might not know this but he secretly enjoys spending time with you.
weeks turned to months and finally graduation day! this day was the very day that you'll finally make your move. to confess to michael kaiser! as soon as you got your certificates and all, you went all over the school to find him, but he wasn't in sight. a friend of his came up to you, saying that he was around the school's garden area, you immediately ran to catch up to him.
"michael!" you called out but stopped when you saw a girl beside him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. your heart dropped at the sight. you felt like you just got stabbed in the heart. your stomach churned as you bit your lip. you immediately turned away, running from the scene before kaiser can see you as you felt hot tears going down your cheeks.
unfortunately for you, kaiser did noticed you calling out for him.
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oh so that's how you suddenly broke contact. so that's why you didn't want to talk to him when he came to see you at your house after graduation day. a small misunderstanding which led to a big hole in his heart. his younger self took your absent as something small and nothing much to be bothered about. but soon, as he was growing up, he realizes that he missed those times where you waited for him after practices, he missed those times where you'd cheered for him in all of his games.
he laughed to himself. silly him for not noticing it earlier, silly him to not have the courage and guts to ask you how you were doing. now that you belong to someone else, he has no rights to be mad at you, even so, he has no rights to be mad at himself either, for as the saying goes let bygones be bygones.
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