#I want to admit that I kinda expected too much from Kaiser given how he acts now idek why
marcsnuffy · 29 days
I don't think that differently about Kaiser now
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guren-no-shishio · 5 years
What do you think of this chpater ? What for the next ? Hdzkkdbdl i don't know what to say, i love it
I was gonna answer this right away, but I was just so pumped up over the chapter for a while I couldn’t put my thoughts down, lmao. I finally read the Viz version so I am just getting around to it now ~
First of all. Wow. Just… I did not expect it to be a Mereoleona and Fuegoleon chapter. I maybe would’ve expected it if they were fighting together, but not separately like this. I really love how they both thought of each other because of their strong opponents and grew motivated by it too!! Vetto was admitting she was powerful and Kaiser also had a similar thought about no human being more “worthy” than Fuegoleon. Like, just honestly this chapter is a Vermillion fanboy/girl dream.
Kaiser’s magic is kinda interesting and I am glad that it wasn’t so simple to break through and the offense was insane as well. I do like how Fuegoleon got by in the end using his head as he did against Rades’ No. Carl and not just brute strength. Hopefully Kaiser isn’t done here though, would be rather pathetic if he got taken down in one hit.
Okay, so the important and most exciting part of the chapter - the flashback. I always wanted to see them when they were kids and it’s just as I expected; Mereoleona dragging Fuegoleon around, possibly using him as a training dummy at times and showing off to him with how strong she is kinda wish we could see if Nozel was ever dragged into that madness
But look at this cutie pafueggy. Will never get over the nickname, btw - thank you Theresa! I totally forgot about it.
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I kinda assumed Mereoleona was a member of Crimson Lion before though? Especially with the whole bit of Fuegoleon thinking that she should’ve been Captain before him - though he probably just meant that her strength was just that great it was no doubt she should’ve been the next Captain of Crimson Lion had she of joined? But she also wasn’t wearing the squad robe in that flashback… Guess it kinda works out then. 
Fuegoleon did say she had potential of being WK, which we can all see with her current strength - she just doesn’t care for it. Which in a way has been said about 3 times now; by Leopold, herself and now Fuegoleon.
Still amazing that she was offered a Captain position right up! Though I can imagine that pissing off a lot of people. She didn’t work for the position like everyone else needs to - but they likely accepted it due to her being Royalty and her strength proving her worth, still unfair and all - but they needed her to be in the Kingdom. I can imagine Nozel being salty af though
I’m also still surprised at their age, like… Fuegoleon doesn’t look 13 at all. He almost looks the same as he does now, lmao. Given their ages too, this really makes you think on what the hell happened to Leopold. Sure, he’ll get his power up soon as we know. But he’s 16. Mereo and Fuego were 13/15 when they had that fight (”The Tuesday of Blood and Flames” as Viz calls it), didn’t even have their grimoires yet and they were just so very clearly superior already. Maybe it was because Mereo and Fuego grew up together, while around the time Leopold was becoming aware of everything - Fuegoleon was likely in his squad and doing his own thing most of the time, Mereoleona not home being the free spirit she is. We know Fuego trained Leo; but what happened? I am sure Fuegoleon isn’t an incompetent teacher…
Anyways - kinda disappointing that Vetto isn’t that much of a threat; though it is Mereoleona he is going up against after all, the very same Mereoleona that made Rhya who was supposed to be on his level before reincarnation look like fodder. He is a close combat like her and while she did take damage - he did as well by being stupid enough to let the attacks hit in order to get in on her. I wonder if that punch at the end was enough to finish him off? Maybe he has more to him, though I wouldn’t really mind if not in the end.
Honestly, next chapter could continue on from where it left off - have Fuegoleon finishing off Kaiser. Also, is it just me or does Fuegoleon’s fights never last longer then one full chapter? Lmao. Hopefully he gets a lengthy one soon, possibly against Patri? Or Licht, idk. But it might also cut to another fight, leave the end of that fight unknown and just have Fuegoleon and Mereoleona appear again later. 
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buildridernews · 6 years
[Review] Kamen Rider Build - Episodes 21-24
It’s the middle of the month, so it must be time for me to finally be caught up on last month’s Build episodes! My excuse this time is that I’ve been watching Sentai. I mean hey, it’s good to give all toku some attention. 
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This is really neither here nor there, but I gotta say, I am impressed that Blood Stalk still has a voice actor and a proper actor as separate entities. With Wizard it was clearly a case of "Okay, we revealed his true identity, let's ditch the voice actor" but they are dedicated to keeping this guy around. I appreciate that for some reason.
Also highly unrelated to everything in this review... did... did Sawa just establish, 23 episodes in, that there’s a fictitious currency in this show? Like, it’s referred to as a “Doruku” which could be Dork, or Dolk, or Dollark as Over-Time chose to call it. Sure! That falls nicely into my headcanon that Build takes place in the future. 
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So, without making jokes, I’ve gotta really start us off with the thing that’s most important in the first half of this month: The Hazard Trigger, and the surprising amount of forms used with it. 
RabbitTank Hazard Form receives an eerie introduction that’s beautifully shot, and not only does he start off punching everyone in sight, but he also does something that I did not expect to be such a major deal: He kills off the Stag Hard Smash; Aoba. 
I’m most certainly going to be wrong because I’m blanking on it, but in all the shows where humans turn into monsters, they never actually die, do they? At least not to the hero. Or if they do, they probably stopped being human along the way. Like in Gaim, for example. Of course I’m not gonna forget Gaim. 
But Gaim involved humans who have been mutated into something inhuman. Here, Sento very clearly killed someone who was still a living, breathing human with thoughts, ambitions, and fears. After so much dedication towards protecting humanity and undoing the deaths caused by his former Katsuragi self, blood was on his hands that he couldn’t wash away. 
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This episode really puts an emphasis on that weight as Sento spends much of it in a slump, even when the government has decided to settle things by having a one-on-one battle with Grease VS one of the Riders of Touto. Sento can’t bare to take part because of what he’s done. 
I think the most stunning scene in this episode is when he’s giving his respects to Aoba and is being so haunted by the memory of the incident that he collapses and seems close to vomiting - kudos to the actor. It’s a great and unsettling episode, especially because it’s almost entirely devoid of music. 
This also features a nice contrast as Kazumi shows how he’s coping. Unlike Sento, he’s very collected and tells him how Aoba was knowingly a tool for war - he died knowing the risks. However, since Aoba was his friend, he promises to kick his ass for Aoba once their duel begins. 
Despite the state he’s in, Sento is the one who has to do it for Touto. And I’ve gotta lighten up this review now that the heavier stuff is behind us. 
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In order to prepare him for the fight, Soichi dumps a bunch of Fullbottles into Sento’s inventory, among them being the RoseCopter Form pair! This form is not particularly interesting on its own, but it is within the context of what it was originally supposed to be. 
GoldScorpion Form was meant to be released instead according to toy catalog listings, but just before this episode aired, Bandai decided to swap this in. According to CS Toys, Bandai simply said they were going in a different direction. Gonna be honest, they probably found RoseCopter a lot more... easy to come up with a combat style for. RoseCopter does what you expect, it’s got vine whipping and a rotor weapon. I don’t know what you’d do with gold bars. That’s really my only theory. 
In any case, I’m glad Stalk made reference to how many reds and greens Build swapped through. Oh and I guess TurtleWatch Form is technically a show form now, if you wanna get into those semantics. It’s not. It’s a game form. Anyway~ 
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What’s interesting about this first episode is that it ends with the implication that some time has passed before the big duel. This is where the YouTube spinoff comes into play, and I am actually gonna talk about that since both parts are out! If you missed it, they were subbed by Genm Corp, who I understand are fine if you can’t wait for a more accurate translation, and I doubt anyone else is gonna sub these. 
So the YouTube spinoffs for Kamen Rider have so far been pretty skippable. Ghost tried making them tie into the show... in a way that still doesn’t make sense even in context, and Ex-Aid’s is pretty fun but also very skippable. This time, they used it to tell some semblance of a story. 
In these episodes, Sento makes use of the Fullbottles he was given to raise his Hazard Level and become stronger. Utsumi helps him, surprisingly, and even fights as Night Rogue (clever clever) to help out. 
This is where we get what I had assumed would be exclusive forms, but PhoenixRobo appeared in the show in January and RoseCopter JUST premiered, so SmaphoWolf Hazard Form is our exclusive I guess. Then in part 2 we get ToraUFO, KirinCyclone and KujiraJet, which were all fun combos. 
I am pretty pleased at how these turned out. They only have enough time to provide some fun fights, but there’s a surprising amount of story as we see Utsumi testing out the Kaiser System (pulling back in a thing from the winter movie), and even a bit of info on how some of these forms work. At least for part 1. 
This is supposed to be a 3 part thing, and much like the last two series, part 3 will be on the DVD release - I hope it’ll at least be worth the wait this time. There’s at least gonna be an exclusive form. 
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The duel begins. Build and Grease fight for an entire episode, which is pretty interesting as far as episodes go, though they do try to break it up by including some flashbacks to moments leading up to this. 
Particularly, we learn that Sento is so concerned with claiming another life that he gives Misora the job of detonating his gear if he goes too far, which is pretty unexpected. It... kind of fits him wanting to prevent more deaths I suppose, but I’m glad they saw it fit to send in Ryuga to punch him instead. It’s pretty manly. 
We also learn that Kazumi’s amnesia was actually all a hoax! Which is a nice little twist that isn’t toooo surprising but it adds some nice depth to him. He just wants his bros to do better by being a tsundere. 
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Even though Build won the duel against Grease, a wrench has been thrown in their civil plans. Seito has declared war, and they’re doing so with their own weaponized humans: Remocon Bro and Engine Bro. Yes, Bros or Bro’s is the proper spelling but the plural nature of that word is bugging me on a grammatical level. 
These two make a nice pair of badasses, but I hope they matter by the time they eventually get defeated, because as is they are pretty hard to consider as anything but a duo. I mean, I guess the Hard Smash are a trio of a similar nature, but they at least have more distinct personalities. 
Regardless, they cause trouble in Hokuto and Kiba of Kazumi’s gang is trying to stop them, only to get mercilessly trampled. It’s at this point I realize this episode is almost entirely just a Kazumi episode, as we see how he struggles against these bros and how much his own bros are also suffering. Even after a narrow rescue, Kiba dies, bringing us to just one more Hard Smash. 
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And then there’s THIS asshole. 
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Okay but seriously, can we just... admire how much of an edgelord Gentoku has become as of returning? In what seems like a relatively short time since he left the show, he’s back with a new Rider title, and a badass jacket draped over his shoulders that goes perfectly with his evil facial hair. He really embraced how much of an obvious villain he is. 
I dunno what the fuck happened but I guess that’s a good teaser for the Rogue blu-ray spinoff. Based on what we get to see I kinda wonder how much more of a twisted guy Utsumi is. He got his sweet catharsis here. 
But also as a nice detail I once again did not foresee, Kamen Rider Rogue is actually Namba’s “Make our own Kamen Rider” project, and it’s been made for Seito, which means we now have Riders for each nation. That’s pretty dope, tying that all together. 
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It seems that Gentoku has really become a much more interesting and vague person now that he’s become a Rider. He’s putting aside revenge so that he can crush Touto and protect the country... which seems a lil counterproductive but I’m gonna guess he’s not quite right in the head right now, so I’ll give him a pass. 
All this means that Kazumi and Akaba have no choice but to join the heroes, but it feels like they’ll actually blend in, potentially. I mean, it seems like Kazumi has learned to admire the passion Sento fights with, and even admits to being inferior because of it. So I’m pretty happy to see them working together, as opposed to going “Okay, we’re doing this trope”. 
They need to stick together if they stand a chance against Rogue. Always on the move, Pandora’s Box has made its way to Rogue, and he intends on opening it once he defeats Build. But with how much he overpowers him even with the Hazard Trigger, what’s stopping him?! 
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Oh. That’d do it. 
So that’s one hell of a cliffhanger to end this review on. What’s going on with Misora?! I’m not even gonna watch episode previews for this one, I wanna see what the show does firsthand! See you again soon for another Build review! 
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