#solasta: crown of the magister
mapas-fantasticos · 7 months
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Map of the continent of Ferendragh from the videogame Solasta: Crown of the Magister.
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diversegaminglists · 1 year
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I love it when game have randomise name features.
Dorcas: Golden Dragonborn, Loremaster Wizard.
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999nigga · 2 years
like I know I’m in my flop era bc I just spent two hours creating characters for a topdown turn based dnd type game
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trerinn · 1 year
Solasta is a great game I recommend it
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(Pic Above Related)
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thymefraym · 1 year
New Video Alert: Solasta: Crown of the Magister Playthrough Episode 033: A Redeemer Nest - DLC Night
Description: We come to the end of this diversion, and it's overall bit a bit of a fun distraction. And so we share the last episode before we go back to the primary campaign. Enjoy!
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And as always, I would love to invite you to join me live every Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 pm until 10:00 pm (Pacific Time). We'd love to see you there! https://twitch.tv/ThymeFraym
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savingcontent · 2 years
Solasta: Crown of the Magister flexes its tactical muscles with the Inner Strength DLC today
Solasta: Crown of the Magister flexes its tactical muscles with the Inner Strength DLC today
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enolezdrata · 11 months
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Our party but in Solasta game! Highly recommend to pay attantion to it, DnD based game with pretty simple story, but characters… if your OCs fit the archetype, then get ready to enjoy dialogues of the main quest
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enkisstories · 6 months
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I love how Solasta gives my OCs dialogue based on my input during character generation. It's not Wildermyth level of depth, but stil sooo welcome! More crpgs should do this (looking at you, Kingmaker, shafting my custom chars in every regard).
These particular nutcases are from 2007ish, when I dusted off my old Hero Quest box and replaced the original heros with custom minis. Ever since I used them in various crpgs, too.
Martin is usually a LE wizard, but I also ran a redeemed CG version of him a couple of times. He got his name from the default name his miniature came with.
Rattus Carceri is usually a CN elf archer of various base classes (here: Lowlife Ranger).
Lorne Ornamental is usually a CN dwarf cleric (contrary to Hero Quest, where he is a thief).
Barbie is usually a CN human berserker swinging two-handed weapons.
Sometimes they get joined by Martin's trap handling slave Marcus (a merc in Hero Quest) and his wife, the druid Melany (they picked her up in Temple of Elemental Evil).
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chibirisa20 · 2 months
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Silva Valepine - Wandering Fighter
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Okay so I was replaying Solasta's main campaign with a new party made up of the new DLC classes (and a dragonborn barbarian cuz why not) and I got to the Manacalon library part and found this dragonborn statue again.
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I don't know what I was expecting to happen, but–
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Bruh. xD
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kashkadavr · 1 year
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My squad for dls
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thespacelizard · 1 year
5 times Locke catches what Aryas throws, and 1 time he doesn’t
@fluffbruary day 22, where entirely by accident i wrote a fic for 'throw' that mirrors perfectly with my fic for 'catch' from earlier in the month! Up on AO3 here
In which Aryas throws a lot of things.
New quest acquired; time to pack up and go. Aryas is ready to go, pack by the door, weapons on—Locke’s taking longer. Locke always takes longer. Aryas has accounted for this, because accounting for Locke-time is second nature by now. He uses it to scour the room for forgotten things, of which there are usually several.
Because Locke.
This time it’s a boot under the bed. He chucks it at Locke without warning; Locke yelps, grabbing it before it can clock him in the face, and hugs it to his chest.
“Give me a heads-up lawkeeper, gods’ sakes,” he grouses. Then he realises what he’s holding. “Oh shit, that’s where that went.”
He shoves his foot into the boot, and five Locke-minutes—read, fifteen—later they’re on their way.
One of the many advantages to magical storage bags is that you can, in fact, have a nice, cold beer at the end of a long, hot day trekking through the Badlands. Aryas ignores Locke’s increasingly unsubtle hints for as long as possible because it does Locke good not to always immediately get what he wants, and it does Aryas good to practise restraint.
Eventually he rolls his eyes—to let Locke know he hasn’t entirely won—and tosses him a beer. In one quick motion, Locke grabs it out of the air, pops the closure, and tips his head back to take a long draw.
“Ah, much better,” he sighs, grinning. Aryas sips at his own drink and watches the sunset, instead of the sweat trickling down Locke’s neck.
“What is wrong with you, why would you throw a knife at me?”
“At the giant spider, actually.”
“Do I look like I have eight legs?”
“Stop whining, you caught it.”
“Because I’m a very dextrous and talented man, and the gods smile on my continued existence—you almost killed me!”
“Don’t be melodramatic.”
“We don’t throw knives at friends, isn’t that a rule? That sounds like it should be a rule. I’m making it a rule.”
“Do you want me to throw another?”
“Oh, please, you don’t have another to—ack!”
Locke’s crouched on the ledge above him, scanning the darkness ahead; Aryas can almost see his ears twitching. After a minute or so, he nods.
“All clear.”
With a grunt of effort, Aryas tosses up the small chest—Locke’s ready, catching it as it hits its apex, twisting easily, using the chest’s momentum to spin it down onto the ledge beside him. It’s not big, but it’s heavier than it looks like it should be. If Locke hadn’t lost his lockpicks to thieving goblins two days before they got here, this would have been a lot easier.
Aryas scrambles up the rock, struggling to keep hold of the lantern as he does so. He gets high enough to set it on the ledge, and then Locke’s grabbing his arm, hauling him the last of the way up. He topples onto his back in the process—he’s small, Aryas is not, and half-plate is heavy. Locke lets out an oof, and for a moment Aryas just stares at the half-elf below him, heart thumping in his chest.
“Air, breathing, would very much like to,” Locke squeaks out, shoving at him. Aryas rolls off him.
This is not the place to get distracted.
“Here.” Aryas throws the coin purse at Locke, who grabs it and immediately spills half the contents across the table to run his fingers through the glittering gold coins. “Don’t spend it on stupid things.”
“You think everything fun is stupid, lawkeeper.”
“I’m not paying for your food if you run out.”
Locke rolls his eyes. His hair’s loose, the tie dangling around his wrist. He shoves the tangles back from his face and pouts. “You’d let me starve?”
“It’d be what you deserve if you waste all your money on fake magical items again.”
“Even if I did get scammed again,” Locke starts counting his coin away, a little half-smile crooking the corner of his mouth, “you wouldn’t let me starve.”
No, Aryas knows. He wouldn’t.
“You want a drink?”
Locke doesn’t look up from his book. The Antiquarians hadn’t wanted it, just the rest of the chest’s contents, and Locke’s been glued to it since they got back to Caer Cyflen. Something about the stars, his ongoing obsession drawing him in again.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Aryas scratches the back of his neck. “No, I mean—do you want to get a drink with me?”
Now Locke does glance up at him, smirking.
“You scared of the barmaid again?”
“That was one time,” Aryas tries not to growl. Locke laughs, and there’s sunset light streaking the side of his face, turning the flyaways of his auburn hair to gold. “You want a drink or not?”
“Like I said, I’m good.” He holds up the book. “Just getting to a good part, you know?”
“Sure,” Aryas says. Pauses. Thinks. Gives up. “I’ll see you later.”
Locke hums an already-distracted reply, immersed in his occult pages once more. Aryas gets himself halfway down the hall, well out of earshot, before he groans and thumps his head against the wall.
Why is it Locke can catch everything except a hint?
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appendingfic · 2 years
Solasta Character: *gains access to Spider Climb* Solasta Character: *begins walking upside-down on ceilings and overhangs at every available opportunity*
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autonomous-zed · 1 year
From today's stream with the gang. You can hear me scream, "OH NO"
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thessalian · 2 years
Council Deputies vs New Jobs
In a tavern in Caer Cyflen, a standard fantasy RPG city:
Mychae: You guys here about the job too? Because I hope you’re not here for the beer.
Jallira: Oh, no, definitely the job. Took awhile to get here, though. Bandits grabbed me and threw me in a crumbling jail. Honestly, they hadn’t even got around to selling my stuff yet so I figure it was just a prank.
Astrid: Better that than what I got. I took a detour to explore some caverns and had to wait for ogres to leave before I could get out again.
Alisaie: I got wolves. Wolves got dead.
Astrid: Succinct and to the point. I like it.
Random Drunk: Ogres. Wolves. HA. Wait ‘til you meet Soraks! I know everyone says they’re a myth but they can shapeshift and they’re evil and scary and they’ll kill us all!
Alisaie: *gets out of her seat, drags Random Drunk out of his chair, shakes vigorously* You. Stupid. ASSHOLE.
Random Drunk: I ... wut?!? I was trying to warn y--
Astrid: I’m with her, honestly. What you just said pretty much guarantees we’re going to be up to our necks in Soraks by the end of the week. Are you not familiar with epic narrative at all?!?
Jallira: Please stop shaking the poor man before he throws up on your boots.
Alisaie: Ew. Right. *drops Random Drunk*
Random Drunk: *runs away gibbering*
Astrid: Also succinct and to the point. I like it! What about you, Mychae? What perils did you face getting here?
Mychae: Eh, bit of light lockpicking, trap disarmament, and would have got away clean too if my idiot friend hadn’t forgotten he asked me to retrieve what he had to use to pay some debts. But he did so I had to death-from-above a debt collector from, like, three stories up to save his sorry ass.
Alisaie: ...You, I like.
Lord Carran: Ah. You’re here. Good.
Alisaie: Ah. You’re late. Thanks for that.
Mychae: I didn’t know the taverns here did such a good trade in donkey piss. *raises mug*
Jallira: *sigh* Okay, sorry about them. What’s the job?
Lord Carran: You’d be Legacy Council deputies, so mostly general dogsbody work. But shiny badges and the equivalent of a title. First job is going to Caer Lem and finding out why we haven’t heard from the guards there in a week.
Mychae: I vote drunken party, but that’s just me. But I’m in on that action as long as they didn’t order the booze from here.
Lord Carran: *sigh* Just ... come take a really basic oath not to be an asshole on Legacy Council time.
Mychae: I make no promises. My mouth kind of gets me into trouble. But hey, it’s nothing my knives or my feet can’t get me out of, usually, so we’re probably good.
Jallira: We’ll ... keep an eye on her. Promise.
Lord Carran: *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*
One short swearing-in later:
Hugo Requer: I sell magical items and various ingredients!
Astrid; Jallira: Ooh!
Gorim Ironsoot: I sell weapons and armour!
Alisaie; Mychae: Ooh!
Annie Bagmodrah: When you’ve killed things and got a bunch of junk weapons and armour, I go to the place you marked on the map and get all that stuff sold for you so you don’t have to try hauling it or drag a string of pack mules while adventuring. I get a cut of the profits but you get most of the money.
Astrid, Jallira, Alisaie, Mychae, every player who’s ever had to deal with an inventory system in a video game: .............I LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH.
En route to Caer Lem
Alisaie: Two of you are elves. You don’t even sleep! How the fuck did they sneak up on us?
Astrid: We do trance, you know. It was Mychae’s watch!
Mychae: *sniping bandits from the top of a ruin with a longbow* Yeah yeah I was checking those dice you used for our last dice game and got a bit into it. Bright side - I now know your dice weren’t weighted. I still suspect magic, though.
Astrid: ...please tell me you’re kid-- *is stabbed by bandit* OW!
Alisaie: *hacking a bandit into bite-sized chunks* IS THAT A WAND IN YOUR HAND OR A CONDUCTOR’S BATON?!?
Astrid: Definitely the former, though I did try conducting with it once and kind of fire bolted a hole in a feasting hall’s ceiling--
Jallira: *Healing Word* Please just pretend those bandits are that ceiling...
Astrid: Oh! Right!
Stabnation: *ensues*
Flaming Magic Of NOPE: *also ensues*
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thymefraym · 1 year
New Video Alert: Solasta: Crown of the Magister Playthrough
Episode 040: Um… Sleeping Dragon! Description: I know I joked about it. And I know that this is based on Dungeons and Dragons, but it's still always an amazing thing when you meet a dragon (or it should at least be so).
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And as always, I would love to invite you to join me live every Monday and Wednesday from 7:30 pm until 10:00 pm (Pacific Time). We'd love to see you there! https://twitch.tv/ThymeFraym
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