qq-quarked · 4 months
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happy belated @nagamas, @softgreensakura!! i love love laurent and casphardt so i wanted to do right by your prompts haha......
yes, prompts. bonus:
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waffulaa · 1 year
Oh!! You're taking requests!! May I request dear laurent fire emblem in these trying times? ^^
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happy early bday to him!!
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kingkilvas · 4 months
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oc x laurent ❤️ a belated nagamas gift for @softgreensakura ! your oc is so cute she was a joy to draw :-)
(the hair clip is supposed to be a golden pendant designed with many flowers and some feathers)
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husbandomail · 3 years
Hello~♡ I saw that you were in need of more Fire Emblem asks, and so I'm here to provide.
What would Laurent, Henry and Takumi do if they were stuck indoors with their S/O because it was raining heavily? 👀 I like those three ahaha~
You have fantastic taste in men and I was so happy to get this ask dfghjhgf
Unsurprisingly, he’s got his nose buried in a book or twelve— he actually finds reprieve in the rain, because it means he’s not expected to go anywhere, and he can read uninterrupted. He shrugs his cape off and curls up on one of the sofas in the common room. You know better than to disturb Laurent while he’s got a book in his hands, so you just end up pacing back and forth, fiddling with some of the weapons lined along the wall, opening and closing any desk drawers that are unlocked.
Laurent’s eyes follow you above the edge of the page; he’d love to be absorbed in this tome right now, but your fidgeting makes him nervous. He doesn’t want you knocking something over and getting hurt in the process. You sigh once, twice, three times before Laurent lets out his own exaggerated groan— he lifts up the edge of his cape with an “Alright already,” and you dive into the spot at his side like a wave returning to shore. He’s warm, and his cape is soft, and you nuzzle up so closely to him that he’s sure you can feel his heart slamming against his ribcage.
Although he’d made room for you, Laurent doesn’t intend to change his plans— he turns right back to where he’d left off on the page, only this time he’s reading out loud. You’ve got no idea what the book is talking about, especially because he’s started right in the middle, but you lean your head on his shoulder and read along anyways. His voice is smooth, melding well with the pattern of the rain falling outside, tapping against the walls and the windows— it isn’t long until you’ve been lulled to sleep, Laurent’s free hand running through your hair as he lowers his voice to a whisper.
Thank the gods you were rained in together, because Henry absolutely needs supervision. You’re the only two in the barracks at the moment; he hums tunelessly, bouncing on his toes, rocking back and forth as he stares out the window at the endless storm. Something about him is naturally hypnotic; you’re caught up in the flowing movements of his cape when he whirls around to grin at you. “I’m going to catch a lightning strike!”
You have two options at this point— either you tell him no and have to deal with his pouting all evening, or you play along and risk him actually getting hit by lightning. You don’t get to make that choice; Henry’s grabbed you by the hand and dragged you out into the rain. He lets go of you once you’re standing dry under the front awning— he may be odd, but he does want to take care of you— but he continues until he’s standing in the downpour. You wonder how he keeps his movements so light; the rain is visibly soaking into his thick wool clothing, but it doesn’t seem to drag him down in the slightest.
Thankfully, the storm isn’t bad enough that Henry actually gets hit with a bolt; he spins and he twirls, tossing his cloak every which way and simply enjoying his time in the rain. He glances over at you from time to time, shivering underneath the thin awning— his smile is tinged with an air of shyness, and it suddenly dawns on you. He dragged you out here to have fun together. The next time he splashes past you, arms outstretched as he enjoys himself, you grab him by the hand and let Henry pull you along to dance in the rain.
Since your arrival, Takumi has been difficult to get along with. You’d insisted to Jakob that you’d be fine for an hour while he ran to the market— but then a summer storm had rolled in, leaving you trapped in the castle, waiting, with only Takumi and a few servants in this wing. He seems to feel just as awkward as you do, focusing intently on adjusting his bowstrings and counting his arrows. You try to start a few conversations, but they die quickly, because he kills them.
It rains longer than you’d expected, and eventually Takumi sighs heavily, suggesting that you make a dash through the courtyard. Your rooms are in an entirely separate part of the castle— if you don’t break for it now, you might just have to sleep on the floor of the training room. You agree enthusiastically, more because it’s the first time he’s willingly spoken to you than anything else. The both of you pack up carefully, waiting for the rain to lighten ever so slightly— once the next rumble of thunder has passed, Takumi shoves the door open and you both bolt for the living quarters.
You nearly slip once or twice; without thinking about it, Takumi grabs you by the hand to hold you upright, and doesn’t let go until you’ve stumbled into the hallway leading to your rooms. He lets out a strangled noise, and you glance up at him from under your sopping bangs— his hair has come undone, sticking to the side of his face and getting tangled in the intricate details of his clothing. You try to bite back a laugh, but you don’t quite catch it in time— Takumi catches you snickering, and he pouts, his face slowly turning red as he brushes his hair back with his hands. If you offer to help him brush it after all this, he might say yes.
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sierra117-renner · 5 years
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First commission: Done! this is for @softgreensakura
Thank you so much for commission me and I truly hope you like it!! <3
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scribbleofstars · 5 years
omg I was gonna send in a matchup request earlier this week but I forgot 😂. Oh well, at least I remembered now and not later. With that being said, may I have a matchup for fe3h and awakening? I don't know my sexuality yet, but I do prefer males. I don't really have much of a social presence, and social cues and skills are just not my forte. I find it hard to trust others, but once you speak to me enough and I find you nice and interesting enough, you've got a loyal, fun AND chatty friend [🌸1]
[🌸2] I'm generally chill, and I LOVE cats, pigeons, memes, drawing, eating, sleeping, tea and cute things. I also love pondering pointless things and I can indeed get carried away and sidetracked by the most random of topics. If I wanna make a choice or I need to know something, I'll spend time researching it and reaching the best conclusion. I'm also a pretty fast learner, but no physical work please! I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I try my best nonetheless.             [🌸3] I'm also very stubborn and that's often for the better. I can't stand liars and horrid people, and find it hard to sympathise with people who are just rude because they think it or their opinion is cool. I always strive for kindness and truth, but I'd rather be blunt than soft and vaguely descriptive. I adore dreams and I love talking about them, and I love beautiful soft things like cherry blossoms and sunsets. Gain my trust, and I'll be down for banter and meaningful talks..         [🌸4], but I'll need a patient person who can put up with a partial mute who gets stressed in social situations (aka outside my room and no space to easily walk past ppl). I'll take any character except for Felix because he's he exact kind of person I despise- rude, edgy and stressful. Have fun with my request and do ur best! Thank you for all your writing!    
Absolutely! Thank you for being patient with your request! I match you with.....
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Lindhardt and....
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Chrom! A few reasons why:
Lindhardt is the type you can sit in a room with, each of you doing different things, and be in comfortable silence
He often gets sidetracked by his interests, so he understands that aspect completely
Prepare for long deep conversations about things that he finds interest in
Nap with this boy. He is the best nap buddy.
Lindhardt also finds that being blunt is often better than sugar coating something, but he understands when he should just keep his mouth shut
Chrom is always gonna come to you for help and advice on different situations. He truly appreciates your opinions and thoughts on issues
He is probably one of the best S/O’s someone could ask for- he’s always there for you and checks up on you when he can, but also has no issue letting his guard down around you
Give him a hug please, he needs and deserves it
He will literally let you ramble on for hours about anything??? He really doesn’t mind and loves hearing you talk??
100% will watch sunsets with you just because
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writingandmore · 5 years
If your matchups are still open, I would love a FE three houses matchup! I don't really have much of a social presence, and conversation does not come naturally to me at all, but once you speak to me and gain my trust, I swear I don't shut up. I'm pretty chill and I love drawing, eating, sleeping, memes, cats and cute things. I've been told I make pretty good jokes too. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I am pretty smart too. [🌸1]
[🌸pt. 2] like, if I wanna make a choice or I need to know something, I'll spend time researching it and reaching the best conclusion. I'm also a pretty quick learner- but please dont put me in any physical situations because those are EXHAUSTING! I'm also very stubborn and that's often for the better. And I can't stand people who are horrid or lie, so I always strive for kindness and truth, even if it is blunt. I adore dreams and talking about them, and I'm attracted to beautiful things too.
🌸pt.3] like cherry blossoms, and lovely soft voices. Get past my nonverbal stage, and ill be down for both lively banter and meaningful talks. But I'll need someone who is patient and nice enough to put up with me and my stress. I'll take any character except for felix because I utterly despise him.
I pair you with Marianne!
-Marianne doesn’t have much of a social presence either, and is very shy and unsure of what to do or say. Being able to relate to that would make her open up to you much more than others around her.
-She loves cats and all other creatures. She feels her best and at her calmest when she’s around animals, so getting one for you to both own would be great for her mentality.
-Marianne is pretty smart too, and she likes to learn and apply herself to things. However, she doesn’t have confidence in her abilities, so she never tries to use those things she’s learned. With you there, maybe she’ll get at least a bit of the confidence she needs.
-Shes not the best at standing up for herself, but if she’s really uncomfortable she’ll vocie her opionion, so a stubborn s/o wouldn’t be too much of an issue.
-She is extremely patient and sweet to others who are the same way towards her. She can get overwhelmed around those who are too loud or angry. Someone like you would be much better for her.
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angrycanadiannerd · 6 years
Holy shit wait what exactly is a warrior cats when was it popular and was it only an american/canadian or whatever thing because there was none of that in my uk childhood. Nya.
(reference to this ask i got)
Oh my friend. Oh my poor friend. Sit down and let me tell you about Warrior Cats.
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Is Warrior Cats
Warrior cats is a book series made by Erin Hunter (which is actually multiple authors writing under a surname). I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it because I’m pretty sure they have it in the UK too. The series is about group of wildcats in different clans (Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan, and Shadowclan in the first series). These different clans all follow the same politics of a leader figure, a deputy, a medicine cat, regular members of clans (or warriors), and then there’s the apprentices (for both warriors and medicine cats). 
The cats have weird fucking names. Some good examples of some names are Bramblepelt, Mousefur, Tigerclaw, Graystripe, etc. The names follow a pattern, and to an outsider it seems weird (this video is a good example). The names also signify what position they hold in the hierarchy in the clan. All of the kittens have their name end in kit (like Hollykit, Jaykit, Snowkit,etc). All of the apprentices’ names end with paw (Swiftpaw, Honeypaw, Lionpaw, etc). Cats get the weird names once they become warriors, but if they become the leader, their names change to star (like Firestar, Bluestar, Tallstar, etc). It’s weird and complicated but fun to come up with some.
People usually get into Warriors in middle school (like i did), but a lot of people are still into it. It was everywhere on youtube in 2011-2012, since plenty of people were on it to post plenty of amvs (remember those?).
Warriors isn’t for everyone, but if you wanna pick up a book at a book store, it’s an easy read and you might like it.
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crystalelemental · 3 years
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While that is true, they have gym leader alt possibilities, and actually that means there are three because BP Morty vs base Morty, and base Bugsy vs Scyther form. But the one I was thinking of and the one they listed was Lyra, which means @softgreensakura is right because she was only in Gen 4.
I guess my main point is that I would like a Jasmine and Clair alt. I don’t care all that much about the protags, but I like the Gym Leaders well enough.
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iaurencin · 6 years
softgreensakura reblogged your photo:
It took three days to get my airbrush working #art by op #fe7 #what is it its really cute #is it a new 3d model? #a recolour?
@ur tags: it’s a bootleg yoko nendoroid that I’m repainting+resculpting!
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gamebunny-color-sp · 6 years
softgreensakura replied to your post “��”
Very popular rn
Even in the high street
So they’re even popping up a lot in the UK.
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Are you looking forward to halloween?
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The armor’s not gonna be part of the costume though. Probably.
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hellahotlancelot · 7 years
Okay, if you had to choose any character to order pizza with who would they be? Would you pay for them or would you make them share the bill?
i’d order it with seliph and pay for it
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waffulaa · 2 years
Tagged by @tisorridalamor. Thanks for the tag!
Favorite Color: Blue
Currently Reading: Umineko (if vn’s count)
Last Song: CH4NGE by Giga
Last Series: Ousama Ranking
Last Movie: Encanto
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Savory followed by spicy
Currently working on: Some wips and lessons :0
Tagging: @softgreensakura, @yuniiq, @fluffy-iroha, @elpisofhope, @beananium, and anyone reading this. No obligation ofc~
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mundanebard · 3 years
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Tagged by @seenymphe
Picrew: x
Tagging @wasabihere @selkiis @softgreensakura and @astrangeevent2002 if you want to do it
Anyone else can do it too if they want
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mythiicat · 4 years
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Laurent commission for @softgreensakura!
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