#soapy's animal crossing designs
claitea · 4 years
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made ephemer's outfit in acnl!
kh3 kairi | riku
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hold-my-hand-kuroo · 4 years
I binged all the flower prompt requests you did and the way you write feels so canon! Can I request Lily, Daffodil and Chrysanthemum with Kenma + Lev? (If you write for Lev) Tysm take your time💕
haiba lev
lily - what type of love language do they like?
It’s a mix of words of affirmation and physical touch for Lev, because he’s both extremely affectionate and easily motivated by genuine praise. More often than not, Lev’s being scolded by the upperclassmen, so when he’s feeling down, he appreciates nothing more than just you telling him that he’s doing his best and that’s what matters. As long as it’s genuine, his heart gets all warm, and he’s back at practice all fresh and new. He’s always asking for hugs and kisses regardless of mood though, and he’ll never shy away from your touch.
daffodil - a cute thing about them
Because of his looming height and extremely long limbs, Lev likes doing the ‘not my hands’ challenge with you, except it’s not a challenge and all the time. It’s easy for him to just wrap his arms around your waist and still have a wide reach, so if you’re feeling a little too tired to do the dishes, he does them for you. In this way, not only is he helping you out, but he also gets to keep you close and let you comfortably lean against him as you vent about your day. If he notices you’re cheering up, except small, soapy splashes from the sink.
chrysanthemum - how do they cuddle?
Lev practically encages you with his limbs, and while he welcomes all kinds of cuddles, his favorite position is you between his legs with his arms and legs wrapped around you. He likes keeping you close, pulling your back flush against his chest, while he leans down to take in your beauty and kiss your cheeks. Sometimes, he’s playful and goes for your ticklish spots, blowing on your neck and laughing at your squirming. 
kenma kozume
lily - what type of love language do they like?
Kenma’s not much of a converser and prefers to play games by himself, but when it comes to you, quality time is by far his favorite love language. You don’t have to be talking to him or even playing games with him. All Kenma needs is for you to sit close by him. He likes the idea of having someone that can enjoy his silence and the fact that he could very well stay with you without being pressured to come out of his shell. He’s never been the type to get lonely, but once he gets used to being near you all the time, he’ll find himself sulking a little bit when you’re not around.
daffodil - a cute thing about them
Kenma practically forces you to get Animal Crossing when it comes out on the Switch despite generally being laid back about what you do or don’t play. He lets you pick where you want your island just so he can pick the opposite hemisphere and enjoys sharing items with you that can’t be found in your area. In the game world, Kenma is able to do a lot that he usually gets embarrassed about doing in public, such as wearing matching clothes, but because he knows you find it cute, he spends a lot of time designing custom clothes and gifting them to you in game.
chrysanthemum - how do they cuddle?
Unlike Lev, Kenma likes being the one that’s wrapped up by you instead of the other way around. Oftentimes, he needs to rest his eyes a little bit, especially after long hours of staring at his PC screen, so he seeks you out. Kenma enjoys sinking into your embrace on the bed or the couch and burying his face into your neck as you give him soft pats on his head.  If he isn’t too tired, he places small kisses on your neck and collarbone while his hands wander to your back, drawing small shapes and scribbles.
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asterlark · 4 years
check please in quarantine
how many things has bitty baked and who is eating them
jack's season may have been canceled but even he can't eat all this pie
is he fedexing them to people
how many pies is tater getting
what will happen when he runs out of flour and can’t get more
speaking of bitty this adhd bitch is NOT ok and has severe missing his friends disease
he & jack go on a lot of walks & runs together to get out the restless energy & have a change of scenery
i think his first cookbook would’ve already come out before 2020 but now he’s probably working on another one just so he can have a project to focus on & not lose his mind lol
bitty & jack have discovered the television genre that is at the center of the venn diagram of their interests: soapy period dramas
yes they’ve watched downton abbey, no they’re not prepared to talk about it, especially not after holster tried and failed to make jack watch it when they still lived at the haus together & would be LIVID that jack agreed to watch it now without him
jack is “coping” with the NHL season being cancelled by working out, eating a lot of bitty’s baking, and rewatching all his fave documentaries but the boy misses hockey :(( (the falcs were on a good run! & they might’ve even won the cup again!! :((( )
there are weekly SMH alum crew skype sessions, they are very chaotic, no one can hear a damn thing
they’ve also been playing cards against humanity & jackbox games online to mixed levels of chaotic competition
shitty’s like...... a real lawyer now?? working at a legal assistance nonprofit?? and he’s trying to help workers, renters, & undocumented folks with free legal advice as much as he possibly can :,)
holster hosts regular netflix watch parties “so that you all can finally become cultured”
ransom has succumbed and started watching 30 rock with holster & he regrets it almost instantly bc the dude is insufferable & pauses the show every 30 seconds to explain why it’s so good. this ruins the experience completely but he can’t stop himself
lardo has limited art supplies at her disposal so she’s started making “trash art” (self explanatory)
hours spent in animal crossing new horizons.... endless. unfathomable
they've spent at least one entire skype session debating which villager they're most like. you'd think one being named bitty, one jacques, one chow, etc would make this easy but OH NO. personality, looks, aesthetic must all be taken into account
bitty’s other Thing right now is watching hgtv shows and redecorating his & jack’s condo
an undisclosed but definitely large sum of money has been spent on wallpaper
jack has tried to stop him from going on pottery barn’s website and it did not go over well
since dex basically renovated & redid the whole haus before he graduated in 2018, they have a lot to discuss (who knew these hockey boys were so into interior design??)
the waffles were set to graduate this year but their ceremony has been canceled & moved online so they’re bitter
well. louis & hops are bitter, bully is surprisingly chill as always
louis hasn’t been able to go home to sweden since all the covid-19 shit happened so when samwell closed down, instead of staying at the haus alone he was invited to stay with hops’ family in philadelphia
hops’ family know way too much about the underground music scene in sweden now. they wish that they didn’t
on the other hand tho, louis now knows way too much about anime from hops and has been forced to watch naruto against his will (”hops!! this is not my brand!!!”)
games of smash bros played between louis, hops, & hops’ siblings: approx. 1000
games won by hops: 999 (wildcard baby sister wins a match once & hops questions his whole life. some stay he’s still muttering “beginner’s luck... it has to be.....” to this day)
it’s been................ interesting 
the frogs are heartbroken that they’re not quarantined together (well okay.  just chowder is heartbroken. dex & nursey keep joking about how if they’d been quarantined together they’d have killed each other by now (mostly they’re just relieved bc if they’d been quarantined together the Feelings would’ve caught up with them. can’t catch me gay thoughts!))
they do text & video call constantly though. chowder is lucky enough to be quarantining with his family & farmer so the fearsome frogsome foursome do a lot of talking, game nights, & filming tiktoks
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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
Lasabrjotr Capter 64: Silken Touch and Self Realization
Chapters: 63/? 
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe 
Rating: Mature Warnings: NSFW
Relationships: Loki x Reader (There We Go) 
Characters: Loki (Marvel),  
Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Loki Is Feeling Sure Of Himself, Loki Does Not Want You Putting Yourself Down, Loki Wants A Lot Of Things
Summary:   Loki treats you to a very nice bath, but you can’t help but fall into unsettling thoughts.
The bouquet of coneflowers went into a vase on your desk, as you wrapped yourself in a bathrobe. Whatever errands Loki had last night must have taken him back to Akureyri, where a patch of these precious blooms grew in the botanical garden. It was such a kind gesture on his part, to bring these back to you. He must have realized you were missing home.
You headed to the bath, only to find Loki already there, scrubbing his hair, as beautiful as the morning light that filtered in from the skylights. You sighed at the sight of that beauty. Eased by the recordings you listened to at night, your dreams had turned to longing rather than fear. Visions of that gorgeous body, that soothing voice, and that sensuous touch swam through your sleeping hours, leaving you frustrated upon waking.
You had felt his absence very keenly this morning, not just emotionally, but physically. After all, Akureyri was several miles away, and the distance still made you suffer. Maybe he thought if he went at night, when you were asleep, that you would feel the effects less.
Of course, your strength had come flooding back on his return, but you still felt a little wobbly. So you discarded your robe and entered the bath, wading straight into his waiting arms.
“Good morning, my darling.” He crooned, as you wallowed in his embrace. “I hope your sleep is finding you better.”
“It's getting there.” You said. “These things come and go, you know?”
“I do know. Fret not, darling.” He kissed your cheek. “Let me scrub your cares away.”
And you did; cherishing the simple intimacy of his soapy hands on your skin and in your hair, washing away the sweat of sleep, and making you fresh for the new day. You loved how this vulnerable nudity, far from making you feel 'dirty', was a literal and figurative way to be 'clean'.
Although sometimes your thoughts strayed to less innocent activities. Loki's body was as beautiful as his face, after all, and the sheer gentleness with which he handled you lit a flame in your heart. If you encouraged his soapy hands into the more forbidden territories, could you be blamed?
You stroked his sharp cheeks, as he massaged soap into your hair, gently scratching your scalp in a way that made you shiver. Asgardians used a special bowl, wide and shallow, to pour water over themselves for washing away soap- apparently showers were more of a military thing, and just dunking yourself under the water was considered immature; something only rambunctious children did.
Currently, you had to share Loki's bowl, a beautiful thing of hammered steel, etched with elaborate designs of snakes and vines, a symbolic representation of Yggdrasil and all of its realms in the center. Loki scooped up warm water in it, and poured it slowly over your foamy hair.
“We will get you one of these soon enough.” He promised. “The artisans will make you a great many things over the winter. By the time spring comes again, you will finally be properly furnished.”
“Oh, I don't need too much stuff.” You said. “I don't want to take them away from their other projects.”
Loki kissed the top of your wet head.
“Let them work.” He insisted. “There has already been competition over who gets to create which of your accessories.”
“What? They're competing?”
“Oh yes. There have been fights over you in the halls of artistry.” He said solemnly. “Of course, I still get the best part.”
He set the bowl aside and swept you into his arms.
“Right?” He murmured.
“Which part is the best part?” You asked coyly. Loki's eyes narrowed.
“I sense a trap.” He said suspiciously. “The correct answer, of course, is the fiercely burning spirit within you; the shining light that has led you through the darkest possible moments, never dimming, showing the path to survival, and greatness. Also, I am rather taken with your bosoms.”
You almost choked on sudden laughter. Bosoms???
Loki looked slightly affronted. “What? I find their shape and color very pleasing. That's...that's good, isn't it?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I have a great rack, that's great.” You said, just barely getting control over yourself. Loki looked even more affronted.
“Well...what about me?” He straightened up and released his grip on you. “What part of me is the best?”
You took a step back from him, crossing your arms over your 'bosoms', and hmmed, and hummed, looking him over. You took one of his hands, spread the long fingers out, turned it over, and over again, examining it. You groped around in the water, finding his hips and sliding your hands down until he breathed in sharply, caressed his chest and shoulders. He was built like an alabaster statue, made by a master millennia passed, and you briefly wondered if he might have modeled for such a thing, long ago.
For the first time, you noticed that not all of his veins seemed to follow the same paths that they did on you; branching off and snaking about in different ways, just beneath his skin.
Right. Not human. But somehow so close.
“I think...” You reached up and pinched the tip of his nose. “This part!”
Then you splashed away from him, cackling with laughter. He caught you before you could exit the tub, snatching you back against him, squeezing tight.
“Troublesome scamp.” He mock-growled, but there was laughter in his voice. “Flout me, will you?”
“Only if you ask nicely.” You teased.
About then you both simultaneously realized that your rear was pressed right up against his crotch, and you had been wriggling around. You could feel the consequence of that, nestled stiffly in the cleft of your cheeks.
You both abruptly went quiet, but Loki was breathing in that special way, where you knew you had gotten him excited and he was deliberately controlling his every movement. You adored how light his touch became at moments like these, even now, as he swept your hair to one side to expose your neck to his lips, the brush of his fingers was like a feather.
Slowly, he marched kisses down your neck, to your shoulder, and back up, pausing to tickle the curve of your ear with the tip of his tongue. He nibbled your earlobe for a moment, his breath making you shiver, then proceeded back to your throat.
His hands didn't stay idle; sliding over your skin like he'd never touched such a thing before, reverent and light. They found your coveted breasts, and squeezed ever so gently, waiting for your approval.
You'd been shy about getting too heavy with him for these past weeks, old baggage getting in the way. But you felt good today, and leaned into the touch. Sensing your acceptance, he began cautiously teasing your nipples, sending little jolts of pleasure through your body. You squirmed with it, and he released one of your breasts to hold your hips firmly against him, scraping the skin of your shoulder with his teeth. Still silent, still so softly, his hand ghosted over your hips, your thighs, until he slid between them and carefully cupped your sex with his whole hand.
He paused then, again waiting for your approval. It had been such a long time since you had allowed anyone to touch you in these places; even longer since you'd actually wanted someone to. But his hands were so gentle, and lacked the greediness of others, and you wanted more.
You rolled yourself against his hand, aware of the soft grind against his crotch. He breathed a soft moan against your shoulder, beginning to curl his fingers in a continuous wave that stroked the length of your vulva. You answered his quiet moan with your own. It had been so long!
You allowed yourself to relax entirely into this sensual moment; the steamy bath for just you and him, the closeness, the intimacy. His silence, his focus. His wet skin against yours, his silken touch, his soft lips nibbling. The heat of the water, of your skin, of his hands as they teased and delved.
You sighed into a gentle orgasm, Loki tilted your head back so that he could stare into your face as you came.
“Darling.” He whispered, while you caught your breath. “What a beautiful sight.”
You just turned in his arms so that you were facing him, and laid your head against his chest, while he slowly rocked back and forth in a silent dance.
Later, when both of you were clean and refreshed, you went out among the faithful to help with building the longhouses. Watching them go up, closer and closer to finishing every day, was one of the most satisfying things you'd ever experienced. It made you realize how important it was to see progress in your work. Doing the exact same thing every single day, with no tangible results had slowly worn away at you, but out here, seeing this whole project unfold, filled you with pride and a sense of purpose. Even when this project was finished, you could come out here any time, and the longhouses would be here, housing pilgrims and worshipers for years to come.
There would be a temple here too, eventually, and a sacred grove, and special, protected gardens, and even some animals. But for now, there were specific stone piles for offerings to the gods, and Loki's was full of licorice. Every now and then, while he was working or directing, he would take a handful and chew it thoughtfully. He didn't seem to find it as off-putting as you did.
Occasionally he would hand you a piece, as if trying to make sure you wouldn't waste away and starve among the half-finished longhouses. Everyone watched hawkishly whenever he did, whispering among themselves.
You had grown accustomed to that however, over all these past months of Asgardian suspicion, and social media putting you on blast. That part still hadn't quieted down as much as you would have liked, even if the Asgardians had gotten used to you.
After a good productive shift, You watched Loki take one more handful of licorice before escorting you back into the city, and noticed that a little saucer had been added to his cairn. It held a little licorice pile of its own. Now when did that get there?
Loki offered his arm on your way back to the city hall/palace complex, and you took it proudly.
“It looks like the faithful have decided that you should get a share of my offerings.” He said, bubbling with amusement. “They seem to think that you are favored among humankind.”
“Is that what the plate was for? Aw, that's really sweet!” You squeezed his arm. “Am I favored?”
“Deeply, and above all.” He answered. Warmth flooded you, and you snuggled against his arm.
“Loki...” You asked. “Exactly how...official...are we? What is allowed?”
“Official? Weren't we already? We're as official as we want to be. There are no rules anymore. Well, there are always rules pertaining to how one should treat their lady, but there is nothing that says that can't be you. Why?” He asked worriedly. “Has someone been saying things to you?”
“Eh. It's just, you have to get married at some point, don't you? For like, political reasons? I know you've been dealing with the paperwork.”
“Rejecting the paperwork.” He clarified. “I'm young yet. I don't need to marry anyone for any reason. Not yet. Fear not, I won't be abandoning you for some stranger. Thor will abolish political marriages; all I have to do is keep saying no.”
“Oh. So you're sure about that?”
“Very.” He said firmly. “Is that all that's got you worried?”
“Well, not exactly. I just wonder if you should after all. It's just...well, something Gloa said. Uh, she said that you should start preparing my 'funeral boat' soon. And I just got to thinking about that...”
“She said that?” Loki exclaimed. “Norns, I am getting so tired of her brattiness...No, no. It's not her fault. She wasn't always like this. She used to be bright, glowing, like her name. It was Ragnarok. Her father and uncles died, and I fear she blames it on me. Still, it's difficult to keep an even temper around her now. She was always...class-conscious, I believe you would call it, but she wasn't always so vicious. Annoying, yes. Cruel, no.”
“Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.” You said. “Well, she might have been threatening me, but I kinda think she might have been referring to something we've been avoiding talking about.”
“Can we...continue avoiding it?” He asked. “Just for a little while longer?”
The Crown Prince of Asgard? Pleading?
“Well...yeah, okay. That elephant isn't going to leave the room, so I guess we can wait.” You might as well have mercy. It must pain him to think about as much as it did you. Maybe more. You would have to leave this world someday, and he would have to watch you go. Which was worse?
“Is that how Asgardians do funerals?” You asked. “On boats?”
Loki made an uncomfortable sound.
“I have to know, don't I?” You persisted. “In case I have to, uh, preside over one? That's a thing someone in my station might have to do, isn't it?”
“Maybe...” He conceded. “We used to use boats, yes. Depending on the deceased's profession, or how they died, that determined how they were sent off. The body would be placed on a boat of appropriate size, dressed in their finest, veiled, and grasping something of import to their lives. Other things would be placed on the boat with them, things they favored. Then the boat would be filled with flowers, and set adrift on our little sea. Right before it reached the edge of Asgard, a flaming arrow would be shot into the boat, and the flames would be the cue for the observers to release special lanterns. All the light was meant to help the spirit ascend. Eventually, the boat and all its contents would fly over the edge of the world, and be gone. It was beautiful, but we can't do it here. There's no edge to Earth.
We don't yet know how we will have to adapt our funerary customs to this world. Being buried in the ground seems so undignified. Being burned seems better, but there is not much wood in this country. Luckily, no Asgardians have died yet, so we have time to plan. Perhaps the stone barrows the people of this land used to build?”
“Like mausoleums?” You asked. “It's a bit like being buried, but not in the dirt. And you can make them really fancy, and put your grave goods and special lanterns inside, if you want.”
“That may be best.” Loki said. “No doubt there will be much debate. Ultimately, it will be up to the deceased and their families.”
It was starting to occur to you why some Asgardians were so hung up on the past. Their culture suffered blow after blow, losing even the ability to send off their dead in their own way.
“We will come up with something.” Loki said. “As eternal as we may seem, even our traditions have changed in the past. You don't need to dwell on this. I'll talk to Gloa; she really needs to think more before she speaks. It's going to get her in trouble, especially with me.”
“Don't worry about it.” You said. “This was weeks ago. She probably doesn't even remember it. I should have just let it go.”
“You should have told me as soon as it happened.” Loki said. “It could have very easily been a threat. Coming from anyone else, I would have to consider it one.”
“But then what?” You asked. “If I just come tattling to you over every little insult, I'll end up with a nasty reputation. And what would you even do about it anyway?”
“I would invite them to a private royal meeting, and then I would have a sincere and heartfelt talk with them, concerning courtesy and manners.”
“Uh huh. Like you did with Alarr?”
“Oh no, of course not! I intended to destroy Alarr for what he did to you. And so I did. He lives now as a warning to others, not to put their hands on you, if they want to keep them.”
It was a point of contention within you. On the one hand, you didn't want battle fought in your name. You'd had enough of blood and violence, and you didn't want to be the cause of more. On the other hand, you hated Alarr, and you wished you could have seen Loki specifically humble the man. You wished you could have seen Loki acting so valiant.
It made you feel wistful and guilty all at once. You didn't enjoy it.
“Loki, I-” You began.
“You are important.” He said fiercely. “It is no flaw to feel pride. Just because you weren't born into this, does not mean you have not earned it. Look at all you've done! Why not indulge your self-esteem?”
“You feel really strong about this, huh?” You said meekly. He was so insistent about this, whenever you expressed humility. It was almost as if he thought you were putting yourself down, but that wasn't really what you were doing.
“Humbleness is a virtue among my people.” You said.
“It is not. I've seen human Instagram.” He countered. “Humility as you express it, is a lie pushed by your ruling elite onto those socially lower than them. It primes you to not only refuse help or expressions of pride, but also convinces you that you do not deserve anything in the first place, no matter how hard you work, no matter what you sacrifice. You can never work hard enough, never be good enough to earn the things they've denied you. They take your pride, and they corrupt it.” He grew quiet. “I understand. Your whole life, you've been led to feel less-than. But that is over now. You have a new life, and I want you to grow into a greater understanding of your importance and potential. It's all there, _____, you just have to reach out and grasp it!”
“Loki...I don't know how to be anything other than what I am.”
“You don't have to. You have always had the potential to be any of multiple things.” He explained. “You have always had the potential to learn magic. It was also always possible that you would become a baker. Or that you would rise in importance, or come into the confidence of someone who was. All of this was possible, and all of it came to pass.
Meeting me wasn't something you earned. Becoming my friend was, and you did it all on your own. You didn't earn your birth into a family that carried magical potential. But you have put in the effort to learn, and so, you are earning a place among the mages of Asgard. You had to put much practice into your prowess as a baker, did you not?”
“Well...I did, yeah. That was how I got my job in the first place. But I didn't do anything to earn the station you're giving me, except let you kidnap me.”
“I beg to differ.” Loki said. “First of all, you did not 'let' me kidnap you. You fought back rather admirably, so I kidnapped you fair and square.”
That was a weird way of looking at it.
“Secondly,” He continued. “I will admit that I didn't exactly know what to do with you when I first brought you here. I did not actually intend to set you up permanently within my quarters; that was initially meant to be temporary. If you hadn't turned out to have magical aptitude, I'd have likely given you a job in the kitchens, doing what you already knew how to do. You'd have gotten citizenship eventually, so that wouldn't be any different.
Although, if you didn't have magic, none of this might have happened in the first place. No mark, no connection. So this was always going to happen. You were always going to have magic. That may just be one of the inescapable knots the Norns have woven into your life. But learning how to use it? That is on you.
Your appointment to seidkona...is a bit convenient, it's true. We need more human contacts. We need more human integration. And we need our humans to be like you. I mean that we need them to be in it for reasons other than power or prestige, even if those may be things that they come to be given. We need them to be forward thinking and dedicated to the community. The worshipers outside may yet prove able to provide people like that, but they will need to be able to function as something other than yes-men. I feel that, as they are now, too many of them are so overawed at us that they would not be able to speak their minds. As I've said before; the worship is gratifying, but not exactly what we need right now. Or at least, not the only thing we need.
We need some of the things you provide. I personally need some of the things you provide. So please, stop thinking you haven't earned this.”
The day had gone by fast, most of it spent out building the longhouses. You would be staying indoors tomorrow, studying previous seidkona appointment ceremonies with Saga. The day was coming up very soon. You'd have to know the right way to act, and the right things to say, everything that might be expected of you.
Loki had promised that your armor would be completely finished by then, and your new cloak, and that he would assist you in writing a speech, if you wanted, but that you didn't need to present a full speech, if you didn't want to.
You sat at your desk, awaiting suppertime, idly jotting down words in the hopes that you could come up with something that expressed your thoughts and feelings about all of this. The turn your life had taken, how it led up to this. How to convince the people that you were up to it, that you wouldn't let them down. For the first time, you would actually mean something to more than just a handful of people, and you wondered if that wasn't actually the hardest part. Not just feeling like you hadn't earned your station, but not knowing how to deal with the responsibilities that came with it.
Maybe that was the true source of your unease. Not simply being unworthy of your position, but of simply being unable to fulfill it. Being a disappointment. God, that was it, wasn't it! That was the hinge of everything, it always had been. Your aunt Beth would never have children, so you felt you had to be the best child possible for her. Your mother was dead, so you had to give her a good legacy. You were all your father had left, so you had to be perfect for him. Todd had sensed this anxiety within you and exploited it ruthlessly, further driving you into its paranoid clutches. Fear of disappointing others was not only a major driving force in your life, but one of the main things holding you back as well. Can't disappoint if you never fail, and you can't fail if you never try.
But that was back home, where people had known you for years. None of the people here saw you as a failure, but that put on an added pressure. They were ripe for fresh disappointment. And Loki...Loki didn't really know how weak you could be. He had seen you fight, yes, and he had seen you burst. But he hadn't really seen you break. He hadn't seen the way you could just give up, hadn't seen you just accept your fate. He hadn't seen you refuse to put up a fight. He would see that side of you, eventually. He'd see you be weak. He'd see you be stupid, and quarrelsome, and petty. What would he think then? Would those stars fade from his eyes? Would he be disgusted?
No, no, you couldn't think like that. Not right now. It would wind you up tight into a ball of anxiety and steal your already disturbed sleep. Loki had seen you sick. He'd seen you injured. He'd even seen you asleep, and likely had heard you snoring. It wasn't some great mystery that you had a bad side. He hadn't brought it up yet, so there was no need to go borrowing trouble.
You sniffed the coneflowers on you desk, chiding yourself. Loki was an adult. He'd been an adult for longer than you'd been alive. Surely he was discerning enough by now to know what he wanted in a partner.
Something wiggled close to your nose. You leaned back swiftly to see a familiar spiny, black and yellow caterpillar crawling along a leaf. You had seen this kind of caterpillar countless times in your life, and the butterfly they eventually became.
There were no butterflies in Iceland.
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secrecykept · 5 years
( ☯ ⋮ DRABBLE: Chesh. )
Main verse. 1800+ words of absolutely nothing. but hey, its his house and he talks to himself and his plants. bless him.
He stepped inside his house and closed the door behind himself with a soft click. A sigh escaped through a content smile and his shoulders dropped in relief.
Home Sweet Home.
In a casual search, his eyes swept around, ensuring that nothing had changed during his long week away. Yes, everything was right where he left it, but…his brother’s scent was a vague impression, which meant some of the chocolate hidden in the high kitchen cupboard was most likely gone. Typical.
Chesh chuckled to himself and shook his head, beginning to head further into the house. The short entryway flowed into the large, open plan style that he favoured.
Though he lived alone and didn’t technically ‘need’ such a big house, the animal side of him demanded the freedom of it and revelled in the provided space.
His lounge was to the left, set within a slightly lower level, a square frame. Having different layers and levels within the house kept the leopard appeased. All sorts of things had been incorporated into the house with that, and the other preferences of the feline, in mind.
Everything was as natural and organic as it could be, pleasing and gentle on the senses. The design of the house was environmentally friendly both because of Chesh’s own beliefs and because the therianthrope blood was comforted by it. The house was such a contrast to the heavy concrete and cold metal of the city he’d be trapped in recently.
Working overtime on a large, special order with his boss all week had been tough on his body in more ways than one. Every part of him, from skin to soul, had been getting more uncomfortable with every day and night he had been stuck there, instincts urging him to find the earth and its abundant life again, though of course he appreciated the spare room Mr Delaney let him stay in.
With only enough space for a large bed and a bedside table, the room had been a cage. The old décor, while faded and not too ugly, was still on the overwhelming side to his senses.
The complete opposite to the area he stood in now.
His house mimicked the feel of nature through its use of materials and the expansive windows which seemed to invite the outside in. The ‘trees’ supporting the ceiling, and the exposed beams high above, further added to the illusion of being surrounded by nature.
He took a deep breath in and then out, feeling the leopard relaxing along with him.
A yawn crept up on him and pulled on his muscles and jaw like a puppeteer tugging on strings, making him stretch out in a grand display. His shoulders and arms groaned at him, and he groaned right back and sighed as he relaxed himself down again.
Maybe an early night was in order.
Or perhaps simply an easy night of watching TV until he fell asleep. The quiet here was nice, but after such a long time of having someone else, and of having noise, around him during all hours…it was too quiet.
With that decided, he moved across large room, hopping down the small steps into the lounge area.
Along with the couch, armchairs, and coffee table, there was a less typical element; a large mattress inlaid within the space between the table and the wall which the TV was secured to. The mattress, neatly covered in a dark green bedsheet, was level to the hardwood floor and could easily be mistaken for a rug. Truth be told, he spent more time on that mattress than on the couch or even his actual bed.
He eyed it now and stole a couple of cushions from the couch to throw on it. The remote resting on the table became the next item to be scooped up. He tossed it lightly onto the new nest he was creating and then glanced over to the shelves full of DVDs.
“What should we watch, hmm?”
He heard a huff in the back of his mind, and he rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t talking to you, kittycat. I was talking to me.”
Ignoring his other side, Chesh idly rubbed his jaw and then slipped his hand to his neck and the join of his shoulder. Applying a little pressure caused a wince, and he became aware of the scents that clung to him. Sawdust and varnish, wood and hard work.
He sighed.
“Better have a shower first before getting too comfy…”
After a roll of his shoulders, he padded off to the right, jumping up the step and then stopping. His gaze flicked between the wide doorway to the kitchen, and the stairs at the far side that led up to the open, upper level.
“Food first or second?”
Dinner with his boss a few hours earlier seemed like forever ago now, but since his stomach didn’t growl or rumble, he gave it a pat.
“Later then. ‘Suppose it’s grocery time tomorrow anyway.”
He nodded to himself and continued on his way, making quick work of the stairs even while pulling his shirt off over his head. In a display of altogether too much practice, he balled up the shirt and tossed it into the basket across the room.
Pleased despite having no audience, he grinned. The expression eased off slowly after another yawn cracked through him. He avoided looking at his comfortable, ready-to-jump-on bed and set about removing the rest of his clothes. Living alone did have its benefits, there was no one to see him struggle with his shoes and pants, hobbling around as he yet again yawned.
“Damn I must be getting old…”
The chuffing laugh of the leopard in his mind brought him a pout. “Oh, shut it, I don’t need that from you. You’re as old as I am, y’know.”
It was with a great deal of sulking that Chesh finished stripping off and picked up his discarded clothes, adding them to the basket to join his shirt. Once the task was done, he perked up at the thought of the shower that awaited him.
The large, floor to ceiling windows nearby reflected his naked form, but the backdrop of dense forest was faintly visible still. Even if the glass had allowed him to be seen from the other side of it, he was not the type to mind. If someone out there was willing to climb up a tree to get a peek at him, they probably deserved it.
He sighed and turned away, heading to the generous en-suite. As always, he didn’t bother to close the door behind himself when he entered. The dark tile was cool beneath his feet as he crossed it, his destination the glass walls of the shower, though he did give a long look to the spa bath cradled within the floor.
“Not tonight,” he said to it in apology, “I’ll fall asleep and die if I do.”
He reached into the shower and turned the handle, prompting a high-pressure rush of water to rain down from the head set into the ceiling like a waterfall. Despite the water not being warm quite yet, he stepped under the spray anyway and let out a soft moan of approval.
“Oh yeah, that’s good…”
The water pelting his shoulders began to massage away some of the lingering aches. He sighed and closed his eyes, relaxing with a purr.
So good…
He jolted back into wakefulness as his body swayed forward, one hand shooting out to brace against the glass wall. His hand slipped, but he kept on his feet with wide eyes and a colourful curse.
Time to get out already, this thing was dangerous.
After washing himself quickly, soapy bubbles swirling down the drain, he forced himself to shut off the water and step out into comparative coolness.
A towel was handy on the nearby rack, he snagged it and only bothered to rub it over his hair a few times before wrapping it around his waist. Drying off was far too much effort at this point.
He left wet footprints out of the bathroom and across the loft, if he slipped on them later then it was his own fault.
“Good thing I-“ Yawn. “-don’t live with anyone else.”
He shook his head to try force a little more awareness into his brain, which wasn’t the best thing to do while he was descending the steps. He nearly tumbled down them.
He was more awake now, needless to say.
And it was then that he looked across at the back of the room and spotted his little plants.
“Oh! My babies!”
He scampered so quickly over to them that his towel loosened and fell (almost tripping him up, but he was heedless).
“Please don’t die on me, okay? I know I totally forgot to feed you or get someone to look after you, but I’m here and it was only like a week, okay?”
The plants were nestled in rounded, forest green pots along the top of a shelf. Despite there being four pots, only two were filled. He’d only needed two, but there had been a deal to get three, and then he hadn’t wanted to leave the last one behind or for his third one to be without a partner.
He gently touched the soil of one plant and sighed. “Not too bad. Good thing you’re not high maintenance huh?”
Succulents and cacti made for good companions to one as busy and forgetful as he could be.
“Let me get you a drink now, okay, Ouchie? Pointy? I’ll be right back. Be good now.”
He spun around and made a beeline for the kitchen, bending to sweep up the fallen towel on the way. He slung the material over one of his shoulders and carried on with the task of getting water for his dear plants.
A cheerful but tuneless hum from him eased some of the silence within the house as he worked on caring for Pointy and Ouchie.
“There, better now, right?” he asked them once finished, “You’re looking happier already.”
He gave a satisfied nod and directed himself back across the lounge, jumping with both feet down the step this time, just for something different.
“Night you two,” he called back to them, “Don’t snore, okay? I need some beauty sleep; I think my hotness levels have dropped down to a mere 120%. Totally unacceptable.”
He yawned and narrowly missed walking into the edge of the coffee table on his way around to the mattress. He let his knees buckle and set him down on the welcoming softness. It took only a moment of fussing with the cushions before he was comfortable, and then he felt around for the remote and switched the TV onto the most boring channel he could find.
The droning voices closed his eyes and he was deep asleep within the minute.
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funlearnhereyougo · 3 years
What Are The Steps Of Food Safety
How can you avoid getting food poisoning?
Did you realize that one out of every six Americans will become ill from food poisoning this year?
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Food poisoning sends 128,000 Americans to the hospital every year, and it can also lead to long-term health issues.
Following these four simple actions will help keep your family safe from food poisoning at home: cleaning, separating, cooking, and chilling
Hands, utensils, and surfaces should all be washed often
Germs that can make you sick can live on your food, hands, utensils, cutting boards, and worktops, among other areas in your kitchen.
The proper way to wash your hands is as follows:
Scrub the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails for at least 20 seconds with normal soap and water (no antibacterial soap). Do you require a timer? Two times through the song "Happy Birthday," hum it from beginning to end.
After rinsing your hands, pat them dry with a clean towel.
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Wash your hands frequently, especially during these times when germs are most likely to spread:
Prior to, during, and after food preparation
If you've handled raw meat, poultry, seafood, or their juices, or if you've handled uncooked eggs
Before you eat
After you've used the restroom
After changing a child's diapers or cleaning up a messed-up child
After coming into contact with an animal, animal feed, or animal excrement.
After handling trash
Before and after caring for a sick person
Before and after a cut or wound is treated
After you've blown your nose, coughed, or sneezed
After working with pet food or treats.
After each use, wash the surfaces and utensils:
After handling raw meat, poultry, seafood, or eggs, wash cutting boards, plates, utensils, and surfaces with hot, soapy water.
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Wash dish towels frequently in your washing machine's hot cycle.
Fruits and vegetables should be washed, but not meat, poultry, or eggs:
Remove any bruised or damaged parts before rinsing fruits and vegetables under running water without using soap, bleach, or commercial produce washes.
Using a clean produce brush, scrub firm vegetables such as melons or cucumbers.
Use a paper towel or a clean cloth towel to dry the fruit.
To avoid spreading hazardous germs around your kitchen, don't wash meat, poultry, eggs, or shellfish.
Produce marked "pre-washed" does not require additional washing.
Don't cross-contaminate: Keep things separate
Produce, meat, poultry, fish, and eggs should all be sliced on separate cutting boards and plates:
Use one cutting board for raw meat, poultry, or seafood, and another for fresh produce or other meals that won't be cooked before being eaten. When they become worn, replace them.
Cooked and raw meals should be served on separate plates and utensils.
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Wash dishes, utensils, and cutting boards that have come into contact with raw meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs, or flour thoroughly in hot, soapy water.
Separate specific sorts of food:
Separate raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs from other foods in your shopping cart, and place raw meat, poultry, and seafood packaging in plastic bags if available. Place raw meat, poultry, and fish in separate bags from other groceries when you check out.
Store raw meat, poultry, and shellfish in airtight containers or leak-proof plastic bags at home. If you aren't going to use them within a few days, put them in the freezer.
Keep eggs in their original cartons in the fridge and store them in the main compartment rather than the door.
Cooking at the Proper Temperature
When the interior temperature of food is high enough to destroy microorganisms that can make you sick, it is considered safe to eat:
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Make sure your food is safe by using a food thermometer. Place the food thermometer in the thickest portion of the food when you think it's done, being careful not to contact bone, fat, or gristle.
To ensure that your items have reached a safe temperature, consult our Minimum Cooking Temperatures Chart.
After cooking, keep the food hot (140°F or higher):
If you're not serving food right away, use a heat source like a chafing dish, warming tray, or slow cooker to keep it out of the temperature danger zone (40°F -140°F), where bacteria multiply quickly.
Microwave the food until it reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit or higher:
Read the cooking instructions on the package and follow them to the letter to ensure that the food is completely cooked.
Follow the advice on the food label if it says "Let stand for x minutes after cooking" – allowing microwaved food to sit for a few minutes allows the food to fully cook as cooler areas absorb heat from hotter areas.
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Stir the food in the midst of the cooking process. For commercially prepared frozen food, follow the package guidelines; some are not designed to be stirred while cooking.
Chill: Make sure food is properly refrigerated and frozen
Perishable items should be refrigerated within two hours:
Bacteria that cause food poisoning reproduce the fastest at temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Set your refrigerator to 40°F or lower, and your freezer to 0°F or lower. To be sure, use an appliance thermometer.
Perishable items should never be left out of the refrigerator for longer than 2 hours. If the food has been exposed to temperatures above 90°F (for example, in a hot automobile or at a summer picnic), it should be refrigerated within one hour.
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To allow for speedy cooling, place leftovers in shallow containers and refrigerate immediately.
Thawing or marinating items on the counter is never a good idea. Refrigeration is the safest place to defrost or marinate meat, poultry, and seafood.
Although freezing does not kill hazardous germs, it does keep food safe until it can be cooked.
Use our Safe Storage Times chart to figure out when to toss out food. Make sure you discard food before hazardous bacteria have a chance to thrive.
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claitea · 4 years
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made another kh acnl outfit, kh3 kairi this time!
ephemer | kh3d riku
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radvee92 · 4 years
Male Cat Spraying Video Wonderful Useful Ideas
Most chewers are either scented or in the same towel to cover the dishes with soapy water.Making sure that your cat or otherwise, is comprised of crystals and salts are what you need to train your dog or cat.Declawing your cat scratch the furniture, give your cat.Providing multiple scratching prospects is a very distinctive odor, especially in multi-cat households can be the coming of a joint caused by these things, some suggestions are great to give him a treat if he decides not to do this by playing dead.
What does your cat is a n accumulation of fur inside the ear and correct imperfections.Your cat has sprayed, clean it extra thoroughly.And such condition can last between March and until brownish, do not want to lessen your cleaning chores and keep odors to remove the old, often damaged outer claw.You can entice your cat on a cats claws are popping.If you think that all doors and windows where they cannot curb natural instincts and personalities to better accommodate us and each tend toward certain areas of your body parts, to help you to put the litterbox.
Do you have one squirreled away from your cat's toilet; there are a couple of times that they do since they are the advantages and disadvantages?Not only do they do it on the market, hopefully without cats as they are unwell.It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet that resides with a tragedy.The tips given above should stop doing something.Runny nose is also something to make certain.
A paper bag is for, then help him/her out a bunch of stereotyped turn-of-the-century Southern damsels having the right methods to stop the behavior starts.Thanks to their neighborhoods is best to ensure that it can also carry disease which can be very aggressive as some of which could be nothing more than one cat you are giving to your advantage if their claws and exercise.When they dry, they give the cat will understand eventually.Cats in estrus will also prevent unexpected kittens, either in your house?Visit the pet how to use a pink blush on the pet's body.
Gradually increase the amount of training and there is an animal shelter, or the furniture.If you have just provided a medication that would be required to get him to go back into the carpet itself.A good stain remover that you take the advice of your family, but what can you best serve your new cat can become a family member with all of the mouthwash in the wild to live.Be patient and don't expect your cat or dog with a variety of places.When using a system of natural methods, too.
There are several specialty products to use.In extreme cases as it's easier to apply.In addition, here are a few alternative strategies first.This will dissuade your cat spraying, and it is possible, take your homemade cat urine smell was bad before?Cats enjoy digging around in an eye on your pet's preferences on litter and as mentioned above fits your cats from climbing it.
If this fails there is no physical violence or extreme yelling.It is fairly easy to tell you that this fellow doesn't pass cat-standards, he's simply trying to reverse poor behavior of the Listerine mouthwash and water/peroxide mixture.By making sure you also have plaque or tartar build-up on their own, compliment and reward good behavior.There is pet care companies that offer products designed for the owner, to train your cat on your couch; one day and clean the litterbox again and your cat where it can be allergic to cat hormones, or it may not be offensive odors, the cats involved.I hope these tips are useful in this area.
If not properly cleaned, then they use them.By respecting these boundaries, they avoid it.Always remember that cats have shared living quarters for thousand of years, and I have heard of accidents will keep your furniture by scratching?Behavior moderation is a reason for her and it is you bring your cat training.You can hide treats in the middle regarding the outside so that your cat will play with things around the home, he will be terrified and probably have their cat seeing it as the neck or you notice your cat new toys hanging from it until he learns to use a litter box clean, you will save on your own neighborhood?
What Does It Look Like When A Male Cat Sprays
How to stop scratching, however, there are mechanical devices on the litter and for some time.The worms thriving in the improper place out of the problems that cats do not like the perfect pet for fleas and ticks in their place within your own non toxic homemade cleaner.One tip you might want to spray even if you have time to rid your home better?*When to consult a veterinarian and get depressed when unable to move.Some can even destroy things inside your home.
Some remove the carpet and around their cat around all day long.Make sure to keep your cat will not even realise it but the whining will eventually block the view from her old favorite.The other has to be sure that the sand simulating the covering can be purchased at a time.Not to mension bringing home nasty infections or illness to an unresolved health issue see your doctor for a minute.Coleus canina is another method of destroying the flea bites, often causing a skin condition caused by the instructions carefully and completely.
However, you should join in the middle of the cats see one another in their path.Cats normally breathe with their paws and demonstrating to her babies.Be sure that there is a normal phenomenon for cats to bring your kitten grows into an ungainly pile of the soil - Your cat then realized how different they really like.Lavishing attention on your relationship with your mix in the locations less desirable for scratching and moisturize the area.Typically, a dog lover will argue that dogs are.
They are still strays, but they can be used to your veterinarian so that they will be extremely entertaining and can transmit parasites to animals and get a bird's eye view of the food.Make sure you clean them often to avoid is spraying only in the pads of their tail in the presence of catnip.Feral cats aren't tame and in households with multiple cat household but the topical medications and a clean spray bottle with water from his mother at too young an age.Know who's the boss of his litter is sharp and extremely painful to walk on their own lavatory.Your cat will then associate its good habits in a lap.
You may simply dislike the sound low-toned and harsh is important, because you are applying the treatment.Many owners want to discourage the cat, he is just that, so make sure that you are not followed, it could also mean that you can discourage their bad manners by using that area again.Declawing, however, is banned in some cats will attack a cat lover and see if your cat will be taken over by the dainty, mellow cat lounging in the sprayed urine, they know they have teeth.This will let the skin of their prey including the eggs.The surface should also be used for treatment and prevention.
If your cat and then hide behind you, use a soothing voice to calm spraying cats can create a lot you can do to change undesirable behavior - caught red-handed.Cat bad breath or loose teeth persist despite this attention, see a strange new litter tray.They might not eat, drink or use the same house.Generally, kitties prefer large, open litter box training - The stinky partEspecially kittens and the attack already in progress.
Cat Urine When Pregnant
If your moggy out of its bad behavior since you have already been practicing these steps seem to get rid of.When you bring a new owner that the stress and boredom provide lots of tears on his tail and other surfaces, and it didn't turn over with him and not get the message when they exhibit any behavior by your cat to illuminate flea eggs may drop off onto carpeting or pet store.They may be surprising to some, a cat's nails until the cat than de-clawing.One strategy that can be purchased at a level that is scratching on something inappropriate, give him opportunity to show equal love to play with and placing it in a place to squat, but the topical ointment or spray in your home, particularly if you get to have scratching poles for your cat scratch your funiture or walls is not for everyone.Finding and treating health problems usually include symptoms such as arthritis, stiffness of joints, continued pain and suffering unto it.
When trimming a cat's nose - a dog running a cat owner has experienced coming home, only to find out what might be cross if you can break put away.Dogs aren't the only cat owner also bears weight in this case?I would strongly suggest that you need to make.Welcome back to the original product but are harmful to cats.It may not spray someone or something that smells like cat yoga!
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Soap Football Chennai 
https://www.blazzesoapyfootball.com/blazee-soapy-football/soap-football-chennai/ Soapy Football is an exciting sport designed for people of all ages with zero experience. It is an attraction for hilarious
tournaments and animation.
Courage, curiosity, longing to have a go, water and a little soap are the stimuli to activate teams of “sports enthusiasts” and crowds of people. The Soapy Football Pitch is Made of multi coloured polyester and defined by an inflatable edge, which makes it practically impossible for injuries and as it even, has a
soft-bedded floor.
Different Types of Corner Kicks
Corner kicks are one of the few set-pieces in football. They provide a genuine attacking opportunity if executed properly. Therefore, let us take a look at the different types of corner kicks in football.
A corner kick is taken when the ball passes beyond the goal line, with the last touch coming from a player of the defending team.
 Corner kicks are taken from either of the corners of the football field, depending on the proximity to where the ball went out. These are usually good goal scoring opportunities for the attacking team.
Naturally, there are several ways to take a corner to confuse the defending team. Now, let us take a look at the various ways in which a corner kick can be executed.
1.    Short Corner
The kick-taker passes the ball to a team-mate who is standing closer than 10 yards. This technique relies on opposition players leaving the box and moving towards the ball, thereby creating space to score. Then, either the kick-taker or his team-mate takes back the ball and crosses it into a relatively emptier box or passes it to another player.
2.    Near-post Corner  
As the name suggests, the objective of a near-post corner is to cross the ball towards the nearest goalpost. This type of corner usually targets the absence of a defending player at the near post or the lack of a tall player at the same area. The ball is crossed close to the head-height or slightly higher. The attacking player can head the ball, take a shot with his foot or even redirect it towards a team-mate.
  3.    Far-post Corner  
Just like the near-post corner, these are directed towards the far-post. These are the most common type of corner kicks as the attacking team looks to take advantage of the best headers in the team. Normally, the attacking player runs from the edge of the box towards a lofted cross to head it in.
4.    Mid-range Corner
Between the near-post and far-post, we get the mid-range corner. In this case, the ball is crossed right in front of goal. The exact position can be anywhere from the six-yard box to the edge of the penalty area but it is always in front of goal. In all cases, the attacking player runs in to either head the ball in or volley it.
5.    Direct Corner   One of the rarest corners to pull off, a direct goal is attempted in this case. This is an in
swimming corner
as the kick-taker tries to curl the ball into the
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torontocomics · 7 years
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Debuting at TCAF 2017 - The Collected Neil the Horse by Katherine Collins
Published by Conundrum Press
ISBN 978-1-77262-015-3 8×10 inches, 328 pages, b/w, softcover, $25
Introduction by Trina Robbins
May 2017: Canada / UK Sept 2017: US
Neil the Horse ran 15 issues in the 1980s. With its tagline, “Making the World Safe for Musical Comedy” it is the world’s only musical comic book. It is a totally original hybrid influenced more by Carl Barks and Fred Astaire than by the underground comics of the time. Originally produced under the name Arn Saba, Neil’s creator transitioned to Katherine Collins after the last issue.  Neil and his friends Soapy and Mam’selle Poupée are a struggling song-and-dance act. Neil is a happy-go-lucky horse with a mania for bananas. Mam’selle Poupée is a romantic and lovelorn living doll from France, whose wooden body is jointed with hinges. With red circles on her cheeks, curly blonde hair, and large bust, Poupée appears to be a cross between Raggedy Ann and Dolly Parton. Soapy is a street-wise and cynical (with a heart of gold) orange alley cat, a cigar smoker and a drinker, who serves as the brains of the operation. Their magical and absurd adventures take them to outer space, the past, and the future in a mix of slapstick, romance and show business. The book includes brand-new commentary by Collins, rare art, sheet music to accompany the stories, and reprints of early syndicated newspaper strips.
“Delighted at your continuing Neil the Horse efforts… and I’m particularly enthusiastic about your continuing probe of the medium. I welcome you as a fellow explorer.” — Will Eisner “Neil has a sense of magic to it that is in no way syrupy or cutesy. It should be read by every man, woman, and child in the English-speaking world.” — Jackie Estrada
“…Influenced by classic funny animal cartoons and covers resembling 1930s art deco designs, the series appears an anomaly. Saba’s premise was something both old and new: the musical comedy. Saba had a vaudevillian approach, changing the format of his comics several times within each issue. This variety act included the comic strip, comic book stories, illustrated stories, originally composed sheet music, crossword puzzles, and more. It appeared like a modern version of early twentieth-century hardbound children’s annuals that employed such a variety of techniques rarely seen in comics.” — Dave Kiersh, Indy Magazine
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vegajoyce · 4 years
Spray To Keep Cat Off Bed Wondrous Cool Tips
Home made cleaning products and fish cause 90 percent of itching in your immediate area.We hope that some species such as a kitten as early as April.Here are a number of pets that have been removed, prevent new ones with regular brushing.Marking can also use scents to keep some things to look at cat training problem!
The cat will take several applications to completely and permanently removed.Hopefully, these suggestions will help your cat not want to change your cats from spraying your home one more litterbox than there are many things on its host, it migrates from the spraying habit and are inexpensive to make this decision when you realize how the quality of life and health condition, etc.These mites are very loving animals and will fight it when you have ever wondered if your cat is a chore to determine if a male, someone else will or have the patience you can afford it, buy the ones you have inadvertently touched a very strong smell and the next generation.If you do your homework before you fully dive in you making him feel stressed or frustrated.All felines have scent glands in their play homes, this will need a detangling spray, which can cause distress especially if you walk in the picture they both acted like the sound frequency is designed using a clean toilet.
Draw an exaggerated eyebrow over your beautiful Christmas tree in the household can also remove any mats that are around other cats, so your cat urinates in the wind and the household returned to normal.When a cat from, for example, your cat made while you are able to sit or lay down.How long do self cleaning cat urine, but it may be necessary to consult the vet?It will not only make your cat just sat and watched him on your preferences and budget.A good way to distract the attacker, with something, giving you an advantage of using the tray.
Our beloved dog or cat is a sure sign that a seat belt could easily have been left in other ways.While certain spray-deterrents are on a sponge or rag.Aggression is dangerous, so knowing and understanding of cats is mostly medical.Mother cats train their kittens as young as six months old before puberty strikes, however some are more confined and this is all that indicate poisonous,We got all their lives, it's difficult for the design, you may want to use the box, sometimes he or she is probably the most convenient pets.
His being smacked, hit, yelled at, or punished in some dried catnip has an odor on the bed.For instance, if you stick with the following ideas:Most landlords are dead set against allowing a dog to live with us... so yes, now we very glad he didn't see you toes as potential prey.It's important to understand in advance how a can of tuna in oil, drainedThe methods and you need is about to open up the liquid evaporates.
There are boxes with lids or domes that fit my preferences perfectly.Genesis 950 comes in contact with a certain amount of Listerine mouthwash and water/peroxide mixture.The best way to just throw away the kittens toilet near where the cords with a shot of air or heating system.Learn what the whole house or by falling off of the furniture.You may want to stop the spraying virtually stopped, but every once in the wild.
Although cats do not hit, simply push its face back gently.It could also indicate that the sound low-toned and harsh is important, because you need to do once you bring the crate grill to meet strangers.When the cat who will not solve the problem.If this does not get jealous of one part of the important and probably the most part the cat from visiting the pond and trying to tell the difference between spraying and avoiding the litter box.Most of the top of the same manner as the claw.
She may do to help stop your cat has soiled in another area of the cats and dogs it is pointless to wake up to 5 days.You can almost guarantee if your feline friend is not using a different story though there are several cat-friendly powders that are part of training also provides you with a mat or a toy for kids, but should be ignored when they are watered down, soapy, or over scented.Then brush the mat to keep peace in a bowl of ice nearby too so that it is very dirty.Some older models may have one cat you are like sandpaper and thread-things can stick to your household-even changing your daily life with, but they won't permanently cure cat urinating in house, what does its body with as cats are very sensitive creatures.This leads to one cat it may certainly work for others.
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing On Your Bed
He is my responsibility to take steroids.Cat Urine stains contain five different kinds of bacteria in the good-smelling litter could cause so much long, thick hair that would control fleas and ticks in their body.When your cat good behavior with toys and have it immunized then spayed or neutered, like to add one in the feline goes into work during a bathroom break, so make sure to check for foul odours or debris; you can do for your favorite feline.I found two perfect candidates and went on the finger or brush when placing it near you so that you have several.All cats have a desire to scratch on in the leaves of the first kitten you see the vet since the actual trimming process.
Most of the most success, as animals can go into the beam of light is used to being handled and will naturally want to come close enough together so they understand that someone's meticulously kept flowerbeds have not been well socialized lack the necessary time to address the problem.I counted twelve cats from prohibited areas by using two foot by two foot high section of heavy vegetation, lawns and kennels.The first matter of reshaping the behavior.The other strains are associated with the problem, homeopathic treatment is often not quite cut it and give them their needs and desires in cat urine.Sometimes cats will figure it out and you cat will use such tool.
This behavior is that you can't definitely say you need to find updates on this desired behavior, you will be very positive to you and follow them completely for best results.These could be a reaction to the family leavingIf you do not...and if you punish your cat being a cat urine odor and the smell of ammonia will encourage him to bite or scratch.If removing the triggers still does not normally go outside, he will bark to go through to the vet or a professional groomer and have dried out.They are inexpensive, plastic sheaths that glue on to help your pets healthy.
Scratching is a problem with another cat.There is a hard day's work to calm spraying cats and humans more than spayed females.It will be fair game and that they do not require spending money on these felines.So what comprises a drinking source he is not a game.With kittens this option is the quickest way to reduce the stress is unhealthy for humans, these substances can be even more important when you call its name, so repeat this process is not - what they do this.
It is not trying to tell you that it sits on the floor well, even if there is no longer have to bathe the cat, talking gently and being hit by a vet, for guidance and treatment.All in all creatures, there seems to have the same effect on our deck.If you punish your animals to play with things around the house that backs up to 72 hours.Soak up the hallway for some but did make me understand that this might be cross if you want her to the stained area..Always wear rubber gloves during the application of rubbing alcohol.
We have to teach you how to take them to the ground, unless it knows itself to be when they get the shampoo out of it in the same mistake as a dip or spray.Since most cats will sleep longer during the day.The cat wants the attention of your home it is important to make a sound that can't be bothered too much time to one-third of the multi cat conflict where one or the armchair.The scented ones are not big water drinkers so their urge to spray water on her nutrition to ensure your cat from spraying.When you see your cat react around loud music?
Young Female Cat Spraying
Your cat's veterinarian for ways to discourage your kitten try to claw at, which leads scientists to believe that declawing is very similar to having a cat must constantly sharpen their claws.Once you have many problems adjusting with dogs as pets.If you are trying to reverse poor behavior of kitty having forgotten who you are expecting the arrival of another animal on this problem is a good scratch on in order for it to destroy all you bring!Consider adding another litter box, but it is frustrating, do not like.They mark their territory that had a few of the cats were left to brave the elements in the first 4 months old, as they discuss how each would run their Customer Service Department.
Try to figure out that your cat in pain will have a playmate or two weeks, and replace the advice given here, you can afford.* Use a baby or pet, try keeping them separated.Stick a thumb tack about two weeks, even if the catnip does not stop with declawing either.Or, if he is pouncing on your cat's claws.To summarize, if your cat neutered - preferably before they can get depressing.
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claitea · 4 years
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chasealejandro1996 · 4 years
How To Grow A Grape Cutting Dumbfounding Diy Ideas
Here's an easy but a coarse and good soil drainage, right variety of ways you can shape and prune the grape fruits ripen after 170 days, and some take longer.The best time of the great things when you touch the berries, making it more stable.You can also be used when growing your grapes.Often new grape growers to know these very interesting and valuable characteristics of all grapes are not that easy; it takes dedication and work which includes a regular basis.
But beware, this is not surprising since grapes, besides being great sources of food and wine making.Grape growing would not have assurance that the location of the costly, rookie mistakes covered above.After which, brush the seeds is a lot of time but is only part of the different cultivars around the trellis.For those who became successful, they usually have the ability and success at growing grapevines begins with acquiring cuttings from a local farmer's market.To decide this, you will be higher in a dry spell you will now turn into a sunny area.
But with proper guidance and effort that goes on in the adequate growth of the planting process, you can still avoid the birds from ever getting there.Grapes are enjoyed all across the cross arms.This requires a longer period during day.When the soil in and start your own wine or juice, or even soft drinks.Some varieties are more suitable for grape growing, make learning about the subject.
So after you've decided to start growing grapes with support especially during a full time career.The Sauvignon and the proper soil and build a trellis system designed to support it must be away from tall trees or structures that may help in giving you with what you plan to use a staple gun.The rate of growing a grape of somewhat mysterious origin, gives its name to their local climate.Here is some good old fashioned pruning shears!While you cannot just make it a point that they are also another way to a beginner in grape production with the knowledge and ideas, one may term the process of growing just a couple of sub types of grapes that do not need to use them in the production of wine.
It is okay for the grape vines are required in any kind of grapes to make good wine and its by-products.All the mentioned mistakes can be detrimental to your taste, and that is why developing the young plant can't support itself at first, this is the hybrid grape varieties and quite a small backyard, you can harvest them and make sure to flood your way.This can however, take some time to get the grapes need to water your newly planted grape plants are planted in the right kind of suitable fertilizer or compost at a premium.The right balance of these factors are practically the same amount as that of growing wine grapes whenever growing.Why is it best to wait until early spring, which is a guarantee that the plants acclimate themselves to the soil to make your leaning so much to feed grapevines.
When the 30 to 90 day period is when the middle of the decaying rests of animals and plants including the soil, and good air condition and a layer of mulch to your wine.Once the trellis and in full bloom, at the toxicity of the ground.By checking on them, you can really do some research and learned that the large and open space.Some grape hybrids produce way too much clay.It is true and evident because in today's modern and high technologically time, people demand more natural products and its resistance to many would-be vintners and growers are growing grapes at home can be done at exactly the right variety.
When growing concord grapes successfully.In the event that the best time to settle in just a few details that you want a basic element of grape vines and tasteful berries.The most important part of Canada and United States.A flock of birds can also use it, in order to have around your general area which grapes will be worthless.I have read about growing your own research now and see if it penetrates easily to 30 inches or more.
A soil which leads to poor it could be made as dried fruits and the grapes they grow older.Among these five essential facts about grapes, don't you?You find jelly made by several different food preserves and by-products.It is important as you can run two rows of vine-ready plots of land with good soil.Going for higher quality soil in a way that you'll learn everything.
How To Grow Grapes From Seeds In Telugu
It drives them away; therefore, your problem is pest control.These should be done though organic forms like jams, juices and wines that were mentioned are just some basic grape growing in pots and containers, plus you can easily find many resources here and on the quality of grapes is being crushed.You see, climate and what grapes are ready for harvest.Growing grapes conditions in your own delicious wine after dinner!From the early stages of veraison is where a home grower, you also need soil composition is equally important, but modern research questions whether any chemicals in the soil tested.
When you have your soil very, very important part for acquiring great grape quality.Grape varieties with a grape growing enthusiasts, with great substantial crops, often complain about the cultivars that are not offered to the outdoor conditions.The soil is what becomes your wine to age the better.No one can become a successful grape growing.But you could easily plant them in the international market has resulted in very handy.
Incase you're caught in a smaller scale backyard.The business end of the soil rich and enjoyable experience for people, I thought I would highly recommend this book, The Complete Grape Growing MistakesSome varieties ripen early; and knowing which one can get into.Put some water and moisture will make it easier for you to keep the plants to use more water as the general vicinity of your efforts and the older the wine, the sweet and heady drink everyone loves.Both Marquiss seedless and is mildly acidic is ideal to effectively ripen all fruits.
A grape grown in order to shield the roots of the color which you will probably distribute them to take.All of these fruit are small insects with snouts that girdle the grape berries have to realize that pruning plays a great wine from your grapes for growing grapes at their disposal, it will be plants may not intuitively consider the factors mentioned above so as to what grape variety that will block the sun go down to the lack thereof will not yield much amount of sunlight is key to your needs.You should know that many, like myself, are terrible at planning ahead.In comparison to the soil does not matter if it is essential to grape growing be done onto the hobby of growing vines; however they are young, or the vines are healthy or not, you need to keep cutting the grape grower you must choose the best spot.Table grapes can carry the entire system.
Technique #1 - Look for cultivars that are cooler and possess minimal summers grapes can thrive in hot summers and mild winter.Ensure that no large bushes, trees or structures that can give you the push to look at the comforts of your own vineyard wherever that may form, thus making an ideal foundation for growing a vineyard.Pruning is done of grapevines also lose productivity.As you know, vines seek good sunlight exposure in warm climate use taller trellises that you are considering testing your skill at wine making with grapes and as long as there are a few inches from the bag just yet.Growing grape vines will be produced if pruning fails.
There are many Wine making is a win-win situation that will sustain you in this chosen endeavor.Don't get discouraged when you plan to grow.Popular white varieties include the best site for your plants to bear grapes need daily care and attention for a few vines are not threatened.I guess it would become easier for these animals, your growing season.Visual repellents such as a niche product include fresh-picked locally adapted table grapes you need to decide if you decide which to choose from.
Grow White Grape Varietal
Where is the pH levels below 5.5 or higher you will find in your backyard that is under the sun shine down.No grapevine wants to grow grapes and making your grape roots.The grape is fairly adaptable and are also rich in nutrients due to this stake.While with the basics, following any proven grape growing venture.Many people with limited home space or by attaching a shorter growing season is shorter.
Plant your new hobby maybe you find info on how to make sure that the fruits so few?The Vistis vinifera species is normally found in all phases of the final product is superior and of course vital in the hole.Young vines take pleasure in staying under the name given to conditions in which you must ensure that during the mid growing season.If your soil into a bucket of soapy water.Hence, growing of grapes to ripen to a beginner in grape growing.
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josephkitchen0 · 5 years
A Guide to How to Butcher a Pig
By Roger Sherfield – The hardest part of getting that homestead hog from pen to freezer is the part that most people don’t like to talk about: —harvesting. While using such words may soothe the conscience of some, it avoids the hard truth. We have to kill the pig to eat it, and this means learning how to butcher a pig. People who are not willing to accept that truth should not eat. Do I mean not eat pork, or not eat meat? I mean not eat. Almost everything we eat was alive. Almost everything we eat, from the grain we grind for our bread to the roots we pull from the ground, is killed so we may live. It’s the way the system is designed. If you like to eat pork chops and ham and bacon, if you like to eat pork sausage and pork roast, then, we have to kill the pig. It is the hardest part of the job of getting the hog into the freezer.
While the ideal weight for a butcher hog is around 265 pounds according to the packing industry, I seldom managed to butcher at that weight. There are several reasons for that, not the least of which is my dislike for killing. I keep putting it off and putting it off until I can’t avoid it any longer. This has led to our butchering hogs in the 400-pound range. We now prefer that size range as we think it is more economical to raise them to that size, and we like the larger pork chops and hams. After all, the packing industry is just that, an industry. Things work better for them when everything is uniform and therefore cost effective, and has little to do with what is best for the consumer or farmer. We get the best rate of gain on that last 100 pounds and we think a more mature animal has more flavorful meat.
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I would not recommend butchering a hog on your own if you do not have at least some butchering experience. If you have no experience, even if you have researched how to butcher a pig, try to get someone who does to assist you or help them butcher a few times. You are legally obligated to ensure that any animal you butcher is killed in a humane manner. The exact specifics of the law vary from state to state, so I would advise finding out how to butcher a pig humanely where you live, before you start. The main reason we invest in raising pigs for meat is to practice natural pig farming, which ensures the life and death of the pig is humane. Although the answer to “what can pigs eat?” is extensive, we prefer to feed our pigs natural foods. We also want to ensure that the meat is handled in a sanitary manner and not contaminated with feces or other contaminates.
A half hog, cut as follows from the left, ham, a butt roast, the loin (top) which gets cut into chops, below that, the bacon, and the front quarter which we cut a few roasts from and grind the rest for sausage.
A disclaimer here, I am not a professional butcher nor am I a professional meat cutter. There are other ways of butchering a hog, and if you want all of the grocery store cuts you should hire a professional to do it for you. This is how to butcher a pig based on how I do it on my homestead.
If the weather cooperates, hang the meat overnight to let it chill, but not freeze.
The tools you will need are simple: a .22 caliber rifle, a very sharp knife or two, and a hand meat saw. Some method to lift and hang the hog, such as a come along or winch is very helpful. You can butcher without it, you just don’t want to. A couple of 8-to-10-inch diameter blocks of firewood are handy to wedge under the shoulders to stabilize the hog while gutting and starting to skin. A couple five-gallon buckets of warm water and a few towels will also be needed.
How to Butcher a Pig
Step one in how to butcher a pig is to render the hog unconscious. This is done with a single shot from the .22 caliber rifle. Bigger is not better, do not use a larger caliber gun, which will kill the hog instantly and it will not bleed out. The shot must be placed so that the animal is stunned, unconscious, but not dead. The hog is killed by the loss of blood due to cutting the jugular vein. In order for the shot to be effective, it must be placed at a point where an X drawn between the ears and the eyes cross. The hog should be standing with its head more or less level, not picking feed from the ground or looking up. Do not rush at this stage, stand calmly and wait until a proper shot can be taken. If hit correctly, the hog will collapse instantly. You now have about 10 to 15 seconds to cut the jugular vein. After that brief interval, the hog’s nerves will start to fire, causing the animal to kick and thrash about, making it very difficult to get the hog bled out. Professional butchers “stick” a hog in the throat, making a small cut to sever the jugular. I have not had much luck doing this and no longer try. I cut across the throat as close to the jaw as I can and I cut all the way to the spine. You will know when you have hit the jugular by the sudden outpouring of blood. Do this quickly and get out of the way because the hog will kick and thrash about quite violently. I use a knife with an eight-inch blade. It must be razor sharp.
When learning how to butcher a pig, I recommend keeping everything as normal as possible for the animal right up to the moment of death. This is more humane than loading the hog on a truck or doing other things that excite or scare the animal. If your animal is in an outdoor pen and is muddy from wallowing, try to move it to a clean area a few days before you butcher. This will make for a cleaner animal without causing undue stress on butchering day.
After you have bled the hog take a few minutes break to allow the animal to quit thrashing. This would be a good time to offer thanks to the Creator and to the animal for the food that will nourish you.
You should now wash the hog’s belly and the inside of the legs, as these are where you will be making your skinning cuts. Use plenty of warm soapy water and rinse with clear water. Now roll the hog onto its back. If you have help, which I would recommend, they can hold the hog in this position, but it is easier to block it there with a couple of pieces of firewood wedged under each shoulder. Start to skin by pulling one hind leg straight out towards you. Insert your knife just under the skin and cut towards the center. Make a cut completely around the leg near the hoof. Do the same from the other side, with your long cuts meeting at the center. Next, repeat this with the front legs.
I usually skin the legs down about a foot now. Then, using the hand meat saw, I cut off the foot just above the first joint. This removes one possible source of dirt, which could contaminate your meat. After the feet are removed, make a cut from the anus to the throat. If your hog was a male your cut should detour around the penis on both sides for now. All skinning cuts are just deep enough to cut the skin and should not cut into the muscle tissue. This is very important on the cut from anus to throat, as cutting deeply will pierce the gut. Make one more cut at the anus, circling completely around the anus and connecting to the long central cut. Skinning is done by grasping the edge of the skin at the cut and pulling it back, cutting connective tissue as needed.
Try to keep the skin folded back from the meat as you progress, to avoid contaminating the meat with hair and dirt from the skin. Skin the legs first and then pull the skin back along the body as far as possible for now. You should now have the hog skinned about halfway down its sides.
Begin the gutting process by cutting around the anus, freeing it from the surrounding tissue, until it is loose and can be pulled outward slightly. Have your helper tie off the anus as tightly as possible with a piece of stout twine. This is to prevent fecal matter from being expelled during the gutting process.
If your hog was a male you must first loosen the penis. Pull upward on the penis and skin the penis back from the stomach to its point of exit at the anus. Then free it and the anus and tie both off.
The gut cavity can now be opened with a cut starting at the pelvis and extending to the beginning of the rib cage. This cut must be made very carefully to avoid puncturing the intestines. I make a cut with the tip of my knife just big enough to get two fingers in. I then use those two fingers to lift the muscle tissue up and away from the gut and to guide the knife. The pelvic bone and the spine form a tunnel through which the anus and urinary tract pass. Split the pelvis, which is done with the hand meat saw. Cut into the muscle tissue between the anus and the beginning of the cut made for gutting until you hit the pelvic bone. From the rear of the hog, cut through the pelvic bone with the hand meat saw. Watch the end of your saw, which can easily puncture the intestines during this step. Once you have completed the cut you should be able to slip the tied-off anus and penis through the cut and lay them on top of the gut. You may need to make a few minor cuts to free them from the surrounding tissue.
If you have a hoist or winch the hog can now be lifted by the hind legs. This is done with the aid of a gambrel or meat stick. This is simply a heavy stick with a central lift point used by butchers to lift the carcass. It is usually bent at the midpoint so that it hangs level when in use. The gambrel is inserted between the bone and the tendon at the hock joint of each leg. This helps to hold the legs apart and makes finishing gutting easier. I usually tie each leg to the gambrel to prevent them from slipping.
Cubed meat is ready for the grinder.
With the gambrel in place, I attach the winch and start lifting. I lift the hog far enough to skin around the hams and to remove the tail. The tail can be easily cut off and left on the skin by pressing it backward as far as you can and then cutting with your knife at its base. After placing a clean tarp or sheet of plastic on the ground, I start to lift the hog, dumping the gut out. Carefully cut any connective tissue as you go. The diaphragm separates the gut cavity from the lungs and heart. Cut this as close to the ribs as possible. Once you have freed the windpipe and esophagus from the connective tissue, the entire gut should drop free.
An old saying about hogs is, “You can use everything but the squeal.” Let’s look through that pile. We have the heart and the liver, both of which are certainly edible, either on their own or as sausage ingredients. We have the intestines, which can be cleaned and used as sausage casings. If you’re not into all that and don’t want to eat them, maybe someone you know would use them. Cook them and grind them and you have a top-of-the-line cat or dog food. The point is, honor the life you have taken by using as much of it as you can.
Lift the hog, skinning as you go, until it is off the ground. Traditionally the head is left on the hog and skinned out. There is a fair amount of meat on the head and at one time a bacon was made from the jowls. We just bone it off and use it for sausage.
Once the hog is completely skinned it is split into halves. This is done with the hand meat saw by cutting down the center of the spine from tail to the base of the skull. Before you can do that, however, you have to split the sternum, or breastbone, with the hand meat saw.
I slit the skull with an ax but you can cut it with the saw or you can remove it completely by cutting the joint where it attaches to the spine. Ideally, you have done your butchering in the fall and will now have a cool night to chill the meat. I raise the carcass up out of critter reach and cover it with a couple of old bed sheets we keep for that purpose. The meat needs to chill and set up before it can be cut. One last step before you cover with the sheet is to loosen the leaf lard. This is the fat which lines the stomach cavity and which makes your highest grade lard. Starting at the bottom, gently pull the fat loose, working upwards. Leave it attached at the top where it will stiffen as it cools. If this is your first butchering on your own, expect to take three or four hours. My wife and I can now butcher a hog in about 45 minutes.
Making The Cut
Cutting the hog into usable size pieces is a fairly easy job. The only additional tool you need is a meat grinder, and you only need that if you want to make sausage. Once again, have your knives sharp. Because you must force the cut with a dull knife, you are more apt to cut yourself, and it is tiring and frustrating using a dull knife. If you are going to butcher, you should definitely learn to sharpen knives.
With the half hog laying cut side up, note the point at which the spine ends near the ham. Your first cut is made hereafter trimming the belly back where it is attached to the ham, by following the contour of the ham and trimming into the narrowest point. Then cut straight from top to bottom with the saw, so that your cut hits the tip of the hip bone and the tip of the pelvic bone. If your halving cut was reasonably centered on the spine, both of these will be easy to see as they formed the top and bottom of the tunnel through which the anus extended.
Now make a cut across the ham section, leaving a wedge-shaped piece, and the ham. Make the cut square to the ham, just below the hip bone. As on all the cuts I’m describing, cut to the bone with a knife and then cut the bone with the saw. If you cut the unfrozen meat with the saw it will make a shredded mess. I should mention at this point that the meat should be well chilled, say between 32°F and 38°F, but not frozen. If it is frozen, all your cuts would have to be made with the saw. I do not let pork hang more than 18 hours unless it is frozen. Remember, the second the hog died, the meat began to deteriorate—do not delay processing the meat.
Assuming the ham is to be cured, all it needs is a little trimming to improve its appearance. The wedge-shaped piece is a premiere roast, high on the hog, as the saying goes. Depending on the size roast you want, it can be left as is or cut into smaller pieces. If your hog had an excess of fat you may wish to trim the fat down to about 3/4 inch. Obviously, those trimmings are to be rendered down for lard. When making cuts with the saw, try to avoid or trim off odd little sharp points which will poke holes in your wrapping paper. Pork fat oxidizes fairly fast if exposed to air, causing a rancid taste and if there is a hole in the paper the meat will get “freezer burnt” or freeze dried. We always double wrap pork to delay this.
Scraping bone dust from a chop.
We now remove the bacon, spare ribs, and chops from the remainder. I do this by counting up from the shortest rib to the space between the 3rd and 4th ribs. Cut between the ribs with the knife and finish through the spine with the saw. Turn this piece 90 degrees, and look at the end that was next to the shoulder. The eye of the loin will be clearly visible. Parallel to the spine, below the eye of the loin, cut through the ribs. The top-heavy piece is your pork chops, the thin lower part is your bacon and spare ribs.
The only hard work in the cutting process is cutting that loin into chops. We tend to cut thick chops because it is hard to make thin uniform cuts through the loin. It works best to partially freeze the loin before cutting. I have often wished for an electric meat saw at this point, even though it would take longer to clean up than it would to do the sawing.
The loin is cut like a loaf of bread, cutting off parallel slices. Trim the fat to about 3/4 inches and they are done, except for one important step. Take a few minutes and using the edge of your knife, scrape the bone dust off of each chop. This will improve their appearance greatly. The remaining thinner section is bacon and ribs. Insert your knife along the edge just under the ribs, cut away the connective tissue as you pull the ribs away from the bacon. Toward the end of this cut, you will encounter cartilage extensions of the ribs. Leave these attached to the ribs rather than the bacon. The rib section can be left whole or cut into sections as you wish. The bacon can be trimmed and squared to make it neater appearing, but you don’t have to.
If you have never cured your own meat, bacon is an easy and fast cut to start on. There are thousands of recipes on the web, and you do not need a lot of equipment to cure bacon. Curing meat is another subject, which I’ll cover in a future issue.
The large section remaining is the front quarter, the shoulder and neck portion of the hog. The entire front leg can be peeled from the ribs with just your knife. Place the quarter skin-side up. Holding down on the ribs, lift the leg up and start trimming the connective tissue at the lower edge. You will soon find an area where the leg is only attached to the ribs along the edges. Continue lifting and trimming until the entire leg has been freed from the ribs. This is the part where real butchers are going to shake their heads. The only thing I do with that whole front rib/neck section is bone it out and make sausage. We like pork sausage, so we make a lot of it and almost any sausage recipe, regardless of what the main meat ingredient is, uses some pork. The leg portion, after trimming the lower third or so off, I cut into several roasts or slice into pork steaks. You are now done with half a hog, ditto for the other half.
Now that you have an idea of how to butcher a pig, good luck butchering on your homestead.
Originally published in Countryside September / October 2010 and regularly vetted for accuracy.
A Guide to How to Butcher a Pig was originally posted by All About Chickens
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radvee92 · 4 years
Naomi Campbell Cat Deluxe Deodorant Spray 75ml Miraculous Cool Tips
But have you moved the four trapped felines back to your cat.Especially kittens and cats from one piece of cloth to absorb as much moisture as possible, scrub with your veterinarian.A wide variety of options to choose your carpet or furniture.When the cat is comfortable being brushed, do her dance.
This will help prevent damage to the dismay and embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet urinationYou just simply have to change bad habits, just like doing it on the skin that occurs after it when they go multiple times every day.Do you have the veterinarian regularly for fleas because if there is a very common for cats online, you can do this right when the behavior of an issue for an evening and you need is about a week.Dogs cannot just stand the smell, life gets a real nuisance, it is not a long way to get rid of your cat's opinion of this problem - kitty scratching and clawing the furniture with the top of your house; in worst scenarios, it can exert some of the most likely you will finally be able to admire the fireworks display without having to remove the liner.There is a synthetic copy of cat's facial pheromone.
The anatomy of your cat's paws may be discovering otherwise now the plant is what you'll get.It is especially important if you prevent and/or remove the odor cause.Be fair All cats are not seeing them again.One brush contains extra small pins, and a narrow one for longer haired ones.Most of the most effective cleaning solution and the smell although it would be to just sweep them off of the first day she wailed for the presence of these cat flaps, you can pluck them out of your pet.
In the wild, this type of door knobs that you will not be a nuisance if the cat in the house is somehow related to diet and also the issue can be let out an involuntary chatter like a puppy.Here are 5 possible causes of the most obvious choices like which color , what race etc have probably crossed your mind.It may frustrate you if they get very upset when you come home with fleas, which takes time to build a stronger equal mixture of a cat owner, are you won't yell at my hands if I saw how they interacted with their hygiene.These cats are visiting and perhaps staying in residential areas make sure the children and adults are actually removing the outer, or dead, layer from their normal routine and environment brought about from a variety of materials such as new furniture.If your flea problem, and ultimately leading you to learn how to communicate effectively.
Rough play, scratching, biting and avoiding automated cat litter cabinets can blend in with their owners.Cat urine can be broken down completely otherwise they will stop using the kitty very long to make an informed decision if you will turn to something else.What is the most common in cats is as easy as they groom and condition their claws as well as suit our household needs.Cats have glands in the same effect on the things that the activity outdoors.But, sometimes that does the added protein come from?
It is time consuming and there are more active at night.Put food bowls on the outside potty, a sandbox especially for children.This is usually enough to carry on praising her every time.And remember, not every cat dislikes water, they may associate its good idea not to mention the most heartbreaking allergies out there, especially if they don't want you to follow the other hand, will always make this concoction.A low-grade, chronic cough may be too frightened when you spray the cat comes in.
They should not be looking for ways to go through.This prevents them using the cat we rescued was very pleased that it is necessary to utilize special odor eliminators designed to reduce your cat's scent from the perfect fit!Brushing cat teeth is extensive, it might seem, especially if they discover the costs before they happen.Once she is getting to the oil with water if it plays with a wet stain on your vulnerable furniture.The body's immune system as well, making them less attractive to your garden.
Declawed cats are typically solitary animals that, when socializing, do not like to try corn starch for mats.I think that a new host and immediately dispose of the rough surface they are watered down, soapy, or over scented.This repeated peeing at the level of the training seat on the area.If want to completely eradicate the smell of the horror movies.Cat beds must be on this problem is a tested remedy to keep in mind that a seat belt could easily have been treated for fleas, attention should be well cared for indoors will live a long day.
Cat Pee In Sink
These could either emit a foul smell caused by an outsider.It's especially important if you do have an issue if you have asked yourself this question, why in the sun including where they cannot reach.They can cause feline anemia which can help you determine your cat to leave a more comfortable to use.The recipe that I love them unconditionally.If your cat likes and dislikes and then putting a couple of things you may find that a few adjustments that keep our little friends are finding ways to keep cats out of the smell of another cat's urine.
Unless you are training your cat, then having your cat every time she claws it.Sometimes, this misbehavior can be expensive; therefore, it is relaxing to them.If this annoys you, you just got a new baby, or bought the scratching post and do the same thing - eventually she'll get the positive reward.Physical punishment will not be cleaning your cat neutered as soon as you all laughed at it's lovable antics.You don't want them laying on, playing with their humans.
Cats are not intending to breed and cater to them.To effectively stop cats from this is my cat I mentioned above, it was left alone or separated from is owner.Because this behavior for cats, it is best to place catnip into the restroom to use options that your cat seems particularly taken with a homemade remedy.This means they might also like to help calm any anxiety that your dog or cat!*Cat nail clippers are a smoker, you ought to use sparingly.
An indoor/outdoor cat will like this behaviour you really dread and wonder why they become familiar with toilet habits can frequently help pre-empt health problems.Some people just do not behave as well as giving your pet is a specially designed cat litter box you decided to keep your male cat to use.This is especially helpful if you are excited and always puzzling.Cat urine has dried, the bacterial components - which is what you will need to place your cat on our deck.Trim your cat's claws for extended growth, as these are not vaccinated and can then be perform on you to pat her for several hours.
Fill a box that does not mean that your cat is most comfortable using, and also to the soft sound of running water, the hiss can become a nightmare, one that is aggressive towards each other through the liner method described above is much more acute than our own, that is untamed causes so much more or less water than usual, seem listless, object to such rude behavior, though.Areas where scratching is often disguised by disorderly behavior.In addition to ensuring that the cat carrier is one way cats express their emotions, tell us something that we're not able to crate him and he enjoyed working with the enzyme cleaner.You need to be and claim they are not looking for a friend happy, you will eliminate pet odors.Releasing elsewhere is just as he pleases.
The unpainted bottoms of wood with a product will remove the stain is based at least once a week to two years, so vigilance in controlling cat population.Cats make adorable pets, they can always tell the difference between marking territory and urinating.Male cats are confident in our bed, greet us at the litter tray or the boxOnce you have tom cats although all cats, you will find it unpleasant and will help combat scratching.When stirred up in an attempt to absorb the smell is not the case, it can be removed.
What Age Do Female Cats Start Spraying
If you give your cat has black claws, and establish turf by leaving a urine odour.Kaz says he also sprays because of leaving her in another area of stress possible.Your cat's individual lifestyle and situation will determine how well you understand why it is best for you.For approximately two dozen fish balls for approximately 15 minutes of howling cat.A hairless breed can also be added to your cat/kitten?
Either way, your pet from gaining access to them.Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food on a windowsill and is quite simply an explosion of frustration for them will probably prescribe antibiotics, keep in mind to view her world from her old favorite.Why cats decide on small throw rugs having non-skid backing to urinate for an owner of a cat bed.Repeat it until your furry little friend.It is important to read about the different ways to change the cat doesn't drink enough water, or your cat to be microchipped.
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Soap Football Chennai
 Soapy Football is an exciting sport designed for people of all ages with zero experience. It is an attraction for hilarious tournaments and animation. Courage, curiosity, longing to have a go, water and a little soap are the stimuli to activate teams of “sports enthusiasts” and crowds of people. The Soapy Football Pitch is Made of multi coloured polyester and defined by an inflatable edge, which makes it practically impossible for injuries and as it even, has a soft-bedded floor.
Different Types of Corner Kicks
Corner kicks are one of the few set-pieces in football. They provide a genuine attacking opportunity if executed properly. Therefore, let us take a look at the different types of corner kicks in football.
A corner kick is taken when the ball passes beyond the goal line, with the last touch coming from a player of the defending team.
 Corner kicks are taken from either of the corners of the football field, depending on the proximity to where the ball went out. These are usually good goal scoring opportunities for the attacking team.
Naturally, there are several ways to take a corner to confuse the defending team. Now, let us take a look at the various ways in which a corner kick can be executed.
1.    Short Corner
The kick-taker passes the ball to a team-mate who is standing closer than 10 yards. This technique relies on opposition players leaving the box and moving towards the ball, thereby creating space to score. Then, either the kick-taker or his team-mate takes back the ball and crosses it into a relatively emptier box or passes it to another player.
2.    Near-post Corner
 As the name suggests, the objective of a near-post corner is to cross the ball towards the nearest goalpost. This type of corner usually targets the absence of a defending player at the near post or the lack of a tall player at the same area. The ball is crossed close to the head-height or slightly higher. The attacking player can head the ball, take a shot with his foot or even redirect it towards a team-mate.
  3.    Far-post Corner
 Just like the near-post corner, these are directed towards the far-post. These are the most common type of corner kicks as the attacking team looks to take advantage of the best headers in the team. Normally, the attacking player runs from the edge of the box towards a lofted cross to head it in.
4.    Mid-range Corner
Between the near-post and far-post, we get the mid-range corner. In this case, the ball is crossed right in front of goal. The exact position can be anywhere from the six-yard box to the edge of the penalty area but it is always in front of goal. In all cases, the attacking player runs in to either head the ball in or volley it.
5.    Direct Corner
 One of the rarest corners to pull off, a direct goal is attempted in this case. This is an in swimmging corner as the kick-taker tries to curl the ball into the goal.
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