#so very angery
ursaspecter · 1 year
Before I get into it I just want to give a disclaimer: this is not a personal attack on anyone or me trying to gatekeep Danny Phantom. I am simply just airing some frustrations. This is all my opinion based on what I've seen from the current state of the fandom.
Also I'm writing this at 1am.
Now that that's out of the way, I'm really frustrated with the way this fandom acts at times. I've been a fan of this show for around 10 years now and only relatively recently came back to the fandom after being away for a while. It's nothing like what it was when I first got into the show, and I think that comes from the fact that a lot of people in the fandom haven't actually seen the show and have only read fanfics. And that is where I think the problems start to come up.
Now, ok, the show isn't for everyone. It's loud, has flashing colors, and certain parts haven't aged particularly well since its run from 2004-2007, and that's perfectly understandable as to why someone wouldn't be able to watch the show. I'm not faulting anyone for that. I only take issue when someone has a popular headcanon and a majority of the fandom acts like everyone agrees that it's canon and then get all up in arms when someone says they don't like that particular piece of fanon. I know in the grand scheme of things it's not that big of a deal, but it really bothers me whenever I see something like "I love how we all agree that [fanon]" or "so we all know how [fanon]"
Little things like ghost cores, haunts, obsessions are whatever I don't care that much, but when it gets into the territory of replacing fundamental aspects of the source material is where I have a big problem. See, I got back into Danny Phantom because I wanted to explore a darker take on the story that's a little more grounded in reality, but when every other thing is angst or torture or just treating Danny like a punching bag (most of the time written out of character), the idea really started to lose its luster ans made me hesitant to share my ideas.
The biggest issue I have though is with Wes Weston. Gonna be honest: I never liked him. I thought he was unnecessary from the moment I saw him. Then someone (I'm so sorry I forgot who it was) pointed out that Valerie was the perfect character to fill the role of the skeptic that tries to expose Danny, but the fact that the fandom wanted to focus more on an unnamed background character who happens to look like Danny was very telling.
Obviously I'm not saying that if you like using Wes that it automatically means you're racist. There's more nuance than that. I think what Wes does reflect though is just how much of the fandom just rejects the show? How so many people probably didn't even know about Valerie because perhaps she just wasn't in the fanfics they've been reading? Hell, I see more focus put on Dash than Valerie sometimes. Another one-dimensional white boy minor antagonist instead of a complex black girl anti-hero who is probably the best antagonist Danny has in the show AND the best love interest.
Also the overabundance of DC crossovers where Danny gets adopted by Batman are really annoying. I blocked every possible tag that could've gone with the crossover, but still somehow whenever I go through the main tag one sneaks through. Seriously between Frostbite, Clockwork, and now Batman why are y'all so obsessed with giving him a new father figure when you can just give Jack a better personality. Oh right because then you won't be able to write him vivisecting his son if he actually cared about him. Silly me I almost forgot!
Anyway thats why I only follow like 5 dp blogs and like 2 of them dont even post about dp most of the time. And schnuffel-danny my partner in chaos and shitposting. Gonna start a petition for a Danny Phantom reboot on the CW and make it the most edgy cringy shit ever and it'll have blackjack and hookers and Wes Weston is not invited.
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cbmagus49 · 2 years
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Thought it’d be fun to do a palette challenge so I decided to do one of Mabel for funsies ^^
Then I did another :) And a few more :):) I’ve been drawing nothing but Mabel for three days straight :):):)
Individual pictures with their respective palettes under the cut ^^
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what-yadoking-likes · 7 months
OG 4 Payday gang as D&D classes:
Dallas - either Fighter (bit boring but whatevs) OR Warlock. Warlock requires a bit more imagination but what if the extra-planar entity giving him his magical powers is BAIN? EY? EY?
Chains - Paladin. He gets the heavy armor and heavy hits in. His dedication goes not to some Higher Being or Cause... unless that Cause is cracking skulls and making moneyyyyy. Let's just say his life experiences jaded him a little.
Hoxton - Rogue or Ranger. Rogue because teeheehee sneaky little shit. Ranger because very accurate with the shooting. I honestly think that either suits his personality.
Wolf - Barbarian. The high HP, you might think, would suit Chains better - he would be the tank, soaking up hit after hit from the enemy without falling. But the Barbarian gets to be ANGERY and I think that's the vibe they're going for. Artificer could work, too, if you go down the Wolf + sentries vibe.
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nerime · 6 months
I just finished bg3 and saw how half-assedly they treated wylls ending after half assing his quests the entire game AND I go on tumblr to learn they added g*ds specialest pr*ncess line for shart into the GAME???
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
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stress levels last night (when dealing via multiple phone calls and emails with an out-of-hours government department and also a fire station about something urgent and potentially life threatening)
and today (writing a very strongly worded letter to paypal complaints about a dispute that's been ongoing for 2 months and could be resolved in 5 seconds by anybody with 2 eyes and half a brain after they decided to be frankly insulting about it)
i think i have a career in bomb disposal
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ajockeynamedpod · 1 year
share after voting also! there’s gonna be a second one for the girls 👀
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windfighter · 11 months
Cleo's new avatar on the streams looks amazing but... now there's too much going on for my autistic ass to be able to watch her streams ,_, I started watching them because it was so nice, Cleo was one of very few streamers I found that didn't have a lot of things going on except the occassional creeper explosion but it's gotten more and more during these 20 months I've watched and I have been aware that I'm gonna have to stop watching soon but I also really liked the atmosphere so I was hoping they'd... dial back a little? but the answer has just been add more and I get it. It's how they make money so she can pay rent and food and buy a house and I wish them the best with that but...
Yeah, I'm still a little sad knowing that I have to stop watching my comfortstreamer ,_,
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demonsfate · 5 months
jin cares deeply for his friends but like. it is VERY understandable why ppl would think otherwise. hell, it's even understandable for jin's friends to suspect he may not care for them. jin has a habit of disappearing for months, sometimes even YEARS at a time without even telling his friends - making them either worry about him, or thinking he just abandoned them. and even when they later find him, he doesn't apologize, he doesn't explain himself. sometimes, he STILL further pushes them away.
jin not being very expressive doesn't help, because it's often hard to tell if he's enjoying the company of his friends or not because he usually just looks like ":|" or ">:|" with a voice that doesn't help either when he's around.
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lacnunga · 6 months
Also, awful news lads, someone's gone around my fave walking path through the forest and slapped private property signs up all over the place >:(
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For the record: I don’t support nor condone using AI for any art/fandom related purposes. Fandom and fandom art, fic, headcanons, etc are great BECAUSE they are made by real people with unique minds!!!
I think that using AI to create art, fic, character interaction, etc not only discourages the real human creators making art/fic for the fandom by taking attention and support away from them, but it provides a better platform for AI to flourish and eventually become more prevalent, continuing to spread and take attention (and work!!) away from real people. For example, as far as I know, painting AI learns from basically stolen artwork and can be trained to emulate the styles of human artists who have spent YEARS to cultivate their skills and style, then take money and attention away from those people. Plus, there was that whole issue where someone was drawing on twitch and someone stole their wip, put it into one of those AI programs to “finish” it before the actual artist, then demanded credit.
I consider myself to be fairly lucky that my work is not in the mainstream eye and that my style changes constantly, otherwise I’d be genuinely worried that someone might try to use AI to undermine the work I’ve done as an artist that has gotten me to where I am.
Maybe I’m just old and jaded but I’ve watched technology grow and spread over my lifetime, and instead of helping people have better lives, it seems to have a habit of taking peoples’ place in work/life and leaving them to either find other work or just fucking cope. AI is not our friend. It’s not a cute, fun way to make fanart or fic— it’s a robot, not a real artist, or a character created by a unique creative mind.
This post pretty much sums it up🤷🏽
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saltysatellite804 · 10 months
ever sit there watching yuri/yaoi amvs on YouTube and having totally normal reactions
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lifeofcynch · 2 years
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i hope whatever biphobe wrote this gets legos glued to all the floors in their home :o)
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blacksails2017 · 1 year
did literally 30 seconds of plank and my hip flexor started acting up. is this a joke to you. what am I supposed to do about this
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orcelito · 1 year
Ppl r definitely noticing my face scratch lol. It is apparently bruised.
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teamisc · 2 years
trying to not put the same songs I always put on every playlist on this one
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@nightmarecountry sent:
The thing Delirium has crafted for herself trembles and shudders into being, dripping colour and intention; it sets its strange gaze on its master and sways a little, then sinks to its knees. "Thank you, my maker," it tells her, in three voices at once, giddy and shaking with the thrill of existing. "I await your command." [ you get madness corinth. congrats on the copyright infringement dellie! ]
The thing about Delirium's creations is that they are so often not what they appear. She sets out to make something and ends up making something else entirely - or something that looks as intended but acts differently. It's just how her power works, and her creations are like her in that their appearances do not always match their truth. This one, though, is glorious. It looks exactly as she wants, just like her friend, the nightmare, and when it speaks, colour and loyalty both drip from its tongue. She is thrilled. "Stand, my Corinthian," she says, stepping forward to touch her fingertips over his cheekbone. She leaves behind a smear of vivid purple, leftover Madness-stuff from her sculpting. It clings to them both, and dances freely in the air around them. When she steps back to give him space to stand, it catches in her hair. "Tell me, truthfully, what you want." This Corinthian will be allowed more freedom than the original; it will be allowed to walk amongst humans, to hunt them, to drive them into her waiting arms. Most of all, it was created to keep her company, and she hopes that she got that bit right, that it was created with just enough loyalty and fondness for her that it wants that too.
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