#so stoked for Jodie though too
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Religion: Yoba's Light. Yoba, God of All.
Yoba Believers: villagers i frequently see going to the yoba worship temple in Pierre's grocery
George. - "Ive never been religious but hey... I'm old". There's a solid headcanon stance here. I think he may have seen something during his time as a coal miner. It was a pretty damned profession and most coal miners usually end up pretty fucked from the job if they werent lucky. But there's also the fact that Alex's deceased mother also believed in Yoba. Once you gain two hearts with either of the mullners couple youll be able to find a last wish letter from Clara in their bedroom. A quote from the letter "Don't be too upset, I'm with Yoba now". Though I'm still not sure on what causes Clara's death. But you discover she's been gone for 12 years during Alex's eight heart event. I like to think that not only is George's age a factor in his belief but the fact that he also wants to believe in Yoba in order to be able to see his daughter again in the afterlife if there is one.
Jodi. - before Kent's return in year two, Jodi will often tell you that she visits Yoba's altar to pray for her husband's safety but that staying positive is really difficult to do. Jodi's belief is strung along by the fact that she desperately needs something to hold on to during Kent's imprisonment as she was determined to try to keep up the belief that her soldier husband would not die during the war leaving her and their two sons alone in this world. Belief out of necessity.
Andy. - Andy's a very strong believer in Yoba. Ive only come across one dialogue with Andy so far ingame but it leads me to believe that his belief is very much consistent and genuine. During the game if you talk to Andy on a sunday when hes visiting the shrine, he will treat you with Disdain remarking how he never sees you during temple service and almost mocks you over your disbelief in the valley's god. I headcanon that perhaps this is also why Andy doesnt get along with Pierre much because the grocer family doesnt believe in Yoba with Caroline often remarking about it on certain days and how the shrine was already there from the previous owners of the grocery. You'll often actually find Caroline and Abigail hiding in the couples bedroom on certain days when people visit the grocery in order to "avoid talking to people". This leads me to believe that perhaps the stronger religious members have tried to encourage the grocer family into worship a few too many times.
Dwarves and Shadow People are also assumed to have been worshippers of Yoba via in-game hints.
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Now for some of my personal headcanons about Yoba.
If you collect all the library books, you'll eventually find a book with text in it that contains the valley's creation lore and it talks about the god Yoba and how Yoba created the world.
Often described as an ancient guardian deity, I like to believe that Yoba is not as benevolent as the townsfolk might like to believe. One of the reasons why we dont get to interact with Yoba in game (referencing how in HM/SOS you get to actually interact with a deity to some extent) is because that the magic users and adventurers guild such as the Wizard and Marlon etc have been guarding a seal for generations that keeps Yoba's divine body trapped in the extreme depths of the Skull cavern mines where hopefully no one will ever discover it. Another reason as to why the skull caverns are so endless, Yoba's magic itself also keeps threats to it from finding their body as well.
Monsters are making their way to the surface (i.e monster attacks at night, the wilderness farm etc) is proof that the seal is beginning to wane and the valley's mine is one of the spots where Yoba's able to push against the seal with a soul like tangible form in order to try to reach out to the human plane.
I have a headcanon that Yoba's reach has tainted Mayor Lewis and that's part of why Lewis' greed has been stoked. Yoba wants to be released from their shackles and has been encouraging a slowly growing cult following in places that have mines and monster sightings to make humans do their bidding, to get them to find him a vessel.
I headcanon that eventually Yoba decides that my farmer Aioli will be the perfect vessel and directs monsters to target the farmer specifically to test the farmer or even capture her. At some point during Aioli's time living in Pelican Town, she is incapacitated in the mines and is taken by one of the cultists and is taken to a ritual that is made to look like sunday prayers but in reality she's being connected to the weave of Yoba's dimension where her soul is boxed into a cage of sorts to prepare her body for Yoba to take hold in her as a living vessel to hold Yoba's consciousness and part of their divinity. Yoba will begin to use Aioli to try to free their true body so that Yoba may walk in full power amongst humans again.
Yoba was the one who secretly stoked the war between gotoro and the ferngill republic. Poisoning the mind of the country's leaders slowly and consistently.
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sobsicles · 3 years
claire's not expecting them to be at the door. she blinks at the sight of four men all huddled on the stoop with flowers and what appears to be bags of food flowing from their arms. jack is peeking above a bouquet, beaming at her.
"who's at the door?!" jody calls from the kitchen, her voice muffled by the sound of grease popping and the clanking of pans and spatulas meeting over and over.
"god," claire calls back, because she likes to think she's funny.
there's a beat of silence, and then jody's sticking her head out the kitchen. the moment she sees them, she breaks out into a grin and saunters over, shoving the spatula in claire's hand as she chatters away.
"what's going on out there?" donna asks as claire escapes back to the kitchen to poke at food jody is apparently willing to burn just because the winchesters decided to show their faces today of all days.
"judgement day," claire says dryly.
donna shares a look with patience. "haven't we dealt with that already a few times?"
"only by association," claire admits, "but i wouldn't put it past them to bring it along with 'em now. the boys are here."
"oh, isn't that nice?" donna chirps, already popping up from her chair. "i didn't know they were stopping by today."
"wonder how sam's doing," patience agrees, wandering out the kitchen right along with donna. claire can hear everyone cracking up and talking in the living room.
trust the winchesters to shake things up just by showing up. can't have one goddamn day, can they? well, that's not true. in their case, as far as claire is concerned, they're shitty for showing up and shitty for not. someone has to knock 'em all down a peg or two, so she might as well be the one.
"what did that chicken ever do to you?" kaia asks teasingly as she sidles into the kitchen and stops by the stove, hip-checking claire out of the way to take over.
"the boys are here," claire informs her.
kaia raises her eyebrows. "like, the boys as in the winchesters, or is this a milkshake pun?"
"i can only be so gay, sweetheart," claire says, shooting her a flat look.
"raise the bar a little. could be gayer. you can always be gayer," kaia teases, reaching out to sneak her hand around claire's hip, her eyes bright with amusement.
"you know what? you're right," claire agrees and immediately tries to cop a feel while kaia laughs and dances out of range.
jack appears in the doorway. "hello," he says, whispering for some reason. "claire, i need your help."
"no," claire says, not even glancing at him. she continues to try and put her hand up kaia's shirt, just to see her laugh.
"can i borrow twenty dollars?" jack asks.
"no. aren't you god?"
"yes, but i don't get paid to be."
"well, sucks for you. borrow money from cas," claire mutters, settling in behind kaia as she focuses on the food on the stove, swatting lazily at claire's roaming hands.
"he'll just borrow money from dean."
"borrow from sam."
"he'll just borrow money from dean."
"borrow from—wait, why does it matter if it's from dean? just borrow from him."
jack huffs. "i can't. i need the money for dean. i have a card, and i read online it's customary to give money with a card. also, will you sign it?"
"you got dean a card?" claire asks, craning her head around to stare at jack skeptically.
"don't tell me it's for what i think it is."
"mother's day," jack confirms unironically.
claire wheezes out a laugh. "oh my god."
"there's a pen in the catty on the fridge," kaia says, clearly amused.
"yeah. yeah, this is—yeah." claire chokes on more laughter and stumbles towards the group of pens in the magnet container on the fridge. she waggles her fingers at jack, clearing her throat, lips twitching. "hand it over, beanstalk. you're a fucking genius."
"oh! thank you," jack declares cheerfully, passing over the card. "so, can i borrow twenty dollars?"
"hell no," claire says. she braces the card against the fridge and swallows down a laugh. sam has already signed it. this just gets better and better. happy mother's day, old man, aka the secondary source of my mommy and daddy issues. you're going for gold with this double-whammy, she writes.
"but i need it," jack insists, staring at her with wide eyes.
claire shrugs. "tough break, kid. what, cas doesn't give you an allowance? is it just me, or are dads getting stricter these days?"
"i didn't think about it in advance," jack admits sadly. "i want to do it right for the holiday. it's mother's day, claire."
"i'm well aware. sorry to break it to you, kid, but last I checked, your mom's as dead as mine," claire tells him, her voice flat. he frowns and she forces herself not to feel bad. everything that sucks for him sucked for her first, so her sympathy levels are a little drained. "father's day will roll around eventually, and you've got a long line of those, so wait your turn."
"i've already done something for my mother today," jack says slowly, his eyebrows furrowed. "i visited her in heaven."
claire snorts derisively and passes the card back over. "must be nice."
"it was," jack agrees, completely missing the point. "i really can't borrow twenty dollars? i'll pay you back."
"nah," claire says. "who cares anyway? wait, why is dean the mom?"
"well, castiel is my father."
"ah, so it's about them having the hots for each other, then? really, kid, you coulda just made dean your step-dad."
jack blinks. "they have the...hots for each other? you mean sex. they have sex?"
"you know what?" claire points at him with her free hand. "i'm not gonna burst your bubble on that one. you've got enough issues on your own without wondering if mommy and daddy still have a spark, so I'm gonna leave that alone. i've got five dollars. take it or leave it."
"deal," jack says immediately.
money is exchanged, and jack looks like he's on cloud nine. claire's just stoked to see the expression on dean's face when he gets the card. it's a homemade card and everything, nothing like the two claire, kaia, patience, and alex got for jody and donna.
claire helps kaia finish up the chicken, which promptly gets set aside to wait on the rest of the food in the oven. sam wanders in at some point to drop off the food they brought. dessert, by the looks of it. pies and cakes that go in the fridge. it's kind of them, but claire would shoot herself in the foot before she ever admits it.
she lets kaia tug her into the living room where everyone is already at, rolling her eyes at how cheered everyone seems just because the winchesters happened to grace their doorstep. really, they all suck.
but also—and claire will never admit this, not even to save her own life—it's nice to see 'em again. it's nice that they've come to celebrate the day in jody and donna's name, giving them flowers and such. it's nice that they hang around for a bit and don't bring the world crashing down on everyone for the duration of their stay.
and, well, it's nice to see cas, too.
he perches up next to the couch that claire is squeezed on with alex, donna, kaia, and jack. kaia is practically in her lap, but claire is secretly glad for the excuse. while everyone talks and has conversations across one another, cas focuses entirely on her.
another thing claire will never admit is how reluctantly pleased by that she is. it warms her. stupidly, it turns soft and gooey in her chest that he automatically gives her his undivided attention over everyone else, even jack. but, then again, it's not cas' day, so she doesn't have to look too close to that feeling. it's mother's day, so it's not about him.
when the food is ready, they reconvene in the kitchen, and that's when they crack out the cards and gifts. claire is practically vibrating with laughter before jack has even brought his card out. before that, though, she smiles softly and strokes kaia's thigh under the table as jody and donna read their cards and chuckle at the messages, their gazes warm and their smiles sweet. they look happy. they deserve to be.
"okay, last one," claire announces, grinning at jack. she's starting to think she likes this kid if he's an agent of chaos like this.
and okay, maybe she hates him a little in abstract, but in detail, she finds that she does actually like him. you kinda just wanna put him in your pocket without meaning to, she's learned. there's too much to explore with the whole psuedo sibling thing and parents that aren't parents, as well as parents that are but didn't choose to be, only he did choose one of them, and it wasn't her. it's complicated, but underneath it all, there's a vibrant love there that she can't look directly at. sometimes, she despises that she's included in it; yet, just the same, she's thankful that she is.
"oh hell," dean mutters, swinging his gaze between alex and patience. "one of you...ya know? did we miss something?"
claire snorts.
"what? no," alex replies, grimacing. "i have no idea what claire's talking about. claire, what the hell are you talking about?"
"jack?" claire prompts in a wheeze.
"here you go," jack chirps, holding out the card to dean, beaming. "happy mother's day."
the expression on dean's face is somehow even better than claire imagined. she howls with laughter while sam buries his face in his hands, his shoulders jerking. cas squints at jack, and jody's eyebrows fly up at the same exact time that donna grins.
"is this a joke?" dean sputters.
"no, no, nope," claire chokes out, nearly fucking crying with laughter. "happy mother's day, dean."
"you gotta take it, man," sam agrees, clearing his throat and biting back a smile as he bobs his head dutifully towards the card.
dean fixes sam with a flat look and snatches the card. "you're all so fucking—sam, you signed it?!"
"happy mother's day," sam says, his mouth pinched, visibly trying not to laugh.
"do you like it?" jack asks earnestly. "i made the card, sam signed it first, and claire provided the money."
"i—" dean stares down at the card, then heaves a sigh and looks up at jack. it's clear to him that—out of everyone—jack is clearly taking this very seriously. he offers him a weak smile, then swallows. "yeah, s'great, kid. thank you. sam, you are dead to me. claire, i will be spending this on something you hate. cas, this is somehow your fault."
"yup, sounds like a mother to me," jody declares, holding up her beer with a smile.
"welcome to the club," donna agrees, holding hers up as well. "everyone else annoys the shit out of you, but you love 'em anyway."
dean sighs and clinks his beer to theirs.
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loving-villanelle · 2 years
haha, it will be interesting to see if jodie or sandra acknowledge the ending of KE in any way. it kinda makes me sad to think about how much jodie loved villanelle. if she doesn't post her goodbyes or anything it feels weird. also if you compare how much she posted on her ig about free guy, help, tld, prima... and nothing about KE.
You know what they say, if you have nothing nice to say...
Sandra was either 1) genuinely excited about this season or 2) a seasoned enough veteran that she knows how to hype things that are unhypeable, because her enthusiasm in the preseason interviews is part of the reason that I was so incredibly stoked for this season. Jodie was much more reserved and I assumed that she was either worried about saying too much or was just happy to let Sandra take the lead, but now I realize she just really had nothing to say. Part of being an actress is having to promote and do press for your show and neither one of them was going to bite the hand that feeds them. But I do wish that Sandra had been a little more reserved in her hype for this season because I certainly don't feel it has delivered on what was promised.
I won't be surprised if Jodie doesn't acknowkedge the ending of KE. Like you said, she already has done zero promo for this season outside of the press she and Sandra did. And with how much she loves Villanelle and how much of herself she poured into the character, it had to be gutwrenching to see them make a decision that she didn't agree with but was out of her hands. It's no coincidence that she asked for an EP role on her next show, I can tell you that right now. Jodie will also be doing Prima Facie, so that will be keeping her busy and won't leave time for much, if any, post season press. *If you're going to see her for Prima Facie and get the chance to interact with her, PLEASE do not bring up KE or how the show ends. I know we'll all have our feelings about it, but she deserves to have the focus be on the work she's doing in the theater, not a show that has nothing to do with the performance you went to see*
As for Sandra, from what I know she's pretty busy too. So I'm not sure how much she'll comment on anything. If she does, she has a much better poker face than Jodie does and will probably be very diplomatic about it. Or maybe not, I wouldn't mind blunt honesty from her in the slightest!
I do think Sandra and Jodie tend to look at things a bit differently though. Sandra is very deep and creative minded so she tends to look at things with that at the forefront, whereas Jodie seems to be very character driven and cognizant of what it is that the fanbase wants out of a show. So it'll be interesting to see if either of them comment and if so, if/how their viewpoints may differ
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impala-dreamer · 4 years
Two Weeks Notice - Day Six
~With the world practicing self-isolation, Y/N and Dean break all the rules of social distancing and common decency as they explore an empty bunker and use the time alone to their playful advantage…~ 
Dean x Reader
1,947 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Fluffy, Costumed Smut.
Two Weeks Notice Masterlist ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon ~ My Original Works on Amazon
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Dean lay back in bed, memory foam mattress forming perfectly around his aching hips. He’d never admit it in a thousand years, but Y/N’s Fuck-Fest 2020 was making him a bit sore around the joints. Not that he was complaining. He was enjoying the ever-loving hell out of it, and her. There was something very relaxing about doing whatever you wanted with no fear of someone else- Sam - walking in on you at the wrong moment. Hell, he was even considering not wearing pants for the rest of the week.
That and Y/N seemed so open to play at whatever popped into his head. He was certain the whole vampire thing wouldn’t go down well, but she leapt at the chance and played it out perfectly. They were exploring each other and the bunker and it was magical. He had almost forgotten that the outside world was in chaos and that Chuck was breathing down their necks.
Alone for a moment, he fluffed up the pillow behind him and texted his brother.
‘How’s it going up there?’
As always, Sam answered quickly. ‘Fine. A little bored stuck in the house, but we’re getting by. How’s Y/N?’
‘Oh, she’s doin reeeallll good.’
Dean could picture the look of disgust on Sam’s face.
‘Make sure you guys are washing your hands and… disinfecting the sheets.’
Dean laughed at the screen. ‘I don’t think the sheets are the problem…’
‘Gross. Clean up before I get back, please.’
‘You got it. Hey Sammy- Stay safe up there, OK?’
‘Obviously…. You too.’
As much fun as he was having, he did miss Sam, and Jody, and the girls, and Cas.
Y/N’s call to attention did just that, shoving away any lamenting thoughts from Dean’s mind and focusing his eyes on the doorway. The door was open and under the frame stood Y/N, wrapped in a familiar tan trench coat, the sash pulled tight around her waist.
Dean’s jaw dropped.
“Hey there, sexy,” she greeted, posing for him, one bare knee popping out from the folds of the coat.
He swallowed hard, trying to wrap his head around the intensely arousing sight before him. “Hey yourself,” he whispered back, tripping over his tongue.
Y/N ran one hand slowly up the door frame, the long sleeve of the coat dropping down to reveal a smooth, naked arm. “Whatcha doin’?”
A bit of drool sloshed from the corner of his mouth and he wiped it away with the back of his hand. “Wonderin’ where you got Cas’s coat from.”
Y/N licked her lips and turned slowly so that he would see all her curves and edges. “Stole it from his room. Who knew he had more than one of these things?”
“He’s gone through a few over the years.” There was a lump in Dean’s throat that he was sure was his lust in physical form, and he spoke around it, trying to keep his cool. “None have ever fit him like that though.”
She took a step inside the room, bare feet moving in a perfect dance toward the bed. Her hips swayed, her lips parted. “You like?” Painted fingers ran over the sash and tugged the ends, squeezing her waist even tighter.
Dean lost his breath. “Uh...yeah. Yeah, I do.”
Y/N laughed sweetly. “Knew you would.”
His brow raised as she neared the bed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
One knee on the bed, mattress moulding around her. “Nothing, it’s just...sometimes you get a look in your eye when Cas is around.”
Dean startled, pushing himself up against the headboard, crushing the pillows beneath him. “I don’t have a thing for Cas,” he said sternly.
“I didn’t say you did.”
“You kinda did.”
“Whoa!” Y/N threw her hands up and laughed to herself. “All I’m saying is…guys in long coats are hot. And so is Cas. He’s a damned angel for fuck’s sake. Who wouldn’t wanna try it if they could?”
Dean pouted and shrugged, thinking it over. “Yeah, I guess.”
“And anyway, Cas isn’t here right now.” Another knee on the bed and Y/N climbed over him, fitting her thighs tight around his. “And I’m wearing a surprise for you beneath all this tan.”
Dean licked his lips and lifted his knees, forcing Y/N to slide closer to him. “Oh, really?” He chewed his lip and tried to peek between the coat folds. “Whatcha got on under there? That hot pink strappy thing?”
Y/N shook her head, grinning innocently. “Nope.”
“Hmm… the black one piece with the hole in the-”
“Not even close!”
Dean ran his hands down her back, trying to feel for a clue. “OK, I give up. What’s hiding under all that London Fog?” He flicked at the lapel and Y/N swatted his hand away.
“Tisk, tisk. Patience, Mr. Winchester.”
Dean laughed. “Yeah, patience and I ain’t exactly ever been on good terms.”
She smiled and opened the knot on the sash, letting the ties fall to her sides. “Then I guess I won’t keep you waiting any longer.”
His eyes dipped to the buttons as she opened each one, taking her sweet time, driving him insane. When the last was popped, Y/N sat back a bit and pulled open the coat, revealing his ultimate favorite costume: nothing.
Dean growled. “This. This is perfect.” He reached forward and cupped her breasts in his hands, loving the heat of her, the softness. Her nipples hardened instantly beneath his wide palms and she leaned forward to kiss his plump lips.
“You like?”
“Baby,” he moaned, his brain already buzzing with hunger. “I love.”
She bit down his words, sucking them from his mouth with her perfect lips; hands massaging his neck and shoulders, digging into him, begging for him.
He moaned into her mouth, still playing with her tits, loving how close she was, how perfect, heavy against him. He felt himself swelling and let his mind drift as Y/N licked into his ear, nipping and sucking wherever the urge brought her. When she ran out of room, she tugged on his shirt and Dean sat up too quickly to remove it and something popped. A lightning bolt of pain flew from his right shoulder all the way down to his ass and beyond, pooling in his foot until everything went numb for a moment.
Y/N flew backwards, hoping off of him as his pained curse filled the room. “What happened? Are you OK?”
Dean hissed and clenched his teeth as he shifted on the bed trying to ease the strange pain. “Yeah, just… something pulled funny.”
Her face dropped and Y/N lay a soothing hand over his heart. “Did I break you?”
Despite the discomfort, Dean laughed and grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips. “No. I’m OK. just like… ouch.” With a sigh, he scooted down the bed and found a pillow to crash into. “Come ‘ere.”
Y/N pouted but laid down with him, stealing half of his pillow instead of using her own. She always liked his better anyway. “I’m sorry. Maybe this week’s been too much.”
“Hey.” Dean’s brow creased as he went on the defense. “This week’s been amazing, you shut your mouth. I’m just…”
He scoffed. “How dare you!”
Y/N cupped his jaw and patted his cheek lovingly. “I don’t care how old you get. You’re perfect. And old’s better than dead anyway.” She winked and he nodded.
“You got that right.”
“So let’s just cuddle.” She turned onto her side, facing away from him, and settled in. “You can cuddle, cantcha?”
Dean smiled and rolled to fit himself behind her, one arm slung over her middle. “Yes, ma’am.”
Y/N sighed and lay her hand on his, keeping him there. “Good.”
He closed his eyes and let the pain subside, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. She smelled like apples and wind; like that summer he spent on the farm in upstate New York. Fresh and sunny and real.
She wiggled a bit, getting comfortable, and Dean hummed in interest as her ass rubbed against him; just a thin layer of cotton and that old trench coat lying between them. He pushed his hips forward and let his body do what it wanted.
His lips wanted her throat, so they took it, kissing and suckling at the tender flesh beneath her ear; teeth gently scraping at her shoulder, inducing a shiver that brought her closer still.
His hand wanted her supple flesh, so it rose from her waist to her tits, rolling each nipple between his long, calloused fingers until she moaned and pushed her ass backwards more, arching against him.  
His body wanted more, wanted all of her. He left her breasts and slid down her body, carefully pushing her legs apart and pressing against her pussy. Her heat was intoxicating. Her fingers wrapped around his wrist and urged him onward; her breath becoming heavy as he dipped inside.  
“Want you,” she moaned, twisting her neck to reach his lips.
He kissed her hard. “You have me.”
“You promise?”
Her whisper blew across his lips and Dean nearly died; so taken with every tiny thing about her, he couldn’t think of ever letting her go.
She turned fully then, knocking his fingers from her thighs, and took his face in her hands, kissing him hard and fully, holding onto every bit of him. When he rolled over her, she paused, pulling back from their kiss to look him in the eye. “Are you sure?”
He grinned and kissed her deeper, pushing her knees apart with his bowed legs. “I’m fine.”
The trenchcoat fell away and Y/N helped him tug the boxers from his hips, gently stripping him with warm fingers and lingering kisses.
"Slow," she whispered, guiding his cock into her. "Go slow. I wanna feel you."
Dean pushed up on his thick arms and let his hips glide back and forth, rocking gently, in and out until he was coated fully in her juices. She felt every inch of him and her body tightened more with each thrust.
“Oh god…” Her eyes were screwed shut and her lips were parted, ripe for the taking. Dean plucked at them with his teeth, sucking her into his mouth as he fell into a steady rhythm, leisurely stoking the fire between them.
When he felt her begin to pulse around his cock, he licked at her lips and set himself perfectly above her. “Y/N, open your eyes.”
She bit her lip as the orgasm loomed, unable to do much more than feel.
“Look at me,” he demanded, soft but firm. Her eyes popped open and an unstoppable smile lifted her lips. “There’s my girl. I wanna see you cum. I wanna watch you.”
Teeth still tucked into her bottom lip, she nodded and her eyes grew wider, an almost manic look taking over as her body let go. She convulsed in his arms, pussy pushing and pulling at his cock, forcing him to join her in mindless bliss for a moment.
Dean’s left elbow crumbled beneath him and he fell down, crushing her into the mattress as he came. He panted against her neck and Y/N wrapped her shaking arms tight around him, hugging him closer.
“I love you, Dean Winchester,” she whispered, expecting nothing in return.
He smiled and kissed her shoulder where the trench coat had fallen aside. He could never find the words when he needed them, ever afraid to voice them, but he knew she knew, and that was enough.
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2020 Forever Tags:
@akshi8278​ @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart​ @amanda-teaches​ @bakutododeku69 @because-imma-lady-assface​ @broiderie​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @cheritzie​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @covered-byroses​ @crashdevlin​ @deansotherotherblog​ @deansgirl215​ @deanwanddamons​ @defenderrosetyler​ @dontshootmespence​ @emoryhemsworth​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @focusonspn​ @hannahindie​ @herbologystudent252​ @ilsawasanacrobat​ @justcallmeasmodeus​ @ladyjenny19​ @laxe-from-outer-space @mariekoukie6661​ @missjenniferb​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @msjava1972​ @mylovelydame21​ @mysticmaxie​ @pilaxia​ @sandlee44​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @squirrelnotsam​ @tatted-trina6​ @typicalweirdbookworm​ 
@rebelemilu​ @pastathighs​ @deans-baby-momma​ @bobbie3939​ @peachyafshawn​ @spencer-reids-babygirl @akrasiaev @shadowkat-83​ @deangirl7695​ @foxyjwls007 @bxbyizzy​ @chenshemesh1 @pandaxo79 
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deancasbigbang · 4 years
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Title: From Valley to Valley, and Onwards
Author: wayward_angels_club
Artist: unanimous_anonymous
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Past Dean/Others (male and female), Past Castiel/Others (male and female), Minor Becky Rosen/Chuck Shurley, Minor Gabriel/Kali, Minor Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum, Mentioned Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore, Mentioned Ellen Harvelle/Bobby Singer
Length: 116000
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Minor Character Death (past and present), Past trauma largely left undealt with, Explicit Sexual Content
Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Miscommunication/ Lack of Communication, Alternate Universe- Historical Western (1890s), Unrequited Feelings… or are they, Canon Typical Older Siblings Taking Care of Younger Siblings, Dean and Cas are Painfully Oblivious, John Winchester’s A+ Parenting-but really all the parents kinda suck, Found Family/Chosen Family trope, Hurt/Comfort
Posting Date: November 2, 2020
Summary: He’s good at leaving. A few minutes of resolve and he’s gone, hoping his past stays in the past. While running, a moment of desperation leads him to take residence on the Novak’s farm. While his plan had been to stay no more than a week a series of unfortunate events leaves him with no choice but to stay. Castiel’s good at staying, never leaving home for long, never seeking new horizons. But his past haunts him ever still, he’s at odds with his mother, and a stranger - one keen on keeping to himself - all threaten this. For the first time in his life he’s met with a friend, one that gives him a name of his own -Dean- and with it maybe a chance at a different life. And Castiel discovers that it might be possible to have what he never thought he could. But when are things ever so easy (for either of them). An overheard conversation, doubt, an offer Dean finds he can’t pass on, and for both, the uncertainty that comes with unforetold feelings, work to conspire against them. The question becomes, can Dean learn to stay, and can Castiel learn to leave?
Excerpt: “You blame yourself, don’t you? For all of it,” He flinches as Cas whirls around to look at him. His expression shifts though once their eyes meet and Cas studies him for a moment. “Seems you do too. What? I don't know, but you think it's your fault,” Cas responds, his eyes have lost some of their hardness, and he fights again against the fury that starts to stoke from the embers that never seem to leave his chest. “Difference here is that it was my fault, my blame isn’t misplaced as yours is,” he responds, trying to keep the harshness from his voice. “How can you be so sure? About either of them, how can you know you’re guilty but I’m not?” Cas asks. “There are just some things in life that you know. I don't need, hell I don't deserve, to be absolved of anything. That was proven to me long before I stepped foot on this farm. It'll be proven to me long after I’ve left.” “And why do I?” Cas says barely above a whisper, scared of asking the question scared of hearing the answer, scared equally of not. “Currently you don’t because you have nothin’ to be absolved from but, some people just deserve salvation, and some are born into a life that can’t be saved,” He says easily, though it feels like lead is rushing up his throat with the words. He never wanted a life that was beyond saving, never understood why bad things happened to good people, until he stopped being a good person. Then the bad things made sense when they happened to him, but Sam, Sam never stopped being good and he was the reason bad things happened to a good person. There is no god that would forgive a transgression so great as endangering those you’re meant to protect. He’s not ever been one to believe in any of that, but he knows it regardless. Cas looks at him after minutes spent staring silently at the ground and asks, “What deems a life as unsaveable?” “Well living without a name sure as hell doesn't help, no one trusts a man without a name and that means that sometimes unsavoury actions must be made, nothing that your sensibilities needs to hear of mind you.” “You seem to think that my life on our farm has led me to know nothing of… repugnant activities.” Cas says warily. “You sayin’ that you get into trouble often, Cas? Engage in affairs that would leave your Ma clutching her pearls?” He’d gone for indifference but fell far short. “You know nothing of the sort of affairs I may partake in.” Cas replies challengingly. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that Cas,” He says holding Cas’ gaze, equally challengingly, “You may have done some unspeakable things, but I assure you that they couldn’t possibly hold a candle to certain actions of my own.” “Agree to disagree,” Cas responds. And the silence stretches.
DCBB 2020 Posting Schedule
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gritty4lyf · 4 years
What's wrong with vampires vs the bronx I watched it and it was a fine, my niece loved it
Alright I'm gonna preface by saying I was pretty drunk when I wrote that, so I don't actually feel that strongly one way or the other. If you enjoyed it, that's cool. Campy pulp horror with black protagonists is totally my jam and I WANTED to love this film more than I did, and i was disappointed that it fell short of my expectations, and the constant sense that there was a BETTER film hidden inside it that didn't get made (except it HAS been made and its perfect, but we'll get to that). 
This post contains spoilers for vampires vs the bronx btw. 
So at surface level, this is a film about the evils of gentrification and the fact that landlords are bloodsucking parasites. So far, so good. Nothing to quibble with there. 
The problem I had was with the sense that the film had a habit of setting the Good Always Be Hustling black protagonist kids against their older gangster peers. The deeper into gangster world characters were, the less weight their deaths were treated with. Out of the three main kids, the darkest skinned kid was constantly shown as being more vulnerable to being groomed into gang life than the others. The main, main kid, the one we're invited to empathise with more than anyone else in the film, somehow has an entirely different accent to everyone around him, most especially his mother, which leads me to my next issue. The characters are a litany of black stereotypes with no depth or nuance. The mom could have been a character in a 90s teen drama with one (1) token black character. The Puerto Rican kid was, weirdly, the stereotype of a New York nebbish Jew, just like, transplanted into a different character. I was hoping for a redemption where it turned out the film was making fun of all these old tired stereotypes but it didn't happen for me. 
Finally, I take issue with the way gentrification is shown. We have the One Nice White Lady, clearly very middle class, and all of a sudden we have oat milk in the bodega. Aside from the vampires, I think she's our only white character in the film. Only SPOILER turns out she's not a Nice White Lady at all but is in fact the worst and most dangerous vampire of them all. Which is annoying because it's a gross oversimplification of gentrification. The white people moving into traditionally black neighbourhoods aren't doing it because they think those neighbourhoods are cool. That's a myth aimed at breaking down all sense of class solidarity and stoking racial tensions. They move there because they are priced out of their old neighbourhoods (or in the UK because a wealthy local council decides to forcibly relocate their housing tenants into a cheaper area under a less wealthy council's jurisdiction so they can get that sweet sweet council tax money from richer private tenants and stop paying benefits all in one go - see West Kensington). The oat milk yoga moms won't turn up for another couple of decades, and the working class white people will resent them as much as anyone else because it means that they're imminently going to get priced out. Promoting hostility towards people moving into other areas is a Bad Thing because it undermines efforts to collectivise etc etc. Fine with making all the landlords and vampires white. Less fine with not including any other white characters when like 40% of people living in the bronx are white. 
And I was frustrated because a better version of this film has already been made and, you got it, its Attack The Block, starring an absolutely incredible 18 year old John boyega. All the kids in this film are Super Local to the area it's set in and it shows. They speak in their own accents. There's no pretension, there's no setting Good Enterprising Young Black kids against the other sort of black people, yaknow. There IS a Nice White Lady who has just moved into the area who they take the piss out of (Jodie Whittaker/doctor who). There's a nice subplot where they navigate the complexities of the fact that she's coming in as an outsider, and there is this DYNAMITE moment that I could deconstruct for hours where she says to John B's character, after asking him his age, moments before they go into battle, "oh, I thought you were older." and he puffs up, all pleased with himself and as the viewer you get this horrible moment because you KNOW why that's a dangerous thing for a young black man in Central London and you want to protect this nice good kid, and you can see Jodie W just for a second realising all this (we are Deep into issues of black kids being tried as adults disproportionately on the UK at this time and I'm not going to get more into this but needless to say this is a powerful moment). And you don't have the uncomfortable segregationism of Vampires vs The Bronx. It's just a much better deconstruction of gentrification and race and it's a much better pulpy horror film. 
Depending on how old your niece is though, you might have to wait a bit before you watch it though. The special effects are a bit naff (think dr who) but all the same it's probably for a slightly older age group than Vampires VS the Bronx, which is a fun enough movie and at least we ARE getting bigger budget movies that are allowed to have a mainly black cast, so I don't want to rag on it too much. It's better than Not having pulpy campy horror movies that black kids can see themselves in. I just think Attack The Block did it better. 
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 4 years
Cross Timbers
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Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester x Jody Mills, no warnings, G-rated
Chapter 1 - 1830 words
A/N: This story was just a passing idea until I brought it up in my Slack chat and got a ton of great ideas from the folks there! Friends, I hope I have remembered everyone’s ideas and done them justice. Thanks for this and everything else! 
@boondoctorwho​ , @cherry3point14​, @cracksinthewalls​, @dawnie1988​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ , @icemankazansky​, @itmighthavebeenintentional​ , @justcallmeasmodeus​ , @lastactiontricia​ ,  @mskathywriteswords​ , @rockhoochie​ ,  @there-must-be-a-lock​ , @thoughtslikeaminefield​ 
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"You ready Sam? Ladies?" Dean asked.
"Oh yah, you betcha!" Donna exclaimed, swatting his ass playfully as she walked around Baby to hop in the passenger side. 
Sam was already in his SUV, Jody by his side. He gave his brother a broad wave.
"Cross Timbers State Park. Here we come!"
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
It had started one cold night earlier that year. The four of them were at Jody’s in Sioux Falls, relaxing with pizza and beers after a hunt. Sam couldn’t remember how they had gotten on the topic, maybe joking about making dinner in the fireplace.
Dean had begun to wax eloquent about the best parts of camping: cooking around a campfire, fishing, and of course, tent sex. Donna was nodding along eagerly before Sam scoffed. 
“That’s your favorite part of camping, Dean, really? The closest we’ve ever gotten to camping is sleeping in the Impala in a field somewhere when we didn’t have any place else to go.” 
Dean looked down and shrugged sadly. “Ok, so maybe I’ve never been camping. But it always sounded like fun.”
“Never been camping?!” Donna’s mouth dropped open. 
“Oh, boys,” Jody chimed in. “We have to fix this. There are so many great places we could go, either here or in Kansas.”
“We could show you such a good time!” Donna added with a giggle. “But not right now. It’s too cold right now to sleep any place but my own cozy bed.” 
It turned out that the bed in Jody’s guest room was cozy enough for Donna, especially once Dean joined her there. Sam didn’t mind, though, since he was in Jody’s own bed with her.
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Sam and Dean had long since forgotten the camping conversation, but they soon discovered the ladies had not. In early April, the two of them began to hint in the group chat that the four of them should go camping. It took no time at all to realize it was less a suggestion and more a coordinated campaign to rope the Winchesters into camping. 
The ladies were pleasantly surprised when it didn’t take that much effort. Sam and Dean knew better than to argue with the combined power of Jody and Donna. They knew they were outsmarted in the camping department, but they were eager to learn, to try the experience. 
Jody and Donna had already determined that state park was the perfect camping spot. Remote enough to have plenty of trees, hiking trails, and water for canoeing or fishing, but still with a certain amount of running water and facilities for drinking and basic hygiene. 
Dean immediately appointed himself in charge of meal planning, because of course he was. Sam started researching camping equipment and gadgets, digging out back issues of magazines and shopping on Amazon. The group chat was busy for weeks while the four of them planned and prepped.
The ladies rolled into town and spent one night at the bunker so they could all shop and pack before heading out. It took a surprising amount of gear to go off-grid, tents and sleeping bags and more. Donna brought an air mattress, although Dean laughed and assured her they would be fine roughing it. They packed their clothes in canvas duffels: jeans and button downs, hiking boots and sandals, and of course, swimsuits.
Dean brought his guitar and fishing tackle. Sam brought a book, a notebook and new pens, as well as several boxes of unidentified tubes and pipes. 
“So many years after college and still a nerd, huh, big guy?” Dean joked when he saw it. 
“I don’t get much time to do what I want, whatever I want,” Sam retorted. “I’m not sorry I’ll be reading in a hammock while you drink beer and dangle a line in the water and call that fishing.”
“Hey, at least if I’m successful, we have something to eat.” 
“Everyone finds their own happiness.” Donna interrupted with a grin. “You boys ready?” 
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Cross Timbers State Park was about 4 hours away, and the afternoon sun was still warm and bright when they pulled up. They rented adjoining camping spots, patches of clear level ground amidst the towering trees. There was a firepit already set in an iron ring, and the first thing the Winchester brothers did was haul the two picnic tables to either side. 
After that, they took a moment to ward the site, putting salt and sigils on every corner to keep themselves safe. Once done, they returned to the picnic tables where Jody and Donna were setting out supplies. 
Dean, as head of meal planning, reminded everyone that dinner that night would be in Donna’s hands. She had requested a list of sandwich supplies. She went to one of her bags and pulled out a set of sandwich making irons.
“These good old irons will make the best Pudgie Pies you ever tasted!” she crowed. 
“Pudgie Pies?” Sam whispered to Dean.
“It’s sandwiches and a campfire, I’m in,” he answered out of one side of his mouth. 
The two Winchesters left the ladies prepping food while they headed to opposite sides of the joined campsites to set up their tents. Their initial research into tent dimensions had been shocking. So-called “two person” tents clearly didn’t take into account one of those people being well over 6 feet.
In the end, they bought a pair of tents, each of them marketed to sleep six. Each tent seemed to have almost enough room for a couple, their duffels, and the Thermarest sleeping pads that Jody brought.
Sam spent a few minutes studying the instructions and then laid out the interlocking frame poles and nylon tent body exactly as directed. He understood the directions, but even with his reach, he couldn’t quite do it himself. Without him asking, Jody stepped to his side.
“It’s easier together,” she said as she took the opposite corner of the tent. 
The tent rose between their hands, and they staked it down securely. He arranged the bedding, rolling out sleeping bags and pillows, then stacked their bags neatly against one corner of the front wall. 
The tent had a small awning over the door, a space for them to kick off their shoes. Jody had brought a sun-bleached rag rug that she laid out right there. It was no bunker, but for a temporary habitat, well, he had seen worse. Once he had everything staked down, he looked across the campsite. 
Dean’s tent was a tangle of nylon on the ground. He was holding poles in both hands and swearing, the instructions nowhere to be seen. 
Sam started to close the space between them. “Can I give you a hand?” he called.
“I don’t need a hand!” Dean shouted, before throwing down the poles. “I’m gonna go get … water!” He stormed off into the deepening twilight. 
Sam followed the same steps he had before, but once he had the ridgepole assembled and in the tent, he called for his brother.
“Dean, I need help.” No matter how much Dean protested that he could do things by himself, he would never dream of letting his younger brother down when he needed him. Together, the two Winchesters finished setting up the second tent. 
Just in time, because Donna called from beside the fire, “Oh boys! Time to make Pudgie Pies!” 
Packages of ham and turkey were open alongside a stack of American cheese and a loaf of bread. There was mayonnaise and mustard, pickles and tomatoes too, Donna demonstrated how to coat the irons with cooking spray before layering in the sandwich makings, while Jody stoked the fire. 
A couple of sandwiches were burned in the process, but ultimately, everyone had dinner. They opened beers from the cooler and settled into folding chairs around the fire and passed around a bag of potato chips. 
“Hey you know what this needs?” Dean spoke up. “Ghost stories!” 
Everyone nodded enthusiastically, so he gave it his best shot. He opted for a classic, the hook hand in the car door. Somehow he managed to fumble it, much to the bewilderment of his audience.
“Dude,” Sam cut in. “How can you be so bad at this? Our lives are a ghost story. You literally could’ve told me how you spent your Monday morning and it would’ve been scarier than that story was. 
Dean looked to Donna and Jody for support but they shook their heads as Sam continued.
“You want a horror story? How about you in the morning, no coffee, no bacon, no nothing.”
“No nothin’?” Donna chimed in. “Now that I’d like to see.” She held out her hand with a smirk, and Dean took it. 
The four of them were comfortable together, Dean and Donna, Sam and Jody. This was a rare moment of ease for them, no one worrying about anything, just enjoying one another. 
But camping was a new thing for the brothers, still a whole different experience. They let the fire burn down and then everyone brushed their teeth at the pump out in front of their campsites, downing meds with handfuls of the metallic water. 
Sam and Jody ducked together into their neatly organized tent, leaving their shoes outside on the rag rug under the awning. That night, just being together was enough. They held hands and whispered to one another until they drifted off to sleep.
Dean and Donna tumbled into their tent, kicking their shoes off as an afterthought. They were too tired for more than sleep. But sleep eluded them. Well, it eluded Dean. Donna settled in comfortably and drifted off. But he tossed and turned on the hard ground.
By Dean’s watch, it was past midnight when Donna woke up and nudged him. 
“Still awake?” 
“No, I’m fine. I just -- can’t sleep.” He hated to admit it. 
He was a hunter, after all. He had been to heaven and hell and back. Damned if he would be beaten by a thin foam sleeping pad. But the front seat of Baby was more comfortable than this sad excuse for a bed. 
Without speaking, Donna got up. Dean reached for her but she was too quick. He heard the door to Sam’s SUV open, and then a motor running. He drifted in and out of a drowsy sulk until he heard her voice calling him softly in the dark.
“Dean,” she called from the door of the tent trying to wrestle in a giant air mattress. He got up and helped her to bring it in, lifting their sleeping bags and pillow on top. 
“Really?” he asked, his voice rough from trying to sleep.
“Okay, sure, Princess,” she answered with a giggle. “It’s me that can’t rough it, not you.”
Cross Timbers Tags: @deangirl7695, @elliloumom, @meeshw777​
“Hush,” he told her as he settled down and held out one arm. She sighed happily and curled into his embrace. Finally, for the first time all night, Dean was comfortable. His eyes grew heavy, and he yawned. Then he fell asleep with Donna’s blonde curls against his face. 
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SPN First Last and Always: @boondoctorwho @dawnie1988 @deanwanddamons @defenderrosetyler @divadinag @emoryhemsworth @fookinghelljensensthighs @idreamofplaid @kalesrebellion @kickingitwithkirk @maddiepants @magssteenkamp @onethirstyunicorn   @there-must-be-a-lock @tloveswriting
Sam Girl For Life: @awesomesusiebstuff @lilsylvia @winchesterxfamilybusiness
Dean Curious:@adoptdontshoppets @awesomesusiebstuff @deangirl7695 @deans-baby-momma  @mrsjenniferwinchester @stoneyggirl @wayward-gypsy @winchesterxfamilybusiness
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glitchrpgmain · 4 years
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Species: Vampire
Affiliation: Neutral; Death-Dealer for the coven operating as a double-agent for the liberation.
Age: 150+
Suggested FCs: Bob Morley, Matthew Daddario, Jodie Comer, Aja Naomi King, Bill Skarsgard, Dev Patel, Ming Xi
You never really betrayed your reasons for joining the cause slated at Aleksander’s hands; you simply took your sword, your gun, and your wits to fight tirelessly for an army you had no real stake in. You can hear them whispering about you, murmurings of how you kill for the sake of killing, how your loyalties could potentially waver -- but it does little to make you waver. Instead, you smirk and you hold your ground because the truth is, you really don’t have an undying devotion for the coven that took you in when you were nothing more than a bloodied fledgling. You know better than to show it, though, so you hold your tongue and hold up a facade -- but when no one is looking, you find yourself slipping free from the confines of the Coven to seek out the soft, bubbling whisperings of revolution. The lycans don’t trust you -- and you have to say that they’re smarter than you expected for that -- but you put down what you have to offer on the table and they have no choice but to begrudgingly accept you amongst their ranks. Neither they nor your precious coven know what to make of you -- and you’re satisfied with that. At the end of the day, you serve no agenda but your own.
𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐗. they’re watching you out of the corner of your eye and you cannot help but smirk as they do; you two have been partners since the start, the coven’s two most deathly assassins. they trust you -- or perhaps, trusted is more accurate -- and you’re starting to realize that they’re beginning to have doubts about your loyalty. for good reason, you suppose. it’s a game of cat and mouse -- your once most-loyal partner and friend has morphed into your rival. every time they ask you where your head is at, you merely smile that cheshire cat grin and put a finger to your lips. deception is your game and they’re not falling for it.
𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐓. this little lycan intrigues you, for they are so painfully volatile that you cannot help but wonder what will happen if you push the right button, stoke the right flame. they’re so young and eager to please, ready to dive paws-first into danger regardless of the consequences. you have no real loyalties -- not to one side, or the other -- and while many around you continue to doubt your intentions, they watch you with wide-eyed fascination. you want to see how much you can use this young cub. after all, a fresh mind is one ready for molding.
𝐒𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐄. you cannot help the irritation that crawls under your skin when they size you up; they are an older lycan, one who doesn’t trust you -- unlike a majority of the liberation ranks. for good reason, too, really -- but still. you try your best to remain steadfast and as visibly loyal to their cause as you can. you grit your teeth and swallow your pride -- and you wonder. just what the hell will it take to win their trust?
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captain-sodapop · 5 years
OK SO I don’t quite know how it is they got to this point, and it was really just a lot of flashes and vibes™️, but I do know what I saw thanks to the Forces that Be. ;)
We start off with these super dark and violent vibes. I definitely remember there being some sort of hag-like creature with these gross, brittle nails and spindly fingers going after Sam and Dean and trying to rip out one of their hearts. But they didn’t have Big Bad energy? So I’m thinking that this is a post-Chuck situation where that’s been resolved, and the show is showing us their situation before the final credits roll. Like, I feel like there’s some sort of time skip that’s happened, and that this is a regular hunt, but it’s a pretty gruesome one.
But they get past it and go home to the bunker, which is crawling with people. There’s a ton of activity going on, and it felt like they were all preparing for some sort of big event (I personally would love to see Sam have some sort of shotgun hunter’s wedding, but I couldn’t tell if that was what this was or just some sort of big annual get-together or what). I was able to see flashes of familiar faces, but not really able to place anyone besides Crowley (?!?!!?) and Jody. Sam and Dean weren’t exactly being helpful with this though and had left all the preparation to Jody or someone Jody-adjacent. Why? Well, because Jack was missing. I remember this felt particularly tense because Sam and Dean were freaking out and my sleepy ass was like...where is the boy???
I was Concerned™️ and so were the Winchesters. As they approached the kitchen, though, they could hear Jack calling their names out, and this is where things start to get REALLY interesting. Turns out, Jack had crawled underneath the counters and gotten himself stuck in the cabinets. But he’s a grown man, you’re saying to yourself. How could he do that? Well, dear reader, it’s because even the gods believe baby Jack should be a thing. Also, he was super cute and that’s a fact. He was now preschooler sized and thought crawling into cabinets was the best idea ever. Sam and Dean were super relieved to find him, and Dean pulled him out of there, and I very distinctly remember Jack getting settled on his hip (and Dean carried him for the remainder of the time there were together, which tells me they’re totally square by the end) as Sam (who was otherwise very relaxed feeling throughout this whole thing even though I’m pretty sure he was preoccupied and busy with whatever was going on because he wasn’t super present) did that thing where he runs his hands through his hair and gets all huffy and calmly tells him not to do something like that again because it had scared them so bad.
And then Cas came home.
This motherfucker...oh my god. The glow-up is INSANE. He had the sex hair, and he was sorta scruffy in, like, an intentional way. He was still wearing the trench coat, but had ditched the suit for this grey sweater that was sorta athletic-looking and jeans. I know it sounds crazy, but in my head, the combo totally worked. He was all relaxed and chill and super super happy, and I thought that was very sexy of him. I guess he had his powers back because he had just come back from a solo hunt and felt super charged up. But he swaggered into the bunker kitchen all confident, and he and Jack were just STOKED to see each other. Things were good between him and the brothers again, too, and they had been all worried about him going off alone, but he was like “nah, it was chill”, and then I SHIT YOU NOT KISSED BOTH OF THEM ON THE CHEEK, and the brothers were super fake-exasperated. But Cas was just super confident. Like he’d gone on a study-abroad trip to Europe, which would probably explain the cheek kisses. Then he goes off to help with whatever’s going on.
Then things get fuzzy, and for whatever reason, Dean gets flustered/overwhelmed and has to leave the bunker for a bit. He’s clearly struggling with something, and I think it had something to do with him not feeling like he had a purpose anymore? Like I’m pretty sure the event that was happening was for Sam, and Cas was all sexy and confident now and had Jack back, and even though Sam and Dean are also his surrogate fathers, Dean feels like he just doesn’t have much going for him anymore, and I think he was getting snippy with people. So he needed to get out for a bit alone, and he of course ends up at a bar. Now he’s double-fisting bright pink margaritas and licking all the salt off, letting waitresses pour drinks down his mouth...just getting wasted. He’s got booze on his pants and it looks like he’s pissed himself, but everyone around him is enabling him. After a while though, people get bored with him, and now he’s just this old guy sitting alone at a bar, drunk off his ass, feeling lost in this world. And then this person is unclear, too, but someone (tbh this might have been my in-dream avatar acting as some sort of convenient sage that comes to him, but whatever), and he’s like...I don’t know what to do with myself. Nothing I do feels right anymore. The rest of my family and friends are moving on, but I can’t, and I don’t know what that means for me and my life. He’s feeling pretty worthless, and he’s like...how am I supposed to know things are going to be okay? Me, my family? Well, you know what this sage says? They say they’ll all be okay, “Because tomorrow, you will wake up.”
And that hit me HARD. Dean, too. My subconscious was not playing games. This completely sobers him up somehow, and he staggers back home feeling a little more like he can face whatever it is that’s going on there.
That’s pretty much where it cut off, but to sorta sum it up: it’s a happy ending. It’s sorta ambiguous, and there’s angst because duh of course, but Cas and the Winchesters have made up, Jack is back and super cute, and things are looking up. I think Dean might be struggling because Sam is about to start a new chapter in his life that is perhaps separate from him, and Cas has definitely become more confident in himself and is in Dad-mode, but Dean comes to see that he’s going to live to see another day and that his purpose is something bigger than saving lives he doesn’t get to live. He can have a life of his own even though this feels late in the game to him, and while he seems to be the last to realize this, he can go home and face the future with his family. :)
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I’m actually quite excited for the Eve and Hugo sex? scene, HEAR ME OUT!
It reminds me of the moment in book 2 when this young, attractive guy is flirting with Eve and it stokes a fire in her that is starting to be ignited. There has been no sexual tension in any of Eve and Hugo’s scenes so far and Hugo is written as the ‘twat character’. It’s not going to be anything serious! I think it will show the viewers how Eve is needing to break out of the life she has. It will show us this new personality and side of Eve that was hidden. Something is being awoken in Eve, and I think she might push back at it, thinking it’s just her home life that bores her, and that Hugo will give her a rush. However, Eve will realise that there’s only one person that can satisfy this rush and intensity she is feeling, and only one person that is on her level. This sort of links with the scene last ep when Konstantin was telling Eve about what happens to the people that Villanelle loves. However, what everyone around them (Carolyn, Konstantin) seem to not realise is that Eve is the hungry caterpillar too! She’s feasting inside Villanelle’s mind too! All the previous people that Villanelle has shown affection to have turned their back on her when she has shown her true self. Yet with Eve, the more Villanelle is herself, the more Eve wants her!
Based on the 3 episodes so far, and from interviews with Emerald, it really is going to be how deep Villanelle and Eve are in this together. It’s not just this cat and mouse game that gives them some enjoyment now. They are consumed by each other, not able to carry on normally in their lives. We’ve seen this already with the shot of Eve up at night after the school meeting, thoughts of Villanelle keeping her from sleep. We saw the devastation that Villanelle went through at the thought of Eve not thinking about her. They’re fulfilling yet destroying each other at the same time. Based on Jodie’s interviews as well, this season is going to show how these emotions are making them out of control. I’m so curious to see what makes Villanelle genuinely cry that much next ep. Can you imagine how much more she’s going to want Eve after that (I’m guessing it’s going to be something Eve related). That she has made Villanelle experience pure emotion. There seems to be a fascinated look coming over her face as she analyses herself in the mirror. They’re both bringing out something in the other that only they can do.
In book 2 the attention from the young man leads Eve to acknowledge the darker side of herself, and she goes along with this exciting feeling when masturbating, however it’s not the young man she imagines, it’s Villanelle. For me, this was a turning point in the book, and I imagine it will be a turning point in the show, possibly not long before Eve and Villanelle have to work together, so there’s even more tension. I wouldn’t be surprised if Emerald has Hugo turn into Villanelle or Eve hears Villanelle’s voice. Possibly there will even be a crossing of scenes between Eve and Villanelle looking for this elusive something with someone else.
I genuinely feel that the build up through the season will be about them acknowledging and accepting their bond before the finale ‘You’re mine’.
Update: I’ve been getting a few people asking how I know this. I don’t know this for sure at all. Killing Eve is always so hard to predict. I’m just thinking out loud based on these pics.
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They look like they’re in some sort of supply closet, so I don’t really know why else they would be in there. However, it could well be for another reason. Maybe V has sent the dress paralleling when Eve wore the dress in ep 5. I don’t know if they would copy the exact same thing though.  
I’m not suggesting Hugo and Eve will go all the way, but I feel like there’s going to be something. Apparently Sandra mentioned something about Eve exploring her sexuality. 
@sapphicsynthtechnology @manon-boleyn @villanelletrash
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woahhaleigh · 5 years
Heathers UK Cast Recording Review (From A Retired Veronica Sawyer’s Perspective)
If you are new to my blog, hi! I’m Haleigh and I am an actress local to Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. I had the utmost pleasure of playing Veronica Sawyer last summer in Plano, Texas. Veronica was an absolute dream role of mine. I feel so honored every day that I was chosen to tell that story. The show holds an extra special place in my heart because a little bit after the show closed, I started to date the wonderfully talented man who played my JD. So, Heathers holds a dear place in both of our hearts. We have spent a few evenings listening to the UK Cast Recording and gathering our thoughts on it.
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I need to preface a few things. 1. I am a huge Carrie Hope Fletcher fan. So I am absolutely biased. Not sorry. 2. As a whole, I think my experience as Veronica would have been immensely easier if this album had been out for me to study and work with. The only Veronica when my show went up was the lovely Barrett Wilbert Weed. Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of playing this iconic role knows that it is insanely difficult to live up to such talent as hers. Carrie made the role seem a bit more human and her vocals, while still insanely difficult, were much more achievable. 3. I go on a few tangents about my experience as Veronica. We just celebrated the year anniversary since the first rehearsal. Your girl got a bit nostalgic. 4. Thank you for coming to my little corner of the internet. Let’s listen to the Heathers UK Album!
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Beautiful: I can hear the accents. I can hear them holy moly. It’s okay, Haleigh. Phew. I will say I could hear a distinct difference in the orchestration? It doesn’t feel quite so cutthroat and edgy as the Off-Broadway album. It really does sound more musical theatre. Which I truly enjoy. I like that it sounds like a completely different show. I’m not one for a carbon copy of something else. 
Candy Store: Okay, Jodie Steele is everything I never knew I needed?? This rendition is wonderful.
Fight For Me: Woah, this key change is everything! This song was really daunting to learn. And I seriously adore the changes in this album. This song was my favorite to sing. I hope they release the updated score for us on other sides of the globe to use for our books!
Freeze Your Brain: So I can hear Jamie Muscato’s every single syllable. Which is great for the pronunciation of his American accent. However, it was a bit jolting the first time through the cast album. Now that I’ve gone through a few times, I don’t notice it quite as much. Perhaps it’s just the recording and not him live. Such a gorgeoussss voice, nevertheless. 
Big Fun: The lyric changes were jolting at first, as well. Still takes a lot of time to get used to. Also, they took out the verse about “let’s use their showers. That sounds like big fun”. Don’t expect to be able to sing along with this one first time around. I do love that Heather Macnamara gets the line about “First it’s salt and then lime and thennnn shot!” like it was in the script when I did the show! 
Dead Girl Walking: Such a win, guys. The amount of fever dreams I had about this song is damn near embarrassing. I will say it again, if this album had been out when I did this role, it wouldn’t have been nearly as terrifying. Carrie’s belts were absolutely gorgeous!
Me Inside Of Me: Ugh, my least favorite song in the show. I will say, Jodie Steele, sounds absolutely stunning, though. Even more so than Candy Store. I can hear her bitchiness just in the audio. I wonder how chilling her performance was in person!
You’re Welcome: Unpopular opinion time; I dislike everything about this song. I’ve listened to it once and skip it every time I listen through the album. While Blue from the Off-Broadway album (if done wrong) can be just as predatory as this song, I’ve mainly seen it done silly and more comedic. You're Welcome is just plain scary, in my humble opinion. The vocals are undeniably stunning. Kurt and Ram are immensely talented. However, I just don’t feel like this was a good replacement for Blue. I feel this song is just scary and triggering. Especially for someone who has been in Veronica’s shoes before. While I respect that the writers prefer this song to Blue, I strongly stand behind my opinion on this song. 
Never Shut Up Again: I feel like this song is along the same lines as Dead Gay Son. It has a beautiful upbeat vibe to it. I’ve heard a lot of people say that it doesn’t sound like it belongs or flows. I completely disagree. Heather Duke deserved a solo. And T-Shan Williams absolutely slays this song. I also appreciate that they did a little nod to the Blue Reprise in here. This song will be a fan favorite if it gets released with the rights worldwide. 
Our Love Is God: Ah one of my most favorite songs to perform when I did this show. This song lives up to the outrageously high expectations I had for it. Brought massive tears to my eyes as I listened and replayed performing this scene in my head. I can only imagine how wonderful the performances were in person. 
Dead Gay Son: A song that is usually a skip for me. The vocals were lovely but this song is just better when you see the show live, in my opinion. 
Seventeen: Another song that had really high expectations. The vocals, the tone, the everything was truly wonderful. You could hear the love and the urgency behind both Carrie and Jamie’s voices. I was pleased when this song was released early. It was a great little taste to what a joy this cast album would be. 
Shine A Light: Less church-y than the Off-Broadway and more rock, I will say. Love Rebecca Lock’s choices with Fleming. She sounds so unapologetically her and it is truly a hilarious experience to listen to. (Funny story, James actually tripped and fell off a platform during our production of Heathers during this song. Just thought I’d share that with the world.)
Lifeboat: Sophie Issacs sure knows how to pull at your heartstrings with this one. It feels like there was a key change in this song too, I could be wrong, though. It also feels faster? I will say while her vocals are lovely since it does feel faster, the song doesn’t pack as much of a punch as it could have. 
Shine A Light Reprise: T’Shan is seriously terrifying. I loved the lyric and note changes for this one. Like man, that belt is too die for. 
I Say No: Added to my book and have already started to rehearse this so I can sing it at my first given opportunity. The lyrics to this song are really awesome. In the Off-Broadway show, I always was peeved that the musical took out my favorite quote from the movie “You know what I want? Cool guys like you out of my life.” And they included a bit of that in this song. As someone who is a huge fan of this movie, I was stoked when that was added in. From my understanding, this song happens after JD shoots the TV right after Veronica breaks up with him. (Correct me if my assumption is wrong!) James and I had discussed in the past how a song would have been awesome there. So, if that is where this song is, it just makes me that much happier. 
Kindergarten Boyfriend: Woah. I mean woahhhh. Those vocals are flawless. This is the only scene in the show where Veronica gets more than 30 seconds to be off stage. I always spent it listening to our Martha that evening sing her heart out. It is what got me into the mindset to cry during Meant To Be Yours. This rendition is so lovely and truly makes me cry every time I’ve listened to the album all the way through.
Yo Girl: So eerie and so haunting. I do prefer the Off-Broadway for this one. It felt more gut-wrenching. The lyrics changes, though, hit you right where it hurts. “what’s that brimstoney smell?” Ouch, guys. 
Meant To Be Yours: The differences are subtle between this and the Off-Broadway. I love Jamie’s performance. He truly sounds like he has lost his damn mind. And Ryan McCartan's JD sometime’s was really cartoony. (Still, absolutely adore him!!) My favorite performance from Jamie from this entire album. One character choice I really liked was the whisper of “No thanks”. So chilling. Okay, I’m crying while I’m listening to this. I gotta move to the next song. 
Dead Girl Walking Reprise: Carrie’s version is not quite as belt-y as Barrett’s. I always had to sing this after balling my eyes out and had to sniffle and belt this. I love that there is just as much power behind this version but not all the way sang up to the gods. It’s a much more achievable rendition for the average singer in a community theatre where this will get done more often. Again, Jamie for real sounds manic and I love every second of it. And I also looove that there’s an added “Don’t talk about my mom” and a “stop” lines in there. Every night when James and I sang this, he shot me a look like those were his thoughts, but I can’t say anything because she is singing and it’s not in the script. It’s really lovely to have that added bonus in here. 
I Am Damaged: These are the only lyrics changes I don’t agree with. I like how it was originally portrayed that JD may or may not be changing in this song. But either way, wow my heart hurts. That was so beautiful. Every night when I played Veronica, my interpretation of this song was probably quite different than most. I’d love to share that to someone other than James and a few members of the cast. When Veronica says “Say hi to God”, I always portrayed it as Veronica, despite all of the harm JD caused, truly believed he would still go to heaven. And it always got me to the depths of my core. 
Seventeen Reprise: The vocals and talent of this cast, my god. Just as beautiful as the Off-Broadway. Ugh, this is making me cry my eyes out, guys. 
There you have it guys. What did you think of this cast recording? If you haven’t listened to the album yet, you really should! Listen here. 
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janaonthepct · 5 years
Why I’m leaving the trail...
Wow. What a way to start off a blog post guys, am I right? To keep the story arch intact and to possibly annoy you a bit longer with the question of whether the headline actually means what you think it means, let's start where we left off last time:
Day - I don't really know what day it was - at mile 152 sitting at the Paradise Valley Cafe devouring a typical American breakfast: pancakes, eggs and bacon. We had left camp pretty early in the morning to cruise down the last 10ish miles to the Cafe fast enough to have breakfast at an appropriate time because everyone told us it's definitely worth the 1 mile detour off of the trail and because we were craving a proper breakfast. Let's say this: they didn't lie ;)
We were going so fast that I even missed the 150-mile marker of the trail. Oh well, technically these little markers aren't supposed to be there anyways. A big principle on the trail is the LNT - leave no trace - principle and apparently even rearranging stones to form a number is too much of a trace to have. But the big milestones usually still have them anyways. We arrived at the Cafe where we met a ton of other PCT hikers that had started that day with the same idea as us. Talking to them we heard a lot of rumors and reports of the upcoming miles being decently sketchy and snowy enough to be needing micro spikes and possibly even an ice axe. Stories were going around of people having fallen off of ridges, getting injured and helicopter rescues and everyone was starting to worry and having to estimate the personal risk they were willing to take.
Every time we got out of the mountains and off of the trail at least for me it has been a very overwhelming experience. On the trail I barely used my phone, for one because I didn't really have that much cell service anyways and also because I enjoyed being fully out there without all the noise and distractions of modern technology. Some people enjoy hiking with music or podcasts, I literally only used my phone to take pictures and to locate myself with GPS to keep track of the trail and where to get water and such. So whenever we'd end up in a "more civilized" place, meaning a town or a restaurant, immediately many things would happen at once and in a very condensed time: While trying to get some proper food into your system, you are also faced with figuring out the next steps (whether that means where to hike to further that day, booking a room in a town or figuring out all the things you need to resupply on), your phone is going insane with a ton of messages, there is a lot of noise and people around you (more then you usually experience in one or two full days on trail), you’re probably also contemplating whether you already smell so bad that a shower and a laundry are needed and at the same time you are socializing with all the other hikers you haven't seen in a couple days exchanging stories of things you've seen or heard or comparing gear and food choices.
Back at Paradise Valley Cafe I was still chewing on my bacon and pancakes while Zack had already decided with Paul and Alex to hitch into Idyllwild quickly to grab some new micro spikes to tackle the upcoming section that afternoon, Nadine had already organized a ride from an amazing trail angel Jodie (we had met her at the barbecue before Warner springs) to get back to San Diego, where she was going to rent a car for the last couple days she'd be in the US before heading back the UK (she had only intended to hike the first two weeks with Paul and had done so amazingly covering over 150 miles!) and I was left with a difficult decision: I could either continue hiking with the boys, either having to buy new micro spikes in Idyllwild as well or not going with any spikes and risking injuries and sliding off or I could take the ride to San Diego with Nadine and wait for my micro spikes. I thought I wouldn't need them until the Sierras (the big mountains in Central California) and had left them in my friend's car and Olive had left the US to go to Mexico for a couple days so I had to wait for her to get back before getting to the car... (it's a long story I know)
Since Zack was already on his way to Idyllwild and I also didn't fully see a point in getting new micro spikes since mine were so close and perfectly fine also (yes, this is my German side speaking), I decided to join Nadine for the ride back to San Diego and luckily had an amazing friend there which was spontaneous and kind enough to let me stay at her place for another two nights after only getting notified literally 10 minutes before I was planning to leave the Cafe (you are the best Allison!). So here I was, back at the starting point in San Diego, two weeks and 150 miles later. I was kind of glad Olive was still in Mexico because that gave me three days off of the trail to get some perspective and to figure some things out.
Let me preface this by saying two things: 1. I absolutely LOVED every minute and every step of the trail! 2. None of what I'm writing here has to make any sense to anybody else, it's just some truths I have found to be fitting at the current time and place for me.
Ever since I stepped foot on the trail I was having a wonderful time. Being out there, living simply, being active and challenging your body, meeting like-minded people and having space for yourself, it just all made perfect sense to me. I realized I'm great at doing these things too and enjoy them a lot. I also realized some other things though. But since I don’t want to turn this blogpost into a novel (it’s getting there I know) here’s the short summary: - Although I’ve been having a grand time on the trail I just realized that I am currently in a point of my life where I want to commit to something, get working and stay somewhere for a while. I realized finishing the trail might not get me any further in knowing what a next step could be and instead of avoiding this decision, I knew I wanted to take action now. - I want to give back rather then receive. The trail is so much based around receiving help and kindness, which makes it very special. I feel like I am at a place in my life right now where I am capable of giving and I want to use that knowledge and spread joy. I guess I want to be on the giving end. - As much as this might be a once in a lifetime experience or chance I don’t feel like it has to be and I know that this isn’t going to be my last time going to the US and seeing all my amazing friends here again. So, I didn’t feel like this chapter really needed closure or a full stop. Instead I just absolutely rejoiced in reuniting with friends here, exploring new places and remembering old ones.
Anyways. Here I was having found these truths but also still really enjoying the trail and my hiking group. After Olive got back from Mexico we talked some more about it and came to the conclusion that I was going to reunite with my hiking group for a couple more days and then leave the trail from Big Bear Lake, a small hiker town in the mountains just off of the trail. The boys had successfully conquered San Jacinto in those days so I joined them about 50 miles later in Cabazon and did another 70-80 miles with them. And what a beautiful and rewarding 4 days those were. The landscape was absolutely gorgeous, we had super-hot desert, river crossings, snow and below freezing temperatures all within 24 hours. Lots of elevation gain and loss, lots of wind, lots of beautiful valleys and outlooks, lots of flowers and lizards. We got to Big Bear and had another full Zero day together. It was a wonderful way for me to come to an (at least temporary) end of the trail. I never wanted to leave on a bad note hating the experience, getting injured or feeling homesick or whatever. The trail and everything it entails has been nothing but outstanding and I am very grateful for this! It was hard to say goodbye to the boys but I hope it’s more of a “see you again very soon”. I am now their personal cheering squad.
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(Some impressions from the last days on trail and saying goodbye to the boys)
I’ve been off of the trail for about 10 days now. Me and Olive had a super fun week together driving a little bit of the distance back north, meeting friends and also having a couple days just as the two of us roadtripping. We went to Santa Barbara, back to Monterey and then had two days in San Francisco and Point Reyes (a super cool national park right across San Francisco over the Golden Gate bridge). I then took the train back north to Portland where I had two days exploring a bit more and spending time with special and beautiful people and now I’ve been back in Port Townsend. I’m leaving the US next Monday, flying to London (because there were no good straight flights to Germany but also mainly because that means I get to see Nadine again, see London for the first time and even meet some other dear friends who live there). I will have another week there and then I am BAAAACK.
Super stoked to see you all again and to get started. The adventure definitely isn’t over. More steps coming. Let me know if you want me to keep the blog running though.
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(Photos from the days after the trail)
Ihr lieben, der Blogpost ist definitiv zu lang geworden um hier eine komplette Übersetzung zu schreiben. Die zentrale Aussage: Ich komme zurück nach Deutschland :) Nicht weil mir das Wandern keinen Spaß macht, oder weil etwas Schlimmes passiert ist, sondern einfach weil ich gemerkt habe dass ich aktuell lieber einen nächsten Schritt in meinem Leben gehen will und an einem Ort ankommen will. Ich erzähle euch gerne mehr dazu, wenn wir uns mal wieder in Person treffen. Bin ab Anfang Mai wieder in Deutschland, nach einem kurzen Zwischenstopp in London. Freue mich euch wiederzusehen!!! Cheers, Jana
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mrsquill · 6 years
you know i love your fics and so i was wondering if you could write something about owen cleaning up his trailer one night (post jw, pre jwfk) and he's just been drinking and missing claire a lot and he finds something of hers and it just sends his brain into overdrive thinking about claire ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nicky, thankyou so much. You’re a darling for this. I hope you enjoy it!
Owen moved around his trailer slowly, sorting piles of laundry and stowing them away neatly. It was part of his everyday routine; wake, jog, shower, work on the cabin, eat, chores, sleep. Once in a while he treated himself to a beer; tonight was one of those nights. It was his domesticated military regime, one he’d become more than accustomed to in the past six months. He bothered nobody, and in turn nobody bothered him. It was beautiful. Tomorrow he’d head on down to the local town, spend some time in the laundromat before picking up his groceries.
The girl behind the counter, Jodie, pushed him for a date every time he ended up at her till. She was gorgeous, with her all-American smile and highlighted blonde hair, but she was a good fifteen years younger than him. Owen wasn’t quite old enough to be her dad; but he felt that he damned well could be. Her grin was achingly carefree as her lashes fluttered his way; but she wouldn’t wear him down, not even as she giggled breathily at his mediocre conversation. Owen’s resolve was tougher than ever, his solitary lifestyle suiting him just fine.
Owen sighed as he swigged from his bottle; the clock ticking past 8pm as he sat himself down on the sofa bed, staring into space. He was stuck in an everlasting rut; the bones of a spacious, luxury cabin lying feet away from him, but no family to fill it with. Once completed would stand lonely and empty, Owen as its sole occupant. He eyed the plans on the coffee table; one of the three rooms pencilled in as a potential nursery. He searched his pockets for a pencil, scratching it out. Should’ve done that a long time ago. Owen’s heart had been splintered and blown to pieces several times thanks to everything he’d lived through, but nothing pierced his soul quite the same way as that black mark on the paper.
He settled back against the cushions, motivation for the evening evaporating with every passing minute. Something glinted in the light of the setting sun, stuck beneath the sink unit. Owen narrowed his eyes, seeking it out, down on his hands and knees as he pulled it free. An earring. Claire’s earring. He rolled it between finger and thumb; wondering if she missed it at all. If she missed him, at all. Owen hadn’t heard from her for four months; she’d called to let him know her new address. In case of an emergency, he guessed. The finality of her tone didn’t allow him to dream up any other possibilities.
They had clung to one another desperately after the fall of Jurassic World; the media firestorm, the interviews, the million-dollar lawsuits. He’d held her hand throughout it all, the press hounding them for details and statements on everything from Simon Masrani to what their next steps as a couple were. They both declined everything; preferring to slip into obscurity as time wore on, Owen awarded a small settlement from InGen and moving all his worldly belongings into an apartment with Claire. It was then that things began to go wrong, in his mind. When the relentless momentum of their lives began to slow down to almost nothing; the two of them needing one another’s protection less and less. Owen began to grow restless in the city, desiring grass beneath his feet and no buildings above his head.
The same could not be said for Claire. She ploughed all her time, energy and remainder of her savings into the Dinosaur Protection Group. Owen grinned weakly, now, as he recalled her joy that first day when she came home to him; the excitement bubbling beneath her skin as she told him she’d found office space to rent downtown. Though he didn’t wholly agree with what she was doing, it was hard not to be proud of Claire. Not many people on this Earth could have watched their life’s work destroyed in front of their very eyes, and then risen from the ashes like she had; ten times more tenacious and thirsty to change the world. She was determined to save them: the dinosaurs left on Nublar. It would ultimately be what drove them apart.
Owen watched Claire face setback after setback, wondering when - if- her resolve would weaken. It wasn’t healthy for her; she was awake for hours past midnight and living off of coffee and not much else. He saw Claire grow slimmer from exhaustion, hating what it did to her. He took on odd jobs from the recommendations of friends, earning himself the reputation as a handyman. The time they spent together dwindled, Claire preferring to grab takeout on her way home than join him in the early evening for food he’d made.
The group was her baby, but it caused fights between them, the final one proving fatal. Owen tried to take her away for the weekend as a surprise in the new van he’d brought; she’d asked to drive it and he’d said no, both worried about how tired she was and also having the entire trip planned out ahead of them - a trait he’d picked up from Claire, ironically.
Tempers flared within the walls of their apartment, the fire stoked by stubbornness on both sides. Claire said he was being unreasonable and unsupportive after Owen had commented again that she was working too hard; he in turn told her she was stupid for trying to save the dinosaurs, that it would only cause her even more trouble in the end. The look of hurt in her eyes at the insult was one that Owen would never forget. It was an idiotic comment, said in the heat of the moment, but Claire wasn’t going to let it slide. She told him to leave, to go live like a bum in the van if he wanted to. He left that night.
On reflection, Owen should’ve tried harder to save her, to save what they had. There was no doubt in his mind that he was in love with Claire. He had been since his first day at the park, when he’d forgotten a pen to sign his contracts, and she’d reprimanded him for the minor mistake. It doesn’t do to be careless, Mr Grady, she’d murmured, her eyes as steely as her resolve. God, he’d wanted her from that moment onwards. Claire Dearing was a challenge, and Owen guessed he was a fool for believing he was up to it. She was right: he’d been careless, and he’d ended up paying the ultimate price.
No woman would match her. Ever. The way she’d clawed at his skin every time they’d made love: bitten his lower lip, squirmed and shaken beneath him. The way she would lie utterly sweat-soaked and spent in his arms, hand resting gently over his heart as they fell into a dreamless sleep. Claire was flaming hot for him whenever his fingers skated over her upper thighs, rubbing circles in a maddeningly slow motion. His mind wandered to her creamy flesh, displayed for him in the most elegant scraps of pastel lingerie; freckles dusted over the tops of her breasts like cinnamon, the smooth slopes of her ass, reddening slightly thanks to the palm of his hand. Owen felt himself begin to harden in his pants and berated himself for the reaction. He had to get a grip. She wasn’t coming back.
Owen’s fists had tightened involuntarily; the stud in his palm perhaps drawing blood. He was past caring. He’d lost Claire once before; destroying any potential between them with a date from hell. He’d gotten her back in the most unconventional way, but clearly he hadn’t been grateful enough. Owen had wanted to duck and run from every scar Isla Nublar had left him with; every one other than Claire. She was seared onto his heart, buried under his skin. Owen doubted the day would come where she wouldn’t be.
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tmcastandcrew · 6 years
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Breath’ is much more than a coming-of-age tale, and it’s much more than a surf film. Simon Baker’s directorial debut explores the fear that at times holds us back and others drives us forward. With stunning cinematography, breathtaking Australian landscapes and genuine surf sequences, the film adaptation of Tim Winton’s book of the same name is picking up rave reviews wherever it screens.
Samantha Morris spoke to Simon Baker and his two lead actors Samson Coulter and Ben Pence about what it was like to work together and whether any mishaps occurred along the way.
It seems fitting that when I meet with Simon Baker and his proteges Samson Coulter and Ben Pence, we’re in Surfers Paradise with a view of the ocean. It’s a well-known story now, but neither Samson nor Ben aspired to be on the screen, coming to Simon’s attention after a year-long search for young surfers who might make that transition. Simon says time and time again that it’s easier to teach surfers to act than teaching actors to surf. The younger pair are obviously stoked with their experience.
“You just don’t think surfing will lead to something like this,” said Samson Coulter (Pikelet).
The three men became friends pretty quickly through the filming process and while Simon admits there were lots of challenges in working with people who’d never acted before he says their shared love of the water created a short-hand.
“I already lived, kind of, what these guys were living,” he added, “so there was a shorthand there too, and because of that we didn’t have to go into airy-fairy actor stuff that a lot of times you have to go into. I pushed that there is no right and there is no wrong. I tried to create that kind of environment.”
Simon says it’ll be interesting to see what happens if the pair work on another film.
“I can’t wait to hear what their experience of that is, because this was tailor-made to the fact that we were working with two guys who’d never acted before so all the things that make you nervous and jumpy were pushed back a bit so they could still be themselves, be kids and find their way,” he said.
“I like to think I learnt a few things in that experience I could take to something else,” Samson told Blank Gold Coast. “It wasn’t easy work, I think I have a new respect for actors – for a while there I thought they had a good gig.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get to work on a project of a similar nature though,” he said. “I have nothing to compare him [Simon] to as a director but I think it’s safe to say that he took a different approach and he was easy to be around and kept calm I guess. I could imagine a lot of people would have been a little bit frustrated.”
That connection around the water and the sea extends way beyond this trio. The surf sequences are noticeably authentic and Simon is quick to praise the entire team.
“It starts with who you work with as collaborators. It’s why I cast two kids that hadn’t acted but could surf. It’s why I used Jodie Cooper – she’s an ex-champion surfer who grew up in the area. She was the prop master for the first time. I used Ric Rifici as a surf cinematographer who had a grounding in drama but understood the water. John Frank as a camera operator – a celebrated water cameraman who’d never shot drama EVER as our lead camera guy,” he said.
“You’ve gotta put all those things in place ‘cos I know the problem – I’ve seen it a million times and then you just keep on top of it and you hope for good conditions,” he said.
Of course there were mishaps along the way. “Plenty,” in Simon’s words. Including a boat that was sunk and had to be towed underwater. They laugh at some of the scenes that caused distress.
“I was driving the boat, Ric was beside me with his housing like this and Samson had his back to me, and we were in the middle of the ocean pretty much and this wave just loomed up – solid wave – and I was like ‘fuck, what’s this’ and I fanged the motor, Samson could see the whites of my eyes and it broke just at the top and I let go of the throttle just as we got over it. Samson went flying through the air and landed on me and we were like ‘woah, what was that’ and then there was another one coming.”
The retelling of that story, along with several surf tales and the laughter that go with them makes me realise how close the trio have become during the shooting of Breath. It’s obvious were a lot of fun moments, but Simon is quick to stress the strong work ethic shared by the team.
“We were working our arses off,” he said. “If it’s not fun, you can’t get good stuff. There’s certain things you have to do in scenes and moments. You have to go there. But there’s no reason why you can’t have a good time while you’re doing it,” he said.
And he’s philosophical about any industry expectations that existed around his directorial debut.
“Things are going to flow your way or not. You can’t choke the life out of something,” he said.
“I am a bit of a perfectionist and a bit of a task master. But I’m definitely that with myself before I am with anyone else.
“These guys saw the good, the bad and the ugly in me but they stuck with me. For a couple of young men their age and lack of experience, it was incredibly admirable of them and in a weird way it fed me and gave me energy.”
“I can’t help but look at these kids – not so much now, but at the time and see an aspect of myself in them at that age… that wide-eyed kind of nature, these guys threw themselves into it.”
That wide-eyed fear is a recurring theme through the film. Indeed Simon says one of the film’s key messages is that there’s fear in all of us and it’s how you live with it that makes you who you area.
“That’s kind of the strength of what fear is. It’s always going to be there in some form,” Simon said.
“You invite fear with you on the journey, just don’t let it drive.”
_ _ _
‘Breath’ had its Australian premiere at the Gold Coast Film Festival and is now screening across the country.
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tamboradventure · 5 years
My 2019 Holiday Gift Guide for Travelers
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Posted: 11/25/19 | November 25th, 2019
Travelers can be a fickle group of people to buy gifts for as we’re constantly coming and going. We usually don’t carry a lot of stuff with us, and no two travelers are alike so finding the perfect gift for the traveler in your life can be tricky.
While a plane ticket is never a bad idea (I’m a window seat in case anyone is thinking of getting me one), I’ve put together this ultimate holiday gift guide for travelers as there’s a lot of great travel gear out there these days that helps people travel cheaper and better.
Even me, the gear-adverse traveler, likes a lot of this stuff!
This is stuff I actually think is super useful. No nonsense. No fluff. Just the best gifts for intrepid travelers and globetrotting nomads!
Table of Contents
Gifts Under $25
Gifts Under $100
Gifts Over $100
  Gifts Under $25
1. Packing Cubes
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Packing cubes are an awesome tool to help you stay organized while you travel. Whether you’re a budget backpacker or traveling with half a dozen suitcases, packing cubes will keep you organized as you travel the world. They come in a variety of sizes, allowing you to store items big and small. If you know a traveler who needs a hand staying organized, this is the gift for them!
Buy now on Amazon!  
2. Travel Padlock
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This simple item is one of the most important for the budget traveler. Since many hostels have lockers, backpackers need to have their own travel lock when they’re on the road. While you can usually rent them at hostels, those prices add up after a while. I never leave home without a lock because I never know when it will come in handy.
Buy now on Amazon!  
3. Earplugs
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Anyone who has ever stayed in a hostel knows that a good pair of earplugs is a necessity. From chronic snorers to late-night drinkers to copulating couples in creaking bunks, hostels are known for their less-than-quiet accommodation. Add some earplugs to your shopping list. Because the gift of a good sleep is priceless!
Buy now on Amazon!  
4. Sea to Summit Quick Dry Travel Towel
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Having a lightweight, quick-drying towel makes a huge difference when you’re on the road. Big, bulky towels take up a lot of space in your backpack and they take a long time to dry. If you’re on the road, you don’t want a towel to delay your plans or stink up your bag. Enter the travel towel. It’s the compact, quick-drying solution that every backpacker needs.
Buy now on Amazon!  
5. Travel Adapter
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Nothing is more tedious than arrving to a new destination only to realize you can’t charge your devices because the electrical outlets are different. That’s why you’ll need a travel adapter. They’re a simple accessory. There’s a million out there but this is one I use as it covers every region of the world and comes with USB ports too. It’s cheap, easy to use, and lightweight. Everything you need in an adapter.
Buy now on Amazon!  
6. Scratch Travel Maps from Landmass
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Scartch maps are a fun way to keep track of your past travels while helping you stay inspired as you plan your future trips. You simply scratch off the parts of the world you’ve been. Simple. Easy. Landmass is my favorite company that makes these, though there are plenty of other companies that make them now, so you can also find them in all sorts of sizes and colors.
Buy now on Amazon!  
7. Passport Holder
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A passport holder is a must-have for any avid traveler. Not only does it protect your passport from wear and tear, but it makes your travels much more convenient. Most passport holders have slots for your travel credit cards as well as any cash you have, making it a safe and convenient way to keep your valuables secure while you travel. While there are tons of expensive and fancy passport holders out there, a simple one will get the job done and save you money in the process (money you can spend on more travels!).
Buy now on Amazon!  
8. Toothpaste Bites
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Traveling with liquids is always a pain. They’re a hassle at airport security and, when it comes to toothpaste, there is a lot of waste. The plastic tubes end up in landfills and you can never really get all the toothpaste out of the tube. Enter toothpaste bites. These dry tabs of toothpaste that come in a recyclable jar (no plastic!). They take some getting used to but they’re a great eco-friendly option for the environmentally-conscious traveler. (And they clean your teeth well, which is also very important!)
Buy now at Bite!  
9. Hand-drawn Food Maps
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These are unique, hand-drawn typographic maps of food from Legal Nomads and artist Ella Frances Sanders. They make a great gift for anyone who loves to eat and travel (and who doesn’t!). They come in a variety of sizes too! Jodi’s maps are the best! (Use the code SEALUP for 15% off!)
Buy now at Legal Nomads!  
10. The Fearless Guide to Solo Female Travel
Kristin Addis created this detailed guide to solo female travel, addressing all the concerns women have about traveling. The book includes tons of tips and advice, as well as interviews with other female travelers and writers. It gives you the specific, actionable information you need to conquer the world on any trip!
Buy now at Nomadic Matt!  
11. Moleskine Notebook
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I never leave home without one of these. They are the perfect notebook for journaling during your trip as well as for writing down travel notes such as directions, contact information, and language tips. I think everyone needs to write more during their travels so they have something to look back on (other than photos).
Buy now on Amazon!  
12. Travel Books
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Few things can inspire you to travel like a great book. They can transport you to new places and keep your wanderlust stoked while you work towards making your own travel dreams a reality. If you’ve got an avid reader who loves to travel on your holiday list (or if you’re just looking for something to read over the holidays), get a travel book. Books are the best gift in the world and on my Amazon page you can get a list of all the best travel books I’ve read over the years.
Buy now on Amazon!  
13. Celiac Travel Cards
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My friend Jodi from Legal Nomads created these helpful travel cards for anyone traveling with Celiac disease. They are in-depth resources that communicate your concerns to restaurant staff in a way that allows anyone traveling with the disease to have a worry-free meal. If you or someone you love has Celiac disease, these travel cards are a great resource! (Use the code SEALUP for 15% off!)
Buy now at Legal Nomads!  
14. Dry Shampoo
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Dry shampoo is a convenient liquid-free alternative to regular shampoo. It’s a useful minimalist solution for budget travelers who travel carry-on only and an eco-friendly choice as well. Natural dry shampoos absorb the grease and oil in your hair, keeping it clean while you’re on the road — and with minimal effort too. It works for all types of hair and hair lengths as well so you don’t need to shave your head or do anythign drastic either.
Buy now on Amazon!  
15. Ten Years a Nomad
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This book is my memoir about my ten years traveling and backpacking the world, my philosophy on travel, and the lessons I learned that can help you travel better. It takes you on a trip around the world from start to finish: getting the bug, the planning, setting off, the highs, the lows, the friends, what happens when you come back — and the lessons and advice that come with all that. People have been really enjoying and connecting with it and I think you or any other traveler would love it!! (Plus, getting it helps support everything we do here!)
Buy now on Amazon!  
16. Donate to Charity!
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For the traveler in your life who has everything, why not make a donation to charity on their behalf! FLYTE is an awesome charity that I started back in 2015 to help high school students in underserved communities experience the transformational power of travel. Every year we send a new group of students abroad, but we can’t do it without your help!
Donate the gift of travel today!
  Gifts Under $100
17. Trtl Travel Pillow
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Travel pillows are perfect for those long-haul flights, delayed buses, and airport naps. Every traveler needs to have a travel pillow on hand to maxamize that downtime and time in transit, and Trtl pillows are the best on the market. They’re great for helping prevent jetlag and make even the longest, most uncomfortable trip a little more bearable.
Buy now on Amazon!  
18. Suavs shoes
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Suavs shoes are super versatile and durable, making them great for traveling. Whether you’re just exploring the city or in need something that looks a bit fancier, these shoes can do it all so you don’t have to pack multiple shoes. They are flexible, light, washable, and breathable. I love them! (They look great too!)
Buy now on Suavs!  
19. Travel Headlamp
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This is a great tool for both backpackers and anyone looking to do any hiking or camping. In a hostel, a headlamp is helpful if you need to check in or out but don’t want to disturb your fellow travelers. For outdoorsy folks, they’re useful for hiking, setting up camp in the dark, and for emergencies.
Buy now on Amazon!  
20. LifeStraw
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Environmentally, pollution from single-use plastics is something every traveler has witnessed. And, monetarily, when you’re traveling, continuiously buying water gets expensive. Do your part to help the planet by traveling with a reusable filter. LifeStraw is an awesome brand with a built in water filter. The filters last 5 years so you save money on changing them too.
Buy now on Amazon!  
21. Superstar Blogging
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Is there someone on your list looking to start a new career? Why not give them a leg up and enroll them in Superstar Blogging! We offer comprehensive courses on blogging, writing, photography, and vlogging that outline everything you need to know to succeed in the travel industry. You’ll learn from me and other top travel experts on how to level up your game, reduce mistakes, and get you heard above the noise!
Buy now on Superstar Blogging!
  Gifts Over $100
22. Travel Backpack
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If you’ve got a budget traveler on your holiday list, a travel backpack is the gift that keeps on giving. A well-made bag will last for years and through dozens of adventures. Having a reliable travel backpack is one of the most important items for a traveler.
My favorite bag is the Flash 45 from REI but other great companies worth checking out are Osprey, Nomatic, and MEC (for Canadians).
Some bags worth checking out are:
Men’s Osprey Farpoint 40
Women’s Osprey Fairview 40
(For a different backpack, check out my guide finding the right backpack for more options!)
23. Travel Clothing from Unbound Merino
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These travel clothes are some of the most versatile on the market. Made from merino wool, Unbound offers clothing that can be worn daily for weeks (and months!) without getting smelly. They are perfect for the traveler who wants to pack lighter. I really love the material, they feel great, they hardly ever need a wash, and they last forever!
Buy now on Unbound!  
24. Eco-friendly Luggage from Samsonite
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If you’re in need of proper luggage, Samsonite has been a go-to brand for durable, reliable luggage for ages. Now, I’m a backpack guy but I love this new luggage set. It’s made from 100% recycled plastic! Every little part of it! I can get behind something that environmentally friendly. It also comes with a limited 10 year warranty too in case something goes wrong.
Buy now on Amazon!  
25. MacBook Air
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This is my favorite travel computer. It’s light, it’s powerful enough for regular use, and the battery life is great. While an iPad might be another potential travel choice, I find the Air much more versatile. You can do a lot more with it. When I’m on the road, this is the laptop I travel with.
Buy now on Amazon!  
26. iPhone
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While not a cheap phone, the iPhone 11 has such a good camera that you don’t need to take a traditonal camera with you when you travel. It has a solid battery life, a grat lens, beautiful screen, and, is overall, just awesome. True, I’m an Apple fanboy so I might be biased but hey, it’s my list!
Buy now on Amazon!  
27. Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones
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These are great for those long flights or bus trips as they block out background noise so you can read, work, or sleep without being distrubed. The wireless Bose QuietComfort 35 headphones are fan favorites and my go-to brand. They are comfortable, rechargable, and do an amazing job at removing background noise. If you’re on a budget, consider the QuietComfort 25 instead.
Buy now on Amazon!  
28. Mophie External Battery
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These days, we all travel with numerous electronic devices like phones and tablets. It can be hard to keep them all charged. An external battery solves that problem. Two high-output USB ports make this external battery incredibly convenient, and it can charge up to 100 hours of battery in one go.
Buy now on Amazon!  
29. Kindle
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While I personally prefer to read physical books, I can’t argue against the convenience and simplicity of the Kindle. Hauling around physical books is a pain if you’re traveling often. With a Kindle, you can pack hundreds of books into a single device, and many versions can also use apps and access the internet. It’s a great gift for the avid reader.
Buy now on Amazon!  
30. GoPro Hero 7 Black
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Every traveler needs a camera, and few are as versatile and durable as the GoPro. They’re great for photos and video no matter the climate. They’re waterproof and are perfect for both everyday city exploring as well as more extreme and adventurous activities. They’re just awesome.
Buy now on Amazon!
*** Whether you’re searching for the perfect holiday gift for a traveler in your life or just looking for some holiday inspiration for yourself, this list will help you find an awesome gift for the holidays. No matter your budget, there is something here for you that will help you level up your travels or the travels of a loved one.
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years.
My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Photo credit: 13 – Electric Teeth
The post My 2019 Holiday Gift Guide for Travelers appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Nomadic Matt's Travel Site https://ift.tt/2BOqH4P via IFTTT
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rcrantz · 7 years
Reviewing Doctor Who: What Have We Learned, Class?
Now that I’ve watched every Doctor Who there is to watch, you may be surprised to learn that I have some opinions! So, since you’re all here, I suppose I may as well share.
The Classic Era. You know that old cliche about the one constant characteristic of Doctor Who being change? It’s absolutely correct. It started its life as a low-budget show about a grumpy old man with a very inaccurate time machine and became . . . a lot of different things over the years. But it started to feel like Doctor Who pretty early on in its run--much like the character of the Doctor, the themes and faces change, but there is a core idea that never quite goes away.
As such, it’s hard to give the classic era one defining trait--each Doctor is very different from most of the others--but I think it’s safe to say that characters are handled differently. In the classic era, character arcs are less of a thing. We seldom meet the friends and family of our companions, and there are very few character-driven stories. That’s not to say there aren’t excellent characters and excellent character dynamics, but the focus is generally elsewhere. (There are, of course, exceptions.)
The interesting thing is how casual this makes some of the companions’ departures. Modern Who won’t let a companion leave without giving them a whole climactic episode (and Moffat won’t let a companion leave without having them pretend to leave six times, then have them seem to leave forever only to come back and travel through space and time with some random interstellar badass); in contrast, many of the companion departures in classic Who are fairly abrupt. The Doctor ditches Susan so she can get married to the dude she was hanging out with; he leaves Sarah Jane Smith in the wrong city because humans aren’t allowed on Gallifrey and he’s been summoned; Nyssa decides that she’d rather stay and help plague victims than keep traveling; and so on. Sometimes they decide to leave, sometimes the Doctor leaves them behind, but the show seldom dwells.
On the one hand, if you don’t like a companion this is fantastic. Classic Who relies much less on continuity (due, I think, largely to the format): if a character is gone, chances are we won’t hear about them again. But it does mean that some interesting character dynamics aren’t fully explored.
All told, I had a lot of fun with the classic era, and I think a lot of it is worth revisiting. Due to the episodic nature it’s pretty easy to just drop in wherever; you’ll probably figure out what’s going on without too much trouble. (I think Romana is the only companion who benefits from a bit of explanation, and even then all you need to say is “Romana is also a Time Lord.”)
The Davies Era. When I started watching, of course, Davies was all there was. I think I picked it up right after the End of Time had aired, before Moffat’s era started. Davies loves his character drama (see also my “rose is sad” tag), and lingers a lot on the effect the Doctor has on the lives he touches--and on the lives of their family and friends. Though this sometimes goes spectacularly badly (see: Father’s Day), for the most part I appreciate it. The companions feel more real, and it adds a layer of complexity to the Doctor’s character and his relationship with his companions.
He also likes big explosive finales where the fate of the world/universe is in balance, and meta-arcs which aren’t so much story arcs as they are a series of references that make you go “ah-ha” when you finally hit the finale. I actually like that, for the most part: if the finale is bad, you don’t feel that the whole arc is ruined; if it’s good, it adds a little bit of extra satisfaction to the resolution.
Early on in Davies’ run, the Doctor was usually an unknown character. He later starts running into people he’s encountered before, and of course the Daleks have a personal vendetta, but only once (during a Moffat-penned episode) during the Davies era does the Doctor save the day by just saying “I’m the Doctor, look me up.”
The Davies era is still firmly in the classic style: the Doctor and his companions live on the TARDIS. In the modern era they now visit their homes with some regularity, but they’re still primarily travelers. On some level, even if they’re expecting to be able to go home again, they give up their lives to travel with the Doctor.
The Moffat Era. I was actually pretty stoked to hear Moffat was the new showrunner when time rolled around, because his episodes thus far had all been top-notch. And while doing this rewatch I did not dislike it nearly as much as I’d remembered. So why was it frustrating my first time through?
I think most of it is that Moffat likes to set up interesting mysteries without having a good resolution in mind. Sometimes he simply fails to resolve them, sometimes the resolution is a cheap cop-out, and sometimes it’s just unsatisfying. And the seasons are now woven into the meta-plot to some degree or other, making it harder to extricate.
Moffat’s meta-plots are more involved than Davies’ were, which also means they’re less subtle. They will regularly feature brief segments, usually at the end of an episode, where the ongoing mystery happens: In Series 5, it would be a shot of a Crack in Time; in Series 8, we had Missy; etc., etc. I didn’t like most of these meta-plots, as you can probably see from the fact that I gave most of their conclusions relatively poor grades.
Moffat is also much more focused on the Doctor as a character, and especially early on it’s focused on the Doctor as the Most Important Being In The Universe. This leads to some really goofy situations (the Pandorica Opens), and there’s a lot more reliance on “I’m the Doctor, look me up” as a resolution to plot devices. (There’s also a lot more reliance on “time travel!!!” as a resolution, which Doctor Who actually usually tries to avoid, I think because it’s usually not as clever as Moffat thinks it is.) He tries to back away from this later on, but there are still some lingering traces. (He literally makes the Doctor the President of Earth. This is wrong on so many levels.)
It also seems Moffat does not particularly like two-part episodes. So, so many of these stories I’ve had the thought on initially watching them that “if this had a second part, it would have been great.” The pacing feels rushed. Worse, often when we do have two-parters, they frequently follow the “part one is a completely different story from part two” formula. This is fine occasionally, but often it makes it feel like, rather than resolving the cliffhanger from the previous episode, we’re just assuming that was resolved off camera and we’ve got a new, related story going on. 45-ish minutes is not a very long time to tell a good story; it’s doable, but many of the stories want us to care about characters we’ve hardly had time to get to know.
For some reason partway through Amy and Rory’s time on the TARDIS, Moffat decided that his companions now lived primarily at home, and the Doctor only stops by occasionally for Adventure Purposes. I don’t think this decision made anything better.
Still, though I have many critiques of the Moffat era, it’s still Doctor Who. It produced some fantastic episodes, and Twelve is probably my second favorite modern Doctor (despite a seriously rocky start).
Stray Thoughts. Doctor Who experiments. I think that’s at the heart of the show. Sometimes those experiments fall flat, and sometimes they accomplish great things, but despite being a show with a strong formula, it’s never afraid to innovate. It’s true we’d probably have missed out on some of the less enjoyable stories if the show had been more conservative, but we also wouldn’t have stories like Midnight. (Hell, we probably wouldn’t even be here. I don’t know if I would have made the decision to have the Doctor transform from a grumpy old man into a bumbling clown way back in the day, and I think that change, more than anything else, helped bring us to the modern era.) It’s a show with the spirit of an explorer, and even when it falls flat it doesn’t diminish the effort.
By the time this gets published, it’ll only be a few months til the Christmas special airs, which will be the end of the Moffat era and the end of Twelve, and very probably will be our first “official” glimpse at Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor. The show’s about to change--that’s what it does. That’s why it’s still here, fifty-odd years later. I, for one, am looking forward to it.
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