#so just sending good vibes in their general direction telepathically
jichanxo · 5 months
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me & you & the son we used to have [from nov/2023]
second image is based on this fanfic by snap which you should totally go read
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
For part 5, #8 for K'Rala and her polycule
... Their polycule? The whole polycule??? Ooooh boy, prepare for a whole essay. Be careful what you wish for! I'll only touch on the people K'Rala has a direct line to in my polycule overview and exclude the DS9 branch (because I haven't watched DS9) because this is an OC ask game and not one where I ramble about my thoughts on canon ships.
5. How do they treat the other's insecurities?
If there was a headline to this polycule, it would be "Words of Affirmation". You'll see what I mean.
When K'Rala gets insecure about anything about themselves, be it their heterochromia, how emotional they can get or a mistake they made while working, Data is right there to remind them how illogical that is. He'll either expound every detail of why K'Rala is wrong to put themselves down or accidentally say the most romantic thing in the universe or both. And you best believe that whenever Data laments not being human, K'Rala is there with a 50-page powerpoint on just how human he is and how just because he experiences emotions differently that doesn't mean he doesn't have them. Generally, K'Rala is always there for emotional support for Data, in a huge part because they themselves had to learn to understand emotions and still don't fully do but a huge part of how they got as far is talking about emotions with others - which they are now offering to Data. The two of them can talk about emotions in a way that's extremely logical and extremely romantic at the same time, it's amazing to watch.
Will is a flirt and K'Rala is not used at all to being flirted at, so they melt like ice cream at his words. You best believe he will find a way to make K'Rala forget everything they were complaining about in a matter of minutes. He'll praise them into the stars and give them a kiss on top. K'Rala, in turn, is a grounding force. If things ever get stressful and Will starts getting overwhelmed, K'Rala will hold his hand and share some of their Vulcan emotion suppressing abilities to help him get his brain sorted and figure things out. Anxiety is a bitch, K'Rala knows that and they'll do their best to help Will through whatever he's feeling insecure about, using their telepathy and their words. Sometimes, the two of them will also be found jamming out with their instruments in the holodeck to destress.
Deanna and K'Rala in one room, when they're both happy, is free therapy. They have a deep telepathic bond and are pretty much constantly exchanging good vibes. When one of them is feeling bad, the other can almost always tell and will either send an extra boost of good vibes their way or talk them out of it.
Tasha. Now, Tasha isn't as comfortable being vulnerable and might not always be the best at comforting people, but if there's one thing she knows how to deal with, it's panic attacks - which K'Rala sometimes experiences due to sensory overloads caused by their telepathy and generally heightened senses. Tasha will talk them through it and when they inevitably start complaining about how they're "pathetic" for having them in the first place, she'll tell them they're not, encourage them, and make them feel better. The other way around, if Tasha drifts back to her past, K'Rala will be there to pull her back into reality and ease her guilt and worries. Hand-holding. Lots of hand-holding.
Remember the Klingon therapist post? Yeah, that's Worf. He's super supportive, especially when it comes to K'Rala's sensory issues. He calls it their most honorable battle and whenever K'Rala tries to apologize to him for "making him deal with problems that aren't even his", he calls it his most honorable duty to help them in their struggle. The other way around is a bit tougher because Worf and emotions is a difficult combination but once K'Rala finds out what is going on, they will pull an UNO reverse card on Worf and praise him into the heavens about how great and honorable he is and talk the insecurities out of him. Otherwise, they spar to destress.
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Hello!!!! I'm here to participate on your game!!! And, I think you're an Aquarius Mercury just like me!! Thank you and take care 😘
My chart:
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Hey!! I'm not an Aquarius Mercury :( but I do have lots of Aquarius in my chart ^^ Have a nice day!
Welcome to your reading. Please remember to send feedback.
First impressions when looking at your chart: it's almost a bowl shape, meaning that there's approximately 180ª with planets and the other 180º are devoid of planets
As an Aquarius, you are quirky, aloof, dreamy and humanist. People may think you’re awkward and detached, which is probably true for you since your Sun is at 0º of Aquarius. Your originality and uniqueness are probably the things you love about yourself the most. Your mind is also quite agile, which allows you to fulfil your dreams. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that the Sun is in Detriment in the sign of Aquarius. This means that the Sun can struggle here, making you feel confused as to who you are and how you can express yourself. You very much value your independence and your rebelliousness. However, you can be stubborn to a fault when it comes to your thoughts and opinions.
This is the house of Scorpio. With the Sun here, you may appear a bit Scorpionic, namely, you can embody that more powerful, secretive, intense vibes very associated with this sign. Whilst Leo is about yourself, Scorpio relates to your connection with others. By bonding with other people, and experiencing their emotions, you can further discover your own identity. Scorpio is known for its intensity, so you probably have a big need to know everything about those closest to you, but that’s not an issue, because people seem to want to disclose to you. Additionally, the 8th house rules other people’s money and inheritances, so you may be in charge of others’ monetary resources. You may even get a career in this area. Lastly, this house rules everything secret and occult, so there’s a big chance that you’ll learn more about yourself by delving into the mystic arts (such as astrology, for example).
With this placement, you acquire intuition, empathy and emotional intelligence. You are a caring person who seeks to help others comprehend and verbalize emotions, which contrasts heavily with Aquarius but flows well with the 8H influence. I'd say that you're the type of person that everyone goes to for advice. However, you should take care not to spend a lot of time being the “therapist friend”, for your high sensitivity can cause you to get overwhelmed by others’ negative energies. You probably need your alone time in order to recharge your batteries. You can be quite emotional and you're often with your head “in the clouds”. Ethereal is a good word to describe personal Pisces placements. On the other hand, if not developed, you can be manipulative, insecure and lie a lot, especially with the 8th house.
This placement very much goes strengthens your interest in the occult and secret. It is a karmic position for the Moon; perhaps you have a very strong relationship with your mother. Additionally, it ties in well with Pisces' emotional abilities. You seek someone with whom you can form a deep emotional bond, someone with whom you can be vulnerable and share your secrets. It is also a good position for therapists because it allows you to connect well with people’s feelings and needs. Nevertheless, as I mentioned before, this can give you emotional control over people, which can lead to you manipulating them, even if you don't mean to do so. This can be especially true because your moon is not harmoniously aspected (conjunct Saturn, square Jupiter and Pluto). You can also benefit a lot from an inheritance, especially from your mother.
This placement, even more so than your Aquarius Sun, brings you idealism and originality, as well as ideas that have the power to change society and the world. You are a free spirit and independence is definitely something very important to you. Your mind is all about being innovative and creative so you can make the world a better place. Your ideas may not always be viewed positively by others but you don't let that discourage you. People may also think you're a little off and detached but you just keep on doing your own thing, which is admirable. You may truly be ahead of your time, especially since your Mercury is in retrograde, which means that your ideas may be much more accepted after you communicate them. You have an agile mind and a good grasp of many different subjects, so people may enjoy speaking to you and learning your take on various fields of knowledge.
The house of Scorpio. With Mercury here, your gain intuitiveness and inquisitiveness. To me, it is the Detective placement. It’s easy for you to understand what someone else is thinking because you have a knack for this kind of thing; telepathic, almost. You have a big interest in anything that has to do with the hidden and the human mind. Psychology would also be a good career. I’d say you think and listen much more than you think because, in your head, you’re connecting all the dots. There can be some fear in you, perhaps because of negative experiences in past lives. Due to this, you prefer to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Also, it is said that this placement can cause misunderstandings in contracts, especially regarding inheritances.
This Venus sign is independent and adventurous; it seeks someone with which to have fun and deep, philosophical conversations. You highly value morals and honesty, which is not strange, given that these things are ruled by Jupiter, hence associated with Sagittarius. Feelings are also very important to you. You may appear too detached and aloof, but that's not how you truly feel. Also, you can be viewed as flight and non-committal, but that is not true; you may simply take your time to actually understand whether or not to begin a relationship. Nevertheless, relationships may not be a concern of yours because of your need for independence. You very much enjoy travelling and acquiring knowledge to broaden your horizons. You may also date foreigners or have an interest in them.
Here, Venus gives great importance to things associated with Virgo: routine, health, job. It is important for you to have your routine and to plan things. Once you acquire a habit, it is difficult to let go of it (“Old habits die hard.”). Similarly, it is important that you incorporate activities with your partner in your daily schedule. Funnily enough, it is routine that makes you miss things you no longer have: for example, if you lose a friend, you may miss them more because you used to talk every day. You enjoy working on projects that make you feel like you’re doing something meaningful; your chosen profession must fulfil you. You want a harmonious workplace that makes you feel happy to work. Also, you have an eye for detail. There can be a need to obsess about your health, as well as your loved ones’.
The red planet does well here. Leo wants to achieve great things in life and Mars gives it that determination and willpower needed to succeed. You probably do what you want and often act to stand out. This is a very bold, direct placement. What you want, you most likely get. You’re passionate about the things you love, which is admirable. You seek recognition and fame. You can be very proud and get angry easily, but it also goes away quickly. You are very brave, for sure, and fierce. Losing is not an option for you. You like to be in the spotlight and at the top. Admitting when you’re wrong can be quite difficult for you due to the aforementioned pride. Nevertheless, you’re warm, creative, romantic and probably good around children.
Here, Mars is tied in with the themes of Taurus. Since Taurus is a fixed sign, I’d say that you are very good at getting what you want because you are quite determined and perseverant. You may have a strong will to acquire material things that bring you comfort and security. In that sense, you may wish to have a high-paying job that allows you to buy the things that allow you to have that comfortable lifestyle. However, you may spend your money too generously, so beware of that. You are brave and dynamic, qualities that help you to achieve what you want.
Jupiter is in its rulership here. With this placement, your interest in the "accursed questions", that is, everything to do with our connection with the universe, is greatly expanded. Mundane life can seem quite trivial to you; your desire is to understand the bigger things. Like I mentioned in the Sagittarius Venus section, you have a deep desire to travel, to connect to other cultures, to experience different things than what you're used to, to expand your knowledge. In addition to this, you want to share what you know with others, sometimes without prompt, which may cause others to perceive you as a "know-it-all". Jupiter is also connected to intuition, so, if you learn to trust and rely on yours, you may achieve enlightenment.
This placement may seem, at first, difficult, because this is the house of Virgo, in which sign Jupiter has its Detriment. Whilst Jupiter is all about the higher mysteries, philosophy and the bigger picture, Virgo prefers hard work, concrete aspects and attention to detail. You should seek to find meaning in life through your job, as well as acts of service. Also, this placement may manifest in more ways than one: you may be able to take on the Virgo traits by achieving focus in one thing, or, on the opposite, you can move from one thing to the next, in a bid to help everyone and achieve everything. Jupiter here needs to find a middle ground between the mundane and the mystical.
This is, in my humble opinion, a contradictory placement. Pisces is known for being the sign of illusions, dreams, fantasies. Saturn, on the other hand, is the planet of blockages, traumas, karma. Pisces does not want to directly deal with the problems, whilst Saturn wants precisely the opposite. This can result in deep fears from you, perhaps regarding your individual conscience. You may be afraid to delve deep, to explore the limits of your mind and also to share these with others. Feelings are very important to you, but these have a tendency to be more negative and elusive. A coping mechanism may be to detach, to ignore, to evade. You deal with problems by not dealing with them. You will grow, but only when you accept your struggles and face them head-on.
You could have been brought up in a traditional, conservative religious community. This may manifest as you having clear opinions on what is right and what is wrong. Perhaps you have a lack of faith, or you’re merely sceptical of religion. This placement balances all the others in this house: with Saturn here, you might hold back all the desire to learn, to get out there and explore your beliefs. In a past life, you may have held all the answers, but in this life, you may not want anything to do with the higher mysteries. Nevertheless, I would say that this placement may not be that strong, given that all the other planets in your 9th house want you to learn and explore. ⬛️
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runawaymarbles · 5 years
Fanfics With Epic Worldbuilding
This reddit thread got me thinking about epic fics that take canon and expand it in incredible, thoughtful ways-- some that seem seamless, and like they could be canon if the creators had gone in another direction, and also alternate universes with very cool canon integration. So. On that note. Here’s some of my absolute favorites. (And feel free to let me know some of yours.) 
(More rec lists here) 
The Changeling & Armistice, by @annerbhp | Harry Potter | 180k, 320k  Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. It takes her seven years to figure out why.
This is the best take on Slytherin house, and especially women in Slytherin house, that I’ve ever seen. Features: traditions, mythology, history and types of magic that aren’t part of the canon universe but feel like they should be. (And a cast of wonderful original or almost-original characters.) 
 A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold by @etharei | X-Men | 115k  Charles, a miner from a poor village in the countryside, saves the life of Erik Lehnsherr, scion of a successful business family and the richest man on the planet Eisen. Charles is a telepath and somewhat anxious about it, while Erik abstains from relationships because the lights flicker and doors open and electronics vibrate when he gets too excited. Also featuring a long-suffering sister, a foul-mouthed bodyguard, and a best friend with a heart that is definitely not gold.In which there are princes, spaceships, long journeys, and old secrets uncovered
This is just. A whole sci-fi world. Class structure, different forms of etiquette, government structure, real history, fake history, and practical considerations about toilets in space. 
 The Eden!Verse, by @improbabledreams900​ | Good Omens | 550k  Picking up where canon leaves off, [the] Eden!verse chronicles Aziraphale & Crowley's adventures through great losses, gains, and life's cosmic curveballs. From a village on Earth to Heaven, Hell, and Eden itself, Aziraphale and Crowley make many new friends, learn God's plan for them, and discover what it means to love each other. 
The first fic in this series is relatively self contained, but by the second one it’s exploring heaven, expanding on biblical canon and the laws and hierarchy of angels, and weaving lots of different theological and mathmatical theories together. The plotting is so good it makes me want to cry. Also, the original characters are fantastic. 
 Home Out in the Wind by @bomberqueen17​ | Star Wars (Sequel Series) | 320k Poe gave up a lot of things when he defected to the Resistance, but there's always more to lose. War is an expensive lifestyle. You've got to keep your affairs in order and do the best you can with what you have. He owes this former Stormtrooper a life-debt, and beyond that he knows the kid's exceptional, so he's going to do everything he can to get the kid a fair start in this messy business. Finn wakes up and has no idea what to do beyond joining the Resistance, but he knows he’s got to keep up with Poe somehow. 
Dameron family history! Lore, history and culture that’s so well integrated that I had to do some Googling to make sure it wasn’t already Star Wars canon! Other planets! Drugs! Songs! Original characters I would pledge loyalty to forever! The most well-developed OT3 I’ve seen in this fandom! (There’s also a second series, The Lost Kings, about Shara and Kes.) 
The Lay of Looking-Glass Land by KL_Morgan | The 100 | 175K Clarke wakes up wearing the tattoos of the Ice Nation. (OR: Soulmates, parallel worlds, and Ice Queen Clarke; oh my. Canon divergent from 2x16.)
Intricate! Rituals! Grounder lore and mythology! And a wonderful what-if ‘verse being explored more in the sequel.
Pantheon, by Yahtzee | X-Men | 130k  In the year 96 AD, all Rome is aware that their gods have begun to Mark certain people with their gifts -- the healing power of Apollo, the metal control of Vulcan, the deathly touch of Pluto, or the mental powers of Minerva. When those gifts fall to slaves or barbarians instead of the Romans themselves, strict control is necessary. Then a gladiator from Judea meets an enslaved scribe from Britannia, and the repercussions will shake the Empire itself.
An amazing integration of X-Men canon into Roman mythology and life, re-imagining of mutations, and epic scale. You could make a religion out of this. 
Honorable Mention: 
All Things Shining by Askance and Standbyme | Supernatural | 140k  Something in the world is waking up.It isn’t long before it’s brought to the attention of the Winchesters and Castiel: miracles are spreading across the country, the paranormal seems to be shrinking back on itself—and it all has something to do with the missing prayer book of a traveling preacher who died over a century ago. Dean is convinced it’s all the lead-up to another Apocalypse; Sam and Castiel aren’t so sure. Regardless, it sends them out on a less-than-typical road-trip, following the Mississippi and remnants of a very old story that seems increasingly to call to them. And along the way the trio learn much more about themselves—and the consequences and origins of love—than they’d ever have anticipated.
I last read this fic in 2013, but I remember loving the religion that it created. It’s got a lovely fairytale/folklore vibe. And a mythological crack ship that’s... strangely beautiful. Putting it in the honorable mentions because I don’t remember how it ends. 
Redemption Road by multiple authors | Supernatural | 650k  Redemption Road is a fan-generated, large-scale AU project created by members of the SPN and Dean/Castiel fandoms.
This is another one I read once in 2013, but it also had some pretty spectacular expansions of Supernatural mythology, and lovable original characters. It’s set up like a season, with episodes and subplots. 
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shroud-of-roses · 6 years
How to Call Non-Human Spirits
I’ve written a post about connecting with human spirits, but now I would like to focus on finding and calling to non-human spirits. This is not a guide for deities, because the way you approach and worship different gods from different pantheons ranges so much. As a Hellenic Polytheist, I know for a fact I couldn’t tell you what you need to know for every open culture. If you’re looking for that kind of post, check religious blogs!
For this post, I will not focus on malevolent OR good-natured entities. This will be primarily about all entities as a whole, and how you decide to use this guide is up to you, not me. Towards the end i will provide some basic information about finding negative entities in particular, for those of you who are curious or are looking to come into contact with one. However, I don’t recommend it. This is purely educational, and if you make a dumb decision, that’s on you.
Using the Astral
You can explore your surroundings in the astral realm to find spirits, communicate with them, and build relationships. This is probably the most direct and least expensive and physical method for contacting entities. You can read more on astral travel on many blogs, including my own. Once you have a firm grasp on that, you can begin to actually seek them out and such. Here are my tips:
If you’re looking for particular spirits, find out where they are generally spotted. For fae, you may check the forest. For naiads, you could try the ocean. For death-related spirits, like psychopomp, hospitals and cemeteries may be your best bet. Honestly, wherever you think they’re likely to be, check. To travel to these places, I suggest:
Learning where the nearest place is to you, or where the place you want to travel to is
Finding a taglock for that place and holding it while you project
Practice going to this place purely for the sake of seeing it, in the astral sense
Use doorways you create (and close when you’re done) to quickly get there
Once you learn how to do the above, you can search for and communicate with any entities that are there. Always be prepared to be ignored, attacked, or tricked. Spirits can be a bit iffy. Don’t get upset if it doesn’t work out at first.
You can continue seeing these spirits you meet by setting up times to see one another, or making plans for them to come to you. Be sure you are talking to the spirit you are wanting to, as many spirits can and do trick people. There are spells you can cast for an allseeing eye, so you will be able to determine if they are disguising themselves in anyway.
I recommend doing this for a month before inviting them into your space. This prevents you rushing into things with spirits you know nothing about.
Using Locations
If you struggle with using the astral realm as a method of contact, you can try physically locating entities. This is a bit tricky sometimes, as you’ll have to rely on divination for a majority of the time, until you can begin communicating with them through a telepathic link. I would wait to establish this link until you feel comfortable doing so, because it can lead to the spirit being with you pretty often. I would do a spirit vessel before this in most cases.
When you are physically going to a location, protection is vital. You’ll need to make sure nothing can follow you home if you don’t want them too, or attach themselves to your body. A simple way to do this is to bathe with a mix of gem elixir (clear quartz) and moon water. Add any herbs you know are safe and have is liar correspondences as well, I use lavender oil and mint leaves. This helps ward your body and cleanse it, as well ad your aura.
To communicate, bring a tool for divination. Runes, tarot cards, Scrying mirrors, etc all work well. Some people use ouija boards, but it is not necessary. Whatever you feel is cost accurate for you is perfect.
Begin asking questions such as:
What kind of spirit are you? (let them tell you what they are. Do not say “are you a ____?” because they could easily put on a mask and pretend to be exactly who you want to talk to.)
Are you interested in communicating with me on a regular basis?
What is your alignment? (Malevolent, neutral, good-natured, etc)
Where are you from?
When are you from?
How did you come to be?
Basically, communicate like you are meeting someone for the first time. Because you are. Be considerate, vocal, and kind. Don’t rush headlong into questions, start by talking about why you’re here, and maybe give them a nickname of yours if you aren’t comfortable sharing your real one. Have a nice chat, and try to make them comfortable with you. First impressions are important.
If after a while of meeting them in this location you want to bring them home, tell them so. You can begin discussing the possibility of making them a vessel, and maybe binding them to it if they are interested at all. I have posts about that on my blog as well.
Using Bones, Plants, or Stones
These are for animals, plants, and earthen spirits. You can communicate with these types of spirits using their physical trigger objects, in this case, parts of their nonmetaphysical bodies.
Bones can be used with the permission of the spirit to contact them and be used as a vessel for them if that is what they want. Do not disturb these bones without asking first. Don’t even touch them. The very first thing you really need to do, before you even think about talking to any spirits, is to find out what kind of bones they are (which animal they belong to) and if you are even legally allowed to possess them. It is a big deal to mess with things like that, especially if they belong to an endangered or threatened species.
After that, you can communicate as directed with the location based spirit calling. It’s fairly simple and direct from then on.
What’s already around you? Do some divination and find out. Chances are, there is at least one nonhuman spirit nearby. See about contacting them if you don’t feel like they are dangerous, and always stay protected. Use whatever form of divination you wish, and keep up the communication to build a bond.
Finding Malevolent Entities
I told you I would put in a bit about this. You can’t say I haven’t warned you: negative entities are fully capable of causing harm on a sliding scale. Some can cause death. Some can cause injury. And some of them just like to screw with your head. If you aren’t prepared for this, don’t mess with them. Don’t call to a spirit if you can’t handle them. It’s as simple as that.
On the other hand, working with malevolent creatures can have its rewards. You can send them to people as curses, with their full consent and desire. You can learn things from them. You can do lots of things with them present, bit sometimes the risk outweighs the benefits. Be cautious, whatever you do. Here is a list of places I have come to discover are the breeding grounds for these entities:
Places where extreme violence has occurred
Places where death (especially violent or tragic death) has occurred
Places where mass amounts of death has occurred
Places where negative energy has been accumulated
Places that have been cursed
Abandoned, decaying, and destroyed places
Places where natural disasters have caused negative emotions en mass
Places where evil intent or thought has been carried out (sites for murders, homes of serial killers, etc)
Old buildings where underground crime has taken place
Places where malevolent humans lived
Of course, there are plenty more places where these entities thrive, including cemeteries (due to the large amount of death and sadness associated with it) and hospitals (for the same reason). To make contact, you can follow the rest of this guide, but with a ton of protection. Never invite anything home with you from these places if you get a really negative vibe, especially not the first time you meet them. If after a while you make the decision to do this, be cautious.
I hope this has helped you all with your endeavours!
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