#so if this costs a lot im just. Is It Worth It
altruistic-meme · 2 months
current biggest fear: car will cost more to fix than it was bought for and i will have to relay that news to my mom.
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bitchthefuck1 · 8 months
The thing about Francesca is that it isn't just saying "loving you is worth any punishment," it's saying "a punishment that keeps me with you is no punishment at all." It's not that you can brave a hurricane if it's the cost of loving someone, it's that standing in a hurricane for eternity with the person you love is still an eternity with the person you love, and how could you be happy with anything else?
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handweavers · 1 year
my oldest friend in the world (we've been best friends since age 4 and were inseparable for the longest time) is coming to visit me in malaysia this week and i'm so excited and so incredibly touched. it's her first time leaving north america and travelling alone and she's flying all this way to come see me and see where i was born and where my family is from and learn more about the world and i'm so so so happy that she trusts me enough to travel so far away from (almost) everything that's familiar to her and that she gives a shit you know? that doing this would matter to her, to know that i matter as much to her as she matters to me. she saved up the money and she could use that money to go other places or do other things but she's coming here, and it means so much to me. i'm just sooooo 🥰
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goatpaste · 1 year
mmm thinking with my stupid brain about how i'd rewrite mountain tim so hard its making me ill
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yappacadaver · 1 month
im still so tired mang like fuck. fuckkkk
#i dont have anyone in my life who gets it like no one i know is trapped like i am it seems#i just want to know how to fix it all and myself yk#more than that though i just wish i had someonewho could stomach fighting this by my side. i genuinely dont think i can do it alone#like i feel like im slowly drowning in mud#and everyone wants to stand at the edge and cheer for me for a bit but like i dont need that#i need a hand#or 10#but no one wants to get themselves all muddy and it's generally frowned upon to ask anyone to get themself all muddy#and it's also frowned upon to freak out at the people cheering and i dont even want to do that like.#i dont hate the cheerers. I dont want ppl to feel bad. when im slightly better i appreciate it for what it is.#but it just. really emphasizes that feeling of untouchableness ig. and sometimes i feel like a show#ik it's just like. i wasn't properly socialized as a child and i dont know how to experience gratitude or how to place value on the words#and platitudes that seem to really help other people feel better#but like the second i think about it it's like yea i can do a lot of things to make myself FEEL better. for like a second or two#but nothing fundamentally changes in my life so what is that even worth?? genuinely? and for what it costs is it even a fair trade?#idk what im trying to say but basically. if you've offered verbal support to me-- thank you. and im sorry it doesn't have the desired effec#i too wish i wasn't like this. i too wish my problems started and ended in my own feelings.#kindness is kindness and it should be appreciated as such. pls dont let my mental breakdown convince you otherwise#just know that this is me keeping a lid on it and not getting myself another involuntary hold
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
with every new collector monster high release i become more and more convinced that theyre just deciding the prices at random because what the fuck makes fang vote rochelle worth 90 dollars when they just sold that chucky and tiffany two pack for 90 dollars and none of these dolls look like they should cost 90 dollars anyway
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seilon · 5 months
no like when I say any answer on the queerest city poll that’s not San Fran is wrong I mean it is factually and historically WRONG
#just. look at the history of lgbt rights and major events in queer history in the us#and I’m telling you it is. in fact. dominated by San Francisco#the other cities that contend for the most part are major us cities that contend simply because they are big and/or heavily populated#like yeah obviously dense cities are going to have a higher number of people in various demographics. im thinking mostly about nyc and#Chicago here for the most part#San Fran is not big. it’s dense but not nearly an nyc level population especially historically.#it’s very unique for having been a safehaven for queers for a long time in comparison to the rest of the country#now I am not. by any means. defending it on every front. or considering it superior in any other way basically. I am SOLELY talking about#it’s unrivaled huge and powerful and long-standing queer community#it is- in the present day- literally almost impossible to live in San Francisco. period. it is absurdly expensive.#it’s homelessness situation especially due to the insane cost of living and there takeover of tech companies and so on#is horrific and for no damn reason (the city has enough money to house people Easily through at LEAST the heavy tourism)#the queer COMMUNITY there is what’s important and it’s history of demanding rights and generally flourishing through their own efforts#anyway idk why I felt the need to ramble about this#actually yes I do it’s becuase I think a lot of younger queer people (or queer people who grew up in isolated or conservative areas don’t#know the history associated with San Francisco and why people regard it as being so fundamentally queer#like the fact that portland is in second on that poll- and this is coming from someone who likes portland overall- is so weird to me#it’s a very progressive place but boy it ain’t got the influence and history that San Fran- or even New York or chicago- have#again it’s hard to compare those big big cities to anything but nonetheless#tangential but. sacramento is also a queer-dense city and though we are small and not nearly as flashy as the other contenders it’s worth#noting I think for being more of a safehaven than people tend to think about#anyway. that’s nothing I just had to represent for a second#kibumblabs
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#christ. so i was selected as the top candidate for the program i interviewed with on Friday#and im very annoyed and very pleased and also annoyed that im pleased#im pleased bc it means that they were impressed with what ive done to this point and they think i communicate well. which is cool#and the project is very very cool and id love to work on it#am annoyed bc this does put pressure on me to accept bc they can only put one student forward so if i dip out then thats it for them#which i find extremely stressful. and everything is just so much more complicated if i go to the uk for a phd#and i dont get the luxury of faffing about and taking a bunch of classes like i could in the us. ugh but it would b so cool to go back to#the uk and i wouldn't have to fucking drive. ugh. this project.#ugh its like my boss said#sometimes the project is more worth it than the school. id have crazy cool opportunities to learn things on this project#but at the cost of taking a lot of classes in the us. but every project is what u make of it#but im so fucking dyslexic thst its hard to learn outside a classroom bc i cant concentrate and i dont have a person talking me thru the#info. so idk idk. hopefully when i visit the other school ill kno how i feel#god but i loved living in the uk. and i could travel so much more freely there bc the trains and all that. im so fucking restricted bc im#so terrified of driving. i dont have good reaction speed and i space out too much and i get intrusive thoughts#sigh... but id be a whole 24hrs of travel away from my family instead of the 10hrs thst i am now#so id probably only get to see them once a year maybe? in contrast to 2 or 3 times#and im just worried something terrible will happen and then ill be like fuck i wasted all my time making myself miserable so far away#idk. im so tired. we had like a mile abd a half hike out to a site one way and we left at 7.30 got back at like 4#it was a long fucking day. and im tried. and i have no filter. and when i talk too much it really annoys me#also! i got confirmation that i fucking suck at recording data. wow im so shocked. its basically designed for me to be terrible at#but its still slightly embarrassing. like srry i fucked up ur data. i cant write words correctly#literally i kept writing my Ls upside down today. why? idk that not how i see them. my brain just cant make Language right lol#whatever. my parents r calling tomorrow and i can info dump at them abt my dyslexia knowledge and my academic knowledge of biblical history#bc instead of listening to anything useful to my job. i choose to listen to lectures on neurology and theology. bc fucking idk#its interesting im relearning my bible lore from a non religious perspective. theology is fucking fascinating. ugh anyway#i shoulf sleep im so fucking tried#unrelated
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duskythesomething · 1 year
very frustrating that there is a snake I want, I have a nice sized tank I can set up for it, I have had this snake saved for a month now and his price just dropped, and yet I still need to wait.
rambles in tags
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emproleon · 1 year
i think my phone and my ipad had a death pact or something bc i JUST ordered a new phone and now miss ipad is having charging issues 😭
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vaugarde · 1 year
why is giving family members a small wishlist so much more tedious than it has to be
#me: hey heres my wishlist its in an email can you also forward it#them: yeah sure but uh you cant have anything thats not on amazon bc we dont know how to use other sites#me: wdym its the same process#them: well its more complicated oh my god we are older we dont understand#me: well ok. ill find alternatives where i can#them: wait can you just let us edit our own wishlist with what you want?#me:... why cant you use the one i sent?#them: BECAUSE it is too much ok pls just send a couple of things#(the list only has like 8 things and two are gift cards)#me: well. fine heres two things i really want#them: hm. are you sure you want that? it doesnt cost a lot#me: yes. i dont like asking for expensive things that arent games we have been over this.#them: well put something more expensive on there then we just feel bad getting you a cheap thing bc then we think youre worth less#me: .... ok heres one of those custom pokemon shirts just bc i think theyre neat#them: OH MY GOD THATS SO EXPENSIVE we are not wasting our money on that.#me: ... ok can i have the games then?#them: sure. god why are you so hard to buy for youre sooooo weird about gifts#for extra context: my brothers and cousins ask for over $100 worth of stuff and usually get all of it and more#and its not like im ungrateful either i never snap at them or anything. i usually ask for practical stuff or aesthetics like stickers#when its not books or games... but theyve gotten more passive aggressive lately i think#for my bday most ppl werent weird but my aunt made a big deal out of getting me a $20 sweater i couldnt wear#bc of the texture and size not working for me. and like loudly emphasizing ''OH GOD DONT LOOK AT THE PRIIIICE UGH IM SO MEAN''#all the while im being polite and thanking her and shes just freaking out at me for ''being hard to buy for''#and being ''forced to buy me something so gross and cheap'' like it felt like a weird power move#echoed voice
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
no okay I hate my car an incredible amount and whatever tf is broke with it now will honestly probably cost WAY more than it's worth to Fox and im in tears on the floor cus I just wanted to go to the store
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ave-immaculata · 2 years
well that was a cryptic dream
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skeletonmaster69 · 2 years
#vent tw#continuing#im not suicidal i should clarify#people have given me the depression test so often and i still dont have any official diagnoseses so im fine#ive gotten the anxiety and adhd ones too and nothing there#went over the autism dsm criteria(autism test expensive) and its not that#at this point im jsut assuming im a neurotypical whos faking it or something because cording to the medical professionals theres nothing#i should tell the psychiatrist that we shouldny bother with meds anymore#they dont help because theres nothing wrong with me and its only gonna cost dad even more money#man i will say i havent had this flavor of bad feelings in awhile tho#in middleschool there was a lot of 'im a burden that keeps costing ppl money and time and energy and im not worth it'#i thought i was more interesting by now. parrently not tho#ppl say im self aware or whatever and its annoying#i wish i wasnt self aware because then i could be normal and stuff#instead i have to be here like 'maybe its not normal to hate urself' 'you just think that for attention'#'okay but i feel like theres something wrong here and i have since foster care' 'nothing bad happened there and you know it. shut up#'other people have it worse' 'that doesnt mean i dont have it bad' 'maybe but that doesnt mean you dont have it good either'#'youve got nothing to be upset about so stop it'#it makes me funny and stuff but my therapist goes 'wow ur reallt self aware' and i have to be like 'maam respectfully#i think thats why im here'#lmao#anyways im not suicidal my brain just pretends to be so it can have an excuse to not exist#i wish i wasnt too cowardly for real cutting#i bit my arm till the skin came off but theres no blood or scab yet#ill wait a few days but itll be annoying if i have to use a pencil or the nail clippers#plus those other options are unsanitary and the maybe infected scabs are annoying#sure my teeth are unsanitary but those are my own germs from my mouth#much better than a pencil thats touched a bunch of weird paper#or nail clippers thatve touched peoples feet#i wish i wasnt too cowardly for knives because those are way more sanitary
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myriadsystem · 1 month
We failed as a society when we started letting pizza cost more than 10 bucks
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