#so i cleaned the carpets. and ill clean the hardwood tomorrow.
orcelito · 2 months
My to do list for today
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I didn't get everything done, but I got A Lot done. Several of which are things I've been putting off for Too Long (primarily cleaning my bedroom floor and cleaning my sheets & blankets). "Cat stuff" was litter box and a few floor messes. I was also overdue for a shower. I even cleaned my house slippers!!!!
One part of my kitchen is just plain inaccessible rn, which is why clearing those boxes are a priority. Can't get to my pots & pans or my silverware drawer rn (it's OK bc I've been living out of the dishwasher dishes, but that won't last forever). The floors were thoroughly cleaned pre-furniture moving, but I haven't cleaned them yet since (necessary from all the dirt tracked in). And I also want to clean all the furniture I got from my dad, since a lot of it's dusty & who knows how long ago it was cleaned. I've already cleaned the couches, one shelf lamp, and the writing desk. I need to clean two dresser things, 3 bookcases, a chair, and a few little tables. Oh, also the TV stand and the display case. Gonna need to get at those with glass cleaner.
Once I get the initial cleaning done, I'll be getting to work on going through all the boxes I got from my dad's place so that I can consolidate everything as much as possible and figure out what's gonna need given away. It's important, but it's not an immediate need, so I'm focusing first on getting my apartment up to a base level of cleanliness that it's been lacking (since I never had energy to clean while I was working).
Lots to do... but I'm working on it. I'm gonna try to get my apartment in order and then Keep it that way. I Will be organized...!! I WILL be clean...!!!!!
Or at least. I will try.
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