#smart living cayman
corporateelectricltd · 8 months
Enhance Home Aesthetics with Lutron Lighting
Explore the world of Lutron lighting to enhance your home's atmosphere and style. Dive into this guide, featuring essential electrical services, to elevate your living space.
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
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first thing you notice about a person
-face shape/any moles or freckles or scars
what makes you cry
-losing people
-literally everything
how you feel right now
-pretty good
fav song at the moment
-rlly anything from Midnights -The Fall
unpopular opinion
-(willingly) voting conservative makes you a bad person (specifically about this years vote)
fav movies
-The notebook
-The notebook
-The notebook
-and probably The notebook
fav books
-Looking For Alaska
random fact about you
-Cambridge, London is my dream college
last breakup
fav style of clothing
describe your last ex in 3 words

a song that makes you cry
-Hey, Little Girl (sophiemarie.b)
what lockdown lifestyle taught you
-there is a fine line between solitude and loneliness
countries you've visited
-Mexico, belize, roatan, Jamaica, cayman islands
something you look forward to

-my 14th birthday!
fav youtuber
something you want to learn
-idk what this question means
-I wanna go into law and psychology when I’m in college
-but idk if that’s what the question wanted
ideal date
-a fair!!
-or a small cafe date
thing(s) you're grateful for
-my brother
-my friends
-my AirPods (god sends)
fav hobbies
-video games
one thing you'll never do again
-let a teacher stop me from going to the Social Worker during a panic attack
what makes you angry
-being mean for no reason
-victim blaming
-making fun of people for mental health issues
my MBTI type
bad habits you have
-getting frustrated easily

current goals
-become a lawyer
-get my degrees
-win student of the year
worst thing someone could do to u
-make me think people hate me
special talent
-empathy/making people feel better
things you've learned in life
fav tv show
-I’ve learned a lot about law
you can't live without...
-my brother probably
top 3 songs on your playlist
-You’re on your own kid
-The Fall
I'll love you if:
-you’re nice to me and others
-that’s rlly it
what you find attractive in other people
-pretty eyes
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denialbrian · 2 months
Where to Invest in Cayman Real Estate: A Buyers Guide
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Cayman Islands have plenty of real estate investment options. Whether you're eyeing homes, commercial, or luxury estates, there's a slice of paradise waiting for you to invest in. Many savvy investors and affluent individuals are flocking to waterfront properties in Cayman because of its breathtaking views and top-notch amenities. Let’s find the finest investment prospects in Cayman Islands real estate today.
1. Invest in Residential Properties
In the Cayman Islands, you can invest in different kinds of homes, like houses, condominiums, and places for vacations. You can pick from myriads of spots, from George Town to West Bay, depending on what you want and how much you are ready to spend.
Why It's Smart to Invest:
Regular Income: Vacation rentals are a reliable source of income because of the Cayman Islands' growing appeal as a travel destination. You ought to expect consistent returns on your investment.
Possibility of Growth: The Cayman Islands real estate market has a history of growth. The rising popularity of the island may boost the value of your house.
High living standard - Imagine living in the Cayman Islands—a safe haven with immaculate beaches and a kind, inviting society. Property ownership in this area is a ticket to heaven, not just an investment.
Expert guidance - We have seasoned real estate agents on hand to help you at every turn. We'll make sure the entire investment process—from choosing the property to finishing the deal—is easy and well-informed.
2. Purchasing Commercial Properties in Cayman
The Cayman real estate offers a range of commercial properties to invest in, including offices, stores, and places where people can live and work.
Why Commercial Property Investment Makes Sense:
Business Opportunities: The business-friendly environment of the Cayman Islands encourages investment in banking, tourism, and hospitality. Thus, investing in commercial real estate enables you to launch or expand your company in these rapidly expanding Cayman industries. 
High Demand: There is a great need for commercial space for businesses to operate and shop as more people and businesses move to the Cayman Islands. Therefore, you may profit from this demand by making an investment in commercial real estate and then leasing out spaces to businesses. 
Benefits-related taxes: In the Cayman Islands, you don't have to pay taxes on things like income, profits from selling assets, or property. This means owning commercial buildings here can help you save money, unlike in other places where you might have to pay more in taxes.
Many Choices: The Cayman Islands offers a variety of commercial assets, including shops, offices, and mixed-use structures. Thanks to this Variety, you can choose properties based on your risk tolerance and goals.
3. Buying Luxury Properties in Cayman
One can invest in a variety of commercial assets in Cayman real estate, such as upscale condominiums, riverfront villas, and beachfront homes.
Why It's Worth It to Invest:
Amazing Living: The Cayman Islands offer some of the most luxurious living arrangements available, making them an excellent spot for people to call home. This is why investing there is worthwhile.
Gorgeous vistas: A lot of investors in lush Cayman Islands properties like to locate them close to the shore in order to take advantage of the breathtaking vistas.
Luxurious homes: The lavish residential properties in the Cayman Islands attract rich people and tourists, which could make the homes more valuable and generate a lot of money from renting them out.
4. Buy Land (Lots) in the Cayman Islands
In the Cayman Islands, you can invest in different commercial properties, like empty land, land for houses, and land for businesses.
Why It's a Good Idea to Invest in 2024:
Building Opportunity: With many new buildings being made, buying land now could mean making big money later when you build something.
Potential for Gains: If you buy land smartly, it could be worth much more. As more people move here and buildings go up, land value could also increase, giving you a chance to make more money.
Future Profits: Investing in land now gives you options for what you want to do with it later on, possibly leading to bigger profits.
Investing in Cayman real estate provides numerous opportunities across a variety of property types. Every investor can find something here, from residential properties to commercial spaces, luxury properties, and undeveloped land. The Cayman Islands provide a good standard of living, potential for appreciation, and consistent rental income. 
With skilled assistance, advantageous tax benefits, and a varied choice of possibilities, now is the time to capitalize on this burgeoning market. Whether you're looking for holiday rentals, commercial operations, opulent living, or land development, the Cayman Islands offer a promising destination for discerning investors in 2024 and beyond.
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qocsuing · 1 year
How Submarine Fiber Optic Cables Fill the Need for More Telecommunication
How Submarine Fiber Optic Cables Fill the Need for More Telecommunication
In the Spring of 2020, life as we knew it changed abruptly. Everyday tasks became activities we accomplished through an internet connection. People earned a living and education online instead of face to face. Get more news about Optical Cable Filling,you can vist our website!
As lockdowns increased, even recreational activities and communication with friends and family needed to be done through an internet-connected device. People scrambled to buy more smart devices and laptops to work from home or take virtual classes.
But it wasn’t just individuals who relied on digital services to communicate. Telecommunication has become increasingly important to a wide range of organizations in recent years, including: A chain reaction occurred; the rising demand for internet services spurred a need for more high-speed internet, which in turn required higher bandwidth. The submarine fiber optic cable market boomed as necessity was born from this need.
Submarine Cables and Fiber Optic Technology Subsea or submarine cables have been around since 1850. The first of its kind was laid out between England and France by the English Channel Submarine Telegraph Company. They were used to send short messages back and forth across long distances within minutes between kings and presidents.
By utilizing fiber optic technology, the information sent through has been multiplied up to hundreds of terabits per second, offering a massive capacity to the submarine cables. Now, instead of being used for country-to-country communication, submarine cables deliver reliable internet networks at top speeds.
Submarine Cable Market Trends Subsea fiber optic cables have a significant advantage over their competition in regard to voice and data traffic, and the global market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 14.3 percent over a 6-year period from 2020 to 2026. It is estimated that the market for such submarine cables will increase to $30.8 billion worldwide by 2026.
UFINET Fiber Optic Ethernet and IP Global Capacity UFINET is an experienced submarine telecommunications operator and connectivity service provider serving the USA, Mexico, Honduras, the Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia with capacity on the Maya Submarine Cable Consortium aka MAYA-1 Submarine Cable System.
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expresscitizenship · 2 years
Expresscitizenship.us -Citizenship and Resssidency by Investment
Express Citizenship helps wealthy people obtain second citizenship and residence permits by investment For the last 25 years, We have helped students, business persons, tourists, clients with medical needs to acquire U.S. visas. Besides, we also help with other family based, employment based & investment based Immigration.
Express Citizenship has a leading position in the niche industry of fast citizenship and residency by investment. These programs do not require living in the country to obtain the citizenship or residency and they allow dual citizenship and nationality. No specific qualifications are expected from applicants other having a clean criminal record and making an investment.
WHY GET A SECOND PASSPORT? The advantages of holding a second passport or an alternative residency are significant to mitigate financial risks and secure your future. In this new world of deglobalization a well-accepted second passport with visa free access to relevant countries worldwide is essential.
1.0 SECURITY Safety is essential for everyone but particularly for those who come from politically distressed regions. Access to safe communities is vital.
2.0 GLOBAL REACH Visa free travel without discrimination and freedom of movement is a fundamental right acquired through a strong second passport
3.0 HEALTH CARE Access to robust healthcare systems is particularly crucial in times of emergency. Get access to one of the best health care services
4.0 WEALTH BOAST Protect your wealth from unpredictable Governments and aggressive taxes. Open accounts with reputable banks and have a smart succession planning
5.0 EDUCATION Empowering children through first class education is a key driver to those acquiring a second citizenship or residency
6.0 GOOD GOVERNMENT Belonging to a country with a stable political system where sensible decisions are made by leaders to protect their citizens is key
7.0 QUALITY OF LIFE Feeling welcomed by a community and a stable environment with a high quality of life is priceless
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Hey. I'm here to help you procrastinate on your fics lol. Can you do "hey, look at me..." for bechloe? Please and thanks :)
Dklsdjflkgd I am very grateful for that 😂 we can certainly do that!! 🥰💖
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
"Hey, look at me..."
Beca’s body felt like a lead weight as she lay on the deck of the yacht, wincing as she tried in vain to get up. She genuinely didn’t think he’d actually shoot her, she figured his gun was just for show, that he would wave it around a bit, maybe hit her a little, but actually shoot her?! What the hell?!
“Anyone else got any smart ideas?” Fergus sneered at the Bellas, the group of women huddling closer together, Amy struggling furiously against the goons holding her back, “No? Good. Now sit quietly while Patricia gets me the money.”
Beca grunted softly as she tried to move again, pain radiating through her as she bit her lip. It would’ve been one thing if she had been shot for running her mouth, hell her dad would never let hear the end of it if she had. But Beca had been trying to gently reason with the psychopath threatening her family.
“Look, dude, we’re just a group of acapella singers trying to relive our happiest moments together. None of us have ever hurt a fly, we just want to hang out and sing, that’s all. So, how about you just let us go, no harm no foul, and we all go back to our lives, pretend this whole thing never happened? No sense in getting yourself in trouble with the US Army right?”
God getting shot hurt... it was getting harder to breathe too, dammit this was really bad. She had to get out of here, she had to get off this boat...
Beca managed to lift her head a little, her hooded gaze meeting Chloe’s frightened one. She hated seeing Chloe frightened, hated seeing the tears on her cheeks. Chloe’s fingers ran softly through her hair, Beca leaning into the touch as she swallowed thickly.
“You’re okay.” Chloe mumbled, “You’re going to be okay.”
Beca snorted a little, wincing as Chloe gently rolled her onto her back. Chloe’s sharp gasp caused Beca to look down, now acutely aware of the hole in her side and the blood pumping from it.
“Shit...” Beca groaned, “Are you sure about that Chlo?”
“Yes.” Chloe forced a smile onto her face as she moved Beca’s hair from her face, “You’re going to be fine, because I said so okay?”
“Kay.” Beca smirked a little, “W-whatever you say Beale.”
The click of a gun safety made the world unbearably still for a moment as Chloe’s eyes widened in fear. She slowly raised her hands away from where she had been pressing her jacket into Beca’s wound, Fergus pressing the barrel of his gun hard into the back of her head.
“What do you think you’re doing sunshine?” Fergus growled, Beca helpless to do anything to help Chloe as she watched him terrorise her.
“I’m just trying to keep her alive.” How Chloe was managing to keep her voice level right now, Beca had no idea, but she was more in awe of her than usual, “I don’t care about the rest of this, about your money, about the fact you kidnapped us alright? I just want to make sure that Beca gets through this, you don’t really want to add murder to your list of charges from tonight do you?”
There was a tense moment as Fergus held his gun steady, Chloe’s eyes fixed on Beca’s as she gave her a soft smile in an attempt to reassure her. 
Chloe’s shoulders sagged a little in relief as the gun was removed, holding her jacket against Beca again. Beca grunted as the sudden pressure caused everything to throb anew, panting a little through her nose.
“The minute there’s any funny business, we’re going to have a problem.” Fergus turned his back on them as he returned to Amy who was currently trying to find a way to get the money transferred from the Cayman islands, no longer caring about standing up to her father. Her family was in danger, that was all that mattered.
“How can we help?” Aubrey’s jaw was clenched tight against the panic welling inside her as she put her energy into helping Beca.
“I need bandages...” Chloe sighed softly, “But um, if one of you guys has a cardigan or something I can tear up that will do.”
“Here.” Aubrey pulled off her jumper without a second thought, shivering a little as the cold night air hit her now exposed skin.
Emily quickly shrugged off her jacket and insistently wrapped it around Aubrey before she could argue with her. There was no sense in Aubrey freezing to death because she’d helped Beca.
Chloe made quick work of making bandages from Aubrey’s jumper, Ashley holding Chloe’s jacket in place as she did. The Bellas were crowded around Beca in a worried circle as Beca herself fought to stay conscious. She looked to Chloe again, her hand softly reaching out for hers as Chloe tightened the makeshift bandages around her waist.
“Thanks.” Beca whispered, managing a small smile as Chloe’s eyes flicked up from her wound to meet hers, “You always take such good care of me Chlo...”
Beca’s eyelids felt heavy as she felt Chloe’s other hand cup her cheek.
"Hey, look at me..." Chloe prompted her gently, tears making her eyes sparkle even brighter as she caressed Beca’s cheek, “You have to stay awake for me Beca okay? We’ll be out of here soon, just a little longer.”
“I- I love you.” Beca didn’t care who else was listening right now, there was only a small window left to tell Chloe how she felt, “I should’ve said something sooner...”
Chloe grinned tearfully at Beca, gripping her hand tightly in hers, “I love you too. We have plenty of time Becs, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
Beca lifted her other hand to grab the front of Chloe’s top, pulling her closer until their foreheads rested together, “I’m scared Chlo...” Beca’s voice was wobbling a little as a stray tear slipped down her cheek.
“I know.” Chloe continued to stroke her cheek as she sniffed softly, “I know. Me too... but we’ll be okay. Just a little longer baby I promise.”
Beca whimpered in pain as Chloe shifted their positions until Beca’s head was in her lap. She ran her fingers through Beca’s hair in a slow rhythm, heart pounding in her chest as she cradled her, never taking her eyes off Beca for a second.
“I’ve got you Beca. You’re okay.” 
Beca could feel herself slipping away, fighting desperately against the heavy weight of sleep trying to drag her under her. Chloe was right, it would just be a little bit longer. A little longer and then she and Chloe could be together. A little longer and they’d all be safe again. 
“I’m cold...” Beca sighed softly, grimacing as she moved closer to Chloe, “And tired...”
Chloe sucked in a shuddery breath as she forced another smile onto her face, “Not much longer Beca. I know you’re in pain, not much longer...”
“Here girl, I’m too warm anyway.” Cynthia-Rose gently draped her jacket over the now shivering Beca, Chloe giving her a grateful look.
“Thanks.” Beca could barely be heard as she sank deeper into Chloe’s arms, “M’trying Chloe... it’s hard...”
“You’re doing so well.” Chloe kissed Beca’s forehead, tears running down her cheeks, “You can do this Beca, c’mon.”
“M’sorry...” Beca murmured, the last thing she registered before she passed out being the soft way in which Chloe’s lips pressed against her temple.
Chloe sat with her head in her hands, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. It had been a long twenty four hours since the army had pulled them from the yacht and Beca had been out of her arms for almost all of them. She hated this, she hated sitting and waiting for someone to tell her that Beca was going to be okay. When she had passed out Chloe had tried everything to get her to wake up again, even as the sound of helicopter blades thundered overhead. Help might be here, but Chloe still had to make sure that Beca was okay.
Aubrey sat next to Chloe, handing her a coffee that she had fetched her from the cafeteria.
“Any news?”
“No.” Chloe shook her head a little, sniffing as she managed a small smile for Aubrey, “No nothing. I hate this.”
“Me too.” Aubrey sighed softly, “She’ll be okay though. This is Beca ‘effin Mitchell we’re talking about.”
Chloe giggled softly as she let her head rest on Aubrey’s shoulder, “She told me she loved me Bree... after so long she actually said it. And now she might- she might-”
“It’s okay.” Aubrey wrapped her arm around Chloe’s shoulders, frowning softly as she hugged her, “You’ll have time. It’s what the two of you deserve. You’ll have time.”
“I’m looking for family of Beca Mitchell?”
Chloe’s head whipped around as a doctor approached them, wiping hastily at the tears on her cheeks, “That’s us, is she okay? Can I see her?”
“She’s okay.” The doctor nodded, smiling warmly as Chloe sagged in relief, “It was touch and go for a little while there, but she pulled through. Your girl’s a fighter.”
“You’ve no idea.” Aubrey chuckled tearfully, Chloe shaking and speechless as she hugged her, “So can we see her?”
“One at a time.” The doctor nodded, “She’s exhausted. She’s been asking for Chloe?”
“That’s me.” Chloe mumbled, “I’m Chloe. Is it okay if I-?”
Chloe turned to Aubrey who silenced her with a gentle shake of her head.
“Go. I’ll tell the Bellas she’s okay.”
Chloe moved quickly as she followed the doctor, practically throwing the door to Beca’s hospital room open. Beca looked a little startled but a soft grin quickly spread across her face as she saw Chloe in the doorway.
“Hey.” Beca croaked, wincing a little as Chloe all but dive onto her bed and wrapped her tightly into her arms, sobbing into her shoulder. Beca frowned a little as she lifted her arms to rest around Chloe, turning her head a little so she could kiss her temple.
“Hey... it’s okay weirdo. I’m fine, just like you said I would be.”
“I love you.” Chloe wept into the crook of her neck, “God, I was so scared Beca... I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” Beca kissed her head again, exhaustion pushed aside as all her attention went into comforting Chloe, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I know.” Chloe sniffled, “I’m really glad you’re okay Becs.”
“Me too Chlo.” Beca mumbled into her hair, “I’d’ve been really mad if I’d died before I got to kiss you.”
Chloe giggled as she lifted her head to look at Beca, stroking her cheek with her thumb again as she moved herself from on top of her to next to her, forehead resting against Beca’s.
“I wouldn’t have been happy either...” Chloe gently nudged Beca’s nose with hers, “I’ve waited a long time to kiss you Mitchell.”
Beca grunted a little as she rolled onto her side, fingers running into Chloe’s hair as she ignored the pain that radiated in her side, “You’re such a weirdo...”
Beca closed the gap between them as she pressed her lips into Chloe’s. It was softer than she wanted it to be, but getting shot had put a dampener on her stamina so this would have to do. Still, it was perfect, it was right, it was something she should have done far sooner than this.
“I love you.” Beca whispered as she pulled back a little, “When we get back to New York, I’m taking you on a really fancy date and we’re getting our own place... no way I’m sharing with Amy anymore.”
“I love you too.” Chloe giggled again, kissing Beca’s cheek, “But I don’t need fancy dinners or anything else... I just need you.”
“Dork.” Beca grinned, snuggling into Chloe’s arms as she sighed happily, “Kinda glad I got shot now... I got everything I ever wanted because of it.”
“Too soon Beca.” Chloe chided her, but there was a note of humour in her tone, “Way too soon...”
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claraswritings · 2 years
All I Want
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader (Andrew Garfield Peter/TASM Peter)
Warning: Bit of angst, no spoilers, not one of my best- might delete.
Notes: I’m not entirely sure if I like this one or not.
You’d first become friends when he’d awkwardly asked to sit next to you in a library. You were reading a book but had a notebook open in front of you with jotted down quotes and snippets of what Peter assumed was your brainstorming
“Can I…”
You looked up from your book. “Sure,” you shrugged and whilst going back to your book you held out a bag of sweets
“Want one? Help yourself. You’d be doing me a favour if you ate the green ones though, ever since they’ve swapped from apple to lime they’ve gone down”
Peter smiled “Green happens to be my favourite,”
“I would say you have terrible taste but you’re probably the best person to share a pack with in that case. I’m [Name],”
“Peter Parker” he offered a half wave.
A copy of the Daily Bugle folded under his arm caught your eye.
“You read that crap?” You scrunched your face up “Jameson is the worst,”
Peter raked a hand through his fluffy dark hair “Yeah… he’s…something alright…You’re not a fan?”
“Hell no” you snorted. “Guys a loon,”
“You’re telling me? you ever met him,” Peter shared a wry smile. Jameson was indeed a bit of a loon. He’d on one occasion thrown Peters stack of images out of the window all because he didn’t manage to get a picture of Spider-Man “helping” the getaway driver. Jameson had convinced himself that by focusing on catching the robber with the money rather than the man in the idling truck, Spider-Man was involved with the robber
“God no,” you cackled “I don’t think J Jonah Jameson and I run in the same circles, thank god, you don’t look like the kinda guy who’d read this,” you joked.
You nodded at the research notes he’d also had placed on the table between you.
“You have all those science looking notes, you gotta be smart”
“Im…” he protested quickly “I’ve erm…just got a second job working for him… freelance photography…but it’s extra money, I help my aunt out and…” he trailed off “rents expensive”
“Oh shit I’m sorry” you stated so matter of factly that it took Peter a moment to click you meant “I’m sorry you have to work with that guy” rather than “I’m sorry your boss is insane,”
You’d realised you lived close in the city and you’d been friends ever since…and Peter had liked you as more than a friend since about a week after that.
You were soon inseparable, you’d go out for food, for walks, to movies. Hed come over to yours and often fall asleep on your couch and wake up the next morning with a perfectly timed coffee and a blanket over him.
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by May that he’d made a new friend. She was grateful he was finally doing something other than work and visit her. You’d picked him up from her place once and May was quick to notice the reaction her nephew had to you. She hadnt seen him like that since his former girlfriend. Given how she’d passed and how Peter seemed to avoid any sign of romance, she was a little surprised.
When he’d returned for dinner she’d invited you in and whilst you were parking, she gently pried to see if there was something more but Peter had just shrugged and told her he didn’t think you liked him that way.
By the end of the evening, she knew the answer. Long before you did.
The day you told Peter you were going on a date, he felt an ache in a part of his heart he’d thought was long since numb to any semblance of heartbreak.
His name was Liam Parsons. You’d met in a coffee shop.
The second he’d arrived home, Peter had fired up his laptop. From looking at his google search results, Liam was a once divorced art dealer, 6’2”, blonde hair slicked back with almost an entire tub of hair gel. He seemed to wear almost exclusively Hugo Boss suits and Rolex watches. He had a Porsche, a speedboat and a holiday home in the Cayman Islands.
Peter slammed his laptop screen shut with more force than necessary and took off into the night to patrol the streets. In a rare moment of peace, he found himself swinging over to one of the penthouses Parsons lived in and staring at the shadows moving inside.
It was 11PM and he wondered if you were one of them and shook the thought from his head. The implications of you going home with Liam was not something he wanted to think about.
He wondered what you saw in Liam. You never were impressed by rich, flashy guys so what did this guy have? Peter couldn’t decide what would be worse. Liam being a good guy as well as having everything or if you were just dating him for the fun lifestyle that he could never ever offer you.
He didn’t care. Liam could keep the nice car and the fancy penthouse, the seven figure salary and the beachside villa. All Peter wanted was you.
That night Peter watched you from a rooftop, Liam was beside you, one arm casually over your shoulder as he chatted to another man in a suit with a too tight shirt.
You looked beautiful in that black dress. You always looked beautiful. Peter couldn’t remember a time when you weren’t the most lovely person he’d ever seen. It would have been before he met you.
Even from a distance he could picture the favourite red lipstick you’d have worn, from how often he’d looked at your lips, he could pick the shade out of a million. He knew the way you’d have curled your hair carefully but you could never get that one bit right first time, so many times he’d wanted to be the one to reach over and fix it back for you.
You looked cold and uncomfortable and Peter could tell by how you were shifting that your feet were starting to hurt in your heels. He felt a pang of annoyance he knew was unjustified. Liam was still talking away, whilst you rubbed your arm, awkwardly.
If he was your boyfriend, he’d offer you his jacket and carry you home. Unable to watch anymore, he leapt off, swinging into the night.
He loved you for your details. The way you pinched your ear lobe when you were nervous, the way you had five different smiles depending on your mood or who you were with, the way you were so unashamedly honest, the way you once told him you hated an iconic movie for ending on a cliffhanger in such a casual way, the way you went out of your way to help anyone who needed it without having to be asked.
Watching you with another person was like the worst gut punched he’d ever felt.
He took to watching Liam from a distance. Sometimes you were there, sometimes he was just making sure Liam wasn’t some sort of criminal. A part of Peter wished he was. The jealousy was unbearable sometimes. How cruel was fate to give him his perfect match in every way but he couldn’t.
Why didn’t he kiss you on the evening when you’d sat together watching the sun come up after a night of watching lame movies. Why didn’t he pull you in closer when you’d fallen asleep on his shoulder when you’d had a picnic in Central Park. Why didn’t he tell you how stupidly, insanely, irrevocably in love with you he was when you’d sat on his fire escape with him for three hours because he’d couldn’t sleep. Why didn’t he thank you for being the best thing in his life when you comforted him over the phone when he spent nights reliving the worst moments of his life.
It carried on like this, a week, maybe two passed, and you’d visited his as normal and the whole way through the time you spent together, Peter could barely concentrate. Each minute ticking closer to when you’d leave felt like a step closer and closer to losing you.
He feared when you’d step out the door, he’d never get a chance to say what he needed to.
So he acted on instinct to stop you going.
“Don’t go”
Flicking your eyes from your hand now webbed to the door to Peter and back, Your expression was one of pure shock, Peter could almost see the cogs turning, processing every clue he’d ever dropped.
“It’s you,”
Peter nodded once. “Yeah, it’s me,”
“What the FUCK,” then you tacked on “I don’t know how I didn’t notice”
“I need to tell you something…I forgot…” he hesitated. He could hear the cars below and the neighbours and the blood rush in his ears. “Actually I remembered what I had to say,”
And with a surge of confidence he kissed you, one hand in your hair. “I love you”.
It was short but passionate and said everything he could ever need to say and when he pulled back, you were a little breathless
“So… any thoughts… can you say something… anything about any of this?”
“You’re Spider-Man? And you’re in love with me?”
“Yes” Peter “to both. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I didn’t want you to get hurt but…” his eyes searched for a reaction in your face “Don’t be with Liam, leave him, be with me, I know it’s selfish but I don’t care… I love you, You’re the first person I think about in the morning and the last person I think about at night, All I want is to make sure you’re safe, All I want is you to be happy, I never ever want to spend another day without you as my girlfriend, I’m so so so crazy about you, You’re it for me, I never thought I’d ever love someone again, until I fell in love with you,”
“Pete” you stared at him then started laughing.
“What. What’s happening” he was panicked now. “Shit did I say too much”
“I ended things with Liam. Last week. He was nice…but I ended things because I couldn’t ever see myself in love with him…mostly because I’m in love with someone else,”
“Oh..Oh,” Peter raked a hand down his face “Well I erm, I hope he’s good enough for you or… yknow, I’ll have words” he gestured
“he’s tall, he’s dark haired, total science geek- i love listening to him talk about experimenting even if I don’t understand it, and he reads every single draft poem I send him, he’s my best friend, he helps people, everyone and asks for nothing in return, I never cared about falling for someone or finding love until I realised that was because I was already in love with someone, him”
Peter was staring at you and a smile spread over his face.
“You… you mean me right”
“Of course i mean you, you idiot” you joked
“I love you,” he stressed again “I’m sorry it took so long for me to catch up,” he stepped in close and pressed his forehead to yours.
“I forgive you” you teased “Now can you get my hand off the door? I think we have some making up for lost time to do”
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According to a source speaking to People, the 34-year-old has yet another new girlfriend (or kitten as he calls them, per the DMs). The insider claims he’s been seeing a woman local to the Cayman Islands, where his family has been living since the start of the pandemic:
He is dating a dental hygienist on the island. They were recently on a ‘staycation’ out East, the other side of the island from where they live.
Sorry, from where they live. They live together already?? Wow.
As shocking as that is, it does make a kind of sense. Armie’s exes revealed as successful as he’s been on the big screen, he’s allegedly flat broke! So he probably needed to find somewhere to stay to be close to his kids. Obviously he isn’t going to be able to stay with his ex-wife, Elizabeth Chambers. Even if their marriage ended amicably, as they made it sound in their initial announcement, it’s definitely gotten anything but chill since then. Chambers released a statement about the upsetting allegations, saying she was “shocked, heartbroken, and devastated.” Not exactly the foundation for good nesting.
But what exactly does this new relationship look like? Is it in that insidious love-bombing stage that his exes described? The source says:
“They seem happy and comfortable with each other. They seem to have lots of friends and she introduces him to any friends who haven’t met him before when they are out.”
How does that go? “Oh, have you met Armie? He was almost Batman once, and now people sincerely wonder if he’s eaten human flesh.” Oof.
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claritypoolservice · 3 years
Water Wall in the Desert
New Post has been published on https://lasvegascustomswimmingpooldesigncontractor.com/custom-pool-projects/water-wall-in-the-desert
Water Wall in the Desert
At Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, we take our custom swimming pool design to a whole new level. Providing our clientele with spectacular swimming pools and outdoor living environments is our top priority. So not only do we deliver the modern custom swimming pool designs, but we also can design your complete outdoor kitchen & living area. But the best part about Clarity Pool Service is that we’ve partnered with HFS Financial to help you finance your outdoor living project. In a majority of cases, we can get you funded with zero out-of-pocket expenses upfront. You heard correctly, and now there’s no excuse to procrastinate about your swimming pool project another minute longer.
We invite you to call us today to schedule an on-site pool design consultation with the pros here at Clarity Pool Service of Southern Nevada. We can’t wait to exceed your expectations and deliver a custom pool that you and your family will enjoy for many years to come!
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Whether you're exploring the idea of building a custom swimming pool, or you would like us to maintain your existing one. Clarity Pool Services has you covered! We specialize in custom pool design & construction as well as every maintenance service in between, and after pool construction. We're avid supporters of being water smart here in the Las Vegas, Valley, offering "no-drain" eco-friendly water treatments that restore the quality of your swimming pool water without having to drain, refill, and re-introduce traditional pool treatment chemicals. We have a better solution known as the PuriPool Water Treatment Process. We also offer pool restoration and our bead blasting service that will eliminate unsightly calcium scale and other hard water remnants. Schedule a consultation today with Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada!
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alisyamark · 10 months
Integrating advanced technologies and automated systems can make our lives more convenient, efficient, and enjoyable. Connecting devices, appliances, and systems through the Internet of Things (IoT) facilitates seamless communication and collaboration. Smart living aims to create an environment that adapts to our needs and preferences while optimizing resource consumption and minimizing waste. With smart home and office automation, you can create schedules and scenarios that align with your routine, making your living space responsive and personalized.
As technology advances, the smart living concept is becoming more accessible and impactful than ever. We can enjoy unparalleled convenience, energy efficiency, and security by seamlessly integrating technology into our homes and daily routines. Embracing smart living requires careful consideration, research, and investment, but the benefits are undoubtedly worth it. So, take the first step towards a smarter future by exploring the world of smart living today.
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for-dramas-sake · 3 years
Immature Character Alert! Part 1 of 3
Let me unburden myself about this moron. And it’s too long for just one post.
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*Forehead slap*
This guy Fang Xiao Yu is the BIGGEST MAN-CHILD EVER! I haven't this much hatred for a second lead in a long-long time. I'm not even mad at the guy as I am at the writers. He was written so childishly and poorly I can't even associate him with any intelligence whatsoever. How did this guy get to be a fashion designer of a high end clothing label? My mind is absolutely boggled.
Thank God, our female lead has some sense and is keeping away from him like the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD.
Let's analyze shall we?
Our adorable female lead Mo Fei is a contestant of a fashion show and Fang Xiao Yu is one of the judges. You would think (or at least hope) he would try to have some fairness in the judging. But he doesn't. Not even the slightest.
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*another forehead slap* The implication being he will fix the competition so they can worth together under his label Cayman. Does anyone else see the problem with this?! This isn’t just selfish but wrong!
Thank you, Mo Fei, for being a smart girl.
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Yes, he should. He’s a judge on a panel for a contest that is going to be broadcast live! And this is his answer:
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It’s like her words go in one ear and out through the other.
Don’t get me wrong on the show. “Sunshine of my Life” is an adorable and refreshing drama! The male lead Tang Ming Xuan is a nice guy who has a brain (unlike Mr. No Ethics right here). And the female lead is super passionate about traditional Chinese embroidery and clothing and not to mention that she is not an empty-headed female. She is smart and clever. 
It’s this guy who needs to be shut down. But there’s more to come! I have 2 more posts on this idiot, because I have to share!
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cocastyle · 4 years
Change - Ch. 1 | T E N
Pairing - Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 4,756
A/N - I’ve only been on my trip to the Caymans for a day and they are already going to be closing the airports in less than a week. yay me. but school is officially out for the rest of the month so I should have a ton more free time to write. not too excited about that though cause it’s my senior year and I’m afraid I’m going to miss out on a lot of the things I was looking forward to doing as a senior :(( anyways, how is everyone doing with the virus going on? I hope everyone is healthy and okay! enjoy this chapter!
if you would like to be added to the tag list for this series let me know!
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T E N -  Back to Neibolt Street
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Y/N Uris had thought her parents divorce would be the biggest surprise she got that summer. Then came the killer clown turning into her worst nightmares and the Losers Club breaking up. But nothing could prepare her for almost a month after the incident when she opened the door someone had been furiously knocking on to find Bill Denbrough standing there.
The sight of him was enough to knock the air from her lungs, her eyes widening in surprise while Bill stared at her in equal shock with his hand still frozen in the air like he was about to knock on the door again.
"Bill?" Y/N whispered, her eyes flickering over the boy in shock because she still couldn't quite believe her eyes. She hadn't talked to Bill in a month. What was he doing here?
"Y/N," Bill breathed out, trying desperately to calm his frantically beating heart. How was it that just the mere sight of her was able to send his nerves into overdrive and make his brain go fuzzy when only moments before he had been the most confident he had ever been?
"What are you. . .what are you doing here?" Y/N asked, swallowing thickly as she looked to the boy in worry. "Is something wrong? Are you okay?"
Bill swore he about swooned at that. For even after the way they had ended things and a month of not talking, she was still concerned for his wellbeing.
It took him a moment before he was able to snap back to reality and he nodded his head, finally letting his hand fall back down to his side. "Yes, I'm. . .I'm fine. B-B-But Beverly is not," he said making the girl tense, her eyes widening once again.
"Beverly? What's wrong with Beverly?" Y/N questioned, now on high alert.
"I-I-I went to go visit her because I needed some advice about s-s-something, but when I got there it was like no one was home. I don't know how it h-h-happened but I ended up going towards the bathroom and I found a message wr-wr-written in blood on the wall," Bill explained while Y/N stared at him in horror, her mouth going dry while her stomach began to grow queasy. The young girl shook her head slightly, not wanting Bill to say the words that she knew he was about to say.
"It's got Beverly, Y/N. It has her."
Y/N didn't respond for a moment and Bill had never been more terrified in his life wondering what she was going to do next. Would she slam the door in his face? Maybe laugh? Would she even want to help? Who was he kidding, of course she would want to help. He was just wondering if she would forgive him or not.
"I'll go tell Stanley and then we can go get the others," Y/N finally said, nodding her head slightly as she let out a shaky breath. She didn't care if she was scared or not. Beverly was in trouble and Y/N would always do whatever it takes to keep her friends safe.
Bill barely had time to get over his surprise before Y/N was turning to head back into the house and find Stan. However, she hadn't even taken a step before Bill's hand suddenly lunged out, gently grasping onto the girl's wrist and causing her to jump in surprise before turning to look at him with a soft yet questioning look on her face.
"Bill?" Y/N whispered, her eyes flickering over his face in confusion.
Bill merely stared at her with his mouth opening and closing for a moment as he tried to gather his thoughts. It took a second but he finally managed to swallow his nerves before he whispered, "I'm sorry."
Y/N froze at that and Bill looked down at the ground as he gently moved his hand from the girl's wrist to her hand. He used both of his hands to hold onto it tight as he began to speak.
"I'm s-s-sorry for what happened a month ago. Me risking your life and the lives of our fr-fr-friends wasn't cool and I'm sorry for the way that I acted. S-S-Seeing you walk away from me that day was the worst feeling in the world and n-n-not having you by my side for the past month was just as bad. I'm just. . .I'm s-s-so sorry," Bill muttered, his voice shaky as he gripped onto the girl's hands.
Y/N was silent for a moment as she stared at the boy, her gaze softening more and more by the second before she let out a small sigh and lunged out to wrap her arms around the boy. Bill stumbled back slightly, but managed to steady himself before looking down to see Y/N hugging him tightly with her head against his chest.
"I'm sorry too," she whispered. "For everything."
Bill blinked in surprise before melting into the girl's hold and wrapping his arms around her. He laid his head on top of hers and held her as close to his body as possible, squeezing his eyes shut tightly like he was afraid he would open them only to find that Y/N was gone.
Both of them could've stood there forever in each other's arms, relishing in the feeling of getting to hold each other once again, but they knew that their friend's life was at stake so they hesitantly pulled away to look at each other.
Bill kept his arms wrapped around the girl's waist while Y/N's hands fell down to rest on his arms. The two stared at each other and couldn't help but blush at just how close they were. Bill could feel his heart beating furiously in his chest and he desperately hoped Y/N couldn't hear it, but if anyone could, it wouldn't have been Y/N for hers was beating just as loud.
"I've missed you," Y/N finally admitted, her words making Bill's stomach erupt with butterflies while an effortless grin appeared on his face in response.
"I've missed you too," he whispered, the two's noses brushing against each other once before both realized that they had to pull away.
Reluctantly, the two pulled away and Bill dropped his hold from the girl. Y/N gave him the softest of smiles and Bill returned it before the girl turned and went to go get her cousin.
She returned moments later with Stan by her side and before they knew it, Bill and Stan were hugging as well, both boys happy to have their friend back by their side. Y/N couldn't help but smile as she watched the two, knowing that these little reunions were about to happen for each of her friends as they slowly got back together again.
The Loser's Club was officially back in business.
- - -
Y/N wasn't quite sure what to feel as she rode down the street on her cousin's bike with the Losers by her side. Reuniting with her friends was probably the happiest she had ever felt in her life, but it was all off for the simple reason that Beverly wasn't there.
Y/N had missed them all and if the hugs she had received in return weren't proof enough that they had missed her too, then she wasn't sure what could prove that. Having already reconciled with Bill, Richie, and Eddie, that left only Ben and Mike for Y/N to reunite with and boy had she missed those two.
Mike hugged her as if he was afraid of losing her again which maybe he was seeing as from the stories he had told Y/N, he hadn't really had any friends up until the Losers Club. The moment she saved him from Bowers was the first act of kindness anyone in the town had shown him, so to say he had missed the girl was an understatement.
Then came Ben who, as the new kid in town, didn't have anyone else except for the Losers. They were without a doubt his best friends and he had even teared up out of pure relief once the other Losers had shown up on his doorstep and Y/N had pulled him in for a hug.
But now that they were all together again, minus Beverly who they were on their way to save, the group was biking through the small town of Derry on their way to the Well House to save their friend.
Mike had been smart enough to bring the gun he used for killing sheep and that plus the fact that she had her friends by her side were the only source of comfort Y/N looked to as the group came to a stop in front of the Well House.
For a moment it was like she was seeing herself running out of the house again, soaking wet with a bloody bandage wrapped around her calf and a screaming Eddie by her side while her friends ran out behind her. The thought was enough to make her gulp as she hesitantly got off Stan's bike, her cousin following suit before putting his bike stand up.
The last time Y/N had been here she swore she would never go into the house again, but now look at her.
She was hesitant to move as her friends all began to walk forward, but one nudge from her cousin had the girl turning back to see her curly haired best friend giving her a small reassuring smile as he linked his arm with hers. That was enough to give her the small push she needed and the two Uris cousins took in shaky breaths before walking after their friends and onto the property of the Well House.
"Guys, spikes," Bill announced as he noticed two metal poles with spikes on the end lying on the ground. He bent down to pick the objects up and, as he did, Eddie removed his fanny pack and tossed it aside as if it were nothing.
Y/N looked to her friend in surprise and Eddie just gave her a small smile before saying, "It's all bullshit anyways." Y/N gave him a questioning look and couldn't help but chuckle as she turned her attention back to Bill, the others all circling around.
Bill looked at the two metal poles before putting them together. He then stood up and stared at the weapon for a moment before looking to Y/N and holding it out for her. The girl lightly shook her head before pushing the weapon back to Bill. "I trust you more with that than me," she said, a small teasing manner in her voice that made Bill smile ever so slightly.
He gave her a tiny nod and opened his mouth to say something when the sound of glass shattering had the group turning to see that Richie had smashed a beer bottle onto the stairs. It was obvious he was hoping it would break and turn into a weapon, but all it did was break it so that it was even more useless than when it was a full bottle.
Richie stared at the broken bottle for a moment before looking to his friends. Y/N had to let go of her cousin in order to cover her mouth and middle her laughter, but Richie saw and sent her a small playful glare before throwing the bottle to the side.
Bill shook his head slightly at his friend before looking towards the house. "Let's go," he told them before he began to walk forward, the others quickly following in line behind him.
Y/N reached the door at the same time as Bill and went to open it only to hesitate with her fingers just above the door handle. Bill's eyes flickered from the girl's hand to her face, his gaze softening slightly at the hint of fear that was beginning to take over her. He could see her shaking hand and the sight of it made his heart drop.
Bill didn't even hesitate before reaching out and pulling Y/N's hand away from the doorknob so that he could interlock their fingers together. "Hey, it's okay. I won't let anything happen to you," Bill whispered to her reassuringly, the girl's eyes flickering over to lock with his as he spoke. He gave her probably one of the most sincerest looks he had ever given her and squeezed her hand as he whispered, "I'll protect you."
Y/N let her eyes flicker over the boy's face before she tightened her grip on his hand. Then, with a small nod from the girl, Bill reached out and unlocked the door before pushing it open.
The group then began to walk inside, making sure to climb over the wooden boards covering part of the doorway as they did. However, they didn't get far in before Y/N turned around to find that her cousin was still standing outside.
"Stanley?" Y/N questioned, stopping in her tracks and making the others stop as well.
"Stan, we all have to go," Bill insisted, his voice soft as he gave his friend a sympathetic look. He knew how afraid the boy must be which is why he didn't bother stopping Y/N when she let go of his hand to go over to her cousin.
If anyone could convince the boy to come into the house, it would be her. Bill had heard plenty of stories about her through Stan and it was obvious that the curly haired boy trusted her with his life.
"Stanley," Y/N softly said as she came to a stop on the other side of the door. The only thing separating the two cousins was the doorframe, but even that felt like a huge distance.
Stan let his eyes flicker over to his cousin, gulping slightly as he shook his head. "I can't do it, Y/N," he whispered, his voice shaky. "I can't."
"But Beverly was right," Y/N told him making the boy freeze as he stared at her in a way that screamed for her to give him one good reason why he should go inside. "If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one. But if we stick together, all of us, we'll win. I promise."
Stan was silent as he stared at his cousin and all Y/N did was give him a small smile before holding her hand out. "I won't let anything happen to you," she whispered, her eyes flickering over the boy's face as she spoke. "I promise."
Stan could only stare at her before he finally gave her a small nod and reached out to take her hand. He let out a shaky breath before stepping into the house, his hand instantly gripping onto her own as he practically glued himself to her side. Y/N kept her hand in his and moved her other one so that she was holding onto his arm and rubbing it comfortingly.
Once she knew Stan was calmed down, the girl looked back to the others and her eyes locked with Bill's. She gave him a small nod and Bill took that as a sign for them to keep moving.
Bill began to move forward and the group followed after him, all of them shining their flashlights around as they tried to calm down their nerves. Y/N was seriously regretting this whole thing when Bill began to descend down a creepy staircase and into an even creepier basement, but she knew she couldn't let Stan see her hesitation, so she only took in a shaky breath and began pulling her cousin into the basement before either of them could think too much of it.
Bill lead them to the back of the basement where they found a well in the ground. "What the hell?" Y/N whispered, shuddering slightly as she realized they would have to go down that thing.
"Hey, Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie questioned, hoping to lighten the mood.
Eddie quickly shook his head, a look of pure disgust taking over his features as he shuddered and whispered, "I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing."
The group crowded around the well before peering down inside to find that it went on for what seemed like forever.
"Beverly?" Ben called down, his voice echoing down the well and earning no response. Richie gave the boy a look that practically screamed 'do you really think she can hear you from down there?' but Ben ignored it, his worry for the red head being enough of a distraction already.
"How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike questioned and Y/N inhaled sharply as she nodded her head.
"That, my friend, is a great question," Y/N muttered.
"There," Bill announced causing the group to turn around to see his flashlight shining down on a lengthy rope laying on the floor. It didn't take long for the group to grab it and secure the rope to a pulley before Richie tossed the end down the well.
"All right. Come on," Bill announced before he stepped up onto the side of the Well and grabbed ahold of the rope. Carefully, he began to descend down into the well before Eddie followed right after him. Next went Richie, Stan, and Ben before finally Mike and Y/N were the last two left.
Y/N stared at the rope in front of her and tried to calm herself down, but her hands were shaky as she went to reach for the rope. Seeing this, Mike quickly grabbed the rope and pulled it closer so that the girl was able to grab onto it better.
"Thank you," Y/N whispered to which Mike gave her a small smile in response. The girl turned around and was just about to begin her descent when a loud whack was heard from behind her before Mike let out a yell.
Y/N jumped in surprise which made her slip, a scream escaping her own lips as she began to fall into the well. Luckily, she was able to grab onto the rope well enough to catch herself and she quickly turned around to see Henry Bowers throwing Mike to the ground.
"Mike!" Y/N cried out as she desperately tried to climb back up fast enough in order to help her friend.
"Die!" Henry exclaimed as he shoved Mike down to the ground again, the boy's gun being tossed to the ground a little ways away.
"Mike! Y/N!" the girl heard her other friends yell from down below, but she ignored it as she pulled herself up out of the well, effectively falling to the ground.
Y/N went to stand up, but Henry must've seen her because his hands were on her back and he effectively threw her to the ground beside Mike before she could even blink. The girl let out a small groan while she heard Henry begin to walk over towards the well.
"Y/N! Mike! Are you two okay?" she heard Stan cry out before the boys all gasped and muttered, "Bowers."
"Shit," Y/N muttered as she tried to pull herself up onto her feet. She could hear Henry laughing behind her and her friends all freaking out about the rope, but could barely process anything until two hands had grabbed ahold of her and were starting to help her up.
Y/N flinched slightly, but once she saw that it was only Mike, the girl let out a soft sigh. "Are you okay?" she whispered, her eyes glancing over the boy for any possible injuries.
"I'm fine. You?" he asked.
"Just pissed off," Y/N muttered before turning to glare at Henry Bowers who was pulling the rope out of the well. He tossed the rope to the side and turned his attention to the two before they could get up off the ground.
Mike was quick to position himself in front of the girl while Y/N desperately tried to look around for something that could help. Her eyes caught sight of the gun Mike had brought lying beside them and she nudged the boy slightly until he managed to see what she had seen.
"You didn't listen to what I told you, did you? You should've stayed out of Derry. Your parents didn't and look what happened to them. I still get sad every time I pass by that pile of ashes. Sad, that I couldn't have done it myself," Henry laughed while Y/N glared at the boy.
Henry went to say more, but before he could Mike felt his anger boiling up inside of him and went to reach for the gun. Henry saw this and instantly grabbed ahold of Mike while Y/N scrambled out from behind him.
The two began to struggle as they tried to take control of the gun, but Y/N wasn't going to let Henry hurt her friend like that and didn't think twice before barreling into Henry's side, effectively throwing the boy off of Mike.
However, she didn't see that Henry had just gained control of the gun and before she knew it, Henry had pinned her down by the throat and was pushing the gun to her forehead. The girl's eyes widened in surprise and she tried to move Henry's hand from her throat, but the boy merely laughed before going to pull the trigger.
Just when Y/N thought that this was going to be it, Mike managed to pull Henry off of her, the gun going off into the air instead of Y/N's forehead. Y/N's eyes widened in pure shock as she realized she almost died, but her attention was drawn back to Mike who somehow had gotten a rock and managed to hit Henry in the head, causing the boy to stumble back in surprise.
She didn't know what was running through her head at that moment, but Y/N didn't even think twice before pushing Henry back as hard as she could. A look of horror crossed over the boy's face as he tripped over the side of the well and fell into the depths below, screaming as he went.
"Holy shit!" Richie cried out from below while Y/N just stared at the well with wide eyes, her hands shaking before her.
Tears began to spring her eyes as she realized what she just did and she let out a small sob and she whispered, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What did I just do?"
Mike was quick to go over to the girl, catching her in his arms before she could fall onto her knees. Another sob left her mouth and she gripped onto Mike tightly like she was afraid she would fall apart if he wasn't there.
"I just killed someone. I just killed someone," Y/N cried. No one deserved to die like that. Not even Henry Bowers. And she had been the one to kill him.
"It was self defense," Mike assured her as he held her close and tried to calm down her shaky breathing. "He would've killed us if you hadn't done that."
"Self defense," Y/N muttered as she wiped away her tears. "Yeah, just self defense." Although not even that was enough to make her feel better about the situation.
"You saved my life, Y/N. You saved our lives," Mike whispered. "Now we have to go save Beverly's."
That was enough to bring Y/N back to reality and she shakily nodded her head before Mike helped her back up onto her feet. He hugged her for just a moment more before the two heard their friends yelling, "Y/N! Mike!"
The two were quick to run over to the well and Y/N tried not to grimace as she thought about Henry falling down. She had to focus on Beverly.
"Y/N! Mike!" Eddie yelled once he saw them, his voice high pitched as him, Bill, Richie, and Ben all looked up at them with wide eyes.
"We're okay," Mike assured them while the boys looked up at the two. Y/N numbly nodded in agreement, but she noticed that they had all turned their attention to her, each of them having to hear it from her themselves to know that she was okay.
"We're okay," Y/N finally muttered, letting out a shaky breath. The boys all relaxed at that and Y/N couldn't help but notice how they weren't yelling at her for killing someone. They seemed relieved in fact. After all, Mike was right. Henry was going to kill them if she hadn't done that.
Y/N turned and went to go grab the rope, but when she turned back around she caught sight of all the bullets for Mike's gun falling down into the well. "Shit," Mike muttered as he stared helplessly down below.
"How many do we still have?" Y/N questioned nervously, not really wanting to hear the answer but wanting to at the same time.
Mike turned to look at the girl and sighed slightly before whispering, "One."
Y/N was silent as she tossed the rope down into the well. "One is all we need," she assured him, despite both of them knowing that could very well be a lie.
"Yeah, yeah," Mike breathed out as hopefully as he could before the two looked away from each other, both letting out a shaky breath before looking to the rope.
"Let's go," Y/N whispered before she began to climb down, Mike following after her. It didn't take long for them to reach the others and before she knew it Y/N was being pulled into Bill's arms, the boy letting out a shaky breath of relief as he held her close to him.
Bill pulled away enough so that they could see each other, their noses brushing against each other while his eyes flickered over her face. "You okay?" he whispered, the concern evident in his voice.
"I'm okay," she whispered and that was enough to have Bill sighing in relief again before he hugged the girl once more. Y/N was quick to hug him back, rubbing a thumb against the back of her neck as she relished in his hold.
Mike wasn't too far behind her, so the two had to end their hugging in order for Y/N to move and Bill to help the boy. Y/N began to move back and that was when she was practically tackled into another hug from Richie and Eddie, both of which were bickering over who should get to hug her next.
Y/N merely chuckled and hugged the two before moving onto Ben, desperately wanting to get to the back where she knew her cousin would be waiting for her. Ben could see that, so he gave her a quick hug and told her how he was glad she was okay before moving on to helping Mike get into the passageway while Y/N smiled after her friends.
Finally, the girl turned around, but her smile faded once she was met with an empty tunnel. Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N turned back around and shined her flashlight over the group as she looked over the people that were there.
It was only when she once again couldn't find the curly hair that belonged to Stan that she felt herself pale, her heart beating just a bit faster as she began to frantically look around.
"Uh. . .Guys," Y/N whispered as she looked around at all of the faces in front of her, a sickening feeling washing over her as she confirmed that someone was in fact missing. Everyone looked to her and froze once they saw the horrified look on her face.
"Where's Stanley?" she asked, her question instantly making everyone look around to find that the boy was in fact gone. Y/N felt as if she were going to be sick and she tried not to tear up out of pure fear as she looked around at the frightened faces of her friends.
"Where's my cousin?"
* * *
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marklandfinancial · 4 years
Inheritances can be emotional minefields
Let’s just go ahead and get this hard sentence out of the way now.
You are going to have to deal with some of your closest friends and family members dying.
But wait, what is that?  Is that a little.... happiness? WAIT A MINUTE, GRANDMA JUST DIED AND I AM ACTUALLY A LITTLE...happy?  How can that be?  I must be a terrible human being!
Nope.  You are just, well, a human being.  We are messy creatures, some of us more than others (I will leave that up to you to decide who is the messiest of your tribe!).  We always have conflicting emotions:
You can love the NBA and hate the Lakers
You can love JCrew and not be a big fan of plaid 
You can love your father but hate that he smokes
And you can be anguished that your nan (shout out to any Britons who follow!) has passed away and a little stoked that you can pay off that credit card debt and buy a new mattress to replace the 14 year old one you brought from your childhood bedroom.  (seriously, you probably need a new mattress).  Now, if you are calling the doctor and telling him to pull the plug on the way to the Mercedes dealership, well, THAT might mean you have some issues.  But receiving some financial windfall is going to cause a positive emotional reaction.  It just is.
But, while the emotions are normal, acceptable and human, they should be under control before acting on any inherited money, for any number of reasons.  Here is a synopsis of what I tell clients who need a game plan for an inheritance:
Go Slow
Unless the inheritance is an ice sculpture in Houston in August, you more than likely should be in zero rush to do anything with it. Even if you owe high interest rate credit card debt, the savings you will gain on paying that off 30 days earlier is not worth the peace of mind you will gain by stopping and considering all of your options.  And, unless you have a working knowledge of the will, you might be in for a happy surprise when you find out she is the 168th largest investor in Facebook or a rude awaking when you see that 98% of her wealth is going to that shady cat rescue place outside of town.  
Be Mindful
- We try to avoid buzzwords @MarklandFinancial because so much of what you should do with your money is simple and basic.  (Save.  Invest.  Don’t spend too much.  if you just followed those 6 words, you would be in good shape.)  But mindfulness is a universally positive trait that we should all aspire to have and is so useful in so many parts of our lives (gets off his soapbox, puts it away, and gets back to the topic at hand).  When dealing with an inheritance, this is usually a once in a lifetime event (not many people get 15 of the things, you know?) and it can be a game changer, for you (and others).  You want to make the most of this so consider the following before acting:
The person who you are inheriting from- what would bring them joy to see you do with the inheritance?  Would they be excited that you and 5 buddies went to Vegas for a week?  Or would that rather see it in your son’s college fund?  No judgement here; maybe Granny was a partier who loved a good foam party at the Wynn and hated kids.  Just thinking about what they would want will help you make a good decision.  They also could have loved those damn cats, so maybe a small donation to that shady cat place would be a good idea after all.
The people around you- maybe your sister’s kid could use a car repair or your favorite babysitter growing up just started a GoFundMe to move to Japan.  Much of our happiness can come from making others happy; before you pull the trigger on your third car, take a little time to see if you would actually be happier helping someone else out.
Your legacy- Maybe you are inheriting land, an expensive watch, or a beach house on Cape Cod.  Sure, you could sell those, take the money, and do whatever you want.  But you should also consider if you want little Harry to be an 8th generation rancher, if you want Joe wearing grandpa’s Rolex when he takes the Oath of Office as the POTUS, or if you want your grands to enjoy the beach house you spent your summers at.  Sometimes, inheritances are not received, they are loaned, until you in turn will loan them to your children.  Just something to think about.
Your personal needs- Paying off debt, socking it away for retirement (maybe a nicer one now!), or investing it in education, home repairs, that new mattress are always smart options that you should fund with any windfall.  Just make sure that, as you send that check off to the credit card company, you say a silent thank you and PROMISE YOU WILL NEVER RACK UP CREDIT CARD DEBT AGAIN!!!! 
Your personal wants-Okay, once you have thought about all of this, this is the fun part.  Jetski?  Sure.  Gold chain?  What is this, the Jersey Shore?  But whatever.   Have some fun with it, of course!
Get Help
If your inheritance is a 2007 Land Cruiser with 145k miles on it, $6,000 in cash, and a crusty old dog named Karl that coughs a lot, you probably don’t need a lot of help deciding.  But if you get some serious cash, stocks and bonds, or property, you ABSOLUTELY NEED a non involved person to talk with.  Talking with your wife could cause friction when you are resistant to putting Johnny’s college fund as the first priority, while OF COURSE your buddy Kevin wants you to put in that garage bar that you have been talking about for years.  Heck, even the priest might hit you up for a donation for the new parish hall.  Everyone has an angle, whether they realize it or not.  We recommend you call us (shameless plug) but it is critical you have someone you can trust who will give you honest feedback that DOES NOT AFFECT THEM.  (You spend 3 hours with us, you pay us our fee, and we could care less what you do with the money. Can Aunt Carla say that?  I did not think so).  An impartial, un-involved party is critical to helping you talk out your ideas without judgement (of course you can consider catching a flight to the Caymans and abandoning your family, just please Venmo us our fee before your flight) and without the ability to benefit from your decisions.  This advisor can help you flesh out your plans, consider all of your options and help you craft a narrative about your decisions so that you are comfortable communicating and acting up them (I guess you could pay the advisor to tell Tammy she is NOT getting the china, but that feels like a you job).  And, while any plan you put in place could involve buying stocks or mutual funds (which is a smart decision), we highly recommend not asking your broker what to do.  If they get paid based on your investments (and they do), your ONLY POSSIBLE OPTION WILL BE TO BUY THE NEWEST ETF.  You will have time to go to them, after you determine how much you should invest and then let them take it from there.  Make sense?  
Reach out to MarklandFinancial.com if you or anyone you know needs help, either due to a recent or a pending inheritence concern.  
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snaketaurus6 · 3 years
Not known Facts About Istanbul New Year's Eve party 2022
Tour kind Community tour – A great way to meet up with new individuals When you're travelling! If you e book a public tour you can most certainly be sharing the knowledge with people you don't know. – For those who want to party for all night long, than we suggest you find and guide a nice restaurant, cafe, bar and club proposing NYE dinner and party. Pick out your favored cruise day down below to check true-time availability and book online - It truly is quick and protected. For a complete refund, cancel at least 24 hrs in advance of the start date of your expertise. Learn more about cancellations. An ideal New Year’s amusement with the distinctive natural beauty of your Bosphorus, in an awesome ambiance, with Specialist Turkish cultural shows and special entertainment software. book now in excess of two hundred modern day procuring malls. And many of them are seriously extremely big and among the most beneficial buying malls in Europe. Again to Earth! Star Trek's William Shatner, 90, would be the oldest human being At any time in Area as he and a few Some others expend a few minutes 62 miles over Earth: Jeff Bezos opens New Shepard capsule doorway as new astronauts land properly in Texas desert  Biden's will give around 70M retirees a 5.nine% Strengthen in Social Protection payments in the most significant expense of residing adjustment in 39 years - to keep up with rampant inflation underneath his administration 'I have figured out lots of blistering residence truths about myself': Adele shares first have a look at her new album deal with and confirms Will probably be identified as 30  Oregon prison guard, fifty seven, and his nephew, 31, are billed in murder-for-retain the services of plot that killed brother and his fiancée in dispute about father's $400K estate Over 50 percent of Covid survivors encounter signs like anxiety and tiredness six months right after recovering from the virus, research finds California Mother, forty seven, is accused of web hosting intercourse parties for her 15-year-outdated son and his mates the place she handed out condoms and let them drink Alcoholic beverages until eventually they would 'vomit and fall unconscious' Can Joe preserve his nightmare just before Christmas? Biden will notify Walmart, FedEx and UPS to ramp up their providers and push LA port to run 24/seven at White Dwelling meeting to test and forestall offer chain catastrophe Urban Meyer's 'squeeze' Cayman Nebraska, 24, is observed for the first time at her new $400k Ohio household - merely a mile within the married head mentor's bar - considering that movie of her grinding on him went viral and 'ruined' her everyday living PICTURED: Puppy crate and hammer employed by household to torture 13-year-old boy to death: Prosecutors phone for optimum 24-year sentence for brother who sent killing blow Bounty hunter shoots dead 24-year-outdated person wished in Texas for domestic assault as he attempted to create a getaway with a girl and baby in his motor vehicle Brian Laundrie's dad Chris stays silent whilst trimming his lawn All-around Gabby Petito memorial 19 hrs right after it absolutely was discovered she was strangled and her body ignored within the wilderness for three months Is it us or is it Odd that Jeff Bezos saved his home-made Star Trek toys from when he was nine years-old? Halle Berry was Solid but dropped out, and she was changed by Katherine Heigl. Berry dropped out as a consequence of a custody struggle with her ex-partner. After the custody battle was resolved, Berry was re-Solid in the Film, but in One more purpose. To own a pleasing time from the New Year Istanbul, it could be a smart idea to opt for a highly designed place for the leisure industry. It might also seem sensible to select a region which offers affordable alternatives to use your funds freely when partying in The brand new Year. 2x 50 percent board – buffet model dinner at theAstra cafe,including a person consume per man or woman (one glass of wine or beer or tender consume) There are lots of methods to do this. Allow’s say you, your massive and crowded good friends, want to invest a pleasant New Year’s Eve together. Digital parties are for yourself. How is really a Digital party developed? Обновите ваш браузер для правильного отображения этого сайта.Обновить мой браузер
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You are able to talk to your folks about a dress code well suited for the party theme. You can also receive a raffle One of the best-dressed ones and reward a store’s discount card.
Becoming at your house constantly indicates repeating the same issues, getting utilized to a program. New Year’s Eve is a lot more Particular and important than any evening. This is why, it's important to put apart routines and put together for morale very first. Exactly what are the things that is likely to make that night special? It's important to think about them, perhaps to record them. Keep in mind the preparations you designed though internet hosting your friends, now it's important to generate these preparations for the great visitor 2022.
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claritypoolservice · 3 years
Time to Build Your Swimming Pool!
New Post has been published on https://lasvegascustomswimmingpooldesigncontractor.com/time-to-build-your-pool
Time to Build Your Swimming Pool!
The Heat of the Summer is Approaching – Time to Call Clarity Pool Service and Build Your Dream Swimming Pool
Okay, if you’re feeling the warmth of the sun all ready, you are a valid Las Vegas resident. Anyone who’s been here more than a couple of Summers will tell you it comes on quickly. Summer that is! It’s like one day you’re enjoying the cool Winter feeling air, and then all of a sudden, we’re dropped back into the heat of Summer. A time of the year that will have you sweating in areas of your body you didn’t even realize you could sweat in. If you can relate to that statement, it sounds like you are more than likely a veteran of Las Vegas. In other words, it gets hot here in our desert. Right about when you start wishing you lived in Colorado, your brain starts coming up with alternatives that don’t include you selling your home and lugging your family over to a new state to set up shop. The next thought is a custom swimming pool.
At Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada, we specialize in building traditional and custom swimming pools. There’s nothing we love more than designing and building beautiful pools and outdoor living environments that our clients enjoy every summer. It’s almost mandatory to have a pool here in our city. If you’re new to this fantastic town, then you’ll probably smile at that comment. But I’ wasn’t joking, sadly. At Clarity Pool Service, we strive to become the cure for the typical Las Vegas, Summer. From the preliminary on-site design consultation to the finished pool and outdoor living environment, we want to exceed your expectations where it concerns your plans to transform your dirt backyard into a desert oasis. Give Clarity a call today to speak with one of our pool design professionals. You can reach our office at (702) 839-9265, or you can visit our “New Pool Construction” page to learn more about how Clarity Pool Service would build your pool project. You can learn more and visit our past project photo gallery below.
Schedule a Swimming Pool Service Consultation with Clarity!
Whether you're exploring the idea of building a custom swimming pool, or you would like us to maintain your existing one. Clarity Pool Services has you covered! We specialize in custom pool design & construction as well as every maintenance service in between, and after pool construction. We're avid supporters of being water smart here in the Las Vegas, Valley, offering "no-drain" eco-friendly water treatments that restore the quality of your swimming pool water without having to drain, refill, and re-introduce traditional pool treatment chemicals. We have a better solution known as the PuriPool Water Treatment Process. We also offer pool restoration and our bead blasting service that will eliminate unsightly calcium scale and other hard water remnants. Schedule a consultation today with Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada!
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