yangjapus · 4 months
I'm so sad that I'll never get to continue Felix's route the same way in Last Legacy because it was discountinued by the previous team that been working on the game. I'm pretty sure that Last Legacy is going to be either rebooted or just being discontinued. A very close friend of mine just recently introduced me to this game this year and the game got me HOOKED on the storyline. When the news came out, I KID YOU NOT--- I literally almost LOST it and went through the 5 stages of grief.
I was DESPRETELY trying to find more new things to hyperfixate on and that is Last Legacy. Why is it so damn hard for them, to treat their game developers right?
I do apologise for my small rant here. Even with hyperfixations, I'm very picky when it comes to things like this. I'm currently still hyperfixated on Last Legacy and I'm just here in this app, trying to feed myself some Last Legacy content I can find.
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redtoondevils · 4 months
Remember how I said that I was glad that Steel Wool removed the "I'm putting you in timeout!" line? Well...I guess I spoke too soon.
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yourcyclamen · 7 months
I don't think that someone ever stood by my side, or even took my side... it is always me vs. them
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lettersxcaffeine · 11 months
small input here but
oh my god there are men who outright ruin lives, burn relationships with people who did right by them (such as their own mothers), tarnish their name and reputation with bad decisions, and then want to state how they've developed whatever poor mental state because of all of this.
... can we please support and uphold men having to experience natural consequences for their actions
Because seriously: I have female friends who say things like, "but he had a rough time and had no one there for him" but let's correct that to state that oftentimes, these men had good people (including other men) around them who wanted to guide them in the right direction and they chose not to listen. I have watched too many men choose such poor decisions without a second thought about the people they harmed in the meantime. They really think they can get away with their actions and have it not affect themselves the way it hurt and affected others and then act so surprised when the burden falls upon them
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tinkerandbone · 2 years
I love in person shows, except when a Karen shows up and says they can just make my cat toys cat home.
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There are times I just want to say, “I liked this before it was cool/made into a movie/became a series!”
But you can’t do that without seeming like an asshole or seem like you’re old. But the thing is, I am old.
I grew up with those characters and they were there with me. I just want to boast that they have stayed with me over the years ever since I discovered them.
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jamibur · 4 years
Can someone please explain to me how some people can post full on porn on here without any issue but I post something that’s even mildly subjective but non-nude and it’s immediately flagged and removed, so annoying.
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sadboiworldsblog · 4 years
laughing on the outside, crying on the inside has been a constant mood for this year already.
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Maybe an unpopular opinion
But mosh pits should never be violent to the point of people getting seriously injured. Yes, punch me in the arm as hard as you can while screaming like a psycho and body slam me onto the next dude who just body slams me right back I AM HERE FOR IT as long as you’re paying attention to the fact I’m 110 pounds on a good day and you’re easily clearing 175 making you at LEAST 60 lbs over me, include your muscle and well the fact you’re a dude and it could be a bad time.
All I’m saying is everyone should be able to enjoy moshing if that’s what they wanna do. Us littles should not have to fear for our well being or even our lives if we throw ourselves right into the middle of a mosh. Cause that’s RIGHT where I wanna be, head banging with the best.
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starry-eye-lover · 4 years
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I work in an emergency room and honestly as I’m getting dressed every day for work I’m scared. Am I going to get sick today? Will I bring it home to my parents? Am I doing enough to keep myself safe? Last week we came down to our last three boxes of mask like the one I’m wearing above. We were informed that we have to wear the same mask for three shifts in a row. Today we were donated handmade mask that are thicker and washable. To say I was so happy that I could cry is an understatement. She came around and even let us pick out our own patterns and colors and is making filters to be put in the middle of the mask 😱😭. Of course your girl picked a pink one 😂. Anyways I’m trying to look on the bright side of things right now and even convinced some of the doctors to play @taylorswift for me on a couple of crappy nights.
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Stop making things that aren't good or supposed to be pleasing, aesthetics. It's upsetting to see that some people make a truama aesthetic, or a self harm aesthetic. These are real things too. I'm not just pulling it out of my ass. Can we not? Can we be at least a little respectful and not do this? Now for the people who actually need help for things like that others will think it's a joke.
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sampaii-ca · 5 years
Stress relief after VLD season 8
This is probably super silly and I’m sure no one will read this but I just have to get it off my chest.
I absolutely adore Voltron Legendary Defender. It’s a show that I’ve been invested in for the past year and half and it has brought me so much joy and happiness. And it has led me to my OTP that I will forever love, Klance. Now this isn’t a rant about how Klance didn’t become cannon. I knew going into season 8 that it wouldn’t be. Not to say it was a little depressing seeing Lance with someone other than Keith but we all saw Allurance coming from a mile away, so no surprise there. And we did get some awesome Klance scenes that will forever live in my heart (sunset and hand clasp! Be still my heart!)
I actually liked the conflict and villian in s8, Hornorva was a great baddie that you just loved to hate. Her past was compelling and she was a formidable foe.
I loved Keith’s growth (he’s best boi) along with all the other Paladins. I also enjoyed the “filler” episodes. The one about Kinkade was adorable.
And of course the animation and soundtrack to the s8 was absolutely breathtaking.
BUT, now here I get to my dislikes. I’m so disappointed in how Lance was written this season. It’s like the writers turned him into a plot device just so they could add a romantic relationship to the show. I felt like Lance and Allura’s relationship was so rushed and one sided. Lance definitely had a big thing for her and it felt like she didn’t care as much. It just felt so forced and awkward to me. I also hated that they made him into a farmer after all is said and done. That make absolutely no sense to me. The boy we’ve always know was so full of adventure and curiosity. What happened to the boy who wanted to be a fighter pilot and see the stars? Resigning him to a farm to mourn Allura for the rest of his life is doing a huge injustice to his character. I’m sure others have vastly different opinions than me but this is just how I feel.
I also didn’t understand the point in killing off Allura. There were so many different ways they could have solved the problem like, o I don’t know, having Hornova realize what she’s done and scarafice herself to save everyone else. It’s not like we need a solid scientific explanation for the deed considering how alot of stuff in s8 didn’t have an explanation (cough cough the whole Voltron/Atlas combination). It also didn’t make sense to me that they would make Allurance canon and then kill her off a few episodes later. Why make Lance go through that? That’s not character development, it’s just bad writing.
I guess I’m just really disappointed with the choices that the showrunners made. Yes, I get that this is ultimately a show about war and the losses that come with it, but over the course of 8 seasons, I feel like we had a lot of loss and a lot war. So why couldn’t there be a happy ending for everyone?
I’m not going to touch on the LGBT rep topic, mainly because I joined the fandom after all the queerbaiting interviews/articles happened so I didn’t really see them. But I was devastated after the death of Adam because of the whole “kill your gays trope” and I was at the SDCC Voltron panel where they aired that first episode with the flashback. They had talked up Adam’s character like he had big part in the plot, only to kill him off in less than 5 seconds on screen. I’m happy that Shiro found love again at the end of s8 but it is also bittersweet since that scene was only added AFTER the backlash from Adam’s death.
I will always have a love for Voltron. It means so much to me, the ships, community and creators are all amazing and I can’t imagine my life without my OTP. Klance actually helped me realize that I’m bisexual so I am forever grateful to Voltron for creating these epic characters. The show isn’t perfect by any means but it tells a great story overall and I hope future viewers enjoy it as much as I did.
So THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to this epic, amazing, loving, crazy fandom, canon and non-canon. I hope to see so much more from you guys! I know I’ll be writing tons more fanfics, I have so many ideas!
P.S. Keith’s new Bayard form was so cool! And seeing him in that black under suit was perfection! 😍
Thank you for reading my babble, be kind and respect one another and BE HAPPY! 😁
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ruby-ty-did · 2 years
My little rant
Truth be told I wonder at times why I ended up having some of the family members I do because granted I will never know what it truly feels like to have an actual mother or father who truly want you or actually care about you.
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Modest Shaming
So last weekend it was homecoming. Normally at homecoming people do nasty stuff with each other: like grinding and kissing. Its nasty because most of them don’t know who they’re doing it with. But anyway this girl on my bus talks to me sometimes. we’ll call her Rylie. Rylie and I started talking about homecoming and how we had fun. Then she started talking about how she was grinding the whole time. Then Rylie asked if I grinned with anyone. I said no because I didn’t. I just wanted to have fun with my friends. Then (this is the part that got me shook) she gasps really loud says something like wow no action. And because Rylie never shuts up she keeps saying stuff like that. she said stuff like your so childish, your no fun, and the worst one does no one like you or something. I just sat there in disbelieve like how could you be so rude about something so dumb. Then she goes on to talk about how some guy grabbed her butt. Rylie was going on and on and all I could think is, is she slut shaming me but the other way around. like she’s the slut telling me to stop being modest. Modest shaming? Well sorry for trying to be school appropriate. This happened on what Tuesday. today is Thursday. She still talks to me about her relationships. They really aren't romantic or anything special. They all end the same way her getting board and her dumping the boy. I feel bad for them, the boys, she hardcore leads them on. she said that she sent bra pics to one boy and a week or 2 later she dumped him. Like what? that is so rude. But keep in mind that she only talks to me about school, until homecoming. Thanks for reading if you read it. If you didn’t read your not missing out. I just needed to vent.
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nbart · 3 years
little rant
Got a random, unprompted comment from a total stranger saying that I charge too much money for something that they could “easily” do themselves (for context, they were talking about a picture I posted of a hand sewn pet portrait I recently finished and I mentioned that my commissions for pet portraits start around $50). They said “$50? I can just trace and sew that myself, I’d charge $10 for that.” Ok? So go make the art I make and charge your clients $10 for it. It’s so insulting to be told something like that on a piece of artwork that you spent several hours making completely by hand. It’s also very vulnerable for an artist, for anybody, to share with the world something they love that they made themselves. They could’ve said all of that in a nicer way, at least. I’m wondering if they realize not only how rude, but how presumptuous they’re being about not only my professional artist practice, but my livelihood. And even if that’s how they really view my art, why feel the need to take the time to type that out and hit “send?” Why not just think it in your head and move on? That’s what I do!
As an artist, I’m used to being critiqued and critiquing others. But some people are just straight up rude about it all when they think they’re giving a simple critique. If someone ever starts a critique with “No disrespect, but...” they’re about to be straight up disrespectful. And after that initial comment they made, a slew of similar comments started appearing on this one post in particular, adding fuel to the fire. Suddenly everyone felt the need to give their opinion but literally not one person was at the very least nice about it. At the very end, someone commented “hey, it was a good attempt, at least.” Good attempt? Gee that makes me feel better, thank you stranger. “Good attempt” on something I literally have a college degree in and have been doing for years! But good try, artist. You’ll get better. This all might seem like it’s not a big deal, but interactions like this make it tougher and tougher for already anxious, vulnerable people to share themselves and their craft with others, and this has been happening more and more. When it piles on like this for a long time, it wears a person down. And since I freelance full time, I depend heavily on connecting with and advertising through the internet, which also opens me up more to not harsh criticism, but literally being ganged-up on. It all makes me just think “what’s the point?” 
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aonetwoandafuckyou · 6 years
I saw a shitty post and...
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