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[ID: Traditional ink art of various busts of the Skeksis as humans. All of them look old and wrinkled in some way. First image shows SkekSo, SkekSil, SkekAyuk, and SkekSa, SkekSo has a long face with a broad nose covered by his nose clip and his hair covered by his head covers, he looks at the viewer with a judgemental stare. SkekSil has a square shaped face with a large nose and short hair, he has a devious expression. SkekAyuk has a round shaped facr with a round nose and combed back hair, he has a confident and devious smile. SkekSa has a boxy and very rugged face with sideburns and facial hair, she wears her mariner hat and has three nose piercings that go down her large broad and hooked nose, she smiles confidently.
Second image shows SkekVar, SkekZok, SkekEkt, and SkekGra. SkekVar has large rectangular face with a big underbite that juts out two teeth like a pig tusks, he’s wearing his helmet and has a determined expression. SkekZok has a broad square face with big wrinkled cheekbones, he’s wearing his hat and has a stern expression. SkekEkt has a angular face with grandmotherly features and is wearing his hair up in a upwards ponytail, he looks like he’s laughing and wiping away tears. SkekGra has angular face with big cheekbones and a beard and wears head wrappings, he looks manically excited.
Third image shows SkekLach, SkekMal, SkekShod, and SkekTek. SkekLach has a round face and looks like she’s wearing a babushka, she has a large round nose thats covered in pustules, she has a tired expression. SkekMal has a angular face with sharp looking cheekbones and nose, he has a yelling and eager expression. SkekShod looks especially wrinkled and is wearing a babushka-like cloth with jewerlly wrapped above it, he has a grumpy and stern expression. SkekTek has a rectangular head with a long nose, his right eye has a cybernetic implement, he looks shocked and concerned.
Fourth image shows SkekNa, SkekOk, SkekUng, and SkekLi. SkekNa has a rectangular face with buzzcutted hair and wears a eyepatch on his right eye, he has a devious grin. SkekOk has a small face with a long pointy nose and combed over hair, he wears a pair of glasses and a monocle, he has a stern but devious look to him. SkekUng has a angular face with massive sideburns and wild hair, his expression is very ferocious and angry. SkekLi has a broad face with a aquilline nose and a long beard and hair, he looks frustrated and angry.
Fifth image is all the busts together. End ID.]
Wanted to try my hand at drawing all the skeksis as humans, but in a way I personally liked. These are all CRUSTY OLD DUDES and they all smell terrible!!! (Except for SkekEkt and SkekSa, he uses perfumes and she just smells like the sea <3)
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bfaudio-highlights · 1 year
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vivvision · 9 months
Bedtime thoughts Skagra performing Planet of the Bass in the role of Ms Biljana Electronica
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How does it mean
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cosmic-shine · 1 year
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David and Skagra is the best ship :'D From @cookiepianos donatbook <3
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cookiepianos · 1 year
I thought I’d done this before but apparently not
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cleowho · 2 years
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“If you think I’m going to open the door...”
Shada - season 17 (not transmitted) - 1979
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silverfoxstole · 4 months
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Recording Shada in 2002.
From DWM 330, May 2003:
We first spoke in Vancouver in 1996…
[sings] Ah yes, I remember it well…
…And here we are in Bristol, years later, with James Fox and Andrew Sachs. Would you ever have thought it?
Well, when my agent was telling me about it, I thought we had a bad line. She said, ‘James Fox is in it, and Andrew Sachs, and so-and-so and such-and-such’ and I assumed I was mishearing. I mean, how could it be?
Were you familiar with the work of Douglas Adams?
Not really, only Hitchhiker’s Guide. I’m not a sci-fi reader at all, that’s not my thing. I didn’t really know a great deal about Adams – I certainly didn’t realise he was this amazing polymath. But Lalla speaks so eloquently and passionately about him, and I’ve come to understand why he was so well-loved and respected, and, of course, the quality of the script speaks for itself.
Are you enjoying playing the script?
Well, compared to last year’s plays, and the year before, you can definitely tell it’s from a different source. It has a different tack, and a whole different kind of wit. If you were at a blind tasting, and shown just a page or two of every script we’ve done, you’d easily spot that this one came from somewhere else, from a very fertile mind. It’s great stuff.
Everyone seems to have treated the script with great respect. Almost every line seems to be debated as you all try to get the best of out it.
Comedy is a very serious business. If it was a so-called straight drama, you probably wouldn’t find that much discussion.
So it’s exacting work?
Oh yes, very much so. If a thing is meant to be funny, you’ve got to make sure it’s funny, so you’ve got to get it right. In drama, your main directions are ‘quicker’, ‘slower’, ‘louder’, ‘quieter’. But on something like this you have to watch how you spin every word. It’s not something you can be lazy about.
I hear you’re missing India Fisher…
I sure am. Every time the studio door opens, I think she’s going to walk through. It’s the association with this place, where we do all these plays, and this is the first one we’ve done without her, so it seems very strange. She’ll be back next year, though, won’t she?
I certainly hope so. Will you?
Well, yes, that’s in the planning stages. Apparently, as was revealed to me yesterday, 2003 is the 40th anniversary of Doctor Who, and they’re planning something of a special with me and Davison and Sylv and Colin Baker. I think they’re going to have us as some sort of barbershop quartet or something.
So you’re still finding it fun, being the Doctor?
You sound very sure of yourself when you ask that… You’ve phrased the question to get the answer you want, I think!
Well, I guess as a fan, I’d like to think that Doctor Who likes being Doctor Who…
Well, I’ll put your mind at rest, then, because I am still enjoying it. I like working on audios more than on screen. Day in, day out, it’s just more of a laugh. Doing the visual work, on TV or in pictures, you never get to hang around with the rest of the cast. Here we can swap stories in the green room, or go off in a gang to the pub for lunch. When you’re working on pictures it’s not like that. You go in, do your little bit, and then you’re shunted off to a trailer out of the way. This is much more fun. It’s what being an actor is all about, and I have Doctor Who to thank for that opportunity.
Extracts from the recording of Shada:
The Doctor decides it’s time to get to the point. “What have you done with the Professor’s mind?” he asks.
“It will be put to a more useful purpose,” replies Skagra, haughtily.
“I would argue that it was serving a very useful purpose where it was.” ”Not to me.”
“You realise he died?” says the Doctor.
“Only his mind was of use to me,” says Skagra. “Not his life.”
“You take a very proprietorial attitude to people’s brains,” responds the Doctor, calmly.
“It seems to me,” says Skagra, his voice rising slightly, “that the Time Lords take a very proprietorial view of the Universe.”
There is a pause.
“Hold on,” says Lalla Ward, looking across the room to Nick, the director. “Surely the Doctor would be more accurate about his reference there. Skagra hasn’t stolen the Professor’s brain, only his mind.”
“That’s right,” agrees Andrew Sachs, dropping his thin, high Skagra voice. “The actual brains stay in their heads, don’t they?”
“It’s a good point,” replies Nick. “I imagine that Douglas was trying to avoid repetition of the word ‘mind’.”
“Well Douglas should have known better,” says Lalla, firmly. “And it’s a bit silly to worry about repetition of the word ‘mind’ now. It’s all ‘I want your mind, I want his mind’ for the next 60 pages.”
“So would you like me to change ‘brain’ to ‘mind’ on that line?” queries Paul McGann. “Because, y’know, I think the Doctor would be far more accurate about his reference there.”
The Krag commander growls its greeting to Skagra. “What are your orders, my Lord?”
Andrew Sachs peers over his script. “Cod and chips twice, please. And a carton of mushy peas.”
Paul McGann is recording assorted screams and moans to signify the Doctor’s mistreatment by Skagra’s mind-sucking sphere. “Argh!” he groans, “Aargh…ugh…aaargh!”
“Thanks, Paul,” says Nick. “That’s just brilliant.”
“Three years at RADA for that!” laughs Paul gleefully. “Would you like me to do some more?”
Nick smiles and turns to Andrew Sachs. “Now could we just do your lines as the sphere attacks the Doctor again?” Andrew nods and clears his throat. “This time, Doctor,” sneers the icy voice of Skagra, “This time no one will come to your rescue. I shall have your mind.” It’s chilling stuff.
“Y’know,” says Paul, “I believe you!”
“Poor Skagra,” says Andrew. “I have the feeling he’s a very lonely man. I think he needs a wife and kids. A talking spaceship’s no real substitute for the love of a good woman, is it?”
Skagra has some seriously sexy transport, and the Doctor is stealing it.
“Ship!” shouts the Doctor. “Activate all re-aligned drive circuits.”
“Something very strange is happening,” says the ship, all sultry sibilance.
“Ta-daa!” cheers the Doctor.
Hannah Gordon is in a separate sound booth. “Should I be getting more roused there?” she asks over the loudspeaker.
“I don’t think so,” says Nick. “Just keep it honey-voiced and seductive.”
In the gallery, artist Lee Sullivan crosses his legs. “I don’t think I can take much more,” he says. “I may have to leave the room. I never found myself attracted to a spaceship before!”
In the studio, Sean Biggerstaff is fidgeting with his headphones. “It’s very strange working with a sexy, disembodied voice in your ear,” he says.
“I can’t see any downside to that,” muses Paul.
“Hey, that’s me you’re talking about,” replies Hannah in a sexy, disembodied way.
An invisible spaceship,” smiles Lalla. “Such a brilliant idea from Douglas.”
“And now we have an invisible spaceship on audio,” adds Paul.
“Douglas would have laughed at that. It’s just so marvellously perverse.”
“Shall we go and explore it?”
“Oh, yes, let’s explore…”
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stephadoo · 1 year
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Every Doctor Who Story → Shada
“Beware the sphere, beware Skagra. And beware Shada.”
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adventure-showdown · 7 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Doom’s Day Hour 1
Doom has 24 hours to live after a complication on New Venice. This is how her story begins...
Someone has sent literal Death after Doom. Unless she can find the Doctor she is gonna meet certain doom. Only Terri can help her with that, if Doom can persuade her.
It's fun and trying something different. Moffat told all about the Doctor's reputation across time and space, but we mostly see the negative reaction, not the positive, and the perspective of someone trying to find the doctor is a great concept. (anonymous)
An Adventure in Space and Time
A young producer frustrated by British television's glass ceiling, a new executive at the British Broadcasting Corporation, a young director of Indian descent, and an older actor struggling for artistic legitimacy come together in 1963 to start a brand new television programme called Doctor Who. After initial difficulties, the show becomes a hit, leaving the actor alone to carry on the show's traditions — and to face his increasingly ailing health.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Shada 1992 (version with linking narration by Tom Baker playing a future Doctor)
This is Shada again but with linking narration by a future version of the Doctor played by Tom Baker between the parts they filmed back in 1979
This one has linking narration by unknown incarnation of the Doctor played by Tom Baker.(anonymous)
Shada (animated reconstruction)
Shada: a prison built by the Time Lords for defeated would-be conquerors of the universe. A scientist named Skagra needs the help of one of the prison's inmates. He finds nobody knows where Shada is anymore, except one aged Time Lord who has retired to Earth, where he is a professor at St Cedd's College. Luckily for the universe, Skagra's attempt to force the information out of Professor Chronotis coincides with a visit by the professor's old friend, the Fourth Doctor.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Return to Shada (webcast version with 8)
Where the Fourth Doctor left off, the Eighth Doctor comes to finish the job. With Romana and K9 by his side, they have to stop the evil Skagra. (<- I believe this has the same plot as Shada, but with a different Doctor)
this probably falls under the umbrella of shada since there are so many versions of it this one is just my favorite (anonymous)
Shada but eight is in it. Also Romana is President. And Skagra is for some reason no longer sexy young gay man but a gay GILF, sadly his hat and disco nature died in the transition.(anonymous)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/webcasts/shada/extras/index.html (anonymous)
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tvmigraine · 8 months
6:25AM Doctor Who Headcanons
"Full Fathom Five" is the Valeyard Origin:
The whole point behind "Full Fathom Five" is to show an Unbound Doctor that's willing to go darker and believes that the ends justify the means. This seems like a natural continuation of the direction that the Seventh Doctor was going so, if we consider that the timeline, this is what I interpret the regeneration cycle to be (not counting the other regenerations between Brooker and Jayston).
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Through some trickery, this "Doctor" manages to escape the situation that's killing him over and over but now he's on his final regeneration. He's desperate and basically willing to do anything, his own morals eroded into dust, which eventually leads into the conflict we see in "Trial of a Time Lord".
Because of this encounter and the Sixth Doctor's desire not to become the Valeyard (some expanded media shows this more), this pushes this incarnation back and stops the Seventh Doctor becoming the Full Fathom Five incarnation.
The Unbound War Doctor and the Watcher are the same being:
The Watcher is really confusing and there's never going to be an answer to that regeneration that I'm fully satisfied with. What I've reasoned to myself is that it could relay on the strangest blip in the "Unbound" range - "Doctor of War" shows what would've happened if the Fourth Doctor destroyed the Daleks on Skaro, namely an early Time War. He regenerates into Colin Baker.
At the end of this story, giving few spoilers, the Doctor does eventually remedy this mistake and we see Colin Baker's Doctor in the place of Tom's, replacing him during the final events of "Genesis of the Daleks". However it's stated that the Baker War Doctor is still trapped outside of time, his consciousness basically pushing his life back onto the right path.
SO! My perspective is that the Baker War Doctor, being connected to this incarnation's eventual death already, is able to manifest in the form of The Watcher in order to help him regenerate successfully. (I know the Watcher appears in other places too, so maybe that's the Doctor of War continuing this duty in the hopes of keeping things right?)
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Richard Griffiths' Doctor leads into "Curse of Fatal Death"
There is nothing to this theory except I think the outfits look very similar.
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Doctor Who Magazine 255 ran an article called "What If?" that showed what could've become of Doctor Who if it had made it into the 90s. This had the 7th Doctor regenerate into an alternative 8th (Altern-Eight) played by Richard Griffiths. The outfits are similarly enough that this Doctor could, after going off air, eventually adopted the outfit that'd become the "Curse of Fatal Death" outfit.
The Cadet Sweets Doctor is a young First Doctor:
When the Doctor is younger, he has adventures on the back of candy cigarette packets where he encounters the Voord and the Daleks. Due to old age, he eventually forgets about it. Or maybe it's his dad, yknow what, The Cadet Sweets Doctor is his Dad, actually.
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"Lungbarrow" leads into the Timeless Child:
I'm just going over an older theory I've had and it's stuck. The VNAs take place in a bottle universe with the Seventh Doctor discovering the origins of the Other and eventually leading to his own childhood. Instead of it happening how it was supposed to, the bottle universe starts to leak into the main continuity - the Foundling that Tecteun finds is the Other, but their timeline is changed by being brought into the main universe.
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Time has to heal itself when the bottle universe fully floods into the main history - in some ways it does this by correcting the Foundling's life to inevitably become the Doctor, in other ways it does stuff like repeat adventures ("Human Nature").
"Battle For The Universe" is a sequel to "Shada":
"Battle For The Universe" is a board game from 1989 about the Doctor travelling with Tegan, Romana, Ace and K9. The game also has the most ridiculous redesign of characters, including the Doctor who looks like Skagra from the infamous "Shada".
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At the end of "Shada", the defeated Skagra is forced to listen about the Doctor's exploits from start to finish by an AI. I think that the board game is showing Skagra in a crazed fugue state, having lost himself after listening to so many stories (which are being updated as the Doctor continues living) about the Doctor's exploits. Basically imagine a version of "Deadline" but it's about Skagra.
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pluralzalpha · 7 months
Every version of the Doctor - 240
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"Battle for the Universe" Doctor
In the bizarre 1989 boardgame Doctor Who: Battle for the Universe, a unique incarnation of the Doctor travelled with Ace, Romana, Tegan and K9. He was described as having four regenerations left, so was presumably a possible ninth Doctor.
Thanks to @tvmigraine for drawing my attention to this one, and they're right, he does look like Skagra.
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netmassimo · 2 months
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"Shada" is an adventure originally conceived as the last of the seventeenth season of the classic "Doctor Who" series but never broadcast. It's a six-part adventure written by Douglas Adams and directed by Pennant Roberts in the original parts and by Charles Norton in the ones filmed in 2017.
The story
Skagra is mentally connected to a group of people. He wakes up, breaks contact, and then abandons them on the space station, from which he departs. His goal is to find Salyavin, a Time Lord condemned to be locked up in the Shada Prison, whose location is top secret.
The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and Romana II (Lalla Ward) go to Cambridge to see Chronotis, a Time Lord who took up residence at the university as a professor. Chronotis intends to return a book brought from Gallifrey that holds arcane powers connected to the ancient times of his civilization. He realizes that the book was borrowed by Chris Parsons, a student who realizes its oddities by examining it together with his friend Clare Keightle.
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lurking-latinist · 10 months
"🪲 Recommend a great fic centered on your favorite character!" From the ask game please, lat :)
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as asked by @serpercival, @73chn1c0l0rr3v3l, and @believerindaydreams roughly eighteen centuries ago, a fic featuring Romana! I want to hold her gently and take care of her and in this fic the Doctor gets to do that:
Sun and Moon and Stars Go With Her by @ontologicalmoki
At a still moment before they reach the final showdown, trudging slowly through the vortex in an old type 12 Tardis, the Doctor bandages Romana’s wounded shoulder. A missing scene from the Shada novelization, after the incident at Shada and before the apprehension of Skagra.
(the asks were for this ask game!)
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cosmic-shine · 3 years
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Super funny commission fom lovely @cookiepianos!!
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dearneurotypicals · 4 years
so i saw people claiming that this blog was run by angie dong again, and, i guess i want to say something about that whole situation. 
i’m not angie dong. the reason i tagged her donation posts as “o post” was because a follower asked me to tag them, and at the time, her url was “oldcyborgmovie” so i shortened it to “o post.” i’m one person. there’s no “mod team.” i was 15-16 when i got on tumblr started this blog. angie was an adult. 
angie used to message me, using ask and fanmail. she told me to reblog her posts or she would die. she also told me about all the people stalking her or trying to discredit her, and about the danger she was in. i would always donate and reblog the post. 
at the time all of this started, i was 16 and donating money from my after school job. i was also new to sj tumblr, but because i’d been doing irl activism for a few years (this was around the time of occupy), i saw myself as very educated about privilege and injustice. i was used to raising money for causes, but angie (and a few other adults in sj circles) told me that raising money through organizations was a waste because it would never actually get to the people who needed. the only way to be a real radical was to give money directly to people in need.
now that i’m an adult, i see the ways that this was manipulative. i still donate to people and boost donation posts on my main blog (which has a few thousand more followers than this one) but i’ve gone back to mostly irl activism. this blog isn’t very active because like i said, my main gets more attention so if i have a pressing social issue to post about, i’m going to post it to my main. 
i want to keep this post short, but to this day, i don’t know what to believe. i’ve seen a lot of evidence she was scamming. i’ve also seen a lot of people vouch for her legit-ness. i’m autistic and i’m not very good at parsing when someone is lying. i like to think the best of people. i like to think that people are telling the truth, and i believe that it’s ableist to assume people are faking their disabilities. i don’t think angie dong was, like i’ve seen some people claiming, living in boutique hotels or laundering money. i want to believe that her situation was really as bad as she said it was, but that in her desperation to survive, she resorted to manipulating people. 
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cookiepianos · 4 years
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Happy Valentines Day!
Here’s an awesome edit that @thirddoctor made for me! <3
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