#sir ulrich von lichtenstein
pedroam-bang · 10 months
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A Knight’s Tale (2001)
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imacrazybitch1403 · 2 months
'Her name is Aphrodite, Calypso, Venus.... Take your pick.'
-Sir William
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giurochedadomani · 5 months
What do you think Shanks' name would tin the A Knight's Tale AU? Like Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I am not sure about the name itself, but I'm 110% sure that him and Buggy spend days arguing about whether or not 'The Crimson Death' is a badass enough nickname for Shanks' knight persona, and whatever name they end up choosing for Shanks to compete in the tournament, he has to scramble to justify how 'Shanks' is 'a short name his closest friends give him' because Mihawk is pinning him with a stare (he came to inquire about Shanks' cool blade) and Shanks' getting flustered.
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This ends up with Shanks having to discover the plot because Buggy and him have their big, big fallout, but then he has to save his ass somehow.
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internetcowboi · 2 years
I am of the strong opinion that Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein (Will) is a disaster bisexual. I am qualified to make this assessment, as a fellow disaster bisexual.
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shdwtouch · 2 months
Whats aomething your pet(s) do? Are they smart?
so, I have a cat, my emotional support animal, Gambit ! and then we / my mom has dogs, siblings Bruin and Sedona, and a corgi named Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein. my sister also has cats, Purrlock Holmes and Meowdame Leota. I'm just gonna list off some facts about all of them, because I love all of them. XD
facts about Leota !
she adores her brother, Purrlock. she literally has a shrine dedicated to him under my sisters desk. like. his old collars, his favorite toys, a little drawing of him (I'm not fucking joking, it's a drawing on a wine cork my sister got at an art faire).
she is the sweetest, quietest, most polite cat I have ever met
facts about Purrlock !
he looks like a little cow. he eats like one too XD
he would sell you to satan for one (1) treat
facts about Ulrich !
he is the BIGGEST diva. sometimes he refuses to eat unless he is spoon fed. he refuses to jump down from locations he jumped onto and acts like he can't get down without help. thinks hes bigger than he is and tries to act like it. he sometimes refuses to climb the back stairs and must be carried indoors like a baby. he is also very judgmental.
he is terrified of Leota, but fine with the other cats XD
one time he got stuck on our porch because his way was blocked and he couldn't back up. after saving his sorry little butt, he did it again.
facts about Sedona !
she hates my guts. why ? because she doesn't like leashes, medication, or going places she does not want to go... and I was responsible for doing all that. now my sister handles it, thankfully. I love the dog, she just hates me. :c
acts stupid, is actually very smart
she would sell you to satan for one (1) ear rub
gassy. poor baby has some digestion issues unfortunately :c but we do what we can for her. we can always tell she isn't feeling good because she gets grumpy, but then I get grumpy too when my stomach doesn't feel good so.
facts about Bruin !
my favoritest boy (don't tell Gambit XD)
he is the sweetest, most stupid dog you will ever meet. we live in the country and are surrounded by cow fields. one time, when he was still pretty young, he got out and came back with a gash in his head. vet says a cow most likely kicked him. :c even though he was already pretty sweet and derpy before that, I like to joke that everything changed after "the accident". poor guy.
he thinks cows are his friends. "cows" is his trigger word I s2g. you say cows and his ears perk up, he gets so excited, its adorable. he just sits outside and watches them. also ? every day, around 6 pm, he goes out to the side yard and barks at the cows in our neighbors field. idk why, I think that's when they get fed so they move to that side of the field ? but without fail, he's out there barking.
he has excited tail syndrome. the kind of dog that wags their tail and their whole body just starts wiggling and shaking. he's adorable.
facts about Gambit !
is literally screaming at me right now
only drinks cold water, but he does not like ice
a cuddle baby. he's literally such a loving baby boy, I love him.
thinks hes tough. is not actually tough.
thinks he's gonna inherit my stuff when I die, so he keeps trying to kill me (joking)
thinks he's cute (he is cute) but he needs to be constantly reminded
does NOT !! like kisses
is in a situationship with Purrlock, thinks its Leota
and now to answer the "are they smart" portion of this question. Sedona and Ulrich ? they act stupid but we know they are smart. Bruin is as dumb as they come, unfortunately, but he makes up for it by being incredibly sweet. Purrlock and Gambit have a single brain cell each, and fight over the third to make fire. Leota has all the cat brain cells but dedicates them solely to loving on her brother.
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ael59 · 2 years
〈Film〉 Chevalier
En Europe, au XIVème siècle, William Thatcher est un modeste écuyer qui a un don inné pour l’équitation et les combats de joute, un talent qu’il décide d’exploiter après la mort de son maître Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein. Mais ne concoure pas qui veut dans les tournois, il faut être un noble. Il prend alors l’identité de son défunt seigneur et part sur les routes de France avec ses compagnons…
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cosmoglass · 3 years
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Thoughts on cinema’s loveliest blacksmith –
I used to think I’d prefer the story to go that William needs to realise that Kate (Laura Fraser) is actually so much more interesting and uncomplicated than Jocelyn (Shannyn Sossamon), which would mean her role would be similar to Sossamon’s in 40 Days and 40 Nights.
When I watched A Knight’s Tale again recently though I appreciated what a relief it is that the story can feature a good-looking young woman without having her longing for the infatuated William and without having any of the three friends of William becoming infatuated with her. Perhaps it’s unrealistic but it is nice to be able to spend a couple of hours hanging out with four guys and a girl who aren’t after each other.
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beautyarchive · 3 years
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Laura Fraser in A Knight’s Tale (2001).
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goblinsteeth · 4 years
This is so niche but: William Thatcher gets pegged no I will not explain myself
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shortviolet · 4 years
y’all mind if i offer my heart to sir william thatcher ulrich von lichtenstein real quick
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rubickk7 · 4 years
Fic Update
Latest chapter on my A Knight’s Tale/TM AU is posted.  Getting close to the end!
Quentin did not notice the looks on their faces at first - which were very grave. Eliot’s eyes were red-rimmed, and Josh was the most serious he had ever seen him. “Josh! Eliot!” he greeted, with a smile. Then his smile faded as he really looked at them. Josh refused to meet his eyes.
“Did somebody die?” Julia asked, alarmed.
Josh sighed. “Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein,” he said somberly.
Quentin looked from Eliot to Josh, and then back to Eliot. “What?” he whispered, feeling the earth fall out from under him. This is it, the voice whispered. Don’t act like you didn’t know it was coming.
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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A Knight’s Tale (2001)
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movietvseriesfreeme · 3 years
A Knight's Tale
A Knight’s Tale
William Thatcher, a peasant, is sent to apprentice with a Knight named Hector as a young boy. Urged by his father to “change his Stars”, he assumes Sir Hector’s place in a tournament when Hector dies in the middle of it. He wins. With the other apprentices, he trains and assumes the title of Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein.
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animeawake-blog · 6 years
A Knight's Tale
A Knight’s Tale
William Thatcher, a peasant, is sent to apprentice with a Knight named Hector as a young boy. Urged by his father to “change his Stars”, he assumes Sir Hector’s place in a tournament when Hector dies in the middle of it. He wins. With the other apprentices, he trains and assumes the title of Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein.
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rosemarykrehbie · 6 years
The Grand Delicious Restaurant
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It’s not a life hack, per se. In fact, it’s the low-hangingest of fruits, one of those things a lot of people pick up well before adulthood. But, in the interest of no-stone-left-unturned, no adulting method unconsidered, we’ll take a quick peek at this one, anyway.
Think of it as a quick, healthy, non-addictive pick-me-up.
We use movies for this one, but it can be any healthy creative outlet with a proven track record of lifting your spirits. Not permanently, of course, we’re only looking for quick hits to combat temporary cratering of energy and mood.
By the way, binge-watching doesn’t qualify here ‘cause we’re looking for sports medicine skills. Something that gets us back in the game as quickly as possible. So an hour-and-a-half, two hours is ideal. Even a pair of half-hour TV comedy episode’ll do the trick.
Big Bang Theory, for instance.
It’s basically taking manual control of our mood at the end of a day that’s run us to ground one way or other. Maybe it’s the end of a day that falls within a longer stretch of challenging or frustrating... and we need the energy or attitude boost.
Plus, it’s hardly the worst thing in the world to end our days on a super good laugh.
So we’re at Half Price Books in Lynnwood last night searching through their clearance section in the back for really good finds. No luck on the books, though. Turning around and checking out the DVDs, on the other hand... we struck gold.
Now, all the movies we found are movies we already own on VHS. But, in this era of streaming, we really are looking to, at the very least, upgrade our VHS collection to DVD. 
What can I say? We’re behind the times... we just don’t wanna be that far behind.
The common thread between these particular flicks is that they’re all go-to’s for us. The kinds of stories and performances that supply levity and spirit at the end of the day. No matter what. And without fail.
They even have a little heart.
In the order in which we found them, they are “Say Anything (Special Edition)”, “10 Things I Hate About You (Special Edition)”, “A Knight’s Tale (Special Edition)”, and “Biloxi Blues”.
D.C.: Lloyd, why do you have to be like this?
Lloyd Dobler: 'Cause I'm a guy. I have pride.
Corey Flood: You're not a guy.
Lloyd Dobler: I am.
Corey Flood: No. The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don't be a guy.
Kat Stratford: We're going now.
Walter Stratford: Alright, wait a minute. No drinking, no drugs, no kissing, no tattoos, no piercings, *no* ritual animal slaughters of any kind. Oh, God, I'm giving them ideas.
Adhemar: And you are?
William: Well, I am, um.
Adhemar: You've forgotten, or your name is Sir Um?
William: Ulrich von Lichtenstein from Gelderland.
Adhemar: Well, I'd forget as well, what a mouthful.
Eugene Morris Jerome: Man it's hot. It's like Africa hot. Tarzan couldn't take this kind of hot.
Arnold Epstein: Why do you think I'm a homosexual?
Eugene Morris Jerome: I guess it's because you never talk about girls.
Arnold Epstein: I never talk about dogs either. Does that make me a cocker spaniel?
Sergeant Toomey: What would you do if the entire Japanese Army were behind you?
Eugene Morris Jerome: Surrender and get some sleep.
Toomey: "Something wrong with your dinner, Carney?" 
Carney: "Yes, Sarge. It’s the first food I was ever afraid of.
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