#sincere apology to all the 1D fans though
myopicmeerkat · 1 year
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. <3
One Direction's songs are just fine at best and horribly cringey at worst.
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
Walking in the wind
Harry Potter x reader
Words: 3000+
Warnings: it’s not happy, sorry babes :)
after the song: Walking in the Wind by One Direction
A/N: I’m a 1D fan, don’t judge me... 
He had broken up with you a week ago. He had been convinced that it wasn't working anymore and that you both knew that. He had broken you in scatters convinced you had known it was coming.
‘Harry, what do you mean?’
‘We both know it, (Y/N). It's not working anymore.’
He looked at you with those greens eyes. The eyes that used to fill you with butterflies every time you saw them. The eyes that had been a guide in the dark to you. In your darkest moments you had relied on those two green eyes.
And now they were the eyes that looked at you in sincere, as you felt your heart break apart.
He had broken up with you a week ago and had turned your shared home into his. It wasn't your place anymore. It was a stranger's house. You couldn't go there anymore. What had once been the place where you had felt at home, was now the home of someone else.
He had broken up with you a week ago. You were not whole anymore. You felt like a part of you was missing. The emptiness in your heart filled you with sorrow and left you down in your life.
- -- -
Harry reached over to the left side of the bed only to find it empty, realising that you were gone. Though there was some part of him sad about not being with you anymore, he knew that it hadn't been working. The fire that had been there for so long had faded into the slightest spark.
Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Harry lookes around in the room. There were so many memories there. Past memories.
You giggled happily as Harry pulled the sheets off you.
‘Five more minutes! Please?’ you asked with a pout.
Harry leaned forward and placed a kiss on your mouth, making your grip lessen. He pulled the sheets away and you yelled. With a smirk on his face Harry brought his cold hands closer to your body.
‘No!’ you cried out as you realised what Harry was doing. ‘Harry don't!’
But he didn't listen to you and placed his ice cold hands on your skin, sending a shiver across your body. You laughed and pushed Harry away.
‘Fine! I'll get up!’ you said and swung your legs out of the bed.
Harry let go of you and watched as you sat up straight in your bed.
‘That's all I asked for,’ he chucked and turned around. ‘Breakfast?’
‘Sounds lovely, honey,’ you said behind Harry's back as he left the bedroom, very much aware that you were back in bed before he had disappeared.
- -- -
Harry's chest was cold as he walked into the kitchen in his boxers. He made himself breakfast in silence.
That was one of the things that had made the most difference; there was silence in the house. When you had still lived here, there had always been some kind of noise. Whether from the TV, the radio or just you talking to either yourself or Harry. But now those sounds weren't there and Harry really appreciated the silence.
He watched the news while wolfing his breakfast and then quickly got dressed. He was late, but he always was.
‘You're late,’ you said, looking at your watch as Harry walked up to you.
You were standing impatiently at the door of the apartment building, waiting for Harry.
‘I had to finish something,’ Harry said, already feeling annoyed.
He was only ten minutes late. Could he help it that you always wanted to be on time? No one bothered it if you would come ten minutes later that planned.
You frowned your eyebrows. ‘You're always late,’ you spoke coldly.
It was a fight that you often had. A small thing like this, could throw you off and suddenly Harry found himself attacked on things he didn't even know he did. It annoyed him greatly, but he never said it because it would just make the fight bigger and Harry didn't want to fight.
‘I said that I had to finish something,’ Harry repeated himself. ‘Can we go now?’
‘Fine,’ you said sharply and ignored Harry's looks as you walked to the car.
Now he had broken up with you, there was no one that complained he was late. No one told him to hurry or would get angry because he would miss something.
And yes, of course the break-up had its consequences on Harry's life but you and him had split on friendly terms. There were no grudges. No necessity for apologies. You and him were friends, like you had been before you had started dating. Harry could just walk into you and it would be like nothing ever happened.
- -- -
On the other side of the city you woke up, stretching out to have the lonelines wash over you as you felt emptiness next to you. The place where Harry used to lie.
After he broke up with you, you had gone to Hermione’s and Pansy’s place. They had let you in and had taken care of you, telling you to stay as long as you wanted and needed. You had spent the nights on their couch, but had not slept a lot. It was weird sleeping without Harry next to you. You missed the warmth of his body, his breathing and his hands.
‘Rise and shine, darling,’ Pansy said as she walked into living room wearing Hermione's shirt.
‘Ugh,’ you said, rubbing your eyes.
Pansy opened the curtains and stumbled to the kitchen, giving you time to properly get up too. You crawled off the couch and put on two different socks before follwing Pansy to the kitchen.
‘Coffee?’ Pansy asked, while flipping through the pages of an old fashion magazine.
‘Yes, please,’ you said, placing yourself on one of the barstools at the kitchen island.
You grabbed the magazine and mindlessly browsed through it, not even looking at the pictures.
You had finally convinced Harry to come shop with you. It had taken you three weeks but now he was finally walking with you through the mall.
Harry's wardrobe desperately needed change. For the past five years he had worn nothing but black jeans and old T-shirts. And while he had grown and gained more muscles over the years, his clothes had stayed the same.
‘How ‘bout this?’ Harry asked and he spun in front of you.
He was wearing blue, slim fit jeans with a red shirt and, God bless, a leather jacket. It looked good on him. The colour of his shirt made his eyes brighter and the jeans was tight around the muscles of his legs. It looked really good on him.
‘You look great,’ you said, grinning at your boyfriend.
‘So great you want to take it off?’ Harry asked and he winked at you.
‘I don't know,’ you said smirking. ‘Show me some more.’
The doorbell rang.
‘I'll get it!’ Hermione yelled from the living room, where she apparently was.
Pansy placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of you and rested her arms on the kitchen counter while she watched you burn your mouth on the drink.
‘It wouldn't hurt you to sleep. You know that, right?’ she asked you.
You smiled. ‘I know. I just can't.’
Pansy turned around and started on breakfast. ‘Hermione got some sort of tea that's supposed to make you sleep better. Maybe you should try that.’
‘Yeah, maybe I should...’
Staring at Pansy's back you listened to the sounds Hermione and the person who rang the bell were making. They were having a heated discussion it seemed. After a few minutes they conversation stopped and the front door closed.
Hermione entered the kitchen, fully dressed and ready for her day.
‘Who was that?’ Pansy asked, kissing Hermione goodmorning.
‘Morning to you too, honey,’ Hermione chuckled before she muttered something you couldn't hear and neither did Pansy because she asked,
‘It was Harry. He's going to the ministry too and he offered me a ride. I told him to meet me downstairs in five minutes,’ Hermione answered while avoiding your look and she took the toast Pansy was holding up for her.
‘Okay, have fun at work, love. I'll see you at lunch?’
Hermione placed a quick kiss on Pansy's lips and made her way out of the kitchen.
‘Bye, Hermione!’ you yelled.
The front door closed and the apartment filled with silence.
‘You wanna see him?’ Pansy asked and she nudged her head to the window.
You got up from your seat and hesitantly walked to the big window that gave view to the street. There, below on the sidewalk, you recognised a mess of black hair as Harry. He was wearing the leather jacket you had given him for his birthday last year. You sighed and looked away; he looked good. It seemed he was doing way better than you, like you had been a burden to him all those years.
‘You don't know how he is, darling,’ Pansy said next to you, like she could read your mind.
‘He looks good,’ you admitted to her while you sat back down at the kitchen island. ‘I miss him.’
Pansy snorted and shook her head. ‘You shouldn't. He broke up with you and he never told you why! He is a pathetic jerk!’
‘But he was my jerk,’ you sighed playing with the spoon in your coffee.
‘Oh, cut the bullshit. I wish I could stay here all day, trying to remind you of what a douche he is, but unfortunately some of us have work to do!’
Pansy danced out of the kitchen leaving you alone with you thoughts.
- -- -
‘You never tell me anything!’
‘How was I supposed to know you wanted me to tell you?’
‘Because this is important, Harry!’ you breezed. ‘This is your job we're talking about!’
‘It's nothing! Why do you always make things three times bigger than they are?’
‘I don't! I just wished you’d told me!’
‘There was nothing to tell! Stop being such a pain in the ass and let me live my own life for once!’ Harry growled and you stepped back.
‘I'm sorry for trying to love you! Guess I'll just stop then, huh?’ you asked, raising your voice.
‘I can't let you take over my life! (Y/N), I love you, but I need my own space and my own time.’ Harry's voice had gotten softer but his words still hurt.
‘I understand, Harry. But I want to be there for you. And I can't help you if you don't let me into your life.’
You looked at Harry as he stared back at you. This argument had been happening often lately and both of you were sick of it, but neither wanted to give in. You wanted Harry to tell you more and Harry wanted you to give him his time.
But this day, it was too much for you. The past months of little arguments had tired you, both physically and mentally. You loved Harry, but if this was what the future would be like, maybe it shouldn't be the future.
So you broke. You broke and fell on your knees. The tears streamed down your face and your breaths turned into sobs. Harry quicky sat down next to you and took you in his arms. The two of you stayed there all night, whispering how much you loved each other, promising to listen to the other's wishes and telling each other that this was forever.
- -- - 
‘Happy birthday, mate!’ Harry congratulated Ron.
All Harry's friends were there, each and every one happily and carefree talking. It had been awhile since all of them had been together, but it felt like nothing had changed.
‘I would like to make a toast, everyone!’ Seamus spoke, silencing the group. ‘Let's raise put glasses to the birthday boy-'
‘Man!’ Ron interrupted him.
‘Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night. We have all known him for a long time and...’
Seamus went on but Harry's attention shifted to something else; you. You weren't here. While you were such good friends with Ron. Why would you miss his birthday?
‘...to Ron!’
‘To Ron!’ the people around Harry said and toasted.
Harry lifted his glass to and took a sip like everyone else, but then he turned to Hermione, who sat next to him.
‘Where's (Y/N)?’ he asked her.
‘At home,’ Hermione answered curtly.
‘You're kidding right?’ Pansy said before Hermione could answer, though her face was the same as her girlfriend's.
‘No,’ Harry spoke slowly.
‘You broke up with her! Why would she want to see you now?’
‘But we're friends! I broke up with her because as a couple we didn't work! But we stayed friends! I don't know why she has been avoiding me the past week. I did nothing wrong!’
‘Harry, you are unbelievable,’ Hermione said and then walked away.
Pansy gave him a final angry look and then followed Hermione to the other side of the bar. Harry was left alone and in doubt. Did he do something wrong? But what? You and him had both known that you weren't working together.
- -- - 
It was raining. Or better said the sky was falling down on earth.
Hurriedly you ran down the street. You had been working all day and had promised Pansy and Hermione to cook, but you had to get the groceries. Completely soaked you gave up on running and slowed down.
The second the door closed behind you Harry hurried into the hall with a big towel. The water was dripping from the edge of your hair on the floor, creating puddles around your feet that were wet too.
‘Oh, babe, c’mere,’ Harry said and he wrapped the towel around you after you had taken off you coat. ‘I told you it was going to rain.’ Harry’s words were strict but his voice was soft and he chuckled.
He took you to the bathroom, not once letting go of you. He helped you get dried up and brought you his favourite sweater. As he was rubbing the towel on your head to dry your hair his eyes fell onto your lips. You blushed and placed them on his mouth.
The towel was soon forgotten as Harry wrapped his arms around your body, puling you close to him. His hands rested on your hips as his tongue roamed your mouth. You felt a heat spreading in your body that had nothing to do with the heating in the room. Harry had the ability to make your inside turn into fire. And back to ice the second he let go of you.
‘I’ll make you tea,’ he said as he broke the kiss.
His hands lingered on your body before he left the bathroom.
It was at the end of the street when you turned the corner and saw him.
Harry was walking in your direction. His head bowed forward for the rain, but he would definitely see you if you walked past him.
You had not spoken to him since that awful day he broke up. And you had not seen him since he had picked up Hermione a week ago.
He had come by though. Multiple times. But every time Hermione or Pansy had sent him away. He had tried to contact you too. Your phone was full of missed calls and unopened texts. But you wanted nothing to do with him anymore. It was over. He had made that clear.
And yet as he came closer you felt a tingle in your stomach. The thought of him seeing you and immediately forgetting why he had broken up flashed your mind as you watched him look up. But when he saw you, the tingle made you nauseous.
‘(Y/N)! Wait!’ Harry said as you had tried to make your way to the other side of the street.
You turned around and watched Harry approach you through the rain. His black hair was sticking to his face and his jacket was soaked from the rain.
But his eyes, his eyes were still the same. Still that safety-place. Still home.
‘Why have you been avoiding me?’ Harry asked.
Roughly were you pulled out of your trance.
‘We broke up Harry. That usually means you stop seeing each other,’ you replied.
‘But why? We're friends!’
‘We're friends? Why would you think that?’
‘Because that's why we broke up remember? We weren't working as a couple so we went back to friends.’
‘No, Harry! You broke up with me! When will you realise that I never wanted to break up? I loved you! And then you sit down next to me one day and you rip my life to pieces.’
The rain kept falling and with the drops so spilled your words.
‘We had everything! I loved you so much! I gave you my everything. All I ever wanted was for you to treat me with respect. But you never even gave a reason why! Why did you stop loving me, Harry?’
‘I never stopped loving you,’ Harry said softly, his words almost inaudible by the rain. ‘But it costed too much effort. Things weren't going smoothly. And maybe we could've worked on it, but I never felt you wanted to. I thought you knew it too.’
‘Well I didn't.’
There fell a silence over you as you took in his words. You really hadn't known the reason and it hurt even more now you did.
‘Can't we just go back to how it was before we got together?’ Harry asked, a hint of desperation in his voice.
You smiled painfully at him. ‘No, we can't. You broke me and I don't know how long it will take to fix me. You can't just go back to the past because it's familiar,’ you spoke. ‘Goodbye Harry.’
You walked away and left Harry behind in the rain.
Yes, you would see him again. In places you had never been, for reasons you would never understand, walking in the wind.
@kitkatkl @girllety @yuptha-tsme
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Can you do Marinette for next character ask/ml sugar pls?
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Why I like them: Despite being immature in many ways— I guess by that, I mean her obsessive behavior, but really guys… she *just* turned 14. You know who else is 14? 1D fanfic writers (but more on that later)— in other ways, she’s more mature than adults. First, she’s self-aware, and she’s willing to take responsibility/humble herself when the time comes. Even though a lot of this is because Tikki guides her, it means a lot that she actually listens. I know so many adults that would rather be petty. 
And when I say self-aware I mean a lot of things. For one, she understands when she’s doing something… mm… not so great. Many of these things are for comic relief/exaggeration/situational comedy/slapstick (which is pretty much the extent small children get from it), but it’s still evident that she feels guilty or hesitant. 
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does that look like the face of someone who’s comfortable with her own actions? 
Kids who watch heroes look for (and need) confidence and justice. Neither of which are happening in this scene or in some others, and from the kids that I know… they’re totally aware of it. Some might blatantly shout at Marinette as they watch her do something wrong, others might not say anything but… trust me they aren’t taking notes. 
The thing is, I’m glad she’s a main female character… who screws up…. a loT. The hero isn’t supposed to be perfect, and I mean that in a general way. Flat villains are perfect in their own realm, so I don’t think imperfect characters are only better for writing, they’re better people or can become better people. A perfect individual is a comfortable and consistent one, a person needs ups and downs to improve. 
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It’s a bit like kim possible, except Marinette commits more errors because she’s younger and less adventurous… so in a way she’s a bit naive to the world (Kim Possible may as well be an ambassador, so she’s cultured and still makes really cringey mistakes eyes the wheelchair episode). We grew up watching her make these mistakes so we could see them get fixed, if they never happened we wouldn’t know for better or for worse. What’s more, it’s most important coming from the main character. So… I’m proud of her. 
Another thing is that she watches her own behavior in the future. She’s learning to trust that Adrien won’t fall for Lila’s gags, she’s learning to talk to him and move away from being a fan (bluntly pointed out in Troublemaker, she actually sees herself as more of a fan than as a friend. Yes, she was lying to cover herself, but she had pictures of all of her friends up… she didn’t use friendship as an excuse? And why did the excuse come to her so naturally? It might be obvious, but she gets flustered and doesn’t come up with good lies… honestly ‘because im a fan’ is pretty fair), and she’s learning how to treat Chat Noir. 
I would almost say in Season 1 that Ladybug was pretty flippant to Chat Noir, and I know it was cute at times but people usually behave this way with someone they feel close to already… so why didn’t she ever take the time to take him seriously? Ever since Glaciator, Ladybug has learned how sensitive he is. She didn’t judge him so quickly as to assume that he felt entitled to her, or that he was throwing a simple/unimportant tantrum that could be shrugged off. She took the time to read into the situation and see what exactly was going through his head. Emotions are never a joke, especially in a city where someone like Hawkmoth is a concern. She was cool and collected like a therapist, especially because she sympathized where his feelings were coming from (not too long before she had gotten upset with some ice cream man that was just doing his everyday thing and ditched her friends because she felt hopeless and betrayed by Adrien). Granted she never said anything against him, but she didn’t get forced into a situation where she had to confront him either. 
She also knew that reacting harshly would only make things worse, and then neither of them would get off from their high-horse. Compassion is what gets a person to reflect and feel respected. She looked him sincerely in the eyes and apologized, and she expected the same from him. She set the stage, and he responded. They ended up fine, and he even reacted well to the infamous ‘friendzone’, because well… he treasures friends too, and he didn’t know Ladybug considered him to be one. Ladybug was surprised, but now that she knew he had felt abandoned not only that night but since the beginning, she took note that he has trouble reading when a person cares about him deeply (and we all know he does, his love receptors are broken both in his household and as seen in the most recent ep). 
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She is much softer with him now but very explicit. She doesn’t beat around the bush, she tells him exactly what he needs to hear. 
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“Chat Noir! You know you’re irreplaceable.” 
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Look at that face, he knows now that you said it. 
It’s actually quite motherly… I mean this is a perfect response. She adjusts to the needs of her friends accordingly rather than treating them equally, because friends don’t always need the same thing. Equity over equality. She’s an excellent example and so much more than the “Huff… I’m a strong independent woman and I don’t care about men and if anyone ever sasses me I’ll choke them. Also I don’t paint my nails, that’s for babies” You can be strong and independent without sacrificing any of these things. It’s not about making enemies, it’s about standing up for yourself— and those you care about. 
I could look for so many examples of how she looks out for her friends and makes sure to mind their feelings and experiences before getting all defensive, but that would be… the entire show. 
She’s imperfectly perfect and perfectly imperfect. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Zombisou... and maybe Chameleon and Oniichan. She was angry about so many different things and had so much pressure on herself— including the fact that in each of these she had to protect/comfort/defend someone anyone else in their right mind would rather spit on. But Marinette is noble, she knows how to keep herself together when she needs to. When it comes down to it, the people she’s so angry with are human too. They have hearts with burdens of their own that she doesn’t even know about, if something were to happen to them she would care. She has the responsibility to keep them safe, but also she wants to. There’s a difference between a pain in the ass and a monster, and besides she isn’t the judge of the universe, it’s not her place to decide what someone gets and doesn’t get. Maybe they aren’t getting everything they deserve, but if every human being got what they deserved we’d all be struck dead by lightning. 
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And she certainly doesn’t wish death upon them. And as we’ve all noted, whether it’s seen publically or not... what goes around comes around. 
Favorite season/movie: Season 2 wins again... for now, it aint over yet
Favorite line: Uhh... dang it this again... how about the one above? “You know you’re irreplaceable?” and every other uwu line she has. She is so soft hhuhhggn 
Favorite outfit: The cute lil maid outfit from Animaestro
OTP: Well it’s the same as what I put for Adrien, Marichat. For noncanon... mmm.. I think Kagaminette but Ninette is p damn close 
Brotp: I mean??? ALyanette duh. But you know since right now Ladynoir is technically platonic.... they’re pretty lit as bros too (marichat is too but so far fanon is the only place they’ve truly become bro bros) 
Headcanon: She wouldn’t have all of those pictures of Adrien if she felt even remotely close to him. I think those fics where she has photos up of Chat Noir should be canon, just like how she has ones of her friends, but she has soo many of Adrien which sets him apart from friendship like I said before. She’s insecure and taking advantage of the fact that he’s famous af, none of us can truly relate to having access to so many amazing photos of our crushes... and to sort of continue with the next question..
Unpopular opinion: These days a phone’s photobook may as well be a private wall to hang pictures on so really... Marinette is an exaggeration of exactly what people do— mostly young girls, which she happens to be— and hey get off of your crushes Instagram while you’re at it. It’s actually pretty normal, it’s not the best behavior but again, you need to have that cringey low to climb higher. And anyhow it’s all for the joke of it, no one is supposed to take these things seriously. But I’ll let you all know when my younger cousins start hanging up stalker photos of their noncelebrity crushes “because marinette did it so it must be ok” 
Honestly, not even the borderline ooc things are that bad. Like... they’re bad... but it’s a good thing to show, as in it’s not too horrendous to use as an example. It works because it’s so unrealistic, but with very real behaviors that kids need to address in themselves by watching Marinette. I would say some of her actions straddle between IC and OOC, not either-or. 
(WARNING: Do not read on if you have intensely strong feelings toward L/u/k/a to the point of sensitivity over any mild criticism as a character or as he is written. If you’re pretty chill reading anything then you’re fine, I didn’t say anything cruel I only gave an opinion as mildly as I could. The point of the honest opinion section is not to be salty but to express my point of view without insults)
Her crush on Adrien at this point in time is no more or less unhealthy than her crush with L/u/k/a— which is still unclear because for some reason In Silencer she still looked like she was on the brink of deciding she had a crush. She’s kind to L/u/k/a and he’s kind back, but she isn’t very nice. The difference is that it’s not very nice to ask someone on a date to spy on your main crush, it’s not very nice to indulge in the affection someone gives you as a chew toy while you wait for your crush and try avoiding the guy who is deeply in love with you and you sorta like him too. (He fell for her incredibly quickly and she did too despite feeling insulted by him moments before, unfortunately he’s a fallback she feels almost nothing for and she’s directing her ‘oh-no-feelings-for-someone-who-isnt-adrien’ chat noir attack to l/u/k/a because with him, she knows its easily uprooted).This goes back to the importance of not always being at your best behavior for a child audience to learn from you, but my unpopular opinion is that she and Adrien are not toxic and she and l/u/k/a are not a godsend. He’s also the equivalent of a High school sophomore dating an 8th grader? So... it’s kinda weird that he’s advancing? (I censored his name for the sake of avoiding conflict, I’m stating this for the unpopular opinion and I said it in as straight as I could because I don’t want salt to touch this. I respect L/u/k/a as a character, he’s a good boy. I’m disagreeing and agreeing to disagree by trying not to engage.) 
Wish: Please, let her find out Chat Noir’s identity first... I beg you. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Except don’t let the reveal happen right after one of them is rejected... that... that would be really bad. 
5 words to best describe them: Noble, responsible, creative, strong, kind
 My nickname for them: I like Marigold and Shortcake, I’ve used them in fics and I cry
anyway she’s one of the best protags don’t @ me when I have kids they’ll be watching her and adrien and they will be who they’re raised on
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