#simon sosa
wiiildflowerrr · 1 year
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simonantsosa 5SOS DUPE
I’ve seen my work being ripped off, but what is this? @coachella
People gotta do better than stealing off artists on their mood boards. Original artwork made with @samm @schrier.xyz @naason.andrew @otherhalfcreative for @5sos
4 February 2023
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aromantic-enjolras · 6 months
10, 33, 45 for the spotify asks !
Thank you for the ask!!
10. "Train in the Distance", by Paul Simon.
This one is not a brainrot song: I just like the vibe. Also the lyric "From time to time, he'd tip his heart, but each time she withdrew" is just good songwriting.
33. "Coming Back as a Man", by Caro Emerald.
This is from a brainrot with @shamedumpster: in the US in the 30s, Éponine and Courfeyrac are both part of a union self-defense group (yes, they've definitely committed murders, this is union work in the 30s). They bond over crossdressing (Courf is a female impersonator and Éponine enjoys the freedom men's clothes give her). At one point Éponine has to ask him to go with her to some legal shit because she needs a "male signature" and the minute they're done they exchange outfits. Éponine is in love with the expensive-looking suit.
45. "Canción del Derrumbe Indio", by Mercedes Sosa.
This is in my Feuilly-core playlist. It's a song from the POV of an American Indian (probably South American, considering the composer is Argentinian) bemoaning the loss of their civilization and culture to the Spanish invaders. And you know, no matter what origin you give Modern Era Feuilly, he would be really, really into anti-colonialist movements.
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sosa-royals · 1 year
Any number for whichever sim you want to answer it for lol
Lol - you don't realise how much harder this is to do 😂
But I'll give you what you want.
For Simon
38: Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
I think this answers itself but for the fun of it: Simon is 100% for removing a problem/threat. He's not afraid to do it directly either, but to protect his image in the eyes of the people he loves, he's more likely to do this indirectly
Thanks for the ask!! 🤍
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lashton-is-my-drug · 2 years
June 8, 2022
Ash posts to his ig story. Artwork of himself by ig simonantsosa and also changes his profile pic to it. Ash posts video from the Midnight Oil concert he attended.
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fourthwingfan · 3 months
Madness - Chapter 4
Warning: It's a war college so don't read it if you sensitive to violence death etc.
Note: We have finally a "decent" conversation between Xaden and Aelin. And guess what? We have a new nickname. From Xaden. Soo goood. 😍
Enjoy :)
The sparring ring is where riders are made or broken. After all, no respectable dragon would choose a rider who cannot defend themselves, and no respectable cadet would allow such threat to the wing to continue training.
-Major Afendra’s guide to the Riders Quadrant
(Unauthorized Edition)
“Elena Sosa, Brayden Blackburn.” Captain Fitzgibbons reads from the death roll, flanked by two other scribes on the dais as we stand in silent formation in the courtyard, squinting into the early sun.
This morning, we’re all in rider black, and there’s a single silver four-pointed star on my collarbone, the mark of a first-year, and a Fourth Wing patch on my shoulder. We were issued standard uniforms yesterday, summer-weight tightfitted tunics, pants, and accessories after Parapet was over, but not flight leathers. There’s no point handing out the thicker, more protective combat uniforms when half of us won’t be around come Threshing in October. The armored corset Mira made us isn’t regulation, but I fit right in among the hundreds of modified uniforms around me.
After the last twenty-four hours and one night in the first-floor barracks, I’m starting to realize that this quadrant is a strange mix of we-might-die-tomorrow hedonism and a brutal efficency in the name of the same reason.
“Jace Sutherland.” Captain Fitzgibbons continues to read, and the scribes next to him shift their weight. “Dougal Luperco.”
I think we’re somewhere in the fifties, but I lost count. This is the only memorial the names will get, the only time they’ll be spoken of in the citadel.
There are a hundred and fifty-six of us in the first floor of the dormitory building, our beds positioned in four neat rows in the open space. Private rooms are like flight leathers - you don’t get one until you survive Threshing.
“Simone Casteneda.” Captain Fitzgibbons closes the scroll. “We commend their souls to Malek.” The god of death.
I blink. Guess we were closer to the end than I thought.
There’s no formal conclusion to the formation, no last moment of silence. The names on the scroll leave the dais with the scribes, and the quiet is broken as the squad leaders all turn and begin to address their squads.
“Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because you’re not going to get another chance before lunch,” our squad leader says. His name is Theo as we learnt after yesterday’s events. For first impression he seem to be a pretty calm guy. He talked about the rules but not like Dain based on what Violet said last night. I swear the rules are his gods.
In our squad there are third- and second-years besides us, marked and non-marked ones. We’re a really mixed group.
Yesterday I didn’t have a chance to observe our squad mates because when Theo’s briefing was over I went to find Violet. We succeeded securing beds next to each other. Rhiannon too. We talked about a lot of things due to the fact that we’re not in the same squad. I can’t be with her for every lesson, our schedule is different. Vi helped me memorising the order of my lessons. It’s a luck that at least I have good memory.
“Second- and third-years, I’m assuming you know where to go” Theo continues as the scribes wind their way around the edge of the courtyard to my right, headed back to their quadrant.
There’s a mutter of agreement from the senior cadets ahead of us. As first-years, we’re in the back two rows of the little square that makes up our squad.
“First-years, at least one of you should have memorized your academic schedule when it was handed out yesterday.” Theo’s voice booms over us. “Stick together. I expect you all to be alive when we meet this afternoon in the sparring gym.”
We only have the gym twice a week, so there should be time to help Violet learn a little more self defense. She’s smart and quick. She can do it.
I’m more worried about my own lessons. I have to put in so much extra hours to be up to date in our reading materials. Before Basgiath, Violet helped me to study. She often read aloud the texts while I tried to memorize its content. It’s easier. When I’m trying to read, it often makes me so frustrated. I’m trying to read, but I can’t. It’s a really slow process. But because of this I’m good at making notes. I only write down what is really important ‘cause later I have to read it again.
I hope the lessons will be tolerable. I can’t have Violet with me all the time. It’s same for her. She needs to practice her skills before we’ll have to handle the Gauntlet - the vertical obstacle course they told us we’ll have to master when the leaves turn colors in two months.
If we can complete the final Gauntlet, we’ll walk through the natural box canyon above it that leads to the flight field for Presentation, where this year’s dragons willing to bond will get their first look at the remaining cadets. Two days after that, Threshing will occur in the valley beneath the citadel.
I glance around at my new squadmates and can’t help but wonder which of us, if any, will make it to that flight field, let alone that valley.
Don’t borrow tomorrow’s trouble.
“And if we’re not?” One smart-ass first-year behind me asks.
I don’t bother looking, instead I turn to Liam and roll my eyes at the stupid’s girl comment.
He snickers but doesn’t say anything.
“Then I won’t have to be concerned with learning your name, since it will be read off tomorrow morning” Theo answers with a shrug.
A third-year ahead of me snorts a laugh.
Yeah, I totally understand you. It was funny. Or just my sense of humor is sucks.
“You have about twenty minutes to get to class,” Theo says to the seven of us first-years. “Fourth floor, second room on the left in the academic wing. Get your shit together and don’t be late.” Our squad breaks apart around the same time the others do, transforming the courtyard from an orderly formation to a crowd of chatting cadets. The second- and third-years walk off in another direction, including Theo.
“Go, grab your stuff and meet me here okay?” Liam says
“You’d be lost without me anyway.” I reply while heading to the doors.
“And here I thought you’d be kinder with a good night sleep, Snappy.” He sighs.
“Damn, I told you to drop this ridiculous nickname.” I hiss at him.
“Or what? We’re squadmates, you can’t hurt me” he winks.
“No. I can’t kill you. It’s completly different.” I say smiling.
“Whooah look at that. You can smile.”
“Shut up. Go grab your pack or I leave you here.” I roll my eyes.
I go to the dormitory where my bed is, and pick up my rucksack from under it.
When I walk out the door I see Violet at the center of the courtyard and her expression make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. She’s looking at somebody.
Oh shit.
Xaden Riorson is watching her with narrowed eyes, the sleeves of his uniform rolled up his massive arms that remain folded across his chest, the warning in his relic-covered arm on full display as a third-year next to him says something that he blatantly ignores.
Garrick was he?
There’s maybe twenty feet between us. My fingers twitch, ready to grab one of the blades sheathed at my ribs.
His head tilts and he studies me with those impossibly dark eyes, like he’s deciding where I’m most vulnerable. So he noticed me when I exited the dormitory. Interesting.
He smirks then his attention shifts to Violet, and Dain who emerges from behind the pillar.
Shit, do they have to be so obvious? Someone might misinterpret it.
Violet says something to Dain, then his gaze snaps up as the crowd thins out around us.
„I already knew your parents are tight,” Xaden calls out, a cruel smile tilting his lips. „But do you two have to be so fucking obvious?”
I told you, I sigh when the few cadets who are still in the rotunda turn to look at them.
„Let me guess,” Xaden continues, glancing between Dain and Violet, „Childhood friends? First loves, even?”
„I expected you to do a better job hiding where your affections lie, Aetos.” Xaden moves, walking down the steps.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I need to do something.
„Come on Riorson, you have eyes, now use it. You really think that Violet and Dain? I thought you’re smarter than that.” I sigh with feigned disappointment.
„Melgren?” He turns to me. „What are you? A watchdog? Always at Violet’s legs?”
Fucking asshole.
„Now you’re trying to insult me? How kind of you.” I smile at him sweetly. „And no. Violet can protect herself. I just don’t like the fact that now everybody thinks that they have something between them because of you. I didn’t know you liked to gossip.”
„With this attitude you won’t last long, Melgren. Throwing insults at everybody who dares to talk to you or Sorrengail.” He tilts his head to the side. „It’s like you’re a fucking ray of sunshine.”
„Then forgive this little Sunshine and her friend because we’ll have a lesson soon, and it would cast a really bad light on us if we were late. Don’t you think wingleader?” I gesture toward Violet to come with me.
„Hm. Then we should continue our interesting conversation later.” He says slowly with a smirk and I have a bad feeling about it. „And don’t forget to watch your back, Sunshine.” He turns and walks away.
Sunshine? A nickname? Really?
Damn, he’s handsome for sure but at the same time an enermous prick.
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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(1) Zona de promesas, song by Mercedes Sosa. (trans: "mom knows well, i've lost a battle) / (2) Copa América Final: Lionel Messi Tries to Slay His Ghosts - The New York Times / (3) Clarice Lispector, from the complete stories: 'one day less' / (4) Lionel Messi of Argentina closes his eyes during the national anthem prior to a match between Argentina and Paraguay as part of South American Qualifiers for Qatar 2022 at Estadio Alberto J. Armando on November 12, 2020 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo by Juan I. Roncoroni) / (5) Against Silence, Frank Bidart / (6) Lionel Messi of Argentina lifts the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Winner's Trophy during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Final match between Argentina and France at Lusail Stadium on December 18, 2022 in Lusail City, Qatar. (Photo by Julian Finney) / (7) Zona de promesas, song by Mercedes Sosa. (trans: it takes time to arrive and in the end, in the end there is a reward) / (8) Lionel Messi of Argentina celebrates with the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Winner's Trophy after the team's victory during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Final match between Argentina and France at Lusail Stadium on December 18, 2022 in Lusail City, Qatar. (Photo by Lars Baron) / (9) Lionel Messi speech after winning the 2023 Laureus World Sportsman of the Year. / (10) Lionel Messi of Argentina kisses the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Winner's Trophy while holding the adidas Golden Boot award after the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Final match between Argentina and France at Lusail Stadium on December 18, 2022 in Lusail City, Qatar. (Photo by Julian Finney) / (11) Tumblr textpost. / (12) Lionel Messi of Argentina celebrates with teammates after their fourth and winning penalty by Gonzalo Montiel in the penalty shootout during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Final match between Argentina and France at Lusail Stadium on December 18, 2022 in Lusail City, Qatar. (Photo by Maddie Meyer) / (13) Lionel Messi speech after winning the 2023 Laureus World Sportsman of the Year. / (14) Lionel Messi of FC Barcelona celebrates with his teammates after scoring his team's fourth goal during the La Liga match between FC Barcelona and Sevilla FC at Camp Nou on November 22, 2014 in Barcelona, Spain. Lionel Messi beat the number of goal in the Spanish La Liga of Telmo Zarra scoring his 252nd goal. (Photo by David Ramos) / (15) Lionel Messi is offered a hand by teammate Ezequiel Lavezzi of Argentina after the finial whistle and defeat at the World Cup Final match between Germany (1) and Argentina (0) at the Maracana Stadium on July 13, 2014 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Photo by Simon Bruty) / (16) Lionel Messi speech after winning the 2023 Laureus World Sportsman of the Year. / (17) Lionel Messi greet fans during a victory parade of the Argentina men's national football team after winning the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 on December 20, 2022 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo by Gustavo Pagano) / (18) Lionel Messi of Argentina holds the FIFA World Cup trophy during World Champions' celebrations after an international friendly between Argentina and Panama at Estadio Mas Monumental Antonio Vespucio Liberti on March 23, 2023 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Photo by Marcelo Endelli) / (19) Zona de promesas, song by Mercedes Sosa. (trans: in the zone of promises) / (20)  Lionel Messi of Argentina shoots the ball during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Group C match between Argentina and Mexico at Lusail Stadium on November 26, 2022 in Lusail City, Qatar. (Photo by Fu Tian).
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Ships that have already qualified (read before submitting):
Jude Lizowski/Jonesy Garcia
Tyler Kennedy "TK" Strand/Carlos Reyes
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Gwen Stacey
Willow Rosenberg/Winifred "Fred" Burkle
Francine Frensky/Muffy Crosswire
Susan Ivanova/Marcus Cole
Kate Kane (Batwoman)/Renee Montoya
Barry B. Benson/Vanessa Bloome
Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago
Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay
Jack Zimmermann/Eric "Bitty" Bittle
Justin "Ransom" Oluransi/Adam "Holster" Birkholtz
Larissa "Lara" Bogdan/Jasmine
Kelsey Pokly/Isabella "Stacks" Alvarado
Rebecca Bunch/Audra Levine
Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano
Rebecca Bunch/Nathaniel Plimpton
Samantha "Sam" Manson/Danniel "Danny" Fenton
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Selina Kyla (Catwoman)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Clark Kent (Superman)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)
Barney Guttman/Logan Nguyen
Shay Goldstein/Dominic Yun
Trina/Mendel Weisenbachfeld
Monica Gellar/Chandler Bing
Molly McGee/Libby Stein Torres
Rachel Berry/Noah Puckerman
Fiddleford McGucket/Stanford Pines
Cristina Yang/Owen Hunt
Cristina Yang/Preston Burke
Levi Schmidt/Nico Kim
Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam
James Wilson/Gregory House
The Baker and/The Baker's Wife
Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable
The Jewish People/The Shabbat Bride
Alec Hardison/Parker
Max Eisenhardt (Magneto)/Charles Xavier (Professor X)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)/James "Bucky" Barnes
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Michael Bech
Arnold "Arnie" Roth/Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Billy Kaplan (Wiccan)/Teddy Altman (Hulkling)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Hank McCoy (Beast)
Bobby Drake (Iceman)/Johnny Storm (The Human Torch)
Layla El Faouly/Mark Spector (Moon Knight)
Matthew Hawk (Two-Gun Kid II)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Betty Brant
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Eugene "Flash" Thompson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Felicia Hardy
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/ Harry Osborn
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Mary Jane "MJ" Watson
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Steve Rogers/Bernadette "Bernie" Rosenthal
Wanda Maximoff/The Vision
Midge Maisel/Susie Myerson
Hal Emmerich (Otacon)/Solid Snake
Casey Goldberg-Calderon/Lunella Lafayette
Fran Fine/Max Sheffield
Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar
Winston Schmidt/Cece Parekh
David Jacobs/Jack Kelly
Seth Cohen/Summer Roberts
Scout Touzani/Elias Wyrick
KJ Brandman/Mac Coyle
Lavinia Asimov/Poison Oak
Phineas Flynn/Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Anon's Mom/Dad
The person reading this & their partner
Jerry Seinfeld/Cosmo Kramer
Simon Lewis/Isabel Lightwood
Bram Greenfeld/Simon Spier
Miryem Mandelstam/The Staryk King
David Rose/Patrick Brewer
James T Kirk/S'chn T'gai Spock
Worf Rozhenko/Jadzia Dax
Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Brian Jeeter/Krejjh
Bobby Singer/Rufus Turner
Jonah Simms/Amy Sosa
Reish Lakish/Rabbi Yochanen
King David/Yonatan
Yaakov/The Angel
Rowan Roth/Neil Mcnair
Klaus Hargreeves/Dave Katz
Cecil Palmer/Carlos The Scientist
Josh Lyman/Donna Moss
Little Ash/Uriel
Lucille "Lucy" Kensington/Dr. Edison "Ed" Tucker
Fox Mulder/Dana Scully
Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer
Wanda Maximoff (The Scarlet Witch)/Jericho Drumm
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Shondra Kinsolving
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Talia Al Ghul
Ben Grimm (The Thing)/Alicia Masters
Velma Dinkley/Daphne Blake
Velma Dinkley/Marcie Fleach
Didi Pickles/Stu Pickles
Velma Dinkley/Coco Diablo
Babushka (Tatiana)/Dedushka (Ivan)
Kitty Pryde/Illyana Rasputin
Natasha Romanoff/Wanda Maximoff
Marc Spector (Moon Knight)/Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
S'chn T'gai Spock/James T Kirk/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
S'chn T'gai Spock/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Frankie Bergstein/Grace Hanson
Annie Edison/Jeff Winger
Maxine Myers/Paula Cohen
Baby Houseman/Johnny Castle
Michael "Mike" Wazowski/Celia Mae
Talmudic couple having gay sex in the attic
Tim Drake/Kon El (Conner Kent)
Violet Baudelaire/Quigley Quagmire
Reuben Kent/Feliks Kaufmann
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hazelandglasz · 2 months
song game: V and O :)
V. A non English song
"Le bal de Laze" by Michel Polnareff
"La nuit" by L.E.J.
"Perdue" by Yseult
"Gracias a La vida" by Mercedes Sosa
O. A melancholic song
I am going to rec a couple of them
"The Loneliest" by Maneskin
"Bridge over troubled water" by Simon & Garfunkel
"Solassitude" by Stromae (it's French too so two birds one song ;))
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dillydedalus · 9 months
women in translation month wrap-up
here's what i read this witmonth, faves marked with *
das verbotene notizbuch, alba de céspedes (translated from the italian by verena from koskull, english translation: forbidden notebook, by ann goldstein)
salomés zorn, simone atangana bekono (translated from the dutch by ira wilhelm, no english translation yet)
witches, brenda lozano (translated from the spanish by heather cleary)
*three summers, margarita liberaki (translated from the greek by karen van dyck)
breasts and eggs, mieko kawakami (translated from the japanese by sam bett & david boyd)
im park der prächtigen schwestern, camila sosa villada (translated from the spanish by svenja becker, english translation: bad girls, by kit maude)
*boulder, eva baltasar (translated from the catalan by julia sanches): READ BOULDER BY EVA BALTASAR
sweet days of discipline, fleur jaeggy (translated from the italian by tim parks)
the wandering, intan paramaditha (translated from the indonesian by stephen j. epstein)
my pen is the wing of a bird, anthology of short stories by afghan women, translated from dari & pashto
all your children, scattered, beata umbyeyi mairesse (translated from the french by alison anderson)
*waking lions, ayelet gundar-goshen (translated from the hebrew by sondra silverston)
*the lover, marguerite duras (translated from the french by barbara bray)
*trieste, daša drndić (translated from the croatian by ellen elias-bursać)
evil flowers, gunnhild øyehaug (translated from the norwegian by kari dickson)
*empty wardrobes, maria judite de carvalho (translated from the portuguese by margaret jull costa)
die tochter, kim hye-jin (translated from the korean by lee ki-hyang, english translation: concerning my daughter, by jamie chang)
still reading:
the books of jacob, olga tokarczuk (translated from the polish by jennifer croft
mister n, najwa barakat (translated from the arabic by luke leafgren)
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godisafujoshi · 2 months
15: A song that is a cover by another artist
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Thanks for the chance :)
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wiiildflowerrr · 2 years
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Ashton Irwin by Simon Sosa, 2022
Based on photo by Ryan Fleming
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Via Simon Sosa IG
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birdylion · 8 months
2, 4, 17 and 24 for the aro asks
Thanks for the asks, anon!
2. When did you first realise you were aro-spec?
Quite late because I didn't have the words for it for a long time, and getting there was complicated. I don't recall it with certainty, but I think I first thought about maybe being ace because clearly there was something unusual about my attraction. At some point I'd heard the word and its definition enough and that it just made sense for my life experience of, for example, mostly just ending up in friends with benefits situations and never wanting anything else out of it. So, mid-twenties, I guess?
edit: I just re-read a bunch of older stuff. I realised when I was very close friends with benefits with someone, with a commitment you could call queerplatonic, but definitely without romance or romantic feelings on either side. Other people kept telling me that I was in fact in a relationship and just didn't know it, and I was SO annoyed by that. That's when I started using the aro label.
4. What moments make you think, “Well, I’m definitely aro”
Well there's all the times when I'm bewildered by other people's amatonormative assumptions, about wanting to find a partner, about needing a partner, about what it means to be in a relationship, about what romantic partners can and can't do (like voice disagreement with their partner about how much they like the color of a wall).
There's Valentine's Day, which is just such a non-issue for me that I'm entirely bewildered how there can be such an industry around it. I used to be annoyed by it, but that was before I figured out I was aro. I was so frustrated that apparently it was so important and I didn't get it, but it made no sense, and that made me angry. Now I can just shrug and say it's not something in which I want to take part.
There's bound to be more, that's just what comes to mind.
17. How do you feel about sex/love songs?
First, what moves me most about music is the actual musical part, the melody and harmonies and rhythm etc. I only listen to the lyrics half the time. So I often don't notice unless I pay attention, but then I'm bored when every other song is about that. Human experiences are more than just romance. I'm sure "I want you but I can't have you" feels like something you have to cry out loud, but ... there's so much diversity in the human experience, aren't you bored to sing about romance all the time?
Sex/love songs that come to mind that deeply move me:
I'm you man, by Leonard Cohen (devotion)
Ready to call it love, by Mika (uncertainty about (queer) feelings and commitment)
Nothing else matters, by Metallica (deep trust between lovers)
Arguably sex/love songs:
You're my best friend, by Queen (look Deacon wrote it about his wife)
Songs about other topics, just for the fun of it:
Cats in the Cradle, by Harry Chapin (familial love and the passing of time)
Streets of London, by Ralph McTell (social misery)
Riez, by Stromae (starving artists)
The Islander, by Nightwish (being forgotten by the world, I guess)
For Good, from the musical Wicked (two people having changed each other for the better)
Gracias a la vida, by Mercedes Sosa (being grateful for your life)
Fade to Black, by Metallica (depression, suicidal ideation)
Eleanor Rigby, by the Beatles (lonely people)
Wanderlust, by Nightwish (wanderlust)
Fils de joie, by Stromae (how society treats sex workers)
I wish I knew how it would feel to be free, by Nina Simone (being able to be yourself)
I am what I am, by Gloria Gaynor (being yourself)
Friends will be friends, by Queen (friends being there for you and vice versa)
24. Best part of being aro?
Best part of identifying as aro is that I can do away with all the little excuses I found before for not dating or looking for relationships: I'm too busy with school/uni, I'm going abroad soon and it wouldn't be fair to start something now, etc. And internally, I feel just so much more chill about the whole thing now that I can just shed society's expectations and say 'no thank you' while still acknowledging that it is a thing that's important for others.
Best part of being aro is ... it seems other people are very stressed about romance, and I'm just not? Sure, I'm sometimes frustrated and feel alienated that others seem to live in such a different internal world than I do, but from what I see, I wouldn't want to think that much about dating and partnering up and being with someone just for the sake of being with someone. The best part of being aro is definitely that I had an easier time dissecting amatonormativity; it was easier for me to get there and I think that changes my life for the better, all in all. Alloromantic people can do that too, but I guess it's not as intuitive.
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diorsbrando · 11 months
for u my dear sosa bc simon has also been stuck in my head so if we have to suffer lets do it together ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა
RAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHH STELLA BELLAAAJWJSJSJSJ !!! HELLO? HOW COULD U— IM— ima share my thoughts on this piece in detail when i reblog it (bc i WILL) but let me just say you have officially poured potent gasoline into the fire if desire for simon and…..does this mean i can pop into your inbox whenever to talk about him 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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trentonsimblr · 2 years
Who is a sim {or multiple} by someone else that will always have a special place in your heart? Thought it was a fun question. Have a good day! 💌 (idk if you got this already, but i'm stealing it from ayanna anyway, so—!)
N! This is a fantastic question and thank you for sending it to me! I'm sorry that it took me so long to answer. It's been a week haha.
I'm going to do my best to list as many as I can but I have a lot of sims that I love.
Zara and Alice from @kingdomofvellia I love their family dynamic. Their personalities are so well thought out and planned... they are just :chef kiss:
Bella and frankie from @sosa-royals with an honorable mention of Simon. I love Bella plain and simple. She's smart, level headed and can get things done. Frankie is a hoot. She's loyal and protective of her family and I love her honest snark. Simon....I hate him but I love him in the way I love chaos.
Neiven from @atreanroyals The only thing better than Nev is Nev and Ashala together. Nev is one of my sim crushes.
Rowena from you (@nexility-sims) "She's an icon she's a legend and she is the moment."
Rosalind from @armoricaroyalty A true girl boss
Diana from @bridgeportbritt Diana has the patience of a saint and the strength of a goddess. Having to deal with the mess her brother left her while raising a family...idk how she does it.
Andrea from @whitmoreroyals I love her, she perfect. I will cry when Liz is done with her flashback...but then again, I also love Emeline and little Victoria.
Victoria, Sarah, and Marcus from @the-lancasters I'm looking forward to seeing how Victoria continues to grow in her role. I am rooting for her! I don't just love Sarah because we share names but she knows how to get shit done and stands her ground. Marcus is on the list in the same way as Simon. I love him as an antagonist, he grinds my gears in all the right ways, you love to hate him.
Pandora from @olympianroyals The poor girl has had the rug pulled out from under her. She looses her parents (I know her father is in a coma) in a tragic accident, then her life is completely uprooted while she's simultaneously thrust into the spotlight.
Oliver from @thebaillieroyals, this man has gone through so much tragedy in his life that I just want to give him a never ending hug. He deserves some peace and happiness.
Vanessa from @ardeney-sims the perfect awkward girl for our fav awkward boi.
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alrightsnaps · 2 years
It's such a pity they've replaced the original music of so many Casi Ángeles episodes (probably due to copyright I imagine) when they were uploaded in HD in the official channel.
I'll always be in awe of how perfect the music and other pop culture references and themes fit with the story. Simon and Garfunkel’s The Sound of Silence, The Rolling Stones’ Wild Horses, Pink Floyd's The Wall, Mercedes Sosa's Todo Cambia and Puede El Silencio, Soda Stereo’s Trátame Suavemente, Bersuit’s Un Pacto....The music simply MADE this series for me!
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