#simdew valley
pan-cakes-makes · 9 months
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UPGRADEABLE Stardew Valley Farm
Choose the lot that suits your sims by beginning your farming lifestyle in either the starter farm, mid-game farm, or fully loaded end-game farmstead.
This upgradeable Stardew farmhouse has a mushroom cave, greenhouse, cow barn, chicken coop, + more. Want to incorporate the new Horse Ranch pack into your gameplay? Carve out a spot for your horse stable in the orchard then renovate the existing cask cellar into your new nectar making & aging basement.
Looking to have your dream Stardew Valley marriage candidates move into that farm with you? Upgrade the attic with their custom spouse room build & download the Stardew bachelors & bachelorettes households from my gallery to start your farmer’s romance story.
This is the ultimate farm build for your sims to start gardening, ranching, & homesteading on!
Lot Type: Residential
40 x 40
4 bed | 4 bath
CC free
Origin ID: pan-cakes_makes (deluxe farm build gallery link)
Watch the build come together on YouTube (@ pancakesmakes)
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spacecadet-sims · 16 hours
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Simdew Valley
> Emily & Haley
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krizatube · 10 months
The Sims 4 Simdew Valley Challenge - suomennettuna
Tämä on oma suomennokseni alkuperäisestä haasteesta. Haasteen tekijä: Tichery Haasteen tarkoituksena on pelata, kuin olisit Stardew Valley-pelissä (pelin tekijä ConcernedApe)
1. Tyhjennä kaikki tontit pelissäsi. Sinun täytyy joko rakentaa itse tontit tai ladata galleriasta tontit Pelican Towniin. Tyhjä tallennus ladattavissa esimerkiksi täältä. Ticheryn tontit ladattavissa galleriasta: Tichery. Kun lataat tontteja, Elliottin mökin ja Willyn kalastusliikkeen täytyy olla sijoitettuna Brindleton Bay:hin. Muut tontit voit sijoittaa minne vain haluat. 2. Tee vapaasti haluamasi sim ja aseta hänelle haluamasi piirteet ja tavoite. 3. Rakenna/lataa aloitusfarmi, kuten Stardew Valleyssa; sänky, takka, televisio, pöytä ja tuolit. (Muista, että Simsissä tarvitset myös vessan, toisin kuin Stardew Valleyssa.) 4. Rakenna itse tai lataa galleriasta Pelican Townin asukkaat. 5. Käytä koodia freerealestate on muuttaaksesi aloitusfarmillesi ja käytä koodia money 500, jotta sinulla on jäljellä 500 simoleonia aloittaessasi pelin. 6. Muita kuin mainittuja huijauskoodeja ei saa käyttää. 7. Kytke ikääntyminen pois päältä. Kytke myös tyhjien tonttien täyttäminen pois päältä peliasetuksista.
1. Et saa palkata apulaisia huolehtimaan kodistasi tai perheestäsi. 2. Saat ikäännyttää lapsesi kakun avulla, kun teet tietyt tehtävät (lista alapuolella). 3. Sinulla ei saa olla työtä; ansaitset rahaa puutarhalla, kalastamalla, keräilemällä, maalaamalla yms. 4. Sinulla on oltava vähintään yksi kissa tai koira, mieluiten myös kettu ja pesukarhu. Randomisoi piirteet. 5. Farmillasi täytyy olla 1-3 lehmäkasvia. 6. Ennen kuin lapsesi voi ikääntyä nuoreksi aikuiseksi, sinun täytyy kerätä kaikki keräilyesineet. Nämä täytyy asettaa näytille museoon. Sinun täytyy myös siivota ja kunnostaa Community Center tehden siitä paikan, jonne simit voivat kokoontua. 7. Lemmikkien tulee olla täysin koulutettuja kaikissa taidoissaan, koiran tulee osata kaikki temput ja kissan tulee oppia olemaan hyppimättä keittiön tasoille yms.
1. Aloitussimisi täytyy tavata kaikki Stardew Valleyn asukkaat. 2. Jotta voit mennä naimisiin, ystävyyssuhteenne tulee olla 100% ja sinulla täytyy olla 5000 simoleonia järjestääksesi häät. 3. Sinun täytyy rakentaa taloosi päämakuuhuone ja keittiö (sisältäen tarpeeksi tasotilaa mikrolle, kahvinkeittimelle, pesualtaalle, astiankuivaustelineelle ja ruuan valmistukselle). 4. Sinulla tulee olla tarpeeksi rahaa päivittääksesi taloosi erityisen huoneen simille, jonka kanssa menet naimisiin (lista huoneista/hlö alempana).
Kyläläisen, joka liittyy perheeseesi, täytyy maksimoida taitonsa kuten alla on listattu. Listassa myös huoneet, jotka sinun on lisättävä kotiisi, ennen kuin menet naimisiin kyläläisen kanssa.
POIKAMIEHET Alex: - Rakenna kuntosali. - Ulkona täytyy olla kuntoilulaite, esimerkiksi kiipeilyseinämä. - Maksimoi Alexin kuntoilutaito. Elliott: - Rakenna kirjastohuone, jossa on myös kahvinkeitin ja PC. - Ulkona täytyy olla pieniä istutuslaatikoita ja penkki jossa hän voi lukea kirjoja. - Maksimoi Elliottin kirjoitustaito. Harvey: - Rakenna harrastushuone, jossa on puutyöpöytä. - Ulkona täytyy olla pieniä istutuslaatikoita ja penkki jossa hän voi lukea kirjoja. - Maksimoi Harveyn kätevyys. Sam: - Rakenna musiikkihuone, jossa on koskettimet, kirjoja ja PC. - Ulkona täytyy olla juoksumatto ja voit tarjota hänelle myös pienen nuotiopaikan ja muutaman tuolin. - Maksimoi Samin kuntoilutaito. Sebastian: - Rakenna harrastehuone, jossa on PC ja lautapelejä (nukkuva laama tms.) - Ulkona täytyy olla raketti. - Maksimoi Sebastianin raketinrakennustaito. Shane: - Rakenna peli-/kuntoiluhuone, jossa on PC ja kuntoilulaite. - Ulkona täytyy olla lemmikin koulutusvälineitä. - Maksimoi lemmikin koulutustaito.
NEIDIT Abigail: - Rakenna pelihuone, jossa on PC ja pelikonsoli. - Ulkona täytyy olla kitara, jotta hän voi soittaa. - Maksimoi kitaransoittotaito. Emily: - Rakenna käsityöhuone, jossa on puutyöpöytä, kirjoja ja maalausteline. - Ulkona on oltava meditaatiojakkara ja joogamatto. - Maksimoi hyvinvointitaito. Haley: - Rakenna valokuvausstudio, jossa on valokuvaseinä ja PC. - Ulkona on oltava alue, jossa ottaa kuvia ja maalata. - Maksimoi maalaustaito. Leah: - Rakenna käsityö-/maalaushuone, jossa puutyöpöytä ja maalausteline. - Ulkona on oltava toinen puutyöpöytä. - Maksimoi kätevyystaito. Maru: - Rakenna huone, jossa PC, robotti ja tutkimusalue. - Ulkona on oltava raketinrakennusalusta. - Maksimoi raketinrakennustaito. Penny: - Rakenna lukuhuone, jossa on paljon kirjoja. - Ulkona täytyy olla meditaatiojakkara ja joogamatto. - Maksimoi hyvinvointitaito.
Edetäksesi sinun täytyy ikäännyttää lapsesi syntymäpäiväkakun avulla allaolevien ohjeiden mukaisesti. Randomisoi simiesi piirteet. Vastasyntynyt: - Saa ikäännyttää, kun tulee ilmoitus syntymäpäivästä. Vauva: - Haastetta ei ole päivitetty uusien vauvojen tulon jälkeen. Päätä itse, missä vaiheessa ikäännytät vauvat, tai ikäännytä, kun tulee ilmoitus syntymäpäivästä. Taapero: - Maksimoi kaikki taaperotaidot. - Vanhemman tulee saavuttaa taso 2 ruoanlaitossa. - Vanhemmuudessa, karismassa, kätevyydessä, maalauksessa ja puutarhanhoidossa tason tulee olla vähintään 4. - Vanhemman tulee löytää kaikki My Sims-patsaat. Lapsi: - Saa 10 koulussa. - Vanhemman tulee maksimoida vanhemmuustaito. - Vanhemman tulee löytää kaikki sammakot. Teini: - Saa 10 koulussa. - Maksimoi kätevyystaito. - Tapaa kaikki Pelican Townin asukkaat. - Et saa käydä töissä. - Vanhemman tulee maksimoida puutarhanhoito-, maalaus-, kirjoitus-, ruoanlaitto- ja karismataito. Nuori aikuinen: - Sim on valmis perimään farmin tässä vaiheessa ja voit halutessasi käynnistää ikääntymisen ja jatkaa pelaamista Legacyna. Vaihtoehtoisesti tämä voi olla haasteen loppu.
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ts4challengehub · 10 months
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☆ Simdew Challenge ☆
by eimajunknown [original google doc]
"Have you ever wanted to live out your idyllic Stardew Valley farming dreams in The Sims 4? Well, here is the challenge for you! I have done my best to match up Sims 4 gameplay elements with Stardew Valley achievements and goals (noted in [brackets]). The main rules are Sims 4 Base Game friendly, but there are optional challenges you can complete if you have the corresponding expansion/game/stuff packs. Feel free to add any additional gameplay you want to include from other Sims packs you have!
If you want to play along, share your Sims and builds to the gallery or social media using #SimdewChallenge, and tag me on Twitter @simageunknown!  I do know that there have been other Sims/Stardew challenges, but this is my version. Enjoy!"
Start with one sim farmer and dress them however you like. (Occults allowed.)
Pick any traits for your farmer that you think will help with the challenge (ex: Loves Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast). You can assign likes and dislikes or choose them during gameplay.
Complete the Friend of the World aspiration. [Meet Every Villager/The Beloved Farmer/Popular]
(optional) Complete any other Nature aspiration of your choice (ex: Country Caretaker, Freelance Botanist, Angling Ace, Outdoor Enthusiast, The Curator, etc.).
(optional) Set your seasons to 28 days. [Stardew seasons are 28 days.] 
(optional) Start in Spring season. [Stardew always begins in Spring.]
Turn off aging. [Farmers do not age in Stardew Valley.] 
Don’t forget to manually age up your Sims and/or their children. 
(optional) You can turn off Animal Aging in Game Options. [Animals do not age or die in Stardew.]
If you want to set your lifespan to long, you can use Potions of Youth. 
Build a tiny farmhouse with a mailbox and trash can. If you do not want to build a starter farmhouse, I have uploaded a base game one to my gallery. Gallery link: Simdew Starter Farmhouse, origin ID eimajunknown. If you use mine, you can change the wallpaper and furniture swatches, but do not replace the furniture yet. (See Miscellaneous Gameplay Options for house upgrade guidelines).
Live on any lot in any world, but a bigger lot is better for farming and multiple animals. You can start small and move to bigger lots as you earn money, or you can start on a big lot.
Purchase one packet of Starter Vegetables. [15 starter parsnips]
After building or placing your home and purchasing your Starter Vegetables, set your money to 500 simoleons. [Stardew starting funds are 500 gold.]
Pick any Lot Traits you want (ex: Great Soil, Homey, Chef’s Kitchen). 
Pick at least one Lot Challenge. I recommend Simple Living because in Stardew Valley, you have to have the ingredients to cook.
Do not have a real job, but odd jobs are allowed. [Special Orders Bulletin Board] 
(optional) Register with the Ministry of Labor as a Farmer or Homesteader. 
Get married (three days after your engagement), and have at least two kids (adoption allowed). [A Full House] 
Delete the money you get from your spouse, as Stardew spouses bring $0. If your spouse has a job, quit it and have them help you on the farm.
(optional) Attend festivals in Henford-on-Bagley, San Myshuno and Mt. Komorebi.
(optional) Participate in weekly Finchwick Fair contests. [Stardew Valley Fair Grange Display]
(optional) Offer help with errands for Henford-on-Bagley residents. [A Big Help]
Max the video game skill. [Journey of the Prairie King/Junimo Cart]
Max the cooking skill. 
(optional) Max the baking skill. 
(optional) Max the gourmet cooking skill. [Gourmet Chef] 
Earn 1 million simoleons through farming, animal products and selling collectibles. [Millionaire] 
(optional) Earn 9,999,999 simoleons. [Gold Clock]
Purchase seeds either by foraging or purchasing them from vendors. [Pierre]
You can use sprinklers.
Earn enough simoleons (50K) to build a nice greenhouse on your lot (big enough for 12-16 garden boxes and a few trees). Use any excess funds on landscaping, if you want. [Greenhouse]
Grow one money tree. [Ancient Fruit]. You can purchase it with satisfaction points or at a vendor stalls. You may have more money trees if you are trying to earn 9,999,999 simoleons. 
Max the gardening skill. [Farming skill]
(optional) Grow every vegetable, mushroom, fruit and flower. [Full Shipment]
(optional) Max the herbalism skill. [Foraging Skill]
(optional) Have a Patchy. [Collect all scarecrows]
(optional) Have one of each animal or critter (cat, dog, rodent, cow, llama, chicken, bees, grubs). 
(optional) When you purchase chickens, buy them in the baby stage like in Stardew. Sadly, this does not apply to llamas and cows. Note: Chicks do not grow up with aging off, so you can play with animal aging on until they grow up.
(optional) Befriend a rabbit, a fox and a flock of birds, and place a rabbit house and a bird house on your farm.
(optional) Have a fish tank and a duck pond (swans are also allowed).
Max the fishing skill. [Fishing skill]
(optional) Catch every fish. [Master Angler] 
(optional) Breed or catch every frog. [Slime Hutch]
(optional) Catch every insect.
Explore caves/secret lots in various worlds (Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, Granite Falls, Selvadorada, Mt. Komorebi). [Mining skill]
Max the handiness skill. 
(optional) Craft every item on the woodworking table. [Craft Master]
Max the fitness skill. [Combat skill]
(optional) Find every metal, crystal and fossil. [Complete Collection/Local Legend]
(optional) Find every MySims trophy by digging rocks OR find every space print using the observatory. [Mystery of the Stardrops]
(optional) Collect all postcards. [Secret Notes]
Feel free to complete any other collections for an additional challenge.
Miscellaneous Gameplay Options: 
Is it morning and your sim is still exhausted? You can use the “fill all needs” cheat, but you must deduct $1,000 simoleons from your money. [Joja/Doctor Harvey rescue] You can also spend satisfaction points to use moodlet solvers.
When you get the inheritance phone call, please select either option 2 (“Under What Conditions?” for 2,500 simoleons) or option 3 (“No Thanks…” for 0 simoleons). [Free money from parents/Mayor Lewis]
You may purchase lottery tickets. [Calico Desert Casino]
You may Dumpster Dive for food/furniture. [Trash cans]
You may keep the money you win from festivals.
You may use Tiny Home boosts.
To upgrade/expand your house, save simoleons [Living Large]. You can follow these guidelines OR upgrade at your own pace as you earn money:
Full kitchen with a nice refrigerator, a stove, multiple counters for family cooking and decorations (10,000 simoleons)
Two bedrooms and two full bathrooms (can add to existing bathroom) (20,000 simoleons)
A basement with a den and an office/study (30,000 simoleons)
Community Center:
If the above rules weren’t enough and you want to go hard into the Stardew Valley lifestyle, why not also complete the Community Center? You may build your own Community Center as a generic lot, or you can download my base game one. Gallery link: Simdew Community Center, Origin ID: eimajunknown. Place the non-perishable items your sim collects on the purple pedestals in the basement; plant the crops, flowers and trees in the backyard; and put the perishable items in the refrigerator in the kitchen. Feel free to add fish tanks for your donated fish (optional). This Community Center list includes items that can be found in both The Sims 4 and Stardew Valley:
Crop/Foraging Bundle (choose 8):
Green Beans
Onion [spring onion]
Watermelon [melon]
Tree Bundle
Plantain [banana]
Flower Bundle:
Animal Bundle:
Artisan Bundle:
Preserve [jam/jelly]
Fish Bundle (choose 8):
Armored Catfish
Blue Crawdad
Bluefin Tuna
Electric Eel
Mountain Lionfish
Red Crawdad
Wolf Eel
Yellow Perch
Mining Bundle (choose 5):
Fire Opal
Orange Topaz
Fossil Bundle (choose 5):
Enormous Trilobite
Fossilized Egg
Fossilized Sim Hand
Fossilized Whatzit
Hilariously Tiny T-Rex Arms
Perfectly Preserved Mustache
Pre-Pre-Pre Sim Head
Construction Bundle (choose 5):
Craft Bathtub
Craft End Table
Craft Garden Planter
Craft Garden Pot
Craft Knife Block
Craft Mirror
Craft Toilet
Join us. Thrive. hail 🦙 hail 🐄 hail 🐔 hail 🥗
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emasdf · 1 year
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This my new - probably very slow - legacy challenge.
I will not follow any specific rules but this is very much inspired by Simdew Valley and Collector’s Challenge. I like casual gameplay but also need some clear objectives to keep myself motivated. I will set up rules for each gen when I reach that point and update this post. My ultimate goal is to collect all possible items and complete as many aspirations as possible. Home Grandpa's Farm House in Old New Henford Lot Challenges Simple Living, Wild Foxes  
General Collections 💎 Fossils 💎 Crystals 💎 Metals 💎 Geodes 💎 Elements Must be donated to the Museum. Duplicates they can keep or sell.
Gen 1 | Recent / Chrono | Poppy Bagley 💎 Decorative eggs 💎 Feathers 💎 Village Fair Ribbons
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pleasimview · 1 year
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🌷 simdew valley. ( @lilas )
cc cred. wistfulcastle / luumia / joliebean / ayoshi / aharris00britney / tamo-sim / mmsims / rheallsim / arethabee / sentate / pralinesims / saurusness / okruee / sforzcc / kijiko-sims / serenity-cc / ratboysims / nucrests / solistair / gorillax3 / crypticsim / adrienpastel / cloudcat / eileenccfolder / rustys-cc.
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anneliesembsims · 1 year
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While at the library, Gentian saw a familiar game on the screen.
Gentian: Is that Simdew Valley?
???: Yeah! Great game, right?
Gentian: Yeah, I stream it sometimes! Trying to go for 100%
???: That’ll take ages. Anyway, I’m Twilight. Nice to meet you.
Gentian: I’m Gentian.
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wisconsims · 1 year
SimDew Valley Ep 5 Starting a Club for Free Farm Hands & Errands for the...
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simmerdevykins · 3 years
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Turning Brindleton Bay into Simdew Valley!
This is a project I've been working on for a few days now. All the lots are downloaded from the gallery, and I've been slowly renovating them as I go. I may end up building my own versions of the character's houses, but atm that was just too much work.
I did go in and create every single sim that you see named here, including family members that live in the house. Plus Krobus, he lives with Rasmodius in The Wizard's Tower.
I'll be posting pics of my Simdew Valley sims soon, so stay tuned!
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s-sideblog · 5 years
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A few months ago, I uploaded the characters from Stardew Valley into a save file and had my sim be a farmer. My sim Brooklyn married Alex (not made by me) and now have 3 boys: The twins Raiden and Thor, and the youngest Skylar. I just love this household so much and wanted to share the Mullner family :)
Maybe I’ll post more sims and actually try out simblr stuff cause it really does look like a bunch of fun
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siminycricket · 5 years
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I started a save inspired by Stardew Valley (not the current challenge that is created but my own gameplay choices) during the patch problem from Get Famous, and I’m gonna keep playing for a bit, let’s see how long it lasts~
So meet Tallulah Ross, she recently moved to Simdew Valley~
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spacecadet-sims · 1 hour
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Simdew Valley
> Abigail > Pierre & Caroline
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sourgalaxy · 6 years
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ava: this still doesn’t feel real... did i make a huge mistake?
ava: ... it sure is beautiful out here...
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summoning-potema · 3 years
sorry went MIA again work has been SHIT lately and instead of doing art I'm playing the sims literally every free minute I get 🙈
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wlwsims4 · 3 years
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Okay, I have a prototype! This is still a work in progress and subject to change, but it is a fully functional challenge!
I put a lot of work into this, so please let me know if you like it!
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pleasimview · 1 year
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🌼 simdew valley.
cc cred. wistfulcastle / daylifesims / okruee / luumia / nucrests / jius-sims / ayoshi / aharris00britney / sentate / aladdin-the-simmer / saurusness / rustys-cc / lazyeyelids / cepzid / solistair / casteru / serenity-cc / mossylane.
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