#silent hill is a masterpiece
flutt3rb4tz · 5 months
i still need to finish silent hill 2 but theres genuinely something so grossly beautiful about how it tells its story. like even when im frustrated bcs the game fucking hates me or im lost or when im joking theres just something so enthralling about the world.
the narrative is so fucking impactful that it doesnt need you to take it seriously. you can howl with laughter after blasting past a laying figure on the street with the funniest visual glitch ever and the game still makes you feel the same dread it doesnt need you to be genuinely scared all the time because its such an uncomfortable experience by default that it still keeps you unsettled. even when you are distracted
like i knew i was safe in The One Part In The Museum but i was still scared shitless!! i still ran down there like shaking because it was fucking scary! it was completely safe but that didn't fucking matter!! and silent hill managed to do that through NEARLY NOTHING!!! a few enemies that are easy to take care of and a weird room! thats it!
n dont get me started on character. i love the characters so much
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deadscell · 1 year
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sanamustdie · 7 months
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i KNOW what really happened at the lakeview hotel
reference under the cut
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madonna leaving her hotel with her husband (2007)
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heatherchasesyou · 8 months
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you can also see it on their pixiv
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crimescrimson · 9 months
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Red's Favourite Women Of All Time: Angela Orosco
"Or maybe... You think you can save me? Will you love me? Take care of me? Heal all my pain? Hmph. That's what I thought."
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jokest3r · 11 months
Ok, here's the deal, I'll work on Desolation, the Ghoap/Ghostsoap fic that has 150 pages worth of a timeline written on my phone AFTER I play Silent Hill 3 and read the Ghost Comics, and then play the cod campaign, all in that order. Dealio?
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yuukicyan · 1 year
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waking-hell · 2 years
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speikobrarote · 2 years
not excited about the movie doing the silent hill 2 plot with christoph gans at all. Nope. but hey at least this time its not “I read the character Harry and thought its a woman so lets make a movie with lots of sexy woman cause thats basically silent hill a witch burning game”
Just no.
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2x4plank · 7 months
I've accepted Tim Ritter's Killing Spree (1987) as a Silent Hill movie.
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j3tsabyss · 10 months
Finished watching a gameplay of Silent Hill 2 and damn
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deadscell · 1 year
sorry i can’t talk right now i’m trying to listen to the silent hill 2 ost without crying
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whump-captain · 1 year
Happy Whumpmas (•∇•。) 🎅🎄🎁🦌 🍪 🥛!!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice: Who are your top three new whumpees/blorbos you have found this year?
Omg im so glad this is back for this year too it's so fun
Hmmmmm the question made me realize that i have Zero chronology to me memory and have no clue what actually happened this year vs other years lol
No. 1 has got to be James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2 because he's just Such A Character, he's so amazingly put together that i can't stop thinking about him and his journey and the way his story is told and how every piece of early 2000s video game jank ends up just adding layers to his character and how the whole game feels less like playing as him and more like following him around as everything falls apart around him
No. 2 is gonna be Hythlodaeus from FFXIV whom i discovered way earlier but who i realized this year should definitely get hurt more and get their stoic friend to worry
And No. 3 goes to Harry Mason from the first Silent Hill because you can't hand me an accidental-yet-luckily-competent-at-survival horror protagonist and not expect me to immediately snatch him up and shove him in my blorbo box
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stophangiingdjs · 2 years
going from silent hill 1 puzzles to resident evil 4 puzzles to resident evil 5 “puzzles” is very fun
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pinkumiilku · 2 years
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lilrainbowcloud · 4 months
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Child of Apollo! Reader
Genre: Fluff, tinsy bit of angst || masterlist
As the sun dipped lower, casting a warm, orange hue across the camp, Luke couldn't help but smile at the beauty of the moment. He marvelled at the way the soft light accentuated the lines of your profile as you continued to sketch, completely absorbed in your creative world.
Every stroke of your pencil seemed deliberate, and Luke found himself captivated by the dance of your fingers across the paper. He admired the way you embraced each mistake, turning it into a stepping stone toward perfection. Your determination resonated with him, creating a silent connection between the two of you amidst the artistic ambiance of the natural museum.
The low hum of activities below you served as a gentle background melody to the symphony of creativity. Luke, despite his initial boredom, found solace in the atmosphere you created. The earthy scent of aged land became a comforting fragrance, blending seamlessly with the soft glow of the setting sun atop the hill you both were perched. Tucked away from your responsibilities for a stolen amount of time.
As the shadows deepened, he couldn't help but be drawn to your presence. The way you navigated the challenges of your sketch with grace and resilience painted a vivid picture of your character. The occasional clicks of your tongue and sighs of frustration only added to the authenticity of the scene.
In those two hours, Luke discovered a new layer to his admiration for you. It wasn't just about your artistic prowess; it was the way you approached life with clarity and purpose. Your goals were like brushstrokes on a canvas, creating a masterpiece of determination and focus. It was a mindset he longed to adopt, a reflection of the strength he saw in you.
Leaning back on the soft meadow, Luke let his gaze linger on you once more, silently appreciating the artistry in both your sketch and the person you were becoming. The hill wasn't just a haven for perfect view and fresh air; it was a sanctuary where he found himself falling deeper for the girl whose heart had become an unspoken part of his own.
As you gathered your art supplies and rose from the ground, the echoes of the conch shell served as a reminder that it was nearing dinner time resonated its way to you. The tiredness from hours of focused sketching settled in, and a yawn escaped your lips as you stretched, feeling the satisfying pull in your muscles.
Luke, standing in front of you, extended his hand with a warm smile. His invitation to dinner was a welcomed interruption to your creative reverie. However, your determination to finish your work lingered, and you pouted in response, expressing your reluctance to leave.
"But I'm not finished yet," you protested, hoping for a bit more time. Luke chuckled, understanding your dedication but also knowing the practicality of the situation. "They're going to look for you if you stay. Come on. We’ll come back here again tomorrow.”
However, the promise of tomorrow fades, for today marks the final sunset you'll share with him before returning to your mother's home. Tomorrow, you bid farewell to the comfort you've known, a hiatus until your return in the summer. How you yearn for your father to extend his presence longer. Yet, with each step, Selene, the goddess of the moon, ascends gracefully, draping the sky with her veil of darkness and adorning it with a myriad of stars.
That night, your tears twinkled alongside them as they poured.
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