#sidurgu x wol
lavampira · 29 days
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I've forgotten how it feels to have my head over my heels
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devilmented · 4 months
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“See right through you” or simply “Orion meets Granson and Sidurgu’s Ancient self” 💫✨
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anarkhebringer · 8 months
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'Til Death Do Us Part [Reupload]
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zeloinator · 6 months
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drkmissionaries · 1 year
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Pray, meet me at the Forgotten Knight.
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psijic-toast · 2 years
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Fluffvember Prompt 5: Good Morning
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endless-nightshift · 2 years
My WoLxSidugu ship gets stronger and more canon every job quests
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aspectedstar · 1 year
Introducing...Chrysise Gallolor!
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I am now adding my third WoL OC to my roster!
She is my 3rd alt I have been playing her for awhile, and decided to flesh her out as an actual OC.
Some quick facts about her:
She was born in Old Sharlayan, but was taken away from two Midlanders in order to 'save her' from being exploited by her family.
How the Echo manifested in her is eerily similar to Mikoto's. She can see future events, but they aren't set in stone. Any variables can change the outcome of the event. So, while the original event WILL happen, there are different outcomes that can happen.
She is an Astrologian that knows Ishgardian and Sharlayan astrology. Learning both has given her insight on how different and similar they can be.
She didn't join the Scions and other WoLs until well after base HW was over. So, 3.1 was when she officially joined.
Chrysise is interested in a certain grumpy Dark Knight named Sidurgu (developing ship for WoL x Sidurgu).
She knows the basics of archery for hunting and defending herself. Nothing fancy!
If you become under her care, she will make sure you were properly taken care. Any complaints or being stubborn will cost you your sanity.
She hates the heat--the cold is her best friend!
Her OC tag will be "oc: the soul star".
Her main canonverse will be called "verse; radiant ascension".
Full profile can be found here!
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drk-brain · 2 years
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Burn Beautiful
Teen | 3.6k words
Named f!wol x Sidurgu Orl
for allintuta on ao3
It’s a different sort of poison altogether on her tongue when her lips meet his—the kind of poison that burns like whiskey, the kind that could leave a weaker man lying in the street begging, desperate for just one more taste. A taste he’d wondered about in half-formed thoughts as he fell asleep and as he woke, the dreamy, half-lucid moments before he’d grow conscious enough to silence them. Something forbidden, some half-discarded memory too mired in pain to revisit. Something he hadn’t even been sure he wanted.
But gods, had he wanted it after all.
The confrontation with Myste leaves Khaliun injured and Sidurgu reeling.
Fray left behind little but a terrible, messy web of fury and regret. At least, that was what Sidurgu had told himself through gritted teeth, over and over in the hopeless dark, though even then he’d known that was only because it was easier than facing the grief head-on.
He thought he’d unraveled it, left it frozen in the ice somewhere deep in the Coerthan highlands. But here, holed up in a tent in a tucked-away corner of Rhalgr’s Reach, the twisting knot in his stomach warns him otherwise. 
At least the tent is bigger than he expected, the sleeping arrangements a sight more favorable than the anticipated blanket in the dirt. Only the best for guests of their savior, they’d said.
The sun had disappeared behind the ridges at least two bells ago. He’d always been atrocious at keeping track of time, but the sound of a sleeping Rielle’s soft, rhythmic breathing feels rather like a timepiece ticking away in his mind. 
He shuts his eyes and there is a helmet, in-tact unlike the last time he’d seen it, a specter who should not be there and yet is. 
He opens them and traces the woven seams of the tent above his head, counting the passing seconds. 
A wave of exhaustion passes over him and he shuts them again, but instead of finding sleep, he finds Khaliun, blood escaping from between plates of steel, and he feels the dirt beneath his fingers and knows he cannot fight—he’s still hurt, still tired, still useless. He can’t lose her, too. Not like this. 
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spinneryesteryear · 2 years
FFXIV 5.2 Reactions
Jotted these down when the patch came out, but only just now typing them up to get the notes off my phone, lol.
- Just fiddled with my graphics settings and now the game looks fantastic, especially at night. On the other hand, I have 30 fps now. RIP. Gotta find a way to toggle settings before I enter a raid.
- Really, playing FFXIV is like watching a TV series but new episodes only come out every 3 months.
- Gaius’s new model is so hi-def and realistic it just makes that blue-haired girl next to him look even more baby-faced and anime. Kinda jarring, tbh.
- pls let me recruit Estinien to fight the Weapons, I beg you
- Okay, so talking to Unukalhai right before while I was in the Rising Stones and hearing his warning about auracite leads me to suspect something will happen while transporting the Scions home. (Or it’s a reference to Oversoul with the Weapons. Or it’s just his standard dialogue, idk.)
- G’RAHA I’M MARRIED. Or my character is. In my head. To Sidurgu. NOT YOU.
- *mind drifting to odd details during cutscene* Lyna has fantastic winged eyeliner.
- Okay, wild theory: Zenos has possessed Ardbert’s body and is hunting sin eaters for his newest sport, hoping to lure us out.
- Frickin’ fake Ardbert will pop up during this announcement, I just know it.
- I *knew* it!
- Y’shtola, what does your x-ray vision tell you? And why is Ardbert’s beard missing? Did the Ascian shave his corpse for reasons unknown?
- Okay, so it’s probably not Zenos in Ardbert’s body.
- 2nd wild theory: Elidibus isn’t tempered by Zodiark in the same way as the other AScians. Probably quite contradicted by canon, but I can’t remember all his moon monologues. Still, something seems different about him.
- It’s heartening that Beq Lugg disapproves of the Ascians’ careless appropriation of corpses.
- “It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.” HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS, FOLKS!
- Okay, that statue is terrifying. It represents a sin eater, I assume. Also reminds me of some real-life pagan idols. It’s gonna come to life, isn’t it.
- Ah. Yes. Of course.
- It’s less scary when alive somehow. Save for the unfocused eyes. Like the Ronkans’ answer to Allagan chimerae. Or the sphinx from Greek myths. Yep, it has riddles. It’s gonna try to keep one soul, though, I’m sure.
- so glad I came on PLD
- I’m sure those cubi had nothing to do with the Amaurotines
- “How polite.” - Y’shtola summing up what I think of every FF boss’s insistence on holding fights in alternate dimensions.
- Ah, Tiuna was a fellow WoL. Let me pay my respects at her grave, dang it!
- Four (properly clothed) Roegadyn all standing here on patch day for the cutscene?! What is this madness?1 Maybe there truly are dozens of us out there...
- Is Y’shtola gonna enchant the broom? Yep. She gets more like her mother every day.
- poor Runar, his waifu running off to save the world again
- ngl, Ardbert’s voice when it’s so not Ardbert is really tripping me out
- The WoL is so angry and betrayed over this misappropriation of Ardbert’s body and I’m so, so glad to see this reaction. Ardbert is our #1 best bro. We will not stand for his memory to be abused like this.
- Elidibus sounds like a tired old man. A tired, bitter old man. Which he is.
- Doing SHB MSQ as tank allows me to relate to Thancred on another level. THere’s a certain bond between co-tanks who trust each other. We view ourselves as hte only responsible ones (especially since neither Urianger nor Alphinaud are competent enough to achieve Troll Healer status) and there’s this silent understanding behind our actions. I can’t describe it better.
- Urianger’s waterwalking was every bit as dramatic and played out how I anticipated. Thancred’s exasperation was on point. And I suspect their dizziness is due to the fraying soul-body connection.
- Urianger is so desperate to not swim, he makes a deal with the Fuath. THat sounds like a spectacularly bad decision, even for him.
- Now Alisaie is signing me up for chores. Good grief. She’s eager to be on our way.
- “It is a minor miracle that we accomplish anything at all.” You got that right, sister.
- Ryne guilt-tripping her dad and Uncle Orange, lol. Oh, wait, and me, too. Did everyone receive a sass upgrade this patch?
- It is nice to just hang out with the Scions, though. Too bad a FATE had to gatecrash. I knew it’d be those guys Elidibus encouraged, though. Am unsure what game he’s playing by encouraging people to be heroic. So far.
- So is no one in the Crystarium questioning why the Exarch is suddenly going around with his hood down? Or did he do that regularly before the WoL showed up?
- Okay, so can Elidibus just conjure up a vision of the sky falling and awaken the Echo within people like that?
- why did Venat and Elidibus have their top-secret meeting sin the same location? Or store the recordings of their meetings in the same location? Were those even the same locations???
- lol, Elidibus bluntly refuses to reveal his plan
- the bit with not being able to sleep and getting up for a drink really resonates with me
- quick, which do I pick? Granson, my edgy little brother, or Giott, my tiny, badass sister?
- on PLD currently and Granson was in the patch trailer so my edgy wannabe DRK bro it is!
- let me go off to hunt Elidibus down with Granson and Giott pls. PLS. I want them for trust.
- uh-oh, why are we staring at the moon? Are we just giving Elidibus and/or Zodiark the stink-eye, or something more?
- so is G’raha steadily getting more and more crystallized?
- and WHO THE HECK is parading around in Asahi’s body????
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lizzy-frizzle · 4 years
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Just some "friends". Just bonding together from Dark Knight training.
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lavampira · 4 days
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#ffxivbridgerton — picnic
D’alia soon found herself enjoying quite the romantic afternoon with Sidurgu, not only accompanying him on a picnic, but basking in the sunlight and quiet companionship together away from the prying eyes and bustle of the ton.
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ladyramora · 4 years
First time between male wol and Sid (with Sid bottoming)?
“Will you stop squirming?” You sigh, trying your best to make Sid feel good, but he would not stop moving.
“See how well you stay still with someone spreading your arse open! A-and t.. touching you!” Sid snaps back, his tail limp against his back as you hold him open with your palm and thumb cupping one finely toned buttcheek, pressing generously lubed fingers inside of him.
You huff a laugh, incredulous. “I offered! You said you wanted to try this!”
Sid clings tightly to the pillow under his face, trembling and whining.
You pause. “…Do you want me to stop? We can anytime, Sid.”
Sid tenses up. Bugger, you had just gotten him to relax, too.
“No! I’m not a bloody quitter! We’re doing this, so.. keep going.”
You smile, exasperated but amused. “Alright, as long as you’re sure.”
You squeeze at his firm backside, watching him twitch and wiggle. His back arching and hips pressing into the bed. Pale skin already flushed pink becoming all the redder with your attentions.
“Relax,” you say soothingly, reaching your hand up to stroke over his back and down his tail.
“I am relaxed,” Sid bites out. So very tense.
You chuckle a little, not calling him out, and simply stroke at his back and over his hips and tail until he truly does relax again. Then you start your motions anew. Slipping your fingers in and out of him in slow, gentle motions. Just giving the auri man time to adjust.
But he quickly becomes impatient, backing into the slow slide of your fingers. “More,” he grumbles, quiet in his fluster.
You smile, curling your fingers inside of him, feeling him from the inside.
Sid gasps, a punched out little sound. Ah, there it was.
“Wh.. what was…? Do that again!” Sid demands, his squirming renewed. Greedy and demanding.
“Yes, yes,” you laugh, patient with him despite his bossiness.
You put a little more into the stroke of your fingers. More pressure, seeking out that spot inside him that made Sid swear and buck his hips forwards and back. Seeking fritction where he was hard and pressed into your sheets, but also wanting more of that feeling you give to him with your fingers pressed inside of him.
“Put your cock inside of me already, damn you,” Sid says, crude and commanding. Did he think he could take you already? Cocky. Overzealous. It was what got him into trouble so often.
You snort, and smack his backside.”No.”
Sid jerks, gasping. Outraged. “You swiving-…!”
You pause. “Finish that sentence and I’ll leave you just like this. Want to have a lonely wank?”
Sid sucks in a breath, hissing through his teeth and growling. “Fuck you.”
“Aren’t you the one wanting to get fucked?” You smile, and slip another finger inside of him, curling your fingers. Mean.
Sid groans. “Hhahh…! I’ll kick your ass…!” He threatens, but his voice is a whine.
Big baby.
You continue on, just fingering him slow. Curling your fingers now and again to give him that feeling he so craved. On and on, until Sid was trembling, close to the edge. Humping and grinding against the sheets and the pillow you had placed under his hips.
“Please,” Sid begs, his voice shaking. Sounding almost close to tears.
Ah, had you teased him too long…? Damn, you had gotten a little lost in it. It had just been so enjoyable for you, too.
“Alright, alright, easy,” you say soothingly and slip your fingers out of him.
“No,” Sid whines, a sob of breath.
You shush him soothingly, rolling him onto his back and taking him in hand.
“Ah, ah..!” Sid cries as you slide your hand over him. Firm, slow, slick. He twitches hard in your hand, flushed a deep red that was almost purple from being on the edge for much too long. Oops.
“Y-you… fucker… That’s not what I…”
You smile, feeling just a little bad as you continue on like this anyway. “I know.”
Sid curses at you even as you bring him blessed release. Dripping over your hand and painting his own heaving belly with several impressive bursts.
He must have really needed this.
Sid glares at you, teary eyed. Flushed all over and heaving for breath.
“You shitehead,” he says, tired and satisfied, but mad about it.
You shrug, unrepentant. “You’re not ready yet. But, don’t worry, the night is still young…”
Sid’s eyes widen. “Wh.. what? Again?”
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anarkhebringer · 1 year
I got tagged for that "people you wanna get to know better" tag game, so let's do this
Tagged by @a-new-dork, thanks for the tag
Relationship status: Not in a romantic relationship but I AM in some secret third thing with @floople-doople I guess. Neither of us know what the fuck is going on and we're cool with it.
Favorite colors: Red and purple
Song stuck in my head: Immoral Taste of the Bloody Travel by KagomeP
Favorite foods: Honestly? I dunno since I dislike or can't eat more foods than I like (sensory issues), I have to genuinely sit on it and think. I DO know I LOVE sweets and meat, though.
Last song played: Immoral Taste of the Bloody Travel again
Dream trip: I'm not really a travel kind of person, I haven't even been to more than maybe 5 places outside of my town max
Last thing googled: "ffxiv sidurgu x wol" to look for fanfics and fanart shdugfygh
I never tag anybody for these so just do it if you wanna do it too djifhuiy
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drkmissionaries · 1 year
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Firelight Calling Off the Abyss
Sidurgu Orl/Warrior of Light | Rated E | 6863 words
Incredibly self-indulgent fic, in which Wren shows Sid a gentleness he’s never known.
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psijic-toast · 2 years
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Fluffvember Prompt 1: First Meeting
I’m not late posting it to Tumblr, Of course not
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