#side blog for my handsome crocodile man
briar-ffxiv · 5 months
Side Blog, go!
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So I have an alt by the name of Kaien Sunscale.
Half-Xaela and Half-Raen, he's a former Ruby Sea pirate turned treasure hunter. Still working on refining him, but he has his own little space if anyone wants to follow!
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ctay21 · 4 years
A Sweet Encounter
                (Sanji x Female S/O)
Hey Guys! I’m super excited, this is my very first fic I’ve ever wrote and I don’t know but i’m kinda proud of it. This fic is done for @some-piece​ AU challenge. If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, you need to! Bas you are one of my favorite writers and are one of a few who have inspired me to write, thank you so much! I choose the Bakery AU. My list of characters I received was Trafalgar Law, Sir Crocodile, Sanji, Marco, and Kalifa. There aren’t really any warnings in this fic other than it being super fluffy. I hope you guys enjoy! 
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It was an ordinary Friday in July. It could have been cooler for your tastes as the bakery you work in always feels like a million degrees at all times of the day. Five fans were on and you already felt like you were melting and it wasn’t even noon yet. 
Rolling your eyes you try to focus on the wedding cake you're currently decorating, instead of what felt like a massive heat wave in the bakery. It was exciting because this was your last cake to decorate today and you were just looking forward to going home and maybe taking an early nap. There was also the option of ordering take out, just thinking of all the possibilities made you look forward to finishing this cake so you could finally leave. 
As you were thinking of all the options for your boring night after work. It happened, the most unexpected, felt like a life changing moment but you were trying not to get ahead of yourself just yet. One moment you were decorating a cake, the next moment you looked up and out the window and saw the most gorgeous man. He hadn't looked at you just yet but you could feel it in your bones that he was very attractive. Mystery man had blonde hair, he was tall and slender. Wearing a blue button down dress shirt and black slacks, and boy do you love a man in a classy outfit. It was slightly funny because as put together as he looked I could tell he was heatedly yelling at someone over the phone. Then he turned around.
From the second he turned around we made eye contact. The intensity of our gaze made you drop the piping bag you were holding on the table. He had grey blue eyes that immediately reminded me of storm clouds. His blonde hair was swept to the side covering his right eye. He has these interesting eyebrows that everyone probably wouldn't find attractive, but you were drawn to them and found them to be uniquely beautiful. The way his eyebrow came down and swirled up was so intriguing. To top it all off, he had a thin strip of hair on his chin. Giving him a slightly ruggedly handsome face. Overall your instincts were right and he was gorgeous and you never wanted to look away.
The eye contact only lasted realistically for 30 seconds, but to you it felt like a lifetime. You were a little sad to see he broke eye contact, but were immediately excited again when you realized he was turning to walk into the bakery. Washing your hands real quick and making your way up front so you can casually greet this hot mystery man, pretending you hadn’t intentionally walked up from the back just to meet him. Glancing in a mirror to make sure your bun and headband, that held all the hair out of your face while baking, still looked cute and not crazy. Feeling ready and excited to meet him, you step out of the back into the front and walk behind the counter. As you’re walking you glance up and meet his gaze again. Smiling up at him you introduce yourself as you finally reach the front counter. 
“Hello, welcome to Fairytale Confectionery my name is (y/n), how can I help you today.” 
“Ahh, what a beautiful name to match such a beautiful woman.” He says, as he grabs your hand and lightly brushes his lips against the back of your hand in the most charming feather light kiss. “My name is Sanji, a few moments ago I was mad at my mosshead idiot friend who gave me the worst directions in my life.” He says, as he drops your hand and leans both of his forearms against the glass counter. “Although, I may have to break down and thank him. For if he never gave me terrible directions, I may never have met you.” He said, giving you the most disarming smile you had ever seen.
“Wow, what a charmer you are. I bet all the women just love you.” You said, in a slightly sarcastic way. “With that being said, Please give my thanks to your friend who you called a mosshead idiot.” You say as you giggle and glance down to try to hide your blushing face. “Mainly, because so far it has been very lovely to meet you Sanji. Now can I get anything for you?” You asked him, as you finally dared to look up and make eye contact with him again. 
“Two questions. First, is there anything in this case that is as sweet as you?” He asked as he laughed a little noticing that you rolled your eyes and were slightly shaking your head. “Okay okay, the first question was rhetorical, but seriously what’s your favorite thing you make. I want to try that.” He said, slightly laughing at his attempts to flirt with you. 
“Well, to your first question I just want to say you’re so ridiculous.” You said, as you continue to laugh and shake your head, slightly covering your mouth with your hand. “Secondly, if I had to choose my favorite thing in the bakery, that would be hands down our cinnamon rolls!” You exclaim, while grinning widely because you can’t help it. It’s a natural reaction when you get to talk about your favorite baked goods. 
“Well then, I would love to get one cinnamon roll please and possibly your phone number?” Sanji asked hopefully while holding up his phone. 
“I can grab you a cinnamon roll and as far as my number, you’ll have to wait and see.” You say winking at him, while grabbing his cinnamon roll and placing it in a container. Walking over to the register you ring his order up.
 “So Sanji, will that be all for you?” You ask, as you smirk at him. 
“That depends (y/n), what do I have to do to get your number?” He asked, while giving you the cutest puppy dog eyes. 
“Hmmmm… I’m not really sure yet.” You say tapping your chin and shrugging your shoulders.
 You take his payment for his cinnamon roll. As you hand him the container your hands brush for a second and you feel a spark run up your arm. He looks into your eyes and as he goes to turn around to leave. You realize that you don't want your banter with Sanji to end so you blurt out really fast “Sanji Wait! I forgot to give you a napkin!” 
Sanji turns back around and notices a folded up napkin in your hand and grabs it. He opens it up and sees your name (y/n) followed by a series of numbers written in the middle of the napkin. He looks back up at you and grins.
“Well (y/n), thank you and just so you know your name is going in my contacts as Cinnamon Roll.” He said, as he winked at you one last time and turned to leave the bakery. 
“Have a great rest of your day, Sanji.” You call out to him as he is walking towards the door.
“You as well my Cinnamon Roll.” He calls back at you, right before he walks out the door.
Feeling super giddy and laughing about his nickname for you and about the interaction you just had with Sanji. You head back into the kitchen and finish your cake and head home feeling like your life hopefully won't be so boring and monotonous anymore.
Over the course of two weeks you and Sanji get to know each other very well. You found out he was an executive chef at a popular fine dining restaurant, that’s known for their amazing french cuisine. Sanji found it very ironic that you were a pastry chef. His exact words when you told him were. 
“(y/n) just think about it! We could be called the Chef’s Ultimate Power Couple!” He said over the phone, during one of your late night three hour long calls. 
You just laughed and shook your head at him, even though he couldn't see your head shaking. You started to look forward to the nightly calls, it basically was the highlight of your day and you could never wait to get to talk to Sanji. Since you both were super busy with work and both working in the food industry, meant so far you both haven’t had a night where you were free to go on a proper date yet. 
After two amazing weeks of talking and getting to know one another, you both finally had a night where you could go on a proper date. Since you were both chefs, Sanji came up with the most perfect first date idea and you couldn't be more excited.
He mentioned the idea of you coming over to his apartment and you both could cook and bake together. He would prepare a romantic dinner that only you deserve, which made you laugh when he was telling you all about his idea. While he would be cooking dinner, you would be next to him baking the dessert. He said that it was the perfect combo and would be the best first date ever. With every day that passed, your date drew closer and you were getting more and more excited as the days went by. 
On the night of the date, you arrived at Sanji’s apartment at 6:30 sharp just like he asked you too. Feeling nervous and excited, you knocked on Sanji’s door. When he opened the door you both blushed at seeing each other for the first time in two weeks, since the day you met at the bakery. He held out his hand for you to take as he led you into his apartment and shut the door behind you. 
“Wow (y/n), how is it that you got even prettier in the two weeks since I've seen you?” Sanji asked, pulling you into a hug. While he also was admiring the simple black flowy dress you were wearing for the date. You decided on a simple classic dress because you felt so beautiful in it, but also because you knew you would be baking and didn't want to accidentally ruin one of your really nice dresses. Mainly, in the off chance you accidentally spilled something that would stain while baking, you had a habit of being very clumsy sometimes with liquid ingredients. 
“I don’t know, but whatever I did you also have done, because you look so handsome. I am so lucky to be on a date with you.” You told him, while pulling back from the hug. As you also were admiring the (your favorite color) dress shirt and black slacks he had on. When you guys were getting to know each other you told him what your favorite color was and he must have wanted to surprise you because here he was, wearing your favorite color and looking so handsome that it should be a sin to look that good. 
“No (y/n), I am the luckiest guy to be on this date with you!” He said, while leading you into the kitchen so you both could start working on dinner and dessert.
He had a big open concept kitchen with a big butcher’s block island in the middle, and double stack ovens with a matching gas stove. This is a kitchen that you could only dream of. It was probably every chef’s dream kitchen and of course Sanji had your dream kitchen. He leads you to the middle of the kitchen, to the island that had all the ingredients you both would need already laid out. 
“I'm speechless, Sanji. This kitchen is amazing and honestly my dream kitchen. I love it so much!” You couldn’t help but gush, while still looking around and taking everything in. 
“Thank you (y/n), it’s honestly my favorite place in this whole space. Cooking is when I do all of my thinking and where I get most of my ideas. So I wanted my kitchen to be a place of comfort and ultimately my favorite place in my apartment because I knew I was going to spend a lot of my time in here creating.” He explained, as he walked around and started to prep ingredients for dinner. 
You both fell into a nice rhythm while cooking together. The conversation was light and funny, you couldn’t believe how hard he was making you laugh. As you were measuring flour out for your recipe, an idea popped into your head. Knowing how much a little bit of flour stands out against black, you wondered if you could get away with leaving a hand print of flour on his pants or his shirt without him noticing.
Trying to discreetly cover your hand in flour, you walk over to Sanji hiding your hand hoping to look like you were just coming over to watch him cook. You place your hand on the small of his back. He looks over and down at you noticing that you had walked over a little suspiciously, but couldn’t figure it out. 
“What are you up too?” He accuses you, smirking down at your oh so innocent face. 
“Who Moi?” you asked as you hid your hand that was covered in flour behind your back and used your other hand to cover your heart and make a sad hurt face at Sanji. 
“Yes you (y/n), you got quiet for two minutes, got a mischievous look on your face and then proceeded to walk over here. What are you up too and why are you hiding your left hand.” He jokingly accused as he turned to face you and tried to grab the hand you were hiding. 
“What nothing! I’m hiding nothing, don’t you trust me” You exclaimed. Not wanting to get caught you turned around quickly to go back to where you were baking, but you hadn’t realized that you got flour on your back as well. Sanji quickly tried to look at this back where he felt your hand and noticed a lot of flour in the shape of your hand print on his shirt. 
“ I knew it! I just knew you were up to something over there (y/n)!” He yelled.
Turning back to look at him you noticed he also had a mischievous look in his eyes and was grinning too much for your liking. You started to slowly pace around the island making sure he stayed on the opposite side as you. 
“You're going down for this (y/n), so you better get ready!” He goaded while laughing. You watched as he passed in front of the flour, he grabbed a handful. Then took off running around the island to try to get to you. 
“AAHHH!! SANJI DON’T!!” You yelled, as you took off running and laughing but also not wanting to get flour dumped on you.
 Which is why you were running, because you just knew he was going to dump the handful of flour he was holding on you if he caught up to you. While chasing each other in circles around the island, you grabbed a handful of flour as you passed by. Turning around quickly you ran into Sanji. As you ran into him you threw the flour in his face, but not before he threw the flour he was holding in your face. 
“AAAHHHH!” You both screamed at the same time. Then promptly fell into a laughing fit over how ridiculous you both looked covered in flour and the situation you both were in.
It took ten whole minutes to clean up the kitchen and sort of clean off your outfits. Sanji being the perfect gentleman, offered you a change of clothes but you declined. Mainly because you thought tonight has been so fun and amazing and you sort of wanted a reminder of how ridiculous you guys have been together. When you both finally sat down to have your dinner, it was with a happy fun filled heart and nothing about the night felt like it could get anymore perfect. 
“I knew you just had to be up to something earlier when I caught you being shifty. I'm glad I caught you because I think that is the most fun I have ever had on a date before.” Sanji confided as he walked you out to your car and opened your door for you to climb in. 
“It was a ton of fun, wasn’t it? I have to agree with you because that was also the most fun I've ever had on a date. I can’t wait for our second date.” You said as you looked up into his eyes, noticing he still had flour right above his eyebrow. Smiling, you lifted your hand and wiped your thumb across his eyebrow removing the leftover flour, loving the way his curly eyebrow felt against your thumb. 
“Will you be my girlfriend.” Sanji blurted out.
“Yes. I thought you’d never ask.” You replied before he could say anything else. 
Standing up on your tip-toes you kissed his cheek and quickly got in your car. You looked out your window and saw Sanji blushing and holding his cheek that you kissed. He was giving you the cutest dazed deer in the headlights look. You were also blushing, you gave him one last radiant smile before you started to drive home. 
Little did you know that from that night on. It became a game, whenever you both were cooking or baking together, that one of you would end up with a floured hand print somewhere on their bodies by the end of the night. Preferably without the other person noticing or knowing. 
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lancetuckershairgel · 4 years
Lost Boy
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Starring: Chris Evans as Captain Hook, Sebastian Stan as TJ Hammond, and Tom Holland as Peter Pan (and Anthony Mackie as Mr Smee but he isnt in the story. He was...swabbing the deck or something)
Warnings: drug use, feelings
Word Count: 1,545
A/N: Ahhhhhh!!! This is my new favorite thing ever and it took a turn from TJ being Pan but still. Me likey.
Tag List: @southernbell91 @book-dragon-13 @marvelgirl7 @anxiousamandapanda @randomfandompenguin @louisianaspell @jobean12-blog @leisurelypanda @buckysforeverprincess @tranquil--heart @abovethesmokestacks @brat-in-a-teacup @marvelandotherfandomimagines @collinsstanharbour @nerdy-bookworm-1998
Another bullshit party where TJ Hammond fell under the scrutiny of his parents, their colleagues, and the press left him itching for a fix. He couldn't get out of that place fast enough and relief washed over him the second he stepped foot inside the sanctuary that was his apartment. He tossed  his leather jacket on the couch before he grabbed a beer from the fridge, popped the cap off on the counter, and made his way into the bedroom. 
He lost count of how many lines of white powder he had snorted. He didn't care. Anything to numb him and wash away the feelings. He laid back on his bed and stared at the ceiling, his heart pounding in his chest and eyes glazed over. His fingers tingled and he felt the euphoric sensation of being high overcome him. Just as he was drifting away he heard a scratching at his window, loud enough to draw his attention back to the present. He sat up, swung his legs over the side of the bed and looked at the frame. He didn't think his heart could beat any faster but when the window began to slide open he thought the organ would pound right through his chest. 
"Wh-who's there?" TJ whispered 
A shadowy figure crawled through the open space and heavy boots clunked on the hardwood floor with a thud. TJ couldn't move, the effects of the drugs causing his reactions to be hindered and response time to be much slower than normal. His eyes were wide as the man began to walk toward him and he shook with fear. 
"Don't be afraid." The man spoke "I won't hurt you, my dear boy."
"Wh-who are you?"
The man reached out his arm and TJ jumped but couldn't bring himself to move away from the man's reach. A shiver ran down his spine when something cold slid down his cheek and under his chin, tilting his head up. Blue eyes shown bright with fear and wonder as he looked up at the man. In the dark TJ couldn't make out much but he could see vague features. Long dark hair, a beard. The man was dressed in all black. Slowly, TJ lifted his hand to the object under his chin, his fingers curling around the man's wrist and sliding to his hand. There wasn't a hand. Instead there was a hook. 
"You..you have a hook for a hand!"
"Clever boy." The man chuckled "And now you have answered your own question. I am Captain Hook."
"Yeah right." TJ laughed 
"Don't believe do ya? Come, let me show you."
"Show me what? Your ship? A treasure?"
"Sure, why the hell not." 
TJ shrugged and followed the man to the window, assuming this was a fever dream from his high. The wind on his face sure felt real, as did the man's towering presence next to him. 
"I suppose were gonna fly?" 
"We sure are. Go on, take my hand."
TJ curled his fingers around the hook and off the men flew, out the window and up to the sky. As they began to pass through the clouds the silhouette of a ship appeared in the distance. 
"This is one hell of a trip." TJ thought to himself as he looked over the shining lights if D.C. below him. 
Once the pirate's ship had set sail through the sky, TJ leaned against the front, wind blowing gently against his face. The man, Captain Hook, appeared next to him, leaning against the wooden edge and looking out across the stars. 
"Where are you taking me?" 
"Aye, my boy. See the bright star there?" Hook gestured with his makeshift hand and TJ nodded "That's the first star. We go straight from there and on til morning, then we'll be in Neverland."
"Neverland? You mean with Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, and the lost boys?"
"My child, you are a lost boy." Hook sighed, not looking at TJ
TJ raised his eyebrows but didn't respond. Instead he stood alongside Hook and watched as they carried on with their journey. 
Upon arriving in Neverland, TJ followed the pirate off the ship and into the forest. Pixies, fairies, TJ didnt know what they were, flew overhead and he brushed their falling dust off his shoulder with a scowl. 
"They like you." Hook chuckled, drawing his sword to cut through vines 
"I don't like glitter."  
"It isn't glitter." Hook corrected "Pixie dust. It's special."
"Can I snort it?"
Hook paused his step and gave a sideways glance to TJ before carrying on.
"I wouldn't recommend it."
Soon the pair arrived at a campsite. Teepees and a fire, a pot of stew and wooden platter of bread, headdresses, everything one would expect at a Lost Boy camp, everything except the Lost Boys. 
"Where is everyone? Do I get to meet Peter Pan?" 
Hook laughed as he began to pour stew into a bowl. He handed it to TJ who sat on a wooden stump and began to eat. 
"The boys are off on an adventure."
TJ shoveled the food into his mouth, not realizing how hungry he actually was. 
"I want to go on an adventure."
"Oh but my boy aren't you already having one?" 
"Yeah, sure, but I want to wrestle a crocodile and pillage a village" TJ laughed "That rhymed. I want to find treasure"
"Well then, my lad, we can do all those things. Except maybe wrestle a crock."
While TJ ate, Hook told him tales of Neverland and how he became to be a resident. He debunked a few myths, such as he and Pan being enemies and a crocodile taking his hand. 
"So how'd you lose it?" 
"Aye, an unfortunate accident with the sword." Hook nodded solemnly "No matter. Are you done, Lad?"
TJ had finished his stew and felt pretty full. He thanked Hook before the pirate lead him away from camp. Through the woods and to Skull Island, dark cave with the rocks forming a skull. 
"Let's find treasure shall we?" 
TJ didn't know how long they had been in the cave. Hours. Days. He didn't care about the time, he was enjoying being a make believe pirate. He jumped from rock to boulder, climbing and exploring the cave. Eventually he found the treasure cove and his eyes lit up. Hook watched, leaning against the stone wall with his arms crossed over his chest, as TJ dove in. He tried on jewelry and pretended to drink wine from a gold goblet, he shoved diamonds and rubies into his pockets with Hooks permission. Last he picked up a crown adorned with jewels and placed it on his head. 
"How do I look, Captain?" 
"Like a proper young prince" Hook flashed him a smile 
On the way back from the island TJ began to get tired, his legs aching from all of the walking. Hook obliged in giving him a backride back to the camp where Peter and the Lost Boys were waiting for them. TJ took in Peter Pan, a young boy as expected, who had brown hair and big brown doe eyes. He had a complete innocence about him that TJ admired and envied. 
"Captain Hook! Who have you got there? Not another lost boy!"
Peter introduced himself to TJ and encouraged him to play with the lost boys. Seeing how young Peter and the boys were made TJ suddenly feel feel conscious and like he didn't belong. Hook noticed the long expression and put his arm around the boy. 
"What's wrong, my boy?" 
"I don't belong here. I'm thirty years old.Not a kid."
"Everyone is a kid at heart, some more than others.  Being a Lost Boy doesn't mean that you're a child, it means you need some guidance, love, and a little pixie dust."
"Yeah? I guess you're right."
TJ spent the rest of the night carefree. He played with the lost boys and had a sword fight with Peter. He ate more stew and met Tinkerbell who was exactly as he expected. When the sun began to peak over the horizon the lost boys retreated into their teepees and Peter climbed up to his treehouse for a long sleep. TJ yawned as Hook lead him back to the ship. 
"Do I have to go home?" 
"I don't want to." 
Hook scooped the sleepy TJ into his arms and carried him onto the ship, laying him in his bed. 
"You can come back any time. All you have to do is believe." 
TJ closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep as Hook covered him with a quilt and stroked his cheek with the smooth edge of his hook. 
TJ awoke to light shining. He sat up and looked around, no longer on the pirate ship but instead back in his apartment. He looked over at the window and saw that it was not only closed, but locked as well. He frowned, unable to not feel disappointed by the fact that he hadn't really gone to Neverland with a handsome pirate and instead had experienced a wild, cocaine induced trip. He sighed and got up, making his way to the shower, by passing the window. If only he had seen the gold pixie dust print left on the windowsill.  
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aprilqueen84 · 5 years
A Tail As Old As Time (1/?)
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A/N: I am so sorry that this took me so long to update, some real life problems sidelined me. As always I want to thank @hollyethecurious for being an amazing beta and I really hope you all enjoy this chapter. And if you want to be tagged or removed from the tag list let me know
Summary: All Killian cared about was earning his way off this wretched island so he could exact his revenge against the crocodile. What he didn’t expect was being saved by a beautiful mermaid who would make him question everything.
Tag List: @hollyethecurious, @resident-of-storybrooke, @kmomof4, @jennjenn615, @nikkiemms, @kingofmyheart14, @xemmaloveskillianx, @angellifedeath, @facesiousbutton82, @a-faekindagirl, @kymbersmith-90, @winterbaby89, @ekr032-blog-blog, @laschatzi, @teamhook, @ilovemesomekillianjones, @capswantrue, @bmbbcs4evr, @kday426, @tiganasummertree, @killianjonesownsmyheart1, @Ifh1962-Ifh1226-linda @met8
Chapter 1
Emma took in the man before her, with raven colored hair and eyes the color of the bluest waters in Neverland. He was handsome for sure, but she had learned the hard way that looks could be deceiving. Glancing down she was shocked when saw that he had a gleaming silver hook where his left hand should be; how she missed that when she saved him she didn’t know. In that moment she knew exactly who he was. Despite not interacting with many of the inhabitants of the island, she had heard of the band of pirates who had taken up occupancy in the nearby cove. 
“You’re Captain Hook,” she stated.
Killian smirked slightly at the sound of his new moniker. The Lost Boys had taken to calling him that, afraid of the sharp appendage. “Ah! So you’ve heard of me?”
“Well, you have made quite a name for yourself since your arrival, or so I’ve heard,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders.
Killian raised a curious eyebrow at her. “How so, love?” he asked.
Emma propped her elbow on the rocky shelf and rested her head on her palm. “Oh, you know. There’s new occupants in Neverland, and their grown-ups... and pirates. One would have thought Pan’s head might explode with the news.”
Killian looked at her skeptically. “And how would you know how Pan reacted?”
“I was unfortunately in the demon child’s presence when one of his minions came racing in to tell him of your arrival,” she said as she rolled her eyes.
“Not a fan of him I take it,” he said amused.
Emma scoffed. “Hardly. He can’t stand the fact that I won’t fall in line like the other mermaids, and do his bidding,” she explained. Suddenly, her voice hardened. “I’m not like them at all.”
Killian cocked his head at her. “What exactly does that mean, love?”
Emma’s eyes shifted from side to side, clearly uncomfortable with the question. She turned back to him with a frown on her face. “What were you even doing here?” she asked suspiciously.
Killian was taken aback by the sudden change of subject, but decided not to call her out on it. “I was sent to retrieve something.”
“What?” she asked.
“A rare stone, small about the size of a coin and emerald in color,” he informed her.
Emma’s face hardened immediately. “Did Pan send you here!” she hissed at him.
Killian’s eyes widened at her sudden hostility. “Um...Yes,” he answered hesitantly.
The blonde mermaid narrowed her eyes at him. “You can tell him he can go to hell!” She pushed herself away from the rocky shelf. “And you can go with him. He is never going to get his hands on it,” she declared before turning and disappearing back into the water. 
“Emma! Wait!” he called out, confused by her reaction. When he got no response, Killian debated about what to do next. He looked toward the mouth of the cave, knowing that Pan would be waiting for news about the stone. Except, for some reason he felt an inexplicable urge to follow Emma. “Bloody hell!” he whispered to himself as he stood up and  made his way down the passageway until it opened up into a vast chamber.
“Go away!” he heard Emma’s voice coming from behind the large rock formation that was in the middle of the chamber.
Glancing down the pathway he saw a line of small stones sticking out of the water, leading to the rock. He made his way to them, then carefully walked across and began to climb it. Upon reaching the top, he saw Emma at the bottom, her head resting on her arms with a melancholy look on her face. 
“Emma, I don’t understand. What’s wrong?” 
Emma turned her head at the sound of his voice. “I thought I told you to leave!” she said with disdain. 
Killian swung his legs over the edge and slid down to the bottom until he was sitting beside her. “What is going on, love?”
She lifted her eyes to meet his. “You really don’t know?”
He shook his head. “No. All Pan told me was to come to this cave, find the stone, and bring it back to him.” 
Emma could tell he was being sincere. She raised herself out of the water to settle down next to him. “This is what Pan’s after,” she said, tilting her head back.
Killian didn’t know how he had missed it. Around her neck was a black choker, and in the middle of it sat a brilliant emerald colored jewel. “My God,” he gasped, his eyes widening.
She lowered her head and brought her hand up to touch the stone. “I’ve had it around my neck since I arrived here.”
“How did it get there?” he inquired.
“I...I don’t know,” she shrugged her shoulders, not meeting his eyes. “All I know is that it won’t come off.”
Killian looked at her in shock. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that I have tried everything imaginable to remove it, and nothing has worked. It’s like it’s permanently attached to my neck,” she explained.
‘“Why does Pan want it?”
Emma threw her hands in the air in exasperation. “I don’t know! I just know that ever since he first saw it he’s wanted it. He has sent lost boys, other mermaids, and now you after it.”
“Does he know you can’t remove it?” he asked. But he was already pretty sure he knew the answer.
“Pan knows everything,” Emma said in a weary voice.
Killian could feel the dread inside him rising at what that meant. “So, how did he expect me to bring it to him?”
Emma scoffed. “Probably with it still attached to my head,” she said with a pointed look. “He most likely thought you, being a pirate, wouldn’t think twice about killing a mermaid.”
Killian felt anger course through him at Pan’s trickery. “Well, he is going to be very disappointed.”
Emma looked at him sharply. “Pan won’t be happy that you returned empty handed.”
“Not if he doesn’t know I found it,” he told her.
Realization dawned on Emma at what exactly he meant by that. “Lying to Pan is not a good idea.”
“Sod Pan! I won’t be his puppet!” he said with venom in his voice. Upon seeing Emma’s startled expression he calmed slightly. “Apologies love,” he said, bringing his hand up to scratch behind his ear.
“You would really do that?” she asked surprised. “Why?”
Killian couldn’t explain to her why he would risk Pan’s wrath by lying to him about finding her and the stone. Hell, he couldn’t even explain it to himself. Why did the thought of any harm coming to her send an uneasiness right through him? “Because it’s the right thing to do,” he said vehemently.
“How very noble of you, Captain,” Emma said with a smile.
“Killian,” he replies.
“What?” Emma said.
“My name is Killian.” He doesn’t know why he is telling Emma his real name. Memories of the last person to utter his name made is heart clench, but for some reason it felt right. 
“Killian,” Emma said softly. “It’s nice to meet you.”
He reached over and grasped her hand, bringing it up to lips.“You as well, my lady.” He then placed a kiss upon the back of it.
She giggled and slapped her tail against the water. “My, you are quite the charmer.”
“I prefer the term gentleman,” Killian said winking at her before his playful manner disappeared and he grew serious. “I should head back.”
Emma tensed. “Are you going to be okay, Killian?” 
It had been a long time since anyone had cared about his well being and Killian didn’t know how to feel about it. “Of course, love! I’m Captain Hook, and if there’s one thing I’m good at it’s surviving,” he said cheekily.
Emma reached out to place her hand on his cheek. “Please be careful, Killian. Pan is treacherous. Don’t underestimate him.”
Killian saw the fearful look in her eyes and immediately sobered. “Aye. I promise,” he said, taking her hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
Emma nodded her head in acceptance and offered, “I’ll help you get back to shore.” She nodded again, this time towards the entrance of the chamber. “I’ll go make sure nothing is lurking in the water,” she said slipping into the water.
They made their way back to the mouth of the cave where Killian joined her in the water. Together they swam toward the shore until Emma could go no further. When Killian reached the shore he turned back toward the water to see Emma, where they held each other’s gaze for a long moment until the blonde mermaid raised her hand in farewell then turned and disappeared back into the water. Killian donned his boots and coat, and started to make his way back through the jungle, on his way to face Pan.
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Hello! I love your writing and all your stories! Going to make a weird request.. A merman Noctis x reader fic? Like Insomnia was an underwater kingdom and Noctis fell in love with human s/o. How did they meet? How would the love develop? Is there an evil that threatens the couple? How would the kingdom react to meeting Noctis love? Would s/o want to stay on land or want to go to Insomnia with the merman prince? An epilogue after everything? (I know it's a lot you don't have to do all of it lol)
Ohhh! The ever popular Mermaid AU! I’m honored! With this request, I have officially entered the ranks of a true fandom author! Lol 😘 And this is officially my 100th post on this blog!! WOOT! 🎉
I’ve actually been super excited to get to this request! It got a bit out of hand, so it’s taken a while to write. Super inspired by Disney, like it was a 5 hour Disney karaoke party while writing this.  I hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @idiotflowerex
Sleepless Waters
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Waves crashed on the rocky shore, the clouds darkened, and the winds whipped, but it was all far away from the young prince, safe below the surface of the sea. He slept peacefully in the arms of his father, King Regis of the Lucian Sea.
Far above, your young self watched the storm out a farm house’s window. Three other families had come to stay with you through the storm, fearing their homes would be washed away. The presence of others by your side during nature’s fury brought peace to your young heart, but you ached for the adventure of the storm.
The merpeople of the the Lucian Sea were something of a myth to the people of Eos. There were ancient tales of them coming to the aid of the land dwellers during great wars with the daemons, bringing with them water magic and the aid of monsters from the deep. They granted the coastal towns prosperous fishing when the smoke of conflict cleared and crops had been razed. The Lucian people brought the entire world back from the brink of death, only to suddenly vanish below the waves, never to be heard from again.
Occasionally, sailors would return to alehouses claiming to have seen the merpeople or been rescued by one. These rumors would be chocked up to saltwater filled delusions.
To the merpeople, humans were an honorless folk, quick to violence and disregarding the wellbeing of their own people. Their ancient murals told of a war for Eos the where man and mer fought as allies. As the battle settled, the mer tried to help rebuild by providing man with the secrets of the ocean. The kingdoms of man hoarded them. Coastal countries kept the food and resources for themselves, using their newfound strength to conquer the inland countries they had starved.
The people of the sea were as one country, always valuing their fellow soul. Upon seeing the power struggle of the land, the mer were disgusted any being could do that to one of their own. The ancient kings vowed to leave the sunlit kingdoms to their own demise, distancing their people to save them from such a fate. From then on, an oath was taken by every mer not to interact with man upon penalty of death.
For two millennia the kingdom of water has watched man silently from beyond the rocky coast.
Now a young man, Prince Noctis hated this silence. He like to watch the humans as they played on the beach, keeping his eyes just above water. The children would build structures together to watch them be swept away in the tide. He saw them chase each other and protect one another. Their games were fascinating to him.
For now, he watched another young person as they practiced sword techniques on the beach. He cringed at their form, but their endurance was admirable.
As they practiced, a young crocodile took interest. Tail leaving trenches in the sand, it snuck towards Noctis’s ward. He began to panic: with the wind in their ears, the would-be-knight couldn’t hear the monster coming towards them.
Closer it crept.
Closer still.
“BEHIND YOU!” Noctis yelled, popping out of the water. He was just in time. You turned around to see the crocodile before it attacked. Being able to take the offensive, you easily dispatched the small monster.
Blushing profusely, Noctis dipped below the water. What had he just done? He had just spoken to a human! What was going to happen?
He heard muffled yelling above the water.
“Hello?!” You cried from the beach. Someone had just saved your life…didn’t they? You could have sworn someone had shouted a warning to you about the crocodile.  But there was no one on the beach…
“WHAT IS IT CHILD?!?” An elder called down from the cliff above.
“Nothing,” you called back.
“Good! Then get up here and get back to work!”
You sighed. Farm work wasn’t for you. It was too monotonous. Only the seasons changed and even they brought predictable work. Your childhood friends were content with working their parents’ fields, but you were not. The land held promise, but you were not one to be rooted in place.
You took one last look out at the sea before heading towards the path leading away from the beach. Noctis watched you go.
Each day you returned to practice on the beach and each day Noctis returned to watch you. Neither absence went unnoticed. Elders became increasingly disgruntled with you abandoning your work. Noctis’s guards and friends began to look for him.
The prince was noting your improved swing, helped by a book next to you, when he was pulled below the waves by a sharp yank! Momentarily disheveled by the oncoming water, he tried to lash out at his attacker. His swings were blocked by strong arms.
“Crown Prince, what in the seven seas are you doing?” Ignis, his advisor and lifelong friend waited below the waves, having pulled the Prince down.
“Specs!” Noctis came to, rubbing his head. Ignis’s tail swished in annoyance waiting for Noctis’s answer. “Er, nothing. Just…watching the sky.”
“Doubtful.” Ignis replied, adjusting his spectacles. “Let us be off.”
Noct began to follow Ignis’s dive, but hesitated, looking over his shoulder to the surface. The act was noted with pity by Ignis. The future king escaped punishment by King Regis thanks to the kindness of his friend.
Noctis returned to the surface that night. He didn’t see what the past kings seemed to see in the humans. They had been kind to each other, only using violence to protect each other. They couldn’t be such awful creatures!
He pulled himself onto a stone, sitting up so as to watch the full moon. He didn’t hear you making your way down the path.
You had come down to the beach to watch the sky, far away from the revelry of the villagers. Today marked a harvest festival. The same villagers would be eating the same food they did every year and dancing with the same people. You had no interest in the festivities.
You saw a figure sitting on a rock just beyond the tide. Was it a daemon? Was it a stranger?
“Hello?” you called out. You saw the figure flinch and fall into the water. Fearing they could be hurt and drown, you waded out to the stone.
It was like no one had been there. You heard a splashing behind you. “Hello?” you asked the empty night, again. More splashing, this time it was violent. It was coming from one of the nearby traps the fishermen had put out!
You ran through the darkness to the sound. Rounding a boulder, bathed in moonlight, you found the strangest sight of your life. Tangled in the fishing nets, you saw a merman! A handsome, dark haired man with blue scales and dark eyes. The two of you stared at each other.
Was this an actual merman? What was he doing here? Your head was spinning with questions.
The man gritted his teeth and cuffed as you approached him. You pulled a knife from your boots and he raised his hands. “I’m not going to hurt you, I’m going to free you…” You said, raising your hands to him. Did merfolk even know your language?
He sat still, but wouldn’t look at you as you freed him. As you cut the last rope holding him, his entire body lunged into the water. There was barely a shimmer as he darted away.
You sat, stunned, trying to think through what just happened. No one would ever believe you. You must be at home, asleep in your bed.
Noctis was far off the coast before he stopped to turn around. He peered out over the surface of the water, expecting to see an empty coast. Some part of him told him that you’d be gone, having run away to tell your human friends about the merman you saw! Brag about your good deed in freeing it! Sure you’d get a boon from the sea.
Instead, he saw you sitting there, bathed in moonlight, watching the water. Why weren’t you gone? What was it? He slowly made his way back to the shore, wanting to check on his savior.
“Come back…” you whispered to the sea, not wanting to lose the first wonder your simple eyes ever beheld.
Noctis heard you and the sadness in your voice. He couldn’t leave, not after you had just freed him.
He was willing to take a risk, but only for you.
The young merman surfaced, rising from the water like the sun before you eyes. You gasped. The two of you simply stared at each other in the moonlight. Moments later, he dove, swimming off, again.
The next night you returned, having had to spend the day working. The elders weren’t letting you out of their sights, now.
The tide was high as you removed your shoes, unceremoniously splashing into the water. Looking about, you hoped to see the merman, again, but he was nowhere to be seen. You sat on a tall rock as the water splashed below. You mind trailed off to distant daydreams as you stared out.
A spash woke you from your thoughts. You looked about to see what it had been, hopes and fears clouding your mind. Your gaze brushed over what you had initially thought was a rock, before coming back, to realize it was black hair! He had returned!
Noctis had returned to the surface that day, to find an empty beach. Sorrow filled his heart, wondering where his savior had gone. He had snuck out that night, with greater difficulty, dodging his shield gaze the whole while.
Here you were, the stars twinkling above your head. Before him like an image of peace.
“I’m not going to hurt you…” is all you could think to say to the merman before you, as though he was a small animal.
His head popped below the water, again, taking your heart with him.
You stared at the spot he had left.
“Er…hello…” you heard from softly at your feet. Startled, you fell from your perch into the water! Hands quickly grabbed you, hoisting you back to the surface.
Your lungs gasped for the air they had forgotten upon their descent. As you oriented yourself, letting the seawater leave your eyes, a soft giggle met you. You were looking into the eyes of the merman!
“Wha!” You began.
“Careful!” he exclaimed, holding you so you wouldn’t bash your head against a rock.
You calmed yourself, still in his arms. “You’re…real?” You exclaimed, putting a hand on his face. You poked at him and stretched parts of his face, to Noctis’s great annoyance.
He smiled at you. “As much as you are!” he proclaimed.
Noctis swam you back to shore, letting you sit on the sand and he in the tidal waters.
“I have so many questions!” You exclaimed, not wanting this dream to escape you.
“Well, me too!” He sounded slightly off put, as if forgetting he was the only myth on the beach.
“Are you really a merman? Why are you here? Who are you? Where have you been?” The questions overflowed from your lips.
He looked at you, stunned. The two of you had yet another stare off.
You cleared your throat. “My apologies…I’m [Y/N].” You held out your hand to the merman.
He smiled at you. Ancient texts had warned the prince of the strange ways of humans. “I’m Noctis.” He returned, taking your hand and kissing it. His lips were cool and soft on your skin, making the burn in your cheeks all the more noticable.
The two of you sat and talked the night away, learning new things about the long silent cultures.
Your rendezvous continued the next night.
Noctis was waiting for you one a stone, as you approached. He wore an utterly gorgeous smile upon his handsome face.
Wading out to him, you remarked, “You’re back! I keep fearing I will wake up from this dream.”
“If you’re dreaming, then so am I.” He commented. “My turn for questions.”
You settled in, your eyes beckoning him to begin.
“What is this place? What do you do? Why are you training to become a warrior?” Now it’s his turn to spill over.
You smile; it was refreshing to know that you’re not the only one in the dark. “Well, this place is a small village called Ogvar. I was raised a farmer by my family. I train each day because…because I don’t want to be a farmer.” Your eyes reflected the determination in your heart, looking up to challenge the very moon.
“But isn’t being a farmer noble? You provide food for others.” Noctis’s lifelong teachings from his father took over. To the merpeople, every profession is honorable, especially if it helps their fellow folk.
“Yes, it is. But it’s not for me. I couldn’t make even a marigold grow! And I can’t stand how boring it all is.” You sighed, still staring out at the water. “Maybe I’m not meant to be a hero, but I want to find and adventure, someplace that I feel like I belong, you know?”
Noctis grew solemn and nodded. If anyone knew how you felt, it was him. “Well, then. You’re going to be needing this.” Noctis hands you a sword that you hadn’t even noticed he had!
“For me… really?” You asked, taken aback.
“Yes, as a thank you for saving me.” He pushed the blade closer to you.
You took it from his hands, marveling at how light it was. It’s was made from some sort of scales, serrated at the base and sharp at the tip. “Thank you!” You exclaimed, beaming. Seeing you so happy filled the Prince’s heart with joy; he couldn’t take his eyes from you. Perhaps, humans weren’t so evil after all.
The whole while, Ignis watched from a distance.
The next day, Noctis was in his room, preparing a new sword. Ignis knocked, requesting entry.
“Of course!” Noctis called, letting in his dear friend.
“What happened to your blade?” The astute advisor inquired.
“Oh…nothing. Lost it in the canyon.” Noctis replied, avoiding Ignis’s gaze.
“Noct…I know.” Ignis managed. He wasn’t sure how to bring this up, but something must be said before everyone found out.
“About what?!” Noct spun around, panicked.
“About your nightly escapades. Please, Noct, remember our oaths.” Ignis could barely look at Noctis. He knew what the prince was doing was done with a good heart. The human he met may not even be that bad. But if the King found out…well, Ignis worried about Noct’s safety.
Pleading eyes met Noctis’s. His heart was made up, though. “But they’re not bad! They’re nothing like the legends! Ignis, they’re wonderful! They saved me!” He tried to say everything, anything, to make Ignis see his way, but the advisor just shook his head.
“Remember your oath,” is all he reminded Noctis as he swam away.
That night, Noctis would return to your rendezvous point with Ignis’s words echoing through his mind.
The moon is high in the sky. You’re waiting on Noctis, having gotten to the beach early on light feet and a fluttering heart. Seeing the merman has brought a whole new light to your life.
He approaches with a far away gaze.
“What’s on your mind?” You ask as he’s unnaturally quiet.
He stares off, pensive, before sighing. “Do you know why humans haven’t seen merpeople in thousands of years?”
“No…no one does.” You reply.
“It’s because one king found humans to be untrustworthy, violent, and honorless. So every mer after swore an oath to never speak to a human…” He looks you in the eyes. “Upon our lives.”
A cold shock runs through you. That’s why his people vanished into legend? They found humans to be that reprehensible? Did Noctis find you to be that way?
You sit, stunned by his words, having none of your own with which to reply. Noctis decides to fill the silence.
“It’s not right! They judged an entire culture on the deeds of your leaders. Then, you were never given a chance to change!” His hands wave towards the sky, daring to defy the old order.
You stare at your new friend, thinking of what a great leader he would make.
For a time, you sit in silence, listening to the waves crashing.
In a whisper, barely audible above the wind, Noctis asks, “Want to change all that?” He wears a mischievous smile.
This man is full of surprises. “Aren’t we already?” you ask, fearing the mounting consequences against your friend.
“We can do better.” Noctis replies, pushing himself from your perch and sliding soundlessly into the water. He holds up his hands, offering to catch you if you would only come to him.
“What are you doing?” Your voice trembles.
“Do you trust me?” His voice is confident. He saved your life and quickly become the sole light in it. But what was this about?
You had always wanted an adventure, and here it was, staring back at you. This is it.
“Yes!” You say, throwing yourself from the rock.
Water fills your vision, ears, and nose, but you didn’t have to wait long for air. Noctis caught you. He is there, that familiar and handsome face being at you.
Holding you just at the surface, you realize you don’t know enough about this plan. “Er…how is this going to work? I can’t dive very far.”
“Magic,” Noctis retorts, giggling at his own curtness.
“Do you mind if I kiss you?” Now he is asking questions? Why? But your heart takes control of your mouth.
“Please do!” What did you just say?! “But how does that…”
The merman puts a finger to your lips to silence you.
The water swirls around him as the two of you sink beneath the waves. You close your eyes and hold your breath. Opening just one eye, you see Noctis blushing. At least mermen blush, you think. The aquatic beauty lays his hands on your cheeks, before suddenly pulling you close. Your lips embrace in a hurried but gentle kiss.
Your heart feels like it physically left your chest. The cold ocean seems to disappear from your skin. Your mind melts into feelings of pure joy.
His lips linger on yours before working them apart. His breath becomes your breath. Your lungs fill as though taking in air for the first time in a century. You skin tingles with the magic of the moment.
Just as suddenly as it happened, it ends. Noctis pulls away from you. You open your dazed eyes.
You are underwater! Your body panics, instincts tell you you should be drowning!
“NO! No, no, just…breathe! It’s ok!” Noctis grabs your hands, trying to calm you.
Your terrified eyes star at him. Your mind battles your body, one trying to will you to breathe, trusting Noctis, the other collapsing in on itself, knowing the dangers of deep water.
Your mind wins for a brief moment. Your mouth opens, gasping for air. Your heart hammers, knowing your lungs will be filled with water.
But the water never comes. You are able to take another gasp, and another, until they start to feel more like breaths.
“See?” Nocits asks, dipping just below you.
“I guess…” you hands fly to your mouth, you spoke! “What’s going on?!” you can’t hardly believe it all.
“Magic.” Noctis replies, a smug grin plastered on his face. “Merpeople can grant the gift of breath, as we call it.”
You hardly hear him, taking in the feeling of the ocean. Your skin is warm, as through it doesn’t need the sun, anymore. Everything around you is a deep dark blue, serene and ominous. This has to be a dream.
Noctis can’t help but take in your wonder. “You think this is good, wait till you see it all!” He says, taking your hand. “Are you ready?”
Heart pounding, mind fuzzy, you look at the merman holding your hand. This has to be a dream, but if it is one, you’d best make the most of it. All you can do is nod.
With sudden strength, Noctis flips his fins and you dive down to the brightly colored sea floor.
You legs can’t keep up with the experienced fins of the merman, so you let him pull you wherever the flow of his whims desires.
You see coral of reds, blues, and purples! Fish the colors of every wildflower! Shipwrecks as old as the village. Noctis continues to pull you along.
He takes you through mountains taller than any you had seen on land as they begin erupting in steaming surges! Down through canyons where your stomach leaves you upon descent. Deeper and deeper you dive.
Suddenly you stop, hearing a great moan echo through the water.
“What was that?” You ask, fearing the unknown. Noctis has a look of joy in his eyes!
“You’re going to get to see her!”
“See who?” The cry comes again.
“Bismark!” Noctis sings, pulling you to a nearby ledge.
Up from the dark depths a great creature, like none you had ever imagined, rises.  It resembles a whale, but is a hundred times bigger, with a great horn jutting from its head. Runes cover its body. The creature is massive but more majestic than anything you have seen on land.
The god of the sea puts on a performance for you, swimming in great flips and circles. Shooting for the surface, breaching, and letting the echo of her descent fill the ocean like thunder. She takes your breath away.
She lets out another cry, this one more joyous than the last. Fish from every direction come to her call, joining in her dance. Their scales shimmer like the stars above.
For her final act, Bismark swims close to your lookout, stopping just long enough for one great eye to meet yours, before gliding off into the great unknown. You and Noctis get caught in her currents, being picked up and flipped about, giggling as you settle.
Noctis rights himself first, coming to your aid as you spin. You continue to giggle in his arms.
He looks at you as though you are the greatest wonder in all the seas. You look up at him, trying to convey how much this all means to you. You wrap your arms around his neck and he understands. In a moment, your lips are together, this time with the simple magic of love. In his arms, you feel like you’re home.
Noctis spin you around, happiness overflowing from his heart. “C’mon. I’ve saved the best for last!” And you are off, again.
Onwards you swim, over the great chasm Bismark emerged from, through sandy stretches of nothing, until you saw a beaming light on the horizon. Noctis turns to you, “That’s my home. The crown jewel of the Lucian Seas: Insomnia.” You smile at his excitement.
As you approach, your heart sinks, though. Something is wrong.
Black ooze drips from the buildings of the city, the coral sits still, bleached white. Screams can be heard. Noctis’s face drains of color in an instant.
Forward you push, your free hand making its way to the blade Noctis bestowed upon you.
Upon arrival, you see them: daemons. Glowing eyed black creatures of every size. Many look like varieties you have seen on land, but with aquatic features.
A pale merman with sun colored hair sees your approach. “NOCT!” he cries, unleashing a water gun on a daemon.
“Prompto!” Noctis calls as you swim nearer.
“I’m…woah, wait…WHAT?!?!” The merman, apparently named Prompto, rests his wide eyes on you.
“No time to explain.” Noctis replies. Sparkling blue magic swirls around his hands before a sword materializes in them. “C’mon!”
The three of you fight your way through daemons, making for a nearby building. You hold your own; your swordwork is clumsy in water, but you quickly adapt.
Entering the building, Noctis pushes you to a wall. Magic sparks again and a clear barrier is erected over the doorway. “Stay here! I’ll be back!” He says to you, making his way effortlessly through the barrier. Prompto looks back at you, worry filling his eyes.
“Wait!” You cry, making for the door, but the barrier stops you in your tracks.
“Please, [Y/N]. I can’t’ have anything happen to you! Please, just…stay here.” Noct begs you from the other side.
He sets his mouth before turning away. The merman and his friend swim away, cutting their way through daemons. But your prison does not go unnoticed.
Smaller daemons, sensing easy prey, find the barrier. They bash into it, over and over, scaring you each time. You are cornered within Noctis’s good intentions.
A tentacled ronin takes notice of the commotion, gliding towards the barrier. The smaller daemons move out of its way. It stares at you before unleashing one lighting fast swing of its katana. You can see a crack in the barrier against the water. It shifts, readying itself for another strike. Your heart pounds, the sword in your hands feeling suddenly miniscule.
“GAAH!” A shout rings out. A hulk of a merman attacks the ronin with a greatsword the size of his body. Another flash, daggers land in each of the smaller daemons.
A spectacled merman approaches the barrier, banishing the magic with a wave of his hand. Noctis’s words ring through your head, “… on our lives.” Oh, no. Are they here to dispatch you?
“Are you alright, [Y/N]?” The poised merman asks.
“Er…yes. How do you know my name?” You reply, still backing away from your new guests.
“Oh, we know a lot about you. The Prince isn’t as sneaky as he thinks he is.” The hulking merman retorts.
You stare at them for a moment, shock painted across your features.
“Prince?” Is all you can say.
The two mermen shared a concerned look.
“Er…yes. We’ll let him explain the details to you.” The spectacled man breaks the silence. “Until then, I’m Ignis, that is Gladio, and your Prince Noctis is in danger.”
He is what?! Bravery surges against the walls of fear holding you back. With a short lived spurt, you push out the door of your former prison, past Gladio and Ignis.
“What are you waiting for? Then let’s go!” You call back.
Gladio grins wickedly. “I like ‘em.” He grabs your arm and heaves you to his back. “Hang on!” He yells as he surges forward. You cling to his shoulder.
The three of you make your way to a great castle, built of coral  and gleaming shells. The entire structure glows white against the blue of the vast ocean beyond. The sight would be breathtaking if you were not so hurried to find Noctis.
You find him, backed into the middle of the throne room with Prompto and a great regal merman. Daemons circle around them.
Into the fray you and your compatriots charge. Your legs providing you with the ability to push off from the sea floor and walls, a tactic the daemons weren’t expecting.
Back to back you fight with the Prince. Your newfound numbers are able to dispatch the rest of the daemons quickly.
As the water settles, all eyes wander towards you. Gods above, this is awkward, you think.
The king clears his throat, eyes drilling into your very soul.
Noctis is before you in an instant! “Father, stop!”
Currents swirl. Soon, three more mermen are beside him.
“Your majesty, please…” Ignis begins.
“Look! They helped us! They’re not so bad!” Prompto adds, gesturing to you.
“And if Noct likes them, we like them.” Gladio ends.
“Would you all give me a moment to speak?!” The king bursts, a smile growing on his face.
Outside of battle, you can study his features. He had kind eyes and a graying beard. His facial structure is that of Noct’s.
“You there, what is your name?” The king booms.
“[Y/N]…your majesty.” You add, bowing.
The king merely laughs. “I am King Regis of the Lucian Sea. As I’m sure my son has informed you, on your many escapes,” he side eyes Noctis. Moving towards you, he continues: “The mermen have sworn an oath to disavow all human contact…upon penalty of death.”
You look at the ground, nodding. Your heart is pounding. The future is uncertain.
“This is an oath taken against dishonorable creatures, selfish beings who seek only power…”
“But I’m not…”
The King holds up his hand to silence you. The effect reverberates through the entire ocean.
“But the oath does not contemplate a human who proves themself to be a hero.” The King beams at you.
Noctis drifts back to your side, taking your hand. The King makes his way through the remaining line.  
“I think it’s high tide we…reevaluate that oath, don’t you?” He smiles down at his son. Noctis nods.
“[Y/N], what do you think of our glowing kingdom?” Regis asks.
You’re in awe: royalty is talking to you! “I…I like it…” You say sheepishly. Noctis grips your hand, adding strength to you heart.
“Good, because I hope, and I think my son does, as well, that you’ll be spending a lot of time here.” Regis smiles as he swims away. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, we have a city to care for.” Noctis’s friends smile as he embraces you, leaving to join Regis.
You and Noctis kiss, passionately and deep. Your life has just changed like the coast after a great storm.
“So, ‘prince’, huh?” You ask, pulling away.
“Oh…er…yeah.” He retorts, sheepishly.
You smile on his lips. “It suits you.”
He laughs. “Then we’ll need to find you a suitable title.”
King Regis became the first king in the Lucian Sea to challenge the old oath, entrusting you as the ambassador to the humans.
Seeking out old magic, Noctis and Regis were able to to grant you your own tail. Being primarily human, though, it would vanish if you left the sea, replaced by your normal legs.
The village of Ogvar was soon renamed Mermaid’s Haven, as rumors of two people wielding water magic who had emerged from the sea spread across Eos. Every shore would later be filled with merpeople greeting the humans.
You spent most of your time in Insomnia, training with your newfound friends. You truly felt like you had found your home.
The daemons seemed to vanish from the sea, for a time. But evil was at work, watching with dark eyes as the sun slowly set.
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jcmorgenstern · 4 years
"#hey where's the fic where chaotic bisexuals jace and clary are in a relationship with clary's estranged brother's foster mom#literally lease my crops are DYING i NEED cougar lilith i NEED#(mundane AU 20k rated M or E) #im gonna have to write it myself arent i" // perhaps Lilith is beside herself over Jonathan leaving, and this is a chance to feel closer to him through people important to him. perhaps I love this idea.
tags from this post (thank you anon!!! i went a little fucking crazy and wrote this which is entirely unedited.....rip in pieces)
It had been a year and a half since she had seen Jonathan last. He had been hers in all the ways that mattered (but never flesh and blood) until he wasn’t, a stabilizing weight by her side cut loose. Sudden as that, she was in freefall. A prestigious editorship at a major fashion magazine turned to ball and chain, the envied life of a socialite the vanity of a mere woman, a luxurious New York loft to the dreaded empty nest. At her third strong drink in an evening, she could feel the thin coat of dust layering her womb, a mausoleum. Her son and one frivolous argument too many did what scores of small men had tried and failed to do.
On balance, she supposed she ought to proud it took her this long for the bland Promethean cycle of waking-working-talking-eating-sleeping-repeat to wear her down, and ashamed she gave in at all. A good mother, she knew, would never be caught where she is now--standing out in an ill-fitting tinsel dress she wouldn’t have been caught dead in two years ago, avoiding the eyes of men too young for her (beneath her) in favor of one in particular.
I only want to look, she’d told herself as she’d scrabbled at the bottom of her purse (Himalaya Birkin, years out of style, a metaphor dangling in crocodile skin off her arm) for her keys. Just to see. Get close. Watch.
It had been complete coincidence that she’d found out about the art exhibit in the first place. An invite to a wretched student affair from a once-great school grasping for relevance in the cynical age of the internet stuffed in with her morning mail delivery, ordinarily not worth a second more of her attention than it took to sweep it into the trash. The name was what caught her attention, an instinctive flash in the pan--Fairchild.
He didn’t go by Fairchild, of course. He was a man, and why would a man wear anything but the name of another man? At the threshold of adulthood, Jonathan shed the vile name of the woman who had given him up in favor of a ghost of a father. Her own, she realized now, had never been in the running. And so he called himself Morgenstern, an ugly name sealing him off from her like foreign territory. Morgenstern had a terrible finality to it.
She didn’t answer a single email or call the rest of the morning, snapping at any EA foolhardy enough to raise a word against her. By noon, she knew the girl and her boyfriend from smiling model pictures on Instagram, incomplete snippets of life from Facebook and Twitter. The wordless temptation finally had a face and a name and an achingly familiar mane of red hair. Fairchild was the name of his sister by blood, the girl for whom his birth mother had scraped together enough love to keep.
She picked the weaker link first--the blond. Men gave themselves away more easily than women, basking in every oozing ounce of attention. She took his measure in-between smiles and small conversations, observing him over the shoulders of conversational partners she took no interest in. Well-built, handsome, artfully disarranged hair, a James Dean sort of affable. The type girls wished for long after he’d moved on from her entirely. She could see him in the glossy pages of a fashion magazine and allowed herself to hate him, dip the fashionable one syllable of his white-hipster name in poison. Jace.
The second hour she allowed herself closer, indulged in scratching the surface. Uncomfortable in worn jeans and leather jacket surrounded by talk of Bosch, Mondrian, Xiaodong, he was here for his girlfriend, treading water in the art world to lend her a familiar face. He flirted with the girl at the bar more out of obligation than interest, reading off his come here often? lines stiff and atonal. By the time she drifted up beside him at the bar, she had given him enough nuance she could have convinced herself to like him.
“I don’t suppose you could get me one of those?”
It came out easy, like slipping into clothes from another life. Her first job as waitress faking pretty rouged smiles through propositions and comments and ass-pinches, or her first magazine internship weathering the same. He was drinking beer, and she couldn’t stand beer, but men had a peculiar weakness for women who drank their own kinds of drink.
He turned, bemusement turning to something else as she deliberately met his gaze. He was lovely up close, and all in a dizzying rush she felt the barest spark of that indescribable satisfaction she’d been chasing, found the ghost of Jonathan’s angular features in the broader contours of his face. His too-polite smile broke the spell. “I’d love to, but I don’t think my girlfriend would like that very much.”
The waitress smile slipped off. Put him in his place. “It just seems you’re the only one who can get any service around here.”
His smile turned instantly sheepish. “Oh, uh--sorry.” A quick word with the bartender, and soon she had her very own mug of alcoholic piss. He visibly cast about for a line of conversation, and it raised her ire that she couldn’t tell if he did it out of flirtation or pity. “Are you with the gallery?”
“Oh, no. I’m with Poise magazine. We like to browse local shows for rising talent. Keeps us fresh.” She gave a half-flicker of lash at fresh. The cover story was self-indulgent--the answer she gave only mattered to herself. She wasn’t searching for her son where she knew he wouldn’t be found. The flirtation was by rote. “Are you an artist? We’re always doing submission intake.”
It was an old and familiar lie. General licensure was the best any hopeful would get without prior connections.
“Me? No way.” He was warming up to her, rising to her charm like a snake from a basket. How old was he? He couldn’t even be half her age. “Clar--my girlfriend, she’s the artist. I’m here for her.”
For her, not with her. There was a distinction. She cued up the smile she used for interviews. “That’s lovely. What kind of artist?”
“A painter.” For a second, Jace’s expression was almost shy. “She landed the art school gig, but her mom taught her. It’s kind of her last connection to her, you know? Painting keeps her mom alive.”
The enormity of his statement quavered between them like a note from a tuning fork struck on an edge. She felt her expression flicker and melt like wax--Jocelyn was dead. Was it cancer, murder, a hit-and-run? Half-thoughts spooled out in her imagination, part vindictive and part lurid. Did he know? Did he think of her the day he learned she was dead, wish for her to put her arms around him and let him cry into her? She savored the imaginary heat of his short, hitched exhales on her neck, the precious hot droplets of salt falling on her skin.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, I’m an ass,” Jace was babbling. “Did you--have you lost a parent too?”
For a moment, she could have laughed at him. Her father was buried, her mother entombed in a home somewhere conveniently out of mind. With a strange, electric jolt she realized he had assigned her fallen expression to the closest thing at hand, unbiased by that all-encompassing occupation: mother. A mother must have lost a child; a person could lose a parent a lover or a friend. It had been so very long since she’d been seen as anything but.
“Jace! JaceJaceJace--there you are!”
A mess of red-gold curls bounded by her to plant a messy wet kiss to Jace’s cheek. They kissed, young dewy-skinned and unabashed, and she watched with a feeling unlike Jonathan creeping on the edge of her thoughts. Jace broke away first, pulling her back into conversation. “This is, uh, Clary. Clary, this is--” he broke off, embarrassed.
Clary spluttered in the middle of knocking back the last of a sidecar, whipping around to stare at her with something wide-eyed and akin to wonder. “Don’t you--? Don’t you know who she is? Editor at Poise? The Lilith?”
“Not exactly,” Jace admitted.
Clary paid him no mind, cocktail glass immediately moored at the bar. She looked up at her and once she saw past the stars winking in the girl’s eyes, she could see they were the same soft hazel as her brother’s. Clary was drunk, and brimming with it from her ugly artistic blouse to her blunt art-student-lesbian bangs to the untamed curl of her hair. “It’s really you,” she gushed. “I’ve been following your blog forever, and your twitter--I’m being so embarrassing, aren’t I? Can I...can I have a picture?”
Lilith disliked her with a magnetism that pulled the girl in close, letting Clary slip an arm around her waist and hold up a phone too big for her small, delicate-boned hands. In the phone’s screen she could see herself frozen in real time, her red lips lifting in a waxen smile. Next to the peach-fuzz facewash-clean of Clary’s skin, her fashionable makeup and Oscar de la Renta dress looked old and severe, black and gold metals oozing out of her like a snake shedding skin.
“You were my first-ever crush,” Clary was saying with tipsy candor, and with a strange bump Lilith realized Clary was talking to her, not her boyfriend. Her words rushed out in a graceless rush, difficult to make out over the music and wordless chatter drowning her in a dull roar. “I’d spend hours cutting out your photoshoots from magazines, making collages--it drove mom crazy, all those internalized gender roles and whatever. She realized later I just thought you were really hot.”
The full blushing import of Clary’s words hit them all at once and Clary flushed a blotchy pink all the way to the roots of her hair and touched her free hand to her cheek. “Oh my god, I’m fucking drunk.”
Lilith became suddenly aware her hand was still on Clary’s warm waist, trapped under her arm. This was all unscripted, unrehearsed; she felt as flustered as Clary looked, thrown off by the noise and the heat and the alcohol she hadn’t even drank. She was wearing perfume, something cheap and cloying, and in a strange moment Lilith could imagine Clary spread out over a glossy page, slim peachy legs and delicate collarbones bold and daring out from under the heavy drape of a dark dress.
She reached for something cutting to take the girl down to size, but what came out instead was a genteel, “That’s very flattering.”
Clary gave her a pinched little smile in return, the very pink tip of her tongue darting over her bottom lip, and her blush did not abate. Lilith looked to Jace, who was looking between them with something uncertain in his eyes.
A strange, smouldering sensation had risen in her chest, thick and suffocating as a plume of smoke. Her hand did not so much as tremble when she raised a hand to tuck away a stray curl, the color so much lighter when it caught the light. Clary’s face swam before her eyes, raw and pink from crying over her dead mother.
“You’re very sweet,” she said, and there was a husky quality to her voice that only came on with one or two glasses of red wine. Her heart was pounding out a dull, insistent throb rising in time with a painful lump in her throat.
Her phone vibrated in her bag, breaking the spell with a start. She pulled away to relieve the sudden alcoholic flush and dug into her bag with utter disregard for her nails, feeling for the familiar cool rectangle of her phone. When at last she managed to disentangle herself citing creative emergencies needing her immediate attention and a whole host of familiar excuses, it was only then she realized on habit she’d given Clary her card.
The taxi ride back to her apartment was blissfully silent, dark except for the rising crests of light along the near-silent streets. Her own face hovered ghostly in the window, close enough to touch. Her fingertips met glass with a flash of red-gold and her eyes seared with a sudden heat, the ache in her sternum widening.
Her thoughts lingered on him as she greeted the front desk clerk, beside her in physical form in the elevator, hovering at the margins like a melancholy raincloud as she launched into her nighttime routine. Squalane cleanser to remove makeup, wash face before an exfoliant chemical blend, a layer of hydralaunic acid and then niacinamide to hydrate, an retinol under-eye cream to top it all off. The ritual grip of her thoughts relinquished only once she’d folded herself under the covers in her nightclothes, receding as she fell into the uneasy lull of sleep.
This time, the thought of him was mixed with traces of red and gold.
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