#shut up ribstongrowback
ribstongrowback · 3 months
hey you know the "opressed minority can spit fire" type of story
i think that consistently, one thing that good stories in that genre do is make parallels between the violence that the minority, the mutant is capable of, and the fact that the rest of humanity is in fact capable of the same amounts of violence, but that this violence (gun violence, often) is considered by the state to be righteous, a means of defense, by the majority.
because minority defending themselves is always scary, and it's always different from how the opressor does it, and therefore scary, bad, dangerous.
its, you know, when people say "yeah but if sucking dick made me a wizard i'd understand if people were scared" and i think that like, when this kind of story is well made (like when x men is good), it gives two really good answers to that:
for all intents and purposes bigots already believe this to be true
the majority has ressources and the law on their side, they hold the actual power, not the marginalised.
everyone can kill, but only the minority's power to kill is considered innate and dangerous, because the violence of the establishment, while just as innate as a mutant's abilities, is normal.
sure, a pyromancer might be able to deal incredible damage, maybe turn an entire city to ashes, but multiple world leaders do that everyday and people don't even question that anyone should have such power.
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ribstongrowback · 4 months
i think the palworld thing is really interesting- because so far, there's no proof that the company used AI to make their mons
the real reason everyone is up in arms is because of the plagiarism thing, and like, idk, genuinely, do we care?
like does it matter?
it's game freak, they'll walk it off. people who like pokemons like them mostly out of brand loyalty. they like pokemons because they're pokemons, they don't just like cute monsters.
i'm sorry but i think it's fine if you want to make a game where legally distinct pikachu kills people with a 1911. i don't actually give a shit. like litterally why are we defending Pokemons, they're fine, they can shoot lasers and whatnot.
plagiarism matters when people are harmed. game freak is not people, and frankly, I don't think any of this will harm them.
one thing you can and should call palworld, however, is derivative. it lacks any sort of imagination. wether AI or not was used matters little: it's definitely just trying to make Content with a snappy concept and that's it. it's not worth your time not because of the tools that MIGHT have been used to make it, but because even if each of these mons had been painstakingly designed by hand with a graphite pencil, they'd still just be trying to ape pokemons. the intent would be the same regardless.
Pocketpair isn't the next Sommerton.
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ribstongrowback · 5 months
Tumblr media
look i panicked but i stand by what i said
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ribstongrowback · 12 days
this pattern of people treating me like a doormat lately is starting to get really, really annoying. if upset you, i'm sorry, i'll probably do what i can to make it right, but the next time i have to endure abuse like this i'll just block yall.
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ribstongrowback · 21 days
game design is an art. this means that just like other forms of art, it's okay to make things just for practice. writers drabble, painters scribble, and just like them you should try to experiment with mechanics, style and form.
take a theme and think about it. if you haven't tried yet, remove dice. try other tools. ask yourself what you'd do without RNG to better think about what to do with it. read something from that bundle you bought years ago.
i promise you: there are so, so many ways you haven't thought about ttrpgs. you have blind spots. it's okay. with time, not only will you make better stuff, but you'll come to appreciate games even more!
at the very least, you'll know what you hate lmao
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ribstongrowback · 24 days
wrt esc performers speaking out from within the contest i think there might be an argument to be made that since you know not showing up might just mean you get replaced with a pro-israel artist, when you're in the position of a participant you have the occasion of causing more disruption by causing a scene than by just dropping participation.
you could also say that by doing this you allow the eurovision to do what colleges have done and will do again, calling themselves a place of bold political protest against injustice because people there protested despite the institution itself doing its best to actively suppress dissent
feel free to add to this reflection
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ribstongrowback · 2 months
kinda crazy that now france is by default the best imperial core country wrt abortion rights because the constitution now has a law that says that "The law defines the conditions in which the protected liberty of the woman to terminate her pregnancy will be exercised"
it's not even that good of a line
it's trans-exclusive, for starters, but also it doesn't exactly says that the law should actually protect that freedom, merely define its boundaries, although it does recognise people should be free to terminate their pregnancy. it also says nothing of the states' responsibility to protect that right by providing people with the right ressources to do so, among other things
big "racism is now illegal" vibes
and yet we're the only imperial core country that has that and that makes us the best by fucking default. how pathetic is that.
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ribstongrowback · 2 months
i may look very silly grieving things ive yet to lose NOW but it'll all be worth it when you die im gonna be so good at missing you
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ribstongrowback · 4 years
protests are going off everywhere in france because the new health guideline don’t actually adress any problem and are putting children in dangers and now police called the high school i work at to inform us of police/military patrols in my neighborhood and to ask if we needed “help” handling protesters at our high school
im livid
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ribstongrowback · 6 years
Do you want a fucking character?
Here, I made this fucking thing.
It's made to be used with Fucking D&D but I already modified stuff in it so it means that you can fucking do that too, I ain't nobody's boss, go play now, have some fucking fun.
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ribstongrowback · 6 years
Random monster for D&D: Mourning Ones - Harbingers of Undead Reminiscences
HD 2 HP 8 AC as unarmoured Claws for 1d6, will/magic save or suffer 1d4 Int and Wis damage as memories flee. Morale: 12 Number encountered: 1d4, explodes sequentially (1d4 then 1d6 then 1d8 and so on until you don't score the maximum number) Experience: as HD+600 Will track creatures by smelling out their memories. Regular Undead immunities and weaknesses.
Tl;dr - A bunch of zombies animated not directly through necormancy but through undead memories that scare the hell out of living memories and generally mess with the players’ heads. Designed for Lamentations of the Flame Princess but usable for any related systems both Retro and Modern.
More under the cut.
AURA OF OBLIVION: As the Mourning ones grow closer the undead memories try to invade your mind to be reborn and your own memories try to flee their brain prisons. Each turn spent within 10m/total HDs of a murder of Mourning Ones calls for a throw on the following table for a random party member. The only way to win your memories back is to slay all the Mourning in the area.
1 - Class flees, will/magic save or suffer level drain.
2 - Skills flee, will save or lose 1d2 point in a random skill.
3 - Spell flees, will save or cast random prepared spell at a target of the referee's choice.
4 - Prowess flees, will save or suffer -1d4 to attack.
5 - Name flees, will save or forget own identity. You remember who your friends are and why you're all here, but you have no idea who you are, or how you ended up knowing so much about killing things. If you already have, you forget about a party member's identity and attack them as if surprised by an ambusher.
6 - Memory of a great huntress - Gain one tip on how to fight a random monster present in the campaign setting.
7 - Memory of a wise scholar - Gain knowledge of a well hidden secret of the setting's history.
8 - Memory of a powerful entity - Earn one time use of a random lv1d4 cleric / magic user spell (as alignment permits).
FADING: as you lose sight of the Mourning Ones you might lose memory of them too. If you flee or Turn the Mourning ones you must save for wilower or forget all about the encounter.
UNDEAD MEMORIES: a character with undead memories becomes partially undead and has a 10% chance per memory of counting as undead when targeted by cleric spells and abilities.
Knowledge is power. Memories hold that power. They know how much we need them. Long ago the memories of ancient gods bargained for a life of their own. They wander in our minds out of their own free wills and one day they fade into oblivion, having earned their eternal rest.
But where there is death, there is undeath, and memories are no strangers to it. Deep within the Earth memories rarely die a natural death, they might be eaten by the Eigengrau, or stolen and sold into mind slavery on the machine-markets of the dEr0.
There are places where memories just can't rest in peace. They wander the halls of the underdark, weeping, forever tormented by the lost of their birthright to oblivion. Sometimes, they find the corpse of a forgotten adventurer, and together, they amalgamate to create a Mourning One.
Mourning Ones are shambling, weeping beacons of oblivion, carrying with them a veil of memory-undeath. No memory within a mile radius of a murder of Mourning Ones can find rest. They know it's coming and they flee the makeshift vessel that is your mind as they grow closer, being replaced by new ones. Being close to a Mourning One can be a great learning experience, but you might just lose yourself in the process.
They want you to remember things that were ever yours to remember. They hope to find death within your mind. They don't know anything. They're just driven to memory-carriers.
They will never stop looking for you.
You will stop running, you will have forgotten why you were running.
They will catch up you.
Only killing them and forgetting will set the memories to rest.
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ribstongrowback · 6 years
Random monster for D&D: Mourning Ones - Harbingers of Undead Reminiscences
HD 2
HP 8
AC as unarmoured
Claws for 1d6, will/magic save or suffer 1d4 Int and Wis damage as memories flee.
Morale: 12
Number encountered: 1d4, explodes sequentially (1d4 then 1d6 then 1d8 and so on until you don't score the maximum number)
Experience: as HD+600
Will track creatures by smelling out their memories.
Regular Undead immunities and weaknesses.
AURA OF OBLIVION: As the Mourning ones grow closer the undead memories try to invade your mind to be reborn and your own memories try to flee their brain prisons. Each turn spent within 10m/total HDs of a murder of Mourning Ones calls for a throw on the following table for a random party member. The only way to win your memories back is to slay all the Mourning in the area.
1 - Class flees, willpower save or suffer level drain.
2 - Skills flee, will save or lose 1d2 point in a random skill.
3 - Spell flees, will save or cast random prepared spell at a target of the referee's choice.
4 - Prowess flees, will save or suffer -1d4 to attack.
5 - Name flees, will save or forget own identity. You remember who your friends are and why you're all here, but you have no idea who you are, or how you ended up knowing so much about killing things. If you already have, you forget about a party member's identity and attack them as if surprised by an ambusher.
6 - Memory of a great huntress - Gain one tip on how to fight a random monster present in the campaign setting.
7 - Memory of a wise scholar - Gain knowledge of a well hidden secret of the setting's history.
8 - Memory of a powerful entity - Earn one time use of a random lv1d4 cleric / magic user spell (as alignment permits).
FADING: as you lose sight of the Mourning Ones you might lose memory of them too. If you flee or Turn the Mourning ones you must save for wilower or forget all about the encounter.
UNDEAD MEMORIES: a character with undead memories becomes partially undead and has a 10% chance per memory of counting as undead when targeted by cleric spells and abilities.
Knowledge is power. Memories hold that power. They know how much we need them. Long ago the memories of ancient gods bargained for a life of their own. They wander in our minds out of their own free wills and one day they fade into oblivion, having earned their eternal rest.
But where there is death, there is undeath, and memories are no strangers to it. Deep within the Earth memories rarely die a natural death, they might be eaten by the Eigengrau, or stolen and sold into mind slavery on the machine-markets of the dEr0.
There are places where memories just can't rest in peace. They wander the halls of the underdark, weeping, forever tormented by the lost of their birthright to oblivion. Sometimes, they find the corpse of a forgotten adventurer, and together, they amalgamate to create a Mourning One.
Mourning Ones are shambling, weeping beacons of oblivion, carrying with them a veil of memory-undeath. No memory within a mile radius of a murder of Mourning Ones can find rest. They know it's coming and they flee the makeshift vessel that is your mind as they grow closer, being replaced by new ones. Being close to a Mourning One can be a great learning experience, but you might just lose yourself in the process.
They want you to remember things that were ever yours to remember. They hope to find death within your mind. They don't know anything. They're just driven to memory-carriers.
They will never stop looking for you.
You will stop running, you will have forgotten why you were running.
They will catch up you.
Only killing them and forgetting will set the memories to rest.
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ribstongrowback · 7 years
Reasons why LARPing with the Bae is the best
A dude is into my beloved @fluffinchy
He’s an arse and I hated him long before knowing her, but whatevs
But then we went to a LARP together, her and me, and he was there, in a neighbouring camp, and had learned that we were together. Since we’re an open couple and she dances at the cabaret (like a fuck-mothering succubus, damn, I love my girlfriend, she’s so talented you guys), he paid her for private dances and I honestly did not mind, she does whatever the hell she wants.
Except that guy tried to hump her during the dances “in roleplay” and told her that he had been nice to not “jump her” when gently turned down his advances the year before. (because yes not raping a girl makes her owe you a cookie).
I was going to suggest I stab him to death in an alley for trying to hurt my love, but we found better.
We’re going to fucking sacrifice his arse so my girl becomes a fuck-mothering vampire.
TL;DR, don’t kill rapists, drink their blood instead.
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ribstongrowback · 7 years
So yeah @aspiringwarriorlibrarian tagged me in this thingy and it’s funny
Details for rules under the read more thingy
Your name and username.
Where you’re from.
Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminium, GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, Doorknob, Envelope, GPOY.
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is a bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
Choose a book and read a passage from it.
Do you think you have an accent?
Be a wizard or a vampire?
Do you know anyone on Tumblr in real life?
End audio post by saying any THREE words you want
I tags @systlin, because I’m curious about ya old gal, and @fluffinchy because I get to show you off as my love and I’m so happy to be with you I love you and you’re the best <3
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ribstongrowback · 7 years
Me: Dearest?
The Bae: Yes darling?
Me: I am about to embark upon an epic quest to acquire pizza.
The Bae: Nice!
Me: I will therefore have to put on some clothes.
The Bae: ... You wouldn't
Me: And then leave.
The Bae: Can I come with you?
Me: No, you may not.
The Bae: Why? Why must you abandon me?
Me: For you have work to do, and you will do it while I acquire pizza, this way you won't get all guilty about all the work you haven't done while we gorge ourselves on pizza while watching Wynnona Earp.
The Bae: I love you.
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ribstongrowback · 7 years
Drinking Dr Pepper from Coca-cola branded glasses is gay culture
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