#shortcuts in trigonometry
eatsbop · 1 year
Ever since it was confirmed that Taehoon got his height from his mom and she's a member of Korea's volleyblall team, I couldn't help but think - what if Taehoon plays volleyball?
Like, he loves Taekwondo and it's his dream to represent Korea and showcase it to the world and all, but he also likes volleyball. He's good at it too and it does help him stay in shape.
It's even funier if you consider that Taehoon isn't dumb by any means and he might actually be a good student as well - and that he respects his seniors too.
Cue him being the team captain for Gangbuk High and like -
Student 1 : I will defeat Seong Taehoon in volleyball. I will make Gangbuk's team eat dirt.
Student 2 : I'm going to beat him at exams this year just you wait.
Gangsters who keep getting their ass whooped : Huh?
Th Yoo Hobin company that wasn't sure that Taehoon could read now goes to all his matches to cheer him on.
AU where Dowoon is alive and he gave Taehoon a thousand 500 won coins so they could play in the arcade but he beat Taehoon in every single match. Cue Taehoon The Wanna Be Pro Gamer pissed beyond his wits. Dowoon tips the bucket hat he's wearing to cover his fading stitch marks at Taehoon and bade him adieu, "Exam week starts tomorrow. Let's call it a day, Taehoon-ah. I'd like to show Abeoji I will keep excelling in academics same in Taekwondo. We'll do the rematch after the exam results are out."
Fast forward, exam scores are out and Taehoon placed first in every class and ranks first in the entire school.
AU where Hobin and Jihyeok wish for at least one day when they could hangout with Taehoon without some volleyball nerd verbally assaulting them or giving a long winded speech about being a third year sporstman and Taehoon ruining their otherwise happy high school memories
AU where Yeonwoo offers to help the struggling citizens of Yoo Hobin Company pass the school term
Yeonwoo friendly shoves Taehoon's shoulder, "You too, Taehoon-ah! Don't be late tomorrow!"
Taehoon shows up two hours late, sits himself next to Hobin who's practically sweating blood over trigonometry and teaches him every possible shortcut tricks in the equation that Yeonwoo's been trying to teach him for the past couple of hours in under 10 minutes.
Yeonwoo jaw hitting the table, "How?!"
Taehoon in monotone, "I calculate angle, velocity, air resistance, speed, force etc etc mid battle to land the strongest hit.. don't you guys? Why are you struggling with basic shit? Didn't we learn this in fourth grade? I know for sure cause we tutor fourth grade kids in the dojang."
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icos-3 · 1 year
Dear Diary
Apparently, some weird things have been going on around town.
I overheard Paulina and Star talking about some kind of weird shortcut to the mall and Sam overheard Dale talking about an alleyway next to his home that lead to the other side of town next to the Nasty Burger.
And Dash seems to be extremely weary of them, even though they seem pretty harmless.
All of these sound like really good ways to quickly get around town.
I haven't dealt with many of them yet. I want to try and find some more, but Sam and Tucker didn't seem too thrilled about the idea.
Sure, getting stuck in one of these places is possible, but I've dealt with worse. I am a ghost after all. You didn't need to mention that
I mainly just want to get away from all this chaos going on around me… I don't want to think about trigonometry identities for a good while.
While walking home, I saw some lights among the trees in the park today, so maybe we could start looking there tomorrow.
I think this would be a good time to look for that blue striped clover Sam wants for her greenhouse. I should probably leave out the part where I saw the random floating lights in the woods though...
I hope mom doesn't freak out about this. I seriously don't want to be kept in side another day...
This takes place before chapter 13 of The Kidnapping of Danny Fenton
[1] . . . [4] <- [5] -> [6]
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growyourknowledge · 1 month
Exploring the Ancient Wisdom: Online Vedic Maths Classes
In the digital age, education transcends traditional boundaries, offering students innovative avenues to explore and master complex subjects. Online Vedic Maths classes stand as a testament to this evolution, blending ancient wisdom with modern technology to revolutionize math education. Let's delve into the world of Online Vedic Maths classes and uncover how they empower learners with timeless mathematical techniques.
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Embracing Vedic Wisdom in the Digital Era
Vedic Maths, rooted in ancient Indian mathematical principles, offers a holistic approach to numerical calculations and problem-solving. Online Vedic Maths classes bring this timeless wisdom to students worldwide, fostering a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and enhancing computational skills. Through virtual classrooms and interactive learning platforms, students embark on a transformative journey to unravel the mysteries of Vedic Maths and unlock their mathematical potential.
Key Features of Online Vedic Maths Classes
Comprehensive Curriculum: Online Vedic Maths classes cover a wide range of Vedic Maths techniques, including mental math strategies, arithmetic shortcuts, algebraic methods, and advanced problem-solving techniques.
Interactive Learning Resources: Digital platforms integrate interactive lessons, practice exercises, quizzes, games, and multimedia resources that engage students and reinforce learning outcomes.
Live Instructor Sessions: Virtual classrooms facilitate live instructor-led sessions, demonstrations, discussions, and Q&A sessions, providing personalized guidance and support to students.
Progress Tracking: Online platforms often include progress tracking tools, performance analytics, and assessments that allow students to monitor their learning progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and track their mastery of Vedic Maths concepts.
Flexible Learning: Online Vedic Maths classes offer students the flexibility to learn at their own pace, anytime and anywhere, accommodating diverse schedules and learning preferences.
Advantages of Online Vedic Maths Classes
Enhanced Computational Skills: Vedic Maths techniques improve computational speed, accuracy, and problem-solving abilities, empowering students to tackle complex mathematical challenges with confidence.
Versatility Across Domains: The principles of Vedic Maths are applicable across various mathematical domains, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus, enhancing students' overall mathematical proficiency and academic performance.
Personalized Instruction: Dedicated instructors provide personalized guidance, adapting teaching methods to suit each student's learning style and pace, ensuring an engaging and effective learning experience.
Interactive and Engaging: Online platforms integrate interactive elements, gamified learning modules, and multimedia resources that make learning Vedic Maths enjoyable and engaging for students of all ages.
Real-world Applications: Vedic Maths techniques have practical applications in everyday life, academic settings, competitive exams, and professional fields, making Online Vedic Maths classes valuable for students' holistic development.
Leveraging Technology for Educational Excellence
Online Vedic Maths classes leverage advanced digital technologies to create immersive and interactive learning experiences. Virtual classrooms, digital whiteboards, live instructor interactions, multimedia resources, and collaborative tools enhance engagement and facilitate real-time learning. The integration of technology ensures that students receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for math challenges in academic, professional, and real-world scenarios.
Empowering Learners for Success
The impact of Online Vedic Maths classes extends beyond mathematical proficiency. By fostering critical thinking skills, promoting creative problem-solving, and instilling a growth mindset, these classes empower students to excel academically and develop essential life skills. The discipline, focus, and mental agility cultivated through Vedic Maths training equip students with valuable skills that are applicable in academic, professional, and everyday life contexts.
Conclusion: A Journey of Mathematical Discovery
Online Vedic Maths classes open doors to a world of mathematical discovery, where ancient wisdom meets modern innovation. Through personalized instruction, interactive learning experiences, and the integration of technology, students embark on a transformative journey to master Vedic Maths and unleash their mathematical potential. As education continues to evolve in the digital era, Online Vedic Maths classes stand as a beacon of educational excellence, empowering learners with timeless mathematical techniques that transcend generations.
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nancy-chawla45 · 5 months
Cracking the Code: A Comprehensive Guide to NDA Preparation
The National Defence Academy (NDA) entrance examination is a gateway to fulfilling the dreams of many young individuals aspiring to serve their nation in the Indian Army, Navy, or Air Force. As one of the most prestigious and sought-after exams in the country, the NDA test requires meticulous preparation and a strategic approach to succeed. This comprehensive guide aims to provide aspiring candidates with valuable insights, tips, and strategies to navigate the challenges of NDA preparation effectively.
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Understanding the NDA Exam:
The NDA examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) twice a year, and it is the first step for candidates aiming to join the armed forces as officers. The exam consists of a written test followed by an interview process and medical examination. The written test comprises two papers: Mathematics and General Ability. Mathematics evaluates the candidate's mathematical aptitude, while the General Ability paper assesses their English proficiency, general knowledge, and logical reasoning.
Understanding the Syllabus: To crack the NDA code successfully, candidates must grasp the entire exam syllabus. The Mathematics paper evaluates mathematical aptitude, covering topics such as algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics. The General Ability paper assesses English proficiency, general knowledge, and logical reasoning. For a comprehensive preparation strategy, candidates should consider enrolling in the "Best NDA Coaching in Dehradun" that offers expertise in all relevant subjects.
Creating a Study Plan: A well-structured study plan is the foundation of NDA preparation. Aspirants should allocate time to each subject based on their strengths and weaknesses. A coaching institute specializing in NDA preparation can guide candidates through a customized study plan, optimizing their efforts for success in each section of the exam.
Choosing the Right Study Material: The choice of study material significantly influences preparation. The "Best NDA Coaching in Dehradun" is likely to provide candidates with recommended textbooks, study guides, and online resources. Utilizing these materials, coupled with additional practice papers and mock tests, can enhance the effectiveness of one's preparation.
Enhancing English Proficiency: The General Ability paper places a considerable emphasis on English language skills. Enrolling in a coaching institute that prioritizes linguistic development can prove advantageous. The "Best NDA Coaching in Dehradun" would likely offer specialized classes and resources aimed at improving grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Building General Knowledge: Staying updated on current affairs and general knowledge is crucial for NDA success. A coaching institute with a reputation for excellence in this area can provide valuable insights and resources. Candidates should consider the institute's track record in producing candidates with strong general knowledge foundations.
Effective Time Management: Time management is a critical factor in the NDA exam. The "Best NDA Coaching in Dehradun" is expected to incorporate strategies for time-bound practice sessions into its curriculum. Candidates can benefit from guidance on developing efficient problem-solving techniques and shortcuts to optimize their performance within the stipulated time frame.
Physical Fitness: Beyond mental preparedness, the NDA evaluates physical endurance. A coaching institute that understands the holistic nature of NDA preparation may include physical fitness programs in its curriculum. Regular exercise and adherence to a healthy lifestyle are essential aspects that contribute to overall fitness, ensuring candidates are well-prepared for the demanding physical training at the academy.
Mock Tests and Previous Years' Papers: Engaging in regular practice through mock tests and solving previous years' question papers is indispensable. The "Best NDA Coaching in Dehradun" is likely to offer a plethora of such resources, allowing candidates to familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and identify areas that require additional attention.
Cracking the NDA code requires a holistic approach that encompasses rigorous study, effective time management, and physical fitness. Aspiring candidates should embrace a disciplined and focused lifestyle throughout their preparation journey. By understanding the exam's intricacies, creating a robust study plan, and consistently refining their skills, candidates can increase their chances of success in the NDA entrance examination. The path to becoming a part of the elite National Defence Academy demands dedication, perseverance, and a strategic mindset, and with the right approach, aspiring officers can pave the way for a rewarding career in the Indian Armed Forces.
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manasastuff-blog · 5 months
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Indian Army CLERK / SKT Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Welcome to Manasa Defence Academy, where we provide the best training for aspiring candidates preparing for the Indian Army CLERK / SKT (Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical) exam. In this article, we will delve into the comprehensive syllabus and exam pattern of this esteemed examination. Whether you are a beginner or someone looking to enhance your knowledge, we've got you covered!
Syllabus and Exam Pattern Overview
The Indian Army CLERK / SKT exam is a highly competitive test that evaluates the knowledge and abilities of candidates in various subjects. Understanding the syllabus and exam pattern is crucial in order to prepare effectively. Let's examine each element in more detail:
General Knowledge
The General Knowledge section aims to assess the candidate's awareness about current affairs, history, geography, science, and general facts. To excel in this section, candidates should keep themselves well-informed by reading newspapers, magazines, and watching news channels. Additionally, solving previous years' question papers and practicing mock tests will significantly boost their knowledge and confidence.
Mathematics plays a crucial role in the Indian Army CLERK / SKT exam. This section evaluates the candidate's proficiency in topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. It is essential to develop a strong foundation in these areas and practice solving a variety of numerical problems. Understanding formulas, shortcuts, and time management techniques will be advantageous during the examination.
General Science
The General Science section covers fundamental concepts in physics, chemistry, and biology. Candidates are expected to have a basic understanding of scientific principles, theories, and their applications. Regular revision of important topics, referring to NCERT textbooks, and solving practice questions will enhance their performance in this section.
Computer Knowledge
In today's digital era, having proficiency in computer knowledge is crucial. This section evaluates the candidate's knowledge of computer fundamentals, hardware, software, internet, and computer applications. It is recommended to stay updated with the latest advancements in technology and practice using different software applications. Understanding the basics of programming languages and solving previous years' question papers will also prove beneficial.
English Language
The English Language section assesses the candidate's proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. To excel in this section, candidates should focus on improving their grammar rules, enhancing their word power through regular reading, and practicing comprehension exercises. Daily practice of English language-based puzzles, word games, and mock tests will aid in grasping the nuances of the English language.
Practical Test
Apart from the written examination, the Indian Army CLERK / SKT exam also includes a practical test. In this test, candidates are evaluated on their typing speed, accuracy, and computer skills. It is essential for candidates to practice typing on computer keyboards regularly to improve their speed and accuracy. Familiarity with various computer applications and shortcuts will also be advantageous during this test.
Mastering the Indian Army CLERK / SKT syllabus and exam pattern requires dedication, perseverance, and a well-structured study plan. By thoroughly understanding each component of the syllabus, candidates can strategically focus on their weak areas and strengthen their overall knowledge. At Manasa Defence Academy, we provide comprehensive training and guidance to help candidates excel in this esteemed examination. So gear up, put your best foot forward, and chase your dreams of serving the nation with pride and honor!
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toolnestseo · 9 months
[WP-Coder id="4"] Mastering the Calculator Tool: A Hands-On Guide A Quick Introduction About Calculator Alright, let's talk about a tool we've all had in our pockets at some point: the calculator. From last-minute tax calculations to that dreaded high school math exam, it's been our quiet hero. But do we really know all that this handy tool can do? Let’s break it down together. A Little Stroll Down Memory Lane: Remember those bulky devices our grandparents used? Yep, those were the early calculators! From the age-old abacus to today's sleek smartphone apps, calculators have truly been on a wild ride. Different Strokes for Different Folks: Types of Calculator The Everyday Hero: Basic Calculators Perfect for when you’re splitting the bill at a restaurant. They handle addition, subtraction, and the basics. The Brainy Bunch: Scientific Calculators For when you need a bit more horsepower. Think sin, cos, tan, and all that jazz. The Visionary: Graphing Calculators These bad boys let you visualize your data. Great for seeing how that equation actually looks on a graph. Money Talks: Financial Calculators For everyone who’s thinking about mortgages, investments, and more. Your future self might thank you for this one. Rolling Up Our Sleeves: Getting Down with Operations The Basics: Addition (+): Just like stacking apples. 2 + 2? That’s 4 apples. Subtraction (-): Like eating those apples. 4 - 2? Yep, 2 apples left. Multiplication (x): How many apples in total if you have 4 bags of 2? 8 apples, of course. Division (÷): Sharing those apples. 8 apples shared between 4 friends? 2 apples each. For the Adventurous: Dive into memory functions, play with trigonometry, or even tap into logarithms. Don’t worry; you’ll get the hang of it. The Little Nuggets: Tips to Shine Keep it Fresh: Just like you update your phone, keep your calculator updated. Know the Shortcuts: It’s like the secret menu at your favorite cafe. Safe and Sound: Save your calculations. It's always better to be safe than sorry! Wrapping It Up There we go! From its humble beginnings to its high-tech present, the calculator is more than just buttons and numbers. It's a story, a journey, and most importantly, a tool that’s got your back. Dive in, experiment, and remember - every mistake is a lesson. Happy calculating! Calculator : Everything You Were Curious About! 1. What exactly is a calculator? Think of a calculator as your handy math buddy! It's either a small device or even an app on your phone that helps you crunch numbers without breaking a sweat. 2. So, how does this math buddy work? You punch in a math problem, and voila! The calculator thinks for a split second and serves up the answer. Whether it's simple addition or a bit of trigonometry, it’s got your back. 3. Are all calculators the same? Oh no, they come in all shapes and sizes! From the basic ones that just do the simple math to the super-smart scientific and graphing types, there's a calculator for every math need. 4. Can I take my calculator to exams? Well, that's a maybe. Some exams are cool with it, especially if it's just a basic calculator. But for others, especially the fancy ones, you might need to check the rules first. 5. How do I keep my calculator happy and working? Just give it a nice spot in your bag, maybe in a protective case. Be gentle, change its batteries when it's feeling low, and oh, don't let it take a swim – water's not its friend! 6. I've got a phone. Do I need a separate calculator? Your phone probably has a basic calculator app already. But if you want to dive deep into calculations, there are tons of apps out there to help you out. 7. Are calculators always right? They're pretty spot-on most of the time. But if you're diving into super long decimals, it might round things up a bit. 8. Can a calculator help me with my shop's finances? Absolutely! While the regular ones can do the basic math, there are special financial calculators that can help you with all the money stuff.
9. What if I'm more of an online person? No worries! The internet's bursting with online calculator tools for anything and everything. Just give it a quick search. 10. Oops, I think I messed up. How do I reset my calculator? Most calculators have a little reset button. If not, there's usually a combo of keys you can press to give it a fresh start. Got more questions about calculators? Don’t be shy! They might be all about numbers, but they're not as intimidating as they seem. 😉 ( Taschenrechner , calculadora, آلة حاسبة )
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thissidekhushi · 10 months
Demystifying CAT and Bank Quant: Tips for Successful Preparation
Quantitative Aptitude or "Quant" is an integral part of competitive exams like CAT (Common Admission Test) and various banking entrance exams. CAT is a gateway to top-tier management institutes, while bank quant plays a crucial role in the selection process for banking jobs. Both these exams test candidates' numerical and problem-solving abilities, making quant preparation a vital aspect of their success. In this blog, we will explore the significance of Bank and CAT quant, and provide effective strategies to excel in these sections.
Understanding the Importance of Quantitative Aptitude
Quantitative Aptitude is the foundation of logical thinking and decision-making skills. It evaluates a candidate's ability to solve mathematical problems accurately and quickly. For CAT aspirants, quant holds a substantial weightage and can significantly impact the overall percentile. Similarly, bank quant is an essential part of the selection process in various banking exams like IBPS PO, SBI PO, and others. Scoring well in quant is often the key to clearing the cutoff and securing a seat in the desired institution or landing a lucrative banking job.
CAT Quantitative Aptitude Preparation Tips
(a) Conceptual Clarity: Start by building a strong foundation of basic mathematical concepts. Understand arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry thoroughly. Clearing your fundamentals will make tackling complex problems easier.
(b) Mock Tests: Regularly attempt CAT mock tests to gauge your progress and identify areas that need improvement. Analyze your performance to recognize weaknesses and work on them.
(c) Time Management: Time is of the essence in CAT. Learn to manage time effectively while solving problems. Practice under timed conditions to develop your speed and accuracy.
(d) Problem Solving Techniques: Develop problem-solving techniques and shortcuts to handle complex questions. Learn different approaches to the same problem, enabling you to choose the most efficient method during the exam.
(e) Data Interpretation: Focus on data interpretation, as it constitutes a significant portion of the CAT quant section. Practice analyzing data sets, graphs, and charts to answer questions accurately.
(f) Review and Revision: Regularly review the topics you have covered and revise formulas and concepts. Repetition is the key to retaining information and improving your performance.
Bank Quantitative Aptitude Preparation Tips
(a) Syllabus Familiarization: Thoroughly understand the syllabus and exam pattern of the bank quant section. Identify the most important topics and allocate time accordingly.
(b) Topic Prioritization: Prioritize topics based on their weightage and your proficiency. Focus on mastering high-scoring topics like number series, simplification, and data interpretation.
(c) Daily Practice: Practice regularly with a variety of questions to build speed and accuracy. Solve previous years' question papers to get an idea of the exam's difficulty level.
(d) Sectional Tests: Take sectional tests to assess your performance in specific topics. This will help you identify strengths and weaknesses in different areas. Visit to know about Practise CBSE Class 7 Maths Online.
(e) Time-bound Practice: As banking exams have strict time limits, practice solving questions within the given time frame. This will enhance your ability to manage time during the actual exam.
(f) Stay Updated: Stay updated with the latest patterns and changes in the exam. Be aware of any modifications made to the syllabus or question format.
Common Strategies for CAT and Bank Quant
(a) Strengthen Basics: Both CAT and bank quant preparation require a strong grasp of fundamental concepts. Strengthen your basics to solve intricate problems efficiently.
(b) Problem Solving Practice: Regular practice is essential to excel in both exams. Solve a wide range of problems to improve your problem-solving abilities.
(c) Mock Tests and Analysis: Take regular mock tests for both exams and analyze your performance. Understand the mistakes you made and work on rectifying them.
(d) Time Management: Time management is crucial for both exams. Practice answering questions quickly without compromising accuracy.
(e) Stress Management: Learn to manage exam-related stress and pressure. Develop relaxation techniques to stay calm during the exam. Visit if you are looking for Railway Test Preparation.
Mastering quantitative aptitude is vital for CAT aspirants and candidates appearing for various banking entrance exams. The journey to success requires dedication, regular practice, and smart preparation strategies. Focus on conceptual clarity, time management, and consistent practice to improve your performance in both CAT quant and bank quant. Remember, confidence and a positive attitude are the keys to excelling in any competitive exam. Good luck on your quant journey.
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grayblacklight · 11 months
I give up! I can't be more cartoonishly evil than the American education system! And I'm literally a cartoon villain!
As someone who ended up changing schools a number of times, I want to start making a list of all the problems with the us education system, especially the classes that failed on a fundamental level - because sometimes specific teachers and schools may address certain issues or (more likely) have some their own, I feel I have more to say about the American education system then the average person. And none of it is good.
- A big one was the computer classes- which I took as many as I could as extracurriculars in HS, by the way, but the biggest issue- one that single handedly multiplylied the effects of the other failures on this list tenfold - was sources and fact checking. Of course, you all remember how many teachers insisted on exaggerating how unreliable Wikipedia is because anyone can edit it, although in reality the editors that actually work on the wiki are far more effective - but you might not know the 'shortcut' they taught for telling if some sources were inherently trustworthy... By using the domains. I wish I was making this up, but not only did they say that .com and .net were inherently sketchy because anyone could own them (which is quite frankly Bulbapedia slander), they said that some domains were inherently SAFE- which is I am convinced is a government scheme to control the population, because they proceeded to say that .Gov was an inherently trustworthy domain. Of course, I don't need to explain to you why that's bad, you are on Tumblr.
-Social studies, a name given because it sure as hell isn't history, AKA us propaganda the class. 90% of is about the US, not that it teaches you anything about the US, especially in elementary/middle school where they censor so much that there isn't anything but propaganda- and don't get me started on the 9/11 focus, glossing over the treatment of native Americans, or the pro-capitalism bias. No, today let's talk about the fact that it's IMPOSSIBLE for teachers to properly teach you everything they are supposed to in the curriculum in the time they are given. Many of the other issues with the American education system can be circumvented if you're lucky enough to get a good teacher (good luck with that in this economy though) but they made SURE that Social Studies teachers wouldn't have a lot of spare time to go in depth on the nasty parts of the US history and ESPECIALLY not modern day issues, because every history class is supposed to go over EVERYTHING. That's like if every year they taught variations on the same math class, and high school math had to teach you addition and all that before trying to speedrun teaching you geometry and trigonometry in the last quarter of the year. And pray that you don't have a BAD history teacher, you will not learn anything. I had one teacher in high school that told my class that Trump was 'guaranteed' to be re-elected regardless of what we think of him because of 'all the good he did for the economy' as if he wasn't too busy burning the world to the ground to do anything positive, and the only thing I learned from his class is that he is a fucking [YouTube]
-english/literature, second only to social studies in terms of how much propaganda there is to sit though- albeit with more variation, cause now there's abilism porn and occasionally even Christian propaganda to sit through- AND how much the internet has taught me was wrong. See, meeting and following various creators, having access to more stories across various mediums then ever before, and knowing that many of the most famous and successful writers of our time are complete fucking [YouTubes], allowed myself and many others to see what writing is actually like, and boy golly does the curriculum seem a lot dumber as a result. And yes, at one point I had to sit through a shitty Christian propaganda movie and write an essay about it's contents, in a public school that is supposedly meant to be religiously neutral. I instead wrote an essay about how messed up that is, fluffed it up into elder scrolls 4, and got a B+, so either my teacher agreed with and was required to show us that, didn't actually read it because there's a limit on how many essay's written by teenagers one person can put up with, or just really appreciated the change of pace, I still don't know for sure.
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shielddefencecollege · 11 months
Top CDS College in Lucknow
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Join CDS Coaching programmes for the best CDS coaching in Lucknow to increase your chances of passing the CDS exam.
English Coaching
The English tutoring module at top CDS college in Lucknow offers thorough advice on how to raise applicants' language and comprehension abilities. Grammar classes, activities to improve vocabulary, reading comprehension drills, and writing strategies are all part of the coaching. The development of communication abilities, precis writing, and essay writing—all of which are essential for passing the CDS examination—are given particular focus.
General Knowledge Coaching
The importance of general knowledge in the CDS exam is acknowledged by CDS Coaching In Lucknow. The school provides thorough coaching on a variety of subjects, including current events, history, geography, economics, science and technology, and defense-related themes, to make sure students are well-prepared in this field. The tutoring includes frequent updates on current affairs, interactive sessions, and sample exams to improve applicants' topic knowledge and comprehension.
Elementary Mathematics Coaching
The goal of CDS Coaching In Lucknow's mathematics coaching programme is to improve candidates' aptitude for maths and their ability to solve problems. Math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics are among the disciplines covered in the tutoring. Candidates are encouraged to use time management strategies, shortcuts, and conceptual clarity to answer mathematics problems accurately and rapidly during the exam.
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As the competition for higher education becomes increasingly fierce, cracking the CUET UG 2023 exam is crucial for securing admission to top universities.
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careergurukul · 1 year
SSC Preparation 2023: Subject-Wise Tips and Strategy---- Gurukul Career Group
Candidates must follow these SSC Preparation 2023 tips to crack the examination with a good score. Here is the strategy and tips that applicants must follow to crack the exam. One year is an adequate time duration to prepare yourself for the SSC examination 2023. SSC (Staff selection commission) is a conglomerate within the government of India which recruits employees for varied positions under the ministries plus departments under the govt of India. SSC conducts abundant exams (i.e. SSC CGL, SSC GD, SSC Selection posts, SSC CHSL, SSC JE, SSC JHT, SSC MTS, SSC CPO, SSC Stenographer, and SSC Scientific Assistant) for employing the officers as well as clerks within the government departments in addition to other ministries.
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Candidates should make unswerving efforts toward their preparation plan. Gurukul Career Group that is the Best SSC coaching in Chandigarh has mentioned below the preparation tips for each subject which will make your preparation journey much easier and more convenient.
Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude
Quants are one of the most lengthy sections of the examination, speed is very vital to score good marks in this section. Each candidate faces complexity in different topics but some topics can be easily covered and some take a long time. Aspirants should begin with easy topics as it will aid them in developing speed.
Try to learn shortcuts for big-number calculations, roots, as well as long solutions. This will save you time because aspirants waste their time doing fundamental calculations. As you gain speed in easy questions level up to moderate as well as difficult questions. Practice 5 questions of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry as they are considered one of the most difficult and lengthy topics.
Preparation Tips for Logical Reasoning
The reasoning is a tricky section of the examination you may think that you gave the correct answer for all the questions and end up scoring negative marks. It can be one of the scoring sections with the correct preparation strategy. For solving reasoning questions, the applicant needs to have a depth understanding of directions (NEWS). Practice continuously for puzzles, matrix, decoding, and coding as these topics have the most tricky as well as difficult questions.
If you have just started with the reasoning blood relations, classification and analogies are the fundamental topics to start with. Having a good understanding of shapes and diagrams will aid you in the examination. Practice daily for a good pace and understanding of the types of questions.
Preparation Tips for General Awareness
The main issue candidates face with the General Awareness section is the range of topics it covers. The General Awareness section consists of questions from history, politics, current affairs, important events, general science, geography, and economics.
A lot of candidates leave this subject for the last few weeks before the exams and end up leaving half of the topics because of lack of time. Don't make this mistake keep studying topics as per their weightage since the initial day of preparation. For current affairs and significant events keep yourself updated with the latest news and read magazines. To prepare for general science, history, polity, and another study from the NCERT as they have all the fundamentals. Don't forget to attempt the Previous year's question papers they will be a huge help in the examination.
Preparation Tips for English Language & Comprehension
Candidates should read newspapers and magazines daily to progress their vocabulary. Read passages daily as well as solve the questions, this will augment your reading and problem-solving abilities. Try to learn as many new words as possible to augment your word formation abilities.
 SSC Coaching In Chandigarh
Gurukul Career Group is the Best SSC coaching in Chandigarh.  Gurukul Career Group powerfully believes that a student needs appropriate and enthusiastic guidance in decision-making and interpretation so the institute gives absolute assistance to the students at every stage so that the entire course turns out to be smooth and enjoyable through less strain.
Gurukul Career Group which is the Top SSC coaching in Chandigarh has all the attributes to offer the essential requirements of the aspirants of the test. In case you are searching for the most excellent SSC Coaching Institute in Chandigarh then Gurukul Career Group which is SSC Coaching Institute in Chandigarh is the eventual gauge to meet all the learning requirements to assist you to qualify for the SSC test.
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amreshharshacademy · 1 year
Trigonometry, RRB, NTPC, CBT #maths, #math, #ntpc, #rrb, #ssccgl, #sscchsl, #sbiclerk, #sbipo, #ibps, AMRESH HARSH ACADEMY, #amreshharshacademy, #amreshchoudhary, Ntpc, Rrb, Ssccgl, Sscchsl, Sbiclerk, Sbipo, Ibps, bpsc, Upsc, shortcut tricks, maths tricks, math tricks,
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
Excerpt from: "ON ORGANIZATION (Guiding Principles of Organization in a Period of African Renaissance).
There are levels to information, and we must seek the highest level of order in information. We learned to add and subtract in primary school, then multiplication and division, then algebra and geometry, trigonometry, and calculus I, II, and III. Finally, we learned elementary and advanced statistics at the Ph.D. level. Now, if we had debated the relevance of each level of information, we would have never mastered the next level. Because the level before gave life to the level after it, thus we were taught to appreciate the process of an organization.
A central and serious problem in Black African communities is taking shortcuts and arrogance in supreme ignorance. Unfortunately, we have folk who barely comprehend addition and subtraction going out as if they were experts on trigonometry and advanced calculus. We see it in the area of an organization also. If we were better organized, we would win. We cannot be organized on an adding and subtracting level, facing people organized on the advanced statistics Ph.D. level.
You lose every time with such behavior. And that is why we lose so often and with such ease. The folk over us, harming us, are supremely better prepared and organized. At the same time, most who are talking and or debating are too arrogant in their ignorance to knowing it. But it is within the doors of uncertainty that we develop humility. When you think you know everything, you're arrogant and can't learn... we say, stay away from these kinds of people.
Nothing of importance has ever been won adhocly, haphazardly, sloppily, or part-time. No complex structure, no building, no institution---nothing--- can be built without a plan. No social movement can be successful until the people who need the movement have precisely defined what they are fighting to get. The fact that Africans in America have not defined what must be done indicates that they have not decided to completely break from those who have historically harmed, cheated, and discriminated against them.
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manasastuff-blog · 5 months
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Indian Army CLERK / SKT Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Welcome to Manasa Defence Academy, where we provide the best training for aspiring candidates preparing for the Indian Army CLERK / SKT (Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical) exam. In this article, we will delve into the comprehensive syllabus and exam pattern of this esteemed examination. Whether you are a beginner or someone looking to enhance your knowledge, we've got you covered!
Syllabus and Exam Pattern Overview
The Indian Army CLERK / SKT exam is a highly competitive test that evaluates the knowledge and abilities of candidates in various subjects. Understanding the syllabus and exam pattern is crucial in order to prepare effectively. Let's examine each element in more detail:
General Knowledge
The General Knowledge section aims to assess the candidate's awareness about current affairs, history, geography, science, and general facts. To excel in this section, candidates should keep themselves well-informed by reading newspapers, magazines, and watching news channels. Additionally, solving previous years' question papers and practicing mock tests will significantly boost their knowledge and confidence.
Mathematics plays a crucial role in the Indian Army CLERK / SKT exam. This section evaluates the candidate's proficiency in topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. It is essential to develop a strong foundation in these areas and practice solving a variety of numerical problems. Understanding formulas, shortcuts, and time management techniques will be advantageous during the examination.
General Science
The General Science section covers fundamental concepts in physics, chemistry, and biology. Candidates are expected to have a basic understanding of scientific principles, theories, and their applications. Regular revision of important topics, referring to NCERT textbooks, and solving practice questions will enhance their performance in this section.
Computer Knowledge
In today's digital era, having proficiency in computer knowledge is crucial. This section evaluates the candidate's knowledge of computer fundamentals, hardware, software, internet, and computer applications. It is recommended to stay updated with the latest advancements in technology and practice using different software applications. Understanding the basics of programming languages and solving previous years' question papers will also prove beneficial.
English Language
The English Language section assesses the candidate's proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. To excel in this section, candidates should focus on improving their grammar rules, enhancing their word power through regular reading, and practicing comprehension exercises. Daily practice of English language-based puzzles, word games, and mock tests will aid in grasping the nuances of the English language.
Practical Test
Apart from the written examination, the Indian Army CLERK / SKT exam also includes a practical test. In this test, candidates are evaluated on their typing speed, accuracy, and computer skills. It is essential for candidates to practice typing on computer keyboards regularly to improve their speed and accuracy. Familiarity with various computer applications and shortcuts will also be advantageous during this test.
Mastering the Indian Army CLERK / SKT syllabus and exam pattern requires dedication, perseverance, and a well-structured study plan. By thoroughly understanding each component of the syllabus, candidates can strategically focus on their weak areas and strengthen their overall knowledge. At Manasa Defence Academy, we provide comprehensive training and guidance to help candidates excel in this esteemed examination. So gear up, put your best foot forward, and chase your dreams of serving the nation with pride and honor!
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dcgexampreparation · 2 years
Strategy To Crack Air Force Group X & Y Exam In First Attempt:
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The notification for the Air Force Group X and Y Exam is out. And this exam is very necessary for candidates who have cleared +2 and want to join the Indian Air Force as it offers the gateway to join the air force at a fairly young age. 
As the notification mentions, the selection of the candidates for this position is based on the qualifying IAF Group X & Y exams into three stages:
1.Written Test: For Group X:- Physics, English, Maths.
                      For Group Y:- Reasoning and General Awareness                
                     & For Group X & Y :- Physics, English, Maths & Reasoning and General                            Awareness.
2.Physical Fitness Test
3.Medical Test
The Air Force Group X & Y Exam consists of 3 hurdles, out of which 2 require good and elaborate planning and preparation. Here, we will go over a good and solid strategy that will help you pass the Air Force Group X and Y exams on your first try:
1). English: English is asked in both Group X & Y Exam.The questions are generally asked about comprehension, synonyms and antonyms, error detection, jumbled sentences, and active and passive voice.
Technique: To improve on these topics, you need to develop a command of reading. Reading newspapers is the most effective method for improving not only your current affairs knowledge but also your vocabulary.
Attempting quizzes and mock tests for the exam also helps you score good marks.
2). Physics: The Physics subject only applicable for the candidates who would be applying only for the Air Force Group X & Y exam.The syllabus for this exam includes all the concepts that are covered in classes 11th and 12th. And there are two types of questions asked in physics, i.e. theoretical and numerical.
Technique: Major focus while preparing for the Physics section should be on topics like Thermodynamics, SHM, Semiconductors, electricity, and electrostatics. The best books for preparation are the 11th and 12th NCERT textbooks.
3). Mathematics: The mathematics subject is also applicable only to Air Force Group X’s candidates.
Techniques: In this subject, special focus should be on trigonometry, complex numbers, matrices and determinants, coordinate geometry, differentiation, integration, differential equations, probability and permutation, and combination.
Mathematics requires a lot of practise and time. And it is important for the candidates to learn the shortcuts of mathematics for solving problems in an allotted time.
4). Reasoning and General Awareness: This subject is only applicable for those candidates who are only appearing for the Group Y Exam.
Techniques: general awareness is a part of the syllabus, so prepare it well. You can strengthen your GK by reading newspapers, monthly magazines, reference books by prominent writers that focus on current affairs, etc.
And for reasoning, candidates should refer to the book on verbal and non-verbal reasoning by RS Aggarwal and coaching notes. And this is sufficient for the practise of different questions that may come in the exam.
5). Physical Test: After qualifying a written exam, one has to pass a physical test also. And to develop stamina, you need to devote at least 1 hour each day for a total of 30 days to be able to clear the physical test.
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Now,  It is necessary to join a reputed coaching institute for your easy learning process in the IAF Group X & Y exams. DCG Defence Academy is India's Best Air Force Coaching Institute in Pune with India's Best Defence Expert Team and has an unbeatable track record for the last 14 years for Air Force Exam preparation, providing the best learning material to the candidates for their overall development and exam preparation by conducting special doubt clearing sessions. Air Force Group X & Y Coaching Classes in Pune provides up-to-date study materials, a pleasant study environment, as well as physical training. 
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rsvidya · 4 years
Tricks in Trigonometry 7|| EAMCET & MAINS || ramaseshu||👍👍🙇
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