#shit mikka says
sombrerokiwi · 7 months
Octopath ask game thing with Hikari, Ritsu, Oboro and Crick!
On it boss! Going to do Hikari first and then Everyone else under Read More.
OTP: I like Partitio x Hikari. It’s cute. It is very cute.
BROTP: I like Temenos and Hikari interacting together as well as Agnea and Hikari. I like their dynamics.
Favorite Dynamic: Whatever the fuck Hikari has with his former friends. There is so much we can use there for angst and more I love it. Especially Oboro and Hikari’s dynamic. I need to see more.
LGBTQ+ Headcanon: He’s Nonbinary and uses He/Him pronouns. Also he’s Asexual Biromantic I don’t make the rules.
Random Hc: He’s neurodivergent. I don’t know the specifics but he’s neurodivergent. Oh and he was that kid who was obsessed with animals when he was younger. Like me when I was 5.
General Opinion: Blorbo. Absolute blorbo. He needs hugs and probably is that kid who doesn’t talk about his feelings. He is such a blorbo and I can see so much of myself in him. I don’t know how to explain it but blorbo.
OTP: None.
BROTP: Agnea and Ritsu is a dynamic I like to imagine. It’s just nice to think about and they would get along if the world was kinder.
Favorite Dynamic: Hikari and Ritsu. Tragic friendship right there. If things were better they would be walking the same path and wifjnajhownfnfm *cries uncontrollably*
LGBTQ+ Hc: He’s pansexual. He probably low-key had a crush on Hikari at some point before he thought about it more and realized no they’re better as friends. *shoves canon away for that thought*
Random Hc: He knows how to cook and does it the best out of everyone in Hikari’s Story Characters. I like to think he was promoted to parent after dad died (no mention of mom in canon) so he had to take the reigns quickly. So he knows how to cook and knows how to do it well. Nothing but the best for Mikka.
General Opinion: Also Blorbo. I relate to the anger and to the want to be heard. To have your name be called. To be seen.
OTP: None.
BROTP: He would have gotten along great with Temenos if the world was kinder. Though they might just start debating and passively aggressively remark at each other. I don’t know how to describe it. There is something about that.
Favorite Dynamic: *points to Hikari and Oboro* You can dissect a fuck ton of that and it will be so fucking interesting.
LGBTQ+ Hc: He’s AroAce but is overall neutral about sex and romance.
Random Hc: If he doesn’t do anything he will start looking for shit to do because if he stops working he starts thinking of dread and he has the thoughts of “Hey dipshit you can be productive”. He’s a workaholic. Hikari, Ritsu, and Rai Mei had to drag him away from work several times.
General Opinion: *points at him* Something is wrong with him and I see myself in him in a bad way. I relate to him to a concerning degree and the aus where he gets better is me coping over the pain and me saying myself it’s going to be alright and healing is possible. Plus he’s just an interesting character in general. He’s tragic in his own way but I still want to punch him in the face and shove him into the river. Like he’s still very much a terrible person but you can see the reasons and understand. I too would go and slowly go into nihilistic despair when war constantly happens and you lose everything and you are working for the guy who is killing so many people and realizing that internal change is near impossible.
OTP: I’m a Crick x Temenos fan. It’s cute plus you can get tragic Yaoi. Which I’m never going to do because I like happy endings
BROTP: I like Throné and Crick interactions. I like them a lot. I don’t know how to explain it.
Favorite Dynamic: Crick and Temenos again. It’s the detective-assistant dynamic that the game tried to do. Man I should do a detective au for them soon. It would be so cool.
LGBTQ+ Hc: Trans FTM and Busexual.
Random Hc: He actually knows how to steal decently. Things on streets don’t just go away. He’s a bit rusty but he’s good at stealing if he tried. He has morals though.
General Opinion of him: Blorbo. He has good backstory and blorbo material. You can have so much for him but then the writers killed him off and that was sad. We could have had the aftermath…
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mickstart · 2 years
hi could you explain to us why michael... obeyed mikka?? lol like young michael wouldn't be afraid to annoy the other drivers but with mikka he was always reserved
fsdjgfds okay so not to psychoanalyze a celebrity but. The thing to understand about michael - and this is key to everything - is that he had an absolutely rigid, unbreakable separation in his mind between the track and his personal life. Like to Michael, as soon as he was in the car that was another person with another goal, and I think Mika was the only person who ever really understood this and changed his approach accordingly to get Michael's respect in both areas. I think there are 3 main reasons Michael was more inclined to listen to Mika.
1- Damon Hill once said that Michael simply didn't understand that other people couldn't do what he did. To him, it was the other drivers' fault that they couldn't keep up with him and weren't prepared to push the limit as far as he was. To him, what he could do was normal and the other drivers were just not trying hard enough. So he didn't respect them and treated them accordingly on track. Mika understood that you had to take the fight to Michael, and he was one of only a handful of drivers who COULD take the fight to Michael. So you get moments like Spa 2000, where Michael is driving dirty and Mika - instead of backing down and cursing him like the others - reinvents the fucking overtake, picks the PRECISE spot where he can catch Michael out, and doesn't let Zonta or ANYTHING stop him. Michael loves racing for racing's sake, it's his passion. So he's not angry that Mika just HUMILIATED HIM. He's impressed, he's grinning through the podium and press, and he respects Mika for it. So when Mika tells him "don't do that again" about the defending Michael just did to him, Michael doesn't do that again. (To him anyway.) Because he knows Mika will just put his head down and counter it. It won't work.
2- When Michael bullied other drivers on track they were - understandably, rightly - furious with him off track. They talked shit about him in the press, they argued with him and each other about it. To Michael, this didn't make sense. Racing was not reality, and them holding grudges against him for things he did in the car made him lose respect for them. It also made him less inclined to actually patch things up, so their relationships only deteroriated and he cared even less what they had to say about his driving. Mika, on the other hand, arguably hated the press even more than Michael. He said the bare minimum to them. He was there to race, not talk to a camera. So he never talked shit to the press about Michael because... why? Why bother? If he had a problem he took it straight to Michael. So off track Michael also gained respect for Mika - and vice versa I think - because they let each other live in peace as soon as the helmet came off.
3- Just. The sheer amount of history he had with Mika compared to other drivers. They went way back. Mika was arguably one of the first drivers to get a taste of Michael's outrageous defending ruining his entire day. They were friendly WAY before they were actually racing each other on a regular basis. When Mika had his horrible accident and almost died - before they were even anything approaching Iconic Rivals - Michael visited him in the hospital very quickly, and Mika returned the favour when Michael had his worst crash at Silverstone. I think Michael, for all he expected others to rigidly separate the personal life and the track, sometimes slipped up himself. Defending too hard at Monza in 2011 because he was in front of the *tifosi* comes to mind. And I think his personal history with Mika, plus the massive reminder of Mika's mortality he received during their careers because of Mika's big crash, made him marginally more careful with Mika than he was with other drivers.
But then this is all speculation and me guessing really. It could have been as simple as Mika's bluntness got through to Michael sdhsfdhgfsd.
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saekkas · 1 year
nonono anon who implied mikka is not a good boy lemme argue here bc
evidence: he loves praise (in every sense of that word yknow)
conclusion: he strives to get it from his beloved bc that is thr highest form of validation
verdict: when he wants to behave himself he can and is a good boy (and a bastard like I mentioned before but he tones it down to just being a little shit)
THIS !! precisely ! and also, i think him being a cocky lil shit is just a form of self-preservation.
i hc that mikka chooses to be a bastard because his ego (and he, himself) is fragile. he'd rather have people hate him for the persona he puts on rather than get hurt by people whom he could care less about.
and that is why !! he's such a good boy with his beloved bcz he's so much in his element with them, and he trusts that he won't get hurt by being himself around them.
it's like that saying yk? that your inner child comes out when you're around the people you love. the people you care about, and care about you in return. the mikka that could be, the mikka that should be is a kind-hearted, free spirited good boy, and i do not believe otherwise <3
also, yes, anon, i very much agree that he would be on his best behavior for validation. he loves being complimented for his looks and soccer skills, sure. but around his love ?? the one he treasures most ?? the one his whole world revolves around ?? he'll be on his best behavior because he wants to be loved, coddled, and spoiled for him. not anything else.
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beantothemax · 6 months
imagining ritsu fleeing the moment sparks begin to fly in ku. mugen shows signs of rising to power? mikka pack your shit we're leaving.
thinking about ritsu taking shelter in ryu or sai, laying low as a stablehand while mikka works in the tavern or as an apothecary's assistant.
thinking about them settling down and actually making a living after a while.
then along comes hikari, haggard and desperate, and ritsu takes him in, offers him food, shelter, medicine, anything he needs.
weh…………. the boys,,,,,,,,,,,,
thinking about hikari not knowing where else to go after ku is set alight and just. ending up at ritsu’s….
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Epilogue for Mikka gave me pause for a moment.
We need a tailor to make a new kimono for Mikka. Where the hell are we going to find a tailor? Have we met any tailors on our travels?
Okay, he's saying Leaflands. What's in the Leaflands? We've got Wellgrove. Partitio's department store. Were there tailors there? There were a lot of merchants, but I don't remember tailors specifically.
Timberain is all royal castle and justice hall and shit. Roland, maybe? That guy we had to do the hopeless little girl's side quest with? No, I think he's a decorator, not a tailor. But maybe.
But that's all we've got in the Leaflands. Just those two cities and Cropsda--
OH, M'DADDY! DING. That took me way too long to come up with.
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surrealcerealkiller · 5 years
I haven't felt like myself in such a long time... and my heart hurts.. and im definitely sad because my brain is missing people that I know don't miss me.. and I think I wish they did
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wtflife01 · 2 years
I just have to get this off my chest TeamLH are toxic on F1 twt they remind me of BTS stans the last few days they have scared me 😂. TeamLH and Lando fans are a different bred you’d swear Lewis and Lando are pop stars //
I have seen a lot of people saying that but I think they have their reasons.
1. What happened was actually a fiasco, Max was not lucky, rules were broken.
2. They always have to deal with former drivers like Ralf, Damon, Mikka, Nico, Jenson, etc having an opinion about Lewis, about BLM, about the rainbow helmet, about his achievements, about what he does or what he doesn't do.
3. They also have to deal with actual drivers shitting on Lewis, Alonso, Lando, Max, Albon, etc...they think they have a free pass to shit on him and that's not correct.
4. They have to deal with people that has a lot of influence like Horner, Marko, Ecclestone, Todt, Andretti, etc. disrespecting Lewis every opportunity they have, also the commentators...
None of the drivers or their fanbases have to deal with the shit I said above.
And Lewis...you can hate him or you can love him idc, you have to admit he's an amazing driver, he's good at his job and he's a good person, none of the drivers would put 20 million pounds into a foundation that persue inclusiveness and want to help to careers of younger brits drivers. He's supportive with younger drivers, he's super professional, super respectful and he doesn't receive the same treatment and I think TeamLH just try to "protect" him or to defend him. They (TeamLH) also donate a time ago a lot of money to an organization that helps black women in the US and UK so I think reduce them to "toxic" it's a lot of bs...they're trying to stand with Lewis and I have a lot of respect for that, and I'm a fan of GR just to clarify and I know they will miss Bottas but I'm really happy that George is going to be teammate with Lewis (I reall hope he doesn't retire), it's a really good opportunity for him.
About Lando fans I haven't interact too much with them tbh but I think most of them are quite young and because of that they don't understand boundaries sometimes...
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moozixxx-blog · 5 years
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8bitfireflies-blog · 7 years
Just Let Me Go, We’ll Meet Again Soon|| Chapter 5 || Motive Reaction
The music was pleasant enough at first.
She was stupid to assume it’d stay that way.
She let her guard down, allowing the soothing music to lull her into a sense of security, not even noticing as the world slowly became blurrier before her. Well, not until it was too late.
She saw her dad, first, waving a cruel hand in front of her eyes.
“I didn’t leave because of your mother. I left because of you. What use are you to me if you can’t even make money?”
She didn’t understand it, at first. Her money wasn’t his to take, and she could still see. At least she could then. However, as the day drove on, and he wouldn’t stop hounding her about how worthless a talent she has without her sight, her mother and brother joined in on the festivities.
“What use do you have to this family if you can’t help us live?”
“Nee-chan is pathetic. She stole my ideas, leaves for Hope’s Peak, and now she can’t even make any money?! I really hate her!”
She couldn’t take it anymore. She ran, unsure of what running could even do for her in a situation like this. Her eyesight was waning with every passing second, the world getting darker and darker and she knew that if she didn’t get to her room soon she’d be lost and unable to see anything at all.
She ran into what she assumed was a wall, although after feeling skin on skin contact she realized it definitely was not a wall. She would have retreated had the gruff, apathetic voice that she knew as Takeshi’s not already made its way to her ears.
“You again? Yeesh. Stop followin’ me around, will ya? Don’t you get it already- We ain’t friends, and we never will be.” Hotaru took a step back.
“Takeshi, d-don’t say that… I thought you said--” She cut herself off with a soft grunt as she ran into someone with an equally familiar, yet far softer voice that began speaking to her, or, rather, the other boy about her.
“Look, Takeshi-kun… She’s trying to run away! Miyamoto-san is so pathetic it’s almost laughable… I can’t believe she thought that we were friends! What use does she even have, without her eyesight? It’s not like she can design games anymore...” Hearing the words spoken in Kaede’s voice.. It was too much for her. Tears bit at her eyes, blurring her vision somehow even further than it already was at the moment as she pushed past Takeshi and kept running.
She hadn’t seen him, but she’s sure she heard Haruto’s voice call after her too. “Take-kun, Kae-kun, look! She’s crying! Like she’d ever be a part of our group in the first place..!” It said, and a chorus of laughter resounded from the voices behind her. She just had to make it to her room, make it there and it would all be over.
Hotaru grasped absently at the air for any metal that felt like her doorknob, ignoring the flash of purple that she noticed in the space next to her. If she just ignores her, she won’t say anything. She knew even then that that was a stupid thought.
“Did you really think I’d still like you, after everything? You lied to me. You lied to everyone. This, all of this… It’s your fault.”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” The split haired girl hissed, finally pushing her way through the door just in time for her vision to go completely black, and she pushed the door back with the force of her weight, sliding down it almost immediately afterward. The tears kept streaming down her face, and she went to rub at it with her gloves before she felt her hand get caught in mid air.
“Hotaru-chan~ Miss me?” No. She knew the voice, although it was certainly far too cheery to truly be the original.
 “No… this isn’t happening. It’s fake. You’re dead! Yuki-kun died!”
“Huh, Hotaru-chan… You’re acting weird… I’m right here…” She felt herself get pulled into a hug, and everything- every word, every touch, every emotion- came flooding back to her. She can’t even tell if her eyes are closed or not, everything is black, but she lets her hands clutch at what she assumes was the fabric of his shirt anyway. A hand made its way to her hair as he continued speaking. “There there… It’s okay to feel this way, you know? After all… you did let me die.” The sudden coldness of the tone caught her off guard, and she attempted to push out of his grasp, but she was stuck.
“N-no! I didn’t! Mikka-chan killed you! I risked everything, everything to find the killer! I didn’t mean to let you die!”
“Haha! Didn’t mean to, but you did!” A singsong tone laced the statement, and she’s almost sure if she could see him he’d have an uncharacteristically shit eating grin at the moment. “But what was worse, I think… Do you want to hear this, Hotaru-chan? Hey, listen!” She felt her face get grabbed and turned toward something- maybe another face? It’s not like she could see it anyway. All she knew was that it hurt. “The worse part was that you forgot about me, Hotaru-chan.”
“I didn’t! I could never-” She began to protest, but she was cut off again.
“I thought you liked me, Hotaru-chan. Isn’t that what you told me? P.S. Confessing to a dead body.. How pathetic! But... now I’m dead and you seem so happy… You forgot about me… What kind of awful person forgets about someone she supposedly cared so much for?” Hotaru attempted to push away once more.
“I’m sorry! I never meant to forget about you! I promise, I’ll try harder… So let go! All I want is to be able to see you again…”
“Do you really?”
“Yes! Of course! I liked you more than anything!”
“Well…” The voice paused for a chuckle, pulling her back into another hug. “You could just die then… Then we’d be together… That’s all you want, right? For us to be together? Well, we could be… You’re pathetic. No one needs or wants you here, anyway, so you could just leave… This was never meant to be your story anyway. Life isn’t a video game, and you definitely aren’t a hero. So, let’s be together, Hotaru-chan… I hope I’ll see you soon.” She dropped to the floor, the voice immediately gone.
“Wait! Don’t go! Don’t leave me again!” But the call fell on deaf ears… It’s not like she can kill what she can’t see anyway… She felt around the floor, finally managing to crawl into her bed. She’s pathetic, she thought, as she clutched her pillow and cried… But at least the voices stopped. They would prove to come and go, but somehow the silence was far more agonizing than the berating. It left her time to reflect on their words. What is her use, if she can’t make games?
Perhaps, more importantly… Does anyone truly care for her? For what reason is she still living? She doesn’t even know anymore...
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sombrerokiwi · 6 months
imagining ritsu fleeing the moment sparks begin to fly in ku. mugen shows signs of rising to power? mikka pack your shit we're leaving.
thinking about ritsu taking shelter in ryu or sai, laying low as a stablehand while mikka works in the tavern or as an apothecary's assistant.
thinking about them settling down and actually making a living after a while.
then along comes hikari, haggard and desperate, and ritsu takes him in, offers him food, shelter, medicine, anything he needs.
This is the au where Ritsu puts aside his pride and chase for glory and instead looks to his sister, who is terrified at what's happening around them.
This is the au where Ritsu puts his sister first and the au where he puts aside his dreams of glory.
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beantothemax · 8 months
An Accurate Dialogue session of Hollow Cleric featuring Jin Mei, Rai Mei, Ritsu, and Oboro interactions:
Jin Mei: Okay but what if I don't want to get my shit together. What if I want to be angry and fucking stab Kazan- or Oboro- or whatever his fucking name is! What if I don't want to get my shit together!?
Rai Mei: Then the world will continue to hurt for you. And eventually the people who try to stick with you will find out you hurt them more than help them. …And then they’ll leave you behind.
Jin Mei: But I’m in the right!
Rai Mei: What if you aren’t? What if in reality, you’re wrong and you’re now trying to fool yourself into thinking that everything you do is perfect? What then brother?
Jin Mei: I thought you would be on my side!
Rai Mei: And I am! I’m angry and I want justice but this is too far! You’re losing yourself brother! I barely recognize you and I’m scared that one day I’m going to wake up and I won’t recognize the person who is sitting in front of me.
Jin Mei: Rai Mei I- I’m still your brother.
Rai Mei: The brother I knew would have made it his priority to protect his family and make sure that they were okay. Not run off for a constant cycle of revenge.
Jin Nei: …So. Does that mean we’re not siblings anymore?
Rai Mei: …You made your choice all those years ago. And then you made it a thousand times over with every time you failed to killed Kazan.
Jin Mei: Oh.
Rai Mei: Yeah.
Oboro: Well then. You seem to have things under control, as good as me actually. Everything in the city is okay and everyone respects you yet is willing to ask for your advice when needed. Good job.
Ritsu: Good job? GOOD JOB!?
Oboro: …Yes?
Ritsu: You can’t tell me that shit now! You can’t tell me you think I did a good job after what you did!
Ritsu: Kaza- Oboro you left! You stabbed Jin Mei and then you left and then killed yourself! And then when you came back to life somehow and you didn’t come back! You just left!
Oboro: You would have went and listened to a person who helped ended the world. Really Ritsu. You would listen to me whole-heartedly?
Ritsu: YES!
Ritsu: EVERYONE WAS LEAVING! Jin Mei was “dead”, Rai Mei had to leave for Stormhail, Hikari was exiled, everyone I knew either died or was being moved away from my station, and Mikka went and almost moved to Sai because she thought she would be a burden on me when I got promoted!
Ritsu: Everyone almost left and I would have punched you but at least you would have been a constant! An annoying ass constant but a constant because I need that right now!
Ritsu: And then I apparently was a good fit for your job because they promoted me and I don’t know what to do and- And when you were in charge you made things look easy!
Ritsu: I sat in your office and every time I was in there I felt like a parasite! I didn’t feel like I earned it! I just felt like I was eating scraps and trying to desperately live up to what everyone saw you as! You were an asshole but a smart asshole and one who had plans that were brilliant! I couldn’t produce that! Every time I went and brought up a plan of my own I can feel everyone judge me!
Oboro: Ritsu is this still about me or is this about you now?
Ritsu: I DON’T KNOW!
Ritsu: I don’t know. You haunt this office and I put you up on this pedestal in hopes that maybe one day people will give me the same respect that they did with you. And now you’re alive and- I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.
Oboro: …I don’t know what you want me to say.
Ritsu: I don’t know either. I think I’m just tired. Really, really tired.
Oboro: Yeah that’s- (inhale) That’s a familiar friend in this job.
Ritsu: It’s a shitty friend.
Ritsu: …You’re a shit friend.
Oboro: What you’re just realizing that now?
Ritsu: I shouldn’t have to realize that. You should have never made yourself like that.
Oboro: …Well, you can’t change the past.
Jin Mei, huffing out a laugh: The Eagle of Ku, always so prepared.
Oboro: Yeah! I had to be “always prepared!” Not everyone can just wing it like you can Jin Mei!
Jin Mei: …
Oboro: …Listen you had it easy! You were practically given everything! I had to go and claw my way up to where I was. You never had that.
Jin Mei: …Clearly we aren’t talking about that time I tried to assassinate Hikari then.
Oboro: Right. Right that- Right you did do that.
Oboro: Ritsu did you ever clean out my desk?
Ritsu: Nope. Never sat in it either.
Oboro: …Why?
Ritsu: It felt weird! It was your spot and sitting in it felt weird!
Jin Mei: Oh, that’s why everything is on the floor.
Ritsu: Exactly!
Rai Mei: Ritsu that’s impractical.
Ritsu: Well yeah but it felt weirder sitting there!
Oboro: You had my job for several years you can clean out my desk. Look Hikari is already doing it!
Hikari: What? No. I’m trying to find where your pens are at. All of Ritsu’s have been chewed on.
Rai Mei: Ritsu that’s unsanitary.
Hikari: …Uh Oboro, what’s this?
Oboro: Oh- That’s uh…
Jin Mei: Oh yeah my uh…that’s my rib.
Rai Mei:
Hikari, putting the rib down: Right.
Hikari: And the jar of ashes?
Oboro: Oh that’s mine. Well not mine mine. I mean that the ashes belong to me. Not that I was ever preserved in ashes whenever I died from fire!
Jin Mei: Oh that’s where Zhao went.
Ritsu: Okay you both are doing the face where you’re embarrassed we’re cleaning out the desk.
Oboro and Jin Mei: NO-
Rai Mei: For two seconds can we all just not have problems!?
Jin Mei: Rai Mei that’s-
Ritsu: No she’s right. Two seconds.
Oboro: You have to admit that is-
Ritsu and Rai Mei: TWO SECONDS!
resounding silence
Oboro: Is the two seconds over yet?
Ritsu: No!
(more resounding silence)
Hikari: (sneezes)
Oboro: (small snort)
Ritsu: …Did you just laugh? And smile???
Oboro: No.
Rai Mei: We all saw and heard that. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
Ritsu: Who knew that all you need to be genuine is Hikari sneezing.
Hikari: I can sneeze again to see if it would work again a second time.
Oboro: It won’t work. And what you saw was a trick of light and what you heard was the wind.
Ritsu: Nice try, there isn’t any light because you helped bring an end to that.
Hikari: And if I remember correctly this is one of the few areas where the wind doesn’t blow. You told us that.
Oboro, under his breath: Fuck you past me.
Jin Mei: Hey if you want to know more about the Eagle being genuine, then let me tell you about this time where he kept bothering me constantly to tag a forgotten corridor of the palace when we both snuck out of a meeting.
Rai Mei: You tagged something!?
Hikari: And in the palace!?
Oboro, head in hands: Shut up.
Jin Mei: Yep! Dared me to do it and I did it eventually. Well less dared and more of dragged me into doing it while getting increasingly childish. It was amazing.
Oboro, blinking: You wrote “Kazan made me write this - Jin Mei.”
Jin Mei: I- It was much cooler than that!
Oboro: He tried to erase it afterwards.
Ritsu: You can’t just erase a thing like that!
Oboro: I can still remember the handwriting actually, all prim and prissy. I bet if we go there we would find it and I bet that your handwriting hasn’t changed a bit from the time since then and now.
Jin Mei: Yeah right.
Jin Mei: …(bursts into tears)
Oboro: Oh uh…Your handwriting is nice okay? It’s one of the easier ones I could read and it was nice.
Jin Mei: It’s not that! It’s the fact that we’re older now and look at us! All of us are so tired and shit! And- Ugh what happened?
Oboro: A lot of things happened.
Ritsu: …Yeah the two seconds are over now you can just- Just let it out man.
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kiwi do you want this knife you drove into my heart or can I keep it
hhhghags…… first two parts hit very hard… rai mei and jin mei drifting apart as jin mei gets lost in this sea of revenge and hate…….. ritsu feeling like he doesn’t belong in any sort of leadership position and so angry about how everyone he knows and loves leaving him in some way…… AND HOW HE HATES OBORO BUT HE JUST. WANTS HIM TO STAY FOR SOME KIND OF CONSTANR IN HIS LIFE……… KIWI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
last two parts were nice tho. hiakri just. finding Jin mei’s rib in a drawer was very funny. he just has pieces of him strewn about everywhere. there’s a femur under the carpet but he hasn’t told anyone yet. and oboro trying so hard to deny that he smiled and getting cornered by his own logic was delightful. they may not be able to not have problems for two seconds but I love them regardless
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lil-fuck-me-dead · 10 years
Oh boy, i haven't been to an event in ages, last one was the top gear festival a week before my 16th (2 months ago)...... ITS BEEN SO LONG SOMEONE TAKE ME WITH THEM
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surrealcerealkiller · 7 years
Do you ever just feel yourself become more annoying to your friends?
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surrealcerealkiller · 7 years
Lowkey just need a someone to hold me close and let me cry
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surrealcerealkiller · 7 years
Fuck you for leaving perfectly good nudes on read. 👏🏻👍🏻🖕🏻🤘🏻✌🏻
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surrealcerealkiller · 7 years
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