#shiptember 2023
spookberry · 7 months
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Cool bandaids are for cool guys only
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hannahmanderr · 7 months
DP Shiptember Day 1 - Catching Feelings... Again ~ "Quick, kiss me!" ~ Gray Ghost
Summary: She didn’t even bother to look up from her work. “Who’d you tick off this time?”
“It wasn’t my fault!” He pressed his back flush against the counter. “She started it!”
Her eyebrow hitched upward. “Who started it?” (takes place after my oneshot Glow)
If there was ever one benefit of working a grimy minimum wage job in a town like Amity Park, it definitely had to be the opportunity to see some wild situations. At a place like the Nasty Burger, these situations seemed even more prevalent. 
Kat would swear up and down that a portal had decided to open itself smack dab in the middle of the grill one night during the dinner rush, resulting in half a dozen hamburger patties falling into the void of the Ghost Zone, a backup in the drive-through, and one strongly worded Yelp review from a visiting tourist. 
Irving Burns allegedly had to pull Nasty Sauce from the public after rumors began to swirl around town that Phantom had blown up a ghost with a single packet and teenagers came in droves to take handfuls of sauce packets for the so-called “Nasty Sauce challenge” (Mr. Lancer himself had confiscated dozens of packets on school grounds). 
One day, the Nasty Ned mascot costume simply got up and walked itself out the door and into Lake Eerie. That story had made headlines on Channels 4, 6, and 7. The costume was never recovered. 
And of course, the family of blob ghosts living in the dumpsters out back loved to cause problems of their own, namely swooping in and stealing customers’ fries like swarms of seagulls.
Valerie became used to these strange events long before her coworkers did. She probably ended up stopping a fair number of shenanigans before the public became aware of them. Even after her father forbade her from bringing her trackers to work, even after she learned the true identity of her number one target and stopped hunting him, the drive to keep the city from devolving into too much chaos was strong. 
Still though, if she had to learn to accept one thing, it was that chaos loved Amity Park and Amity Park loved chaos. No one could go long without encountering at least a little bit. That had been a lesson she’d learned a few days ago, when Danny Fenton, her rival turned crush turned ex turned enemy turned crush again, took her behind the Nasty Burger itself (because where else would it be?) and shown her something wild enough only for Amity Park. Something strange. Something beautiful.
In just those past few days, she began to expect the unexpected. She’d nearly expected the horde of ghost squirrels raiding the cafeteria storage the other day to turn rabid on her, but then memories of the soft, cool touch that blob ghosts had left on her fingers and arms crossed her mind. And she, Valerie Gray, the self-proclaimed huntress of Amity Park, retracted her guns and set to help the squirrels find the industrial size canister of peanut butter they’d been looking for.
The squirrels had shown up outside her window the next day offering a trash-covered everything bagel from the bakery a couple roads down. It had been such an endearing display that she made a show of “eating” it in front of them. They’d enjoyed it.
And the day after that, she’d been chasing down the Box Ghost when they passed over an intersection and a tiny boy escaped his mother’s hand-hold and toddled into the street to follow them. She hadn’t been fast enough to get there before the next speeding car got there, but the Box Ghost had dropped the stack of boxes he’d insisted on maintaining throughout the chase to grab the little boy and turned them both intangible before depositing the boy safely back on the sidewalk.
Valerie had stopped short of sucking him into her thermos to ask him why abandon the boxes. Why go against everything he was supposed to be?
“My kid is about his age,” he’d told her shyly. “I just did what any other parent would do.” That answer had been so stunning she’d simply lowered the thermos and told him to get the boxes home to his kid. But in retrospect, it made sense, didn’t it? Ignoring the complexities of how ghosts had kids in the first place, who was to say parental instincts didn’t transcend the line between life and death?
So no, perhaps she couldn’t put a stop to all the chaos that plagued Amity Park. Perhaps some of it still made no sense. But maybe, just maybe, if she could keep her eyes peeled and watch for the unexpected…
Maybe the chaos could begin to form itself into a wild, beautifully intricate harmony.
Apparently, not even all the anticipation in the world could prepare her for Danny Fenton to come barreling into the Nasty Burger during the afternoon lull and launch himself through the counter to cower by her feet.
To her credit, she barely reacted. She didn’t even bother to look up from her work. “Who’d you tick off this time?”
“It wasn’t my fault!” He pressed his back flush against the counter. “She started it!”
Her eyebrow hitched upward. “Who started it?”
Before he could answer, the front doors exploded inward.
Instincts kicked in, and Valerie dropped behind the counter beside Danny to avoid the flying shrapnel. A gust of hot wind blew over them. Despite the heat, a chill crept up her spine. She didn’t need her tracker or to see Danny’s breath fog to know a ghost had decided to make itself known.
“ Where is he? ” a shrill voice screeched. Valerie glanced over at Danny, who had gone pale at the sound of the voice.
With a glare, she silently jerked her head towards the front. Seriously?
He responded with a helpless shrug and a shake of his head. I swear it’s not my fault!
“I know you’re in here, my darling!” the voice called in an angry sing-song. “You can’t run from love!”
This time, both of Valerie’s eyebrows hitched upward. “ My darling? ” she hissed as quietly as she could.
Danny flailed his arms wildly. He at least had the sense to keep them from flailing past the edge of the counter. “ She’s crazy! ” he hissed back.
By that point, the few other employees on shift had emerged from the kitchen to see the commotion. Out of the corner of her eye, Valerie could see Tatiana, the sweetheart dishwasher, peering from around the corner, whispering furiously into her cell phone. No doubt to the city’s emergency ghost line. 
Taylor, the shift supervisor, wasn’t anywhere near as timid. “Can I help you with something?” they drawled with a voice Valerie knew they only reserved for the most frustrating of customers.
“Where are you hiding him?” the ghost said, her voice sickeningly sweet. “I know he’s in here, I can smell him!”
If possible, Danny turned paler.
“I have no clue who you’re talking about, ma’am,” Taylor said. “If you wanna buy something, that’s fine, otherwise I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. You’re disturbing other customers.”
Valerie nearly snorted. Not that there were other customers at the moment, but if there had been, “disturbing” probably would have been an understatement. 
She stole another glance at Danny, who had screwed his eyes shut and seemed to be concentrating on… something. She couldn’t tell. Still though, seeing him so oddly terrified…
Without thinking, she laid a hand over one of his clenched fists. One of his eyes popped open, first flicking down to look at their hands then back up to peer at her. She offered a tiny smile, and his shoulders relaxed marginally.
“All I want is my sweetheart!” the ghost was saying, her voice still dripping with a faux sweetness. “He thinks he can hide from me, but he’s mine !”
Taylor frowned and rolled their eyes. “Of course. Of course . The one time I get the afternoon shift I ask for, and some crazy ghost decides to show up.”
Another gust of hot, dry air blew over Valerie’s head. She and Danny cringed in sync. Taylor was a perfectly chill person and all, but they had a habit of being a little too blunt. And bluntness did not exactly work well when ghosts were involved.
“He’s mine !” the ghost screeched. “If you won’t tell me where he is, then maybe I should persuade you through… other means . I’ll gladly rip you apart limb by limb until you talk.”
Taylor’s frown melted into concern. “Wait, wait, I didn’t -”
Several things seemed to happen at once.
Valerie caught sight of Danny’s other eye popping open, and she instantly recognized the determined twinkle in his eye - the same one that Phantom got when he was about to dive headfirst into a situation he probably shouldn’t. Under her hand, she felt his muscles tense, ready to spring into action.
At the same time, Taylor’s eyes widened until they nearly popped out of their head. Valerie felt it as the ghost surged forward, her fury following her in a cloud of heat and debris from the destroyed entrance. 
In that moment, Valerie had a number of thoughts. The first of which was simply that Danny Fenton needed to stop getting himself into these situations.
The second of which was that none of them, Danny included, probably got paid enough to deal with these sorts of things.
The third of which was that there was no way she was about to let some possessive ghost steal away the boy who had single handedly changed her world more than once, the boy who had waited for her with such patience and such kindness, the boy who had kissed her a few nights ago and shown just how much he cared for her through the golden light of a dozen blob ghosts.
And so before Danny could jump up on his own, she seized his wrist and pulled him up herself.
“Ex-cuse me?” she shouted, jamming her free hand onto her hip. 
And just like that, Valerie Gray found herself staring down a cheerleader.
The sheer surprise from the ghost being a cheerleader of all things nearly caused her to falter, but she managed to catch herself in the nick of time. Granted, it was truly a ghostly cheerleader, with pom-poms and hair of fire, fangs protruding from her perfectly red lips, and arms almost twice the normal length, but it was still a cheerleader nonetheless.
The ghost did not do as well at hiding her surprise. She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned her fiery red eyes towards the pair. Her eyes landed on Valerie first, then…
“There you are!” she exclaimed, and Danny squeaked, gripping onto Valerie’s hand for his half-life. “Why did you run, my love? I was only going to make our relationship official . Just a little bite! It wouldn’t even hurt!”
Something snapped in Valerie, and she pulled Danny closer to her. “What are you talking about, your relationship? He’s already taken, thank you very much.” Even as she spoke the words, her heart pounded.
This was so not how she would’ve liked to go about this.
Danny whipped around, his blue eyes boring into hers and his mouth gaping wordlessly. “I’m what ?” 
“Who’s this now?” the cheerleader asked. She bared her fangs and narrowed her eyes in Valerie’s direction.
Despite the new wave of intense heat that blasted her, Valerie remained resolute. “I’m the girl who’s about to kick your sorry butt if you don’t leave my Danny alone!” 
Her words hit her a second too late. She could only pray her blush would be written away as redness from the heat and not embarrassment.
“ Your Danny?” the ghost hissed, her voice an ominous growl. “Some pitiful, silly human thinks she can take my love away from me? From me ?” She began to laugh hysterically. “You have no idea who you’re messing with, girlie. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, after all.”
“Come any closer and I’ll show you the fury of a woman scorned.”
The cheerleader’s face melted into a sinister grin. “I was gonna tear this one’s arms off and use them for toothpicks,” she said, nodding towards a terrified Taylor, “but I’ll gladly start with you instead!”
Valerie had no idea what possessed her the moment the ghost lunged towards her and Danny. Maybe it was the sheer mental exhaustion from having her world turned upside down over the past few days. Maybe it was little more than a moment of panic. Maybe it was the burning drive to prove herself to this she-demon and show that no one would come between her and the people she loved.
(She’d dwell on that last bit later.)
She turned to Danny. “Quick, kiss me!”
Danny tore his eyes away from the cheerleader. “Wait, what ?”
And because she didn’t have time to try and convince him or tell him her plan (not that she had one), Valerie flung her arms around his neck and pulled him in close.
The moment their lips touched, something akin to a spark erupted between them, creating an audible crackle in the air. 
Or maybe that was just the ghostly edge to the cheerleader’s shriek of pure rage.
Valerie liked to believe it was the former. 
Whatever it was, the effects were instantaneous. She had her eyes closed tightly as she kissed Danny, but she could feel as the heat that had been flooding the two of them stopped abruptly, almost as if Danny’s naturally cool presence had been amplified to create a barrier around them. The change in temperature was soothing against her irritated skin. Judging by the way Danny relaxed into her embrace, the change felt just as nice to him.
“Whoa, whoa!” Taylor shouted from behind them. “Keep it PG, jeez .”
Behind her closed eyelids, Valerie rolled her eyes. Overdramatic much?
At some point, the cheerleader’s incessant shriek became too much for her ears to handle, and she broke the kiss. Still leaned in close, she put her lips next to Danny’s ear. “Thermos?” she whispered.
For a moment, Danny just wavered in place, staring with a dreamy, unfocused look in his eyes. “Huh?”
She thwacked him on the shoulder. “Focus, Fenton!”
“Oh!” He shook his head. “Right! Uh, thermos! Yes! Not, uh… I’m just - um…” He peered past Valerie’s shoulder to where Taylor stood. “Just… don’t let them see, I - er…”
She watched in amusement as he clumsily patted his pockets, then reached beside him. His hand disappeared into thin air for a moment before reappearing with a Fenton Thermos.
“A literal pocket dimension,” he whispered with a goofy grin. The thermos nearly slipped from his grip, and he flailed to catch it. 
Valerie was faster. She snatched the thermos out of his loose hold. “Yeah, no pocket dimension can make you any less of a dork.”
“Maybe, but I’m still your dork.”
Her face burned red, but she still managed to point the thermos at the still-shrieking cheerleader and suck her in. “A dork who let one kiss distract him that badly,” she threw back, handing the full thermos to him. “And put that back in your ‘pocket’ before you drop it.”
“I’m not gonna drop it!” In spite of his protest, he slipped the thermos back into the empty space. “See?”
“Wow, congratulations on doing something your average toddler can do and not drop something.”
“Aw, you noticed?” He flashed her a wide, impish smile. “Do I get another kiss for that?” he asked with a wink.
Valerie hummed and turned back to the cash register. “I don’t know. Do you have a decent explanation as to why there’s some ghost girl chasing after you?”
Danny opened his mouth and froze with a finger in midair. “Uh… Okay, wait, listen! There’s a perfectly good explanation for this. I didn’t start it, I swear! She saw me fly- er, walking around and just pounced on me!”
“Mhmm.” She struggled to hide her laugh as she put on her best disinterested face. How was it that Danny Phantom, who had managed to elude her for years and fend off powerful ghost after powerful ghost, could end up struggling this much?
And how on earth did it manage to be the cutest thing ever?
“Valeriieee,” he whined, tugging at her shirt sleeve. “Please! I promise! I’m not cheating on you!”
“I didn’t know you two were together.”
Both of their heads whipped around to see Taylor leaning against the counter and shaking their head. “Or that a ghost that hot could be that terrifying.”
Valerie paused. “Wait, hot like, hot ? Or, like…”
Taylor shot her a glare. “Not. Another. Word. You do you, and I’ll do me. I could say plenty about your choice in partner.”
“My…?” She turned to Danny, matching blushes painting their faces. His endless blue eyes stared back at her helplessly. Something in her chest throbbed faster and faster, and she couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face.
“Yeah,” she said. She took his hand and squeezed it. “He’s definitely mine.”
The look on his face shone even brighter than it had a few nights ago under the light of the blob ghosts.
Taylor’s eyes bounced between the two of them. “Good for you, then, I guess. He can’t stay behind the counter, though.”
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duchi-nesten · 7 months
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A little part 2 to the fic from yesterday for shiptember prompt: sharing ✨
Sharing the couch they bought together for their shared apartment with their shared ghost dog :) I just wanted to draw cuddles
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schnuffel-danny · 7 months
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I have somehow managed to convince myself that I will catch up to shiptember in the span of a day and a half
day 1- grumpy/sunshine spoiled loner house cat and stray dog with no respect for personal space dynamic :,D
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ghostgothgeek · 7 months
Danny Phantom Shiptember 2023
It's that time of year again!
Shiptember will be taking place from September 24th - September 30th.
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Topics/prompts listed above. You can choose one prompt or all 3 prompts for the day listed. Your submission can be writing/art/whatever you'd like!
Saturday September 30th is also a FREE DAY - you can choose from the topics listed for the day, do any of the previous prompts, or make up your own! Go wild!
You can choose any ship you want!
For any poly ships, you can use these dynamics: Grumpy x Sunshine x Chaos, Flirty x Flustered x Indifferent, Protective x Reckless x Mom Friend, Idiot in Denial x Idiot in Denial x Waiting for Idiots to Realize, Oblivious x Obvious Flirt x Pining, Dumbass x The Only Brain Cell x Encouraging the Dumbass, Cocky Bastard Bad x Cinnamon Roll Good x True Chaotic Neutral.
Please keep things appropriate i.e. no minor/adult ships or incest, please tag any NSFW content, use trigger warnings for triggering topics, etc. Be respectful of other people!
Here is a list of phandom ship names if you need ideas or a guide through the wild and nonsensical ship names we have.
Here is the AO3 collection!
Please use the tag #DP Shiptember 2023 for organizational purposes!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Calendar listing prompts for each day of the week for Danny Phantom Shiptember 2023 as follows:
9/24: Grumpy x Sunshine; Catching Feelings...Again; "Quick, kiss me!" 9/25: Flirty x Flustered; Accidental; "You're staring again." 9/26: Protective x Reckless; Cliche; "Wait...Is this a date?" 9/27: Idiot in Denial x Idiot in Denial; Intimate; "Are you flirting with me right now?" 9/28: Oblivious x Obvious/Pining; Fight; "Just play along." 9/29: Dumbass x The Only Brain Cell; Oh shit I'm in love with them; "Because I love you, okay?" 9/30: Cocky Bastard Bad x Cinnamon Roll Good; Sharing; "It's always been you."; ALSO FREE DAY]
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scarletsaphire · 7 months
Danny has been waiting for Phantom to let him go into the Ghost Zone for months, but has been met with "It's too dangerous!" at every turn. At long last, he's gotten Phantom to agree to be his tour guide. (Phantom kinda sucks at being a tour guide.)
Totally didn't forget to cross post those two. ANYWAY this is Shiptember Day 3, Reckless x Protective. Is this one going to get more added later? Maybe! I want to! But there are other things to write. Aka more, different pitch pearl.
"You have an oxygen mask with an ecto filter?" 
"And you have an ecto ray in case we get into a fight?"
"Right here."
"And you have your jumpsuit?"
"Phantom, you can see me wearing it," Phantom stopped pacing to look at Danny, who was sitting on his father's desk, arms crossed. 
"Oh, right," Phantom said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I'm just-"
Danny cut him off. "Nervous? You don't have to be, I'll be fine. It's not like I don't know anything about ghosts."
"I know that," Phantom said. "But its different when the ghosts are out here. It's like studying sharks in captivity, and then jumping straight into the ocean to swim with them."
"Yea, well, that's why I have you isn't it? To make sure that none of the sharks eat me." Danny hopped to his feet, grabbing onto Phantom's hands and pulling him to the portal. "Now come on, I've been waiting for this for ages!"
Phantom let Danny drag him along, but didn't stop talking. "You might need more than just me to keep you safe though! What if there's some kind of mind control bug that only affects humans? Or what if we get too close to Walker's prison and he arrests you? What if-"
Phantom was cut off by Danny's lips pressed to his own. "You need to stop worrying so much," he said, pulling away with a smile. "We've both been preparing for this trip for months. You can deny it as much as you want, but I've seen the map you've been working on. Everything going to go just fine, ok?"
Phantom blushed green. He had thought he'd kept his fruitless endeavor to map a path to take Danny on a secret, but apparently he hadn't. He could try to deny it, but there was no point. Danny always knew when he was lying. "Just, promise me you'll stay by my side?"
"Of course, there's no where else I want to be." Danny's tone was somewhere between teasing and sarcasm. He rolled his eyes and yanked on Phantom's arm more determinedly. "Now hurry up! I want to see the Ghost Zone!" 
The cold, tingly sensation of the Fenton portal had long since grown familiar to Phantom, but the warmth held firmly in his hand shed a new light on the entire experience. In many ways it felt wrong; the portal represented the border between warmth and cold, between life and death: having something so clearly, undeniably living as Danny's heartbeat. On the other hand, nothing had ever felt as right to Phantom as Danny's hand in his own, and not even the otherworldly sensation could change that.
Phantom knew that they had exited the portal by the tightening of Danny's hand in his own and the gasp he let out, distorted in the ectoplasm rich air. The tight grasp he'd kept on Phantom's hand fell loose as he spun in the low gravity area, taking in the sights of the ghost zone. Phantom let him go.
"Oh wow..." Danny said. "It's so..!"
When Phantom realized that Danny wasn't going to finish the sentence, he tried to finish it. "Green? Floaty? Covered in big ugly rocks?" Danny slapped Phantom in the arm without looking away from his surroundings.
"I was going to say incredible. Oh my god, is that-" Danny cut himself off, dashing forward into the distance, chasing after who knows what with surprising speed.
"Danny, wait, you promised!" Phantom said, rushing after him. If Phantom had been less prepared or less experienced, he might not have caught up to Danny at all. But Phantom had plenty of experience navigating the ghost zone, and arguably even more dealing with Danny. He had made Danny promise to stay close, but Phantom hadn't actually expected him to keep it. It wasn't that Danny meant to break it. He was just far too curious for his own good. 
Phantom caught up to Danny after a few seconds, almost entirely because Danny had stopped at what he had been distracted by. It was a rock covered in a type of moss that grew almost like seaweed, swaying in the fictional breeze it decided it was affected by. With every twist and turn it shifted into different colors, sometimes a soft transition into its new color and sometimes so abrupt that it shifted in the blink of an eye. 
Danny hovered, crouching in the air to stare at the color-shifting plant. "What's this called?"
"I have absolutely no idea," Phantom said. "I'm not exactly an expert on the zone, you know." 
"Does that mean I get to name it?" Danny asked, glancing over at Phantom. 
"I mean, it probably does have a name. I just don't know it."
"How does it change colors like that? Is that normal for ghost plants? Why is it moving like this? Would it be able to grow underwater? Does it grow at all? Is it the ghost of a plant or is it just a ghost plant?" 
Phantom shrugged, smiling wide at Danny. "You'll just have to find out. You did say you were going to take samples back, after all."
Danny facepalmed. "I completely forgot about that! Can you grab the vials out of my bag? They should be on the inner pocket."
"Of course." Phantom floated behind Danny, opening the backpack and pulling out plastic vials. He grabbed the pen and labels while he was in there. "Here you go."
"Thanks so much," Danny said, taking them without looking. He wasn't expecting the label and pen and dropped them right into Phantom's other hand, poised right under Danny's. He grinned sheepishly at Phantom. "You know me so well."
Phantom leaned down and kissed Danny's cheek. "I know. Now, get to your science stuff."
"You don't have to tell me twice," Danny said, getting to work.
It took Danny about an hour to gather the samples he wanted, asking questions Phantom didn't know the answer to the whole time. Phantom didn't mind; he wouldn't be dating Danny if he didn't find his curiosity endearing. Honestly, Phantom had expected to be there longer, and had been floating on his back almost directly above Danny's head, keeping a careful eye on the horizon when Danny straightened directly into him.
Phantom spun to the side. "You can't give a ghost a warning?"
Danny laughed. "Oops. Do you want me to kiss it better?" Danny wiggled his eyebrows at Phantom, and he laughed.
"Maybe when we get back," Phantom said. "Unless you want to cut the trip short?"
"No sir, please continue with the tour," Danny said with a mock salute. 
"It isn't much of a tour when you run off immediately," Phantom teased.
"Ok, then please start the tour," Danny said, taking Phantom's hand. 
"Fine, fine," Phantom said. "Have you been taking lessons from Sam in being bossy?"
Danny laughed. "If she hears you saying that, she'll kill you again. You'll be a double ghost."
"That doesn't sound all that bad," Phantom joked. "Maybe you'd be more interested in me if I was something for you to study like that."
"I'd be more interested with you if you actually started the tour instead of just standing here talking!" Danny said.
"Well, this area is one we call the Barrens, for pretty self explanatory reasons," Phantom started, dragging Danny along behind him. "There isn't much out here, and there was even less before your parents built the portal. Almost all of the lairs you see were either moved here after, or were formed by...something."
"Something?" Danny asked. 
Phantom shrugged. "I did warn you that I'm not an expert."
"I've noticed."
"So, the Barrens. It's not the most exciting area, but it is really big, so we won't be leaving it today."
"I thought you said there isn't anything out here?" Danny asked.
"I said there isn't much of anything," Phantom corrected. "There's a difference. And besides, my 'there's nothing out here' is very different from your 'there's nothing out here.' Case in point, the jars of ghost plant in your backpack."
"You raise a good point," Danny said. "I think that ones on you, though. I mean, who wouldn't be distracted by- holy shit Phantom look over there!" Danny started to float off towards a collection of rocks all spinning in sync. "Come on, we have to check it out."
"Why don't you go ahead and prove my point harder, huh?" Phantom said. He allowed himself to be dragged for a little while before going stiff, holding Danny back. "We can't go over there."
Danny did not stop pulling. "Why not?" he whined.
"Because that is something that I know about, and it isn't safe," Phantom said. He yanked Danny back to his side, wrapping his arm around Danny's waist, and guiding him away.
Danny pouted. "Is this a not safe like going into the Ghost Zone at all is not safe, or a not safe like helping you fight Technus, or not safe like-"
Phantom cut him off. "Not safe like you may never leave it again."
Danny narrowed his eyes, staring into Phantom's, unblinking. Phantom held the gaze right back. "Ok fine, I believe you. But can you at least tell me why it's so dangerous?"
"You know black holes?"
Danny scoffed. "Of course I know black holes."
"It's kind of like that, but with ectoplasm and in a much smaller area."
"Does it just work on ectoplasm, or does it affect everything else too?" Danny asked, turning his head to look over his shoulder at the rotating rocks.
"I don't know, and I'm not letting you figure it out," Phantom said. "Even if I have to keep you on a leash to stop you."
"You could at the very least turn to look at me when you say things like that," Phantom said, blushing.
Danny turned his head from the rocks to look at Phantom. "Kinky," he repeated.
"You're a jerk," Phantom said, looking away.
"But you love me!"
"I do," Phantom said. "Clearly, that means something is wrong with me."
"No, it just means my secret mind control lessons with Ember have been paying off."
Phantom turned his head back to Danny fast enough that if he actually had bones he would have hurt himself. "You have not." Danny smiled back instead of answering, expression a picture of innocence. "I can't tell if you're pulling my tail of not. If I find out that you've actually been trying to learn mind control from Ember I am going to leave her in the thermos for a week, and then figure out how to make a thermos for humans and leave you in there."
"You'll never be able to prove it," Danny said in a singsong tone.
"And your parents say I'm the evil one," Phantom said, shaking his head and fighting the smile that threatened to cross his face.
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nessie-noodlez · 8 months
ShipTember 2023
Day 5 - ballroom dancing
Alittle late to posting but it's all good. Super proud with how these turned out 🥰❤️ my favorite one soo far!!!
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duchi-nesten · 7 months
Cuddle Couch
Valerie just wanted to buy a new couch to replace the one Cujo tore to shreds. She didn’t know babysitting her boyfriend in a furniture store would prove so difficult.
Word count: 4418 || AO3 Link
Silly Gray Ghost for Shiptember prompt: Dumbass x The Only Braincell! :]
Valerie’s life was going great. 
No, really, for once it actually was. Or at least as great as a college student who’s barely getting by can have it. 
She decided to go to a small college in the next town over from Amity Park. To be close by in case of a more hostile ghost attack, even though most of the dangerous attacks stopped after Danny became the Ghost King. Something about the ghosts being scared of causing trouble in the king’s liar. 
The few regulars who still liked to show their faces around the town got handled by the Fentons, who got way better and more humane at ghost hunting ever since they found out their son has been the ghost boy all this time. It took them a while to get used to that, and Valerie honestly couldn’t blame them. She herself had to come to terms with the fact that she was hunting down her high school crush for two years. 
Now they were both twenty and dating for a good four years. Since the ghost attacks declined, Danny decided to join her in college. They trusted that the Fentons would call them if a bigger threat showed up in town, so they rented an apartment together near the campus and lived a mostly peaceful college life with their ghost dog, Cujo.
A ghost dog, who lately got very interested in finding out what their couch tasted like. She absolutely blamed Danny for that. He always used the cushions when play-fighting with Cujo, either as punching bags or shields against Cujo’s jump attacks. There were already many teeth marks and rips in the cushions, and it was only a matter of time before the dog got interested in consuming the entire couch too. His eventual success in this endeavor led to the problem that Valerie had to face right now.
“Val, look! They have the meatballs! Like in the memes! We need to get them!”
She and Danny were currently entering an IkeaTM, in search of a replacement couch for the one that Cujo tore to shreds. 
She sighed internally looking over to her excited boyfriend. Sometimes it really felt like she had two puppies to take care of instead of one. His eyes were shining with excitement –literally, there was that ectoplasmic shine to them whenever he got too hyped up about something– and she was sure that had he been in ghost form right now, his spectral tail would be swaying uncontrollably, seemingly wagging.
He was pulling at their connected hands, half dragging her to the meatball stand. Valerie shook her head, trying hard to force down the smile creeping up onto her face. 
“We can get some meatballs after we find a couch, okay?” She told him, turning his attention towards the furniture part of the store instead. “But only if you behave.”
“What? I always behave.”
She gave him a pointed look.
“Okay, I usually behave. But can you blame me?” He let go of her hand to stand in front of her and gesture around them dramatically. “It’s a furniture store, Val. Furniture stores are exciting!”
“Yeah, when you’re like eight years old, not twenty. Don’t act like you’ve never been to one before.” She said, shoving him in the direction of the living room areas of the store. As they walked Danny kept observing everything like it was the first time he’s seen things like a wooden desk.
“I might’ve as well been eight last time I was in one, okay?” he explained, his hand reaching out to touch one of the desks, but Valerie quickly caught it in hers and steered him back in the direction they were going in. “My dad got us banned from every furniture store in the 50 mile radius of Amity Park. Apparently the Ikea furniture isn’t ectoplasm resistant enough for him.” 
Valerie stopped in her tracks, turning to look at him sternly.
“Please tell me you are not banned in this store.”
He shrugged in response. 
She resisted the urge to groan and instead turned back around to continue walking. If the Ancients were on her side today, no one would realize this supposed-to-be-adult was the child of Jack Fenton. She just prayed he wouldn’t do anything stupid enough to get a ban of his own (which would probably result in her getting banned along with him).
She loved Danny very much, but he really took after his father a lot. And he could be such a child sometimes too.
“Hey, hey, hey Val.” Danny said from behind her. She turned back again to see him standing by a big wooden closet, holding the door open. “Watch me hide in here and scare the next old guy who walks by.”
Case in point. She glared at him unamused. “Danny no.” 
“Okay, then we can both hide in the closet, but you can’t blame me for what happens next.” He sent her a wink combined with the worst Flynn Rider impression she has ever seen.
She slapped him.
“Ow, what was that for?” He whined dramatically. “You know I’m joking!”
Valerie glared at him for a while longer, before sighing and dragging a hand down her face. “Can we just focus on getting the couch, please? I still have math homework to do for tomorrow.” 
She continued their walk through the bedroom areas. The living rooms were finally in her sight now and Oh Ancients there were so many. She heard Danny following right behind her. “Val, you have intro math, that takes like…literally no time.”
“Yeah, maybe for you asshat. You don’t get a say in this, you didn’t get the shit teacher this year.” She made a point of not looking at him this time. The arguing would only slow them down. They could multitask arguing and getting a couch.
“Awh, but Ms. Rekdal lets you guys cheat.” Of course, Danny decided that no eye-contact would not do and caught up to her so they could walk side by side, literally forcing himself in her view. “Didn’t she already post the answers or something? Just copy those.” 
And fine, maybe he was right. Her stupid math teacher decided it was a great idea to share full answers to their assignments three days before the deadline, which meant that the majority of her classmates most likely did copy them. Heck, when Danny had classes with Ms. Rekdal last year, he didn’t even look at the assignments before the answers were posted. But he actually understood math. She couldn’t do that, she was too responsible for this. “I need to do it myself, or else I won’t understand the material and will inevitably fail the exam.”
As she explained that to him they finally reached some living room spaces. There were a lot of different couches there that immediately stole all her attention. Looking closer at the information on one called VIMLE, she almost didn’t hear what Danny said next.
“I can always overshadow you and write your exam for you.”
She whipped around from the VIMLE to yell at him. “COUCH, DANNY.”
“Right, right, okay. Couch.” he raised his hands in a sign of surrender and actually started scanning the furniture with her. 
Valerie huffed and went back to checking out the couch she was looking at. It was a sectional with three seats, one of which was designed for lounging. Some sort of smooth black material which was surprisingly soft to the touch covered the cushions. She braced herself before looking at the price and… yep, one thousand and nine hundred dollars. That would not do. 
She noted the prices on the other couches surrounding her. A soft gray three seater with a bunch of cute pillows. One thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Another sectional, this one in cream white colors and material that looked rougher than the cheapest kind of toilet paper. One thousand six hundred and forty-nine dollars. A two seater in faux brown leather that was so shiny Valerie was sure if she sat on it her butt would slide right off. One thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine dollars. 
Why the hell were couches so expensive? Finding an affordable one was going to be so much harder than she had first assumed.
Between her and Danny, they didn’t really have much money. She worked a part time job at a little corner cafe right beside campus, and while it was way nicer and more cozy than her previous job at the Nasty Burger, it barely paid any better. Danny helped out with his parents’ business, which definitely bloomed after ghosts proved to be real. With his ghostly expertise, he was very good at assisting in their research or helping develop some new inventions and they made sure to pay him accordingly. 
Unfortunately, all of this income combined with both of their student loans was still only barely enough to get by. They could afford some cool stuff from time to time, but a couch worth seventeen hundred dollars was way too big of an expense to spend at once.
“Hey Val, check this out.” Danny’s voice brought her out of her musings. She turned her gaze in his direction where he stood over a couch, which was similar to the first one she looked at. The only difference was the stiffer material and the fact that it was blue. “This one is called an ektorp.” 
She made sure to give him the most unamused expression. “And?”
He sent her a broad grin back. “That reads like ecto RP. I think we should get an ecto roleplay, Val, we’re really good at those.” 
“Do you want me to slap you again?”
Could someone please remind her why she loved this idiot? It was hard to remember sometimes. 
Clearly Danny was going to be of no help. Valerie looked around and spotted an IkeaTM worker, who was clicking away on a computer at a desk station close by. Bingo.
To make sure she didn’t lose Danny, she took his hand in hers once more, her fingers briefly brushing over the silly bracelet he always wore. The one she made him when they were younger. She had a matching one at home, made by him. It fell apart earlier today – as it tended to do from time to time, Danny wasn’t the best at handcrafts –but he promised to fix it again when they got back from the store.
A fond smile found its way on her face and she had to force it down as she dragged Danny to approach the man behind the desk. Couch first, feelings of fondness later. She needed to focus. “Uh… excuse me?”
The man raised his head at the sound of her voice. Valerie noted that his nametag read Adam. “How can I help you?” he asked, clearly using his customer service voice.
“My partner and I are looking for an affordable couch for our apartment, uh… Do you have anything…” she motioned to the couches behind them “cheaper?” 
“My wife apparently isn’t fond of the ecto-stuff.” Danny added in a fake serious tone, barely holding back a giggle and Valerie had to step on his foot to shut him up. He barely reacted though.
“Ah, a newly wed couple!” Adam exclaimed, clapping his hands together excitedly. The previous customer service tone gone in lieu of real emotions. Before Valerie could correct him or Danny could make another stupid remark, Adam started rapidly typing something out on the computer. “We have a few models that might interest you! Some ASARUM, KLIPPAN or LYCKSELE LÖVÅS!”
As Adam continued listing what appeared to be some couch names, Danny leaned in to whisper in Valerie’s ear. “Is that guy possessed or is that just swedish? I really can’t tell.” 
Valerie glared at him, but he just grinned back, clearly proud of his stupid joke.
“We also have some LINANÄS alternatives.” Adam continued unbothered.
Danny’s eyes lit up and he couldn’t hold back the giggle this time as he once more leaned in to whisper to her. “Val, did you hear? They have Lil Nas X.”
Valerie stepped on his foot again. Harder than previously. A little wince actually crossed his face this time.
“If you follow me I can show you some of those cheaper options?” Adam asked, clearly oblivious to the shit Danny’s been telling her.
“Yes, that would be lovely, thank you.” Valerie said. As Adam started leading the way, she sent a quick glare towards Danny, before following after the man.
“We have this NYHAMN model, which can turn into a bed.” Adam pointed to a very ugly, gray couch that was honestly more springs than cushion. Valerie felt her back ache just from looking at it.
“Uh…We already do have a bed, so maybe let’s just focus on the couch part.” She said, mustering her most polite smile.
“That’s fair.” Adam said, leading the way to another living room set. He gestured to the brown couch sitting by the white table in the middle of the area. “This is currently our cheapest option. It doesn’t look like much, but it has great reviews!”
It really didn’t look like much. It actually looked like nothing at all. It was very bulky, like a big piece of block, where someone carved out one corner, so it was flat enough to sit on. Valerie was sure she'd seen Danny build a better couch in minecraft.
“And how much does it cost?” She asked unsure. 
“Three hundred and sixty dollars.” The man said with a smile, folding his hands in front of him.
Well, that was at least affordable. It didn’t look like the best couch and frankly didn’t seem very comfortable either, but it wasn’t like they could afford much else if this was the cheapest option.
Sighing, Valerie turned to ask Danny for his opinion, but her heart sank when she noted that he was not there.
Oh no.
“Thank you sir!” She turned to Adam. “I’ll think about this one! I just need to find my boyfriend first.” She said quickly pointing in the direction they came from, which was where she’s last seen Danny.
“Boyfriend? Weren’t you two married?”
Before she could answer that, a random guy, donning the IkeaTM manager t-shirt, approached them. He looked sternly at Adam. “Mr. Hendrickson, I need to call you in for a meeting to discuss your social media presence.”
“Oh, double fuck.” Adam muttered, before catching himself. “I mean, of course, sir! But I’m kind of… in the middle of helping this lady over here.”
The manager guy turned his gaze from the nervous employee to Valerie. He was about to say something, but she cut him off.
“I’m fine! I got the help I needed! I’ll just… go!” she said swiftly turning on her heel and speed walking out of there.
The longer Danny was left unattended, the more likely it was that he would get in trouble.
She scanned the entire store trying to find her dumbass. She quickly looked all over in the bedroom areas, office areas and the bathroom ones. She finally stopped at a fake little kitchen that looked strangely like something out of an 80s movie. Danny would definitely make a malewife joke if he was here right now.
She pulled out her phone, ready to call this idiot when someone put their chin on her shoulder. She flinched and quickly turned around to kick whoever it was in the face, but instead she was greeted with the smiling face of her stupid boyfriend. 
“I’m getting you something and you can’t say no.” Saying that, he pulled out a BLÅHAJ from behind his back.
“Danny!” she yelled, irritated.
“Aaaaaand, just so he’s not alone…” Danny continued, showing his other hand which held a DJUNGELSKOG. “I’m getting this one for Cujo.”
“Danny, I am going to severely injure you if you run off like that again.” 
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
She was so ready to punch him. Or actually pull out her guns and shoot him. It wouldn’t hurt him too bad in his human form, but would definitely send a message. The only thing stopping her was the fact that she did not want to end up banned from the store like the Fenton family did.
“Can we PLEASE just focus on getting the couch? Are you able to behave for at least 10 minutes?” she asked instead. 
“I’m not a kid, I can behave in a furniture sto-” he stopped suddenly, looking behind her and Valerie had to brace herself for whatever it was that got his attention now. “Oh Ancients look at those LED lights.”
Holding DJUNGELSKOG and BLÅHAJ in one hand, he used the other one to drag her over to the colored strips of LED lights. She tried to dig her heels into the floor to protest, but he could be very strong when he actually let himself be.
“Okay, but we should get some of these LEDs to put under the couch.” He gestured to the lines of boxes filling out the shelfs, every one of them with a different set of LEDs lights. “Imagine the VIBES.”
She sighed, rubbing her temples in an attempt to calm down. “Danny, baby, we can barely afford a couch.” She said in a softer tone this time.
She wasn't sure if he even registered what she was saying. His eyes were too busy studying all the different colors and lengths of the LED strips the store had available. He picked up one of the boxes and hummed quietly, before turning to look at her. 
“Did you find one that you liked?” he asked.
“I found one we can afford. It's not the best, but it should be enough.”
He hummed again, putting away the box he was looking at and picking up another one. Her patience was slowly running out as she watched him scan the box. She was about to ask him to go check out the couch, when he spoke again.
“We should get a corner couch.They’re great for cuddling.” 
Was he joking?
“Danny, those are expensive as shit, we cannot afford a corner couch.” She’s seen some of those and all their prices ranged in the two to three thousands dollars.
He shrugged at the box and tucked it under his arm, the one holding the stuffed animals. “That’s where you’re wrong!” He smirked at her, with that stupid shit-eating grin he usually only matched with the white hair and green eyes. “See, recently my parents helped me get this grant for this one research that I really wanted to do. The one with, ah you know… mapping out the nearest points of The Ghost Zone?”
Valerie furrowed her eyebrows. “You already have maps of the Ghost Zone.” And he’s had them for years. She had seen them all herself. So many folders, full of drawings, descriptions and models of different parts of the zone. Definitely going farther than just the nearest points. 
“Yeah, I do.” 
“Then …what’s the grant for?”
“Currently? Our new corner couch. And these guys.” he said, raising the plushies a bit to indicate what he meant.
“Wait. Let me get this straight.” Valerie said, confusion clear in her voice. “You applied for a grant… that you don’t need… so we have money for a couch?” Her eyes narrowed. “Was Cujo ripping our old couch apart a part of the plan?”
“Val, my dear, I thought we were past that whole calling me an evil mastermind thing. You should know I’m not smart enough to plan this.” he stated matter-of-factly, putting his free hand on his chest. “I didn’t know we were gonna need a couch. It was more for, y’know, personal expenses.”
“Don’t you have to document what you use those on?” 
“As long as some form of research comes out of it, they do not care.”
“You-” she was a little bit speechless. Turning her voice to a whisper just in case someone could hear them, she jabbed a finger into his chest. “Did you just steal state money?”
“They steal our money all the timeeeee. Just look at our student loanssss.” he whined.
Okay, he had a point. A very good point at that. It was questionably moral, but on the other hand it wasn’t like he actually stole the money. He had been granted it to do the research. Which he has all ready and done. The state does in the end get what they were promised, they don’t need to know the truth about the exact dates and nature of the research being conducted.
Danny clearly understood he was going to win this argument. He laughed a little, looping his free arm around Valerie’s elbow. “So…cuddle couch?”
She shook her, not being able to stop the fond smile that took over her face. “You’re so stupid. Fine.”
“YES.” He exclaimed, almost dropping the objects he was holding. “I’ve seen a cool green one. And it was also an ektorp. It would be perfect for the ecto RP consisting of me bleeding all over it at some point probably.”
“And Cujo peeing on it.” Valerie added unamused. “We really need to get on that potty training. It’s been years.” 
“He does it only when you refuse to cuddle him and you know it.”
“I have homework I need to focus on sometimes.”
He laughed again and started leading her to the couch he was talking about. 
“And you are seriously getting the plushies and the LEDs too?” She asked, taking the BLÅHAJ out of his arm.
“Fuck yeah, I’m a responsible adult like that.”
Valerie smiled and shook her head as they approached the corner couch. To be fair it did look very nice with two wide seats on each side. The light green fabric would fit well with the limited decor of their apartment and as she brushed her hand along one of the cushions, she was amazed at how soft the material was. She sat down to check if it was as comfy as it seemed. And Ancients was it the most comfortable couch she has ever sat on.
She looked at the price tag, sitting on the small table that was meant to complete the living room set, right in front of her. Nine hundred ninety-nine dollars, god damn. That still wasn’t so bad for a corner couch though. She did see two-seaters worth more than this after all. 
“I feel like I shouldn’t be letting you use grant money on a couch.” She said studying the information under the price tag a bit more. It was in fact an ektorp. A hakebo grå-grön ektorp. Whatever that meant.
“But you also want the cuddle couch?” He sent her the cutest puppy dog eyes, rocking back and forth on his feet and hugging the DJUNGELSKOG and LEDs box tightly.
She looked at him, trying very hard to muster a glare, but she knew he saw the corner of her mouth twitching into a smile.
She sighed defeated and put her head back to rest on the back of the very comfy cushion. “Yes. I do want the cuddle couch.”
“WOOOO! LET’S GO!” Danny screamed excitedly. A few of the other customers looked in his direction, probably thinking that this grown ass adult doing a little victory dance with DJUNGELSKOG was insane. He abruptly stopped in the middle of his silly moves when a serious expression came over his face. “So like… how do we buy it? Do I gotta carry it to check out or?”
Valerie couldn’t hold it in anymore. She started laughing, which quickly turned into a wheeze. The way Danny raised an eyebrow in confusion at her outburst only made her laugh more. 
“Come on, I’ve been joking all day and that’s what you laugh at?” He said, smiling brightly and letting out a giggle of his own.
Valerie stood up from the couch and came over to stand by Danny, trying her hardest to contain the laughter. “How about we just find a worker and tell them we want to buy it?” She suggested, gesturing at the couch. 
“And would milady want some meatballs after that?” Danny wiggled his eyebrows, the awful Flynn Rider impression making a reappearance. 
“Fine, I guess you earned it.” She said, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, before walking away in the direction of the store front. “But you’re paying for the food too.”
“Oh come on! I’m buying you a cuddle couch! And Blah-hash!” He yelled after her, still smiling.
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how you pronounce it. You have to pay for the meatballs, so the swedes forgive you for this crime.”
“What? No! You can’t make me pay for food, only because I don’t know swedish! I bet you don’t know how to say it either!” he defended, following after her.
“You don’t see me going around and attempting it!”
“That’s so unfair. I love you so much and you do this to me.”
He did end up making her put away the card when she tried paying for the meatballs. Her boyfriend was such a dork. But she still loved him very much, he was her dork after all. 
He was also apparently extremely bad at putting together IkeaTM furniture, as Valerie found out the next day, when she came back from school to an absolute mess in their apartment. The couch wasn’t even halfway set up and Danny was laying on the floor defeated , covered in the remains of poor Djungelskog. Cujo was standing over him with the IkeaTM hex key in his mouth, tail wagging happily. It honestly resembled a crime scene and Valerie couldn’t stop herself from taking a picture and setting it as her new phone wallpaper.
Danny confessed to almost losing a bunch of important screws and barely managing to stop Cujo from peeing on one of the armrests when he didn’t pay attention to him. He also managed to phase one of the wooden parts halfway through the wall, which he didn’t notice until Valerie pointed it out to him. How that could possibly happen was a mystery to her.
Thank the Ancients her dad agreed to come over and help them set it up. Otherwise Danny would probably accidentally destroy it.
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scarletsaphire · 7 months
Phantom is hit. Bad. Really, really bad, and he can hear someone coming and it must be Maddie Fenton, here to make good on her promises to rip him molecule from molecule.
He likes the Fenton it actually is much, much more.
Shiptember Oblivious x Obvious Pining This one is getting another chapter I prommy I have plans. Thanks to hannahmander for helping me come up with a title!
Phantom scrambled back further into the alleyway he'd landed in, one hand propelling him backwards through the garbage and refuse left there, the other covering the rapidly bleeding hole in his side. He hadn't expected his day to go like this; everything had started so normal. Floating around Amity Park, checking in on the ghosts who still "lived" there, just hanging out and keeping out of trouble. Skulker's appearance wasn't ideal, but it was normal, expected even. It wasn't quite a friendly fight; any fights in Amity had Phantom at least somewhat annoyed, but it wasn't exactly hostile either, at least not by ghost standards. It had been easy. Simple.
The new weapon the Fenton's were using? Significantly less simple. Maybe if Phantom hadn't been distracted by Skulker, he would've gotten away unscathed. Maybe if he hadn't been favoring his left side because of a fight only a few days ago. Maybe if he didn't spend so many hours hovering just beyond the sensors of Fentonworks, hoping to see more of their cute son, they wouldn't have been able to get such a clean copy of his ecto-signature . But maybe's didn't change the fact that their new, self tracking weapon packed quite a punch, and wasn't even deterred by Jack Fenton's horrible aim.
If the weird glowing blue part that was stuck into his side was any indication, it meant that they were tracking him too. Phantom could have figured that out without the light; he'd been on the run, phasing through buildings, the ground, everything he could, and he could still hear the GAV's distinctive tire squealing chasing after him.
Whatever the ghostly equivalent of adrenaline was ran out five minutes ago. He'd kept flying for those five minutes, before the pain in his side got too strong, his stubbornness only able to carry him so far. He'd continued on foot for as long as he could. It wasn't long, barely a few more seconds. Just enough to get into this alley. Now his side was screaming, burning in pain, and his vision was blurry and his nose was filled with the acrid smell of trash and he couldn't move, but he could still hear the pounding of footsteps running towards him. Phantom closed his eyes. He didn't want his last moments in this or any world to be staring down the barrel of a gun.
The footsteps grew closer. There was only one set, and they were light. Graceful. Maddie, then. Phantom must not warrant both of them. She got closer, moving slower now that she wasn't chasing after him. He could hear the faint pinging of some kind of device. Maybe the tracker? Either way, it was loud, maybe louder than it should've been. Was it because of a headache? It might've been. Phantom had lost a lot of ectoplasm. It'd probably be weirder if he didn't have some kind of headache.
"Oh shit." That wasn't Maddie's voice. That wasn't even a girl's voice. So who...? "Phantom, can you hear me? I'm going to need to touch you, so if you could uh. Not send an ectoblast at my face, I'd appreciate it."
Phantom opened his eyes just a crack. Everything was still blurry, and he only caught a glimpse of dark, black hair before they fell closed again. A warm hand wrapped around his own, still pressed against the bleeding wound. His hand was pried away. Phantom tried to swallow down the whine as the wound was revealed to the air, but it escaped his throat anyway.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," the voice said. It was familiar, but Phantom just couldn't place it... "I need to take off the tracker before they find you, and then I need to see if I can patch this up." The person paused for a moment before continuing. "Well, this will probably hurt, but its to help you. I promise."
Their warm fingers ended up digging into his side, and Phantom yelped, trying to curl up, get away from the pain. Instead, Phantom ended up falling into the chest of whoever it was, their other hand supporting Phantom's shoulder. "Hey, it's ok, it's all gonna be ok, I promise just..." The hand moved down Phantom's shoulder, tracing to his other hand, sliding between his fingers. "If you need to, squeeze my hand, ok? Maybe not with the ghost strength, but it might help."
Phantom managed to nod into the person's shoulder. He wasn't planning on squeezing this person's hand at all, but it was nice. Soft. Warm. The rest of this person was also soft and warm. And smelled good. Much better than the garbage. Phantom turned his nose into the person's neck and inhaled. Whoever this was was nice. Much better to focus on the nice than the pain pulsing in his side, his very essence pooling underneath him.
Yes, much better to focus on the person than their hand digging around his innards, tugging at parts of Phantom he'd never imagined even being possible to be tugged at. Their hair was soft against Phantom's cheek, but slightly damp. Had they been running? Why? Phantom thought he had taken care of the threats to humans. The only threat remaining should be to Phantom himself, and that wasn't any reason to run.
There was the sound of crunching from next to Phantom. "The tracker's gone. I'm going to try and get you good to fly, or at least walk. Filtered ectoplasm should do the trick, right?"
Phantom tried to nod into their neck, but the darkness behind his eyes began to swim.
"Ok, I'm just going to..." there was the sound of a zipper, and the clinking of glass. "This might hurt a bit."
It was a syringe, Phantom realized, as the needle went into his arm. The pinching feeling was drowned out by the pain in his side, and then that was overrun by a sense of electricity running through his veins, of pure, unadulterated power, and his previous statement of not squeezing this person's hand went out the window. Phantom's entire body tightened almost against his will. The breath of a hiss hit the side of Phantom's face, and he wrenched his hand away. He could still feel the bones in the human's hand, so fragile, they would be so easy to break, barely even a thought, and after this person had tried to save him? How could Phantom do something like this? He was supposed to be better, he was supposed to-
The hand he'd just been holding found its way to his back, rubbing gentle circles. "It's ok, it's ok. I think. I don't know if it was supposed to hurt that much, but I think that's a normal response? I hope it was anyway."
The sound of tires squealing a few streets away cut through the comforting voice, and the hand stilled on Phantom's back. "Shit. I was hoping we'd have at least a little more time... um... ok. So, I don't think you're in walking condition yet, but we really need to get moving. Here's hoping that ghosts aren't heavy." 
The hand on Phantom's back wrapped around his chest, tucked under his arms. The other hand moved to Phantom's knees, and now he was in the air, pressed against the person's chest again, with his head resting on their shoulder. Phantom still couldn't quite move, still tensed from the ecto injection, but his mind started to relax. Whoever this was really did smell nice.
"Well, thank you. I think?" 
Had he said that out loud? 
"Yes, yes you did." 
Oh. He didn't mean to. 
"It's ok, you're obviously not in your right mind." 
Yeah, he wasn't. He meant the smelling good thing though. He didn't want them to think he wasn't sincere. 
"I'll believe you that I smell good. I promise." 
Good. That's good.
Slowly, Phantom was able to untense his hands, loosening them from the white knuckled fists that they had been in, and then his arms, and bit by bit, the rest of his body. The pain in his side was still there, but it wasn't quite as pressing. He wouldn't necessarily say he's had worse, but it was manageable, at the very least. 
With the energy more or less gone, and the pain manageable, Phantom became aware of his situation. He was being carried by a stranger who had saved his afterlife. Someone who had access to pure, filtered ectoplasm and had the knowledge to use it. That probably wasn't good. The only humans Phantom knew who had access to that kind of thing were ghost hunters, and ghost hunters weren't about to do...everything this person had done.
For the first time, Phantom peeled his eyes open and saw who had saved him. It was an angle he'd never seen it from, seeing as he was propped against his shoulder, but he'd spent far longer than he cared to admit staring at it. He'd recognize Daniel Fenton's face anywhere. It was, after all, the first face he saw out of the Ghost Zone.
This was better than being kidnapped by the Fenton's, or worse, the Guys In White, but not by much! It was just bad for entirely different reasons. Reasons that were entirely Phantom's fault, ones that he should have gotten over ages ago, but he hadn't, and now he was being carried by Danny Fenton . Maybe it was a good thing he'd lost so much ectoplasm; he didn't have enough to blush bright green like he knew he would be.  And oh, crap, he was leaking ectoplasm all over Danny's clothes and the floor and everything, and had he told Danny he smelled good?
Phantom straightened as much as he could, trying to get out of Danny's grasp, but all he managed to do was wiggle slightly before the pain in his side made it a pointless endeavor. Danny glanced down at him, and Phantom could see the worry etched into his face. "Is the way I'm carrying you hurting? I can try to hold you some other way, you're pretty light. I could probably manage it. I don't know what other ways I could try, but I'll give it my best shot."
"Um, no. This is uh. Fine," Phantom said. He was stumbling over his words. Hopefully, Danny thought it was still entirely because of the ectoplasm loss. 
"If you say so," Danny said. "Just, let me know if it hurts, ok? Or, I suppose it hasn't stopped hurting, but if it hurts more, or in a way that I can stop."
"I will," Phantom said. Part of him patted himself on the back for making it through the sentence without stuttering. The rest of him wished he had stayed in the alleyway to End. It would've been less embarrassing than this. "Where are you uh, taking me?"
Danny stopped mid step. "That. Is a great question! I was going to just take you straight to Fentonworks, so you could go through the portal, but then we might run into my parents and I definitely won't be able to lie my way around that. I can't get anywhere too far, I can't exactly parade you around Amity, and even if I could, I don't think I could carry you for that long anyway... Maybe Sam's house? I think I can get there, and no one actually hangs around there. It's just a whole bunch of cameras."
"Unless they're designed to record ghosts, they won't work with me in the frame," Phantom said. 
Danny sighed and relief, and shot Phantom a small smile that made his core jump in his chest. "That's good. Sam's it is!" Danny started walking in a different direction than he had been originally. "You probably don't know who Sam is, huh? Or me, for that matter." He laughed.
"I know who you are, Danny."
Phantom wished he could take the words back as soon as he said them. Danny opened his mouth in shock, and maybe fear, or disgust, or who knows what else. He'd learned that a ghost had basically been stalking him for who knows how long, and after he'd gone out of his way to save Phantom. Of course he'd be horrified!
"Oh, yea, I guess you've probably seen me around my parents, huh?" 
That was a much more reasonable conclusion, and Phantom pounced on the excuse. "It would be hard to miss you." He was telling the truth. There had been at least a few times Phantom had taken a hit he shouldn't have because Danny had accompanied his parents. "Why are you helping me anyway? There's no way the Fenton's know about this."
Danny was flushed red, and Phantom could almost picture him rubbing the back of his neck like he always did when he was worried. "I've been helping you for a while now. Just not as... directly?"
Phantom furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"
"I've been uh. Sabotaging their ghost hunting gear in secret basically since the portal opened?" 
Now it was Phantom's turn to be shocked. "You- what?"
"They aren't bad inventors, you know? Once I realized that ghosts were, you know, real and all that, and that they were wrong about the whole 'unfeeling entities of evil' or whatever, well. I couldn't just sit off to the side and do nothing," Danny said. He was distinctively not looking at Phantom. "I couldn't do anything as flashy as you do, but I thought, maybe I could help try and take a threat off the board."
"You decided to help me over your parents?"
"It's obvious that you're trying to help people and, as much as I do love my parents, they aren't exactly the most...helpful of people. They want to be, they just get some serious tunnel vision." 
Phantom stared up at Danny, wide eyed and slack jawed, his core doing jumping jacks in his chest. He'd been aware of his crush on Danny for ages now, and had come to accept it as a silly something he could entertain sometimes. A way to kill time. But it had never been anything serious; Danny was the son of a ghost hunter, likely with their views and definitely with their tech. Phantom had understood that it was more likely that Phantom suddenly get resurrected through dark magic than for his crush to actually go somewhere. But now, still being carried by Danny bridal style down the dark streets of Amity Park, hearing about how Danny had actually been helping him for just as long? Phantom allowed himself to hope, just a little.
Speaking of being carried... "You can put me down now. I should be able to walk," Phantom said.
"Are you sure? It's not too much further, and I don't want you to make your side any worse than it already is," Danny said, not slowing down. "I don't mind. You're really light. Are you always this light?"
"I uh. Maybe? I don't really weigh myself," Phantom said.
"Yea, I guess weight doesn't mean much when you can just fly," Danny said with a laugh. "Do you think that the reason you're so light is because ectoplasm doesn't weigh much, or because gravity doesn't effect you as strongly? Or does gravity not effect ectoplasm as strongly, and that's why its so light?"
Phantom blinked. "I have absolutely no idea."
Danny's face turned red. "Oh. Right. I guess its not all that important to you. Sorry about rambling." 
"You don't need to apologize!" Phantom said quickly. "I don't mind listening, and I can try and answer other questions you have? I just don't know anything about all of that."
If Phantom wasn't quite literally pressed up against Danny's chest, he wouldn't have noticed the sigh of relief he let out. "I'll try to not bombard you with them. Especially when you're. You know. Bleeding out."
"Oh. Right. Forgot about that," Phantom laughed, but cut himself off with a wince. 
"How do you forget that you have a hole in your side?" Danny asked. 
"It happens more often than you would think," Phantom said, trying to force a joking tone into his voice. Based on the tightening of Danny's lips, it didn't work. "The ectoplasm you gave me helped too. And you're questions are good at distracting me."
"Then maybe I should ask you more questions," Danny said, and Phantom swore that there was a teasing tone in his voice. He'd probably imagined it. 
"I'll try my best to answer them."
"Ok, so, what's your favorite food? Do ghosts even eat?"
Phantom was quiet a moment. "That's the question you want to ask?" he said after a minute.
"I mean, yea, why not?" Danny said.
"The few times I've been interviewed by humans, they ask all about why I help Amity, or about how I died, or other questions like that. I assumed you'd be curious about those things as well."
"I mean, I am," Danny replied. "But it seems kind of, I don't know, rude to ask those? It'd be like if I bumped into someone on the street and started quizzing them about their life goals and lowest points and all that."
"You'd be correct about that. It's incredibly rude to ask about most of those things."
"So, favorite food?"
Phantom thought for a moment. "I don't remember ever having human food," he eventually said. "Ghosts can eat, though we don't need to. I know of a few that quite enjoy eating. I've just never had the opportunity to."
Danny gasped. "You've never eaten anything?" At Phantom's head shake, Danny continued. "Oh, we are fixing that right now."
"It may need to wait for my stomach to be enclosed again," Phantom pointed out.
"We are fixing that as soon as you are healed," Danny amended. "My treat."
Phantom swallowed hard. He wasn't exactly an expert in relationships. He hadn't had one after he died, and he didn't remember much of anything from his life, but he did know some things. Just enough to recognize that whatever it was that Danny was proposing sounded a whole lot like a date. Should he say something about it? What if he was wrong, and he scared Danny off some how? Or-
"Here we are!" Danny said, walking up the stairs to the door of a large house. He readjusted Phantom in his arms just enough to knock on the door. 
Before Phantom could say anything, or try and get out of Danny's arms, the door swung open, revealing a rather grumpy looking Sam Manson. Or maybe that was just her normal expression. Either way, it changed quickly to one of shock, than determination, as she took a look at her best friend carrying Phantom. 
"You are so lucky my parents are away on some fancy rich person trip," she said, holding the door open for Danny to walk inside. "Otherwise we would all be in so much hot water."
"Probably!" Danny said, pushing his way into the house. "Sam, Phantom. Phantom, Sam. Now, do you have anywhere I can put him down? He has a hole in his side that needs tending to."
"Yea, I can see that," Sam said. "Follow me. And maybe you can explain what the fuck I missed on the way."
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scarletsaphire · 7 months
The beginning of The Events, which is what i'm calling all of the event stuff i'm posting over the next month. Be prepared. There's a lot. This one is for shiptember day.
Valerie is having a terrible day, and the numerous ghost attacks isn't helping.
Valerie was having an absolutely awful day. It wasn't the worst day she'd ever had; she was pretty certain that day was set in stone at this point. But it was at least in the top thirty, which was impressive when you took a look at her life. 
She had gotten into a fight with Technus, who was always a great way to fast track a migraine. It didn't help that he'd acquired strobe lights from who knows where and added them in for "effect during his monologue of ultimate evil!" 
Valerie blamed those strobe lights for the lucky hit Technus managed to get on her. She'd practically run into the hit, something that Danny had teased her about, after he'd made sure she was ok. She was perfectly fine (That was a lie, she'd tweaked her shoulder in the fall, and trying to lift it above her head caused daggers of pain to shoot down her arm. It wasn't that big of a deal. She would just avoid lifting that arm for a little while.) but she couldn't say the same thing for her suit. 
So here Valerie was, walking to Fentonworks, Danny chatting excitedly about something or other (and ok, maybe she had gotten too close to Technus and was having a little trouble hearing too. What about it?) and she was stuck carrying her Red Huntress suit in her backpack. The good news? Danny was completely confident that Tucker would be able to fix her suit in no time. The bad news? Valerie had to wait for Tucker to finish before she could properly get involved with a ghost fight. Sure, she still had her blaster; she wasn't about to go around completely unarmed. But now that she knew that Danny Fenton, the boy she had dated, that she trusted, was Danny Phantom? Valerie was able to tolerate sitting on the sidelines, especially when she was down to a single pea shooter. 
If she was lucky, none of it would matter. Tucker could work fast when he was properly motivated, and he'd been practically begging Valerie to let him tinker with her suit since day one. If everything went according to plan, he'd have her suit as good as new before school tomorrow, and her day would go from "kind of terrible" to "somewhat tolerable." 
A booming explosion and the clattering sound of shattered concrete striking the road behind her ruined the tiny sliver of hope she had. Valerie crouched low to the ground, bringing her hands up behind her head and wincing at the pain in her arm. It was better than getting pelted in the back of the head by pebbles, but not by much.
"Ghost child!" Great. Skulker. Valerie groaned, and from her right, Danny did the same. "Your time is up!"
"I swear I had more time on the deal," Valerie heard Danny say from beside her. He spoke quietly, just to her; they were in the middle of the street, and while the frantic running of civilians would probably cover any kind of witty comeback he would say, it wasn't a risk he'd take. Anymore. Valerie had had to yell at him about it after she figured it out. "Is it Wednesday already?"
"Eat Fenton Bazooka, spook!" Another explosion rang out from where Skulker was floating, this time coming from the ground. Danny groaned again. That was most people's response to Jack Fenton, Valerie had discovered.
"C'mon," Danny said, grabbing a hold of Valerie's arm and pulling her into the closest alleyway.
"Hey what are you doing?" she hissed, but followed him without a fight. "You have to get out there and stop them! They have at least a dozen bombs between the two of them!"
"Quick, kiss me!"
Valerie inhaled sharply through her nose. "Daniel Fenton, if you do not either explain yourself right now or get out there and kick some ghostly but, so help me I will-"
"C'mon Val! I promise it's for a good reason! Don't you trust me?"
Valerie narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine." She leaned forward, grabbed him by the collar, and kissed him. Kissing Danny was always a pleasant experience; it had been even when they were properly dating, and not in this weird situationship thing they were in now. It would have been better without the soothing sounds of a fire fight behind her, but Valerie had long since learned to take what she could get. 
When she opened her eyes from the kiss, Daniel Fenton had been replaced by Danny Phantom, though his proud, devious, sharp-toothed grin was the same. "So is this some kind of reverse Snow White story now? I kiss you and you die?"
Danny laughed. "Nah, just needed you for cover."
"And you needed me to kiss you to give you cover?"
"No, but I'm not going to pass the opportunity to kiss such a beautiful girl. I'm not an idiot," Danny said.
"You definitely are, if you're prioritizing kissing me instead of the all out war happening on the street."
Danny waved his hand at her dismissively. "This happens every other week, you know that. It isn't like they aren't prepared."
Valerie rested her hand on her hips. "Ok, then let me say it this way. If you don't get your undead ass out there to put a stop to this, I will. Broken suit be damned."
Danny's smile didn't slip off his face. He raised his hand to his forehead in a lazy salute. "Whatever you say!" 
He flew off to join the fray, and Valerie let a smile settle on her lips. Maybe the day was in her top sixty worse days instead. 
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scarletsaphire · 7 months
Tucker and Danny forgot the money, and now must get creative in order to afford the new shake at the mall.
Idiot in Denial x Idiot in Denial for Shiptember!
"So you're telling me that we both completely forgot our wallets." Tucker nodded. Danny sighed. "How are we going to get the new maple syrup cheesecake milkshake now?" he whined scuffing his shoe on the tiled floor of the mall, right outside the ice cream shop.
"I mean, one of us definitely has a way that they could, potentially, find a dollar bill or," Tucker paused to check the price of the milkshake on the sign outside of the door, "...nine, and then we'd both be able to get a milkshake." Danny elbowed him in the side, and Tucker yelped, rubbing at the spot. "What was that for?"
"I'm not just going to steal, Tuck!" Danny hissed.
"I was just joking!" Tucker said.
"No you weren't."
"Ok, I was like, 90% joking." Danny leveled his gaze at Tucker, and Tucker grinned back sheepishly. "75%?"
"I'll accept that," Danny said. "Now, actual ideas on how to get this, because your mom isn't picking us up for another two hours and I think we're both in agreement that we don't want to come all the way back out here again."
Tucker nodded. "You could always just, y'know," Tucker mimed a planes take off with his one hand, "...go home that way, grab the money, and then come back."
Danny considered it for a moment, before shaking his head. "Mom and Dad dropped me off, and I'm pretty sure they said something about taking the opportunity to go ghost hunting. Don't wanna risk running into them and getting into a fire fight, y'know?"
Tucker snorted. "Because they need an excuse to go ghost hunting." 
Danny laughed. "Yea, I know right." He snapped his fingers and turned to look at Tucker, smiling widely. "The arcade!"
Tucker raised his eyebrows in confusion. "The arcade?"
"Yea, the arcade! You remember how we used to go through the coin return slots when we were younger? They always have like, at least a few dollars hiding in there, people forget to grab them all the time! And I'm sure people have lost quarters under the machines. I can get them out, easy peasy!" Danny passed his hand through Tucker's to prove his point. 
Tucker returned Danny's smile. "Dude, you're a genius! What are we waiting for, lets go!" He grabbed a hold of Danny's now tangible hand and took off sprinting through the mall.
Their sprint did not last long, mostly because Tucker still had the stamina of a wet paper towel despite the years of ghost hunting. They still arrived at the arcade after a brisk walk through the remaining stretch of the mall.
The arcade was just as loud, colorful, and bright as Tucker remembered it being from the last time he'd been here. "Ok, so, what's the game plan?" he asked as they approached the entrance hand in hand.
Danny narrowed his eyes, looking over every inch of the arcade. He made the same face when he was being Phantom, when he was planning. It was understandable; this was a serious matter. "I'll take the back half of the store and focus on looking under machines and on the ground. You focus on the return coin slots, and maybe use your techno-wizardry to see if you can win a pay out from any of the games?" Danny said.
Tucker saluted. "Sounds good to me!"
The two split up. The arcade wasn't busy, so maneuvering around the few patrons was fairly easy, especially since most of them were focusing on their games, completely oblivious to the high stakes espionage mission that was taking place mere feet away. Tucker was thorough with his search, making sure to check every single pay off slot for every machine. Any one that offered a cash (or, as was more often, quarter) pay out, he analyzed it for success rates, and how easily he'd be able to work his magic and secure the prize. (Most of them were rigged, and the price to play wasn't worth it in most cases.)
By the time he reunited with Danny back at the front of the arcade, he'd amassed a small jangling collection of quarters, totaling just under two dollars.
"Feast your eyes upon the spoils of my hard work!" Tucker said, holding out the coins. "A whole dollar seventy-five!"
Danny raised his hand for a high five, which Tucker eagerly returned. "Hell yea dude! I got a little bit more, about..." Danny counted the quarters he had stacked in his opposite hand. "Two fifty."
Tucker bit his bottom lip. "We're short twenty five cents if we want to get just one."
"This is a tragedy, honestly," Danny said. 
"Maybe I can use my incredible skills of seduction to convince whoever's working there to knock the rest of it off?" Tucker asked. The two of them started walking back towards the ice cream shop.
"And if the person working is some crochety old man?" Danny asked. "Don't tell me you'll try and flirt with someone who looks like Mr. Lancer just for a milkshake."
"You, good sir, underestimate my determination of getting you a milkshake. I'm prepared to make the sacrifice if need be."
"Getting me a milkshake?" Danny asked. "No, we're getting you a milkshake. You're the one who wanted to try it."
"Yea, but you're the one who dropped everything to come with me to get it. I'm not gonna drag you to the mall and have you watch me drink a milkshake. I'm pretty sure that goes against the bro code somehow."
"Well, if that's against the bro code, there's definitely a part somewhere in there about taking the thing you're bro's excited about," Danny said. 
"Well, then we seem to be at an impasse, because I'm not letting you not have a milkshake!" 
"Well, I'm not letting you not have a milkshake, so there!" 
"I guess we'll just have to split it," Tucker said with a huff.
"I guess we will." Tucker and Danny stared at each other, eyes narrowed. Tucker broke first, the corners of his lips turning up into a smile, and Danny was first behind. It wasn't long before they were laughing together, nearly doubled over and stumbling through the mall. 
It was Tucker who fell into the row of candy dispensers set up next to one of the benches separating the large mall hallway. It would have been a rough collision, one that brought him, the machines, and probably a good 40 dollars worth of gumballs and other hard candies on his head. Luckily, Danny was there to catch him after he'd just barely grazed the side of the machine. The way it wobbled from side to side didn't help their giggles. 
It took another full minute for them to stifle their laughter down to a level much more suitable for public spaces; every time they met each others eyes, they'd be overtaken by another fit of laughter. When Tucker finally caught his breath, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he'd found himself on the bench, Danny sitting next to him with his face pressed into his shoulder, his faint snickers audible only for Tucker. 
"Wait, dude!" Tucker said. "I just realized I literally ran into the solution to our problem!" 
Danny lifted his head from Tucker's shoulder, looking from him to the candy machines. "Oh, you are so right. C'mon, Fenton Luck, give me this one good thing!"
They both hurried off the bench to the candy dispensers, going through them one by one. It was on Tucker's second one that he pulled out a quarter, victorious. He held it high above his head, allowing the bright fluorescents of the mall's light to glint off of the shiny treasure. "We have done it!" Tucker called out. "We have earned ourselves a milkshake!" 
Danny cheered, turning his beaming smile to Tucker. It twisted into a devious one, and before Tucker could figure out why, Danny was off with the exclamation of "Last one to the ice cream shop has to deal with Boxy!" being the only warning Tucker got. 
"Hey, that's not fair!" Tucker called out, but Danny was already too far away, the squeaking of his sneakers on the floor already fading in with the rest of the crowd. Tucker didn't bother running; Danny could just phase through people, and was faster than he was anyway. Since he couldn't win, Tucker decided he would do the exact opposite: he would take as long as possible to get there, and make Danny wait for him. After all, Tucker had half of the money. He couldn't buy anything until Tucker got there.
Tucker arrived at the ice cream shop about ten minutes after Danny's hasty departure, to find Danny sitting at one of the very few in location tables, head down and staring forlornly out the window. When he spotted Tucker, he scrunched up his nose and stuck his tongue out at him. Tucker returned the gesture.
Danny only lifted his head after Tucker entered the ice cream shop. "If I could soup you, I would." The threat didn't wipe Tucker's grin off of his face. "No, no, Tuck, I'm serious. I can't believe you'd abandon me in my time of need, after everything we've been through."
"Excuse me, you're the one who abandoned me," Tucker said. "You're the one who went running through the mall. You should know by now that I only run for emergencies."
"I thought that getting ice cream with me was an emergency," Danny protested.
"Not one that requires running!" 
"Gotcha. On the scale of 'Things Tucker Foley Will Do For A Milkshake,' flirt with a crusty dusty old man is fine, but move briskly is too far."  Tucker through one of his quarters at Danny. Danny caught it. "You should probably just hand them over, we worked hard for these." 
"Oh, you're going to order our milkshake for me? What a gentleman," Tucker said, emptying the quarters out of his pocket and into Danny's hands.
"Well, you know what they say," Danny said, standing up to make his way to the front counter. "Chivalry is dead."
Tucker knew Danny heard his groan by the sound of his laughter. 
"Ok!" Danny said, sitting across from Tucker and putting the milkshake on the table. "One maple syrup cheesecake milkshake for us. Here is your straw," he passed a straw across the table to Tucker, "...and here is mine!" Tucker grabbed his straw, opened it, and promptly took one long sip of the milkshake.
"I don't think that was worth the work, honestly," Tucker said, stirring the milkshake with his straw. Danny hummed, and took his own sip of the milkshake. 
"Yea, the milkshake wasn't worth it," Danny agreed. "But you were."
Tucker felt his face heat up slightly. "Was that flirting? Are you flirting with me right now?"
Tucker could visibly see Danny blue screen. "Am I flirting with you?" He asked after a moment. "Oh my god is this a date? Did you ask me out on a date?"
"I didn't intend to ask you on a date?" Tucker said after a moment, though it sound a lot more like a question than a statement. 
"So, is this a date then?" Danny asked, taking another sip of the milkshake.
"I have no idea. All for putting figuring that out to the last possible moment?" Tucker asked, raising his hand. Danny mirrored him. 
They would work through all of that feelings stuff later. Right now, they had a mediocre milkshake to enjoy.
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scarletsaphire · 7 months
Sam has been spacing out more and more lately. the fact that she keeps spacing out looking at Paulina is a coincidence. Obviously.
Day two for Shiptember!
Sam tapped her pencil across the notebook, letting the vibrations it sent up her arm wash away any conscious thought. Mr. Lancer was still droning on at the front of the room, but she wasn't process a word he was saying. In fact, Sam wasn't processing much of anything. She was tired, which was normal for her, but it was affecting her more than it normally did. It didn't matter much. She was doing fine in school, and as much as she hated it, no one would fail her anyway. Her parents donated too much money to the school board for them to risk angering them. 
Distantly, Sam noticed movement from the students around her. Had the bell rang already? She hadn't heard it if it had. Maybe there was some kind of school trip? She let the movement fade back into her peripheral. If it was some kind of sports game or whatever, it didn't involve her, and if it was the bell, Danny and Tucker would come find her sooner or later. 
The indistinguishable blob of pink that had been in the center of her vision became bigger, more clear. Sam tried to ignore it; she really did. But then that blob of pink opened her stupid pretty mouth, and Sam was forced back into focus. "You're staring again." 
Sam knew that Paulina couldn't see her blush; it was one of the many reasons she wore so much foundation. Her goth image wouldn't last long if people realized just how often she blushed. "I wasn't staring," Sam said, using her many years of practice to pump as much venom into her voice as she could. "You were just in the way."
Paulina leaned on the desk, smiling teasingly down at Sam. "And earlier, in geometry? Or in chemistry? Was I just in the way for all of those?"
Sam was less certain that her blush wasn't showing through her foundation as her cheeks flared hotter. She broke Paulina's gaze, looking at the floor. "Yes." 
Paulina laughed, not the normal sharp laugh she used to make fun of students, but a true, soft laugh. "You don't have to lie to me, chica. I know I'm beautiful. Who wouldn't fall for me?"
Sam flung her head back around to face Paulina, mouth open in a rebuttal, but the reply died in her throat. Paulina had lowered herself further, letting her head rest in her hands, propped up against the desk. Her hair fell over her shoulder, fanning out over the desk. Sam had always had a soft spot for dark hair, and Paulina's was almost perfectly black, even under the harshness of the classroom's fluorescents. 
Paulina noticed Sam's shock, she was sure. She could see it in the widening of her devious grin and the crinkling at the corner of her eyes. Still, she said nothing, leaving Sam to fumble for a response. "I don't know what you're talking about," Sam settled on finally. It didn't have the vitriol that she normally threw towards Paulina, but sue her. She wasn't used to being looked at with anything but mild disdain in those enchanting eyes. 
"Well, then I don't see any need to tell you that I'll be at that new coffee shop that opened at the mall at six," Paulina said. She removed the hand from under her chin, standing up fully. "It's the one with all those weird antiques. Seems like the kind of place you'd enjoy." Paulina started to walk away.
"Are you asking me on a date?" Sam blurted out. She realized what she said, and this time she knew that there was absolutely no way Paulina couldn't tell she was blushing. 
"If you want it to be," Paulina said over her shoulder.
"I never said yes," Sam pointed out. 
"Then I guess I'll have to get coffee by myself." With that, Paulina walked out of the classroom, Sam's eyes trailing her the whole way. Traitors.
Sam bit at the bottom of her lip, before gathering up her things to leave the now empty classroom. She had to find Danny and Tucker. She wouldn't be joining them for ghost hunting tonight. She had other plans. 
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ghostgothgeek · 8 months
I will post a Shiptember 2023 calendar soon!
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nessie-noodlez · 8 months
ShipTember 2023
Day 4 - shopping
Alittle late to posting but it's all good. Super proud with how these turned out 🥰❤️
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nessie-noodlez · 8 months
ShipTember 2023
Day 3 - roadtrip
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Alittle late to posting but it's all good. Super proud with how these turned out 🥰❤️
0 notes
nessie-noodlez · 8 months
ShipTember 2023
Day 2 - arcade
Alittle late to posting but it's all good. Super proud with how these turned out 🥰❤️
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0 notes