#sherlock holmes was an early hyperfixation point for me
malobanshee · 1 year
Watching the Jude Law & Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes films again, and honestly...they are so much better than any other adaptation. It is a bit more over the top than what I think Doyle was portraying (but let's face it, Doyle couldn't be bothered to really care about continuity in his writing anyway, so what's a bit more fighting and explosions?), but it also is the truest to these two mad lads. Holmes, a stimulant-addicted Autistic wack-a-doodle, and Watson, his gambling-addicted adrenaline junkie bestie, along with Mary, their wife (Watson's romantic wife and Holmes' platonic one). So many of the details included for these two (even lines that are direct quotes) are directly lifted from the stories. It truly speaks to the talents of Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce that the cultural understanding of Sherlock Holmes and Watson is so cemented in their portrayal! However, they are quite divergent from the stories themselves. I was also taken in by this for a while! I was not immune! The important bit is that I came around in the end to the Correct Conclusion (lol).
And regarding characterization, why do people always portray Mycroft as super ambitious? He is basically defined by the fact that he is perhaps more capable at deduction than Sherlock but "is not energetic or ambitious." He made himself essential in government simply by being a genius and enjoying retaining superhuman levels of facts and being able to put them all together. He detested fieldwork and somehow became possibly the most essential man in government because of who he is. He is the cloaked driver and conspirator with Sherlock in "The Final Problem." When Sherlock Holmes faked his death, his only confidante was Mycroft. Mycroft even kept Baker Street exactly as Sherlock had left it, awaiting his brother's return. So why do people show these boys as being constantly at odds? Really, aside from the fact that, in these films, they portray Mycroft as being more sociable than in the books, I far prefer his portrayal as a man who cannot fathom why people would get married, who is socially awkward, who cannot be bothered with convention, and who genuinely seems to be without ambition aside from getting caught up in things occasionally. Naked Stephen Fry Mycroft is the superior Mycroft!
And you know? Sherlock is the guy who truly cares about people but is awkward about showing it, so he tends to lecture them. "My good buddies who are quite dumb about all the things, but go us!" He doesn't want to be alone. If anything, he is a clingy motherfucker. I will risk my life on this here website and say that I hated Sherlock's portrayal of Holmes and Watson and Mary and Mycroft (Irene is the only one I loved). I am not fond of Steven Moffat's affinity for writing narrative gods that exclude the viewer from participating in any meaningful way in the mystery/story (here is a video that distills my feelings about Sherlock and Steven Moffat's stints as showrunner: https://youtu.be/LkoGBOs5ecM).
And listen, I don't begrudge anyone for loving that adaptation. I am genuinely so happy for you all. Please go forth and be within your fandom and I wish you all of the best things in this life. I also don't believe that every adaptation has to adhere to the source material. Though, I am saying that I think this adaptation is the ONE that adheres MOST in a sea of adaptations that do not adhere closely at all. Additionally, I simply would rather have the fun romp because my experience of the books growing up was a fun romp in which I saw parts of myself that I didn't understand.
Also, they are adorable, and I want them to kiss. Mary would understand (she knows they're in love).
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livviem-009 · 9 months
Rereading the ACD Canon and My Reactions: A Study in Scarlet Part 1 (Spoilers)
Chapter 1
-I always keep forgetting that John was a soldier as well as an army doctor.
-I don't really remember if Stamford comes back in another story, but I hope so.
-Hints of Sherlock Holmes; also, I find it relatable because I literally can't convince my sister to help me buy a PS5.
-"I should prefer having a partner to being alone." *me being lonely sometimes* Okay, I see you as a friend now; please be real and be my friend.
-So basically, Sherlock is weird, has fixations, and is beating the subjects in the dissecting rooms with a stick. Guys, I think he has ADHD or neurodivergent disorder (source: I have ADHD).
-Okay, I know this guy is supposed to be a brilliant scientist, but when Stamford and John met Sherlock, he was screaming, "I’ve found it! I’ve found it!". I find that adorable and delightful; I don't know why.
-Sherlock is me when I meet people I like, handshakes and all.
-He also laughs in this; modern adaptations rarely make him laugh, so I was shocked (I read the Canon when I was younger).
-Sherlock is dragging John around to ramble about hyperfixation.
-He even claps when his experiment works.
-Just go along with it; I like pointing out details.
-John describes him as having sparkly eyes. Are you sure you just want a roommate?
-I swear, I find it adorable when Sherlock holds out his hand like a kid, saying he has a cool scar.
-Stamford is just third-wheeling.
-Sherlock just listed all his cons, and John is already down for him and just accepts his flaws, like a good "roommate/best friend".
-Stamford basically says, "Dude, you're his roommate; you figure him out."
Chapter 2
-Roommate montage!
-Sherlock is an early worm.
-Oh yeah, I forgot he does drugs like cocaine and uses it for stimulation (I use Ritalin for my ADHD).
-There is an entire paragraph of John describing Sherlock (I know he's the POV, but it seems romantic).
-John: Dude. The solar system!
-Sherlock: Is it useful for me? No!
-Oh no, Sherlock could be a flat-earther (joke). But honestly, I relate to not learning stuff because I don't find it interesting or useful.
-John judged him a lot on his list, lol.
-Then burn it down. I laughed at this part; don't judge me.
-Wow, John Watson, that was mean of you to call Lestrade like that.
-I wonder if Mrs. Hudson acts like a mom when people come over to the flat sometimes.
-John, that was rude. Be nice to your landlady.
-OMG, he said "Elementary."!
-In other words, he does freelance work.
-That makes sense.
-Edgar Allen Poe exists in this universe; did anyone make a crossover with that?
-Okay, he does have a pipe, so one of my memories has been validated.
-Imagine if Sherlock was in Twitter discussions; I would pay to see that.
-John believes in his ability now, and I also want to know how he found out about the Marine's thing.
Chapter 3
-Rude... Oh, he apologized.
-OG! Holmes is freaking likeable (and did I mention he's chill? I am jealous of John because I want a friend like him too!).
-From the previous chapter, I will thank him for his explanation.
-He just likes getting compliments, that's for sure.
-Mystery time (I actually forgot how this actually went out, but I'm just going to read on; I miss Liam).
-Gregson is always on the short end of the stick when it comes to adaptations.
-Think about Lestrade and Gregson in dresses fighting each other; it's funny.
-I'm going to solve a case; I got John Watson as my partner." GOD, MY BBC PHASE!
-Opposite of BBC Sherlock, hmm...
-I got reminded of Light Yagami for the second time there.
-Hi Gregson, great to see you!
-I know about the cab thing (I said I don't 'exactly' remember).
-Oh yeah, he was not framed here (William James Moriarty, I still miss you).
-Yeah, that makes sense. Second individual because of poison.
-Wait, did they check for struggles?
-*flashbacks to a Study in Pink* Oh god, is it the ring thing where it was thought that the victim got around?
-How did I remember that? Also, scarlet reminds me of Liam.
-For some reason, I imagined this scene to be funny in my head.
-I remember that the killer did it because of the size of the finger and the font thing.
-Rache means revenge; then it was a man because of the dust and the footprints. Yay, I remembered poison as the cause of death.
-Boom, mic drop!
Chapter 4
-He wrote a book about cigarette ashes too.
-Haha, there goes John again, winning his roommate's heart.
-Is it wrong that I have a mental image of Sherlock running outside excitedly so he can see a case whenever they go out?
-Sherlock Holmes, please stop giving the man heart attacks.
-Horseman. The whip for a cabby!
-Oh yeah, the red string of faith that's it's called 'A Study in Scarlet'.
-Sherliam has killed my brain cells.
Chapter 5
-Yeah, you do, Watson. I hope the victim dies in Hell, though.
-Was he joking about the astronomy thing?
-*flashbacks to Moriarty the Patriot* I miss Fred.
-Chase scene!!!
-Fred Porlock, is that you?
Chapter 6
-Baker Street Irregulars!
-Yeah, I want to know how they met.
-Seriously, I want to see Gregson in more adaptations.
-I also kept this part short because I was too busy reading everything to think.
-Also interesting.
Chapter 7
-It was ironic that Karma from the MTP soundtrack played when I read about the body.
-Did I ever mention that I love Holmes' enthusiasm?
-I got another flashback at Yuumori when red string was mentioned again.
-Poor doggo!
-I realized something, J. H. stands for Jefferson Hope.
-Yeah, I knew it!
-So, there is no epic fight at the church where Hope reveals his benefactor?
-I miss Liam again.
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autismmydearwatson · 2 years
Autism Headcanons
I really like headcanoning characters as autistic, because often autistic people written by nt people are stereotypes (with the exception of Sherlock holmes) so seeing characters who unintentionally relatable to autistics is so important! I have a lot of reasons why I hc Walt Strickler and Newt Scamander as autistic, but maybe I'm just projecting. But look at the concepts! (Some of these may be Canon. Shh let me infodump)
Edward (Edward Scissorhands): Isolated man-made sweetheart with scissors for hands who is incredibly gentle but doesn't understand Society™️. He moves robotically, is mainly nonverbal, doesnt understand common social rules, such as the "if you found a briefcase full of money, what would you do?" Since Autistic people like me need very good reasons to follow rules, and Edward doesnt understand how giving your loved ones found money is "wrong". He uses his "disability" to channel his creativity in his gardening, hedge-trimming, and haircutting. But he was willing to give it all up just to fit in! I have seen many emotional movies, but this is truly the only one thst made me sob out loud, because of how much i could relate. Hes ME. also Tim Burton himself is at least speculated to be on the spectrum, and many see the movie as a whole as an allegory for autism. This doesnt mean that i believe the scissors THEMSELVES are a symbol for autism, because even if edward didnt have them he still exhibits very autistic traits.
Sherlock Holmes: genius detective who's neutral good, physically fights pedos, drinks respect women juice, gay-asexual, and does Crack in his spare time. At the time, nobody knew what autism was! But sherlock is so clearly autism-coded its hard to ignore. Im talking about every adaptation Ever. My first exposure to Sherlock Holmes was the BBC series (granted, i know its not necessarily the most well-written adaptation, but listen) and i was SHOOK at how autistic he was. Even in the novels hes percieved as keeping his things cluttered, but he has a purpose in his clutter, and organizes his thoughts. He goes off on tangents before going back to his original point. Basil of Baker Street, basically Sherlock Holmes in Disneys the Great Mouse Detective, VISIBLY STIMS ONSCREEN. anyway nobody needed convincing on that one but yeah.
Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them): kind, soft wizard who keeps magical creatures in a briefcase. He's soft-spoken, drops eye-content mid conversation, and PURSUES A LIFE OF CONSERVING MAGICAL CREATURES. HES THE ONLY ONE OF HIS PROFESSION IN THE WORLD. ITS ALL RIGHT THERE.
Fiver (Watership Down): a runty, anxious rabbit with the power of prophecy. the theory of Fiver being autistic isnt originally mine (look through my reblogs) but i fully accept it. Now, its debatable whether autism is a Thing among animals or if it presents itself another way, but then again this is fiction. Where to begin with Fiver? Hes based off the Greek Myth of Cassandra, who was blessed with divination but cursed to never be believed. Growing Up With Autism. I cant explain it but you Autistic readers will understand. And simply look at his character!
Erik Destler (the Phantom of the Opera, Phantom): disfigured savant, expert illusionist, lives in the basement of an opera house. In Phantom by Susan Kay he's portrayed as a savant, and while not all savants are born that way, one out of ten autistics are also autistic savant. His hyperfixation on the macabre, his immense creative drive, its all there knock yourselves out.
Walt Strickler: a devious shapeshifting idiot with genius energy, who drops sick dad jokes, huge history nerd, a minority in his own country while at the same time belonging to no country. This might be just me projecting but I thought it was genius. There's also the widely accepted history theory that the Changeling Myth was based off early perceptions of Autism, and whether this suggests that all the Changelings in ToA are autistic is, I believe, false, since in Trollhunters, changelings are made, but autists are Born, not Made. But Strickler is by far my favorite to fixate on! He's such a good concept as an autistic character because he doesn't fall into the stereotypes that intentionally-written autists do. He's sassy, sarcastic, and is simply UNBEARABLE with puns. I view his Villainous Actions™️ of clicking the pen and sitting on tables as stimming or autistic habits, and his odd collection of books. Despite him not being human himself, he has a WILD fascination with human history and culture, which is a better hyperfixation for an autistic character than He Likes Trains and Math. Strickler also has the general Vibe of someone who's constantly holding back from going completely Feral and Rabid. Absolute autism energy
Wow sorry for the dump. Maybe I'm just desperate for real representation ahaha. I'll make an ADHD list soon, with the help of my ADHD expert friend, so if any are missing here, they may be there
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Elise’s Pitch Wars Welcome!
Hello! My name is Elise Longden, and I’m writing this little introduction because I have written a manuscript and I’m planning to submit it to Pitch Wars, the mentoring programme!
Whilst this little blog is where I record my thoughts about my writing, I’ve never really introduced myself - mostly because I believed I would never let anyone see it. However, the Pitch Wars form has room for a website, and I would rather link this blog as opposed to my Twitter (which is inactive) or my Instagram (which is just full of cosplay and dog photos). 
To clarify, I have written a book called “The Hollow World”. 
Okay so, here’s some stuff about me:
Submission related stuff that potential mentors may be interested in:
In 2017 I won the UK National Flash Fiction Competition run by the University of Chester and was published in an anthology that had also once featured Margaret Atwood (SQUEE!). My piece entitled “Flotsam” can be found here:
I got an A* A-Level grade (It’s not to big myself up...just in case anyone not British doesn’t know what that means!!!!) in Creative Writing, and my coursework, which was 70% of my grade, was the first 30,000 words of my Pitch Wars manuscript.
The idea for “The Hollow World” came to me in a Film Studies class at college. After trying /(and failing) to come up for an idea to base a project around, my teacher gave me an exercise to generate some ideas. She took a few traits typical of Hollywood films, and told me to flip them on their head. Thus, “The Hollow World”, or at least a basis for it, was born, and three (ish) years later, I still can’t get it out of my head. 
Basically the idea of Ashe came from my bizarre urge to see a tiny little girl violently killing things in a film. I thought I was being super original, but the film Logan beat me to it. I can’t even be mad, because Dafne Keen is so incredible?!
The reason why I’m submitting to Pitch Wars, is because I need help. That’s the bottom line. I have edited my manucript the best I can, but I need someone who can take what I’ve written and look at it from a fresh, and new perspective. I am new to the idea of getting my manucript published (though I have always dreamed I would), and navigating the crazy world of publishing and agents and general make-your-writing-an-actual-book stuff....is scary. And I really, really, need your help. I need someone who is honest who can tell me what needs to be done. I’ve done the best I can, and now I need someone who is better than me.
I draw, so here’s some pictures of the characters from the “The Hollow World”, that may hopefully pique your interest:
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Whilst these were drawn about a year ago and aren’t my best work, I’m hoping they entice potential mentors, just a ‘lil bit more! :)
Some general stuff about me:
I am a pretty happy and positive person, who loves to work hard. If I have a task or idea inside my head, I will hyperfixate on it until it’s done. For example...this manuscript was unfinished (by about 20,000 words) on the 1st of August. It was my first draft that I hadn’t read through, it was unformatted, it was riddled with errors and inconsistancies, but after meeting the lovely Tomi Adeyemi and talking to her about Pitch Wars, I decided to enter. So I took my jumbled mess, I put my butt into gear, and I spent day after day writing, writing, writing, until I felt happy enought to submit it. I also had to learn what I query letter was, because I am a publishing term noob. My point is, I am willing to push myself, and go all out at 110% percent, if that somehow helps me achieve what I want to achieve.
I am 19 and I live in the UK (specifically near Liverpool). 
I cosplay as well! I’ve been Rey, Leia, and a generic Jedi from Star Wars, Margaery Tyrell and Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones, Pirate King Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean, and I spend 70% of my time in my 13th Doctor costume.
I love Hamilton, and can rap all of it. I love musicals in general tbh.
I have an unhealthy obsession with Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes.
Have I mentioned that the 13th Doctor is the best thing ever to happen to me?
I have a dinosaur hat that I wear whenever I’m sad, because it’s pretty impossible to be sad with a giant T-Rex on your head. And by “hat” I mean this thing:
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Pretty majestic, right?
I’m ace/aro, which is why my book features no romance.
I love my dog Rocky more than anything. He looks like this: 
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As well as a mentor who can teach me writer-y things, I’m also looking for a friend, so here’s some stuff I like:
TV Shows: 
Merlin (the love of my life, tbh, and it broke my heart), DOCTOR WHO (especially the 13th Doctor, even though she hasn’t aired yet), Hannibal, Orphan Black, Sense 8, iZombie, TOP GEAR (Yes, the car show. I’m obsessed), Game of Thrones, Parks and Recreation, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Jessica Jones/any Netflix Marvel show, the 100 (early seasons because Lexa), RuPauls Drag Race, Queer Eye, Brooklyn 99, Stranger Things, Sherlock, Agent Carter...I’ve watched a lot okay?
My ultimate favourite movie of all time is What We Do in the Shadows. Even if you’re not going to choose me as a mentee, then please what this dumb film. I love it. I LOVE IT. It’s dark comedy genius, and a real gem. 
Other favourite films are: Wonder Woman, Ghostbusters (2017 version), Ocean’s 8 (will Cate Blanchett adopt me as her ace/aro child?), Marvel Films (particulary Thor: Ragnarok), Star Wars Films, Kingsman Films, John Wick Films, Pirates of the Carribbean Films, Harry Potter Films,Mad Max: Fury Road, Peter Pan Goes Wrong (if you pick me I’ll force you to watch it at some point, sorry), Disney Films (Mulan, Up!, and Hercules are my faves).
Some that don’t need an explanation: Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, His Dark Materials, Lord of the Rings. Anything by Neil Gaiman, Margaret Atwood, or Stephen King.
My favourite series, and arguably my “Harry Potter” is the Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy. I’ve met Derek multiple times, and his books are just hilarious, soul-destorying, and MAGIC. I love them.
A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers - Seriously, this Sci-Fi book is one of the most striking books I’ve ever read, mostly because it surprised me with it’s tender story, honest representations of real people, and general WOW-ness. I love it, and its flashbacks heavily influenced my own manuscript. You know when you love a book so much that you wish you could eat it? This is that book for me.
Moriarty by Antony Horowitz. My favourite villain of all time in a book that blew my mind? Yes please.
The Girl in 6E by A.R.Torre. I picked up this book for a quid in the supermarket, and it utterly suprised me. It’s about a sex-worker murder-obsessed cam girl who is asked to act out something on camera that’s a little too disturbing, so she tracks down the man who asked her in order to save a little girl from a vile act. Think Maestra meets The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. It’s not the most sophisticated reading with all of the bizarre sexual stuff, but the wit and exasperation of the main character makes up for it. I love anything that surprises me, and this book was something I'd never seen before.
Anything (memoir or fiction) by Carrie Fisher. As a Star Wars nerd I knew I would love her work, but when I read them I was blown away by how poignant, poetic, and wonderous Carrie Fisher’s writing is. She seems to find the perfect balance between humour and emotion, and reading them was a genuine joy. Each funny sentence makes me laugh out loud, but each serious sentence is heavy, poised, and so amazingly crafted and emotional. 
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. I was lucky enough to meet Tomi on her UK tour, and I gave her my very long letter and a portfolio of art. I love the book, and I love even more what it stands for, and there’s not much else I can really say.
Other books I loved in no order: The Power by Naomi Alderman, The Cursed Prince by Holly Black, The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, the Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness, the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas, The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, the Gone series by Michael Grant, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, The Martian and Artemis by Andy Weir, Lost Stars by Claudia Gray, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, Room by Emma Donoghue, Wicked by Gregory Maguire....and a helluva lot more....
And just so you know, here’s what I look like:
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(I’m the human dressed as the 13th Doctor)
Hopefully this gives you an idea about me and my personality! I’m sorry this is so long, I just wanted to make sure I came across in an okay way! If any potential mentors are reading this, thank you for taking the time to! 
If you want to read the notes/journal entries I kept on this blog when I was writing and editing my manucript, just search the tag #update! 
My Twitter is: https://twitter.com/EliseLongden 
My Instagram is:  instagram.com/elise.longden/ (here you will find a lot of cosplay and dog pictures, and I’m not sorry)
If you have any questions or anything else you want to know, please feel free to shoot me an ask! Or just say hi!
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