loppadraws · 5 years
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"Too Late" - I love you
Day 2
I really wanted to participate in the @sheithangstweek but due to heavy workload, other projects and travel time this week I probably can only make this one piece. Maybe I'll make the other days late, in messed up order... We'll see.
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theprojectava · 6 years
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Is This The End, Or Just The Beginning?
Death has a certain fragrance Fear has a bitter taste Could we rise above, escape this? There must be another way
Crashing with the thunder in the sky Falling to our knees, but can we rise?
- “Is This The End” by Hidden Citizens feat. Young Summer & Sam Tinnesz
Did season 7 give me even more feels about sheith? Yes. Did it help me get over “The Black Paladins”? No. No, it didn’t.
Also, did anybody say sheith angst week?? I haven’t been able to contribute anything, but like...take this instead? I wanna join the party.
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iwonn-arts · 6 years
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For @sheithangstweek Day 1 (August 26): Unrequited // Astral Plane
I know it’s angst week but I couldn’t just leave it like this, have a BONUS a happy ending:
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I need my sheith happy ending
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zuspacey · 6 years
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nevenne-creates · 6 years
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Sheith Angst Week Day 6 -- Pilot Error
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tforyoi · 6 years
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Sheith Comic <Scar>
Another story about Kuron, at the begining of S7 when they are in the journey to Earth
Kuron comes to Keith's dream to say goodbye to Keith
---"I am sorry Keith... The only thing I left you, is just the scar...with your pain..."
---"Takashi Shirogane loves you...And I love you too..."
Kuron finally gives up his body, and let the real Shiro awakes, and back to normal
Just... The SCAR Kuron left to Keith, would be the last thing he left in the world, other than his body....
I loved Kuron, I didn’t trust the clone theory before , and I even wrote sth before S6 trying to convince me that the Kuron was the Shiro, and everything would be fine 
Then S6 broke my heart..
I draw another comic early in June telling the story about the Kuron (comic <TRUST>) then here comes another one, the <SCAR>
@sheithangstweek​ about Day 3 Scars. And Day 4 Soul
@kuronweek​ Day 5 Light/Dark..  
(Sorry I submit the comic one week earlier to Kuron Week together with Angst Week. I am so happy to know that there is Kuron week coming next week...I love Kuron, Kuron is still Shiro... He deserved better...
And almost my angst goes to Kuron when shipping Sheith actually. Thanks all of you running these two weeks... so great to have them)
Other comics see the Archive (or the Index )  . My twitter would be @ tforyoi as well.
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mr-hollymoon · 6 years
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For @sheithangstweek 
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witchly-doodletime · 6 years
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Day 2: Hallucination | Burn
(Why don’t you tap into the drawing to see what Keith is seeing :3c)
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stellar-parallax · 6 years
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Day 5 of @sheithangstweek: Sacrifice // Almost
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seloria · 6 years
The first time Keith woke up his memory was fuzzy, but the thing he clearly remembered was that Shiro wasn't there, he was on the TV screen instead giving a speech to the survivors and while it hurt it was okay, he could deal with it, had to. The second time he awoke it was late at night, the room was dark and he was alone. /Understandable/, he thought to himself, /Everyone needs their sleep/. It still hurt considering he had spent every waking second at Shiro's bed or next to his cryo pod had he been hurt, still there was nothing he could do about it. But even after that... the third time, the fourth time, the fifth time, no Shiro. Krolia and Kolivan were there a lot, telling him what progress they had made with recruiting new blade members, half of it went past him because his head was still fuzzy. Coran visited him asking how he was holding up. Even the MFE squad came by to check on him, but no Shiro, not once.
The first time he saw him again was when he was slowly walking down the corridor of the hospital wing, he knew he wasn't supposed to be up yet, his body had suffered major injuries and he needed the rest, but he couldn't stay still, he had to see Shiro. He did not see him on one of the seemingly endless corridors but instead in another room to which the door was open, sitting beside another bed. He had wanted to see him, forcing his body beyond it's limits to just see him, but this wasn't what he had wanted to see. Shiro sat next to a bed, bright smile spread on his lips, wearing the happiest expression Keith had seen on him in a while and it hurt, worse than any of his injuries. Only briefly he glanced to the figure laying in the bed, he felt his legs threaten to give in and had to brace himself against the wall not to collapse right then and there. /Adam.../ Keith knew he shouldn't be here and he knew he should have turned away his gaze when Shiro leaned forward, but he couldn't, he couldn't. When their lips touched he could feel something inside of him break. All the whispered promises and hushed words Shiro had directed at him, the sweet and gentle touches in the solitude of his room back in the castle when either of them needed to be close... lies, it all had been lies. He had been nothing more than a distraction, a rebound. Keith stumbled a few steps away from the door, down the corridor back towards his room, his head was spinning. How could he do this to him? How could Shiro of all people betray him like that? When his body collapsed to the floor he wished his hand would have slipped in their fight back in the clone facility, wished he wouldn't have survived when Black crashed down onto Earth after they had made sure the explosion of the robeast would not destroy half of the planet. At least then he could have died living a sweet lie. ____________________________________________________ My contribution for the @sheithangstweek
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carpincho-kev · 6 years
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Sheith angst week day 3: Scars 
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museaway · 6 years
Post-S7 hospital coda. There are probably a thousand of these by now but I can’t stop thinking about Shiro visiting Keith in the hospital. 463 words.
Their first date was in that hospital room. Though visiting hours had passed, Shiro walked in with clean clothes and contraband snacks concealed in his jacket. He left it on the chair with his hat and fit himself against Keith in the bed, wide enough for both of them if he wrapped an arm around Keith’s shoulders and held him to his side.
“I'm sorry I couldn't get here earlier.”
“It's fine. They let you in?”
“I might have slightly exaggerated our relationship.”
Keith laughed softly. “I can’t afford a ring.”
“I don’t need one.”
The light from his shoulder cast the room into shades of blue. A movie played quietly on the room’s small screen, but Keith, sore and gauze-wrapped, laid his head on Shiro’s chest and didn’t watch. Shiro slowly, slowly brushed his cheek against Keith’s hair. Time passed in an instant. Shiro’s cheek became his lips and Keith’s hair became his mouth and he kissed Shiro for the first time in that hospital room, in a bed that should have been too small.
“I thought I’d lost you,” Shiro whispered, sounding nothing like the man who had reassured the world in a live broadcast hours earlier.
“Guess we’ve got a habit of coming back for one another.”
“I guess so.” Shiro held him tighter, but not enough to hurt. His breaths were ragged. “I love you, Keith.”
“What are you saying all of a sudden?”
“What I should have said as soon as I woke up in this body. If you had died without me telling you…”
“I’m right here,” Keith said, kissing him long and slow to prove his point. He pulled back to look at him. “Did you go see the memorial?”
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know. I hate how we left things. But it’s too late to do anything about it.” The movie had ended; Shiro switched the screen off. He adjusted the flat pillow behind his neck, settling lower, and guided Keith’s head back to his chest. “I want us to be honest with each other even when it’s hard.”
“Honest, huh?” Keith closed his eyes and rode the slow wave of Shiro’s chest as he breathed. “I really wish you'd been here earlier.”
“I wish you’d been with me at the memorial.”
“I’ll come with you next time.” Keith stretched his legs and yawned. “What time is it?”
“Late.” Shiro stroked his hair. “I should go. You need rest.”
“I don't want you to leave.”
Shiro didn't move. He didn't get out of the bed. “Does this light bother you?” he asked.
“It doesn't bother me at all.”
Shiro’s arms tightened around Keith and gradually went still.
“I love you too,” Keith said long after Shiro had stopped talking.
He stayed until morning.
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legendaryroar · 6 years
When Hard Choices Become Easy Choices
Sheith Angst Week Day 5: Sacrifice/Almost ( @sheithangstweek)
Pairing: Keith/Shiro Rating: Mature Words: 930 Summary: When it comes down to it, one life lost is worth two lives saved, and Keith's not letting Lance or Pidge make that move. Warnings: Captured by the enemy, self-sacrifice, promise of torture, sad/open ending
(AO3 Link)
Pain shoots up Keith’s thighs as his knees are slammed into the deck. Claws dig into the side of his neck, but he forces himself not to wince. An unfamiliar face sneers down at him, and he glares right back. This mission could not have gone more wrong, but at least it’s him. At least Pidge and Lance got away in the Green Lion.
At least Keith didn’t bring the Black Lion on this mission.
With his helmet still on, he can hear them. The Galra haven’t blocked his comm link yet. He wishes they would. It’s like hearing that moment on repeat. They didn’t have enough time to extract all the information. They were going to get caught, alarms were blaring, the Galra were closing in.
He remembers the moment he saw it Lance’s eyes. The determination to shift from sniper to distraction. To stop picking off far away enemies and move closer. Buy Pidge more time.
But anyone making that move would get caught. It was an inevitability, and that’s not Lance’s role.
In making that move himself, Keith only wishes he’d though to turn off the comms. They were screaming at him as he ran off, and they’re still screaming at him now. So loud it hurts his ears through the comms, like his capture hasn’t sunk in yet. Like he can actually turn back around and find an airlock to shoot himself out of for pickup.
The Galra sneering down at him is saying something, but Keith tunes it out the moment he starts hearing Pidge and Lance calm down and say they’ll come back for him.
“Do not come for me,” he snaps, harsh and venomous. “That is an order.”
The Galra tilts his head and smirks. They still don’t block his comm link. They don’t even remove his helmet. There’s a burst of chatter in Keith’s ear and he blocks it out. Just like he blocks out the sharp prick of those nails tightening at his throat.
The Galra leader is saying something about heading back to central command. Keith can feel the ship change speeds beneath his knees. The comms still work, but that won’t last much longer. He doesn’t understand why they didn’t turn them off until there’s a sudden sharp pain in his side, in the vulnerable spot between plates of armour.
Not expecting it, not seeing anyone near him move, he cries out before he can stop himself. There’s silence on the comms, and then increased chatter, and he gets it.
“Do not come for me,” he hisses again.
The Galra all loom over him, sickening grins twisting their features. The chatter on the comms starts to crackle and fade
“Do not come for me,” he says again, forcing down a cry of pain as claws tear into his other side. As the hand holding the back of his neck tightens and those claws prick his neck even sharper. He’s not giving them what they want.
“Keith? Keith, listen to me, you have to fight, you have to hold on, we’ll come for you.”
It’s Shiro, and Keith closes his eyes. Listens to the sound of his voice. Loses himself in it. He only just found him again They didn’t get enough time. It’s like all the forces in the universe conspire to keep them apart. To keep them from being together. Like their love just isn’t enough.
“I love you, Keith. Just hold on until we can get to you. You can survive this, just remember that we’re coming for you,” Shiro says, voice fading and crackling.
“No, don’t come for me,” Keith gasps. He didn’t do this just for them to all get caught in the end.
“They will come for you,” one of the Galra says. “But soon there won’t be anything left for them to save.”
Keith’s heart sinks as the comms last a few moments longer, all Shiro’s calm voice telling him it will be okay, before cutting out. They heard that, Shiro heard that. A deliberate attempt to get them to rush in without a plan. He can only hope they won’t be so stupid.
The smart move is to let him go.
Claws dig into his sides again, but he fixes the leader with a glare and doesn’t cry out again. Not yet. His heart starts to race but he tells himself everything is fine. There’s no sense panicking yet. Everything will turn to hell soon enough. He won’t break before they break his body.
He focuses on the good things. They didn’t get the Black Lion. Shiro is back and Keith has faith he will pilot the Black Lion again. They can still form Voltron without him. Pidge got the intel they needed, and she and Lance got out safely. That’s all that matters.
That’s what he’ll focus on.
Whatever they do to him will be worth it. Without his distraction, Pidge and Lance wouldn’t have made it out.
A druid appears from nowhere, and nausea bubbles in Keith’s stomach at the sick laughs of the Galra around him. He knows enough from what Shiro has told him in the darkness of their room to know what’s going to be done to him
It’s worth it, he tells himself. It has to be. One life for two. Lance and Pidge are safe. Shiro will move on, he’s stronger than Keith ever was that way. He won’t break down and ruin the team like Keith did. He’ll take over the Black Lion sooner. They’ll all move on.
It will all be worth it.
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ursae-minoris-world · 6 years
So, this is a little fic I wrote for  @sheithangstweek for the prompt Scars  (day 3). Or I guess I could say it’s for the free day and look a little less late ? lol.
( I’m sorry to be this late, life has kept me really busy ! )
Summary : This is a missing scene from s7 ep13. Shiro is at Keith's bedside before he goes to give his speech.
(1183 words, chapters : 1/1)
Read it here on AO3 !
Shiro had gotten used to his scars. It hadn’t been easy. When he had first seen his face in a mirror after escaping the Galra, he had barely recognized himself. He had had to learn to accept the scars as part of him -that included the prosthetic arm and the locks of white hair. He had adjusted to how sometimes they still hurt, even to the phantom pain from his arm – that was the worst part of it. The scars were his history written on his skin, a reminder of what he’d been through. Those weren’t happy memories, but they also were a testimony of his ordeal when it all felt unreal, sometimes ; when his memory failed him, or when what he remembered seemed too crazy to be true. In a way, the scars kept him grounded. The physical, visible scars helped when the mental, hidden scars started to hurt. The marks on his skin were also proof that he’d survived all that shit. Well, up to a certain point.
This new body was not exactly the same, it felt wrong sometimes. The Galra scientists who had created the clone had really outdone themselves to make it look just like him. Including the scars. They didn’t want the deception to be discovered, so they crafted the new body with every little detail they knew of. Except you couldn’t mimic everything. They had placed scars in all the right places, but those scars were medically created, and hadn’t healed the exact same way. This wasn’t something you could just replicate artificially. He knew he was the only one familiar enough with them to notice the difference ; to feel the difference. The subtle ways of how they hurt differently. Of how the skin was more elastic and less thick in that one place, of how a burn that was still sensitive when it shouldn’t. They also only knew the scars he received as a gladiator. They had not been aware of the ones he had received while being a Voltron paladin, so they forgot a few. Then there was the new way his arm was cut off, the new prosthetic ; his hair all white. Shiro was still adjusting to all this. He actually liked the new prosthetic arm way better : offered by a friend, not imposed by an enemy, not created to control him like it had been for the clone. He could get used to all this. If anything, he was adaptable.
What he had more trouble getting used to were the scars on Keith’s body.
The scars on Keith’s soul, he had known for a while ; some of them he had known as open wounds and had tried to help heal, years ago. Just like Shiro’s mental scars, they could still bleed again if prodded too much. Which happened, for both of them. Shiro couldn’t help feeling guilty for being part of what made Keith suffer. He had realized the impact of his disappearance after the Kerberos Mission ; Keith had scolded him when he noticed he blamed himself for it. Of course, Keith was right, none of it was his fault, but still... And now, through the clone’s memory, he could see how his death had impacted Keith, again, how he had struggled with the task of becoming the Black Paladin. How the clone’s trauma and frustrations had collided with Keith’s own issues, hurting both of them in the process, and how Keith had ended up isolating himself from the team. Shiro wanted to tell himself that it wasn’t his fault, that it wasn’t even him, but the clone was still very much like him and he knew he could have acted similar. It was still him somehow, and the memories were as clear as if they were his own. Including the memories of their fight.
That was the one scar Shiro couldn’t look away from, the one he remembered burning into Keith’s face while he was begging him to stop. And telling him he loved him. They had never really discussed it, awkwardly avoiding the subject. Keith tended to shut down when Shiro tried to bring up the fight, getting angry if Shiro tried to apologize. «It wasn’t your fault !» he would protest. «It wasn’t even you  !» He didn’t even blame the clone, just Haggar’s mind control. In a way, he was right. But Shiro couldn’t help but resenting the clone for this. For being too weak. For not fighting back properly against Haggar.
Despite remembering how much the clone had fought back, had restrained himself to avoid lethal injuries, to give Keith a chance to escape, to try to spare him unnecessary pain when everything seemed lost. But it still wasn’t enough. He had allowed himself to hurt Keith, and now, every time he looked at Keith’s face, he had to remember it.
Keith was unconscious right now, lying on his hospital bed, and Shiro wondered what new scars he had from this last fight. Shiro extended his left hand and stroked his cheek, where the scar was. Keith shifted his head slightly, squeezing his eyelids as if he was about to wake up, but he didn’t.
“Come back to me”, he begged under his breath.
He hoped for a moment that it would work. So many crazy things had happened to them that at this point, he wouldn’t even have been surprised. But Keith remained motionless. Shiro took a deep breath, trying to regather himself. He put his hand on Keith’s, gazing at his face again.
“I love you too, you know”, he added, quietly. He could have sworn Keith’s expression softened, but that might as well be wishful thinking, or a simple coincidence. If...When Keith would be better, he would have to tell him. Maybe just like that, out of the blue, without letting Keith a chance to avoid the conversation.
Someone knocked on the door.
It was Iverson, flanked by Krolia and Kolivan.
“Shiro. Are you ready ?” asked the commander.
It was time for the funeral. Shiro had thought his speech out and was ready, but he didn’t like having to leave Keith.
“He won’t be alone” said Krolia, as if she had guessed the cause of his hesitation. She and Kolivan had arrived in haste as soon as they had heard about Keith. Apparently Krolia had immediately known something had happened, because the Blade had flickered.
Shiro nodded at her, and got up, joining Iverson at the door, while the Blades entered the room. Krolia gave him a reassuring smile before settling down on Keith’s bed.
Shiro took a last look at Keith, and exited the room.
Iverson patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry. The doctors say he’s gonna make it.”
Shiro nodded again. His throat was tight and he didn’t feel like talking. Which wasn’t such a great sensation for someone about to say a speech.
But Iverson was right ; the doctors were optimistic for Keith, even if his recovery might be long. Keith was strong, he was going to survive this ; he had to trust him on that.
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nevenne-creates · 6 years
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Sheith Angst Week Day 7 -- Amnesia
this has to have been done before, but I couldn’t stop myself okay
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tforyoi · 6 years
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“I saw you shiny among people
I learn you will leave one day because of the disease
And I am afraid being left behind as you go further being a Captain
My heart always burn when thinking about the possibility of your leaving”
Three moments I catch after seeing Season 7
Related to comic <stay>
Hover-bike & TV with reference to the show
@sheithangstweek Day 2 Burn
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