#she's wearing black nitrile gloves -- diff than the gloves he's wearing i think
eiseryn · 6 months
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We can have a yandere Vail, as a little treat. :3
To give more context for this AU, Lei is an underground doctor and Vail is apart of Lexi's (this cool AF NPC) Red Dragons which is I guess an organized crime group. Lei cooks sleeping pills from him in this AU because he has trouble sleeping from trauma, probably. But they don't work well anymore so he asks for something better and she suggests an experimental drug she's been working on. They find it works pretty well... but they are unaware... that one of the reagents is contaminated with a drug that makes people yandere... yeah... a yandere drug. So yeah that's why he became a little (JUST A LITTLE!!!) yandere for Lei :3 That is in fact her arm that he is gripping. She's wearing black nitrile gloves.
The concept for this drawing (which you might see in the notes I'll post sometime soon) is that he is her bodyguard for the time being for plot reasons, and a patient she has is being sleazy. So she asks Vail to escort him out and Vail decides to kill the guy :D wow what a normal response, right? (/s) So this is after he gets rid of the body and returns to her with blood stains and she realizes those aren't his. He reveals that he has killed the one who has "touched her" and asks to be praised 😳😳😳 Which would be hot if y'know the situation wasn't so messed up. This is why Lei starts suspecting something is wrong....
I will be releasing the mafia AU notes soon. Maybe after the post epilogue story XD so certain NPCs (not my OCs again) will have more context for who they are rather than being just names. But yeah it's a very SPICY and DRAMATIC AU (I don't write the full thing though) with lots of foreshadowing and an ending... that is as tragic and sad as they come... It hurt me to write it but it was so angsty it had to be done. You shall see. You shall see~
As a final note yes that collar he's wearing is a gift from Lei 👀👀👀spicyyyy
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