#she’s fine w aang dating just NOT IN THAT FAMILY
comradekatara · 3 months
Can you share any thoughts/headcannons about Ty Lee's sisters?
i’ve talked before about how i think that aang would date one of ty lee’s sisters and it would really freak katara out because she’s terrified of ty lee and she thinks that nothing good can come from involving himself in that family. but aang is actually like best friends with her whole family because of their air nomad ancestry and he’s trying to get them all into embracing their culture more and teaching them about their heritage. and maybe even one of her sisters does have latent airbending powers (ty lee has like, very minimal airbending ability, but her sister can actually move the air and all that) so he’s just overjoyed to help her hone that skill.
also this isn’t really about her sisters but i think that the chi-blocking girl from the legacy of yangchen who gets relocated to yangchen’s air temple for her own safety is a distant ancestor of ty lee’s. not because ty lee like epigenetically discovered the ability to chi-block (if anything i think ty lee discovered it on her own) but because i just think that’s a fun intersection and i do feel like fc yee incorporated it deliberately. anyway back to her sisters.
one of them dates aang, one of them is an airbender (possibly the same one?), at least one of them is also gay (just, statistically speaking), and unlike what the stupid comics will tell you, just because they all look identical does not mean that they wear matching hairstyles and outfits. they definitely each have their own sense of style and a complex about being unique and distinguished in their individual field. if anything i think ty lee incorporates their insecurities into her persona during her confession on the beach because she knows firsthand that the desire to distinguish oneself runs rampant in their family. like she’s clearly exaggerating as a deliberate performance of vulnerability, but it does come from a real place, if only through borrowing the anxieties of her sisters.
one is an accomplished musician, one is an accomplished mathematician, one is an accomplished engineer, one in an accomplished artist, one is an accomplished poet, one is an accomplished architect, and ty lee is the accomplished performer(/acrobat/fighter/liar). she could also probably be good at all those things too if she put her mind to it, but they all tacitly respect one another’s boundaries.
they come from a family that cares about nothing more than entrenching themselves within the fire nation aristocracy, and so their parents never really cared about their wellbeing as long as they were excelling. and ty lee was particularly favored because she’s excessively charming and knows how to get her way in any situation, and also, of course, because she’s the chosen playmate of the princess.
the pressure to always be perfect and provide an “in” for her family gets to be too much for her so she runs away to the join the circus, and she kind of assumes that they won’t even notice because she left behind six identical copies, but they get really worried because what will happen to their family now that they no longer have a direct link to the palace? so they’re really relieved to hear that ty lee is once again working with azula after news of the coup on ba sing se reaches the fire nation. and then they hear that she betrayed azula and got herself imprisoned and they’re furious. they actively consider disowning her, but then they figure if she’s already in prison for life, why bother. but then a few months later, they learn that now she’s friends with the avatar and the new firelord, which is even better than being friends with the princess, so they accept her back.
not that she wants to go home, but aang has suspicions about her ancestry that he wants to confirm so he makes her take him to her house and introduces him to all her sisters and her parents. they all show off their various talents to aang because they’re so nervous to be meeting the avatar, but he’s literally impressed by every single one of them. any time any of them do anything he’s just like “wow that’s awesome!!!” completely sincerely. he thinks ty lee’s family is so cool and has dinner with them whenever he can.
after the war aang gets really intent on finding all the remnants of the air nomad legacy through tracking down the air nomad refugees whose families assimilated into other nations over the past century. and he and ty lee (and her sisters) embark on this really in-depth archival project to collect all the traces of her family and families like hers as a way to honor and commemorate their cultural heritage. ty lee learns a lot about her family and what they had to do to survive (and how that mirrors her own life). and even though it’s nothing like it was before, aang finds a community of people who want to reconnect with their heritage and piece by piece, he slowly rebuilds what was lost.
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asciendo · 3 years
Ember Island
Went through my old laptop and found a few Zuko drabbles i wrote years ago!
 Still thinking if i should post the rest so, let me know and comments are appreciated! 
Inspired by Zuko and Mai's fight in the Ember Island Episode but of couse, with the reader! 
The gang was stationed in Zuko’s ancestral home in Ember Island. It was a huge mansion with rooms for everyone. You were sharing a room with Zuko as the both of you have been dating the past few months after both of you joined Team Avatar. Zuko joined when he left the Fire Nation to help Aang and you were rescued along with Suki from the Boiling Rock. Your father was a high-ranking Fire Nation general that left after disagreeing with the inhumane ways of Fire Lord Ozai. You were captured when you tried to steal food from a Fire Nation camp for the refugees you and your family were hiding with. Zuko recognized you from the jail and rescued you and a little while after, the two of you began dating.
Everything was going smoothly, until the gang reached Ember Island. As soon as you arrived on the beach, Zuko became cold. He gave a half-hearted tour of his old house. While the gang was ecstatic on how huge it was, Zuko remained unbothered the whole time.
“Are you alright?” you asked him, resting your hand on his shoulder. “I’m fine.” He was staring out the window with no expression in his face.
He remained the same the days after. You’d try to talk to him but he’d shrug it off. The only form of response you got from him was at night, when you’d be asleep then suddenly feel arms snake around your waist. Katara would ask you if anything happened with him and you’d explain how he was fine until we arrived on the island.
“I don’t know...he won’t talk to me.” You sighed as you and Katara sat on the balcony. “Well, it obviously has to do with his family being back here and everything...” she looked at with you concern as it was obvious that Zuko’s behavior was taking a toll on you. “He’s so used to keeping his feelings to himself and afraid of being vulnerable, I don’t blame him though after everything but...”
“It’s hard.” Katara finished and you nodded.
Zuko’s cold behavior turned to snappiness and anger. The slightest inconvenience would make him angry. When you ran out of the tea he liked he threw a fit. The time you accidentally moved his robe after his shower and he couldn’t find it, he was in a bad mood the whole day.
Zuko’s attitude hasn’t gotten better and you were tired of it. No matter how many times you asked, he’d insist he was fine. It was like an ending guessing game. Your demeanor around Zuko changed as well as you replied to his nonchalant responses with sarcasm and eye rolls. This caused numerous fights and bickering between the two of you. Zuko sensed your distance and tried to somewhat make amends by bringing you tea in the morning although still in his cold behavior.
He’d try to hold you at night but you refused, angry at his erratic behavior. One moment he’s yelling at you for a robe, the next he’s trying to make amends by giving you a flower or trying to hold you. It was sweet but you were tired of trying to guess which Zuko you were waking up next to, the sweet and caring one you knew, or the angry and short-fused Zuko you’ve been experiencing.
The gang decided to go to the local carnival dressed in Fire Nation clothes. Everyone was excited to finally have some fun after months of training.
It was huge with hundreds of booths with games, rides, and variety shows. Zuko won a stuffed monkey in one of the booths and walked up to you. “You want this?” he asked you with no expression. You were annoyed at how it seemed like it was such a task to win you that toy and how it felt like he was forced to do so. “No.” you stated which caused Zuko to grunt and throw the toy on the ground.
The gang was surrounding a large arcade game where you had to shoot fire from two buttons to the target. “What’s this?” Zuko asked. “A game Zuko, we’re in an arcade what do you think it is.” You rolled your eyes. Zuko huffed then tried to play it. He ended up losing and burning the whole thing up.
“Hey we should get out of here before we get caught!” Sokka exclaimed and the group left.
The next day, the gang decided to hit the beach. Sokka and Suki were playing in the water, Katara was practicing her bending and Aang and Toph were building sandcastles. You and Zuko were relaxing under an umbrella just watching the sunset. Suddenly, he tapped your shoulder and there was a shell in your face. You stared at him then at him, he had a slight smile almost pleading. “This is for you.” He moved the shell in front of your face.
“What am I gonna do with that?”
“Don’t girls like this stuff?” he asked you, “Maybe stupid girls.” You rolled your eyes and looked away from him. “FORGET IT!” Zuko threw the shell across the beach,
He huffed then stood and left. Zuko came back with two ice cream cones but when he offered you one, you felt a cold scoop on your lap. There was ice cream all over you and there was a frozen Zuko staring at you waiting for your reaction. “Great, refreshing.” you rolled your eyes and left.
“Come on, it was an accident!” he called but you kept walking.
Some local Fire Nation teenagers invited Sokka to a house party and the gang decided to go.
Aang was dancing in front, Katara was giggling at him, Toph was dragging her feet as she didn’t wan to go to the party, Sokka and Suki walked hand in hand after them. You and Zuko walked behind in silence, the both of you not looking at each other.
You got to the party and the gang dispersed on their own. You weren’t feeling like socializing so you slumped on the couch at the end of the room. Zuko sat next to you but you two sat in silence. “I’ll get us some punch.” He announced and walked off.
Scanning the room, you didn’t see the gang anywhere. You began to daydream while waiting for Zuko to come back.
A voice broke your thoughts as you looked up to see a tan muscular boy stand in front of you. “Hey, I’m Lee.”
“Hi.” You pretended to be interested in your fingernails as you weren’t in the mood for small take. “What’s your name?”
“Ma-li” you almost said your real name, which could cause problems for the gang.
“Mali? Interesting name.” he winked. You smiled blankly as you wanted him to leave but he wasn’t moving.
“Soooo...what are you doing here alone?” he tried to walk closer to you but suddenly, there was a hand grabbing his shoulder.
“She’s not alone.” Zuko grumbled behind him. Zuko then threw Lee to the side of the room that Lee’s body broke a vase. “Seriously?!” you glared at Zuko as you left the party. You walked out onto the beach where you saw a campfire going, and sighed in relief, as it was the rest of the gang. You plopped on a piece of wood next to Katara and sighed.
“Where’s Zuko?” Aang asked with a mouth full of food. “Beating some guy up.” You rolled your eyes and laid back in your seat.
“WHAT?!” The rest of the gang sat up from their seats. “Why?!” Katara asked.
“Can’t believe I missed that.” Toph sighed.
“Oh, there you are.” Zuko said through gritted teeth then sat next to Toph on the other side.
“Did we miss something...” Sokka nervously asked, sensing the tension between you two.
“No, just Zuko being a ticking time bomb as usual.” You said coldly as you stared up at the sky. “Shouldn’t you be there with your boyfriend?!” Zuko spat back at you.
“Boyfriend?!” the rest of the gang piped up.
“You’re overreacting and you know it.”
“NO I AM NOT!” Zuko was yelling across the fire at you and the gang watched in silence.
“Yes you are! This whole trip you’ve been hot-headed, angry and impatient!” You snapped back, sitting up from your seat now as well. “Well at least I feel something! Instead of being like you, having no emotions for anything and being a big blah the whole trip!”
The rest of the gang became silent. Not knowing what to do with the two of you fighting in front of them.
Stung by this, you stood up and fixed your hair into a ponytail, with Zuko and the rest of the gang watching you closely. “Well, you don’t have to worry about having a “blah” person in your life anymore, it’s over.” You said softly yet harshly then walked off.
The rest of the gang stared at you walk away, shocked, then stared at Zuko who seemed shocked but angry as well.
“AGH!” he exclaimed and shot a ball of fire in to the existing campfire that made the gang disperse.
“Z-Zuko...” Aang began. “WHAT?!” Zuko shot back at him.
“Uhm...nevermind.” Aang nervously backed away.
“Zuko...” Katara placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” she was concerned about him, they’ve gotten closer over time and it was obvious that he was going through something.
“Why does everyone keep asking me if I’m okay? I’m fine!” Zuko shoved her hand off. “W-well..I mean...you’ve always been moody and angry and—“ Sokka began.
“Ow hey!” Sokka exclaimed as Suki hit him. “Zuko, we can tell something is bothering you, alright.” Katara began.
“Ever since we got here it’s like your whole attitude changed...you were impatient, you were snapping at everyone all the time and ignored all of our attempts to be there for you...even Y/N.” Katara finished and Zuko slumped to the ground.
“Is it because you’re back in your family’s home?” she asked softly and Zuko buried his face in his hands. “It’s just...the last time I was here I was still trying to capture Aang...I was still with my family...I used to come here with my mother...and now...I feel like a stranger in my own home.”
The gang looked at each other and exhaled, they felt sorry for Zuko. They knew his past and how he keeps everything bottled up. They could only imagine being back in the life you left but as a completely different person.
“It’s okay Zuko, we understand, we just needed to know that.” Karata smiled as she sat next to Zuko. “I’m sorry guys...I’ve been such a jerk.”
“Yeah you kinda have been.” Sokka stated. “OW!” he yelled in pain as Suki hit him again.
“We forgive you Zuko, and we’re here for you. You don’t have to hide anything from us. All of us had our share of meltdowns.” Aang sat on the other side of Zuko and smiled at him.
“Yeah except me.” Sokka said proudly. “What about the time you lost you boomerang?” Katara rolled her eyes. “HEY! THAT DOESN’T COUNT!” Sokka panicked which made Suki laugh.
“Ugh! But I ruined it with Y/N. She just broke up with me.”
“Yeah you did.” Sokka chuckled which earned another punch from Suki. “WILL YOU STOP HITTING ME?!”
“I don’t think she meant it...she’s just frustrated because she doesn’t know what’s wrong with you...” Katara assured him. “Yeah right..she seemed like she meant it.” Zuko hung his head low.
“Look, if you just talk to her it will be fine, I promise.” Katara smiled and Zuko looked around at the rest of the gang. They were all nodding in agreement with Sokka nodding as well but with Suki covering his mouth. “You think she’ll forgive me?”
“I know she will.” Katara smiled sweetly. Zuko got up and went to look for you.
You found a nice rock to sit on while watching the waves. You were slowly regretting breaking up with Zuko, you know you didn’t mean it and was just so angry. You began to climb down your rock to find Zuko but there he was, standing nervously staring at you.
“Y/N...I’m so sorry.” He began and you sighed. “Zuko—“
“No, let me explain.” He cut you off and you nodded for him to continue. “It’s just..I thought I was going to be fine coming back here, like it wasn’t a big deal...but it was.”
“It just brought back so many memories, with my family, my mother...when I was regretting choosing Azula’s side...and I just felt so lost...in my own home...like I have all the memories but it feels like it doesn’t belong to me.” You stared at him with compassion and empathy, you knew it had something to do with his family. It hurt you to see Zuko like this, you knew it was hard for him to express all of these things to you because he’s always been the type to hide his real feelings and anger.
“I was so angry at myself for feeling that way because I know I did the right thing joining Aang, and I took it out on you. I’m so sorry...I understand if—“
He couldn’t finish because your lips were on his.
“Does this mean we’re not broken up?” Zuko smiled as he looked at you. “No...I’m sorry too...I wasn’t being easy either.” You laughed and he did too. “I just hope that you tell me when you feel angry or sad or anything next time...I can help you, Zuko.” You placed a palm on his cheek and he leaned into it. “I know and I’m sorry...I love you.” He said and both of you stared at each other in surprise as this is the first time any of you have said it to each other. “Y-you don’t have to say it back—“
You crashed your lips onto his and he lifted you up to deepen the kiss. “I love you too, Zuko.” You smiled and he squeezed you tight.
The rest of the gang was waiting by the campfire. You and Zuko walked back with his arm around you. “Aw, the love birds are backed together!” Katara squealed. “Finally! My stomach is growling, I’m starving!” Sokka announced.
“Yeah lets go.” you laughed looking at Zuko.
“Lets go home.” Zuko kissed you on the forehead and you happily went back to the house.
That night as you slept tangled up with Zuko, you couldn’t help but smile.
“He loves me.” You whispered to yourself, and happily fell asleep next to Zuko.
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pianjeong · 4 years
stemverse aka the expanded earth sci zuko au
brought to u by ur local earth sci major; ty to the crime fam for supporting me in making this post and @itszukkatime for coming up w like half of these​
zuko is an earth science major
- bitchfather ozai (business dude) is one of those ppl who devalue the humanities and made zuko do a stem major. zuko hates this but ozai kinda...pays for school so he has no choice. this goes on UNTIL he discovers earth science and his visual learner brain goes !!!!
- bitchfather disapproves bc he’s a climate change denier but cannot say anything bc it is stem
- zuko also double majors in literature bc fuck u dad and he has very strong disaster theatre gay energy: he does not sleep and sees no problem with this; also subsists on ramen and asian snacks even tho he can cook perfectly well
sokka is an engineering/lit double major
- he meets zuko in intro to american lit (why did i do that i hate american lit) and bond over the things they carried (the vietnam war novel) and shared family trauma aka hakoda being/having been deployed and zuko having the worst home life/no friends
- originally they both lived in single rooms but then one dorm flooded and a bunch of the assignments had to get shuffled around so eventually they become roommates
katara is a computer science major
- she will physically fight anyone who says women shouldn’t be in cs/stem. zuko joins her even tho she’s told him a hundred times that she’s fine; he just wants to beat ppl up
- she also joins zuko and aang (environ sci major/environmental activist) in committing minor acts of ecoterrorism
suki is a political science major and is in a sorority
- ty lee (psych major) hangs out with a really toxic sorority bc all her sisters were in it but Hates It There...but once she meets suki she ends up joining her sorority and havin a great time. she also plays the sousaphone in marching band bc just imagine the image
- azula is a business major and captain of the division 1 volleyball team
- mai plays the piccolo yall just need to know this.
piandao is zuko’s mineralogy professor and also advisor for his major
- he also teaches swordfighting at his studio a little off campus which zuko and sokka both go to (and don’t KNOW that they both go to and piandao sets them up by giving them both spare keys and after hours permission)
- he’s the local iconic gay professor (based heavily on MY iconic gay professor) he owns a shirt that says “queer scientist” and is dating jeong jeong, who is a chaotic dirt gremlin who somehow got tenure (he’s a field geologist who was forced to teach a class by the department)
-- toph is also a chaotic dirt gremlin who decided that jeong jeong would be her advisor and did not look back. their combined energy can and probably will bring a building to the ground
iroh owns the local boba tea shop
- literally everyone goes there to hang out and do schoolwork
- zuko works there bc he needs money and loves his uncle the only thing he doesn’t like is that ppl who know him (not the gaang obvi but just random folks) see him there
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aprettyweirgirl · 3 years
Young! Kyalin HC
Lin is such a disaster bi while Kya is a super functional lesbian
and they're the SOFTEST couple alive
they started their relationship when Lin was 18 and Kya 22, but they never told anyone until 6 months later
at the beginning Kya is always making jokes about how Lin hadn't come out of the closet but she once finds her crying because she wants but she's scared come out so Kya decide stop making fun of her and help her
they had to told Izumi after 6 months (she caught them making out) and she was almost crying because she loved her girls so much, she was so happy for them and of course she accepted keep it in secret
every time they used to go to vacations all together Izumi convinced Su to sleep in the same room as her so Kya and Lin could sleep together
Lin had social anxiety so every time she and Kya went to places with a lot of people and the anxiety came Lin used to put her hand between Kya's shoulder blades as a way of telling her to get her out of there
The Beifongs weren't royalty but they were a super impotant family for the earth kingdom so the first time they were saw in public together, the people couldn't stop talking and judging abour the relationship of the daughter of Toph Beifong and the daughter of Master Katara and Avatar Aang
to be with Lin, Kya had to pass through the approval of: Toph, Su, Poppy, Lao and the badgemorles that teach Toph how to earthbend (and had to be threaten at least 3 times)
Lin never told Toph but makes sure that she knows, so after Toph finds out her daughter and Sugar Princess had been dating for over a year, she interrogates Lin and ask why she didn't tell her Lin says to her that she was scared of that Toph could change the way she saw her. That conversation ends with Lin softly crying and Toph hugging her (and planning how it's gonna be her conversation w/ Kya)
Su loved Kya and Lin being together but she makes Kya know that she wasn't gonna forgive her if she hurt Lin and every time Kya needs help with things like gifts, apologies or things like that she go to Su
Lin asked Kya to go to Gaoling so she could meet her grandparents and Kya was super scared but she accepted because she knew that was important for Lin
they both accepted their relationship, Poppy love Kya immediately but for Lao it took longer and not because they were both girls, he just normally didn't not trust a lot in Lin's partners and the situation didn't change even if she was the daughter of the Avatar, he had a special bond w/ Lin and since because his granddaughter grew up without a father, he had a big need of protect her from anything
then he once saw them cuddling in a an hammock under a tree with Lin sleeping and Kya reading a book while she kisses her girlfriend's forehead that's when he decide to accept their relationship and realizes that his little Linny was going to be fine (Although that didn't stop him from threatening Kya to do something to her if she hurt Lin)
at the point were all the Lin's family knows they're together Kya learns that she has to be scared of the Beifongs
when Kya told Aang that she was with Lin he was not surprisingly super happy and he went to tell Katara immediately so Kya makes sure her mom already knew
every time Lin goes to pick up Kya to Air Temple Island Katara tells her that the police are looking for her
after Sokka finds out he travel form the South Pole to Republic city where he go to pick up Toph and takes her to Air Temple Island juts to go with Aang and celebrate that finally they're family
Katara, Aang, Zuko and Sokka are secretly planning the wedding
also are Izumi, Bumi ans Su
after Su's fight, the self-esteem issues arrived and she didn't let Kya go to see her for a week because she thought that if Kya saw the scar she was going to leave her
Lin is an artist and she like to draw her girl especially when she's naked or sleeping, not because she wants to practice or anything it's just because she loves her
Kya makes her know that she's not gonna leave her but then she has to find a way to show her that she still loves her
Kya had to wait 5 months to Lin let her touch the scar, but after she lets her Kya takes every opportunity she has to kiss them
somehow they became aunts of Izumi's kids
naturally Kya sleeps naked but Lin doesn't but once in a while she sleeps shirtless just because Kya likes her body especially her abs and chest
Lin asked Katara permission to marry Kya but she asked Sokka to help her with the betrothal necklace
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vodkaxtonic · 4 years
No one but you •Zuko x Reader•
Summary: Zuko and you had been dating for a while now, on distance and through letters since he had to leave Ba sing se to help the Avatar. Now he has found his way back to you, although not alone.
Warnings: FLUFFFF, also insecurities and a bit of swearing
Wordcount: 2.3K
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"Where the hell are we supposed to stay? Where the hell are we supposed to park a giant flying bison? It's rain season at the moment this could go on for days. We can't stay here!" Sokka complained as they sat under Appa's tail, much to the disliking of the Bison, which was without cover, soaked by the pouring rain. They had just landed in Ba sing se, to their luck, the King himself denied them access to the royal palace if they brought the 'filthy firebender' with them. Zuko knew he had a place he could go to, a place where he would be welcome with open arms. "I told you to stay in the palace! I would've managed!" Zuko protested, already annoyed by Sokka's complaining. "We're friends now, remember? Either all of us or none of us." Aang said with an encouraging smile, and Zuko had to use all his strength to keep himself from sending the boy flying across the ground with a fireball. 
Did Zuko tell them he had a girlfriend? Of course, he didn't. He never would've heard the end of it, the annoying questions of Katara and Toph and way too intimate questions of Sokka were something he tried to avoid. However, now it seemed like he would have to tell them because as much as he couldn't stand Sokka, he was right. They couldn't stay in the rain, they'd all get sick, and it would delay everything. 
Zuko groaned out in annoyance, as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers before muttering under his breath. "I know a place where we can go."
You stood in your kitchen beside your mother as she prepared dinner when your conversation came to a sudden halt. "Did you hear that?" You asked, merely to be sure you didn't imagine the loud thud outside and the roar that followed. "I'll go look." You muttered since you were the only earthbender in your family, you would be able to defend your family if you had to. You started walking over to your door, slowly and quietly as you listened to the voices outside you couldn't recognize. 
You opened the door with a fast movement, your hands already making the ground beneath the strangers shake, causing them to stumble until you noticed who stood in front of you. "Zuko!" Your eyes lit up at the sight of your boyfriend standing in front of you, dripping wet as he smiled at you sheepishly. "Hey, y/n." He smiled at you ever so softly, and you felt like you were about to melt as you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as his found their way around your waist, pulling you closer. "You didn't tell me you were coming this soon." You stated with a smile as you ignored the strangers that were gaping at the both of you. "It was rather spontaneous." He answered with a shrug, a soft smile covering his face before he leaned down, pressing a kiss onto your lips. 
"You have a girlfriend?! A pretty one? How?!" You and Zuko jumped apart quickly, both of your faces flushed as you turned to his companions, the boy with the ponytail practically yelling. "Why didn't you tell us?" Katara asked, a judgemental look on her face as she stared your boyfriend down. "To avoid reactions like this. Is it so unbelievable that someone can love me, geez." Zuko shook his head before turning to you. "You know I wouldn't have brought them here if I had any other choice." You nodded, smiling at him before looking at the group, introducing yourself. They all introduced themselves to you, Aang thanking you for your hospitality. "Do you think you could give Appa a place to sleep in your barn?" Zuko asked as his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to his side as he looked down at you. "Who is Ap..." You stopped in the middle of your sentence as you saw the giant Bison that looked at you, before opening its mouth, letting out a roar. "Sure." You muttered as you pointed Aang towards the barn who thanked you profusely. 
"Mother, Zuko is here! He brought friends." You smiled towards your mother as you entered the kitchen, a huge smile appearing on your mother's face as she walked towards Zuko, embracing him a tight hug, despite him being soaking wet. "It's so good to see you again, Zuko!" She said, letting go of him, her hands still resting on his shoulders as a motherly smile covered her face and something Zuko swore something inside him warmed up. "And it's a pleasure to meet you too." Your mother smiled at the rest of the group, greeting them each with a tight hug. "Y/n, will you get them some dry clothes? I bet Zuko has a few spare clothes here that the boys can wear, you might have to lend the ladies some."  You only nodded, telling the other girls to follow you while giving Zuko a nudge, telling him to lend them some of his clothes. "Do I have to?" He pouted as he looked at you, you lifted your hand, drily petting his cheek with a nod, making him groan as he swore under his breath. 
"This is pretty, where did you get it?" Katara asked as she looked down at herself before she looked at you. She was right, the clothes looked much better on her than they did on you, the blue satin dress you gave her showing off her curves, while also leaving enough room to move freely. "I made it myself." You answered with a smile as she gaped at you. "Don't worry, the dress is just temporary. I fear I don't have anything else in your size for you to leave this room with." You explained to her, and that was very much true. You had more curves than her, a more pronounced body, and you wanted to frown. Katara was so much prettier than you. "Thank you for not forcing me into a dress." You turned to Toph with a smile she was wearing one of your older green training pants, which she had to roll up at the ankle and a white top that barely showed her stomach, yet you could see the slight abs she had. Your body wasn't like hers, not as pronounced, even though you both were earthbenders. Your body was soft to the touch, you didn't have those sharp collarbones of Toph or the delicate hands of Katara, and secretly you wished you looked like Toph or Katara. However, you kept that yourself.
You tried to hide your frown as you entered the kitchen with Katara and Toph on your heels. Zuko, his friends, and your mother were already seated at the table. You took a seat beside Zuko as Aang still tried to process the sight of Katara, and Sokka was trying not to look too obvious as he checked out Toph, totally failing. Not too soon after that, chattering broke the silence, Aang and Sokka excitedly telling your mother about their adventures. 
"Are you okay?" Zuko's voice layered with worry as he got closer to your ear, not trying to be too evident that you both weren't actually listening to the conversation. You knew that you shouldn't be as down as you were right now, the man you loved was by your side, and you finally managed to meet his friends. Yet, you didn't manage to feel real happiness. Seeing your boyfriend, who you thought, was way out of league traveling with women who were that gorgeous and talented was leaving a pit at the bottom of your stomach, you for sure weren't hungry anymore. "I'm fine." You sent him a quick smile before excusing yourself quickly, not caring that it seemed rude or that the eyes of the other glued to your back, their expressions filled with confusion. You went outside, your feet quickly taking you across your property until you reached the barn, your hair slightly dripping as you opened to door. 
"Are you a nice bison?" You asked as you entered the barn, seeing the Bison laying on the ground as it looked at you before it kept munching on the hay scattered around. A sigh escaped your mouth as you sat down, your back leaning against the soft and warm fur of Appa. You figured if the others flew on it, it wouldn't mind your company. You just couldn't stand sitting at the table anymore. Seeing Katara and Toph made you insecure, very insecure. The more you looked at them, the less you liked yourself, and it suffocated you. Knowing that Zuko was on endless adventures with them alone made you scared, even though you knew he loved you. Compared to them, you thought he just couldn't love you. 
You didn't know how much time passed as the barn door was frantically opened, only to hear a breath of relief. You didn't have to look to know it was Zuko. He closed the door behind him, walking over to you as you kept your gaze at the ceiling. "Y/n, I love you, but don't ever fucking do that again, just leaving like that," Zuko said as he took a seat beside you, hesitantly leaning back onto the fur of Appa. "What's wrong?" You didn't want to answer. It would sound silly, stupid. You didn't want to make a fool out of yourself, so you decided to keep your mouth shut. "I thought you'd be happy to see me." You could hear the frown in his words, and it stung, tugged at your heart. "I am happy to see you, Zuko." You answered, not being able to stay silent when he started to think that you weren't happy to see him. You enjoyed spending time with him, enjoying every second you get together. "You don't seem to be." You sighed as you turned to your side, now facing him, your hand tucked under your cheek as you let your eyes roam over his face. "It's not that." Your voice was softer as he sighed, copying your pose. "Then what is it, y/n? Talk to me, please." Zuko's voice was pleading as he tried to figure out what was different this time. A part of him thought maybe you didn't love him anymore, and it made him more than anxious. 
Your voice was shaky as you confessed, feeling embarrassed. "I saw Toph and Katara, and I started thinking. They're so beautiful and powerful, and I'm not. It made me insecure, thinking about you spending weeks and weeks on with these beautiful women and coming back to this." You spat the last word with disgust layered in your voice, and Zuko couldn't help but flinch. It was quiet for a few seconds as Zuko tried to process the words you had just said. "Toph and Katara are beautiful and powerful, no doubt." He answered, straight forward, as he eyed you. "But, so are you. You are much more than you think you are. You're intelligent, funny, loving, caring, and deep down a good person. Also, you're fucking hot." You couldn't help but laugh at the last sentence, allowing him to cup your face with his hand as he looked at you with that soft smile, he only seemed to show you. "Toph and Katara are nothing compared to you, y/n. You were the first person in years that saw me, the real me, not the banished son of the Firelord, not the monster everyone made me out to be, which honestly I kind of was. You allowed me to let my guard down with you. You showed me kindness and compassion, a thing no one had shown me in years." Your eyes misted up when you knew he was genuine, every word he said he meant. "I couldn't care less about other women. In the end, I know where my home is." He smiled as he leaned over, softly pressing his lips on yours as your hand found its way to his neck, pulling him closer. 
"As much as I am enjoying this, can we go to your room? Else I'm going to fall asleep right here." Zuko chuckled, his cheeks a slight crimson color as you nodded, chuckling. He jumped up, offering you his hand, which you gladly took, and he helped you up. Instead of letting go of your hand, he intertwined his fingers with yours as you left the barn. Together you ran hand-in-hand, laughing as you got soaked by the rain before he stopped, spinning you as you almost crashed into his chest. He leaned his forehead against yours, his skin warm against you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, yours leaned against his chest. "I love you." He muttered, his breath hot on your face. "I love you too." A small smile was on your face before he crashed his lips onto yours, knocking the oxygen out of your lungs, but you didn't care. When you were with Zuko, nothing really mattered except for him and now.
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i thought i was the only one who cared about mai/zuko bc everyone i've talked to hasn't cared for it or find it boring, which is completely fine if it's not their cup of tea. what i dislike is when people refer to it as "toxic" because it really isn't. i love how you pointed out that mai represents a positive tie to the fire nation, something worth coming home to, but do you think he would have been better off w someone like jin, someone who made him happy during their date vs mai's closed (1/2)
(2/2) closed off demeanor? i've seen the argument made that he needs someone like katara/jin bc zuko needs someone to open up and "lighter" to offset his doom and gloom (insert the gifset of mai saying "i just asked if you were cold, not your whole life story" vs katara talking him outside of uncle iroh's tent. and given zuko went off and joined the gaang, do you think he wanted someone without ties to his past life, bc mai would in a sense represent his abusive childhood?
the thing is that, after “the beach,” mai is more emotionally open with zuko: “i know one thing i care about. i care about you.” (it’s particularly impressive because it’s mai being open about her feelings even while azula is there, too). we see this reflected in how she goes to the boiling rock to speak with him and get answers, but also actually hear him out. mai is also arguably the one non abusive aspect of zuko’s childhood outside his mother and as an abuse survivor, mai and ty lee both understand zuko’s messed up family dynamics better than anyone. mai also stands up to her abuser for zuko (and for herself), which is an incredibly brave thing to do. 
mai doesn’t have hang ups over zuko being a good or bad firebender because she’s not a bender, and firebending was one of the primary causes of zuko’s abuse. mai proves that she’s loyal enough to support zuko’s idealistic (or even ‘traitorous’) world view because she loves and trusts him. her home was across the street and clearly a safe place for him as he stays over there at least once (3x09). much like zuko’s mother, she stood up to someone who was trying to harm him and saved his life in return for possibly sacrificing her own, and that’s one of the reasons why mai saying “i love zuko more than i fear you” sets azula off so terribly. 
if you look at mai as representative of his childhood abuse, not only is that disregarding the abuse they’ve both suffered from azula, but also like - if zuko’s past life is full of nothing but pain, then why the hell would you want him to be firelord when the power and position has done nothing but directly ruin his family and himself? why would you want him to go back and live in his abusive childhood home in the palace? but those things can be redeemed and reclaimed and become empowering to him, but a relationship with mai, an actual living loving person who’s growing alongside him, can’t? smells like bullshit to me. 
also, every member of the gaang except aang reassures zuko about his uncle: sokka, toph, katara. katara does so at the end because it’s about forgiveness and she’s the only one in the gaang who had to actually forgive him. 
jin is a very interesting and easy romantic option because we barely know her. we know she’s invested in this cute, awkward brooding boy, but like. she’s barely a character. she has no flaws or backstory. she’s not good at actually reading zuko (“let me guess: you juggled”) or smoothing over his awkward patches. 
mai, with her dry sarcasm, at least manages something, and zuko is never that awkward with her to begin with because he’s known her for forever, and she can actually read zuko pretty well. while she doesn’t always respond to his openness in the best way, like the quote you included above, zuko is at least secure about being open to her even after three years apart and she wants a relationship with him even before they know everything’s going to be okay with his father. 
zuko is already so emotional, all the time, that he needs someone that’s not going to emotionally react back in a knee jerk reaction and have the situation escalate, either positively or negatively. and katara is easily one of the most emotional members of the gaang, too.
as for katara, i’ve never been quite able to articulate why i don’t think zuko and katara work as a romantic pair, but i’m pretty sure you should ship things based on what suits both parties, not just whichever girl is “better” for the boy even if it would be a crap relationship for her. katara deserves better than someone she’d be constantly fighting with and giving up her dreams for of travelling, bending, and rebuilding her tribe, tbh.
not to mention, katara can already be a pretty serious, ‘uptight’ person. she already needs someone who’s gonna balance her out with fun and sunshine and make sure she takes breaks for herself - not constantly be that person for somebody else.
the bullshit is strong.
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Intrinsically Yours, Chapter 1
A03 | FF.Net | Wattpad
Date Published: Friday, the 31th day of July
Disclaimer: I do not own ATLA or its characters. These are just my interpretations of the show.
A/N: None. I'll leave it for the last chapter.
Prompt 1: Keeping Warm
In an absolutely barren land of ice and snow situates a meek and isolated village. The accentuated conditions of its estranged atmosphere being the partially spherical ice wall surrounding its outer perimeter, possessing inside it domes upon domes of even more ice and snow. The villagers didn't know of a life that consisted of anything but the peer of pure white and the comfortable burning chill the igloos—they'd call it—provided.
Alas, with the exception of the Chieftain's immediate family and recruits.
"Master Katara, could you pretty please play with me and Nirliq?" A young girl, running up to the matured waterbending master dressed in a full set of cold weather attire, enthusiastically queried.
The woman gave the little one a smile so warm it had challenged the need for her tattered parka. "What exactly would you like me to play with you, Qannik?"
"A snow ball fight of course!" Qannik, hands flying above her head, exclaimed with a broad grin.
Katara's immediate thought was of how unfair it'd be if she ever were to pick sides with their uneven teams at the moment. "I don't know, dear. Not to be too proud or anything, it isn't exactly a fair fight if I were to verse either one of you."
Before Nirliq could even get a word in after finally catching up to his younger sister, as she had full on sprinted towards Katara at the first sight of her, a growing boy adjacent to the very blue sky Nirliq loved to curiously look upon every morning had interjected. "I'd love to play too! And we can go penguin sledding afterwards!" The otherwise inappropriately orange and blue coloured and dressed—and proud—boy grinned, towering over the three he accommodated to his vicinity. His hand brushing faintly against Katara's gloved pinky.
"Avatar Aang!" The two siblings then reacted one after the other in a somewhat awkward way.
The Avatar raised a breezy brow, chuckling. "What's up guys!"
Nirliq, swiftly seeing the opportunity, grabbed ahold of Aang's wrist and tugged. "I call the Avatar on my team!"
Struck with some amount of disbelief and slow processing of the events occurring before her of the Avatar casually appearing just then, she eagerly grasped onto Katara's sleeve. "Fine. I wanted to play with Master Katara anyways. Girls versus boys!"
The elder fifteen and seventeen year old shared an ingenuous look and allowed themselves to be pulled apart, the lingering presence of their touching finger tips etching into their skins.
Qannik bunched a fistful of snow into both hands and carried her right hand over her head, tossing the snowball towards Nirliq as a sign of the exuberant session's beginnings.
The sounds of laughter, crunching snow and hefty breathing ricochet off the walls that separated them from the rest of the village and its people, those of intrigued ears peering in on the fun the Avatar and the Chieftain's daughter was informally having.
With an icy snow blast to the face however, the fight quickly turned heavyhearted as the wail from a young boy pierced through the pleasure that was had particularly between Aang and Katara. Dropping the snowballs they were no doubt about to shove in each other's faces in unison. "What's wrong?" Katara started, the cry triggering something profoundly intrinsic within her.
Nirliq pointed his finger to Qannik, frowning.
"I didn't do that." Qannik instantly denied.
Katara gave the younger sibling a stern look, crossing her arms. "Really now?"
Nirliq, evidently frustrated with a turning crimson expression, picked himself up and shrieked. "Yes you did! Ugh!" And with that, he pushed his sister onto the ground, immediately regretting it as he saw the look of fright surface upon her face. Both hearing the loud tear of fabric echo throughout what seemed to be all of the arctic terrain.
"What...just happened?" Qannik incredulously asked. She looked up to her brother and then smirked.
"Mom's going to kill me!" Nirliq panicked, knowing full well of what number parka Qannik currently was on.
"No one's going to kill anyone. Here." Katara took control by giving Qannik her parka, helping her into it and zipping it all the way up to her chin. "Aang and I will walk you two home so Qannik could get a new one."
"You guys shouldn't be fighting in the first place. That's not how siblings should act, isn't that right sweetie?" Aang joined in.
Helping Qannik dust off snow particles, Katara nodded in agreement. "Right sweetie. I want you two to apologize to one another."
Qannik gasped. "For what!"
Katara kept on. "You know what! You threw that snowball in his face, it must've had ice in it."
"But I didn't know that." Qannik coyly defended herself.
"Even so, it still hurt him." Katara stressed.
Qannik hesitantly caved. "I'm sorry, Nirliq. I didn't mean to hurt you."
Aang, pulling Katara closer so his lips were inches apart from her ear, whispered, "Honestly, I think she knew."
Katara sniggered.
Without further prompting from Katara, Nirliq quickly apologized too. As if what happened just now didn't, a suggestion from Qannik about something related to penguins left the siblings going off to somewhere else in a flash.
The young woman couldn't help the genuine upturn of her lips at the sight of the two children's shrinking backs. So caught up in the moment, she almost never heard the sound of her lover's voice next to her.
"Katara, aren't you cold?" Aang had pondered aloud with worry.
She hadn't noticed her instinctive gloved touch to both elbows as she crossed her arms, feeling a chill run through her as she squeezed her arms tighter, tiny little hills building on her exposed skin. "O-o-oh. I...a-am."
Aang didn't like the sound and feel of her voice and body quivering. "Just breathe slowly. In for eight seconds, then out for four. Join me, Katara." Aang guided calmly.
She tried her very best to follow along, knowing that what he was teaching her could help with the impossible chills she currently was feeling (and how she wished in that moment she asked how exactly in excruciating detail he didn't feel the need for a parka sooner). In a deplorable move made by the weather spirits however, a persistent breeze picked up around them, causing her violent shakes to increase in its intensity.
"A-ang, this...this is...not...working!" Katara shakily let out, mildly irritated.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. Oh, I know!" Aang lift open his tunic cardigan, dragging his feet closer to envelope her in his arms and wrap his garments around her.
The languid thumping of his heart sent a calming course of bliss through her nerves, the last of her shivers expelling from her body as she breathed in his scent, closing her eyes and sighing. Pulling him tightly against her, she said incoherently, "This is nice."
Yet, Aang somehow heard her with the the wind blowing strongly and her mouth muffled by his broader than before chest. "It is. Wait, you're not cold anymore?"
Katara scrunched up her nose, the smile she gave up to Aang left her eyes almost completely closed, evidence of just how content she truly was. "I am still a little. Any moment I get to spend with you though is a nice one, sweetie."
Aang made a sound of pleasant concurrence, tightening his grip around her.
"It's been so long since we've been together like this. We haven't had time with each other since we came back to the southern water tribe. I pictured time together being a little more warm, however." Katara murmured.
Aang laughed then, burying his face in her hair. The familiar scent and feel of it still fresh in his mind and it gave him comfort that it was just the same as he remembered.
"Way warmer." Katara added on, shivering slightly as the wind picked up once more.
A strong blush found its way onto the Avatar's face as he interpreted those words. "We should really start heading back then."
Katara, hearing the increased thumping of his heartbeat, started giggling softly. "I agree, but let's stay here for a little while. Our home's not going anywhere."
"Yeah." Aang squeaked, positively smitten. Haven't had done that in months.
Unbeknownst to Aang in his flustered state was the intentional choice of words from Katara of where they definitely had to go, since this moment after all really couldn't have last forever.
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Requested: yup
Warnings: she/her pronounced reader, mentions of hickey’s because I’m gross
Pairing: Zuko x reader
A/N: so this was a request, and I’ve been really excited to make it! I hope it turned out okay! In this, you’re Zuko’s secret girlfriend, you’re also Katara’s twin. Even though you and Zuko have been acting like two fools in love lately, the gaang still seems completely oblivious to the fact that the two of you are dating. You get tired of the gaangs obliviousness, and decides to make a bet. Who will win?
“When the war ends, I swear, the first thing I’m gonna do is buy us a sofa,” Zuko complained, back tired and bruised from having laid on the hard dirt all day. You giggled at his statement, and shifted your legs, trying to make him lay a little more comfortably in your lap. He hugged your leg tight, pouting into it at the discomfort.
“You’ll buy us a sofa? Wouldn’t that mean we’d have to live together?” You cheekily replied, heart beating as you looked down to meet his soft eyes.
This was the first time, he had ever really brought anything with the war up. You both knew it was coming to an end, of course, you both believed in Aang to end it. But never had any of you discussed what to do after, you couldn’t keep your relationship a secret forever.
Zuko would have to go back and claim his right to the throne of the fire nation, and you had to go back to your village. Of course you missed gran gran, and all your old friends, but the thought of having to leave Zuko was almost unbearable.
“Of course we’d have to live together, don’t think you can escape that easily,” Zuko replied, tone soft as he looked up to meet your sparkling eyes.
He wanted nothing more than to marry you, he wanted you to be his fire queen, but he didn’t know how his people would react. After all, you were a water bender and you were from the southern water tribes, and not only did he have to worry about his people, he had to worry about your family too.
He knew your relationship with your siblings, especially your twin sister, was very strong, and he wasn’t ready to get his ass kicked by the water tribe siblings just yet, even though you had been acting awfully much like a couple lately.
You saw the furrowing of his eyebrows, and gently reached a hand down to cup his cheek, making him look up at you.
“What’re you thinking about? You look so worried..” you trailed off, brushing your thumb gently over the burned skin of his cheek.
“Do you think they’ll accept me?” Zuko asked lowly, eyes nervously searching yours.
“I have done so much damage to your village and your people, if it was me I wouldn’t be ready to forgive me just yet-“
“Zuko,” you interrupted, making him stop his little rant.
“It’s fine, I could forgive you, so can they,” you said, determined to keep the worry away from your handsome prince’s face.
Zuko let out a grumpy sigh, indicating he didn’t believe your statement to be completely true. You merely chuckled at his antics, and gently brushed some hair out and away from his forehead, to plant a light kiss there.
“We can’t keep it a secret forever,” he mumbled, as you gently kissed his cheek.
“I know,” you sighed, when suddenly an idea lit in your head.
“Tell you what, we could make a bet out of it? Who do you think will notice first?” Zuko sat up, hair a mess from when you had buried your fingers in it earlier, and another pout stretching his pretty lips out.
“y/n, that’s a stupid idea,” he complained, and you rolled your eyes at the grumpy prince.
“Don’t be such a party pooper, it’ll be fun! Now, who do you choose?” He narrowed his eyes, knowing he had already lost the battle to your stubborn self.
“Choose?” He asked, a slight whine to his voice as he talked, and you rolled your eyes yet again.
“Who do you think will notice first, dummy,” you said, tone slightly annoyed as it was now Zuko’s turn to roll his eyes.
Zuko sighed, but finally gave an answer, “I choose..Toph and, uh, Sokka-“ you had to keep yourself from laughing too loud, at the mention of your older brothers name. He couldn’t possibly be serious, could he?
“What?” Zuko asked, shooting you a glare, but quickly changing his frown into a little smile, when he saw your laughing face.
“You can’t be serious, Sokka wouldn’t even know love if it slapped him in the face,” You wheezed, waiting for the moment Zuko would say he was joking, but it never came.
“I’m just saying, the guy has a girlfriend and all, I’m sure he’ll catch on to it soon enough,” Zuko tiredly explained, and you held up your hands in mock surrender, while still giggling like mad.
“Alright then, that leaves me with Aang and Katara, be prepared to loose,” you teased, thinking Zuko had already given up, you could never have been more wrong.
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t hear you over my victory,” he teased, a cheesy grin breaking out, making him look oh so adorable.
“Fine then,” you giggled, leaned forward to plant a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Let the game begin.”
Next morning, had started with Zuko going out of his way to make you sit next to him at breakfast, even going as far as draping his arm lazily over your shoulders.
Not even a single stare had been thrown your way, as everything just went on as normal. Both you and Zuko decided, that it was time to try something more risky, and so you did.
After dinner, you practically glued to Zuko’s side, you cleared your throat.
“Goodnight guys, we’ll head to bed now, sleep well..” you awkwardly said, stretching your limbs as you talked, Zuko quickly standing up to wrap his arms around your waist.
“Goodnight guys! See you tomorrow!” Aang happily waved goodnight, innocent as ever, and you groaned in frustration as you turned to walk away, still with Zuko’s hands and arms all over you.
Nobody even questioned why you were going together, nor did they seem to notice the hungry stare Zuko had been sending you the entire evening. This was going to be way more difficult than you originally thought.
As the two of you entered his tent, Zuko let out a frustrated groan, falling onto his sleeping mat.
“How can they be so dense? We’ve literally done every single thing, and there they are, just waving goodnight to us like nothings happening,” he buried his face in his pillow, as you let your body drop down next to his, and bury your face in his warm back.
“Mhm,” you answered, eyelids already feeling heavy, as you relaxed into him.
Zuko tiredly sighed again, and turned around, to cuddle you, wrapping his arms around your waist and letting you bury your face in his hard chest.
Suddenly your lips were moving, smirking into his chest.
“Sokka and Aang sleeps in here too, right?” You asked, looking up at him from under your eyelashes, hoping he was catching on. The smirk that stretched across his lips, told you he already knew what you were saying.
“Yeah, it would be a shame if they were to walk in on something,” he said mischievously, just as he bend his head down, so his lips could catch yours.
The next morning, you had woken up snuggled tightly and comfortably in Zuko’s arms. The sunlight had hit your face, and you had realized that both Aang and Sokka were in the tent.
Quickly, you removed yourself from Zuko’s sleeping form, hearing his small sleepy protests, as you red faced went out to help Katara with breakfast.
“You and Zuko seem to be getting awfully close,” Katara mumbled, as you were standing besides her, washing the dishes in a river nearby.
“W-What do you mean?” You asked cheekily, thinking you were about to win the bet, you and Zuko had made earlier.
“You know, you didn’t use to be alone together this much, I’m happy that you’re becoming friends and all-“
“What?” You interrupted your twin, making her shoot you an annoyed glare, you knew how much she hated getting interrupted.
“You think we’re becoming friends?” You asked, eyes wide, as the realization sank in. They all just thought you were good friends. How ignorant can they be?
“You guys aren’t friends?” She asked, head tilting as she talked, confusion lazing in her words, and you realized how your sentence must have sounded to her.
“No-I mean, yeah, but no,” you began to explain, almost choking down your own words, as she looked at you funny again.
“What?” She asked, and stopped cleaning the dishes for a while, when she was too busy trying to figure out what you were saying.
“Just-I’ll- nevermind,” you said, cheeks aflame, as you started to wash the dishes in a furious pace, almost breaking a few plates.
Sitting by the campfire, everything went on as it normally did. Nothing more.
That was until Aang accidentally touched your hand, when shifting in his seat. Instantly Zuko’s not so discreet jealousy shined through, and he almost growled at the poor avatar, before pulling you into his lap, your back flush against his chest.
Your cheeks flushed with red, but quickly died down again, when the others didn’t even lift their gaze to look at you, except for Aang, who gave you a funny look but soon brushed it off.
At the ignorance, Zuko let out a low, frustrated growl into the junction where your neck meets your shoulder. The little action, cause shivers down your spine, as you looked nervously around at the others.
Your reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Zuko, and soon he was gently kissing at the spot, causing more shivers to run through you.
“Z-Zuko,” You rasped, trying to get his attention, and trying to stop him before he got carried too far.
It was already too late, and after hearing your little protest, you could feel him smirk as he bit down a little harder on the spot, causing a slight whimper to escape you.
That whimper would be the doom of you, as Sokka’s ears instantly perked, and he looked over to you and Zuko. It was already too late, and when he pulled away, there were already a big, dark hickey forming, very visible to everyone who would even dare to look your way.
“Flameo is dating my little sister!” Sokka wheezed out, face instantly going red and expression changing from everything between happiness and devastating horror.
“Seems like I won, then,” Zuko said, tone cocky as you glared at him and quickly pulled your hair in front of you, to try to cover the hickey as best as you could.
“y/n, is this true?” Katara asked, tone slightly panicked and a judging look resting on her features.
“Uh-I-I-“ You stuttered, suddenly loosing the ability to talk, as you could feel Zuko let out a huff off air behind you.
“Yes, that is true, I’ve known for a couple weeks now, they’re really getting at it guys-“ you slapped a hand over Toph’s mouth, looking at her with shocked eyes, face turning redder by the second, as you felt Zuko stiffen behind you.
“You’ve known?” He asked, horrified, and Toph licked your palm, making you quickly retreat it as she answered.
“Yep, it’s impossible not to know, considering how much you guys-“
“Okay, I think we heard enough!” Katara cut her off, looking at the two of you with a horrific expression, you and Zuko looking back at her with equally terrified expressions.
The rest of the night was spend teasing the two of you, until your faces were so red, they could very likely explode. Actually, the next few weeks were spend that way, but hey, at least you didn’t have to keep it a secret anymore.
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