#she’s everything he’s just aniKen
go-see-a-starwar · 11 months
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“Padme has a great day every day. Anakin only has a great day if Padme looks at him.”
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A kyloxreader fic ----what if Rey and Kylo didn't love each other. Reader was Ben Solo's best friend and training to be a jedi with him. She chooses to go with Kylo when he turns to the dark side.
You watch as Luke steps into Ben's tent, fear filling every part of you. Your body is frozen in place as he destroys everything. Around you, young Jedi padowans are running in fear, hiding where they could. Luke Skywalker drops to his knees on the ground, Ben stepping up to him.
"I have failed you, Ben."
The young Jedi raises his light sabre.
"Ben?" You say, just loud enough for him to hear. His eyes snap up to yours.
"We should go." You point to a small transport ship just outside of camp. He nods and moves toward you. You place a hand on his arm, and he walks to the ship. Luke turns to you.
"You as well, y/n?" He asks broken.
With a sigh, you say, "There is good in him, I cannot let him go alone." A tear falls from one eye as you turn away from your teacher.
Space was cold; you had always hated travelling between worlds.
"Where are we going?" You ask.
"I'm not sure yet. I need to find my grandfather. I think perhaps Endor. It is where his body was burned. I may be able to get his spirit to come to me." He looks up at you with sad eyes. You place your hand on his shoulder.
"Okay." You give him a small pat on the shoulder before moving away to the back of the ship. Falling on to one of the long cushioned benches, you close your eyes. You hope you'll fall asleep. No sleep comes as your mind replays the events. You are happy at least that Ben had not hurt anyone.
Ben walked back to you.
"We will be on Endor in few minutes." He says.
"Already?" You sit up.
"It's been hours since we left. You've been asleep. I didn't want to wake you." He replied shyly. You place your hand on his arm once more, and his hand comes up to cover yours.
"It's going to be okay, you know?" You whisper.
You had both known Luke's rules about attachment, yet neither of you had been able to deny the affection you both felt. Keeping yourselves close as often as you could, though it had gone no further than hand holding by this point. Ben lent into you, laying his head on your shoulder. The warmth of his body covering you.
"Thank you for coming with me." He says quietly.
"You've been hearing your grandfather in your dreams for years now. If Luke had listened to you just once, he would have understood."
"He was going to kill me."
"I know." You stroke his hair out of his eyes.
The ship used its automatic pilot to land on the forest outskirts. You pulled a waxed poncho from a cupboard in the communal area and followed Ben out onto the humid planet. To your surprise, it was quiet, no birds, no small creaters, and definitely no ewoks. You remember leia saying they were a secretive species and could easily be watching your every move without alerting you.
The walk to the Jedi shrine was short; a small brick dome had been erected in a clearing. It took both young and Ben using the force to move the boulder at the entrance. Your force speciality was elemental fire, so you easily lit the lamps around the room. Three statues had been erected. Master Yoda on the right, Obi-wan Kanobi on the left and in the middle stone eyes stared down at you. Ben moved forward, crouching at his grandfather's stoney feet. You had ever seen Aniken Skywalker's face, only the mask of Darth Vader. Ben was holding the chard mask in his hands, all that was left of the man. Feeling, now, uncomfortable with the great Jedis staring at you from behind their stone tombs, you excuse yourself and return to the ship.
Curling your legs underneath yourself, you knelt on the floor of the communal room, closing your eyes to meditate. Luke was always trying to get you to meditate, always trying to calm your hothead. It had taken a long time after he found you for you to understand why he wanted you and to stop hating your parents for giving you up. Your mother was once a Jedi, or at least she was force sensitive and had taught herself how to manipulate it. Just enough that her daily life is easier. Giving you up had not really been an option when her powers were discovered; you were both taken from your home. The Empire, what was left of it, had wanted to use her.
They discarded you as nothing more than simpleton until Luke found you. Or rather, it was Ben who found you. As they walked together on the broken moon of Aleen, Ben spotted you. His mind found me first, then Luke's. Their eyes, gentle and full of hope, told you to trust them.
In your meditation, you watched the memory's of that day over and over until a hand touched your shoulder. You ipen your eyes and look up at Ben Solo.
"My grandfather spoke to me. I know where we must go."
Part 2
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Wellness- Rex- 1
*Fandom- Star wars
*Pairings- Captain Rex x Togruta oc/reader 
*Warnings- SFW, slight fluff, talk of death/fears, therapy kinda, self indulgent, this probably doesn’t make sense... and is the first thing I wrote in a looong while... 
Summary- Captain Rex, unable to sleep, goes to a ‘wellness center’ (to be named later maybe) and meets a cute togruta girl.
Part 1 [here] Part 2 part 3 
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The first time Rex went to her it was at Fives’ insistence. He hadn’t had a full nights sleep for as long as he could remember, but after some of the recent battles he found any rest impossible to attain. Lately his nightmares were unbearable, and his brain just wouldn’t shut off. Thoughts of his brothers dying always in the forefront of his mind. 
Fives had raved about the girls at the so-called ‘wellness center’ and their amazing abilities, but standing here in the lobby Rex found himself feeling silly. He didn’t need help… he just needed to suck it up… Like he was trained to… like he was made to... As he turned to leave, a melodious voice called out to him. 
“Oh, sorry I didn’t know anyone was here” it speaks softly. 
Before him stood an adult Togruta female, with pink colorings and a soft curvy body. She seemed gentle and inviting and exudes an air of safety. Rex was surprised to find her nearly fully dressed having expected this place to be more like a strip club the way Fives talked about it. 
“I’m sorry, it’s late, I’ll just come back- uh- later” Rex excuses himself knowing full well he had no intention of returning… this was a stupid idea.
He, again, was stopped by her voice.  
It was late and the pink togruta was closing up for the night. It had been a long day and the girl was looking forward to heading home, warming up some leftovers, and snuggling in to watch the new program everyone had been talking about. 
Nearly finished with her closing duties, she came to the lobby only to squeak in surprise finding a man standing there. 
She could tell several things immediately… He was a clone trooper, he was uncomfortable, He was very handsome, and her dinner would have to wait. 
With a smile she called to him, hiding her frown when the look of panic flashes across his eyes. 
She could tell he was in a constant state of alertness, something she and her coworkers saw frequently with their clients. The people that came here tended to live the high danger lifestyles of soldiers, bounty hunters, and the like. They were often consumed by the lifestyle, and the dangers that came with it. 
As the man stumbled through an apology the girl felt her heart tug. This man was too sweet to be suffering as much as he was. 
“Nonsense. My name is Vela, and i’m here to help… Follow me” She cajoles in her softest voice and leads the soldier back through the door she came from.
Rex couldn’t explain why he chose to follow her, he really just wanted to leave, but as she led him into a room unlike any place of healing he had ever been he felt better somehow. 
Used to stark white rooms with shiney chrome fixtures this was a jarring difference. 
This room was soft, warm and smelled like something he couldn’t place. There were heavy curtains that hung everywhere and soft pillows littered the place. Candles cast a soft glow and soft music was playing from somewhere.  
The togruta took a seat in the middle of the room. Rex stood there awkwardly… this was strange.
“It’s alright- tell me what troubles you” She questions warmly, hoping to ease him into more comfort. 
With a sigh, Rex takes a seat before her; he struggles to find a comfortable position for a few moments, not used to such a laid back situation. Rex was good with orders, and protocols. Standing at attention and ‘yes sirs’. Sitting on the floor with a stranger and revealing all his weaknesses was new to him, and new was scary. 
But he hadn’t slept in days and was willing to try something scary now if it meant a bit of peace later in the night. 
Vela was patient, she knew he wanted to talk, he just needed to get over whatever was holding him back. So she begins prompting him to talk to her. 
“What’s your name?” She questions softly. 
“Captain Rex, ma’am, of the 501’st” he answers automatically. 
Taking a shot Vela begins to talk, “You know sometimes I have these terrible nightmares...” She watches his expression for hints and clues- pleased to find him nodding in understanding. 
“My brothers and I do too” Rex finds himself sharing, unsure why. 
“In my worst nightmares I find myself unable to help the people I care about… they get hurt and I can’t stop it” She reveals, a frown framing her face. “I’m afraid for them, my sisters, my parents… the people that come to see me here...” 
Rex nods, taking a pillow in his hands, something to ground him as he prepares to expose the fears that keep him up at night. 
“I’ve lost so many brothers to this war” he speaks, trying to keep his voice steady, “and I know i’ll lose more… I can’t stop that” He looks past her at nothing squeezing the pillow to try and keep himself composed. 
“That’s such a terrible thing to deal with” Vela frowns, it’s not a story she hasn’t heard before but is one that hurt her deeply each and every time she had. 
She reaches forward and somehow eases the man to shift, laying back with his head in her lap. The pink togruta strokes the soldier’s forehead in an attempt to ease his mind. 
“I’m so sorry for you” her hands were warm and her voice gentle.
Rex found himself relaxing despite everything in his head screaming how wrong this was. He just met her... this was weak... this was stupid... it felt good when she did those little scratches... it was probably breaking all sorts of rules... she smelled nice... he was in a vulnerable position and she could be a threat… 
“Tell me about a happy memory you have,” she prompts, happy to see the man’s eyes flutter close and a smile tug on his lips. 
He tells her about the time they had a practice battle for team building. How Fives and Hardcase took it as a personal challenge to ‘shoot’ the jedi. Eventually they found themselves with damaged practice guns, cut in half, by very real lightsabers when General Aniken also got a little carried away. 
Vela laughed with Rex who had forgotten how funny his brothers faces were as their guns fell apart, and how disapproving General Kenobi’s expression was as he watched from the sidelines. 
He remembers how they went out to celebrate at 79’s later that night and several of his brothers spent hours hitting on the pretty waitress who ignored them all only to eventually leave with Echo. 
Vela tells Rex about the mischief her younger sisters would get into when they were growing up. How she would always catch them, doing something wrong, and cover in front of her parents. 
The two spent some time in comfortable silence during which Rex nearly found himself lulled to sleep, Vela’s hands stroking his head, face, and neck gently. 
It was this time when Vela’s stomach decided to growl, reminding her of her previous plans.
Spell instantly broken, Rex pulled away and sat up. He began to apologize about the time but froze when he saw her face. She was mortified, her cheeks a dark pink as she bit her lip. She looked at him with wide eyes and Rex couldn’t help but stare… she was so cute. 
This girl who seemed more like a mother this whole time now looked young and innocent before him. He wanted to hug her, protect her, and make her smile again.
It wasn’t until her stomach growled again that the trance was broken and Rex realized his thinking was wrong… he stood, “I should go- i’ve taken up enough of your time” 
“No, please, it’s okay really, I should be the one apologizing” Vela scrambled to get up, fussing with her clothes once she had. 
“No, thank you, I feel very- I think this helped a lot” Now it’s Rex’s turn to fight a blush as he avoids looking at the girl. 
“I’m glad to be of service” Vela smiles gently, “Please come back if you ever need more…” she bites her lip. “...Help”  
Rex nods at the girl in understanding before leaving. 
Once home, Rex finds himself with something nice to think about for a change. He falls right asleep and has pleasant dreams of the sweet Togruta girl and her soft touches.
Vela, however, found herself tossing and turning all night, as thoughts of the handsome clone captain consumed her dreams… 
Part 2 Part 3 
❀✦ Master List✦❀
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drowninginblox · 4 years
Thrown into it
Part: 1,2,3,4,5, 6
Part 7- Congrats! You’re living with the protagonist!
We parked in front of a concrete wall, a green sign of characters being the only thing contrasting its pale grey color. A sudden urge of pain makes its way up my spine and to my head, making me grab my hair and inhale sharply. “Hey? Kid you okay?” I hear Mic ask. My eyes water, making me blink a few times. “Y/n? Do we need to go back to the hospital?” Nezu questions. Is that concern I hear? I open my eyes. The head splitting pain fades as I look up at Nezu. “No..no I’m fine..” Where did that come from? Woods turns back in his seat. “Are you sure?” I looked to him only to see something was different. “T-that.. The sign!” I pointed to the green sign in front of us. It was perfect english. “I-I-”
“Yeah.. parking for thirty minutes. So what?” Snipe questioned. “I-I-I couldn’t read that a moment ago..” Nezu observes me while Snipes brings up something I didn't even notice before. “But you speak perfect Japanese.” My eyes widen. “Wait what?” I questioned. Was it just me or was the world spinning a bit? Snipe laughs whole heartedly while Woods stares at Nezu with a look that screams ‘Are they fucking serious?’
Mic keeps himself composed as he lowers his shades. “What do you think we were speaking? English?” I inhale. What is this tom-fuckery? “Call me crazy, but.. yeah..?” 
The group glances at each other. Snipe and Woods just plain confused while Nezu and Mic seemed to be talking telepathically. “Look I know it sounds stupid but. It’s just true. I know better than to lie to heroes.” Mic glances back at me and speaks in something that sounds like gibberish. “Scus?” I mumble just before the pain I felt when I glanced at the sign returns. A groan comes out of my mouth as I hold my head in my hands. My eyes screw shut from the pain. I feel someone touch my shoulder but I shake them away at the pain. “What the fuck..?” 
“Y/n? Y/n?” I hear Mic ask. First calm, but by the second time more concerned than anything. “Screw it, we need to take em back to the hospital.” I hear Woods groan. “N-no! I-I’m fine.” I gasp. The pain gives way to a newfound lightheadedness. Everything feels a bit fuzzy for a few moments, but with every blink my body returns to normality. I exhale. “I..- I- I’m fine. I’m sorry.. I- I don't know what came over me..” I mumble over myself. “Y/n? Do you understand me?” Mic asks slowly. I hum and nod. “Mind telling me what happened?” I blink away a sudden feeling of tiredness to attempt to explain. “You said.. Something in alien speak, my head started to hurt, and then it disappeared as soon as it came..” Mic nods silently. “Do you know what language we are speaking in now?” He looks over his shades to me. “Japanese..? Like before? Even though it sounds english?” Mic looks over to Nezu. “She thinks we’re speaking Japanese still.” Nezu puts a paw under his enormous, triangular head. “Interesting..” Woods turns back in his seat quickly. “I haven’t seen a quirk like this before! I mean- I’ve seen hyper intelligence- but it takes people like that at least a hour to know a language front to back..” Nezu chuckles while shaking his head. “There has to be drawbacks to this quirk.” Snipe comments. “If not then that thing is damn powerful. Imagine the uses.. Infiltration and undercover work would be easy.” Mic punches Snipe’s shoulder with a look of disgust. “That is a child! The hell is wrong with you!” Mic yells seriously. The older of the two yelps from his seat while waving his arms around. Damn the roles have reversed. “What! I’m just saying! And besides, I’m not saying we should actually do it! That's twisted!”  I try to hold back a smile but Nezu notices me. Mission failed, we’ll get em next time. “Anything funny about this situation?” He prompts. “Your staff is full of brilliant idiots.” I admit lightly. “Absolute, bloody, brilliant, idiots. And god do I love them.”
The once arguing trio turns to me with a shocked look. “Hey you can understand us?!” Woods, Mic, and Snipes yell defensively, making me laugh even harder. Nezu glances between all of us with a smile. He probably would have let this go on. “We better hurry or else the Midorya’s will be concerned.” He prompts. We all take a moment to look at each other before following Nezu’s request. I tried to keep it cool but that kind of backfired when I saw the apartment complex that Izuku and Inko lived in. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. I’m actually going to be living with the main character. I must be a Mary sue. Someone pinch me. I might just make the world implode with a sneeze. “Ey little listener!” Mic called from the front gates. “Are you just gonna let the world pass you by all the time or are you gonna move?” His tone gave off a subtle hint of annoyance but he was patient all the same with me. “S-Sorry! Just.. Never seen a building this tall before y'know?” Okay so that was a lie, but he seemed to believe it. “You from the country or something?” I nod nervously and walk to the group. “You could say that.” He hums along with my response. Soon enough we meet up with the group. 
“Snipe, Mr. Woods? Do you mind giving myself, Y/n, and Present Mic a moment please?” Woods crosses his arms as if he was about to say something but Snipes beats him to the punch. “Sure. Cmon Woods. I need to talk to you about something.” Snipe grabs Kamui’s arm and drags him ahead by a few meters. I chuckle at his over dramatic struggling and complaints. I fucking love anime. “Now then, L/n,” Nezu pulls two envelopes from his pants pocket, both of which were twice the size of his paw. One of them was a crisp, pure white with the UA emblem on it. The other was more yellow, old, and is slightly wrinkled. “Aniken, should I take the white or the yellow pill?”
“What?” Mic asks with utmost confusion, followed by Nezu with a matching look. I tried to brush off my weirdness with an equally confused “What?” Thank god they didn’t question it. Instead giving me a strange look. Nezu took initiative and moved on from my absurdity. “One of them is your schedule, the other is information you must give to Mrs. Midoriya. State that it’s from your parents.” I look between the envelopes and nod. “What about my uniform? School supplies? I’m.. not really made of cash y'know?” Mic smiles slightly. “Oh we know. The government’s got you covered on that.” He gives an enthusiastic thumbs up. I look to Nezu. “So I’m a charity case?” Nezu shrugs. “Essentially.” Damn Nezu. Blunt much? 
Mic chuckles awkwardly at Nezu roasting me alive. “At least until you're twenty. But that’s a worse case scenario. The government is actively trying to find ways to get you back home.” I smile a little at the thought. Back at home this would make one hell of a dream. Maybe even fanfiction if I remember all this. And not get writer's block of course. “Okay.. When do I start?” I ask. Nezu picks back up on the conversation. “The day after tomorrow should be suitable for you, yes?” I take a moment to narrow my eyes. “What’s the catch? I know I have to do work in order to catch up to my peers. The finest hero school in Japan doesn’t let in just anyone.” Mic covers his obvious smile with his mouth. “OOOooo! She knows her stuff.” Nezu smirks. “Indeed. You will need to catch up. So I’ll give you two weeks to finish all the work. Then you can officially start. Think that’s enough time Mic?” The smaller of the two asks. Mic nods “Oh yeah! Plenty of time for this little listener!” I can't help but smile at that. I feel like I’m going on a pokemon journey. “Thanks for believing in me. Not a lot of people do.” I admit. He dramatically gasps “Well that's a damn shame! You’re gonna be great kid. Besides, you have me as an english teacher, and with that quirk of yours you’re definitely gonna get straight A’s for sure.” I look over to Nezu to see his phone suddenly buzzing. He quickly takes a moment to answer it before hanging up on the caller. “I’m sorry to end the moment, but Snipe has reminded me that we are on a time crunch. It is a school night after all.” A long groan echoed through the lot of the complex, making me chuckle.“Oof- yeah you’re right.” The blonde agreed. “I got tests to grade and a lesson to finalize.”  And with that, the three of us began to make our way to complex 2, third floor. As the light breeze ushered us to our destination my mind went back to the idea of staying with Izuku. Should I tell him what I know? He deserves to know. But what would be the repercussions of my actions? Him knowing that he will be the number one hero can change so many things. It could go to his head like Bakugou and complements. He could back out from the pressure. Fuck I cant do it. Too many factors. Maybe Mirio? I could warn him about what happens in season four. Maybe then he could follow his dream, maybe he’ll be the number one hero then. But not now.. I don't know where we are in the story. I know after the sport’s festival, but is Stain still out and about? Has the exchange between Shoto, Izuku, and Tenya already happened?
Instead of a pleasant nudge to get me out of my thoughts, this time it was a jab to the elbow. “Ow!” I look around to see Snipe glaring at me and motioning to the door in front of us. In the doorway was Inko! She had a bright pink apron, her signature skirt and shirt- ah she’s so tiny! She chuckles. “I-I’m so sorry! Bad habit!” I hug myself tightly. “I-I’m trying to break it-'' She shushes me from my rambling with a wave of her hand. “It’s completely fine! My son has the same habit. I think you two will get along well.” Her kind smile warms me a little. “Mrs. Midorya, do you have the paperwork we gave you?” Mic asks politely. “Oh! Oh yes! Come on in let me make you some tea! The work is around here somewhere!” Inko scampers from the door frame and into the apartment. I didn't hesitate to follow her inside. While I was taking my shoes off I couldn't help but notice how lovely the inside was. The apartment looked exactly like it did in the anime all the way down to the T. It was so welcoming and homey. Almost like Christmas but without the decorations. I was planted in the living room when the hero’s finally came in. From what I assume was Inko’s room, she called. “Make yourself at home! I'll get the kettle on soon!” I look over into the comfy living room before glancing over at the adults. “We’re sorry ma’am but we can't stay for long.” Nezu responds just as Inko appears again. “Oh, well if that's the case, will you at least take something with you! You all help Izuku so much and you work so hard as is!” I see her eyes glance over to the kitchen. “I have cupcakes?” I turn to her. “Cupcakes?” My stomach rumbles at the sound of sweets. She giggles “Yes. I didn’t know what flavor you would like so I made chocolate and vanilla. I hope that's alright?” I point to her like a child. “Are you sure I’m staying with her? She’s too good!” Inko chuckles at my truth. “Don't flatter me, I’m nothing special. You go and take one. They’re over on the counter hun.” She called me hun! I’m weak! I clench my heart and shake in my spot. “The world doesn't deserve you!” I say before bolting it to the kitchen. 
After I grab a cupcake I watch from the counter as the grownups talk. Munching through their attempt at hush talk. “Are you sure you’re okay with this ma’am? We do have other applicants.” Snipe starts. “Oh no, it’s fine! Besides, I need some more pep in my step! These old bones need some movement!” She assures with a wave of her hand. “You don't look at day over twenty Mrs. Midoriya!” I call. The group turns to me, Inko’s face a light pink in embarrassment. At least she has a smile on her face. “Oh you-! No flattery in this house!” She retorts. I laugh. “No flattery, just honesty.” 
I glance over at Nezu. It could have just been me but I think his smile relaxed a bit. “We should be off Mrs. Midoriya. I can see they are in good hands.” I get up from my spot and bring the cupcakes over to them. “Her cupcakes are great. You shouldn't leave without them.” I suggest. Nezu sighs and takes one of the vanilla. Over his shoulder he glances at the heroes. “Go on. I’m not gonna stop you!” Mic exhaled as if he was holding his breath all this time. “Oh thank god!” He snatched two and gorged them. “Oh wow.” I comment. Woods jabs Mic in the rib, making him cough on some cupcake. “Hey!” Woods glares at the blonde. “Just because you’re my senior doesn't mean that you have the excuse of not knowing some manners.” Snipe carefully takes one and thanks Inko. Is that a blush I see?  No. Calm down inner shipper. “We best be off now.” Nezu restates and soon  enough the heroes leave me and Inko alone in her apartment. 
We take some time getting to know each other at the dining room table. And true to form, Inko was just as sweet as she is in the anime. Apparently she’s also into American culture and late night dramas. Wouldn't have pegged her for that kind of stuff but the surprise was pleasant. “You’re really great at baking Mrs. Midoriya!” I exclaim while taking our plates to the sink. “Oh- thank you! I’m happy to know someone besides my son likes my cooking.” Oh right.. I should probably ask about Izuku. “Oh right-! I forgot to ask about your son! What’s he like?” This is gonna be interesting. “Oh well, he’s a little shy but once you get to know him you'll see who he is.” Right on que the door opens. “Mom! I’m home!” I hear that iconic voice followed by the front door opening. “Oh Izuku! In here! The exchange student is here!” Something falls and Izuku yells. “I-Izuku?!” Inko begins to get up only for Izuku to call back. “I-Im fine mom!” I glance over at Inko and back at the hallway. Izuku eventually walks into the dining room. “W-Where are-” 
Inko motions to me. “Izuku, this is Y/n L/n, they will be staying with us. They’ll have the guest room.” Izuku’s eyes fall on me. As mine do the same for him. He was still in his school uniform. Pants baggy, tie dishoveled, shoelaces untied, the imperfections out weighed the perfections in his uniform. No wonder the hot mess energy he was radiating was all the more powerful. I can't help but smile. “You must be running around a lot.” I smirk in attempts to break the tension. He jumps a little at my sudden remark. “O-Oh! Um.. y-yeah. The school is pretty big so..” He trails off into silence. Silence that lasts a whole minute. I bite my lip. “Sooo uh.. I saw you at the UA sports festival? You won the first round! I was so smart of you to take off a chunk of the robot and use it for the later portion of the race.” His face flushes a bright pink. “O-Oh no! I bet anyone would have thought of that if they were in my situation!” I chuckle. “Dude that's unique to you! Noone can replicate that now without bringing you up!” He goes and scratches the back of his head. “Y-yeah.. I guess you’re right.” I hear Inko let out a sigh of relief. 
“Now that you two have met, how about we get you settled Y/n.”
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melyaliz · 4 years
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Hello There! I'm Anshu and this is for the Star Wars OC thing. I'm 5'1, Indian, medium length black hair, middle part swept bangs (always in a ponytail), black cat eye glasses, average build. I'm very expressive and love art. I am also quite reserved and tend to live in my own head but can be very talkative with my close friends. I'm very curious and tend to question everything, however I do stand strong to my own beliefs. For a fun fact about me: I love anything vintage and historical. Thanks!
Create you into an OC
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive
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DONATE or REQUEST  Note: This was a paid request (it’s $1 to have your request put to the top of the line) 
Title: Galaxies of Pages  
Fandom: Start Wars 
Pairing: Obi Wan x OC 
Facecast: Freida Pinto
Genres:  Sweet Romance with action-adventure. (Think Indian Jones meet’s a Nicholas Sparks novel) 
Summary: Anshu aways read about adventures but never through she fit into them. Better to help those who were heroes than become one herself. 
Or that was what she told herself until a fellow young Jedi helped her see she could be a hero herself. 
Anshu was a librarian for the Jedi order. Studying the art to become a Jedi herself -and a quite powerful one at that- she decided instead of becoming a warrior she would dedicate herself to preserving the arts and knowledge that the Jedi holds so dear. 
Fun day stuff. Anshu going about the Jedi temple (Belle style nose in a book) 
Bumps into Obi Wan
The two of them training and baby Obi want pulling her hair teasing her for always reading.
“If you always have your nose in the book how will you ever see the real world?” “Maybe my books are better.” “Well, I’m in the real world so it’s better. And I’m going to be an amazing Jedi and if you keep reading you’ll miss it.”
Obi Wan makes fun of her slightly. They catch up and he asks about finding some maps Qui Gon needs. 
They explore the library and chat and Obi Wan admits as he got older he admires the life of a scholar. Anshu feels so flattered and a bit flushed over his praise of her work.
“The Libary has never been so easy to use. You have done such amazing work here.” 
Cute banter back and forth
He tells her he is going with Qui Gon to help Naboo with the Trade federation 
Episode one stuff 
He visits her for a few moments After Anakin is being tested and tells her about how Qui Gon has suggested he start the trails 
He seems like he wants to tell her something else but he gets cut off by a youngling telling him that Qui Gon wants him. They are going back to Naboo 
The next time she see’s him Qui Gon has died 
She meets him late at night just wondering through the halls. She tells him she heard and asks how he is.
He breaks down crying and telling her about how he can’t sleep thinking about what he could have done. 
She sits with him until he has cried himself out. 
Throughout the years
She becomes good friends with Aniken as well and will listen to their fights 
During this time she starts to notice how things seem strained at the Jedi temple. Something seems to be holding the Jedi back. Clouding their judgment. 
She realizes that the rules of the Jedi were starting to hold them back and not helping them grow. It was one thing to understand and learn from history but it was another to live there. 
More cute moments with Obi. She calls him Ben as a joke/nickname. It’s her special name for him. 
Episode 2
Obi Wan goes to her for help with finding the Clone planet. 
She tells him it doesn’t exist but is confused why and digs deeper while Obi Wan goes to check it out. 
Realizes that something dark is happening. Something bad.
Anshu collecting some of the most sacred texts copying them and taking Journey’s to hide them. 
For the first time, she is going to see the galaxies she had only read about 
More build-up between the Sith and Jedi
Anshu travels to different planets and has many hiding spots. Lots of codes and puzzles to hide books that she never wants to be used for evil. 
The more Anshu travels she realizes something is wrong. There is something sinister below the Order. Something bad is about to happen. She can feel it.
Order 66
Anshu is calling her Jedi master from the library when Anakin attacks
She tries to call other Jedi but it’s too late. So she rushes into hiding wondering what is happening and praying her friends made it out in time. 
Years later 
Anshu is now traveling undercover still finding texts and scripts 
Runs into Obi-wan
Thinks he’s a bad guy and attacks him 
They fight until she realizes who it is and that he is still good
She hugs him almost crying unable to believe he’s alive. 
Tells him about how she’s looking for a book that was lost and how she has a map to find it. 
He says he will help her.
Lots of Indian Jones adventures 
Lots of silly getaways
Romance starts to blossom 
 Anshu finds a place to hide her texts 
They travel to the planet Luke hid on 
Lots of near-misses almost getting caught by the growing empire 
Obi wan helps her find the panet 
They both sit on the beach looking out and he tells her about Luke and Leia. 
Almost kiss
She tells him she wants to help as she can
He leaves to live on Tatooine 
Anshu goes to visit him and asks for his help
He tells her he is going by Ben now
Cute little conversation about that
They go on an adventure together
Stops by to see baby luke first
They go find more missing Jedi stuff
Hide from an empire brigade 
He kisses her
They go back to Tatooine 
Little Luke is in trouble 
Some sand people kidnapped him 
Obi Wan and Anshu save him 
Obi Wan says he needs to stay here and protect the most precious Jedi treasure 
Anshu says she understands and says she will be around 
They visit each other 
Over the years she will come and tell him of her adventures. 
She also checks on little Leia 
Watches Luke grow up 
Obi Wan tells her he loves her and there is lots of fluff / Romance
Helps with Rogue One 
Tells Leia that they need Obi Wan
Goes off to find some information on the Empire 
Has been helping the rebels in secret.
She is traveling the world getting some crystals and information 
Retires to her hotel room excited to go home 
Has a dream of Obi Wan telling her how much he loves her and then he disappears. 
She wakes up and realizes 
Obi Wan died. 
Goes back to Tatooine 
Lives there in peace until one day she see’s a young woman standing by Luke’s old home 
“Who are you?” 
“I’m Ray Skywalker” 
And she knows everything will be alright. 
Forever tag:  @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness @0hmydeku​ @xx3fsxx​ @daisyboobear​ @  @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr​ @ocelysium​ @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8​
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xadoheandterra · 6 years
So I need to share this before I forget, because ever since I saw the Last Jedi for a second time with my brother (while drinking a Revenge of the Sip...god, AMC, why did you stick a bar in the theater?!) I was hit with some pretty big realizations. This is, of course, after devouring TLJ and TFA meta on tumblr as it’s come across my dash in droves. My main focus here is Luke. Placing under a cut for spoilers, and also spoiler tagging because I know some people have yet to see it that I’m friends with.
There was a lot implied in TLJ that I’ve not seen people touch upon. I’ve seen the comments about Snoke, Ben’s abuse and childhood grooming, and how Luke led everyone to believe Ben just went nuts and killed everyone--not that Luke almost killed Ben. Then there’s Rey and her connection and the themes of adolescence and just--it’s great meta. It’s wonderful.
I didn’t see a lot of people actually touching upon Luke in all this mess, aside from being an additional abuser of Ben. Unfortunately I never quite read Luke as one of Ben’s abusers--while yes I feel that Luke deciding to train Ben because of his strength in the Force and being a Skywalker Legacy was a bit rude, you have to admit: Ben needed training. Leia, Han, and Luke were all highly political figures--is it therefore any wonder why Snoke was able to slowly and subtly groom one of the Skywalker line? If Luke hadn’t taken Ben on, and several other force sensitives, to at least give them some grounding considering what the force is and how powerful Ben himself is? It could’ve been a disaster.
More than it was, at least.
I think also the implications of what happened have been hinted at in other meta, but I’ve not seen anyone outright address it. Luke talks about how he could see the evil growing in Ben--there’s a lovely little incorrect-starwars-quote going around about how it was 2AM and Ben was sleeping--but the thought niggled in my mind, especially after Snoke admitted to creating the Force Bond between Ben and Rey.
What if Ben wasn’t turning at all, in any respects? Because Luke got to Ben early enough, started to train Ben early enough, Snoke couldn’t actually get his claws into Ben without a catalyst. He could try to manipulate Ben’s thoughts, but Ben had someone in his corner at this time. Luke. Luke who saw promise in him, Luke who paid attention to him when his parents weren’t or couldn’t. Luke who actually was there for him--and sure it was because Ben had powers or whatever, but Luke was Ben’s primary influence where Snoke tried to be.
Luke’s betrayal of Ben was the catalyst Snoke needed to hook the Skywalker he wanted. There is a lot about the scene(s) we see where Luke betrays Ben that got me thinking. First of all, why was he actually there peeking in on a teenager’s dreams? That’s not something I could ever see Luke logically doing. We were never given any hints as to what supposed darkness Luke saw either that led him to this action. We know Snoke was horribly, terribly powerful in the Force given that he could Force Bond two young force sensitives galaxies apart. Something that should have, theoretically, been impossible.
Whose to say that Snoke didn’t manipulate Ben into turning, but more manipulated Luke into believing Ben was turning? We all have to admit, Luke tries to be wise but he’s really not. TLJ showcases that wonderfully. He’s a goof who got placed with responsibility that he didn’t know how to handle at all--he handled it fairly well all things considered, probably with Leia nagging him and feeding him things while they had their twin bond going strong, but in training other force sensitives all Luke had to go on was Obi-Wan, and Yoda. One old guy that he was told to stay away from, but was supposedly a family friend, who lied to him about his father and kept a lot of secrets.
The other a massive troll of epic proportions going slightly senile from everything he ever created/controlled being ruined by his own hubris.
I don’t count Aniken and I don’t count Sidious because while they definitely showed him the other side of the force in force they didn’t actively had a hand in teaching him things aside from being adversaries.
So I propose that in this Luke is as much a victim as Ben, specifically of Snoke. Ben is noted as being a lot like his father--having his father’s heart--and we actually do see a lot of Solo in Kylo Ren. That’s probably why everyone refers to him as Ben Solo instead of Ben Organa like I presume he would’ve been called, given that Han Solo even referenced that he no longer bore the name ‘Solo.’
This is where I want to step it up a notch. So Snoke royally fucked around with the Skywalker line because he wanted a Vader to his Sidious--great, wonderful. I still have no idea what hole you crawled out of and I don’t care. You’re dead now and good on Ben getting out of your shadow. What I find interesting is that there is reference to Rey turning--that even Luke is horrified that Rey would willingly follow the dark hole in the ground to get what it offers her, that she doesn’t resist--and that both Ben and Rey seem to think the other will turn. Yoda says they can’t lose Rey like they’ve lost Ben--which prompts Luke to pull an Obi-Wan.
Strangely, Luke’s stand off with Ben and subsequent apology about how he royally fucked shit up--I mean freaking out about your uncle standing over you in the dead of night with a Lightsaber very obviously contemplating shoving the laser sword in your chest would terrify anyone. Rightfully so. I’m proud of Luke owning up to his biggest fuck up to date, because that showed Luke finally accepting his hand in this whole mess instead of running and hiding like a coward.
Again understandable. This is Leia and Han’s kid. They would’ve torn him a new one if they knew what shit he’d pulled there. Leia is so terrifyingly like their father I could understand Luke’s desire to run and hide and just fade off into obscurity because fuck this. Plus I found it very interesting at this point after the monumental ‘but he’s evil!’ ‘shit that’s wrong!’ mistake Luke actually shuts himself off from the force.
None of us knew Luke blocked the Force out until Rey mentioned it! That Luke shut himself out doesn’t scream to me like he’s trying to hide even further from Leia or from Snoke--honestly if he doesn’t want to be found he could just mask his presence, not cut himself off completely. Especially not when the Force has been such an intrinsic part of his life for so long--long enough that he uses it subconsciously when he opens himself back up again! I see here more that Luke saw something with the Force-or he thought he saw something that was true, but because it ended in such tragedy he couldn’t come to terms with it. Luke closed himself off as another way to hide--this time from the Force that he felt betrayed him.
From himself, and his own strength in this mystical binding power between everything. If he could make such a huge mistake--what if that meant Luke was turning? I see Luke’s self imposed exile to a planet that houses ancient Jedi texts as him trying to figure out what the fuck happened. Why he responded that way? Why did he even think it was right? Was the Force turning him? Was he turning the Force? Was there something else?
And I think Luke finally put together that it was Snoke only after Yoda destroyed the tree, after Yoda talks about how they can’t lose Rey. Here Luke stood, having betrayed another potential student out of sudden fear. Here Luke stood, having opened himself back up to the Force and having to reveal his mistakes before an enraged child--a hurt child, one who was bound neatly to Ben Solo in a manner that shouldn’t be possible. Here Luke finally realized--it was Snoke.
And then Snoke was dead. He was no longer in the Force, no longer sending out feelers for Luke, to twist Luke, to twist Ben, to twist Rey--so Luke did what he thought was best. Save the child he could, and show the other child that he fucked up and there wasn’t anything more he could do aside from admit it--that he failed Ben Solo.
That’s what I think is most interesting. That Luke stands before Ben not as the Luke of today--he’s very obviously the Luke of Ben’s nightmares. His hair has color and is neatly trimmed, he’s dressed in a manner befitting a Jedi Master of a Training Temple. He wields a lightsaber that is destroyed. It’s glaringly obvious in retrospect that Luke is projecting from his little island--because Luke is projecting the Luke Ben remembers. The Luke that betrayed Ben, that hurt Ben, that started Ben Solo’s descent into Snoke’s arms. It is not from current day Luke that Ben get’s an apology, it’s from the Luke of Ben’s nightmares.
It is that same Luke that promises to haunt his steps if struck down in anger.
I think Luke knows--Rey doesn’t need saving. Ben already saved her. He got rid of the poison, he got rid of Snoke. Ben doesn’t need saving either, because at his heart he was left with a gaping wound and no real closure for what happened. Luke disappeared before Ben could truly get it, but now Luke gave Ben closure, and gave himself closure too. Luke gave himself the tools needed to make sure no other abuser could touch his nephew like that again.
Luke isn’t Rey’s guardian angel. Rey’s guardian angel comes in the form of Leia. Let the girls handle the girls. No, he’s Ben’s, because ultimately Luke was the catalyst for Kylo Ren--and ultimately, Luke will be the one in the Force stopping another Snoke from taking control of Kylo Ren while he finds his footsteps.
Or so I hope.
(seriously the Skywalker family needs to stop being extra okay)
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discorded-reality · 7 years
Stars Fell in Reverse
This is an excerpt from my fanfiction I am writing as part of an ongoing RP.
This is a desperate fight, on Nul Hutta. The Hunter is prowling tonight.
The woman he loved was just taken from him, and he won’t loose again…. He can’t…
Rated M 18+ for later chapters, be warned
The troopers pulled out their blasters and started to sweep the area around the ship, while Aniken and Ahshoka stayed near the ships. Maul leapt into action, melding into the shadows, the energy of battle coursing through his blood like fire. He ran through the nearby trees like a ghost, something from the skein of nightmares. The red plasma trails streaking by at his side like some kind of otherworldly force.
He leaped and twisted mid flight spiraling down in a whirlwind of death, cutting into the troopers like they were made of paper. Scattering them like so many broken toys, body armor glowing in perfect lines where it had melted. The screams of the dying filled the deathly still air as the hunter struck. Blood sprayed into the night from where he had used the force to simply rip them apart, painting the night red with gore. His eyes flashed in the half light, glowing like two pools of liquid gold, as he struck again and again, heads rent from bodies, limbs sliced to ribbons, plasma fire lit the sky like stars falling in reverse. He roared, a primal blood curdling noise that sent chills down the spine and the hair on the back of the neck stand on end.
“Kill…. Kill…. KILL… K I L L!” he screamed running like a demon, leaping and spiraling through the tree line towards his enemy, their blades clashed with a resounding crack that split the sky, Red met blue with a scream as the blades slid against each other, they traded blows that the eye could barely track, springing back to circle one another like two hungry wolves, snapping and lunging at one another, seeking to rip each other apart.
“Give her back you Monster! You killed a master and an apprentice, you… Desecrated them in.. I can’t even speak of it! You must DIE … You’re a perversion of the force!” Aniken screamed out at the feral beast, the Reaper that snapped and snarled before him like a feral animal.
“She is mine… Mine… MINE…. Never again… Won’t loose again… Never… Pain… Must not feel pain… Can’t fail…” He snarled out in a voice that sounded like he’d gone insane. His head tilted to one side a horrible wicked, crazed smile on his lips as he laughed, his eyes shining with luminous hatred and something else… His laughter was terrible cold laughter that cut through everything Like a durasteel knife. He smiled again and launched without warning, stabbing at him, slashing Aniken along his bicep of his blocking arm, making the man hiss in pain, lunging at Maul as they struggled, blades screaming, as they danced amongst the twisted corpses of the dead and dying.
“Drown in the ashes of the damned Aniken… Feel my pain! Be consumed by hatred… Enjoy it… Embrace it! “ Maul crooned with the sibilant rasp, like some glittering black serpent.
He sliced again and cut deeply into Aniken’s side, but Aniken got a hit in too, the blade went straight through Maul, the blue tip sticking through him coming out the back of his robes, right between his two hearts. Maul grunted and the blade was pulled from his body.
The Zabrakian roared in pain fueled fury, and ran at them, despite the agony, repeatedly force pushing them to the ground, stabbing and cutting at them with such ferocity. Ahsoka, tried to intervene, her twin blades flashing in the darkness, but experience won out, and she was forced back by Maul’s savage onslaught, forcing a tactical retreat, chasing them to their ships as they desperately ran for their lives.
He reached out with both hands concentrated and then dragged his hands towards the bloodstained ground, and the second ship spun and hurtled to the ground metal screaming like a twisted beast as it exploded. The fire bloomed into the night, trailing sickly smoke and the screams of the dying.
The only sounds were the remaining troopers screams, that cut into the eerie stillness, accompanied by the groaning of metal heating and expanding in the super heated fire.
The second ship carrying the Jedi unfortunately made it airborne, and the engine trailed a stream of plasma as it disappeared into the night.
He took in a shuddering breath,a trickle of blood on his lips, and with that, Maul collapsed to his knees, among the bodies of the dead. His horned head bent, dangerous eyes gleaming, as he placed a clawed hand on the ground, closing it harshly around a fistful of ash and dust, he hurled it into the night, hissing with frustration and pain. He closed his glowing eyes, trying to center himself against the rage he felt, breathing heavily but alive.
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