#she married into the JIN
shanastoryteller · 8 months
Wwx!lady mo: oh no, lwj will die!
Jyl: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shana that was hilarious 😂
hahaha a complete list of things jyl gives a fuck about
people she loves
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fistfuloflightning · 3 months
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“Your welcome was rather disappointing, Jiang-zongzhu,” Jin Zixun calls mockingly. “Even your husband here failed to make us feel at home.” The obvious baiting is answered with a dangerously still, silent courtyard. Jin Zixun throws a glance at the three cultivators keeping Lan Wangji kneeling, chin tipped in a wordless order.
The blade hooked beneath Lan Wangji’s throat digs deeper, drawing more blood and he knows without looking that the red on the front of his robes is growing. Still no response. Lan Wangji can feel his wife’s presence, along with a handful of other qi signatures he recognizes as Jiang senior disciples. And he prays she doesn’t come out.
Jin Zixun’s grin is feral. “Very well.” But before the blade slides home and ends it all, the doors are flung wide and Jiang Cheng emerges. A silent breath escapes him. He should have known his Wanyin would not stand by. It is not in her nature.
Hair unbound and eyes flickering with Zidian’s energy, she looks like a wrathful goddess of lightning. Even where he’s forced to kneel, Lan Wangji can feel the electricity thrumming through his wrecked meridians, thinned to the point of snapping. Sandu’s naked blade gleams wickedly in one hand. And in the other, she carries their son.
She is not like his mother, bowing her head with furious acceptance of her fate and allowing her sons to be dragged away from her. She is not like her own mother, vicious in her pride and arrogance, blind to the needs of her children.
Jiang Cheng would do the impossible for those she loves. That is her strength.
Lan Wangji knows that there is no safer place for their son than in her arms.
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romance-rambles · 2 months
do you think...would luke feel weird about emma marrying gilbert? they're supposed to be close in age, while gilbert is probably the closest thing he has to a father figure, despite having maybe a max of a decade between them?
then there's also, uh, the elephant in the room
anyways, i can see some angst about where exactly luke slots into this mess of a family. to their kids, is he uncle luke? big brother luke? but, like, it's emma so he probably has to concede that she's good for him, right? idk i feel like that probably makes him feel worse.
[i haven't read gil's route yet]
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demonicfarmer69 · 2 months
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woah jzx how come u get to have TWO baddies?
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fortune-maiden · 1 month
@fennel9 this is the other drabble from the prompts you sent :D
Maybe Qin Su is too subtle about it. Too quiet. Too reserved. Her A-Yao is a gentleman - an honest-to-good one – maybe he thinks she didn’t enjoy that wonderful first time. She needs to be direct. Her opportunity comes on a night where her husband lies beside her, lost in thoughts he won’t burden her with. She presses close. “If you can’t sleep… we could have sex?” A-Yao gives her a long look. Then he kisses her forehead with a fond chuckle, and slips away to spend the night in his study. Qin Su doesn’t know what she’s doing wrong.
Send me a drabble prompt
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twistedappletree · 7 months
hiii apple 🩵 how do you think married or established relationship zhuiling handles mornings? I think Sizhui is fine with them because he grew up with the Lan sleep schedule but sect leader Jin is probably impossible 🤣
What a perfect time to answer this as I’m laying in bed dreading waking up and wanting to go back to sleep lmaooo
Oh, Jin Ling is absolutely impossible which makes it a good thing that it’s Lan Sizhui waking him up because he’s the only one who can (aside of Jiang Cheng who would probably just barge into his room and push him off the bed, lbr 😭)
LSZ is gentle and patient with him, though. The Lan schedule doesn’t apply to Jin Ling but it’s also not good for him to sleep in so much that it makes him groggy and tired the rest of the day, so LSZ tries his best.
But JL is in full mistress mode when he’s tired. If Lan Jingyi thinks it’s bad in public, he’s never had to live with him. He likes to make waking up a monumental task for LSZ because he’s used to getting his way and LSZ wouldn’t possibly deny him, right?
After enough pestering from LSZ, he raises his hands like a zombie so LSZ can pull him up, then crashes against him, snakes his arms around his waist and drags him back onto the bed with him.
Literally impossible.
So LSZ works around it by carrying Jin Ling around who’s clinging to him like a koala, still trying to sleep, while he makes them tea, sets out their clothes, brushes Jin Ling’s hair, etc (Lan arm strength and Wen multitasking, you know how it is).
It makes him laugh because it reminds him of how senior Wei acts with Hanguang-Jun but he keeps that to himself since Jin Ling would probably go feral after getting compared to Wei Wuxian. 💀
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mejomonster · 1 year
I'm comparing xuanji and tantai jin right now in how they handle their "innocence" about romance (just cause they don't feel emotion generally)
Xuanji: completely oblivious, WOULD grab sifengs boner while dropping in on him naked in a bath and DOES NOT care. He's her great friend! And he's fun to make blush! Will also be the first to kiss HIM. Again, she's not really sure why or that it means EONS to sifeng emotionally. But she is glad to be with her friend and it seems fun uvu
(Xuanji later will go onto top her babe but that's later, I'm talking the early parts when she isn't feeling things much)
Tantai jin: I am SCANDALIZED you would touch me. I know you're my WIFE but as my wife you tried to sleep with me to lock me into marriage and I was disgusted by how fucked up and cruel you were so I put you to sleep. Do NOT strip me, don't even look me up and down. I don't have lust or any particular romantic feelings for you, it's not like I'm abashed of sex as I AM an adult who got married and know the fucked up palace shit of behind closed doors. BUT I am repulsed by the idea of being near you, especially naked and sharing that experience with YOU agh, so I Am going to continously insist on Being chaste. Maybe one day I'll want to rail someone, like you said when I feel "love" for someone or whatever maybe... but lmao not your awful ass
Also tantai jin, seeing a demon kiss qingyu: huh... evil powers cool I should eat her. It'd be nice if I could eat humans for power too. Huh... that kind of looks enjoyable? Maybe I'll try making out with someone I don't dislike. (Thinks about his wife who feeds him and would die for him, but there's baggage so he just moves on)
A few eps later: actually... like... would it be Too Fucked up? If I just... DID make out with my evil Wife who wants to kill me? I mean... a kiss is a kiss if it feels nice does it matter if we kill each other later? What if she sat on my lap! What if... I was held in her arms... <3 (no! Focus! She'll betray me! We can only have sex if she's my prisoner or something so she doesn't stab me or sell me out while we're naked!)
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silver-sandstone · 9 months
just had the galaxy brained realization that Kaori and Yuki could have known each other in high school...
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kazamajun · 3 months
T8 canonizing the kazjun marriage (per the original Japanese, plus Harada and Murray have already said it, and it's been mentioned in Famitsu at least twice) is even more incredible when you consider Japan doesn't legally recognize marriages unless the couple take the same surname. So this means either:
They got married for the absolute fuck of it and don't care whether the law considers it real
Kazuya intimidated the hell out of some poor government worker to sign off on it anyway
Or what I consider to be the funniest option, that the reason for Kaz's takeover of Hokkaido and trying to make the Zaibatsu its own nation was bc he was just that determined to be married on his own terms
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(jiang yanli attempting to teach wei ying cooking)
jy: okay, so start off by putting the oil on the gas!
wy: why are we putting oil on the fire
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manawari · 1 year
Hae-in's reactions to Jin-woo's teasing XD
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starmist · 6 months
The real reason Jin Seol Ran let Mu Deok go wild is because she was not going to be hosting anyone’s wedding night
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 9 months
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Gong Zishang's first time outside aaaaaa
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theinfinitedivides · 8 months
can't believe they put Seok Jin and i through serious mental anguish only to bring everyone who was eliminated back so they could watch the final matchup go down. can we sue for emotional damages
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r-aindr0p · 2 years
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Currently on vacation, so I don't have as much time as I would like to draw but I started a new cdrama during the trip eeee
It's "Miss the dragon" I just stumbled on a random scene of it on yt and ended up watching the whole episode afterwards
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lilnasxvevo · 9 months
Oh my god Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to have kids as long as Jin Ling is under his roof because he knows what it’s like to have a father figure who seems to favor Some Other Kid over you and he never wants Jin Ling to feel that way……
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