#she keeps saying that we will and then we DONT and im!!! fukcing tired of having my emotions played with like that!!!
seungmines · 6 years
tutor au | dance instructor minho
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lee minho was the fuckboy of your university
and everybody knew that!!!
except for you (u just thought he was hot <3___<3)
so when you decided you wanted to switch your major to dancing
your best friend woojin was like
and u were like ?? i love to dance ?? let me dance william ??
since you were a first year, you had no idea about any of the students at ur uni or ANYTHING
so you’re all excited the day before your first class and even more excited that a student usually led the class
since teachers gave you big anxiety and it’d probably be easier talking to a Fellow Peer.
u were wrong.
the next day, u were getting ready for class and as usual, woojin stopped by ur dorm with coffee like the perfect angel he is but he was in a Very sour mood that morning
“wake up on the wrong side of the bed, princess?”
“SH- SHUT UP!!! i’m nervous for you today :(“
and ur heart is like :( aw william its ok :( but ur brain was like
“what’s the big idea with this class anyway? why are u so stressed out??”
“minho is the student teacher”
and ur like: i’m More than capable of taking care of myself <3 minho ain’t shit
yeah No
when you walked into that class On That Fateful Day.
minho’s eyes were the first ones on you and Boy were you flustered when he smiled at you
good luck homie ur gonna need it.
you were so zoned out that when he was like “hey!!!” you didn’t hear him
so like any normal human being, minho yelled a Nice Loud “YAH!” which caught the attention of the whole class including yourself
all the girls were like >:( no Lee Know look at ME!! >:( but he was like
“are you y/n switched majors, right? hope you can keep up.”
minho then moves in front of the class and starts the warm ups
and u were like ??? I DONT KNOW ANY OF THESE ???
so u start stretching the way you normally did at home before you’d dance
which earned you some dirty looks but you didn’t understand Why
to make a long and tiring story short, your first class kicked your ass.
so when you were headed towards the door, you were stopped by None Other Than Lee Minho
“saw you struggling today.”
“yeah, i didn’t know you’d be right in the middle of learning a dance.. i feel so dumb switching majors because criminology was so much easier and i-”
“why don’t you come to the studio tomorrow night? i can help you learn if you want.”
and he was so confident you were going to say yes
because he’s lee minho and nobody really rejects him
but you heard woojins Annoying Ass in the back of your head
so you kindly said no and instead asked for a video of the dance for reference so you could practice later
which he gave you but not without bothering you
“are you sure you don’t want my help tomorrow night?”
“it’s easier with help from a real person, you know.”
“what, you don’t like me?”
you had to admit that saying no to him was Really hard because he was so captivating but you also knew that woojin would have an actual heart attack over you spending time with lee minho at Night.
so when u got home to ur small dorm and made urself some nice cheap chicken flavored ramen, there was BANGING ON UR DOOR and ur like O____O WHO THE FUKC
but don’t worry it’s just woojin <3
but woojin brought his friend w him and was like “hey <3 we were in the neighborhood.”
and u were like Woojin U Live Two Doors Down From Me but his friend was lowkey cute so u just shut up rlly quick ok.
woojin was like >:D this is my friend, CHRIS.
chris was really sweet to u and stuff and woojin was like nudging him the whole time they were over which made u suspicious but you’d bring it up to him later
“so how was your first day of class?”
“GOD SO. i zoned out when i first walked in, you know like how i always zone out, and Lee Minho Walked Up To Me and yelled and got my attention and all the girls in that class were so judgy, woojin i wanted to DIE. and then!!!! after class fucking minho walks up to me and asks if i want to practice with him tomorrow night-”
and woojin cut u off right there and threw himself at ur feet
“i did.. why?”
chris who was watching you vent about minho in amazement was like
“that’s how he gets you, most girls never actually Practice with him.”
and the dots connected in your head and you were like WOW ARE U KIDDING
you felt really gross after that
why were men so GROSS
“men disgust me… no offense.. or Full Offense if you pick up girls like that..”
chris was like “if it was ME-”
and woojin was like “ME AND CHRIS HAVE TO GO NOW BYE Y/N” and fucking left while chris was mid sentence
so you cleaned up your Tiny dorm and practiced stretching like how they did in the class that day and then watched the video minho gave you to reference which OF COURSE was a video of him dancing
and boy were you fascinated with how good he was
but you got a lot of the dance down that night.
after ur shower u got into ur bed and chris followed u on instagram and u were like
so ur thumbs went to work texting woojin like “what the fuck”
“did u like chris :D”
“am i that single that u have to set me up with your friends?”
“no.. maybe… he LIKES u…”
so then you text chris who opens your message immediately and is like
“there’s a party at my frat tomorrow night <3 wanna be my date”
and ur like Not really. but u reply with “sure!!” and ok
wow so u got a date
but u know whos a frat boy?
Lee Know.
but u didnt know that
the next day you didn’t have a lot of work to do so you just!! practiced some more and chilled out until you had to get ready for the ~party~ and it was your first!! university party!! so you went ALL OUT and you looked like a FREAKIN SNACK
and chris was late picking you up but you told him it was okay
and things were fine
but woojin wasn’t there and he was always there whenever you were drinking
like your own lookout and that made you a little hesitant to drink at first but chris Insisted and you gave in
turns out minho was watching the whole scene
yeah okay he had a girl on his arm
but thats another story
it turns out that chris wasn’t as sweet as you thought he was
this became news to minho when his date uttered something like “another day, another helpless girl- that poor thing.”
and minho was like HUH?!!?!?!
and she explained how chris would get girls drunk and take advantage of them
minho didn’t like that
you were on the verge of being completely wasted when chris asked if he could take you home which you said yes to immediately because you didn’t want to embarrass yourself while being drunk
but as you were being led out of the frat house, minho was leaning against the frame of the entrance
!!!!! wtf RENO?!?!
chris was like -____- what do u want
nd minho was like ? duh im taking y/n home?
u nd chris were like: BITCH- NO.
you don’t remember exactly what happened but the boys exchanged words and before you knew it, you seen chris being tackled to the ground and minho was goin AT IT BRO
and you were like wtf!!!!!!!!!!!
seeing the fight made you sober up a bit and honestly to be honest, minho was losing
w his stupid ass
chris got tired of beating his ASS and stood up, nodded at you and made a gross remark about you before walking away
and minho tried to get up and fight him again but he was WHOOPED
so you let him take you home
and cleaned up his face and knuckles
and made up the couch for him because he was exhausted and you figured he deserved to rest here since he DID stand up for you and save you from god knows what chris was going to do
but he was still minho the fuckboy
and woojin, barging into your dorm at the crack ass of dawn, was VERY unhappy to see mr Lee Know.
“hey y/n i brought coffee- WHAT THE FUCK.”
“morning, princess.”
and u forgot minho was on ur couch until u looked at him sleeping peacefully- nd he looked like a FUCKING ANGEL!!!
you then explained the situation that happened last night and woojin was like “it really be ur own people.”
no but woojin was really upset bc he adored u and didn’t want anything bad to happen to u
and blamed himself for not going to the party w you
your lil moment was interrupted when minho Rose and his shirt? gone!
so there he STOOD in just his sweatpants and man did he look like a SNACK
“am i interrupting something?”
“NO!” u said
“YES!” woojin said
minho jus smirked at u and put his shirt on, meeting ur eyes as u stared
anyway minho thanked u for letting you crash there and said he would see u later for class
woojin was like “-____- maybe i should come to class w you”
and u were like “william baby girl,,.. No”
woojin still doesn’t know why you call him william
you drank coffee and spilled tea w your bff as usual
and then it was time to get ready for class
nd woojin chilled on ur bed while u went and showered
in the shower you couldn’t stop thinking ab minho!!!
his stupid pretty eyes nd his stupid pretty EVERYTHING!!
you zoned out and woojin had to yELL to bring u back to earth
anyway you got ready and put a lil bit of effort into ur look! bc u were gonna see minho.. its really gross of u but thats FINE
imagine being a het :/
so class was torture like not as bad as before but it was like minho made things way harder jus to piss you off
after class, he didn’t approach you and you wanted to thank him for the previous night.. you know, sober.
so you walked up to him and he looked a Lil flustered but quickly covered it up and let a look of amusement spread across his features
“miss me already?”
“i just wanted to thank you for last night.. i still don’t know how to like.. show my appreciation!!”
minho was looking at u and u looked like an angel to him and he HATED it.
he had a class full of girls who were basically in Love with him but he was drawn to you only and it made him MAD!!!
“it’s whatever~ don’t worry about it.”
and u were like bet! bye!
and turned around and started to walk away
you spun around and he was Right there
“let me buy you food at least… i seen the lack of it in your dorm.”
the lights in the dance studio were dim and the only light that was coming in through the windows was the dulled brightness of the sun setting
all of the lights and colors hit your face perfectly
what a perfect opportunity, you know?
minho leaned in and before you knew it, you were leaning in too.
it was like you were both sent into a frenzy when your lips met each other
but nothing went too far because when minho tried to reach up your shirt
woojin barged into the studio and was like >:(!!!!!
but the three of u laughed it off nd yea!
btw woojin is so gay, but every1 thinks ur the love of his life
and u ARE!!
but romantically? woojin has a bf
and now so do u!!
nd yea everyone was doubtful bc it was Minho.. the FUCKBOY OF UR UNI
but you made him big happy!!! and he helped you dance
and fed you whenever you were hungry
and rarely ever slept at the frat house since he was always in your bed
every single night
clinging to u
its so CUTE!!
im happy for u <3
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hanasaku-shijin · 6 years
Been a minute since i did one of these, rwby liveblog:
all right let’s hear that new opening
oh okay jk maybe next week
yooo the fucking, what are they - manticore?? hell yeah give em to me
just fucking skates along the train im glad they FINALLY did that in canon do u know how many fics have written weiss ice skating anywehre/anytime just cuz she fukcing can
i appreciate how they went in RWBY order for that
but like.... it’s great that blake and yang are chill now buuuttt uummmm did they have a proper talk about shit?? cuz they need to
thank GOD we finally have an official canon white rose moment that isn’t just a joke or casual scene FINALLY A FIGHT-SCENE MOMENT THAT IS EXCLUSIVE TO THEMMMM havent seen that since vol1 ep8
okay i can stop now that’s good enough for me lmao
their lil pink rose petals aaaaaaahhh im cryinn
oh so Adam just went on a tantrum murder rage. sick.
lol Adam taking “man pain” to a whole new level jeeeeez like congrats u remembered Blake’s name u get a gold star
lol weiss saying gifts are a waste of time but i BET U ruby got her something and she’s gonna love it
at least explain where weiss got it pls
i s2g if we get a beach episode 
“team rwby wont leave your side for a second. i promise.”
welp time to break that promise probably
oh great. more boys.
are they. are they based off twiddle dee and twiddle dum cuz that’s what it sounds like lmao
okay ive been asking this question for 2 volumes already WHERE’S BLAKE SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE BACK NOW
“waiting on Blake, as usual.” Weiss has gone on many dates with her she knows she can take some Time getting ready lol
oH SHIT i legit forgot about Ilia oops BUT HER CASUAL CLOTHES THO
oh is sun still here too then
this could be good oh pls
oh good that was good yes YES
Sun saying he and the boys were cool on a little hiatus when they’re based off a fucking boy band is HILARIOUS
god SSSN get back to the stage go make more songs u slackers
we’re going there aren’t weeeee
sigh but y’know what, im whatever it’s fine Black Sun is good Sun is good
the whole reason i never really liked Black Sun so much was not cuz it’s het but because like??? I’m so tired of the Faunus falling for Faunus and humans falling for humans sort of trope y’know?? I hate thinking they’re together just cuz they’re both Faunus but it’s whateverrr i guess
we just have uhhh no official inter-racial(?) couples in this show y’know what i mean
If I have to accept any het couple Black Sun is probably the best tbh because y’know why?? they are friends first. they have a history together, and it’s a good one. so fine. I’m glad it isn’t gonna be a main focus tho (seemingly)
i appreciate the rwby bunkbed arrangements again on the train ahah GOOD TIMES
oooh? what’s this?? the second Yang speaks Blake perks up??? i like where this is going pls have a Talk together now
ohhh.. Guilt. Wonderful.
Blake stopppp
okay but when weiss and ruby shared a glance tho 
“just my luck” “it’s not yours” oh right Qrow is Unluckiest Uncle of the Year
dont worry blake. black cats arent unlucky in this show
Oh? some of the manticore have manes but the one doesnt?? is the female like the head honcho?
i am sooooooooooo loving weiss’ leggings GOD it looks SO GOOOOOD
coulda said that FIRST RUBY LOL
okay i know i have a new fav Grimm every season but daammmn these guys knock the Griffons off the top spot
Ruby’s making an awful lot of promises today hmmmmm im sensing a theme how long’s it gonna take before she cant fulfill one
yes GOOD i like the Jaune/Ren tagteam a lotttt
oH SHIT WHAT IT HAS A CHIMERA TAIL TOO?? i didnt notice that before thats fuckin SICK
vol1 - weiss burns down a forest
vol6 - weiss derails a train
oh hi little old Katara how u doin
the renora
i s2g if it’s Cinder laksjdhfksldf
if that last shot of Weiss supporting Ruby is just more BAIT IM GONNA RIOT
we’re off to a good start so pls.... pls let’s keep it up
i’d forgotten how good RWBY could be if the girls were together lol
good to be back for once
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peachii-bear · 6 years
sad/angry rambles about my parents
hooo boy, i’m gettin DRUNK tonight
my parents brought up gender stuff at the dinner table tonight, because my sister’s friend recently started being more open about being trans and switching names and stuff, and my parents are always such fucking assholes about gender stuff, because they never broach the subject because they want to learn, it’s always because they want to fight/debate, and ooooooh magod i’m so fuckin tired of it
my mom always dips into the subject by questioning things and saying that she wants to learn, but no matter how much and how simply i explain it, she still says that she “just doesn’t understand it,” and then repeats the same questions as before as if she wants a different answer, or as if asking for an answer that adheres more to her personal worldviews. My dad on the other hand knows exactly what he thinks of “the new gender fad,” and thinks that people are the gender that theyre born with, and then gets mad at me for telling him that that opinion is disrespectful, but still says that he’ll respect “the transgenders,” and both of them also think that being trans/nonbinary is “easy” nowadays, and that people are only doing it for attention, or to be cool becase it’s a trend nowadays
i fuckin told them that the main reason why doctors and schools are “preaching” about gender/sexuality and acceptance nowadays was because of the mental health issues and high suicide rates of trans/gnc kids, but they just werent having it and halsdjsdfldfalsdjl im so done, i’ve downed about 3/4 a bottle of wine just so i can forget about all this and still love them in the morning
one kinda good thing did come out of this though, because i mentioned the possiblilty that one of the 3 kids (other than me) at the table might be questioning their gender, and their whole conversation and worldview might be hurting one of their kids and shoving them further in the closet, and my mom, very judgey-ish, asked if anyone at the table was gonna “get a sex change,” and it gave me a chance to finally mention that i want to dress more masculine (because a big thing with the girls of my family is that, whenever we need to get new clothes, we go shopping together and help each other pick out clothes, but i’ve always felt SUPER fukcing uncomfortble in feminine clothes). so i guess thats a possitive outcome of the “conversation” (more of a fight), but now i’m worried about how they’re going to look at/ treat me now, because they really obviously don’t have any positive opinion on non-cis gender expression
(sad unhealthy stuf below the cut)
i’ve already had a lot to drink, but i want more because this has hurts me so bad and i want it to go away, and i know that it’s unhealthy but i just want it to stop for one night and then i won’t do it again for a while so its fine.. i fuking hate my parents but im too poor to move away, but jsut for tonight im gonna binge a little, but don’t worry i know when to stop when it comes to drinking
and recently i’ve had to drop out of college, so the painfl things just keep piling up and i want to get better but just for tonight i want to be giddy drunk and watch dessert videos
it just hurts so much when this kinda shit comes form your family and it makes it so hard to tell them anything about hw i’m feeling because i know they’ll think i’m stupid for thinking this way because they think its fake or some shit like that i dont know what ot do
more nonsenese rambles sorry
and my betta has bad fin rot, but im too poor to get any kind of medicine, nnd theres not much i can do anyway because hes a fin biter and a pectco fish, so even if i do get money to get him medicine, he could just get sick again, and its really bad and every thing ive looked at is telling me that the best thing to do is to quarentine him and treat him but i dont have any fucign money (my bank account literally has $0.10 in it), and no one wants to hire me and hsdfhlsdfkdfldfjasdlfkj im jusgt really fuckning sad right now, sorry for bothering everyone 
this isnt a cry for help, just let me be sad, ill work on it after i forget this conversation from tonight and if anyone tries to messgae me i’ll only appereciate/see it in the morning because i cant fuckign read right now so im sorry
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.25
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
alright!!! so this chapter is a little special. its a contest!!!!
for literally no reason at all, i decided to have a little fun with this chapter. in this chapter, there are a bunch of pop song references. the majority are from the early 2000s (before 2010, tho there may be one or two from 2011 or 12) and one is from the 90s. whoever can list the most references wins a drabble/short fic of their choice from me!
to enter, submit a list of all the songs that were referenced in this chapter (or the ones you could find!!)
shoot me an ask if you have any questions~!
mental support = nino, ebony = alya, draco = adrien, vampire = alya
i hope you enjoy!
mental support: a reminder that i hate all of you
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: u love u s
mental support: i can t believe you just made me listen to all of that what the fuck
draco malfoy: Now You Know
mental support: i wish i didnt
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: its so good so iconic also the writer is now a fukcing awesome published author and mari and i r gonna read her books together join us we can b the nerds with a book club
mental support: i just spent several hours listening to you three do a dramatic reading of my immortal i think weve gone past nerds with a book club
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: sounds fake
vampire: You cant say that wasnt a lot of fun though I forgot how wil d that fic got
mental support: i need to process
draco malfoy: Have fun
draco malfoy: Reasons to quit modelling: Early morning shoots
draco malfoy changed his name to asleep in makeup
asleep in makeup: I can’t wait to be done today
mental support: i am so sorry dude fingers crossed that your dad stops sending you to them
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: ^^^
mental support: al babe please change your name
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way: f i n e uhhhhhhhh
ebony dark’ness dementia raven way has changed their name to aint no lie
aint no lie: baby bi bi bi
mental support: i dont know what i expected
aint no lie: pls choose a lyric and join me
mental support: youre ridiculous why do i love you
mental support has changed their name to fool for you
aint no lie: lmao sap
fool for you: true
vampire: Oh my god we have so man y orders to day Wont be on Im dying Im gonna dronw in frosting
vampire has changed their name to too many cookies
fool for you: uhhh no such thing let me know when youre on your break i wanna stop in and say hi and also steal some baked goods pull you away from baking for a bit
too many cookies: My knight in shining arm or  <3
fool for you: mostly hoping for cookies deemed unworthy to sell but yes i can work with knight
too many cookies: At least youre honest
asleep in makeup: Get me out og hits hous e
aint no lie: omw get ready to leave boy i was in the area on a walk
asleep in makeup: Thnak s
fool for you: let me know if i can do anything ok?? if you need to stay the night or something that super chill my moms wont mind besides they keep trying to invite you all to dinner
too many cookies: Same as what Nino said!!! And also what!! I love your moms Id love to go to dinner??????
fool for you: yeah but theyre gonna tell embarrassing stories
too many cookies: You say that like I wasnt there for most of them
fool for you: yeah but adrie nand alya werent
too many cookies: Ok true true
19:11 in PM between too many cookies and alseep in makeup
asleep in makeup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J1-eYBbspA
too many cookies: Why the fuck
asleep in makeup: I’m with Alya We’re listening to 2000 hits from the US
too many cookies: Of course you are Are you having fun And feeling better??
asleep in makeup: Yeah We’re cuddling and making fun of the music videos Mostly the fashion Also her mom brought home some food from the hotel so we don’t have to eat ramen which is both awesome and a disappointment
too many cookies: Mhm How hard are you pining
asleep in makeup: Shut up
too many cookies: You love me
asleep in makeup: Unfortunately Why are our friends just so Great Good Incredible Sos I’m getting emotional about them Mari I really love them what did we do
too many cookies: We have really great taste obviously
asleep in makeup: Man I have shitty luck
too many cookies: Or the best
asleep in makeup: That’s your department
too many cookies: True tru e Are you going to survive??
asleep in makeup: Yeah Cuddling with Alya is unfairly nice
too many cookies: Tell me about it Anyway why this song
asleep in makeup: Because I love you and just wanted to remind you
too many cookies: This is the worst way to tell me that But I love you too I have to go help my mom with dinner but Ill talk to you later <3 Have fun Dont die
asleep in makeup: No promises
20:02 in fucking clock hearts
aint no lie has renamed this conversation to tell your boyfriend if hes got beef
too many cookies: Wha t
fool for you: what the fuck
asleep in makeup: We’ve been watching music videos for like 3 hours
aint no lie: im liv in g
asleep in makeup: My dad would die if he saw any of the outfits people are wearing in these
aint no lie: american pop music from the 2000s is wild join us
fool for you: i thik im good
asleep in makeup: Youre not
aint no lie: were not falling in love were just falling apart :/
too many cookies: Im too tired for fake deep al
aint no lie: rip im sorry babe
fool for you: can i break into the bakery and get a cookie i need sugar
too many cookies: Cn I convince you to watch a show with me or something
fool for you: duh
too many cookies: !!!!!!!!! Let me know when you get here Im just at the foot of the stairs braiding my hair Ill let you in  
aint no lie: bo y why are all of 3oh3s songs fucking icon ci
too many cookies: 3oh3 is that supposed to like Mean somethin g
aint no lie: idk its just another word i never learned how to pronounce
too many cookies: RIp
fool for you: yo mari im here
too many cookies: !!!
aint no lie: a;lsdkfjasdf things i apparently need to do add chloe on snapchat
fool for you: yo why
asleep in makeup: She just sent me a selfie of her wearing designer shades just to hide her face cause she took her makeup off
aint no lie: she is???? weirdly chill snapchattin g marhs whtf
too many cookies: Whtf???
fool for you: what hell the fuck
asleep in makeup: That might have to do with us having been friends since we were like In diapers Chloe isn’t the best person but we still talk for a reason
aint no lie: fair
fool for you: i follow her on twitter for her rants theyre ridic they make my day
asleep in makeup: Oh uh Nino can I come over when you’re done at the bakery?
fool for you: yeah of course dude!!! that offers always there
aint no lie: >:(
too many cookies: I take it you two had this argument alread y
asleep in makeup: Yup I feel bad invading Alya’s space for so long
aint no lie: youve been around all night before!!!!! its not a big deal!!!!!!!!!!! the party dont stop
fool for you: want me to steal some cookies from you
asleep in makeup: Stealing is bad
aint no lie: why are u leaving me!!!!!!!!!!!
too many cookies: Ill let Nino tak ethe cookies then its not stealing Also cant you have this con vo irl??
asleep in makeup: Yeah but this is better
aint no lie: yeah also were comfy on the couch and itd be weird to yell at each other when were sitting like this
PM between asleep in makeup and too many cookies
too many cookies: Rip
asleep in makeup: Please don’t make this worse
too many cookies: Come on Romeo
asleep in makeup: That’s not my name
too many cookies: Fiiine You ok?? I know youre going over Ninos Hes getting ready to leave btw but he just mentioned that in the main chat
asleep in makeup: Yeah I just Its been a really really messed up week
too many cookies: Fair enough Let me know if you need anything ok???
asleep in makeup: Thanks <3 Going from Alya to Nino will be fun
too many cookies: Tonight your e fallign in love
asleep in makeup: Very funny But let me know if you need anything too Ok???
too many cookies: I will <3 <3
in tell your boyfriend if hes got beef
fool for you: ok so how many cookies is too many cookies
aint no lie: there is literally no such thing weve talked about thi s
fool for you: i bet if you eat too many you could die
aint no lie: come on let me shake up ur world and change ur life eat All The Cookies
fool for you: thats too many cookies
aint no lie: eat all the cookies an d die
fool for you: youre just jealous that adrien is coming over
aint no lie: please this isnt even jealousy >:/
fool for you: bruh oh btw im leaving in like 2 minutes gonna steal you away from alya
aint no lie: n e v e r
asleep in makeup: Please save me she’s been playing the same song for like half an hour
aint no lie: listen hot stuff im in loe vwith this son g
fool for you: let the beat rock dude
asleep in makeup: Mari pl e a s e
aint no lie: i cant stop cause im haivng too much fun!!!!!!!
aint no lie: i cant believe ive been betrayed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fool for you: youre so dramatic
aint no lie: this is the worst thing to ever happen o t me
asleep in makeup: Its not enough to say that I miss you, is it
aint no lie: no >:( tell me what i wanna hear and that is that ur coming bcak
asleep in makeup: Sorry Al
fool for you: yeah ive got a blanket fort set up still from last time so i win
aint no lie: shi t
too many cookies: Youre all ridiculou s You need to come back down t o earht Weve got bigger problems than this Liek the fact that I canT FIND MY SCISSOR S
aint no lie: r i p
fool for you: theyre under your chaise
too many cookies: What
fool for you: check
too many cookies: ……. Holy s hi t HO W
fool for you: magic
aint no lie: u might no t believe ur eyes but ninos magic
asleep in makeup: I thought I got away from this
aint no lie: nope <3
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mapleshmaple · 5 years
#its...i dunno im!! feeling kinda dejected about the whole looking for a cat thing- cuz it feels like we're never#actually gonna take one home??? because mom keeps changing her mind at the last minute and i get my hopes up and she knocks that shit over#and cuts it off at th last possible fucking second and its. id unno!!! i dunno if im being over emotional abouot it or about how moms#goin about it with this and that its her decision too btu i feel like im just... at her whim- like i cant fucking do anything#without her being like 'ok' and then we end up not doing it or her just being dismissive about it and about how i feel#and its like!!!! why the hell do i bother!!!! are we doing this or not!!!!#she keeps saying that we will and then we DONT and im!!! fukcing tired of having my emotions played with like that!!!#she keeps saying that my aunt/her sister keeps tryna show her cats for us and she keeps shooting it down/saying no#or cancelling at the last second and its so fucking!!!!! frsutrating!!!!!!! likE!!!!! HGJGHJGKMGGM I DUNNO IM. SMAD/TIRED ABOUT IT#i jsut feel like im just not fucking doing enough for her or that shes just not gonna fucking step up to the plate to do what she says she#will/supposedly wants to and i just want a fukcingkn clear cut straight forward answer but she wont!!! give me one!!!!#shes so fuckign all over the place and wishy washy about the whole fucking thing and im!!!! tired!!!!#its like trying to talk to a brick wall or talk to her in a language she knows/understands but pretends she cant fucking hear me and its!!!#its bullshit!!! its dumb and im jsut not fucking doing enough for her at home or at work and im just not enough for her and its stupid!!!
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daifha · 7 years
Get to know me tag game...?
Since I’m done with 2 out of 3 exams (the most problematic yay) I’m gonna do this! Thanks a lot to @tetsya for the tag, it was really a nice surprise for me since I never talk to anyone here :)
ʀᴜʟᴇs:ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ questions ɪɴ ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴘᴏsᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴀɢ ₂₀ ʙʟᴏɢs ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ.
Nickname: I’m not sure if I have ever had one... I had someone calling me Giù o Giu Giu (real name is Giulia) so guess this is it? One of my friends named me Kenma on his phone but no one calls me that, not that I’m complaining! Star sign: Aries Height:  Around 170cm i guess?? maybe a little more but not sure Last thing I googled: “shaking head drawing”... I was trying to find reference for a drawing, but I failed :/ Fave music artist: Marianas Trench... I dont even listen to them really often, but every time I do I get really emotional so yeah, definitely them! Song stuck in my head: The songs from Legally Blonde the Musical... Whenever I don’t know what to do I start playing them in my mind! Last movie I watched: “L’ora legale” - it’s a recent italian film, it was not bad at all! What are you wearing right now: Red sweather, black leggings, sport bra  When did you create your blog: I don’t remember, probably 2013 I guess... What kind of stuff do I post: Mostly stuff related to fandoms Im into... Right now Im head over heels for Voltron so yeah, thats basically what my blog is about since last summer! Do you have any other blogs: Nope. I keep telling myself that I should get a new one but who am I kidding, Im way too lazy to do it :D Why did you choose your URL: Long story short, I was really into Kuroko no Basket when I created it... Aomine was my super fave and I shipped AoKise way too hard and I ended up creating ad AU where they where demons whose names ended all in “-fha” (so Daiki was Daifha and Ryouta was Ryoufha)... And it just stuck with me from then on? I still love it <3 Gender: Female. Even if Im probably gonna buy a binder because there are days when Im just So Tired of my chest.. Like, no seriously go away u ugly. But I dont think its related to my gender. Hogwarts house: I... dont know. The Sorting Hat put me in Gryffindor last year but I’m pretty sure thats not the right house for me... Probably Hufflepuff... Yeah definitely Hufflepuff.  Pokemon team: Team Mystic. Because it’s blue and I need No More. Fave colour: BLUE. It used to be green or red but I keep getting Signs that blue is the color that suits me better and right now I feel an emotional bond with it so I have no more doubts. Average hours of sleep: Right now it’s about 7 hours every day, but it’s probably because there are no lessons in the morning... So yeah, wait till they start again next month and then ask me once more. I wont disappoint you. Lucky number: 5. Also 3 and 8... No reason in particular, just feel like these are good numbers. Fave characters: HERE WE GO.  -LANCE. From Voltron. He’s like????? So precious???? Makes me so happy just hearing his name seriously I’m in deeEEEP. -The third years from Aoba Johsay in Haikyuu. Dont ask me to choose one. They are all perfect and I love them. -Ron Weasley... Hes my desktop background and his smile is so precious. -Mickey Milkovich from Shameless and Im so disapPOINTED IS THIS SEASONS FINALE fukc u -Lavi from D-Gray-Man... Old crush that never really faded completely. How many blankets do you sleep with: now that its winter, two, a duvet and a plaid- but the last one is for my cat so probably I should say one... in all the other seasons it depends on how cold it is. Dream job: actually there are so many?? I mean I would love to work on the sets of films like Avengers or fantasy with super cool special effects... But also the theatre??? Like some days ago I went in the backstage of a musical it was soooo cool I was seriously awestuck! And costumes?? I would love to do the costumes too! Seriously there’s so much stuff!
I’m tagging @cellyls, @apokalypsiia, @the-keith-to-my-heart, @byitslight, @corporal-windex, @madslasher58, @shes-beauty-shes-gray and @raining-apples... Hope the tag wont bother you ^^ 
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sad3girl · 5 years
Ok, so this is literally straight off of like a rom com or a fanfic I swear, bear with me because when I tell a story I really tell it but read it it’s worth it, and it is a 100% a real story somehow. Okay, so I work at Turkey’s Embassy in my home country as basically the secretary / translator because she can’t speak Spanish that well but she is great in English so I translate for her whenever she can’t get the words right. 
So she called a press conference to speak about the Turkish Operation in Syria yesterday, I was in a horrible mood already and then I was in an even worse mood because I would have to deal with the reporters. And it only got worse because the internet company fucked up the wiring and I was basically the whole afternoon bitching to them on the phone for them to fix it. 
So, press conference time comes, and I’m still fighting on the phone, and the reporters start to get to the office so like the smart little bean I am I decide to take my phone fight outside to you know end it already because I had work to do. And I’m fighting out in the hallway and the most beautiful specimen comes in dressed all cool and with some dope ass glasses, like literally my first thought is he looks exactly like Darren Criss in American Crime Story, and I’m fighting like a maniac but he’s gorgeous and I have to go on secretary mode and I could feel my whole face change into a genuine real smile. My bitch ass is like “hiii :D” exactly like that and he is like “hey *cool guy emoji*” and I just go like “can i offer you anything to drink?” and he is like “Just a water please” and first my mind goes “fukc fuck fuck he’s spanish he’s from spain he’s fucking foreing and has an accent” but outside I go like “do reporters not like coffee or something?” because everyone else also asked for water, and immediately regret it because i’m a fucking secretary i cant speak to people like that but he just laughs and goes like “no i like it but i just had one sorry” and im like in love but like I have to finish my phone call so I just go “oK i’ll bring it for you” and go into the kitchen continuing my phone call.
I finally finish screaming at people over the phone and i bring in the waters for everyone. For context, the conference was held at an oval table, i was sitting diagonally from him, next to the Ambassador. We’re all discussing Turkey and the Ambassador and stuff waiting for some more people, and I sit texting the electricist for him to come in the morning to help me with the internet guys and cute guy (btw the only one younger that 40 in this room, let alone the only 20 something year old) is looking at me and I know he was looking at me because then he moved to look at the Ambassador and fUcK i wanted to fuck him so bad. 
And it’s weird for me because I don’t like just anyone, and I never feel connections like that. Ever. But I just met the guy and there is something that is drawing me to him, and he is asking the Ambassador all these questions and he is so smart and his accent is so hot and Im doing my best not to lose it.
The conference starts and it ends, and I can clearly tell he is very against the operation still because of the questions, which I love because so smart and skeptical and just my type. And he seems so passionate and fuck, passion is so fucking attractive.
So the questions end and the Ambassador says goodbye and I have to ask for all of their contact info for the future and to ask for the pictures, and the articles once they’re done. Obviously everyone is like yeah yeah and they give it to me, but not him no no. He goes “well that depends are you going to call me or text me” and hes all like smug but not but like yes but no? and i go “huh what?” for a sec and he goes “i’ll just give you my two numbers they are” and he said them right. 
And like, I’m already in love with this guy, he could tell me die and I’d ask how do you want me to die baby. 
They leave and im in a great mood already bc i got to see a cute guy (bear in my for the past two months my job has literally taken over my life i barely ever go out and i dont talk to any guys anymore bc im exhausted and i didn’t like them that much) and somehow said cute guy actually made me excited to be alive again(?). So im already content, but I have to go pee because I had been drinking water and so I go out and into the hallway where tbe bathroom is and he is leaning AGainSt the wAlL and im like ok ok ok be cool dont be a stalker so I just smile and go to look at my phone while I wait for the guy in the bathroom to come out but cute guy starts talking to me he goes “how long have you been working here?” and my dumb ass goes “a long time” and then i realize what i said and i start to correct my slef “well not really just two months bla bla” and i start rambling and he is smiling and asking me questions and answering mine and we had the loveliest talk for like 5 minutes maybe and for one in my life small talk was so easy and fun and i wanted to keep on talking to him but then the photographer from his agency came out from the bathroom and he said goodbye and they both left.
This morning I texted all the reporters that came to the press conference to ask for pictures etcetera and to give them my contact info because yesterday I only got theirs (most of them had cards except for cute guy and one of the photographers) and well when I texted cute guy we sort of started talking (?) and he is so funny and also i might have cyber stalked him and he is super into indigenous people’s rights like he is obviously VERY passionate about it and he writes about i juestices like that a lot and like bitch all my life the only type of charity i’ve done i work with indigenous groups because my mom and grandpa are all about helping them without changing their customs just making life better for them with food and helping build hoyses and making celebrations for the kids and like I might be crazy and just super lonely but I genuinely think that the reason I feel so connected to him might be that i dunno we are like meant to be or something and thats hard to write bc i don’t believe in that but i honestly dont know how to feel, like im still excited about life and haven’t even gotten too tired or bored to respond and i haven’t wanted to quit all day (usually i want to quit like 8 times a day) and it’s just weird i dunno but we’ll see what happens i’ll keep you guys posted.
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ssoheartbreak · 5 years
oF FUKCING COURSE SHES THERE I mean she got the friend group when we broke up so why wouldnt he take the girl hes been madly in love with to his speedrunning evenet thing
lmaaaaaaaaaaaaooooo ijust wanted to check in on his stream, “oh this sppedrunning group is doing a youth charity thing and hes on it, thats nice and i havent spoke to him in years but he was one of my closest friends so i’ll check it out for a few minutes” aaaaaaaaaand then she’s sitting there in the background
like can i just not avoid her in my life recently, like months ago she was super drunk and depressed and message me multiple times to talk about the break up (which happened 3 years ago) to “check-in” on me and see if i was doing okay and making sure that she didn’t hurt me like oh damn thats a surprise you didnt care about me at all and just wanted to protect your own self from feeling any guilt and then in the past month I was driving my mum to the train station and we drve by her house/oldhouseidk and then she asks if she still lives there and I said “idk i havent spoke to her in years”  AND THEN ANOTHER TIME i was drivingg my family to the train station cause they were going out to eat in Glasgow, but oh they needed to pick up a card for my sisters anniversary, ANd whomst the fck do they see???? her and they chat about usual shit “oh how are you, what you been up to blahblahblah” and I would’ve been fine, but then my mother and sisters were drinking and eating and after I dropped my sisters off back home and was taking my mum home she says “oh you know who we saw in glasgow?” “....idc who?” “oh naw I probably shouldn’t say” THEN WHY BRING IT UP but IT DOESNT MATTER CAUSE SHE TOLD ME ANYWAY and then asked the same old shit “do you keep in contact, do you know what she’s up to blah blah fking blah”
I just never wanna see her, or know about her. I am sick and tired of being asked about her, I DONT CARE, I just want to be left aloen about it. My family knows I don’t speak to her bc I SAY IT EVERY TIME! and yet they never fail to ask each time she gets brought up. I just dont want her brought up but if I say that to my family they’ll be like “oh its okay to hurt and still have feelings blah blah blah” like I know but I dont, I just dont wanna fking hear about her im just done 
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