#she had a difficult time with lloyd in the timeline of the show too in my hc
senseiwu · 2 years
It's too soon... it hasn't been nine months yet...
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pokedashwarrior55 · 2 years
The REAL Crystal Council
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Rewatching Part one of Crystalized just makes me more enraged at the season so far. A big issue is the council having too many uninteresting and disconnected villain's. I feel there are far more relevant, competent, and interesting characters to build a season off of that are accessible in our current timeline. 
I’ll run down a small list of gripes with each current member and then I’ll explain some of my choices, as well as their far more interesting relationships.  
Harumi: Her arc was complete in Hunted and rewriting her death would backtrack the most impactful moment she had. Passes by just barely because she is an interesting character to explore and redeem further, but so far they reversed her to Lloyd angst instead of pursuing the far more interesting and dramatic relationship she and Pythor would share. 
Aspheera: Talk about a waste of space. Her lore was contradictory to Ninjago history when it first came out in Fire chapter and I figured we were finally done and could renounce those events from the timeline. She is beyond idiotic in nature, and her motivations have always been ridiculously shallow, even to the point of satire in this new season. The only thing she can add is Wu angst that was already put to rest during the completion of his arc in Hunted and Motm (Her relation to Wu is also fairly annoying. Do the writers seriously think Wu is in the wrong, or is Aspheera simply this selfish and ignorant to her own actions?). She has no relation to any other character in the entire show and her base personality is difficult to watch at times. 
The Overlord: Cool voice and all, but resurfacing this after so long with no lead up is just opening old wounds again. For the sake of structure I’ll keep him, as he is the main point of the council, but even the Crystal King is on thin ice. (My theory is Oni magic tipped the balance enough to let him escape but there has been no inclination up until now that he would return, so having him appear as the big bad feels like a poor, fanservice decision.)
The Mechanic: The worst offender. This guy is on the same level as Fugidove and Ultra Violet. They were a trio and he never “leveled up” as they say in the show. He was always a one off, or a stooge for someone stronger, smarter, more devious, or more motivated. The Mechanic on his own has no intentions, no goal or purpose. He’s literally a low level thug who wasn’t even named until season 6. If they need a Prime Empire representative, I’d much prefer a plot about a villain kidnapping Unagami, since they are essentially code that could be reprogramed. That would open up a good story for Jay and Zane to bond over together. But no. The mechanic has no reason to be this high up. He has committed nothing on his own, has a bland personality, and his metal tech should be easily defeated by Jay, who is a skilled technician with lightening powers. 
Mr. E... er F: If they are not Echo Zane, it's literally dead weight. The pinnacle of nothing. Mr. E was a mysterious badass biker robot that was good friends with Harumi. They gruesomely died in front of Harumi to give her doubts about her decision. Pythor just ‘rebuilding them” without any notion of the same hard drive/soul device just means they essentially just have a nindroid drone from Rebooted on the MAIN COUNCIL. The one hope for them is if they are actually Echo Zane, like the original draft. We saw the lighthouse, and Nya very distinctly screamed “Is anybody there???” to no response, despite knowing Echo Zane exists. If Echo is not Mr F, than both that scene and the character inclusion is irritating. 
Pythor: He’s fine. Always been a staple petty man just slithering around. In the Canon novel, Pythor’s Revenge, he was last seen begging the Serpentine for help in sabotaging Borg, to which he was kicked out of the caves. He’s charming, entertaining, has a long standing history with the overlord, and could have a plot with Harumi if they choose to mention it. 
Skull Sorcerer: He was so forgettable I literally forgot to type him on the list until just now. Although a staple of Cole’s season (and I love that season), this role for him is disconnected from his previous appearance and practically OOC in my book. King Vangelis loves his people and created the mines to make the city prosperous. He clearly wants to protect his daughter as well. The real villain of that season is the Skull itself, which is seen to corrupt Korgran in the flashback, and is implied to mess with Vangelis’ psyche. When the skull disintegrated, he immediately begged for mercy and forgiveness. The best course of action for Vangelis is a redemption arc, since he was just a King of an isolationist country disconnected from Ninjago that partook in slavery. We can visit him in prison and he could reveal everyone who was buying from him, although it was under a codename so he has no idea who it really goes to after the middle men pick it up. Instead of this approach, I fear he will just be some boring powerless guy wearing a mask. Vangelis as the SS did not have a single interesting thing to say. it was tropey generic villain jabber and it seems they may fall back on that instead of pursing something better. 
The council I have created, along with my sister, may be too much to unpack in one grand season, but I can simply no longer ignore how boring the current members are when others out there can be justified. It is grand, yes, but even one of these additions instead of the latter inclusions would make for a more exciting season.  
Pythor: The snake can stay. Forever endearing, with a background in helping the overlord and a connection to season 1, as well as the long lasting Serpentine war arc. 
Clouse: He only got his time to shine in Canon Malaysian plays, and off screen in books and semi-cannon Tommy fanfictions. This man is, in the shows current lore, still out there in the Underworld. Since WotD is still a WIP, we don’t know what his end is, but for now he could be back with something as easy to get as Travelers tea. I’m sure the Overlord is quite aware of portals and proud of how Clouse succeeded in merging Ninjago back into one land using dark matter. 
Harumi: If Canon is reversing her death than I suppose I can too. I can’t ignore the potential she has outside of Lloyd and the character growth she still could obtain. 
Nadakhan: A bit of an OP one, but you could make it work. Wishes can be very powerful and the Overlord could see the potential. He already wanted revenge on Ninjago since they destroyed his homeland and the Overlord could easily make that happen. The Overlord is also incredibly powerful. I’m sure there are wishes and ways to keep Nadakhan in line. We know he is currently in the possession of Clutch powers, making him more a part of WildBrain than Mr E. He is also personally connected to Jaya, which was something very important from last season. 
Time Twins: Lloyd says since their location is ‘unknown’ they are ruled out. I disagree. The best villains to bring up are the ones with no known location and there is no reason that the Ninja should rule out that possibility based on location alone. They just had a short reminding us of their existence. I would place them in Aspheera’s spot, serving as a reminder of Wu’s past, while also being in it for petty vengence. These two were also wronged by the Alliance and this new, darker alliance could be the push they need for redemption, as I’m a raved Twim sympathizer. 
Oni Garmadon: I know he has been shown in the trailers. It would be cool if he were a spy of some sort. He gets sent the invitation as a notorious villain at the end of his journey in the Garmadon comics. Having regained some humanity, he accepts the invitation to sabotage the organization. The Overlord could help him remember the past, or at the very least his time has Lord Garmadon, which was still kinder than how he acts now. 
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Look at all those lines. Now that’s a group of characters and not a bunch of useless bland faces about to be vessels for the Overlord. I’ll run down this list for you under the cut. 
Overlord || Pythor: Old chums and business partners in crime from Rebooted.
Overlord || Clouse: Clouse used Dark Matter to merge the islands together to shift the balance. 
Overlord || Twims || Nadakhan: No clear relation
Overlord || Garmadon: An old toxic dynamic. Overlord could remanipulate Garmadon and he wouldn’t remember, or he could regain his memories through this.
Overlord || Harumi: Although there is no clear relation, Harumi could have fallen in the same spot the DigiLord was defeated. This Harumi we see could be a husk possessed by the Overlord
Pythor || Clouse: Hate eachother from the events of ToE
Pythor || Twims || Harumi: The trio of serpentine trauma. Pythor released the great Devourer, which killed Harumi’s parents. Harumi doesn’t know this. The Twims used those eggs for their armada, which would anger Harumi if she found out. Pythor and the Twims most likely know eachother from the war, as he was confirmed to be there at the time. The twims would be racist towards the Anacondrai, and the reverse can be said for Pythor at the Ninjagen solders. 
Pythor || Nadakhan: Both seek vengeance on the genocide of their race by Ninjago. In addition to that, both could not measure up to the standards of their culture until it was too late (making both the last survivors of their respective species). 
Clouse || Twims: Chen has been all but confirmed by outside source material to be the reason the Twims attacked the monastery. Could have met as the secret apprentices to Chen during or after the war. The Twims don’t care about him, while Clouse finds Krux cute and Acronix annoying. 
Clouse || Garmadon:: Clouse is a tsundere Ex to Garmadon who also legitimately despises his existence with every fiber of his being, in which Garmadon has no part in both before and after his resurrection.
Clouse || Nadakhan: Nadakhan trapped Clouse in the lamp after setting him free. Clouse has no memory of this. 
Clouse || Harumi: No clear relation, but they both used dark magic from a spell book. 
Twims || Garmadon: The Twims hate Garmadon. Garmadon is unaware. 
Garmadon || Nadakhan: No clear relation
Garmadon || Harumi: Harumi originally set him free. She used to adore him, but after the amount of damage to the families she saw first hand she may be less inclined to simp to him. Garmadon respects her presence in a strange way. 
Nadakhan || Harumi: Both have daddy issues. Both had lost their families due to the Ninja. They could simply vibe together really well. 
And there’s my 100000+ word fanfiction idea I shall never write. I hope you enjoyed my salty pondering! Ninjago Villains are so interesting and to choose the blandest ones for such a cool premise is saddening. I have other Anti-Crystalized rants but I’ll leave it here for now.
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
stuck with you (through bright and blue)
Prompts: Protective
Word Count: 4,400
Characters: The squad
Timeline: Pre-movie movie!verse
Trigger Warnings: Manipulation, Toxic Friendship
Summary: Kai only wants two things: to protect Lloyd, and to give him the best birthday ever. Unfortunately, Lloyd seems hell-bent on making that as difficult as possible. Kai’s always prided himself on achieving the impossible, but dealing with human emotions is much more complicated than beating up Garmadon’s generals or shooting enemies with fire, as he quickly learns. Movie!verse
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“Woah, it looks like a massacre in here.”
At the sound of Cole’s voice, Kai, Jay, Lloyd, and Zane looked up from the map they had sprawled out across the table. Red pen was everywhere, circling different buildings and connecting them with lines.
“We’re having trouble finding a venue for Lloyd’s party,” Zane explained.
Nya rolled her eyes. “It’s not that hard! Just pick somewhere!” She held a hand out, shaking her phone. “We have five days until his birthday. Most places require at least that many to book a reservation. If we don’t decide today, we’ll have nowhere to go.”
“We can’t just pick anywhere,” Kai insisted. “It has to be perfect!”
“Why don’t we just go to the arcade?”
“It’s always so busy there.”
“It’s a Wednesday night! How many people are going to be there?”
“Trust me,” Jay said, “It’s still busy. It always is.”
Cole peered at the map. “Why’d you cross off the movie theater? Isn’t there a new Starfarer movie Lloyd’s been wanting to see?”
Kai shook his head. “Tickets sold out in like five hours. By the time school was over and we got over there, they were all gone.”
Jay frowned, running his fingers along one of the major streets. “What’s your favorite restaurant, Lloyd?”
“A restaurant? Are you serious?” Cole laughed. “We’d get kicked out in ten minutes.”
“Why can’t we just do it at my place?” Lloyd murmured. “I don’t need anything big deal.”
Kai frowned. “Your apartment isn’t that big, Lloyd. And I don’t want to bother your mom with all the decorations and stuff.”
Lloyd shrugged, looking down. “It doesn’t need to be big.”
“If you really want something simple,” Nya said, “why don’t we just do it at the warehouse? It’ll just be us, but there’s lots of space.”
Zane nodded. “That space would suffice. We would just have to ask Master Wu.”
“That is, if you’re certain that’s what you want.” Nya looked at Lloyd closely. “You sure you don’t want to do anything else?”
Lloyd nodded.
“Positive, bud?” Kai pushed. “Because it’s your birthday. We don’t mind at all.”
“I’m fine,” Lloyd insisted, getting to his feet. “It’s just another day on the calendar. Don’t make such a big fuss.”
The ninja fell silent.
“Lloyd,” Nya murmured, “it is a big deal to us.”
“Sorry. I’m just tired. And I’ve got homework. I should go.”
“Lloyd, wait-”
The green ninja pulled away from Kai’s outstretched hand. “I’m fine, Kai. I just have to go. Call me if you need anything.”
When they went back to school on Monday, their teachers loaded them with assignments, and Kai didn’t have a spare minute to talk to Lloyd in their shared classes. He couldn’t even talk at lunch because Lloyd had to make up a test. He kept his eyes peeled for his friend every time he was in the hallways, but if there was one thing Lloyd was good at, it was not being seen.
At the end of the school day, Nya texted him to meet up near their lockers. He got there and found her huddled around her locker with Cole, Jay, and Zane.
Kai walked over to them. “What’s going on? Where’s Lloyd?”
“He said he’d catch up with us later, which is why now is the perfect time for party preparation,” Jay said, gesturing towards Nya, who had a fiercely determined look on her face and was tightly clutching a clipboard. “Apparently she’s been waiting her whole life for this.”
“Alright.” Nya looked up from her clipboard. “I’ve already got streamers and gift wrap at home. What about you guys?”
“I’ve got a banner ordered with his name on it,” Cole said. “And of course, the shark tablecloths-”
Jay blinked. “Sharks?”
“Yeah. He loves sharks.”
“No, no, no, you’ve got it all wrong! We’re getting the dragon ones! He loves dragons!”
“Well, yeah, duh, but he’d obviously like the shark one better.”
“Are you kidding? Sharks would remind him of his dad’s mechs!” “Yeah, well, dragons remind him of his mech, which also reminds him of fighting his dad.”
“Totally not the same, plus dragons are way cooler-”
“Okay, we’re going with the Starfarer ones, then,” Nya grumbled. “What about balloons? Who’s covering-”
“I have balloons,” Zane interrupted. “Two hundred and seventy-five of them.”
They gawked at him.
“Zane… why do you have so many balloons just lying around?” Jay asked.
“They are new! In the package! I can blow them up for Lloyd’s birthday party-”
“Shhhhh!” Four pairs of hands immediately pushed over his mouth, silencing him, even though they were the only ones in the very empty hallway.
“No one can find out,” Cole insisted. “This is Lloyd’s special day. We’re not about to let anyone ruin it.”
“Okay, so Zane’s got the balloons.” Nya ticked another item off the list. “What about the cake? I have most of the ingredients to make one at home, but I’m completely lacking the baking skills.”
Cole nodded. “I can bake a cake. What’s his favorite kind?”
“Lloyd likes that Funfetti one,” Kai murmured.
Cole’s nose wrinkled. “I’m not baking a box mix. I can get him the rainbow sprinkles, though, and make a homemade one.”
“Okay, sounds good. Jay, could you pick up some confetti before his birthday? And Zane, we need some fun paper plates.”
“Zane, you should get shark ones.”
“No, dragons!” “Zane will pick out whichever plates he likes,” Nya snapped.
“What about gifts?” Jay asked. “What are you guys getting?”
“I’m not telling you,” Nya yelped. “I have the best gift ever and I don’t want you stealing any ideas.”
“I’ve been setting aside pieces of my allowance for a month,” Cole grinned. “It’s gonna be sweet.”
Jay blinked at him expectantly, and Cole smirked. “I’m not telling you, either, blabbermouth.”
“Blabbermouth?” he yelped. “I can keep secrets perfectly fine, thank you.”
“Oh yeah? What about that time you nearly gave away all of our ninja identities?”
“Or-” Zane added, “when he and Lloyd were working on those surprise mech upgrades and he accidentally said something in front of Kai and Nya?”
“Oh, remember when he spoiled the finale of Cole’s favorite show?” Nya grinned. “Cole was pissed.”
“Okay, okay, so there were a few times,” Jay spluttered. “But those were a while ago! I have many more secrets that I have kept than I haven’t.”
Cole crossed his arms, smirking. “Name one.���
“Well, there was that one time, where I- hey!” He stopped, glaring at Cole. “You’re trying to trick me into telling you a secret!”
“And it very nearly worked. So no. You can’t know.”
Nya shrugged. “Sorry, Jay. He’s right. When you have a secret, you get nervous. And when you’re nervous, you talk. A lot. It would only be a matter of time before you spilled everything to Lloyd.”
“Fine,” Jay muttered. “Keep your secrets.”
Kai jumped slightly as Nya elbowed him, and she frowned. “You okay? You’ve been really quiet.”
Kai shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Is it just me, or… did Lloyd seem like he doesn’t really want a birthday party?”
The others went quiet.
“We’re not going to not give him a party,” Nya insisted. “You know how he gets. He never wants anyone to make a fuss.” Her brow furrowed. “It’s like he still can’t get it into his skull that we care about him.”
“I mean, of course I want to, it’s just… we can’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want.” Kai bit his lip. “It’s been a rough past few months for him. I just want him to be happy.”
“We all do,” Cole agreed. “Lloyd deserves a night just about him, for once.”
Zane frowned. “But how are we supposed to give him the party that he wants if he won’t tell us what he wants?”
“Let me try to talk to him,” Kai said. “He might open up more if it’s just one of us there.”
Lloyd, in fact, did not want to talk.
He was more open during their classes the next day, and held casual conversation with him, but forcefully avoided the topic of his birthday whenever Kai brought it up.
He huffed with frustration. What kind of kid didn’t want to celebrate their birthday? He wished Lloyd would just tell him what was going on.
He wasn’t going to, though, so naturally, the next best thing was to follow him.
He wouldn’t call it spying- just finding another way of obtaining information when Lloyd refused to give it himself. Besides, he was doing this to help Lloyd, not to hurt him.
Kai jerked himself out of his thoughts as Lloyd nearly slipped from his view. He gritted his teeth, refocusing on him. Lloyd wasn’t an easy person to follow, either.
When he finally caught up to him, keeping a reasonable distance, of course, Lloyd was hovering near his locker. An unfamiliar, dark-haired kid was leaning against it, laughing at something as Lloyd smiled uneasily. Kai edged closer, his frown deepening.
“Where’s the spike head? And the rest of your gang?”
“Kai?” Lloyd shifted. “I dunno. He probably had homework and stuff to do.”
The guy shrugged. “I kind of found him annoying, anyway. You realize no one could ever get to you when your friends were around, right?”
“I guess that’s… kind of the point.”
“You can’t spend your whole life letting them protect you. If you block out any person who hurts you, you block out anyone who could potentially be a friend, too.” The guy smiled in a way that made Kai wanted to chuck himself between Lloyd and the guy.
“That’s… that’s the thing. No one wants to be nice to me.”
“Spare me the sob story,” the guy rolled his eyes. “I know your dad sucks, but at least you have one.”
Lloyd flinched. “Sorry.”
The guy laughed, putting a hand on his shoulder and shoving him. “Stop being so jumpy, will ya? No wonder kids pick on you, you’re as harmless as a flea.”
“What am I supposed to do?” Lloyd blinked. “I can’t hit them back, or I’ll be in more trouble than I already am.”
“You don’t need to hit them, just show them you’re not a total coward! Maybe if you actually listen to them instead of cringing away, things might change.”
“Listen to them? Are you saying they’re right?”
“What does it matter if they’re right? Look, Lloyd, you’ve already got it hard enough as it is, and you’re making everything more difficult. You’d be so much cooler if you actually hung out with important people and not the outcast-losers you’ve stationed yourself with.”
For the first time since the conversation had started, Lloyd appeared indignant. “They’re not- I mean, you’re not-”
The guy laughed. “See? You can’t even get a word out. You’re so pathetic. You don’t even need the fact that you’re Garmadon’s son to get picked on, you already got it all set up for the torment-”
Kai wasn’t aware of himself pushing forward, he just was, and suddenly he was gripping the guy by the collar of his shirt, a pair of wide, brown eyes staring fearfully up into his.
“Who do you think you are and what the hell are you doing?”
“I… um, I…” the guy swallowed, his throat running dry.
“You treating my best friend like a piece of shit?” Kai shook him. “Are you?”
“I’m sorry!” The guy squirmed. “I didn’t really mean it, we were just joking around, he says that kind of stuff to me all the time!”
“Really? Lloyd. Says that. You sure we’re talking about the same person? Because I do not take nicely to liars.”
The guy squirmed harder. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry! Just please let me go, I’ll never bother you again!” Kai shot him the fiercest glare he could muster. “You better not.” He stepped back, dropping the kid, and he took off like a bullet.
Turning back to Lloyd, he saw his friend was staring at the fleeing boy with wide, disbelieving eyes, but it quickly dissipated to anger as he turned to Kai. “What the heck did you do that for?”
Kai’s eyes widened. “I was protecting you? From a bully?” Lloyd’s eyes flashed, and Kai actually took a step back. “I don’t need you to protect me! I can fight my own battles!”
Before Kai could even say anything, Lloyd was storming down the hallway and disappearing around the corner.
Kai just stood there for a moment, in shock. What was that all about? Hadn’t he done the same thing for Lloyd a dozen times? Why would defending him ever be bad?
A buzz in his pocket interrupted his thoughts. Kai pulled out his phone to see a new message in the chat from his sister.
irondragonfangirl: how r things going with lloyd
MasterofFiyaaaaa: honestly? i think i made it worse
irondragonfangirl: well u better find a way to fix it soon because his bday’s TOMORROW
MasterofFiyaaaaa: yeah i’ll find a way through to him
MasterofFiyaaaaa: i just hope he listens
irondragonfangirl: don’t worry
irondragonfangirl: he will
irondragonfangirl: just make sure u remember to listen to him too
irondragonfangirl: i have a feeling we haven’t been doing that enough
irondragonfangirl: i feel terrible
MasterofFiyaaaaa: yeah me too
MasterofFiyaaaaa: we’ll make it up to him though
MasterofFiyaaaaa: right?
irondragonfangirl: sure as long as cole doesn’t burn this cake
irondragonfangirl: seriously y did we let him bake it
irondragonfangirl: if i dont respond in the next hour just assume his house burnt down and im dead
MasterofFiyaaaaa: can i have your motorcycle if you die
irondragonfangirl: shut up
Kai spent an hour looking for Lloyd after their confrontation, but he couldn’t find him anywhere, and Lloyd, unsurprisingly, hadn’t answered any of the twenty-some texts Kai had sent him, either. Eventually, he had to give up looking for him and resigned to speaking to him at school tomorrow.
His birthday.
In the first class they had together, Lloyd avoided looking at him, and Kai felt an ache in his chest. Today was his birthday. He knew things weren’t going to turn out like he had imagined, but he wanted them to at least be better than this.
Swallowing back his nerves, Kai walked over to him, where he was doodling something in his notebook.
Kai cleared his throat. “Um. Lloyd?”
Lloyd looked up, an expression flashing across his face that Kai couldn’t read, but he didn’t immediately leave or turn away from him, which Kai took as a good sign.
“Happy birthday, dude.”
Lloyd smiled tentatively back. “Thanks.”
Things didn’t go immediately back to normal after that- there was still a tension between them, and Lloyd wasn’t saying much more than a couple sentences at a time, firmly avoiding the topic of the previous day- but at least it was back to a level where Kai didn’t feel absolutely horrible for ruining his day. Lunch, at least, got a smile out of him- as well as a bunch of embarrassed blushing as Nya stabbed a candle into his brownie (they couldn’t actually light it, lighters weren’t allowed on campus) and they insisted on singing to him so off-key that Cole looked like he wanted to punch them.
When the last bell finally rang, Kai headed over to Lloyd’s locker, hoping they could talk now that there weren’t other kids around, but he wasn’t there.
Kai relented, pulling out his phone.
MasterofFiyaaaaa: Lloyd? i know youre upset but can we plz talk?
He held his breath, staring at the screen intensely, as if that would make Lloyd respond.
While he was waiting, a message from a group chat popped up.
irondragonfangirl: what’s taking so long jay, we need those decorations
jaybird123: eta 5 mins
jaybird123: i literally just left class how’d you get there so fast
jaybird123: wait you didn’t use the tunnels did you
irondragonfangirl: no me and cole are bringing the CAKE remember?
irondragonfangirl: im not taking that through the tunnel
irondragonfangirl: we didnt spend 3 hrs on that for it to get squished
irondragonfangirl: i told the nurse i wasn’t feeling well so i could go home early
irondragonfangirl: why didnt YOU take them
jaybird123: i couldn’t exactly discreetly smuggle all these decorations into my locker
jaybird123: mmm cake. is it good?
irondragonfangirl: don’t even THINK about it, that’s not until Lloyd gets here
jaybird123: but im hungryyyy
jaybird123: do i need to pick up anything for dinner?
rock’n’cole: nah it’s cool, we just found out lloyd’s favorite chinese restaurant, the Bamboo Dragon, delivers so we’re gonna order from there
jaybird123: my mouth is watering already
ZaneJulien:0xD;): Jay, you shouldn’t text while driving.
jaybird123: tell nya to get off my case then!
irondragonfangirl: exCUSE me zane you are supposed to be putting up those balloons right now why are YOU on your phone
ZaneJulien:0xD;): Why are you texting me? We are in the same room.
irondragonfangirl: why are YOU texting ME
rock’n’cole: would you guys just stop being dumb and come help me
irondragonfangirl: great now you got cole in on it too
rock’n’cole: would you two just GET OFF YOUR PHONES
Kai was interrupted from whatever turn the conversation was going to take next when he finally got another notification.
thegreendragon: ok. you know where i’ll be
Kai blinked, turning towards the doors and pushing through them, walking out onto the school lawn. The main feature was the football stadium, although there were other things as well- large trees, garden patches for the science classes, picnic tables for eating lunch outside, if the weather permitted. And- although the students were too old for recess, now- there was still a small swing set- a simple, rusty thing, with only two swings, but it served its purpose. Sitting on one of them, gently rocking, was Lloyd.
Kai made his way over, sitting down beside him in the other swing.
“So, uh… can we talk? About yesterday?”
Lloyd nodded, and Kai titled his head at him, trying to gauge his thoughts. “Who was that kid?”
Lloyd breathed out slowly. “His name is Brad. He was my best- and only- friend in elementary school, but we were separated when I moved away. Brad’s family just recently moved to Ninjago City, and I… I was hoping to reconnect with him.”
Kai ignored the twinge of jealousy at the words “best friends.” Lloyd was allowed to have other people than him in his life, and things had obviously changed since then, anyway.
“I’m sorry, Lloyd. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything, but from what I saw… Brad was being a jerk to you.”
Lloyd shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah, I… he’s changed since we were kids. The efforts at rekindling our friendship honestly aren’t going so well. That’s… that’s why I was in a bad mood. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. You were only trying to do something nice for me.” “Don’t worry about me. But this Brad kid… anyone who treats you like that doesn’t deserve to be your friend.”
“I know, I just…” Lloyd sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “I was so eager to make a friend other than you guys…” His eyes widened as he processed his own words. “Not there’s anything wrong with you guys, it’s just- I just wanted to actually earn someone who wasn’t friends with me because of a shared occupation.”
Kai elbowed him. “Hey. This whole ninja thing may be what got us introduced to each other, but we’re not friends with you because you’re one of the ninja. We’re your friends because we love you as a person. As Lloyd, not the green ninja.”
Lloyd sniffed, giving him a soft smile. “Thanks, Kai. I’m glad I have you to protect me.”
“You don’t need protection, but you’re stuck with me as a best friend, so you’re going to get it, anyway.”
Lloyd laughed. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
His phone buzzed, and he quickly checked it.
irondragonfangirl: the party’s all set up, now the only thing missing is lloyd. did you get to talk to him?
MasterofFiyaaaaa: yeah, we’re cool now. on our way
Kai turned back to Lloyd. “C’mon, green machine. Let’s go enjoy your birthday.”
Lloyd blinked at him. “Huh?”
“Your party, remember? The one Nya and the guys have spent the whole week planning? Or is there some other celebration I don’t know about?”
Lloyd shook his head. “No, no, it’s just- I thought I messed it all up.”
“Don’t worry, we got it under control.”
“This is our teammates you’re talking about! Stubborn as mules. They’re not giving up on you that easily.”
“I… thank you. Thank you guys.”
“You can tell them yourself. We’re going to this party, and we’re going to have fun!”
Kai had to admit, he was impressed with what the others had been able to pull off in such a short amount of time.
It was nothing huge or extravagant, but it was a nice little party, and Lloyd seemed to like it better like that, anyway.
They were barely through the doors of the warehouse when Jay was launching himself into Lloyd’s arms, pulling him into a tight hug, the others close behind.
“Happy birthday!” they cheered.
Lloyd hugged them back, laughing. “Thanks, guys, I didn’t- I didn’t expect all this!”
“Are you kidding?” Nya put her hands on her hips, grinning. “We’re pulling out all the stops for our baby bro.”
Lloyd’s smile briefly flickered to a scowl. “I’m not a baby.”
“To us, you always will be,” Kai said, slinging an arm around his shoulders and ruffling his hair. Lloyd squirmed away, although he was unable to hide the grin on his face.
“Wow, this place really looks different.” Lloyd gazed around at the warehouse with wide eyes. They had pushed aside training equipment to make room for tables and chairs, and green and gold streamers decorated the walls, adorned by multicolored balloons. Someone had plugged a gaming console into the TV, as well as a DVD player next to a box of DVDs- which must’ve been Jay’s, he was the only person Kai knew, apart from Master Wu, who even had DVDs anymore- because Kai still hadn’t been able to convince Master Wu to buy them Netflix on the warehouse’s TV, getting the TV there in the first place had been hard enough as it was. On the far end was a buffet table, filled with rice, chicken, dumplings, and other Chinese staples from the Bamboo Dragon- as well as a beautiful, heavily frosted cake in the center of it all. It was decorated with rainbow sprinkles, making it completely and uniquely Lloyd.
Lloyd’s eyes were on the cake too, his eyes wide. “Cole! It looks amazing! I never knew you were so good at making cakes!”
Cole shrugged, trying to hide his smile. “I’ve had some experience.”
“Hey! What makes you think Cole made it?” Nya sniffed.
Cole blinked. “I did.”
“Well, I helped.”
Cole snorted. “Don’t know if you could call it that. From my point of view, it seems like I was doing most of the work while you were busy texting your boo.”
Both Nya and Jay turned scarlet.
“I was not,” Nya spluttered. “I was making preparations for Lloyd’s party!” “Yeah, yeah, whatever you have to tell yourself.”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions too hastily,” Jay said, turning to walk over to the cake. “The true judge of quality will be how good it tastes.”
Nya stuck an arm in front of him. “Not so fast, mister! Dinner first.”
After laughing, playing games, and eating, they insisted on opening presents. Lloyd was all smiles and gratitude with each one, which ended up sparking a debate between the others about whose gift he liked best.
“He totally loved my gift!” “Nuh-uh! Did you see the way he smiled a little differently on mine?”
“Jay, you literally gave him a book. Why would he be excited about that?”
“Not just any book! A first edition Starfarer collector’s comic from when my parents were kids, and in mint condition, too!”
“Why would you want some dusty old comic when you could have the newest Starfarer video game?” Kai argued. “It took forever for me to find one of these, they were sold out everywhere.”
“Starfarer this, Starfarer that,” Cole sighed. “I don’t understand how he could possibly need any more Starfarer things. The record I engraved for him is way more personable and unique.”
“You guys are thinking about this all wrong! You should’ve gotten him a katana like me, something that he actually needs and uses.”
“Statistically, Lloyd spends more time drawing than any other hobby,” Zane said. “Which means my gift of an art book and new set of pencils is logically the best fit.”
“Clearly you guys all have it wrong in the head-”
“Guys, relax,” Lloyd laughed. “I loved all your gifts equally.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Jay… it means exactly what you think it means.”
“You can’t even pick one gift?”
Lloyd shook his head. “No way. These are all amazing. Thank you, guys. Really.” His gaze met Kai’s for a long beat. “For everything.”
“Of course. But, just to make things clear, you did like mine the most, right? You’re just saying you liked them equally, so that you didn’t make the others feel bad?”
Lloyd smacked his forehead as the others burst into protest again, and Kai shot him a sharp-edged grin. “I can do this all night.”
Eventually, Lloyd got them to stop bickering- the mention of cake got them all quiet pretty quickly- and after divvying it up, they went over to the couch and played the video game Kai had gotten him. He quickly lost track of time, but time didn’t matter. Even if it meant they would be tired for school the next day, seeing Lloyd like this- half sprawled over his teammates, brow scrunched in concentration as he mashed buttons on his controller, hints of frosting on his lips as he tried and failed miserably to bite back his laughter- it was worth it. He looked happier than Kai had seen him in weeks.
For that, he could even contain himself from bragging about how Lloyd obviously liked his gift best.
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cookiedoughmeagain · 7 years
Haven Rewatch - Season Two DVD Extras - Episode Commentary Notes
Episode 2.06 - Audrey Parker’s Day Off
There are two commentaries for this episode on the DVD, this one is with Emily Rose and Lloyd Segan. 
ER: Remembers the room they are in is where she first auditioned for the role “I didn’t think I was going to get the part because I wasn’t a brunette.”
When Emily first heard about the episode she wasn’t sure how it was going to work, and Lloyd agrees that it’s a hard thing to do because you’re filming multiple versions of a scene and they have to just have small differences and nuances from each other.
ER: When they were filming they would do all of the scenes in a particular location together, so there was a challenge to remember the progression that led up to each version and what had led up to that point and how to make each one different. For every episode she has a notebook of with the timeline for the episode to remind her on set, so she prepared for this episode in the same way, just with more highlights on the important things to remember for each scene.
LS: They shot the school scenes on location in Chester; it’s a real school there and they both talk about going past it all the time.
Lloyd asks Emily what it was like working with Jason Priestley and she says it was fantastic “It was a dream.” He’s also a director and directed an episode of Haven. And they both agree that Audrey and Chris had great chemistry together.
ER: “It’s very interesting to watch how Audrey is trying to do the normal relationship thing. I l think we talked about how she saw that the other Audrey have a significant other in her life and so she thinks, well maybe I can, maybe I should. And she tries to go down that relationship path, and it just sort of deteriorates.”
LR: Adds that it’s very hard for Audrey because she is trying to find herself, so that makes it hard for her to be so vulnerable for someone else to come into her life.
When Audrey first arrives at the scene of the accident and Nathan is showing her the bloody green tennis shoe, Lloyd talks about the location; Mulholland Bay [Muhoan? Bay Mahoan Bay? - I don’t know the spelling].”This is a beautiful location that we don’t normally get to shoot in.” And Emily adds they were really excited to be able to shoot there.
Emily asks Lloyd a question about the titles, from a podcast called the Sisterhood of the Supernatural. They watch Haven and are convinced that Haven’s title sequence is gradually changing over time. Lloyd says that the best person to talk to about the specificity of the changes would be Sean Pillar who designed the title sequence, but he adds that yes, it is changing over time. And that there may be more.
ER: “I think Eric in this episode is some of my … He makes me laugh so hard. His sheer delight and excitement that Audrey Parker might have some semblance of a romantic life and be getting some action on the side is quite charming and he does a great job. Because he’s also bridging that feeling with the fact that he really likes Chris Brody.”
And they talk a little about Chris’s Trouble and how Audrey is the only person who’s immune and that that’s why he is drawn to her, because she is not smitten. Or rather, she is smitten but in the right way.
LR: Shout out to the Zuckerman sisters for writing such a complex epsiode.
ER: Agrees and adds that they were really available during shooting which was great. And that they told her they were excited about seeing the girly side of Audrey in this episode and to watch her get further removed from that as her world falls apart. And she says she values those conversations with the writers in general for the extra insight they provide.
LR: Mentions some of the processes they go through before filming, including; tone meetings with the director, and then production meetings, and (most importantly for the actors) the read through where the actors get a chance to hear the script around a table and ask the writers questions about the story and the characters.
Emily agrees and adds that as they’re filming in Nova Scotia and the writers are in LA, they are not literally around the same table, but they make it work and it’s great to have the technology available to help with that.
As Audrey is explaining the repeating day to Nathan in their office, Lloyd asks Emily about the dynamic between them, wondering if Nathan is jealous of Chris. And Emily talks about how Nathan is the only person that Audrey feels she can trust to understand what’s going on.
They talk about the weather because they would have expected better weather at this point in the year, but it was still raining and misty and Lloyd mentions how that works for the tone of the episode.
Emily has a story about the kid with the skateboard whose shoes she checks after signing Duke’s cheque; they had cast someone else, but they ended up being the kid who was in the Colorado Kid photo and so they couldn’t them again. And so they had to re-cast for this role last minute. The kid in this scene had written a letter to the show saying how he wanted to be an actor and asking if he could come visit the set for the day. And so they called him to see if he wanted the role and he came down that day with his dad and it worked out great.
As Audrey finds Duke lying in the road, Emily talks about how the original plan for the change between days had been to film a shot which went into the eyeball, which would have required her to stay very still for that to be filmed with all the cameras coming in to that as a focal point. But she says she felt that what they did still worked.
LR: Adds that the reason they didn’t go with that visual style was because they felt that it would be too emulative of what they had done in the Dead Zone, which was a signature visual approach that was unique for that show, and which has since been emulated for other shows, but so they felt they wanted to do something altogether different for Haven. “And I think what was chosen actually had a greater emotional grip.”
They talk again about filming the different versions of the scenes. So for example they did all of the versions of Audrey waking up in bed with Chris together on the same day, so there was a challenge for Emily to jump ahead in the plot to the next version. So they made little changes; for example in this version her hair in not in a ponytail [as she hugs Duke] because she was in more of hurry to get out of the door.
ER: “And I had to think about how I wanted to make seeing each of these characters a different kind of relief, which was interested when I saw it put together.” And she wonders if there’s questions about does Audrey care more about certain characters than the others. But she feels it came out OK. And Lloyd adds that “I thought it was terrific.”
LR: Adds that this shows the challenge of filming these scenes, because they’re filming the different versions of them waking up, or leaving Audrey’s place, within minutes of each other and yet they have to be in a completely different place for each one in terms of their emotions and reactions.
They both agree Duke and Chris were great together.
As Audrey meets Nathan outside the school, they talk about the weather; the fog we see when the jogger jumps the hedge is the real weather. And they talk about Eric Cayla (Cinematographer) doing a great job in capturing it, but that the weather they had “added to a certain moodiness for the season”. “So it just goes to show that you can make it work no matter what.” And they mention that they shoot on film which provides “a unique texture” and “allows you to do certain things make-up wise; it adds a richness to things and it’s such a gift.”
As we see Audrey walking along the road on the phone to Nathan, they had someone off camera reading Nathan’s lines to Emily to get the timing of the conversation.
ER: Talks about these big emotional scenes in the street (ie when she finds Nathan injured) require a lot of setup for filming and between takes, so there was a challenge for her to keep her body at an emotional level for a long period of time and to carry on being so freaked out. So she would ask them to just keep filming so they could go again because it was physically difficult for her to calm down between takes and then spike it back up again; it was easier to just keep going so she could stay in that state. “And by the end of this week, I was getting massages and stuff, because my body thought it had seen three of my close friends die. Because, your brain knows it but your body doesn’t, and you’re putting your body through those reactions.”
As Audrey wakes up again and finds the cut on her arm, Emily talks about how they had to be careful to keep tabs on that and where it was track how bloody it was for the continuity. And they both agree the make-up artist - Stephen Lynch - who they’ve had on Haven since the first season, is fantastic.
ER: “It was really cool this season to be able to do some scenes in this apartment set that they built”. It was built on the ice hockey rink that they use for their sound stage and Emily talks about how “Jennifer and the team mimicked the Grey Gull building and they did a fantastic job.”
LR: Adds that “Jennifer is a genius” and she mirrored the architecture of the actual location and we wanted to build it to allow for a true interaction with the outside, which is why the doors open out the way they do “and I think it really is masterful”.
ER: “It was so fun to walk into that place. Everyone was like ‘can I have this apartment’ it was so cozy. With a working fireplace too I think.”
ER: When Audrey sees Nathan alive, Emily comments this is “a sweet little moment” and she says a lot of people wondered why Audrey doesn’t hug him, but “I think they have a different relationship. She feels that way, but it’s expressed in these little ways that she cares for him. He can’t feel; he doesn’t know if that’s too hot, and so they have this ritual of her testing his coffee, this is something they do every morning and that’s her way of checking in with him. And I think she observes him from the outside; it’s a different reaction. And if she were to do that [ie rush up and hug him] with Nathan, it would change things between them.
Lloyd agrees and adds “It’s the subtle, quiet reaction where he already gets the fact that something is up.”
Lloyd jokes that the real reason Emily got the job is because of her name. Lloyd has two daughters, one called Emily and one called Rose. And Emily remembers him telling her this in her network test, and “I was like, ‘well, if it’s not more meant to be than that Lloyd I don’t know what is’.” But Lloyd adds, “There is another reason; it’s called talent.”
As Nathan and Audrey are looking at the maps they have set up in the station, Emily comments that it’s an interesting aspect of acting that they don’t get to see the actual props until the day they’re filming. So they have to get acquainted and comfortable with these things pretty quickly to demonstrate the familiarity.
As Audrey is on the phone to Nathan, Emily says that the store in the background and that they use later is in real life a candy and bicycle shop; “They have bicycle equipment and bicycle accessories and sell candy. It’s a very interesting combination but it works.”
LR: “I love photographing the Grey Gull from this angle [i.e. out on the water]. We literally take a boat out on the water and shoot in and this year we peppered the outside with real boats.”
Then we see Duke on the phone to Audrey telling her about the Red Sox win and Lloyd comments; “This set is absolutely spectacular.”
The Grey Gull was a storage area that someone was going to retrofit for a home, until they took it over for filming.
As Audrey sees Ansen Shumway at the side of the road, Emily says that her dog gets groomed in the shop we see in the background. She has a miniature Schnauser named McAlister “he’s the cutest ever”.
ER: “He did an amazing job with this part [Ansen Shumway]. And this is one of my favourite troubles because it just seemed like it’s seamless with the whole theme and story of unresolved things that we need to deal with and how they can affect the outside world whether we’re aware of it or not.”
Add she adds, “There’s this really cool thing about when Audrey when she touches people and she connects with them how they’re able to move past what they’re dealing with.”
As we see the car knock down Chris, Emily asks “How do you do that, Lloyd?” And he jokes, “Well, we kill a few people first.”
ER: “I love these episodes where they’re really personal, but they’re hard to play.”
Then the day resets and they’re waking up again and Chris asks Audrey if she’s crying. Emily says this was the only time in the episode she “asked for help from Stephen in my eyes.” Because by that point she had been crying so much she was “all dried up”. So they put something she describes as kind of an equivalent to Vic’s Vapour Rub in the corners of your eyes to make them water.
They both comment on the great acting by the actor playing Ansen Shumway.
Emily comments on how well the blue colour of the school in the background works in these shots when she’s talking to Ansen in the car. And she asks Lloyd, “It’s that colour naturally, right? We didn’t repaint that?” And he confirms no, they didn’t.
ER: Comments on the jacket she’s wearing and says this was one that was used in the first season as well. She says how she likes that about Audrey that they reuse some of the pieces so she doesn’t have a new outfit every time. “You believe she could have a real closet”.
As Audrey and Nathan are walking down the corridor in the station, Emily comments that she loves these steady cam shots because it “creates that feeling of hurriedness and urgency”.
As they’re talking in their office she says that this was a tough scene where they’re putting all the pieces together “It was tricky”. And she comments on the bulletin board behind her, saying that she’s read through some of them between scenes and “they’re all quite relevant and within the world”.
When Stan pokes his head through the door, Audrey talks about Stan (played by Glen) saying that it’s great how they’ve been able to have background guys consistently be there, to help with that small town feel, and helps it to seem like a real station because you’re seeing the same people there regularly. She refers to the plot from season one where Audrey couldn’t remember Stan’s name and says that they joke with him that one day they’ll let him come beyond the door and make it all the way into the office.
As Audrey drives up to find Ansen again, Emily comments that this is of course a working town, so they had to get it cleared out for filming. And as Audrey talks to Ansen, Emily comments that the ‘public pool’ sign is a real sign that’s always there.
As Audrey and Ansen are talking in the car, Emily talks about the set up of the cameras. There is one each side of the car, so they had to be positioned carefully so they could both film at the same time and get close ups on each person, without the camera being visible in the other shot. “Because it’s really important in these scenes that our reactions to each other are true to the scene.” And Lloyd adds that this allows them to cross cut the shots together to show their reactions to each other and how setting that up is a complex aspect of a scene like this that it’s easy to not be aware of when you’re watching.
As they were filming this scene, Emily’s dog had just been groomed in the shop in shot behind Ansen and was waiting for her in there.
Emily comments how great a job the actress playing Ansen’s daughter did and how she appreciated that she was always willing to run lines with her “because I need to run them.”
ER: They had already sent the actor who plays Ansen home for the day when they were filming the scene in the ice cream shop with his wife and daughter and they called him back in to sit off camera and read the lines for the phone call conversation to help with the reactions and make it more genuine. And they were really glad he was able to come back in and do that. So this scene in the ice cream shop is filming inside the real life bicycle and candy store.
As Audrey’s running up the road to try to get to Ansen, Emily said that this was amazing how they filmed it - the camera operator had a hand held camera and was sat on a chair that they rolled backwards along the street to give that hurried look.
As Nathan and Audrey talk outside the Gull, Emily comments that it was interesting to have these scenes with Nathan and Chris; the regret with Nathan and the closure of the relationship with Chris. “Her realising that she wanted to be able to be like a normal person and function, but she really can’t.”
As Nathan and Duke have their ‘man-crush’ conversation, it’s all quiet on the commentary front, until at the end when Lloyd just says, “A nice little moment between the men.”
ER: Originally in the script Audrey walked off and left the men at the Gull. And Emily spoke to Fred because she felt that was similar to the scene last season where Audrey leaves Nathan and Duke playing poker with the counterfeit money. So Audrey wanted to see Audrey having made some progression and made a bit of a journey so that she didn’t actually leave this time, but she didn’t feel like Audrey would go in and sit with them either. So they came up with this thing where she ends up standing outside of the door. “I wanted her to be staying there, with this family, but not capable of having relationships or going any closer.” So we have this thing where the men are functioning in this pseudo-normal way (or at least that’s what Audrey sees) and “she wants to be a part of them, but then she’s only able to go so far”. And she says she loves this shot where Audrey is looking in at the three men, but she doesn’t join them. And she comments it’s what’s great about working on this show because “there is this collaboration that allows for these great little moments to happen”. And Lloyd agrees, saying “Well they say it takes a village and I can’t think of a show that exemplifies that more than Haven.”
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beaverla-blog1 · 6 years
“The Shining” (1980) Review
Welcome back! This is going to be the first full movie review. Hopefully you have already listened to Season 1 – Episode 2 of “Here’s Johnny” and heard what both Justin and I had to say on this film. I am so very happy that this was the first movie we reviewed, not only because it is a personal favorite, but Kubrick is such a brilliant filmmaker and there is so much to dissect with this film. So before we start the review, let’s discuss some of the more important notes about the development and production of this horror classic.
This movie is based off of the novel of the same name, written by Stephen King. After the commercial failure of his last film, Kubrick needed to make a film that would be more financially successful but that would also allow him to flex his artistic ability. He decided to do a horror film, and for inspiration he locked himself in his office with a stack of horror novels and started his way through them. According to his secretary, there were constant slams against the wall as Kubrick discarded whatever book he was reading because it was not what he was looking for. However, the slams stopped and Kubrick emerged hours later with “The Shining” in his hand. According to Kubrick himself, the reason he chose the text was that “there’s something inherently wrong with human personality. There’s an evil side to it. One of the things that horror stories can do is to show us the archetypes of the unconscious, we can see the dark without having to confront it directly” (from Stanley Kubrick: The Complete Films by Paul Duncan). Kubrick did take a lot of artistic variance from the book, and although this allowed him to leave a great deal more to interpretation it also upset some people, including King himself.
A fun note in regards to casting; Kubrick’s top choice was the man who eventually took the role, Jack Nicholson. Others who auditioned for the role included Robert DeNiro, Harrison Ford, and Robin Williams. It blows my mind to try and imagine this movie with Robin Williams playing Jack Torrance. Stephen King is on record saying that he would not have picked any of these actors (B105FM in 2007).
Principal photography took place over a year, and each day is said to have been extremely long. Kubrick is known for his meticulousness and getting the exact shot he sees in his head. This is where some of the stories about the tensions between the actors and Kubrick arise. Kubrick apparently made changes to the script almost daily, and for anyone who has ever acted before it is obvious how frustrating that can be. Nicholson stopped even reading the new scripts and would just memorize lines or improvise right before shooting a scene. Shelly Duvall had an even more difficult time. She and Kubrick constantly argued, over the script, over the delivery of her lines, and her overall acting skills. Allegedly this fighting became so severe that she became physically ill and even started seeing her hair fall out. The scene where Wendy finds Jack’s manuscript was shot many, many times. This was not only due to Kubrick looking for a specific acting performance from Duvall, but also because he had different manuscripts each in a different language and with that language’s version of “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” (from Chris Hooton at the Independent, January 2017).
“The Shining” was also one of the very first films to use ‘Steadicam’. Steadicam allows a camera operator to maintain a steady shot regardless of his movements or any rough terrain. Garret Brown, the inventor of the Steadicam, was very intrigued by what Kubrick was using his new technology for with this film. So much so, that Brown became heavily involved with the filming and still proclaims the master vision of what Kubrick sought to place on film (from the audio commentary on the 2007 DVD release). The final budget was $19 million and the film made $44.4 million in the box office.
I am not going to go into an in-depth discussion of the plot of the film. If you want that, listen to the podcast, go to Wikipedia, or WATCH THE DAMN MOVIE! Needless to say, it’s a great film with a whole lot to discuss. First, I am going to highlight some pros for the film, and then I am going to look at some cons. The film is great. There is a reason why it’s not only considered one of the best horror films, but also one of the best overall films of all time. The script is tight, the acting is brilliant and the tension throughout is palpable. I have also found that the older I get, the more I start to understand what happens to Jack Torrance. When you watch this as a kid, his craziness is scary but hard to relate to. However, as you mature and life starts showing you its hand, it becomes apparent that it would not take too much to take a normal man and turn him crazy. This film is also my favorite kind of horror film, because of how easy it is to see a situation like this taking place in real life.
It is important to note that the plot is not perfect, and those imperfections are far more apparent when watching the film critically. The injury timeline is a little screwy. Wendy tells the doctor at the beginning of the film that Jack hurt Danny five months prior to the start of the movie. However, when Jack is telling the ghostly bartender Lloyd about why his wife hates him, he says the injury took place three years prior to the events in the film. Although it can be explained away that Jack is starting to lose his grip on reality and his view on time is screwed up. And Kubrick is not one to let an error like that fly. But it is never addressed as such and I truly believe it was an oversight. I also feel that Dick Halloran was wasted as a character. I truly don’t see the reason why they brought him all the way from Miami just to kill him. He doesn’t even get to interact with any of the characters and his arc never develops. The film would have been better off having some random forest ranger come up and see what was going on at The Overlook. The furry scene is another that I find out of place. There isn’t a lot of setup for it, and it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the ghostly sights Wendy is seeing as she flees the hotel. It is iconic, I just don’t think it is necessary. Next, I feel the use of the N word is unnecessary. It might be that living in 2018, the word is so far from normal context that when I heard it used in the film I was immediately taken out of the scene. I also don’t think they can even use the excuse “it was a different time” because the film was released in 1980 and it was already established that it was taboo. Finally, my biggest problem is how fast Jack devolved mentally. The film had five months to play with, and for some reason they decided to use less than two for Jack to completely lose his mind. I think that the film would have been better suited to allow more time to pass to make Jack’s devolution make more sense.
With all this in mind, I gave plot 8.5 out of 10.
I believe that this is one of the best films to use when justifying Kubrick’s genius as a filmmaker. There are three scenes in particular that I find illustrate this best. The first is the opening scene, with Jack driving up to The Overlook. It is shot from a helicopter, and shows Jack’s car driving on the mountain roads, surrounded by nothing but wilderness. It lets the audience know right away, without any need to speak words, that the family is isolated and that there is NO ONE around. The second scene takes place after Wendy finds Jack’s manuscript and his craziness is brought to light. Jack has his back to the large windows in the room and since this scene takes place midday, his face is hidden in the shadow. Wendy however is facing the windows and the light is illuminating her. And it’s as simple as that. Jack is shadowy because he is no longer the man we first met, and Wendy is in the light because she is finally seeing what the hotel has done to her husband. It’s a brilliant piece of directorship. Finally, the last scene that I really feel show why this film is a work of cinematic genius is when Jack is cutting down the bathroom door. The film is shot with Steadicam, so throughout the rest of the movie there are no shaky shots. But when Jack’s axe hits the door, the camera shakes. Each time. This is used to make the audience FEEL how hard Jack is hitting the door through camera work. It is so flawless, that the audience may not even notice.
This is why I give cinematography a 10 out of 10.
I also strongly feel that the overall audio of this film is exquisite. One scene that illustrates this is Danny riding his tricycle throughout the hotel. When he is riding on the carpet, it is quiet. But the moment he hits the hard wood, the sound changes. It is abrupt but it is what it would sound like in real life. And again, when Danny goes from the hard wood onto the carpet it is silent again. It would have been so easy to ignore this, but Kubrick knows how important it is to hit the small details. Another audio aspect that I love is the main score. It is brilliant. If for some reason you don’t know it, go listen to it on YouTube. It will speak for itself. I also really enjoyed the “buzzing” that takes place periodically throughout the film. The buzzing will build throughout the scene, and sometimes it will lead to a scare and other times it will lead to nothing. It keeps the audience constantly guessing about what is actually going to happen. The last thing that I think is very important when discussing the audio quality of this film is Jack Nicholson’s delivery. At the start of the film he is articulate and charming. As the film goes on and Jack loses his mind, his speech devolves as well. Ultimately, he is reduced to grunts and screams.
Not surprisingly I gave audio a 10 out of 10.
How Scary is it?
When discussing how scary this film is to me, I feel I have to talk about how scary I found it when I was a kid and then as an adult. The first time I watched this movie, the horror came from the things that were scary to Danny. It is very easy to see how the events that take place in the movie could scare a kid. A rotting corpse attacking you in an abandoned room, two little girls that want you to play with them forever and ever and sometimes appear chopped into bits. Blood rushing down an elevator shaft and filling the hallway. And probably most terrifying of all, your father wanting to murder you. I think every son has a very basic fear that they are not good enough for their dad, and to have it realized in such a malevolent way is brutal for a young kid watching this movie.
As an adult, the fear comes from seeing what happens to Jack. It would be terrifying to be isolated in such a manner as the family is in this film. And to not only be isolated, but to feel yourself losing your grip on reality. To start questioning what is going on around you. To have your wife blame you for something you (think) you could never do again. And probably most basic of all, not being able to trust the one you love while dealing with all of this. This may not be the same kind of fear one experiences when watching a movie like “The Conjuring”, but the fear is one you feel deep in within yourself.
But even with all of that this movie is not all that scary, and modern technology prevents a modern audience from relating as well. Internet and cell phones make the idea of isolation seem so foreign, even when stuck on a snowy mountain.
This is why I rated this section the lowest. 7 out of 10.
Final Grade:
Out of 40, I scored “The Shining” 35.5. This gives the film an 89%, or a B+ which I feel it richly deserves. Even though the film may not be all that scary, the cinematography and acting make it more than worth the dollar it takes to rent on Amazon.
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
And the Walls Kept Tumbling Down
Prompts: Trust and Breakdown
Word Count: 3,706
Characters: Pixal and Lloyd
Timeline: right before season 8
Trigger Warnings: Mental Breakdown/Panic Attack, Lack of Self-Worth
Summary: Pixal has been Samurai X for awhile, now- a role that allows her to be herself, to be happy. But it’s also... incredibly lonely. Luckily, she’s not the only one alone- Lloyd has been left in the city while his friends go after Master Wu, and his presence is comforting. But as they struggle with a mysterious biker gang, Pixal can’t help feeling the want to be part of something more.
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Link to read on FanFiction.Net:
“Master Lloyd, maybe you should go get that checked at the hospital.”
“Pix, I’m fine, it’s just a scratch,” Lloyd mumbled through the gauze as he snapped it with his teeth, winding the last several inches around his forearm. “And I thought I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Why? You are our master now, aren’t you?”
Lloyd snorted, tentatively testing his arm as he moved it back and forth. “I’m no master. I can’t even keep our team together.”
Pixal stared at him, shocked. “We all agreed on this, Lloyd. It is the most efficient plan to find Master Wu.”
“Yeah, and whose plan was that?” Lloyd’s voice was suddenly sharp.
“I believe it was Zane’s, but-”
“Exactly! It was Zane’s plan, not mine. I did nothing. And now, they’re off searching for Master Wu, and I’m sitting here, doing nothing.”
An unfamiliar sensation squeezed at Pixal’s chest, one that felt hot and fierce and miserable all at the same time, before she had to remind herself that no, she didn’t have a body, didn’t have a chest to feel pain in, and that she was just speaking to Lloyd over the monitors.
At least, in the moment, she was.
“Zane trusted me to watch over this city,” she insisted, her voice unstable- which it shouldn’t be, she was a nindroid, not affected by such things- “He trusted us.”
Lloyd flinched visibly, looking away from the computer they were using to talk. “Pix, I didn’t mean- look, I’m sure Zane much would’ve rather had you come along with him, but instead you got stuck babysitting me.”
“Normally, I would object, but I think you’ve already proven your own point,” she commented, shooting a pointed glare at his bandaged arm.
Lloyd gritted his teeth, letting out a slow breath. “I get it, Pixal, I’ll be more careful next time.”
“A doctor’s visit couldn’t hurt, Lloyd.”
“Will you drop it already?”
She frowned. “I wish you wouldn’t grow cross with me, Master Lloyd. I am only trying to look out for you-”
Lloyd stood up sharply. “I get it, okay? I’m incompetant. You don’t need to keep calling me ‘master’ out of pity, I know I’ll never be able to live up to my unc- Master Wu.”
Pixal blinked at him, stunned. “Lloyd, I never-”
“Shut up! I don’t want to hear it!” And then he was reaching forward, slamming down the laptop’s lid, and Pixal’s world went dark.
He knew how much she hated that, when he turned her off or walked away without her consent, like she was some sort of object.
He hadn’t meant it- she had learned a lot about Lloyd in their past year alone together, and he often became impulsive when he was angry in order to cover up his sensitive, insecure side. It would probably only be a matter of hours before he came running back, apologizing repeatedly, and sobbing over what a horrible friend he was as Pixal patiently waited for him to calm down. But she had grown to like and respect Lloyd, and it still stung when he snapped at her, even though the logical part of her mind knew that it wasn’t really her that was the problem.
What bothered her even more so, though, was the things he said about himself. It had been abrupt, this time, but she hadn’t missed the times he had slipped it in more subtly into conversation. It made her angry, how he refused to appreciate himself.
And now, stuck in this stupid form, she couldn’t go after him.
Well. Technically, she could.
The Samurai X suit had been up and operational for a few months since her last major upgrade- the one that had finally given her her own, independent body, separate from just the mech itself.
But she was nervous to remove herself from the computer entirely. She was aware that she was so incredibly useful as a program, with instant access to all sorts of technology and data. She had become an asset to her team.
She liked feeling important, feeling like she was part of the group.
But being the samurai allowed her to physically be there. In these last few months, she felt like she had really grown to know and trust Lloyd- even if he didn’t know it was her beneath the samurai mask. She wanted to get to know the others fully, too- she was already fairly close to Zane, but she liked the rest of the team, too- Cole, Jay, Kai, and especially Nya, Pixal felt intrigued by. She had spent some time connecting similarities between them- there were a lot of differences, too, but she felt like they could be friends. A physical form would allow her to bond with them, like a human. She was well aware she wasn’t one, but she wanted to understand.
But she was afraid, too. Except for Zane, and maybe Lloyd, now, seeing the others again felt daunting. They had never been particularly close before she had been scrapped. What if they thought she was infringing on their team? The six of them had been close for so long. It would make sense if she wasn’t wanted there.
She just wasn’t ready, not yet. Communicating with Lloyd through the monitors would just have to do for now. It was difficult, though- it didn’t seem like he took her as seriously this way.
For now, though, they had bigger problems. Lloyd’s injury hadn’t been too severe, from what she could tell, and would heal quickly. But it had been a sizable wound, and could leave some pretty severe scarring, if he wasn’t careful with it- she knew he wouldn’t be, which was why she had to keep him in line- but the point was, these were no common thieves going around, dealing this kind of damage. This gang- whoever they were- were something bigger, more dangerous than their day-to-day threats. Pixal wasn’t sure if it was severe enough to start calling the others back- she didn’t want to interrupt their search for Master Wu. But she would certainly have to keep a closer eye on Lloyd from now on, to make sure he didn’t get in over his head.
She should probably start playing a more active role as Samurai X. Although the ninja had a tentative relationship with her mysterious persona, she wasn’t about to send Lloyd against this gang alone again.
She just hoped he would have her.
The next call came in much sooner than Pixal had anticipated. At the unappealing hour of four in the morning, Lloyd hauled himself out of bed and stumbled drearily out the door at Pixal’s report of a prison breach alarm coming from Kryptarium. With the rush, there was no time to talk to him, and the drive to the prison was awkward and silent.
When they arrived, it turned out the alarm had been triggered by accident. The good news was there were no criminals to stop, the bad news was that they had woken up at four am for no reason.
Not that Pixal particularly minded- sleep was inconsequential to a nindroid, but Lloyd was less than pleased.
“I mean, if you’re going to have an alarm system that immediately pages the city’s ninja team and makes them stop everything they’re doing to rush over there, it should at least be heavily guarded. How do you even accidentally set off an emergency alarm? I thought these guys were supposed to be professionals!”
Pixal stifled a laugh as he paused, taking a sip of the iced coffee he had picked up as they had headed back. He had told her, “If I’m already up and ready, I might as well spend some time in the city for a little while. Y’know, in case they trigger any other ‘alarms’ that I need to go rushing off to.”
“Perhaps they need a lesson from the ninja,” Pixal suggested.
“I’ll say,” he grumbled. “I don’t know how this city ever survived before we showed up.”
“Well, experience is the best teacher, and you guys have triggered enough traps and alarms to last a lifetime.”
“Wait, what?” Lloyd spluttered. “No, we haven’t! We’re highly trained ninja, we’re better than that.”
“Oh, really? I seem to remember quite a few in the Tournament of Elements, or the time with the technoblades, or when General Cryptor tracked you- shall I go on?”
“Shut up,” Lloyd snorted, trying to hide his grin. “You don’t know nothin’.”
“You’re right, I don’t. I was only with you for a short time before I was uploaded into Zane’s head, and after that, my view of your adventures was extremely limited. I can’t imagine how much more trouble you got into when I wasn’t there.”
“I hate you,” he said, attempting to scowl and failing miserably, the look on his face was too comedic for Pixal to bite back her laugh this time. It wasn’t long before Lloyd joined her, and soon, he was bent over, clutching his stomach, and he had to sit down for a moment to catch his breath. Pixal felt warm inside as she watched him take a long sip from his coffee. She enjoyed seeing him like this. He had been far too tense over the last few weeks, and she missed the more childlike, carefree side of him.
After a moment, though, the expression on his face fell solemn, and he turned to the tablet they were using to communicate to look her directly in the eyes. “Pix, I’m really sorry for yelling at you last night. I was being a brat.”
She paused carefully, both relieved and nervous that they were finally addressing this. “Lloyd, I know you were hurting. I am only trying to look out for you.”
He put his hands behind his head. “Yeah, I know, I need to work harder-”
“Lloyd,” she interrupted firmly. “That’s the other thing. I need you to stop saying things like that about yourself.”
He cocked his head at her. “Like what?”
Good grief, he doesn’t even know he’s doing it. “Talking down on yourself. I called you ‘master’ because that’s what you are now. You’ve earned this title, Lloyd. Just like you’ve earned everything else in your life, and more. It was not my intention to say you would take your uncle’s place, but say that you can be just as great of a leader as he was.”
Lloyd suddenly found the cracks in the concrete to be very interesting. “See, people keep saying that, but- it’s just so hard. I feel like I always mess everything up. Something always goes wrong, or worse, someone gets hurt-”
“Lloyd, you’re one person. You can’t expect to be successful all the time. You may be a ninja, yes, but your job is very difficult and dangerous, something most people wouldn’t even dream of tackling. You’re part of a team for a reason, and I’m sorry they’re not here right now, but until they return, you’re going to have to give yourself a little credit.”
Lloyd’s breathing hitched, and he scrubbed at his suspiciously wet eyes. His next words were so quiet, Pixal could barely hear them. “I just miss them. Everyone… everyone always leaves, and I’m tired of being alone all the time.”
Pixal was struggling to breathe herself- even though she was a nindroid, didn’t need to breathe- the sensation was still there.
She could remember when she had been alone too. Those nights after Zane had… had died, had been some of the worst times of her life. The emptiness had only made it sting worse, but when Lloyd had reached out to her, she had refused him.
She had been scared, scared to let anyone else into her life in case she lost them too, but now she realized that he had been hurting just as much as she had. She knew his friends had gone off on their own like she had, leaving him just as alone as the rest of them. She had been the cause of that, she had only hurt him more when he was already going through so much.
When she spoke again, it wasn’t just for the situation at present.
“I’m sorry, Lloyd. I’m so sorry.”
He looked up at the screen, his watery green eyes staring into hers, then raised an arm, his fingers ghosting the screen, before falling back to his side. He looked away, swallowing.
“What is it?”
“I just… I wish I could hug you. I wish you were here. Like, actually.”
“I am much more useful in the computer, Lloyd.”
“Yeah, but you’re not… you’re not here. I don’t care about how useful you are.”
Pixal let out a trembling breath, but Lloyd hardly seemed to notice, already beginning to stand up. “Sorry about being such a downer. I better get back to the Bounty, I’m sure the police have something for me to do.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’ll be fine. I just… they’ll be back soon. I know they aren’t like… other people. They’re going to come back. And besides, until then, I’ve got you, right?” He gave her a shy smile.
Pixal froze. This was it. He was extending- a metaphorical- hand to her. Offering her to be part of something that she had been wanting for a long time.
But it felt wrong. She wasn’t a ninja. She wasn’t one of his teammates. What if she was assuming wrong? What if he wasn’t really asking that?
“I’m not one of the ninja, Lloyd. I can’t help you the way they can.”
“No, you’re whoever you want to be, Pix. But you’re still my friend.”
Friend. Pixal felt a sudden urge to correct him, to tell him he was mistaken. “I’m not part of your team. I… I can’t be.”
“Trust me, Pix- in every sense that matters- you are one of us.”
“Pixal, I need my car! Now!”
The nindroid’s voice came out slightly crackly from the radio. “Your coordinates, Master Lloyd?”
“I’m somewhere around… well, you know how to find me.”
The cable he was gripping onto slowed to a stop, then quickly began to swing back down. Squeezing his eyes shut, Lloyd prayed that Pixal knew what she was doing, and let go.
Air whipped past him as he fell freely, the fall feeling both agonizingly slow and alarmingly quick at the same time, but before he had time to question what the hell he was doing, a blur of green darted out from a nearby alleyway, and Lloyd fell into his car.
He quickly pulled himself up and took over the controls. “Impeccable timing, Pix! You’re getting good at that.”
“I have to do something while you’re busy fighting crime, don’t I?”
“Speaking of which…” Lloyd cut off, gritting his teeth as he wove in between cars on the busy street, chasing after the biker. “Who is this person? Anything you can tell me about them?”
“They appear to be affiliated with the same criminal biker gang we have been having trouble with over the last few weeks. I am afraid I cannot tell you anything other than that. They have been keeping a very low profile.”
“Well, whoever they are, they’re good. I’ll keep you posted.” Gritting his teeth, he pushed on the gas and shot through the streets after the mysterious biker. They were a skilled driver, but Lloyd wasn’t lacking in that department either, and soon, he had caught up to the biker. The person’s eyes glowed an eerie red through their mask, their expression emotionless, and Lloyd forced his gaze away for a moment to examine the object in the back of his bike- presumably the stolen item. It was a red mask, with an ugly, beast-like face patterned over the top, complete with a mouth of crooked, yellowing teeth, and deep, glowering eyes. It looked like nothing more than a costume. Lloyd wondered what they could possibly want with it.
Putting on another burst of speed, he pulled in front of the biker, making them screech to a halt to avoid a collision. The two of them stared each other down, only a short stretch of road between them.
The criminal revved his engine, and suddenly, was racing towards Lloyd. Lloyd began to do the same, and just when he thought the biker was about to hit him head-on, mechanical arms extended from the bike, driving into the road, and sending the biker flying over his head. Lloyd slammed to a halt and jumped out of the car, running over to the bridge as the biker went over the edge. He yanked something near his chest, and all of a sudden, a big sheet was billowing out from his back, gray and black and red-
Lloyd’s breath caught in his throat as the parachute unfolded fully, revealing the emblem of a face that Lloyd had never thought he would see again.
No, no, no. Lloyd stumbled back from the railing, his breath hitching in his chest as he tried desperately to draw it in. This doesn’t mean anything. Perhaps they just are a fan of Garmadon, it doesn’t mean he’s here-
But it wasn’t working. His body just wasn’t listening to him, his heart beating too fast, his breath trembling and shallow, and his head-
“Lloyd!” A voice came from seemingly out of nowhere, and in his panicked state, he couldn’t, he couldn’t-
“Lloyd, it’s Pixal. What’s happened, why aren’t you responding?”
Oh. It was Pixal, on… on the radio. With trembling fingers, he reached down and switched on his mic. “...Pix?”
“Lloyd, don’t scare me like that, what’s wrong?”
“Pixal… Pixal, I don’t know…” Oh gosh, he was spiraling, spiraling hard, panic swamped his brain as images of his father flashed before his eyes, first running off with the golden weapons, then trying to kill him when the Overlord had taken over, then when he had submerged under the ocean, down, down, down with the Preeminent-
No! Lloyd’s eyes snapped open, scattering the images. He couldn’t be thinking about this now, not- not when-
Oh gosh. His father couldn’t be involved with this gang, he couldn’t. He was gone, gone for good. He missed him, so, so much, but nothing with his father was ever that simple. Something always went wrong, and Lloyd was just beginning to get over his last death, he couldn’t- couldn’t live through the pain again-
“Lloyd, Lloyd listen to me, just try to breathe-”
He could barely hear her. His legs had stopped working, and he sunk to the ground, hugging his knees to his chest, trying to remember to breathe. The last thing he needed was to pass out from lack of oxygen.
He buried his face between his knees, gulping through the sobs. Dammit, why was he like this, he hadn’t had an episode this bad since Morro-
And now he was thinking about that part of his life, one he had so desperately hoped to forget- it had been years, why was still not over that, he had gotten good at suppressing those feelings long ago, but when he got like this, he couldn’t control anything-
He hated when he got like this, it was so terrifying, he just wanted to go home, he just wanted Kai to be here, why was he always all alone-
Suddenly, firm, cool arms were wrapping around him, pulling him close. Lloyd gasped, his eyes flying open sharply.
A pair of glowing green eyes stared back at him, shadowed with fear. “Hey,” she whispered, her metallic jaw moving with the words, “I’m here now. You’re going to be okay.”
He had lost it, he was hallucinating, how was- how was she here-
“Yeah,” her voice was quiet, rubbing her fingers across his palm. “It’s me. I’m here.”
“I’m Samurai X, Lloyd.”
“Oh.” Vaguely, a part of his mind told him he should be more surprised by that piece of information, but he was just tired. His mind was already on overdrive, he couldn’t afford to take in anything else.
“Lloyd.” Pixal’s voice was scared, and he realized he was trembling in her grip. “Please, what has happened to you?”
“It’s- it’s…” Lloyd gasped for breath. “My dad, he- the biker, he was- he had-” and those words alone were too much. Everything was breaking, splintering apart right in front of his eyes, and he clutched onto Pixal like she was his lifeline- in a way, she was. She felt different from Kai’s warm, soft touch- harder and cooler- but sturdier and stronger, too. And right now, Lloyd could use a bit of strength.
But most of all, she was here.
“Why did you tell me?” He managed to get out. “Out of everyone, you told me first? Not Zane?”
Pixal was silent for a moment. “I know what it’s like. I mean, not exactly- I can’t feel what you are feeling right now. But… feeling emotions has been hard. Draining. You, out of all people, seem to know that. But you’re still so strong through everything. I just… you helped me to see how to heal. How to get better.” She paused, looking down at her hands. “But I guess it doesn’t always work out that way. I figured it was about time I helped you back.”
He leaned his head into her lap, examining her long, silver fingers, brushing them gently. “I like you like this. You’re pretty.”
He wasn’t looking at her face, but he could almost feel her smile. “Thank you. I worked hard to make this. I wanted to make sure… that I was better, this time. I still have some modifications to make, but…”
Lloyd winced, feeling a pang of guilt. “I’m sorry I made you show me before you were ready.”
“Lloyd,” she said firmly. “This was my choice. Not yours.” She took one hand and turned his chin so their gazes met, green on green. “I trust you. I always have.”
Lloyd felt his lip tremble. “I-”
Pixal stopped him. “It’s okay, Lloyd. You don’t have to say it. I know.”
Lloyd curled into her side and wept.
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