#she cut off most of her hair in the ugliest style also and tried to pluck out her eyes hoping that would stop the tears
lestatlioncunt · 9 months
violante will be as edgy as to say that "by age seventeen, i cried all the tears i had" just bc she doesn't want to let it be known that she cried for 7 days straight after killing ruven
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drawlfoy · 5 years
The Wonders of Ohio P.1
masterlist request guidelines okay i keep saying i’m on a hiatus and i literally start like 7 series kill me now
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pairing: draco x muggle!reader
request: requested from my 14 year old brain...and her wattpad account...
summary: american high school senior y/n is roped into hosting a british exchange student, and something doesn’t seem quite right.
a/n: i wanted to do some country other than mine but it wouldn’t make sense for him to be sent to a UK family (wayy too close) and also i don’t want to assume things about a culture i am not a part of. so. yeah. sorry for this being such an ameri-centric blog, i’d like to change that but for now this is my guilty pleasure self-insert fic, along with all my fellow muggle high school seniors out here.
warnings: language. intense americanness. god i hate america
tags!!! i love you all so dearly wtf @accio-rogers @eltanin-malfoy @geeksareunique
music recs: orinoco flow from enya ( i know it’s a meme shhh it fits the scene i have of draco entering the us so well)
word count: 2,174
also: i’ll be writing the entirety of this from y/n’s point of view...i’m giving draco a rest
“So...his parents are worried about his safety in England?” Y/N shifted in her car seat, wincing as the hot leather scorched her bare arms.
“They weren’t entirely clear on it,” her mother said. She had just pushed the key into the ignition, and hot air was blasting out of the AC at an uncomfortable rate. “I’m sure you read the news about the poor people who were going missing over there...and he seems to be from a well-off family who can afford this kind of venture...”
“Did you ever tell me his name?”
“Draco Malfoy.”
Y/N nearly spat out the sip of water she had just taken, spinning around to stare at his mom. “Draco? What kind of name is that?”
“Sweetheart, be nice now,” she reprimanded, giving her a stern look. “It seems as though this family has been through a lot. I remember them mentioning something about being political targets.”
“That’s funny. I don’t remember reading anything about the Malfoy family in BBC or anything.” Y/N frowned and set her water bottle in the cup holder, turning away to watch the scenery of her state pass by.
“Perhaps it’s confidential,” her mother said. “It’s best that we don’t pressure him too much. It’s just our job to make him comfortable for a year, that’s all.”
“That’s all? You want me to give up my senior year to make some random rich boy comfortable?”
“Y/N,” her mother warned. “You’ll be civil. I know it’s strange, but I can assure you that he’ll find his own group of friends after the first week or so of school. He’ll be like a brother.”
“I can only try.” Y/N glanced up at the clock in the car, noticing that it was already 10 past 4. “Aren’t we a bit late? I thought that the program said that they wanted us at the pick-up point at 4.”
“Did they?” Mrs. Y/L/N seemed hardly concerned. “I don’t think that it’ll matter. This is an exchange program after all, you remember how they were last year in the summer. The bus didn’t even show up with all the kids until half past the hour. Speaking of which, did you happen to bring the sign?”
“How could I have made a sign with his name on it if I didn’t know what it was, Mom?”
Her mother swore under her breath, her eyes darting around the car. “You’re right. I completely forgot to tell you, you know, with the PTA meeting and everything last night...”
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N mumbled. “It was a real rager.”
“Do we have any paper in here?” Mrs. Y/L/N began opening the glove department and sorting through it.
“Mom! I’ll do it! Keep your eyes on the road, please!” Pushing her mother’s hands away, she began going through it. There was nothing but a crumpled napkin, a “Wonders of Ohio” pamphlet, and a slightly dried EXPO dry-erase marker.
“Yeah, we have some,” Y/N muttered, uncapping the EXPO marker and writing the words “Welcome Draco!” on the unfolded tour pamphlet.
“Oh, Y/N, that’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Maybe if the PTA bake sale meeting wasn’t so crazy, we’d be in a different situation right now.” Y/N broke into a fit of laughter, leading her mother to do the same. “I swear. He’s not gonna want to come home with us. I think he’d probably take being a political target over going home with rednecks like us.”
“You’re bad, Y/N.”
Their conversation was cut short as they arrived in a school parking lot that Y/N had been in many times to pick up exchange students for the summer. Today, it was a bit different. The crispier fall air had turned the leaves orange and red, each color illuminated brightly by the sun, which was now hitting the earth at a sharper angle.
And, most curious of all, there was only one car in the parking lot.
“See, I told you that they wouldn’t be here yet,” her mother said, motioning to the empty lot.
“But...aren’t there usually coordinators? And other parents?”
Something was beginning to feel...off.
“Well...I suppose so,” she said, pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. “Yes, I guess this is a bit unusual.”
Their confusion only grew as they pulled into the closest parking space to the front. No one was there to greet them, which was very odd. Normally there were some adults who organized the exchange program set up a refreshments table and supplied sign building equipment in the case that you had forgotten...but today, things were different.
“Maybe year-long exchanges are just different?” Y/N suggested as they both stepped out of the car and made their way to the waiting area.
“I don’t see why they would be,” Mrs. Y/L/N said, frowning. “However, I think that this is being done by a third party program. Shannon told me that while our usual program was helping, a different one was doing most of the diplomatic and visa work.”
The two waited for about two minutes in silence. Y/N had folded and unfolded her “Welcome Draco” sign probably around 6 times before a pop rang out, loud enough to startle her.
“What was that?” she yelped, turning to see her mother just as concerned. 
“I don’t know, doll. Maybe someone is having...car troubles?” 
Y/N knew that that wasn’t true, but she didn’t push it. Instead, she was more focused on the two two tall figures walking towards them on the street. One had a certified dad body, tall with a broad chest that was only accentuated by a strange button-up with flamingos on it (and a sports jacket?). The man’s hair was what stood out most of all: a shock of carrot orange hair, nearly identical to the turning leaves around him. A very strange tri-cornered Revolutionary style hat was perched on top of his head.
His companion was taller but wiry, clad in long dark green cloak that flowed in the wind. As they got closer, Y/N realized how ridiculous the guy looked. His hair was a startling white blonde, but he had the face of someone around her age.
The older man stopped halfway through the parking lot, waving and grinning at Y/N and her mother. They both waved back, trading glances of amusement.
“Hi?” Y/N raised her voice. “Do you need help?”
The man’s face split even further into a grin. “Are you the Y/L/N family?” His voice had turned into a yell to battle the sound of a car alarm that had sounded just a few streets over. 
“What was that? You need to come closer,” Mrs. Y/L/N yelled back, motioning for them to approach. The man sent the blonde boy a pleased look, almost as if to say “see? That wasn’t too hard”. They began walking, but the carrot haired man seemed especially fascinated with the other car that was parked by them. He froze in the lot, staring at the white Subaru, mesmerized as the brake lights turned on and the car began to ease back--right in their direction.
“Oh my god...he’s gonna get hit, Mom!” They shared a concerned look before they both cupped their hands to their mouths.
“Sir, you need to move! That car’s going to hit you!” 
They watched in horror as the Subaru slowly eased out of the parking lot, getting within a foot of the man before the blonde boy yanked him out of the way. Y/N could’ve sworn she heard the man say “Marvelous! Just fascinating!”.
“Jesus Christ, Mom, do you think they’re methheads or something?” Y/N made sure to drop her voice to a hushed whisper, worriedly turning towards her. “Should we get in the car and go? What if they’re going to kill us?”
“You’re too overdramatic,” Mrs. Y/L/N reprimanded...but Y/N could see how she was turning her car keys over and over in her hands. “If they come close and making strange advances, then we run, okay?” 
“Sounds good,” Y/N said, her voice weak as the two men stepped up onto the curb and began to get within earshot.
“Are you the Y/L/N family?” the man asked. His British accent shocked Y/N, and suddenly it all made sense.
“Yes, that’s us,” her mother said. 
Now that they were closer, Y/N got a good look at the boy in the green cloak. His features were sharply aristocratic, with a nose that looked like it belonged on a statue out of the Renaissance. She felt him looking her over with the same amount of intensity and immediately crumpled up her Wonders of Ohio pamphlet, shoving it into her pocket. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” the man said. “I’m Arthur Weasley. This is Draco Malfoy.” 
The boy’s scowl only deepened once Mr. Weasley nudged him forward with his elbow. “Say hello, Draco,” he muttered under his breath, his eyes carrying a degree of desperation. 
“Hello.” His voice was cold and uninterested, just like the weight of his gaze. 
“I’m Y/N,” she offered, throwing on a forced smile. “And this is my mother, Y/N Y/L/N.”
“You can call me whatever you’d like, Y/N, even Mom if that’s what you prefer,” Mrs. L/N said. Draco visibly winced at that. 
“Mrs. L/N is fine with me.” 
Y/N cringed at the painful amount of awkwardness. “Where’s your stuff, Draco?” 
Before he could answer, Mr. Weasley jumped in, unfolding a piece of paper and reading it verbatim. “Mr. Malfoy’s luggage is having some trouble getting through cus...customs? Customs. His items will arrive at your place of residence shortly.”
“Did you try to sneak a musket in here to win back the US for the British crown or something?” Y/N couldn’t help but let a snicker slip through. Mr. Weasley seemed to pick up that she’d attempted to make a joke and bellowed a laugh while Draco simply stared her down.
“This is going to be so much fun,” her mother exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “If there’s nothing more to do, we can go ahead and head home. I’m sure you want to rest, Draco.”
Y/N noticed that he flinched every time his name was uttered, and this time was no exception. 
Silence ensued until Mr. Weasley decided to break it. “Sounds like a splendid plan. Feel free to owl--contact me if you need anything, or if Mr. Malfoy here misbehaves in...” He paused to send a glare to Draco, “...any way. The Ministry can’t thank you enough for your help.”
With that, he turned and walked around the corner of the building in the opposite way he came, leaving Draco to stand awkwardly in front of them. Despite his expensive appearance and haughty attitude, it was clear that he didn’t know what to do with his right hand as he kept tucking and untucking it from his pocket. 
“Didn’t you guys come from a different direction?” Mrs. Y/L/N puzzled, staring back in the direction they came. A loud pop rang out once more.
“That’s very odd,” Y/N commented. She could tell that Draco was frozen up, his left hand curled up into a fist. “No matter. Let’s get you home. I call shotgun.”
“Y/N, no, he gets shotgun,” her mother corrected, walking towards their car. Draco trailed behind them with a very confused expression on his face. 
‘Fine, fine,” she moaned, flinging open the backseat. Once they had settled in--she had noticed that Draco took a fair bit of time to buckle his seat-belt--Y/N leaned forward over the console to look at him. “Do they not have cars in England or something?”
Y/N ignored her mother’s shocked comment and looked at him expectantly. 
“You could say that,” he muttered, refusing to make eye contact with her and choosing to look out the window at the passing trees instead. 
“You have a very cool accent,” Y/N pushed, moving over to sit in the middle. “What part of the UK are you from? I’ve never been able to match an accent to a region.”
Draco shrugged. “You wouldn’t know the place.”
“Try me.”
“Y/N, leave the boy alone,” her mother interrupted, moving her hand to push her back from the console. “He’s had a long day of traveling and he’s tired.”
“What time was your flight this morning?”
“I’m sorry,” she said, only partly meaning it. “I’ll stop. I’m really doing wonders for the loud American stereotype, huh?”
He made a sound that seemed like he agreed and rested his head on the window. From her vantage point, she could see that there were no dark roots in his hair, meaning that his color had to either be completely natural or just dyed. She mentally made a note to ask him about that later. While she couldn’t believe it, it seemed like his hair had to be natural: the strands looked so silky from where she was, with no frizz and a light gleam to it. 
She flopped back into her seat, casting her eyes up to the sky. 
This was going to be a long year.
final a/n: i’m so bad at managing my time...oh my god....please help...also i promise there’ll be more of this. i promise i literally love this story and also i’m not from ohio so if i get something very wrong about ohio then i’m very sorry to all my ohioan readers <333333
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boydsfm · 4 years
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❛ ✶ ( ALEX WOLFF , CIS MALE , HE/HIM )  —  did you see LUCAS BOYD walking around campus earlier ? i hear a lot of people talking about the NINETEEN year old SOPHOMORE . from what i know , they are studying COMPUTER SCIENCE and are a part of PHI KAPPA DELTA . they come across as + KIND-HEARTED but also - TIMID , which makes since because on their instagram ( LUCAS.V.BOYD ) it says they are a VIRGO . when i see them , i think of A DESK COVERED IN EMPTY COFFEE MUGS, DANDELIONS GROWING THROUGH THE SIDEWALK, THE UGLIEST GODDAMN SWEATERS YOU’VE EVER SEEN. the most interesting thing i’ve heard about them though , is the fact that REDACTED  , but don’t tell anyone i told you that . ooc info . ally . 22 . est . she/her .
hello hello hellooooooooooooooo. i’m ally, i’m from canada, and i’m addicted to tik tok i’m so excited to be here!! this has been an opportunity to bring back an old and beloved muse of mine, one lucas victor boyd ! if you like this, i’ll hyu on discord, or you can hmu at known simp harry hook#3923. 
full name. lucas victor boyd  nickname(s). just lucas. not luke or lou, just lucas.  occupation. undergraduate student, beaumont campus tech support  age. nineteen. date of birth. september 2nd, 2001.  nationality. american. ethnicity. ashkenazi jewish, scottish. orientation. gay. gender & pronouns. cis male; he/him/his.
height. 6′0”. weight. 145 lbs. eye color. hazel. hair color + style. dark brown; usually messy and curly. he gets it cut short at the beginning of the semester and then by the end its a mop. really doesn’t style it.   dominant hand. right-handed. distinguishing features. distinctive nose, lanky figure, messy curls, undereye bags, that cute li’l mole. 
background. (tw alcoholism, death of a parent) 
SO. lucas was born in portland, maine, to a pretty lower middle class family. his father left when he was two years old, and he was largely raised by his mother, florence weber. 
florence was a hardworking and loving mother, but she was also quite depressed her entire life. she was a recovered alcoholic when she met judas, lucas’s father, but once he left, she slowly slid back into her old habits. 
by the time lucas was eight, he was having to start to pick up some household responsibilities. cooking, cleaning, packing his own lunch. waking his mom up in time for her shifts at target. 
by the time he was in middle school, he’d learned how to forge her signature on cheques, he’d applied for unemployment for her after she got fired, and he was taking any odd job to make money. 
school was his favorite distraction; he was always a brilliant kid, and if it weren’t for the fact he was already a terribly shy and awkward kid, he could have skipped a couple grades. he threw himself into schoolwork to avoid everything; his mother’s worsening condition, his crippling loneliness, his fear that he might be as gay as every one of his bullies insisted. 
this was, also, around when he picked up his most lucrative but troublesome odd job; hacking into the school board network to get test answers. he could get fifty dollars per person per test, and he was able to buy groceries besides beans and rice, was able to buy new clothes for himself and his mom. he felt awful about it every day, but... he still did it.
(death tw) at sixteen, when he found his mom motionless and cold on the floor of their apartment, he buried himself in his work, too. he couldn’t help but feel guilty, though; it was his work, his taking care of everything that had allowed his mom to keep her addiction up for this long.
so, yeah. there’s a very good reason why he doesn’t go back to portland anymore. he spent last summer in cambridge. well, that and his Secret. 
since the beginning of his freshman year, lucas has had something of a glow-up. he signed up for the school’s counselling services before he even got to campus, and he’s been making great strides. 
additionally, he pledged phi kappa delta, which... he never saw himself pledging a frat, ever in his life. but all the guys there were so... cool. and so supportive and nice and... and they’re like the brothers lucas never had. having that little family has helped him gain that much more confidence in himself. 
if there was an onion headline for lucas’s life it would be Nervous Wreck Slowly Becomes a Functional Human Being.
very virgo, very type a. but also a pisces moon cancer rising. so he needs everything to be in alphabetical order or he’ll cry.
ever since he’s started college, he’s transitioned from being As Plain As Possible to being more outwardly soft as he’s gained confidence in himself. he wears the dorky sweaters and neat socks he likes, he has a small collection of plants on his desk, he knits scarves for his friends. big hufflepuff energy. again, this comfort largely comes from the acceptance he’s found at phi kappa delta.
slowly getting over his Big Anxiety. slowly learning how to talk to people. still awkward at parties. still has panic attacks every day during exam season. but he adores his therapist and takes his zoloft every day and he’s… he’s doing alright.
there are things he is sure of. his intelligence, his diligence, his ability to get shit done. he’s recently mastered asking fellow customers to please be kind to servicepeople.
still he’s that guy who doesn’t want to tell the waiter they got his order wrong.
he’s literally highkey fucking brilliant. he’s literally at the top of his class in one of the most difficult programs at one of the most difficult universities in the country. 
a chronic people pleaser up until the point that it breaks his moral code. like if you want him to help you cheat or help you toy with someone he will put his foot down. he’ll do it very softly, but he won’t budge.
(though he is known to do mathematics and computer science homework for his friends when they’re overtired. he’s always the one to offer in that case, though.)
the rare gay who is extremely capable in math. legit he gets so excited about math it’s actually really cute.
theres a part of him that still believes in magic, to some capacity. he still wishes on shooting stars and pennies on the ground and dandelions. 
his greatest strength and fatal flaw is that he sees the best in people. even if he knows you tried to hurt him, he will give chance after chance.
(but he works in tech support rn So. he’s slowly losing his belief in humanity.) 
in conclusion, here are some tik toks that describe lucas 
him in kindergarten
he can’t write i’m so sorry
 just.... the Vibes 
wanted connections. 
skinny love. lucas is extremely shy, especially in romantic situations. he cannot flirt to save his goddamned life. he also probably thinks this person is out of his league. (honestly i want a romantic plot for him so bad gimME) 
close friends. GIVE HIM FRIENDS FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD he’s such a good friend he just wants to love people.
lawyer for real life. based off this john mulaney bit. someone who reminds lucas that someone is mistreating him.
lab partner. idk man i just like that easy camaraderie. or maybe they make lucas do all the work in which case he will eventually snap.
tutoree. someone that lucas basically helps out of the good of his heart.
bad influence. someone get this boy TURNT
manipulator. lucas does have a bit of a backbone, but he is incredibly naive and very easily manipulated. basically he will do your stats assignments for you if you say he’s your friend.
academic rival. lucas is not typically an antagonistic person, but having someone be so obviously smarter than him grinds his gears a little bit. his mood when talking to this person is :))))))))))
literally anything pls i’m desperate and he’s baby
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Some soft 1a headcannons
Here’s my first time trying this so please be nice !
Aoyama Yuuga:
• loves fancy snack foods whic include cheese, crackers, dried fruits, and posh chocolates.
•he’s a huge snob when it comes to hair care products, and when he found that Midoriya was using one of those three in one shampoos, he actually tried staging an intervention
•ever since he improved his naval laser, as a prank, he would carve random movie quotes on the walls and trees in UA. He hasn’t been caught yet
Ashido Mina
•has a huge lipstick collection of every color under the rainbow. One of her life goals is to get every boy in class 1a to wear her lipstick at least once. Only Bakugo remains. Tokoyami was spared due to his lack of lips
•breakdancing and hip hop are her favorite dance forms, but she also knows how to walts and ballroom dance. Aoyama makes a great practice partner
•she has to wear an acid resistant face maskwhen she has colds, and has tissues made strong enough to withstand most acids
Tsuyu Asui:
•she has at least 50+ pictures of her siblings on her phone and will call them every other evening.
•she loved fish and has a huge aquarium at home. They would help her go to sleep, but she couldn’t take it into the dorms. When the other girls of 1a found out they found her a fish themed lava lamp to put by her bedside.
•Asui is the best at braiding and styling hair. She really enjoys it and plans to keep her hair long her whole life.
Iida Tenya:
•due to orange juice powering his engines, he has a mini fridge in his room filled with nothing but orange juice. He prefers no pulp, the pulp can clog his engines over time
• on his birthday, an anonymous class member (kirishima) got him the ugliest pair of running shoes (I’m talking tye dye and cat faces). Not wanting to hurt kiri’s feelings, he started wearing them regularly and the shoes actually grew on him.
•after kirishimas present, iida bought starry night vans with matching glasses. He thinks it’s the coolest thing ever
Uraraka Ochako:
•because she didn’t have very good control over her quirk as a kid, her parents would make her wear gloves. They also taught her how to sew, write, and type with half her fingers on both hands. She’s ambidextrous.
•uraraka laughs very easily and will spit out whatever she’s drinking or chewing. Sero and kaminari constantly try to make her laugh when she’s drinking anything.
•she helps Aizawa budget for groceries every week. She’s a master at couponing
Ojiro Mashirao:
•before he got into martial arts, his mom would take him to Zumba classes with her. He’s really good at dancing because of this, but is too shy to show it off.
•he’s a creature of habit and has had the same breakfast for about 5 years now: scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese on top and a banana on the side. If he has anything different he feels off for the whole day
•ojiro has a great memory when it comes to dates. He know everyone’s birthdays and is usually to one to start organizing the parties
Kaminari Denki:
•he loves video games, especially fighting games, and is super competitive. His super smash bro’s main is princess peach and the only one to beat him so far is ojiro
•he’s also a compulsive snacker. When he got into the hero course, he switched his usual cheese puff for pomegranate seeds in a moment of health consciousness
•he’s color blind but doesn’t realize it
Kirishima Eijirou:
•hes great at barbecue. His family are big on outdoor vacations, so he learned young. His favorites are steak and mushroom skewers.
•kirishimas love language is definitely gift giving. He spends days finding his friends the perfect gift, and it’s always something real unusual or personalized. He has a secret Pinterest folder for each friend so he can keep track of thier favorite things
• he also picks people up and swings them around when he’s really excited. Shouji hates this. Satou loves it
Kouda Kouji
•he loved pastel colors, mint green is his favorite. All his school supplies are pastel, and he even has a cute mint green jar with bunnies on it to keep his pencils in
•when the dorms are quiet, kouda lets his bunny roam around. Everyone is super gentle with it, and it is considered the class mascot.
•he’s the best listener in class 1A. He knows everyone’s secrets, crushes, and insecurities. If the teachers are worrying about any of the students, they go to kouda first
Satou Rikidou
•he stress bakes when he can’t sleep. Anytime he makes extra, he’ll take it to the teachers and other classes. He’s very popular because of this
•satou is a very tactile person and loves to be touched and cuddled. His favorite time is movie night because he gets to be squished between a bunch of friends on the couch
•the only baking he spent like is lemon stuff. He cannot stand lemon bars and lemon pound cake. He loves lemonade though
Shouji mezou
•he has a very sensitive head and hates it when people touch him there. Because of this, he never puts his hair back
•shouji has the best sense of smell and taste. If you give him a smoothie, he’ll be able to tell you all the ingredients.
•besides Midoriya, shouji can lift the most out of anyone in class. His goal is to be able to bench press everyone in class before he becomes a pro
Jirou Kyouka
•her favorite kinds of music are rock, 80’s, and jazz. She can tolerate folk but hates country with a passion
•she’s also really good at poker. Only Midoriya realized it was because she could hear thier heart beats. He promised not to tell as long as she answered some of his questions about her quirk
•she also has the best eyelashes out of all the girls. She blew away any competition after momo shared her favorite mascara brand
Sero Hanta
•he loves board games. Not because he’s good at them, he just loves the drama. Nothing is more entertaining then watching the meltdowns during monopoly
•sero also has a huge collection of Pokémon cards. A lot of them were passed down from older siblings and cousins. He always buys a new pack each month
•sero always keeps a pocket knife to help cut his tape. He can do some pretty cool party tricks with it. That’s how he became friends with Bakugo
Tokoyami Fumikage
•he likes horror movies and was actually in theatre before he entered UA. He was part of stage crew and would use dark shadow to help with special effects
•he also would help make the props. He’s very good at crafts and even saves all his molted feathers for future projects. He made a dream catcher for all of his classmates
•he always wanted a pet, but if he did get one, it would never be a bird. That would be super uncomfortable and dark shadow would get jealous
Todoroki Shouto
•he’s a heathan who will put ketchup on most nice foods. This is one of the main reasons why Bakugo fights with him
•Todoroki is also a huge gossip. Every now and then, he gets together with Hagakure and Aoyama and they’ll exchange information. He’s tried getting secrets from kouda but kouda is way too loyal
•his favorite past time is people watching. He’ll usually find a nice spot at the park, and settle down with a book and lunch
Hagakure Tooru
•she loves small and cute animals, and is koudas bunny’s biggest fan. She took enough pictures of the bunny to make a calendar
•she’s a good photographer, and she’ll do family sessions and senior pictures when she needs money. Her room is filled with her own work
•she’s easily the chattiest person in 1A. When she’s stressed she’ll go to kouda and just ramble about anything until she calms down
Bakugou Katsuki
•Bakugo is a huge perfectionist in most areas including his diet. This will leak onto the people he cares about, and he’ll end up violently mother henning them around meal times. His cooking is pretty good though
•because of the nitroglycerin he’s constantly sweating, he needs to soak his clothes in a solution before he washes them. He also has to clean his room pretty often
•kaminari got the whole bakusquad animal crossing games, and now he’s hooked. It’s his favorite down time activity. He especially likes hitting the ugly villagers with his net
Midoriya Izuku
•Midoriya cries a lot and has really bad hay fever. It makes his eyes really red and watery witch makes crying a lot easier. Spring is a bad time for him
•he also has an office supply addiction. He’s constantly buying new notebooks and has dozens of unused ones piled up somewhere
•he uses his notebooks for way more than just quirk analysis. He has books for recipes, class notes, phone contacts and addresses, funny stories, life hacks, and one purely dedicated to all mights favorite foods
Mineta Minoru
•it’s funny how short he is, because his mom is actually really tall. He thinks he might have dwarfism but in the world of quirks it doesn’t really matter
•he has a bookcase in his room filled with manga. Everyone assumes it’s hentai but it’s actually every issue of dragon ball Z. Only kaminari knows
•mineta has the best math score in the class. He can calculate when and where things will fall. That’s how his traps were successful enough to get him into the hero course
Yaoyorozu Momo
•she absolutely loves hair ties, and is always ordering new ones. Her scrunchie collection is insane
•she also has the biggest appetite of the class. No one has been able to beat her in an eating contest. Kirishima really wants to test her against fatgum. Momo knows that it will only end in pain
•momo also has the best handwriting in class. When she tutors, if she can’t read what her classmates wrote, she makes them rewrite it. She also taught everyone how to write in cursive
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the-golden-ghost · 5 years
Dracula: A Comprehensive Summary
Part 1 (I wrote the whole thing out and it was too long, so I’m gonna do it in parts.)
This is so that @necromancy-savant can participate in that sweet, sweet Classroom Discussion and Get An A
Also because I was super bored HERE WE GO:
Chapter 1:
Here we meet the guy who you’d think would be our hero but isn’t, Jonathan Harker. He is a good soul. Really likes his fiancee, Mina.
He is traveling to Transylvania to meet his new client, a gentleman known as Count Dracula.
As he’s going there he talks about the food too much and describes the scenery a lot. But what’s this? The locals constantly make the Anti-Evil Sign at him whenever he mentions his destination? Rumors abound of a warlock, demon or other spooky spook living in Dracula’s castle?
But that’s surely all superstitious nonsense, says Jon. Those silly locals.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also wolves exist outside the castle and some of them chase Jon’s carriage so surely this is going to be a good trip.
(Also just a note on how the book is written; it’s done in like a collage format, with different parts being done as different people’s journals, or sometimes as memos, letters, or news articles. The first bit is Jon’s travel diary, and then later in the book the narrator will switch like crazy, sometimes multiple times per chapter. It’s a weird style so I thought I’d point that out.)
Chapter 2:
Now it’s time to meet our villain, Count Dracula!
Dracula is this weird old dude with wild hair and a monobrow and protruding fangs and hairy... palms. Yeah really. Jon thinks he’s just the Ugliest Shit but he doesn’t say anything, cause he’s very polite.
Dracula basically is a nice host and leaves Jon all alone at a table to eat like an entire roast chicken by himself. Because he doesn’t eat dinner. Ooooh spooky
Also he likes wolves. He has a bunch of pet wolves. Why?  We Just Don’t Know
Anyway the next day (or night, rather, since all of Drac’s meetings take place at night ooooh spooky) Dracula invites Jon to a business discussion in which they talk about real estate. Because heck
I guess Jon like sells real estate in London. Booyah
And then Dracula goes off on this long creepy tangent about nobility and his bloodline and loosely implies that he’s hundreds of years old.
Oh and he also really likes dead bodies cause that’s not weird
Then he ditches Jon again and Jon goes to shave in his bathroom, only for Dracula to show up for some reason. At which point Jon sees that Dracula does not show a reflection in the shaving mirror! Egad!
Panic ensues, Dracula gets pissed and tosses the mirror out the window, Jon cuts himself with the razor in the event, Drac sees blood and wigs out and briefly strangles Jon before he accidentally touches a crucifix that Jon conveniently had on his neck, which turns him Normal again. And then he just scolds Jon for having such an evil, wicked bad device as a mirror and leaves.
Jon is like “what the fuck how am I supposed to shave without my mirror though :/ “
The next day Jon’s like “all right fuck this shit I’m out” and realizes that - oh dear - he is Locked In.
Chapter 3:
I mean, he can wander around the castle but all the doors are locked.
The next day night Drac and Jon have a long talk about Transylvanian History. It’s boring.
Although Dracula does let it slip that he intends to keep Jon For All Eternity “for at least a month :) “
Jon’s like “ah FUCK no”
And Drac also lays down some Rules like “Don’t Write Letters Telling People How I Live” and “Don’t Wander Around the Castle At Night”
Jon’s like “whatever bro” and goes back to his room where he spots Dracula pulling some Spiderman bullshit along the side of the castle wall.
Like, crawling along the side “like a lizard”
Jon’s like “all right fuck this noise” and decides to break the Don’t Wander Around the Castle At Night rule.
He breaks into a locked room which is Clearly A Great Idea and wakes up - to no one’s shock except Jon’s - in moral peril.
Basically Dracula’s three wives live in that room and Boy Are They Hungry.
They attempt to eat Jon except Dracula shows up and tells them all to fuck off so they just retreat and eat a baby that they were carrying around in a bag? I guess?
Chapter 4:
Jon wakes up and everything seems normal. Or Is It?
It isn’t. Drac starts making him write Fake Letters home so that he can make it look like Jon vanished on the road home. Oh dear.
Jon begins trying to Escape. It fails miserably.
He also watches Dracula feed some lady to his pet wolves and realizes that He’s Next.
He eventually manages to spot Dracula in his coffin (in the daytime) Nopes the fuck out of there, and goes back to his room which is at this point the only place he feels safe. Ish.
He decides the next that he’s going to find Dracula’s Creepy Coffin and go and steal his key while he’s sleeping. (A+ Plan but he doesn’t really have a lot of options so)
He does this except he gets caught and proceeds to beat Dracula up with a shovel
He doesn’t find the key either. He just plans to Escape By Any Cost and also to rob Dracula while he’s at it because he feels like he’s entitled to financial compensation for putting up with this bullshit lol
AAAAND that’s the end of Jon! No, really. It just ends on a big ol’ cliffhanger and we make a jump to London to meet the rest of the cast. Eventually we find out what happened to poor Jonny, but.... it isn’t good. And that is why Jon is Not Our Hero! He’s not dead though don’t worry
Chapter 5:
Time to meet the Rest of the Squad!
Mina Murray (eventually, Harker) is our Fearless Heroine. She’s kind, she’s brave, she’s loyal, and she has All The Rationale and Reason of a Man (because nothing like good ol’ fashioned Sexism veiled as compliments!) She’s engaged to Jon.
Lucy Westenra is Mina’s Bestest Buddy and is also a good soul. She’s more of a Society girl. Engaged to a lord and stuff. She also doesn’t have a Man’s Brain :(
Lucy and Mina discuss their love lives through letters back and forth. Mina is waiting for news of Jon, Lucy, meanwhile, had proposals from THREE men!
Who are also significant characters so here we go
Lord Arthur Godalming is the man Lucy actually loves and decides to marry. He’s... I dunno. Pretty boring as a character tbh but he’s there a lot so I’ll mention him.
John Seward (yeah Stoker decided to have two guys with almost the same first name, gj, although Seward mostly goes by Seward and Jon goes by Jonathan) is a doctor at a local asylum. Which isn’t creepy. He likes to Study his patients I guess. I say “patients” loosely cause he only has one and Hoo Boy Are You Going To Hear About That One.
Quincy P. Morris is a cowboy. Yes. A cowboy, straight out of Texas. Why did we need to have a vampire-slaying cowboy? No reason, we just did, AND WE’RE GONNA LIKE IT.
Also Quincy, Arthur and Seward were like college friends or something idk
Moving on
Chapter 6:
Mina goes down to the dock and talks to a weird old man about superstitions of dead people coming to life. Fun times. She’s also trying to figure out where her fiance is :(
Seward actually does some doctor business to take his mind off the fact that Lucy rejected him. He adopts R. M. Renfield (the R. M. doesn’t stand for anything as far as we know) as a patient because he’s the most Interesting of all the lunatics.
And he confesses to pushing him to act more insane because he finds him interesting to study? Seward is a terrible doctor fyi
So Renfield is ah... fun. He keeps pets! Specifically, flies.
Seward says “no flies in your room :/ “ And Renfield promises to get rid of the flies.
So Renfield gets rid of the flies by using them to lure spiders so he can have New Pets!
Seward The Buzzkill says no spiders either
So Renfield just starts fucking eating the spiders AND the flies because He Can’t Have Nice Things. Also he wants to absorb their life
And then Renfield catches a sparrow! And tames it and keeps it as his friend and pet. How the fuck did he get a sparrow in his room? Uh
And then he gets a whole BUNCH of sparrows and any idiot could tell you this is going downhill but Seward is simply too Curious, you see
Anyway Renfield tries to get a kitten
Seward does not give Renfield a kitten
Anyway as it turns out Renfield fucking ate all his pet birds and Seward is like “aha! This is a victory for psychology! I have discovered a new form of lunatic!” and it’s like bro you already knew he was eating the flies, you dork
So Renfield never gets a kitten. :(
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pickalilywrites · 6 years
Hiiii! When you get the time can you pls write a levi/petra one-shot in which they end up having a second date (their first one was a failure) ❤️ thank you!
I was watching a kdrama where two celebrities pretend to get married and pursue a relationship for a variety show and i was like “cute” 
Let’s Fall in Love!
Rivetra. Dating Show AU. 
4547 words. 
Buy me a ko-fi!
It is every girl’s dream to date Levi Ackerman, lead singer of the hit rock band No Name. In fact, Petra herself had fantasized him being her boyfriend when she was just a teenager, but she’s completely changed her mind after their initial meeting when he had clasped his hand in hers for a handshake and remarked that her hand was unusually cold.
“Kind of a like a dead person’s,” he said aloud.
At first, she was sure that she had just misheard, but the rest of their interactions only confirmed his rudeness. Petra knows that you should never meet your heroes, but this is ridiculous.
“I liked the part when he was complimenting her,” Eld says with a grin. He reaches out twirl a lock of Petra’s hair around his finger and watches it unwind as it falls away. He mimics the constipated expression of the famous rock singer and says in a low voice, “’Your hair…is very orange.’”
“Oh, what about the time he visibly cringed when he saw her putting cream in her coffee?” Gutner says.
“Or when he said he’d never heard of her music before?” Auruo snickers.
She’d yell at them to get out of her dressing room, but she’s trying to keep her temper in check especially when she eventually has to meet up with Levi again. She’d rather never see him again after the disastrous date from last week, but they’ve already signed the contract and she can’t back out of it now. Goddamn variety shows.
“Are you guys done?” she asks through gritted teeth. She stands up from her dresser and brushes herself off. She looks at herself once more in the mirror and frowns at her reflection thinking that Levi will definitely hate her no matter what she looks like. Not that she cares. She’d wear her ugliest clothes, but she’d get a lot of criticism online if she didn’t look perfect. Sighing, she runs her hands through her hair and looks warily at her bandmates. “Besides, it’s our music that he hasn’t heard of. Aren’t you guys the least bit offended? We’ve idolized No Name our entire lives and he’s not even interested in us even after the success of our last album. He could at least pretend to be a little impressed, don’t you think?”
Gunter shrugs. “Everyone knows he’s pretty reclusive. If it were his bandmate Hanji or their drummer Mike, I’d be miffed, but it’s Levi we’re talking about. He doesn’t seem to be interested in anything.” He pats her on the shoulder when her frown deepens and gives her a smile. “It’s just a silly show for fun. I doubt you’re the worst celebrity couple they’ve put on this show.”
“Not according to some people on Twitter,” Eld says as he scrolls through his phone. He chuckles as he reads a few out loud for them. “’Levi and Petra have absolutely NO CHEMISTRY at all.’ ‘Watching Levi and Petra together makes me want to tear my eyes out. They’re so terrible!’ ‘Petra doesn’t deserve to date Levi.’ Oh.” Eld frowns when he comes across a particular tweet. “This person wants to kill you for dating him. That won’t do. Don’t worry, Pet, I got you.”
“If they want to date Levi so badly, they can,” Petra groans as Eld furiously taps away on his phone. She’s stopped reading any tweets involving her lately. While she does get a bunch of tweets about how lucky she is to be dating the No Name front man or compliments about how nice she looks on the show, she’s been bombarded with more insults than she normally is and she’s thinking about staying off all her social media until this is all over and done with. “Don’t they know this isn’t real anyway? It’s just a TV show.”
“Does it matter? It might as well be real. You know about half the celebrities that get paired up on this show end up dating each other in real life?” Auruo says as he leans against her counter. He inspects his nails and grins at her slyly, watching her from the corner of his eye. “I know high school you would be ecstatic at an opportunity to date Levi Ackerman even if it’s just for a variety show. You were over the moon about him, saying that he was the greatest male vocalist in our time and you’d die if you ever met him in real life. I think you even said you’d marry him at one point.”
Petra side-eyes her friend, thinking that it’s unfortunate that one of her bandmates has to be her childhood friend. He knows far too much about her. She’d get rid of him, but he’s terribly good bass guitar player and it’d be a bitch to replace him. “Are you sure you don’t want to marry him instead?” Petra asks him as he splutters and turns beet red. “You certainly seem to have a lot of good things to say about him even now and isn’t your hair cut in the same style as his?”
“Alright, alright,” Gunter says, holding his hands up to signal them to settle down. “It’s not so bad, right? Our sales are going up at any rate, so just try to do your best with him, Petra. It’ll all be over in a few weeks anyway.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” Petra mutters. “You don’t have to date him.”
Just then there’s a knock on the door and someone on the outside, probably a studio hand, calling Petra out. She’d rather just stay in her dressing room than go out there and see Levi again, but she is getting paid for this so she might as well just go.  
“I’m coming,” she calls, pasting a fake smile on her face as she heads towards the door.
“Good luck, Petra!” Eld calls as she pushes the door open, the rest of the band also sending her off with their own well wishes.
“Looks like your band is optimistic,” smiles the studio hand. It’s Eren Jaeger, the studio intern who had comforted her after she had filmed the first episode. It turns out that while he’s a big fan of No Name (like most people are), he’s also been a fan of Wings of Freedom ever since its conception and talked to her excitedly about how much he looks forward to her band’s new music after she’s done filming for this show.
“Yeah, well,” Petra says, dropping her mask and giving him a weary smile. It’s nice to have an ally in the studio, she thinks. “It can’t really get much worse than last week, right?”
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad,” Eren says with a shrug. He fiddles with the paper on his clipboard with all the tasks on his schedule, folding and unfolding the bottom corner. “I’ve seen interviews he’s done with people he really hates, and he’s nothing like that with you. Besides, you guys might not get along swimmingly, but you definitely have one of the more interesting dynamics this season. I really think the viewers will be rooting for the two of you in a few episodes.”
“Rooting for us to break up and leave the show early,” Petra snorts. She actually contemplated the possibility after the first shooting, but it’d take a chunk out of her earnings. “How much did you guys offer him? It makes sense for me to sign up for something like this. Wings of Freedom might be big now, but it’s still somewhat of a fledgling of a band. I’m sure No Name is well off even without being featured in shows like this.”
Eren scratches the back of his neck and shifts his gaze away from her. “Er, I’m not supposed to know things like that,” he mumbles. “But he must be interested in you somehow if it’s not the money, right? Why else would he sign up for something like this?”
“Because the headshot you used when you were convincing him to pick me was really good?” Petra suggests. When Eren frowns, she ruffles his hair and grins at him. “Don’t worry, it’s not that big of a deal. I’m glad you’re enjoying us though. It’s always good to have a supporter.”
He grins widely back at her and asks her how Wings of Freedom’s second album is coming along as he leads her to the nearby café near the studio that they’re filming at for today’s “date.” It’s the same one that they had gone to in the first episode and unlike a lot of the other celebrity couples that had visited this place, Petra doesn’t have any happy memories here.
“Hey, nice timing!” someone says. When Petra turns, she sees Hanji, the lead guitarist of No Name. They have what looks like a friendly smile on their face, but Petra has no idea why they’d smile at her in that way if they’d seen the last episode. They hold out a hand for Petra to shake and Petra takes it tentatively in hers. “I’m Hanji, but I think you already know that. I’m flattered you find our band such an inspiration! The way that Wings of Freedom is rising up the charts, you’re a real competition to us, you know? It’s good to finally meet you, Petra. Hopefully, I’ll be able to meet all the other members as well!”
“Nice to meet you too?” Petra says. She’d be ecstatic about meeting another member of No Name, but her experience with Levi so far has made her cautious. “What are you doing here?”
“I just want to see how much of a dumpster fire this date’s going to be,” Hanji says casually. When they see Petra reel back in surprise, they laugh and throw an arm around her shoulders. “Hey, don’t worry about it. If it’s terrible, it’s going to be Levi’s fault. That guy’s just difficult to get along with. I should know since I’ve worked with him for years! You couldn’t do anything wrong even if you tried, Petra. You’re adorable. If you want, I could take his place and date you instead.”
Before Petra can say anything, Levi appears from behind Hanji. He reaches up to pinch his band mate’s ear and scowls, “Shut up, Hanji.” To Petra, he says, “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”
At least she knows he feels the same way about this.
“Welcome once again to Let’s Fall in Love!, the show where you get to see your favorite celebrities fall in love with each other!” the announcer says, gesturing toward where Levi and Petra sit at the café table. She’s a rather nice woman named Ilse, although Petra’s sure she’d like her better if they hadn’t gotten acquainted on this show. “While it wasn’t love at first sight for them, maybe they’ll find love today at this very same café!”
“It’s good seeing you again,” Petra murmurs. She tries to give him her most genuine smile, but it’s so forced that she’s afraid that he can see right through it.
“Hm,” Levi says in reply, not even bothering to give her a proper response. He looks at her briefly but looks away immediately afterward. It’s probably because he can’t stand the sight of her. If she weren’t on camera, she’d scowl at him.
“Let’s see how well these two know each other now after that first date! They’ll be ordering for each other today by writing it on these napkins, which we’ll give to the barista,” the hostess says with a plastered-on smile. They wave one of the napkins around before placing it in front of Petra. “And we’ll join them while we wait for their drinks to arrive to see the progress they’ve made.”
It’s not a lot of progress, Petra thinks with a grimace. Outwardly, she smiles pleasantly at the hostess and speaks about how great it will be to let others catch up on her relationship with Levi, how much she’s learned about him so far, and how she was looking forward to exploring this relationship with him further. Levi, meanwhile, sits at his end of the table with that perpetual scowl on his face. Looking at it now, it’s difficult for her to understand how she could have ever thought his frown sexy back when she hadn’t known him.
“So, have you and Levi gotten together off-camera after the events of last week?” Ilse asks Petra. Petra’s sure that the woman had intentionally spoken with her first instead of Levi knowing that Petra was far easier to manage than him.
“Unfortunately, no,” Petra says sheepishly. She hopes that she doesn’t look too happy about it. “Both our bands are busy, I’m sure. Wings of Freedom is currently working on our second album, so my bandmates and I are spending as many days in the studio when I’m not busy filming over here.” Even if she did have free time to spend with Levi, she wouldn’t. Not that she’d say that out loud though. It definitely wouldn’t go over well with viewers and Levi already hates her as it is.
“What have you been busy with, Levi?” Ilse asks.
Even though the hostess gives him a polite smile, he only stares back at her with a frosty glare. “Rehearsing for the No Name’s upcoming tour,” he replies, not even bothering to give her his answer in a complete sentence.  
“Wow, you two have some much in common. It’s a shame that you don’t spend more time together. I’m sure you’d hit it off even more if you did,” Ilse says, but even Petra can tell that she’s finding Levi difficult to handle from her strained smile. The hostess pulls out a small deck of index cards from her pocket, tapping them against the table as she turns once again to Petra. “Well, we all knew this would happen with two superstars, so let’s play a little game! I’ll ask you a few questions about your partner and you’ll answer. Even if you get it wrong, you’ll still be getting to know each other!”
Petra laughs weakly. It seems that Levi has similar feelings because he’s looking like he’d rather die than stay here and play a get-to-know-you game.
“Sounds fun,” Petra says, sitting up and folding her hands in front of her. She gives Ilse a cheerful smile. “I don’t mind starting.”
“Great!” Ilse says. It might just be Petra’s imagination, but Ilse looks a little relieved. Their hostess clears her throat and glances at the first card before saying, “We all know that you and your band are huge fans of No Name and consider them to be a big inspiration for you, so I expect some of these questions to be a breeze for you, Petra. First question: When is Levi’s birthday?”
“December 25th,” Petra says without hesitation. She notices that both Ilse and Levi are staring at her, probably surprised because she answered so quickly. Is it really that surprising though? She is a fan…or at least she was one. Refusing to be embarrassed, Petra reaches up to pat her hair down for any stray hairs and laughs nervously. “It’s an easy birthday to remember after all.”
“I guess that is true! It’s the same day as Christmas after all,” Ilse laughs. She turns to Levi now, glancing down at the card. “You have a slightly harder question, Levi. Your question is: What year was Petra born?”
His frown deepens, and he looks at Petra and back at Ilse as if one of them will tell him the answer, but none of them budge. He finally takes another long, hard look at Petra before opening his mouth and saying very slowly, “1998?”
It’s more surprising than when Petra answered the question. This is because while Petra took less than a heartbeat to answer and was right, Levi took his time and still was off by half a decade.
“Do you think I’m twenty?” Petra asks. She had been able to resist herself before, but she can’t hold herself back now. She really wants to know if he really thinks she looks twenty or if he’s just really bad at math. She looks at Ilse incredulously. “Do I look like a fetus?”
Even Ilse starts to laugh at her reaction, but Levi looks less amused. He crosses his arms and turns away from her. “You look abnormally young for your age,” he mutters under her breath, but she’s not sure if this is supposed to be a compliment or not.
“I’m very well above the drinking age,” she informs him with a smirk.
He raises an eyebrow and props his elbow on the table, leaning towards her as he asks, “Is that so? How often do you get carded despite that?”
Nearly every goddamn time she has to get drinks, she thinks sorely. When she doesn’t answer, he smiles smugly. She’d feel even more insulted if she weren’t so surprised. She doesn’t think she’s seen him smile at all in front of her until now.
“Alright, alright,” Ilse says, clearing her throat. She nods at the both of them and flips to the next card. “Petra is actually born in 1993, Levi, so at least you got the decade right. Are the two of you ready to move on to the next couple of questions we have for you?”
Petra looks up and meets Levi’s eyes from across the table, but he looks away quickly from her.
“Yeah, whatever,” Levi mumbles. He taps his fingers impatiently on the table. His ears are still red with embarrassment from answering the last question wrong.
For the first time since being on set, Petra thinks that this might just be fun after all.
The rest of the game goes similarly. Whatever question Ilse throws at Petra about Levi, Petra answers flawlessly without much thought. She has impeccable knowledge about all of No Name, Levi included, and she’s aware that she might come off as an obsessed fangirl after this episode comes out, but she doesn’t care at the moment. She’s far too amused by Levi’s inability to answer any of their questions about her at all.
It doesn’t matter what they ask him about her. He gets it wrong every time. With each incorrect answer, he gets more flustered and tongue-tied. He snaps out his answer grumpily whenever Ilse turns to him and scowls whenever she informs him that he’s wrong. He can’t name a single song Petra’s written, where she grew up, or the other bands she listens to aside from No Name. He’s so frazzled that Petra’s sure that if Ilse asked him what her hair color was he’d get it wrong even though she’s sitting right across from him.
“Petra, what’s the first song that Levi wrote for No Name?” Ilse asks her.
“’The Reluctant Heroes,’” Petra says easily. She glances over at Levi who scowls at her once more. She only shrugs and smiles in reply.
“Correct once again! You really weren’t kidding when you said you loved No Name. I’m sure Levi is flattered to be with such a talented artist and dedicated fan,” Ilse says, not at all noticing the glower on Levi’s face. To Levi, she asks, “Final question is for you Levi. What is the name of the song Petra and her band Wings of Freedom covered that helped propel them into mainstream success?”
Petra sits up, smirking at Levi because she’s sure that he’s going to get this answer wrong as well, but he has the oddest look on his face. The hardened gaze of his is gone and his expression has softened. Gone is his frustration and impatience, and he looks at her quietly before answering in a quiet voice, “’Call Your Name.’”
“That’s right! After covering No Name’s best-selling single ‘Call Your Name,’ Wings of Freedom began to catch other people’s attention and helped lead them on the road to success,” Ilse says happily. “While you might not know a lot about Petra now, you’ve certainly learned a lot about her today, Levi, and it’s good to see that you at least know something about her.”
Levi doesn’t reply and instead continues to look at Petra, who finds herself blushing. She’s not sure if it’s because he’s looking at her with such a soft expression or because she’s finally being acknowledged by her childhood idol or some other third reason she doesn’t even want to think about at this moment, but his gaze makes her turn away.
“It was a really…it was a good cover,” she hears Levi says. “Beautiful.”
She can feel her face burst into flames. “Thanks,” she mumbles.”
A waitress finally comes by to hand them their drinks. What good timing. They’ve taken far longer than they should, and Petra suspects that they delayed the orders to allow more time for the game. These stupid shows and their stupid games, she thinks with a sigh.
The black coffee Petra had ordered for Levi sits in front of him and Petra finds her own drink set in front of her. It’s a mocha topped with a generous amount of whipped cream and sprinkled with cinnamon and chocolate swirls. Just looking at it makes her feel like she has a cavity and she looks over at Levi confusedly.
“Well,” Ilse says, clapping her hands together and looking from Petra to Levi again. Petra wonders if the hostess is ever tired of acting so excited for these things. “You have your drinks in front of you. Tell us how you like them! Levi, did Petra make the right choice for you? I wouldn’t be surprised if she did!”
Levi takes an awkward sip in front of the camera, pausing before he answers to taste the coffee. Somehow, he’s shocked, and he gives Petra a suspicious glare as if she shouldn’t know his coffee preferences despite her showing how knowledgeable she is about him and going on a coffee date with her last week where he ordered the exact same thing. “It’s good,” Levi finally says.
“And you, Petra?” Ilse asks eagerly. She gestures at the cup in front of Petra, motioning at her to take a sip.
“Ah,” Petra says with a nervous laugh. It’s not that she doesn’t like sweet things, but she doesn’t like overly sweet coffee. If she wanted something sweet and chocolatey, she would have just ordered a hot chocolate. Still, she doesn’t want to seem rude and hesitantly picks up the cup and holds it to her lips. It’s even sweeter that she had thought it would be, and she begins to choke from the taste of it. “Oh, it’s…it’s very sweet,” Petra coughs.
She’s not sure why, but Levi looks hurt. How strange.
“I don’t usually drink such sweet things,” Petra says apologetically, but she’s not sure if she should say this to Ilse or Levi so she just awkwardly speaks to the space between them. “It’s not bad though…it’s…nice.”
Ilse laughs at her response. “Well, I’m glad you can still enjoy it even though it’s not quite to your liking. Thanks for joining Levi and Petra once again on their romantic journey. Let’s hope that Levi can get to know Petra even more in the upcoming weeks!”
Once the cameras are finished rolling, Ilse sighs and rips off her mic. Smiling at Petra, she says, “Thanks for playing along so well, Petra. And thanks for your participation today too, Levi – ah.”
Levi has already torn off his microphone and stalked out of the café without so much as a goodbye. Petra does notice that he did take his coffee with him though.
She should really stay behind and talk with Ilse for a while, thank her for being such a wonderful host, but she really wants to chase after Levi and ask him something, so she smiles apologetically at Ilse and excuses herself, saying that she’ll catch up with her sometime during the week.
When she catches up with Levi, she sees him being held back by Hanji. Or Hanji’s trying to hold him back. Levi’s managing to walk quite well despite having to drag along another person behind him.
“Why’d you run away? Go back!” Hanji tells him. “Don’t you want to talk to Petra some more?”
“No, I don’t want to talk to her,” Levi says, trying to shake Hanji off.
“Should I go back then?” Petra says amusedly. While Hanji looks at her with an expression of pleasant surprise, Levi looks incredibly horrified. “Sorry. I just wanted to talk to you for a little bit, but I can just see you next week if you’d rather not see me.”
“I can talk to you, Petra!” Hanji says, letting go of Levi. They wrap an arm around her and grin down at her. “Levi’s always a grouch, so don’t mind him. I’m much better company than he is!”
Levi sighs and stomps over to where they are, pulling Hanji off Petra and glaring. “It’s fine. I’ll talk to her. Just…go back to the hotel and talk to Mike or something,” he grumbles at Hanji. When he looks at Petra, she sees that his face is flushed the same way it was when they were at the café together. He’s starting to look a little less mean-looking, Petra thinks. To Petra, he asks, “What did you want to talk about?”
“The cover my band did,” she says. “Did you really listen to it?”
“Yeah. Hanji made me listen to it during rehearsal last week.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and turns away from her. “It was good. It was really good. I was going to sit and listen to your album, but I haven’t got the chance to do that yet.”
“Oh, I’m glad you liked it. I didn’t think you’d be interested in listening to my band,” Petra laughs. She’s starting to think that although he’s difficult to get along with at first, he’s not a bad person. Maybe this won’t be so unbearable after all.
“Why not?” Levi asks, looking at her with a furrowed brow. “Your voice is beautiful.”
“Huh?” she says stupidly. It’s difficult to believe he’s complimented when she had firmly believed he hated her only an hour ago. She’s blushing more than she usually would if any other person had said the same words to her and she covers her cheeks with her hands in an unsubtle attempt to hide her blush. “Ah, that’s…I’m so happy…”
“Hm” is all Levi says. He continues to look at her, his expression curious now, and she remembers why she had swooned over him back in her high school days.
“Er, I have to go now,” Petra says, desperate for an excuse to escape. She doesn’t reconvene with her band until tomorrow, but it’s not like Levi knows that. She doesn’t even know he says goodbye to her because she’s already run away.
She doesn’t think she hates him anymore though. No, she’s pretty sure she doesn’t. She’s not sure how she feels exactly, but she does know that there’s a part of her that looks forward to seeing him next weekend even though this relationship isn’t really real.
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 8 First Half (Quick Livestream Recap)
Since I missed the first half of the livestream, here’s a quick recap off the raw. I’ll link this to the second half recap too.
Before elimination heartbreaks, they’d served some fanservice to numb the pain with a bit from when BoA came to visit before position evals.
She brought them pizza! The boys had a collective breakdown of food appreciation, and we see a brilliantly photoshopped press picture of BoA holding up pizzas like an angel, like Kim Youjin clearly imagines.
Jung Jung, at the brink of tears: WHY IS IT SO DELICIOUS
They’re just happy to be around her, which is fully understandable. She does a little happy dance as they chant for her, and mingles with the trainees (there’s a nice shot of the Amazing Kiss group talking to her) before leaving them to their food.
Sidenote: the cameras always catch Noh Taehyun in the background, and he’s always unintentionally pulling the ugliest faces possible, unaware he’s in the shot.
Cube Chick Yoo Seonho is by far the happiest, putting away as much pizza as he could to compensate for only getting three meals a day at dorms. He’s obviously at that age where you eat everything in sight, it reminds me of my brother.
Cut to eliminations day and shots of tears. Okay, the warm and fuzzies have disappeared.
The trainees all do their entrance into the Ceremony Hall of Crowned Chairs.
Kim Donghan did a move from Shape of You, then a heart and wink combo.
Starship boys did something weird, ofc
Brand New trainees did the point choreo from Twice’s comeback song, Signal. Cute. 
My man Ong-ssi transitioned from a very stiff and formal bow to his high note meme face from Get Ugly
FNC Yoo Hwiseung did his lip-swipe
Cube chicks, whose backstage hwaiting needed to be redone three times for them to be in sync, did the Shugo Chara frame.
Pledis’ Nu’est boys did hearts and more Twice references.
Hashtag that Twice relevancy
Bae Jinyoung did the ear flapping move too
So did Maroo Park Jihoon. I suddenly miss Kwon Hyeob, seeing him up there alone.
ONO Moonbok, who looked ridiculously pretty btw - I hope they stick to styling him like this, did something that looked like Red Velvet’s Rookie or Lovelyz’s WoW, and held up his lovely hair in two pigtails. Adorable. The trainees were KO’d
Star Empire Takada Kenta looks more like a puppy than ever.
The Yuehua kids shot hearts and Ahn Hyungseob acted like he got hit by one
S.How trainees used their minimal screentime references - Namhyung did his finger to the lip with elevated pinky detail that had impressed Lee Seokhoon, while Dongsu did the plucking from the air bit from the Amazing Kiss stage.
MMO trainees, extra as always, integrated Auntie Jisung’s clapping move with Twice’s Signal. 
Baby maknae Lee Woojin did his meme face and finger heart from the Be Mine stage. A worldwide cutie.
C2K Kim Seonglee did finger hearts with the Very Very Very head bobbing
YGK+ Kwon Hyunbin tried a headstand before just rolling over like a cat in a blanket
Real Performers Ardor and Able Noh Taehyun and Ha Sungwoon did a finger point choreo before moonwalking off the stage in sync
RBW puppies referenced fallen trainee Dongmyung by doing his warm up flapping dance and hearts. 
Protect Them.
Tension building and then cut to concept evaluation song distributions.
They keep playing up the fact that Jihoon dropped ranks...are they egging the fangirls to have a flatout fight?
This way of arranging missions, with distributing trainees into teams and then shuffling after half of them leave is stupid and could be avoided if they split up the mission footage better. The show could fully have filler episodes between missions at this level of popularity so the vote timing and mission preparation could be allocated efficiently. 
Imagine working at a song and then having to start over a few days later. It’s ridiculous.
Songs are introduced by their producers. The viewers have been voting to match the songs to their favourite trainees for this mission. 
I’d said earlier that the idea was just going to incite some kind of fuckery, with fans not used to this amount of legitimate power. Sure enough, there was cheating involved so Kang Daniel, Lee Kiwon and Kim Dongbin were banned from their leaked song preferences.
Honestly, the cat emoji morse code was great. It’s one of my top controversies this season. 
First up is my personal favourite of the song concepts, I Know You Know, produced by heavyweight producer Joombas (who is famously responsible for Exo’s Growl, SHINee’s Dream Girl and also apparently worked with HOTSHOT). I’m all about the funky R&Bish vibe: not the kind of song that tops charts, but probably stays there a while. Watch this song be ignored though lol
Second is Oh Little Girl, a name even the producer draws quote marks around. This is the song for the hip-hop concept, and has a jazzy easy listening feel.
Next is Showtime, coming from a trio of newer or less popular producers. This seems catchy, but it sounds very familiar - not a song I’d remember. The choreo looks fun though, and they reference Dongmyung’s warm up! The trainees love it, cracking up as they mimic the move.
Fourth are another famous producer group, Devine Channel, who I believe do a lot of SM’s songs. They’ve also done a lot of very trendy title songs, including BTS’ Fire and VIXX’s The Closer. I think the English title for this song is Open? Correct me if I’m wrong. It sounds great, oddly like something I might have heard from Nu’est. I’m looking forward to this too, the choreo looks great.
Fifth song is from the producers that get the most hype, Hyuna’s new charity project from Cube, Triple H’s Never. Auntie Jisung decides he wants the song because Hyuna is involved, which, honestly, same. The EDM structure also feels overdone but I have a sneaking suspicion this is going to be the song that gets maximum hype since there’s no ballad.
Trainees get allocated their songs in envelopes and have to go to wait in separate practice spaces for the rest of their team.
Jaehwan doesn’t want to be in same team as Hyunbin, which I understand, considering that he’s had to carry him twice already. Like the other trainees, he wants to work with GodJonghyun. 
Pretty boys Bae Jinyoung, Park Jihoon and Ahn Hyungseob get sorted together. Maybe their fans have been working in sync. They also get excited puppy Gunhee, which means their vocals will be taken care of. 
Once the trainees all gather, their songs are revealed. Byun Hyunmin decides to rip the sticker for his room and accidentally pulls off the whole thing. 
Byun Hyunmin: :O
Noh Taehyun: Everyone, we’re not singing.
Hyunmin retries.
All the trainees: cAREFULLY 
The group gets Showtime, which was Samuel’s pick. He’s ecstatic.
Minhyun’s room has their sticker peel by Emperor Hwang to reveal Never, which pleases most of them. 
Park Jihoon’s room has a breakdown before Dongbin peels the sticker to show Oh Little Girl, a song I can see Sewoon do well in. The Yuehua trainees are all in this team too.
Moonbok has a braid in his lovely hair this segment, it looks fire emoji.
Hyunbin’s room has I Know You Know. Taedong, who has a lower range than the song needs, is nervous.
Baekho’s group gets Open, which most of the trainees are excited about. Seunglee in particular is relieved, since it was one of his picks. 
We go into centre struggles for the killing part.
Oh Little Girl has Jihoon battling Euiwoong and Minki. They all demonstrate, and vote Jihoon and Minki as their preferred centres. 
Euiwoong is getting worried. He’s one of the only initial popular trainees that seems to be dropping down ranks every week. Kahi gives him a much needed confidence boost at dance check in, and Don Mills praises him at vocal check in too.
Product placement break.
Open team wants a dance focus trainee as leader because of the high level choreo and elect Daniel, who now probably understands what he needs to do to lead his group after faltering last mission. 
But the team has so many people that they split into two halves while leaning choreo and one team falls behind since Daniel doesn’t split his attention between the two initially
Kahi calls them out on the distinction, with one group lagging while the first one does great. The second half, which has Park Sungwoo, who we know needs a lot of focused help, starts to catch up after the whole team gets scolded.
There are so many trainees in this team that won’t survive eliminations, oh god. 
Kim Seunglee, you deserve better.
Showtime group has a lot of strong singers. Woodam wants to be main vocal, and Yoo Hwiseung needs that vocal hype boost since his rank is risky too. 
Auntie Jisung: I want to try to do it too.
They start talking about the need for facial expressions and singing, Samuel wants to lowkey be centre. They need to have impact to bring the concept across, they decide.
Auntie Jisung: I still want to try though!
They ask the trainees to sing and do some face expression to pick centre and main vocal. Jisung and Samuel share centre while Woodam and Hwiseung share main vocal.
Coach Shin Yumi likes Hwiseung’s control over the notes better. He’s a lot more stable than Woodam, maybe because his natural tone is stronger?
Yoo Hwiseung gets some screentime for the first time.
Far out, Mnet. You really annoy me.
Never team has Ha Sungwoon being worried about being in a team with high ranking trainees, most of who want to be centre. 
They all battle with facial expressions but the trainees vote for Guanlin and Minhyun as centre.
At dance check in with Dabbing Ajusshi Kwon Jaesung, however, Sungwoon is the first one to volunteer to dance. 
He gets some well deserved praise for it, which honestly, the kid needs. Being in a group of trainees that are all popular is awful enough, but he’s a true all rounder. Without enough screentime or helpful editing, he’s been fading despite being good looking and a consistent performer. 
More product placement.
I Know You Know team has the underdog feel straight up, with the lower ranking trainees. I called the song as not being the kind to be popular.
Appealing time for the centre spot. RBW Hwanwoong stands out. Ah, my heart. Donghan and Hwanwoong get centre.
Dance check in with Kahi has her appreciating their hard work. Hyunbin’s dancing seems to have improved, I guess being cyber bullied has that effect on you. She also thinks Hwanwoong is a good centre choice, which is some well deserved praise. 
Tears and mournful instrumentals are abound as the low ranking trainees recount their experience before for upcoming eliminations. We get flashbacks for some of them, which should prepare you for what’s coming.
We all know where this is heading. The rest of the recap can be found here.
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micaramel · 6 years
Jennifer Aniston has been inspiring hair envy ever since the debut of "The Rachel," her highly coveted "Friends" haircut in the early seasons of the show's run.
Though she's said how much she hates that particular cut, every style she's showed off in the years since continues to inspire trends.
Aniston and her longtime stylist, Chris McMillan, have both opened up numerous times to discuss her famous mane, sharing their favorite tips and go-to products.
Ever since the debut of "Friends" in 1994, Jennifer Aniston's glossy, healthy hair continues to inspire trends everywhere. And though her signature style has evolved over the years, the actress knows what works for her, rarely making any major switch-ups when it comes to her cut and color.
From "The Rachel," which became one of the most iconic celebrity hairstyles of the ‘90s, to the beachy waves she's known for sporting in recent years, plenty of women the world over have taken Aniston's photo to their stylists in the hope of recreating her effortless look.
Both Aniston herself and her longtime stylist Chris McMillan have dished about her ‘do many times throughout the years, sharing their favorite tips and go-to products for her shiny, sleek strands.
The "Dumplin'" star has trusted McMillan with her tresses since she began shooting "Friends," and it seems neither of them realized how legendary that choppy, layered cut would become.
In 2015, he told Allure magazine that he'd been working with fellow "Friends" star Courteney Cox, sharing, "The manager recommended that Jennifer come to the salon where I was working. I cut Jennifer's hair for the ‘Friends' pilot, and the next thing I knew, the show was taking off, magazines were referring to my haircut as ‘The Rachel,' and People [magazine] was calling me for an interview. And I really don't think anyone knew I was using the whole time."
Aniston didn't love the "Rachel" haircut as much as the world did.
Apparently, Aniston hated the trendy cut, telling Allure in 2011 "it was the ugliest haircut I've ever seen." She said, "I love Chris, and he's the bane of my existence at the same time because he started that damn Rachel, which was not my best look."
Though she only sported the sleek, shaggy haircut for about six months, she told Allure she didn't quite understand its "never-ending legacy," because "because it just was hard to do. I loved it, but I couldn't style it on my own."
Still, that "big, horrible mistake" was the cut that put Aniston's strands on the map, and women everywhere have coveted her look ever since.
In 2009, McMillan revealed some of her hair secrets in an interview with Elle magazine, sharing that Aniston naturally has enviable hair because it's easy to work with, saying, "She has naturally wavy, medium-texture hair … it goes curly really easily if you scrunch it, and if you blow-dry it straight, it stays straight but with body."
At the time, it seems that the one-time L'Oréal Paris spokesmodel was a fan of a daily wash and condition, because McMillan said, "She loves having her hair shampooed fresh and clean. She shampoos and conditions pretty much every day — if she's going for the day-old-hair look, she prefers to create it using products."
But from 2012 to 2016, Aniston served as a spokesperson and co-owner of hair care brand Living Proof, whose products seemingly inspired her to wash less often, especially on breaks from filming.
She told Glamour magazine in 2016, "If I'm working then I usually do wash it, because it has to have continuity, but if I'm not working I try to give my hair a break for as many days as possible."
As for how she keeps her hair healthy between visits, McMillan told Elle, "I cut her hair religiously every six weeks, but between visits, she takes care of her hair, she really does — she doesn't rip through it when she brushes it after a shower. And she lets her hair dry on its own when she's not working. She likes to wear her hair natural, and she's good at styling it on her own."
She often embraces her natural hair.
Aniston co-signs on her overall unfussy vibe when it comes to those lazy hair days, telling Allure in 2015, "Yesterday it took me 15 minutes to get up, get my hair done, and go," adding, "I honestly just blow-dry it with my fingers around my hairline, and then I get the roots set, and then I'll let the rest of the hair air-dry."
On days when she does go for the full blowout, Aniston told Glamour that "Hot water is never good for your hair or skin, so I wash in warm water." Then, she breaks out the big guns — a "big, round brush" and a blow dryer — joking, "I'll whip that out and get a really good arm workout at the same time."
As for those undone, beachy waves, we're sorry to say, but you can't get ‘em from a curling iron. McMillan told Elle, "If you look at her hair, it looks like it grew out of her head like that — it doesn't look like a curling iron touched it. We never use curling irons or flatirons on her hair. We always try to work with her natural texture and use round brushes to give a soft curl."
Since he's not using an iron for those loose waves, McMillan does what he calls a "bad blow-dry" using different sized round brushes depending on the hair's length, telling Elle, "I always blow-dry the roots straight — about two inches — and let the ends be a little curlier. I also like to blow-dry the hair around her face with a few strands tucked behind her ears. When you un-tuck the hair, a nice frame is created around the face."
For her InStyle magazine cover shoot in 2018, McMillan used Sebastian Whipped Cream Mousse, a cult-favorite $10 product to give her waves that perfectly undone look, defining them with a dab of  Murray's Superior Hair Dressing Pomade, which retails for less than three bucks.
She's not a stranger to switching up her hairstyles and cuts. 
And her style choices vary based on the day's events, too, as he revealed. On the red carpet, the "Office Christmas Party" star "likes ponytails or really quick natural-looking buns — ones that look like she did them herself. And, you never see this, but off the red carpet, she really likes wearing low, loose braids on both sides of her head. She's a real down-to-earth girl."
When it comes to cuts, she's tried plenty, from blunt bangs to a straight-and-sleek bob. As McMillan told Elle, "she likes to chop her hair off about every five years. We'll even her hair up and lop off a few inches," but though the actress is known for starting hair trends, it seems she's not one for following them. Over time, her look has "changed slowly, via texture and length. I know that it appears as though her hair hasn't changed much over the years, but if you look at a timeline of her hair, you'll notice that she's always on trend."
Though she's tried variations of her signature sun-kissed highlights over the years, she largely remains true to her California girl roots.
In 2017, she told Vogue magazine, "I'm a creature of habit. A weird creature of habit. I don't fix what's not broken and I don't care what people think and I don't care if people want me to change my hair. I like Californian blonde highlights. It's just cozy and it makes me feel better."
To get those blonde highlights, she sits in the salon chair with her longtime colorist Michael Canalé for a color touch-up every four weeks.
And, yes, she's had plenty of hair regrets that have nothing to do with "the Rachel." Though she looks pretty flawless with a bob haircut, she claims, "I've never liked the bob," telling Allure in 2017, "I always want them, and then when I get them, I'm like, 'What? Why did you let me do it?' Because my hair is so curly — I have naturally wavy hair — when it's short, it just turns into an Afro I can't really control. I just don't know how to style it very well. So hence me having to say, 'Chris, please come help me with my hair.'"
Overall, she tries to keep her hair routine low-maintenance. 
She's also tried the old mayonnaise hair mask and used plenty of questionable products in her younger years, but now, it's all about a low-maintenance, less-is-more routine for this hair icon.
And the number-one beauty lesson she's learned from working with McMillan for so long? She told Glamour in 2016, "His big advice is the less you mess with your hair, the better. Less is more, don't touch it, don't wash it every day, and just let it be. … It's really just about doing less and using good products to maintain its health."
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SEE ALSO: Jennifer Aniston’s diet is surprisingly simple — and includes Mexican food and pasta
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