puntrest · 9 years
Bruh ur latest chapter got me fucked up i had to take a walk and recollect myself
*insert gif of me doing the electric slide*
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udonbunny · 9 years
sharkcopterjunior reblogged your post and added:
yEHA i just started and im weeb trashnhf
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mllfology · 9 years
sharkcopterjunior said: the way she looks by kendarrr?
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folktaylor · 9 years
sharkcopterjunior replied to your post:"i don’t regret you, or us, i just regret this....
pls let us live
n o p e
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carmillatexts · 9 years
korrabou replied to your post: okay but if we had a carmilla/bridge t...
Laura duh
usefulvampire replied to your post: okay but if we had a carmilla/bridge t...
carmilla on the swing
sharkcopterjunior replied to your post: okay but if we had a carmilla/bridge t...
carmilla and laura would cry in the rain
i was asking a real question after all
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bevsi · 10 years
have you seen the new korra trailer yet
I JUST GOT BACK FROM CLASS AND WATCHED IT YEEeeEEEeeEEsSS it looks so cinematic and good!!! korra pulling a sakura!! kuvira!! ASAMI!!! THE ANIMATION LOOKS SOO BEAUTIFUL
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nostalgic-narcissist · 10 years
holla some dumb but was all like questions and that person was sharkcopterjunior
posts the rules
answer the questions the person who tagged you asked,
write 11 new questions
tag 11 people and link them to the post, actually holla at them that you tagged them.
Questions to answer:
1. Favorite band(s)
probs like noisettes. they got some good material honestly it works out well or rod stewart he got some mad lyrics down
2. What would you do if you met your idol
well it's david bowie and justin timberlake so like i dunno i would really like to go up to them and just tell them that they made my life better for just wanting to go into the musical arts.
3. Did you go through a scene phase dont lie if I tagged you in this I probably already know if you’re lying
bruh scene phase was never my thing but like weeaboo phase was something defs it was awful
4. What is the meaning of life
to give it your own meaning and be all what you want to be in the mass cosmos 
5. Have you ever broken the rules
like i dunno. probably my sense of morality isn't that high for like petty stuff. like stealing and junk that's bad so i wouldn't do it because id be an asshole
6. Did you read that article about the dude who stuffed a metric ton of weed in a statue of a donkey
nah bhre
7. Favorite TV show/movie
tv show would probably be the office or steven universe they're both hilarious and both really make me feel all bubbly and junk. movie would be like wayne's world or scott pilgrim vs the world both great movies that i can easily remember references to
8. Dogs or Cats
dude i've have two chihuahuas my entire life of course dogs i'd be a dog if that wasn't weird
9. Favorite song
it honestly varies but right now i really like reason to believe by rod stewart but also all about that bass by meghan trainor. might as well add in i got you under my skin by the noisettes ( well cover song but whatever)
10. Do you like steven universe
that shit makes me cry and also really happy. a lot of peeps can back me up on how much i fuckin love that creative piece of art
11. Opinions on beyonce
queen and honestly has a lot of lil cool drum parts in her song ive noticed which is nice (the snare part for run the world was actually simple to play but fit in well)
new questions or whatever 1. Ever killed a guy?
2. Want to kill a guy?
3. Am I annoying you with me tagging you to answer questions?
4. Am I cute be honest now.
5. Would you ever watch the three amigos with me because that shit is hilarious.
6. Striped shirts or plaid?
7. Favorite musical.
8. Who's booty is best booty?
9. Favorite instrument.
10. Favorite joke that isn't me don't say me you goddamn meme loving fuck i know which one is gonna say it 11. would you ever kill two guys.
and i tag sharkcopterjunior, aquashuttle, billcosbyandfrands and no one else since i have no friends
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do-what-the-romans-do · 10 years
I was tagged by loki-the-asgardian-mussolini! THANKS!
The Rules: Post the rules Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked. Write 11 new questions. Tag 11 people and link them to the post. Actually tell them you tagged them
1. If you could only have one song on repeat forever what would it be?
oh gosh.... My taste changes so much. One day it's Xmas music in June, then its FOB or Of Mice and Men, and then some days its disney songs from Mulan, Hercules, or Eminem. SOOOO I can't choose. RIght now? Centuries, By Fall Out Boy
2. What is one food you wish could be deleted from the planet?
Anything bland. Don't really like mushrooms.
3. Do you like the heat or cold better?
HOT. I live in Florida, so sun and sand for me ;)
4. Best movie of all time?
Oh gosh, any Marvel movie lol. Those are always great. If I'm permitted to say what I'm hoping for..... is a dead pool movie. I REALLY want a Deadpool movie.
5. Have you seen your favourite band live? If so who? if not who would you like to see?
No, and No, and No. I don't really have a favorite band. I guess I wouldn't mind seeing FOB play.....
6. What is one of your favourite memories?
3 of my birthday parties were crashed by bears when I lived in Alaska for 5 1/2 years :D
7. Who is your best friend and how did you meet?
Cheyenne Terwilliger ( she's on "Just Me" page. She doesn't have a Tumblr. But we've known each other since we were 2. We did swimming lessons together in Alaska. Friends ever since. My other Best friend is rollingdinorawr we met in middle school while we were both stationed in England (Military Family) We've moved from England, She lives a few hours away, but we still stay in touch and meet up every once in a while.
8. What happened in the most recent episode of a show you watched?
HAHAHHAH Well. Sherlock got drunk, shot Mr. Evil dude, got arrested and deported and then Moriarty showed up again and he returned.
9. What is your dream job?
Studying fish/ discovering new ones
10. What is one thing on your bucket list?
Travel all over the world, see the Rainforest.
11. What made you join tumblr?
Zer0mph, a friend of mine. She FORCED me to join. and now I'm hooked.
Hope you guys want to play along! I want to know you guys better! (and what I'm getting myself into?) There is NO REASON not to get in touch with me!
Questions to answer:
1.What's your favorite book/series?Why?
2.What keeps you going through the day?
3.What's your favorite pastime?
4.Is there anywhere in the world you want to go?
5. What do you prefer, Salt or Fresh Water? WHy?
6.What has been your biggest challenge?
7.What i one thing is school that should be taught, that isn't already?
8. If you could do anything, right now, with nothing to stop you, what would you do?
9. What do you find attractive if you are looking for a partner? If not looking for a partner, what traits do you expect to find in your friends?
10. If you had any super-power, what would yours be?
11. If you were a fruit/vegetable/plant, what would you be?
I tag!!!!
just-me-and-my-ships    getthemeninlongcoats     icyblueroses   pieofthelord   sharkcopterjunior    whatthefackk123    sprinkle-mongrel  
createmajesticadventures  ebonydarkness25    shoothslavon rollingdinorawr
Hope you guys will answer them! I want to see your answers!!!!!! :D
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udonbunny · 9 years
sharkcopterjunior replied to your post “There is such a thing as country dubstep and it scares me”
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thewritersramblings · 10 years
Roy and Riza
Name: Maes (BECAUSE LBR)
Gender: Male
General Appearance: black hair brown eyes
Personality: very stoic and ~cool (unlike his namesake)
Special Talents: Sharpshooting, being a dork around the ladies like his dad.
Who they like better: Uncle Ed Elric
Who they take after more: Riza for sure, though all his time around Ed is giving him gaudy taste in decor.
Personal Head canon: visits Hughes’ grave on the anniversary of his death every year.
Face Claim:
im just gonna take out face claim bc i suck at casting
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folktaylor · 10 years
Titanic AU with Ell as Jack and Carmilla as Rose
ok but a hollstein titanic au what about that
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felitomkinson · 11 years
Congrats on Cry using your thumbnail
Oh, he did! Didn't even realize until you said something hah. How cool. Thank you! (and of course, thanks, Cry. :])
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nsxx99 · 10 years
sharkcopterjunior replied to your post: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee someone called me thei...
no shush your cute butt we friends now
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pansylair · 11 years
How did you do the freckles on Connor they just look real detailed and stuff
ah its real simple actually 
I use sai so i just add the large grain texture to whatever brush i’m using. a bit of tweaking to the density and size of the texture will make it just right, and then you’ve got a handy freckle brush 
for photoshop a good textured brush would do the same trick uvu  
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nexya · 11 years
who the heck is that they sound dumb
jk i love sofia sOOOO MUCH AHHHH shes so pretty and funny and nice and she makes really cool edits and she has a gr9 blog and she is the lara croft to my sam and and aND AND aNd yEHA!11 
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udonbunny · 9 years
sharkcopterjunior replied to your post “WHEN BAE IS GAY TOO AND LIKES U TOO”
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