#sh massachusetts
countryhumans-trash · 30 days
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justskulkingaround · 2 days
i know I asked what kinda queer Louie was but uhm. I didn't want to start a new drawing until I finished this thing so I made it up.
this formats been going around tumblr
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she gives me aroace vibes, or maybe I'm just projecting cause I'm aroace but y'know. I'll prob adjust it if you say otherwise
new dad acquired
I love this!!!!!
And yes. She is an aroace lesbian
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 7 months
PA walked into the Main Floor Kitchen where he saw Gov standing and making coffee. The younger seemed to be frantically sending texts to multiple different people, and the Keystone State tried to ignore how tired and exhausted and just- done. Gov looked. It hurt to see his son like this, but PA wouldn’t admit it.
He walked over to the cupboard to grab a cup, and he noticed that Gov, who was right next to him, flinched when he raised his arm up to grab a cup. Huh. Weird.
"Gov? Ya good dumbass?" PA asked with a slight snort. He looked to Gov when the younger didn’t give an answer. Gov seemed to be zoned out, look at the kitchen counter if all places. He roughly poked the taller in the ribs, trying to gain his attention. Which he did, but Gov flinched and gave a small yelp. PA gained a more serious (CONCERNED-) look on his face and started prodding around random areas of Gov’s torso, seeing if maybe he was hurt.
"Eep!- Pa- - I mean- P-Pennsylvania stop!!-" Gov squeaked out, trying to get away from his father’s hands.
"Shut up and tell me where yer hurt!!!" PA shouted, grabbing Gov’s shoulders. He tried to ignore the terrified look in the younger’s eyes when he raised his voice.
"I-I’m n-not hurt! I just thought that-….” Gov cut himself and trailed off, which only made PA more annoyed.
"Well?? Spit it the f*ck out!!" PA shouted again, not realizing that his anger and shouting was scaring the taller personification, who had backed into a corner. PA simply followed Gov into said corner, awaiting the younger’s answer.
Gov teared up a little and flinched again, putting his arms up a little as if to protect himself. "I-I thought y-you were g-gonna hit me…..”
PA’s face instantly softened a bit, and he gave Gov a confused/annoyed look, "Why the hell would I bother with hurtin’ you?? Are ya stupid or some sh*t?"
Gov at this point looked like the equivalent to a small frazzled kitten as he responded:
"Y-yes- w-well no I just thought- I uh….. i don’t know I don’t know…-" Damn. His breathing sure sped up a lot.
"Hey hey hey….. shhhh….. breathe okay? Can yer dumbass do that?” PA said, gently (or at least as gentle as he could-) guiding Gov into a sitting position on the kitchen floor. Sh*t- what next- PA didn’t necessarily know what to do here. So he just opted to gently rub Gov’s back and try to get his son to do some breathing exercises to calm down. That sorta worked, but Gov was still panicking and crying a bit. PA sighed and pulled the taller man into his lap (dw PA ain’t that tiny. He’s 5’8 and Gov is 6’1-) and hugged him close, laying the younger’s head on his chest.
Gov eventually calmed down, and only a few tears were rolling down his face as he was held and hugged by the man he called his father. He sat there curled up and closed his eyes as he listened to PA’s heartbeat, which aided in calming him.
"Kid? Ya good now?" Asked PA, who was trying to make his voice calmer and quieter.
"I-I think s-s-so…..” Gov squeaked when he felt a gentle hand rubbing his arm in a soothing manner.
"Okay….. Good enough to answer more questions?"
PA moved his hand up to gently run his fingers through Gov’s hair, a tactic he always used with Massachusetts (YES I SHIP THEM LEAVE ME BE 😭) to calm him down on a rough day. "Alright….. Why the f*ck didja think that I was gonna hit ya?"
Gov was silent for a few seconds, but he answered: "I-I dunno….. you always act like yer gonna….. and you were mad and yelling I just t-thought t-that y-y’know-“
"Hush…. Yer gettin’ worked up again moron." PA said, giving a small not-very-well-hidden chuckle. "As for the…..hittin’ ya thing….. I know, I know I act like I’m gonna hit ya…. But ya know that I would neva’ actually hit ya right?"
"Gov, yer my kid. I would neva’ physically hurt you unless it was absolutely necessary. Like- if ya were attackin’ someone. Which- you wouldn’t do. So ya don’t need to worry about me hurtin’ ya. Ya got that?" PA asked, switching to gently scratching Gov’s scalp. He smiled a tiny bit when he heard and felt Gov’s little purrs of bliss.
"Mhm…." Gov sounded rather unsure of his answer, and PA could tell.
"Do ya actually get it?"
"…..*sigh* yeah…."
"Okay. Good. Glad I got that through that thick skull o’ yours." PA said. He gently nuzzles the top of Gov’s hair, and he continued to hold him until Gov fell asleep. Good.
@greatinternetllama :)
And @misery-has-no-company-now I tortured him :3
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aceontheline · 1 year
Love is in Bloom (Mass x Florida: Pt 9)
C//W: Self Harm (Cutting), Suicidal Thoughts + Ideation
Hey. Listen up. From personal experience, self harm is never the answer to any problems that may be going on in your life. Do not be afraid to contact any and all available resources in your area.
Use this handy link here to find one available: https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/
From here on in, I will put a link to either the next chapter, or back to my Masterpost, if you feel like you can't//don't want to read this installment.
Masterpost ( Here )
Darren may have been put behind bars, but Mass had reason to believe that his connections ran a lot deeper. He became rather paranoid, as he would receive messages on his phone almost every day after the trial from random numbers, saying that they would harm him. Mass became irritable and constantly on edge, constantly looking behind him and even distrusting the other states and their kindness & patience with him. There were a few that no matter what, seemed to stick by him. Florida, Gov, New York, and Maine were all sticking around Mass and making sure he was okay. But one night, they managed to slip up.
The others had to go attend an important meeting and Mass really had no reason to be there, so he stayed home and tried to distract himself. However, the overwhelming thoughts got the better of him. Thoughts such as: "I'm burdening the others cuz they constantly have to look after me" or "They'd be better off without me anyway. Why am I waiting so long?" Mass went to his drawer and found the switchblade that New York had given to him.
Mass used to do this a long time ago. He was all too familiar with the sensation of a blade running against his arms, legs, or anywhere else. He knew that the others would see marks on his arms, so he opted to use his thighs as a canvas. Mass slid the blade across his thigh with ease, looking at the blood that was coming out of him. He felt nothing at this point, so he went ahead and made several more cuts into himself. He wasn't sure if he actually found a sick thrill in this, or if it was just him finding familiarity in the experience. The cuts that Mass left on his thighs were relatively deep, but they didn't cause any major side effects, other than him feeling lightheaded for a brief moment, before drinking water. He patched his scars up as quickly as he could, before throwing a pair of dark grey sweatpants on to cover them.
The others came home and as Mass suspected, they didn't notice or question a thing. Mass had a hard time covering stuff up like this sometimes, so the fact that he was able to "get away with it" like he did made things a little easier on him mentally. He didn't want to talk to anyone about this issue anyway. Him and Florida decided to turn in early for the evening, so they watched some movies and cuddled together. Mass enjoyed this, only to a certain level.
The next few days were rather uneventful. At one point though, the states actually had to turn down someone at the door who knew Darren and was looking for Mass to bring him over. The states ultimately refused, with Texas even jumping in to help. Mass just scurried off to the bathroom again with the blade in hand. He opted for his arms this time, looking at himself in the mirror and repeating similar, negative mantras. The blade went across his arm a couple times, then New York and Florida were knocking on the door. Shit... Shit. Mass hid all the evidence and cleaned himself up with rapid speed... But not quick enough.
New York kicked down the door and saw Mass's bloodied arm. Florida gasped in horror and rushed to hug Mass close to him. New York calmly walked up to Mass and stared him down, asking what he thought that he was going to accomplish doing that to himself. Florida also asked "Why".
"Look. Clearly I'm a huge burden to yous. You gotta look after me all the time, check up on me and just... It's too much. It's wearing down on y'all. Why do you even care so much?" Mass pondered, clearly sounding worn down & defeated.
"Mass, my little Mays... We care so much about you. We want to help you and make sure you're safe. I love you deeply and I want you to be safe here in your own house damn it. You know what... New York? Can you-"
"Already on it, Flo. Darren's dumbass friends will be out of here sooner rather than later" New York responded flatly.
He told Florida to leave the room for a moment. Florida did so, and New York... Hugged Mass close. He, then, showed scars of his own. Clearly they had been deep, but they were also fading. "I've been where you are. It ain't gonna help, only worry those around ya" New York said, patting Mass on the back. Mass looked at his scars, then showed New York the rest of them. York nodded, saying that he had to tell Florida and Gov about this, seeing how a proper safety plan was clearly necessary for Mass. He teared up at hearing that and immediately hugged York again.
"Thanks. I didn't think you of anyone else would've cared so much" Mass said jokingly.
"I'm serious, Mass. As much as we have our... History. I'd hate to see you going through something like this" New York replied firmly.
New York called Florida and Gov into the room and asked Mass to explain what happened. Mass recounted everything to the concerned two that walked in and showed the scars. Gov immediately texted the other Northeastern states asking them to hide any and all sharp objects from Mass. They all agreed to help with this part, while Gov insisted that from this point, himself and Florida would conduct check ins every day for Mass until he felt better. York said that he would occasionally help out with distracting Mass by doing things with him and California. He smiled softly upon hearing that so many people actually cared about him enough to the point where they'd help this much.
The next few weeks were actually rather uneventful, as New York predicted. Darren's friends were ran out of town due to a pretty bad "smear campaign". Mass seemed to slowly be getting better overtime with the urges mostly dying down. Florida was definitely good at laying down the affection and making Mass feel loved & valued. New York could give plenty of sympathy, as he knew what it was like to experience such darker feelings. All of the Northeastern states were willing to hang out with Mass as well to help him feel better and safer.
Eventually, Mass was back to feeling relatively normal again and everyone slowly started reintegrating the knives and other sharp objects back into their kitchen or other places. Mass didn't feel much temptation, if any at all, to enact any urges that were inherently harmful. Florida felt so proud of him, so the two of them went out for whatever Mass wanted to do that evening. They went to a somewhat fancy restaurant, to see a movie, then to go to Boston Commons and watch the stars at night.
"I'm so proud of you, Mays. You've come so far" Florida stated happily.
"Thanks, Orange Blossom. Thanks to you and everyone else, I'm feeling much better. Hangin' with you and York has been fun. I think I'm good to return to my somewhat normal life. I hope that life still has you in it" Mass replied, sounding hopeful.
"Of course it will, Mass. I don't want to leave you hanging... Really, ever. Especially if you were already feeling like this the whole time. I could never. You're too important to me" Florida mentioned.
Mass smiled upon hearing this, kissing Florida under the soft moonlight. The two kissed and cuddled for a while under the light. "I love you" Mass said dreamily. Florida returned the sentiment, kissing Mass's lips softly. Florida saw Mass's scars and traced along them with his fingers, kissing the tips of them before doing so. Mass chuckled at that, jokingly asking Florida if he was "kissing them better" or something. This also made Florida chuckle. The two remained quiet for a while as they just embraced each other under the starlight.
After a while, they returned back home and saw New York talking on the phone with someone. He hung up after a few moments and greeted the two lovebirds. York asked how Mass was feeling today. "Fine, actually. Thanks to the lot of yous" he responded with a smile. York sighed and smiled in return, pulling out some seats at the kitchen table for Mass and Florida, saying that he made a dessert that he wants the two to try. York pulled it out of the fridge... And Mass immediately smiled upon seeing it. It was a Boston Cream Pie, and it looked perfect.
"Cali and I made it together for us to enjoy. He's on his way now! All four of us can share it" New York uttered, slicing into it.
"Looks great! Florida, you want some?" Mass asked.
"Sure! I'll try anything at least once, you know that" Florida teased, kissing Mass's cheek.
The two giggled, as California arrived. He sat next to New York and across from Mass. The four of them shared slices of the cream pie, which turned out to be very delicious. They shared the Boston Cream Pie and had a few good, enriching discussions... And for the first time in a while, Mass started to cry. It wasn't out of sadness at all, but happiness. California asked if Mass was okay, and he nodded, explaining that this was a "happy cry".
Florida smiled and hugged Mass close to him, petting through his hair. New York got up and pat Mass on the back, hugging the two of them. California joined in on this small group hug. Mass was happy, surrounded by those he considered close friends. Eventually, Mass wiped his tears away and continued eating his last slice. He and Florida eventually turned in for the evening, thanking New York and California for the time they spent together. Mass even commented about how the pie tasted similarly to how his mother made it.
"I'm just glad you're doing better! I care about you way too much to let anything like that happen to you again, Sweetheart" Florida said, holding Mass's hand tightly, kissing his lips softly.
"Thank you, Doll. I'm glad you and the others care for me so much. Kinda glad that not everyone sees me as some 'angry Masshole' so much anymore" Mass responded.
"You're still MY 'Masshole', Sweetie" Florida teased.
Mass laughed, lightly hitting Florida on his back. The two settled in for the evening, getting ready for bed and then cuddling in said bed. They slept in Florida's room this time, as it was warm but still relatively cool with the window open. This experience here... Pure bliss.
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Masterpost ( Here )
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stupittmoran · 6 months
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Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Repost & FoIIow for more.
DeSantis vs Newsom debate turns into a sh*tshow as the Florida governor calls out San Francisco's human feces problem.
Elon Musk interview goes viral, causing mass cancelations of Disney Plus and other services.
Texas is suing Pfizer for misrepresenting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor the public.
KC Chief's fans plan to attend next game with black and red face paint after the media accused a child fan of racism.
Former official has been indicted on three grand jury charges for altering 2020 election results.
Reports of "White Lung" pneumonia affecting mostly children in China has been found in Massachusetts & Ohio.
BLM Leader endorses Trump for President in 2024, accuses democrats of racist policies.
CTIL files reveal how the government conspired to censor citizens and alter the 2020 election.
Joe Rogan says anyone who tells him to 'trust the experts' can suck his d*ck, Covid taught him that the so-called experts are bought and paid for.
James O'Keefe releases bombshell undercover report exposing China's operation of a biolab in California.
How many more Chinese biolabs are there in the United States?
BONUS: Speaker Johnson ramps up Biden impeachment, stating Biden has lied at least 16 times about his involvement in his family's business schemes.
If you appreciate this Top 10 recap, remember to Repost and FoIIow me for another week in a clown world 🤡🌎
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flipidifloppody · 2 months
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬‼️- angst, fluff, smuttt, abuse, crying, violence, toxic relationship, jealousy, not eating, mentions of sh and suicide, swearing, NSFW.
fem! reader , matt sturniolo.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 -
Boston Massachusetts,
two best friends with two different backstories. One blinded by love that she can't see it going down hill. The other head over heels for HER but is too scared to admit it. But what will happen when the toxicness catches up on the relationship?
it was not long ago that i got a message from my boyfriend, Finn. It was an unusual relationship. it was like i loved him to much and he just used me as a side girlfriend. but he still loved me, right?
the message read,
"hey, still up for tonight?"
i quickly grabbed my phone and typed back "yeah ofcourse i'm excited!"
it was left on read so i just shut my phone and continued getting ready for tonight before i got a message from matt. my bestfriend since i could remember, but also the boy that finn dispised.
apparently he was to 'clingy' or 'touchy' with me. i always thought it was normal though? i mean matt is a very touchy person but that's just the way he is.
the message read "hey, haven't spoke in a while, you okay?"
i replied with a quick "yeah but gotta go have plans with finn ttyl?"
he reacted to the message with a thumbs up.
i pulled on a fresh love hoodie (chris' brand matts brother) and the matching sweats to it, since we're only going to finns house to 'hang out'. i ran a brush through my hair to neaten it up abit before quickly plugging my phone into the charger to charge it up for a bit.
after it was fully charged i hopped into my car and was quick to put it in reverse pulling out of my driveway.
i was around five minutes away from finns house, like basically around the corner from it. the ending from 'les' just fineshed and i pulled into his driveway, getting out of the car and giving his door a quick light knock
he opened the door with a slight smile on his face, almost smug. i just ignored it and walked into the house behind him.
it was quite a basic house but it was big. bigger than my house and most of the houses on the street, he didn't really know how to decorate it though i could tell that.
he led me to the couch to sit beside him, to watch a movie but all he really did while it was playing was be on his phone supposedly texting his 'friends' but i know for a fact it wasn't
i tried to ignore the fact that he was literally not paying attention to me whatsoever, so i just pulled out my phone and saw a message from matt, i didn't see it before since my phone was on so not disturb because i actually wanted to spend time with finn.
"you having fun?"
i stared at the message for abit before responding
"not really he's basically ignoring me"
i stared at the bubble to show he was typing and zoned out staring at it, not realising he had sent a text and finn was trying to talk to me
"y/n? y/n?!" he basically shouted taking me surprise and lifting my head up
"hm?" i reply softly to then realise he was looking through the messages with me and matt, i quickly looked up in confusion and tried to grab it of him.
"wtf are you doing finn?!"
he ignores me and continues to swipe through the messages
"i'm definitely ignoring you aren't i?" he said with an angry- ish tone
"i-i'm sorry it's just.. you where on your phone the whole time i thought you were..?"
he shakes his head and shuts my phone off and stares at me
"if you wanna talk to him that much while WERE together then go be with him. but trust me that would be a big mistake wouldn't it?" he said adding more pressure on his grip on my chin forcing me to look up at him
"no- no finn it's really not what you think i promise.. we're just friends"
"hmm are you now" he says with a cooing tone. i just gulp and sit there feeling guilty over myself even though i wasn't the one in the wrong here.. it was him. what did i do wrong?
"see have nothing to say now do you. i'm your boyfriend y/n not stupid little matt got me?"
i gulp and swallow "i know your my boyfriend i only see matt as a friend i swear"
he nods in approval before harshly softening his grip on my chin and placing a kiss on my lips softly and then sitting back down on his phone acting as if nothing had happened.
it's been around 2 hours since i got home, i went home coz i said i felt sick, i really didn't though i just wanted to get away from him he always controls me and it gets really frustrating sometimes. i know he's my boyfriend and all but cmon i've known matt for ages ofcourse i see him as only a friend.. right?
a/n: this one is only short since it's the first part but there will be longer parts part two might be out tomorrow or the day after i don't know since it's gonna be longer than usual. i don't plan on doing any more series just yet but maybeee😽
@sturnsfav @strawberrysturniolo @hoesformatt @lovingmattysposts @lovingchrissposts @sturniccz @sturnioloslurps @sturniolo @sturniololoverr
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Key
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Summary: A broken furnace and a slip of the tongue lead to a special gift from your very stubborn boyfriend. Andy Barber x Black Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Protective Andy Barber, Insecure Reader, Pet Names, Light Smut, Implied Oral (fem receiving), Cursing, Minors DNI.
A/N: I don't know where this came from, but it's almost 3AM and I need to sleep. Anyway, I'm halfway done with like eight different fics, most of them requests. But then my writer's block kicked in. Please enjoy this installment while I try to get my life together. Part of my Growing Pains Series. All mistakes are my own.
"Ack, Andy Bear! What are you doing here?" You squeal as your man strides through your front door with you in his arms, your short legs wrapped around his trim waist. "Sh-shouldn't you be packing? Ope - don't forget the door!"
His booted heel kicks it closed. "Had to come check on you." Andy responds before brushing his warm lips over your own. "I'm your man, baby. It's what I do."
"But I'm fine..." You tell him, burying your face in the crook of his neck and inhaling his clean, masculine scent. "I don't need anything."
"No, you said you were cold. That makes you not fine." He tells you as his hand skims its way under your sweatshirt to lightly stroke your lower back. "I can't have you over here freezing while I'm out of town - I wouldn't be able to concentrate. I'd be too busy thinkin' about my baby girl home all alone just shivering."
"Oh, my goodness, Big Man. My landlord will be by to fix my furnace in a couple of days. Until then...I guess I'll just have to keep doubling up on sweatshirts." Wanting him to relax, you begin whispering sweet kisses along his bearded jaw, nuzzling at the soft scruff with your nose.
"A couple days is completely unacceptable." He growls, his tone letting you know that he was in no mood to argue. "It's November. And we live in fucking Massachusetts."
"Andy, sweetheart..." He shifts your smaller frame so that you're resting comfortably on his hip. Your boyfriend then carries you to your room and gently deposits you on your pink and periwinkle-colored duvet, all the while ignoring your feeble protests.
"You're staying at my place until that Ralph fucker decides to get off his ass and do his fucking job." Your man informs you as he begins rifling through your drawers, pulling out items and then haphazardly tossing them into your overnight bag.
God, how you adored every inch of your big, overbearingly ridiculous man.
"Honey, his name is Rodney. And I'll be fine. If it gets too bad, I can go stay with Melissa or something."
"Nope." Andy grunts, holding a pair of lacy pink panties up to the light. "The matter's already been settled. I want you in my home, snuggled in my bed, all tangled up in my of the sheets."
Shaking his head, he tosses the underwear back inside before muttering something about you "only needing the essentials".
Wait. Since when did those no longer fall under the category of essential?
"How many bras do you think you'll need? Eh, fuck it. You can bring 'em all if you want. It's the panties I have a problem with. Damned things always get in the way."
You scrub an exhausted hand over your face as your six-foot-something boyfriend remains hunkered in front of your dresser, quietly debating the usefulness, or lack-there-of, of your underthings.
"They get in the way of what?" Of course you just had to know.
"My fun." He grumbles, flashing you a petulant look. "So they stay here. Shit - I left my garment bag by the door. Go on and snag a few blouses and some pants, baby girl, and I'll help you get them all packed up before we freeze to death in here."
"Oh. My. God." You roll your eyes. It wasn't even that cold.
At least not yet.
"Andrew, darling, I never actually agreed to go with you. Plus, I don't even have a key to - oh." Your stubborn bull of a man silences you with a heated look before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a small white box tied with a black ribbon.
"I was planning to give this to you on your birthday, but this seems like a much better time. As of now, I want you to consider my home your home too."
Removing the key from the box, you stare down at the shiny piece of metal your man had made especially for you.
Why did the weight of it feel so good resting in your hand?
"Thank you." You whisper, tears burning the back of your throat.
"You're welcome, Y/N. I want you to use it whenever. Come stay for a night, or for a week..."
Or, for forever. He thinks, letting the unspoken words hang in the air between you.
"But as for your not agreeing to go with me, well, I'm afraid that just won't work." Andy tsks as he zips up your duffle before unceremoniously tossing it into the hall. "One way or another, we're getting you out of this ice box, little one."
"Okay," you try again. "But what about my car? I really don't think -"
"Why are you fighting me on this?" He asks, his sensual lips set in a thin, firm line. "I need you some place safe and warm while I'm busy shaking hands and negotiating deals in D.C."
Your eyes stray back to the key that is now nestled safely in its little box filled with pink tissue paper.
"Answer me, please." Oh, Andy was using his attorney voice, the one that commanded both respect and attention in the courtroom.
"I - I just don't want to be any trouble. I feel bad for even saying anything about my stupid heat in the first place." You admit with a resigned shrug. "You need to be getting ready for your trip, but instead you're - you're here."
"I'm here because you need me."
"But I - I don't." You wince as those two words come tumbling out of your mouth.
Because it was a lie. You did need him.
"That scares you a little bit, doesn't it? The idea of needing someone, of needing me."
"No." You feel your lower lip begin to tremble ever so slightly.
God, yes.
"Y/N, how many times do I have to remind you that we're in this together? I'm your man. And I'm old-school when it comes to that shit. I believe in taking care of my woman, in providing for her however I can."
"I get it, Andy." You do your best to look at everything and everywhere but him. This man had a knack for making you feel vulnerable, and you weren't always comfortable with that.
"No, you don't." Using two long fingers, he tips your chin so that his soulful blue eyes clash with your own. "Whether you realized you were doing it or not, you called because you needed me today. And it's my job to take care of you - all of you."
"But I don't want to be a job for you. A job runs the risk of becoming a burden real fuckin' quick. And then when it becomes too much, bam! You run the other way." You jerk away from him, preferring to stare at your fuzzy sock-clad feet, wishing you could simply melt into the floor.
And there it was. You were afraid that this man would drop you like a bad habit the moment you became a burden. And as dramatic as it might sound, there was a part of you that knew that your heart might never fully recover something like that. Not with him.
Things are quiet for a while. And then Andy settles on the bed next to you before pulling you flush against him. The two of you are so close that you're practically half sprawled on his big lap, your bottom resting atop his thickly muscled thighs.
"Then please allow me to rephrase. It's not just my job to take care of you, it's my privilege, baby girl."
A sniffle escapes you before you can catch it.
"You're a strong woman. Strong enough to reach out when you need me. The same way it takes a strong man to lean on his woman. Understand?"
You nod, closing your eyes as you do.
"Look at me and say the words, Y/N." Your Big Man implores you before kissing the top of your head and burying his face in your curls. "I need to hear 'em, please."
It takes you a couple of seconds, but eventually you muster up enough courage to do as he asks.
"Yes, I - I understand. It takes a strong woman to, um, to lean on her man."
"Good girl."
"And please believe me when I say that your trusting me with your problems doesn't make you a burden. Not now, not ever. We're partners, baby."
For now and forever. Andy thinks to himself. It's clear as day to me, I just need her to see it too.
"Yes, we are, my sweet Andy Bear. I'm sorry for being such a neurotic mess sometimes. I know you must think you're dating a lunatic but -"
"Yep, I am." He sweetly interrupts. "But you've also claimed a crazy, possessive bastard as your man. So, I'd say we're pretty even." You feel another brush of his lips against your skin, this time on your temple.
The two of you sit there for a while in silence, simply enjoying each other's warmth. Truthfully, it wasn't that cold in your apartment, but according to the forecast, that would change over night. You needed to be some place with working heat and a comfortable bed.
And your Andy Bear came with all of that, complete with sheets and pillows that smelled just like him. Of course you'd find a way to pay him back. Maybe you'd cook him a big dinner, or buy him season tickets to the Patriots, or --
Your thought stream is interrupted by the sound of Andy's gruff voice.
"I think we need to do something to quiet that beautiful mind of yours, don't we?" He purrs, before lavishing the column of your throat with a hot, open-mouthed kiss.
And then you feel one large, slightly calloused hand go to rest on your chest. Using just a fraction of his strength, he gently forces you onto your back. A shiver courses through you as he runs his palms down the length of your body in an act of raw, unbridled possession.
Lifting your ass, you allow him to remove your black leggings. He makes sure to take his time, dragging the thin material across your heated skin with agonizing slowness.
A breathy moan escapes your lips when he parts your thighs, baring your panty-covered pussy to his predatory gaze.
"I'd like to rephrase my earlier statement one more time if I could."
Without warning, Andy leans in and buries his face between your legs. He takes a moment to inhale your scent before nuzzling your swollen clit through the damp fabric.
"Oh-oh-kaaay." You whimper as he briefly sucks the sensitive bud into his warm, waiting mouth. "
"It's my job, my pleasure, and my privilege to keep my lady's sweet body warm and her greedy cunt stuffed full. And I'm a man who believes in honoring his fucking commitments."
You cry out when he rips the lace from your body, leaving you naked and vulnerable from the waist down.
"This is mine, baby. All mine. Now, lie back like a good girl and let me show you just how much I enjoy caring for my woman, starting with eating the fuck out of her pretty little pussy."
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I hope Sam doesn't bring along his partner AN, to appropriate the Scottish culture by wearing the traditional kilt outfit in front of the Keepers of the QUAICH. USA Chapter. Like he did in 2019. No one knew who was he on the gala night. Don't try to shove Alex down the throat!! 🤯
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SH’s bloggers friends invited to the gathering. Why it will be 🤔
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@shinycomputerqueen Ryan Maloney is from Massachusetts, USA. He has a live liquor radio show and podcast and is the owner of Julio’s Liquors, in a shopping centre in downtown Westborough, MA.
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noneedtoamputate · 6 months
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Happy holidays, @land-sh. I'm your HBO War Secret Santa, and I hope you like this modern holiday AU featuring Ron and Carwood. I know you don't live in the United States, so I wanted to let you in on a few things in case you didn't know (and my apologies if you already know). The Pentagon, where Ron works, is home to the U.S. Departmen of Defense, and Instacart is an app where you can order groceries and get them delivered to your house. Fair warning for anyone else reading, it's just a tad spicy toward the end. I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful holiday season, no matter how you celebrate!
Ron stared at the calendar hanging in the kitchen. If looks could set paper ablaze, the month of December would have burnt to a crisp thirty seconds ago.
He took another sip of his steaming black coffee, careful not to let any get on his Army dress uniform.
He took the calendar down from its hook and walked over to the kitchen table they purchased three years ago, when Ron accepted a desk job at the Pentagon and Carwood left active service and started teaching history at a local high school. 
Car’s messy handwriting filled almost all of the squares. He had Army reserve duty the first weekend of the month, and as assistant coach of the boys’ junior varsity basketball team, there were practices or games almost every weeknight up until holiday break. There was the neighborhood cookie exchange, where he promised to make his famous gingerbread people, and then there was the Santa Paws fundraising event at the humane society. Car volunteered to dress up as Santa.
Ron’s small, neat cursive only filled Mondays for his personal training appointments and on December 22, with one word and arrow ending on December 30.
No one at work would ever guess that Lt. Col. Ronald Speirs loved Christmas. He loved the lights, the movies, the gifts, and, most importantly, being with the people he loved. He hadn't made it back to his parents in Massachusetts for the holidays since moving to Washington. He finally had enough seniority in his department to take an entire week off in December.
He couldn't wait to taste his mother’s shortbread, to be spoiled by his sisters, to take his nieces and nephews sledding. There really was nothing like Christmastime in New England. 
He heard Car come down the stairs of their townhouse. He wore a black turtleneck sweater, fitted tan pants, and loafers. If Ron’s teacher had looked as half as good as Car, Ron would never have passed U.S. History. 
Car smiled at him as he walked over to the coffee maker. 
“The calendar’s getting pretty full,” Ron said, trying to sound casual.
“December’s always busy,” Car replied as he sat down across from his husband. “But not too busy that we can't find time for each other.”
“Movies?” Ron asked. 
“Of course. Die Hard. Love Actually. We’ll watch them all.”
Ron leaned closer. 
“And we’ll drive around to look at the lights?” Ron was a sucker for Christmas lights.
Car nodded. “I’ll drive, so you can really look at the displays.”
Ron smiled. “Well, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.” He reached over to kiss Car.
“I gotta run.” Car picked up his travel mug. “Have a good day. I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Ron replied.
He finished his coffee and tried to get into work mode, the mode where no one would guess he loved watching Home Alone with his husband and dog and a fire roaring in their living room.
The next week, Ron looked at the calendar again. 
He was not happy.
“Why do you have ‘choir concert’ filled in on Wednesday?” Ron asked as Car buttered his toast.
“Yeah, about that …” Car trailed off as he nervously scratched his head. “Mrs. Ramirez needed some help setting up for the holiday show.”
“That was supposed to be movie night.” Ron tried not to sound too upset. 
“I know,” Car conceded. “Practice gets out early Friday night. We’ll have movie night then. I’ll even make the popcorn.”
“With extra butter?” Car nodded, Ron’s mouth curled up into what was almost a smile.
“It's a date,” Ron replied, and gave his husband a kiss.
But movie night never happened. A student teacher’s car wouldn't start in the faculty parking lot. Car tried jumping it, and when that didn't work, he waited while they called a tow company and gave them a ride to their apartment. 
By the time Car got home, Ron didn't feel like watching anything. 
“What was I supposed to do?” he asked Ron. “I couldn't just leave them there.”
“Of course not,” Ron agreed. 
But Ron lost his patience the following week when he walked into their home office and saw Car furiously typing away on the computer keyboard. 
“Dinner’s ready,” Ron said. He stood behind Car and put his hands on Car’s shoulders, giving them a gentle rub. 
Car moved away from Ron’s touch and rubbed his temples. 
“What's the matter?” Ron asked. 
“Two students asked for recommendation letters at the last minute. I need to finish these tonight.”
Ron narrowed his gaze. “You could have said no.”
Car sighed. “No, I couldn't. They’re great kids. Smart, responsible …”
Ron cut him off. “Asking for a recommendation letter at the last minute isn't responsible.”
The two just stared at each other. 
“You need to eat,” Ron finally said.
“I'll grab something when I'm finished.” Car went back to looking at the monitor. 
“And I guess this means no looking at lights tonight.” Ron crossed his arms.
Lulu came into the room and nuzzled up to Car, looking for some love. 
“Can you take her? I can't focus with her with trying to get attention “
“You don't even have time for the dog?” Ron asked, no longer hiding his anger. He leaned down to pet Lulu. “C’mon, girl, let's go for a walk.”
Ron set off on a good clip toward the park, Lulu happily keeping up the pace. 
Why does he do this? Why does he put everyone first?
He felt disloyal asking himself the question, because the way Car looked out for people was one of the reasons Ron loved him so much. 
Ron hated admitting that he felt jealous of all the attention Car had shown other people this month while making no time for him, or so it seemed.
And sadness crept over him. They seemed so distant over the last few weeks. No cuddling on the couch, binging the latest series. No long conversations over dinner. No spooning in bed before falling asleep.
And certainly no sex.
The brisk air and exercise cleared his head a bit, but he still paused for a second before opening the front door. The house stood quiet, and the chicken tetrazzini on top of the stove remained untouched. 
He threw the baking dish back into the oven to reheat and poured dog food into Lulu’s bowl. He ate dinner alone. He rinsed the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher. He sorted the mail and cleaned out the fridge. When he ran out things to do, he poured himself two fingers of Scotch and tried to read a book, but he read the same page over and over. It was only 9:30 pm, and he wasn't tired, but he gave up and got ready for bed. 
It was just before midnight when Car finally made it upstairs. He didn't say anything as he took off his clothes and slipped into bed, staying far away from Ron’s side. 
“You're going to wear yourself out,” Ron said quietly.
“I'll be fine,” Car replied. Soon, his deep breaths signaled that he was asleep.
Ron put his hands behind his head and stayed awake for two more hours.
On the morning they planned to leave for Ron’s parents, Car woke up with the flu: Body aches, chills, and a pounding headache.
He wouldn't admit it. “Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow,” he told Ron. 
Ron titled his head to one side and gave Carwood that Ron Speirs look.
“It's possible,” Car said meekly, not really sounding convinced himself.
Ron called his mom and dad and explained the situation. Though disappointed, they completely understood and sent their love to Car.
He put in an Instacart order. There was not a lot of food in the house, as they planned to be gone for a week. Plenty of Gatorade, rice, bananas, bread for toast. All the ingredients for chicken soup, and easy meals for Ron to eat in between caregiving duties. 
The next day, he felt even worse. Ron added another bedspread on top of him for warmth and plugged in a heating pad for him to use. 
“You don’t need to stay here. Go to your parents. I can take care of …” Before Car get the last word of the sentence out, he started coughing. 
Ron rubbed his back. 
“I'm sorry,” Car said, once he caught his breath.
“No reason to apologize for coughing,” Ron replied. 
“No, not the coughing. For …” He started coughing again. 
Ron took a deep breath. He’d been trying to avoid thinking about what he was missing at home. His family, the epic games of Yahtzee, his mom's roast lamb on Christmas Day. 
But he knew Car hadn't gotten sick on purpose. If Ron had gotten sick right before they were supposed to go to West Virginia for the holidays, Car would have taken care of him without a second thought.
“It's okay,” Ron said. 
Ron couldn't have said that the day before and meant it. But today, he did.
On Christmas Day, Car felt well enough to get into the shower by himself. They exchanged gifts. Ron bought Car a new messenger bag for work, and Car bought Ron the watch he’d had his eye on for a while. Ron made chicken soup for lunch, and they finally watched Home Alone together on the couch. Car felt asleep halfway through, but Ron could tell he was finally on the mend. 
The rest of the week was mainly more of the same. Ron would make something for lunch, and they would watch one of the holiday movies they never got around to before Car got sick: Gremlins, Miracle on Thirty-Fourth Street, It's a Wonderful Life. Each day, they would sit a little closer on the couch to one another, hold hands, spoon. 
New Year’s Eve arrived, and Car felt great. They had an invitation to a party, but they decided it was bit soon to go out.
Ron, being a great cook, made steak and lobster tails for lunch. They splurged on a bottle of good champagne and talked and laughed like they hadn't the entire month of December. 
They turned on a football game, and Ron fell asleep before halftime. He woke up to the feeling of Car’s fingers in his hair.
“I didn't mean to take a nap,” he said, reaching for his husband's hand. 
“You needed it. You've been taking care of me all week.”
Ron stroked Car’s cheek and reached in for a kiss. 
They started slow, almost uncertain, the tension of the last few weeks still present. But then Car traced his tongue along Ron’s earlobe, a surefire way to get Ron hard. Wordlessly, they walked upstairs to the bedroom.
Car started undressing Ron, taking his time. Ron hadn't realized how touch starved he was for Car's hands and lips. He kissed his neck and worked his way down, nuzzling Ron’s chest with his stubble and gently biting Ron’s nipples. Ron couldn't help letting out a moan, and he could feel Car smile against him.
He let out an actual groan when Car grabbed him, stroking him exactly the way he liked. He put the head of Ron’s cock in his mouth and teased him, before taking it all in.
Ron tried to pull away, but Car shook him off. “I want to take care of you,” he said. 
Ron realized that for all the things Car did for other people, he would only do this for Ron. This was just for the two of them. He had no reason to be jealous.
Ron realized and ran his fingers through Car’s hair, staying in the moment and taking in every sensation. He knew he wouldn't last long, and that it wouldn't matter. 
Ron said his husband’s name as he came, and Car kept him in his mouth and teased the inside of his thighs as he came down. He took Ron in his arms, and Ron lay his head on Car’s chest. 
Another thing no one at the Pentagon would guess was how much Ron loved the time after making love, when they would hold each other and talk quietly. He didn't used to, not before he met Car. It was one of the ways he knew Car was the man for him. 
They stayed quiet for longer than usual, enjoying the closeness.
“I am sorry you didn't make it home for Christmas,” Car finally said. “You said was okay, but I know how much it meant to you.”
Ron kissed him. “I was home for Christmas.” He looked the man who meant everything to him in the eye.
“You are my home.”
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Baby Massachusetts doodle!!
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goblin-d · 9 months
PLEASE share your funky wttt gender headcanons :D
Alabama [he/they] - Demiboy Transmasculine
Alaska [he/it/moth/nor/pup/they] - Transmasculine Demigender Xenic (Catcolpuffic, Dogboygender, Drowsygender, Genderblanket, Lulovien, Moosegender, Mothgender, Pawsgender, Plosewial, Remissious, Sleepyleite, Soporcomfic, Sweatermasc, Warmgenderblanket*)
Arizona [he/they] - Libramasculine Transfeminine Boy
Arkansas [he/they] - Nonbinary
California [Any Pronouns] - Transfeminine Genderfluid Demiboygirlthing
Colorado [he/ski/they/cloud/mountain/snow/fluff] - Xenic Trans Man (Ariemonic, Cryobunnic, Cryocattic, Frostmasc, Icestormic)
Connecticut [she/he] - Transfem Man
Delaware [he/him] - Agender
Florida [he/it/they/she/zip/xe] - Pangender Genderweird Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Georgia [he/him] - Genderqueer
Hawai'i [they/she] - Demigirlflux
Idaho [they/he] - Demiboy
Illinois [he/they/xe] - Boything Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Indiana [they/he] - Demiboy
Iowa [he/him] - Cis Male
Kansas [they/he/it] - Genderqueer Femboy
Kentucky [he/him] - Cis Male
Louisiana [he/they] - Demiboy Genderqueer
Maine [Any Pronouns] - Pangender Transfem
Maryland [Any Pronouns] - Trans Woman Xenic (No specifics in mind)
Massachusetts [he/him] - Secret Gender /j [Genderfaun]
Michigan [he/him] - Genderfluid Autigender Xenic (Blaunauic, Chaosgender, Clowngender, Cufemian, Coldgender, Evilclownic, Menacegender, Musegender, Pincusmic, Prettygender, Softqualix)
Minnesota [he/they/she] - Genderfluid Transfeminine Xenic (Amocatix, Anlomeltic, Catgender, Comfnightgender*, Cutegender, Cutehorror, Gorrorhospic, Horrificutegender, Lovelettic, Lunaboy, Magicamoric, Magicattic, Pinkplanetary, Poromantian, Shycatgender, Starcatgirlgender, Verpgoris, AND LITERALLY ANY SLIME RANCHER RELATED XENOGENDER)
Mississippi [he/him] - Cis Male
Missouri [he/they] - Transfem Demiboy
Montana [he/they/it] - Twospirit
Nebraska [he/they/husk] - Deadboy
Nevada [he/it/they/she] - Boyflux Trans Man Xenic (No specifics in mind)
New Hampshire [Any Pronouns] - Girlflux
New Jersey [she/they] - Transfeminine
New Mexico [he/they] - Demiboy
New York [it/she/they] - Agendergirl
North Carolina [Ask Pronouns] - Genderflux
North Dakota [he/they] - Demiboy
Ohio [Ask Pronouns] - Genderfluid Transfem
Oklahoma [he/him] - Questioning
Oregon [he/they] - Boything Genderqueer
Pennsylvania [he/him] - Genderapathetic
Rhode Island [he/she/celeste/taurus/sirius] - Genderqueer Xenic (Genderfuck, Stargender, Staricangel, Tauragender)
South Carolina [he/they] - Transmasc
South Dakota [he/they/she] - Demiboy Demigirl Bigender Xenic (Aterpolillic, Auraunpollic, Cabbagemamesic, Caepolillic, Flapolillic, Greymothic, Mothneut, Nivpolillic, Primrosemothic, Rubpolillic, Viripolillic (etc.))
Tennessee [they/he] - Demimasculine
Texas [she/xe] - Trans Woman (no xenos but she is a wolf therian BECAUSE I SAY SO)
Utah [he/him] - Cis Male
Vermont [he/him] - Trans Man
Virginia [it/its] - Trans Woman
Washington [he/they/moth] - Transmasculine Demiboy
West Virginia [he/they/moth/night/dark] - Demimasculine Xenic (Mothmangender )
Wisconsin [he/him] - Cis Male
Wyoming [they/them] - Nonbinary Twospirit
and bonus non-states because i want to!!!
DC [he/him] - Trans Man
District of Columbia [Ask Pronouns] - Genderfluid
CDC [ey/they/he] - Xenic Trans Man (Cleancoric, Rosamistica, Strawblainberic)
Government [Any Pronouns] - Agender
IDC [sh*/h*r] - Cis Female Xenic (Galaxyfeminine, Narcfem)
National Guard [he/him] - Cis Male
anyway thank you for reading i love you all so much <3 /p
\* can't find the source but i have the flag :sob:
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~New York gets turned into a child~
⚠️TW⚠️ mentions of implied abuse, some angst, some characters might be OOC, mention of potions
‘Goddangit…’Louisiana thought to himself as one of the potions he was experimenting with turned to a dull blackish-purple color, meaning it had been a failed potion. He was trying to see if he could make some new potions that could help speed up the process of healing, but alas his attempts were not successful. Loui sighed and stood up from his little floor table that he used for crafts and made his way downstairs to rid of the failed potion.
As he walked into the kitchen he saw New York leaning on the counter with his phone in his hand. "Hey York." He said with a bright smile.
York’s eyes flicked up from his phone to look at the shorter state. "Hey." He gave the younger a smallish smile before turning back to his phone. Perhaps he’ll manage to escape engaging in small talk. Sike b*tch-
"How are you sha?" Loui said. ‘F(speaks New York)’ The Empire State thought to himself.
"Aight den." Said the Pelican State, understanding that his friend didn’t want to talk right now. He started walking to the sink when all of a sudden the Dakotas came speeding through the kitchen, bumping into him which made him fall back into York and spill the potion on the taller.
Thankfully, York managed to catch him before he could bust his head open on the cold hard ground (OH, OH, TROUBLE, TROUBLE 😫✨).
"Omg I’m so sorry York!! D*mn it how could be so f(speaks New Orleans)in’ clumsy…" Loui said frantically as he regained his balance.
"It’s fine kid." York said, "It wasn’t yer fault, so don’t beat ya self up over it."
"O-ok den.. Ya might wanna get a differen’ shirt tho sha." The shorter of the two said.
"Yea I know." York said. He started walking up to his room when suddenly he felt a bit dizzy. He stumbled a bit as he passed the kitchen island and grabbed onto it for support. He was secretly hoping and praying that Louisiana hadn’t noticed, but alas we don’t all get what we want.
"Woah, are ya ok sha?!"
"I-I’m fine."
"Are ya sure? Yer stumbling more than fourth grade me in ELA when the teacher asked me to presen’ ma work to da class." Loui said, kinda concerned for his friend.
"Yes I’m sure."
"Ok den…"
York regained his balance and started walking towards the stairs. Unfortunately, he barely made it out of the kitchen before he lost consciousness and fell to the floor, and to add insult to injury, hit his head on the tile floor.
After hearing a thud, Loui looked up from whatever he was doing, sprang to his feet and rushed to New York’s side. "York!!!" He yelled as he lifted up the taller and pulled him into his chest. Apparently, he yelled it loud enough to get the attention of Massachusetts, who ran into the room as fast as he could to see what was happening.
"What the fa(speaks Boston) is goin’ on here?!" The older shouted, confused as to why there was yelling, but his face dropped when he saw his younger brother unconscious in Louisiana’s arms. He ran over to where Loui was knelt down with his brother, "Holy sh*t, is he alright?!?!"
"I-I d-dont know sha! He was a-actin’ a-all weird and and-"
"Lou, bud I’m going to need you to calm down." The older said, trying to get the other to calm down and breathe so he could explain what happened. Yes, Mass was internally panicking, but he needed to address the situation calmly. "C’mon, breathe…. Yep just like that kid… Good job I guess. Now can you tell me what the fa(speaks Boston) happened?"
"Ok ok…" Loui started, finally gaining control of his breathing again."He was actin’ a-all weird and stumblin’ an’ sh*t, so I asked im’ if he was aight. He said yes, so I d-decided to jus’ ignore it. Next thang I heard was a thud, so I looked up an’ saw York on the flo’ unconscious."
"Ok thanks I guess…. Give im’ ere’." Mass said, taking his brother in his arms when his friend handed him over. He gently moved his brother’s coat out of the way so he could check his pulse in his neck, secretly happy to find a pulse. He then grabbed York’s arm so he could check his pulse in his wrist. Mass rolled up York’s sleeve, trying his best to not look at the SH scars that lined his brother’s arm, and checked his pulse, finding similar results. "Aight there d-doesn’t seem to be any severely wrong with im’."
"What is wrong wit’ him doe?" The other state said.
"Ya said ‘severely’, which sorta implies dat dere’s somethin’ wrong wit’ im’ sha."
"Oh- OH… yea the entire thang’s existence is kind of an issue itself." Mass said with chuckle. Loui just rolled his eyes and laughed a bit.
"I’ll just bring im’ to his room and let im’ rest. He probably passed out from sleep deprivation seeing as this dumb*ss never sleeps." The Bay State said as he stood up and picked his brother.
"And you do?" Loui said, giving the shorter a teasing look and smirk.
"Oh shut tf up, yer one to talk." Mass said, giving the younger a glare.
"Touché. I’ll see ya lata’ I guess. Bye Mass."
"Later kid." Mass said. He walked up the stairs with New York in his arms, ignoring any weird stares he received. Once he got to the NE’s floor of the statehouse he started walking down to the end of the hall where York’s room was, but soon got stopped by somebody calling his name.
"Mass! Hold up!" He stopped and turned around to see Pennsylvania running after him and eventually come to a stop as well.
"The f(speaks Boston) do ya want Penn?" He said.
"*pant* *pant* I was coming to see if somethin’ was wrong cuz I saw Yorkie in ya arms, and I know that he neva’ lets anybody pick him up willingly. Is he alright?" Penn said once he caught his breath.
"I don’t know exactly wha’ happened, I heard a bunch of shoutin’, asked what happened, and Lou said he passed out. I checked on im’, and there seemed to be nothin’ wrong with im’ other than his entire existence ofc. Apparently he also hit his head real hard." The shorter responded and gestured towards the slight mark on the side of his brother’s head.
"Oh dang…. Why do you uh…-think he passed out?" Penn asked.
"This idiot prolly passed out cuz he never fa(speaks Boston)in’ sleeps." Mass answered.
"Yea that’s likely. Do ya want me carry im’ for ya?" Asked the Keystone State, who held out his arms awaiting his fellow state’s response.
"Naw I got im’. He’s really light and easy to carry. Howeva’ ya can open his door so I don’t have to figure out how to do so without droppin’ im’."
Once they got the room, Mass set the taller, unconscious state on his bed and put a hoodie and sleeping shorts on him and left the room after.
3 hours later…..
A few of the states were all relaxing in the living room on the main floor of the statehouse (the statehouse has 6 floors, not counting the basement). Texas was reading a book in a corner, Florida was on his phone, Loui had fallen asleep covered by a blanket on Florida’s lap (my precious baby 🥺🥺🥺), Cali and NJ were watching whatever f(speaks Midwest)sh*t was on the TV, and Mass was cooking dinner.
The sudden memory of York still being unconscious in his room suddenly flashed into Mass’s room as he was cutting vegetables for the soup he was making. ‘Uh sh*t…’ "Hey can someone go check on York? It’s been three fa(speaks Boston)in’ hours and he still hasn’t come out his room." He shouted.
"No can do Masshole! I’ve got a sleeping Loui on top of me and moving would be kinda illegal right now." Florida said with a laugh.
"Yea that would be, though I neva’ expected yous to care whether somethin’ was illegal or not." Mass said.
"I’ll go. I ain’t got nothin’ better to do anyways." Tex piped up from wherever he was.
"JESUS- Where tf didja come from?!" New Jersey exclaimed, clearly startled by Texas seemingly coming out of nowhere.
"Uhh…. The corner….?"
"For somebody that’s that friggin’ tall yer awfully good at hidin’ dear lord…."
"Uh thanks..? I think?" Tex said, confused as to whether or not that was a compliment. He just shook it off and went upstairs to check on New York. Once he got to York’s room he knocked on the door.
No answer.
"York are ya there?"
Still no answer.
"New York?"
"New York, answer me."
"Aight im comin’ in Empire." Texas said before opening the door and stepping into York’s room. He looked over to where York’s bed was and was surprised when he didn’t see New York, but instead a small fragile looking child huddled in the corner looking terrified. "Hey! Who are you, and what’re ya doin’ ere’?" He half shouted as he started walking to the bed.
He stopped when the kid backed up even further in the corner (if that was even possible). He sighed and walked over to the bed and sat down at the end of it, farthest from the child. Tex noticed how the child’s eyes followed his every move. ‘Dang what is this so scared for…’ he thought to himself.
"Hey kiddo, no no… don’t be afraid, I ain’t gonna hurt ya." Texas said with a comforting smile. This seemed to calm the child down just a lil’ bit. Or at least enough that he was able to actually speak.
"W-who are y-you?? Where a-am I??" Asked the child.
"Texas. My name’s Texas." The older responded. "And you are at the statehouse, don’t you worry yer cute lil’ head, yer safe here."
"O-ok…" the kid mumbled. He gathered enough courage to get out the corner he had backed into.
Texas raised his hand to take off his hat, in hopes it would make him less intimidating, but stopped when he saw the kid flinched and let out a small whimper.
"Sorry I’m sorry! Pls don’t hurt me!!! I didn’t mean to….." the child yelled and started hyperventilating a bit. Texas took off his hat as quickly and swiftly as he could so he comfort the kid whilst not looking intimidating to the younger and hugged the child close.
"Hey hey… shh shh…. It’s ok…. You’re alright… I ain’t gonna hurt ya kid." The Lone Star State said calmly and quietly as he comforted the younger by hugging him close and rubbing his back gently. "Yer okay…. It’s alright…." Tex had successfully calmed the kid down. The child looked up at him from where he was on the older’s lap.
"N-new Y-York…." The kid mumbled.
"M-my name i-is New Y-York."
‘IM SORRY WHAT-‘ Texas thought to himself. ‘How is he a kid then?! And why is he so terrified of me?! York would never…. I’ll just play along I guess.’
"New York huh?" He questioned. The kid nodded with a small smile. He chuckled, "That’s a nice name."
"T-thank you s-sir."
"Aye now- Ya don’ hafta call me sir, just call me Texas or Tex like the others do." Texas said, wiggling a finger under the kid’s chin, making him giggle and push him away.
"Whahat others?" Asked the child with a confused expression on his face.
"The others that live with me." Tex replied.
"C-can I m-meet them?"
"Course’ let’s go!" The older said as he got up from the bed. The younger followed suit, but when he stood up he nearly fell right over. He would’ve fallen if Texas hadn’t been there to catch him.
"S-sorry s-sir- I mean Texas!!" The kid cried out, putting his hands/arms up in front of his face. This kinda caught Texas off guard. He knelt down in front of the kid and gently moved his hands out of his face.
"Hey hey hey, why’re ya apologizin’? Ya didn’t do anythin’ wrong."
"W-well my f-father thinks that it’s s-stupid t-that I s-stutter and s-stumble when I walk when I-I can’t r-really help it. He u-usually yells at m-me for it and tells me t-that I-I’m never going to amount to anything i-in life if I c-can’t even speak or w-walk properly." New York’s words broke Texas’s cold heart. Who in their right mind tells that to their kid?! That’s just sick! He was about to ask the kid who his father was and where he lived so he could go beat a b**ch up when he realized that this was past York, meaning his father was possibly not around anymore. He saw a single tear run down York’s face and instantly hugged him close (Tex’s mama bear instincts are kickin’ in now- not that he’s gonna tell you that).
"Hey hey hey…. It ain’t yer fault bud. Ya can’t help it, it’s just how you were born. Yer father has no right to blame ya for somethin’ that ya can’t control." Said Texas.
"Really. Now, do ya wan’ me to carry ya? So ya don’t fall on the floor or down the stairs?" The older suggested.
"Y-yes please." Said York (just to be clear, this is still past him, current him would never allow anyone to pick him up). The poor child was unable to comprehend the kindness he was receiving (poor baby’s so traumatized 🥺😭).
"Ok. Up you go!" Texas said as he picked the child up, and started chuckling when the kid climbed further into his arms and kicked a bit (prolly cuz he was now several feet off the ground). When he picked up the child, he tried to ignore how uncomfortably thin and light he was as he started heading downstairs.
When he got downstairs with le child:
"Hey y’all I think we may or may not have a slight problem." Texas said, kinda quietly cuz’ York was half asleep on his shoulder.
"Whaddya mean is he dead or some sh- oh….." Mass started to say as he walked out the kitchen wiping his hands with a towel.
"What is it- oh f(speaks Jersey)." Said Jersey, who had turned around from where he was on the couch.
"I-is that…?" Mass asked, with what Texas could describe as a sad or fearful expression on his face.
New York had now near fully woken up. "Mass!" He shouted with the most joy in his eyes that Texas had ever seen. The younger wriggled around to escape, so Tex put him down and let him run to his older brother, whom he hugged when he got to.
Mass hugged back as tightly as he could without hurting his little brother, and with little to no hesitation. "Y-Yorkie?" He asked despite knowing for a dang fact that this was his brother
"Mhm! You look so different, and relaxed for once, did s-something h-happen?" York asked, burying his head in the crook of Mass’s neck.
"Ummm….. Yea sure. I guess ya could say that." The older responded with a slight smile.
York looked at a smallish (emphasis on the "ish") cut that Mass had gotten when he was cutting veggies and let out a small gasp. "Mass you’re hurt!" He said grabbing his big brother’s hand.
"Huh?" Mass looked down at his hand. "Oh, hehe guess I am…. It’s just a small cut tho, no big deal."
"I-I know, but I t-thought you p-promised to not hurt y-yourself on p-purpose anymore!" The younger said sadly. There were a few shocked expressions from the others in the room except for Jersey, Connecticut, and Louisiana (who was still asleep on Florida’s lap 🥺).
"I know bud, don’t worry. I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear! I just accidentally hurt myself when I was workin’ earlier." Massachusetts reassured the younger.
"Are y-you sure?"
"Of course, Yorkie." Mass said, smiling at the other, who smiled back.
"Okie! Where are the other two?" Asked the younger.
"Oi Jersey! Connie! Get ya *$$es over ere’!" Mass yelled.
"Alright jeezus- no need to yell!" Connie (Connecticut) said as they both walked over to where their siblings were.
"Wow, you all l-look so d-different!" York said.
"Hehe yea…"
"I’m sorry but what the F(TECHNICAL GLITCH) just happened?!" Florida shouted, accidentally waking up Loui who groaned a bit in sleepy frustration. "Crap- sorry Loui."
"It’s fine sha… but what’s all da shoutin’ about…?" Loui said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"I think that Yorkie got turned into a child. And who knew that his siblings could be such softies!~" Florida teased. He smirked when the older of the four glared at him.
"Aight whose turn is it to beat the sh*t outta im’?" Connie said to the others.
"Mine. C’mere Flori- huh?" Jersey said as he started to jump up, but he stopped when he felt a small tug on his arm. He looked down to see York, who had grabbed his arm as if to stop him from attacking Florida. "Yorkie? What’re ya doin?"
"I’m not letting you hurt anyone! Please don’t be like Father." Said the youngest.
"Wha… Oh…. Oh d*mn…" Jersey said, at first confused as to what he meant, but soon came to a realization.
"What does he mean by that??" Cali asked from where he was in the living room.
"Shut up California." Texas said.
"Wait a dang minute- Did Flo’ida just say dat York turned into a child?!" Loui said, now wide awake.
"Yup." They others all (-York) said in unison.
Later after dinner:
Everyone except for Massachusetts and Louisiana had gone to their rooms after dinner. Mass was just sitting in the kitchen with some random boring book and Loui was on the couch with York.
"Hey kiddo wanna see somethin’ kinda cool?" Loui said to the younger. He smiled when the younger nodded excitedly. "Okay!" He opened his palm and closed his eyes for a moment. Then all of a sudden, Loui’s palm started glowing and there was small little light figures dancing and running around the two of them in a circle.
"Woah…." The younger whispered under his breath. His eyes were filled with wonder and astonishment.
"Kinda nice huh?" The older said with a smile.
"Mhm! It looks so pretty!"
"Heheh thanks sha." Said the Pelican State as he brought the magic back into his body so he didn’t pass out in front of the child.
"What d-does that mean?" York said.
"Oh- OH… haha, ‘sha’ means darling, but I call all my friends that." Loui answered. He gave the younger a confused look when he looked behind him and giggled. All of a sudden, he felt two cold hands on his shoulders and gave a small shriek. "Alaskahaha why man?!"
Alaska chuckled just chuckled and said, "Felt like it. Who’s the kid?"
"It’s York." The shorter responded.
"That’s York?" Alaska said nonchalantly. "Huh. Not gonna lie he was actually pretty cute as a kid."
"Wow. Neva’ expected dat from you of all people." Loui said teasingly.
"What’s that supposed to mean?!"
"Ya know what I mean."
"Whatever." Alaska said, rolling his eyes. He noticed how Loui looked just about ready to pass tf out (An HC that I have for Loui: He is the most powerful magic user, but it also tires him out and/or makes him dizzy as h*ll) and how distant his eyes looked.
"Ummm Mr.Louisiana? Are you alright?" York asked, concerned as to why his friend looked so tired and distant.
"Oi Boston!" Alaska shouted.
Mass looked up from where he was reading with a slight death glare. "It’s Massachusetts, but good enough. Whaddya want?"
"I think that ya might wanna check on im’." He said, pointing at Loui. "He ain’t looking too good right now."
"Whaddya mean?" Mass said as he walked over. His eyes widened slightly when he saw Loui. "Oh. Umm… well. I can say that I think he’s aight, he’s prolly just a bit tired and/or dizzy from usin’ his magic. I’ll bring im’ to his room, you can stay with the kid." He grabbed Loui’s arm and guided him to a standing position with an arm around his upper torso so he could support him.
"I don’t remember signing up for babysitting, but whatever." Alaska said as he walked over to the other side of the couch and sat down next to New York.
"Good. Cuz that wasn’t a question. Also just a heads up, if ya hurt im’ in anyway shape or form, I’m going snap yer spine just a ‘lil bit’." Mass said as he walked away with Loui.
The two just sat in silence for a good solid minute before York decided to say something.
"S-so…. What’s your n-name?" He asked, gaining the tallest state’s attention.
"Haven’t ya heard any of the other two say it?" The older responded.
"Uh-uh. If one of you did say it, I p-probably wasn’t paying a-attention because according to my father, I’m fully i-incompetent as a functioning b-being." Said the child. York’s words left Alaska slightly stunned.
"Well I don’t think that’s really true…, but if you must know, my name is Alaska." The older answered. ‘What kind of parent says that to a kid?!’ He thought to himself.
"That’s a nice name." York said.
"Thanks. Y’know, ya ain’t half bad, kid." Alaska said, giving the smaller a small smirk and ruffling his hair.
"Hehe thanks. I like you, you’re weird." Said York with a giggle.
"Aye I am not! You’re the weird one here!" Alaska said, smirking and poking the littler one in the side, making him giggle.
"Nohoho I’m nohohot! (No I’m not!)"
"Yes. You. Are." Alaska said whilst poking the kid with each word, the younger giggling in response. He stopped when the kid swatted his hands away with his little claws. But then something caught his eye. York’s legs and arms were littered with bruises, big and small, and small scratches/cuts as well. "Hey kid?"
"How’d ya get yourself hurt that much?" He asked. Alaska noticed that after he asked the question, the younger’s face suddenly gained a slightly sadder expression. "Are you alright?"
"Y-yea, I’m f-fine. My f-father just s-said that I a-am not supposed to t-tell anyone what happened." The younger said with a small, sad smile. That’s when it clicked in Alaska’s mind what had happened.
"O-oh ok." He said, deciding to not linger on the subject any longer. Alaska couldn’t help but smile fondly when York yawned with a slight squeaky sound (Idk bro I just yawn like that sometimes). "Tired?"
"Mhm…" the younger mumbled.
"Thought so." Alaska said as he picked up the sleepy child and set him in his lap in a comfortable position. He gently ran a hand through the smaller’s hair and started humming a Russian lullaby he learned a while back. He smiled when he heard a small purring sound emitting from the child. After about three minutes York was dead asleep. Alaska smiled fondly and rested his chin on the younger’s head. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before the sound of someone clearing their throat broke the silence.
Alaska turned around to see Mass standing in the corner smirking at them. ‘Oh sh*t…’
Mass chuckled and said, "Huh. Didn’t peg you as the type to be good with kids."
"Shut the f(speaks Anchorage) up." Alaska said, giving the Bay State a death glare, making the smaller put his hands up in mock surrender.
"I’m just sayin’." Mass said, walking over to the other two states."Here I’ll take this out of yer hands." He took the sleeping child out of the Last Frontier’s arms and brought York to his room.
Lil’ bonus part for the end: In the morning:
*inserts screams as New York chases Mass, Rhode, and Florida (who took pictures the day before) throughout the entire backyard*
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breakerwhiskey · 26 days
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
[click, static]
(tipsy) Donnie and I have kissed and made up.
Well, obviously we haven’t kissed. But, you know what I mean. We drank a lot of beer—apparently the moment he got to Massachusetts, he started stockpiling, which is really so typical. But it helped. Our issues are resolved. Without anyone having to kiss anybody else.
(a laugh) Poor Donnie. He was pretty sad when I told him I hadn’t found anyone else beside Leann and Junior. Not that there’s no one else out there to find but…you know. The odds don’t look great. But the poor guy hasn’t had sex in seven years and I think it’s making him crazier than not having anyone to talk—
[click, static]
(off mic)—c'mon
[click, static]
(off mic) —not. Sh! (on mic) Anyway, not like I’ve seen any action in the last seven years because I haven’t. Despite what some people might—
[click, static]
(off mic)—not ever, I promise. (on mic) He doesn’t believe me. But he should. If I did have anything to report, I’m sure you would’ve heard about it already, my night people, my listeners, because I’m not sure I would’ve ever been able to fucking shut up about it. Oh, come—
[click, static]
He’s laughing at me. This is an absurd conversation. (off mic) And you’re an absurd person. (laughing) Oh yeah, well how about the impressions, how do you—
[click, static]
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thelensofyashunews · 2 days
Lupe Fiasco Shows Off His Unmatched Pen in "Cake" Single From Upcoming 'Samurai'
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Assembling assonant syllables into sumptuous literary stanzas, Lupe Fiasco has built a his reputation off the strength of his pen game. Proving that few emcees can touch him even 20 years into his storied career, Lupe shares "Cake," his new single. Over a head-spinning instrumental from Soundtrakk, Lupe flexes like only he can, putting together intricate internal rhymes and off-kilter metaphors to assert an important message: nobody has bars like him. Locking in with Soundtrakk's swirling melodies and satisfyingly old school percussion, the Chicago rapper asserts that he's colder than a Siberian winter, with the pen game of Kurt Vonnegut and a vocabulary large enough to make a computer lose memory. He spits: "Ain't no domino in my dominance, when I'm droppin' this/Janis Jop-a-lin drop-a-lets, it sound like the apocalypse/Mixed with Christopher Wallace's topics, on top a obelisk/This a cobbleous novelist, inside of my esophagus/Rhyme as primin' as Optimus and this sh*t tastes like chocolate cake." The single arrives with a stylish, stripped-down music video directed by Chris and Blaq of IMPAKT STUDIO, which finds Lu flexing on a soundstage as he spits his verse amidst the commotion of production staff around him.
"Cake" is the second single from Samurai, Lupe's ninth studio album and one of the most personal of his career to date. The upcoming album is produced in full by Soundtrakk, making it their second full album collaboration following 2022's DRILL MUSIC IN ZION, and the first album that Lupe and Soundtrakk worked on with their longtime manager, and 1st & 15th co-CEO Charley "Chill" Patton, since 2007's The Cool. The 8-track album is smooth, yet cerebral, brimming with ideas, but always radiating Lupe’s pure love for the art of emceeing and committing himself as a servant of the rap game. Last week, Lupe introduced the album by sharing the single and music video for its title track, "Samurai," praised by Rolling Stone, Complex, Billboard, HYPEBEAST, Clash, The Needle Drop, and more. Now available to pre-save and pre-order on vinyl, Samurai arrives in both physical and digital formats on June 28th via 1st & 15th.
The upcoming Samurai is Lupe's first new album since 2022's DRILL MUSIC IN ZION, which earned critical acclaim from NPR, Complex, The FADER, and many others, including Vinyl Me Please, who wrote "At their best, Lupe’s bars are as visually and phonetically pleasing as popped bubble wrap." The product of a burst of thoughtful spontaneity, Lupe created DRILL MUSIC IN ZION over a short period, diving into a folder of beats sent by Soundtrakk and emerging with a fully-realized album in just three days. In 2023, Lupe kept busy by releasing tracks like "Wild Child (Remix)," a new version of his 2017 track created in collaboration with Chicago house luminary Vince Lawrence, and "Out There," an archival track from the 1st & 15th vault. The iconic Chicago native also settled into his position as a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he teaches "Rap Theory and Practice." Beyond music, Lupe continues to focus on the community organizations he founded, including We Are M.U.R.A.L, The Neighborhood Start-Up Fund, Society of Spoken Art, and his cross-cultural content venture, Studio SV.
Stay tuned for more announcements about Lupe Fiasco and Samurai in the coming weeks.
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le-very-weird-goat-09 · 8 months
Another random NY hc that I came up with (basically me rambling bout stupid stuff again):
(⚠️TW⚠️ abuse, and the slitting of throats)
So it’s basically canon that England is an abusive piece of sh*t, like we’ve all confirmed this. And Ben has that neck scar, so I was thinking "How did the states get those scars?" And then my brain clicked and said "NY’s scar definitely had something to do with England."
And now today I decided: "Y’know what? Fvck it I’m giving NY some sort of vocal issues, perhaps damage to his vocal cords/larynx." Then there’s the "How did it happen?". So ofc im like- Oh yeah I still need to find out what England did to give NY that neck scar.
So then I put all the pieces together and:
Basically im thinking two things:
-1. New York was protecting another colony or some other person that England was yelling at, and England grabbed him by the neck, dragged him away, and sl!t his throat, around the area where NY’s larynx (which is basically your voice box) is. It didn’t kill NY, but that’s only cuz Massachusetts found him and patched him up, though after that NY couldn’t speak very well because his vocal cords were damaged.
-2. OR: During the Revolutionary War, when England held NY captive for seven years, he would torture and beat NY to get "information" that York didn’t have. And uh- once the beating got pretty violent (as if it wasnt already-) because England was drunk and ended up doing some serious damage to NY’s neck/voice box area.
So um nowadays, York can’t speak very loudly without physically straining his voice to be loud, and his voice cracks when he does that. His yells/screams are quieter, his voice is quieter, and even his laughter is kinda quiet (which honestly makes it more adorable-).
Sometimes, he’ll be arguing with another state and it’ll get heated and he’ll raise his voice, only to have it crack a bit. Some states feel bad, some feel scared, or others just tease him about it (they usually mean it to be affectionate in a way, but NY acts like it doesn’t hurt him, when in fact it does. A lot.)
He was definitely the kid in school that would always be told to "Speak up" and "Talk louder" when reading. And he would strain his voice to be louder, but it would crack and he would be embarrassed when the class would chuckle about it. Only a few times has he run out of class because of it.
Ok- this part is kinda cute tbh. His laugh, which is very rare btw, is kinda quiet as well. See he’s got this soft squeaky-hiccupy high pitched fox laugh that’s really cute as it as, but it is somehow more adorable when it’s quiet, even though the reason for its quietness is very depressing. He definitely gets affectionately teased for it because nobody would expect a strong stoic moody NE state like New York to be able to sound so cute and sweet. There’s plenty of "Aww~ Who knew the big bad NY could have such an adorable laugh?~" or "Aww~ You should laugh more!~" teases.
Please feel free to add on to this :)
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suck4angststory · 2 years
Ambrosia (Series)
[Ambrosia means "immortality" in Greek; it is derived from the Greek word ambrotos ("immortal"), which combines the prefix a- (meaning "not") with mbrotos ("mortal").]
Pairing: Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw x Fem!Reader (Past), Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Fem!Reader
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Author Note: This series is inspired by the movie 'The Age of Adaline'. If you want to be tagged, just let me know in the comment. English is not my first language.
Ambrosia Masterlist
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) was born at 10.00 a.m on July 4th, 1914, at her house in Boston, Massachusetts. On January 15, 1935 (Y/N) sat on her porch reading a book. At that moment, Andrew Edgar Williams, her childhood friend has just gotten back from his deployment from the Navy walking in front of her house.
Andrew that saw (Y/N) reading a book with her leg tucked under the other stopped immediately at her fence. He took off his cap and called her.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)..?" He questioned.
(Y/N) that heard her name called raise her head from her book and saw a young man in her fence standing in Navy Uniform. She furrowed her eyebrows "Yes..?" she asked, bewildered with who was standing behind her fence. She rose to her feet and walked toward him but stopped a few feet away from behind her fence.
Andrew's smile grows bigger at her confirmation "I'm-I'm Andrew Williams. Noah Williams son, your next-door neighbour, remember?" He raises an eyebrow at her.
(Y/N) form a smile on her face, she definitely knows Andrew, her childhood friend, the last time she saw him was ten years ago when he moved away to live with his grandparents after her father died.
"You have grown up" Andrew smiled sheepishly, a blush crept on his cheek, and he tilted his head down to hide them.
"You expect me to stay as ten years old girl, Andrew?" She smirk, Andrew whipped his head and he become flustered. "No-no I mean, you are you are beautiful now, more beautiful than I imagine" his blushed cheeks are more prominent now, he then tilted his head down to hide his blushed cheeks. He clears his throat to ease some nerves.
(Y/N) smile and folded her arms on her chest. "Want to get some coffee and tell me about your day when you're away?" (Y/N) offered.
Andrew lifts his head to look at her and grins happily "Yeah, I love to". (Y/N) walked to her gate and open it from him. That day, they spent catching up some time when they drift away.
Three months later, Andrew proposed to (Y/N) and two weeks later they got married at the local cathedral. After three years of waiting, they were blessed with a daughter that they name Lorraine Joanne Williams. The couple is so happy about that.
On September 14, 1940, Andrew got called for deployment to Pearl Harbour in Oahu, Hawaii. Leaving his wife and two years old Lorraine.
"Be careful, okay" (Y/N) whisper to his ear. Andrew tightened his hug on his wife and caress her back. He kiss her forehead and muttered, "I love you".
Lorraine then walked to them and stopped beside (Y/N) leg. Andrew feels his daughter's presence pull away from (Y/N). He kneel in front of her, and the two years old Lorraine looked at her father, innocently.
"Papa have to go, so you two have to take care of each other, okay?" Andrew caresses his daughter's hair, Lorraine moves forward and threw her tiny arms on her father's neck. "I love you Papa" She muttered on his neck.
Andrew can't contain his tears again, he sniffed and kiss his daughter's hair. "I love you too darling". Andrew rose to his feet and kissed (Y/N) once again, "I'll miss you, my love". He muttered one last time before climbing to the truck that waiting for him outside their house.
On December 8th, 1941, (Y/N) pick up the morning newspaper in front of her house. Her mother live with her until her husband got back from deployment. The three years old Lorraine is sitting in her chair at the dinner table munching her food. (Y/N) walked to kiss Lorraine on her cheek which make her scrunch her nose. She stood a few feet away from her kitchen with a newspaper opened, she read the headline today.
"The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor from the air and all naval and military activities on the island of Oahu, a principal American base in the Hawaiian islands"
(Y/N) eyes go wide by this, she scanned the newspaper and read the victims' names of this attack, there, Andrew Edgar Williams's name was written as one of them. She then passed out after reading the name, Lorraine heard a loud thud and saw her mother fall to the floor, she then called her grandmother who was outside watering the plant.
When she woke up, her mother and three years old Lorraine is waiting for her with a worried look. She embraces them and cried on her mother's shoulder. She lost her husband, she become a widow now, and Lorraine lost her father.
Lorraine didn't understand what just happened and hug back her mother, and she remember what her father told her whenever she was sad.
"Mama, don't worry, you have me, you don't have to be sad" (Y/N) that heard this, begin to sob. Andrew always told her that whenever they'll go to sleep, whenever she was sad. And who's gonna tell her now?
After her husband's funeral, (Y/N) and Lorraine move out to live with her mother in San Diego. Five months later, (Y/N) drove to her mother's house after getting back from work. She's driving in the middle of the night on the empty road with trees surrounding them.
But something highly unusual occurred.
Snow fell on San Diego.
(Y/N) peaked out to look at the snow. The snow begins to pour heavily. Her vision from the road begins blurry with the snow and the dark of the road makes it worse. She didn't see there was a turning, her car crashed with the roadblock. Her body got tossed around in her car while rolling in the valley. Her car then crashed into the lake with her body inside of it.
Immersion in the frigid water caused (Y/N) body to go into an anoxic reflex, instantly stopping her breathing and slowing her heartbeat. Within 2 minutes, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) core temperature had dropped to 87 degrees, and her heart stopped beating. (Y/N) body slowly begins to sink into the lake with her car.
At 8.35 the bold of lightning struck the car. The car discharges half of billion volts of electricity and produces 60.000 amperes of current. It was threefold. First, the charge defibrillated (Y/N) (Y/L/N) heart. Second, she was jolted out of her anoxic state causing her to draw her first breath in 2 minutes.
(Y/N) slowly rise from the drowning and took her breathing. She climbed from her car and swim to the river bank. She lay on her back on the muddy ground and took a deep breath, she breathed heavily and try to catch her breath. She try to calm herself from her dead experience as cold snow fell into her body.
Third, based on Von Lehman's principle of electron compression in deoxyribonucleic acid. Which will be discovered in the year 2035 (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and will henceforth be immune to the ravages of time. She will never age another day.
As the years passed.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) credited her unchanging appearance to a combination of a healthy diet, exercise, heredity, and good luck.
San Diego, 1955
(Y/N) just got back from her brunch with Lorraine, they walked side by side with Lorraine looping her arm with her. When they arrived at the lobby, (Y/N) bumped into one of her childhood friends.
"(Y/N), is that you?" Her friend looked at her with incredulity. Her husband beside her turns to look at her too.
(Y/N) formed a smile "Margaret. How are you? it's been a long time". Margaret released her hand from her husband's arms and step to hug (Y/N), she hugged her back. Margaret then pull away and placed her arms in (Y/N) biceps. Margaret that was in her forty has wrinkles on her eyes and a few grey hairs prominent in her neatly styled hair. "Wow, you still so young. And is this Lorraine? Gosh, you've grown up" she then turn to Lorraine and placed her hand on Lorraine's biceps.
"That, I always told my mother, but she didn't believe me" she smile teasingly at (Y/N) who just chuckled. (Y/N) released herself from Margaret's grasp and looped her arm with Lorraine. Margaret still examined the two "You two looked like a sister" she chuckled nervously, and cannot believe her friend was still like in her twenties.
"That's very kind of you, but we really should leave" (Y/N) smiled politely, and turn around. She walked away from her with Lorraine in her arms.
"How is that possible, you still looked like twenty" Margaret still stood at her feet, stunned and in disbelief, her husband step up and placed his hand behind her back.
Lorraine turn her head "She just got back from Europe, to do some face thing and she doing a healthy lifestyle now" she told her. But (Y/N) tuck Lorraine's hand to tell her to stop. She shakes her head to her. "Okay darling, bye-bye Margaret. Great seeing you" she turned her head and bid goodbye to Margaret that still stunned on her feet.
Innsbruck, Richmond, Virginia. July 5th, 1960
The action was required later when living a quiet suburban existence, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction.
A police officer with his uniform walked toward (Y/N) driving side, he knock on her window and she lowered it. She smiled at the officer.
"Can I help you, Officer?" She asked politely, a bit confused when the police stopped her car. "Yes, it seems you infringe the stop sign. And I need to see your driver's license, Ma'am" (Y/N) open her purse and give him an old driver's license from the 1930s that is just a piece of paper."Here we go, officer"
The officer hesitate a bit but take the paper from her. He read the paper and furrowed his eyebrows. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N), born July 4th, 1914." He glanced at her " So, you're 45 years old now?"
"46 actually" she smiled correcting him. The officer let out a sigh and leaned slightly toward her. He place one hand on her car roof and held the paper between his fingers and pointed at her. "Ma'am, I'm gonna hold onto this. When you come by the station house to pick it up, please bring your birth certificate."
"Of course, officer, is tomorrow, alright?" She asked politely. The police officer just nodded and (Y/N) drive away from him.
Soon after, (Y/N) moved back to Boston and took a clerical job at the School of Medicine. There, she availed herself of every opportunity to research her condition.
She opened every medical book she found but never get any explanation she wanted to find. She stared at herself in the mirror to find any sign of her getting ageing but cannot find anything. Not even wrinkles or grey hair form in her appearance. She's almost fifty but she is still like 27 years old.
After a year of intense study, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was forced to confront the fact that there was absolutely no scientific explanation for her condition. She begins to accept the fact that she can't get older and leaves her life quietly in Boston.
When she walked home from her work, there were two men in trench coats following her with fedora hats after she got out of the building. When she hit the sidewalk, they begin to walk closely behind her. The street is empty this night, there's no sign of people walking around.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N), we're from Federal Bureau Investigation. We need to talk to you" One of them speaks while taking a drag of his cigarette.
When she heard this, she begins running, and they followed her running too, they began to chase her to the alley. She turn on the corner and hid in the tiny space that separated the two buildings. The place is enough to hide her, the dark of the night help to hide her body from the sight of eyes.
(Y/N) breathes heavily and trying to calm herself, she looked with wide eyes when she saw them arrive in front of her. She clutched her bag on her chest tightly.
"Shit! We lost her." One of them breathes heavily, he fixes his fedora hat.
"I think she's not far. She can't run that fast" the other suggest, they nodded to each other and begin running to find her through the alley. Soon after they leave, (Y/N) get out of her hiding and runs to the opposite direction from them straight to her house.
Inside her house, she packed her clothes and anything important in her suitcase, including her wedding pictures and her photos with Lorraine. She drives to Lorraine's house, where she lives with her husband now. She waits in her car, watching Lorraine cleaning her dinner table through her window shield.
Lorraine smiled when her husband kiss her cheek before he go to the kitchen to clean the dishes while she put some leftovers in the box. Through her window, she saw a car with her light pointed to her house, she recognise that car. Her smile that in her lips suddenly grow bigger, She stopped doing her task and run outside. She opens her mother's passenger side and climbs onto it. Her smile was flattered when she saw her mother's cheeks is tainted with tears.
(Y/N) explained everything about what happened to her and her decision to move away. Lorraine broke into tears hearing this, her mother never leave her side until now, despite her being married, she always visit her mother every week, but now she can't visit her again.
"Mama.. why you can just stay.." she sobbed, (Y/N) bringing Lorraine to her embrace.
"I'm sorry darling, but it has to be this way" she brushes her hair and Lorraine cries in her mother's embrace. (Y/N) doing this to ensure the freedom and safety of herself and her daughter, She vowed to keep moving, changing her name, residence, and appearance every decade, and never to speak of word or her fate to another living soul. In seven weeks, When Martha Blair disappears forever, and Hannah Parker takes up residence in a remote farmhouse in Greenfield, Ohio. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), besides one moment of weakness will have kept her vow for the past 60 years.
(Y/N) open her apartment door, before she can close the door properly, she got surprised by someone throwing herself at her. She leaned back slightly for the impact.
She let out a laugh when she know who hug her. "Natasha, what are you doing here, darling" she caresses Natasha back.
"I miss you, Nana, you're not visiting us again since last year" she pouted on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, darling, I do visit you though, but Noah said you have a special mission on Top Gun" Natasha lift her head from (Y/N) shoulder to kiss her cheek. Natasha then walked to her kitchen.
"So what are you doing here?" (Y/N) open her shoe and placed it on a rack. She then shrugged off her coat and hung it behind the door. She walked to her kitchen where Natasha already sat in the pantry waiting for her.
"Just want to visit you while I'm in town. And I miss your carbonara" Natasha wiggles her eyebrows at (Y/N) that washing her hand in the sink. She smiles and shakes her head. She then begins to take out the ingredients from the fridge to make Carbonara. She filled the pot with water and place it on top of the stove. She turns the stove on and prepares another ingredient.
When she chopped some Pancetta, she turn to Natasha that messing around with the cutlery in the pantry. She placed one hand on her hips "Wait, how do you open this door? I don't remember giving the key to Noah?" She cock her eyebrows to her. Natasha looked at her with wide eyes and grinned innocently. "I used bobby pint as you taught me"
(Y/N) let out a sigh "I teach that to you so you can use it in emergency situations. Not breaking into my apartment"
"This is an emergency situation. My stomach growls for one hour now. See, you heard that" She exclaimed and pointed to her growling stomach. (Y/N) shake her head and place the pan on the stove, after the pan was hot she placed the Pancetta on top of it. When she grates the cheese she can know Natasha wants to tell her something, she finished grating the cheese and asks her. "Another thing you want to say to me?" She cracked the eggs and separated the yolk into another bowl. She took the spaghetti from the shelf and place it in the boiling water.
"Yes actually, I want you to come with me, to this Military Party" She trailed off. (Y/N) let out a sigh and mix the eggs, black pepper and cheese with the whisk.
"C'mon, Nana, dad said you never go out to party like this since the 80s. That's older than me. Besides, you will move out soon after right? I saw your new identity and your new address at the entry table." Natasha remarked. (Y/N) didn't answer it, the sound of boiling water filled the silence in them. Natasha let out a sigh and continue messing with the cutlery, she propped her head with her hand and rest her elbow on the table.
(Y/N) placed the pasta in front of Natasha after it was ready. She then walked out to the living room to find her white ragdoll cat, she sit down on the couch and called her. "Snowy came here." The white cat let out a miaow and climb on her lap. "Have you fed Snowy yet?" She caress Snowy back and looked at Natasha that munching her food.
"Yes, I fed her." She answers with a mouth full of food, (Y/N) gives her a look but Natasha just grins and swallows her food.
After a few seconds of silence, (Y/N) answered "Okay, I will come" (Y/N) let out a sigh and Snowy in her lap begin to purring when she stroked her back. Natasha jumps up from her seat. "Really!?" Her shout-out startled Snowy and make her jump from (Y/N) lap. Natasha rose to her feet and runs toward (Y/N), she bends down to hug her"you're the best. I'll pick you up at 8" she pull back and turns back to her seat and continues eating her food.
When (Y/N) got back from the party, she goes straight to her bedroom. She removed her earrings and make-up, and changed to her nightgown, when she sit in front of her vanity, she let out a sigh. She touches her face and examines them in the mirror. Why she can't get old? That's the question she always asked every year, she can't bear seeing someone close to her die. She is tired of mourning, she is tired of running away, she is tired of hiding, she misses people calling her by her real name, not pretending to be someone else, and she is tired when she can't become herself. She just wants her life back. She looked over her vanity where the black and white photo sat in the grey frame. The photo is of her and Lorraine embracing each other.
She misses her daughter, she misses her husband, she misses her mother, but all of them already leaving her, lonely, here.
"Happy Birthday, my darling" (Y/N) bends down to place a bouquet of flowers on top of the grave. It's been three days since the Military Party.
She looked at the name that was engraved on the headstone.
'Lorraine Joanne Williams-Trace'
She wipe the tears that got fallen on her cheek, she rose to her feet and stared at the grave.
"Diana.." A voice behind her startled her, she turn around and face the latter.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" He apologized and approached her.
"It's okay Lieutenant" She turn back to the Grave, he stood beside her.
"Call me Bradley, I'm not wearing uniform now" She turns to look at his outfit, a black suit with no tie. She nodded and turn back to look at the grave. "So, who are you visiting.?" Bradley nodded his head to the grave in front of them.
"My grandmother, it was her birthday today," She told him.
"Oh. Can I give her flowers?" Bradley lifts the sunflower in his hand and waves it in front of her.
"Sure" She nodded at him. She looked when he kneeled on the ground, Bradley the man that saved her from some creep at the party three days ago, the first time she saw him, he captivated her heart. But she can't let her heart fall again for a man, not after the last time. The guilt still crawls into her chest from now on.
Bradley then kneel to place the flower on top of the grave "I hope you like it" he then looked over to the grave beside Lorraine, he saw they have the same last name. "And beside her it was.." he turn to her.
"Her husband" Diana shrugs. Her heart was warm with his actions.
"Oh shoot, I just have one flower" Bradley shot her an apologetic look.
Diana smiled and wave him off "It's okay Bradley, I think he would understand. It was his wife's birthday today" she shrug.
"Sorry pop, but next time I'll give ya flower too" He pats the grave next to Lorraine. Bradley then rose to his feet."So, you still want to stay or are you done here?" He looked at her.
"I'm done in here" Diana then turn around and walked away from the grave, Bradley doing the same and walking beside her. "Okay, let me walk with you"
They walked side by side towards the gate "So, who are you visiting?" Diana asked, breaking the silence between them.
"My mom, it was her anniversary with my dad today. After I visit my dad, I drove here to visit my mom" he glance at her slightly while he talking.
"Oh, they are not in the same cemetery?" She glances at him. She know how it feels to lose the last family you have.
"No, my dad's buried in Fort Rosecrans" Bradley pursed his lip. Diana nodded, she then stopped and place a hand on his bicep. "I'm sorry for your loss". Bradley looked at her hand. When she's aware of what she's doing, she retreats her hand back and begins to walk again. It was a common gesture for her, but she didn't want to give him the wrong signal, no, she will move out of this town. She can't involves with a normal human again.
Dust of pink colour paints his cheeks, a bit embarrassed. He clears his throat. "It's okay, they've been gone for years now. My dad died when I was four, and my mom when I'm still in high school. And since then I live with my uncle" he shrugs casually. "Enough about me, what about you?" He glances at Diana, they step into the stairs that make from stone.
"Well I live with my uncle, my parents are long gone, and after I graduated from college, I move out and ended up here" she shrugged, they stopped at the curb and Diana called out for a cab. She's not lying, it's true, except who they truly are.
"You know last time we met I asked for your number right" Bradley stood in front of her.
Diana furrowed her eyebrows and nodded. "Yes.." That night is still fresh in her mind, never in her life, saw someone jump into a moving car just to get her number.
"Umm... Can I get that know" He hesitates a bit, he rocks his feet back and forth on the pavement and glances at her. Nervous, waiting for her answer.
"The answer is still no, Lieutenant" she glanced at him and shake her head.
Bradley let out a groan, he shoved his hands in his suit pocket "No, It's Bradley, not the Lieutenant again." He groans. "C'mon, it feels right when you call me Bradley"
Diana smile and shake her head "The answer is still no, Bradley"
"Why, though? It's like fate, you know, we met again in the middle of nowhere, where you can bump with any other guy but instead, you met with me. Like when we met in that party where you can meet with another guy or that creepy guy, instead you met with me" He articulate. He didn't mean to bring up that incident, he actually want to talk to her that night. But that creepy guy forces her like that making him want to punch him. Besides, she requested to be alone that night, so he take his shot at the elevator.
"And I'm glad I met you because you save me from him" she nodded to him.
"See, I save you, so this is fate right" he jutted his hand toward her. Diana looked around and saw a cab approach her. She turns to him while the cab begins to drive toward her.
Diana cock an eyebrow at him "Why do you so believe in fate?" Because if it was fate that make her like this, she hate them. They are like a curse to her. They hey make her go through so much pain. This fate that she hates so much.
"Because fate brought me to you," he said softly and stared into her eyes. Diana looked at his eyes and it was like she was back in the 80s, she stared at his eyes until the cab honked and snapped her from staring. She then opens the back seat and climbs into it. Before she can close the window, Bradley places his hands on the cab door.
He bends down to her eye level."Hey, how about this, if we meet again in a random place or bump into each other, you have to agree to go on date with me? And of course, give me your number" He suggested.
"Why I should agree with that?" She cocked her eyebrows to him. This man never gives up.
"Because you don't believe in fate, and I do believe in them" he shrugged. Diana think for a second and let out a sigh and nodded "Okay"
Bradley looked at her wide eyes "Wait you agree!?" He then stands up properly, "Okay, shoot. Until we meet again, Diana" he waves at her.
Diana smiled "Goodbye Lieutenant" she close the window and told the cab driver to drive away. She wishes they didn't meet again because if they meet again, she would fall for his charm.
"It's Bradley! Bradshaw!" Bradley called out, but the cab had already driven away, leaving him alone standing on the pavement.
Diana walked beside the shelf to find the book she wanted. When she walked to the fiction section, she saw a familiar figure resting his shoulder on the shelf and casually opening one of the books, he looked straight at her. "So, about that date, what about Friday?" Bradley gives him a side smile. Diana shakes her head and lets out a chuckle.
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