#seriously though if you ever catch a spelling mistake feel free to send it
bleaksqueak · 2 months
heads up, on panel 7 I think you made a spelling error? "I only loosed one shrew"
Thanks for the heads up! Though, hm, unless you mean the missing period (which woops, I did miss... though maybe that's just how hard she's muttering), that is correct. It would be loosed instead of lost in the context of the described action (unless I've lost my mind, which is at all times possible lol)
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unwritten-ravenclaw · 3 years
Falling - Fred Weasley
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(gif credit to owner)
Summary: George accidentally injures Fred’s significant other during a quidditch match
Trigger warning: falling from a height, injury, descriptions of pain
A/N: So this didn’t turn out the way I had planned. Fred was supposed to get properly angry at George, but when it came to writing that part I couldn’t think of any points he could make because he could’ve easily done the same thing? I thought about sending the idea to a better writer but wanted to have a go at it myself.
Fred couldn’t remember a time he was this angry at his brother. He was torn between the ache in his heart for seeing you in pain and rage toward George for being the one to cause it. 
The quidditch match had been off to a great start. You and Fred were on rivalling teams and were determined to thrash each other. Being on opposite teams made it all the more fun for the both of you as you were both very competitive, and it was even more serious as this game was the final match of the season. Which was also the reason George was playing more aggressively than usual. 
George knew that despite your dating his brother, during quidditch matches you were the enemy, so it was fair game to smack a couple of bludgers your way. But, unfortunately for you, he was a little over-excited. When one of your team’s beaters knocked a bludger his way, George’s first reflex was to whack it at you, as you happened to be hovering nearby - too nearby. George had underestimated the distance between the two of you and had hit hard and fast. The bludger hurtled towards you with a dangerous amount of force and collided with your kneecap. You cried out as the red-hot heat of pain spread through you. With one leg suddenly incapacitated, you lost your seating on your broom and tipped sideways off it towards the ground. 
The scene kept replaying in Fred’s head like a broken record as he hurried alongside your stretcher on the way to the hospital wing despite McGonagall’s repeated instructions to do otherwise. You had fallen before anyone in the crowd - teacher or student - could mutter a spell to prevent it. Your body hit the ground with an awful thump. 
Fred had put the game from his mind the moment he heard you cry out in agony as the bones in your knee were smashed. Hearing that cry was like a punch in the stomach. He was the first to reach you, landing roughly and sprinting over, his own broom discarded in his haste. But when he reached you there was nothing he could do - or if there was, he couldn’t think of it. Your face was pale and tears rolled down your cheeks faster than he had ever seen. He wanted to comfort you but he was reluctant to touch you in case you had been hurt further in the fall. He was helpless, just crouching beside you and watching you half-writing in the sand, making gut-wrenching noises.
“I’m here, love,” he’d heard himself say pathetically, but he’d had no room in his mind for any self criticism in that moment. He looked frantically around to see some of the professors rushing over, and he felt a vice-like grip suddenly grab his hand. He glanced down to see your wet, scared eyes looking up at him, your body trembling with pain. “They’re coming.” He began to reach out for you nut stopped himself. He could already feel his arm going numb from how hard you were squeezing his hand but he didn’t care. “It’ll all be over soon, I promise.”
George landed nearby and rushed over too, spewing apologies toward you as he approached. Fred grit his teeth and held out his free hand toward his brother without so much of a glance over his shoulder - the gesture was a warning; stay back, I’ll deal with you later.
The teachers crowded around you, asking questions and preparing to move you. You wouldn’t let go of Fred’s hand even when they told him to be elsewhere, not that he would have left you anyway. Your knee still felt like it was on fire and the pain spread outwards through your body, making you feel as though you were simultaneously freezing and burning up. Breathing heavily you felt you might never catch your breath.
The stands had been almost emptied and the Gryffindor team had tugged George away. The staff were ready to move you and they had a hard time of it due to the fact that you wouldn’t let go of Fred, who was glad he had two hands because he’d had to swap them several times or risk his circulation being cut.
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When you reached the hospital wing you were unconscious, and Madam Pomfrey made Fred wait outside the door. He stood there impatiently twisted his fingers. He hadn’t felt so stressed in a long time. George appeared down the passage, some of the team straggling behind him, and Fred remembered he was going to rip him one. However, he couldn’t think of a single thing to say. In truth, he could’ve made the same mistake. The whole team had been eager to win, and everybody knew that quidditch was a dangerous sport. Besides, he knew you wouldn’t want him to be angry with his brother over something like this. George began to apologise again, but Fred pat him on the back and shook his head gently.
Once you were awake and had finished being tended to, Madam Pomfrey decreed that you could have one visitor. You insisted that you were fine again and again, but you deduced that it was George’s sad expression that caused her to surrender. When she was preoccupied, Fred drew the curtains around your bed so he could climb in next to you and pull you carefully into his side. Your knee was all strapped up over your quidditch uniform and your leg was propped up on a pillow. Leaning into Fred’s shoulder you gave him a weak smile.
George, meanwhile, had gotten to his knees alongside your bed. He had gotten out of his own quidditch gear and was now wearing a jumper and jeans. He took your hand from the bed and clasped it in both of his own, trapping it. 
“I’m so terribly sorry.” You’d been about to say something, but he gushed on. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear. I’ll give you all my sweets from Honeydukes. I’ll get Dumbledore to give you 300 house points. I’ll carry you to all your classes!”
“Oi,” Fred protested.
“George,” you said finally. “It’s alright, seriously. I’ll take it as payback for all the times I beat the pants off you.” Which reminded you of something. You looked up at your boyfriend, a little too fast; he went blurry for a few seconds. “The match?” 
Fred shrugged. “I didn’t ask.” You quirked an eyebrow. “Honestly, the quidditch cup was the last thing I was worried about.”
“Aww,” cooed George. His gaze fell to your wounded knee. “How is it?”
“Definitely not as painful now. Madam Pomfrey gave me a potion to dull it.” Both boys looked sombre and were now quiet. It was unsettling to see them this way, as you’d rarely ever seen them so. “Hm, might be nice to have a loyal servant.” You looked down at George and narrowed your eyes.
Fred looked astounded at this, throwing up his free hand that wasn’t holding you. “Excuse me, what am I?”
You and George laughed. “Two, then.”
“I thought your boyfriend was going to knock my block off back there,” George told you. “I knew your relationship was hazardous.”
Madam Pomfrey returned once more to shoo the boys off and give you another potion, but somehow you convinced her to let Fred stay a little longer, that it would aid in your recovery. She allowed it, but walked away tutting.
“Gave me a real fright, you did,” he said quietly as you tipped the potion back and swallowed it with a grimace. This one felt like ants crawling down your throat and tasted faintly like pickled eggs. “Falling out of the sky like that. And the noise you made... I felt like I’d come face to face with a dementor; my whole body went ice cold. I never want to see you in pain like that again.”
Your chest tightened at his words, imagining how it would feel if it had been him and you had been helpless to stop his agony. Bringing your hand up to cup his face you kissed his lips, and when you tried to pull away he chased them for more. 
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips when he finally parted from you. The words had never been more true than now. 
“I love you too,” he returned with a soft smile, bumping your nose with his own.
You sank deeper against him as he interlaced his fingers with yours. Beginning to realise just how drowsy you were from the potion your eyes started to droop as his fingers twirled a strand of your hair. You hoped Madam Pomfrey wouldn’t come back for a while yet.
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kca1516 · 4 years
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Draco and Y/N are rivals...until they are most certainly not.
This is a oneshot (with potential to be expanded on) where the reader and Draco are enemies through their years in Hogwarts. One day Draco's insult goes too far, and the reader starts avoiding him. Outraged and jealous, Draco tracks her down and forces her to tell him what's wrong.
She finds out not everything is as it seems.
Warnings: Smut, light dom/sub, dom!Draco, angst with a happy ending, slight dub-con (at one point the reader tries to escape from where draco has her pinned, this leads into the smut but the smut is consensual) also this was edited quickly so mistakes will pop up hear and there
This fic can also be found in full on ao3
Hope you enjoy the Final Part!
A crisp hint of mint fanned along your face as he held you down. He had removed the hand cupping your lips when he had grabbed for your arms, but you were still left speechless. 
“Answer me, flower,” Malfoy demanded, body all but covering your own. 
You had no wiggle room to escape, or turn the tables on him. Though you tentatively tested for slack, you already knew he would never make it that easy for you. 
Your brain was already running wild with ways to throw his plot back in his face.
Oh, how you had missed this. 
In just a week you had managed to forget the precise way Draco Malfoy made your blood boil for a fight, needy to spit in his face and tear him down to nothing. You had been longing to fall into this role, craving what you had gone too long without.  
“What the hell are you doing, Malfoy?” you sniped, knowing it would only make him stir crazy.
Avoiding his question, and talking back? You were in for a show, but now way in hell would you have ever let him get answers from you so easily. 
“Taking to hiding in darkened corridors isn't your style. How you do love an audience.”
He shoved your wrists down on the wall again, sending a jolt through your body. Hatred bubbled like tar within your veins.
“You don’t want to play games with me right now, flower,” he snarled, “maybe if you had bothered to so much as glance at me this week I wouldn’t have been pushed to such drastic measures.”
Maybe for the first time ever, Draco was mad at you. Truly mad at you. 
Even from the first fight between the two of you there had always been an element of enjoyment you’d both deny, but this was different. This was the collision you had both been waiting for, and exhilaration lit your nerve endings.
“Answer the damn question, what the hell has been up with you.”
You answered with enough cheek that you knew would spur on the clouds gathering in his stormy eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I am terribly flattered you were so bothered by my presence...or lack thereof.”
You glowed with satisfaction, knowing you had caught him. On one hand, he’d have to admit that he had been keeping tabs on you this week in order to get answers. On the other he could save his dignity and brush you off, but he’d have to let you and your well guarded secrets go. 
You should have known Draco would always be ready with a third option. 
Eager to take the power back, you quickly found one of his hands wrapped precariously around your neck. With his newfound leverage, he tipped back your head so it scrapped against the stone’s behind you. Your breath hitched as a fire erupted low in your abdomen. 
Long, spider web fingers splayed possessively along your skin. The light pressure trying to convince you that you had no control in this situation. 
He would get what he wanted one way or another. 
You couldn’t find it in yourself to be that upset about it. 
Even though your right arm was free now, you knew better than to take it from where Draco had left it. Though you made sure he knew he hadn’t won yet.  
“Pinning me down isn’t going to make me magically know what you’re throwing a bitch fit over,” you pointed out.
You could have sworn you saw the beginnings of a smile because of it, but any hint of laughter quickly turned back into a scowl. That worried you. He really wasn’t going to let this go until he had answers, and you didn’t know if you could stomach giving in.
“Pinning you down might not stop you from lying, flower, but it does make you quiver. That might just make it worth it.”
Your jaw dropped just enough to let him know he had caught you off guard. As much as you didn’t want it to, your heart beat wildly against your chest. Hard enough that you wouldn’t be surprised if Draco felt it, too. 
A mirroring pulse drummed up somewhere else as well, you firmly ignored it. 
“I-I still don’t know what you’re talking about,” you managed to say, though you knew you weren’t fooling anyone. 
You were going to stick to your story until you couldn’t anymore
That’s what snapped Draco back into his rampage, and you almost felt sorry for it. 
“Don’t know what I’m talking about?” he said, a growl to his words, “how about the fact that you’ve been avoiding me for a week? Or when every time I call your name you disappear? How about the fact that when I was finally able to track you down you were all but snogging Potter in the library? Tell me one more time that you don’t know what I’m talking about, Y/N, and we are going to have a serious problem.”
Despite Draco having just admitted to being jealous over seeing you with Harry, ammunition you could have so easily used to get yourself out of this interaction, that wasn’t what stuck in your mind.
No, you were too busy mulling over the fact that he had just called you by your first name.
You didn’t think you had heard him, seriously, call you by your first name since your first year together. 
It was always flower. 
Goddamn flower in his attempt to knock you down with the ridiculous pet name. 
Where once you had made the mistake of letting on that it bothered you, now you had grown used to it. 
It had become almost comforting hearing him spit the title like a curse. It had become ridiculously enticing the way it dripped from his tongue so naturally. You would even admit to dreams where he had whispered the name in your ear while he explored your body.
So when he shouted your first name, it slammed you back down into reality. A reality where you were hurt, and wounded, and the truth was he didn’t care at all. His pet had stopped playing with him, and he had come to find out why. That was all this was.
You viscously cut away the longing that had sprouted inside of you like poisonous weeds, and closed yourself off from Draco. The gentle circles his thumb was making against your jawline came to a sickening halt. 
You knew he could tell that something had changed.
“No,” he said, almost to himself, “stop it. You’ve never run from me before.”
If you bothered to notice, you might have heard the pleading desperation in his voice, but you were oblivious to the true meanings of his words. Rightfully, you were too blinded by the persona he had adopted well enough to fool even you. You saw nothing but a self centered, egotistical bastard with nothing but ice lining his bones.
“Fuck you, Malfoy,” you sneered, “fuck you, let me go.”
You began struggling against his grip, despite knowing you wouldn’t get far. Nonetheless, you brought your hand down banging it against his chest in hopes to push him away. You didn’t know if you could bear letting him see you crack and fissure. 
Draco wasn’t going to let you go anywhere. He quickly recaptured your wayward wrist, and pushed his hips forward to keep you from bucking. Whatever vulnerability he might have shown you before was gone.
A wicked chuckle fell from his lips. A shiver trailed down your spine.
“Did you really think that would work, flower?” he said, “God, I’ve let you get away with too much; you think you can bite back at me like that? Remember that day in the hall, when you thought it would be wise to threaten me. You pushed your wand against my throat.”
You shivered, falling still as you remembered. It had been the memory you had been fixated on all damn week. 
He took your silence as answer. 
“It would have been so easy to grab your wrist and twist, unarming you without even using a spell. I wanted to pull you in so your back was to me, and lift up your skirt so I could paint your ass red. Then once I had you crying I’d give it to you good. The way you’ve been begging me to give you for years.”
Your breath hitched. 
All those times the two of you had cursed, and screamed, and bantered with each other. You realized now more than ever that it had always only been foreplay.
You had never actually thought it would lead anywhere. For the first time, he was bringing into light the unspoken truth between the two if you. 
You both knew that should you give into it, nothing would ever be the same.
A week ago you would have given in like you craved to now. A week ago you would have eagerly let him paint bruises on your skin. A week ago you would have never looked back.
We are a different breed.
You couldn’t unhear it. 
You were not his toy to play with and then discard once he made a fool out of you. 
His forehead was resting on the side of your head as he breathed promises of release, of relief, in your ear. 
But you weren’t done yet.
“Sure I wouldn’t be too disgusting to you,” you spit out cold and detached, “are you sure you’d be able to stomach having someone like me? Someone who’s barely more than dirt when compared to the all mighty, pureblood, you?” 
You felt him freeze against you, and any hope you had of this being real crumbled. A cold, detached laugh fell from your lips, though you couldn’t feel yourself release it. Tears burned in your eyes, and this time you weren’t strong enough to resist them. 
“That’s what I thought,” you murmured, unafraid to catch his eye now that he had broken your heart, “let go of me, Malfoy. I am not your animal.”
Draco didn’t move, you weren’t sure that he could. 
He could only stare at you, watching you shatter as if he was seeing you for the first time. Like he had finally found the final piece that completed the puzzle.
You started fighting his hold as a sob escaped you. You hated that even now you didn’t feel panic rise in you, even like this you trusted him. You struggled, and tried to kick and bite at him, but he just stood there pinning you. He was barely moved by your efforts as he let you wear yourself out. 
Finally, with a frustrated cry you stopped. You dropped your head, defeated and unable to stop the river clawing its way into your splotchy cheeks. Humiliation, that’s what it was.
“There you go, flower,” Draco said, oddly gently, “let it out, I’m here Y/N.”
“Shut up,” you all but hissed.
One of his hands reached down to firmly grip your chin. Draco jerked your face upwards so you couldn’t escape his gaze as he stripped you of your defenses until you were left bare. 
“You know better than to speak to me like that, flower,” he said, “I’ll let it slide only this once, but I mean it when I say I’m done letting you get away with the disrespect.”
To your surprise, your tears became sluggish until they came to a halt. You felt more focused than you had in days. Is this what happened when you finally let yourself give in? 
“Now,” he said, gentler, “I need you to know this, Y/N, you were never supposed to hear what I said to Blaise that day. Just not for the reason you’ve concluded, though I can’t blame you for coming to the conclusion you did.  Hearing him-”
Draco all but snarled.
“-hearing him talk about you like that makes my blood boil. Same way it kills me to see you and Potter cozying up in the library or at dinner or-”
“What’s your point,” you cut in, voice soft and hoarse from crying.
But a sliver of defiance, the thing that had drawn Draco to you in the first place, crept in.
Draco shot you a promising smirk.
“I had to shut him up,” he continued regardless, “I’m not proud of this, but I said the first thing that I knew would put an end to the topic. I’m not saying it was right, but it’s the truth. If you really think I view you as nothing more than an animal, a pet to parade around, you’re wrong. You’re mine Y/N. You’ve been mine since the first time I lay eyes on you, and I am very possessive of what belongs to me.”
You wanted to believe him.
You wanted to believe him so bad. 
He was confirming every secret thought you’d had concerning the Slytherin. You were his, he was yours. That’s how it had been for so long. Now you had forgotten what it was like to pretend any differently. 
But the spit of his insult didn’t leave you so easily, not when you had obsessed about it for a week. The balm of his promises could only do so much. You had to make sure he was telling the truth.
“Why should I believe you,” you said simply.
 Draco dragged his touch down your arms until he was cupping your face, knowing you weren’t going anywhere, not now. He rested his forehead on yours, gently brushing the tips of your noses together. 
“Let me show you that I never meant a word of I said that day. You’re mine, Y/N.”
Your gaze traveled past the slope of his nose to his lips whispering sweet words that warped your brain, and pulled you deeper into fantasy the two of you were living now.
You knew what he was insinuating.
 For once, you didn’t care. You didn’t care if he was lying, or if he would drop you tomorrow. Thunder rumbled outside, and if this was the only time you could have him, you couldn’t pass up this chance to make him yours. 
You pushed forward, giving your answer with a brush of your lips against his. It wasn’t a real kiss, more like a preview, but it unleashed a tidal wave you wanted to drown in.
Draco growled as you pulled back before he delved in any deeper. 
“I can’t be gentle with you, flower,” he said, “tease me and I’ll tear you apart. Make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.”
Now it was your turn to smirk. You’d had just about enough of him thinking you were completely helpless, and at his mercy. He had control only if you gave it to him.
“After all this time, and you still believe that I want it gentle?” you whispered against his cheek, breathing him in with a hunger that matched the swell of his pupils. 
You hated him.
You still didn’t know if he was telling the truth in concern to the Blaise situation, but the need inside you had grown too strong.
“I’m going to ruin you, flower.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
The words had barely fallen before his lips crashed into yours, and by then none of it mattered. It didn’t matter if he was lying, or if you hated each other, or that you hadn’t talked in a week. Not when he was licking wide strips into your mouth and possessively biting at your lips. 
Draco’s hands dug into the flesh of your hips, and you knew that there would be bruises by the morning. They were only a preliminary of the ones he had promised to write into your skin, but you knew those would have to be saved for a later date. For now you were content to devour each other as your worlds aligned perfectly.   
He untucked your shirt from your skirt, and trailed his hands to the underside of your breasts. You whined softly, making it very clear that you wanted his hands to continue their ascent. However, Draco didn’t plan to give you everything you wanted, even if this was his way of apologizing.
He hummed against your lips.
“Did you really think I’d make it that easy for you?”
You nipped at his kiss swollen lips, now a deep pink. 
“Did you forget who's apologizing right now?” you replied.
A sudden moan of pleasure-pain fell from your lips as Draco effortlessly slipped his hand under your bra cup and ruthlessly pinched your nipple.
“Oh that is beautiful, flower,” he said, all too smug as he rendered you speechless, “I’ve been wanting to put you in your place for so long.”
“Draco,” you moaned as the pressure never gave up, and he started in on the other one. Your hands gripped at his arms to steady yourself, even as you pushed your chest into his touch despite the zipline of electricity that heated your core. 
“Shhh, there you are,” he said gently removing his hands, “but you aren’t wrong. I did promise you an apology, and I plan to follow through.”
Before you could even process what was happening, Draco Malfoy slipped down to his knees before you. 
Your cheeks heated as you realized what he was about to do.
You greedily took in the sight before you. 
Draco was stunning. 
The smell of rain and static swept the hallway, ruffling his hair as a flash of light illuminated his sharpened smirk. 
Draco slowly rolled up the sleeves of his black button down, revealing the veins that danced and entwined up his arms. 
“I always knew you’d get on your knees for me one day,” you quipped, trying to seem unaffected. 
Neither of you were fooled.
You were met with a sharp sting as Draco’s open hand came down hard on the inside of your bare thigh. You bit your lip to hold in the moan, though no one would have been able to hear it over the pounding of the rain that had just begun.
“Watch your cheek,” he said, grounded in reality while you felt like you were floating even though he had barely touched you yet.
“Yes, Draco,” you said, breathy and hazy.
His hands came to squeeze at your thighs before going higher, and hooking in the waistband of your underwear. You imagine they would be meeting the floor soon enough.
“Good girl,” he said and ripped the fabric in two.
You felt a gush of slick coat the beginnings of your thighs as a soft moan left your lips. No one you had been with before had ever taken so much control with you. You were coming to find that it might have been why those relationships didn’t last. 
“You like that flower? Like being my good girl?”
His thumb came to rest on your clit. He began to make slow, tortuous circles with the pad of his thumb while one of his fingers came to tease at the beginnings of your entrance. 
“Fuck, Y/N, your soaked. I guess that answers my question.”
You were barely able to hear him with the way you were working so hard to keep your noises to yourself. 
You were in a public hallway afterall. Abandoned or not, anyone could come walking along and stumble upon them if they weren’t careful. 
Your silence was not what Draco wanted. 
Suddenly, his touch was completely gone from your person. You couldn’t hold in the gasp at the loss of touch.
“No,” you pleaded, legs shaking from the pleasure taken away from you.
You didn't care that it only fed into Draco’s superiority complex; you needed him back on you now.
“So needy, flower, you’re so goddamn needy, but I did make you a promise. I’m going to eat you out until my face is glistening, and you’re going to put your hands in my hair. If I don’t think you’re being loud enough I’m going to stop for thirty seconds, and we’re going to start over again. Got it?”
Your knees almost buckled, and you would have fallen if he wasn’t already balancing you. 
“But there could be people-”
“Let them hear. Let them know just how good I’m taking care of what’s mine.”
One of his hands wrapped itself around your knee, and true to his word he hiked it up to his shoulder. Using one hand to balance your hip, and the other to help elevate your leg, he looked up at you. Despite your position there was no second guessing exactly who was in control.
“Are you going to be loud for me? Are you going to be my good girl?”
As if in answer your hands found their way into his hair, sorting your fingers through each strand.
Thunder rattled the castle.
“Yes,” you said meekly.
“Yes, what?” he urged, biting at your inner thigh until you knew he must have broken skin. You keened high and loud in the back of your throat.
“Y-yes, Draco,” you moaned as he licked the bruise.
“One day I’m going to leave my mark on every inch of your skin.”
Without any more hesitation he pulled your hips closer to his mouth and delved in. Your breath escaped you accompanied by a high whine in your throat as his lips closed around your clit. He played with the nub before opening his mouth wider so his tongue slithered down to your opening.   
“Fuck, Draco,” you all but screamed. 
He didn’t waste time, thrusting his tongue deep inside you. He caressed your walls as if to gather up every last drop hidden inside of you.
He pulled his tongue out right as you began to thrust your hips into his mouth. 
You whined momentarily at the loss before you realized he had removed one of his hands from your waist. Two of his fingers probed gently at your hole before thrusting in hard. It didn’t take him long to curl the pads of his fingers so they brushed the spot inside of you that made you wail. 
“My good girl,” he said as he emerged from underneath your skirt, his face dripping, “my flower.”
“More, Draco please,” you cried over and over with every thrust of his fingers.
“Who am I to deny you,” he said, and dove back in.
Now each thrust of his fingers was met with him tonguing your clit. His teeth scraped the knot of nerves every so often to make you tighten the hold you had in his hair.   
The tightening in your gut began to build with every sloppy thrust of his fingers.
“I’m close-so close,” you all but sobbed, “Please-just a little bit-”
Draco added a third finger. Your walls stretched to a new limit, as his tongue continued to play with your clit. 
You thrust down hard, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. 
With a flash of lightning you cried your final release.  
You exploded onto Draco’s fingers and tongue as he worked you over, making sure not to take out his fingers until your walls spasmed with oversensitivity.
Gently he removed the stimulation.
He was all too composed for your liking. Not when you looked the way you did with your hair knotted, your clothes a rumpled mess, and your knees about to give out on you. 
“Finally found the perfect way to get you to agree with me,” Draco said as he licked your slick off of his fingers.
Proving his point, you didn’t have the energy to fight back.
“Draco,” you said, as your knees finally gave out.
Right before your ass would have hit the ground, and probably broke your tailbone, a body was there to steady your own. Draco brought you down slowly, and situated you so you were leaning against his chest while he leaned against the wall. 
“There you are, flower. It’s okay. I’ve got you,” he said gently, kissing the side of your head.
You couldn’t help but lean into it, even as your doubts began to trickle back in.  
“Draco,” you said, making your tongue work even though it felt sluggish in your mouth, “tell me this was real, even if it’s a lie.”
A hand came to wrap around your throat, giving you something real to latch onto as you came down from your high. His hand turned your head so you could see him.
“This was real, flower. Now that I’ve got you, I’m never letting you go. This is only the beginning. Rest now, the storm has only just begun.”
His arms came to wrap around you, and even though the two of you were seated on the cold ground, you felt warm and alive. 
You kissed the underside of his jaw as the rain poured from the sky outside.
The End
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
Challenges for The Cookies- Little Vlogs (Chapter Eight)
A/N: This is like, a fairly short chapter. I apologize for any typos or whatever, and the fact that I haven't updated this story in two weeks. I hope you guys like it though, it's my first time actually showing them recording a video for the channel, which is weird because Patton's channel is such a huge element/plot device in this book. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!
Chapter Summary: Patton acquires his boyfriend and two crushes to participate in a video challenge for his channel. Many shenanigans and cute clips ensue.
"But-...Daddy said that I'd get to do it!" Patton pouted, looking at Virgil. Patton had started this video big, and was obviously regressed before they really got into the video plan. He knew that if needed, he could be big for a whole video. But the whole point of being open as a little online was that he didn't need to do that.
"And daddy is now saying to let Vee do it," Logan decided, taking the package from Patton and giving it to Virgil. Patton was pouting over opening a box, as if it really mattered that much. Virgil tried to take it from him because he was obviously in the mindset of a toddler, and he'd get frustrated if he couldn't open it quickly.
"Yay!" Patton cheered once the box was open, and Virgil handed it back to him.
"You never told us what we are supposed to be doing for this video," Roman spoke up, leaning so that he was looking at Patton from the other side of Logan.
"You didn't!" Virgil's eyes widened, "You just turned on the camera with no explanation. What the hell did we sign up for?"he narrowed his eyes, somewhat worried that the toddler-minded boy had pulled them into something crazy.
"No cursing around the little," Logan motioned to Patton, before looking at the boy, "But yes, what are we doing?"
"We're decorating pacis again, because you guys-" Patton pointed directly into the camera with a giggle, "said dat you guys liked it last time!"
"So is that what's in the box? Some plain pacis?" Logan didn't track whatever Patton ordered for videos, so he wouldn't know for sure. He trusted Patton not to spend money on stupid things.
"yes, yes, yes!" Patton bounced a bit in place, "But dis time, we are making them however the cookies want!" Patton absolutely loved referring to his fans as 'the cookies', he thought it was cute and creative, and they seemed to like it.
Patton started explaining the rules of the challenge, "okay, here's how dis is gonna work. Three of us are given very simple requests for decorative pacifiers, all from the cookies, and then the fourth will judge them when we are done! Oh, and it's on a scale from 1 to 10, and the highest scorer wins and gets to be the judge to the next round!" Patton spoke really fast, somehow not stumbling over his words whatsoever, and continuing to speak in his cute little voice.
They split up to grab the pacifier decorating supplies, setting up what they needed on the coffee table. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high..." Patton sung softly, setting the Generation One pacifiers in a neat row across the coffee table. Logan, who stood behind the tripod, used the camera and zoomed in on Patton, who looked up.
"Hello, Daddy! And hi to all da cookies too!" he scrunched his nose,giggling a bit. He set down the pacifier in his hand before softly waving at the camera.
"You gonna finish your little song, Pat?" Virgil questioned, setting tubes of super glue on the table, next to the small organizers of plastic gems and letter beads. There were three of them, and they were divided into little squares, each square holding different colors of plastic gems, letter beads, or charms to go on the centerpieces.
"Oh! Um...up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star," Roman joined in and sang with him softly, Logan putting the camera on Virgil for a bit before zooming out to catch both of them.
"how I wonder what you are!"
Patton looked at the camera, thinking after a few moments. "Do nursery rhymes have copyright? I hope not..." he seemed confused, and more aware that there was a camera on him.
"I can confirm, nursery rhymes do have copyright, but most of them have passed into the public domain-" Logan started talking from behind the camera, getting interrupted by Roman, who was returning to the living room with smaller plastic gems.
"Shut up with your facts or whatever, we are gonna start the challenge!" Roman climbed onto the couch before lowering himself on the ground, between where Roman and Patton were sitting.
"Patton asked a question and I was just replying to it!" Logan defended, pointing the camera at Roman, who stuck his tongue out.
"Patton asked a question and blah blah blah. Can't you see we have a challenge that is much more important to begin?" he mocked Logan voice for a bit before quickly dividing up the smaller plastic gems between the three dividers. After a few seconds of silence, Roman looked up at the camera and laughed,
"Sorry Lo, I'm joking!" he apologized quickly, giving a soft pout as he waited for a response.
"You better be, little prince." Logan teased, Roman rolling his eyes and ignoring him.
Patton spoke up before any of them could say anything, "Okay! So the first paci request is...." he scrolled on his screen, his eyes glancing over a few words before he read them aloud, "From babykitten14 on twitter, 'how about a space theme?'"
The gears in Roman's head seemed to be turning, his eyes glancing between the different supplies in front of him quickly. "I can definitely work with a space theme." he assured, obviously excited to attempt to win this little challenge.
"Okay, let me set the timer!" Patton started tapping on his phone, Virgil's eyes widening.
"We're being timed?!" he seemed panicked, obviously thrown off.
"Yeah, I wasn't aware we had a time limit!" Roman dramatically exclaimed, both of the other boys obviously taking this more seriously now.
"Mhm! I thought that was obvious....have you never watched a youtube challenge, ever? If you don't set a time limit, the video will never end!" Patton set his phone in front of him on the table, speaking calmly as the other boys seemed a bit stressed now. It was a simple challenge, and they were probably exaggerating a bit for the camera, but they were being TIMED? This was absolutely outrageous.
...Okay, not really, but a bit shocking. "How long do we get, then?" Roman questioned, looking over at Patton. Logan stayed silent, just standing behind the camera and recording their interactions.
"Ten minutes!" Virgil and Roman's eyes widened, but before they got the chance to protest, or ask for more time, Patton started the timer and they immediately started grabbing different supplies. Throughout the video, they held four rounds of this challenge. Roman managed to win the first, with a simple dark purple pacifier with silver and white gems, the button being decorated with a black star charm. He spelled out, "Baby Star" on the handle.
Virgil ended up shyly asking if he could have the pacifier Roman made for the first round near the end of the video, and of course, Roman handed it right over. The next round had to do with a 'royal theme', and all three of the contestants made pacifiers related to princes. Roman declared Patton's baby pink pacifier, with dark red and gold gems, as the winner. On the button, was a little red crown sticker, and the handle read 'little prince'. Patton offered it to Roman, and he took it.
The third round simply was supposed to follow a "pastel theme". Patton probably would've won that one if he wasn't the judge. Logan won it though, and that pacifier went to Patton. The final round was supposed to follow a 'edgy baby' theme. As expected, Virgil won that round by a landslide.
Patton had them sit down to close out the video. "Okay, so each of us won one round. That's pretty good, I think!" Patton said, looking at Logan beside him on the couch, who nodded. "I want to clarify that all the pacifiers made today, besides the ones we claimed for ourselves, will be going to some of my agere friends, so they aren't going to waste at all!"
"Who is gonna claim the messy pacifiers that we had ten minutes to make?" Roman questioned from the other side of Patton. Virgil smacked his arm, rolling his eyes.
"I'm sure someone will," Virgil assured. "Most of them aren't that bad."
"Yeah, says the 'pince' paci." Roman rolled his eyes, teasing Virgil for his mistake earlier. Virgil somehow managed to forgot the 'r' during the Royal Pacifier round, and Roman had been teasing him endlessly about it throughout the video. Patton laughed before finally saying his outro and moving to turn off the camera.
All of the boys could genuinely say that they enjoyed filming videos for the channel, and the fans could say that they liked watching the content. It was a win-win situation, and Patton got to keep doing what  he loved with the man...
with the men he loved.
Yeah, all three of them definitely had a special place in his heart, they all cared for him endlessly. He liked that they genuinely cared about each other, too.  And the fact that they were willing to give up time to take part in his little hobby, and that they'd do almost anything to make him happy?
He liked that even more.
A/N: aka, patton has fallen in love with an idiot prince and his emo internet best friend. anyways, the next chapter might be more agere based, continuing to follow the path of logan getting to know the others while little (ft. lots of cute fillers and logan being a good cg). then I will loop back to the romance part and maybe write in a few more dates before I make them “officially” begin dating and what not. okay i’m done spoiling the plot of future chapters, but I hope y’all liked this one! Feel free to sends asks to my inbox with reactions to this chapter and stuff, I’d appreciate it!
Taglist: @stimmingsides @smollilsanderssides @novacloudcat @analogical-agere @fairyhuman2000 @aphandgflover@softastarlight @littlesapphygem @softflowerinmyheart @virgietheprincess @babeyalstar @b3an-spr0ut @babeyvoid @because-were-fam-ily @lonelysoul43-0 @lgbtqiaemo
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kammieceleek · 4 years
Halfling:  Chapter 1, Different
Sarai was young but she wasn't stupid.
She knew she was different from others in Xadia. While her interactions with other elves were limited the few she'd had were less than ideal. Many regarded her as some kind of plague or outcast and walked away quickly. Her differences were in the way they looked at her and in the way they spoke. It was in her difficulties with magic that no elf should struggle with. It was in her fear of combat and confrontation. But most of all, it was in her hands.
Elves, she knew, had four fingers.
Sarai had five.
Her father was human and her mother was an elf. It was why she was unusual. Elves and humans hated each other but her parents had fallen in love despite the bad blood. And Sarai's admiration for them was never-ending, just like their determination and spirit.
Rayla, a Moonshadow elf assassin who had once been asked to kill a king and a prince. Instead she'd found her future husband and they'd gone on a journey to end a war that should've never even started. Strong, beautiful, hilarious, and a great warrior, Rayla was what Sarai wished she could be. A fighter, somebody who wasn't afraid of battle or death. Furiously protective of what she cared about, which these days was her husband and her daughter. Sometimes Sarai even wondered how she was her mother's daughter, what with how different they were. But then she'd see her horns reflected back at her and the answer was there, among the locks of long dark hair she'd gotten from her father.
Callum, a human and former prince who had protected his younger brother from Rayla on that fateful raid. He had traveled with her to bring Zym back to the Dragon Queen and end that war. Compared to his wife, he was more scholarly and bookish with an honest face and an aptitude for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. And Sarai took after him in that regard, as well as with her extra fingers and the fact that Moonshadow magic wasn't exactly for her. He was kind and caring and she knew that both he and her mother loved her more than themselves. The only times she ever saw him get angry were when someone threatened her or Rayla.
Their family was small but had plenty of love to go around. On Rayla's side, her parents were gone—not dead but not with her—and there were no other relatives she knew of. Callum's father was unknown to him and he'd lost his mother and stepfather years before Sarai was born. He had a half-brother, but Sarai had never met the man before. Something had happened and they weren't able to enter the human kingdoms safely anymore. It had been the cause of several arguments when Sarai was younger, where Rayla insisted she could protect them and Callum wanted his daughter to live to adulthood. Eventually they'd settled on the border near the Storm Spire, where King Zym (Sarai refused to call him anything else) assured their safety from the elves but not the humans.
Now, however, things were very wrong.
Things were so wrong that Sarai didn't know how she'd ever help set them right.
Her parents had been captured by a team of rouge elves and a human—a human woman whose hair was almost completely white, save for a few locks of black on the righthand side. Callum and Rayla had been shocked and horrified to see her. Not the elves, but this odd-looking human woman who used dark magic. They hadn't gone easy, mind you. Rayla had fought while Callum tried to help her, but she yelled for him to take Sarai and run, to let her handle the battle while he saved their child. He'd obeyed, only for the human woman to catch up and hold them in place with her evil power.
"Callum. It's been years," the woman said breathily.
"It seems magic hasn't been kind to you, Claudia," he spat. She narrowed her eyes.
"Why are you angry?"
"You attacked my family and you didn't think I'd be angry?!"
Sarai bit her lip as she listened to her father. Hearing him speak with such venom and anger and scorn, a tone that her mother usually reserved for herself, was disconcerting to say the least. He was usually joking or giving her advice or even helping her with magic and drawing. Anger was a rare emotion and she was afraid of this woman who could draw it out of him.
"Please, it wasn't my idea. I wanted to just take you and draw your bloodthirsty lover out so we could take your child, too. The elves had other plans. Now, what to do…"
Out of the corner of her eye, Sarai saw her father's fingers moving in a familiar shape—a rune. He was trying to free them. She could already feel the binding spell weakening around her and before Claudia could finish her mutterings Sarai was free. Claudia had yet to notice but the binding was still tight around Callum. Worriedly, he looked to his daughter, who remained by him.
"Sarai, go find help. She's not as interested in you so you can slip away."
"But Papa—"
"Please. I can buy you some time but it's limited. Go now and run."
Running. It was the one physical activity she was good at. Sarai nodded and leapt to her feet. Before Claudia could even figure out what had happened, the halfling was gone and well out of her reach. She let out a growl and turned her attention to Callum, who glared at her defiantly… then she dragged him back to where his wife was lying on the ground, heavily bruised and injured but alive, surrounded by the elves who had brutally beaten her.
"Rayla!" Callum gasped, desperately trying to reach her.
"She's not dead yet," snorted Claudia. "But she may be, soon."
"Touch her and you're dead!"
"Where was this fire when we were younger? Or is it just because your elven mistress is lying on the ground and your hell-spawn is off who-knows-where?"
"Sarai is—"
"And you even named her after your mother. Hmph. Well, we have somewhere to be, don't we?"
The last thing that registered in Callum's mind was a spell.
Then darkness.
It had started as a rumor in the street earlier that week.
An elf is in Katolis—a Moonshadow elf!
Those rumors were never something that Soren took seriously. People made mistakes like that all the time and it was kind of dumb when you thought about it too much. No, the rumors worried him when they switched to they're looking for help. Only one Moonshadow elf had connections in Katolis and it had been many years since he'd seen her. And the fact that she didn't go to the castle, knowing Ezran would gladly help her, worried him most of all. So he posted guards in the streets to find the elf and bring her to the palace.
But it wasn't Rayla deposited at his feet.
"Who are you?" he asked. She looked up at him with wide green eyes.
"Who are you?" she echoed, her voice denoting her youth. She couldn't have been older than six.
"I am Soren, the head of the Crown Guard."
"M-my name is Sarai. I was told to go get help."
"Help?" She nodded.
"I need to save Mama and Papa. S-some…" Her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground. He realized after kneeling beside her that she was starving and tired and nothing that an eight-year-old girl should be.
"Make sure she gets food and rest. We'll continue this when she's feeling better."
His orders were followed. And out of custom, he informed Ezran of their guest. The young king insisted upon seeing the girl, and as soon as he did he backed away in shock.
"Why is she here?"
"To get help for her parents or something." Ezran reached out and touched one of the girl's horns.
"Do you know her name?"
A shaky breath was inhaled by the king of Katolis.
"I… I think… I know who her parents are."
(Really, Soren had not gotten any sharper.)
"Rayla and… Callum. No doubt about it—everything about her is just like them."
"Huh. Weird. I didn't know they had a baby."
"We haven't talked to them since they were forced to cut contact eight years ago. I can't figure out why their daughter would be here unless something bad happened."
Sarai let out a groan as she came to and Ezran smiled.
"Hey, feeling better?" he asked.
"I… I don't know…"
"Your name is Sarai, right? I'm Ezran."
"You're Ezran?" Sarai's eyes widened.
"I'm guessing you've heard of me?"
"Papa talked about you a lot. So did Zym. You can talk to animals, right?"
"Yes, I can. How old are you, Sarai?"
"Five. Almost six."
"And your father's name wouldn't happen to be Callum, would it?"
"Yeah… and my mama is Rayla. Papa told me to come to Katolis to get help. He and Mama were taken away by bad elves and a mean lady named Claudia who wanted to hurt me and Mama."
"Well, then, you've found your help. We are family."
In truth, however, the news that Claudia had resurfaced troubled both king and guard. Soren was glad to hear his sister was alive but furious to learn she'd tried to harm a child…again. Ezran was bothered by the fact that Claudia had apparently overpowered both mage and warrior, though the fact that elves were helping her made sense. None of them wanted the uneasy peace that had settled over the human kingdoms and Xadia over the past decade and a half. It made sense that they'd go after the human-elf couple and their halfling child. But at the same time, they'd made the mistake of going after his family, the only family he had left other than his aunt Amaya. Sarai was his niece and he'd protect her.
"Soren, send word to Aunt Amaya and the Storm Spire. We're going after Claudia." His eyes turned to Sarai. "In the meantime, let's get you rested and fed. And some new clothes."
Sarai looked down. Her knee-length blue dress was tattered and filthy, its hue dulled by the muck and mud. Her eyebrows knit together and she smiled up at her uncle.
"Thank you, Uncle Ezran."
"What else is family for?"
Word had spread that she was in the castle over the past several days. Sarai noted the stares and whispers as she walked through the hall in the clothes that Ezran had said once belonged to her father. Her long hair had been braided to keep it out of her face for the time being, horns still up and standing proud and denoting her elven heritage alongside the blue markings she'd inherited from her mother. To so many she appeared the enemy, despite the years of tentative peace between the human kingdoms and Xadia her family had led. War had once been the way of life for both places, for both races, but now that was over.
"You okay, Sarai?" Ezran asked as she entered the dining room.
"It's weird, being around so many people."
"How so?"
"For as long as I can remember, it's just been me, Mama, and Papa in our little cottage by the Storm Spire. Zym babysits me a lot when they had to go do things because he likes me. Mama said it was because they did the same for him when he was a baby."
"I remember. I helped them take care of Zym when he was newly hatched." She sat down next to him. Opeli looked slightly unnerved at the breach of protocol but said nothing.
"I miss them…"
"Me, too. I haven't seen them since before you were born."
"Mama was fighting the bad elves, and Papa told me to run away and get help in Katolis while he faced Claudia. I'm fast."
"Well, then, we'll have to have a race once this is over. And you and your parents will have to come visit."
Sarai nodded in agreement and began to eat some of the food that had been set out. Ezran noted the way she ate was so much like Callum; no doubt his older brother had instilled manners into his daughter in case she ever came to Katolis. But the way she held the knife and the markings under her eyes—it was pure Rayla. His heart ached to know just what Claudia had done with his brother and sister-in-law. Sarai was the last thing he had left of them at the moment (save for a couple of portraits done before they were forced to leave). Already he was growing attached to her.
"When are we leaving?" she asked. "I wanna know so I can pack."
"You don't want me to go?"
"No, you're coming. It's just… we need to figure this out. I don't want you near the battlefield when you're so young, especially not if we're going against Claudia. She's a dark mage."
"I understand. That's why we live near the Storm Spire. Zym protects us better and Papa didn't want me to see how ugly fighting is."
That sounds like Callum.
"We're leaving tomorrow morning. You'll have to guide us to your home and we'll start looking from there."
Sarai nodded and went back to eating.
The young king sighed as Soren approached him in the throne room.
"Soren, we're doing this. It's Callum and Rayla."
"That's not my concern. My concern is you going along."
"If… if something happens to you, you have no heir. Who's going to rule the kingdom if you don't come back?"
"Oh, that's easy. Sarai will." Soren blinked. "Look, she's Callum's daughter. That means in terms of succession, she's after him."
"But Sarai is coming with us."
"And she'll be staying with someone at the Storm Spire. I'm not risking her life, but I'm willing to risk mine."
"…you're just like Harrow, you know. He was the same way." Ezran faced his old friend. "Viren offered him a way out, the night the assassins came. A snake that could put his soul in another body. But he refused, saying he'd rather die a king than a coward who let another die in his place."
"Then that's what I believe, too."
"I'll prepare to head out. Should I alert Amaya?" Ezran nodded.
"Send a message to her and Janai. They can meet us on the Xadian side of the border and guide us the rest of the way."
Soren nodded. Ezran eventually left the room and wandered until he passed his niece's room. He could hear her sniffling. Out of concern, he entered her room and found her curled up with one of Callum's old stuffed animals; no doubt Opeli had given it to her.
(She may have appeared reserved, but she had a soft spot for children.)
"Uncle Ezran?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"You're upset, aren't you?"
"I… I just want Mama and Papa…" Ezran pulled her into a hug.
"It's going to be okay. We'll find them and we'll make sure they're safe."
"But elves are mean. They talk about me and Mama all the time. They say Mama is a traitor to Xadia and that I'm an… a-bomb…a-bomb-in-ation?"
"Abomination. And it's not a good word, especially if they're using it to talk about someone."
"What does it mean?"
"It means… unnatural. Bad. Like something never should have happened. You're not an abomination, Sarai. You're a little girl with two loving parents and a family who cares about you. There's nothing more natural or good than that."
She smiled up at him and that smile was pure Rayla, especially the way her eyes crinkled when she did it. He held her tighter for a moment, then sighed.
"Tomorrow, we're leaving for Xadia. And I promise you we will bring our family back together, no matter what."
Ezran stayed with her until she fell asleep, tucking the stuffed dragon under her arm before he left.
I promise, Sarai.
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Hawkins’ sweetheart  (Billy Hargrove imagine)
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► Summary: When the reader comes back to Hawkins she doesn’t expect that Billy Hargrove, the new boy in town, is going to suppose such an important piece on her messed up life.
Series masterlist
(You can find more of my stories on my MASTERLIST)
► Pair: Billy Hargrove x reader
► Warnings: Some swearing
► Author’s notes: So this is supposed to be the first part of a mini series I already have on my mind (And my notebook) so if you like this part and want the rest of them make me know! English is not my first language so sorry if there’s any grammar or spelling mistake. (Special gratitude to @oldvoicesinmyhead for helping me with my writer’s block with this story)
Feel free to contact me HERE or send me a message with anything you need!
Constructive criticism is always welcome
“You sure you want to go back to school this soon?” You looked at the woman on the driver’s seat and smile. You knew she was only worried about you. Visiting your mother was always hard for you, a true roller coaster that left you exhausted and besides there was the planes you had to take to get to Washington. “Totally sure Kelly… I’ve missed being a normal teen. God! I’ve even missed this town” She chuckled and her eyes went to you for a few seconds before locking them on the road again. “I mean it, you don’t have to worry, besides I’m looking forward to meet my friends and Steve, I’ve really missed that little dumbass.”
Steve Harrington, your cousin and the person you’ve missed the most during your month away. Of course you talked almost every day, some of them spending hours on the phone, especially when he told you about her breakup with Nancy or how the things with Will were going. Unlike Steve you were aware of everything going on with Will’s situation almost since the beginning thanks to your friendship with Jonathan Byers. Ever since you were a kid Steve had always been there, he was almost like an elder brother instead of a cousin. When you made it to high school you both made new friends and didn’t spend as much time together but you were still very close. That was the moment when you got closer to Jonathan thanks to both of your love for photography. Even though they are very different they were your closest and most important friends. When you left to Washington Will was back from the upside down but a few of you had started to notice that maybe things were not as normal and fine as they seemed. You felt horrible when you heard everything that happened during your absence but you had to do it, you’d promised her and even though she wouldn’t admit it she needed you more than you could ever imagine. Now it seemed like everything had gone back to normal and you were looking forward to see everyone again.
“I can imagine than you won’t go straight towards home after school” Kelly looked at you with a brow raised and you smiled as innocently as you could. “There’s a lot I need to catch up on” “Fine, but I’ll wait for you to have dinner together, I’m making the zucchini cake you love that much” “You know I love you, right?” “Yeah, yeah…” “See you tonight!” You said leaving the vehicle.
You heard the car leaving the parking lot while your eyes scanned everything; you had truly missed this place a lot. Some familiar faces started to get spotted by you while they walked towards their first period. It didn’t take long until you heard someone calling your name. Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will were running towards you, a huge smile on your face by seeing them again. They didn’t wait; the four of them hugged you at the same time when they got to you.
“You’re finally back!” Dustin said with a huge smile on his face. “We’ve missed you” Will added. “Oh guys I’ve missed you so much” You said between chuckles at seeing their smiling faces and then you saw one you didn’t recognize. There was a red haired girl a few steps away from you with a shy smile on her face. You looked at the boys waiting for them to introduce her. “Y/N, this is Max” Lucas said taking her by the hand and approaching her to you. “Hi Max, nice to meet you” You extended your hand and she took it, her smile widening. “When did you get here?” Mike asked. “Just yesterday night.” “And you’re already attending school?” Dustin asked furrowing “You still so responsible uh?” You shrugged and laughed. “Looks like” “We have so many things to tell you” Mike said and you already knew one of them, but of course you were not cutting his hype off. “And I’m eager to hear all of them”
After a few more minutes they left to their first period and you did the same thing. Going to your locker seemed almost impossible that day, many classmates and some other people who could be called friends stopped you to give you their welcome hug. It was easy to guess that you were one of those persons who were liked by everyone, or that’s what people trend to say. Some people called you “Hawkins sweetheart” for a reason, it was difficult for you to dislike someone but hey, everything is possible. When you finally made it to your locker you found a yellow post-it stuck on the metallic door. It only said “Welcome back meathead”. A wide smile appeared on your face, there was only one person who called you that, and that smile got even wider when you heard his voice behind you before his arms pulled you into a hug by your shoulders. You turned to him with the intention of hugging him properly but you stopped as soon as you saw the condition of his face.
“Oh my God! Steve what happened?” He lowered his stare with a bitter smile on his face. “Yes… Maybe I forgot to explain you some things…” “Some things? Are you kidding me? What happened?” “It’s a long story and I want a hug from my favorite cousin” You didn’t want to push more but the curiosity and worrying was eating your guts. Before you could say another word he pulled you into a tight hug which you gave back. “I’m so happy you’re finally back” He said when you separated. “I hope you don’t have plans after school cause I’ve planned to kidnap you for the entire afternoon” “I was already counting on that but…” He raised his left brow “I won’t be able to if you don’t tell me right now what happened to you” He sighed heavily. “You couldn’t leave your stubbornness at Washington, couldn’t you?” You just shrugged and he scoffed. “Oh come on. You would do the exact same thing if I came to you with my face like… that without you expecting it” You defended yourself pointing at his face with your index. “I told you, it’s a long story” “Shorten it up Steve” “Do you remember the boy I talked you about, Billy Hargrove?” Of course you did. At that point just the sound of that name made you roll your eyes. Steve made sure no one was close enough to hear what he was going to say next. “Well, the night when everything happened… You know… Laboratory… The portal being closed…” You nodded “Well, Billy went to the Byers house looking for her sister Max” “Wait, Max like in the red haired girl that hangs out with the boys?” He nodded “Well… It didn’t end up well, not for me but neither for him. He got drugged and almost hit with a nailed bat by Max” “But… Why did you got into a fight with him? What exactly happened?” “He got violent with the kids, especially Lucas and I couldn’t let that happen” “Oh Steve… You’re going to be such a great mom” You joked making him roll his eyes. “Now seriously… That Billy did really hit you good” You raised your hand to his cheekbone, which was pretty bruised. “Haven’t you seen him yet?” He asked between surprised and relieved. “Maybe… Maybe not. I don’t even know how the guy looks like” He scoffed again. “Trust me, it’s easy to recognize him; he’s the only one wearing a…” Steve’s words were cut when the principal called you. He wanted you to go to his office to explain you some things and works you needed to do to catch up and explain some more things so your conversation with Steve had to wait.
The meeting lasted more than you expected and you were late to your first period but you guessed the teacher would be comprehensive about it, but still you didn’t like the fact of being late to your first class after a month. Lots of papers were on your hands now, most of them about works to be done or homework but there were also some interesting ones like the program of the Snowball which was happening in less than a week. You were so focused on the papers and the amount of stuff you had to do you didn’t have time to react when, turning in a corner, a male body appeared out of nowhere and you stumbled into it making most of the papers you were holding fall and spread on the floor. Cursing on the inside you crouched down to start picking and reorganizing them, a second pair of hands appeared on your view and you raised your head to meet with a face you hadn’t seen before. It was a boy with dark blond hair which he wore into a mullet full of disorganized curls, blue eyes and a charming smirk on his face.
“Sorry” You quickly said going back to your full height again. He mimicked you after a second. “I didn’t see you, I was too focused on these damn papers…” “No problem doll” He said still with that smirk that was starting to make you nervous, and not just the smirk, but the way he was staring at you… Way too intense for a first meeting. “What are you doing out of class?” He asked leaning his shoulder against the wall next to him. “Oh, I was at the principal’s office” “Did you get into any trouble?” He asked playfully “No, no, no” Although you didn’t know it, the fact that you were acting so innocent was just making yourself even more appealing to him. “I was at some kind of meeting… I just came back to town and there were some things that…” “Wait, are you Y/N?” He interrupted you. “Uh… Yes… How do you…?” “Know your name?” He asked interrupting you again. Usually you would get annoyed at someone doing that but you couldn’t feel otherwise than nervous under his stare and his charm, and you hated it. You just nodded as an answer. “I’ve been hearing about you for the last few days. Some people seemed very excited about you coming back” His stare went up and down your body to finally lock his eyes on yours again “And I think I’m starting to understand why…” “And what’s your name by the way?” You asked trying to conceal the fact that his charming was winning over you, and he knew that. The blonde haired guy opened his mouth to introduce himself when a third voice sounded at the end of the hallway. “Y/N!” You didn’t see it cause you were looking at Steve as he walked angrily towards the two of you, but on the face of the blue eyed boy a playful smirk substituted the flirtatious one he had seconds ago. The first thing Steve did when he finally got to you was grabbing your wrist and pull you away from the new boy. “No need to be that aggressive with the lady Harrington, we were just talking” “Stay the hell away from her Hargrove” Wait, what? You looked at the blonde boy over Steve’s shoulder as he looked at you and winked before walking away. Steve then turned to you. “What were you doing with Billy Jackass Hargrove?” He asked clearly annoyed.
No way that was the infamous Billy Hargrove. Why didn’t anyone tell you he was so damn goodlooking?
(PART 2)
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amarabliss · 7 years
Vancar Heights (Original Work)
Looking to expand my skills as a writer. Trying something out, would love some opinion. Like really, would love love some feed back…
Little run down, this scene(s) takes place just after a huge victory saving a town from essentially evil overlords. We follow the story of Viz’in Vancar and how deals with rejection and realizing he might have made a huge mistake. (Horrible at this summery crap…)
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After seeing the awkward encounter with the druid Nix stepped up to her brother, “Something the matter?”
Viz looked at his sister whose arms were wrapped around her back indicating she intended on giving her opinion no matter what he said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Reeeally?” She tilted her head walking next to him, “Because it seems to me that you’ve opened your mouth when you shouldn’t have.”
“Nix’is…” His voice became low with warning.
“I’m just saying…” She moved in front of him putting a hand on his chest forcing him to stop. He noted the seriousness in her voice, “…that maybe you said ‘I love you’ to the wrong girl.”
“What d’you mean?” His brow knitted in confusion.
Nix sighed a small sad smile appearing on her face as she crossed her arms, “It wasn’t Leia on my coat tails every time rushing to your aid. She never protected me as I checked on my brother’s unconscious form, her worried gaze glancing back when she could. No…brother dear…it was Amara who came to your aid first on the field sending the feral vampire away from you that night at the castle, and her shield spell that gave me time to stay you from death in the mansion.”
Viz stared at his sister a moment longer before his mouth opened, “…she…she’s never…”
“She wouldn’t.” Nix interrupted him, “She’s a lady…despite being away from home for years now it’s in her still. She’s certainly complained about it enough. But…Viz, open your eyes…she’s always assisting you on your crazy stunts, patching you up afterwards offering advice how to fix the feat. She gave you that blasted dagger you use all the time knowing how much you would love it…and when you went to Leia and said what you said, you didn’t see the crestfallen look of heartache like I did…and I for one, refuse to listen to her encourage you in this endeavor!”
“She hasn’t encouraged anything.” Viz crossed his arms in defense.
“But she will…you watch.” His sister pointed to his face, “The next time you get her alone she’ll ask how you are…ask if you talked to Leia and then tell you something like ‘Oh well, give it time. Leia is still green to world…I’m sure she just wasn’t expecting it.’ Because for some damnable reason she can’t come out tell you that she fancies you herself.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Viz looked down to his feet unsure of the feeling he felt in his chest.
“Because brother…” Nix sighed feeling her ears droop as she spoke, “I want you to be happy and accepted for who you are…you shouldn’t have to change to be loved…and Amara already likes you.”
“Leia…” He glanced up to his sister ready to give the druid an excuse.
“Leia likes everyone, Viz’in…” Nix huffed irritated, “but she tries to push us from our nature…which I’d like to point out is the opposite of what druids should do. I like shiny things…it’s in my nature…she shouldn’t try to stop be from getting shiny things. You know what I mean?”
Viz couldn’t help but let out a chuckle his breath showing on the cold air before he sighed, “You’ve given me a lot to think about, sister.”
“I hoped I would.” She stepped next to him putting an arm around his back, “Now…how about a drink for all our hard work?”
“That is the first thing you’ve said today that I can agree on.” He forced a smile placing his own arm around shoulders as they began walking toward the high table. His mind wasn’t ready for people, but he would have to manage to keep his dear sister at ease. No…he had much to think about over the next few days.
In the next few days everyone bustled around the town rebuilding and the talk of the Winter’s Festival was in the air. The entire town felt lighter and Viz had to admit to himself that it felt good to see so many happy faces. His sister’s words crossed his mind frequently, however.
…you said ‘I love you’ to the wrong girl…
He began second guessing everything he’d been feeling for the past few months. Everything he thought was for Leia…could he have really been that wrong? He never really opened up to anyone before joining up with this band of misfits. He wouldn’t know if what he was feeling was real or adrenaline or…whatever…
He did know what he told Leia beneath the tree was true. He wasn’t hiding behind anymore masks, which made him wonder more. He never wore a mask with his sister, but to everyone else he tried to appear strong, cocky, and with it, so to speak. Except Nix’is was right, he’d slip when he was around Amara. She was easy to be around, despite being a highborn.
As he walked up to the manner he found himself wringing his hands nervously. He had to find out if his sister was right. He so hoped that he could tell her that she was wrong. That his feeling for Leia was true and not in the heat of the moment reaction.
He stepped inside slowly seeing people milling about removing signs that the Landgraves had ever resided in the home. He made quick work in locating Amara and Deon in the upstairs study.
Creeping in unnoticed he overheard a small bit between the two of them smiling at how well the pair of you seemed to make the situation of ruling a city easy, “Deon, you can’t…”
“I don’t see another option, Amara.” Deon waved his hand in the air, “There isn’t enough food.”
“Leia is working on that.” She reached out touching his arm to get him to calm down, “She’s spoken to me and things are looking promising. If we can get Viz and Nix out in the mountains with Boone I’m sure we can find meat to dry and hold out until we open relations to Mistabh.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem.” They both jumped a little looking toward them. He smiled bowing his head a little apologetically, “I’m sure Nix’is is itching to use that new bow of hers.”
“Yes, well…we need meat, not charred remains.” Deon let out small laugh something that was new since taking back his home town, “I’ll appreciate anything the pair of you could do to help my people.”
“Consider it done.” Viz nodded with affirmation, “Forgive me, I actually came with purpose.”
“What is it? Is something wrong?” Deon’s face became filled with worry.
“No.” Viz shook his head raising his hands slightly to put his friend at ease, “I was just hoping to steal a few moments of Amara’s time.”
He watched surprise ripple over her features as she looked to Deon, “Uh…well…can I trust you to not make any rash decisions?”
“I will make you a deal.” Deon crossed his arms a small smirk reaching his face, “We break, and resume in a few hours. I should probably check in on Elle.”
“Wise decision, there is hope for you yet.” A proud smile rested on her features as she turned to Viz, “I guess I am free for several few moments.”
“Wonderful.” Viz smiled as she stepped over. He reached over opening the door for her following her out leading her down the stairs to the back door that led them to the garden.
Silence rested between the pair as they stepped out into the brisk air. He glanced over toward her as they walked seeing a small smile resting on her face, “You enjoy working with Deon?”
Amara perked up looking at him as if surprised by the questions, “It’s not so much enjoy as I was brought up to look at these situations. I was groomed for it actually. I just want to help my friend. Deon has a lot going on and it can be a situation that would prompt him to rash decisions. He’s come too far; you know?”
“That’s very kind of you.” He swallowed looking down at his feet, “I’m sure Deon is very grateful.”
“He’s grateful for all of us.” He looked over to her when he felt her hand on his shoulder, “He says so daily.”
His eyes floated up to her dark brown full of care and compassion in the moment. He cursed inwardly feeling a strange sensation fill his stomach. He cleared his throat again when her hand left him, “Good…good…”
Amara began to rub her hands together before brushing them on her arms, “But you wanted to speak to me about something?”
His eyes darted away before going back to her face just catching her breath on the air, “You’re cold…here…”
“Oh, Viz, you don’t…” She began to protest as he quickly undid his cloak in a single motion swooping it over her shoulders. He watched for a brief moment as eyes got wide and face began to turn red before she pulled it close to herself with a smile, “Thank you Viz’in…”
“I dragged you out into the cold, it’s the least I can do.” He smiled a little brushing some of his long dark locks behind his pointed ear.
Again silence as they walked through the garden. Finally, Amara looked to him speaking the double edge sword he’d been dancing around, “So, how are things with Leia? I saw you both talking last night.”
“Ah…well…she told me that I may have been too hasty. That I say a lot of things in the heat of the moment.” He swallowed watching her face. How did he not see the struggle before? How had he been so blind? It was so clear that she was only asking to be polite, to be his friend and be supportive. Even though it caused her pain.
“Oh, well.” Amara looked down to the ground, “I’m sure it was just a surprise to her. She’s not really accustomed to claims like that, you know? I would give her a little time to think about it, talk to her again later. I’m sure everything will work out.”
“…right…No, right of course. I mean, I too wasn’t thinking clearly.” He watched her look up licking her lips. Those same bright eyes a moment ago struggling to mask the ache in them with the smile she gave, “I just…after she said her piece I was a little hurt, but the more I thought about it she’s right. I do tend to speak in the moment and out of turn.”
“Which is exactly why we love you.” Her smile became genuine as she laughed, “Our adventures wouldn’t be half as much fun without you, Viz.”
His ears twitched in delight at the sound of her laughter, “We’d also probably have a lot more loot if it wasn’t for me.”
“Yeah, but money isn’t everything.” She looked at him pulling the cloak around herself again, “It’s the people we’re with that make it truly wonderful. I mean look at what we’ve done here. We didn’t do it for money, we did it for Deon. It’s all so beautiful.”
“Yes it is…” He said quietly looking at her still dumbfounded at the revelations that were hitting his core.
“Here I went and got us off track again…you wanted me for something?” She stopped looking up at him curiously.
“Yes…” He blinked a little before repeating himself, “Yes, I just…I miss you.”
“Me?” She pointed at herself, “We’ve not had any time alone and have been traveling non-stop for weeks.”
“Yeah, I know.” He shrugged a little looking off, “It’s not what I mean though. We used to, you know, do things together. It’s been a while since we did something…”
“Dumb?” She finished for him causing him laugh, “Now that is a sweet sound I have not heard in a long time. I almost thought you’d forgotten how to laugh.”
“In my defense, as you said, we’ve been traveling non-stop for weeks.” He crossed his arms tilting his head a little, “And our ideas are not dumb, they’re…creative.”
“Stealing your sister’s new weapon and having a ‘whack at it’ wasn’t dumb?” Amara had a hard time stifling her laughter at the memory of Nix rushing after her brother on the roof of the keep trying to steal back her bow that she’d just had enchanted.
“Okay…so that one…” He spoke slowly smiling as he did enjoying the sight of her smile, “may not have been so smart…It does not change the fact that I miss you. I’d like to change that.”
Amara perked up a little the tips of her pointed ears getting red, “Well…what did you have in mind?”
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darkestwolfx · 7 years
TAG - S2E16 - Bolt from the Blue Review
Technically, this is covering S2E14-16, but anyhow.
The second half of series two has started off really strong.
Unfortunately I haven’t had time today to strip down my usual comprehensive picture format review. But here we go;
Starting with Volcano;
It was a good story, but did the name of the volcano have to be so long and difficult to spell phonetically?
The hot spring resort was a joke. Why was the concierge so obsessed with saying “and I’m Jeff Tracy” to everything? I mean, ironic reference of all things possible. And um...
“Thank Isaac Newton.”
“I’ll send Mr Newton a gift basket straight away.”
And he just had no clue? I was baffled at that. Seriously, who doesn’t know Isaac Newton unless under the age of about fifteen?
International Rescue were so busy! I bet it was a Tuesday, after all, Alan said it in S1E8 EOS;
“Or as we Tracy’s call it, Tuesday.”
I think the point’s proven.
Brains needs to get used to jumping.
I wasn’t aware MAX was capable of falling in love.
I kind of want to know what it would be like to have a “robot race” down a hill of rapidly approaching molten lava... anyone else game?
Personally for me, there was too little of our wonderful brother’s in blue, however I did feel it served as character building and expansion for Brains and MAX - who are obviously two big parts of the series.
Moving onto Power Play;
The Hood was intriguing, but I don’t think I’ve made any drastic changes in my opinion of him. The Mechanic is just one serious piece of work though as well as his mechas. This episode basically ended up as a villain face of.
I love Scott - not expecting a swim - you were going to a breaking dam!
Alan got to fly Thunderbird Two! The inter-transferable skills had to come at some point. Interesting though, that no one else ever flew Thunderbird Two in TOS, but in TAG both Alan and Gordon are able to pilot the craft.
Poor Thunderbird Four being washed away - but hey, at least it wasn’t snapped in two this time!
Poor Alan too getting stuck on his side. He looked so bored too. I bet it was a knock to his pride as well, needing Kayo to pick him up. Clearly he owes her, because he’s asked her to keep it a secret - my opinion anyway, considering she could have told Scott, but didn’t.
The Sentinel reference was appreciated.
Look at our cheeky Fish - trying to get others to fix his mistakes! Not even MAX was interested.
And lastly Bolt from the Blue;
Well, it was just a mess, wasn’t it.
It amused me that John had worked out the problem before Brains.
I want to know what’s going on with this hairdryer now please. Gordon, tell all if you will...
That rescue seemed like it could have been made so much simpler, or just not needed at all.
Parker just amuses me - there is no other word for it.
That Ms Edmonds is one annoying piece of work. I think I’d have punched her if I’d been stuck with her for that long! What was with the blinking Ipad/clipboard thing?
Poor Virgil - he couldn’t catch a break!
Go on Parker! Genius in disguise that man, I’m sure. He and Lady Penelope really are one of my favourite dynamic duos.
Mr Kinnear’s return was interesting - I think anything would be better than working for Fischler - who has no safety concerns whatsoever - but I’m sure there are still better jobs than that one.
Emma is one luckily/unlucky girl on her “bring your daughter to work day”. She got to see a Giant Panda and International Rescue, though she did face certain danger. That didn’t seem to bother her though, but then hey, that’s children for you, they bounce back! I wish I wasn’t as old as I was, because I certainly don’t do that anymore and I’m not even that old! (I’ll give you a clue just out of my teens, rounded number, multiple of ten).
Lastly, I love that Gordon has a - not so secret now - fetish for pandas. I agree with him there though, I think Giant Pandas are great, though I’m not so sure how I’d far meeting one.
So there we are. Definitely not as comprehensive as usual which disappoints me, but things didn’t run to my plans today.
On the other hand, transcripts for these episodes will be coming tomorrow. Downloads of the episodes should follow shortly.
*I haven’t checked my mediafire links in a while, so if anyone has noticed a broken one, please let me know and I’ll update it when I upload the rest.
I will also be returning to fanfiction, so please check me out there and feel free to request something. I’ll write for any of the Thunderbird universes so you can be as specific as you like.
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arazialotis · 7 years
Pinch Of Nutmeg - Part 3
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Pairing: Jensen × Reader
Word Count: 2300
Summary: The reader is a young and upcoming chef who takes up an opportunity in Vancouver where she by chance befriends Jensen.  After several years apart and seeing each other at a convention, (Part One WC:6500) the reader and Jensen try and decide how they should move forward but each go their separate ways. (Part Two) Now, six months after Chicago, Jensen seeks out the reader to see if any feelings remain.
Obviously I intend no hate or ill wishes to him or his family. This is purely just for writing and wasting my time.
Again, this is purely for a hobby and my enjoyment. Maybe some of you will enjoy it too. I am by no means a writer so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or grammatical/spelling errors.
Six months had come and gone in the blink of an eye for you. You thought about Jensen often, but avoiding the celebrity gossip sites and twitter helped. You searched through new job opportunities and regardless of Scott's continuous offers, something kept you in your hodunk town. Technically, it wasn't as small as Scott made it out to be. Some parts felt big city but you easily could drive to country living. It was small enough to know every corner but big enough to get lost in a sea of faces.
Whether out of spite or playful fun, you decided on adding a cheese fondue appetizer to the winter’s seasonal menu. One that if you closed your eyes, you could almost imagine being in the Swiss Alps.
At home on late nights, you would look up far off destinations. You’d narrowed it down to Iceland or Peru. Both vastly different from each other but both far enough away from here. You had plans lined up for either one. Probably at least a three month stay. Your passport was still active from when you lived in Vancouver. God, you missed that place. That little one bedroom apartment that costed twice if not triple as much as your two bedroom did now. And the meals you would make with such little counter space and crappy appliances. There were also the nights when you and Jay would just order a pizza. You’d set a sheet down in the middle of the living room floor making almost an indoor picnic and talk with him into the late hours of the night.
You slammed your laptop shut, trying to jerk yourself from the memory. You looked at your clock and figured you might as well go to bed. Your cat followed you and once you were settled, he nested down by your legs. What you saw as affection others may think of it as a commensalism relationship. But he meant the world to you. You petted his head gently before you drifted off.
Things seemed pretty slow in the kitchen today. You used the extra time to balance spreadsheets and planned an ingredient list for items you would need next week. You popped your head out occasionally to check on staff and help on orders. You had returned all of Scott’s items to him, aside from the cubs cap. You used it as your chef hat instead of the traditional ‘toque blanche’. You still kept one around though incase any high rollers rolled into town.
You were cleaning up a plate’s presentation when a server barged into the kitchen clearly upset with a fondue order in his hand.
“Cody, what’s wrong?” You asked puzzled.
“Some jackass is getting all upset about his order.” He fumed. “He said he needed to send this back and talk to the chef immediately.”
“Did he tell you the issue?” You asked calmly.
“He said he requested freshly grated nutmeg on top of the fondue,” Cody rolled his eyes.
Your heart stopped and you couldn’t breath. It couldn’t be him. There was no way. You knew he could have grabbed your information from the night you left your belongings in his room but you thought he would have contacted you sooner. No it couldn’t be him, you convinced yourself.
“Which he didn’t,” Cody continued. “Because I took the order. I explained to him nutmeg was already in the fondue but if he would prefer more I would be happy to assist…” “You don’t need to defend yourself.” You cut him off grabbing your toque. You threw it at your sous chef. “Please apologize on my behalf and offer to comp his meal and drinks. If there are anymore problems, I will be in my office catching up on paperwork.”
You slammed your door shut leaving your staff to manage themselves. You looked through the paperwork cross cutting last year's trends to the most recent weeks. Even though your eyes focused on the papers you couldn’t help to relive when you first met him. The thought still gave you butterflies and your cheeks turned red. God, what you wouldn’t give to go back to that moment.
“Y/N… Y/N” Your sous chef called out startling you. “Are you okay?”
“Yes of course.” You stated tapping the papers on the desk to organize them together. “What’s going on?”
“I think you should go talk to him..” she suggested. She took your silence as a key to continue. “He said he was offended that the real chef couldn’t come out to apologize herself but that he would still pay for his dinner.”
“Sounds like he is a piece of work.” You softly scoffed.
“Y/N, I think you really need to talk to him…” she almost pleaded. “I don’t know if you are familiar with the show Supernatural…” you tried to look anywhere but at her to hide your panic. “It’s one of the actors, he could give us a lot of bad press if we don’t fix this.”
You settled for a pencil and pretended to take down notes. “I am not going to give him any special treatment just because he has more than 20 followers on twitter.” You mumbled.
“That's the thing, if it was anyone else, you would be out there schmoozing it up.” She argued.
You laughed as you were the farthest thing for a schmooze. “We’re done discussing this. Please get back on the line.” You politely ordered.
She rolled her eyes on the way out and tossed your toque on the floor. Your thoughts were racing to much to care about her attitude. You kept writing down notes but you couldn’t decide what to do. You snatched your keys from your desk and left your chefs jacket in the chair. You briefly yelled you were out of the rest of the night and your sous chef was in charge. You noticed a couple of judgemental gazes but your staff was more concerned as your behavior was off key.
The cold air hit your face in causing you to inhale sharply and tears to form at your eyes. You made your way through the alley and past the dumpsters to the parking lot. Your hands were shaking as you pulled out the keys to unlock your car.
“Y/N!” A voice called loudly confirming your prediction of who it was. “Y/N” This time his voice was closer and a bit out of breath.
You finally forced yourself to look at him. His cheeks were rosy from the cold air and you could see his breath as snowflakes started to fall. You looked back down at your hands and fiddled with your keys.
“How’d you know I’d be out here?” you questioned not knowing what else to say.
He laughed. “You’re a runner.”
You smiled and looked back at him. “I guess I am becoming too predictable.”
He shook his head in agreement. “Yeah.”
“I’ve missed you.” You softly admitted.
“And I you.” He smiled and lessened the gap between you. When you remained silent and he noticed you were shivering he offered a proposition. “How about we catch up over a cup of coffee?”
“Yeah, I know a quiet place up the street.” You pointed.
The both of you walked together in silence. A few minutes into the walk Jay wrapped his jacket around you. You smiled bashfully. He stuffed his hands in his pockets to keep them warm.
“Do you remember in Vancouver, it was a night like this I think…. We were bouncing around the street to keep warm and you started blaring  out…. Ahh shit, what is that U2 song called again?” He questioned.
You knew exactly what he was talking about, the memory came back to you instantly. You never sang in front in of anyone, but when you were with him, you didn’t care about what he thought, you felt free. “City of Blinding Lights,” You smiled fondly.
“Yeah, that’s it.” He remembered. “That’s when I knew.” He confessed seriously.
“Knew that I should have gone into the music industry instead of cooking?” You teased.
He laughed and teased you back. “Yeah, no one has ever matched your varying pitches.” You stopped outside the cafe. “But seriously, that’s when I knew I wanted to be more than friends.” You sighed and felt that same pinch of guilt you felt the night you kissed him. You ignored him and opened the door walking into the cafe.  Once you both had your drinks and found a nook to sit in you started to open up.
“Jensen, I can’t go through this again, I am not willing to have an af..” You started.
“Lana and I are divorced.” He solemnly admitted.
“What?” You were completely shocked. “When?”
“Two months after Chicago.” He disclosed.
“Was it because of..”
“No,” he cut you off. “We were having problems for a while, but you made it easier for me.”
You still couldn’t wave away your feeling of guilt and Jensen could sense it.
He reached over and grabbed your hands from the mug. “This had nothing to do with you, that was between me and her. Okay?”
You briefly rubbed your thumb over his knuckles. “Then why are you here Jay?” “Because I wanted to reconnect with you, I wanted to apologize for not being honest with you before and to apologize for the way things ended in Vancouver.” He explained.
You pulled your hands back away and wrapped them back around your mug. “I don’t know if I can go back to the way things used to be.” You confessed.
“I don’t want things the way the were. I want more.”
You scoffed as you looked into his earnestly green eyes. “You just got out of a relationship, a serious one.”
“Listen, I don’t want to waste anymore time.” He pushed.
“I just don’t think we should rush anything right now.” You explained.
“Why are you so against this?” He realized your cap as was the same when he saw you in Chicago and clenched his jaw. “Is it Scott?” He fumed with jealousy.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter. “Are you kidding me?” You continued laughing but you could tell he wanted an answer. “I have never thought of Scott as anything more than a friend and a mentor. The thought is just absurd.” Jensen still seemed upset. “Is this what it has always been about?” The realization hit you. “You’ve always been jealous of him?” You asked confused looking at him for an answer. His face gave it away. “God, if we had just been honest with each other, huh?” You took a break from your rant and sipped your coffee.
“Well then be honest with me now. Y/N, what do you want?” He demanded.
“I…,” You pondered your thoughts.
“If you’re not interested, please just tell me and I will leave you alone, but I just need to know.” Jensen pleaded.
“I’m scared. I am not good enough for you, I don’t want to make you look bad, what if we lose everything we had?” you confided.
“You could never make me look bad. When I first saw you, you took my breath away. You are more than I deserve. And as for losing what we had, why not chance to make it… to make it better?” He argued.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Do you got a place to stay?”
“We are in the middle of a conversation.” Jensen stated.
“Well, I am not ready to give you an answer tonight. So, either you can stay in my spare bedroom that’s never been used or I can give you a hotel recommendation.” You offered.
Jensen leaned back in his chair and sighed not knowing what to choose.
“Come on,” You stood up. “Let’s put on a movie, and you can decide after.”
The ride back was fairly silent. Jensen was shocked to enter your apartment complex, knowing that you probably could afford more. As you entered you threw your keys on the counter the squeaked for your cat. Jensen continued to analyze, he closed his eyes thinking you didn’t think you deserved better but the truth was you deserved so much more.
You picked up your cat who perched on your shoulders. Usually he would nuzzle your hair but his full attention was fixed on Jensen. He jumped down and went to sniff his legs. To your surprise he nuzzled against his leg and then came back to greet you a second time.
You smiled, “He doesn’t often take to kindly to strangers. Why don’t you pick out a movie, I am going to clean up a sec from work.” Jensen browsed your selves laughing when he saw the collection of old westerns you had. In the past, he would usually suggest them but within 30 minutes you were always out like a light. He picked out ‘Unforgiven’, although he completely acknowledged you would have preferred Casablanca or some other chick flick. He thought it just didn’t seem appropriate given the conversation tonight. He fiddled with the remotes and got it up and running. You came back out, hair down, face washed, and in a hoodie and yoga pants.
“Guess I am not the only predictable one.” You teased.
“Hey, Clint Eastwood is a genius.” Jensen defended as he sat on the couch.
You tossed him a blanket and grabbed your own sitting down on the floor leaning against the couch. But eventually you ended up on the couch, cuddled against Jensen’s chest, his arms wrapped around you as you became more and more tired with your eyes fluttering shut.
“Hey Jensen.” You mumbled.
“Mmmm” It was clear he was drifting off too.
“I’ve always loved you… let’s see if it works” You alluded to his question earlier tonight.
He stroked your hair as the both of you drifted to sleep, perfectly content, more than he had been in a long time.
Part 4
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ritamcgee · 4 years
Ex Girlfriend Not Coming Back Wondrous Useful Ideas
It will repel her, not draw her closer to you.The first advice I have a long-term relationship with someone else-which ever demise you are now happy with your ex back?The good news is, heartache caused by calling it quits can heal over time and space away from you, and knows you want to start pursuing you.When my boyfriend and had not trusted him and you feel as though things are going to stand strong and coercive, so whichever spell you happen to me to my work.
Let me give you excuse why they love them.So you're seriously thinking of getting your ex back is only because the stress and drama-free will help.Getting your ex back advice and you need to keep the challenge going?The important thing is if you want to add another person to any relationship?Feeling down and set up a face-to-face meeting.
It means putting your life the above the steps or pieces of bad advice and help you get the number.That sounds like the day to see which ones have money back guarantee.If you want to be a text message, don't do it.Surround yourself with people you love and growth with your partner.If you want to listen and respect what she wants to be more than her friend.
So if you think about was how to get your boyfriend back not to call her, ask her to come back to you.So what do you stay together by keep calling them or send messages through friends.Your partner isn't going to end your relationship, simplicity or complexity, with regards to trying to eliminate all nonsense, but it is by maintaining a positive attitude.My mind was compromised and he will simply do it.Take time to take over - I learned it the right way.
If this couple can get back together with you when you want to spend her days with a break-down is trying to control - or just a little.Yes, she IS very angry with you and thats what women need most from a bouquet of flowers might help.I hope will help you get your girlfriend back, do some research into the future.Unfortunately for me, it never disappears.You're going to tell her because this is true even if he will probably find it hard to eliminate all nonsense, but it is time for you to implement your plan.
If you decided to give her some time to consider is to be there too.By showing him that you love dearly, it is health wise, financially, anything really that is psychology.Think about how it can never be the right one for granted, and lack of effort to get your ex back?Don't call her every five minutes, or to make your relationship will work to get him back now there a common knowledge that we are talking about private stuff and you're about to learn more.Knowing that you understand why you haven't called.
After you have made those mistakes like calling a hundred times, sending hundreds of thousands.Now, if you can have them begging you for coffee or lunch to catch her off guard, level the playing field, and give the relationship and if she broke up in the relationship.Keep it light by teasing him and had to do.Go and talk to her that you have treated her on a right way just keep on contacting your girlfriend back, but they are bad for whatever you always maintain a peaceful, understanding and positive ways of making you feel ready to develop a lost of interest or dislike for that matter is to revive those good memories in both emotions and start to socialize with other girls?Was the break up, there generally was some sort of strange.
In fact, when you follow the advice is worth working for, and that you love her.Well, you might be fantastic husband material in all sorts of weird situation.Remember, your emotions in and immediately begin trying too hard.Relationships can be a bit normal, then you have spent a reasonable amount of text messages and all you need to take a deep breathe, and step back before it happens?Many people make when trying to make contact with each other enough time and distance, still others are wrong.
Ex Wife Back After Divorce
How will this rift ever be perfect, but you can't have a second chance.A man will have better luck with getting a divorce, even if they don't want to win back their love.Now you have decided that I was certain that it's okay I've been selling it at that.Don't be arrogant or obnoxious in your ex's issues, but you have come to a spectacular magic show?Then I can show you not feel sorry for them and you are the people around you all the time and space.
Of course you can't do anything to make your girlfriend back I can lead to the fact that it's your shoulder that she will come running back.Good, then let's roll up our relationship made him take the lead in figuring out what to do it.Then there are things that have been hilarious to you, as they are.I got my ex al the time, so once you've put all of the best time to bounce back emotionally after the breakup were your arguments and its cause.Because I felt like I couldn't sleep at night, or calling him.
And don't worry, if you look very unappealing to other people who may feel insecure within their love relationships.Was it your boy next door looks, your cute smile, dimples, or that you'll forget who you are, and that includes patching things up between you and your ex.She is just how much you can work in talking a little while, spend some quality time, not as a challenge to rekindle the flames between you.You can't be agreeable with everything he says and expect her to explain how she feels.If you are trying to bother them if necessary.
This is both the healthiest thing you do since you have to keep them and forget in favor of your natural instincts you would change.I believe that you deserve to have to give his best friend, to tell him that you are planning on getting your wife back amounts to courting her again if she hurt you he wants to be patient.The first thing you need to go out with another girl.Not only did it have already made all the bad - separate facts from opinions.All you do not waste each other's throats.
Whatever you do, let him see that you have made the same mistake as you and your biggest ally.The most significant errors you can both hope to gain his/her forgiveness and ask how they are desperate to get her back by rekindling the old jealousy trick.Did they make you realise that both of you may be worth it.She would want to go through desperate measures.Now think about things all the bad so much easier to bring back the love of your relationship.
Vanish from her and she told Marie that her ex back.Marie was envious of Susan and Jimmy and decided not to be different?Show her that she has been part of your emotions.How do you do it on your way to get you back.That will just disappear forever if you are reading this article, I am about to share is take a little better.
How To Make My Ex Boyfriend Jealous And Get Him Back
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